All about planting roses. How to properly plant roses in open ground in summer Planting roses in summer

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Rose is one of the most exquisite and beautiful plants, which can be grown in your garden. Planting roses must be carried out according to all the rules, and caring for them requires care and careful work, as well as some basic knowledge when choosing a seedling and a place for growing.

Main varieties of roses for growing

Plant care can vary greatly depending on the variety. The main varieties of roses with their own characteristics are described below.

Park roses

Relatively unpretentious plants, undemanding to soil and care, tolerates both heat and frost. They bloom earlier than other roses, in late spring, flowering lasts about a month. There are several main groups: rose hips, garden roses and modern hybrids that differ as appearance, and the time of flowering.

climbing roses

Roses with long shoots growing around a fulcrum. Often used to decorate fences, gazebos, columns, and decorate building facades. They are divided into three groups according to height: semi-climbing up to three meters, climbing up to five meters, climbing up to 15 meters. When caring, it is important to prune faded shoots, as well as covering them for the winter.

Ground cover roses

Stand out for their diversity and abundant flowering. Ground cover roses capable of blooming until autumn, making them an excellent choice for suburban area or flower garden. One of the features is that it requires planting on a slope and on a hill to avoid flooding of flowers in the spring. This type of rose is unpretentious and does not require special care measures, except for abundant watering after planting.

Tea and hybrid tea roses

Flowers with a magnificent scent and varied bud colors. Among the advantages of the variety, one can highlight repeated flowering and the outstanding qualities of the flower itself: powerful stem and bulb, varied color, smell; one of the disadvantages is low resistance to heat, frost, and disease. We do not recommend starting your acquaintance with growing roses with these flowers; they require constant care from an experienced gardener.

If your previous attempts to grow these magnificent flowers in your garden have ended in failure, or this is your first time deciding to grow these majestic flowers, our article, based on advice from professionals, will help you achieve success and avoid annoying mistakes.

Having previously familiarized yourself with the huge variety of species and varieties of roses, you can go to a nursery or a specialized store to buy seedlings. You can, of course, order them from online stores, but then you will not be able to check the condition of the plant’s root system. And this has great value upon landing.

Video about planting roses

Seedlings in stores are sold in containers or with an open root system. The first option is better to choose if you intend to plant flowers in the summer. If planting is planned for the spring or autumn months, you can safely buy seedlings with bare roots without leaves - they are presented in a wider range and are sold cheaper.

Buying roses in a container, see if it is densely filled with roots earthen lump, how many shoots there are on the bush, and what the foliage looks like. High-quality seedlings have a developed, well-branched root system, two or three strong woody shoots and green leaves without spots. And of course, no insects should be noticeable on the seedling.

In seedlings with exposed root system Also, the roots should be well branched, light-colored when cut, not dry or damaged. Buy seedlings with strong, glossy green shoots and shiny thorns. It is desirable that the seedling has at least three good shoots, smooth and fresh to the touch. If the tips of the shoots seem a bit dry, this is normal in spring.

Seedlings in stores are sold in containers or with an open root system

Seedlings are also found in stores in thin cardboard packages with roots sprinkled with wet peat. In this case, the plants are planted in the ground without removing them from the packaging. However, be careful: in January-February, seedlings from nurseries in Holland and Poland, left over from the fall, are sold in imported paper containers. Such plants are already weakened long storage, and at home it will be even more difficult to preserve them until spring. Try burying the roots in a box and placing the roses on the balcony at above-zero temperatures or in the basement.

IN flower shops roses for planting are sold in a special container or without it, with an open root system. For planting in summer, it is better to choose the first option; it will take root faster. In spring or autumn, ordinary seedlings with bare roots are also suitable: they are cheaper, and the choice of varieties among such roses is much larger.

When purchasing roses in a container, it is important to pay attention to the following details:

  • how many roots does a seedling have in a coma of earth;
  • are there any shoots, how many are there;
  • appearance of foliage.

U good seedling you'll find an extensive, dense root system, a few firm shoots, and leaves that are an even green color without blemishes.

Bare-rooted seedlings must meet the same requirements. Look carefully at the roots - the cut area should be light and the roots themselves undamaged.

In stores you can find roses in cardboard packaging, ready for planting without removal. Such plants most often come from Holland and of Eastern Europe, weakened by long storage and transportation. If you decide to leave the rose in a box at home until spring, bury the roots in the box and take the plant to the balcony or any sunny place with a positive temperature.

When to plant: autumn or spring

Without a doubt, autumn is the most optimal time for planting - seedlings planted in October have time to take root well before frost and immediately begin to actively grow in the spring. In addition, in the fall, nurseries offer a wide selection of grafted seedlings of various varieties, while in the spring, domestic and imported rose seedlings are significantly weakened after winter storage.

Autumn is the best time to plant roses

But keep in mind that self-rooted seedlings (obtained by cuttings), which are sold only in containers, cannot be planted in the fall! Their root system is not developed enough, and when unfavorable conditions the flowers will die in the first winter. Such seedlings can be transplanted from a container into the ground from May to mid-summer.

Preparing for landing

The best time for planting will be mid-autumn: the seedlings have time to take root and begin to grow in the spring. In autumn there is also more choice, while in spring only plants weakened after storage remain on sale.
It is not recommended to use container seedlings in the spring - they are propagated by cuttings; a weak root system will not withstand spring temperature changes and will not survive the winter. Plants in containers are planted from May to July so that they have time to take root.
Rose - capricious plant, when planting, consider the following factors:
The rose blooms best in a little shade far from large trees and places where water accumulates. The soil should be neutral: loamy soil should be fertilized with manure and sand, and mineral fertilizers should be added to sandy soil.

Best growing conditions

Unlike roses, you can’t plant them wherever you have to. How true queens flower garden, they should occupy the most the best place! When choosing where to plant seedlings, take into account the following important points:

  • flowers grow poorly in the shade;
  • “in the heat” their color fades and flowering ends faster;
  • drafts and dampness are contraindicated for roses, and dry hot air can quickly spread spider mites on plants;
  • It is not recommended to grow flowers under the crowns of trees, since the air remains damp there for a long time after rain, and raindrops fall from above at the slightest breath of wind.

Cold and damp loamy soil should be improved with rotted manure and sand.

It is better to plant roses in a place where at lunchtime a light openwork shadow will fall on the flowers, and water will not stagnate in the ground. Allowed occurrence groundwater no higher than one meter from the surface.

As for the soil, it should be neutral (add high-moor peat to alkaline soil, and lime to acidic soil), deeply drained and fertile. Cold and damp loamy soil should be improved with rotted manure and sand. In addition to manure, it is recommended to add stone flour and mineral fertilizers to quickly drying sandy loam soil.

Brief instructions for planting roses

First of all, for each seedling you will need to dig a hole of such a size that the root system of the roses fits freely in it, and the roots do not break or bend. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 80 cm between pits, and one to two meters between rows.

When planting roses in the spring, the soil removed from the hole should be mixed with compost - it will be useful to the plants within a few weeks. There is no need to apply organic fertilizers during autumn planting.

You can prepare planting holes in advance to allow the soil to compact, but it is also possible to plant roses in freshly dug holes, and then dig them up a little and “pull them up” to the required level.

Video about planting roses from cuttings

If for some reason you cannot immediately plant the purchased seedlings with bare roots, their roots can be dipped in water for several days or wrapped in damp burlap and wrapped plastic film. To preserve it for a longer period, the roots wrapped in film should be buried in a shallow groove, compacting the soil tightly.

Nuances of care

Roses, regardless of variety, require thorough watering two to three times a week in the morning or evening. Watering is carried out at the root, until the soil is completely saturated with moisture. At the beginning of autumn, in the absence of drought, roses stop watering to avoid the appearance of young shoots before the onset of winter.

When watering during the day, water that gets on the leaves can cause burns. The best time for watering is considered to be early morning or late evening, when the soil has dried a few centimeters deep.

It is important to carry out annual formative and rejuvenating pruning, removing stems three years old and above, clearing the plant of small shoots and non-flowering branches. Before the onset of winter, the bushes are hilled up and the branches are wrapped in paper.

Rose - royal flower, which many gardeners grow on their plots. And this is not surprising, since pleasant aroma and the extravaganza of flowers ensured this plant unprecedented popularity around the world. It is customary to plant these flowers in autumn or spring periods. However, what if you didn’t have time to plant a seedling in time, but you want to grow a rose? There is an exit! You can plant a rose at the beginning of summer. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to plant roses in June.

Many gardeners agree that planting these flowers is quite possible, it is only important to adhere to a few important rules.

First of all, it is important to ensure that the seedling you purchase has a closed root system. In other words, buy only seedlings that are sold in pots; they will take root well in a new place. Planting and growing these plants in pots is a very simple matter, and is not much different from planting flowers in or autumn periods. The planting site is prepared using the same scheme: a hole is dug and the soil is fertilized.

Of course, if you buy a seedling in a container, you are in a less favorable position than when you buy a regular bare-rooted seedling. In the second case, you can immediately examine the roots of the plant and draw conclusions about its condition. When purchasing a flower in a container, you can only guess in what condition you will find its roots. The maximum that can be checked in this case is the condition of the soil in which the flower is located. It is important to ensure that it is neither excessively dried nor over-moistened.

Also pay attention to the presence or absence of moss - if it is there, you should not purchase this specimen, nothing good will come of it. You also need to make sure that the roots themselves have developed well enough - to do this you need to turn Special attention into the holes at the bottom of the pot. If the roots are visible through them, then everything is in order, you can buy a rose and plant it.

In general, buying a seedling in a container is quite risky - you never know whether you will find any unpleasant surprises during planting. Therefore, this method is suitable only for those daredevils who are willing to take risks. Of course, in the case where the manufacturer is verified, has the necessary documents and certificates, there is nothing to worry about: your beauty was most likely kept in excellent conditions and it will grow no worse on your site.

However, some gardeners claim that it is possible to purchase roses with an open root system for summer planting. There are sellers who sell such flowers. They are usually thoroughly washed and kept in buckets of water. You can immediately examine both the roots and the flowers themselves - touch them, smell them. Upon arrival home, you need to trim the shoot to the required length (usually leaves, flowers and buds are cut off, leaving only a few buds).

The roots also need to be trimmed a little. Such flowers are planted in the same way as during spring and autumn plantings. However, so that they are not exposed to the harmful effects of heat, it is recommended to cover them on top with something (at least a burdock or cabbage leaf) to create shade required sizes. Water these plants abundantly every day.

This method is untested, so it is unknown whether you will have roses if you decide to decorate your garden with roses in midsummer. For such purposes, it is better to buy flowers in containers.

Disadvantages of summer planting

The main and undeniable disadvantage is the inability to assess the condition of the root system of the seedling. Since plants take root much better, they are purchased. But in this case, no one is immune from unpleasant surprises in the form of problems with the roots of the flower.

In addition, roses will grow much more slowly than when planted in autumn or spring, so you will have to be patient. If you really want to plant a rose in the summer, then do it in June, while it is not too hot. Planting these plants in July is a bad idea and you are unlikely to experience success.

Well, in general, summer planting roses will require much more effort than planting a flower at other times of the year. But if you do everything right, everything will work out!

Video “How to transplant a rose correctly”

From this video you will learn how to properly replant a rose.

I for a long time I didn’t dare to have this royal person on my plot, because I thought that it was a rather capricious plant. How to plant roses correctly?! How to care for them? But the desire to have such beauty in the countryside overpowered all fears. Although this was not my desire, but my wife’s. For a long time my wife dreamed of how our garden would have a lot of flowering plants and the queen of flowers will take her place of honor. I won’t say that it was difficult as I imagined, but still we had to learn a lot, which I’m going to share. Roses can be planted at any warm time in spring, summer and autumn, both with the root system and cuttings. But since each season has its own weather, then it is important to know a few simple but important rules.

Planting roses in spring in open ground

Spring is the best time to plant roses. Roses are planted in the spring at the end of March - beginning of April, until the buds bloom. For spring planting, you can buy roses both with an open root system and in containers.

Before planting roses in spring open ground, you need to carefully examine the root system. If the roots are too long, trim them a little (not much). Pay attention to the place of the cut. Healthy rose roots should be white at the cut site. If the roots are brown, it means they are not healthy. In this case, you need to cut off the entire diseased part to the healthy, white part.

Planting roses in open ground in summer

Unlike spring, summer weather is not entirely favorable for planting roses with an open root system, therefore, at this time it is better to buy roses in containers. At this time, you need to especially monitor the soil moisture.

If the rose you recently planted is not watered in the summer, then it may not take root. But overwatering is also dangerous, as it can cause rotting of the root system.

Planting roses in autumn

In the fall, you can also plant a KK rose with an open root system or with a closed one. When planting roses with bare roots, you need to carefully inspect the roots for dryness, rot and other damage. If the roots are long, trim them a little. As with spring planting diseased roots are cut back to healthy white tissue.

In autumn, roses are planted in open ground at the end of September, beginning of October. If you plant roses earlier, they will begin to actively develop and grow, but the root system will not develop as actively. As a result, the rose may die. If planted later, the rose will not have time to take root and may also die.

It doesn’t matter what time you choose to plant roses (spring, summer or autumn), the planting rules are the same for all seasons and you need to go through a few simple steps:

  1. Inspection and preparation of seedlings;
  2. Preparing the site for planting;
  3. And the landing itself.

It is also good to know other rules that are no less important. For example, it is important to know at what distance to plant roses from each other, how to care for a rose after planting, and what can be planted next to roses. I will try to answer all these questions in detail.

Preparing rose seedlings for planting

When planting rose seedlings, various troubles can happen, for example, you were not very careful and did not inspect the plant for diseases. Or maybe you bought a rose seedling in late spring and decided to save it until spring planting. And while the seedling is stored in the basement, troubles can also happen to it.

If the rose's roots have dried out

This often happens if you do not monitor soil moisture. But there’s nothing wrong with that and the roots can still be saved. Seedlings can be buried in sand for a day and watered thoroughly. Or such seedlings are placed in a bucket with cold water. The same can be done if your seedling has a shriveled stem.

If the seedlings are frozen

Such seedlings need to be well packaged and placed in cold basement for 6 days. After 6 days, the seedlings are buried in the sand for 2 days. It is important to compact the soil around the seedlings so that there are no air voids between the roots.

Eif landing needs to be postponed

If you do not have time to plant rose seedlings within 2-3 days, then they can be well packaged and placed in a cold (freeze-proof) room. If planting needs to be postponed for more than 10 days, then it is better to bury the seedlings.

Before planting, it is also important to trim both the roots (if the rose has an open root system) and the ground part. We leave the seedlings no more than 2-3 strong shoots with well-developed buds, and remove everything else (thinner shoots, dry branches, etc.).

If you plant a rose in the summer, then perhaps it has already formed buds, which also need to be cut off. I understand that this is difficult to do, because you want to see your rose bloom as quickly as possible, but if the buds are not cut off, then the plant will devote most of its energy to the development of flowers, rather than the root system.

Before planting, the rose roots are immersed in water for 10 hours in spring and 2 hours in autumn. This is done so that during planting the rose seedlings are not dry, which is strictly prohibited. To initially provide the roots with moisture and nutrition, they can be dipped into a mash of clay and manure before planting. Making mash is easy. To do this, take 1 part clay and about 5 parts manure and a little water.

Preparing the soil for planting roses

The Queen of Flowers does not like poor and infertile soil. Of course, they will live in such soil, but they will not be able to fully develop, that’s why she is a queen. Therefore, before planting a rose, it is important to prepare the area.

The soil for planting is prepared in advance, no less than 3 months before planting. For example, you decide to plant a rose in the spring, then you must prepare the site in the spring.

First, dig a hole 30-60 cm deep and fill it with fertile soil, that is, to ordinary land add rotted manure, peat and leaf humus (you can compost), add mineral fertilizers ( ammonium nitrate 30 grams per 1 m3, 70 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium chloride) and mix everything well with your hands.

After you pour fertile soil into the hole, it gradually settles. That is why roses cannot be planted in a newly prepared planting hole.

When you plant a rose, make sure that the soil is not frozen or too wet.

Well, all the preparatory procedures have been completed, it’s time to plant roses in open ground.

First, make a hole in the planting hole and place the seedling in it.

It is important that during planting the roots are evenly distributed and do not bend upward.

When you plant a rose seedling, make sure that the grafting site is covered with 2-3 cm of soil. If you do not do this, wild shoots will begin to actively develop and over time you will not grow beautiful bush roses, but it’s not clear what. And the lighter the soil, the deeper the grafting site is dug in.

After our rose seedling is planted, we make a small depression around the planting hole and water it. It is not recommended to water directly under the bush, as the soil will settle and the grafting site will be exposed. After the soil has absorbed the water and settled, add another layer of soil around the plant. It is also advisable to place a layer of mulch around the seedling after planting. This will help retain moisture in the ground and protect young shoots from the bright sun.

But remember, after 2 weeks the layer of mulch must be removed. If the layer of mulch is not removed, the lower shoots of the rose will begin to take root, which is unfavorable for the rose.

At what distance should roses be planted from each other?

If you are planting several seedlings in open ground, then you need to know at what distance to plant roses from each other. But here it all depends on what type of rose you plant.

  • Miniature roses are planted at a distance of 25-40 cm from each other;
  • Dwarf floribunda roses are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm;
  • Hybrid tea - at a distance of 60 cm;
  • Low-growing park ones - 75 -100cm;
  • Tall park trees – up to 3 meters;
  • Standard roses -1m.- 1.5m.;
  • Weeping standard ones – up to 2 meters;
  • climbing roses– from 1.5 to 3 meters (depending on the variety);

What to plant next to roses

Undoubtedly, roses are gorgeous flowers, but, unfortunately, they do not bloom all summer. When the rose fades, the bush does not look very attractive. But if you plant other flowers next to the rose, the situation changes for the better.

Traditionally, mantles, foxgloves, geraniums, etc. are planted next to roses. But there are some nuances here, this mainly concerns the cuff. The cuff looks very nice against the background tall bush rose, but small rose bushes can simply be “buried” under the thickets of mantle.

Wormwood and other plants with silver foliage look beautiful next to roses. The most compatible dwarf wormwood variety is “Schmidta-nana”.

Ideal companions for roses are conifers, from which you can create various unusual compositions.

The boxwood plant is also considered a classic companion. You can also create various beauties from boxwoods - beautifully trimmed borders, balls.

You can also plant ferns next to the rose. But ferns have one drawback. Fern is considered too aggressive a plant that has a habit of growing. And if this property is not controlled, then the fern can simply “clog” your rose.

Rose is a beautiful, delicate, feminine flower. A genus of ornamental shrubs of the Rosaceae family. Roses are planted in groups, on ridges, borders, and also in single plantings.

Of no small importance is correct landing rose seedlings, which ensures optimal growth and development of plants. Features of planting roses include the choice of planting site, the composition and preparation of the soil, as well as the basic rules for planting rose seedlings.

Roses grow successfully in one place for up to ten years. An area facing south and protected from north winds is allocated for them. Roses are not grown in complete shade, on steep northern slopes, or under trees.

Preparing roses for planting

Soil for roses.

Roses develop well on fairly breathable, light, deep sandy clay, fertile soil, which provides the roots with the necessary moisture and air.

! Roses do not tolerate soils that are too damp, heavy clay, marshy, sandy or acidic.

  • Heavy soils need to be improved by adding humus, peat, compost, coarse sand or sandy soil to approximately 10-12 kg per 1 m2.
  • If the soils are acidic, add powdered slaked lime, chalk or dolomite flour.
  • Soils that are too light (sandy, rocky) easily allow water to pass through and become very hot on hot summer days. To improve these soils, a substrate is added to retain moisture and reduce air content - heavy soil, that is, clayey, with the obligatory addition of well-decomposed manure humus, or peat manure compost, or turf soil, and also, if possible, silt.

! For roses, the most favorable soil reaction is pH 5.6-6.5 (this is a moderately acidic reaction).

  • In roses, especially grafted ones, the roots go deep enough into the ground, so in low-lying places or where high level water, roses, as a rule, “get sick”: their foliage turns yellow and black spotting develops. In such cases, the area is drained and soil is filled. The permissible depth of groundwater is up to 100 cm.

All roses require a lot of light, but it is bad when they are in the sun all day, and they quickly bloom and fade. Plants especially suffer on hot days if there is a nearby stone wall or a fence.

The best temperature for roses (from 18 to 25 ° C).

At higher temperatures, the color of the flowers turns pale and the leaves become scorched. With sparse plantings, the soil between plants is strongly heated by the sun. In such conditions, roses suffer, grow poorly, give poor growth, leaves and flowers become smaller. It is necessary to use mulch from old sawdust, shavings, cover low-growing plants, and lawn grass to cover the soil between plants.

Preparing the soil for roses

There are several ways to prepare the soil for planting roses.

  • First option . Before digging the soil, add 8-10 kg of decomposed manure per 1 m2, 3 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. spoons The soil is dug up to a depth of 35-40 cm.
  • Second option. 8-10 kg of peat compost or peat manure compost are added per 1 m2; 0.5-1.0 kg of flower soil “Rose”, or “Saintpaulia”, or others. Add 1 tbsp of mineral fertilizers. spoon “Agricola for flowering plants”, 2 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and 300-350 g wood ash. Dig to a depth of 40 cm.
  • Third option. Dig a planting hole and add 2 kg of manure humus, 200-250 g of organic fertilizer “Flower”, 2 tbsp. spoons of Agricola for flowering plants, a glass of wood ash. All fertilizers are mixed with the soil and left until planting.
  • Fourth option. 2-3 kg of peat manure compost or plant humus and mineral fertilizers (2 tablespoons each of superphosphate and potassium sulfate) are added to the planting hole.
  • Fifth option. In autumn, the soil for planting roses is dug up to a depth of 40-50 cm and large doses are applied. organic fertilizers at the rate of 1.5-2 kg of manure and compost for each bush. They contribute the full mineral fertilizer. Adding stove ash is also useful. Fertilizers applied during basic tillage satisfy the nutrient needs of roses for 1-3 years. Then it is necessary to feed during the growing season.

! Unrotted manure cannot be used; it can cause rotting of the root system.

Planting roses

! Best time for planting roses in early spring, before buds open.

Before planting, you need to trim the shoots short and the roots considerably.

  • In hybrid teas, polyanthus, and floribundas, it is recommended to leave 3-5 eyes;
  • Park roses should be shortened by 1/3 – 1/4 of the length.

For better survival, the roots should be moistened in a solution of clay and mullein (3:1), adding 1 tablet of “Heteroauxin”, previously dissolved in water, to 1 bucket of solution.

Roses should be planted in holes, the depth and width of which allow their root system to be freely placed.

! Planting density is great importance for further development of roses .

  • Miniature roses are planted at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other;
  • Floribunda and hybrid tea - at a distance of 60-80 cm;
  • Park ones - from 100 to 110 cm;
  • Climbing - from 1.2 m to 2.0 m.

When purchasing certain types of roses, you should find out in advance what size they will reach. If purchased roses are grafted on the root collar, then when planting, the grafting site must be covered with soil.

Hybrid tea roses They are not resistant to cold and therefore require careful shelter for the winter.

In spring, roses are planted so that the grafting site is 2-3 cm below the soil surface.

When planting in spring, the upper part of the shoots is cut off regardless of the variety; strong shoots are shortened to 10 cm, leaving 2-3 well-formed buds on them, and 1-2 buds on weak shoots.

Climbing roses. Climbing roses should be planted obliquely at an angle of 30° to the support. If roses are planted near the house, it is necessary to place them away from the base of the wall so that water flowing from the roof during rain does not fall on the roots of the roses. In addition, a plant placed at an angle to the support is more stable and holds more firmly in the soil. Being right next to the wall, the rose would constantly suffer from lack of moisture. Climbing roses are planted somewhat deeper, deepening the grafting site 10-12 cm below the soil surface. This promotes the development of grafted shoots.

Floribunda roses. Planting rules are the same as for Hybrid Tea roses.

Planting roses from a container. The bush is removed from the container in which it grew and placed in a prepared planting hole so that it is not lower than the level at which it grew in the container. In other words, the surface of the soil in the container and the surface of the soil on the planting site must be at the same level; it is not recommended to bury the plant.

! Planted bushes must be watered and hilled abundantly.

Features of planting roses in the middle zone and northern regions

IN middle lane and more northern regions, planting roses in open ground is carried out in the spring (April-early May) and, as an exception, in the fall, in September, in very short time so that the plants have time to take root. At autumn planting roses develop better, but young plants often do not tolerate cold, snowless winters well and even with good shelter die.

Before planting, seedlings with dried roots are placed for a day in water with the addition of. Thanks to it, plants tolerate planting better, their ability to survive and quickly take root increases. Roots that are too long or damaged must be cut back to healthy wood with pruning shears.

Great( 2 ) Badly( 0 )

Midsummer, with its heat, is quite an unusual time for planting roses, especially with an uncovered root system. However, several years ago traders appeared on our market who bring rose seedlings from unknown nurseries and sell them straight from buckets.

The photo clearly shows that the roses were dug up, their roots were washed and simply dropped into a bucket of water. It should be noted that these bushes have enough good view. You can examine everything, the root system and buds, flowers, and smell them. The seedlings have very good turgor, but when it is very hot and they are sold for a long time, they fade a little. It’s true, I don’t buy wilted ones.
When I saw this for the first time, I was extremely outraged by such sellers and such trade. But a neighbor, a flower lover, dispelled my doubts and showed me her roses, bought from traders last year. The bushes were good, and I took a chance. Everything turned out quite successfully, and now I have been buying bushes from them for several years in a row.

Purchasing and rooting occurs like this:
At the market, the seller takes the bush out of the bucket of water and quickly hides the root system in a plastic bag.

This is how I bring the bush home.

I trim flowers and buds with sharp pruning shears, leaving 2-3 buds.

I trim the roots a little. I pick off all the leaves.
I dig a hole and fill it with plenty of water. (I don’t prepare special soil for roses. My soil is heavy, but other roses grow, let this one grow in the same conditions.) I stick the root into this slurry and cover it with soil a little at a time. I water it generously again.

I carefully monitor the planting level; the root collar should be below ground level.

Since planting takes place in the middle of summer, in terrible heat, and even on sunny place, I certainly cover the planting with a leaf of cabbage or burdock (shade). I water abundantly and daily.
After 1.5-2 weeks, the cuttings begin to show signs of life, flower stalks gradually grow, and by the end of summer the rose delights with its flowers.

In the photo, the bush was planted last summer; last year there was one flower in September; now it is mid-June.
This method has one undeniable advantage: I buy what I see with my own eyes and can verify the smell. When I order roses from a nursery, via the Internet, I can only trust the photo and description, unfortunately not always from conscientious sellers.
These roses are grafted, and having cut cuttings for rooting and planted them in the hope of getting bushes, I am constantly haunted by failure. But this year I tried again.


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