How to grow avocado at home. Avocado - how to grow from seed? The path from seed to tree in the home garden

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Avocado is a member of the laurel family. IN wildlife the tree grows up to 20 meters. This exotic representative fruit crops has about one hundred and fifty varieties.

In its natural environment it blooms and bears fruit, but when grown at home, flowering and fruiting are extremely rare. The only thing that can be achieved from an alligator pear is extraordinary decorativeness, but this requires a lot of effort, which will later more than pay off.

Types and varieties of avocados

Or - in the wild, the tree grows up to 20 meters in height and has a thick, spreading crown. The branches are elastic with brown bark. The leaf blades are leathery, glossy, large, lanceolate and light green in color. The ends of the leaves are pointed, the edges are without jagged edges. Flowering time occurs at the end of spring, beginning of summer. The inflorescences are small, white in color, collected in clusters. After flowering, fruits are formed that look like a dark green pear with white flesh and a large seed in the middle.

– this variety of alligator pear was bred in California about half a century ago. The fruits of the crop are oval, large with medium brown seeds. The pulp is pale yellow with a greenish tint and has a pleasant taste. The peel is thin, dark green, smooth.

- is a hybrid variety that bears fruit in winter. The fruits are large, growing up to 500 grams. The peel is thin, green, glossy. It separates easily from the pulp. The pulp has a creamy consistency, pleasant taste and a pale green tint. There is a large brown seed inside the fruit.

Trees of this variety do not tolerate low temperatures and grow small. The fruits are oval, plump, medium in size with a small, round pit. The pulp has a pleasant creamy taste and golden hue. The peel of the fruit is thick, dark green, pimply.

– this variety has a long fruiting period. The fruits of the crop are medium-sized with a changing peel color as they ripen. At first it has a green tint, and then turns black. The fruits have an oval shape, medium-sized seeds and a pleasant-tasting yellow-green pulp. Since the fruits have long term storage they are used as export goods.

– the fruits are oval in shape, large in size and have a delicate nutty taste. The seeds inside the fruit are large and make up about 15% of the total weight. The peel is rough, of medium thickness, dark green in color, which turns black after the fruit ripens. The pulp is soft, pale green.

The tree of this variety has a spreading crown and is characterized by high fruiting. The fruits have a pear-shaped, elongated shape. The weight of the fruit reaches 600 grams and has soft, creamy pulp with a high oil content and a pleasant taste. The skin of the alligator pear is thick, pimpled, has a rough texture and a dark green hue. From this variety oil is obtained, used in cosmetology and Food Industry.

– bears fruit in summer and early autumn. The fruits have a round shape, good taste and the average size. The peel is thick, rough, green. The seeds are medium-sized, spherical, making up 17% of the weight of the fruit. The culture is characterized by poor cold resistance.

– the fruits of this variety are medium in size and ovoid in shape. The peel is of medium thickness and green tint, which changes to black as the fruit ripens. The bone is round, medium. The taste of the pulp is oily and pleasant. The tree bears fruit from mid-spring to mid-summer.

– has a thin, shiny yellow-green peel. Trees bear fruit from early autumn to mid-winter. The fruits have a pear-like shape and soft light green flesh with a slight watery taste and a large stone. The fruits are medium in size and store well.

Avocado growing at home

Avocado cannot be called a house plant, but if you follow the rules of caring for it, you can grow a beautiful, decorative tree, but flowering and fruiting will be very difficult to achieve. In the wild, the alligator pear grows up to 20 meters in height and grows in tropical forests. IN room conditions it can be grown to a maximum of two meters.

So how to purchase an already grown seedling in flower shop almost impossible, you will have to grow it yourself. And if you follow all the rules for caring for the crop, then growing an alligator pear will be quite simple.

To grow an avocado, you should choose a place where it will have enough light. Lighting should be diffused; direct sunlight on the leaf blades and trunk should be avoided. Burns may appear on young plants. IN winter time years when there is not enough sun, the crop must be illuminated with a phytolamp.

Since the alligator pear is a resident of the tropics, it loves warmth very much. IN spring-summer period The temperature in the room with the plant should be from 25 to 30 degrees, and in winter from 18 to 20. When the temperature drops to 10 degrees, the tree may lose all its leaves.

Culture prefers high humidity air, for this reason there should always be a humidifier in the room with the plant. Foliage should be sprayed daily. To maintain the required level of humidity, the pot with the plant must be placed in a tray with expanded clay or wet sphagnum. In this case, you need to ensure that the bottom of the container does not touch the water, otherwise it will begin to rot. root system.

Lemon is also a tropical crop. Grow at home without much hassle if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering an avocado

In summer and spring, the plant should be watered regularly; the soil should not dry out. With the onset of autumn, watering must be reduced to once every three days to prevent the mixture from becoming waterlogged.

Water for irrigation must be settled. It should be at room temperature or warm.

Avocado soil

The soil for growing crops must be breathable, fertile and well-retaining moisture. To create a substrate suitable for the plant, you should mix two parts of earth, part of sand, part of humus and part of wet peat.

When choosing a soil mixture, you need to take into account that the plant does not tolerate acidic soil well, so it is necessary to add not a large number of alkalis. To increase moisture retention and enhance breathability, expanded clay and sphagnum can be added to the soil.

Transplanting an avocado into another pot

A young tree should be replanted every year. The procedure is carried out from March to May. An adult alligator pear tree needs to be replanted every three years. Expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the pot as a drainage layer, and sand should be added to it to increase the air permeability of the soil mixture.

If the plant has become large and it is impossible to replant it, you can remove upper layer substrate, and thoroughly pour the bottom one with water to wash away the salt deposits. Then you need to add the missing soil and press it down a little.

With each transplant, you should choose a larger pot so that the root system in it is not crowded. Adaptation after the procedure takes about two weeks.

Avocado pot

The container for growing the crop is selected to be spacious, so the pot should be slightly larger than the root system so that it has time to fill it before the next transplant, but at the same time it does not feel cramped. If the pot is small, the plant will stop bushing and its leaf blades will fade.

When choosing a planting container, preference should be given to natural materials. The pot must be treated before placing the plants in it. antiseptic to avoid infection with bacterial microflora.

You can also purchase a container made of plastic. When planting avocados in new pot, you need to pay attention to the presence drainage holes and if they are missing, then they should be done independently.

Avocado fertilizer

Alligator pear only needs to be fertilized from May to August. For this purpose, it is necessary to use mineral, organic or universal fertilizers for deciduous ornamental plants. These types of fertilizers should be alternated with each other. You cannot feed the crop in autumn and winter.

Fertilizers should be applied three times a month. The preparations can be added either to a pot with a substrate or sprayed onto leaf blades. Methods of fertilizing the plant should also be alternated.

Avocado blossom

In the wild, the height of the plant reaches up to 20 meters. It blooms with small white flowers collected in clusters. In indoor conditions, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wait for flowering, as well as fruiting.

But if the tree does bloom, which can happen either in spring or winter depending on the variety, it will need to be pollinated on its own to promote the formation of fruits. On cultivated alligator pears, the fruits grow small, but the taste is not inferior to wild ones.

Avocado trimming

To young tree acquired in the future decorative look, it is necessary proper care and pruning. Many gardeners grow several plants at once in one planting container, weaving their trunks in the form of a braid so that the tree takes on an unusual appearance.

To avoid stretching the shoots, the plant should be pinched. The procedure must be carried out after the appearance of eight leaf plates. Pinching the top allows you to stimulate the growth of side shoots, which need to be pinched after six leaf blades appear on them.

Pruning of the plant is carried out in the spring in order to form the crown and remove dead shoots.

Avocado care in winter

The plant's dormant period lasts from October to March. At this time the tree should be created temperature regime within the range of 18 to 20 degrees, reduce the amount of watering to twice a week and completely stop feeding.

Since daylight hours in winter are significantly reduced, in order to avoid a lack of light, the crop must be illuminated with a phytolamp. With the onset of April, you need to return to your previous care regimen.

Avocado from the pit at home

It will not be possible to propagate the crop using cuttings, as they simply will not take root. However, it can be grown from a seed, which should be removed from a mature fruit.

The most popular view To germinate it, place it in a container of water. For this purpose, you need to take a bone and fix it on three wooden sticks located at an angle of 120 degrees above a glass of water, so that the blunt end of the bone only lightly touches the water and does not get wet.

The fluid level must be constantly monitored. It will take about a month to germinate a seed in this way, after which it will crack and a sprout will appear from the crack. It is necessary to move the plant into the ground only when it has enough roots.

You can also germinate a seed by placing it on wet surface, which can be cotton wool or sphagnum. As soon as the seed cracks, it should be replanted in the soil with the mixture, after which a sprout will appear after two weeks.

To plant a seed, you initially need to use a small container in which a drainage layer of expanded clay should be laid in advance. The substrate must be loose so that it allows water and air to pass through well.

Before planting the seed, the pot should be filled with soil and a small depression should be made in it. Then you need to put a bone in it so that its third part comes out of the ground. Next, the plant must be watered and put in a warm and bright place.

Once a month, a young plant needs to be fertilized with any mineral supplements for deciduous plants. Thanks to fertilizers, the tree will grow and develop faster.

Diseases and pests

When grown at home, the plant may suffer from attacks by pests such as spider mite And scale insect . They can be eliminated by treating the wood with the Actellik insecticide, as well as by increasing the air humidity in the room.

Diseases dangerous to crops include: powdery mildew , it affects the leaf blades and bark of the tree, covering them with a white, fungal coating. You can rid the plant of the disease by treating it with Fitoverm fungicide, diluted according to the instructions indicated on the package.

But insects or fungi are not always involved in crop diseases; many problems in cultivation are caused by improper care.

  • Due to lack of moisture, draft or watering of the plant cold water, leaf blades turn black and fall off .
  • Dry air also has a detrimental effect on crops, it leads to drying of leaves, first at the tips, and then completely .
  • As a result of lack of light and a cramped pot, the tree The leaves become lighter and droop, and over time they may fall off completely. .

Only by eliminating the causes of all the problems described above, and providing the plant with proper and thorough care, can you get a healthy tree that will delight the gardener with its decorativeness all year round.

Useful properties and contraindications

The fruits of the plant are oval, spherical or pear-shaped and can weigh up to 700 grams. The skin of the fruit can be either dark green or black. The pulp is oily and tastes like a walnut. There is a large seed inside the fruit.

Avocados have a lot of nutrients, so they are quite high in calories. 100 grams of fruit contains about 245 calories. It does not contain any sugars or fats, which is why I actively use it in healthy and dietary nutrition. In addition, it is rich in oleic acid, which prevents the formation of new cholesterol plaques and the breakdown of existing ones.

The fruit is rich minerals, represented by potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and others. It also contains vitamins, among which it is necessary to highlight vitamins A, D, PP, B and E, which protect cellular structures from aging, stimulate their regeneration and enrich them with oxygen. Avocado contains plant hormones and other substances that help rejuvenate the human body.

Alligator pear has a healing effect on many organs. Its use can improve memory, reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, due to the fact that it contains semi-saturated fatty acids, the lack of which develops atherosclerosis and disrupts cholesterol metabolism. Potassium, which is part of the fruit, helps normalize heart function and water-salt metabolism, as well as relieve stress. Eating avocado is beneficial for hypertensive patients, as it reduces blood pressure well.

Thanks to the vitamins and minerals included in its content, it is possible to normalize blood flow and improve the process of hematopoiesis.

The benefits of avocado for the female body

Every woman wants to maintain youth, attractiveness and health despite her age. Avocado is beneficial for the female body in that it stabilizes hormonal levels, improves metabolic processes and reduces the risk of cancer.

Eating avocado has a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails. To improve the condition of your facial skin and smooth out wrinkles, you can use the pulp of the fruit as a nourishing mask.

Do it cosmetic product It’s very simple, just take the pulp of a ripe fruit and apply it to the face and décolleté, leaving for thirty minutes. This cosmetic procedure will moisturize the deep layers of the epidermis, relieve inflammation, improve blood flow and regeneration of cellular structures, enhance the production of collagen and elastin, which prevent aging and make the skin well-groomed, young and healthy.

It is useful for expectant mothers to eat avocado to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, saturate the body with useful substances and eliminate constipation, which plagues pregnant women throughout pregnancy.

The benefits of avocado for those who want to lose weight

Thanks to the beneficial enzymes that make up the plant, this fruit is actively used in dietary nutrition. It is rich in large amounts of L-carnitine, which is an amino acid that has a strong antioxidant effect on the body. This element triggers fat synthesis, improves lipid metabolism, which promotes weight loss and a surge of energy.

As a result of a lack of L-carnitine, it is very difficult for the body to lose extra pounds, since it serves as a conductor of fatty acids that enter cellular structures and are deposited there due to improper lipid metabolism. It allows you to burn fats, preventing them from clogging your cells, turning them into energy.

Those who are losing weight should not be afraid of the fact that the fruit contains a lot of fat. They do not affect the accumulation of extra pounds, but, on the contrary, are very useful and indispensable for the body, as they do not allow cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

L-carnitine is included in sports nutrition as a component that accelerates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation. It also enhances the production of insulin, which has positive influence on metabolism.

Avocado fruits contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the intestines of toxic elements, uric acid and cholesterol deposits, carrying out a complete detoxification of the body, which is very important when losing weight.

Avocado beneficial properties for men

Since ancient times, avocados have been considered a masculine fruit. The alligator pear symbolizes energy, men's health and strength. If you include this fruit in your menu, then you can forget about infertility, sexual impotence and problems with the reproductive system.

Avocado is a natural aphrodisiac that has a positive effect on a man’s potency and sexual activity. Thanks to the folic acid contained in this fruit, the body is saturated with energy and breaks down proteins faster. Also, eating the fruits of the plant strengthens the nervous system, relieves fatigue, strengthens the heart and increases efficiency.

The fruit is introduced into their diet by athletes who want to increase their muscle mass and increase endurance. In addition, avocado is an excellent preventative against prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Avocado oil beneficial properties and uses

Many people know that avocado’s calorie content is on par with chicken meat, and in terms of the amount of protein it contains, it can be compared with apples, grapes and pears. In terms of the benefits of fatty acids contained in its oil, it is surpassed only by coconut.

The fruit oil is rich in a complex of vitamins and microelements. It is actively used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. The product avoids early aging and eliminates age spots. Taking oil internally is very useful for women during menopause, it allows their body to avoid premature aging caused by suppression of the hormonal sphere.

It is also used for cosmetic purposes. Applying it to the skin allows you to nourish and moisturize the sensitive and dry epidermis. Its regular use eliminates peeling, improves cellular regeneration and normalizes oxygen metabolism.

Applying avocado oil to your hair after washing restores shine and strength, prevents hair loss and eliminates split ends. After applying the product, you should not rinse it off, as it will continue its effect on the hair and scalp until the next wash.

The oil is also used in dermatology. It is part of many foreign drugs that help fight skin ailments, including psoriasis.

How to choose a ripe avocado?

How to choose a really ripe avocado in order to fully enjoy its benefits and taste?

  • When buying a fruit, you should pay attention to the peel . There should be no stains on it and it should have a uniform shade, be dense and rough.
  • When you press your finger on the avocado, there should be a slight indentation on it. . You should not buy an avocado that is too ripe, as it will not be tasty.
  • Before purchasing the fruit, you should pick it up and shake it . If the bone rattles in it, then you can buy it.
  • Taking the avocado in your hands, you need to inspect the place where it is attached to the branch. . It should be yellow, not brown.

If you have doubts about the choice, it is better to purchase an unripe fruit and store it in the same container with an apple for several days so that it has time to ripen.

How do you eat avocados?

The fruit is usually consumed raw and added to desserts, snacks, sauces and salads. Thus, it is possible to preserve its pleasant aroma and nutty taste, as well as all its beneficial properties.

Ripe fruit must be cut in half around the seed and the halves rotated in different directions. After this, carefully remove the pit, peel off the peel and cut the fruit into cubes, using it for further preparation of the dish. To prevent it from darkening, you should sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Contraindications for eating avocados

This one is incredible healthy fruit there is only one contraindication. It should not be used by allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to the components of the fetus.

In other cases, it will bring invaluable benefits to the body and help maintain youth and health for a long time.

Cooking recipes with avocado

Avocado is used to prepare many dishes, but most often salads, desserts and sauces are prepared with its addition. You can find the simplest and most delicious recipes from the list below.

Salad with shrimp and avocado is a classic and time-tested combination. This dish is served in restaurants, but it can also be prepared at home. In addition to the fact that the salad is delicious, it is very healthy due to its high content of minerals and vitamins. This light salad is suitable for those who are on a diet, as it does not harm the figure.


  • Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon;
  • Boiled peeled shrimp – 350 grams;
  • Yogurt – 200 grams;
  • Avocado – 2 pieces;
  • Cherry tomatoes – 200 grams;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 2 pieces;
  • Bell pepper – 2 pieces.

Preparing the salad:

We take cucumber, pepper, avocado and tomatoes. Wash and cut. Place the prepared vegetables in a salad bowl and add chopped shrimp to them.

Season the salad with yogurt and add ground pepper. Mix and decorate with greens. Salad ready. Bon appetit.

This salad is neither spicy nor sour. There are no dominant components in it, but, on the contrary, they all combine perfectly. The result is a tasty, satisfying and original dish.


  • Mayonnaise – 120 grams;
  • Lettuce leaves – 3 pieces;
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 piece;
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper – ½ piece;
  • Boiled potatoes – 150 grams;
  • Avocado – 1 piece;
  • Boiled chicken – 150 grams;
  • Red onion – 1 piece.

Preparing the salad:

Take avocado, onion and cucumber, peel and cut into thin slices. Potatoes and peppers mode in small cubes. We tear up the lettuce.

Cut the chicken into cubes. Salt and pepper the chicken and potatoes. Salt the pepper, onion and cucumber. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Transfer the salad to a salad bowl and decorate with herbs. Bon appetit.

Salad with salmon turns out very tasty. The avocado adds tart notes, the rice makes it filling, and two types of cheese complement all the other ingredients.


  • Lightly salted salmon – 200 grams;
  • Dill – 3 sprigs;
  • Avocado – 1 piece;
  • Lemon – ½ piece;
  • Processed cheese – 100 grams;
  • Rice – 50 grams;
  • Hard cheese – 60 grams;
  • Mayonnaise – 70 grams.

Preparing the salad:

Let's take rice. Wash it, fill it with 0.5 liters of water, add salt and cook it for 15 minutes, then drain it in a colander.

Take the salmon and cut three long strips from it, which will be used to decorate the salad. Cut the rest of the fish into small cubes.

Grind the hard cheese on a grater, and mash the melted cheese with a fork. Then mix half the dose of grated cheese with processed cheese. Mix cheese with mayonnaise, leaving 1 tablespoon for decoration. Wash the dill, chop it and add it to the cheese. Mix the ingredients.

Avocado mode, remove the pit, peel, cut into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening.

We take a salad bowl and start laying out the salad. Place a half dose of salmon on the bottom, then rice. Next, avocado. Place the next layer of cheese mixture. The last layer put the salmon and add the remaining tablespoon of mayonnaise. Sprinkle cheese on top of the salad.

We make roses from the prepared salmon strips and decorate the salad with them. The dish is ready. Bon appetit.

This spicy sauce is very popular in Mexico. Mexicans use it as a snack, adding herbs, tomatoes, red peppers, garlic and onions.


  • Parsley – 1 bunch;
  • Avocado – 2 pieces;
  • Salt and spices - to taste;
  • Lemon – 1 piece;
  • Chips – 1 package;
  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces;
  • Little olive - 1 tablespoon;
  • Chili pepper – 1 piece;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Onion – 1 piece.

Preparing the sauce:

Take an avocado, cut it into two parts and remove the pit. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and mash it to a puree. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from half the citrus into the avocado puree.

Take the tomatoes, finely mode and add to the avocado. Peel and finely chop the onion, then add it to the tomatoes and avocado and mix.

Remove the seeds from the pepper, chop and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Finely mode garlic, herbs and also add to the sauce along with olive oil. Salt the resulting snack and mix. Serve it with chips. Bon appetit.

This unusual dessert with the addition of nuts, honey and other ingredients can be prepared from exotic avocado.


  • Avocado – 1 piece;
  • Blackcurrant sauce – 2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • Ice cream scoop – 2 pieces;
  • Liquid honey – 3 tablespoons;
  • Walnut – 3 tablespoons.

Making ice cream:

Take an avocado, wash it and cut it in half. We remove the stone, take out the pulp with a spoon, knead it and put it in a bowl. Chop the nuts and add to the avocado. Squeeze out lemon juice and add it to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Honey is mixed with fruit puree and nuts. Mix the resulting mixture and place it in empty avocado cups. Then we take two plates and pour currant jam on them in the form of a circle. Place cups with the fruit mixture in a circle and add a scoop of ice cream to each cup on top.

Pate is a delicious snack that can be prepared both on weekdays and on holidays. So, why not try making it with tuna and avocado.


  • Canned tuna – 1 can;
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Avocado – 1 piece;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

Preparation of pate:

Take the tuna, drain the liquid from it and mash it with a fork, removing the bones along the way.

Cut the avocado into two parts, remove the pit and remove the pulp. Place it on top of the tuna and mash again with a fork until smooth.

Chop the garlic and add it to the avocado. We also put spices and lemon juice there. Stir, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for two hours.

Serve the appetizer with bread or toast. Bon appetit.

Avocado in a dream

Although avocado has many benefits for the human body and has excellent taste, mystical point vision, when interpreting dreams, it carries negativity. This fruit is a symbol of insecurity and lies. It predicts deception on the part of loved ones, resentment, vulnerability and disappointment. However, there are also positive interpretations.

  • Seeing an avocado tree in a dream with a lush crown and a lot of fruits , means participation in a special event, perhaps even a wedding.
  • Eating avocados portends a pleasant meeting and pastime.
  • Fruit bone seen in a dream , indicates that the dreamer wants to create and bring his projects to life.
  • Planting an avocado or picking its fruits means changes in life, moving to a new place of residence or changing jobs.

As you can see, the interpretation of a dream with an avocado has not only a negative, but also a positive side, so if you believe only in the good, then dreams with the “participation” of this fruit will bring good luck and positivity.

From the seeds. In the spring, all thoughts are busy with seedlings, in the summer - with the vegetable garden, in the fall - with harvesting! In today’s article we’ll talk about how to grow an avocado from a seed at home. If you are wondering: will an avocado grow from a seed? – I’ll tell you right away, it will grow. And perhaps it will even bloom and bear fruit. Let's find out more about

Growing avocado from seed

Preparing the avocado pit

The seed usually takes up half of the entire fruit. For successful cultivation you need to choose a ripe fruit. Typically, a mature seed has 100% germination.

How to choose a ripe fruit? Press the avocado with your palms on both sides - the ripe fruit will straighten itself. Often in stores there are unripe fruits - at home you can help the fruit ripen - put it next to bananas and apples. These fruits produce ethylene, which speeds up ripening.

Avocados are quite unpretentious to grow - you can simply stick them in the ground. But since the seed usually takes a long time to germinate - up to three months- It is better to germinate it in water. A large seed contains more nutrients - this is the best option for growing.

It's easy to remove the pit from an avocado. You need to cut it in half lengthwise and turn the halves. Carefully remove the seed from half the fruit with a spoon. Rinse well to remove any remaining pulp. Then make small 5mm holes at the same level, in the middle of the bone. Insert 3-4 toothpicks and place the bone in a glass of water. The water should reach the middle.

The bone must be placed correctly - with the pointed end up, and the flatter side in the water.

Place the glass on the window and wait for the sprout and roots to appear. As already mentioned, it can take up to three months. But in the spring this process is much faster - they hatch in a week. Don't forget to constantly add water to the glass as it evaporates.

First, the seed will crack in half along the cotyledons - this good sign– soon you can plant it in the ground.


Needed in a pot good drainage, the soil is suitable for universal use for flowers. We also plant the seed with the blunt tip down. We bury it halfway in the ground.

Opened avocado pit

At this time it is important:

After a few days, a reddish sprout appears. It is growing rapidly - literally before our eyes. At first, the growth rate is amazing - an avocado grows about 50 cm in 3 months. Then growth slows down, basically the avocado tree grows upward and there is no rush to acquire side shoots. In order for them to appear, you need to pinch the top of the young tree when it reaches the desired height.

It is important to know! Avocado seeds and leaves contain a dangerous toxin called persin. It can cause allergies up to anaphylactic shock! Do not get this plant if there are cats and small children in the house who like to try everything.

Avocado care at home

Young avocado tree in a pot

The trunks of the plant are flexible and you can make an interesting composition out of three trees. Plant 3 avocado sprouts in one pot and, as they grow, weave their trunks into a braid. You just need to leave gaps to increase the volume of the trunks - they grow, after all. The result will be a very decorative tree with three trunks.

Flowers may appear after three to four years, but this is a rare occurrence when growing avocados from seed at home.

Avocado flowers

Usually the result is a tree with large leaves. At home it can grow up to two meters, and in nature it reaches 17 meters.

Video on how to grow an avocado from a seed

Now you know how to grow an avocado from a seed at home. I wish you successful landings.

The avocado is known in particular as a large and delicious fruit. Only a few people know that once planted in a pot, it grows quickly and becomes impressive with relative ease. ornamental plant, with large, bright green leaves. It also blooms and bears fruit at home, but these cases are very rare.

The natural climate for avocados is the tropics and subtropics of the USA. There the tree reaches 20 m in height and is evergreen. The fruits ripen from 6 to 8 months, and can weigh even 500 grams. The fruits on store shelves are much smaller and often unripe. Despite this, you can choose a good specimen from which you can take a seed to grow the plant at home.

Plant in soil or germinate in water?

Although opinions on the question posed above are divided, in fact, both methods of growing avocados at home are correct. The only difference is that a seed immersed in water germinates faster, while a seed planted in the ground takes longer to take root.

Planting an avocado in the ground

Having decided to grow an avocado in the ground, you need to prepare a seed, a deep pot, soil and material to create a greenhouse, for example, a piece plastic bottle or transparent film. Place the recently removed bone with its wide end into the previously prepared soil to a depth of 1-2 cm so that the narrow part protrudes slightly above the ground. The substrate for avocado should be light and have an acidity close to neutral. You can use a mixture of sand and peat (1:2 ratio). Water and cover the pot to maintain high humidity at all times. The pot must be placed in a warm and sunny place. Of course, we should not forget about constant watering. An avocado planted in this way should sprout in about 6-8 weeks.

Germinating avocado seeds in water is the most correct procedure. In this case, the seed is carefully pricked from several sides onto a toothpick and lowered to approximately 2/3 of its size, in glass vessel with water. The main function of the toothpick design is to maintain the seed above the top edge of the vessel. A seed fixed in this way theoretically germinates faster, after 2-4 weeks. However, in practice things happen differently. As a rule, avocados can be replanted in the ground when the root system and protruding green stem are visible in the glass.

Growing at home

Avocados grow quite quickly, but for this they need appropriate conditions. The basis is to provide the plant with warmth and optimal soil moisture. The plant will feel best at an air temperature of 21-24 degrees Celsius and with daily, skillful watering. From time to time, the leaves can be sprayed, but not with tap water. Such water may cause the plant to develop white coating, which then often becomes a hotbed for the development of bacteria and ends in the final death of the tree. You should definitely remember that avocados cannot tolerate cold, much less frost. Thus, when opening windows in winter period it should not be on the windowsill. Another issue is solar radiation, which should also be moderate. It is best to place the plant on a window located southeast or southwest.

In summer, avocados can be lightly fertilized (every two weeks). Mature trees can also be placed on the balcony, but be careful that their leaves are not burned by the sun's rays. Young specimens require transplanting into larger pots. It is best to do this every spring. It is also worth knowing that young avocados grow quickly in height. To avoid this and cause the plant to branch, the tallest shoots are cut off.

Avocado flowering and fruiting

Avocados grown at home look beautiful and often reach sizes that make them difficult to grow in city apartments. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 10-15 degrees Celsius. In our climate, these plants rarely bloom and bear almost no fruit. If we are talking about avocado blossoms, you should pay attention to a certain curiosity. Gardeners who had the opportunity to see the flowers of this plant were not at all delighted. The inflorescences emit a very intense and not very pleasant smell.

Fruits may appear on the tree for which they were truly created. ideal conditions. But this will not happen earlier than 5–6 years from the moment of planting. In addition, as already mentioned above, it rarely comes to bear fruit. Despite this, it is worth planting and growing this plant at least in decorative purposes. In addition, there is always some possibility that we will wait for home-grown fruit.

Avocado is an exotic evergreen plant. Many lovers of floriculture know that it is not easy to grow avocados at home, much less wait for the harvest. Its fruits, unique in taste, could please more than one grower. But, unfortunately, avocados with fruits at home are rather an exception to the rule. Although they don’t always plant an orange or persimmon seed, hoping for quick results. You can wait for more than one year, hope and at the same time enjoy a fruit bush or tree.

If you really want to, you can plant an avocado seed and patiently follow all the necessary rules for growing and caring for it. What if your dream comes true and you wait for the harvest at home?

How to grow an avocado from a seed

To grow this unusual overseas plant, you will definitely need a ripe avocado fruit. Only the seed of such a fruit has a great chance of germination. This process can be carried out in two ways:

  • The first method (closed) is simple and simple. The avocado seed needs to be stuck into the soil with a wide bottom side to a shallow depth (approximately 2 centimeters). While creating favorable conditions It should germinate in about 30 days.
  • The second method (open) is interesting and even, one might say, exotic.

Before planting in the ground, the seed must be germinated in water in a suspended position. First you need to thoroughly wash and clean it. Then, approximately in the middle of the bone along the circle line, you need to carefully drill three or four holes, into which you then need to insert thin wooden sticks (for example, matches or toothpicks). They will act as a support when the wide lower part of the seed is lowered into a container of water. These sticks, like clamps, will hold the bone on required height. The main thing is to constantly monitor the amount of water in the container. The bottom of the bone should always be in water.

Instead of water, special polymer granules () can be used to germinate avocado seeds. This polymer material Maybe for a long time hold large amounts of water. IN this method This is very convenient, you don’t need to monitor the level.

Only 20-30 days will pass, and the first young roots will appear, and then a sprout. The seed will be ready for planting in the ground when the roots reach 4 centimeters in length.

To get started you will need a small flower pot with large holes. The earth should not be dense. It needs to be loosened well to ensure the necessary air and moisture exchange. The seed is planted in the soil so that two-thirds of its part is on the surface of the soil. There is no need to remove the shell on the bone.

Location and lighting

Avocado is a light-loving plant, but partial shade is also suitable for it. It needs to be protected from direct sunlight. If your house or apartment has a room with west-facing windows, then such a window sill will be the ideal place for this fruit.


Since the avocado is native to the tropics, it naturally loves warmth. In the event of a sharp drop in temperature or the slightest draft, the plant will begin to show its dissatisfaction - all the leaves will fall off immediately. Therefore, even in warm summer weather, it is not advisable to take it outside.

And the room must also maintain a constant temperature. In the warm season, high room temperature will be favorable for avocados, but in the cold winter, 20 degrees Celsius will be enough for it.

The plant also has a dormant period in winter. If in winter the temperature in the room drops to 12 degrees, then the avocado will immediately react - it will drop its leaves and switch to “hibernation” mode. But when proper care and under constant temperature balance this cannot happen. This tropical plant considered evergreen.

Watering rules

Avocados at home should be watered regularly and abundantly, but taking into account the temperature and time of year. Excessive watering can be harmful. In summer it is watered more often than in winter. After the top layer of soil has dried, it will take another couple of days before you start watering the plant. Only its upper part dries out immediately, and the moisture necessary for the avocado remains inside the pot for about two more days.

Air humidity

Air humidity is also of great importance. The air in the room is almost always dry, and this is very harmful for this plant. Daily spraying will help solve the problem. It is very important that during such water procedures Only the air near the avocado was humidified, but not the plant itself. Even small droplets should not fall on its leaves.

There is another way of moistening - this is a special tray for a pot with moistened expanded clay.

Feeding and fertilizers

From September to March the plant does not need feeding. But the rest of the time, once a month, the avocado needs to be fed with fertilizer recommended for citrus fruits or any other complex fertilizer.

Avocado transplant

In nature, avocados grow up to 20 meters in height. Although at home it will not reach such heights, it grows quite actively and requires frequent replanting. Very soon the first small pot will become too small for him. As soon as the tree grows to 15 centimeters, it is time to transplant it into a larger container. IN at a young age Avocados are replanted every year, and then once every three years.

The soil in which it grows is of great importance for the development and growth of a plant. Specifically for avocados, you need any loose and light soil, but not sour soil. It would be good to add to such soil wood ash or dolomite flour.

When replanting a plant into a new pot, use the transshipment method. Carefully carry the tree along with the lump of earth.

You can prepare a soil mixture that is healthy for avocados yourself. For this you will need: peat (or humus), garden soil and large river sand. All components must be mixed in equal parts.


This tropical plant at home may well become decorative decoration premises. True, this will require a little experience in floriculture. For example, you can grow several plants from avocado seeds and plant them all together in one flower pot. In the meantime, while the plants are young and flexible, their stems can be intertwined with a pigtail.

To ensure that the plant does not stretch in height, but acquires splendor in the form of side shoots, it must be pinched. This procedure can be carried out only when the tree has a sufficient number of leaves (at least eight). First, pinch the top of the plant, this promotes the development of side branches. And after they are sufficiently formed and have their own leaves, you can pinch them too.

Pruning is carried out in early spring. It is necessary to improve the growth and development of the plant, as well as to form the crown you need. It can be completely different. It all depends on the imagination of the gardener.

Diseases, pests and other problems

Avocado, like all indoor plants, is afraid of the same pests - and. The voracious spider mite is capable of not only destroying all the leaves on the plant, but can also carry various diseases for other indoor flowers. The scale insect feeds on plant sap. After its appearance, only dry leaves remain. You can fight such pests with various traditional methods or insecticidal preparations.

Among diseases, the main danger to avocados is.

Other problems may arise during the growing process:

The tips of the leaves dry out. Reasons: watering rules are not followed (lack of moisture), insufficient air humidity. It is necessary to establish regular watering (only after the top layer of soil has dried) and humidify the air in the room using spraying.

Leaves are falling. The reasons are drafts and a decrease in air temperature in the apartment. It is necessary to maintain optimal temperature conditions in the room and avoid drafts.

Pale leaves. Reasons: lack of lighting. It is necessary to find a suitable place for the plant or organize additional (artificial) lighting for it, especially in winter.

Which is increasingly found on the Russian table. It is called alligator pear, butter pear, persea and agacat. And, yes! This is a tropical fruit! Some people love avocados, while others, on the contrary, don’t like them at all. If you are a fan of this oily fruit and have wondered how to grow an avocado from a seed at home, this article will be useful to you. And even if you don’t like this fruit, you will learn how to improve your home beautiful plant with a lush crown.

How to plant an avocado seed

Regardless of the chosen method of germination, it is a simple and fun activity. In order to plant an avocado at home, first of all you need to purchase a ripe, good fruit in the shop. Give preference to representatives with dark green skin. With light pressure, the fruit should easily regain its shape.

If you purchased an unripe fruit, put it in a paper bag along with a ripe tomato or banana and leave it for a couple of days. room temperature. The ethylene released will speed up the ripening of the avocado. The fruit must be ripe for growing an avocado from a seed to be successful.

Carefully cut the alligator pear so as not to damage the seed from which the new tree will grow. If there are traces of rotting inside, it is better to choose another, unspoiled fruit.

  1. The first method is closed, more familiar to gardeners and flower gardens - planting the seed in the ground. The soil for avocados should be loose with good drainage. IN clay pot lay expanded clay, pebbles or other small stones in a layer of a couple of centimeters. For soil, mix garden soil, sand and humus in equal parts, add additional peat or charcoal. Plant the seed with a blunt tip in a pot of soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. good conditions, 30 days after planting, the seed will germinate and the first roots will appear on its surface.
  2. The second way to get a sprout is more unusual, one might say exotic, by germinating an avocado in a container with water. The peeled avocado pit is prepared as follows. Use 3-4 toothpicks to carefully pierce the seed so as not to damage it too much. The toothpicks will act as a support when fixing the avocado with the bottom side in a small container. It is important to monitor the water level. The blunt part of the seed should always be in the water, and the sharp tip should be on the surface. After 20-30 days the first root will appear. When it grows to 3-4 cm, you can transplant the seed into the ground, and soon admire the young avocado sprouts.

Both methods require care and attention during the germination process. Maintaining temperature conditions correct landing and fixation of the seed, a sufficient amount of heat and light are the main conditions for obtaining a beautiful ornamental house plant.

How to grow an avocado

In nature, this plant reaches 20 meters in height, but avocados at home grow no more than 2.5-3 meters. It is possible that the tree will begin to bear fruit in 3-6 years, but this happens very rarely. This happens more often if you germinate several seeds in one pot. During the flowering phase, the plants will be cross-pollinated, and possibly fruits will appear in the future. They taste good, but differ from the usual taste of their tropical counterparts. But the lush crown perfectly purifies the air and adds comfort to the home atmosphere.

If you decide to plant an avocado at home, be prepared to care for it. First of all, you need to plant the seed so that its sharp part always remains on the surface. It is necessary that the soil humidity and air temperature be as close as possible to tropical conditions.

The avocado pot should be placed in the brightest place in the house. Once a month it is necessary to use top dressing and fertilizer to ensure fast growth plant. Water the avocado as needed, but do not over-water it. To determine whether watering is required, dig your fingers 2-3 cm into the soil. If it's dry, then it's time to add water.

If the butter pear is stretched to the top due to lack of sunshine, lightly pinch the top. You can also plant not one, but several seeds to intertwine the trunks as the plants grow, creating beautiful compositions from young trees.

Features of caring for an avocado tree

Avocado care includes the correct temperature regime, timely fertilization with minerals, watering, replanting and compliance with the light regime.

You need to water the tree as needed, and do not allow too much water in the pot. In cold winter times, the plant is watered 2-3 days after the soil has completely dried. In the summer, for home care, avocados are watered no more than 1-2 times a week.

Tropical fruit is not compatible with dry room air. To create favorable conditions and suitable air humidity, plant plants with massive leaves that evaporate large amounts of moisture next to the young tree. You can also spray the leaves with a spray bottle 3-5 times a day. During the heating season, it is optimal to hang wet towels on the radiator or place a pot with a plant on a tray with wet sand.

Location and lighting

As already mentioned, the soil for avocados should be loose so that excess moisture does not remain in the pot. Its excess, as well as its deficiency, can destroy the plant. Alligator pear is a tropical fruit, but straight Sun rays are contraindicated for her. An adult tree, like a planted seed, is best placed on a windowsill on the south, east or west side. In autumn and winter, daylight hours for avocados are extended to 12 hours using fluorescent lamps, and during the flowering period up to 15.

How to pinch an avocado

Pinching or formative pruning of the tree for decorative growth is carried out in March. In the first year, the plant is pruned at the level of 7-8 leaves, and 5-6 on the side shoots. After which the height is maintained at the desired level. This is necessary so that the young tree forms a crown and develops evenly, and not just in height.

Diseases and pests

There are a number of avocado diseases that affect the condition of the leaves. With poor watering, the leaves dry out. With a lack of light, the leaves turn pale. And when the temperature is too low or too high, the leaves fall off the plant.

Like all house plants, avocados are afraid of scale insects and spider mites. Spider mite is capable of destroying all the leaves on the plant, and the scale insect completely deprives it of juice. Also, this tropical tree is susceptible to powdery mildew, which covers the leaves with a white coating and gradually kills the entire plant. You can cope with pests using special preparations and traditional methods.

It turns out that growing a tropical tree at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to be patient and approach the process thoroughly. If you choose a healthy, ripe fruit, correctly extract and germinate the seed, provide the sprout with proper attention and favorable climatic conditions, you will soon become the happy owner of a luxurious ornamental house plant.


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