How to cover the gazebo from rain and wind. Ways to shelter gazebos from negative weather conditions

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For a commercial summer resident, this building is second only to residential building. In the gazebo you can comfortably accommodate guests, and, on occasion, you can also retire and relax after working on the site.

Decorating the landscape, this building becomes a center of attraction for the whole family. In the summer, children play in it, and housewives prepare their culinary masterpieces. In winter, a compact closed gazebo turns into a warm corner for picnics, relieving the owners of the need to heat a frozen house.

We will help anyone who plans to acquire such a building to choose the best option. Having considered popular designs, we give practical recommendations By self-construction"all-season" gazebo. We hope our article will help you confidently implement your personal project.

Designs of closed gazebos

There are two basic options construction: cold and warm. A cold building protects from wind and rain, but in winter and late autumn it won't be very comfortable.

A cold building with a large glazing area is a solution for the summer season

A winter gazebo is the same residential building, but smaller in size. Here the walls and roof are insulated, sometimes they have a warm floor, and the window openings are covered with double-glazed windows. Required element such a structure is a light wood-burning stove or fireplace.

By taking care of the insulation of the gazebo, you will get a lot of pleasure while relaxing in it in winter

Having decided on the design option (cold or warm), we will consider the materials used for construction:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • blocks (gas-foam concrete, wood concrete)
  • metal.

The wooden base of the frame can be made from timber or logs. A timber building is built according to the same principle as a log building. The crowns are tied in tiers at the corners, forming walls and a base for the roof.

Wall crowns and timber posts make the building aesthetically pleasing and cozy

In terms of design, it should be said that a building with a square plan is inferior to a polygonal one. At the same time it is more difficult to assemble. Therefore, it is quite rarely chosen for independent construction.

The hexagonal grill house looks harmonious and balanced

The gazebo made of rounded logs is solid and beautiful. To the list of its advantages should be added excellent energy saving and durability.

The timber structure can be given elegance and lightness by increasing the glazing area. If we are talking about year-round operation, then it is necessary to include in the cost estimate the installation of double-glazed windows.

Metal is most often used to make the frames of cold gazebos. Its insulation causes a lot of trouble, so for the winter option, owners usually choose wood or brick.

Elegant design based on a metal frame - a solution for the summer season

The capital structure must be made of stone. This is how practical owners reason. When building an estate, they buy facing bricks so that there is enough for a residential building and a gazebo. Buildings made from the same material are harmoniously combined with each other.

Brick construction – a classic of the “gazebo genre”

Not only housing, but also winter gazebos are built from aerated concrete and wood concrete blocks. This material does not need additional insulation. It holds plaster well, is easily faced with natural stone and covered with blockhouse.

Aerated concrete walls with stone cladding

Next come combinations of several materials. Some owners cover the metal frame with cement-bonded particle boards. Others sheathe the metal with polycarbonate. Some people like it wooden base, finished with plastic siding or blockhouse.

Blockhouse cladding is affordable and looks no worse than a natural log house


Having jumped ahead a little in our review, let's return to the basis of the structure - the foundation. For lightweight design, which includes all types of gazebos, except brick ones, the best solution would be a pile or columnar base. It is quickly erected and economical in terms of material consumption.

Nine screw piles confidently withstand the load from the building

Wooden frame on which the frame is assembled when used pile foundation, rises above the ground to a height of 20 to 50 cm. This guarantees good ventilation - the main condition for the durability of wood.

A columnar foundation will do an excellent job of transferring the weight of the structure to the ground. All that is required of the owner is to dig several shallow holes (40-60 cm) around the perimeter of the future gazebo. After this, formwork and reinforcement are placed in them, concrete is poured or brick columns (blocks) are laid.

Fans of unconventional solutions put gazebos on car tires, laying them directly on the ground and pouring concrete. Such a foundation can easily support the weight of a light building. However, her appearance it doesn't decorate.

Car tires as formwork for foundations - “cheap and cheerful”

A brick building should be erected on a strip foundation made of concrete. Under it they dig a trench 50-70 cm deep and 10 cm wide than the thickness of the walls. In the basement (above ground part) concrete tape it is necessary to provide vents - openings for floor ventilation.

On wet and soft ground under brick walls need to fail slab foundation. Except good bearing capacity it gives the opportunity to minimal costs making a warm floor is a very useful option for winter construction.


The roof design of a warm gazebo depends on the material of the frame and walls.

If you chose metal, then the base of the roof will have to be made of a steel profile. For wooden walls, the best option is rafters made of timber. Both metal and wood are equally suitable for brick construction.

Rafter system of a four-slope (hip) roof made of wood, covered with OSB sheets. This type of roofing significantly improves the appearance of the building.

View roofing less dependent on the roof frame material. For metal tiles and polycarbonate, you can use both metal and wooden base. Soft tiles are placed on OSB board or plywood. Ondulin and polymer sand tiles are easier to attach to wooden blocks than to a steel profile.

Roof made of soft tiles. If necessary, the inner side is insulated and hemmed.

Windows and doors: how to close the openings?

When planning construction, you always have to make a compromise between energy savings and window sizes. A winter building should be warm and comfortable. This is an axiom. And yet, visibility is the main advantage of the gazebo, and I don’t want to sacrifice it for fuel economy.

The only reasonable way out of the situation is sealed windows. You shouldn't skimp on them. In a cold building, you can limit yourself to installing double-glazed windows with single glazing. For a warm gazebo you will have to order two-chamber ones. Despite its small size, in winter the heat loss through the windows is very impressive.

Another important point associated with microclimate - ventilation. Tightness is a “double-edged sword.” By protecting ourselves from drafts, we risk turning our vacation spot into a greenhouse. Therefore, you need to order double-glazed windows that are designed with ventilation valves or the ability to rotate the sashes for micro-ventilation.

Answering the question of how to close the openings in the gazebo, let’s consider one more interesting option- soft windows. They are awnings made of thick frost-resistant film. They can cover not only windows, but also all external walls.

Soft windows – good way protecting the open gazebo from the weather

In terms of thermal protection, the film is significantly inferior even to a single-chamber double-glazed window. At the same time, it copes with its main task – protection from rain and wind.

If we judge by the average price, then the purchase and installation of 1 m2 of a turnkey soft window costs 4-5 times less than a plastic one with glazing (1,500 versus 7,500 rubles).

An interesting solution is transparent polycarbonate roller shutters. These designs cannot be called cheap. However, thanks to the opportunity remote control With the help of a remote control they are in demand among estate owners.

Transparent roller shutters - press a button and the room is closed from the weather

Those who are accustomed to doing everything with their own hands choose protective screens made of wooden frames for windows. By fixing them on hinges to the top of the opening, you get a simple and reliable design.

Rotating wooden frames – inexpensive way make the outdoor gazebo all-weather

For the same purposes, you can use transparent polycarbonate sheets. It is fixed in wooden or metal frames and inserted into the guide profile. This is how original sliding windows are obtained. With their help, you can regulate the degree of ventilation, protecting the room from strong wind and rain.

Sliding frames filled with transparent polycarbonate


As an example, let's look at the stages of installing a warm gazebo on a foundation made of screw piles.

Step one– laying the support beam, to which the frame racks will be attached using perforated steel plates (corners). The beams are joined at the corners using the “half-tree” method. This means that their ends are cut to half the thickness, after which they are placed one on top of the other and fastened with self-tapping screws.

Step two— installation of racks. This operation requires the use of a level to check verticality.

Step three– installation of the upper strapping beam, fixing the racks. It is attached to them through steel plates with holes for self-tapping screws.

Until the structure gains sufficient rigidity due to the installation of wall panels, the posts at the corners must be fixed using braces.

Step four– installation of floor beams along the upper chord of the frame. Rafter trusses will be attached to them.

It is most convenient to assemble them on the ground using a ready-made template. To increase rigidity rafter legs tied with a horizontal board-tie.

Step five– installation of extreme end trusses. They are fixed with struts to the floor beams and a long board is nailed. She performs the task of a guide. Ordinary rafter structures are placed and secured along it.

Step six– filling the sheathing from boards with a section of 25x100 mm. Simultaneously with this work in the gazebo closed type You can lay a brick barbecue.

Step seven. If you select for the roof bitumen shingles, then you will have to lay an OSB board over the sheathing. It is best suited as a basis for a soft roof and significantly increases the rigidity of the rafter structure.

Step eight. A lining is attached to the chipboards using bitumen glue. soft tiles. She plays a role additional protection from heavy rain and wind.

Step nine. The frame is sheathed from the inside OSB board and attach the strapping railing beam to it. Stiffening bars are cut crosswise between the racks. After this, insulation is placed in the resulting space and the outside is covered with slabs.

Step ten. In our example, a wooden frame was installed on a foundation without flooring joists wooden floor. Instead, paving slabs will be laid over a compacted layer of dry sand.

Before starting this work, the support beam must be antiseptic with impregnation. Having compacted the sand with a vibrating rammer, you can begin installing the tiles.

Anyone who wants to make a warm electric floor must purchase extruded polystyrene foam in advance and lay it on compacted sand. After this operation, you can pour a leveling screed from cement mortar. After giving it a week to gain strength, you can lay paving slabs on the glue.

The final operation is the installation of double-glazed windows and entrance doors into the openings.

They have always been much more popular than closed ones. And it’s not surprising, because the very idea of ​​such a structure presupposes close “communication” with nature. But what to do if it suddenly rains outside or a strong wind blows.

In this case, staying in an open gazebo may not be very comfortable. Meanwhile, the way out of this situation is very simple - installing glazing. Its modern varieties are made from lightweight, aesthetic and practical materials.

Main purpose of glazing

So, how to protect the gazebo from bad weather in summer or winter? When choosing the type of glazing, you need to take into account that such structures should:

  • reliably protect the internal space of the building from adverse weather factors;
  • be mobile (easy to open and close);
  • be sufficiently strong and durable;
  • have an aesthetic appearance

See how beautiful and practical glazed windows can be different types street "houses":

Using Eurowindows

Modern European packages are most often used for glazing gazebos. And no wonder. They are relatively inexpensive and almost anyone can buy them.

Glazed gazebos. Photo of a structure fenced with windows on a PVC profile

Warm glazing device

In this case, three-chamber windows on a PVC, metal-plastic or wooden profile are usually used. The first option is cheaper. But wooden profiles look more aesthetically pleasing. By design, both of these types of windows are hinged, tilting or sliding. If you wish, you can install them yourself.

Street building project, glazed windows on a wooden profile

Advice: For a gazebo, it is better to choose hinged windows that open outward or sliding ones.

When fencing with multi-chamber double-glazed windows, you should also take care of insulating the main structural elements structures - floors, blank walls and ceilings. Only under this condition will the building be able to be used in winter.

Thus, plastic and wooden windows- an excellent answer to the question of how to close the gazebo for the winter. Typically, when they are used, a fireplace is installed inside the structure.

Spacious gazebo with wood-look PVC windows and fireplace

Cold glazing

Very often gazebos are glazed with aluminum profiles and tubeless glass. The advantage of such structures is ease and the possibility of independent dismantling/installation if necessary.

Street buildings with glazed windows on aluminum profiles look very neat

On a note: The gazebos are also covered with aluminum structures with a single-chamber package. This type of glazing is also considered cold. However, when using it, the air temperature inside the gazebo will be 10-15 degrees higher than outside, which is very convenient in spring or autumn.

The undoubted advantage of aluminum structures with any number of glasses is strength. Such windows can be used for glazing, including gazebos that have very large openings.

Frameless designs

This is one of the most interesting and beautiful varieties cold glazing. IN in this case glass is attached only to the upper and lower profiles. The vertical supporting elements either have a very small thickness or are simply absent. Garden gazebos for dachas, glazed with frameless windows, look very stylish and modern.

Beautiful building with panoramic windows

There are frameless designs in which the glass slides to one side and folds like a book. The buildings protected by them can be ventilated by opening the doors to a width of 10 cm. They look glazed gazebos for a dacha, using this option is quite impressive.

Frameless glazing when folded

Sometimes frameless sashes slide parallel to each other. Some disadvantage similar design It is believed that when using it, the gazebo can only be ventilated using the slot method.

Frameless glazing with parallel sliding sashes

How can you close the gazebo openings?

There are also alternative methods glazing of country street houses. In addition to Euro-windows, polycarbonate double-glazed windows or roller shutters, as well as PVC film and stained glass windows can be used for this purpose.

Using soft glass

The method of glazing using PVC films is currently becoming increasingly popular.

PVC curtains – great way protecting the gazebo from rain and wind

Such soft windows for gazebos cost much less than glass ones. They perform their main functions very well. Buildings “glazed” in this way also look simply wonderful. The film is attached to the gazebo posts through special plastic oval eyelets on rotating brackets.

Gazebo with barbecue. Photo of a structure protected by soft polycarbonate windows

Important: Buy soft PVC curtains made from film with a density of at least 630 g/m2. Flexible “glasses” made from less durable materials are unlikely to last long.

The only drawback of using flexible windows for a gazebo is the need to handle them carefully. PVC film is not very resistant to punctures and cuts.

PVC film - the material is not very resistant to mechanical damage

Polycarbonate double glazed windows

This material is more expensive than soft glass. For gazebos, however, it is very well suited, since the main disadvantage of the latter - instability to mechanical damage - is absent. Windows made from it will, of course, last longer.

Outdoor building with barbecue, glazed with polycarbonate

On a note: Today on sale you can find inexpensive and very easy to install transparent, ready-made polycarbonate double-glazed windows. It’s certainly worth thinking about using them to protect the interior space of a summerhouse.

Roller shutters

Enough interesting variety polycarbonate “glazing” are transparent roller shutters. They are also very suitable for a gazebo. These roller blinds consist of individual translucent slats.

Polycarbonate roller shutters – great option for gazebo

Stained glass

You can simply make a luxurious gazebo using stained glass windows with an aluminum profile. They are installed and operated in exactly the same way as conventional double-glazed windows. But stained glass windows, of course, are more expensive.

Gazebos with stained glass windows can actually look very impressive

As you can see, there are many types of glazing for gazebos. Choose any one, and you will make your time in this outdoor “house” as pleasant as possible, not only on sunny days, but also in bad weather.

An indispensable attribute of relaxation at the dacha is a gazebo. This small building allows the owners and their guests to hide from the scorching sun, rain and wind in summer and snow in winter. Let's consider options for materials that will help close the gazebo without compromising the integrity, appearance and design of the structure.

Suitable materials

Today, the range and price range of building materials make it possible to choose the best option for preparing a structure for winter. Conventionally divided into:

  • open;
  • blown;
  • closed.

Therefore, when choosing materials, it is worth considering the type of construction.

They are used for glazing gazebos and closed terraces.

Depending on the functions performed, there are 2 types of glazing with metal profile frames.

However, a warm type of glazing should be chosen only if the room needs to be constantly provided with heat.

A simple and cheap way to protect from snow and rain is to use a construction awning, which is suitable for gazebos and open-air terraces.

Thematic material:

The film is durable material, which can easily withstand sudden temperature changes and excessive humidity. She doesn't get wet. However, it does not allow sunlight to enter the room. The recommended temperature range for use is from – 40 to +75 0 C. The film is wear-resistant. In case of a breakthrough, you can apply a patch or seal it. Quite light in weight. The edges of the awning are equipped with metal rings, with the help of which the material is fastened to the surface of the structure.

The only drawback of the awning is its unaesthetic appearance, so lovers design solutions and decorativeness, it is worth paying attention to other options.

Sheer PVC curtains

An inexpensive type of protective cover for gazebos or terraces, according to its properties and technical specifications, similar to a construction awning. Due to its light weight, it does not cause difficulties during installation. Curtains will protect from gusts of wind, snow and insects.

But we must not forget about the need for ventilation inside in order to avoid the formation of a steam room.

The main disadvantage of PVC shelters is its instability to low temperatures. During frosts, stretched curtains begin to crack and narrow, and breakouts may appear. Not recommended for use in regions with frosty winters.

Frameless double glazed windows

Such a stylish building shelter, in addition to its unusualness, has many other practical advantages:

For home owners who want to emphasize aesthetics and modernity summer cottage, it is worth choosing this material.

However, the price of the structure is not cheap. A square meter of movable double glazing ranges from $150.

They are a novelty among building materials. Their main purpose is to protect the building from the influence of environmental factors.

Awnings are produced in two types.

  1. Cassette - guarantee the tightness of the room. They move in a U-shaped direction. Resistant to gusts of wind.
  2. Open - due to the rotation of the drum handle, the lowered protective fabric is raised. When closing, the opposite situation occurs.

Awnings have not found widespread use among consumers, so they can only be seen on designer structures.

Features and stages of work

When constructing a gazebo, builders use wood, timber, stone, plastic, and brick as materials. But they are in demand among consumers. Since they are easy to install, they have long term operation and low cost.

But you need to remember that wood is not a moisture-resistant material. Therefore, to protect and use the building in winter, you need to properly insulate the walls, ceiling and flooring.

To obtain high-quality thermal insulation, it is worth touching all elements of the building (floor, walls, roof), using the services of craftsmen, or with your own hands.

Methods for covering and insulating gazebo walls

You can protect the walls of a structure from precipitation using:

  • Polycarbonate. A budget option. Available on the market in a wide range color scheme. It transmits the sun's rays well. However, it should be taken into account that under the influence high temperatures he begins to lose shape. It is not recommended to use it as a roofing covering, since the sun that gets inside the building forms a greenhouse there.
  • Living plants. Suitable grapes, ivy and others climbing plants . The stems tightly adjacent to each other form shade and protection from precipitation in summer period.
  • Wooden gratings. Suitable for covering both the entire height of walls and their upper part.
  • Blockhouse. To emphasize contrast exterior finishing Blockhouse walls are used in different colors or shades.
  • Sun protection fabrics. They close the structure from penetration of precipitation. They are produced in the form of a fine mesh or transparent polymer material.

Budget options for protecting dacha structures from the influence of the external environment save financial resources owners. And with a little skill and imagination, they will become a stylish place for family relaxation at any time of the year.

Rainy weather should not be an obstacle to relaxation if it is associated with an open pavilion in the country or in the yard own home. Waterproof curtains for the gazebo will allow you to stay in it in any weather, and in some cases use it for its intended purpose all year round.

There are two ways to protect yourself from rain - glaze the pavilion or use waterproof curtains. The first method should not be considered, since we will no longer have an open gazebo, but a closed room. In this case, you can use any curtains. Therefore, let's focus on the varieties and interesting ideas decorating the gazebo with curtains that will protect from rain and other bad weather.

Transparent polymer curtains for an outdoor gazebo

Transparent curtains for protecting open outdoor spaces from rain and wind are made from polyethylene, PVC and other non-woven synthetic materials. They transmit light well (up to 90%), protect from wind and precipitation, are easy to install and dismantle, and are easy to maintain. Subject to simple operating rules, they have a long service life. Depending on the characteristics, they can be calculated as summer season, and for year-round operation.

Some plastic curtains for gazebos can be used in winter, but in this case it is not recommended to remove, twist or pull them in cold weather. Unlike blind oilcloth curtains, they allow you to use the gazebo for relaxation in the winter.

In the first photo - wooden gazebo with frost-resistant PVC curtains in a combined design. The barred parts of the pavilion are closed with inside and do not spoil its appearance at all. Open openings are protected by removable sheets, allowing them to be opened completely, kept closed, or used as a canopy. Their thermal conductivity is so low that in winter you can relax inside without experiencing discomfort.

PVC curtains for country gazebos can combine different materials, imitating doors and walls with transparent inserts, as in the photo. In warm, dry weather they can be completely open, and during rain they can create the illusion of a closed pavilion with windows.

An option for a flexible curtain to protect part of the gazebo - barbecue area - from rain and frontal wind. Does not deprive the view, does not block air access, does not interfere with ventilation. In good weather it can be easily rolled up and secured under top beam pavilion

Caring for polyethylene curtains for gazebos

Caring for such canvases is very simple. They can be washed as usual clean water, and using detergents. At large area For curtains, it is advisable to use a hose with a soft spray nozzle that regulates the pressure. It is important to promptly wash off accumulated dust and soot if there is a barbecue nearby. Established dirt is more difficult to remove, because of this, transparency is lost and the curtains take on an unkempt, old look.

Do not wipe the surface with dry sponges and rags. It is also undesirable to wash the film in direct sunlight - unsightly stains may remain on it. It is good to use microfiber cloth - such material will help transparent curtains remain perfectly clean.

Do not roll or unroll the fabrics when sub-zero temperatures, especially when severe frosts- they may crack.

DIY outdoor curtains for the gazebo

Make protection from outdoor rain open space You can do it yourself. You need to select fabric for curtains in the gazebo taking into account its resistance to sun rays, temperature fluctuations and possible precipitation. Polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are well suited for this purpose. Transparent and soft, they perfectly protect from rain and wind and leave an open view.

For practicality, beauty and ease of fastening, the canvas can be sheathed with wide stripes around the perimeter. It could be like non-woven material, and ordinary fabric that does not fade in the sun. The edging of self-made transparent curtains for a gazebo can serve as a decorative detail, matching the color of the gazebo or creating an advantageous contrast with it. The harmonious combination of the edging with the drapery of the interior furniture, if any, looks excellent.

If you need to protect yourself not only from rain and wind, but also from prying eyes, you can use canvas curtains or other thick fabrics for the gazebo. There is a lot of room for imagination here. decorative design- ties, cords, zippers, multi-colored stitches and fabrics that create a single and harmonious ensemble with the landscape design of the site.

How to attach protective curtains for a gazebo

Fasteners and fastening methods depend on the gazebo material (wood, metal, plastic, concrete). The functionality of the protection should be taken into account, i.e. the need to open and close panels. The most common methods of attaching ready-made curtains:

  • Swivel brackets;
  • Strap staples;
  • Sliding systems;
  • Role mechanisms.

Homemade curtains can be made sliding, using them as a canopy. One of simple ways- using a metal or wooden rod and rings, as shown in the photo in the gallery.

Winter curtains for preserving the gazebo

If the garden pavilion is not used in winter, it is advisable to close it tightly until warm days. In this case, the reliability of the fastenings and the resistance of the panels to fluctuations in temperature and humidity come to the fore. Examples of curtains for a gazebo closed for the winter are shown in the photo.

Curtains for the gazebo against wind and rain - photo

Our time is filled with bustle, noise and other worries. Therefore, the construction of a cozy and quiet corner where you can escape from problems and where you can simply take a break from the everyday routine is gaining great popularity. A gazebo can be called just such a place, which not only decorates your site, but is also a great place where you and your family or friends can relax and have a great time. The simplest option for constructing such a building is an open gazebo. Build it quickly and it will not be difficult. However, it also has its drawbacks. Such a room is not protected from weather conditions and cold, so it is simply impossible to use the gazebo in winter. Another thing is a closed gazebo, which is completely protected from the external environment. It has a floor, walls, a roof and is completely glazed. The construction of such a gazebo will cost more, and it will take longer to build, but your efforts will not be in vain, since you can use it all year round. Such a closed gazebo will serve you for a long time and will become a safe haven.

Some features and benefits

Despite the fact that build closed gazebo DIY will take a little longer and is more expensive than the usual one, it has many advantages. If you want to build a gazebo for your home or garden, you should know its advantages and features. Here are some of them:

  1. Design.
  2. Convenience.
  3. Communications.

An open gazebo includes only load-bearing supports and a roof, while a closed gazebo must have Wall panels, which are covered with glass. Wood, forged products, and brick structures can be used as walls. It turns out that the building is completely protected from external influence, so neither rain, nor strong wind, nor snow or leaves and other debris will get inside. Such a gazebo can be equipped with beautiful furniture, paintings, mirrors, lamps and even a TV. It is enough to simply insulate the building, and it is ready for the cold period. Thus, the barbecue season for you can last a very long time. Moreover, when building such a gazebo, it can be made with a barbecue or barbecue. And this is not the limit, if you have enough imagination, you can do whatever you put your mind to, if, of course, you have the means to do it.

As you can see, a closed gazebo differs in many ways from an open one, and these differences only endow this design with its advantages. So, if you intend to build such a multifunctional room on your site, let's look at what material it can be built from and what are the features of each of them.

What materials are used

The first question that arises during any construction of a house, barn, gazebo or any other building is what should it be built from? Construction material- this is the basis of the entire building; in order for the structure to last a long time, be reliable and durable, you need to choose the right material. With a gazebo, the situation is simpler, since it is much smaller than a house or cottage, however, it is important to choose the right material and know which one is best for each individual situation.

The most common materials for the construction of closed gazebos include:

  • brick;
  • tree;
  • metal.

In some cases, to make such a winter gazebo, the walls are built from sandstone or wild stone. But they do this only when the general concept requires it. country house decoration, depending on the design.

But which material is better to choose, because all these options are good in their own way? Let's find out how they differ from each other, and which material is right for you.

Guaranteed strength and durability

Brick is a classic and traditional material that has been used for many centuries. Architectural styles such as Rococo, Baroque, Gothic or Empire, which were widespread in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, imply the use of strong, durable and durable brick structures. If the walls of your closed gazebo are made of brick, then they will last a very long time.

Depending on the general landscape design your estate, you can use ordinary red brick or silicate brick, which have various colors. But keep in mind that silicate materials will retain heat inside much less than natural red brick.

If you are not going to use the gazebo often in winter, or your climate is warm enough, you can build a gazebo from sand-lime brick by plastering the walls. This option will significantly reduce all costs of constructing a gazebo. As a result, it can turn out both beautiful and effective.

If we talk about the advantages of this material over others, we can note the following advantages:

  • durability and strength;
  • low thermal conductivity, which makes the room warm;
  • the ability to build various architectural forms, depending on the design;
  • many options for interior and exterior decoration;
  • possibility to combine various materials, for example, brick with wood, brick with stone;
  • high resistance to moisture and other adverse natural influences, such as snow, wind, rain and ice;
  • environmental friendliness of the future construction, since sand is made from natural materials such as sand, clay and water;
  • bricks do not rot, and due to the structure of the material it can “breathe”, allowing air to pass through;
  • high frost resistance - the ability of a material to withstand freezing and thawing in a water-saturated state;
  • high fire resistance, which is very important, especially when it is planned to build a barbecue or barbecue oven in the gazebo;
  • good sound insulation, thanks to which the gazebo will be quiet and peaceful;
  • versatility of use and aesthetics of the material, allowing you to make any design.

Depending on desire, the architecture and shape of the building can be varied. The most common options are square, hexagon and diamond.

But, like any material, brick has its drawbacks. The disadvantages include:

  • the high cost of the entire construction, as they say, you have to pay for quality. Yet, despite the high price, this is compensated by strength, reliability and durability;
  • since a brick building has a large mass, a brick gazebo requires the construction of a reliable and powerful monolithic or strip foundation, which will also affect the cost of the project;
  • complexity of the work. If we compare, it will be much easier to make the same gazebo out of wood, because not everyone can do brickwork. However, if you follow the instructions, then all the work can be done even without any skills in the work.

If everything is done correctly - to build walls, adhering to technology, then such a gazebo can be used not just as a place to relax with family and friends, but even as a full-fledged place to live or receive guests.

Environmental friendliness and natural nobility

Nothing can compare with the charm and naturalness of a material such as wood. It was given to us by nature itself, so the material is quite accessible and inexpensive. The presence of various textures, shades, as well as healing aroma trees make the gazebo an ideal place to relax, where you can spend many hours. Wood structures will fit perfectly into the overall picture of your site, especially if it is made in country or Scandinavian style.

To make a wooden gazebo, use:

  1. Planed timber.
  2. Thin slats for sheathing.
  3. Glued laminated timber.
  4. Rounded log.

When a construction project includes a barbecue or barbecue, it is important to create increased fire safety conditions, as well as take care of creating a safe area for installing a barbecue or barbecue. Moreover, it is important to treat the wood itself by special means against rotting and increasing fire resistance. Wood is the most affordable material that everyone can afford. Wood is easy to work with and process, which will help bring any of your fantasies to life. With the material prepared in advance, a wooden gazebo can be built in just a few days without much effort. The design itself will be simple and light.

Among the other advantages of such a gazebo are:

  • magnificent natural appearance;
  • short deadlines for completing all construction work;
  • light weight of the finished structure, which will save money on the construction of the foundation, since it can be lightweight;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • high frost resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity, which will also help retain heat;
  • healing properties of certain types of wood;
  • low price.

But, compared to brick, wood has a number of disadvantages:

  • it rots and absorbs moisture well, which shortens the service life of the building, so it is necessary to treat the product with special protective agents;
  • under frequent adverse weather conditions, the structure can easily become deformed;
  • low fire resistance;
  • short service life of the building.

Wood is an excellent material, but it requires special handling and protection. If you live in a rainy region where it rains a large number of precipitation, it is better to think about building a gazebo made of brick or metal.

Use of metal

Metal is a durable material that is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather. A metal gazebo can be made from ordinary profile pipes, which can be bought at an affordable price, or from durable forged elements. The main advantage of a metal gazebo is that it can be installed on any base, even on the ground. The structure will have exceptional durability and fire safety.

Just keep in mind that under the sun the metal will become very hot, transferring heat inside the room. Therefore, it is important to ensure good ventilation inside. Moreover, you will have to carefully care for the gazebo to protect the metal from corrosion.

It’s up to you to decide which material to choose for the job. It all depends on the region in which you live, the purposes for which the gazebo will be built, the availability of funds and personal considerations. Having made your choice, you can begin to solve the main question of how to make a closed gazebo yourself. But before you do this, you need to do a little preparation first.

Any builder knows that the main task before starting any work is to plan everything carefully. Preparation is an important part, so it should not be neglected. If you think through all the details in advance, you can not only significantly reduce all costs, but also simplify your task during construction, and also speed it up.

First, you need to make drawings of your future gazebo so that you know what it will look like and what kind of design it will have. Transfer all your fantasies to paper, taking into account all the desired sizes. If design is not your strong point, or you cannot decide on a design, take help from the World Wide Web, where everything has been done for you a long time ago. There you can find many ready-made drawings and choose the one you like the most.

Also at the design stage, you need to decide on the following questions:

  1. Selection and preparation of the material from which the gazebo will be built.
  2. The type of foundation that needs to be built. Heavy closed gazebos must be built on a solid monolithic, strip or slab foundation.
  3. What type of roofing is ideal for your chosen gazebo?
  4. The choice of building architecture, since it can be different, it is better to choose one that would harmoniously combine with the overall picture of the design of a summer cottage or house.
  5. If the construction of a barbecue or barbecue is planned, it is necessary to plan the type, placement and design in advance.
  6. Each closed gazebo with barbecue or barbecue must be equipped with a good ventilation system and chimney, as this is clearly stated in the fire safety rules.
  7. To eliminate various misunderstandings during installation in the future lighting fixtures and installation of a washbasin, it is important to design the electrical and water supply if you want to have communications in the gazebo.
  8. At the design stage, it is important to consider the glazing option and window design.

Choose in advance a place on the site where your resting place will be located. You should not build a gazebo in the immediate vicinity of your home, but also do not place it on the border with your neighbors’ property, especially if they are unfriendly, so as not to irritate them and spoil your mood.

Structures with a large area - 20 m2 or more - are best installed in open areas, and small buildings - up to 5 m2 - will look great in a picturesque, shady corner of your garden.

By adhering to all these points, think through and plan everything in advance, then your further work will only bring pleasure, and it can be completed quickly and efficiently. Next we will look at how you can build the two most popular options for closed gazebos. Using these instructions, you can build any other gazebo, as the principle of operation will be the same.

Step-by-step instructions for building with bricks

A brick gazebo is a reliable and durable building, and if you do it correctly, you don’t have to think about the fact that it will soon collapse or rot. The difference between this design and others is that it has the greatest weight, so it is important to do for it solid foundation. To build brick walls, you need some knowledge about bricklaying technology. But you will learn about all this further in detail. For convenience, all the work can be divided into stages, following which you can build a good gazebo.

Stage 1: foundation installation

For severe brick gazebo need to do quality foundation, which can withstand the entire load and not sag over time. It is best to make a strip or monolithic foundation. The strip foundation follows the location of all load-bearing walls.

If the gazebo is located at some elevation from the ground, then you need to take care of building steps.

If you want to make a monolithic foundation that looks like a solid platform, then the sequence of work is similar.

  • Site preparation. It is cleared of all unnecessary things and cleaned up upper layer soil. The thickness of the monolithic slab can vary from 15 to 40 cm.
  • Digging a pit based on size, depending on the type of soil and the mass of the building. Sand and gravel are poured into the bottom, everything is compacted and leveled so that the foundation does not deform or collapse.
  • Installation of formwork. Sometimes, instead of pouring concrete, they simply put monolithic slabs, but for this you will have to hire special equipment, since you will not be able to lift such a slab yourself. To do everything yourself, install durable formwork along the edges of the pit. It should be rigid and well reinforced.
  • Reinforcement. A special mesh of reinforcement rods Ø14 or 16 mm is knitted crosswise in two rows with steel wire and laid on the prepared base.
  • Pouring the foundation. The solution is mixed and everything is poured with concrete. High Quality and leveled.

When the plan provides for water supply, it is important to provide a sewerage system through which the water will go to cesspool. It is better to lay pipes at the stage before pouring, so as not to make holes in the finished concrete.

Stage 2: building walls

When a reliable foundation is ready, you can begin laying the walls of the closed gazebo. In fact, the walls of such a gazebo are pillars at all corners that are connected to each other brickwork below and several rows above. Before laying the first row of bricks on the foundation, lay a layer of roofing felt on it, folded in half, for waterproofing.

Now you need to mix cement-sand mortar. The ratio of components is 1:3. The first row of bricks is laid out on the mortar, which must be carefully checked with a level, since the quality of the gazebo and its appearance depend on this. We recommend that you first install the bricks without mortar.

Don't forget to allocate a place where the doors of your gazebo will be located.

photo. Four bricks are laid around the pipe. A space forms between them and the pipe that needs to be filled. cement mortar. You need to pour everything in small portions.

The partitions are laid to the required level, and the pillars are erected to the required height. After that, a brick frame is made between the pillars. A corner is installed between the pillars on which the bricks will be laid.

If a barbecue or grill is planned in the gazebo, it must be erected at this stage in a pre-prepared place, and a place must be provided in the roof for a chimney.

Stage 3: roof installation

The roof for a gazebo can be different: hipped, gable, hipped, convex or tower. Its choice depends entirely on your desire and should be made at the design stage. It is important to know that it is preferable to choose lightweight materials for the roof so that the walls can support their weight.

The easiest way to make a roof is from wooden beam. To do this, you need to make a strapping, installing a mauerlat around the entire perimeter - a support beam that will distribute the entire load of the roof onto the walls. Now you need to install the rafter system. Rafters are installed on the Mauerlat and securely fixed. Then a sheathing is made on which the roofing material will be installed. The pitch of the slats depends on the chosen roofing material - if it is soft, the slats need to be compacted to each other, but if the material is hard, the pitch can be much wider.

The following materials can be used for roofing:

They are all lightweight, easy to install and have excellent performance.

Stage 4: glazing

Finally, your gazebo needs good glazing that will protect the room from snow, wind, rain and insects. Here you also have to choose: make warm glazing or cold. The choice depends on the purpose for which the gazebo is being built and the climate in your area. If the gazebo will be used all year round, and you equip it with furniture and other elements, then it is better to make warm glazing to reduce heat loss. To do this, you can use metal-plastic windows with double-glazed windows or aluminum profile, which is lighter but more expensive. When you plan to be in the gazebo only in summer, spring and autumn, you can make cold glazing, which will cost much less.

You need to measure the distance from wall to wall and from ceiling to wall to know what frame size to order. You need to write down all the data and contact a specialized company that can not only produce the windows you need, but also install them immediately. You just have to pay a little extra for this. Glazing frames can be made of wood, aluminum or plastic. Their choice is yours.

And so, the gazebo is almost ready, all that remains is to install the doors, a reliable lock, conduct communications, make the floor and, if desired, complete the finishing. And in the end, you can express yourself by making the room the interior you want.

If you want to separately heat the entire room in winter, you can take care of infrared heaters or buy an electric fireplace.

Step-by-step instructions for building with wood

The second no less popular option for building a closed gazebo is building from wood. You can make such a gazebo from scrap materials that every owner may have. For example, we will look at a frame gazebo with a gable roof, which you can easily and quickly build yourself.

  1. First you need to prepare a place for the foundation. Since the weight of this gazebo is much less than a brick one, there is no point in making a very deep and powerful foundation. You can make a shallow strip foundation, columnar foundation or even a foundation made of tires.
  2. 1 or 2 layers of roofing material are laid on the foundation, and planks are installed - horizontally laid beams that will evenly distribute the load on the foundation. They need to be secured to the foundation with anchors.
  3. Place on the bed support pillars and screw them to the beds with dowels at an angle. You can also use a reinforced corner. Temporarily install the jib. Support pillars must be placed at all corners, and if the gazebo is large, you need to additionally install several more, in increments of 1–1.5 m.
  4. Using a level, all pillars must be leveled and correctly aligned. After which you can make the top trim. Since you are working with wood, all elements need to be fixed with nails or self-tapping screws.
  5. Now you can make the bottom trim and screw the board that will serve as a railing. Thanks to this, the gazebo will become even stronger.
  6. The space between bottom trim and the railings need to be sheathed, making a sheathing.
  7. The places where the support pillars connect to the top trim need to be reinforced with jibs to give the structure strength.
  8. Next, proceed to installing the roofing elements. To begin, install the rafter legs, connect them with jumpers and strengthen the corners of the gazebo and install the ridge.
  9. The facade of the gazebo can be sheathed with clapboard, polycarbonate, block house or boards. This step can be done at the end of all work.
  10. The gables can be sewn up with the same material as the bottom of the gazebo.
  11. Make roof overhangs, sew them up and install end strips.
  12. On the roof, screw the OSB sheets in a checkerboard pattern (you can also use boards nailed closely to each other), the choice is yours.
  13. Lay metal tiles on such a base, soft roof or profiled sheet.
  14. All that remains is to glaze the windows and your gazebo will be ready.

You can paint it and equip it with everything you need. You can install a barbecue or grill in such a gazebo, but before that you need to choose in advance the place where they will stand. In this area it is better to make a monolithic foundation if the structure is heavy. Also, when installing the roof, you need to take care of the chimney.

So, you were able to build a closed gazebo yourself. This is a simple budget option that anyone can do. There will be such a gazebo worthy decoration your site, and you can enjoy your holiday at any time of the day.

After considering these options for gazebos, you can decide which one to build - wooden or brick. But, most importantly, despite your choice, you can build such a structure yourself, saving your money. As a result, you will have the opportunity to take a break from problems, stress and the fast pace of this life all year round. Moreover, if you properly insulate and equip such a gazebo, you can get residential square meters, where you can accommodate a friend or relative for a few days.


Here is an option for a winter gazebo:



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