“We learn by playing!” (logic games with “Dienesh Blocks”). Dienesh logic blocks

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“Dienesh’s logical blocks are a universal didactic material.”

In preschool didactics there is a huge variety of teaching materials. However, few give the opportunity to form in a complex all the thinking skills that are important for mental, in particular mathematical, development, and at the same time throughout preschool childhood. The most effective aid is the logical blocks developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Dienes for early logical propaedeutics, and above all to prepare children's thinking for mastering mathematics.

“What are Dienesh blocks”:

In methodological and popular scientific literature this material can be found under different names: “logical figures”, “logical cubes”, “logical blocks” - but each of the names emphasizes the focus on development logical thinking. Flat version logical blocks (logical figures) are used in primary school when studying mathematics.

What is this material?

The set of logic blocks consists of 48 three-dimensional geometric shapes, varying in shape, color, size and thickness.

Thus, each figure is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness. There are not even two figures in the set that are identical in all properties. Specific options for properties (red, blue, yellow, rectangular, round, triangular, square) and differences in the size and thickness of the figures are such that children can easily recognize and name them.

The set of blocks includes: 12 circles - 6 large (red thick, red thin, blue thick, blue thin, yellow thick, yellow thin) and 6 small (red thick, red thin, blue thick, blue thin, yellow thick, yellow thin ), 12 of the same squares, 12 rectangles, 12 triangles.

Logical blocks help the child master mental operations and actions that are important both in terms of pre-mathematical preparation and from the point of view of general intellectual development. Such actions include: identifying properties, their abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization, encoding and decoding, as well as logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”. Moreover, using blocks, it is possible to plant in the minds of children the beginnings of an elementary algorithmic culture of thinking, develop their ability to act in the mind, master ideas about numbers and geometric shapes, and spatial orientation.

A set of logical blocks makes it possible to guide children in their development from operating with one property of an object to operating with two, three and four properties. In the process of various actions with blocks, children first master the ability to identify and abstract one property in objects (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, classify and generalize objects according to one of these properties. Then they master the skills to analyze, compare, classify and generalize objects according to two properties at once (color and shape, shape and size, size and thickness, etc.), and a little later - according to three (color, shape and size; shape, size and thickness; color, size and thickness) and by four properties (color, shape, size and thickness). At the same time, in the same exercise, you can always vary the rules for completing the task, taking into account the capabilities of the children. For example, several children build paths from the bear's house to help Mashenka escape to her grandparents. But one child is asked to build a path so that there are no blocks of the same shape nearby (operating with one property), another - so that there are no blocks of the same shape and color nearby (operating with two properties at once), a third - so that there are no blocks of the same shape nearby, color and size of blocks (operating simultaneously with three properties).

Depending on the age of the children, you can use not the entire set, but some part of it: first, blocks are different in shape and color, but the same in size and thickness (12 pieces), then different in shape, color and size, but the same in thickness (24 pieces) and at the end - a complete set of figures (48 pieces). And this is very important. After all, the more diverse the material, the more difficult it is to abstract some properties from others, and therefore to compare, classify, and generalize.

With logical blocks the child performs various actions: lays out, changes places, removes, hides, searches, divides between “quarreling” toys, etc., and reasons along the way.

Since logical blocks represent standards of shapes - geometric figures (circle, square, equilateral triangle, rectangle), they can be widely used when introducing children, starting from early age, with the shapes of objects and geometric figures, when solving many other developmental problems.

The intellectual journey will be exciting and joyful for children if, firstly, you always remember that an adult should be an equal participant in games or exercises, capable, like a child, of making mistakes, and secondly, if you do not rush to point out mistakes to children.

Before starting games and exercises, give children the opportunity to familiarize themselves with logic blocks. Let them use them at their own discretion different types activities. In the process of various manipulations with blocks, children will establish that they have different shape, color, size, thickness. After such independent acquaintance, you can move on to games and exercises.

Examples of games with blocks

Search for identical shapes.

You can even play with kids. Invite your child to sort the shapes according to their properties, collect all the red ones, or all the square ones.

Treat the toy.

The child needs to arrange the figures in such a way that each toy has figures of only the same thickness, the same size, etc.


You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Draw the sheet into 6 squares - these will be the rooms. Place blocks in 5 rooms certain colors, and leave the sixth empty. The child must guess what color the figure should be in this room.

Find the same one.

Show your child any selected block and ask him to find the same one. You can complicate the task and look for shapes based on two identical characteristics (thickness and color).

What's superfluous.

Place 4-5 blocks in front of the baby. There is one extra in a row - it may differ in color and shape. The kid must explain why he thinks this figure is superfluous.

Game with a circle.

Draw a circle. The kid must place all the red figures inside the circle, and all the blue ones outside.


Lay out a strip of 4-5 blocks, place figures of a different size (color, shape) on top of each figure.

Show me.

Ask your child to show - not a circle and not a square, not a blue or thick block, not round and not red, etc.

Game "Chain"

Teach to lay out blocks in a certain sequence: blue, red, blue, red. Or circle, triangle, circle, triangle. Add a third shape. You can complicate the task - lay out the chain, but skip the middle. Offer to assemble a path so that each subsequent figure differs from the previous one in one way.

When the child masters the simplest logical operations, move on to more complex tasks.

Guess what!

Hide one piece. The child must guess which block is hidden; he asks leading questions, the answer to which is only “yes” or “no”. For example, a child asks – is this figure square? No. Cleans everything together round shapes. – Is it red? No. Removes red ones.


Draw two intersecting circles. All blue figures can lie in the left circle, and all triangles in the right. In the middle you need to put figures that fit both the first and second circles. The problem will arise when the child takes the blue triangle, where to put it? It’s great if the child himself guesses that the figure belongs to both sets. This task only seems simple, but it is very important for developing the ability to divide many objects into different groups.

Solving the figure by symbols- symbolic images. The child throws the dice and looks for a suitable figure.


Product – cards with images of objects. A child comes to the store with toys. He has 3 logical figures “money”. With one “money” you can buy one toy that has at least one property of a logical figure. For example, if the “money” is a blue triangle, then the child can buy a toy that contains either a blue triangle or just a triangle. The rules are complicated by choosing a toy based on 2 or 3 properties.


The child must develop a nursery project playground. The material for construction is selected in strict accordance with the rules. For example: a child takes any block. Let's say a blue big thick block. “The Beginning” will tell us where we begin to build. The question in the diamond is: is your block red? - no, let's move to the right. Question of the second diamond – is your block round? - no, we find ourselves at the end of the diagram. This block can be used during construction.

By analogy, you can come up with your own new versions of games; there are also special albums with which your lessons will become much easier, since they already have game options specially selected for age.

Dienesh blocks are a set of 48 figures different color, magnitude, volume and size. Each of the figures in the set is unique. Games with Dienesh blocks are aimed at developing basic mathematical concepts for children from 2 to 8 years old. With their help, you can study the characteristics of objects: colors, shapes, volume, size.

Classes with blocks can be carried out either freely or according to auxiliary materials- albums.

I want to warn you right away that this toy is... serious instrument development during joint activities between a child and an adult. Children's independent play with blocks does not allow them to effectively use their developmental potential. The same can be said about classes using albums only. I accidentally looked into detailed description free games with Dienesha blocks without albums, which I’m very happy about. That's why I want to draw your attention to games with blocks without albums. Although, of course, albums wouldn't hurt for a change.

Our version of Dienesha blocks from the manufacturer Corvette. It is made of cheap, but safety-certified plastic. This is very a budget option. The key point When choosing the option from Corvette, there were albums for games with tasks. Corvette produces 8 different albums based on Dienesh blocks. Also, for Dienesh blocks, it is from Corvette that you can find additional developments with tasks in development communities.

You can find other very attractive options for Dienesh blocks made of wood, but they usually don’t come with activity books. Albums produced by Corvette are unlikely to be the right size for blocks from another manufacturer. It can also be noted that prices for wooden blocks Dienesha "biting". That's why I settled on Corvette blocks.

Dienesha blocks | Lyrical introduction (Yana’s introduction to blocks)

I've been eyeing copyrights for a long time methodological materials. Before Yana turned 2 years old. 7 months We didn’t have a shortage of developmental materials, so I had previously put off purchasing them. After the last leap in development, most of our educational toys have become irrelevant. Therefore, when choosing gifts for the new year 2016 for Yana, I wanted to find options for toys with a wide age range and developmental potential. By the way, you can find the chronology of her development from birth, as well as our timing of introducing developmental tasks, the initial reaction to them and the effect.

I decided to turn my attention to educational toys using proprietary methods. Of course, I took care of the safety net by purchasing a few plush toys and a story play set from Ikea. No one can guarantee that a new toy will be received with a bang. Actually, this did not happen for us.

The first acquaintance with Dienesh blocks was a complete disappointment. I don’t even know for whom the disappointment was greater - for Yana, who was simply not interested in laying out figures according to templates in albums, or for me, who had been anticipating her interest in new “developments” for so long. Over and over again I listed the merits of the albums to Yana, played with them myself and with other characters, trying to attract her attention. But it was all in vain.

Yana is very cool about templates. Apparently, these are the fruits of excessive attention 😈. By the way, Yana has the same attitude towards beautiful mosaics with large details and template diagrams that are understandable for two-year-olds. Although most kids are happy to assemble them using templates. Yana always has to be persuaded, and if she collects it, it’s only as a favor.

After our unsuccessful acquaintance, I had to read on the Internet details about the use of blocks. After that, I decided to try free games without albums. Then a miracle happened, Yana’s games were so captivating that they became difficult to complete. When Yana got the hang of it, everything came into play, including albums with templates. Although, according to reviews on the Internet, many kids are primarily interested in learning from albums.

Dienesha blocks | Free games

I give options for games with Dienesh blocks that we practice.


For children 2-3 years old, at the acquaintance stage, you can simplify the game by providing not the entire set, but part of it.

  1. Getting to know the characteristics of objects. Sampling based on one characteristic (color, shape, size, thickness). Please select blocks based on one criterion:
  • red/blue/yellow;
  • square/round/rectangular/triangular;
  • thick/flat;
  • big/small.

Sampling by color

2. Familiarity with the characteristics of objects. Selection of blocks based on several characteristics. Please select blocks based on several criteria. At this point you can feel the enormous potential of developmental material. There are a huge number of options for such samples. Let me give you a few examples. For example, select all:

  • yellow squares and rectangles;
  • thick and round shapes;
  • small and thick triangles;
  • blue and flat shapes.

Selection by color and shape. Yellow squares and rectangles

Developing the skill of systematization

This is the inverse of sampling. The mother makes a sample and invites the baby to determine the characteristic by which the sample was made. To get acquainted with similar games, you can try the most different variants samples. The main thing is that the hidden sign catches the child’s eye. Also on initial stages We give tasks to determine one sign, then make it more complicated.

I offer Yana the simplest option, show several groups (rows) of figures and ask her to tell me how they differ.

The blocks are divided into rows according to thickness.

Another task on thickness, but this one is more difficult. The colors distract from the thickness. This level of complexity has so far caused difficulties for Yana.

Continue the series

Another task to develop thinking, continuation of the series. It is a classic task from intelligence tests 😀. Yana cannot yet master even the simplest range of colors. But we only did this a couple of times.

The color range is yellow-red-yellow-….

A series of shapes square-circle-square-...


This creative direction cannot be ignored for any toy with geometric shapes.

In Yana’s development diary, I already wrote that over the past couple of months she has had a big breakthrough in the field of design. Dienesh's blocks also came in handy.

Of course we have Lego. It has its advantages, but try making a house out of regular Lego Duplo blocks. Even for an adult it will take a lot of time. And kids can’t do it at all. A house made of Dienesh blocks from a square and a triangle can be completed in a couple of seconds by both an adult and a child.

For design classes, I adopted . During the first couple of lessons I got a lot of simple objects real life.

Arbitrary construction of simple objects

Yana was inspired by the idea and at this stage is repeating the designs that she remembered, and also improvising. I must admit right away that so far her improvisations are far from objects from real life. But the main thing is that the process has begun.

Free design. Designing real-life objects for “advanced designers”

When reading such material for the first time, it seems that such games are complex in terms of implementation. I want to convince you otherwise. Just remember a couple of options or write them down on a piece of paper for the first time. Try playing. If your baby likes it, then I’m sure your brain will immediately generate a dozen more game options.

Yana appreciated the free games with Dienesh's blocks. I have a hard time finishing them, as she usually requires continuation. Towards the end we have classes on albums.

Albums for Dienesha blocks

Albums based on Dienesh blocks are designed for different ages. When choosing a specific album, I would advise focusing not on age markings, but on the child’s level of knowledge.

I really liked it album “Making Nonsense”(Babadu). It is marked “from 4 years old,” but if you are enthusiastically involved in your child’s development, then even at less than three years old it may be suitable. This album is distinguished by its colorful design. By the way, if you have a “developed” 4-year-old child, keep in mind that he may no longer be interested in the album. The album contains tasks for studying colors, shapes, sizes, volumes. Below I have provided clickable photos of the spreads.

The second album in our arsenal "Little Logicians"(Babadu). It is intended for children aged two years and older. The design of the album's illustrations is quite modest. The album contains tasks for learning colors, shapes and sizes.

I foresee questions at what age is it better to purchase a set of blocks. Already at one and a half years old they can be used to study colors, and at the end of the second year to study shapes. We only got them towards the end of the third year, and I think it’s timely. In my opinion, there is no need to rush. The optimal age for introducing blocks will depend on the perseverance and temperament of the baby. For calm Yana, this is the end of the third year; for active kids, perhaps it will be 4 years.

You can buy Dienesh blocks and magazines for classes on them here: My-shop.

That's all I have for now about Dienesh blocks. By the way, some of the free games can be adapted to other educational toys, including Lego pieces. In addition to Dienesh blocks, we purchased Nikitin squares and cubes, Cuisenaire sticks and a mathematical tablet with rubber bands (). We can say that Yana’s early development program has undergone a reboot. I will try to write more about this in the near future.

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Dienesh technique

Logical blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Zoltan Gyenes. Games with blocks Dienesha accessible, visually introduce children to the shape, color and size of objects, with mathematical representations and basic knowledge of computer science. Buying Dienesh blocks is worth it for those parents who want to develop logical and analytical thinking in their children (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), Creative skills, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination. When playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs a variety of objective actions (groups by attribute, lays out rows according to a given algorithm). Dienesh's logic blocks are intended for children aged three years and older.

Dienesh blocks, which can be purchased at almost any store specializing in educational materials for children, are set of 48 geometric shapes :

a) four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles);

b) three colors (red, blue and yellow figures);

c) two sizes (large and small figures);

d) two types of thickness (thick and thin figures).

According to Dienesh's idea, there is not a single identical figure in the set of blocks . Each geometric figure characterized by four characteristics: shape, color, size, thickness.

Introducing Dienesh Logic Blocks

It is not enough to simply buy your child a set of Dienesh blocks and give the figures for the child’s full use. First you need to introduce your child to blocks. Place the set in front of your child and give him the opportunity to explore the figures, touch, sort through, hold and play with them. A little later, you can offer the following tasks:

    Find all the figures of the same color as the one laid out (show, for example, a yellow figure). You can then ask your child to point out all the triangular blocks (or all large figures etc.).

    Ask your child to give all the blue figures to the bear, yellow ones to the bunny, and red ones to the mouse; then in a similar way we group the shapes by size, shape, thickness.

    Ask your child to identify any shape by color, shape, size, thickness.

Logical games and exercises with Dienesh blocks

    Several figures are laid out in front of the child that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced by a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

    All the figures are again put into a bag. The child takes a figurine out of the bag and characterizes it according to one or more characteristics. Or names the shape, size or thickness without removing it from the bag.

    Lay out three figures. The child needs to guess which one is extra and according to what principle (by color, shape, size or thickness).

    Place any figure in front of the child and ask him to find all the figures that are not the same as this one in color (size, shape, thickness).

    Place any figure in front of the child and ask him to find figures that are the same in color, but not the same in shape, or the same in shape, but not the same in color.

    We lay out the figures one after another so that each subsequent one differs from the previous one in just one attribute: color, shape, size, thickness.

    We lay out a chain of Dienesh blocks so that there are no figures nearby that are the same in shape and color (in color and size; in size and shape, in thickness and color, etc..).

    We lay out a chain so that nearby there are figures of the same size, but different in shape, etc.

    We lay out a chain so that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes ( same size, but different colors).

    Each figure needs to find a pair, for example, by size: a large yellow circle is paired with a small yellow circle, etc.

    We lay out 8 logical blocks of Dienesh in front of the child, and while he does not see, under one of them we hide a “treasure” (coin, pebble, cut out picture, etc.). The child should ask you leading questions, and you can only answer “yes” or “no”: “Is the treasure under the blue block?” - “No”, “Under the red?” - "No". The child concludes that the treasure is under the yellow block and asks further about the size, shape and thickness. Then the child hides the “treasure”, and the adult asks leading questions.

    By analogy with the previous game, you can hide one of the figures in a box, and the child will ask leading questions to find out what kind of block is in the box.

    We lay out 5-6 any figures in a row. You need to build the bottom row of figures so that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different shape (color, size).

    We offer a table of nine cells with figures displayed in it. The child needs to pick up the missing blocks.

    In the game of dominoes, the pieces are divided equally between the participants. Each player takes turns making their move. If there is no piece, the move is skipped. The first one to lay out all the pieces wins. You can walk in different ways: with figures of a different color (shape, size).

    The child is asked to lay out the Dienesh blocks according to the drawn diagram-picture, for example, a large red circle is drawn, followed by a small blue triangle, etc.

    From Dienesh's logical blocks you can create planar images of objects: a car, a locomotive, a house, a tower.

    Mom puts only rectangular blocks into the box, and the child removes all red ones, then mom puts away only thin figures, and the child removes large ones, etc.

    The child needs to select Dienesh blocks using cards that show their properties.

      color is indicated by a spot

      size - silhouette of the house (large, small).

      shape - outline of figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular).

      thickness - a conventional image of the human figure (thick and thin).

The child is shown a card with one or more properties depicted on it. For example, if a child is shown a blue spot, then all blue figures need to be put aside; a blue spot and a two-story house - set aside all the blue and large figures; a blue spot, a two-story house and a circle silhouette - these are blue circles - thick and thin, etc.

Then the tasks with cards gradually become more difficult.

This article shows only a few games with Dienesh logic blocks, but in fact there are many more of them. The set with blocks also comes with 8-page instructions, where you can learn about this technique and games in more detail.

In addition to the well-known “blocks” that develop logical thinking, Dienesh came up with the fairy-tale country “Ruritania”, numerous games with stripes, logic games and "26 flowers".

- what it is? Another popular development game today? A simple construction set, for unknown reasons so popular among parents interested in early development?

A “magic” game for young mathematicians? Perhaps a little bit of everything.

Zoltan Dienes, inventor of logic blocks, is a Hungarian mathematician and teacher who developed the theory of “new mathematics” and believed that it is better to learn not at a desk, but by playing. Moreover, the “frivolous” form does not exclude serious content. Through play, children are able to comprehend very complex mathematical and logical concepts - even working with abstract systems and symbols.

Dienesh believed that the ability to work with symbols and understand their language is one of the last, most “difficult” stages in the development of mathematical thinking. Well, you can't argue with that! We can all see the difference between baby, problem solving with the help of practical tests and high school students operating with abstractions. (Yes and in ordinary life the ability to see relationships and cause-and-effect chains between objects, objects, events, the ability to think systematically is one of the keys to success. So the development of logical thinking in a child is useful not only for school, but also for the “big” life)

What are the famous logic blocks of Dienesh and why do our children need them? Logic blocks is an educational game designed for children from 2 to 10 years old.

Main goal and task- help children learn to perform logical operations (that is, get to know the basis, the core of mathematics!) - break objects down by property, encode information, generalize and find differences, compare, classify objects, etc.

Dienesh blocks help children get acquainted with the characteristics of objects (shape, color, size, etc.), develop spatial imagination, creativity, imagination, design skills, modeling, speech, logical thinking and even independence and arbitrariness!

Of course, at each age stage there is a different level of “entry” into mathematics. And the beauty of the Hungarian mathematician’s blocks is precisely that with the help of them you can come up with games and activities for each age - in accordance with the information that the child is ready to learn.

In fact, logic blocks are a “growth game” that will be useful for many years to come.

The set consists of 48 different logical blocks:

  • colors (red, yellow blue)
  • shapes (round, square, triangular, rectangular)
  • sizes (large and small)
  • thickness (thick and thin)

There are no identical figures in the set; each has a unique combination of these four characteristics: color, shape, size and thickness.

When playing with Dienesh blocks, additional cards are often used - with property symbols: 11 cards with symbol properties (yellow) and 11 – with negation of properties (non-round)

Where to start?

What can and should be taught to two-year-olds, what will be interesting to children of 4 or 6 years of age?

Formally, goals can be divided into a sequential chain:

  • first we teach children to identify properties
  • then compare objects according to the properties found
  • move on to classification, generalization
  • mastering logical operations and symbol language.

Activities and games optionswith Dienesh Blocks .

How to play?

Theoretically, the simplest, the first options are suitable for the youngest, and the latter for older children. It’s almost not necessary to be tied to age. It is better to focus on what your child can and wants. It is important not to force him to solve “high” level problems immediately and play easier and simpler games again and again until you jointly achieve a given goal - for example, get acquainted with the properties of objects or learn to separate blocks according to a certain criterion. For children 2-4 years old, it is better to “play out” activities in a fairy tale form - let’s say, we don’t just sort the blocks by color, but collect “flowers” ​​or “mushrooms” in different baskets. When playing the “chain” game described below, you can not only collect this sequence of blocks, but also build “bridges” for the mouse across the river.

Introduction to properties.

1. The block box has holes corresponding to the blocks. The smallest mathematicians will be happy to put the figures into “houses” according to their holes - that is, the game acts as an analogue of inserts.

2. “Without looking.” We put different blocks into a bag and ask, without looking, that is, by touch, to recognize and take out blocks of a certain shape.

3. “Sort by criteria.” We put all the blocks in a common pile and ask them to separate all the circles. Then - all blue objects, etc.

4. “Find the same one.” We show one block and offer to find one of the same thickness (color, shape, size). Then - “not the same.”

A more complex version of this game - we show blocks and offer to find “blocks just like this one” based on two properties (size - color, for example). That is, find blocks just like this one - all blue and square.
Another “step up” is the complication of search criteria. Please find all the blocks that are the same as this one, with two similar properties and one different. That is, for example, to find blocks of the same shape and color, but of a different size.

5. “Who is the odd one out.” We offer the child several blocks that you have pre-selected. One of them must be redundant, that is, differ in one property. Let's say three blue blocks and one yellow. We invite you to guess what is superfluous and be sure to ask why?

Comparison by properties

1. If you imagine that Dienesh blocks are treats for dolls, then you can invite the children to share the treat. Let's say bunnies eat only carrots (triangles or red blocks), and bears only eat honey (rectangular “barrels” or yellow blocks). We put the whole set in a common pile and ask the child to choose all the treats suitable for the bunny and the bear.

A more difficult version of the game is to take 4 toys - 2 pairs of similar, but different sizes. For example, let's take two bunnies - a large and a small one and two bears, a large and a small one. Respectively, big bear The baby must find all the appropriate treats, but in a larger size, for a small one - a smaller one. It's the same with bunnies.

After laying out the figures, you can ask the baby - which figures did the big bear get? Large yellow ones (or large rectangles). What about the little bunny?

2. “Who is faster?” You can select blocks with the desired characteristics at speed, competing with your parents - who can collect the most red blocks faster? Or who will collect the blocks of their color faster (you collect all the yellow ones, baby - all the blue ones)

A more difficult option: collect all the speed blocks of the same color, but with the exception of, for example, triangular ones. Or thin ones. That is, the child needs not only to identify blocks of one common characteristic, but also to exclude from them some of the “inappropriate” ones.

3. “Chains” - building chains, sequences of blocks (figures). We ask the child to lay out a chain of blocks according to certain signs: All shapes are the same color or size. Then - all the figures are the same color, but different sizes, etc.

A more complex option - please lay out a chain so that neighboring figures have one common feature. For example, a child places a yellow circle, the next figure can be either yellow, but not a circle, or a circle, but not yellow. Let's say a blue square. Accordingly, the next figure will be a blue circle or a yellow square, etc.

Another version of the game is to build a chain where each next block differs from the other in all 4 properties.

For those who like to solve puzzles, you can offer a chain where there is a beginning - one block - and an end - a completely different one. For example, you place a yellow thin rectangular block and a blue thick large round block. This is the beginning and the end. The kid builds a chain so that the new block differs from the previous one in one property. Accordingly, the penultimate block should differ from the last one (placed by you) by only one property.

4. “Non-property.” We take a block and ask the child to describe its properties using the particle “not”. For example, what is the blue triangular block? Not-red, not-square, not-thin. You can then ask to find all similar "non-blocks" - all "non-blue" or "non-triangular".

5. "Guessing game." For this game you need logic blocks and a bag. The leader (for example, you) takes one block and, so that the second player does not see, hides it in a bag. The second player (child) must guess what the figure is in the bag by asking questions to which you can only answer “yes” or “no.” Accordingly, questions should be such as: “Is this figure yellow?”, “Is it a rectangle?”

Classification, logical operations

We take out a random set of Dienesh blocks, including different shapes, colors, etc. and ask - what is more - squares or blue blocks? The baby’s task is to isolate all the squares and blue blocks, count them and compare them. Thus, the child learns to divide into classes and compare.

1. Game with areas. We draw on paper or lay out on the floor from a rope 2-3 (we can start with two) non-intersecting spaces (for example, a circle). We ask the child to put, say, red blocks inside the first one, and blue ones inside the second one. At the same time, we explain what is inside and outside if the child is not yet familiar with these concepts.

Next task. We work with only one circle. We free up space and ask to put all square blocks inside one, and all triangular ones, for example, outside it.

Following. We draw (lay out) two intersecting circles. We take three types of logical blocks - for example, of different colors. We ask you to place all the blue blocks in the left circle. All blocks of square color are on the right. And all the blue square ones are in two circles at the same time (that is, in the area where two circles intersect). The task can be supplemented - all non-blue and non-square blocks (which we do not name) are located outside both circles. This task - training to partition sets into classes - is not so simple, by the way!

If it is difficult for a child to cope with this task on his own at first, you can start “from the other end” - you arrange the blocks into areas yourself, and ask the child to name which blocks with what properties lie inside the first circle, the second, inside two circles at the same time, outside them. When the child understands what is being said, you can try to return to previous tasks.

2. "Drawing". For this game, cards with the designation of properties and “non-properties” are desirable. First we draw a drawing, for example, of a house or a castle, where each element is indicated by a property (card). For example, the base is two non-yellow rectangular blocks, on which stand non-round, non-blue blocks, then yellow non-triangular, non-thin blocks, topped off by a non-square red roof. Your child must build the castle according to your written drawing (or verbal instructions). You can arrange a competition - you simultaneously draw drawings for each other and build castles for speed - the correctness of execution is also taken into account in the assessment.

Dienesh's logic blocks, as you can see, suggest countless games that you can come up with yourself. Construction, modeling, counting, development of memory and speech, imagination, the ability to perform logical operations - all this allows you to develop wonderful “cubes and triangles”. And, if at some point this is not enough for you, take a closer look at additional materials, which are designed specifically for working with blocks and are aimed at developing individual skills for children themselves of different ages. Good luck!

Most early development methods give children only general ideas about mathematics that are limited to skill oral counting and solving simple problems and examples. As a result, the child gets the impression that mathematics is a boring activity, far from creativity and the opportunity to show imagination. However, your child will probably look at mathematics “with different eyes” if you turn to Zoltan Dienes’ method for help.

Majority early development techniques gives children only a general understanding of mathematics, which is limited to the skill of mental calculation and solving simple problems and examples. As a result, the child gets the impression that mathematics is a boring activity, far from creativity and the opportunity to show imagination. However, your child will probably look at mathematics “with different eyes” if you turn to the Zoltan Dienes method for help, which, unfortunately, is not as popular in our country as the Montessori method or the Waldorf system.

Let us immediately note that Dienesh’s technique helps children not only master various mathematical concepts in an easy and interesting way. game form, but also to develop important psychological processes necessary for full and comprehensive development. Therefore, this technique can also be used as independent program learning and how additional element classes.

A few words about Zoltan Gyenes

Zoltan Pál Dienes has been interested in mathematics since childhood, so there is nothing strange in the fact that he decided to devote his entire life to the “queen of the exact sciences,” as well as its popularization not only in his native Hungary, but throughout the world. Already at the age of 23, Zoltan received a doctorate in mathematics, but did not rest on this and continued his education. In order to understand the mental processes involved in solving mathematical problems, he received an additional degree in psychology.

For most of his professional career, Dienes studied psycho-mathematics (for more than 10 years he headed the Center for the Study of Psycho-Mathematics at the University of Sherbrooke). Based on his own practical experience and the results of numerous studies, he developed a unique author’s mathematics program, accessible to children of all age groups.

Zoltán Dyeneš's methodology is based on various logic games, fascinating math problems and developing teaching aids, aimed at stimulating children's interest in mathematics, as well as the development of combinatorics, logical thinking, analytical abilities, speech, memory and attention.

Features of the Dienesh system

Zoltan Dienes's method includes six interconnected stages of studying mathematics, which take into account psychological aspects solving mathematical problems.

First stage– a free game in which children try to solve an unfamiliar problem by trial and error, trying various options decisions.

Second stage– studying the rules of the game, with the help of which the necessary mathematical information is “conveyed” to children.

Third stage– a comparison that allows you to diversify games with a similar rule structure various materials, and thereby come to the understanding that changing the material does not change the essence of the game.

Fourth stage– familiarization with the content of numbers, thanks to which the child begins to understand the essence of the game and the common component of all mathematical games.

Fifth stage– symbolic, which includes the description of game cards using symbols, for which the child can come up with his own symbolic systems.

Sixth stage– formalization, consists of considering several options for describing game cards, as a result of which the child understands that the initial description can be an axiom, and his own conclusions can be a theorem.

We emphasize that Dienesh’s method completely excludes solving mathematical problems in notebooks or studying mathematical rules in boring textbooks. All activities are funny Games, songs and dances, during which children easily and quickly acquire mathematical knowledge and skills, and also get their first ideas about such complex mathematical concepts as algorithms, logical operation and information coding. At the same time, children, most often, do not even realize how complex concepts they are mastering in the course of exciting activities on program of "new mathematics" by Zoltan Dienes.

How are classes conducted according to the Dienesh system?

Classes using the Dienesh method include:

  • games with the so-called Dienesh blocks, among which there are tasks for children of various age categories. For example, for children younger age(about 3 years old) the game “this way - not that way” is ideal (figures are laid out in front of the child different forms, colors and sizes, among which he needs to find “like or not like” figures, in accordance with the adult example shown). For older children, you can choose a game of translator, during which you need not only to find this or not such a figure, but also to explain how one figure differs from another.
  • games with hoops - allow you to master and consolidate spatial orientation skills. To do this, parents place two (or more) hoops of different colors on the floor so that they intersect (like the Olympic rings). The child needs to place a figurine of a given format inside the blue... outside the red... outside the blue and red hoop. The more hoops, the more task options there can be.
  • the fabulous country of Ruritania - the mischievous twins Alice and Bruce live there, with whom children have the opportunity to take part in fascinating stories and plunge into the world of geometry and algebra.

During the lessons, children learn in a light playful way geometric shapes and parameters of objects, acquire skills of comparison and analysis of diverse information, create mathematical models, logical chains and series, and also learn to make the necessary decisions.

Disadvantages of the Dienes system

Strange as it may seem, specialists have no shortcomings in Dienes system not found. However, studying the reviews of parents who are already engaged in this system made it possible to identify such shortcomings as:

  • Limited color variety in Dienes blocks;
  • For older guys who decide more complex tasks, one set of Dienesh blocks is sometimes not enough;
  • The concept of “thickness” is incorrect, as a result of which it is sometimes difficult to explain to a child, for example, why a square is always flat;
  • In Russia it is quite difficult to find albums for classes using the Dienesh system.


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