Growing garlic as a business. Garlic is a profitable and productive plant

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How to plant garlic, at what time, at what depth and what distances to leave between rows and plants, we will learn from this article.

Garlic planting time

To obtain a high and high-quality garlic harvest, it is important correct solution The question is when to plant garlic.

Winter garlic, as its name indicates, is planted before winter, so that the cloves take root well, but do not sprout.

Overwintering garlic is closely related to the development of the root system: the larger the root system, the less likely it is to freeze.

Research results confirm that before the onset of winter, a clove of garlic should have 12-18 roots 5-10 cm long. It takes approximately 35-45 days to develop such a root system.

Summarizing the experience of growing garlic in Ukraine, scientists determine the following lines for planting garlic:

When to plant winter garlic

  • northern regions of Ukraine - third ten days of September
  • central and western regions of Ukraine - first half of October
  • south of Ukraine - second half of October
  • Transcarpathia - second half of October

The practice of planting garlic in the first ten days of November is dangerous, especially in years with early and cold winters, when a significant part of the cloves die before they have time to take root.

If some of the winter garlic was not planted in the fall and the bulbs are well preserved, it can be planted in the spring. The success of cultivation depends both on the properties of the variety or local form, as well as on storage temperature and planting time.

Most winter varieties, when planted in spring, form a single-pronged bulb. Some produce a bulb divided into cloves, but smaller, as in autumn planting, and single cloves. More bulbs differentiated into cloves are obtained in the case of cold storage at temperatures from -5 to + 4 ° C and the earliest possible planting.

Delay in planting leads to massive formation of one-toothed grass, and storage during the winter at room temperature may cause plants to grow until late autumn, but usually without bulb formation.

When to plant spring garlic

Spring garlic is planted as quickly as possible, as soon as you can go into the field (third ten days of March - early April). Being late even by a few days leads to chopping of the bulbs and essential! reduction in yield. There are examples when the yield of spring garlic when planting 20th of March was 54% higher compared to landing on April 5th.

Planting patterns and feeding areas for garlic

The most common scheme for planting garlic in Ukraine, especially on large areas, is wide-row (row spacing 45 cm) or double-row strip (45 + 20) with a distance between rows of 20 and a wide row spacing of 45 cm. On smaller areas it is planted with a row spacing of 30 cm, small beds it is reduced to 20 cm, increasing the distance between plants.

In Poland, a four-row ribbon planting scheme for garlic with a wide row spacing of 54 and narrow rows of 27 cm is very common, which allows mechanized care and harvesting of the crop. Line plantings with row spacing of 30-40 cm are also recommended,

Lighting, nutritional, water-air regimes, which determine a certain level of yield, largely depend on the nutritional area, which, with certain planting schemes, is determined by the correctly established distance between plants in a row and will be equal to the product of the row spacing by this distance. In particular, according to the most common wide-row scheme in Ukraine, it will be 45 cm multiplied by a certain distance between plants in a row.

It is necessary to emphasize here that, due to its morphology and physiological nature, garlic occupies a relatively small feeding area, which is approximately from 90-100 to 360 cm2.

With a stable row spacing determined by the chosen planting scheme, the nutritional area will vary depending on the morphological nature of the garlic, in particular, the size of the clove, and therefore the plant. As a rule, spring garlic plants are smaller, and winter ones are larger, so the distance in the row between spring garlic plants will be less - 4-5 cm, winter garlic plants - greater (6-10, perhaps 12 cm).

The optimal food area can be considered 315 sq. cm (planting pattern 45×7 cm). An increase in the feeding area to 450 - 540 cm2 according to planting schemes of 45 x 10 and 45 x 12 cm leads to a decrease in the harvest volume per hectare (due to a decrease in the number of plants per hectare), but to a slight increase in its marketability due to an increase in the number of large and medium-sized plants. bulbs

Cloves weighing 2-3 g turned out to be more productive with a fairly high marketability in the variant with a feeding area of ​​225 cm2, where with a wide row spacing (45 cm) the distance between plants in the bed was 5 cm

In small areas (garden plots), the distance between rows can be reduced to 25-30 cm, maintaining optimal feeding area by increasing the distance between plants in the row, in particular according to the scheme 25 cm x 12 cm or 30 cm x 10 cm. In both cases we obtain a feeding area for a clove weighing 3-5 g, very close to optimal (315 cm2).

The feeding area depends not only on the size planting material, but also on soil fertility and characteristics of the variety. In particular on fertile soils with high agricultural technology it can be somewhat reduced. For tall varieties that develop a large mass, the feeding area should be increased.

Generally a marksman winter garlic It is better to grow in a wide row with a distance between rows of 45 cm and between plants in a line:

  • large cloves weighing 6-9 m or more should be placed in a row at a distance of 8-10 cm with a feeding area of ​​45 x 8-10 cm, which is 360-450 sq. cm.
  • for medium teeth, weighing 5 g 7 cm(feed area 45 x 7 = 315 cm2)
  • for small ones, weighing 3 g, - 5 cm(feed area 45 x 5 = 225 cm2)
  • for very small ones, 1-1.5 m,- 3 cm(food area 45 x 3 - 135 cm2)

How much garlic to plant per hectare

The sowing rate of garlic depends both on the feeding area of ​​one plant, which is determined by the planting scheme, and on the weight of the planting clove.

On a feeding area of ​​315 cm (45 x 7 cm), the number of cloves that need to be planted per 1 hectare (10,000 m2) is:

10000 m2: 0.0315 m2 = 317460 pcs./ha.

To determine the mass of cloves needed for planting per 1 hectare, you need to multiply the quantity by the average mass of the clove, namely: 317,460 pcs. cloves x 4-5 g (average 4.5 m) = 1429 kg of cloves per 1 ha.

When determining how much garlic is needed for planting on an area of ​​1 hectare, the norm of cloves needs to be increased by 5-7%, since the bulbs, in addition to the cloves, have integumentary scales, a bottom and part of the arrow. For ease of calculation, we provide a table of garlic planting rates per 1 hectare.

Planting rates for garlic cloves, kg/ha

Number of plants per 1 hectare, thousand pcs. Average weight of clove and single clove, grams
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3 4 5 6 7
250 625 750 1000 1250 1500 1750
300 600 750 900 1200 1500 1800 2100
350 525 700 875 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450
400 400 000 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800
500 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000
600 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2400 3000
700 700 ]050 1400 1750 2100 2800

At what depth to plant garlic?

In the technology of growing garlic, it is also important at what depth to plant garlic. It is known that shallow planting of garlic leads to cloves sticking out of the soil with a fast-growing compact bunch of roots, and under unfavorable external conditions, the cloves die. Planting too deeply causes the crop to liquefy, stunting bulb growth and reducing yield.

The depth depends on the time of planting the garlic, the size of the clove and the mechanical composition of the soil. It is calculated from the base of the clove - the bottom, where the growth cone is located and the roots originate, to the soil surface.

  • depth of planting garlic before winter (winter) from 7-8 to 10-12 cm
  • The depth of planting garlic in spring (spring) is 5-7 cm.

The depth at which garlic is planted is of particular importance for winter garlic; it must be sprinkled so that the layer of soil above the cloves is at least 3-4 cm.

Medium cloves should be planted at 7-8 cm, large cloves should be planted at 8-10 to 12 cm. On light soils, cloves should be planted slightly deeper than on heavy soils. Reducing the temperature in the bottom zone to minus 12-14°C can lead to significant freezing of garlic. A drop in temperature is especially dangerous in November-December without snow.

To ensure adequate planting depth, especially in large areas, it is necessary to pre-cut planting furrows in accordance with the planting pattern, using a tractor marker or hiller after some conversion, or other mechanisms, for example, a slightly converted old corn planter.

When cutting furrows, pay special attention to their depth, since the depth of planting of garlic will depend on this.

How to plant garlic. Landing technique

Planting garlic is a complex and responsible process, on which the volume and quality of the harvest largely depends. A correctly planted clove should occupy a vertical position, its lower part must be pressed quite vigorously to the ground so that during digging it maintains a vertical position and begins to take root as soon as possible. The bottom of the clove should lie and be fixed on a sufficiently compacted bed, soil that is too loose is rolled up before planting. Rolling with light rollers can also be recommended after planting, especially on soils with light mechanical composition. If rolling is not provided, then it is advisable to raise a small hump, which will protect against low temperatures and contribute to better overwintering of the garlic.

The above conditions can best be met by manually planting garlic in pre-cut furrows 8-12 cm deep according to the planting pattern. In order for the furrows to open better, metal plates are welded to the chisel-like legs of the hiller. Place cloves of garlic into the prepared furrows at a given distance and cover them with the same undergar with loops or a hoe.

We emphasize that such planting most fully meets the biological requirements of the crop. However, manual planting requires quite a significant investment of money and a lot of work force in a tense autumn period. You can significantly reduce the cost of manual labor (20-25 times) by using special garlic planters for planting garlic, the productivity of which is 2.5-3.0 hectares per seven-hour working day. However, machine planting of garlic has a number of disadvantages compared to manual planting. The main thing is that during machine planting it is not possible to ensure that the clove hits the bottom down.

​Similar articles​

What is garlic used for?

​You can grow it all year round, there are two varieties of garlic:

Messidor is a garlic variety developed in Holland. The number of cloves in the onion is 10 pieces. Productivity – 20-25 tons per hectare. Planting pattern: 10 cloves of garlic are planted per meter, row spacing should be 80-120 cm.​


​Winter garlic prefers sandy loam soils. The beds for garlic are prepared in advance, 1-2 weeks before planting. The largest bulbs are selected for planting winter garlic. Chopping is carried out immediately before planting winter garlic; the old mother bottom must be removed. The depth of planting winter garlic depends on the type of soil and the size of the cloves. There should be 4–5 cm from the top of the clove to the soil surface. Planting too shallowly threatens winter garlic with freezing.​

  • ​we realized something too late, you won’t find varieties in wholesale stores, unless it’s from grannies, but we don’t know what their yield per hundred square meters is, it depends on the land, planting time, and, strange as it may seem, from garlic, there are some that have 10-15 Zubzov, and there are those who have five in total
  • ​There are two common options for how to sell garlic:​
  • ​According to reviews from people involved in this type of business, you can earn up to 250 thousand rubles per season, depending on the sowing area and the quality of the variety.​
  • ​In any case, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of seedlings.​
  • ​It’s unlikely that God’s old dandelion will need a business plan for growing garlic, but if it happens on a farm, then you can calculate investments and losses.​

Growing technology and harvesting

​If you use plants with more intensive growth, for example, green onions, tomatoes or cucumbers, you can harvest several harvests.​

  • ​Large - 15 cm.​
  • Nowadays, many farms, as well as garden owners who want to get additional profit from their garden plot, are growing garlic. If you purchase high-quality seed, the yield reaches 1 ton per 0.10 hectares. Based on this, we can safely say that growing garlic as a business will bring good income.​

​Winter - planted in autumn​

Gulliver is a mid-late variety of garlic. The bulb is round-flat, dense, weighing 90-120 g. Number of cloves 3-5. The pulp of the cloves is white and dense. The taste is spicy. Ripened bulbs are stored for up to 8 months. Marketable yield 0.98 kg/sq.m. Variety value

​Totril is a highly effective herbicide for protecting garlic and onion crops from weeds. I read some good reviews from people who run small businesses growing garlic in villages.​

​If I plant as I do: between rows 35 cm, between bushes 20 cm, then for 10 acres I will need 3500 heads of garlic (this is approximately +-100 heads) if the head is 4 cloves, then for a hundred acres I will need about 350 heads. I plant it at bayonet depth, and why is it so rare, because it’s easier to chop. I plant before frost for the holiday of the Intercession. The earth should be broken into small piles, sprinkled with ash and sand. Plant the tines in a row, not densely. The bed should be on the sunny side. The distance between rows is 20 cm, between plants 6-8 cm. The depth of their planting is also different - from 5 to 8 cm. Deep planting of large cloves and one clove in the fall contributes to the rapid rooting of plants and their preservation from freezing. After planting garlic, the soil is mulched with humus or peat with a layer of 2-3 cm. If the autumn is dry, then in order for the garlic to take root better, it is watered at the rate of 10-12 liters per 1 m. The yield of garlic is 12-15 tons per hectare when grown on a feather. - up to 20-25 tons per hectare. It turns out that on one hundred square meters you can harvest 120 - 150 kilograms of garlic.​

Each fraction is planted at a certain distance:

  • ​Hand over the entire harvest to resellers.​
  • ​If a person has a desire to work, he will always find something to do that not only appeals to him, but can also bring him a stable income. It is especially easy to solve the issue of setting up a business in agriculture, those people who have their own household plots. A small plot of land in a dacha can give rise to the development of a fairly profitable business. One of the options that has great prospects for development, there is a business in garlic, that is, in its cultivation.​
  • Garlic does not like to grow often, so it can be planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

​An example of business plans can always be found on the Internet and you can simply calculate how much it will cost:​

​Now you know how to grow garlic for sale. Additionally, you can also grow dill and parsley. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Any amateur gardener can do this. If you have your own plot of land and do not know how to use it to get additional income, start growing garlic. This is a fairly promising and profitable line of business that does not require large investments.​

The cloves are embedded in the soil to a depth of 7–8 cm. Per 1 sq. a meter of area requires about 90–120 g of planting material.​

​This is quite common useful product. It is added to various dishes as spices, used for preservation, and also eaten raw.​

Business profitability

And spring, planted in spring


​Winter garlic​

Calculation of initial capital

​I consider it optimal to plant 7-8 kilograms of garlic per hundred square meters of land. Then from these kilograms you can harvest 100 kilograms of garlic, which is quite profitable. It is better to plant garlic before winter, although each farmer has his own habits.​

​The price at which resellers buy garlic is not very profitable, a maximum of 70 rubles per kilogram. But this sales method is less time-consuming.​

​This type of business is convenient because it does not require large investments, and the profit will please you with its opportunities for further development. But first, it is imperative to draw up a business plan, with the help of which you can take into account all the features of this field of activity.​

In addition, if the soils are acidic, they will have to be limed

Sales of products

​purchase of fertilizers and seedlings;​

​Crops are mulched with tops for the winter garden crops or tree leaves. In the spring, the cover is removed, the soil is loosened and fertilizer is applied from potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. Watering is performed 5–6 times. For each square meter you need to spend 40 liters of water. To obtain large heads, shoots should be removed regularly.​

​Garlic can be found in any kitchen. It is purchased by restaurants, cafes, meat producers and ordinary consumers. Such a product never sits on the shelves, since it is the very first medicine for the flu or cold. It is able to relieve a person from various ailments, therefore it is in great demand among consumers. If you start growing garlic for sale, you can get a good, stable income.​

  • ​Both varieties are in demand.​
  • ​: high yield and keeping quality.​
  • ​. Place in crop rotation Garlic is best placed after legumes, pumpkins, cabbage, and early green crops. Garlic should not be placed after potatoes, tomatoes, or onions, as they have common diseases and pests. Placing winter garlic on fresh manure has a negative effect. Garlic should not be placed either in low places, where melt water accumulates in the spring, or in high places, where in winter the wind blows away the snow and the garlic can freeze. Fertilizer of winter garlic


​I think it depends on various factors. Plant garlic on a head or germinate a seedling. The size of the growing garlic and the distance when planting. Everyone has their own rules, habits and experience. I plant at most three beds (1x6m) and it takes 2-3 kg. I think if you plant a hundred square meters of land, you need 10 kilograms.​

​Sell garlic on the market yourself.​​Many will be interested in the question of why it will be profitable to grow garlic and build on it own business. After all, this product is quite specific, firstly, not everyone eats garlic, and secondly, it is never bought in kilograms, but is used only in small quantities. To answer this question, it is enough to remember beneficial properties garlic, its wide use not only in cooking, but also in medicine. In addition, despite the really small purchases of this product, garlic is used all year round, which means that with proper storage it can be sold not in a certain season, but constantly, from harvest to harvest, while having a constant income.​ ​, add sand, since the garlic will grow small in clay.​

​soil cultivation and cleaning;​

Growing technology

  1. ​4,95​
  2. ​When the crop is ripe, it is dug up, dried, freed from tops and sent for sale.​
  3. ​Let's consider several varieties of this popular and popular crop that can be used for cultivation in Ukraine and Russia:​
  4. ​Garlic is not only eaten raw, but is also used in the manufacture of various homemade preparations, preserves, marinades, in salads, and in dried form - as part of various spices and seasonings.​
  5. ​Red Duke is a rare high-yielding variety of winter garlic from the Czech Republic. The mass of the bulb is from 70 to 120 g. The number of cloves is 5-8 pieces, the color is purple. ​
  6. ​Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied during basic soil cultivation. Nitrogen fertilizing is applied in the spring, when garlic sprouts appear. Good result gives the treatment of planting material with a mixture of microfertilizers, or by soaking garlic cloves in a solution of microelements (Aquarin mix, Rexolin, Reakom and others) and fungicides-protectants (3% solution of benlate for 3-4 minutes, 3% solution of foundationazole for 1 -2 minutes). Pre-sowing soaking of aerial bulbs for 12 hours in humic fertilizer Rostok increases yield by 20-30% and increases germination almost 2 times.​
  7. ​If I have 10 acres then mine needs 70-80 kg of garlic??​

​B in this case the price will be quite favorable 150 - 200 rubles per kilogram, but you will need to spend a lot of time and incur additional costs for transport and market fees.​

Selection of planting material

​There is another little trick why farmers choose garlic as their focus. The fact is that when growing garlic, you can choose winter varieties. For example, during the season, legumes, cabbage, and pumpkin were grown on the plot. Then, when the harvest was harvested, garlic was planted in the same place, which in early spring gives its first harvest in the form of fresh green sprouts, and by the beginning of summer you can dig up the ripe heads, which are dried in the sun. And the same plot of land can be used again for growing, for example, cucumbers or radishes. This crop rotation allows for the most efficient use of land, while achieving greater profitability.​

In addition, fertilizers may be needed

Doing Business

​Then you need to find out the prices per kilogram of products, estimating your future or existing income and find out the difference. However, growing does not mean selling, so you need to immediately find a sale for your products.​


To get started, you can start growing garlic at home. After you master the technology, you can rent a plot of land and the necessary equipment to increase your income.​

Lyubasha. This new variety, which is characterized by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions. The harvest is stored for more than 10 months and does not lose quality;

  • ​The unpretentiousness of this vegetable and knowledge of the technology of growing garlic allow you to get small areas lands with solid harvests
  • ​Beneficcii (Benefit) -​
​Planting time for winter garlic​

Sales of products

​The yield of garlic is 12-15 tons per hectare when grown on the pen - up to 20-25 tons per hectare.​

​Any entrepreneur can find other options for selling garlic, for example, agreeing on sales with a cannery or with catering establishments.​

  • ​In addition, winter varieties of garlic are more productive.​
  • ​, as well as pitchforks and shovels for digging up beds and a watering can for watering. If you plan to grow a lot of garlic, you can purchase a cart.​
  • ​Before you grow something on your plot, you need to find out whether the product will be successful in the market. Thus, greens are in demand in cafes and restaurants all year round, so there will always be a demand for them. The issue with garlic is controversial.

Messidor was bred in Holland, the bulb is heavy and has at least 10 cloves. The harvest is up to 25 tons per hectare. Let's focus on the winter version, since it grows larger.​

​The main competitor for domestic entrepreneurs who grow garlic in open ground, is an inexpensive Chinese product. But its quality is much lower, since such garlic contains less essential oils.​


​Rocambole. The weight of one head is 200–300 grams. This crop belongs to the onion family, but has a garlicky taste. The technology for growing rocambole garlic is no different from other varieties. Winter rocambole has a higher yield;


​. By the way, it is precisely the unpretentiousness of garlic that allows it to be grown in gardens in different soil compositions. different regions countries; in gardens, where it is often planted to protect fruit trees and shrubs from pests; and even at home - in boxes on windowsills. The latter method, of course, is used to grow garlic for your own needs. It’s simply not possible to grow large volumes for home sales.​ ​new variety of garlic​

Each region has its own optimal timing planting winter garlic. Southern and western regions - the third ten days of October, northern and eastern - the second ten days of September, central - the third ten days of September - early October. Garlic should enter winter in a well-rooted state with sprouts of 0.7-1.5 cm. The timing of planting garlic coincides with the moment when the soil temperature drops to 10-12°C. Harvesting winter garlic Harvesting is done dry sunny weather with massive yellowing lower leaves. After harvesting, the garlic is dried in the sun. When sorting, they clear the soil, cut off the roots, shorten the false stem to 10-20 mm, remove damaged and rotten bulbs


​It turns out that on one hundred square meters you can harvest 120 - 150 kilograms of garlic.​​The profitability of growing garlic can be found out by analyzing all planned expenses and income from activities.​


  1. ​The first step that needs to be taken is to resolve the issue of land. If you have private property with land, you can use it or rent a hectare of space to grow garlic. Renting 1 hectare of land costs about 1 thousand rubles per month, respectively 12 thousand rubles per year. The most popular is the cultivation of winter garlic, since the spring variety quickly deteriorates.
  2. ​It is used:​​It is best to sow winter garlic after cabbage, legumes or greens in September - October. By this time the soil should have a temperature of about 10-12 degrees.​
  3. ​Many farmers in Ukraine consider growing garlic as a business to be a rather complicated and labor-intensive task, so they refuse to work in this direction. The complexity of mechanization significantly reduces the profitability of growing garlic over large areas, but from a small plot of land of several tens of acres, you can get a good profit.​ ​Ukrainian purple is a variety that can be cultivated as a winter or spring crop. It stores well and does not get damaged. The yield of this variety is 15–20 tons per 1 ha;​

Growing winter garlic

Long term storing garlic allows you to resolve the issue of marketing products longer than in a situation with perishable products. Of course, if favorable conditions are created. to contents ​ ​from Romania, which is planted before winter. In its homeland, Benefit is considered

​When planning your garlic business, special attention should be paid to the choice of variety. I give preference to varieties of Ukrainian selection, as they are best suited to our weather conditions.​

​if you plant 1 clove, you will get 1 head​​Calculation of profitability per 1 hectare of area.​

​By the way. From 1 hectare of land at proper care and suitable weather conditions You can harvest up to 8 tons of garlic.​

​Winter garlic is always in greater demand and is more expensive, so it is more profitable.​

Costs, profitability

​as an additive for preservation;​

​He does not like potatoes, tomatoes and onions, as they have common pests.​​The profitability level of growing winter crops is at least 70% if the products are sold to wholesalers. Retail increases profitability up to 120–150%.​

​Saved. This variety was bred at the Lviv Agrarian University. It is characterized by high shelf life, as well as resistance to nematodes and futaria;

​the best variety of winter garlic​

Garlic business: interesting idea for aspiring entrepreneurs | Catalog of business ideas

​Varieties for growing garlic as a business​

​aahah. . Faya Ibragimova)) what is the question, is the answer)) so consider it)))​

Why garlic?


Winter garlic

​A small plot of land can be cultivated manually; this is more troublesome, but very economical. Moreover, care for planted garlic is minimal. If the land area is 2-3 hectares, you can hire workers who will plant and dig up garlic. This will be cheaper than buying a seeder, tractor and combine.​

​You will have to not only sow a fairly large area, but also treat it from pests. Winter garlic is more resistant to storage and cultivation in unfavorable conditions than spring, which is why farmers choose it for sale.​

Organizational aspects

​seasonings for dishes;​

​The soil must be level, without lowlands or hills, otherwise the harvest will be small.​

​If you can competently draw up a business plan for growing garlic, you can make a good profit from this business. It is especially profitable to engage in such a business if you have your own land plot. Renting land is expensive, so try to avoid these costs if possible. It is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​industrial cultivation of garlic, since this area of ​​business activity is more suitable as an aid in business management. Make money on it big capital very difficult.​

​Messidor is a Dutch variety that provides a yield of 20–25 tons per hectare.​

​Not your own summer cottage? No problem! Rent the land. Of course, in the Moscow region this is practically unrealistic - business income simply will not cover the rent, but a little further - in the Ryazan region, agricultural land can be rented inexpensively - from 1 to 50 thousand rubles per 1 hectare. By the way, at first you won’t need a larger area.​

​. Easy to grow, frost-resistant, high-yielding, quickly adapts to different climatic conditions. Long shelf life – up to 10-12 months. The variety is relatively resistant to the most common garlic diseases. ​

​you can get rich! literally!​

  • ​land rent - 12 thousand rubles;​
  • ​Payment wages seasonal workers will be 50 thousand rubles.​
  • ​Purchase costs - from 30 to 200 rubles per kilogram.​
  • ​for the prevention of ARVI;​

Before planting, the soil is prepared 1-2 weeks. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied and the soil is loosened.​

Harvest marketing

​Seeding material (sets or garlic bulbs) costs 30–200 rubles. kilogram. Its price largely depends on the variety. For example, growing winter garlic will cost you more because the price seed material quite high. But at the same time it will delight you with good yield. But growing and caring for spring garlic is much easier and cheaper, since it is an unpretentious crop. But, unfortunately, it does not produce high yields.​

  1. Garlic can be grown in two ways:

​B different regions countries, the cost of rent may differ, but the requested amounts are quite feasible for almost anyone who wants to start their own business growing garlic.​

  1. Is it profitable to grow garlic? To many people who are far from agricultural production, this business may seem unprofitable. After doing a little research, I beg to differ with this opinion. Firstly, the costs of organizing your own business in this case will be so minimal that even pensioners, who, as you know, are now worried about better times. Secondly, there is a fairly stable demand for this product, which in many regions is not always satisfied by supply.​

​Lyubasha - new

​plant first and grow. and then count.​

Business financial indicators

​purchase of planting material - 120 thousand rubles;​

​Of course, we cannot do without modernizing the business and purchasing equipment in the future. With a stable income, you can buy equipment in a couple of years. But in the first stages of doing business, such expenses will be too high, and the money invested will not be able to pay for itself for several years.​

​Accordingly, you can sell it in approximately the same way.​

  • ​Of course, you can always hand it over to a store for sale, but an agreement must be concluded there, and the money will come only after the product is sold​
  • Before planting, garlic is disassembled into cloves, after which they are planted 5 cm apart to a sufficient depth. The crop does not like shallow planting; it will simply freeze. During the winter, it should be rooted and have shoots of 1.5 cm.
  • ​In addition, you will need money to purchase fertilizers. Most likely, you will also have to hire an assistant for planting and other work. Don’t forget to purchase containers for storing garlic at home or rent space for storage. When drawing up a business plan, try to take into account all unforeseen expenses so as not to waste time looking for money in the future. In total, to start a garlic business, you need to spend 40 thousand rubles.​
  • ​From the teeth;​

​Let's do a little math here. From 1 hectare of land you can get a harvest of up to 8 tons. Wholesale price 1 kilogram of garlic in different regions varies depending on the variety and quality from 60 to 90 rubles. Even at the minimum price, your profit will be 480 thousand rubles. Taking into account expenses in the amount of 100 thousand rubles (which, with certain savings, can be reduced!), We get 380 thousand rubles “net”. Please note that these are minimum estimates. to contents​

​Brief business analysis:​

​Ukrainian variety of winter garlic​

​60-70 kg.​

​fertilizers - 4 thousand rubles;​

How much garlic do you need to plant on 1 hundred square meters?

Irina Plekhanova

​When starting a business, starting investments are needed to purchase planting material and fertilizers. So, about 800 kilograms of planting material per 1 hectare are needed, if the price per kilogram is 150 rubles, then the costs will be 120 thousand rubles. It will be necessary to spend 4 thousand rubles per 1 hectare of area on the purchase and application of fertilizers.

Elena Orlova

​The average harvest is 5-8 tons from 1 or one and a half hectares.​

How much garlic do you need per hundred square meters of land?



In the spring, after the emergence of seedlings, fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out.


​Over time, if everything goes well, you can expand the acreage and rent special equipment for labor automation.​

touch Alexander

From air bulbs (bulbs).

Approximately how much garlic can you harvest from 1 acre????

Irina Gromova

​I think there is no need to say that the quality of garlic depends on the planting material used. There are 3 types of such material, each of which is the next link of the previous one:
​Costs for organizing a business: 10,000 - 100,000 rubles Relevant for cities with a population: no restrictions Situation in the industry: the supply market is saturated Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5 Payback: 1 season​

Faya Ibragimova

​, good frost and dry resistance, shelf life - up to 10 months without loss of quality. The height of the stem is 0.9-1.2 m. The number of cloves is from 4 to 7 pcs. The average weight of a clove is about 15-20 grams. The average weight of an onion is from 80 to 120 g. The color of the bulb is white with light purple streaks. ​


​Good push​


​workers' salary - 50 thousand rubles.​

Mityai Bukhankin

​Also in the business plan it is necessary to include such an article as organizing a place for storing garlic. Do not forget that if garlic is stored properly, it can be sold throughout the winter, and, as a rule, in winter it always costs more than if it is sold in the fall. Moreover, some part of the harvest must be left as planting material for next year, which will help you save a lot of money.​

Igor Vyazmin

​Now it is clear that the business is profitable, even very profitable.​

Growing garlic as a business - Business village

​So, let's get back to growing produce. In any case, it needs a site on which it will grow. This could be a garden plot or a place in a field. You will have to not only invest money in fertilizing the land and seeding, but also protect the harvest, because you can be left without it. Therefore, it is more advisable to plant in a place where it is possible to constantly monitor the products. Harvesting is carried out after the leaves turn yellow in dry, sunny weather. It is best to let the garlic dry in the sun for a while so that all the nutrients are transferred to the bulb, after which the stems are cut off, leaving 10 cm tails. You can use them to hang garlic, braiding it into braids. The roots are also removed without damaging the calyx. As mentioned above, there is a high demand for these products. To establish sales, pay special attention to organizations that produce food, in particular, meat processing and the production of various spices. In the inflorescences of the plant, small bulbs form on its stems. After ripening, their protective shell bursts. For vigorous sowing, the bulblets are stored in dried inflorescences until spring. Garlic bulbs. They serve for the two-year stage of growing garlic. In the first year, from the “aerial” bulb (as they are also called), a single-toothed bulb grows, used for planting on next year, and only after another year can you get full-fledged garlic for sale.​

Garlic business - making money in the village

​As I already said, it is much easier for land owners in this regard. Even if it's simple country cottage area 6 acres. You can always start small. If the business takes off, over time and with new income you can expand your enterprise. If not, you lose nothing except your efforts and wasted time, which, by the way, are more than compensated by the experience gained. While the dacha stands as a “dead weight”, it is a liability that regularly “sucks” funds from you for its maintenance. As soon as it starts generating income for you, it will turn into an asset.​

​Ukrainian white and purple are a variety of garlic, cultivated as winter and spring crops. The varieties do not bolt. Bulb weight from 60 to 140 g. Number of cloves from 4 to 12. Weight of one clove from 1.5 to 10 g. The yield of the variety is 15 - 20 tons per hectare or 150-200 kg

Planting winter garlic

​garlic business​

​Total expenses: 186 thousand rubles.​

​Basic requirements for the room where garlic will be stored:​ A good garlic harvest reaches 8-10 tons per hectare and retains its shelf life for up to 10 months. One who grows vegetable crops, considers this a very profitable business. Messidor generally yields up to 25 tons per hectare.​

​You don’t need any special equipment for garlic, although of course you can spend money on special mechanisms, but this is done on an industrial scale.​

​Garlic likes to be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, so you can put it in the attic.​

​The search for future buyers can begin before the harvest is harvested. All products can be sold wholesale to resellers. To ensure the security of the transaction, enter into an agreement with them. In the future, you will be able to sell large volumes of products without problems. Since caring for and growing garlic does not take much time and effort, anyone who has their own plot of land can do this business.

Varieties of winter garlic

​When growing garlic from bulbs, you will get a single clove head. The next year, a large seed grows from it, which can be used as seed material for a commercial product. It is worth noting that growing garlic from seeds helps improve the health of the seed and also increases its quantity.​

​One-toothed bulb (set). Next year, a garlic head with several cloves will grow from this one.

​By the way,​

​garlic from 1 hundred square meters​​gave in 2009, when the price for one kilogram of winter garlic was 50-60g. Many people in villages and towns began to engage in​ ​Proceeds from the sale of the harvest - 70 rubles. *8 tons = 560 thousand rubles

​stable temperature, which should not fall below 2-3 degrees Celsius, but also not rise above 4 degrees;​ ​The cost of fertilizers can amount to 5 thousand rubles per hectare if you want to get an excellent harvest. ​​Most often everything is limited to a pitchfork and a watering can. Of course, when the turnover of products is large, you will need special mesh bags, carts for exporting products, as well as storage space.​

​It is best to purchase varietal garlic and then propagate it yourself. Since the crop is biennial, it can be alternated on the beds, growing days for sale, others for sowing.​

​Video on the topic​

​To get a large harvest and, accordingly, high profits, you need to study the technology of growing garlic and strictly adhere to it:​

​A clove of garlic, separated from the whole head.​

​dacha is generally a universal place to open your own small business​. The variety is very well preserved.​business for growing winter garlic​

​Net profit – 374 thousand rubles.​

​lack of lighting, otherwise garlic will begin to sprout in the middle of winter, thereby deteriorating its commercial value;​​Shops accept garlic from buyers for about 50 rubles per kilogram, so all that remains is to find sales points.​ ​For large areas for sowing, you will need a tractor, seeder, plow. The cost of all the above equipment will be at least 3 million rubles, but as an option it can be leased for the period of sowing.​ ​If the landing is not on large area, then all this can be done on a personal plot. Garlic is a good neighbor to Victoria, so it can be planted between rows in the country.​Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how much can you earn if you do business in garlic and growing green onions? Profit largely depends on which variety you choose, as well as on the size of the acreage.​

​First of all, you need to prepare the soil. It is fertilized with compost and humus. Applying fresh manure is not recommended. If a large area is allocated for sowing, agricultural machinery should be used to cultivate it. Several acres of land can be cultivated manually. Sorting of seed material. The whole head is disassembled into cloves and divided into different fractions by size. Winter garlic grows into one indivisible bulb. For planting in order to obtain a “quick” harvest, the last two types of garlic are usually used; the “aerial” bulbs obtained as a result of cultivation are left for planting for future harvests in order to avoid spending money on purchasing seed in the future. You can start breeding some animals, for example, rabbits (business plan for breeding rabbits), indo-ducks, and even crayfish, or grow parsley, green onions, well, or the same garlic. In general, it is quite possible to make a profit from your six hundred square meters. But this does not mean at all that people who do not have a plot of land cannot organize the cultivation of garlic.​

​Spas is a Ukrainian variety of winter garlic, bred by the Lviv Agrarian University (1999). High keeping quality, the yield of the variety is 15 - 20 tons per hectare. Number of cloves – from 7 to 9 pcs. The average weight of an onion is from 60 to 100 g. The variety is resistant to fusarium and nematode.

​. At this time, I was looking for my own business in the village and also decided to try to grow garlic in the village. Such a profit is quite a good income. If the area of ​​cultivated land increases, then the income will increase accordingly.​ ​low humidity 70-80%, due to high humidity the bulbs will begin to rot;

​More accurate calculations taking into account the costs of fuel and lubricants and hired labor can be found on the Internet, because there are many farmers engaged in this type of business.​

Garlic as a vegetable crop


​On an industrial scale, running such a business is not profitable, except in small farms and in your own backyard, as an additional source of income.​

  1. Garlic can be grown in one place once every 3 years;
  2. ​Small – 5–6 cm;​

​The most popular varieties of garlic in Russia are:​

Books about business can give a real impetus to doing business or inspiration for generating new business ideas! purple. Bulb weight from 30 to 60 g. Number of cloves – 6 pcs. Productivity - 10-12 tons per hectare (100-120 kg per hundred square meters). The variety is resistant to diseases.​ ​When I went to pick up grape seedlings at the nursery, they offered me aerial seeds winter garlic of Ukrainian selection - Lyubasha. The price for winter garlic was relatively high, but I took a few kilograms of “air” and soon did not regret it! After the harsh winter of 2012, almost everyone in our village had frozen garlic. Our variety Lyubasha pleased us with a good harvest; there were no problems with sales: we took garlic in bulk from the yard at 18-20 grams.​

​Garlic business can be called a very good choice for aspiring entrepreneurs in agriculture. It has good prospects for development, and the cultivation of garlic is successfully combined with other crops, and can become a good option as an additional or main type of economic activity.​

Let's organize a business

​good air conditioning.​

Land plot

​For those who grow the product in small quantities, it is easier to sell it to cafes or restaurants, or you can take it to the market. This will help not only to quickly make a profit, but also to sell the goods faster, rather than waiting for resellers. In winter, garlic can be sold for no less than 200 rubles per kilogram, but for this it must be properly preserved.​

​is one of the easiest crops to grow, therefore, to grow a couple of buckets of garlic, you don’t need staff, just family members who will be happy to dig around in the beds. When sowing garlic per hectare, you will have to hire hired workers who will be involved in periodic feeding, loosening and watering when there is no rain.

​Such a business is organized in order to survive, and not to receive a fabulous income, so at first you should not count on gigantic profits.​

Planting material

​Regardless of what variety you grow, winter or spring, you can only harvest one crop per year;​

  1. ​Medium - 10 cm;​
  2. ​"Komsomolets"​
  3. ​The nutritional value of garlic is difficult to underestimate; besides, this vegetable also has remarkable medicinal properties. I won’t list all the diseases from which eating garlic “saves”; you probably already know everything very well.​

A detailed manual for entrepreneurs who decide to start a business growing garlic. Important points - from registration to product sales - and secrets to the success of a future enterprise that will help you earn about 600,000 rubles. from 1 hectare of land.

Growing garlic is one of the best ideas for small businesses. This culture is unpretentious and requires a minimum of attention and investment.

You can grow garlic even in a small garden plot and still reap a good harvest.

This business does not involve the purchase of expensive agricultural equipment and the hiring of workers. You can do all the work of planting, growing, harvesting and storing garlic yourself.

From the information presented below, you can find out what advantages and disadvantages the described business has, how to choose planting material, land, what type of garlic is best for growing, when and how to harvest it, as well as how to properly store and sell the crop.

Pros and cons of growing garlic

First, it’s worth finding out what advantages and disadvantages the described business has.


  • Minimum starting capital.
  • No need for agricultural machinery.
  • You can grow garlic on 20 acres of land.
  • Easy care.
  • Small.
  • There is good demand for garlic among the population.

One of the main advantages of such a business is that anyone who has a dacha or Vacation home, – from schoolchild to pensioner.


  • At the initial stage, a lot of time is spent searching for a reliable supplier of high-quality seed sets.
  • Like any crop, garlic requires soil fertilization, so you will have to spend money on them.
  • When growing winter garlic, you will need sandy loam soil.
  • With high yields and the absence of regular customers, sales problems arise.

The disadvantages are insignificant, but they should still be taken into account when drawing up a business plan and further implementation of the business.

Business Investments

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of growing garlic, financial expenses inevitable at the start. However, they are minimal when compared with others.

Conditional figures will be taken as an example.

So, it will take about 6,000 rubles to process the site. This includes plowing and harrowing the land, as well as preparing beds for seedlings.

Seed material for 20 acres will cost approximately 30,000 - 40,000 rubles. (200 kg at a price of up to 100 rubles per 1 kg.).

20 acres of land will require 8 tons of fertilizer - humus and peat. The cost of this will be at least 25,000 rubles. However, we must understand that this applies to growing crops on an industrial scale. For the same 20 acres, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced several times - the yield and quality will not suffer from this.

As for where to store garlic, there are two options:

  1. Organize it in an existing building on a country site.
  2. Build or prepare a room for storing crops.

In the latter case, the costs can be about 30,000 rubles.

As a result, business costs, if we take the figures given, are 91,000 rubles.

However, 30,000 rubles can be subtracted from the result obtained. (if you already have a ready-made warehouse) and approximately 15,000 rubles. (if there is no need for a large amount of fertilizer). Accordingly, the amount is reduced to 46,000 rubles.

It is worth recalling that the figures were taken as conditional. To get a more accurate result, it is necessary to analyze all financial aspects, from the cost of seeding and fertilizers to the arrangement of a warehouse.

How to register a business?

Since garlic will be grown for further sale, such activities are subject to mandatory registration.

You can register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. The best option- IP.

To register, just go to the tax office, submit an application and register yourself individual entrepreneur to 01.13.4. The tax system is simplified tax system 6%.

There are no special permits for this business. However, at the time of registration, it would be useful to additionally consult the SES, since the legislation is constantly changing.

Advice: You can start preparing the land, purchasing and planting seedlings before registering your business with the tax office.

What variety of garlic should I grow?

There are two main varieties of garlic: winter and spring.

Winter garlic

This variety is ideal for the business described. This garlic is very resistant to frost, has high yield, large cloves and good taste. It is planted in the period September-October.

The highest-yielding varieties of winter garlic are:

  • Lyubasha.
  • Ryazhsky.
  • Polessky.
  • Messidor (Dutch garlic).
  • Doctor.
  • Autumn.
  • Pluto.
  • Gribovsky.
  • Garkua.
  • Saved.
  • Scythian.


This variety of garlic grows well only in southern regions Russia, since he has a negative attitude towards cold, snow and frost. Accordingly, planted seedlings do not always produce the expected yield. It is better to grow it for yourself and at the dacha.

The highest yielding varieties of spring garlic:

  • Elenovsky.
  • Kledor.
  • Flavor.

From the above, we can conclude that preference should be given to winter varieties of garlic, since they are best suited for growing for sale.

How not to make a mistake with planting material?

There are several types of garlic planting material:

  • Sevok or single clove is an onion with one clove. It has good yield and a large number of cloves.
  • Aerial bulbs are bulbs from the arrow. Grown as planting material for next year.
  • The clove of the head of a mature onion is the first reproduction, or part of the head of garlic. One of the best seeds.

When choosing planting material, you need to pay attention to the head of garlic. If there are more than 4 cloves on it, including large ones, then the garlic is degenerate and will give a weak harvest.

Good planting material can be obtained from an aerial bulb. From it, seedlings are grown, which are planted again. The result will be good yield.

Regarding the first reproduction (the clove of the head of a mature bulb), it can be noted that this is also an excellent planting material. However, it is quite difficult to buy and is susceptible to various diseases that reduce the final yield.

The best option for business is purchasing seedlings. From it you can get not only a good harvest, but also seed for next year.

Selection of land

The planting site must be drained and fertile, and well lit.

It is better to grow garlic in a greenhouse, as this will protect it from various harmful weather conditions. This will also make it possible to achieve good yields.

It is advisable not to rent land, as it is expensive. Perfect option, If suburban area is owned. Accordingly, such a business is suitable for those who live in a private house or who have a dacha.

Do you need agricultural machinery?

The presence of agricultural machinery is not necessary for such a business. However, cultivating a plot of land manually often requires a lot of effort and time.

If garlic is grown on an industrial scale, then equipment will certainly be needed. This is about:

  • cultivator;
  • mini tractor;
  • conveyors;
  • watering machine;
  • garlic harvesting machine.

All of the equipment listed will cost at least 5,000,000 rubles. Not everyone will be able to allocate such a sum to start such a business. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to available equipment, which in total will cost about 20,000 rubles.

Garlic cultivation technology

Since it was already mentioned above that the best variety of garlic for business is winter, using its example we will consider the technology of cultivation from planting to harvesting and storage.

Winter garlic should be planted 40 days before the first frost - that is, at the end of September or beginning of October.

Medium and large bulbs, previously divided into cloves, are used as planting material. If the bulb has 2-3 cloves, then it is unsuitable for planting.

Advice: Every 3 years, you need to update the seed, since using only cloves to propagate garlic leads to serious diseases that reduce yield.

In the process of selecting planting material, care must be taken to ensure that the top dry scales are not accidentally removed from the clove. If this happens, then the clove must be put aside, since planting it poses a risk of disease.

A mandatory step is soil preparation. The land for planting should preferably be located at a neutral level, be fertile and fertilized in advance. You can’t plant garlic in lowlands, as water will constantly accumulate in it, and on hills, since the winter wind will lead to freezing of the planted sets.

The beds are prepared 1 week before planting. The soil is dug up - the optimal depth is 25 cm. All possible weeds are removed from the site. After which you need to add about 5 kg. humus. This includes 30 grams of superphosphate per 1 sq. m. and 20 g of potassium salt. Fresh manure should never be used at this stage.

The day before planting, you need to add ammonium nitrate– 10 grams per 1 sq. m..

The earth is watered and the bed is covered with film.

You can plant garlic only after measuring the soil temperature. It should have an indicator of 13-15°C at a depth of 5 cm. The beds are leveled and there should be a distance of at least 20 cm between them. The garlic itself is planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Garlic burial depth:

  • Large cloves – 8-9 cm.
  • Medium cloves – 6-7 cm.

The beds with planted garlic are sprinkled with a 5-centimeter layer of humus, sawdust and peat.

After planting, garlic must be regularly weeded and fed. You can learn how to do this correctly from specialized literature.

The finished harvest can be harvested in mid-August or the first half of September.

Before storing garlic, it must be thoroughly dried and trimmed. The best heads are set aside for next landing, the rest are sent for storage and further sale.

To get more detailed information on growing garlic, we recommend turning to thematic forums or resorting to the help of gardening literature.

Sales market

You can sell grown garlic in the following ways:

  • Retail. For example, rent on grocery market trading place and sell directly to the buyer.
  • Wholesale. For example, offer products to meat processing plants, pharmaceutical companies, canneries, restaurants, and various catering establishments.

Only the entrepreneur himself decides how to sell garlic. Since everything here depends on the scale of the business.

Profitability, or how much can you earn?

The calculations are quite simple.

From 1 hectare and subject to all agricultural growing technologies, you can get about 13 tons of garlic. Considering its cost is around 50 rubles/1 kg. net profit will be approximately 600,000 rubles. This is an excellent indicator for such a business.

Naturally, with smaller areas the amount will be significantly lower. But still, for a family business, this is a good result. Moreover, together with garlic, you can grow onions, carrots, herbs, vegetables and other crops for subsequent sale.

Why is it important to know yield?

For vegetable growing to be effective, it is necessary to make a good profit from the sale of grown products. The quantity of the harvest depends on:

  1. Planning sowing expenses for the purchase of seeds, their processing before planting, soil preparation, purchase of fertilizers for the soil.
  2. Degree of complexity of caring for seedlings: labor intensity of the process, water consumption, number of loosening.
  3. Planning the timing and organization of garlic harvesting.
  4. Further storage of vegetables: selection of area for planting crops, cost of purchasing containers (boxes), transportation, processing.

The competitive advantages of growing garlic are very high. The crop is unpretentious, the cost of seeds is reasonable, no specific skills are required for cultivation, price harvested very high in winter. Guaranteed profitability as a result of garlic cultivation is ensured even on 6 acres.

What does productivity depend on?

The amount of garlic grown is influenced by many factors that must be taken into account at the initial stage of growing vegetables, namely:

  1. Condition of the soil and its chemical composition. The most better harvests collected on loamy soil that has neutral or very low acidity. The best way to saturate the beds nutrients, the more garlic can be collected from 1 hectare.
  2. Crop rotation. It is recommended to make melons, cabbages, legumes, especially peas, green manure, for example, winter wheat or mustard. It is recommended to plant with caution after early potatoes, which may well deplete the soil.
  3. Selecting a site for garlic crops. Well-lit beds that are free from congestion work best. large quantity moisture.
  4. Quality of planting material. Before the planting procedure, the heads are disassembled into cloves, calibrated, large ones are selected, if necessary to grow large bulbs. It is important to carry out disinfection, for example, with Totril, which increases the immunity of crops and prevents the abundant growth of weeds.
  5. Choice of variety. Most vegetables are obtained from high-yielding species.
  6. Correct sowing time. You can start sowing from the beginning of September in the northern regions, in the south - from October, until frost occurs. In spring - as soon as the snow melts, when the soil warms up to +3 degrees.
  7. Landing technology. Germination depends on it. The grooves are deepened to 25 cm, the bottom of the holes is covered with sand or ash, the distance between bulbs is 5 cm, between cloves - 10 cm, and between rows - 20 cm.
  8. Subsequent care of seedlings: regular watering, fertilizing, pest prevention.
  9. Quality and timing of cleaning. The bulb is considered ripe if the tops begin to dry out.

Spring and winter varieties - what is the difference?

All garlic is divided into two types:

  • spring;
  • winter.

Spring crops are planted in open ground in the spring (from about the beginning of April), when there is no longer any threat of frost. Winter crops are sown in mid-autumn, and large bulbs are harvested by mid-summer.

The yield of spring garlic is much lower, and the heads are smaller than those of crops planted before winter. But according to the shelf life of the bulb spring sowing They are stored longer (up to a year or more), but the shelf life of the winter variety is approximately 4 months.

How much harvest can be harvested in Russia

from 1 hectare

Professionals note that from one hectare of cultivated area you can harvest from 10 to 50 tons of garlic per season. The amount of harvest depends on the selected variety and the conditions created for growing crops. Up to 45 tons of yield per 1 hectare can be obtained, for example, by growing “Benefit” garlic. Approximately 35 tons per 1 hectare are harvested for the Lyubasha variety. When cultivating garlic crops for pen, the yield per 1 hectare ranges from 20 to 25 tons.

The amount of harvest depends on the selected variety and the conditions created for growing crops.

from 1 hundred square meters

With high-quality agricultural technology, one hundred square meters of planting beds yield from 100 to 500 kg of vegetables per planting season. The weight of the harvest also depends on the average weight of the bulbs grown. For example, the “Benefit” variety, each head of which reaches good conditions from 170 to 240 g, from one hundred square meters they collect 350–400 kg. “Ukrainian white” is collected from 1 hundred square meters to 170 kg. The bulbs of “Violet Kharkovsky” are small in weight; they are harvested up to 100 kg per hundred square meters.

The ratio of the amount of planting material and harvested crop

The ratio of garlic yield to seed mass when propagated by cloves is approximately 1 to 4. Using bulbs is more economical. Since the reproduction rate increases by 10 times or more. Using bulbs for sowing, the ratio is already 1 to 50–85.

To obtain a harvest of approximately 8–9 tons per hectare, it is necessary to sow up to 2 tons of medium-sized cloves weighing 5 g each.

The consumption rate of seed material directly depends on the feeding area of ​​one crop. Its size is determined by the main parameters:

  • landing scheme;
  • seed clove weight;
  • soil fertility;
  • characteristics of the variety.

For high-quality nutrition, one garlic crop is allocated from 2.5 to 5 square meters. cm of seating space for, from 8 to 10 sq. cm for cloves or single teeth. If the beds are wide enough, planting can be done in an economical checkerboard pattern. When sowing cloves, space 10 cm between holes and 5 cm between bulbs. On an industrial scale, automated seeders are used for planting. For wide-row sowings, 45 cm indentations are made between the rows with a bed width of 60 cm.

When planting bulbs, up to 50 kg of garlic per 1 ha will be required; when using cloves or single cloves, the seeding rate will depend on the size of the heads that are planned to be obtained, and ranges from 300 kg to 2 tons. Spring garlic is sown more densely (10 cm between bulbs, 16 cm between rows). Consequently, the consumption will be higher.


Allowing you to increase your yield

High yields are influenced by:

  1. Selection of beds with loamy soil, neutral acidity, where pumpkin, cabbage, and nightshade vegetables were grown, excluding potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
  2. Soil fertility. Six months before planting, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers.
  3. Accounting for crop rotation. The break between plantings on the same beds is up to 4 years.
  4. Treatment of planting material with fungicides to prevent damage from diseases and pests.
  5. Sowing strawberries, salad and herbs in neighboring beds.
  6. Foliar feeding with complex fertilizers, especially during drought.
  7. Carrying out from 3 to 6 waterings per season.
  8. Timely weeding and loosening.
  9. Removing flower shoots helps increase the size of garlic heads by 30%.

Mulching will help significantly reduce the frequency of necessary weeding.

What can reduce the harvest?

There are conditions under which yields can be significantly reduced. These include:

  1. Incorrectly chosen place for crops (lowlands, shaded areas, drafts).
  2. Scarcity, density, high acidity of the soil.
  3. Incorrect crop rotation. You cannot plant where early potatoes, carrots, garlic, radishes, bulbs, and beets were harvested.
  4. Growing tomatoes, peas, beans, onions, cucumbers in neighboring beds, that is, those crops that actively absorb nutrients.
  5. Violation of technology and planting patterns. Between holes optimal distance make at least 10 cm, between rows - at least 20 cm.
  6. Improper cleaning and storage of vegetables. Garlic must ripen correctly; it is not recommended to harvest the crops in rainy weather; the bulbs must be dried before planting.

Do not forget that in order to obtain a large harvest, professionals recommend taking into account the rules of agricultural technology for growing garlic.

List of initially high-yielding varieties

Initially high-yielding varieties for winter planting include:

  1. “Lyubasha” is a winter species, the yield is 350 kg per hectare, 35 tons per 1 hectare. Shelf life – up to 10 months.
  2. "Benefit" is considered a winter variety. Its yield ranges from 350 to 450 kg per acre, 35–45 tons per 1 hectare of planting area. Resistant to frost and diseases.
  3. "Sofievsky". This is a winter mid-season species, its yield per 1 hectare is 140 kg, and per 1 hectare – 14 tons. The shelf life is 11 months.
  4. "Podmoskovny". Belongs to the winter species. They collect 190 kg per hectare, over 19 tons grow per 1 hectare. Shelf life is six months.
  5. “Dobrynya” is winter garlic; 220 kg are harvested per hectare, 22 tons per hectare.
  6. "Replicant." Winter garlic. They grow 180 kg per 1 hectare, 18 tons per 1 hectare.
  7. "Spas" is a winter species. It is distinguished by increased immunity from stem nematodes and fusarium. Up to 200 kg are collected per hundred square meters, and more than 20 tons per hectare.
  8. “Yubileiny Gribovsky” is a winter variety of medium ripeness. It matures up to 170 kg per acre; more than 17 tons are harvested per hectare.

Among the spring productive varieties garlic worth noting:

  1. “Gulliver” is mid-season. They collect up to 100 kg per hundred square meters, approximately 10 tons per 1 hectare.
  2. "Ukrainian white". Garlic is considered a universal variety. They harvest up to 16 tons per hectare, which is approximately 160 kg per acre.
  3. “Sail” is characterized by medium ripeness. They collect approximately 96 kg from 1 hectare, from 1 hectare - 9.6 tons.
  4. "Elenovsky". This variety is considered universal and mid-season. On one hundred square meters it grows up to 370 kg, 37 tons are collected from 1 hectare. Can be stored for 2 years.
  5. “Aleisky” is a variety zoned for Western Siberia. Mid-season. Garlic is resistant to bacterial rot and fusarium. They collect 80 kg per hundred square meters, from 1 hectare - up to 8 tons.

It is necessary to wisely select the variety that is preferable in terms of yield, depending on the zoning and climatic conditions of the area. For example, in the south and in the Moscow region it is preferable to cultivate the following varieties: “Sofievsky”, “Lyubasha”, “Ukrainian White”, “Spas”. For central Russia and more northern regions, the following varieties are used: “Benefit”, “Aleysky”, “Replicant”, “Elenovsky”, “Gulliver”.

Dependence of profitability on yield

Profitability is one of the main indicators of business performance. In this case, it shows how much net profit can be obtained from each ruble invested in growing garlic. To calculate profitability, it is necessary to divide the profit received from the sale of vegetable crops by the costs spent on growing it.

The larger the harvest, less costs for the purchase of seed, soil treatment, fertilizing, watering, cleaning and storage, the higher the profitability will be.

The yield value is considered a quality indicator in vegetable growing. When growing garlic, it is important to wisely select a crop variety suitable for certain climatic conditions, and take into account agricultural techniques for planting, growing, and harvesting. Only in this case can you significantly reduce costs, get greater profits from sales, and increase profitability in the garlic business.

One of them is garlic. And it is useful not only for its dietary properties, but also for its benefits, because you can make money by growing this crop. It’s not for nothing that many gardeners love it so much in open ground; it doesn’t require any special knowledge; for this vegetable you don’t have to build greenhouses and greenhouses, and you need very little storage space.

A bountiful harvest

First of all, let's figure out what the yield of garlic is from 1 hundred square meters. With proper care, you can harvest up to 150 kg of this vegetable, but only 10 kg will have to be planted. Productivity also depends on planting time. Winter garlic gives the greatest weight gain due to a longer growing season. But a vegetable planted in the spring is better stored, its cloves are denser and more aromatic.

Of course, you always want to get the maximum garlic yield per 1 acre, but climate plays an important role here. If the winter is cold, some of the plants may simply not survive it, and in the spring you will not get seedlings, but a loss of seed material. Before planting, make sure the climate in your area is suitable for this crop.

Soil preparation

Garlic prefers good light and does not tolerate acidic soils, preferring neutrals. In addition, it conflicts with legumes, which must be taken into account when choosing a growing location. As for fertilizers, before planting it will be useful to add a little complex mineral fertilizing or compost.

One of the reasons that the yield of garlic per acre is low is improper soil preparation. Thin arrows cannot break through solid soil, so it is very important to dig it up before planting. Garlic cloves are small, and it is enough to cultivate the soil to a depth of up to 8 cm. Next, immediately before planting, the surface must be carefully leveled with a rake and sprinkled generously river sand(layer about 4 cm).


So, in order to get the maximum yield of garlic per 1 sq.m., it is better to use winter varieties, but if you are expecting winter frosts below 30, it is more profitable to take spring ones (those that are planted in the spring). Before sowing, the seeds must be treated with an ash solution (about 400 grams of ash per 2 liters of water) for one to two hours to protect the plants from diseases. Only dense cloves that have no damage to the skin can be used as seed material.

If you are using winter garlic, planting and care in open ground begin in September or October, so that the cloves have time to take root before frost. Spring varieties are planted in early spring, as soon as the temperature reaches 5 degrees. Sowing is very simple: grooves are made in the prepared bed in increments of 20 cm, and the cloves are pressed into these grooves at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, so that they are completely hidden in the soil. There is an opinion that garlic should be planted to a depth of 20 cm, but this is of no use: once rooted, the plant itself will gradually begin to go down. After planting, the soil must be leveled with a rake.

In the case of winter crops, grass seeds, for example rapeseed, can be planted along with garlic. Its roots will not allow the soil to compact, and the green mass will become additional shelter for the winter. In addition, before frosts, winter crops must be securely covered with mulch; potato and tomato tops are suitable here. When planting in spring, such measures are not required.

First shoots

As soon as the snow melts, winter garlic must be freed from mulch. Part of it can be left - it will not allow weeds to break through, and over time it will become fertilizer. If upper layer the earth has compacted into a crust; it needs to be loosened, but very carefully. Dry soil must be watered.

Regardless of the time of planting, garlic in the spring, when the temperature has not yet risen above 7 degrees, is already beginning to grow actively. When the first arrows appear, you can immediately apply mineral fertilizer: 1 tablespoon of urea per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to water carefully, at the root, so that the solution does not get on the greens, otherwise burns may remain. In addition to fertilizing, it will be useful to loosen the soil and, of course, weed out the first weeds.

Basic care

Garlic is an unpretentious crop, especially if it is planted in good soil before winter. It is necessary to monitor mainly soil moisture, and only three feedings are required. The first, as described above, is applied in early spring. After two weeks, you can feed the plants with nitroamophoska (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) or add a little humus if you did not add it before planting. For the winter variety, this is enough, but the spring variety needs to be watered again with fertilizer (either organic or phosphorus-potassium).

Often the choice arises: what to feed garlic with - manure or mineral fertilizer? Both should be used with caution. Organic matter can cause soil compaction and the appearance of various diseases, and chemical fertilizers easily lead to an “overdose” of one or another element. Therefore, the main thing is not to overdo it, but to use all types of fertilizing, but in moderation.

To increase the average yield of garlic, it is very important to remove the flower shoots as early as possible. If this is not done, the plants will spend a lot of energy on flowering and producing seeds, and the bulbs will turn out small.

Treatment and protection

Such procedures can only be carried out during the period active growth and under no circumstances in the sun. For better use complex mineral fertilizers containing microelements.

Helpful neighborhood

Not only is garlic not eaten by insects, but it also repels them, so it can be planted with other plants. Such proximity can be very useful. So, garlic in a bed with strawberries or cabbage will help get rid of snails and caterpillars, and roses, thanks to such a partner, will be protected from spotting. You can even plant this wonderful vegetable on shrubs! With such combined cultivation, the problem of how to feed garlic will also disappear, since each plant takes different elements from the soil, preventing oversaturation.

It is very useful to plant a “garden healer” together with green crops such as lettuce or dill. The main thing is to ensure that garlic does not grow in one place for several years in a row, otherwise good harvest you can't wait.


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