How to plant delphinium in a small flower bed. Delphinium is a very original flower in a beautiful landscape! (144 photos)

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Delphinium or spurn is a wonderful addition to your garden. Gardeners simply adore it. Candle-like inflorescences rise above other species and give the garden nobility and sophistication.

Delphinium flowers tolerate both drought and frost well. Terry buds interesting shapes and shades will never add boredom to your garden.

Delphinium amazes with its variety of varieties and species, about 400 beautiful representatives. The color range of this plant is incredibly diverse, but it is most valued in landscape design blue shades, which the spur is certainly rich in. Delphinium blooms 2 times a year, which makes it possible to double enjoy its beauty.

What does delphinium like, choice of location and soil

Delphinium is a plant that does not require too much effort to plant and care for. For successful growth and care of the delphinium, you need to select right place. This plant loves the sun, but is afraid of windy spaces. Therefore, we choose a suitable place for him.

Important! When planting a delphinium, make sure that it is in the sun until lunchtime, and then covered in partial shade.

As soon as you plant the delphinium, make sure that the soil is fertilized with compost or rotted manure, which will ensure abundant and rich flowering.

Delphinium tolerates the cold season well. It can withstand low temperatures, down to - 40°C. When planting delphinium, you first need to choose the right place. Dig up the soil and sprinkle with fertilizers, compost or humus. But all this must be done in moderation, since, although he is unpretentious, he does not respect acidic soil.

Did you know? The acidity of the soil affects the color saturation of the delphinium.

How to plant delphinium

Delphinium is grown in different ways. Some people plant seeds right away (fraught with late flowering and death of the seeds), while others first grow young sprouts in trays and then plant the future beauty in specially prepared soil.

The holes for planting spurs should be 4-5 cm deep. The distance between flowers must be determined independently, it all depends on the size of the future plant (20-30 cm). The soil that you removed from the holes prepared for young plants can be mixed with peat or rotted humus 1:2, filled with it at the bottom of the holes, and then the plants can be planted.

Important! When transplanting young plants, there is no need to cover the root collar with soil deeper than the soil level.

How to water and feed an extraordinary flower

Caring for delphinium is simple and pleasant. I am pleased with his unpretentiousness in almost all aspects of care.

Such a plant needs watering, weeding, fertilizers, pruning, and installation of supports. The flower survives the winter well, so it does not need sheltering or replanting in tubs. Delphinium begins to bloom in June.

During periods of drought, the spur needs watering, but we should not forget that it does not like stagnant water, so do not overwater it. You need to water at the root, otherwise if water gets on the leaves, the plant will get burned.

With proper care, delphinium blooms for up to 50 days. Every time you need to cut off the stems that have faded. With regular watering and pruning, you can also admire the blooming delphinium in the fall.

The plant is also periodically susceptible various diseases and pests - rotten root collar, powdery mildew, wilt, viral diseases, spider mite, delphinium fly, etc.

The optimal period for delphinium growth is 3 years. You should not leave it longer, as the central core of the bush rots and the plant loses its floweriness.

Important!After the flowering season, you need to cut off the dead flowers, and then the delphinium will delight you with its beautiful appearance next season.

Rules for trimming and gartering delphinium

Delphinium pruning is divided into 2 stages:

  • In the first stage, when the shoots reach 20-25 cm, you need to break off the weaker and thinner shoots, and leave the strongest ones (up to 5 pieces). This is done so that the plant does not spray its resources on all the shoots, because there will be no beautiful flowers on either large or small ones. This is all that in this case requires caring for the delphinium in the spring and early summer.
  • The second stage is the post-flowering stage. It depends on whether you want to keep the seeds or not. You can simply cut the flower and place it in a vase, or you can leave the shoot until the fall so that the fruit is ripe for planting next year.

Important!After flowering, the decorative beauty of flowers and aesthetics are lost. This affects the look of your garden.

Delphinium also needs a garter. After you have thinned out the shoots and left the strongest ones, after 1.5-2 weeks, when the growth of the shoots is close to 0.5 meters, you need to start staking them.

Prepare long stakes in advance and install them around the spur bush. Then tie a plant shoot to each peg. Garters should be made of fabric, as twine can damage thin stems.

In autumn, when the leaves of the plant have already died, the shoots should not be pruned. They are tubular - and water can get in there, leaving you with a rotten plant in the spring.

Important!When installing stakes, be careful that they do not damage the rhizome of the plant.

How to propagate delphinium

The species of delphiniums is very large and diverse. There are perennial, annual and crossed species. The most optimal and widespread is considered to be the crossed or cultivated spur. Delphinium is propagated in the traditional and, as you know, most accessible way - by planting delphinium from seeds, as well as by dividing the root itself. Delphinium should be cut half-bloomed, then it will stay in your vase for up to 12 days.

Rhizome division

At any age, the spur does not like this type of reproduction. Even if you separate young seedlings and not mature plant, some of them will most likely die. When dividing the root, you need to approach the work with maximum delicacy. When dividing the rhizome, do not use a shovel and simply divide the root in half. The plant will definitely die.

To divide the root you need in early spring or in the fall, dig it up and carefully, without damaging the buds, separate it with your hands or cut it sharp knife. And those places where the plant was damaged must be treated with ash.

Interesting fact! Light varieties (pink and white) are most sensitive to such propagation.

Planting seeds

Delphinium is very interesting plant, its cultivation can begin not only by dividing the rhizome, but also from seeds. Propagation by seeds is the most affordable way. If you want to plant delphinium seeds, this must be done in March. The most optimal temperature, at which you can plant and germinate delphinium - +12- +15. Seeds should be sown in boxes and pots rarely, at a comfortable distance, as they do not like cramped conditions. There are no special care requirements for such seedlings; as usual, you just need frequent watering.

Plants should be replanted in June, but you can speed up this process a little and transplant them into “nursery nurseries” in May, where you can keep them until the next season, and in the spring, strong, healthy individuals can be transplanted to convenient permanent places.

In the first year, when propagated by seed, the plants bloom weakly. At this time, they grow rhizomes and greenery. In the second year, the delphinium will delight you with its color 2 times - in July and August (it all depends on the variety). If you decide not to bother with seedlings and plant the seeds directly into the soil, then you should be prepared for this. First of all, you need to prepare the place where you will plant the seeds. Fertilizer should be applied to this area, possibly with wood ash, and dug 30 cm deep.

Novice flower growers can tell little about such a representative of the buttercup family as delphinium. For experienced summer residents it is known as larkspur and spur. It includes about 450 varieties of annual and perennial plants. The group of annual delphiniums is represented by 40 species. It is also customary to distinguish a related genus called Sokirks (Consolida). The usual habitat of delphiniums is China, as well as most countries in Southeast Asia.

At first meeting, many people get the impression that the unopened delphinium is very looks like a dolphin's head. This explains its name. At the same time, there is another hypothesis, according to which the name of the plant is associated with the Greek city of Delphi, where delphiniums grew in large quantities. But regardless of which version is true, most gardeners pay attention to decorative properties plants, so it will not be superfluous in the flower garden.

Delphinium flower: features

To grow this flower, you need to put in a lot of effort, but first you should get theoretical training.

If you spend enough time and effort caring for delphiniums, you will subsequently be rewarded for your efforts - in June and then in August or September you will have the opportunity to enjoy the lush flowering of this plant.

In order for the New Zealand delphinium to become one of the main decorations of your site, you need to get acquainted with the main stages of its cultivation in open ground conditions.

Sowing delphinium

Using seeds to grow this perennial not only saves money, but also brings pleasure during various events. Moreover, planting seeds is not the only method of propagating delphinium. Also common methods are division of rhizomes, buds and cuttings. However, we are more interested in growing delphinium from seeds.

It is best to plan sowing at the end of February. It must be borne in mind that the storage conditions for seeds must be appropriate. If they lie in a dry and warm place, this will negatively affect their germination. Therefore, if you got hold of fresh seeds, then sowing must be done immediately or they can be left until the right moment by placing them in the refrigerator.

  • The seeds of the perennial New Zealand delphinium are sown only after they have been disinfected. To do this, you need to put the planting material in a gauze bag and leave it in the potassium permanganate solution. hot pink color for 20 minutes.
  • Seed treatment can also be carried out using a solution prepared on the basis of a fungicide. However, in this case, you must strictly follow the instructions.
  • After this, the seeds need to be washed directly in gauze. cold water, and then place it in an epin solution for a day. To prepare it, you need to dilute a few drops of the substance in half a glass of water. After these operations, the seeds are pulled out and allowed to dry.

The next step is preparing the soil. To do this, you will need to take equal quantities of peat, garden soil and humus, as well as half of the washed and sifted sand. Also useful in this composition add perlite in accordance with the diagram - half a glass of the substance per 5 liters of mixture. Thanks to it, the soil will become more moisture-absorbing and loose. Then the mixture must be placed in a water bath to warm up and kept there for 1 hour. As a result of this treatment, you will remove weed seeds and fungal spores. After this, take the prepared containers and place the soil mixture in them, compacting it from time to time.

Planting delphinium. You need to sow the seeds in such a way that they are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil. At the same time, you need to attach labels indicating the variety and sowing day. Next, you need to pour the soil mixture directly onto the seeds in a layer of 3 mm. This will help prevent the seeds from floating during the first watering. Upper layer It is necessary to roll it lightly. Then take cold boiled water and spray the soil. Then the container with the plantings is covered with a transparent lid, and a black film or covering material is placed on it. This will create favorable conditions for the germination of delphinium seeds, since it is the fastest shoots appear in the dark. Then the containers need to be placed on the windowsill as close to the glass as possible.

For the fastest germination of seeds, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within + 10-15 degrees. The number of sprouted seeds will be maximum if you place the container in the refrigerator or glassed-in balcony for 3-4 days. At the same time, you should not be afraid of the cold at night - they can easily withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees. After another two weeks, you need to place the container with the seeds on the windowsill.

The positive effect of this operation, which is called stratification, will manifest itself in the form of seedlings appearing in just one to two weeks. Therefore, you need to constantly check the condition of the plantings and remove the film when the first shoots appear. You should also ensure that the soil is constantly moist. To do this you need to regularly spray it and open the container to allow air to enter, with which the condensate will be removed.

Delphinium seedlings

Healthy seedlings can be identified by their dark green color and strong stems. Their cotyledons usually have a pointed shape. After waiting for the plants to form 2-3 leaves, the plants are picked and transplanted into 230 ml pots. Now they are starting to be grown at temperatures no higher than + 20 degrees Celsius. They need to be planted in a loose and breathable substrate.

Plants are not watered very often, since there is a danger of the formation of a “black leg”, due to which all seedlings may die. In early May, start airing the seedlings on the windowsill so that they can better adapt to natural conditions. It is also useful to take it out into the bright sun for a short time.

Until the time comes to plant seedlings on permanent place she needs to be fed. Drugs are used for this "Agricola" and "Mortar", which are applied once or twice with an interval of two weeks. During this operation, you must avoid getting the solution on the leaves. When the seedlings are old enough, they are planted in open ground. Usually, at this stage, the earthen ball in the pot is already completely penetrated by the root system, so it will not be difficult to remove the seedlings from the containers.

The favorable time for planting New Zealand delphinium seedlings in a permanent place is after the last frost has passed. I would like to repeat once again that it should be planted in an area that is illuminated by the sun before lunch, where water will not stagnate.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare holes that must have the following dimensions:

  • diameter - 40 cm;
  • depth - 50 cm;
  • the distance between plants is 60-70 cm.

After this you need to fill them out soil mixture, for which you need to take humus (half a bucket), complex fertilizer (2 tablespoons), ash (1 cup). The composition must be mixed with soil so that there is no contact of fertilizers with the root system of seedlings. Next, you need to form a depression, plant a seedling in it, compact the root zone well and water the bed. In the first weeks after planting need protection from unfavorable conditions: for this they put plastic bottles or glass jars. With such shelter they should grow until they are completely rooted. At the first signs of growth, the shelter is removed.

Delphinium care

Growing from seeds takes a lot of effort from the gardener, but caring for the plant is no less important than planting it. After waiting until the shoots reach a height of 10-15 cm, fertilize with a solution cow dung. To prepare it, you need to dilute a bucket of fertilizer in 10 liters of water. The given norm is calculated for 5 large bushes. After the next weeding of the beds, cover the soil a layer of mulch 3 cm thick. It can be humus or peat.

Thinning of the bushes will be required at the moment when the height of the stems is 20-30 cm. After the operation, no more than 3-5 stems should remain in the bush. As a result, you can expect that larger and more beautiful inflorescences will grow from them. During thinning, it is necessary to cut out the weakest shoots from the inside of the bush. You need to choose a place for cutting as close to the ground as possible. Subsequently, this will protect against plant damage by diseases, and will also ensure good air flow.

If after thinning it turns out that the cuttings are not hollow and contain a heel, then they can be used for rooting. To do this, a mixture of charcoal and crushed heteroauxin tablets must be applied to the cut site, and then the cutting must be sprinkled with a mixture of sand and peat and placed under a film. The first roots of the cuttings are already beginning to form after 3-6 weeks. When another two weeks have passed, they are planted in the garden. This is how delphinium propagation is carried out using the cutting method.

After waiting until the height of the plants is 40-50 cm, next to each bush you need to install 3 support rods up to 180 cm high. It is advisable to choose places for them away from the roots. Next, you need to tie the plant stems to them using ribbons or strips of fabric. This will help prevent them from hitting the stems and getting damaged during strong winds. Once again, the garter is carried out when the plants reach a height of 100-120 cm.


Surely every summer resident dreams of growing a plant unusual for our country on his plot. Therefore, perennial delphinium may be a good option in this regard. Growing from seeds is one of the most simple ways. Many people note the original appearance of its flower, which has resemblance to a dolphin's head. Therefore, this is already a good reason to grow on your own personal plot this is a plant. Success in this matter largely depends on the seedlings, so it is necessary to pay attention to each stage of its cultivation. It is important not only to maintain a comfortable thermal regime, but also to correctly calculate the watering rate, otherwise the delphinium seedlings will not be able to survive until they are planted in the garden bed.

One of prominent representatives One of the tallest perennials is the spectacularly flowering delphinium. It attracts attention with its unusual shape and rare shades of flowers: pink, blue, soft white. Growing from seeds will require experience and knowledge. In general, the requirements for caring for delphinium are the same as for other subtropical flowers. It can be sown in open ground in the fall, but most gardeners recommend planting seedlings at the end of winter, at home, to protect the flowers from unstable snow cover and a protracted spring.

Short description

Delphinium from the buttercup family is also called spur. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Flower growers love the plant for its very beautiful flowering and increased endurance. Delphinium grows well even in dark places and tolerates light frosts without serious consequences. However, growing this crop is labor-intensive, so it is rarely possible to find it in gardens and flower beds.

Important! Delphinium is herbaceous plant, in which all parts are poisonous. Once in the human body, the toxin depresses the central nervous system and disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. All steps to take care of this exotic flower It is recommended to wear special protective gloves!

Where is the best place to buy seed material?

Only experienced gardeners and breeders know how to properly store seeds exotic plants. You should know that keep them at room temperature it is impossible because they lose their viability. It is best to place planting material in a refrigerator or special chambers in which the temperature does not exceed zero degrees.

Delphinium seeds sold in stores or markets in most cases (60-80%) do not sprout. And it’s not the fault of the gardener who planted them in the wrong substrate or applied the wrong fertilizer - it’s the seeds themselves. In non-specialized retail outlets, sellers do not adhere to the technology of storing exotic flowers. Having packaged the seeds in paper bags, they simply place them in a warm place. As a result, there are no shoots, the money spent is lost.

A good option would be if you purchase delphinium seeds from people who breed them. It is necessary to cut brown boxes from healthy and sufficiently developed bushes. Pronounced dark brown color indicates maturity planting material. You can pick off the boxes that have just begun to appear brown spots, but then they need to be put in a cool room and kept until the shade completely changes.

From the ripened pods, the seeds must be carefully poured onto a sheet of paper, dried and placed in a glass container. The jar should be placed in the refrigerator or freezer or taken out to the veranda/balcony. In this way, the seeds can be stored for 15 years. Then you will need to “wake up” the delphinium, i.e. carry out stratification.

When to plant seedlings

You can sow these exotic flowers:

  • in the fall, as soon as the flower seeds are collected;
  • before winter - in open areas (after the ground freezes);
  • if delphinium is grown from seeds for seedlings at home, then it is better to plant it in the second half of February.

Preparation of materials

In order to grow seedlings, you will need seeds and soil of a certain composition. Growth stimulants will also help, as they will make the stratification process more successful.


In order for the plants to grow well-developed, luxurious flowers, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds. For this:

  1. Prepare disinfectant solution from potassium permanganate or fungicide (Fitosporin, Maxima), diluted with water according to the instructions in the instructions.
  2. Place the seeds in a fabric bag and immerse it in the working solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Take it out and rinse off the remaining disinfectant liquid under running water.
  4. Place on a small plate and soak in settled water. There should not be too much liquid; 2-3 drops of a growth stimulator (Zircon, Epin) must be added to it.
  5. After one day, drain the liquid and place the seed on a damp cloth. thin layer.
  6. Roll the fabric and place it in a plastic container.
  7. Place the container in the refrigerator and periodically add 10-20 ml of water to it. It should only cover the bottom of the fabric roll. If there is too much liquid, the seeds will rot.
  8. An alternative to water is wet moss, which is used to transfer fabric rolls with seeds, after which the material is placed in the refrigerator.
  9. Stratification lasts a week, and when the embryos hatch, move the workpiece to the windowsill and keep it under phytolamps for a couple of days.
  10. Plant the germinated delphinium in an open area or in containers filled with fertile soil.

The described method is suitable for planting seedlings in February and is designed for growing at home.

Another way to prepare seeds:

  1. Soak the seed in early spring and wrap it in gauze.
  2. Place in a plastic bag.
  3. Bury it in the ground.
  4. After 1-2 weeks, remove and plant in the ground.

The best time for this method is April, when the snow began to melt. Temperatures can range from –5-10 to +3-6° C.


Landing perennial delphinium requires preliminary soil preparation. You need to take garden soil and mix it with peat and humus in equal proportions. It is recommended to add a small amount of perlite to the mixture (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil) to make the soil structure looser. This will also help retain moisture in the soil.

Preliminary soil preparation includes not only the creation of a fertile substrate, but also its steaming for the purpose of disinfection. The procedure is carried out using a steam bath for one hour. Such soil will be completely safe for seed.


Spread the delphinium seeds evenly over the prepared soil. The sown flowers should be sprinkled on top with fertile soil, the layer height should not exceed 3 mm. After this, lightly compact the soil so that when watering the seeds are not lifted up by water. Finally, you need to spray the delphinium evenly warm water from a spray bottle.

Advice! If planting granular seeds, use tweezers for convenience. And in order not to forget in the future where which variety was sown, it is recommended to stick labels with the names of the flowers on the containers.

Considering that the exotic giant grows better in the dark, it is advisable to cover the crops with a special covering material, black film or regular plastic bag. It is also possible to simply place the containers in the dark until the first shoots appear.

In order for the seeds to germinate well, it is not necessary to maintain a high temperature in the room; +10° C is enough for them. You should not raise the temperature to +20: there is a high probability of destroying future seedlings. It is recommended to harden flowers to increase their level of endurance to negative environmental factors. The procedure involves alternating temperature regime- cold / warm.

Shoots should be expected to emerge after planting in 7-10 days. As soon as they appear, you will need to remove the covering material. After the true leaves appear, the delphinium must be pruned.

Features of picking delphinium from seeds

To spread the sprouts, you can use the same substrate as when planting, but it is advisable to add 1 spoon of complex mineral fertilizer to it.

Picking process:

  1. After mixing fertile soil with fertilizer, spread it into small containers and pots.
  2. Moisten the soil and make a hole in the center.
  3. Using a small spatula, carefully remove the seedlings from the seedling container.
  4. Transplant them into prepared containers.
  5. Sprinkle the roots of the plants with fertile soil up to the root collar.
  6. Water carefully so that young roots are not exposed. If necessary, you need to sprinkle them with earth.

After the plants have become a little stronger, they need to be hardened off. fresh air. After two weeks of such events, the flowers are ready to be transplanted into the open area.

Popular varieties of delphinium

Among floriculture lovers, the most popular varieties of delphinium are:

  • Marfin hybrids from Russian breeders, who are distinguished by a high degree of winter hardiness and pronounced decorativeness. The height of the stem is within 180 cm, the inflorescences occupy 100 cm. The plants attract attention with their semi-double large flowers various colors.
  • Hybrids Belladonna, bred as a result of crossing tall and large-flowered varieties. This is a variety of Dutch selection, characterized by tall growth, their height can reach 2 m. The inflorescences are short, branched (paniculate), consisting of 5-20 large flowers. Mostly these are flowers with blue, blue or white eyes. The flowering period is long.
  • Elatum hybrids are tall plants, their height is 150-180 cm. The flowers are quite large, semi-double. The inflorescences are moderately dense, with a blue-blue color.
  • Pacific hybrids. Delphinium was bred in the USA, has a tall stem, large inflorescences and flowers. The bushes surprise with their luxury; they can grow for up to 6 years. Standard care, support required.
  • - the most popular hybrid, highly decorative. The plant has very large dense inflorescences, the purest color of various tones. New Zealand delphinium is not afraid low temperatures, durable, does not lose its original qualities during reproduction.

Delphinium is a real exotic decoration for any garden. Tall plants with large bright colors immediately attract attention. To grow them from seeds at home, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.

Delphinium (spur, larkspur) is a favorite of gardeners. Slender, elegant plants decorate flower beds with long-lasting blooms, creating an exquisite landscape. Planting and caring for delphinium in open ground is simple, and the agricultural technology is simple.

Types and varieties of delphinium

Spurs are divided into annual and perennial. The first ones are relatively low, usually up to a meter, and the flowers are not large. The height of perennials exceeds 2 m, the diameter of flowers is about 10 cm. Annuals are less demanding and begin to bloom earlier. The rules for growing both groups are the same.

Annual delphiniums

Two types of annuals are most widespread.

  • D. fieldis is a tall plant, the height of some varieties exceeds 1 m. Double or simple flowers are colored pink, white, blue, lilac tones. Flowering lasts until September. Popular varieties are Frosted Sky with white and blue flowers, Qis Rose with soft pink flowers, Qis Dark Blue with dark blue inflorescences.
  • D. Ajax is a medium-sized species, from 30 cm to 1 m in height. The color of the flowers is usually lilac-pink; varieties with red or purple inflorescences are less common. The most spectacular varieties are Rasa Kelsey with soft pink, white, purple or lilac flowers; Koenigs Rittersporn is up to a meter high, the flowers are colored in shades of pink, white, blue colors; variety series Hyacinth mixture – low, up to 50 cm, plants with double inflorescences various colors and shades.

Perennial delphiniums

For convenience, more than 400 species and varieties of perennial spurs are classified into five main groups.

  1. Elatum. A line of varieties, united by the colors of the buds - purple, blue, light blue.
  2. Marfin hybrids. A series of tall (up to 2 m) hybrids with semi-double flowers.
  3. New Zealand delphiniums. The height reaches 2.5 m, the diameter of double or semi-double flowers is about 7 cm, the color of the inflorescences is varied. The flowering period is about 50 days. The variety series also includes a new hybrid, La Boheme, a delphinium-chameleon, in which the color of the flowers in purple-blue tones changes to silver-white over time.
  4. Pacific hybrids. Spreading 2-meter bushes. The length of the inflorescence with double or semi-double flowers reaches 1 m (without peduncle).
  5. Variety series Belladonna. The flowers have long stalks that seem to flow downwards. Height – up to 120 cm.

Growing delphinium

Growing spurs in open ground is not difficult, even in our harsh winters. Success is guaranteed if you follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

Site selection and soil preparation

Delphinium loves open sunny places, but flowers with bright, rich colors often fade when abundant sun rays. It is optimal to arrange the plantings so that in the morning they are well lit by the sun, and in the afternoon they are shaded.

The place should be protected from drafts and wind, since tall peduncles are fragile - they are hollow inside.

The soil is preferably loamy, loose, neutral, without stagnant water. If necessary, flower beds are arranged with a drainage layer or dug up drainage grooves where excess moisture will drain.

Spur grass has high requirements for soil fertility - when preparing the site in the fall, be sure to add organic matter (compost or humus) and minerals - potassium- and phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

Growing and planting seedlings

The seedling method is usually preferred direct sowing seeds for the flowerbed.

Before sowing, the seeds are kept in a cold place, since keeping them warm significantly reduces their germination.

Growing delphinium seedlings follows the following algorithm.

  1. Seeds are sown starting in the second half of February.
  2. Pre-sowing treatment consists of disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate, then the seeds are washed with water and dipped into a stimulant solution overnight. In the morning they are taken out and dried.
  3. The substrate for seed germination consists of humus or peat, garden soil and sand. It is recommended to disinfect the soil mixture. Immediately before sowing, vermiculite is added to it.
  4. Fill the seedling container with the substrate, compact it a little, lay out the seeds, and sprinkle them with a small layer of soil mixture.
  5. Moisten the crops with a spray bottle.
  6. The container is covered with glass, on top of which a dark material is placed.
  7. The crops are kept at a temperature of 10-15°C for 3 days.
  8. After this, the seedling container is kept in the cold for two weeks - in the refrigerator or on an uninsulated closed balcony.
  9. Crops are regularly moistened and ventilated.
  10. With the emergence of seedlings, the seedling container is transferred to a bright place with an air temperature of about 20°C, glass and darkness are removed.
  11. Seedlings are planted in separate pots at the stage of 2 true leaves.
  12. When 4 leaves are formed, hardening of the seedlings begins.
  13. Fertilizing with mineral complex fertilizers is carried out twice with an interval of 15 days.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in consistently warm weather. Wells are prepared according to size earthen coma seedlings. The excavated soil is mixed with peat or humus (1:2) and placed on the bottom of the hole. The distance between plants is determined by the variety (but not less than 30 cm).

When planting seedlings, make sure that the root collar remains at ground level.


Caring for spurs does not cause difficulties for gardeners, including beginners.

  • Watering and fertilizing

Water when there is no rainfall for more than 5 days. Rain or settled water is poured under the root.

Mineral fertilizers are applied three times per season. Complexes are usually used for flowering plants– “Kemira”, “Fertik”, . It is advisable to add organic matter in the form of mulch.

  • Soil care

The root system needs oxygen, so throughout the entire season the soil under the plants is regularly loosened and weeds are removed. It is useful to use mulch from peat or compost - such a simple action will protect against weeds, retain moisture and looseness of the soil.

  • Trimming and garter

Delphiniums are trimmed in two stages.

When the shoots grow to 20-25 cm, leave 4-5 of the strongest ones, break out the rest. Fewer shoots will result in more abundant flowering.

After flowering is completed, the peduncles that have become unnecessary are removed to improve the appearance of the flower garden. Only those shoots from which they plan to collect seeds are left.

The plants are tied to supports after the first pruning, when the stems grow to half a meter. Pegs are driven into the ground around each bush - one per peduncle. tied with strips of fabric or special clamps. Thin strings or wires are not suitable; they will cut the stems.

  • Preparing for winter

Before winter, the stems are not cut, as water gets into the internal cavities, which causes rotting of the base of the stems and roots. To prevent protruding dry sticks from spoiling the view, the stems are broken closer to the base and left to overwinter.

The bushes are covered with dry soil or peat, protecting the root system from frost. The measure is considered optional, since delphiniums tolerate the Russian winter well.

Delphinium propagation

Flowers are propagated by generative (seed) and vegetative methods.

Sowing seeds

Growing seedlings is discussed above. Seeds can also be sown in open ground or under film.

The seeds are sown under the film in March-April; the delphinium will bloom this year.

Sowing seeds directly into a flowerbed in May will produce flowers for next year.

Pre-winter and winter sowing is best done in containers, which are then buried under the snow. The seedlings emerge amicably and sprout at the 2-leaf stage.

Sowing at the end of autumn can be done directly into the flowerbed, in prepared areas, which are then mulched with dry peat.

The sowing technology is quite simple.

  1. For each square meter add wood ash - 100 g, nitrophoska - 1 tbsp. l., humus - 3 kg.
  2. The bed is dug to a depth of 30 cm.
  3. Make grooves 2-3 cm deep and moisten them.
  4. The seeds are laid out at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, sprinkled with dry soil, and lightly tamped.
  5. The crops are covered with film, which is removed after germination.

Growing of crops continues until autumn. Basic care consists of 4 points:

  • regular (every 2-3 days) moistening of the soil at the rate of 2 liters of water per square meter;
  • fertilizing once every 15-20 days with half the concentration of fertilizers;
  • loosening the soil;
  • removing weeds.

Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out in the spring.

Propagation of spurs by seeds collected independently produces plants that differ in flower color from the parent. To preserve varietal characteristics, vegetative propagation methods are used.

Rhizome division

This is a very delicate procedure, since the spur does not like its root system to be disturbed. In this case, the traditional use of a shovel is excluded; they work with small equipment or with their hands.

The age of the divided bush is at least 4 years. By this time, the plant reaches full maturity, forms high-quality shoots that easily take root in a new place.

The timing of the procedure is spring, when new leaves begin to grow, or autumn, from the moment the seeds begin to ripen.

Proceed as follows.

  1. The plant is carefully dug up and manually disassembled into sections. You can use a sharpened, disinfected knife. Each division must have a growing point and roots.
  2. Sections and breaks are slightly dried, powdered with wood ash or crushed charcoal.
  3. The delenki are planted in a previously prepared place. At first they need constant shading.

In the first months, the divisions need increased attention.


Cuttings are cut in the spring, choosing young thin shoots about 10 cm long without voids inside. They are separated from the mother plant in the area of ​​the root collar, while a “heel” should remain on them - a piece of rhizome.

To root cuttings, use boxes or specially designated beds. The composition of the substrate is peat and sand mixed in equal quantities. Deepen by 2 cm, cover. The rooting site should be warm (20-25°C), shaded. The process lasts about 5 weeks, after which the cuttings are planted for growing. New bushes are planted in a permanent place in the spring of next year.

Diseases and pests

Among the most dangerous diseases of delphinium are powdery mildew, fusarium, bacterial rot. Spraying with fungicides, tetracycline solution, and soil disinfection with manganese solution are used. IN for preventive purposes, especially if the summer turns out to be damp, the soil between the plants is sprinkled with ash.

Among the pests, insects and larvae that feed on tender leaves are annoying - aphids, thrips, coleopterous cutworms. Insecticides are used to combat them. Good result gives use ammonia(2 tbsp. per 10 liters of water) or tar water (1 tbsp. pharmaceutical birch tar per 5 liters of water).

Following the rules for growing delphinium in a flower garden does not take much time and effort. Proper care– the key to successful flowering of an exquisite plant, spectacular both in group plantings and as a tapeworm.

Delphinium is a herbaceous plant of the buttercup family. There are more than 400 species, including annuals and perennials. The latter are distinguished by a more powerful root structure, endurance, and unpretentiousness. The plant is also known under other names: larkspur, spur, sokiriki, hare's ears.

Features of growing perennial delphinium

Delphinium perennial from Transcaucasia and Asia Minor. Depending on the type, it grows in height from 40 cm to 2 m. garden plots is a decoration of the landscape; some varieties are grown to obtain medicinal products. The plant is distinguished by a variety of types of flowers, from simple to double. Color palette also wide.

Areas protected from the wind are favorable for growing. All species of this plant have the most weakness- the lower part of the stem at the root. Flowers may break due to strong gusts of wind.

Delphinium is widely used in landscape design

Delphinium grows well in any soil, but prefers breathable soils. If on site clay soil, it will have to be loosened regularly. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture well, so water it regularly, but moderately. During the period of bud setting, the amount of water is slightly increased. At the same time, potassium or phosphorus fertilizers are applied.

There is one peculiarity in growing delphinium: if it is in the same place for more than 4 years, the risk of the plant being affected by various diseases increases. For this reason, it is recommended to replant flowers every 4–5 years. But many gardeners ignore these tips and successfully grow them in one place for decades.

What climate is this plant suitable for?

Perennial delphinium has good winter hardiness and can tolerate frosts down to -40 °C. Recommended for cultivation in the southern and northern regions. Repeat flowering is possible for all varieties. To do this, you need to cut off the flower stalks after the first one is completed. IN middle lane In Russia, the first flowering period runs from mid-June to early August, and a second is possible in the fall.

When growing in regions with a harsh climate, what you need to fear most is not frosts and soil freezing, but thaws. The fact is that the root system of this plant is located close to the surface of the earth. During the period when puddles and thawed patches appear, it may dry out. For this reason, in the Far Eastern and northern regions, delphinium is best planted at higher elevations.

Delphiniums feel good in different regions of the country

Although Ural region Considered a zone of risky farming, delphiniums grow well here and bloom twice a year. But they feel best in the south. In these conditions, it is most important to choose a place to plant the plant. It can wither away from the scorching rays of the sun, so you need an area that is in the shade during the hottest part of the day.

Popular varieties with photos

In Russia, hybrids based on Delphinium elatum and Delphinium grandiflorum are mainly grown. All of them are unpretentious and reproduce well by seeds. The retail chain offers numerous varieties of delphiniums of various colors. The most beautiful plants are those with large double flowers.

The varieties are distributed according to the height of the peduncles, their color, shape and size of flowers. In this regard, they distinguish:

  • tall hybrids - 170–250 cm (more than 200 varieties);
  • medium - 130–170 cm;
  • dwarf - up to 130 cm.

The most beautiful are the Pacific hybrids, which include several dozen varieties. These plants are distinguished by their high growth (from 180 cm), elegant pyramidal inflorescences, and large flowers. In this group of plants there are several named after the knights of Camelot.

Another one large group- Mafin hybrids. They were bred by a breeder living in the village of Mafino near Moscow. Popular varieties of delphinium with photos during the flowering period:

  • Black Knight (Black Knight). A plant with large double and semi-double flowers of rich purple. It blooms long and profusely, prefers well-lit places and fertile soils.

The Black Knight variety blooms long and profusely

  • Double Innocence (New Zealand delphinium). Spectacular, beautiful flower with an erect stem reaching a height of 130 cm. During the flowering period, it is densely strewn with white double flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Quite winter-hardy: it can tolerate frosts down to -35 °C.

The New Zealand delphinium flower has 21 petals.

  • Atlantis. One of the most reliable and unpretentious varieties. Impressive with its large bright blue flowers. Medium-sized, up to 1 m high, long, pyramidal inflorescences. The leaves are bright juicy green.

The unpretentious delphinium Atlantis with blue inflorescence is one of the reliable varieties

  • King Arthur. A medium-sized plant reaching a height of 150 cm. The flowers are blue with a white center. Winter-hardy, unpretentious, prefers well-drained, loose soil.

The medium-sized delphinium King Arthur is unpretentious and easily tolerates frosts

  • Belladonna (Delphinium belladonna). The only variety whose flowers hang from the peduncle. It is as unpretentious and effective as all other types of this plant.

The Belladonna variety stands out among the rest with its drooping flowers.

Planting and propagation methods

There are three ways to sow perennial delphinium for seedlings:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

All of them are quite productive and have been used in horticultural practice for a long time.

Growing perennial delphinium from seeds

The most troublesome of three methods propagation by seeds. In order to obtain delphinium seedlings by the beginning of the warm season, cultivation from seeds is carried out from late February to early March. The good thing about this method is that it can be used to grow any variety of delphinium, the seeds of which are commercially available or from breeders.

Seeds for delphinium seedlings are planted in late February - early March.

There are two possible landing methods:

  • for seedlings at home;
  • into open ground.

The soil should be light, slightly acidic, loose. IN mandatory subject to disinfection. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Microwave at maximum power for several minutes;
  2. Water with a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate.
  3. Before planting, the seeds are stored in a cool place. Place them in the ground using a damp toothpick, at a distance of 15–20 mm from each other.
  4. Lightly sprinkle with soil and spray with water from a garden sprayer. Shoots appear 10–12 days after planting.
  5. When the sprouts reach a height of 3–4 cm, dive is performed. Do the same if you plant seeds in open ground.

Attention! There is a peculiarity in propagation by seeds: if they are sown in open ground before winter, the hybrids may not repeat the characteristics of the mother plants. This is due to the fact that alternating periods of freezing and thawing provokes changes in the cells of an artificially bred plant.

Propagation by cuttings

Delphinium cuttings are obtained in the following way:

  1. at the beginning of the growing season, when the shoots of the plant grow 10–12 cm, part of the root is exposed;
  2. cut the shoot with a sharp knife so as to capture the root system.
  3. The resulting cutting is planted in a shaded place to a depth of 2–3 cm, watered and covered with film. After 15–20 days, the flower will take root. After which it can be planted in a permanent place of growth.

Before planting in a permanent place, the delphinium cuttings must be rooted

Dividing the bush

The simplest and most effective way to propagate perennial delphinium is by dividing the bush. The process consists of several stages:

  1. dig up a plant;
  2. carefully clean the roots from the soil;
  3. cut into pieces with a sharp knife, each of which should contain a shoot or bud;
  4. planted in the ground.

Garden care

Caring for perennial delphinium is simple and involves performing several steps.

  • The soil at the roots is periodically loosened.
  • In the fall, after flowering has completed and the leaves have dried, the stem is cut with pruning shears so that a “stump” 20–30 cm high remains above the soil surface. After which it is sprinkled with earth on all sides and hilled up.

If there is a lot of snow in the region, the cavity of the stem is covered with clay. This prevents moisture from penetrating the root and further rotting.

Tall varieties need staking. For this purpose, paper tapes are used, since fishing line or twine can cut into the thin stems of the plant and injure them. To give greater stability, two garters are made: the first at a height of 40–50 cm, the second - upon reaching a height of 100–120 cm.

In spring, thinning of emerging shoots is performed. This gives the plant room to grow. If the variety is large-flowered, at least three shoots are left; for small-flowered varieties, 7–10 must be left.

Delphiniums respond well to feeding. It is carried out 3 times per season:

  1. in mid-spring, add organic matter;
  2. in 30–40 days - mineral fertilizers(“Kemira Universal”);
  3. during the period of bud formation, spray with a superphosphate solution at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter.

Advice! In order to stimulate more luxuriant flowering, water the plants several times with a solution of boric acid.

To prevent diseases during the budding period, spray with any available fungicide.

Possible growing problems

Perennial delphinium does not require much attention. If the above care rules are followed, the plant develops and blooms well.

Growing delphinium does not burden you with hassle

But there is still one problem in growing this plant. It lies in the insufficient germination of seeds, which most gardeners complain about. In addition, seed manufacturers' instructions often provide conflicting information.

If you do not have the skill to grow delphinium, you can rely on the advice of experienced gardeners.

  1. The soil for germinating seeds is skinny, ordinary garden soil. Mix it in equal parts with clean sand. It is important that there is no peat in the soil, which will provoke the development of mold.
  2. After the seeds are laid out on the ground, sprinkle them with a thin layer of sand. Do not go deep into the soil.
  3. Prepare snow in the refrigerator and sprinkle it on a container with seeds. When melting, the moisture will carry the seeds to the desired depth. Cover the container plastic film and kept in such conditions for 2–3 days.
  4. Before sprouting, place the container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When the sprouts appear, they are transferred to a warm, well-lit place.

Delphinium can be grown without much hassle in any climatic zone of Russia. If you follow the rules of care for these plants, they will delight you with their flowering twice a year.


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