Agricultural technology for growing tree seedlings. Agrotechnics of cultivation and scheme of formation of spruce seedlings f

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For most varieties of fruit trees, methods for obtaining self-rooted seedlings are characterized by low efficiency. Used for reproduction various ways vaccinations. Seedlings are grown in the formation department (seedling school) of the nursery with simultaneous or preliminary upgrading (grafting) of the rootstocks. This department with a special crop rotation is the main one and is always present in the structure of the nursery, since the technological cycle of seedling production is completed here. Growing grafted seedlings is more difficult than growing your own rooted ones. Depending on the methods and timing of grafting, the characteristics of the breeds, and environmental conditions, various growing technologies are used. In the process of growing seedlings, a change in the order of fields of the formation department occurs only in time, and not on the territory. Many nurseries in the southern zone produce annual planting material, using conditions favorable for the growth of seedlings. Annuals are of good quality and suitable for planting in the garden. In these nurseries there is no third field for the formation of seedlings, which simplifies the growing process, increases product yield and reduces production costs.

In areas with a short growing season or when it is necessary to use underdeveloped rootstocks, the technological cycle, on the contrary, can increase to four years. After planting the rootstocks in the formation department, due to their poor development and unsuitability for grafting, they are left for another year in a zero (preparatory) field. Four-year cultivation is also necessary when obtaining low-growing seedlings with an intercalary (intermediate) insert on seed rootstocks. Similar inserts of pear varieties compatible with quince are used when growing low-growing seedlings of varieties that exhibit incompatibility. The time for growing seedlings on standard and skeleton-forming plants, which are used as high winter-hardy varieties. Less winter-hardy varieties that form high-quality fruits are grafted into their crown at a height of 1...1.2 m. The use of winter grafting technology makes it possible to reduce the period of growing seedlings to one year, especially in nurseries in the southern zone. In more northern regions, this is achievable by using greenhouses for growing seedlings.

Second field of the nursery. When growing seedlings using the budding method, by autumn, annual seedlings grow in the second field, which is why it is called a field of annuals. For timely germination of grafted eyes aboveground part The rootstocks are cut to the budding site. This is done during the spring revision of the rootstocks, before the buds open. Rootstocks with unrooted scutes, as well as non-oculated ones, are subject to improvement using spring grafting with cuttings. In the south, especially in irrigated nurseries, this can be done by budding with a germinating bud. At good care By autumn, seedlings grow from the grafts, differing little from ordinary oculants.

There are two ways to cut rootstocks: on a bud (eye) and on a thorn. Perform this work with pruning shears or a garden knife. The thorn is a part of the left stem of the rootstock 10...15 cm above the grafting site, to which the growing oculant is tied. Growing with a thorn is used in areas with strong winds and for varieties with a large bend of the shoot sprouting from the bud. The thorn is removed in the second half of summer or in the spring of next year.

Most nurseries grow seedlings without thorns. The cut is made at an angle of 30°, 2...3 mm above the bud of the shield, and it is important not to deform it or tear it off from the rootstock. The cut areas on the rootstock must be covered so that the grafted buds do not dry out. With this growing method, the buds germinate faster and the occulants grow more intensively. There is also no need for gartering or cutting off the thorn. The amount of work required to remove wild growth, which weakens the growth of oculants, is reduced, especially in initial period. Wild growth is removed 2...3 times, plucking out green shoots (woody shoots have to be cut out with pruning shears or a knife).

The buds that appear on individual occultated eyes of pome-bearing species are removed, otherwise the growth of the cultivated shoot will be delayed. Weak shoots from rootstocks with two occulants are also freed as early as possible. Of the cultivated shoots grown during the spring grafting of rootstocks with cuttings, the most developed one is left when its length reaches 10...15 cm.

To reduce wind breakage due to the large windage of the cultivated shoot, hilling is carried out when the height of the shoots reaches 20...30 cm. This work must be repeated after some time.

During the growing season, in some varieties, as the annuals grow, side shoots appear in the trunk area. They should be broken out before they become woody. U stone fruits, especially in the southern regions, such shoots appear regularly due to the precocity of the buds; As a result, annuals grow branched by autumn, especially if the growing occulant is promptly pinched at a height of 60...80 cm.

When growing seedlings from winter grafts (pre-oculated rootstocks), overwintered plants differ in the size of the above-ground system. In early spring, strong seedlings are subject to crowning, and weak ones (the vast majority in nurseries in the middle and northern zones) are to be pruned for reverse growth, i.e., to the lower well-developed buds. A strong shoot grows from the bud closest to the cut site; By autumn, its development approaches that of the oculant. All sprouted shoots located below must be removed, as well as shoots appearing on the rootstock. It is practiced to grow seedlings from winter grafts without pruning for reverse growth, but with weak side shoots being pruned and one strong apical shoot being left. Crowning well-developed plants and caring for them is carried out in the same way as in the third field of the nursery.

Despite the fact that seedlings from winter grafts are grown for two years, plants grown by autumn are considered 1-year-old or 2-year-old according to the number of years of the main shoot. Growing self-rooted seedlings from rooted cuttings in the second field of the nursery is similar to growing winter grafts.

Agrotechnical measures include regular loosening of rows, watering and control of pests, diseases and weeds. While the annuals are not tall, the row spacing is cultivated with conventional tractor cultivators. In the second half of summer, and for winter vaccinations from the very beginning field work For this purpose, tractors DT-20K, DT-25K and others are used, having a ground clearance of 1.5 m, with a corresponding set of implements for them. This work is also carried out using horse-drawn cultivators, as well as modern walk-behind tractors. Fertilizing plants with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out twice (40...50 kg of a.i. per 1 ha): in early spring, at the beginning of cultivation, and in the phase of intensive plant growth. In autumn it is important to clear the area of ​​weeds, and in winter it is necessary to organize reliable protection cultivated plants from rodents.

In the southern fruit-growing zone, well-developed annuals in the second field of the nursery often need to be dug up.

Third field of the nursery. In the third field, the process of growing 2-year-old seedlings ends (hence its other name - two-year-old field). Seedlings must be well developed and have a properly formed crown. The crown is laid only on healthy, standard annuals after they have overwintered before the start of sap flow. All underdeveloped, twisted and damaged annuals are pruned for reverse growth (similar to winter grafting); as a result, by autumn, well-developed standard plants grow from them in the third field, but they are classified as annuals. You can trim annual trees to the crown with pruning shears, or use a front mower. The crown height depends on the formation system, the type of rootstock, etc. The height of the trunk is set on the trunk and a section with a sufficient number of buds is added to form the future crown

Overgrown shoots in the trunk area are removed in a green state by scrubbing. From the remaining buds, side shoots develop, from which the skeletal branches of the future tree are formed. When using weakly growing rootstocks, flowers may form from previously formed flower buds. Buds and flowers must be removed to ensure good seedling growth.

As the plants grow, one of the strongest, well-positioned shoots is selected and a conductor is removed from it. The shoots adjacent to it are pinched to stop their growth, and those with sharp angles of departure and vertically growing (competitor shoots) are removed by cutting into a ring. Closely spaced side shoots with small divergence angles are also thinned out. The same agrotechnical measures are carried out as in the second field. Particularly intensive care for good plant growth is required in the first half of the growing season. In the second half of the growing season, plants must finish growing so that the shoot tissues mature before the onset of winter. When caring for seedlings due to their high altitude for inter-row cultivation, tractors with a ground clearance of 1.5 m and with appropriate trailed implements are used.

Thus, in the third field of the nursery, the process of growing 2-year-old seedlings is completed fruit crops using budding. If the technology of propagation by winter grafting is used, the duration of cultivation can be reduced by a year. However, for this it is necessary to more carefully observe certain conditions (starting from the use of well-developed first-class rootstocks and cuttings and ending with the creation optimal conditions for plant growth, especially in the first field).

When obtaining weak-growing seedlings on strong-growing rootstocks (seed or clonal) using an intercalary (intermediate) insert of a weak-growing rootstock, as well as when growing seedlings on standard and skeleton-forming materials, the growing time is extended (at least by one year). In these cases, it is also possible to shorten the period for obtaining seedlings by using winter grafting, subject to the appropriate conditions. You can also use a double winter grafting or a spring grafting with a cutting with a shield pre-oculated on it, as well as a double spring grafting with cuttings.

5. Agrotechnics of cultivation and scheme of formation of spruce seedlings f. blue

Tillage is carried out using the black steam system. After autumn digging, we disk the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm disc harrow BDN – 2 + MTZ – 82.

Before the main plowing we apply organic and mineral fertilizers. We apply organic fertilizers 1-PTU - 4 + MTZ - 82, i.e. we add 10 tons of manure. We apply mineral fertilizers NRU - 0.8 + MTZ - 82, i.e. add superphosphate - 200 kg, potassium chloride - 140 kg.

Autumn plowing is carried out with the aim of accumulating autumn - winter moisture in the soil with a PLN - 3 - 35 + MTZ - 82 plow to a depth of 35 cm in the 3rd decade of September - 1st decade of October.

In the second year, in the 2nd ten days of April, we carry out cover harrowing in order to cover moisture, using the MTZ harrow - 82 + Sat - 9 + 9BZSS - 1. On fallow fields good results for the destruction of perennial weeds is obtained from the use of herbicides in combination with machining. Therefore, we treat the fallow with herbicides using an OH – 400 + MTZ – 82 sprayer, i.e. We apply 10 kg of dalapon per 1 ha, the consumption of the aqueous solution is 800 l/ha.

Afterwards, we carry out 3-fold cultivation with simultaneous harrowing MTZ - 82 + KPS - 4 + 4BZSS - 1. We carry out the first cultivation in early July, the second in mid-July, the third in mid-August.

In the 2nd ten days of October, we carry out non-moldboard plowing of the soil to a depth of 30-35 cm PLN - 4 - 35 + DT - 75 with a subsoiler in order to accumulate moisture. For the 3rd year in April we carry out cover harrowing MTZ - 82 + Sb - 9 + 9BZSS - 1 in order to cover moisture.

Pre-planting soil cultivation is carried out without turning the layer to a depth of 25-30 cm, using a cultivator-ripper KRG-3.6 + MTZ-82.

Additional pre-planting tillage includes leveling the soil and more thorough loosening tillers FP Ш – 1.3 in a unit with T-16 M to a depth of 10-12 cm..

When growing seedlings, it is advisable to use fertilizers in a system: organic and mineral.

The most commonly used organic fertilizers are manure and peat-turf composts. The rate of application of organic fertilizers with a humus content of 5% will be 5 - 10 t/ha of peat or compost, which is applied for the main plowing. Re-enter organic fertilizers We will become the main ones in 4–5 years on medium loamy soils. General application rate mineral fertilizers will be: N = 90-100, P = 100-120, K = 50-70 kg/ha for active substance.

Preparing rooted cuttings for planting involves trimming damaged roots. After pruning, the roots are dipped in a “mixture” consisting of a liquid mixture of soil and humus. Heteroauxin is added to the mixture at a concentration of 0.002-0.003%.

Planting is done in the spring, because the soil during this period (3rd decade of April - 1st decade of May) contains more moisture.

In school I, rooted cuttings are planted with a row spacing of 1 m and placement in a row every 0.4 m.

Rice. Scheme of placement of seedlings in 1 school

For planting, I plan to use the SLN-1 + MTZ-82 planting machine. In nurseries in the forest-steppe zone, seedlings and rooted cuttings are planted 1-2 cm deeper than the root collar (conventional for cuttings). When planting, it is very important to maintain straight rows, maintain row spacing, and firmly embed the roots into the soil.

Immediately after planting, the compacted soil is loosened with T-40M + MNV - 2.8, i.e. extraordinary care.

The main work operations for caring for a school when growing seedlings include: loosening the soil, destroying weeds, fertilizing plants, watering, protecting from diseases and pests.

During the growing season, soil care should consist of systematic cultivation of row spacing and hoeing in rows as the soil compacts and weeds appear. In the 1st year we carry out 5 treatments, in the 2nd year – 4 treatments, in the 3rd year – 3 treatments and in the 4th year – 2 treatments.

Cultivation of row spacing in the 1st and 2nd years, while the seedlings are not tall, can be carried out mechanized using KRSSh - 2.8 + T - 16M, and in subsequent years we carry out continuous loosening with a hoe. The depth of loosening in 1 school is taken from 7 to 12 cm.

During the first loosening, root feeding of seedlings with mineral fertilizers is carried out. For better growth of seedlings and increasing their safety, we use root dressings plants with mineral fertilizers, which are applied between rows to a depth of 10-15 cm. The first feeding is carried out in the spring before the start of the growing season, and the second in the first half of summer.

In the forest-steppe zone, where our nursery is located, the first fertilizing is carried out with urea 40 kg/ha a.i. in the spring before the start of the growing season, and the second in the first half of summer using a mixture of fertilizers; nitrogen 20 kg/ha, phosphorus 45 kg/ha, potassium 30 kg/ha. Powdered fertilizers or granular mineral fertilizers are applied between the rows of seedlings using a cultivator - plant feeder KRSSH - 2.8 with a T - 16 M unit, which is used to control weeds and loosen the soil between the rows.

When growing seedlings, we fertilize with mineral fertilizers and foliar fertilizers. We carry out foliar feeding at the beginning of the growing season by spraying plants with weak solutions of 0.5-1% N and 2-3% K - P fertilizers, as well as pesticides (chlorophos) to protect plants. For this treatment we will use the sprayer OH – 400 + MTZ – 82.

To provide plants with moisture, we carry out post-planting and vegetation watering during the growing season of the plants. After planting, watering promotes soil settlement and provides the planted plants with moisture, resulting in increased survival rate and improved growth. Subsequent vegetation irrigation is carried out with soil moistening to a depth of 35-40 cm - in school I. Watering is carried out with a long-range sprinkler DDN - 70 + DT - 75.

In year 1 we produce 5 waterings, in year 2 – 4 waterings, in year 3 – 3 waterings, in year 4 – 2 waterings. We water in 1 year to a depth of 30–35 cm, in subsequent years – to a depth of 40–50 cm. Irrigation rates are calculated using the formula:

P = 100* N *A (B1 – B2), where:

P - irrigation norm, m 3 /ha; H - depth of moisture, m; A is the volumetric mass of the soil, g/cm3; B1 - soil moisture corresponding to its LV (lowest moisture capacity),%; B2 - soil moisture at which watering is prescribed, %.

Thus, in the first year P 1 = 100* (0.3.... 0.35) * 1.4 (35.4 - 26.55) = 372...... 384 m 3 /ha, and in the second and subsequent years -

P 2-4 =100* (0.4….0.5) * 1.4…1.7* (35.4 – 26.55) = 495…..752 m 3 /ha.

The seedlings are dug up in the fall using a VPN-2 + DT-75 M plow and immediately planted in the next one, i.e. II school. We do not produce prickly spruce seedlings.

We also prepare the soil at this school using the black steam system. Unlike the first school, we plow to a greater depth, i.e. at 40-50 cm using PPN – 4 0 + DT – 75.

For planting in school 2, we use 4-year-old seedlings grown in school 1. The seedlings are well prepared for planting: we prune them root system and dip it in earthen slurry.

Before planting, the area is marked in 2 mutually perpendicular directions, allocating a feeding area of ​​1 m2 (1 x 1 m) to the seedlings. At the intersection of the marking lines, dig holes by hand 50 x 50 cm and carry out manual landing. At spring planting plants are planted before the central shoot begins to grow.

Rice. Scheme of placement of seedlings in school 2

Caring for seedlings consists of completely loosening the soil at school with a hoe. We also water with DDN - 70 + DT - 75. In 1 year - 3 waterings, and in subsequent years 2 times per year with a wetting depth of 40-45 cm. We also control pests and diseases, i.e. spraying OH – 400 + MTZ – 82 with a pesticide – chlorophos. Fertilizers are applied - double superphosphate - 100 kg and potassium nitrate - 60 kg.

Seedlings from school 2 are dug up by hand and released to the consumer with a lump of earth. The lump is formed in a soft package. In the year of digging, the seedling is dug in on all sides with a ditch 30 cm wide, about 1-1.3 m in diameter and 60 cm deep. Then the lower roots are cut with a thin metal cable on a tractor, wrapped in burlap and tied with strong twine or soft wire. Then the seedling is removed crane, loaded into a car and transported to the landing site.

Measures to protect plants from pests and diseases.

In the fight against harmful insects and diseases of seedlings in school departments, preventive and exterminatory control measures are included.

TO preventive measures include: organization of crop rotations with alternating plantings coniferous species; maintaining the soil in a loose state, especially during the summer of beetles and other soil insects; removal of weeded grass that promotes the development of fungal diseases.

To protect seedlings from beetle larvae, the soil is completely seeded 25 and 12 5 with hexachlorane dust. If coniferous caterpillars are found on seedlings, use a 0.35 aqueous solution of 80% technical chlorophos 130 g per 10 liters of water.

Rust fungi that damage spruce needles are treated with Bordeaux mixture. Seedlings are also treated in the fight against diseases and pests in school department pesticides using OSHU-50 sprayers.

Crown formation.

Prickly spruce - the natural shape of the crowns is pyramidal or conical. When growing coniferous seedlings with a pyramidal crown, it is not formed.

Behind last years in Russia, in connection with the development of private land use and land ownership, a growth trend has emerged in small and medium-sized businesses engaged in the agricultural sector. Most of these areas are allocated for fruit plantings and, undoubtedly, the leading role in them is occupied by the apple tree.

Modern competitive gardening is based on the cultivation of intensive gardens. The agricultural technology of such plantings differs significantly from the generally accepted ones cultivated on vigorous seedling rootstocks.


All main types of soil are suitable for planting an intensive apple orchard: sod-podzolic, gray forest, chernozem, gray soil, dark chestnut and others. Special requirements are placed on the thickness of the humus horizon.

The composition of the soil should be structural, drained, moisture-absorbing, without signs of salinity (pH = 5.5-7.5), density no more than 1.35-1.40 g/cm?, carbonate content should not exceed 12-15% . Level groundwater on the site should be no higher than 2-2.5 m from the ground surface. The site selected for an intensive garden should be characterized by a leveled topography with a slight slope (up to 3-5°), without depressions, hollows, closed depressions, swampiness, gleying, increased density of the soil or its individual layers. In the southern regions, a moist northern or northwestern slope is chosen for the garden, in the middle zone - a southwestern or western slope, and in the northern regions - a southern and southwestern slope. It is recommended to plant fruit trees no closer than 10-14 m from the rows of garden protective plantings. Before planting an intensive garden, pre-planting soil preparation is carried out, the area is cleared, plantation plowing is carried out, weeds and seeds are destroyed with herbicides continuous action(Roundup, Hurricane, etc.), apply organic fertilizers (manure, peat, compost) from 40 to 100 t/ha and mineral fertilizers.

Varieties for the garden

Apple tree varieties for each region are selected according to “ State Register selection achievements approved for use.”

Rootstocks must be selected taking into account the chosen type of garden, which also determines the tree placement pattern. For middle zone In Russia, it is recommended to use low-growing clonal apple rootstocks selected by MichSAU, which have high winter hardiness. For semi-intensive gardens, seedlings on semi-dwarf (medium-sized) rootstocks 54-118 are used; 57-545. Intensive gardens are planted on dwarf (semi-dwarf) rootstocks 62-396. The super-dwarf rootstock Baby Budagovsky is well suited for a super-intensive garden. When choosing the optimal tree planting scheme, it is necessary to take into account the growth vigor of the rootstocks and the varieties grafted onto them. The growth vigor of apple tree varieties can be found in their pomological description. For example, vigorous varieties on semi-dwarf and medium-sized rootstocks (54-118, 57-545) are usually planted according to the scheme 6-7x3.5-4 m, medium-growing ones 6-7x3-3.5 m, weak-growing ones 6x3 m. dwarf rootstocks– 4-4.5x2-2.5; 4-4.5x2 and 4-4.5x1-1.5 m, respectively. On super-dwarf ones - 3x1-1.5 m.

Planting a garden

Planting trees for intensive gardens with dense planting patterns is recommended to be done by hand in furrows under a shovel. The grafting site for seedlings should be at soil level. When planting, watering holes are formed around the seedlings.

When planting low-growing gardens, it is necessary to use standard seedlings of the first commercial grade in accordance with industry standards. Seedlings can be planted in autumn and spring. The most winter-hardy varieties of apple trees are often planted in the fall. After planting, planting stakes 100-120 cm long are punched as a support on the south side of the tree to protect against sunburn. Trees are tied with a loose knot to prevent constrictions. Required condition Post-planting care for seedlings is watering with a water consumption of up to 30-40 liters per tree. Good harvest V intensive garden succeeds in organizing drip irrigation. IN autumn time Young trees must be protected from mouse-like rodents. To do this, remove all plant debris, lay out poisoned baits, tie the trunks and bases of skeletal branches, and trample the snow around the trees in winter.


In the spring of the first year after planting, formative pruning of trees is carried out. Competitive branches are removed, the upper lateral branches and the central conductor are subordinated to each other. In the future, throughout the entire life of the intensive garden (25-35 years), pruning, standardization, protective measures are carried out annually according to the phenophases of plant development, root and foliar fertilizers are applied, row spacing is maintained under grass or black fallow, trunk strips are kept under herbicidal fallow, and the for irrigation, timely harvesting and compliance with fruit storage conditions.


To harvest in the garden, it is necessary to distinguish between removable, technical and consumer ripeness of the fruit. The technical maturity of the fruits and their readiness for processing occurs several days before consumption. In varieties with a summer ripening period, the harvest, technical and consumer ripeness of the fruits practically coincide in terms of timing.

Therefore, summer varieties are almost not intended for storage, and they must be consumed or processed immediately or 1-2 weeks after harvest, depending on the variety, but not later. Short transportation and processing times force the fruits to be picked somewhat earlier than their full ripeness. These varieties include Melba, Mechta, Candy, Krasnoe ranneye, Lungwort, Kitayka golden rannyaya, White filling and others. The period for harvesting and consuming them is from the third ten days of July to mid-September, depending on the region. Autumn varieties are harvested from the first ten days of September to the beginning of October; they can be consumed and processed immediately after harvesting, or stored in specialized refrigerated storage facilities at high humidity and temperature from 0 to +3oC for 3-5 months depending on the variety. These varieties include: Antonovka ordinary, Zhigulevskoe, Osennye striped, Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, Krasivoe, Vishnevoe, Orlovskoe striped and others.

Winter ripening fruits - Sinap Orlovsky, Orlik, Lobo, Skoroplodnoe Zimneye, Bogatyr, Martovskoe, Spartan and others - begin to be collected from mid-September to early October and are stored, depending on the variety, until May. Do not forget that all the listed harvesting dates are relative and can fluctuate in time at different intervals depending on the conditions of the growing season.

Premature or too late date Picking apple fruits leads to negative results. If the fruits are picked too early, there is a significant loss of yield due to the relatively small mass of unripe fruits.

The presence of sugars, acids, aromatic substances, vitamins, etc. in unripe fruits. decreases sharply. Due to insufficient coloring of the fruits, their commercial quality deteriorates. During storage, unripe fruits often turn brown, are affected by subcutaneous spotting, lose a lot of water and become wrinkled. Harvesting fruits too late also leads to yield loss due to carrion, reduces the transportability of fruits, and their high-quality composition, juiciness, storage ability. In addition, with late harvesting of fruits, the period of post-harvest vegetation of trees is shortened, and this leads to a weak accumulation of reserve substances and photosynthesis products, which in turn leads to a decrease in the frost resistance and winter hardiness of the apple tree.

In most cases, the ripeness of the fruit is determined visually. To determine it more accurately, the starch iodine test method is now widely used.

To do this, the fruits, cut into two parts, are immersed for a few seconds in a Lugol solution and the degree of ripeness is assessed on a point scale based on the starch content in the fruits. 5 points – the cut is completely painted, 4 points – not painted small areas near the seed nests, 3 points – uncolored spots over the entire cut surface, 2 points – dark staining under the skin and individual areas of the pulp, 1 point – slight staining under the skin of the fruit, 0 points – no blue coloration. For storage, fruits are usually taken with a 3 point rating, for transportation and subsequent sale - 1-2 points. The degree of fruit ripeness using this method is determined for each variety individually. There are other methods for determining fruit removal, even using technical means– a refractometer and penetrometer, which determine the electrical conductivity and density of fruit pulp.

Upon the onset of removable ripeness, the fruits of summer and autumn varieties needs to be removed very short time during one week. Harvesting of winter varieties can be extended up to two weeks, depending on the variety. Varieties characterized by a tendency to abrupt fruit drop, for example, Orlik, should be harvested first. In addition, when harvesting, farms often ignore the fact that apple tree fruits located inside the crown ripen somewhat later than those growing on the periphery. Varieties prone to tanning, subcutaneous spotting, and wilting (Sinap Orlovsky, Martovskoye) must be harvested at the end of the period of removable maturity. Varieties characterized by browning of the flesh during storage are harvested at the beginning of the period of harvest ripeness.


An obligatory element of agricultural technology in the autumn apple orchard is feeding. How and what to feed fruit trees– the question is controversial.

Some scientists and naturalists advise using only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. They believe that nitrogen stimulates the growth of shoots in the fall and contributes to their non-ripening, thereby reducing winter hardiness. Experiments carried out by scientists at VNIIS named after. I.V. Michurin, showed that the most effective periods for applying nitrogen fertilizer in an intensive apple orchard are autumn and spring. Fertilizing with nitrogen at this time helps to increase the yield of the apple tree by up to 50%. The optimal dose is 30 kg active substance per 1 ha (or 100 kg ammonium nitrate per 1 ha).

Evgeniy Sirotkin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Roman Isaev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Photos of the authors

Based on the knowledge gained during classes, the student must develop technological maps for growing seedlings of trees and shrubs in all departments and schools of the nursery.

Table 8.

Basic activities for growing trees in school I

3.2.4. Calculation of planting of trees and shrubs in the reproduction and formation departments

In each department, in each school of the nursery, when growing seedlings and seedlings, they die (partial death). The mortality rate is established by the relevant standards. When calculating, the following mortality percentages are conventionally accepted:

Propagation department (seed and cuttings department): 13-30%

Formation department: School I: a) slow-growing trees – 5%

b) moderately growing trees – 10-15%

V) fast growing trees – 20%

d) shrubs – 15-20%

School II: a) slow-growing trees – 5-10%

b) moderately growing trees – 10-12%

c) fast-growing trees – 12%

d) shrubs – 10-15%

III school: trees and shrubs – 5%

The initial data for calculations are taken from tables 6 and 7.

Table 9.

Calculation of the planting of grown trees, shrubs and vines in the reproduction and formation departments

Kinds woody plants Special purpose Release plan, pcs. Reproduction department Formation Department
sowing department cuttings department I school II school III school
zach ladka % mortality release zak lad ka % mortality release zak lad ka % mortality release zak lad ka % mortality release zak lad ka % mortality release
garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage
Norway spruce tapeworm 20/2267 - - - 20/1889 12/1012 5/402
Small-leaved linden alley 20/777 - - - 10/353 10/321 - - -
…. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….

3.2.5. Calculation of production areas and crop rotations

In order to calculate one field in a department or school, you need to multiply the feeding area of ​​one plant by the number of plants planned for planting.

The feeding area per plant by department of the nursery is calculated by the student depending on the scheme of sowing and planting of the cultivated crops adopted by him. tree species. Here the student designs crop rotations. The basis for determining the area of ​​crop rotation is the timing of growing plants by school. In cases where seedlings are released as a lump, it is necessary to include fields for restoration in the crop rotation: delivery of soil, leveling. In the text part, the student must justify the number of crop rotation fields he has adopted, the choice of fallow or fallows (pure, occupied or green manure). Enter the obtained data into table 10.

Feeding area per 1 plant in the propagation department: a) sowing department - 0.01 m2;

b) cutting section - 0.03 m 2 ( green cuttings– 0,07);

in the formation department: a) I school: trees– 0.5 m2, bushes– 0.25 m2;

b) II school trees– 1.0 m 2, bushes– 0.5 m2;

c) III school – 2.25 – 9 m 2

Table 10.

Calculation total area

Name of departments and groups of plants Growing time, years Bookmark, pcs. Nutrition area per 1 plant, m2 Area of ​​one field, m 2 Number of crop rotation fields, pcs. Net production area, m2 Total production area, m 2
Reproduction department
sowing department
cuttings department
Formation Department
Ischool trees
II school trees
III school trees

Note: In the reproduction department 50% of net production area added to roadsides and paths; in the formation department - only 10% on the roadside. All this is included in general production area.

2.5.2 Agricultural technology for growing Siberian larch seedlings

The best time to plant seedlings is autumn or early spring. When planting in the fall, good results are obtained if the weather is warm and humid. Autumn planting should be completed approximately two weeks before the first frost. Planting in dry soil is strictly prohibited, as this leads to massive plant death.

Before planting at school, planting material is sorted; cut off damaged roots and shorten the root system to 15-20 cm for conditions with normal moisture. Before planting the seedlings, their roots are dipped into a peat-clay “grinder” with the addition of a biological product at a dose of 1.0-4.0 ml per 1 liter of water.

The planting pattern for Siberian larch seedlings will be as follows: 25-25-25-75, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - diagram of planting seedlings

larch agricultural technology crop rotation planting

soil in wood school processed to a greater depth than in the sowing department. The depth of plowing in the school department is determined by the size of the root systems of the grown seedlings. In the forest-steppe zone, the main plowing is carried out to a depth of 35-40 cm. Regardless of the depth of soil cultivation, fertilizers are applied to the upper 20-30 cm layer, that is, to the zone of the bulk of the roots of seedlings.

School planting can be carried out using a forest planting machine SSHN-3. After planting, it is necessary to loosen the soil with a KRSSh-2.8A cultivator.

Caring for seedlings after planting is as follows:

Weed control

Loosening the soil

Plant nutrition

Watering - pest and disease control.

Weed destruction consists of weeding or treatment with herbicides simazine and 2.4 D. Loosening is carried out with KRN-2.8 MO cultivators and in several stages:

1) In the first year 4-5 times

2) In the second year 3-4 times

3) In the third year 2-3 times

The loosening depth is 7-16 cm. Watering is carried out 2-8 times a year at an irrigation rate of 300-600 m3/ha. Sometimes watering is calculated based on the climate and soils on which the nursery is located. Unit DDN-70.

Fertilizing is carried out annually starting from the 2nd year after planting by applying mineral fertilizers: double superphosphate and potassium chloride, to a depth of 10-15 cm. Since our nursery is located in the forest-steppe zone, the fertilizer application rate is as follows:

20-25 kg/ha (nitrogen)

45-60 kg/ha (phosphorus)

30-40 kg/ha (potassium oxide).

Fertilizing can also be complex, between the rows using KRSSH-2.8 units. The first feeding is carried out in the spring at the beginning of the growing season, the second is carried out in the first half of summer.

Pest and disease control consists of preventing the emergence of foci of diseases and the appearance of pests or their destruction using a solution Bordeaux mixture (1%) .

2.5.3 Agricultural technology for growing black poplar seedlings

To obtain all types of black poplar cuttings, it is necessary to establish a mother plantation of this breed.

Mother plantations are established in spring or autumn using seedlings, annual cuttings and cuttings. Plantations are:

Bush (distance between bushes - 1x0.5; 0.5x0.5; 1x1; 1x1.5; 1.5x1.5 m).

Standard (the distance between the bushes “standards” is 2x2; 2x3 m).

Depending on which planting method we choose (cluster or standard), certain activities will be carried out.

Bush plantation: In the fall, after the first year of growing season, the above-ground part of the plants is cut off, leaving cuttings 3-7 cm high. In the next year, the shoots are cut 2 cm higher than in previous years. After 5-6 years of operation, shallow plowing is carried out between the rows with simultaneous application of fertilizers. Then the plantation is rejuvenated by shavings of shoots close to the ground; after rejuvenation, the plantation is exploited for another 5-6 years.

Standard plantation:

In the first years after planting seedlings or cuttings, the side shoots are removed, laying the crown at a height of 1-1.5 m. Subsequently, the crown shoots are cut off, leaving twigs of 20-30 cm on which shoots grow. In the future, this shoot will be cut into cuttings.

IN in this case We choose the bush planting method. The landing pattern will be as follows: 1x1.

Planting must be done in moist soil; if the soil is dry, pre-planting watering is done 2-3 days before planting.

After planting the cuttings, water and loosen the soil. Irrigation rate is 200-250 m3/ha. Further care consists of loosening the soil 3-5 times during the growing season with a KRN-2.8A cultivator. Caring for stems involves removing excess shoots that form on the cuttings. They leave one escape.

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