All about modern technologies for drilling water wells. Water well drilling technologies - professional advice

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A well for obtaining water is a rather complex hydraulic structure. The quality of the water received, the useful amount of water, as well as the service life will depend on the correct choice of well and work. In this article we will consider the question of how to make a well and the technology of drilling wells for water.




Place for a well

Before you start drilling directly, you need to select right place, for the location of the well. It is also necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to place the drilling rig, as well as the placement of auxiliary machines and accessories. Still need to count work area and an area for the removal of process water, as well as a storage area necessary equipment. You also need to take a responsible approach to choosing a work contractor. All subsequent operation of the structure will depend on the quality of the work performed. Highly qualified employees can be found at the link - The company's specialists have extensive experience in designing such hydraulic structures.

The technology for drilling wells under water requires fairly flat areas measuring approximately 4 by 12 meters. In addition, unobstructed passage must be ensured for the drilling rig itself, as well as vehicles with industrial water. Above the place where the well will be located there should not be air lines power transmission at a height of at least 2 meters.

The location for drilling a water well should be selected from an economic point of view, because the closer the well is made to the point of entry into the house, the fewer trenches will have to be prepared, and the minimum number of pipelines will be used.

Need to pay attention that the technology of drilling a well under water requires ensuring free access to the drilling site and its location no closer than 3 meters from various buildings. A separate point is that after a well has been made, no structures can be built above it.

In Russia, the method of drilling with flushing is most often used. The essence of this method of drilling wells is that water or clay solutions are fed into the well being prepared using hoses. With the help of pumps, the pressure rises and the liquid, along with small rock, comes to the surface. After lifting, the liquid is collected in a special settling tank, in which the rock settles. After sedimentation, the liquid goes back into use.

When drilling occurs in hard layers, then a clay solution is used for washing. If at the beginning of drilling there are clay layers, then the solution is obtained naturally by simply pumping water. In addition to the fact that the clay solution removes crushed rock, it also strengthens the walls of the well, thereby preventing them from collapsing.

If a well is drilled in hard layers, for example, limestone, then process water is used for the flushing fluid. Water has another purpose in drilling technology - when drilling occurs in an aquifer, the water is absorbed, i.e. it goes into the ground. The depth of drilling can be determined by how water is consumed, and when water begins to be consumed to the maximum, drilling is completed.

The technology of drilling wells under water requires consistency when casing pipes to the well. When a well is drilled and a certain depth is reached, casing pipes begin to be installed into it. Then the soil can be further crushed and, if necessary, lined with plastic pipes. This is the easiest way to make a water well in cases where you do not need to drill to great depths and there is an excellent aquifer.

Well drilling methods

There are a large number of methods for drilling wells, but in all of them the following operations are mandatory and main:

Having become familiar with all the technological intricacies of our work and having read various materials You have finally decided to drill a well. Let's look at how the process itself happens from start to finish and what difficulties you may encounter.

Well drilling contract

Typically stage 1 is conclusion of a contract for drilling a well. Here our company offers two options to choose from:

  • If you have enough time, you can drive to a conveniently located office of our company, where you will be given professional advice For all questions
  • If for some reason it is inconvenient for you to go to the office, the Agreement can be concluded on the spot with the drilling foreman, then the application is made by calling, and the necessary nuances are clarified over the phone.

Subtleties of the drilling process

As a rule, it is more convenient to drill a well and related work at the stage of building a house. Then it's easiest to plan comfortable spot for and all supply communications. If you still have ready plot, don’t despair, NPO “KVO” LLC will help you build your own water intake unit with minimal modifications. What nuances need to be taken into account when drilling a well?

    • First, you need to choose the right location for the proposed drilling. Usually it is chosen in the immediate vicinity of the point where the pipeline will enter the room. But the most important thing is that the drilling rig can approach this place. The desire of the “Customer” is law for us, but not always technical capabilities may obey these laws. Usually we come to a common denominator based on where the drilling rig can go and where the “Customer” himself wants to make a well.
    • Two cars move to the drilling site. This is a drilling rig itself (Fig. 1) and a tank truck based on Zil 131, popularly called a “water carrier” (Fig. 2). The minimum width of the gate for the passage of a drilling machine is 3 meters. It is advisable that the width of the road also allows the car to make a turn in the direction of your site. If the size of the plot allows, then both cars enter the plot. If not, then the “water carrier” may be located at a distance of no more than 20 meters from the drilling site (Fig. 3). The drilling rig, after being placed at the drilling site, will stand motionless while performing drilling operations, while the “water carrier” will travel to replenish water supplies for the drilling fluid.

  • The ideal site for drilling a well is a site measuring 10x5 meters. It is clear that in the conditions of cramped layout of most gardening partnerships it is difficult to choose such a site, but you need to take into account that when ideal conditions the work will pass faster. There should be no power lines or trees directly above the drilling site, as this will create conditions that will prevent the drill mast from being lifted. Mast height is 8m. The drilling site must be cleared of construction waste, preventing passage as well as from reinforced concrete slabs and structures.
  • If drilling will take place in the immediate vicinity of a house or other buildings, they should be covered with film to prevent their contamination, since during drilling technological splashes fly within a radius of 2-3 meters from the drilling tool
  • The team works all day long. This work is quite noisy, so if there are restrictions on noise work in a gardening community, town, village, etc., it is better to mention them in advance, since the drilling crew has its own schedule, and more time is spent on such wells.
  • Drilling takes place on average within 2-3 days. The drilling team is completely autonomous in its existence; a company car picks them up at night. The equipment remains at the drilling site.
  • After drilling a well, we carry out a trial pumping of the well with our pump; for this we need a connection to a 220V power supply. If there is no electricity at the site, it is also advisable to warn about this in advance, then your own generator will be used.
  • It is necessary to clearly understand that there must always be equipment access to the site of the proposed well, otherwise the company will not be able to fulfill its obligations in the event of a warranty claim.
  • A common question when drilling is how much dirt there is. Here you need to clearly understand that a technological pit will be dug directly at the drilling site, through which the drilling fluid will flow and from which drill cuttings will be removed (Fig. 4). It is best to show the remains of this sludge most clearly in a photograph. It should also be mentioned that if drilling takes place in the autumn-spring period, heavy equipment with its movements around the site will naturally leave traces.

After completion of the work, the drilling foreman will invite you to sign the Well Acceptance Certificate. In which, as in the passport that will be issued to you during the final calculation, the characteristics of your well will be indicated, such as design, drilling time, static and dynamic water levels in the well, well flow rate and necessary recommendations by type and lowering of pumping equipment.

Now you are a full-fledged owner, all that remains is to install the water supply equipment and water will flow from your system with a pleasant noise.

If you are planning to equip your Vacation home autonomous water supply and acquire a well, then you need to familiarize yourself with drilling technology. This will save a lot of time when searching for drillers and funds during the drilling process.

Types of drilling technologies

When installing a water supply system in a private home, as a rule, one of three drilling technologies is used:

  • Rotary;
  • Auger;
  • Shock-rope.

The difference between these technologies lies in the methods of destroying the rock inside the well, as well as in the methods of extracting soil to the surface. Naturally, depending on the technology, the set of necessary equipment also depends.

Why does the customer need to know these technologies? This will give an understanding of how the well will be drilled, what equipment will be used for this and how long it will take. In addition, the price of the work, as well as the quality of the final result, depends on the type of technology.

In the photo - drilling a well using an auger method

Screw method

The cheapest and simple option is auger drilling. Therefore, most small-sized drilling rigs are based precisely on this technology. It is based on a conventional Archimedes screw (auger), with the help of which soil is extracted to the surface.

To make it easier to imagine this method, you should remember how fishermen drill a hole in the ice. Using this method, you can drill wells no more than 10 meters deep.

A special feature of this method is the ability to make holes only in relatively dry and soft soils. If there are hard rocks or quicksand at depth, then carry out further work screw method is not possible.

It must be said that the technology of drilling wells under water with an auger is usually used by private “drillers” who have small-sized installations. As a rule, finding organizations that provide such services is not difficult.

To make a well, it is not enough to simply drill a hole in the ground.
It is also necessary to properly protect the aquifer from high water, as required by the instructions.
Therefore, despite the fact that the process itself is not complicated, the qualifications of the performers are very important.

Rotary method

The technology of drilling a well under water using the rotary method is by far the most common. To make a hole in the ground using this method, a drill pipe is used, inside of which there is a rotating shaft with a bit at the end.

The load is transferred to the tip by a hydraulic installation. This method is attractive because it allows drilling to almost any depth, regardless of the type of rock.

The soil is washed out by constantly flushing the well with drilling fluid.

The solution can be supplied in two ways:

  • With a pump inside the drill pipe, in this case the soil with the solution flows by gravity into the annulus.
  • Gravity flow into the annulus, while the solution and rock are forcibly pumped out of the drill pipe.

It must be said that the second method, which is called backwashing, is a better way to open the aquifer, due to which the well will have a higher flow rate. However, this method is more labor-intensive and requires more complex equipment, respectively, and costs significantly more.

Therefore, the choice of technology depends on in this case, from your budget and required quantity water. As a rule, if it is necessary to provide water to one household, then drilling with direct flushing is quite sufficient.

Now let's look at this technology step by step:

  • First of all, the chisel is driven into the ground large diameter.
  • The bit then rotates under the influence of a rotor, which is driven by a motor.
  • Weighted pipes are installed between the drill pipes and the bit, which add additional load.
  • During operation, soil is removed by liquid pressure from the mud pump.
  • Having completed drilling the first section of soil, a casing so that the top layers of soil do not spill into the well.
  • For stability, the space between the soil and the first casing is filled with solution.
  • Drilling then continues with a smaller bit, after which a narrower casing pipe is inserted.

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Shock-rope method

This technology for drilling a water well is the oldest, slowest and most labor-intensive. However, the quality of such work is the highest. Its essence lies in the fact that the rock is destroyed by crushing it with a powerful heavy projectile, which first rises to a certain height, and then drops sharply.

As a result, the projectile destroys the soil with its weight, which is multiplied by the free fall coefficient. The destroyed rock is removed from the trunk using a bailer. If the ground is soft, then, as a rule, the bailer and chisel are combined into one projectile.

The main advantage of such drilling is that it does not require the use of drilling fluid or water. Thanks to this, it is possible to open the aquifer more accurately and thereby ensure the longest service life of the well and the highest possible flow rate. As a rule, wells made in this way last more than 50 years.

The main disadvantage of this technology for the customer is high price services. In addition to the fact that this method is labor-intensive in itself, during the work it becomes necessary to isolate all the upper aquifers. In other words, as many aquifers and quicksand are in the well, so many casing pipes need to be used, which means additional costs for material and the work of specialists.

Which technology to choose?

In reality, the customer does not have much choice, especially if site conditions do not allow the use of an auger. The percussion-contact method has been almost completely replaced from the market by rotary drilling, which most likely will have to be used.

However, it is necessary to take an interest in the technology at least in order to determine the adequacy of the cost of services. If the soil conditions are suitable and the aquifer is not deep, then it is much more profitable to use the auger method.

Is it possible to drill a well yourself?

It is quite possible to drill a well with your own hands, the only question is how much time and effort it will take from you, and also how well it will be possible to isolate the trunk from the upper aquifers.

Often, developers underestimate the complexity of the work, resulting in either “puddle water” extracted from great depth, or specialists finish their work. At the same time, drillers have to pay almost the full cost, as if they were doing the work “from scratch.”

Therefore, before deciding to independent execution work, you need:

  • Study drilling technology in detail;
  • Understand what equipment you will need and Consumables;
  • Make sure that your site can be drilled with a small-sized drilling rig.

Small-sized installations come in two types:

  • Screw type - as a rule, these installations are homemade.
  • Shock-rope type - installations can have an electric motor or power unit internal combustion. This is important if there is no electricity on the site.

The installation for drilling using the percussion-rope method is considered less demanding on the soil and simpler.
With its help you can drill a well in almost any soil.


All existing technologies well drilling are fundamentally different from each other, however, if the work is carried out by professionals, then each of them allows you to achieve the desired result. At the same time, preference should be given to one or another technology in accordance with one’s own financial capabilities, soil conditions and the depth of the aquifer.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

The need for wells for water extraction has existed as long as civilization has existed. Various geological conditions, the depth of aquifers and potential water intake resources are factors that influence the choice of well drilling methods. Modern methods mechanization makes it possible to drill deep wells that differ high quality water and flow rate for several decades.

Types of water wells and basic principles of their drilling

  • Well– one of the “rare” methods of water extraction. The diameter of wells for wells is usually 800-1500 mm. Widespread use is justified by the possibility of minimal mechanization during the drilling process and the fact that water from a well can be obtained virtually anywhere. A relatively shallow well depth from 4-5 m to 10-12 m can be dug manually, although this is truly backbreaking and not always rewarding work due to the risk of hitting quicksand or massive solid inclusions. The method of drilling a well is to alternately install iron concrete rings and excavation of soil along the inner circumference of the ring.
  • – a relatively shallow well to the aquifer, which, as a rule, is located at a depth of 15 to 40 m. D holes 76 mm - 215 mm. For coarse-grained sands, a filter is installed - a perforated pipe with a galloon mesh winding. It is very difficult to predict the service life of a sand well. The effective service life of sand wells varies greatly depending on the level groundwater and can range from several years to several decades. Eat different ways drilling water wells: auger or rotary.

  • Rotary drilling method(cable-rotary drilling) consists of destroying the rock with a drill constant supply water. The drill rotates due to a rotor installed on deck engines of drilling rigs or through a power take-off from vehicle engines, which serve as a platform for drilling rigs. To strengthen the walls of wells, casing pipes are used, and after their installation, drilling is continued with a roller bit of a smaller size than at the beginning of drilling. The rotary drilling method is used for those types of wells whose depth is not more than 55 m with the possibility of passing through limestone layers.

  • Dry auger drilling(rotary drilling) is used for drilling shallow wells (up to 50 m, less often - up to 80 m) in soft loamy rocks. The screw is a welded structure made of steel pipe and spiral-shaped ribbons. The auger destroys the rock, which is delivered to the surface to the wellhead by a screw conveyor. Simple cutters with rigid fixation are installed on the auger, which does not allow drilling particularly hard or loose rocks using the auger method. Drills - core receivers or a bit with 2 or 3 cutters - are used as rock-cutting elements.

  • - a well with a relatively shallow depth of up to 30 m. It is possible to organize Abyssinian wells, or rather wells, only when the piezometric level is set at a level of no more than 8 m, at which the pump is installed. If the water surface is deep, it is necessary to deepen the pump. Due to their small diameter, submersible pumps are not installed in Abyssinian wells.

Name the organization of the Abyssinian well in a standard way drilling wells is difficult. The passage of soil layers is carried out by driving pipes of not very large diameter (1/4 - 2 inches). Gas pipes by using threaded connections are connected into columns called needles. A cone-shaped tip with a slightly larger diameter than the “needle” itself is installed on the first pipe, so that the friction of the pipes against the walls of the well does not impede passage. In Abyssinian wells, it is optimal to install a 1-inch D pipe in 1-3 m sections, because well flow rate of this type does not depend on the diameter of concrete rings or pipes.

Type of drilling Abyssinian wellcombined: First stage drilling is carried out in dry soil to the watered horizon (quicksand). Initial borehole D – 50-80 mm. Next, the drill is replaced with a tip with a filter and all pipe segments, hermetically connected by couplings, are clogged. Previously, connections were sealed construction flax(hemp), today - using silicone sealants.

A mandatory element is a filter - perforated inch pipe, which is located on the next segment after the tip. The filter is wrapped with a galloon mesh to keep sand out. Normal level water supply depends on regular pressure cleaning of the well. When the filter becomes silted after 8-10 years of operation which is observed in approximately 3% of cases, it is necessary to replace the filter.

Artesian wells are drilled in depth 50 – 80 m and more – up to 400 m. Artesian wells are mainly characterized by the ability to self-flow water, but not all can gush. Artesian - a type of water well in which there is no need for powerful pumping units due to the fact that the location of the water intake layer is above ground level.

Artesian wells are always located in limestone aquifers and the decision to drill an artesian well is justified by the fact that in limestone layers the presence of water is guaranteed in any area and its level does not depend on climatic and weather conditions.

Water intake from artesian wells is carried out over more high level than the depth of the well itself (usually at the sand level). Water can be pumped out from artesian wells at a rate of 5 m*3/hour, which significantly exceeds the water yield of sand wells. The water in artesian wells is clean, but may have increased mineralization, so it is always advisable to carry out chemical analysis water

Artesian wells can be drilled using the percussion-rope method of drilling water wells. This drilling method is suitable for drilling wells up to 300 m deep. The principle of cable percussion drilling is to hit a projectile from a certain height. Using the rope-impact method, sandy soils are drilled using a bailer and loamy soils are drilled using a driving glass. Drilling cartridges are used to penetrate layers with rocky inclusions. Artesian wells can also be drilled using the cable-rotary type of well drilling, provided that the telescopic structure of the drilling rig is used. Drilling is carried out with a hollow rod with a drill bit at the working end. Drilling is carried out with a solution containing bentonite clay, which allows you to immediately strengthen the walls of the well. They lower it into the finished well plastic pipes and filter.

Between external walls pipes and the well itself must be gravel filled with crushed stone fraction 5-20 mm.

The choice of the type and type of organization of water intake should be determined only after a thorough geological study of the location of the well.

Before ordering water well drilling, we recommend that every homeowner become familiar with the basic technologies and methods of drilling. What is it for? After all, any company has consultants who will explain how one technology for drilling water wells differs from another. First of all, this is necessary for you personally. System autonomous water supply done on long years and should all this time be a source of comfort, not anxiety. Even basic knowledge in the field of drilling will allow you to communicate competently with contractors. A more accurate understanding of the complexity of the task and how to solve it will allow not only to choose best method drilling and well development, but also to optimize costs.

Private well drilling methods

Water well drilling technology has various options implementation. Among them there are both already outdated and low-effective ones, as well as modern ones that use latest achievements sciences that require expensive and complex technology. The organization of autonomous water supply solves a very specific range of problems, which allowed private drillers and drilling companies to choose the best methods. To create individual water wells, three main drilling methods are used:

  • shock-rope

  • screw

  • rotary

Percussion-rope drilling

The drilling process involves flushing with drilling fluid. The solution performs several functions at once: it cools and lubricates the drilling tool, strengthens the walls of the well, and carries cuttings to the surface. Mud is a mixture of drilling fluid and broken rock particles. The cuttings settle in a pit dug near the drilling site, and the solution is returned to the well.

There are two types of flushing during drilling. Direct flushing - drilling fluid is fed through drill rods and exits down the wellbore, carrying cuttings to the surface. Backflushing - once in the well, the solution is taken from the lowest point and brought to the surface through the drill string. Backflushing makes it possible to better tap the aquifer, but is more expensive because it requires complex equipment.

Which drilling technology is better?

It is unlikely that you will be able to choose a drilling method based on some personal or financial preferences. The determining factors will be the type of aquifer for which they are going to drill, the characteristics of the rock and the design of the well. The auger is only suitable for drilling in soft rocks without stones and boulders to a relatively shallow depth, therefore it is mainly used when creating sand wells. Rotary drilling is universal; a roller bit can penetrate hard rocks to great depths without problems - this is the only option when drilling into limestone. Percussion-rope drilling It's too time-consuming, low-tech, and barely used.

Be careful when choosing a drilling company. With poor-quality drilling and casing (especially deep artesian), the water quality will deteriorate, the life of the well will be shortened, and the costs of repairing and restoring the functionality of the water supply source will be disproportionately high.

Can you drill a well yourself?

IN certain situations the homeowner is thinking about the possibility of making water well independently, hoping to win on several points at once - drilling, casing, etc. Basically, of course, everyone wants to save money. The main thing is that the “savings” do not affect the quality of water and the time spent on an amateur well. It is quite possible that you will be able to do the so-called Abyssinian well, or a needle well. In this case, a narrow casing pipe with a sharp nozzle is simply driven shallow into the ground to the nearest aquifer (no deeper than 8 m). Drilling with a small-sized auger allows you to do more deep well larger diameter. Such installations are equipped with either an electric or gasoline engine.

But drilling is half the battle; the well needs to be well cased. It often happens that after going through part of the shaft, the homeowner is forced to contact specialists to finish drilling or completely casing the well. Of course, in such a situation the customer gains some experience as a driller, but this experience is not sufficient for independent work and it's worth large quantity wasted money, time and effort. If the task is to make quality work in the cottage year-round water supply based on the well, we recommend that you immediately contact a professional drilling company.


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