Agrotechnics of cultivation. Agrotechnical plan for growing a garden Agricultural technology for growing seedlings of woody plants

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The environmental features of agricultural technology for growing seedlings in tree nurseries include the need to create an optimal ratio between the masses of the aerial parts and the root system. The task of re-schooling comes down to transplanting seedlings growing on a seed bed in dense standing, distributing them in wood school more rarely and grow for several subsequent years in almost 100% light. Pruning the roots when digging up seedlings for the purpose of replanting turns out to be useful. Usually, pruning the roots of spruce causes the appearance of new fibrous roots (sometimes 15-20) near the cut site in the first year, some of which then turn into skeletal ones (V.V. Mironov, 1977).

Crop rotation in schools is used with one-year or two-year fallow. One-year fallow - pure (black or early), green manure or full - is used mainly in schools, from which seedlings are dug up with an open root system. Two-year fallow is used when growing seedlings and seedlings of increased size, which are dug up with a closed root system, that is, with a lump of earth. During two-year fallowing, the holes formed after digging are backfilled, and the soil is kept under clean fallow in the first year, and under green manure in the second year.

Clean steam is used when the area is significantly infested with perennial weeds, and green steam is used in areas cleared of malicious weeds. Busy couples perform on fertile soils in conditions of sufficient moisture or in irrigated areas. Perennial grasses, when used for two years, are introduced into large irrigated nurseries with low-humus, structureless soils to accumulate organic matter in them and restore the structure.

The best predecessor for seedlings is legumes in all forest growing zones. In the forest zone, the following are used in crop rotation: perennial herbs: perennial lupine, clover mixed with timothy; into the forest steppe zone- excerpt, alfalfa mixed with tall ryegrass or rootless wheatgrass; in the steppe zone - alfalfa mixed with wheat grass. Total number fields in crop rotation is determined by the duration of growing large planting material plus one or two fallow fields.

Tillage in schools includes fallow application and pre-plant tillage. In schools, the depth of cultivation increases in comparison with the sowing department: in the forest zone up to 35-40 cm, in the forest-steppe zone - up to 50 cm, in the steppe zone - up to 60 cm. The soil is cultivated in all areas for planting large-sized seedlings (geisters) and third-order schools. forest growing zones to a depth of 60 cm. The depth of moldboard plowing is determined by the thickness of the humus or cultivated arable layer. The underlying horizons are loosened without bringing them to the surface. To cultivate the soil to a depth of up to 40 cm, use the PL N-4-35 plow with bodies for moldless plowing or subsoilers, the PLN-3-35 plow with subsoilers, and the PN-3-40 plow; to cultivate the soil to a depth of 50 cm, use the plow planting plow PPN-40, up to 60 cm - planting plow PPN-50 or PPU-50A. In fallow, herbicide application and fertilizer application are similar to the seeding department.

Pre-planting tillage is carried out to create a well-loose layer. The thickness of this layer is determined by the depth at which the planting will be carried out. The depth of soil loosening for planting seedlings and cuttings is 25-30 cm, for planting seedlings - 45-50 cm. The soil is loosened to a depth of 30 cm using a KRG-3.6 cultivator-ripper, which simultaneously combs out the roots of the seedlings of the previous rotation remaining after digging up. Deeper loosening, especially on heavy soils, is done in two steps, first with a planting plow without a moldboard, then with a KRG-3.6 cultivator-ripper, if there is a lot of plant residue in the soil. Additional pre-planting tillage includes leveling the soil surface and more thorough loosening with soil cutters (FP-2, FPSh-1,3).

The foundation of schools is carried out in the spring and (less often) in the fall. 1-2 year old seedlings (less often rooted cuttings) are planted. Before planting in a school, planting material is sorted, damaged roots are cut off, and the root system is renewed or shortened. After pruning, the roots are dipped in a mash consisting of a liquid mixture of humus or peat with soil. Heteroauxin in a 0.002% solution or other growth substances are added to the mash. Shrubs are pruned aboveground part at 1/3-1/4 of their height.

When planting, the root collar should be 1...2 cm below the soil surface in non-arid areas, and 3...5 cm in arid areas. Planting of seedlings and rooted cuttings is carried out using SShP-5/3, SShP-3, SSN planters -1, MPS-1 is used for planting seedlings. For planting large seedlings in planting holes, use KPIASH-6 or KYAU-100. The planted plants are straightened so that they stand straight, the soil around them is compacted with a foot so that the roots are in close contact with the soil. After this, the soil is loosened, and in dry areas, if there is a lack of moisture, watered. Then agrotechnical care is carried out, loosening the soil, weeding, watering, fertilizing, and fighting pests and diseases. Loosening the soil, as the basis of care, contributes not only to the accumulation and conservation of moisture, but also to obtain planting material with a compact and well-branched root system.

The compacted wood school is laid with a five-section planting machine SSHP-5/3. In one pass, she can plant a ribbon of three or five rows of seedlings. The machine planting density is up to 330 thousand plants per 1 hectare. When planting a combined school, seedlings are first planted using a single-row forest planting machine. hardwood, then, using the SSHP-5/3 machine, ribbons of shade-tolerant coniferous species are planted in the spaces between the rows of deciduous coulisses.

Caring for seedlings begins immediately after planting by loosening the soil with cultivators KRSH-2.8A, KRN-2.8A. In areas with little snow in winters, plants planted in autumn are hilled up for the winter using a KRSSh-2.8A cultivator.

During the growing season, the soil is loosened as it is compacted using the cultivators listed above, as well as the milling cultivator KFP-1.5 on heavy soils 5-8 times a year, on the lungs - 1-3 times, in the first years more often, in subsequent years - less and less. The depth of loosening ranges from 7 to 16 cm. Each time the depth of loosening is changed so that a compacted sole does not form. In the forest and forest-steppe zones, each subsequent loosening is done to a greater depth, and in the steppe - vice versa. At the same time as loosening the soil, weeds are destroyed. Herbicides are used to control weeds of seed origin. The most commonly used is simazine, which is applied at the rate of 2 kg/ha of active substance.

Seedlings are fed annually, starting from the second year after planting, by applying fertilizers to a depth of 10-15 cm while loosening the soil with a KRSSh-2.8A cultivator. Fertilizing is done in the spring with complete mineral fertilizer. In the forest zone, when fertilizing, N - 60, P 2 0 5 - 120, K 2 0 - 60 kg/ha a.i. are usually applied; in the forest-steppe zone - N - 20-25, P 2 0. - 45-60, K 2 0 - 30-40 kg/ha a.i.; in the steppe zone -N - 20-25, P 2 0 5 ~ 45-60, K^O - 20-30 kg/ha of active substance.

Watering in schools is carried out after planting, if it was done in the spring in dry soil, and, if necessary, during the dry period (1-2 times). The irrigation rate is determined by the depth of the moistened layer, which should be 25-30 cm when planting seedlings and rooted cuttings, and 45-50 cm when planting seedlings. Vegetative irrigation in the first school is carried out with soil moistening to a depth of 35-40 cm, in the second school - to a depth of 60-80 cm.

Protection of seedlings from diseases and pests includes preventive and protective measures. The basis of preventive measures is high level agricultural technology that creates unfavorable conditions for pests that prevent their development and reproduction. Chemicals used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions or suspensions (800-1500 l/ha). The seedlings are treated with an OH-400 sprayer.

Seedlings are dug up in a state of biological dormancy; in spring this is the time before the buds swell, and in autumn - after the formation of the apical bud and the beginning of leaf fall. Shrub seedlings and small seedlings tree species, the dimensions of which allow a tractor to pass over them, are dug out with an N VS-1.2 excavation bracket or a VM-1.25 excavation machine. Larger seedlings are dug up using a VPN-2 digging plow or a VMKM-0.6 digging machine.

The dug up seedlings are placed in a short-term dig so that the root collars are covered with a 5-10 cm layer of soil. In long-term digging, seedlings are sprinkled with a 25-30 centimeter layer. To protect plants from sunburn the tops of the seedlings should be directed to the south.

The school department of the nursery is intended for growing planting material - seedlings of tree and shrub species for the subsequent production of forest crops, the creation of protective forest and ornamental plantings. Unlike seedlings, they have a more powerful root system and a more developed above-ground part.

The duration of growing seedlings depends on their intended purpose. For planting forest crops, seedlings are grown, as a rule, for 2-3 years, for protective afforestation 2-4 years, for landscaping purposes, shrubs are usually grown for 2-3 years, tree seedlings for 6-12 years or more.

The main tillage in the school department is carried out in the same way as in the sowing department. Only the depth of the main plowing increases to 35-40 cm in the forest zone, up to 50 cm in the forest-steppe, and in the steppe up to 60 cm. The depth of moldboard plowing is determined by the thickness of the humus or cultivated arable layer. The underlying horizons are loosened without bringing them to the surface. To cultivate the soil to a depth of up to 40 cm, use the PLN-4-35 plow with bodies for moldless plowing or subsoilers; to cultivate the soil up to 50 cm, use the PPN-40 planting plow; up to 60 cm, use the PPN-50 or PPU-50A planting plow.

Pre-planting tillage is carried out to create a well-loose layer. The thickness of this layer is determined by the depth at which the planting is made. The depth of soil loosening for planting seedlings and cuttings is 25-30 cm, for planting seedlings 45-50 cm. The soil is loosened to a depth of 30 cm with a KFP-1.5A cultivator-ripper, which simultaneously combs out the roots remaining after digging up the seedlings of the previous rotation. Deeper loosening, especially on heavy soils, is done in two steps: first with a planting plow without a moldboard, then with a cultivator-ripper (KRSSh-2.8A). Before planting rooted green cuttings, the soil is loosened more thoroughly, using a conventional FPSh-1.3 milling cutter.

Planting is carried out along a marked field in early spring before the buds open or in the fall immediately after leaf fall. Autumn planting is advisable on light structural soils in regions with sufficient autumn precipitation and stable snow cover. In Siberian conditions, planting pine, spruce and cedar seedlings in late July - early August gives good results.

Before planting, the roots of seedlings that are excessively long and damaged during digging are cut off, then the roots are dipped in earthen or peat mash, and sometimes treated with growth solutions.

For overgrown deciduous seedlings, the above-ground part is cut off by 1/3 of the length. It is impossible to trim stems of deciduous trees that have opposite buds (ash, maple, honeysuckle).

Properly planted plants should stand upright, located strictly in a straight line, root system should be tightly compressed with earth.

When growing seedlings in a school department for 2-4 years, row planting schemes are used: 0.8-1.0 m between rows, 0.3-0.5 m in a row. However, in order to grow a larger number of seedlings per unit area and at the same time, in order to mechanize further care, schools are now increasingly resorting to strip planting of seedlings, placing 3-5 rows in strips.

To grow spruce, fir, and cedar seedlings for 2-3 years (planting material for silvicultural production), compacted schools can be used.

A condensed school is called a school, the number seats in which it is at least 200 thousand units/ha. Plants in such schools are placed in five-row tapes with a planting step of 10 cm. There are recommendations: when growing spruce seedlings with a compact root system, use 10-row tapes with a distance between rows and in a row of -10 cm.

Planting in the school department can be carried out using planters SSHN-3, SSh-3/5. The school planter SSHN-3 is designed for planting seedlings 5-40 cm high and stem cuttings; it can work in 1-, 2-, 3-row versions. In the three-row version, the distance between the rows is 0.8-1.0 m, the planting step is 0.2-0.3 m. Each planting section employs 3 people: two planters and one setter.

The SSh-3/5 planter is intended for planting seedlings with a stem height of 10-25 cm and a root system length of 15-25 cm, stem cuttings and cuttings with a height of the above-ground part of 10-25 cm. Three- and five-row ribbons are planted. Planting pattern for a five-row pattern: 22.5-22.5-22.5-22.5-60, for a three-row pattern: 45-45-60, minimum planting step 9 cm. EMI-5 carries out planting and simultaneous watering according to pattern 25 -25-25-25-50, minimum step – 8 cm.

All of the listed planting machines work with DT-54A, T-74 tractors equipped with creepers; in addition, SSh-3/5 can work with Belarus and T-40 tractors in first gear and at reduced engine speeds.

In nurseries where seedlings of various tree and shrub species are grown with different durations of cultivation, combined school plantings are used, in which rows of woody plants With long term cultivation (4-10 years) alternate with one or several rows of tree and shrub species with a short growing period (2-5 years).

Seedlings with a long growing period are intended for landscaping; sometimes, instead of decorative species, Christmas trees are grown.

When growing seedlings of tree species, combined schools are used with their compacted placement between rows of large seedlings of deciduous species (Figure 7.1)

Figure 7.1 - Scheme of placement of seedlings in combined schools

In a combined school, seedlings of tree species are grown for 6-12 years at a distance between rows of 2.4...4.5 m. Between the rows of tree species, 2 (Figure 7.1 a) or 4 (Figure 7.1 d) rows of shrubs are planted with a growing period of 2- 3 years. As a result of repeated digging of the bush, the root system of the seedlings left at the school is cut off on both sides.

For example, to grow spruce seedlings, the plants are planted in 3-5 rows (Figure 7.1 b and 7.1 c) or a multiple of them (Figure 7.1 d and 7.1 f) with a growing period of 2-3 years, alternated with a number of deciduous or coniferous tree species with a growing period growing for 6-12 years. In a row, seedlings of shrubs and spruce are planted after 0.1...0.2 m, and species with a long growing period - after 0.7...1.0 m.

An example of combined planting at school is the planting of two-year-old rowan seedlings, which are planted according to a 2.5 x 0.4 m pattern (row planting), followed by planting a three-row cotoneaster ribbon in the rows according to a 45-45-60 cm pattern with a planting step of 0, 2 m. The growing period for rowan is 4 years, cotoneaster - 2. Two years after planting, cotoneaster seedlings are dug up, the soil is disked and cotoneaster seedlings are planted here again in the same way. Rowan continues to grow in the ranks. After another two years, both shrubs and trees (rowan) are dug up, and the freed area is allowed to fallow.

The scheme of strip planting of seedlings in a single-species tree school is presented in Figure 7.2. The number of rows in the tape, as well as the planting step, varies depending on the species composition and age of the grown seedlings.

Figure 7.2 - Scheme of placement of seedlings in single-breed schools

It is advisable to use the same planting schemes at school as the seed sowing schemes in the sowing department of the nursery, so that a cultivator with one setting can be used to care for crops and plantings in schools.

Planting density in a school department is determined by the formula.

2.5.2 Agricultural technology for growing Siberian larch seedlings

Best timing for planting seedlings it is autumn or early spring. When planting in the fall, good results are obtained if the weather is warm and humid. Autumn planting should be completed approximately two weeks before the first frost. Planting in dry soil is strictly prohibited, as this leads to massive plant death.

Before planting at school, planting material is sorted; cut off damaged roots and shorten the root system to 15-20 cm for conditions with normal moisture. Before planting the seedlings, their roots are dipped into a peat-clay “grinder” with the addition of a biological product at a dose of 1.0-4.0 ml per 1 liter of water.

The planting pattern for Siberian larch seedlings will be as follows: 25-25-25-75, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - diagram of planting seedlings

larch agricultural technology crop rotation planting

The soil in the wood school is cultivated to a greater depth than in the sowing department. The depth of plowing in the school department is determined by the size of the root systems of the grown seedlings. In the forest-steppe zone, the main plowing is carried out to a depth of 35-40 cm. Regardless of the depth of soil cultivation, fertilizers are applied to the upper 20-30 cm layer, that is, to the zone of the bulk of the roots of seedlings.

School planting can be carried out using a forest planting machine SSHN-3. After planting, it is necessary to loosen the soil with a KRSSh-2.8A cultivator.

Caring for seedlings after planting is as follows:

Weed control

Loosening the soil

Plant nutrition

Watering - pest and disease control.

Weed destruction consists of weeding or treatment with herbicides simazine and 2.4 D. Loosening is carried out with KRN-2.8 MO cultivators and in several stages:

1) In the first year 4-5 times

2) In the second year 3-4 times

3) In the third year 2-3 times

The loosening depth is 7-16 cm. Watering is carried out 2-8 times a year at an irrigation rate of 300-600 m3/ha. Sometimes watering is calculated based on the climate and soils on which the nursery is located. Unit DDN-70.

Fertilizing is carried out annually starting from the 2nd year after planting by applying mineral fertilizers: double superphosphate and potassium chloride, to a depth of 10-15 cm. Since our nursery is located in the forest-steppe zone, the fertilizer application rate is as follows:

20-25 kg/ha (nitrogen)

45-60 kg/ha (phosphorus)

30-40 kg/ha (potassium oxide).

Fertilizing can also be complex, between the rows using KRSSH-2.8 units. The first feeding is carried out in the spring at the beginning of the growing season, the second is carried out in the first half of summer.

Pest and disease control consists of preventing the emergence of foci of diseases and the appearance of pests or their destruction using a solution Bordeaux mixture (1%) .

2.5.3 Agricultural technology for growing black poplar seedlings

To obtain all types of black poplar cuttings, it is necessary to establish a mother plantation of this breed.

Mother plantations are established in spring or autumn using seedlings, annual cuttings and cuttings. Plantations are:

Bush (distance between bushes - 1x0.5; 0.5x0.5; 1x1; 1x1.5; 1.5x1.5 m).

Standard (the distance between the bushes “standards” is 2x2; 2x3 m).

Depending on which planting method we choose (cluster or standard), certain activities will be carried out.

Bush plantation: In the fall, after the first year of growing season, the above-ground part of the plants is cut off, leaving cuttings 3-7 cm high. In the next year, the shoots are cut 2 cm higher than in previous years. After 5-6 years of operation, shallow plowing is carried out between the rows with simultaneous application of fertilizers. Then the plantation is rejuvenated by shavings of shoots close to the ground; after rejuvenation, the plantation is exploited for another 5-6 years.

Standard plantation:

In the first years after planting seedlings or cuttings, the side shoots are removed, laying the crown at a height of 1-1.5 m. Subsequently, the crown shoots are cut off, leaving twigs of 20-30 cm on which shoots grow. In the future, this shoot will be cut into cuttings.

IN in this case We choose the bush planting method. The landing pattern will be as follows: 1x1.

Planting must be done in moist soil; if the soil is dry, pre-planting watering is done 2-3 days before planting.

After planting the cuttings, water and loosen the soil. Irrigation rate is 200-250 m3/ha. Further care consists of loosening the soil 3-5 times during the growing season with a KRN-2.8A cultivator. Caring for stems involves removing excess shoots that form on the cuttings. They leave one escape.

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The school department grows seedlings of trees and shrubs to create forest crops, protective and decorative plantings.

The duration of growing seedlings depends on their intended purpose. To create crops, seedlings are grown, as a rule, for 2-3 years, for protective afforestation 2-4 years, for landscaping: shrubs: 2-3 years, trees 6-12 years or more.

Compacted schools are established for growing large quantities of enlarged planting material, intended mainly for silvicultural purposes. The planting pattern is tape, consisting of 3 - 5 rows. The distance between the ores in the belt is taken from 0.4 to 0.2 m, the planting step is 25 - 10 cm, the interbelt space is 0.5 m.

4.1 Calculation of the area of ​​the school department

The planting pattern is 0.25-0.25-0.25-0.25-0.50, the distance between plants in a row is 0.25 m.

With this planting scheme, the number of seedlings per 1 hectare will be: 166.7 thousand.

The calculation of mercy is carried out according to the formula:

Required quantity / number of seedlings per 1 ha

P=200 thousand/166.7 thousand=1.2 ha

4.2 Crop rotations

Crop rotation in schools is introduced with one-year or two-year fallow. One-year fallow is clean (black or early). Two-year fallow is used when growing seedlings of tree species of high and large size standards. This school uses crop rotation with annual fallow (black). The pairs are described in detail in paragraph 3.1.

4.3 Tillage system

Tillage using the system of black, early and busy fallows is similar to that in the sowing departments. The depth of the main (autumn) plowing in schools is increased to 35-40 cm, and in some cases - to 50-60 cm. Plowing here is carried out with general-purpose plows. Pre-planting treatment aimed at loosening the soil promotes the survival of transplanted plants and their better growth in the first year of vegetation. It is carried out in the form of harrowing and cultivation. If there is a large amount of plant residues on the field, they are combed out and the soil is loosened with a cultivator-ripper (KRG-3.6). Seedlings are planted using school planters SSHN-3, SSHP-5/3, SSh-3/5, SSN-1, and seedlings - MPS-1.

Great importance is attached to the preparation of planting material for laying school departments. It is sorted, damaged roots are cut off, and the root systems are treated with growth stimulants (b-indolylacetic acid, indolylbutyric acid, a-naphthylacetic acid, gibberellin, etc.).

In general, seedlings of most species intended for planting in schools, after pruning the roots, are recommended to be dipped in a mash consisting of low-lying peat or clay and a 0.002% heteroauxin solution.

The seedlings are cared for throughout the entire growing season. It includes soil cultivation, weed and pest control, fertilizing, treatment with stimulants, watering, crown and trunk formation.

Soil cultivation is carried out regularly (5-8 times per summer) with plant feeder cultivators KRSSh-2.8A and KRN-2.8MO or milling cultivator KFP-1.5A to a depth of 7-16 cm. During cultivation, weeds are simultaneously destroyed. For this purpose, herbicides are used, mainly triazine derivatives.

To feed seedlings, according to the “Instructions for growing planting material...” (1979), it is recommended to apply complete fertilizer N 30-40 P 45-60 K 30-40 to the soils of the forest zone.. Root and foliar feeding should be carried out taking into account the seasonal rhythm of growth and development of seedlings. Nitrogen fertilizers should be used only in the form of dry fertilizing. The growth of seedlings is also enhanced by spraying them 2-3 times with a 0.001% solution of gibbsrellin or some other growth stimulants. According to A.R. Rodin (1976), pruning the apical part of the main shoot has a positive effect on the growth of fibrous roots of pine seedlings, and subsequently the entire plant.

When growing planting material in schools, especially in compacted ones, irrigation is carried out during one or another growing season, which is determined by the moisture content of the root layer of the soil.

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Many years of practice have established that the best planting material is rooted annual cuttings, called seedlings.
Planting grape seedlings ensures a high percentage of their survival rate and earlier entry of the bushes into fruiting.
The planting of new vineyards, as a rule, should be done with high-quality seedlings obtained from well-selected bushes and vines on these bushes.
The seedlings are grown in nursery areas specially designated for this purpose.
The following requirements apply to the nursery site where rooted seedlings are to be grown:

  1. The soil should be structural, rich nutrients and light.
  2. The site should be protected from the wind and have a slight southern, south-eastern or south-western slope for better growth and ripening of wood of annual shoots.
  3. The site must be provided with irrigation water.

The size of the nursery is determined by the planting plan on the state farm or collective farm. If the nursery is designed to supply a region or even several regions with planting material, then its size is determined by the planned targets for the years of planting on the scale of this region.
When organizing regional and inter-district nurseries, it is necessary to take into account that the nursery is located, if possible, in the center of the areas that it supplies with planting material.
The size of the area allocated for the nursery should be five times larger than the area actually occupied for planting cuttings, which is determined by the need to introduce grass crop rotation.
In the conditions of steppe and foothill regions, an approximate five-field crop rotation can be adopted: the first field is a nursery, the second field is summer sowing of alfalfa with wheatgrass, the third field is a grass mixture of legumes, the fourth field is the same, the fifth field is row crops and autumn planting.
With this crop rotation, the soil structure is restored in the area where the seedlings are grown. When growing seedlings in a grass crop rotation nursery, more powerful plants, which take root well when planted on permanent place and those that begin to bear fruit earlier.
When organizing large grape nurseries, you should adhere to the same organization of the territory that was described when organizing a vineyard. The basis is a five-hectare cage. The number of such cells is determined by the overall size of the nursery. The nursery is also surrounded by protective forest belts.
Preparing the soil for planting cuttings in nurseries is done by plowing with a planting plow to a depth of 50-60 cm, depending on soil conditions. Before raising the planting, it is necessary to add 25-30 tons of humus, 100-120 kg of granulated superphosphate and 150-200 kg of potassium salt. The planting should be raised in September or October. In the spring, as soon as the soil dries out slightly, chiseling and leveling of the surface are carried out by grinding or harrowing.
Planting cuttings in the nursery can be done when the soil temperature at a depth of 30 cm reaches 10 degrees Celsius, but no later than May 10. Cuttings taken from bushes selected during mass selection are planted in the nursery. Cuttings must meet all the requirements for planting material(by length, diameter, length of internodes, humidity, etc.). Before planting, the cuttings must be cured.
The cuttings are planted in rows with distances between them of 1 m, and between cuttings in a row - 8-10 cm.
This row spacing ensures mechanized tillage using horse or tractor traction.

In addition to single-line planting of cuttings in the nursery, it is recommended, as a practical experience, to check the possibility of double-line plantings. The existing production experience of two-row plantings in other grape regions has yielded positive results.
The advantage of two-line plantings is that approximately twice as many cuttings are germinated per unit area, which leads to a significant reduction in the cost of the resulting seedlings.
For double-line plantings, the distance between rows should be 100 cm, the distance between rows should be 15 cm, and between plants in a row should be 8-10 cm.
Planting of cuttings should also be done in ditches, with the only difference being that the cuttings are installed to both walls of the ditch, the width of which should be 15 cm. Then the ditch is filled with loose earth to two-thirds of its depth and filled with water. After the water has been absorbed, the ditch is covered with a 5 cm layer of loose soil and remains in this state until the next watering.
The presence of a free ditch between the two-line planting of pitched cuttings contributes to better heating of the base of the cuttings, better access to air oxygen, which leads to more active formation of roots.
In addition, cuttings that are not completely buried in ditches do not form surface roots and convenient watering is provided along the ditch.
Gradual filling of the ditches is achieved after each watering during tillage between the rows, and by August 1 the ditches are almost completely leveled.
Double-line planting with non-keeled cuttings is carried out in the usual manner, i.e., filling with earth to the full depth and forming a roll of earth over the tops of the cuttings.
In the steppe and flat areas of the foothills, the depth of planting cuttings should be 30 cm, on the more skeletal soils of the southern coast and in some places in the foothills - 35-40 cm, and in some cases even 50 cm, depending on soil conditions.
To ensure absolutely even rows of planting, the plot is divided and planted under the cord. The straighter the rows in the nursery, the easier it is to mechanize care. Planting of cuttings should be done in ditches, which are dug manually or with a plow to the required depth. The cuttings should be installed with a slight inclination towards the cord line, towards the wall of that side of the ditch that runs along the cord line.

Rice. 91. Plow for planting cuttings in a nursery.
After installing the cuttings in the ditches, they are immediately covered with earth to half the depth of the ditch and watered on the same day, thereby compacting the soil and hugging the earth around the planted cuttings.

After the water has been absorbed, the ditch is filled up, and loose soil 3-4 cm high above the upper eye is poured over a row of unsalted cuttings to delay bud opening until the root system is formed. When planting seedling cuttings, hilling them is not necessary.
To obtain well-developed seedlings, not only the quality of the cutting and its planting technique are of great importance, but also the number of shoots developing on the cutting.
As shown by the research of a graduate student of our department, Comrade. L. Levinsky, when leaving after landing various numbers buds and shoots developed from them, the overall strength of development of the cutting changes sharply.
The influence of different numbers of shoots on the total power of seedlings can be seen from the following indicators:

From these data it is clear that with an increase in the number of shoots developing in a seedling, the leaf surface and the total length of the root system noticeably increase. However, due to the large increase in the number of developing shoots, each of them becomes less developed.
Almost completely suitable shoots for seedlings with sufficient ripening of the wood are obtained by growing 2-3 shoots on each plant, which also ensure the powerful development of the root system of the seedlings.
In addition to manually planting cuttings in the nursery, Lately began to use mechanized landing.
For this purpose, the 5-K-35 plow from the plant named after. October Revolution, cited in working condition tractor HTZ-NATI.
At the suggestion of the Ukrainian Research Station, the plow was reconstructed as follows:
All plow bodies, with the exception of the second one, were removed. The sections of the frame of the fifth body are turned upside down and secured to the links of the plow frame at the attachment points of the first and second bodies (Fig. 91). The rear wheel with traction and all mechanisms was attached to the mounting location of the fourth body. At the place where the left field wheel axis is attached, there is a housing stand, on which a left-handed plowshare with a left blade is mounted.
Both to the right and left wing of the blade with inside an additional feather is attached, which can be placed at any angle to the horizontal plane and serves to create the required slope of the furrow.
To move the pen in it, a window is cut along the sector in place of the previous fastening. The right feather is made 35 cm long, the left one 55 cm. At the place where the third body is attached, a handle knife is secured with a clamp to give the plow greater stability during operation. Handle knife size: total length 90 cm, blade length 50 cm.

At the mounting location of the fifth body in the inverted frame section (connected to the section of the first and second bodies), the head of the body post is fixed, to which is attached a subsoiler-ripper, which is a combination of two left-handed razors, located one above the other at a distance of 11 cm. The razor posts are fastened together and bent at an angle of 50° to the horizontal plane. Thanks to this, when loosening the soil layer below the furrow, the angle of inclination of the right wall of the furrow is maintained.
On the continuation of the body link after the subsoiler-ripper, it is attached rectangular frame, to which the marker is suspended.
The marker represents cylindrical a roller 25 cm long, consisting of two steel disks, 10 mm thick (right diameter 30 cm and left diameter 20 cm), around the circumference of which 11 rods with a diameter of 16 mm are fixed at a distance of 2 cm from the edge. The axis on which the roller rotates passes through the centers of the disks. The left disk has three holes for removing soil that has fallen into the drum. The right disc of the marker, when rotated, draws a line parallel to the ridge, which determines the height of the handle. The rods make vertical nests at a distance of 8 cm from one another, places for laying the cuttings.
Thus, with the help of the changes in the design described above, mechanical digging of ditches, loosening of their base and marking of places for planting cuttings are achieved.
The productivity of the planting machine is 12 hectares of furrows and their marking per work shift. Savings in labor force is 60 working days per hectare.
Further installation of the cuttings and their filling with soil is carried out manually.
Caring for seedlings primarily involves keeping the soil loose and free from weeds,
To do this, the soil is loosened 4-5 times over the entire growing season. The first loosening is immediately after planting is completed, and subsequent ones every 12-15 days. After rain, the soil is loosened outside deadline, i.e. as soon as the soil begins to dry out; Frequent loosening is aimed at preserving moisture reserves in the soil and combating sprouting weeds.
In the presence of weeds, the depth of soil loosening is determined by the depth of the weed root system. In Crimean conditions, such loosening is usually carried out to a depth of 10-15 cm.
To break the crust formed after watering or rain, and in the absence of weeds, loosening is carried out to a depth of 6-8 cm.
Loosening of the soil between rows is carried out with horse-drawn or tractor-mounted cultivators with a working width of 50 to 75 cm, and loosening of the soil in a row with trenchers.
During spring and summer, seedlings in the nursery should be watered at least three times, not counting watering during planting.
The first watering in the steppe part of Crimea should be done at the end of May, the second in mid-June and the third in mid-July. The average rate of one watering is approximately 400 cubic meters. meters per hectare.
On the infertile soils of the southern coast of Crimea, in some places in the foothills and on the chestnut soils of the steppe regions, fertilizing should be used when watering.
It is necessary to take into account that large doses of mineral fertilizers can damage the young roots of seedlings. Therefore, with each irrigation, it is recommended to apply 50-70 kg of ammonium sulfate, 80-100 kg of superphosphate and 30-40 kg of potassium sulfate per hectare. It is especially important to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers during the third watering for faster ripening of the wood.
For better growth of the main roots developing at the lower end, it is necessary to remove the surface roots (catarovka) in mid-June. In some cases, secondary catarrhization is also carried out in early August.
During the summer, varietal cleaning is also carried out, that is, the removal of foreign varieties if they accidentally got into the planting of a standard variety.

Rice. 92. A device for digging up seedlings from a nursery, mounted on a universal grapevine machine VUM-60.
Special attention should be devoted to disease control. In steppe and foothill regions, seedlings are more often affected by mildew. To prevent the development of this disease, spraying is carried out 3-5 times with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The number of sprays depends on weather conditions. The more often it rains, the more often spraying is carried out. On the southern coast, seedlings more often suffer from another fungal disease, oidium.
To combat this disease, pollination with sulfur is used. In some years, seedlings may be simultaneously affected by both mildew and oidium (for more details, see the section “Fighting diseases and pests”).

Digging up seedlings.

Seedlings from the nursery can be dug up in autumn and spring. Seedlings are dug up after leaf fall, in dry weather, with shovels and special tools. When digging up seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that their roots and trunk are not damaged. The roots must be trimmed with a shovel or a special tool so that the length of the remaining roots is at least 18-20 cm.

To dig up seedlings, a special tractor-drawn plow VP-2 and a horse-drawn plow PS L-2 are used.

For the cultivation of vineyards, grapevine is more often used. universal machine VUM-60, so it’s more convenient to use special device for digging up seedlings, which is part of the set of working parts of this machine (Fig. 92).
The working body for digging up seedlings is a cutting bracket, which is attached to the main working body of the subsoiler. The staple has a sharpened blade along its entire length and tapers at the right curved end. The bent end of the bracket ensures cutting the soil in a vertical direction. The clamp works at a depth of 55 cm.
When VUM-60 is used with a device for digging up seedlings, the soil is loosened and roots are cut at a depth of 55 cm. After this, the seedlings are easily pulled out of the ground. Some seedlings require additional excavation, especially when the soil is high humidity. The productivity of the VUM-60 excavation bracket is 1.5-2 hectares per working day. It is driven by the STZ-NATI crawler tractor.
In the case when the seedlings overwinter in the nursery, they must be covered with earth. Spring digging of seedlings is carried out in the same way as autumn.
Sorting and storing seedlings. Immediately after digging up the seedlings, they begin to sort them. Suitable for planting are those seedlings that have at least 3-4 well-developed roots with a diameter of at least 1 mm at the base of the cutting. Annual shoots must have well-ripened wood at least 20 cm from their base.
The roots of the seedling should be distributed evenly along the entire circumference of the lower part of the cutting.
Saplings that do not meet the requirements of the standard, i.e. with poor development of roots and shoots, poor ripening of wood, etc., are classified as second grade. Some of them are rejected and destroyed, and some are planted in the nursery in the second year.
After sorting, the seedlings are tied into bunches of 25-50 pieces and immediately dug in before planting in a permanent place or stored when used for spring planting.
You can store seedlings in the basement, where the temperature does not drop below 0° and does not rise above +7°. Seedlings are preserved in wet sand. The entire root system and at least one third of the length of the seedling trunk must be covered with sand. Forward


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