Do-it-yourself insulation of a dacha. How to insulate a dacha for winter living video

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There is nothing better than a weekend or vacation spent on own dacha. Residents of large cities especially value this type of recreation, and therefore often visit their country estates even in the cold season. But the design of country houses is not intended for comfortable living when low temperatures air, so in this case high-quality insulation is necessary, the organization of which has its own characteristics.

Thermal insulation of these two types of residential buildings should occur according to different scheme. These differences are dictated by the fact that a private house It is heated all year round, while the internal temperature in the dacha drops significantly during the cold season.

The main task of insulating a house is to retain heat inside the room. This can be achieved most effectively by creating internal and external insulation. The dacha, in turn, is heated only when it is in use, which requires achieving comfortable temperature in a short period of time. Such a sharp change in conditions is very harmful to the very structure of buildings and finishing materials.

Therefore, when deciding how to insulate country house, it would be preferable to choose only thermal insulation from the inside, which will reduce Negative influence from a sharp increase in temperature. At the same time, the heating time of the room will be reduced, since energy costs for insulating walls, floors and roofs will be reduced. An important advantage of this method of thermal insulation of a dacha is its low cost.

But exclusively insulating from the inside can lead to the development of fungus, which occurs due to a shift in the dew point (the boundary of condensation formation inside the wall, which can shift under certain conditions). Therefore, to avoid such consequences, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • A layer of vapor barrier film is required between the insulation and the wall. On this aspect repair work It is highly undesirable to save money.
  • Regardless of whether you use insulation in the form of slabs or rolls, the joints between the pieces of material should fit snugly against each other.
  • There should also be no empty space between the wall and the insulation layer. Therefore, before starting work, it is advisable to treat the wall surface with an adhesive composition.
  • Almost the only way to significantly reduce humidity in a dacha is a system forced ventilation. If you have the opportunity, be sure to equip your seasonal country house with it.
  • The thickness of the insulation layer must clearly correlate with a number of parameters, the most important of which is the climatic conditions in the region. Information about specific calculation formulas can be found on the Internet.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to treat the inside of the walls with an antifungal compound.

If you follow all the tips given, then such internal thermal insulation will be quite effective and at the same time you will have to avoid problems with fungus.

Internal wall insulation

There are many ways to organize wall insulation from the inside, so we will consider only the most popular ones. For this type of work, mineral wool, glass wool and polystyrene foam are most often used (for Russian market presented under the name "penoplex"). The latter option is the most preferable, as it has high vapor barrier parameters. Let's consider the algorithm for the simplest thermal insulation using the example of penoplex panels:

  • The quality of thermal insulation from this material largely depends on the base surface to which it will be attached. Therefore, before starting work, the wall must be thoroughly cleaned or even leveled to rough.
  • After waiting for the putty to dry, you can apply a layer of waterproofing. But the good vapor permeability of penoplex allows you to get rid of this protective measure.
  • Next, you can begin gluing the foam panels. For better contact, the surface of the insulation must be perforated using sandpaper or a knife. Apply glue to one side of the panel using a spatula, after which it is pressed against the wall, starting from bottom corner. Mounting slots are treated with sealant.
  • Additionally, it is necessary to secure thermal insulation material using disc-type dowels.

After completing this stage of work, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier layer. It is best to use foil materials for this, which are attached to the sheathing. During installation, it is necessary to leave a little space between the insulation layer and the vapor barrier.

Installation of mineral wool or glass wool is not much different from the process described above. The differences are that due to the flexibility of these materials, they can only be attached to the sheathing, and it will also be impossible to do without basic waterproofing.

Insulation of a wooden floor in a country house

A significant portion can escape through the floor internal heat premises, especially if there is a basement. Therefore, effective thermal insulation of a dacha will also require internal thermal insulation this structural element.

  • The most effective will be insulation with floor removal, which is carried out according to the following scheme:
  • A plank beating is nailed to the floor joists, which will form a flat base surface. The best alternative for ordinary wood there will be OSB boards.
  • Then a layer of waterproofing material is laid, which can be used as ordinary polyethylene film.
  • The next layer is formed from insulation. Best choice in this case there will be porous materials that provide good natural ventilation.
  • The final stage is the installation of the second plank, which will serve as a subfloor. In this case, there should be a distance of 5-10 mm between the edge of the roll and the wall, necessary for natural ventilation. Later it can be covered with a plinth.

Choosing heat insulating materials For internal insulation floors, you need to choose those that can withstand large physical exercise. In particular, it can be polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam and expanded clay.

Unlike walls, it is best to insulate the floor both from the outside and from the outside. inside, therefore it is highly recommended to carry out thermal insulation external plinth dachas

Internal roof insulation

It is impossible to provide heat without an insulated roof, since it is through this part of any structure that the overwhelming majority of internal energy escapes. The technology is also a classic thermal insulation cake, which is installed using the following method:

  • The initial stage is installation waterproofing materials. Slightly sagging waterproofing strips are placed perpendicular to the rafters. The resulting cracks are sealed with tape.
  • Rolls or slabs of thermal insulation are laid end-to-end between the rafters. From the inside, they are additionally strengthened with ropes or thin wooden blocks. If required thickness thermal insulation requires laying insulation in two layers, then the outer layer must cover the knocks of the inner one.
  • After this, a vapor barrier layer is created. Smooth surface it should be located towards the street. To attach the vapor barrier, it is enough to use tape or a stapler.
  • At the final stage, the guide sheathing is installed, onto which the final decorative trim is mounted.

Foamed thermal insulation, the technology of which is radically different from that described above, is becoming increasingly popular. It uses polyurethane foam, which is sprayed under high pressure from a tall device. But it should be taken into account that this approach will require the installation of a forced ventilation system, since polyurethane foam does not allow steam to pass through at all.

Constant heating of the cottage in winter period time is quite a costly undertaking and is not always advisable. However, it will also not be possible to do without heating at all, since most communications are designed for positive temperatures. Moreover, coming to a frozen dacha and warming it up for several days is a rather dubious pleasure. To increase heating efficiency, the house is insulated.

The presence of insulation significantly reduces heat loss, thereby reducing the cost of heating the building. A well-insulated room can be quickly warmed up even by temporary means - electric heaters, air conditioners, etc. (lack of electricity can be compensated by renting a diesel generator for a summer residence). While it is difficult to warm up an uninsulated room even with central heating.

The most effective technology is external insulation, with which you can significantly increase thermal insulation characteristics building. Installing insulation is not as complicated a process as it might seem at first glance.

If you have the desire and initial skills, you can easily implement it yourself. This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to carry out insulation. country house outside with your own hands.

Material selection

Insulation materials are made from different materials and can have different structures. Insulation materials For outdoor works divided into sheet and loose. The maximum degree of thermal insulation is provided by sheet insulation - it is this technology that we will consider below.

Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

The answer to the question of how to insulate the outside of a country house is ambiguous. You can use both polystyrene foam and foam boards with equal success. In terms of technical characteristics, polystyrene foam is somewhat inferior to expanded polystyrene in strength, frost resistance and other parameters. If you focus on quality, then using polystyrene foam insulation will be more preferable.

The strength indicators of polystyrene foam are 6 times higher than their foam counterpart, but it should be taken into account that neither one nor the other will withstand even moderate mechanical impact.

The main disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is the cost - its price is an order of magnitude higher than its foam counterpart with the same thickness of the slab. If you want to save money, then using polystyrene foam will be more rational.

Installation of insulation

Surface preparation

  • First of all, protruding elements are removed from the wall - fittings, excess mortar, etc.. Dust is removed from the surface - to do this, just slightly moisten the wall with water;
  • Brick facade being plastered cement mortar to level the surface and reduce consumption adhesive composition . You can do without this procedure if the masonry is fairly even - in the opposite situation, voids will inevitably appear, which will negatively affect the strength of the future finish; (See also article.)

When plastering under insulation, it is not necessary to carry out thorough grouting, since appearance, in this case does not play any role.

Installation of slabs

After the plaster has completely dried, you can proceed directly to the installation of insulation. To do this you will need to purchase special glue, a puncher, supporting metal profiles And plastic fastenings“fungi”

  • Lower groove profiles are installed, which will serve as the basis for all future finishing. They are mounted perfectly horizontally, at a short distance from the ground. When installing, you must check with building level to eliminate the occurrence of errors;
  • The surface must be cleaned of dust - you can sweep the wall with a broom or spray it with water.
  • The glue is evenly applied to the insulation, after which the sheets are pressed tightly against the wall surface - thus, the entire surface is covered. Try to join the sheets as tightly as possible to avoid the appearance of “cold bridges” - gaps between the plates. Uneven joints between sheets are foamed polyurethane foam;

To fill the seams, you should purchase foam with a minimum degree of expansion to avoid deformation of the insulation.

  • A second layer of insulation boards is installed, if any - the sheets should be glued staggered to avoid the seams matching and weakening the structure;

  • Plastic “fungi” are mounted in the corners and in the center of the slab, which provide additional rigid fixation - for fastenings, mounting holes are drilled in the wall. Minimum distance fastenings from the edge of the sheet must be at least 10 cm. Ebb sills are installed on the window sills;


Since the surface of the insulation does not contain roughness, the finish will quickly become unusable and begin to crumble. To make the surface more susceptible to the application of plaster/putty, metal or plastic mesh. The mesh is glued to the insulation with a special compound - after it dries, the wall will be completely ready for applying plaster or putty.

Any premises in which a person will live or stay for some time must be suitable for such use. The most important thing you need for comfortable life- This Fresh air, which will be constantly updated, light and water. There is also this one important indicator how warm. If the room is cold, then staying in it will be unpleasant and sometimes dangerous, which is why it is so important to insulate the walls, doing this using suitable materials.


The process of optimizing the microclimate in a residential area involves the use of internal or external insulation. For housing in which people do not live permanently, internal insulation would be ideal. This choice is due to the fact that the installation process is extremely simple and does not require significant costs, both financial and physical. Insulation for walls is selected based on the tasks facing the construction.

Each option has different dimensions, weight and structures. You can choose exactly the material with which it will be most convenient to work. It is important to insulate the inside of the house so that it does not overheat during the day and does not get too cold at night. This is harmful both for the building itself and for those who live in it. There are standards according to which the floor temperature should not drop to more than +25 degrees, and the walls should not be colder than +18 degrees. Optimal temperature, in which a person can live comfortably is an indicator of +22 - +25 degrees.

With internal insulation, condensation forms between the surface of the insulation and the wall itself, which is due to the temperature difference that collides with each other. In order to prevent the walls from getting wet, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier layer that will regulate this process. After installing all the insulating components, not only the inside of the house will become more protected, but also the outside, because temperature changes will not affect the same brick, which can last longer.


In order to insulate the walls in the house, you need to correctly distribute the preparation process for it, which includes:

  • preparation and purchase of materials and tools;
  • the process of fixing the vapor barrier layer and manufacturing the frame;
  • the process of laying insulation and finishing the walls.

The materials used for wall insulation are glass wool, slag wool, stone and basalt wool, expanded polystyrene, penoplex, polyurethane foam and some other options. Part only applies to interior works, some are exclusively for outdoor use, but there are also those that are suitable in both cases. Sometimes sawdust is used for this, which can be used to insulate both walls and floors, but often they prefer not to use this material due to its flammability.

If the walls are insulated from the outside, then the finishing with siding, Euroboard or any other materials must be completely dismantled, after which the insulation is installed.

Only after completing this stage of work and installation vapor barrier film You can put the panels back to give the house a beautiful appearance.

Most often, external insulation is used for capital house where people live permanently. As for country houses or seasonal housing, it is enough to finish the inside. Installed on the walls suitable material, the top can be covered with cardboard, fiberboard, plywood or even sheets of drywall. The choice is made taking into account the cost of coverage and the funds available for repairs.

The materials that will be needed for thermal insulation work include:

  • vapor barrier film, which resists the penetration of moisture from the street and tends to get inside the room;
  • wooden beam from which the wooden sheathing is created;
  • fasteners, the best of which are self-tapping screws;
  • drywall for finishing. It is better to purchase a moisture-resistant sheet.

To insulate a house from the inside, you can use a variety of materials. The most popular are several options.

One of them - mineral wool, which is created on the basis of glass wool and stone wool. It has excellent thermal protective properties. For various works There are products with a density from 50 to 200 kg per cubic meter. Thinner options are made in rolls, and denser ones are pressed into mini-slabs. Fastening occurs using dowels on wooden frame. In this case, it is better not to use glue, which can lead to delamination of the product.

If we consider the features mineral wool, then it’s worth saying that she doesn’t like dampness. If the fibers get wet, they will lose their properties. If you install such insulation outside, it is important to do good waterproofing. This material copes well with its functions indoors. A special advantage of the product is its non-flammability. When working with this material, be sure to use protective materials for the eyes and respiratory system due to the large amount of dust and small particles.

They are popular and foam insulation: expanded polystyrene/foam and polyurethane foam. Expanded polystyrene is considered convenient option for insulation of the interior of the room. Its advantages are lightness, good strength, ease of installation and reasonable cost. This option is in no way inferior to mineral wool, but it is not afraid of moisture, so it can be used both inside and outside the building. Attach foam better with self-tapping screws or dowel-nails, but you can also use an adhesive composition.

The only downside is that it is flammable, so this material can be used in places far from fire sources. Polyurethane foam is applied only with special equipment that allows you to isolate the polyurethane foam. This option allows you to apply a solid layer that adheres very firmly to the surface. Among the shortcomings we can only highlight high price on this type insulation.

Among foil heat insulators the most popular is penofol. The basis of the material is foamed polyethylene with metal foil. Penofol is very thin, so it does not take up the living space of the room. This material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which means it retains heat well.

Bulk insulation materials- This is a non-standard option for thermal insulation of a house. For this you can use expanded clay, ecowool, moss, pine or spruce needles, hay, sawdust. A positive feature of this option is its environmental friendliness, but it can only be used for floors and ceilings. One of the disadvantages is the high risk of rodents appearing in such layers.

Tools that will be useful in your work:

  • knife for cutting mineral wool;
  • tape measure and pencil, which will be used to make all measurements and markings;
  • screwdriver for fastening screws;
  • a construction stapler, which is convenient in the process of attaching a vapor barrier film;
  • protective equipment such as gloves, glasses, respirator.

The choice of tools and protective equipment directly depends on what exactly you have to work with and which insulation option will be chosen.

How to choose?

In order to choose the appropriate insulation for a country house, which will be located from the inside, it is important to know what you have to work with. If you need to insulate the second floor or turn the room into a living area instead of an old cold attic, it is important to choose the right type of insulation. It is important to analyze what material the house is built from. Wooden huts must have a breathable heat insulator, and brick or foam concrete structures can do without this.

When choosing a material for working with walls, you need to evaluate its moisture resistance, which will be one of the main criteria. Heating is also worth considering. If the stove is running inside, the difference between the temperature outside and in the house will become very large. This process will lead to the formation of condensation, which will affect the insulation and contribute to its soaking. In such conditions, the material will not last long and will soon begin to deteriorate. To avoid this outcome, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier film, which will protect the insulating sheet from moisture.

To choose the right insulation, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • thermal conductivity, which must be low in order to be able to maintain optimal conditions in a residential area;
  • resistance to frost - this is important for those dachas that winter time are not heated and the temperature in the house can be zero, which negatively affects some types of thermal insulation;
  • lightness installation work, which is important in the case of a country house, the work on which is often carried out by the owner himself, therefore the simplicity of all actions is extremely important in this case;
  • pricing policy, which is especially important in the case of furnishing a country house, where cheaper materials are taken.

If, in addition to the walls, it is also necessary to insulate the ceiling, then you should take care of the availability of materials for this procedure. If in the house attic spaces If they are being converted into residential buildings, they cannot do without finishing and using insulation. To cover the ceiling, it is important to choose materials that are resistant to precipitation and significant temperature changes. The density of the slabs must be high so that they can retain heat in the room without letting in external cold from under the roof. When reconstructing an attic, you may also need to insulate the floor, especially if it is located on reinforced concrete slab. To do this, you need to make a sheathing, lay insulation, on top of which place a covering material such as plywood, fiberboard, etc.

It is especially important to carry out work on insulating the premises if the house is a panel house.

In this case, almost all surfaces should be supplemented with a layer of thermal insulation material in order to create conditions suitable for living inside the living space. Having necessary materials For this process, you need to know how to use them correctly.

How to install?

If you need to install thermal insulation yourself, it is important to clearly understand the operation algorithm. The first thing you need to start with is preparing the walls, for which their surface is leveled and all problem areas. To properly insulate the interior of the room, you need to take care of installing a waterproofing layer. If you don't have a suitable one at hand special material, simple polyethylene, which is attached with tape, is also suitable.

Step-by-step instruction in case you need to insulate country house, comes down to these points:

  • Choice suitable insulation based on the material of the house and the place to be repaired.
  • Installation of thermal insulation boards in the required place. For more reliable fixation, you need to coat the surface with glue.
  • The slabs are laid in a checkerboard pattern, and at the joints it is important to use a large number of glue and polyurethane foam.
  • Fixing the slabs using plastic dowels.
  • Applying a surface layer of glue along the entire perimeter of the insulation.
  • Laying the reinforcing mesh on the glue and immersing it in the adhesive substance with a roller.
  • After the glue has dried, the surface is plastered and finished.

The most comfortable material Penoplex is used for installation; even a person without experience can work with it. If you want to make your house warm enough to live in it all winter, then the best solution would be mineral wool. It's not much more difficult to work with. The insulation process consists of the following points:

  • preparing walls, eliminating any problem areas;
  • surface vapor barrier;
  • manufacturing wooden sheathing with a step, the calculation of which should be based on the size of the mineral wool roll;
  • laying material in niches;
  • the joints are glued together with adhesive tape;
  • applying a second layer of vapor barrier, which is fixed to the sheathing;
  • finishing of walls.

You can use foil insulation as insulation. It's relative new material, which contains a layer of foil on one or both sides. To use it on the wall you need:

  • prepare the surface;
  • make lathing;
  • place thermal insulation material in it;
  • joints are glued together with aluminum tape;
  • finishing.

If you want to use something different, then excellent option There will be fibreboards.

This is the simplest option for wall insulation, which can be done even by an amateur, because the installation of heat-insulating material can be done on any surface, even with old finishes. The main criterion is dryness and cleanliness of the walls.

The installation process is carried out using special nails that have a recessed head. Once all the materials are placed on the wall, you can use any necessary finishing on top of them, stick wallpaper, plaster, paint, etc. The choice of insulation depends on professional skills, the need to create absolutely comfortable conditions all year round and in the cost of production. Everyone chooses the option that is most convenient for them from all sides.

When planning to insulate a house from the inside, it is important to clearly understand the difference between the main options for materials that may be needed in the work. In the case where the product is vapor-tight, it is enough to simply lay it on Right place, but if this is not the case, it is important to use a layer of vapor barrier film. If this is not done, then condensation will begin to form between the insulation and the wall of the house, which will destroy the thermal insulation from the inside and all the work will be in vain.

When installing insulation, it is important to leave a small gap between it and the future layer decorative finishing so that the fumes that appear do not affect the surfaces on both sides. Using insulation indoors is appropriate if the house has sufficient dimensions, but if it is very small, it is better to add an additional layer of thermal insulation outside. When choosing insulation, you need to decide on its thickness, which directly depends on the time the house is used. If it is only the warm season, then it is not necessary to take thick material, but for year-round use it is important to choose the largest products that will provide the best result.

Dacha plots have long ceased to be a place for planting vegetables and fruits. For modern man This is an opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city. Therefore, the attitude towards country houses has also undergone a change. The dilapidated summer houses are a thing of the past. They are being replaced by a full-fledged home, for the opportunity year-round residence, with heating and insulation of structures.

Why do you need insulation?

Many people believe that if the house is made of brick or cinder block, insulation is not needed. It is already reliable and durable. But the reliability of the building does not affect energy costs. For heating even small building you will need a large amount of energy. If you calculate the cost of insulating a summer house for winter living and heating costs, you can see savings.

Under the influence of temperature changes, any material is destroyed. The exterior structures of a building undergo freezing and thawing processes every winter. High-quality insulation will reduce the likelihood of destruction of house elements from temperature and atmospheric influences.

During the installation of insulation, a hydro- and wind barrier is provided. They become additional protection from moisture and drafts. As a result, together with frame processing, it turns out reliable protection from mold and mildew.

Thermal protection of the foundation protects the foundation of the house from soil heaving. The moisture contained in soil masses, freezing, expands. Thus, the soil begins to put pressure on the wall. Horizontal insulation of the soil makes it possible to avoid heaving.

Vertical protection of the base and foundation creates a barrier against cold and moisture. In this case, the floor in the house and the foundation under the building itself do not freeze.

Insulation of cottage walls

The walls of a country house need to be insulated from the outside. Internal work is possible in extreme cases. When insulating from the inside, the following problems may arise:

  • wall freezing;
  • formation of condensation in the thickness of the wall;
  • destruction of structures due to large temperature differences in winter;
  • the formation of fungus and mold under the insulation layer.

When externally insulating walls in a dacha, a layer of thermal insulation protects the wall from frost. The structure is not affected natural factors. In addition, when high density finishing and insulation itself, the wall is protected from mechanical damage.

There are two technologies for insulating the walls of a dacha from the outside:

  • Frameless;
  • Frame.

Frameless insulation

In the first case, the material is mounted on the wall surface in a continuous layer. The main fixation occurs by gluing to glue or cement-sand mortar. You can work with glue even at sub-zero temperatures.

Additionally, the insulation boards are secured with plastic dowels. They are attached no later than three days after installing the insulation with glue. But not before complete setting adhesive mass. Installation in this way is also called “wet” due to the presence of wet processes in the technology.

It is convenient to use this technology when laying brick or cinder block walls. In the case of timber-frame construction, the frame will have to be filled with unedged board or plywood. Insulation is fixed to the created surface. Fixation occurs through dowels, since there are few adhesives with high adhesion to wood.

To insulate a dacha from the outside wet method Only dense insulation is suitable:

  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • dense mineral mats.

A reinforcing fiberglass mesh is fixed on top of the insulation with glue. It increases the adhesion of the plaster mortar and insulation. Plaster is applied on top of the mesh in a layer of no more than 20 mm.

Painting is done on top of the plaster mortar, after it has dried. Applicable only facade paints. Their color does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and it is possible to wash the façade.

Frame method

The following insulation is created for panel finishing:

Before starting work, you need to make a drawing of all facades. This is necessary to count frame elements. The slats are installed at a distance along the length of the finishing panel. Another element is attached in the middle of the length.
With this method, it is better to use soft insulation. Select or cut mats 10-15 mm wider than the distance between the frame. In this case, there are no gaps or blowouts between the studs and the insulation. Defects arise due to defects in the wood, uneven walls or inaccurate installation.

A wind barrier is stretched over the installed insulation. Its role is played by ordinary PVC film. The film also acts as a moisture barrier. Under exterior finishing moisture may be present, which will worsen the insulation properties.

To avoid rotting wooden elements are antiseptic. You can purchase already processed material. It has a greenish tint.

Internal insulation

By selecting quality materials and following technology internal installation can be achieved good results. The main thing is to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation. This is especially important when installing indoors.

It is better to entrust the calculation to specialists. Such a service will not be very expensive. But the owners will be confident in their costs for insulation and in case of failure there will be someone to hold accountable.

For interior work, thinner insulation thicknesses are often used than for exterior work. This is due to the fact that the heat only needs to be retained without worrying too much about external changes.

When using mineral wool and polystyrene foam, the layer thickness is 50 mm. Moreover, 100 mm, or even 150 mm of protection against cold is attached outside.

Materials are mounted on the frame or by gluing. It all depends on the decoration option and the purpose of the room. The frame method is more convenient when the insulation of the dacha from the inside is significant.

Majority country houses built to save space. That’s why the rooms in them are not large. Important role When choosing an insulation material, its thickness plays a role. How thinner layer, with an equal heat transfer coefficient, the more priority the material.

Currently, penofol is in great demand. Its advantages:

  • wide range of operating temperatures from -60 to +100°C;
  • reflective effect from 95 to 97% of heat flux;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient 0.037-0.051 W/m*C;
  • moisture absorption 0.7% for class A material and 0.35% for class C material;
  • insulation thickness starting from 3 mm.

Thanks to the foil layer, the coating simultaneously acts as a moisture and vapor barrier. It can be used not only in rooms with a normal microclimate. Such insulation is used for installation in:

  • bathrooms;
  • saunas;
  • baths.

Cork is often used due to its texture. The beauty of the surface precludes other finishing.

The cork is secured by gluing it to the wall or fixing it with decorative nails. Its advantage is that it can insulate curved surfaces, niches and bulges. You can use such insulation even in a nursery. It is natural and environmentally friendly.

To save space indoors, insulating paints and plasters are used. In this case, the insulation capacity increases in proportion to the thickness of the layer.

Floor insulation

Cold air accumulates at the bottom of the room. Therefore, a warm floor is important for the health of winter guests of a country house. The temperature of the lower part of the room can be two degrees lower than the general temperature of the surfaces.

Insulation of concrete and wooden floors occurs differently. It all depends on the difference in designs.

Insulation of a wooden floor

Gender by wooden joists involves the placement of an insulating layer between the load-bearing elements. In this case, the “pie” of the design is as follows:

  • Lining the lower part with roofing felt or thick film and fixing it with a board;
  • Insulation device;
  • installation of a moisture-proofing coating in the form of film or sheets of plywood;
  • Finishing device.

Insulation in this case can be either bulk or matte materials. There are no special requirements other than compliance with the calculated thickness, unless it is a bathroom floor. In this case, moisture insulation must be improved. Preference is given to moisture-proof materials.

You can also insulate the floor on top of the lag. In this case, on load-bearing beams a 20 mm board is mounted. Insulation is laid on it. The disadvantage of this method is the concept of the design level.

To insulate an existing floor, it is convenient to use ecowool or polyurethane foam. The materials are installed by injection. In this case, it is enough to dismantle one or more finishing boards. The blower sleeve is inserted into the resulting space and the material is supplied under pressure.

Insulation is carried out without unnecessary dirt and dismantling work. The polyurethane foam layer also serves as an additional water barrier.

  • base compacted with crushed stone;
  • devices for cement-sand base 100 mm;
  • installation of a thermal insulation layer 100-150 mm thick;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • laying reinforcing mesh;
  • filling the leveling screed;
  • installation of finishing floor covering.

With this installation option, a considerable load is placed on the insulation. It is worth choosing a material with a density of at least 35 kg/m3. In this case, the base will not deform and the floor surface will remain flat.

You can insulate a concrete floor using additives. This technology can be complementary to the main insulation.

The following are added to the solution during mixing:

  • sawdust;
  • foam balls;
  • glass or silicone granules;
  • expanded clay

Mixing proportions vary depending on different types insulation.

Insulating the ceiling of a country house

The ceiling can be insulated:

  • on top of load-bearing structures (attic floor insulation);
  • inside floor joists;
  • from inside the room.

The first option for insulating the ceiling in a country house is suitable for one-story country houses and premises top floor. In this case, the materials are:

  • sawdust;
  • ecowool;
  • expanded clay;
  • algae mats;
  • granular foam.

These types of materials are the most economical. And since there are no strict requirements for the strength and thickness of the layer, you can save money.

Inside the logs, as with floor insulation, soft mats will be used. They are laid sideways, eliminating the possibility of blowing.

You can insulate the ceiling from the inside when already finished design. The disadvantage of this method is that it reduces the height of the room. this is not critical high ceilings at 2.8-3 m.

In this case, a wooden or aluminum sheathing is screwed onto the base of the ceiling. The frame is hemmed:

  • suspended ceiling;
  • suspended structure;
  • plasterboard.

Insulation is placed in the resulting space. It must be lightweight and fireproof. Runs along the plane of the ceiling electrical cable and there is a risk of fire.

During the insulation process, do not forget about insulating the doors at the dacha. Up to 37% of heat escapes through window and door openings. Doors are insulated by:

  • double design installations;
  • installation of insulation inside the canvas;
  • sealing gaps between elements and nodes;
  • sealing joints.

Windows are insulated using film and sealing the joints with foam, felt or liquid wood.
Insulating a veranda at your dacha requires an idea of ​​how it will be used. If it is a terrace for drinking tea in the air, it is enough to simply install opening glazing. If as part of a house for winter living, then the methods are the same as for other rooms.

If properly insulated, your dacha will be warm in winter and cool in summer. This will significantly reduce heating and air conditioning costs.

Country houses are often a “cold” box made of wooden beams or bricks, lined with clapboard inside, and therefore not intended for winter trips to your favorite hacienda. The RIA Real Estate website found out from construction company specialists how to simply and economically insulate a summer cottage so that you can go there in cold weather without the risk of catching a cold.

Heat loss assessment

Summer residents, previously accustomed to vacationing outside the city only from May to September, often begin to think about visiting their favorite open spaces during the colder seasons. The idea is good, but for this you need to eliminate heat leaks, says Oleg Tsymbalov, an expert at the repair and finishing company MoskoVID, noting that the first thing you need to do is understand where to look for the problem.

So, according to him, windows and doors account for about 25% of heat loss, 10-15% of heat escapes through the ceiling, at least 15% escapes along the floor, and from 35 to 50% is lost through the walls.

The expert advises to calculate the places through which heat can escape, for example, using a thermal imager - a device for monitoring the temperature distribution of the surface under study. Such a device is not cheap, ranging from 25 thousand rubles and above, so it is more profitable to call a specialist whose services at metropolitan prices will be about 8.5 thousand rubles per object, the TOokon company clarified.

On guard of energy efficiency: how to properly insulate a houseThe issue of reducing home heating costs is extremely important for cottage owners. It is better, of course, to use energy-saving technologies and properly insulate a home at the stage of its construction, however, an already built house can be made energy efficient. The RIA Real Estate website found out the intricacies of the process.

In order to save money, you can insulate not the whole house, but one or two rooms, depending on the building area and the composition of the family, notes the director construction company"K.B." Maxim Nekhoroshev. You just need to clearly understand which rooms will be actively used during winter visits to the dacha, and which ones can be “mothballed” until spring.

Selection of materials

Experts named a number of basic materials for proper and thorough insulation, which are now used in 90% of cases.

These include basalt insulation - a vapor-permeable material based on basalt rocks, as well as expanded polystyrene, says CEO construction company "Dachny Sezon" Timur Dasaev.

Nekhoroshev notes that in order to save money, you can simultaneously use mineral and organic insulation, laying them like a layer cake. Moreover, the layer the best insulation It is recommended to lay it on the side of the cold source, explains the expert. That is, if the walls are insulated, then the insulation is laid on the outer “street” side.

Country wintering: how to prepare a summer country house for the coldThe dacha season is gradually ending by the end of October, but some Russians cannot part with their favorite hacienda for long: some still continue to go there on weekends to barbecue, while others just want to hide from the bustle of the city for a couple of days. Experts told the RIA Real Estate website how to insulate a summer cottage and make it suitable for recreation in the winter.

When installing materials, you need to know several nuances, for example, mineral insulation should be protected with a vapor barrier on both sides to prevent them from becoming damp, Tsymbalov points out. Rolled vapor barriers (films) are suitable for these purposes. In addition, when laying slab insulation, all cracks must be treated with polyurethane foam.

By the way, in different parts of Russia there is still a lot of “footprint” insulation known. "To insulate the house from the outside, you can prepare all the materials yourself. Sawdust, reeds, moss, straw, hay, fine wood shavings and peat crumbs,” says Nekhoroshev.

The expert points out that large material must first be crushed, for example, chopped with an ax, and then pressed into blocks for ease of use.

But for internal insulation, plastic film and old newspapers are suitable. “Place a film between sheets of newspaper and iron it with an iron. Paste the resulting thermal insulation material on the walls under the wallpaper,” the expert instructs.

Warm facade

Tsymbalov offers two ways to insulate the facade. In the first case, the insulation is attached with glue to the facade, and two layers of plaster are applied on top, laid with a reinforced fiberglass mesh (you can also use metal mesh, but with small cells). The top plaster is primed, puttied and painted. This method is called "wet facade".

The second method is called “insulation under siding” - thermal insulation is attached using a frame and guides, then sheathed vinyl siding or PVC panels.

“Remember that before use, any material must be completely dry, otherwise it will lose its thermal insulation properties, and organic insulation will also rot with all the ensuing inconveniences and troubles,” summarizes Nekhoroshev.

House and flame: how to fit an electric fireplace into the interior of an apartmentThe fireplace is one of the best and safe ways introduce the element of fire into the interior of the room, but many believe that only owners of private houses can afford it. Designers claim that today the fireplace can be installed in ordinary apartment, for example, giving preference to an electric analogue or a bio-fireplace. The RIA Real Estate website found out how to choose it and place it in the room.

Insulation of windows and doors

Of course, the main places where heat “escapes” from the house are windows and doors. Tsymbalov talks about several ways to insulate windows. Firstly, you can install plastic windows with double-glazed windows or make shutters on old windows that will protect from the wind and reduce heat loss.

Secondly, you can resort to the old old-fashioned methods. “We plug all the cracks in the frames with sealant or frame putty, using cotton wool. Then we seal it all on top with paper strips,” explains the expert.

Particular attention should be paid to external and interior doors, especially those that lead into cold utility rooms or hallway. “Our main task is to eliminate the gaps that sooner or later form between the door and the frame,” Tsymbalov clarifies. If it is not possible to change the doors, you can also eliminate all the cracks in the doorway with sealants or self-adhesive tapes made of rubber or foam rubber.

“Blocking” the roof and foundation

If the house is built on strip foundation, then in the base there are usually vents - holes for ventilation of the underground. For the winter they should be kept in mandatory cover with a piece of insulation or an unnecessary rag, says Tsimbalov.

“Roof insulation makes sense if the second floor or attic is residential,” the agency’s interlocutor emphasizes. If it’s just an attic, then you should focus on insulating the ceiling, namely the floors, he adds.

How to insulate an apartment for winter: sealing the room and choosing heatersAutumn this year turned out to be warm, which is why the start was even delayed heating season, however, the cold is still inevitable, so now is the time to prepare your home for it. The RIA Real Estate website decided to remember what can be used to preserve and produce heat in the house.

As a cheap material, you can use sawdust mixed with earth, expanded clay or moss. By the way, moss is resistant to rotting, absorbs steam and dries instantly. In addition, it does not cake and does not lose thermal insulation properties over time,” notes Tsimbalov. He also emphasizes that buildings that are independently insulated with moss are always dry and there is no musty smell.

All insulation should be laid on the attic side on a layer of vapor barrier so that it does not absorb moisture from the warm air coming from below. Sometimes you can find recommendations to cover the ceiling from the inside with penofol (reflecting foil insulation), but this is not the best option for living space, he warns.


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