How to paint MDF: polyurethane primer, enamel and varnish. Painting kitchen facades - materials, options and panel restoration process How to paint MDF facades glossy

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Often, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, or even all the furniture that has served us for many years, no longer meets the changed needs. They become unfashionable, do not match the color of new tiles or wallpaper, become boring and simply not pleasing. Of course, you can buy new ones, but not everyone is ready to spend a considerable amount on this. And old things, although not fashionable, familiar and comfortable, often have pleasant memories associated with them.

The best way out is to repaint them a different color. If successful, familiar things will not just get a second life, but will turn into a real element of the author’s design.

MDF boards of different shades

Is it possible to paint MDF furniture at home, how to paint MDF furniture at home, how to repaint MDF furniture with your own hands and what is needed for this - we will tell you below.

Universal enamel KUDO in a can

Painting compositions for MDF are produced taking into account the characteristics of the material - high absorbency. The right choice depends on the type of MDF façade covering:

Acrylic enamel is suitable for all types of coatings. water based and acrylic auto enamel in aerosol packaging.

Acrylic enamels produced by Belinka

Different types of paints for MDF have their own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, polyurethane compounds have high adhesion to the surface and after drying provide a coating that is resistant to mechanical stress, but require careful handling during the application process due to the presence of harmful substances. Oil and alkyd dry for a long time and have strong smell, persisting on for a long time. Water-based acrylic enamels are safe, practically odorless and easy to use, but they are inferior to those listed above in terms of coating strength.

Automotive enamels are designed for metal surfaces; MDF is also suitable for painting

Paint and varnish materials for MDF are produced by almost all leading manufacturers and are present in the assortment of most construction supermarkets. Glossy, matte and semi-matte options are available for sale, differing in the degree of gloss of the finished product. If you cannot find special paint for MDF, you can use painting compounds for windows and doors, or for wood.

Necessary materials

Materials and tools for painting MDF furniture

In order to paint MDF furniture at home, you will need:

  • dye;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • solvent corresponding to the selected paint;
  • masking tape;
  • covering film.

Depending on the chosen painting method, you will need the following tools:

  • sandpaper, mesh and sponge with different grain sizes;
  • brushes, rollers, spray gun;
  • narrow and wide spatula;
  • stationery or construction knife;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • protective gloves, glasses, respirator;
  • clean rags.

You will also need patience and a firm intention to create a miracle.

Tools for painting furniture

Let's get started

Degreasing the treated coating

It is necessary to wash the parts to be painted well with a sponge soaked in vodka with the addition of detergent, to remove dirt and grease. Remove the facades from the body. Remove all handles, glass and curtains. Seal cracks and chips. Any wood putty will be suitable for filling cracks.

Wood putty is needed if, after sanding, chips form on the surface of the part

Acrylic is preferred, because it is easy to apply, dries quickly and is easy to process. For plastic and acrylic coatings It is better to use automotive putty. Narrow cracks are cut with the blunt side of a knife before applying putty. Putty is applied to the chipped areas “with a reserve”, in layers no thicker than 1 mm. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has cured.

Sanding MDF before painting

Elements are carefully polished. Sanding removes excess putty and gives the surface the roughness necessary for better adhesion to the future coating. For sanding we use sandpaper with a grit of 150-180.

Sanding the MDF surface using a surface sander

Given required form putty chips. It is better to use an abrasive mesh, as it clogs less. In hard-to-reach and embossed places it is convenient to use an abrasive sponge. Sanded facades are thoroughly cleaned of dust with a clean brush and vacuum cleaner.

The primer is the main character

Wood primer sample

This is not an exaggeration. Correctly selected primer not only provides reliable adhesion to the surface being painted, but also strengthens it, fills minor defects, prevents pile from rising and reduces absorbency, significantly reducing the consumption of the paint composition.

We prime the prepared areas of furniture

The most commonly used are two-component polyurethane and water-dispersed primer compositions. Water-based primers are not recommended to be applied over polyurethane and nitrocellulose primers, and polyester primers are not recommended to be applied over them. paint and varnish compositions. There are no such restrictions for polyurethane primers. When choosing a primer, it is advisable to consult with a consultant at a hardware store.

Applying primer to the prepared surface

The primer must be applied in a clean, well-ventilated area in several stages. First, you need to prime the ends and relief parts of the elements, and then the entire element.

Applying primer with a pneumatic sprayer

After polymerization of the first layer, the product is cleaned of raised wood fibers and other small defects with an abrasive mesh or sponge with a grain size of 220-240.

Small roughness on the surface of MDF or “wood pile”

The polished surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust and primed a second time. Before application finishing coating Re-grinding with 280-300 grit is required.

The most important stage is painting

MDF painting panels using a spray gun

The best results are obtained by painting with a spray gun (spray gun), but not everyone House master has at its disposal necessary equipment. You can also use paint in aerosol cans. The coating applied by spraying is highly uniform and has an ideal appearance. The difficulties of this method include the need to have a separate room, which you don’t mind painting at the same time.

Paint can be applied with a brush or rollers

If there is no such room, it is better to paint with a brush or roller with fine bristles. When purchasing brushes and rollers, be sure to consult with the seller whether they are suitable for the selected type of paint composition.

The paint must be applied strictly in one direction, usually in two layers. The second layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. It is advisable to place facades to be painted horizontally. Work must be carried out at a temperature of at least 15 degrees in a well-ventilated area, but drafts must be avoided. Be sure to use a respirator, protective gloves and goggles. Cover with film anything that does not need painting at all.

Varnish is used for finishing wooden surfaces

If a speck or random insect gets on a freshly painted surface, remove it with the sharp tip of a knife. If, after drying, a defect remains in this place, carefully sand it with abrasive paper and touch up with a cotton swab using light tangential movements.

Painted surfaces must be allowed to dry completely before assembly. Drying time is indicated on the packaging paint and varnish materials. There is no need to try to repaint everything at once. It's better to do this element by element. Then, when preparing for painting and repainting the next element, it will be possible to take into account the nuances and correct mistakes made when working with the previous one. It is important to carry out all technological operations and manufacturer’s requirements for temperature conditions and drying time of primers and paints.

Polishing the painted surface

The repainting process is quite labor-intensive and painstaking, but the result is worth it. Updated favorite things bring joy not only to their modern look, but also with the consciousness that this miracle was created with one’s own hands.

Painted polished MDF board

Video: Painting MDF facades. Trosha Studio.

Sometimes every person wants changes in the environment around him, for example, completely redoing the interior of a room or kitchen. Painting furniture fronts will help fit old cabinets into a new environment. This measure helps to significantly save on replacing furniture sets and choose the color of new rooms, not limited to the shades of existing things. The owners will be able to complete all the work themselves, even if they have never had to paint furniture before.

If the decision to change the interior is finally made, painting the furniture facades becomes inevitable. Before starting work, you should determine the necessary tools and materials:

  • Paint (oil, latex, water-dispersion, alkyd, stain). You can use auto enamel; it is moisture resistant and does not change its appearance due to temperature changes;
  • Rollers and brushes. They are selected depending on the paint used: for water-based paint choose velor, and for acrylic, stain or varnish - a brush or roller made of natural or combined wool;
  • The primer must be purchased depending on the paint chosen. Compliance of materials can be determined after careful examination of the packaging;
  • Degreaser. For facades made of wood or MDF, a composition containing an organic solvent is used. This product is capable of removing grease, oils, grease, silicones;
  • Sandpaper, felt, a piece of wool;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Gloves;
  • Masking tape;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Drill.

Any kind of painting can be done furniture facades, but products made from MDF and solid wood behave better than others during this procedure.

Paint application technology

The durability of the coating depends on correct application paints. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the space for the work. Painting furniture facades must be done in a large, well-ventilated room. The air temperature is maintained at least 20 degrees Celsius.

Surface preparation

When the room for painting has been selected and you have all the necessary tools, you can proceed to the first stage. First you need to disassemble the furniture and remove all fittings from the facades. Removed from the stove old layer paint coating. At this stage, it is convenient to use a hair dryer; it allows you to complete this work in less time. The heated paint coating begins to peel off and is easy to remove.

You can use special solvents to remove paint, but such compositions have an unpleasant, corrosive odor, which makes it impossible to use in indoors. Another alternative to a hair dryer is coarse sandpaper. Manual paint removal is very time-consuming. When using sandpaper, it appears a large number of dust, it will need to be removed periodically with a vacuum cleaner. There is a possibility of damage to the facade itself, so sandpaper is best used in extreme cases.

It is not always necessary to completely remove a layer of old coating. Applying paint to varnished surface ineffective due to low adhesion. Processing the part will help improve it sandpaper. After processing, you can begin degreasing and painting. It is worth remembering that MDF panels are very often covered with polyvinyl chloride film; it must be completely removed and only then proceed to the next stages of work. The surface under the film is treated with sandpaper.

Surface defects are visible under the coating layer. You can deal with cracks, chips and dents using wood putty.

  • Gypsum putty is an environmentally friendly option with low cost and good performance properties, excellent for indoor work, as it does not have a strong odor;
  • Latex or acrylic compositions They have greater durability, but their cost is much higher. The composition is applied in a thin layer (1-2 mm) to avoid cracking after hardening.

The putty of the base layer may not match the color of the element being processed, but it should not stand out too much on the surface. The base coat must have good adhesion for better adhesion to the paint.

Removing a layer of old paint

Apply putty to cracks


To obtain a smooth surface after painting, you need to think about sanding it at the very beginning. After applying and completely drying the putty, you need to arm yourself with coarse sandpaper and clean the surface. The grain size of the abrasive material used is gradually reduced to bring the surface to a perfectly smooth state. You shouldn’t get carried away with the process and use the smallest types; it’s enough to process wood boards paper marked P400 and P600.


Painting includes several stages:

  1. Degreasing – first, the sanded surface is treated with a degreaser. To do this, wipe the panels with a swab soaked in the composition. After work, the surface must dry. Do not touch degreased wood. This stage is necessary for good adhesion. wood panel and applied paint. The degreaser dries very quickly, so within a few minutes after applying it you can proceed to next stage;
  2. Primer - this must be a special composition for use on wooden surfaces. For uniform application of the primer, each subsequent layer must be perpendicular to the previous one. Do-it-yourself priming of facades is done using a roller or brush. The primed part must dry, this will take about a day;
  3. The next step is painting. The technology for its implementation may differ, depending on the materials, initial and desired color of the furniture facades. In any case, painting should begin from the ends of the workpiece and only after that begin processing the front side.

Before applying paint with a spray gun, you can practice on a blank or an unnecessary piece of wood. This will help you choose optimal width spraying, it should be small. Depending on the color of the workpiece and the paint, it is necessary to apply several layers, usually three is enough, but if the parts painted with color have unevenly worked parts, then it may be necessary to apply the coating several more times.

After each layer, leave part of the facade for 10-15 minutes and allow the paint to dry a little. Light-colored parts can be painted using a tint varnish; when several layers are applied, the part acquires the required shade. It should be remembered that light paint applied to dark wood, completely covers the structure of the material.

Degreasing coating

Cover with primer

Painting the surface

Applying varnish

It is not enough to paint the façade correctly; it is necessary to protect the new coating from accidental damage and direct sun rays, moisture. To do this, it is recommended to apply a layer of varnish.

  1. First you need to decide on the type of varnish. Nitrovarnish is great for outdoor work, protects wood from influence environment, it is highly toxic and not intended for indoor use. Water-based varnish is an environmentally friendly composition used indoors. You will have to wait about two weeks for complete drying;
  2. Next, you can begin preparing the room. Varnishes take a long time to dry and during this time there should be a minimum amount of dust around the piece of furniture. To do this, before starting work, you should carry out wet cleaning, lay on the floor protective film from accidental contact with varnish. The air temperature during operation should be +20 degrees. Even when using odorless materials, care must be taken to ensure good ventilation;
  3. Before applying varnish, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and treated with fine-grained sandpaper. Movements should be directed along the grain of the wood. You can clean the product from dust using a vacuum cleaner. Do not use a damp cloth;
  4. The surface is again coated with a primer and wait until it dries completely;
  5. Applying varnish. The choice of tool depends on the type of material. The brush is used when working with oil varnishes. For uniform application, it is recommended to choose tools with natural bristles, split at the ends. A tampon is necessary for varnish on alcohol based. It can be made from a small piece of wool wrapped in linen. The instrument is completely dipped in varnish and impregnated with it, then applied with quick movements along the fibers. Spray to speed up the application process. It can only be used in rooms with excellent ventilation.

Choosing furniture varnish

We carry out wet cleaning

We process facades with sandpaper

Prime the surface


Finishing and decoration

After the varnish has dried, it is necessary to polish the surface. First, rough defects are removed with fine sandpaper, and only after that they begin polishing. special compounds and linen tampons. For getting good result The polishing mixture is applied with quick movements in three layers with an interval of 12 hours.

After finishing the work, you can assemble the furniture. The holes for fastening the fittings will most likely have to be drilled again, because the old ones will be primed, covered with paint and varnish. All parts must be installed in their original places.

We remove rough defects with sandpaper

MDF has already managed to take a strong position in the field furniture production. Unique properties this material allows you to implement any design ideas, to produce interior items that are not only aesthetically attractive, but also very practical.

High performance finished products give decorative and protective materials used for their exterior finishing. The most popular finishing technology today is painting MDF with special paints and varnishes.

Advantages of painted products

Furniture facades carry not only a functional load, but are also the most important aesthetic component of any interior. PVC films, stylized to resemble valuable wood species, or natural veneer, are ideal for creating furniture in a classic style, but painting MDF allows you to create products in completely different style directions.

The advantages of this technology include:

  • huge variety of colors;
  • choice of textures (glossy, matte);
  • excellent decorative qualities;
  • a variety of types of coatings (polyester, polyurethane, polyurethane-acrylic, nitrocellulose, water-based and UV-curing materials);
  • excellent protective properties;
  • durability of the coating;
  • resistance to mechanical damage, temperature changes, exposure to chemical elements;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

A good illustration of the strength of painted facades is this video:

Selection of paint and varnish material

The durability of painted facades directly depends on two main criteria: compliance with painting technology and the quality of paintwork materials. When choosing a material, be sure to take into account:

  • type of furniture structures;
  • thickness of the polymer layer;
  • requirements for wear resistance, heat resistance, resistance to chemical elements;
  • decorativeness;
  • service life of the paintwork.

Paintwork materials have different technological properties, therefore they are selected taking into account the functional load of a particular piece of furniture.

The characteristics of the material and for high-quality execution painting work, and it doesn’t matter whether it will be done with your own hands or in a production environment. These characteristics include:

  • Covering power. This property determines the number of required layers of dye required to completely cover the contrast substrate. There are materials that allow you to completely cover the substrate in just one layer. They differ more at a high price, but at significantly lower costs.
  • Drying time. An important technological parameter that determines the speed of painting. However, the time indicated in the instructions for the material most often does not correspond to the actual drying time, which depends on many factors, for example, air temperature, room humidity, substrate temperature, etc.
  • Adhesion. High level adhesion is prerequisite to provide of proper quality paint coating. To achieve maximum performance, it is necessary to properly prepare the base and strictly adhere to the technology of applying paints and varnishes.
  • Viscosity parameters. The paint must have a certain consistency so that it can be applied to the surface efficiently. Thixotropic additives are introduced into materials that are too viscous, which increase their fluidity, while helping to avoid smudges.
  • Environmental friendliness. Many paints contain harmful substances, but there are also safe materials for covering facades, which is recommended to be given preference.

Technological conditions for painting facades

Modern equipment, qualified personnel and strict adherence to technology are the three main criteria that guarantee maximum competent organization production process And high quality finished products.

Climatic conditions and the area of ​​painting booths play an important role. If products are produced in small volumes, painting of MDF can be carried out in small spaces, and for significant volumes, cameras of appropriate sizes are required for efficient and convenient operation.

In the painting room, regardless of the time of year, constant temperature conditions (23-25˚C) and a certain level of humidity must be observed.

The technology for coloring products involves preparatory work, applying paintwork and performing intermediate operations. Paint and varnish materials, equipment and facades must have the same temperature as in the painting room.

Paints, varnishes and primers for painting MDF facades are produced ready for use. Before the painting process, all these products are filtered (filter density - 50-100 microns), and the filtration process is especially important for coatings that form gloss. When storing filtered paints and varnishes for more than 2 months, they are filtered again before use.

The process of painting furniture facades

Do-it-yourself facade painting

Independent updating of a kitchen set can be done in two ways: covering the facades with self-adhesive film or painting them with special enamel. The first method is cheaper, but painting is more effective solution in terms of durability of furniture and greater aesthetic appeal.

If the second option is preferred, then the process of transforming the kitchen should begin with preparation necessary materials and tools. So, you will need:

  • reliable, wear-resistant and durable enamel (for example, car enamel fully meets these requirements);
  • wood primer;
  • hand sander or sandpaper;
  • spray gun or soft brush and velor roller;
  • construction hair dryer (if necessary).

The work order is as follows:

  • Initially, it is necessary to free the facades from all existing fittings and glass;
  • If old MDF facades are laminated with PVC film, then it must be completely removed. This is exactly what you need a hair dryer for. When heated, the film peels off and is easily removed;
  • The surface is carefully sanded and primed twice. After each layer of primer has dried, the facades are sanded again with fine sandpaper;
  • Painting furniture elements with your own hands with a roller or brush is carried out in one direction. When applying the material using a spray gun, the quality finished surface will be higher, but this method will require a special room. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers with 24-hour intervals for each layer to dry.

Painted glass can be an alternative to Lakobel glass.

The main advantages of painted glass:

  1. Almost unlimited color range;
  2. There is no need to purchase a sheet of a strictly defined format, which allows you to save on leftovers;
  3. Reasonable cost.

Enamels can be applied both to high-quality M1 glass and to special coated glass, which has virtually no intrinsic tint, which is especially important when painting with white enamels; however, coated glass is more expensive.

Varnished chipboard

Lacquered chipboard imitates facades with natural veneer or natural wood, but has a significantly lower cost.

Polishing varnish is used if the chipboard has a smooth surface.

Laminated chipboard coated with patina enamels can imitate naturally aged wood.

Coatings with special effects “crakolet”, “foil”, “water drops”

Technology of applying original decorative effects, which are craquelure (craquelure effect), foil and wet drop effect. It is similar in that two layers of enamel are applied to the facades, the top of which is damaged in a special way.

Cracolet or craquelure(from the French craquelé - cracked), creates the effect of cracked paint on the surface of the workpiece.

Foyle(from the English Foil - foil). Technology for obtaining the effect: freshly applied upper layer enamels unevenly lay the stretch film, and then remove it.

Water drops- the effect is obtained by spraying water onto the top layer of paint.

Color options

To simplify the designation of colors, several color standards or catalogs are used. The most common:

RAL (German Reichsausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung) - the standard was developed in Germany in 1927 and includes several collections: RAL Classic contains 217 of the most common colors, RAL Design - 1625 shades, RAL Effect - catalog of matte colors and metallics, RAL Plastics - catalog of 100 classic colors specifically for painting plastic and is made on polypropylene foam plates for more accurate color rendering.

WCP (WoodColorPlus)- a catalog of the famous Italian brand Sayerlack, owned by the world's largest concern for the production of paints and varnishes, The Sherwin-Williams Company.

NCS (English Natural Color System, natural system colors) - the standard was developed in Sweden and has several versions: NCS Cascade 980 contains 980 colors, NCS Original - 1950 colors.

Mobihel - trademark The Slovenian company Helios is a manufacturer of paints and varnishes for car repairs, which, thanks to the widely available metallic colors, have found wide application in painting furniture facades in modern style. Mobihel has created a catalog specifically matched to the colors used in the car manufacturing process, which is why the names of car brands are often found in this catalogue.

Color System or CS- catalog of the Italian company Renner Italia S.p.A., one of the leaders in the production of furniture varnishes and paints and varnishes for exterior finishing.
There are other standards, for example SSG, BS and catalogs (collections) of large paint manufacturers, for example Tikkurila Symphony, but they are used extremely rarely when painting furniture facades.

Also important in the designation of paints it has a degree of gloss - Gloss ( English Gloss, gloss) - which is measured in units from 0 to 100 units.

Gloss is the ability of a surface to reflect light. Absolutely glossy - 100 Gloss - the surface of the glass is considered.

It is customary to divide paints depending on the degree of gloss:

  1. from 0 to 5 glosses - absolutely matte paints,
  2. from 6 to 10 glosses - matte,
  3. from 11 to 29 gloss - semi-matte,
  4. from 30 to 59 gloss - semi-gloss,
  5. from 60 to 89 gloss - glossy,
  6. from 90 to 100 glosses - high gloss.

Please note that the same paint can look different.

The shade depends on many factors: the degree of gloss of the paint, the type of material on which it is applied, air pressure in the spray gun, the quality of soil preparation, the distance and angle of application to the surface (especially for metallics) and others. Therefore, in cases where it is absolutely necessary to “get the color right”, for example when repairing a damaged facade, it is necessary to do a paint test - a test coloring.

Update kitchen set Nowadays it’s quite simple. To do this, you just need to paint the kitchen facades, after which the cabinets will acquire a second life and will delight the owner for many more years. Change appearance panels can be used if their surface has become dull, faded and lost its aesthetics, or when the housewife wants to diversify the decor and reconsider the interior of the kitchen.

Wallpaper on the walls must be replaced after a few years, curtains can be alternated at least every month, depending on your mood, and furniture, as a rule, lasts quite a long time and its appearance, over the years, begins to get boring. But it turns out that in order to change the look of the kitchen, you don’t have to buy a new set. You just need to buy enamel of the color you like and repaint the furniture facades. Moreover, you can do this yourself.

What materials are used in the manufacture of facades?

First of all, you need to decide what stands behind the definition of “furniture facades”. They represent front part cabinets, represented by the end part drawers, as well as doors:

  • swinging open;
  • sliding;
  • rising;
  • descending;
  • folding like an accordion.

Kitchen facades are made in one piece or prefabricated (panelled or framed) from:

  • natural wood;
  • laminated or painted MDF;
  • plastic;
  • impact resistant glass.

It depends on the appearance of the facades aesthetic perception furniture in general. They are able to decorate even the most unsightly frame. In addition to performing decorative function, panels must meet basic performance requirements such as:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of care.

Natural wood

Kitchen furniture with wooden fronts fits harmoniously into large rooms. The doors are made in solid or paneled versions, but often there are more affordable options for consumers - veneer panels, which are based on cheaper material.

The advantages of a furniture set with wooden doors are its environmental friendliness and aristocracy, durability and demand, regardless of fashion trends. But, unfortunately, solid wood facades are too expensive; over time, their surface begins to darken and absorb odors and moisture.

It is difficult to create rounded and wavy panels from solid wood, as well as elements of non-standard sizes.


Laminated chipboard facades belong to the economy class, which is why they are found in many kitchens of our fellow citizens. But besides low cost and rich colors, they have no other advantages. But laminated chipboard has plenty of disadvantages:

  • simple appearance;
  • looseness of the internal structure;
  • swelling in case of moisture;
  • fragility;
  • impossibility of making curved and embossed surfaces.


IN Lately MDF facades are becoming more and more popular. They are aesthetic, they can have various shapes and roundings, be covered with enamel or PVC film. This material is the most versatile and amenable to further restoration.

Painted and laminated MDF facades have:

  • rich color range;
  • glossy or matte surface;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to absorption of moisture and odors;
  • possibility of making facades of non-standard sizes.

Painted facades will cost more than laminated MDF panels, but they are more durable. The pattern on PVC film can imitate natural wood or marble, but often the top layer peels off from the base, which dramatically worsens the appearance of the kitchen furniture.

Both materials are resistant to direct sunlight, so the surface begins to fade over time.

Glass, stained glass or mirrors, rattan or decorative panels. Such doors are inexpensive and, if desired, can be easily updated even without painting. To do this, simply change the filling.


At the core plastic panels present MDF boards or chipboard, depending on which the cost of the facades is determined. Often the plastic is edged with an aluminum profile. These doors:

  • do not burn out;
  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • durable;
  • highly resistant to aggressive detergents;
  • have a maximum service life;
  • waterproof.

The negative characteristics of plastic include:

  • difficulty of painting (requires special compounds);
  • constant fight against fingerprints remaining on the surface;
  • the possible presence of depressed areas on products resulting from technological processes.


Facades made of transparent, colored, textured or frosted glass installed on hanging kitchen cabinets. It can be placed in a frame made of MDF or aluminum profile, but often glass doors are installed without a frame. This gives them airiness and visually expands the room, but for the kitchen this option is not entirely acceptable.

Thanks to modern primers and paints, glass can be painted in any color, although the question arises: is it worth doing?

Painting MDF facades

First you need to decide on the coloring composition. There are a lot of types of paint on the market, but not all of them can be used on kitchen facades.

The best option for painting is considered to be auto enamel, which:

  • moisture and heat resistant;
  • durable;
  • practically not afraid of damage, except for direct impact with sharp objects;
  • has many shades.

The kitchen façade should be painted in a color that harmonizes with the interior and matches the style. Here you can show your imagination and combine two or three shades.

Materials and accessories

In addition to car enamel, to paint facades you will need:

  • wood primer;
  • sandpaper or hand sander;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • gloves;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • masking tape;
  • velor roller and soft brush;
  • glissal for additional decoration (optional).

Preparatory work

For ease of operation, the facades are removed from their hinges, after which they are freed from handles and inserts in the form of glass, stained glass or mirrors. The loops do not need to be removed, but in this case they are sealed with tape.

Laminated chipboard panels must be cleaned of PVC film, as it will interfere with the application of the coloring composition. To do this, the front surface is heated using construction hair dryer and gradually remove the unnecessary layer. The film should be pulled off carefully so that no pieces remain on the facade.

Next, the surface is thawed from dust, after which they proceed to the next stage. It involves grinding the surface. It is produced manually with fine sandpaper or a sanding machine is used to make the work easier. It can also be used to remove the restored layer from painted MDF facades, although here you can use a special liquid for removing paints and varnishes.

At the end of the work, the panels are thoroughly wiped from dust and degreased, otherwise the new coating will be of poor quality.

On last stage During preparatory work, a pre-shaken wood primer is applied to the facades. If there are plastic elements on the doors, they should be coated with a primer intended for plastic. After curing for a day, the actual painting of the panels begins.


Facades must be painted in one direction with a roller or brush. If you intend to use several shades, then before applying the first color it will be necessary to protect with tape the area of ​​the surface that will be decorated in a different tone. After the paint has completely dried, the remaining area is painted using the same technology.

Painting will look neater kitchen facades from a can or spray gun, but keep in mind that some of the paint will definitely be sprayed to the sides. This will lead to excessive consumption of the coloring composition.

To make the facades look more impressive, they are additionally coated with glisal. The composition is diluted with water in the proportion specified in the instructions, after which it is distributed over the painted facades with a clean brush.

A patterned textured design is obtained by glazing, using for this purpose a damp sponge, a brush with hard bristles, and even polyethylene. They are applied to the surface with glissal, moving from one area to another, resulting in a pattern of broken lines, chaotic strokes or bizarre bubbles. After the “witchcraft” is completed, the layer is allowed to dry, and after a week the surface is varnished.

Fittings are installed on the painted facades and the panels are hung on hinges.

Upgrading wood front panels

Painting wooden facades Kitchen work at home comes down to step-by-step surface treatment. It follows:

  • sand;
  • apply a layer of primer;
  • paint in a pre-selected color;
  • varnish.

Alternative Ways to Update Kitchen Cabinets

Some experts argue that painting kitchen facades with your own hands is unlikely to turn out to be of high quality and beautiful. They recommend using self-adhesive film for furniture restoration, offered by manufacturers in large assortment. It is released:

  • plain or with a pattern;
  • with imitation of natural wood, tile or stone;
  • with Khokhloma or Gzhel designs;
  • with a holographic or photographic image.

But it should be remembered that film can solve the problem of updating only for a while. At the first opportunity, it would be wiser to order or buy new facades.

If the kitchen interior is made in vintage style, you can try using decoupage or craquelure techniques to update the facades. If you wish, mastering them will not be difficult, and the effect of the finished doors will be amazing. A transparent moisture-resistant varnish is applied to the surface as a protective layer, allowing the facades to be washed with a damp soft cloth or sponge without using abrasives.


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