How to paint the foundation of a house and how to do it correctly. Protecting concrete from moisture: methods and materials used Foundation mastic against moisture penetration

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Waterproofing is one of the most critical stages in the construction of a building. Correctly executed insulation work guarantee protection of the foundation of the house from moisture and other factors environment. It is no secret that when concrete is poured, the mixture leaks. The substance reacts to groundwater, which leads to a weakening of the foundation, moisture entering the walls of the house and the formation of cracks in them. The choice of materials that can be used to treat the foundation is quite wide today.

Rules for waterproofing

Each process that accompanies construction has its own characteristics. If you neglect them, you can ruin the whole plan and get unpleasant consequences. Let's sort it out important points, requiring increased attention when performing actions aimed at protecting the base of your home from moisture.

  1. To understand what type of insulation is suitable for your home, you need to establish the groundwater level.
  2. If you are creating your foundation on loose soils, then you should prevent possible flooding or flooding due to heavy rainfall.
  3. Pay attention to the fact that the soil tends to swell. This phenomenon occurs due to constant change weather conditions and the ability of water to expand or contract during freezing processes in winter period and thawing in spring. Thus, the structure of the water changes, which causes deformation of the foundation.
  4. Consider the conditions under which the building will be used. If you are building a facility for commercial purposes, e.g. warehouses, then you need to choose the best level of waterproofing.

Waterproofing the foundation of a wooden house

So, what difficulties can you encounter when building your own home? If your choice fell on the construction wooden house, then experts recommend using horizontal waterproofing to protect against moisture even when carrying out preparatory work. The drainage system is directly related to horizontal waterproofing and is necessarily used where there is high level groundwater.

If we talk about the specifics of the preparation, it is carried out in stages: First of all, a pit is dug under the house, clay is poured onto its bottom (a layer of about 20-30 centimeters), this layer is carefully compacted. A layer of concrete substance – screed (about 5-7 centimeters) is laid on top of the clay. The concrete hardens after ten days, after which you can begin processing the foundation. bitumen mastic and laying the first layer of roofing felt.

Further, in the process of creating a wooden house, the algorithm will be repeated: a layer of roofing material on the treated surface of the foundation with bitumen mastic. It is important not to forget (especially in houses where there is a basement) to protect the top layer of the base of a wooden house, because a wooden object will put pressure on it.

Horizontal waterproofing

Horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is necessary to prevent moisture from entering. The foundation is made of porous materials, so it absorbs water. If wet surface frozen, there is a risk of cracks. A damp foundation promotes the growth of fungi and mold. If you properly insulate from moisture horizontally, you can prevent Negative consequences from moisture penetration.

Types of waterproofing:

  • rolled, produced before the construction of walls by gluing or floating on a prepared surface;
  • impregnation, done during the construction of a building or its direct operation.

Pasted waterproofing

For execution adhesive waterproofing you need a device that aligns the screeds. It is made from a mixture of sand, concrete and special filler. The insulation material is rolled, based on polymers or bitumen.

How to make adhesive waterproofing:

  • the surface is leveled with a screed to which additives are added to increase moisture resistance;
  • A primer from a primer based on bitumen or water is applied to the screed. After the primer has dried, mastic is applied;
  • if a roll material is selected, then it is laid on the mastic before it dries. When the material has an adhesive layer, it is better to lay it after the mastic has dried. For floating insulation you need propane torch to heat the material and roll it over the surface;
  • materials are applied in several layers;
  • for a room with a basement, waterproofing is applied under the base of the foundation - at the place where the base ends. If the building does not have a basement, waterproofing the foundation from the walls is sufficient.

Penetrating horizontal foundation waterproofing

Coating penetrating moisture insulation is made from a solution of cement and chemical activators. The solution crystallizes when interacting with the concrete surface and forms a moisture-proof layer.

How to make coating waterproofing:

  • the foundation is cleaned and contaminants are removed;
  • the cement solution is mixed with water, chemical activators and filler;
  • concrete surface moisturize;
  • cement solution is applied;
  • Leave the surface for 2-3 days until the solution dries completely.

Injection waterproofing of the foundation

Injection waterproofing is the saturation of the foundation with a gel solution through special holes. The solution penetrates to a depth of 0.5 meters; upon contact with water, it swells and closes the holes so that moisture does not penetrate into the foundation.

How to make injection waterproofing:

  • from the inside the surface is cleaned of dirt;
  • The number of holes and their placement are calculated. The location is chosen such that it is possible to pour a continuous layer of mortar under the foundation;
  • holes are drilled at an angle, then special nozzles are inserted for pouring the solution;
  • polymer gel is pumped into the holes using low-pressure pumps;
  • remove the nozzles and seal the holes with cement.

Horizontal waterproofing of all types is highly effective, but for maximum protection, vertical insulation from moisture should also be done.

Vertical waterproofing

Vertical waterproofing is a way to combat high humidity, in which the walls of the building’s base and basement are strengthened. It is possible both at the construction stage of the facility and during preparation for construction.

Vertical waterproofing is done with outside base of the building and is applied to the level of the sidewalk or blind area. At the same time, there are several types of vertical waterproofing.

Bitumen waterproofing

Usage bitumen waterproofing considered the simplest and in an accessible way. The bottom line is that contractors treat the foundation with bitumen mastic, as a result of which the substance penetrates into all the cracks and gaps, filling them. This feature of bitumen mastic helps protect against moisture, and, therefore, ensures the strength of the base of a wooden house.

If you bought a bitumen block, you should melt it to a liquid consistency in some container, after which you need to apply the mixture in several layers (from two to four). It is important to remember that the surface must be treated with melted bitumen mastic at one time, because repeated heating of the substance will lead to the loss of beneficial properties.

  • ease of use;
  • availability of building material;
  • low cost.
  • not a very high level of waterproofing;
  • relatively short service life of mastic - up to 15 years.

Roll waterproofing

Roll waterproofing of a wooden house using roofing felt is the application of a layer of one of its types: techno- or isoelast. This method can exist either independently or as a supplement. previous type isolation. The process of installing protection is very similar to laying a roof. You need to take a special burner, heat the roofing material and overlap it on the base, which has already been treated with a bitumen mixture. The joints of the roofing felt are also heated and fixed.

  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • acceptable price.

The downside is that the process is quite difficult to complete on your own.

Waterproofing with plaster

Waterproofing with plaster involves creating a homogeneous mixture to strengthen a wooden house from the plaster itself with the addition of components that are resistant to any level of moisture. The base is impregnated by applying the substance with a spatula to the foundation walls. This composition not only protects against the ingress of groundwater, but also levels the very foundation of the object.

  • low cost of materials;
  • ease of application of waterproofing.
  • short service life - up to 15 years;
  • the possibility of cracks forming over time;
  • insufficient level of protection against moisture.

Liquid rubber

If you decide to use, then the base will be reliably protected, because it sprays perfectly and serves your family for a long time. Before applying the substance, the foundation and base should be treated with a special primer.

There are two types of liquid rubber - elastomix and elastopaz. The first type is applied in one layer and hardens within a few hours. After opening the container with the mixture, the substance will no longer be stored for a long time; it must be completely used before setting. As for the second type, the mixture can be applied in two dense layers, and the remainder will be stored in the container for some time.

Protecting the foundation is a very important stage when building a house, since the further operation of the building will depend on how it is done. If everything is done correctly, the house will last for many years.

Trust me, these are just some tips on how to protect the basement and foundation of your home. Experts will help you determine, already during the initial preparation, what type of moisture insulation is best for the basement of your home.

The foundation is the basis of residential and other buildings. Exposure to climatic factors and humidity leads to the destruction of the structure. Therefore, waterproofing is necessary to protect the foundation, but it is important to determine the type and know the features of treating the foundation.

Features and purpose of waterproofing

As a result of exposure to groundwater, rain or capillary water, the foundation gradually becomes thinner, its stability and reliability are compromised. This leads to deformation or destruction of the building, cracks form on the walls, and load-bearing elements lose strength. Drainage systems or blind areas are complexes of devices that only partially drain water from the base. Therefore, waterproofing is important stage construction of any structures that are intended for living, active and long-term use.

The process of waterproofing a foundation involves applying a special composition to the surface of the foundation of a building or using a material that has water-repellent properties and provides reliable protection. Depending on the type of waterproofing, both the technology of application and the functionality of the components used differ.

All types of waterproofing are classified according to different criteria. For example, two methods of applying material are popular:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The first option involves protecting surfaces from capillary absorption. At the same time, two horizontal systems, one of which is located under the ceiling basement, and the second on top of the foundation slabs in the places where the walls support.

The vertical layer of protection is located from the base of the foundation to the level of the walls that receive rain moisture. In this case, the base is treated until required height special compounds, the choice of which depends on the application method used.


Order of conduct construction work are regulated by special documents. One of the main ones is SNiP. The construction and processing of the foundation is given an important place in this set of standards. Compliance with such regulations and familiarization with them before the construction of a facility allows us to ensure the safety, reliability, and durability of the structure.

SNiP contains the following basic rules for waterproofing foundations:

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the sections of SNiP and GOST relating to the chosen method, material and conditions for waterproofing the base.

Horizontal method: general principles of the device

Horizontal protection of the building foundation can only be ensured by initial stage construction. Therefore, it is important to avoid mistakes in this process, because otherwise it will be necessary to dismantle the foundation. It is also worth considering the type of base, because horizontal method applying waterproofing for different types designs differ in technology.

For strip foundation prefabricated or monolithic type it is necessary to provide for the location of the hydraulic material between the base and outer wall building. In this case, the protection layer should also be located 20 cm below the floor level in the basement. For this purpose, materials such as roofing felt, linochrome and waterproofing are used. They are laid in 2 layers between the top of the plinth and the outer wall.

Protection for slab foundations is important. It consists of a layer:

  • “lean” concrete, which protects the base from groundwater;
  • thin waterproofing concrete slab, which is necessary as a barrier to moisture;
  • insulation between the external walls and the foundation or plinth, as is the case with a strip base.

The general device for horizontal protection involves placing hydraulic material or treating it with a mixture in places where the foundation comes into contact with the soil or walls along the perimeter of the base.

This method is used when arranging a strip foundation or slab foundation. In this case, it is possible to use both liquid and roll materials.

Vertical technology: installation basics

Vertical type protection is suitable for already constructed or unfinished buildings. The process involves processing finished foundation. For this purpose, it is recommended to use bitumen mastic, also suitable liquid rubber. The technology for vertical waterproofing is simple. It consists of applying the product to the vertical surfaces of the foundation. Spraying is optimal for this, but coating with thick compounds is also possible. Rolled materials are simply secured over the entire vertical surface, but they are inconvenient to use.

The vertical method allows you to prevent destruction of the building’s foundation as a result of exposure to rain and groundwater. The effectiveness of waterproofing is also enhanced by drainage running along the perimeter of the house. All this ensures good protection and durability of the structure, but the quality of the materials used is important.

Liquid waterproofing material can be applied by spray

Coating technique

The method is used to protect against capillary moisture. When combined with horizontal insulation, the coating material is more effective. In this case, bitumen, bitumen-polymer, and rubber compositions are used.

Mastics for coating waterproofing can be cold, ready to use. The compositions in briquettes must be heated to a temperature of 160–180 C o.

The main stages of arranging coating waterproofing of the foundation:

  1. The surface of the foundation must be completely cleaned of dust and any contaminants. Next, round off all the protrusions and corners with a grinder. Make sure that the radius of the rounding is more than 3 cm, otherwise the waterproofing layer may be damaged by external pressure.

    You can clean the foundation with water pressure, but after this the surface must be thoroughly dried

  2. Before applying a layer of waterproofing, the surface must be primed. This will improve the adhesion of the film to the foundation walls. Leave the treated surface to dry for 2–3 hours.

    The primer can be applied with a roller or a wide brush.

  3. Under bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics, it is recommended to apply bitumen varnish to ensure good adhesion. This is done either with a brush in vertical strokes or by spraying. The entire surface of the foundation needs to be treated.
  4. Now you need to prepare the material. This stage depends on the composition used. One-component materials are simply stirred and, if necessary, diluted with a suitable solvent. Two-component ones are mixed according to the instructions.

    No special preparation of liquid waterproofing material is required

  5. Apply liquid material You can use a wide brush, roller or spatula. Moreover, you need to try so that there are no gaps. The direction of the strokes is vertical. To ensure reliable waterproofing, there must be at least two layers. Each subsequent one can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.
  6. If you are just building a building, then you need to reinforce the waterproofing. This is necessary to prevent damage during shrinkage. Fiberglass and fiberglass are ideal for this. They need to be glued to the first layer of mastic. Particular attention is paid to corners and fillets.

    Additionally, the waterproofing layer can be reinforced

  7. Using hot mastic it must be preheated to a temperature of 160–180 degrees. It's better to do this in metal container on open fire. Apply it with a spatula, and then level it with a hard brush.

The principle of arranging coating waterproofing with any composition involves careful application of the product to the surface. For this purpose, you can also use cement-based mixtures, which contain modifiers that fill the porous structure of the foundation. This prevents moisture from affecting the structure and its further destruction.

Bitumen for waterproofing

To protect the foundations of buildings, bitumen and mixtures based on it are often used. This is due to the fact that the product closes pores in concrete well, withstands temperature changes and is convenient to use. The popularity of bitumen is also explained by its low cost, and it can be used independently. At the same time, layers of bitumen waterproofing need regular updating, which should be carried out approximately once every 10 years.

The bitumen composition is supplemented with roll materials, for example, geotextiles. This allows you to protect the waterproofing layer from mechanical damage. To treat with bitumen, it is necessary to heat the briquettes to 30 - 50°C, and then apply them to the primed surface with a wide brush. Heating is carried out over a fire in an iron container. All actions must be active, as the product quickly loses its elastic properties. It is possible to apply about 3 layers, but each of them must dry well. After the previous layer stops sticking, you can apply the next one.

Bitumen can be applied with a roller

Mastic treatment

Waterproofing the foundation with mastic requires choosing the type of composition. Mixtures for the cold application method do not need to be preheated. Mastic for hot processing needs heating. In this case, you need to turn Special attention on the composition of the product, because each component requires a certain processing temperature:

  • Gudrocampolymer mastic must be heated to 70 °C;
  • tar up to 130–150 °C;
  • rubber-bitumen composition up to 170–180 °C;
  • bitumen agent up to 160–180 °C.

Before applying any mastic, you should clean the surface from dirt and dust, apply a primer, and then prepare the composition. Next, the product is applied with any convenient tool, allowing you to create a uniform layer. The brush is optimal for this purpose.

After applying each layer, you need to pause for the composition to dry. Any type of mastic can be supplemented roll waterproofing, which is fixed on top of the dried layer.

Rolled materials for waterproofing

You can protect the foundation from moisture using rolled materials. They are varied, but conditionally divided into three categories:

  • lining, for example, roofing felt, stekloizol or glassine, are fixed using mastics or a special composition;
  • rolled materials with a polymer or bitumen layer are fixed by fusing, heating with a burner, and the side of the sheets on which the melting layer is applied ensures good adhesion to the foundation;
  • diffusion film membranes are fixed using metal elements and hot air from a hair dryer.

The pasting method is the simplest, most popular and effective.

You must first prepare the surface by removing dirt and dust. After this, a primer is applied that matches the material. work surface. Next steps are as follows:

  1. Applying mastic to ensure good adhesion roll material with the foundation surface.
  2. Gluing fabric for waterproofing. It is carried out on freshly applied mastic.
  3. Applying mastic over the insulation sheet to provide protection. But this step is optional.
  4. Arrangement of thermal insulation of the foundation.
  5. Installation drainage system and backfill.

Before attaching the waterproofing sheet, you need to make sure there are no cracks or damage to the foundation. Pasting technology can be used for vertical and horizontal surface treatment. The main steps are similar in each case.

Penetrating materials for waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing materials differ from others in that they change the structure of the foundation components, and do not isolate its surface from moisture. For this purpose, mixtures are used that penetrate deep into the concrete structure. This allows you to significantly reduce the exposure of the foundation to capillary moisture.

The principle of operation of such isolation is simple. Components of solutions and waterproofing mixtures interact with aluminum and calcium ions contained in concrete, forming complex crystalline hydrates. The pores in the concrete base are gradually filled with needle-shaped crystals, but very small gaps remain. Water molecules can penetrate through them in the form of steam. Capillary entry of moisture is impossible due to the presence of surface tension of the droplets.

Liquid formulations

To construct waterproofing with penetrating compounds, liquid mixtures are often used, which are easy to use. They are optimal for a new foundation without cracks or defects. Wherein concrete base can be processed both externally and internally.

The technology for applying liquid penetrating agents for foundation waterproofing is simple. The work package includes the following mandatory steps:

This method is characterized by simple technology, and the choice of means is very extensive. For example, the Penetron mixture is in demand, characterized by mechanical strength and high quality.

Foundation waterproofing: structure and principle of operation

The main purpose of foundation waterproofing is to create protective film, which prevents moisture from penetrating into concrete and destroying it. The technology for arranging this layer involves applying or fastening a material over the entire base, which will perform protective function. When processing one foundation, you can combine several types of insulation.

The principle of operation of any waterproofing layer is that protective material prevents moisture from penetrating into concrete. Rolled webs do this by mechanical protection, and penetrating agents change the structure of concrete. Coating materials combine two actions: creating a layer of protection and penetrating the pores of concrete.

Waterproofing: do-it-yourself foundation treatment

During the construction of a building, you can carry out waterproofing works with your own hands, using a suitable method and quality materials. Pasting technology is one of the most effective. To do this, you will need roofing felt or fabric with a polymer layer. In the second case it is necessary gas-burner, and the instructions involve the following steps:

Video: design and features of waterproofing

Creating a protective layer for the foundation is necessary because it prevents premature destruction of the structure. But it is very important to determine the processing method and select high-quality materials.

The foundation is a reliable and durable basis for any structure. Concrete, being its main component, can simultaneously be a durable, strong and fragile material. It is water and humidity that affect the basic indicators of concrete.

An important role is played by the use of mastic so that the foundation of the house is truly reliable, solid foundation. Treating the foundation with bitumen mastic waterproofs the concrete, thereby extending its service life, maintaining all specifications.

The advantages of using this material make it an indispensable product when waterproofing the base of a building.

The advantages of its use include:

  • High adhesion rate to any type of surface;
  • Possibility of creating an elastic and seamless layer;
  • Affordable price;
  • Ability to perform work in any weather;
  • Uniformity and stability of the composition;
  • Increased resistance to influence various conditions environment;
  • Possesses antiseptic qualities.

The advantages of treating the foundation with bitumen mastic also include its practicality, reliability, environmental friendliness, frost resistance, heat resistance, durability of the coating (up to 30 years), and ease of application to any surface.

Results of use

The use of this technology for waterproofing the base guarantees a positive result.


  • Reliable protection from the influence of moisture of the entire structure of the building;
  • Prevention of corrosion;
  • Extending the service life of all building elements;
  • Maintaining the functionality of building elements.

This type of waterproofing material is one of the oldest but most reliable methods of protection. These indicators confirm the need to treat any base with mastic.

Types of mastics

Mastic is a homogeneous organic mass containing modifiers, solvent, bitumen (a by-product of oil distillation), and an antiseptic. Depending on the method of preparation, two types are used for the base: cold and hot.

Hot - prepared directly on the construction site two hours before use. When preparing it, you must observe personal safety precautions. Most often, this type is used in the construction of large objects, since its cost is much lower than cold.

Cold appearance - does not require use during cooking high temperature. It is available for sale in finished form, therefore much more convenient to use and safer than hot. The only drawback is the high price.

Preparation for processing

When carrying out waterproofing work, you need to prepare special tools.


  • Bulgarian;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Cement mortar;
  • Primer;
  • Putty knife;
  • Roller or brush.

You can start coating only on a properly prepared base surface. It is necessary to carefully inspect its surface, and if bubbles, cracks or chips are detected, they must be rubbed with a fine-grained cement solution.

If such work has not been carried out, the applied layer of material will burst after some time. As a result, the quality of waterproofing will deteriorate sharply, and the work will have to be done again. The presence of “ridges” with sharp protrusions on the base is also unacceptable. They're in mandatory removed with a grinder.

The corners of the base are being processed. They are slightly cut off or rounded. Transitions to the vertical surface are arranged with “dumbbells” to make the connection of elements smoother.

Don't forget to remove debris and dirt. Then it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the treated surface. For this purpose it is used construction hair dryer. If the surface is not dried well enough, the applied mastic may swell or peel off completely.

Important! To be completely sure that the base is sufficiently dry, you can conduct a small test. Cover part of the base with film for a day. If at the end of this time condensation does not form on it, then the foundation is well dried. You can start processing it.

Primer treatment

To reduce the consumption of mastic and improve the quality of its connection to the surface, it is necessary to prime the entire base. Priming with a primer is carried out taking into account the type of mastic chosen.

The primer is applied with a roller (brush) over the entire surface of the base. When coating the foundation with it, it will be possible to apply only 1 layer. After completing application, leave the primer to dry for several hours.

Application of its second layer is possible only at the points of connection to the base of the building structure.

Mastic application process

Treatment of the foundation with bitumen mastic begins from the surface where the water pressure is greatest (on its outer side). After opening the can, the material is thoroughly mixed. To apply it, depending on the consistency, use a spatula, roller, or brush.

When applying it, it is important to remember that the layers must have the same thickness, be continuous, have no breaks, and the coating itself is carried out from top to bottom. The next application must be carried out after the previous one has dried.

The coating thickness is on average from 2mm to 4mm. This value is affected by the depth of the foundation. If it is located at a depth of up to 2 meters, then the layer of applied material is 2 mm. If the depth of occurrence exceeds this value, then the thickness of the coating increases to 4 mm.

It is easy to determine the readiness of the surface for applying the next layer of coating. It is enough to touch the first layer. If there is no sticking to your fingers, then you can safely apply the next layer. To extend the life of the mastic, after completing the application of the last layer, soft soil is poured onto it.

Useful video:

If the technology of waterproofing with bitumen mastic is followed and its type is correctly selected, the process of treating the base of the building can be done independently with high quality.

To make the building more reliable and stand for a long time, you need to think about this at the initial stage of construction. Most all building materials are porous and tend to absorb water. Moisture dissolves salt crystals; with constant wetting and drying, the structure of materials gradually deteriorates and their strength decreases. Naturally, this reduces the strength and reliability of not only the foundation, but also the building itself as a whole. Water is the constant enemy of building materials also because when it freezes, it increases in volume by up to 10%. As a result, this creates a pressure in the pores of the material in excess of 200 MPa. Even the most durable materials materials such as brick, concrete and natural stone cannot withstand such internal pressure and form microcracks. If you don’t know how to treat the foundation against moisture, it’s worth considering two options, each of which has its own pros and cons.


The choice of waterproofing method depends on the purpose of the building under construction and the type of foundation. The climate of the area and soil characteristics are also taken into account; only correct calculation can guarantee the reliability of the chosen option. Waterproofing can be vertical and horizontal. Vertical waterproofing is installed on the outside of the foundation. At the same time, it is correct to apply it to the level of the blind area or sidewalk. This way the foundation will be protected from groundwater. Horizontal waterproofing is performed to protect basement walls from moisture. It is from the water that penetrates from the base of the foundation. This happens through the capillaries of the materials used in construction. In any case, waterproofing forms protective layer, preventing water from penetrating into the structure of the building material.

Waterproofing can be liquid, roll or film.

In addition, waterproofing prevents the penetration of air, which worsens the microclimate of the room. The second method of moisture control does not have these disadvantages.

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Hydrophobization: process features

Hydrophobization will not only protect the foundation from moisture, but will also allow it to breathe. For this process, water repellents are used - organosilicon compounds that are diluted with organic matter or water. Among them there are those that not only protect the material from moisture penetration, but also give additional protection from dirt and dust.

  1. Walls impregnated with a water repellent are also protected from graffiti drawings, from this we can conclude that the protection is quite reliable. After all, you can often see graffiti on the walls of serious establishments, but this additional expenses for repairs.
  2. Also, the foundation and walls treated with a water repellent become more frost-resistant, their thermal insulation increases, their service life increases and the microclimate in the building improves due to the fact that the materials can “breathe”.
  3. This impregnation will protect the surface from mold, because fungus will not form on a dry surface. When using colorless impregnations, the natural color of the building material does not change and lasts much longer than without such a coating.
  4. Some formulations allow you to process wet materials. Efflorescence, which is the name given to the salts contained in building materials and protruding on the surface over time.

The essence of the protection is that after treatment, a hydrophobic coating is formed on the surface, a thin polymer film, which, when exposed to water, closes the pores and prevents moisture from entering inside. Water repellents remain in the pores of the material for many years, that is, it also provides long-term protection.

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How to treat the foundation

Before treating the foundation with a water repellent, you need to walk over the surface with an antiseptic.

You can treat the foundation from moisture by purchasing ready-made solutions or their concentrates. The method of applying them to the surface to be treated is quite simple and does not require any special expensive tools or special skills; you can use any of the proposed tools:

  • roller;
  • brush;
  • spray.

Any of these tools are suitable for comfort from moisture. If you are not using a spray bottle, you will need a convenient container for the protective liquid.

  1. If you are using a concentrate, then carefully read the instructions and find out in what proportions it should be diluted. If you purchased ready solution, then you can start working right away, but first prepare the foundation surface for processing.
  2. If the surface to be treated is already affected by fungus, mold or efflorescence, it should be treated with special chemical solutions or antiseptics. When treating walls with loose plaster, it must be removed mechanically.

The water repellent is applied in a uniform, generous layer over the entire surface to be treated until a shine appears. If the material is highly porous, the solution is applied in two layers, with an interval of approximately 10-15 minutes, for more effective protection from moisture. Most water repellents are recommended to be used in dry weather, since otherwise the hydrophobic effect is reduced. The foundation must be completely saturated with water repellent, so calculate required amount liquid is necessary taking into account the porosity of the material.

Foundation elements: not only the concrete surface of the foundation can be treated with a water repellent, but also its wooden, steel or iron elements. This will also give them protection from moisture, and therefore from rotting, corrosion and will significantly increase their service life.

How to protect concrete from moisture? In this article we are going to look at several popular solutions that are applicable both for waterproofing foundations and basements, and for protecting main walls from precipitation and seasonal humidity fluctuations.

Our goal is to give the concrete hydrophobic properties.


All waterproofing materials are divided into three main categories.

Useful: roll and coating materials are usually applied on the side of the foundation or enclosing structure on which excess static water pressure is present. Otherwise, there is always a risk of peeling off the protective layer and compromising its integrity. Penetrating waterproofing does not have this limitation.

Obviously, we are most interested in the last category of waterproofing. It is with her that we will get to know each other better.

Possible solutions


The simplest and cheapest surface treatment (applying cement laitance to it). Cement penetrates into pores and microcracks, completely or partially clogging them. Of course, such waterproofing is not enough for the foundation; but the ironwork cement plaster facade will significantly reduce water absorption.

Liquid glass

If you add to cement-sand mortar sodium liquid glass(aqueous solution of Na2O(SiO2)) in a ratio of approximately 1:10, you will get moisture-resistant concrete with a very short (no more than half an hour) setting period. This recipe is often used to seal the seams of sewer and water wells, block foundations and cracks in basement floors.

The photo shows domestically produced sodium liquid glass.

Treatment with liquid glass is quite capable of reliably waterproofing the surface of the finished reinforced concrete product. Doing this work with your own hands is more than simple: the material diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio is applied to the concrete with a brush, roller or spray.

Hint: undiluted liquid glass, applied in one layer, penetrates concrete by an average of 2 millimeters. If the treatment is carried out with an aqueous solution and in several stages, the depth of impregnation will increase to 15-20 mm.

Water repellents

How to treat aerated concrete from moisture if it is used for construction external walls residential building?

In this case, hydrophobic primers will come to the rescue. silicone based. The instructions for their use are also extremely simple: the composition, ready for use or diluted with water in the concentration specified by the manufacturer, is applied to the surface of the facade in two or three layers without preliminary drying.

Protecting aerated concrete from moisture using a water-repellent solution solves several problems at once.

Let us clarify: silicone-based water repellents are intended not only for aerated concrete. They can process all porous materials: heavy concrete, limestone, plaster, etc.

The composition is applied to a dry base. A concrete moisture meter will help you assess the moisture level of a structure - it’s not difficult electrical device, measuring resistivity surface area.

Average price of water repellents Russian production is 150 rubles per kilogram. The only drawback of the solution is the limited adhesive properties of the facade after treatment: it can be painted only after six months.

Crystallizing compounds

Penetron, Crystallisol and their numerous analogues differ from the solutions listed above in their operating principle: simply put, they do not transport material to fill pores through capillaries from the surface, but create it on the spot ().

Chemical additives cause accelerated crystallization of calcium salts (the main component of Portland cement) upon contact with water. The crystals reliably fill the pores of concrete.

What is the result?

  • The most obvious result is the impossibility of moisture penetration into the thickness of concrete when external treatment designs. If the basement walls are treated with the same Penetron from the inside, groundwater will no longer find its way inside the room: the impregnation penetrates 40-60 centimeters into the concrete.
  • Of course, you can also forget about efflorescence and mold.. Moisture is necessary for their appearance.
  • Frost resistance of concrete increases by an average of 100 cycles. From a practical point of view, this means increasing the service life of capital walls by 150-200 years.
  • Finally, moisture impregnation for concrete increases its compressive strength: the absence of pores prevents the material from crumbling under load.

It is curious that Penetron and its analogues provide a kind of self-healing waterproofing. Where water begins to penetrate into the concrete through new cracks and pores, the growth of calcium salt crystals immediately resumes. What is especially pleasing is that waterproofing measures can be carried out with damp walls or foundations.

Where do new cracks in concrete structures come from? The main reasons are movements and frost heaving of soils, as well as installation work. For perforation technological holes and openings, shock vibration is destructive to concrete.

What to do?

  1. In the first case, the problem is solved by enhanced reinforcement of structures. A foundation connected by reinforcement into a single rigid frame will not deform during any movement of the soil.
  2. In the second - using less destructive methods of work. Thus, cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels, and cutting reinforcement with a gas cutter or a regular abrasive wheel, is much less destructive than using a jackhammer. Diamond drilling of holes in concrete is much more preferable than using a hammer drill.


As part of a short review, we have listed only a small part possible solutions. As usual, the video in this article will offer the reader Additional information ().


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