DIY veranda made from old window frames. Repair of old wooden windows – partial and major window restoration

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Fresh and organic vegetables are always welcome “guests” on our table. Owners summer cottages They make a lot of effort to grow “their” cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. However, hard work alone is not enough. After all, to obtain high yields it is necessary to create seedlings suitable conditions for growth and development. Therefore, a greenhouse is an excellent solution - you can build a structure with your own hands from inexpensive and accessible materials.

Today, many people in their homes are removing old window frames, replacing them with convenient and practical double-glazed windows. But such frames can be given a “second life” by using them to build a greenhouse or greenhouse. So, today we will look in detail at how to build a “house for vegetables” without significant costs.

Greenhouse from old frames: pros and cons

Before starting construction of a greenhouse, you should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of such a project. First, about the advantages:

  • Affordable project cost. Enough to collect required quantity unnecessary window frames remaining after the repair, and you are provided with the basic materials. This is much cheaper than using new blocks to build a greenhouse.
  • Quick installation. After the foundation has been poured and dried, all that remains is to assemble the frames into one whole - and the greenhouse, built with your own hands, is ready. This stage will only take a few days, but you should carefully prepare for it.
  • Set of available tools. A hammer and nails are all you need.

Helpful advice: if possible, it is better to use a power tool - a jigsaw and a screwdriver. If your household does not have these useful things, you can easily rent them.

“Disadvantages” of a greenhouse made from old window frames:

  • Constant maintenance of the structure. Old wood dries out and cracks form through which moisture and other things can penetrate. unfavorable factors from the environment.
  • Limited service life. If old window units, then their service life is quite short. True, such a “house” for vegetables and seedlings will definitely serve for 5 - 7 years.

Note! Old window frames - suitable material for the construction of a greenhouse for a “home” plot. However, for growing, for example, cucumbers, on an “industrial” scale, it is better to choose a metal profile or steel pipes. Of course, this will cost much more, but the design will also be more reliable.

Greenhouse made from window frames for dummies

Before you begin construction, you should consider important details. For example, should I do wooden frame Or can I skip this step? This will depend on the thickness and configuration of the assembled window units. With a significant thickness of the frames, it will be possible to do without a frame completely.

We stock up on materials:

  • Rubble and sand- for the foundation of a future building. Of course, you can build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, but the reliability will be questionable.
  • Boards and beams of different sections- for wall studs 50 x 100 mm, for corner studs - 100 x 100 mm.
  • Fittings- nails, door and window hinges, locks and handles on the door, steel cornice, antiseptic For wooden surfaces. When constructing a roof from steel sheets, you will have to purchase this material as well.
  • Old frames.

Required tools:

  • hammer
  • screwdriver - possibly electric
  • a circular saw
  • chisel
  • wood drills
  • level
  • square
  • roulette
  • piece of cord
  • polyurethane foam
  • screws

DIY greenhouse - drawings

Any construction begins with the design of the future structure. However, in our case, you just need to assemble the structure from ready-made modules. We carry out the following preparatory work:

  1. We lay out the window frames on a flat piece of land, choosing parts for the side and end sides. We achieve the most perfect compatibility"puzzles".
  2. We measure and record the results of the layout.
  3. Let's do detailed drawing on paper indicating all the parameters and dimensions of the parts.
  4. We are preparing three more drawings - the foundation, frame and roofing part of the future greenhouse made from window frames.

How to build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands - step-by-step guide (with photos and videos)

So, after acquiring and preparing all necessary tools you can start working.

Step #1. Choosing a place for a greenhouse

The site for the building should be chosen taking into account the fact that the plants will require maximum access to sunlight. Therefore, there should be no permanent buildings or tall trees blocking sunlight.

If you are planning to build a greenhouse using film frames, you should choose a site that is not exposed to strong winds. Otherwise, the microclimate of the structure may be disrupted, which will adversely affect the plants inside. However, even a glazed greenhouse is not recommended to be placed in a windy area to avoid stress.

The soil must be dry and dense, since in a wet and swampy environment subsidence and subsequent deformation of the wooden structure are possible.

Step #2. Foundation for a greenhouse

The selected area needs to be cleared - remove debris, uproot roots, weeds and stumps.

We transfer the dimensions of the future greenhouse to the site and drive small stakes around the perimeter, between which we stretch a cord or rope. Now in each corner and near the sides you need to dig small holes up to 0.5 meters deep - at the level of soil freezing. Pour crushed stone into the holes (about 10 cm) and compact it.

Now the next step is formwork - we insert an asbestos-cement pipe (diameter 10 - 15 cm) into each hole, level it, and insert reinforcement. The structure should be strengthened in position with bricks and then filled with concrete. We assemble on the foundation lower crown made of timber and fastened with iron plates.

If you plan to build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, then you can simply make a frame from timber and lay it on the ground. For waterproofing purposes, you can use roofing material in which the beams are wrapped (pictured).

As a rule, concrete dries completely after a couple of weeks. After this, the plane under the greenhouse along the entire perimeter of the foundation can be laid out with bricks. This creates a flat surface, which greatly facilitates subsequent assembly.

Step #3. Assembling a greenhouse frame from window frames

The assembly of the structure is carried out in the following sequence: installation of pillars and a frame made of timber, to which we attach the window frames.

Important! If you plan to use timber rather than boards for the frame, be sure to take into account their thickness. After all, a beam that is too thin simply will not support the weight of the entire structure and can fall apart at any moment like a house of cards.

First, measure the width of the window frames. Along the perimeter of the foundation, we measure segments whose length exceeds the width of the frames by 5 - 7 cm and mark these places. At these points we fix the posts made of timber of the same height. Then we pull the thread over the pillars according to the level in order to correct the tops. If there are protruding parts, you need to cut them down.

We take the timber and lay it horizontally on the “tops”. Thus, “cells” for window frames are obtained. Now you need to install the frames, not forgetting the door and window, and securely strengthen all the parts.

By using polyurethane foam We seal the gaps between the modules and the pillars. Professionals advise puttingtying or painting dry foam, which will avoid drying out.

Step No. 4. Making a roof

The roof can be single-pitch or gable - let's focus on the first option. First, we lay the boards on the wall frame under the support of the rafters. At the same time, it is important not to forget to mark the slots for installing the inclined beams of the greenhouse roof from the frames.

We place racks in each corner of the side wall - this creates a slope. Between the posts we place a block onto which we fix the front roof board. Place the side boards into the roof and attach them to the front board with screws. We make grooves under the rafter boards in the outer board, for which we use a template (the letter “P”, cut taking into account the width and height of the nest).

Now we pull the cord and check that all the rafter beams are in the same plane. Place on top roof covering- it is advisable to make it from cellular polycarbonate, glass or film.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you build a greenhouse from frames under film, then such a structure will not place excessive load on the foundation. True, polyethylene needs to be periodically watered with water to knock down dust and dirt. Many people prefer polycarbonate as a coating. All that remains is to attach the door and ventilation window and the structure is ready.

Greenhouses made from window frames: photo

There are many different greenhouses- small, large, single-pitched, double-pitched, arched. The photo shows different variants designs.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself greenhouse made from window frames is not such a difficult construction (even for “dummies”). Here it is important to carefully study all the details and carefully take measurements. And, of course, stock up on patience and tools - and things will definitely work out! After all, such a greenhouse can be equipped with a heating system, water supply, light and other amenities. Good luck with your work!

Wooden windows deteriorate over time, and many people replace them with plastic ones. After such replacement, the old window frames are usually sent to a landfill. However, do not rush to throw them away. Here are 7 ideas for using old window frames in your dacha, which will not only eliminate the need to recycle them, but will also help give your dacha a personal touch.

Homemade greenhouses and greenhouses

Old window and door frames with glazing can be used to build shelters for growing various garden crops needing more comfortable conditions, rather than open ground. From them you can do the following:

  • Greenhouse. Having a sufficient number of old frames of the same shape and size, it is quite possible to assemble a small greenhouse using self-tapping screws. It is perfect for growing heat-loving cucumbers, tomatoes or peppers. Such a greenhouse can be not only stationary, but also mobile. In the fall it can be disassembled and stored for storage, and in the spring it can be assembled in a new place.
  • Greenhouse. For growing seedlings they are used not only large greenhouses. An old glazed frame will make an excellent roof for a low greenhouse with blank walls. Using ordinary door hinges and using self-tapping screws it can be made to open.
  • House for indoor flowers . From former windows easy to assemble on personal plot great house, in which to place pots and flowerpots with indoor plants. In the warm season, such a structure will not only decorate the garden, but also improve the health of home flowers.

Decor summer cottage: 7 reasons not to throw away old tires

Interior items and garden elements

Old window frames can be used for more than just practical purposes. They are great for decorating your home and garden.

If there is no glass in the frame, it doesn’t matter.

In this case, it is used as an element of furniture, architecture or design solution.

  • Basis for climbing plants. A row of old lattice doors or windows can be used as a frame to create a living wall or hedge of ivy, vine, wisteria or clematis.
  • A table, cabinet or chest of drawers is also easy to assemble, using used ones as a basis. wooden structures. And empty openings can be filled with wooden boxes.
  • Vintage chandelier. A small square frame painted bronze and suspended on chains from the ceiling will look great if several spotlights, and insert mirrors into the empty openings. Such a chandelier will create the atmosphere of an old tavern in the room.
  • Window to another world. All you need to do is hang the frame on the wall and place a large color photograph behind it. beautiful place on the ground. It could be a tropical island, polar ice or even starry sky. And if it is a childhood photograph of the owner of the house, then not a single guest will remain indifferent to such a “window into childhood.”

Of course, this is far from the only use for disused old windows. They can be used as a basis for a wall mirror, replacing transparent glass to mirror ones.

Many owners of houses and apartments strive to make their homes as environmentally friendly as possible. For the same reason, they do not seek to replace wooden windows with plastic ones, but prefer to restore them, i.e. renovate old ones wooden windows.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • naturalness of wood;
  • wood is hygroscopic, i.e. does not interfere with air exchange in the house;
  • low thermal conductivity allows you to save heat;
  • long service life of wood with proper care;
  • aesthetic appearance. Wooden windows can fit into various interiors.

All this speaks in favor of restoring wooden windows.

When do windows need updating or repair?

Firstly, when it starts to blow from the window opening;

Secondly, when the appearance of the window is lost due to deformation of the frames, the appearance of fungus, damage to the wood or one of the components ( window fittings).

How to repair a wooden window with your own hands?

Let's start by understanding the definition: window repair or restoration are similar works that do not have fundamental difference, consist of clearing, filling, painting, compacting, etc. Painting windows repair work does not apply, more to restoration, since it does not affect the functional qualities of a wooden window. Only the appearance changes.

Depending on the degree of wear of the windows (frames, glass and fittings), the approach to carrying out restoration work will differ.

The technology for repairing wooden windows is quite simple, but requires scrupulous execution of each stage of work.

Cosmetic repair of wooden windows

Elimination of local damage. For example, fungal damage to part of the window frame.

  • identification of the damaged area. To do this, you can carry out a small test: with an awl you need to push through dilapidated or suspicious areas of the frame; if the tip easily falls through, then the wood is damaged;
  • cutting off the unsuitable layer;
  • the cleaned area is dried. To do this, you can use a hair dryer or a fan heater (be careful with glass, direct the air flow directly to the wood);
  • applying wood hardener and preservative;
  • applying putty. Layer thickness - according to the instructions. If you need to apply several layers, you need to wait until the first one dries well;
  • window painting.

More details - in the photo.

Overhaul of a wooden window - complete restoration

Tools and materials:

  1. hair dryer for removing paint. Referring to reviews from craftsmen, we note that many try to remove paint without it, but this only damages the wood more;
  2. sander and sandpaper. To level the surface;
  3. shoe knife for removing old paint
  4. putty knife. Reconstruction of wooden windows requires mandatory puttying of the surface of the frame and sashes;
  5. brushes for paint and varnish;
  6. chisels;
  7. fittings, glass (if replacement is expected);
  8. drying oil, varnish and/or paint;
  9. putty;
  10. primer;
  11. seal.

The cost of repairing wooden windows depends on the price consumables, tools and of course, on the condition of the frames. On the other hand, restoring windows with your own hands does not require any special skills. However, it should be noted that this work cannot be done in one day.

A few words about preparation. It is better to do the work on a warm, sunny day. The main condition is dryness, because... high humidity will have a detrimental effect on the result (wood changes geometry, dries poorly, etc.).

We remove the window sashes from the awnings. If the glass is mounted on putty, remove it with a chisel; if it is on glazing beads (glass slats), then carefully dismantle them. After this we take out the glass.

We remove all the fittings (it is better to replace them with new ones). You also need to remove the wooden trim on the windows ( wooden planks, located on the bottom of the frame outside the window, are also called “tear pads”). They are attached to nails that are probably already rotten. In general, all screws, nails, metal corners etc.

We place the “bare” frame on a flat surface and measure - all diagonals must be the same length, otherwise, distortion in some place will lead to the formation of cracks, which is unacceptable. We attach the frame tightly to the surface (this can be a shield made of boards).

Window pins can be knocked out with a hammer (they are cone-shaped, so you need to knock them out from the thin side), provided that they are located evenly (symmetrically to the corner) and give in. But, under pressure, a dilapidated frame can become deformed, therefore, it is better to drill it out. If the dowel is loose, you can fix it before drilling - a couple of drops of superglue into the gap and after 5 minutes the drill will move as if it were on solid wood.

On next stage When the window is disassembled, we begin to clean the paint.

How to remove paint from wooden windows

There are several ways to remove paint from windows.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

You need to work carefully, ideally remove the glass first, or direct the flow of hot air so as to prevent direct contact with the glass. Due to high temperature, the glass may burst (crack and spill out).

Set on a hairdryer temperature regime 250 degrees.

The task is to remove paint not quickly, but efficiently. At higher temperatures, the wood will char and lose its properties as a result of the burn.

As the paint warms up, it will begin to form bubbles that need to be cleaned off with the right tool.

It is better to do this with a shoe knife (a palette knife is also suitable - a trowel knife for mixing paints on a palette in painting). The fact is that the spatula will slide over the paint or crash into the wood, leaving burrs.

Chemical paint removal

You can remove old paint from the window frame with special solutions (washes, liquids). They also use a “cunning method” - kerosene and plastic bag. It is kerosene, because Solvents and solvents destroy the structure of wood.

Execution technology

  • The wooden frame must be wrapped in fabric (rags) and the entire structure must be placed in a plastic bag.
  • Moisten the fabric generously with kerosene, then tie the bag and leave for a day or two. During this time, the paint should soften and be easy to remove (use the above tool for cleaning).

Tip: remove the slats from the bag gradually, i.e. one was pulled out - cleaned, etc., if you remove everything at the same time, the kerosene will evaporate (dry), therefore, the paint layer will return to its original state (dry, harden) and stop separating.

Of course, there may not be such a large package for an entire window frame, so you will have to disassemble the frame into elements. Or, as an option for processing the frame assembly, you can wet the cloth and wrap it tightly plastic film, additionally tying the layers with rope to seal the treated surface as much as possible.

Advice: keep in mind that removing paint from windows in this way is accompanied by a pungent odor, plus, the technique is a fire hazard, therefore, it must be done outside or on the balcony.

The inner window slope and window sill also need to be cleaned.

After removing the paint, the frame will look something like the photo. This is clearly not suitable look for finishing work.

Remaining paint is removed using sandpaper or a grinder.

Eliminating deformation of a wooden window

Sometimes old wooden windows become deformed, which can manifest itself in the form of distortions and bending of the frame. For example, one or more window sashes have moved. This will be especially noticeable when installing a stack, when it fits into the selected groove, and the glass weighs in the corners, or vice versa, the corners fit, but there is a gap in the middle.

If the window is removed and disassembled, you can put it under a press, which is made from wooden shields and weighting material.

If on installed window, then you can insert a stop (a plank, a block of a suitable size) at the place of the bend (curvature), and apply force to close the window, fixing it with latches or come up with a fastening with self-tapping screws (for example, screw the block diagonally to the frame). All these manipulations are performed without glass.

We leave it in this state for 2-3 days, after which we increase the thickness of the spacer, and thus bring it to the desired position.

The method is controversial, but sometimes it helps. There may be cracks that can be repaired. We take a regular syringe and use it to inject PVA glue into the crack. Because The glue is liquid, it will leak out, the place needs to be sealed with tape. After drying, repeat the procedure, and then clean everything, putty and paint.

Restoration of wooden windows - restoration of rotten sections of the frame

If a fragment of the frame is rotten, it can be replaced or restored. If replacement is not envisaged, then restoration remains. To do this, you will need epoxy putty for wood (the composition may include fiberglass, which will significantly increase the rigidity of the structure).

The damaged area is cleared of paint and debris is removed. Next, putty is applied.

Apply the mixed putty to the damaged area; the mixture should fill all the cracks and cracks well. We recreate the missing section so that it is slightly larger than the desired plane, i.e. There should be some volume left for subsequent grinding. Drying (hardening) of the putty lasts a day (with room temperature). Then, using a grinder or sandpaper mounted on a block, we sand the surfaces until they are completely level.

It should be understood that such restoration allows you to restore the appearance, but does not guarantee sufficient density, especially in places of active use (places where the window sash is tightly connected). But if the window is blank or rarely used, then a completely self-sufficient way to get out of the situation without complete replacement window or frame elements.

  • checking the frame for damage;
  • marking damage zones with dots;
  • cutting out the area;
  • preparation of replacement;
  • replacement. The prepared part of the frame is installed in Right place, fixed with glue and clamped with clamps. After 24 hours, the clamps are removed;
  • sanding the joint between the old frame and replacement. This will avoid height differences;
  • primer treatment;
  • coloring. Material prepared for the website

More details - in the photo.

After cleaning the frame from paint, you need to putty it.

Window putty is sold as a finished product, but at the same time, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 3 parts of sawdust in one part of liquid nails.

The technology is simple, but the solution dries quickly, so we mix quickly and in small portions.

They mixed it, putty it, etc.

At the core homemade putty glue, and therefore it hardens quickly.

Grind the dried and dense surface with a machine or sandpaper(sandpaper) fine grain.

Impregnation with drying oil

Wood treatment with drying oil is good " old-fashioned method", time-tested. But, it should be taken into account that modern drying oil differs from the drying oil of the USSR. It's hard to find now natural drying oil, as a rule, they sell something derivative, like “Oxol”. The point is that the real thing is made from natural ingredients(linseed, hemp oil), and not from synthetic derivatives. There are many on the market good impregnations, which have replaced drying oil and its production from vegetable oils is simply unprofitable. As an option, for aesthetes, you can make drying oil with your own hands.

Coating window frames with drying oil is done with a brush, the first layer is used as impregnation, the second or third is final. Between layers you need to maintain a time interval (preferably until it dries completely, but this is not a quick process). If the surface does not stick, then you can continue working.

Impregnation with hot drying oil

The hot drying oil treatment method is also used. It should be understood that drying oil is a flammable material and easily ignites when in contact with an open fire.

How to heat drying oil?

You can heat the drying oil in a water bath, and the second method is more dangerous - heating to a boiling state. To do this, make a flask from an iron pipe, one end of which is welded. Pour drying oil into it and heat it with an electric stove or construction hairdryer to a boil (during the heating process a fire may occur; extinguish by throwing burlap over it). After that, the bars of the window frame are lowered into hot drying oil for 5 minutes and removed with a crochet hook, because high temperature and lay to dry. According to reviews, impregnation with hot drying oil creates a coating that will last for centuries (the effect of wooden railway sleepers).

We repeat, this is very important(!), heating drying oil is a dangerous undertaking.

Whether to oil the windows or treat them with an antiseptic is up to everyone to decide for themselves; each of them has pros and cons.

Stain and varnish coating

If the condition of the window frames after removing the paint is good and there is a desire to preserve the naturalness of the wood, then you can treat the surface with stain.

Using stain, you can change the shade of wood; for example, tinted pine can end up looking like stained oak.

Before treating the window frame with stain, it is better to check the consistency of the solution on a separate board (preferably the same type of wood and shade), i.e. choose the tone of the wood.

Painting wooden windows with stain not only improves their aesthetic qualities, but also makes the wood more resistant to damage. ultraviolet rays, and also prevents rotting and fungal development.

In addition, the stain penetrates deep into the structure of the wood, so if you subsequently have to sand somewhere, it will not disturb the shade and texture of the frame.

The stain finish is completed with varnish. Dry window frames cover clear varnish(better to use acrylic lacquer for wood, glossy or matte).

After complete drying, window fittings (awnings, handles, latches) are installed and glass is inserted.

Installing glass in a window

Proper glazing of wooden windows involves hermetically sealed glass installation, because It is in the micro-cracks between the glass and the frame that the air will blow. The glass is installed using silicone glue (aquarium sealant). Extrude along the groove under the glass of the window frame thin layer aquarium glue and insert the glass, which we fix with glazing beads. Wipe off any excess glue with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Do not scrub the nail heads; a thin layer of sealant will additionally protect them from rust. We leave the windows to dry; it will take at least a day for the glue to harden.

Sometimes the restoration of wooden windows is accompanied by the replacement of glass if there are defects (cracks, clouding, abrasions, traces of welding or grinders). After all, glass also has its own resource. When ordering glass, you need to accurately measure the opening, but order 2-3 mm. less, because glass expands under the influence of temperature, and the resulting gap will prevent it from bursting.

The glass is fixed in the frame using glazing beads and small nails. At the same time, the glazing beads must be prepared in advance (impregnated with drying oil, painted or treated with stain). You can even drill holes in the glazing bead thin drill. Then, when hammered, the bead will not split and the glass will not crack.

Below is a photo gallery - a master class on installing glass on putty, without glazing bead. For example, glass breaks and needs to be replaced, but there is no rail at hand to fasten the glass or there is simply no need for it. Glass putty can be purchased ready-made or made independently (mix chalk with drying oil).

When choosing how to treat wooden windows, take a closer look at the quality of the work.

If you are satisfied with the condition of the surface (i.e. no deep damage, uniform color), give preference to varnish. At the same time, to even out or change the tone of the wood, you can treat the frame with stain. It will also hide minor defects.

If there are many areas with putty, then they should be covered with paint.

For coloring use oil or acrylic paint. The first one lasts longer, but takes a long time to dry, the second one is the opposite.

You must first dilute the paint; too thick paint will not saturate the wood well and may cause streaks. It is better to apply several layers of thinner paint.

The first layer should saturate the wood. Only after it has dried well can you apply a second layer, etc.

You need to start painting from the inner surface - from the glass.

After painting, remove the tape (while the paint is still wet). If there are stained marks on the glass, remove them with a blade.

How to remove tape marks

If the windows were covered not with masking tape, but with packing tape, then traces will remain that are very difficult to erase. IN in this case This means covering with tape not only the glass, but also the frames themselves (both wooden and plastic).

The first thing that comes to mind: gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol, cologne, etc. But these products cannot be used if you do not want to damage paintwork. Is simple and environmentally friendly safe way remove traces of adhesive tape - adhesive residues on window frames are removed vegetable oil(sunflower), and then washed off with a washing solution.

If old window hinges (awnings) are worn out, they should be replaced. The hinge replacement technology is shown below. First you need to correctly determine the mounting location. To do this, the window frame must be inserted into the window opening and secured with wedges. When the gap is equal around the entire perimeter, mark the installation locations. Use a chisel to select a groove for fitting the hinge and fasten it with self-tapping screws.

Sealing and insulation of windows

A rubber seal for wooden windows, fixed around the perimeter of the frame, will reduce heat loss.

You can repair wooden windows using. Its essence is that you need to select a groove in the sash. A special silicone tubular seal euro-strip is installed in it. He is not afraid of low and high temperatures and has a twenty-year warranty.

The final touch in the window restoration will be the installation of window fittings (handles and latches). Only after this the window is installed in place.

How to renew wooden windows - video


As a result, we note that correctly followed instructions at each stage of repairing wooden windows and periodic analysis of their condition are the key to the fact that the windows will serve you for many more decades.

Modern plastic, aluminum, wood window designs- This is not just a tribute to the times, but also an important improvement in the heat-saving function of the house. Very often they replace old frames made of durable solid wood, capable of serving for a very long time, but in a completely new quality. In which? Here are 16 ideas and detailed instructions to them.

Jewelry storage frame

The small frame is an excellent basis for a stand on which you can comfortably hang jewelry. If desired, the wood is cleaned with sandpaper to remove old paint, or the old coating is left, renewing it where required. The glass along with the glazing beads is removed and inserted into the gaps metal mesh. All that remains is to screw the hinges on the back side for hanging the stand on the wall and start decorating it.

Organizer for kitchen items

Kitchen - room with high humidity, so the wood needs protection. The frame must be varnished or oil paint pleasant to the eye shade. The crossbars between the glasses are ready-made bases for hooks. This organizer can be placed in work area or decorate a free wall with it. Many ladles, stirrers, graters and other tools will find their place on its hooks.

Clue! This organizer can be mounted not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling.

Greenhouse or greenhouse

Two frames with intact glass will serve as an excellent base for a greenhouse on a personal plot. We choose a garden bed. We surround its perimeter with stops. Ordinary cobblestones are suitable for this. We lay them out along the long sides of the bed. We rest the two frames with their long sides against the rows of cobblestones, and bring the upper sides together, getting a “house”.

Advice! To give the structure stability, fasten it with door hinges.

Frame for pots of flowers

To hang 10 flowerpots on the wall, you will need to punch 10 holes for fasteners. You can do it differently. Let's take it old frame, remove the glass from it (or leave it, as you prefer). We paint in suitable for the interior shade. At the top of the reverse side we attach 2 loops for hanging. We make 2 fastenings in the wall (screws or dowels). We hang up the stand, and then attach as many flowerpots to it as we want.

Coffee table

A durable frame is a finished tabletop. It can be decorated in any way: painting, carving, painting, varnishing, etc. All that remains is to screw the legs from below to get coffee table suitable height.

Bed Headboards

Rustic style requires that the interior has a lot of light and undoubted signs of antiquity. Making a headboard from a used rectangular or arched frame is a great idea. We remove the old headboard from the bed and attach a new one from 1, 2 or even 4 frames. Fortunately, wood is a pliable material for creating three-dimensional structures, and self-tapping screws and ordinary nails can be used as fasteners.

Picture frame

If the thickness of the frame is not very large, as well as its format, then it can easily turn into a photo frame. When the binding is already divided into 6 cells, this is ideal, but inner space You can independently distribute it into the required number of sectors using slats. All you need to do is nail a sheet of plywood to the back and the stand is ready. Photos are easily attached with buttons and pins.


A small window sash turns into a neat and reliable tray in a matter of minutes. You only need two door handles loop type, which we attach on the right and left to conveniently move the tray from place to place. But in the decor you can show all your imagination.


We have several containers, elegant hooks, decorative bags or baskets - you can make a great organizer for anything. It is enough to distribute all this wealth in artistic order (or disorder) around the frame. There is no need to remove the glass. All that remains is to find a place for the masterpiece in the workshop or closet.


An elegant hanger can be made from any frame. Glass will only add elegance to the finished item. If there are 2 doors, then they are fastened at right angles and you get a hanger with a shelf. All you need to buy are hooks of a suitable size and design and fasteners to the wall.

Summer gazebo

Sometimes windows are changed as planned and as a result you end up with a whole bunch of large frames. Taking them out and disposing of them is expensive, but making a gazebo out of them is much easier and more useful. To make the structure truly strong, make 4 supporting pillars, the lower ends of which dig into the ground and strengthen cement mortar. But the frames can be attached to this frame in a way that is more convenient in this case.

Note board

You will need: 1 frame, a slightly smaller sheet of plywood. We nail the plywood to the base and cover it with black paint. IN suitable place You can simply nail such a board for notes to the wall.


You can buy a ready-made mechanism along with numbers and arrows in a store, or use an existing one. Let's take it small size sash and make a hole with a glass cutter. We insert the clock mechanism and attach the remaining parts of the clock with special glue. You can hang it!

Advice! The thinner the frame, the more elegant the finished result will be.

Room decoration

Colorful panels and posters are an excellent decoration for any interior. Instead of a banal frame, you can use more creative option. Let's take it window sash with glass and place the poster behind it. In this form, the picture takes on a completely different charm.


Depending on where exactly the mirror will hang, you can decorate it in different ways. For example, use only the outer contour of the window frame, filling its internal space in one piece mirrors Or cut mirrors to fit the glass format and replace the glazing with them.

Garden lantern

Small frame size is finished parts for assembling a garden lantern. Essentially, we need a box in which one of the faces of the parallelepiped is folding. It’s very easy to make it like this, just use it furniture hinges. And on top we attach a hook for hanging a lantern in a gazebo or on the veranda.


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