Ceiling options in the kitchen. Options and methods for properly repairing the ceiling in the kitchen

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Repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, alas, is an inevitable process, since the service life of any coating is limited. If short-lived options are used - for example, whitewashing - you have to deal with repairs at least once a year. A more durable finish, for example, eliminates the process for 10 years, but sooner or later the ceiling will have to be repaired.

Preparing the ceiling for repairs

Repairing the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands always begins with removing the old coating. Depending on its nature, this process can be very labor-intensive, time-consuming and in any case involves dirty, mostly wet work.

The next stage is the actual preparation of the ceiling for the installation of a new coating. There are more options here, but you still have to stock up on time and patience.

Tools and equipment

To complete a kitchen renovation as quickly and efficiently as possible, you need to have the following tools on hand:

  • a stepladder or trestle of sufficient height and stability to reach the ceiling surface without risk;
  • covering film - any kind;
  • masking tape or at least regular tape - will be needed for fastening;
  • respirator, gloves and goggles – required element. The dry method of cleaning the ceiling leads to the appearance of a huge amount of fine dust, which greatly irritates the mucous membranes and respiratory organs. Wet ones are fraught with the formation of a large amount of dirt, so precautions are necessary;
  • sprayer - ordinary, garden, for wetting the kitchen ceiling. You can replace it with a sponge and a container of water or a wide roller with a long handle, but a spray bottle is still more convenient;
  • staple – preferably wide, in order to remove layers of coating as quickly as possible;
  • iron brush, chisel and hammer - required to remove more durable old coating;
  • hammer drill and grinder - they are needed if you need to remove the base layer, when infected with fungi, for example. Old, durable plaster can also be removed with a grinder.

Removing the coating

Surface cleaning methods are determined by the nature of the coating. Most often, kitchen ceilings are whitewashed, painted, plastered or wallpapered. Often there is a suspended structure with plastic panels or lining. But in this case, you first need to disassemble the system, and only then, if necessary, prepare the ceiling surface.

First of all, furniture is removed from the room, if possible. Large objects and equipment are covered with film and secured with tape. The floor, if it is not being repaired, is also covered with film.

  1. Whitewashing can be removed in two ways:
  • wet method– moisten with a sponge or spray bottle small area ceiling and wait about 10 minutes until the coating absorbs moisture. After this, remove the layer of chalk or lime with a spatula. In difficult areas - joints, as a rule, you can use a hammer drill. Lime bonds better with the material, so it takes at least 20 minutes to “soak” it;
  • dry involves the use of a metal brush or grinder with a disc, which quickly cleans the surface of whitewash. This releases a lot of dust. After removing the whitewash, the ceiling should still be washed.

2. Paint is removed in the same way as whitewash. Used for kitchen water-based composition, since it is safe for humans. This coating also absorbs moisture and swells. The process takes a little longer. Paint can be removed either dry or wet.

3. Wallpaper is the easiest solution for repairs. Even washable ones are easily soaked, since the glue that holds them together absorbs moisture. It is enough to wet the area well with water, and then, picking up the edge of the strip, carefully remove it. Sometimes the use of a spatula is required.

4. Plaster usually has a higher degree of adhesion and is difficult to remove.

The options are as follows:

  • The mechanical method involves the use of a hammer and chisel. If the plaster is old and peels off easily, a spatula is enough;
  • electric - a hammer drill or grinder with a disk is used. This method is much faster and more efficient.

If mold is found on the underlying substrate after removing the plaster, the infected areas should be removed rather than disinfected.

In this case, they use a hammer to break up the concrete until they reach uncontaminated material. Then the entire ceiling is treated with any chlorine-based antiseptics or special antifungal compounds. To be on the safe side, you can re-treat the area with copper sulfate.

5. Any suspended structures are removed according to a single scheme: First, the finishing material is removed - sheets of plasterboard, lining, plastic panels, and then the frame is disassembled. The finish cannot always be preserved: when fixed with nails, for example, the material is damaged, but the frame elements are quite suitable for recycling.

You can learn how to do one of the important stages of repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, in particular, removing the whitewash, from the following video.

Primary repair

The need for it does not always arise. You can build a rack or plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, or even install a tension ceiling. In this case, the state base coat does not play a special role. If it is assumed finishing coatings or false ceiling, plastering is required.

The procedure depends on the condition of the ceiling in the kitchen.


If there are deep rusts and cracks on the surface - more than 2 cm in depth and width, they are sealed separately.

  1. The cracks are widened with a spatula and cleaned of dust and dirt. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Treat the recesses with a primer for better adhesion to the material.
  3. After drying, the cracks are sealed with foam.
  4. A day later, the excess foam is cut off and primed again.
  5. Using a spatula, apply the plaster into the recess very tightly and apply a reinforcing tape – sickle tape – on top.
  6. Then apply on top of the tape thin layer plaster to completely level the surface.

If the height difference or depth of cracks is more than 4 cm, special metal mesh and special types of sand-cement compositions. It is better to entrust such repairs to specialists.

Basic plastering

How to repair a ceiling without plastering? Only if you install a suspended structure. And even in this case, it is recommended to cover the surface with plaster, albeit without leveling and smoothing, if only to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt.

Plastering is not the easiest process. It will require the appropriate composition, beacons, as a rule, a fiberglass stack and, of course, a spatula. Cannot be used for the kitchen gypsum plaster, since it is hygroscopic and absorbs dyes.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The base is primed. Preferable compositions for smooth ceilings, as they provide good adhesion. The primer must dry completely - this is about 12 hours.
  3. The lowest angle of the ceiling is determined using a laser level or a regular one. Using a painting cord, markings are made from this point.
  4. Beacons are fixed to the ceiling - self-tapping screws located on required height, that is, taking into account the unevenness of the base ceiling surface. Beacons are installed in parallel rows with a distance between them 15–20 cm less than the length of the rule.
  5. The beacon profile is secured using self-tapping screws onto plaster patches. Correct placement is checked with a laser level.
  6. Plaster is applied between the profiles - with a spatula, literally thrown onto the surface. Then the rule is moved between the rows in a zigzag motion: excess mixture is removed and the surface is leveled.
  7. The layer of plaster reaches 2 cm - no more. If the unevenness on the ceiling is too large, then re-plastering is allowed after the first layer has completely dried. This will require reinforcement: a fiberglass mesh is first fixed to the surface, and then plaster is applied.

If the ceiling is being prepared for painting or whitewashing, it is important to obtain not just a smooth, but smooth surface. To do this, putty is applied to the dried plaster layer. This composition has a more liquid consistency and forms a smooth surface.

The video demonstrates plastering a kitchen ceiling.

How to repair a kitchen ceiling

The final appearance of the new ceiling is given by the finishing itself. The options are as follows.

  • Whitewashing and do not cause any difficulties. To work, you need a brush and a roller; it’s even more convenient to use a spray gun. It is worth noting that the paint is more durable and better tolerates moisture.

  • You can wallpaper the ceiling. Washable ones are preferable, since even the most best hood does not protect against soot and fat fumes.
  • You can opt for decorative plaster. In this case, instead of putty, the surface is finished with mosaic, Venetian, stone plaster, as in the photo.
  • Suspended structure - rack or if the room is of sufficient height, it will not only decorate the room, but also serve as a method of dividing into a working and dining area. In this case, you can also refuse putty, and it is not necessary to level it.
  • Hemmed version easier to perform. , clapboard, plasterboard sheets. This is where creating a flat surface is mandatory.

Repairing the ceiling in the kitchen includes 2 mandatory stages and 1 not always mandatory. The first includes removing the old coating and installing a new one. Plastering is not necessary, since when constructing suspended structures, the condition of the base surface special significance does not have.

For many of us, the kitchen is the central room in the house or apartment, where we not only prepare food and eat, but also welcome guests. Traditionally, the kitchen is the face of the home. We are used to assessing the comfort of a home based on the state of the kitchen. The high technology of the kitchen space leaves its mark on the level of design and quality interior decoration. How to do beautiful ceiling in the kitchen, taking into account design features premises, what technology to use - questions to which you often have to look for answers on your own.

The problem is that, from a functional point of view, not every finishing material will behave appropriately in the kitchen. Kitchen ceiling in this aspect special requirements are imposed, taking into account special conditions operation and high technology of kitchen premises. In order to resolve the issues raised, let’s consider the existing options. Which option in each individual case is more economical, practical and will most accurately emphasize the design features.

Technological features of the kitchen

If for internal finishing works There are certain restrictions in the apartment, but in the kitchen they appear in all their beauty. It is not for nothing that the most expensive materials, and relies on the use of the most reliable technologies. There is always a complex, unique microclimate in the kitchen. The main reason for this situation is the high intensity of use of the kitchen space and the heavy technological load. A working gas stove provides a high temperature, compared to other rooms in the house. Electric stoves They work as heating devices, maintaining a high temperature in the room.

On a note: The temperature in the kitchen is on average 2-3 degrees higher than in the rest of the apartment. The humidity in the kitchen sometimes reaches 100%.

Cooking food causes high levels of humidity in the kitchen. Evaporation includes not only water vapor, but also a number of microelements that settle on all surfaces and on the ceiling inclusive. Fats and carcinogens become integral elements of the kitchen atmosphere. The ceiling in the kitchen becomes a place where the results of our activities and household activities accumulate. Not all surfaces can withstand such loads, not to mention physical properties finishing structures.

In addition to the special physical and climatic processes occurring in the kitchen, this room has the highest technological intensity in the house. Gas and electric heating appliances, kitchen Appliances, ventilation equipment and lighting concentrated on Not large area. Don’t discount the owners’ desire to install a beautiful and comfortable furniture. All these aspects become decisive in terms of choosing an option. Beauty and functionality are key factors that will have to be considered moving forward.

What decorative options for ceilings in the kitchen can be used?

To a greater extent, the quality of finishing of the kitchen space is influenced by the financial side. Typically, up to 30% of the total budget allocated for apartment renovations is spent on kitchen equipment. However, if with floor covering and the walls, the situation looks quite simple and clear; the lion's amount of funds allocated for repairs will have to be spent on finishing the ceiling. Traditionally, the following types of decor are used to decorate ceilings:

  • whitewashing or painting;
  • wallpapering the ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling systems;
  • plastic structures;
  • slatted ceilings;
  • stretch ceiling.

All of the listed options for finishing the ceiling part are eligible for implementation and, to some extent, allow solving the main problem. Which ceiling is faster and better to make in your kitchen is a question for the inhabitants of the house. If you have the means, pay attention to expensive finishing options and vice versa. If you have a shortage of finances, you can get by with budget options for finishing ceilings in the kitchen, which are no less practical, convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

For the kitchen, the practicality of the ceilings is especially important. Intensive use of this room can turn even the most original and expensive design into something gray, dirty and faceless. The ceiling requires constant care. Ceiling structures must be accessible for regular cleaning and cleaning, thanks to which you can extend their service life kitchen interior.

For reference: a good ceiling should be cleaned and washed at least once or twice a year. For washing ceilings, ordinary detergents without adding substances and components harmful to human health to the internal atmosphere.

Pros and cons of cheap kitchen ceiling design options

You choose each design option for the ceiling parts for your own kitchen yourself. Here you should not skimp on technology and materials. Each situation puts forward its own technological requirements for ceilings, so we will consider everything possible ways and finishing options.


The easiest way to quickly solve the problem of finishing the ceiling in your own kitchen is to whitewash it. The method is not so popular today due to the lack of high aesthetic properties.

For reference: in countries Western Europe owners of private houses and cottages continue to use whitewash to treat ceiling structures. This is especially noticeable in rural areas, where compliance is very important sanitary standards and ecology.

To complete the picture, it should be recalled what advantages whitewashed ceilings in the kitchen have. The advantages of this finishing option include:

  • cheapness and availability of material (chalk or lime);
  • simplicity and speed of painting work;
  • environmental Safety whitewashed surface.

The disadvantages of whitewashing include such properties as the rapid soiling of the whitewashed ceiling and inexpressive aesthetic properties. This processing method is suitable for the country house option.


Along with whitewashing, painting ceilings is also considered the most accessible, fastest and cheapest way to finish ceiling surfaces in kitchen areas. For comparison, a white, painted ceiling in the kitchen will cost three or four times less than plastic structures and even cheaper if we talk about suspended ceiling systems.

A freshly painted ceiling looks fresh and beautiful in the kitchen. For these purposes, water-based or acrylic paints. The latter material is more relevant due to the high manufacturability of the painted surface. paints and varnishes on acrylic base durable and easy to maintain. Acrylic painting easy to clean from soot and grease deposits. If desired, you can always supplement this finishing option with hanging structures or by changing the color of the painted ceiling, add new notes to the kitchen interior.

The disadvantages of painting are its fragility. Under the influence of high temperatures and high humidity, almost any (acrylic paints are an exception) painted ceiling will begin to crack.

On a note: Water-based paint fades within a year, losing up to 50% of the brightness of its original color.

In addition, painted surfaces are highly susceptible to water. If the apartment is flooded from above, you will have to repaint the entire ceiling. It will not be possible to repair damaged areas locally. What kind of ceiling to make, whitewashed or painted, is up to you. Both options can be considered temporary solutions. Over time, you can improve the design of the ceiling surface in the kitchen through the use of other finishing materials.

Using wallpaper

In parallel with whitewashing and painting, today you can often find ceilings in kitchens covered with washable wallpaper. It's quite cheap and quick way transform your own kitchen. Surface defects are easily hidden by new wallpaper, but such a surface is very susceptible to contamination. Wash vinyl wallpapers simple enough. For this purpose, ordinary detergents are used.

Important! Wallpaper is necessary in in this case Use only vinyl-based detergents. Otherwise, your ceiling will soon turn into a dirty stain throughout the entire kitchen.

The disadvantage of this option is the problem of gluing the ceiling itself. Thick wallpaper with applied glue are inconvenient for installation at heights. Constant humidity and high temperature can cause the wallpaper to peel off from the base surface and cause the seams to separate at the joints.

Summing up the options for cheap finishing of ceilings in the kitchen, we can draw the appropriate conclusion. The listed methods are very convenient for local solution of the problem. When the base surface is in normal condition and traditional ways lighting in the kitchen, whitewashing, painting and wallpapering can be considered acceptable options.

Other ceiling design options

The desire to make a real picture out of the kitchen, a business card of your apartment, brings to the fore more complex and expensive types of design of ceiling surfaces. A new ceiling for your own kitchen, which is better, which is worse - two-level or suspended, depends on your goals and objectives.

Plasterboard ceilings

Suspension systems are the most common today. Using plasterboard for these purposes, you can create the most intricate shapes and configurations on the ceiling. Due to high technological properties With a plasterboard, it becomes possible to implement almost any design solution. There is plenty of room here to decorate the ceilings. By constructing many levels, you can easily solve the problem of zoning the kitchen space and install additional lighting.

Due to suspended structure you can easily hide all the imperfections and defects of the base surface, hide existing communications. This design option is suitable for large kitchen areas.

Important! For suspended ceilings in the kitchen it is used only moisture resistant drywall.

Slat ceilings

You can sew up an old and ugly ceiling in the kitchen with lamellas. when finishing kitchen ceiling surfaces in cottages and country houses. Commonly used wooden slats or combined systems— wood + plastic panels.

Such designs can be open and closed type, with metallic, glossy or matte surfaces. If desired, such ceilings can be made mirrored. Today there are all the conditions to implement this option. Ready-to-assemble slatted ceilings are commercially available today.

Plastic panels are the most affordable and beautiful option

PVC panels are very popular in Lately. Due to the variety of shapes and colors, you can create very original, simple and at the same time, very reliable, ceiling structures. Plastic ceiling for the kitchen is:

  • stylish and fashionable;
  • convenient and practical;
  • quite cheap and effective.

On a note: plastic ceiling surfaces are waterproof and durable. With normal maintenance, plastic can last 10-15 years without visible deterioration in physical and external properties.

The only problem plastic structures– high degree of flammability. When burned, plastic releases a huge amount of harmful components.

Installation plastic panels can be done with your own hands by installing in parallel in in the right places additional lamps.


Which ceiling is best for the kitchen and for you - decide for yourself. Assess your own financial capabilities and technological need for a particular design option. Tensile structures, despite their visual attractiveness, are a very expensive pleasure. However, for most residents big houses and for estates, this option is quite feasible. From everything listed and written, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The kitchen in any apartment or country house is considered a special room. This is a favorite place for the whole family to eat and socialize. During renovations, there are usually no issues with finishing walls and floors. But many people don’t know how to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen so that the coating looks good and lasts. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Requirements for materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is a special place where food is constantly being prepared and the windows are often opened. There are different conditions here, so it is important to choose the right ceiling finish in the kitchen. Temperature changes occur in the kitchen; there is always high humidity. While cooking, steam from the cookware rises to the surface of the room. All this should be taken into account when choosing material for the cladding.

The main parameters by which a coating is selected include beauty and practicality.

When deciding what to make a kitchen ceiling from, you must take into account the following requirements for the facing material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • how easy it is to clean. It is desirable that wet cleaning be possible;
  • safety in operation;
  • non-flammability;
  • simple installation of the coating;
  • smooth surface, aesthetic appearance.

Taking into account the above requirements, you can consider options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen.

Which ceiling is better to make?

Construction markets have a large selection of materials for lining the kitchen ceiling space. When choosing which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you need to take into account not only the practicality and service life of the material, but also many other equally important characteristics.

There are several main options for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, which are used most often:

  • painting;
  • whitewash;
  • polystyrene tiles;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • wallpaper;
  • plastic panels;
  • plaster;
  • clapboard finishing;
  • stretch fabrics.

The best way to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen depends on taste, and on how well the material will fit with the overall design style of the apartment or country house.

Before deciding what ceiling to make in the kitchen, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials listed above.

What to cover with?

To decide on the material and choose what to cover the ceiling in the kitchen with, we will consider in detail the most common cladding options for kitchen premises. You should also separate the coverings for a country house and apartments in a high-rise building. We will talk about these differences after discussing materials for kitchen coverings.


Despite the large selection of finishing materials for kitchen spaces, plaster still remains one of the most popular options.

Using plaster to finish the ceiling and walls of the kitchen has the following advantages:

  1. a budget option, especially when independent execution work;
  2. environmentally friendly material;
  3. perfectly hides any defects and surface irregularities;
  4. if you decorate the ceiling in the kitchen with plaster, then its height will not be affected, because the layer of material does not exceed 3 cm;
  5. you can apply plaster to a surface made of any material;
  6. if applied decorative plaster, then the room will look unusual.

The disadvantages of using the material include the process itself, which is quite labor-intensive. The amount of work is quite large and requires certain skills. If the surface becomes dirty, all stains will remain visible. When the structure shrinks, cracks may form on the ceiling.


To the very obvious advantages whitewashing refers to the low cost of the coating. And any owner of an apartment or house can whitewash a kitchen surface. The work will be especially simple if no preliminary leveling of the surface is required.

But, over time, the whitewash turns yellow and the coating loses its original appearance. Whitewash does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and vapors released during cooking. When choosing this option for finishing a kitchen covering, you should take into account the likelihood of a quick repair.


Among the advantages of using paint are the following:

  1. economical, inexpensive option;
  2. the height of the room does not suffer;
  3. easy care;
  4. easy to apply.

The only disadvantage of painting is the uneven surface, which is not hidden by itself. the best paint. It turns out that before painting it is necessary to prepare the ceiling. And this is a rather difficult process.


Expanded polystyrene tiles with a cellular structure have the following advantages:

  1. inexpensive;
  2. no surface preparation required;
  3. moisture resistant;
  4. easy care, can be done wet cleaning.

The disadvantages include:

  1. rapid contamination;
  2. If the tiles are carved, they get dirty faster and are difficult to clean.

If you are at a loss as to how to make a ceiling in the kitchen, then you can choose tiles from different materials, except polystyrene foam. These are tiles laminated with film, which better protect against moisture, or tiles made of plastic.

U plastic tiles has its advantages:

  1. large selection of colors and structures;
  2. quick installation;
  3. good sound insulation;
  4. possibility of mounting lighting fixtures in the ceiling.

But plastic plates will make the room several centimeters lower.

Plasterboard sheets

Drywall is considered one of the best options for finishing a kitchen ceiling, due to the following advantages:

  1. no preparation required;
  2. lighting and ventilation can be mounted on the ceiling;
  3. the ability to create any type of surface, from flat to wavy, or with transitions in height;
  4. inexpensive.

The disadvantages include labor-intensive installation and reduced room height.


If you glue wallpaper to the kitchen ceiling, it must be waterproof and washable. The best option The wallpaper will be fiberglass.

Advantages of the material:

  1. inexpensive option;
  2. not difficult;
  3. the height will not be affected;
  4. strength;
  5. long service life.

One of the nuances of such finishing is the mandatory leveling of the working surface.


Separately, it is necessary to say about finishing the ceiling in the kitchen with clapboard. Nowadays different profiles are produced with different widths and structures. This option would be ideal for a country house or cottage.

If you cover the ceiling in the kitchen with clapboard, you can leave the material unpainted. The material will look like this if the interior of the entire room is made in rustic style. You can paint the lining if you choose a softer style, for example, Provence.

Lining for finishing kitchen ceilings is used both in country houses and in apartments. If the material is dyed, it is usually used White color. This way you can decorate the room in a Scandinavian style.

In the apartment

To properly decorate the ceiling in a kitchen in an apartment, you need to take into account the area of ​​the room, height, and combination with the interior.

The floor of the apartment is of no small importance. So, if the floor is the last, then you need to take care of the normal condition of the roof before deciding what is best to make the ceiling in the kitchen from. If the roof leaks, then some finishing materials will not withstand the presence of moisture, and the repair will have to be done again.

Among the most popular ceiling coverings for apartment kitchens are materials such as:

  • plastic panels;
  • painting;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • rack structures.

Most often, in high-rise buildings, the ceilings are no different great height. Therefore, you need to choose a coating that will not take away the required centimeters of height.

In a private house

When choosing a kitchen ceiling finish in a private home, you need to adhere to material requirements such as practicality, durability and combination with the overall style of the house.

Unlike ceilings in apartments, in a private house you can apply any, the most incredible solutions. It can be loft or country style, high-tech, Provence, or the surface is simply covered with wooden beams.

There are many options. And besides the most common ones, in the form of painting, stretch fabrics, paneling, or painting, you can start from any preferences. This is the advantage of a private house compared to an apartment.

When choosing a ceiling finish for the kitchen of a country house, you should also take into account such a thing as thermal insulation. For example, clapboard cladding would be a wonderful option for a kitchen in a private home.

When choosing a finish, the features of the ceiling device are also taken into account. In private houses, to reduce heat loss, a rough ceiling is installed. As a result, the main load is borne not by the walls, but by the ceilings.

When starting renovations, many people ask themselves: which ceiling is best for the kitchen? In the interior of any room, everything should be in harmony - ceiling, floor, walls. This problem does not arise by chance, because the kitchen is a room in which there is high humidity, soot, drops of water and grease often form. To avoid such problems, you need to take the time to choose quality material, which is resistant to moisture, temperature changes and is easy to clean.

Material selection

Modern building materials suitable for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are provided in large assortment: panel, tension, and rack structures. You can paint the ceiling or cover it with wallpaper.

The classic option is a perfectly plastered ceiling and subsequently painted. What are its advantages? The result is a smooth and white surface, refreshing the room and always practical, regardless of taste and preference. Plaster is environmentally friendly pure material. White color visually expands the space, which is beneficial for a small room.

The disadvantages of plastering include the laboriousness of the process. To make a flat and smooth surface, you need to resort to careful leveling and cleaning of the ceiling, which takes quite a lot of time.

Other options

To complete the difficult task of choosing a material, you need options that will not negatively affect the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Some of them:

  • suspended plasterboard ceiling;
  • plastic panels;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • painted surface;
  • wallpapering.

When choosing one of the options, you need to consider the positive and negative characteristics. Do not forget about the features of the room itself.

Plasterboard ceiling

There are various ideas for using this surface. Drywall is a material that allows you to effectively hide all unevenness, as well as hide utility lines under it. Many designers like such ideas; there are a huge number of solutions. Between the ceiling and the sheets of drywall, place original built-in lamps that visually increase the verticality of the wall, decorating the room.

There are many options for hanging, multi-level structures. But, when choosing this material, you should pay attention to its properties. Moisture resistant material is required. It washes better and does not change color when wet. A solution consisting of several levels is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Plastic panels

If you need to decide what is the best ceiling to make in a kitchen with poor ventilation, then better option can not found. The material does not require much time to maintain and tolerates wet cleaning well. Installation of PVC panels is not difficult even for a beginner. If the question for beginning craftsmen is deciding what material to use in the kitchen, plastic panels are an excellent option.

Common materials are produced in different color scheme. The room can be arranged in any style. It is possible to make a structure of several levels, if the height of the room allows. For one tier, a gap of 7-10 centimeters will be enough.

If you decide to finish the shelf surface PVC panels, then you need to know that it is better to purchase material that is resistant to elevated temperatures. Raw materials must be accompanied necessary documents, which confirm that heating is provided and no toxic gases are emitted.

Ceiling to be painted

It is better to buy paint for the ceiling washing type. Algorithm for preparing for staining:

  • leveling the surface, cleaning from defects;
  • all irregularities and cracks must be eliminated using putty;
  • fine-grained sandpaper sand the treated surface;
  • apply several layers of primer with a paint roller;
  • paint the ceiling with purchased paint.

To appearance the kitchen was not spoiled by speakers yellow spots, before painting they should be treated with matte alkyd paint.

Ceiling tiles

What material is easiest to install? Ceiling tiles. Laying polystyrene foam tiles does not require special tool, great skills. To finish the ceiling, you need to have:

  • set of tiles;
  • measuring tape;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • special glue.

Under the tiles you can perfectly hide minor defects, but if the base has big differences, plastering should be done. It is better if the surface of the tile is laminated. In case of severe contamination, individual fragments can be replaced if it is not possible to wash or paint. This material is flammable and absorbs moisture. It is best used in small kitchens that are equipped with a good exhaust system.

When using this material, incandescent lamps should be placed at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the base.


This method of finishing the ceiling has certain advantages over others:

  • inexpensive material;
  • if there are minor cracks on the surface, then they are invisible under the wallpaper;
  • moisture-resistant material is easy to wet clean;
  • special wallpaper can withstand up to 10 paintings, which makes it possible to embody various design ideas;
  • color, texture, pattern - all this has a huge range;
  • the work is done quickly.

It’s not difficult to make a room cozy with wallpaper, and a pre-designed ceiling design in the kitchen will help bring your ideas to life.

Important! When buying glue, you need to pay attention to the type of wallpaper and choose the most suitable one. This will have a positive effect on the quality of the gluing.

Stretch ceiling

This type of finishing is very popular. When assessing which ceilings are best used for the kitchen, many choose this option. This design tends to solve several problems at once:

  • perfectly masks unevenness and surface defects;
  • there is no need to prepare the base for installation ideally;
  • various communications will be hidden behind the film;
  • the material does not require maintenance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • presentable appearance;
  • the ability to implement a variety of design ideas;
  • material can withstand a large number of water.

There are several options for installing a stretch ceiling. One does not require special equipment and can be done independently.

How to choose a ceiling for the kitchen? (2 videos)

Options for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen (40 photos)

The kitchen is the room where you not only cook, but also spend most of your time chatting with family and friends over a cup of tea. That is why it is so important to create not only a comfortable interior for preparing and eating food, but also a comfortable one from the point of view of being there. In addition, do not forget that this room still has an aggressive environment, which consists of various types of fumes, and as a result - increased humidity in the room. And for the selection of finishing materials, especially those used on the ceiling, appropriate requirements must be put forward.

Material requirements

There are a great variety of materials for finishing the ceiling. But not all of them are suitable for use in the kitchen. High humidity high temperatures, soot in the kitchen with gas stove- all this negatively affects the ceiling coverings, as a result the entire appearance of the kitchen deteriorates. To prevent this from happening, when choosing, you need to consider the following:

  • We choose waterproof materials for the kitchen ceiling, with the ability to wash them, since according to the laws of physics with flows warm air from the stove, all contaminants immediately rise to the ceiling;
  • Due to the fact that they will have to be washed frequently, it is better to choose moisture-resistant and wear-resistant materials;
  • As in any other room, the ceiling in the kitchen should hide all irregularities, if any;
  • The ceiling should look aesthetically pleasing, fitting into the overall style of the kitchen.

Finding a ceiling covering that will meet all the requirements is difficult, but you still need to get at least somehow closer to the ideal.

Types of finishing

IN Soviet time In the Khrushchev era, the most popular ceiling decoration in the kitchen was painting it with enamel. It emphasized all the irregularities ceilings, thereby giving a terrible look to the entire kitchen as a whole. Then the ceilings began to be leveled, the enamel was replaced water-based paint in different color solutions, and the look of the kitchen has changed for the better.

But time passes, fashion changes, new technologies are introduced, and in modern reality such coating fades into the background, giving the opportunity to more modern materials with the best parameters be used in the interior of the kitchen.

What kind of coating should be in your kitchen will be determined not only by the interior, but also by your wallet, because the budget for using this or that material for finishing the kitchen differs significantly.

Whitewashing or painting

Whitewashing ceiling tiles, whether in the kitchen or in any other room, has long been no longer relevant. New, more technologically advanced materials replaced lime and chalk. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the whitewash did not tolerate the aggressive environment of the kitchen; secondly, it could not be washed, and the yellowed coating had to be whitewashed; thirdly, the whitewash quickly began to crack and crumble. But using whitewash also had its advantages. It hid ceiling unevenness well, it was easy to do the work yourself, a budget option.

Whitewashing was replaced by painting with water-based paint. This made the ceiling coating more resistant to moisture and temperature changes. It became possible to wash it. At the same time, paint ceiling tiles, no more difficult than whitewashing. But the disadvantages also remain. The paint coating also begins to crack after a short time. Over time, the white color is lost. If there is high humidity or if there is flooding, the paint will peel off the ceiling. It will not be possible to partially repair such a ceiling. If cracking or peeling occurs, you will have to repaint it completely.


The ceiling in the kitchen can also be covered with wallpaper. But it is not durable coating, even if washable ones are used.

The disadvantages of wallpapering a kitchen ceiling are as follows:

  • in connection with high humidity at the joints the wallpaper can become deformed and fall apart;
  • a very labor-intensive process - wallpapering the ceiling;
  • if your neighbors flood you, you will have to completely change the ceiling covering.

The advantages are that:

  • it is possible to wash them if they have the appropriate texture;
  • quite a budget option;
  • no surface leveling required;
  • You can do the finishing yourself.

If you still decide to wallpaper the ceiling in the kitchen, it is better to choose vinyl. Such wallpaper will perfectly hide all the unevenness, and can be easily washed with soapy water.

Nowadays finishing of the kitchen ceiling is gaining popularity. liquid wallpaper. They are more durable than regular ones and can be repaired if necessary.

Big choice will help you choose shades this type wallpaper to suit any interior, and plaque and yellowing will be almost invisible.

Ceiling tiles

Very popular as a budget option. She doesn't demand preliminary preparation, the tiles are simply glued to the ceiling. This is a durable coating, and if you choose beige-colored tiles, the yellow coating will not be visible on them.


Suspended ceiling made from moisture-resistant plasterboard will look great. It will help not only level the ceiling, but also delimit the space between the kitchen area and the dining room. With the help of such a ceiling, you can implement almost any design project, play with lighting and decor.


  • this coating is durable;
  • under it you can hide not only irregularities, but also utility lines;
  • finishing can be done different materials depending on the intended interior design.

The disadvantages include the fact that when installing this ceiling, the height of the kitchen is reduced by an average of 10-20 cm. Also, finishing coat will need to be updated periodically. In addition, constant humidity can cause cracks to form at the joints of drywall sheets. To avoid this, you need to use a CD moving ceiling system, but this is not cheap. And if there is flooding, even moisture-resistant drywall will deteriorate, and the entire ceiling will have to be completely redone.

Order suspended ceiling should only be done by specialists, since its installation requires certain calculations. If done incorrectly, the entire drywall structure may collapse.


Ceilings made of plastic panels are very popular due to their practicality and durability. He is not afraid even of flooding. If one of the panels becomes unusable, it is easy to replace. Plastic panels do not require additional finishing. To complete the finishing, you will need guides, the panels themselves and a sealant that will be used to seal the joints. It's comparative inexpensive material for finishing the kitchen ceiling.

But not everything is so rosy in the use of plastic panels. Cheap models can emit harmful substances, especially when heated slightly. Moreover, under the influence sun rays PVC materials tend to turn yellow. The surface of the panels must be washed frequently, since if the grease dries, it will be difficult to wash it off, especially since abrasive substances can scratch the surface.

Rack and pinion systems

The use of slats is another option for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Depending on the chosen design, you can apply this material white, beige or metallic colors. Slat ceiling It can be plastic or aluminum, and the latter option is preferable for the kitchen, but it is also more expensive.

Typically, this arrangement system with closed seams is used in the kitchen. This is due to the fact that fat and fumes will accumulate in open seams, and washing them out is very problematic.

You can assemble this type of ceiling yourself. It is made in the form of a designer.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are gaining more and more popularity day by day, including in the kitchen. But installation of this structure can only be carried out by a specialist using certain equipment.

As a result of installing a stretch ceiling, we obtain a coating that meets the following requirements:

  • Durability. This ceiling covering will last for many years;
  • Moisture resistant. He is not afraid of fumes in the kitchen;
  • A perfectly flat surface, it will hide all ceiling defects;
  • It is possible to combine with other types of finishes. Attractive from a design point of view;
  • It can easily withstand even major flooding. To fix it, you just need to call a technician to drain the water from the ceiling.

But there are also disadvantages here:

  • High price;
  • Call a specialist for installation;
  • Reduces the height of the room.

When installing suspended ceilings, you should contact only well-known specialists who have positive experience in performing this type of work, since the installation is carried out using gas cylinders and there are frequent cases of explosions.

If you decide to install suspended ceilings in your kitchen, you will be offered many options. various colors and textures.

But the main question is which surface to choose for the kitchen, glossy or matte.

The glossy ceiling in the kitchen space is now at the height of fashion. It can act as the main accent in the interior, but fit it into all options design solutions Not sure it's going to happen.

Features of choice

You should choose a ceiling for your kitchen after carefully weighing all the pros and cons. According to reviews, the majority vote for the use tension covering. This is due to the fact that, unlike the others, it is much more practical, it can be chosen to suit any kitchen. But you can use other options. It just depends on your personal preference.


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