What is wood stain? Wood stain: what is it for? Types and methods of applying the composition

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Not everyone can afford to install mahogany parquet in their home. But you can give floor covering a noble shade, repainting it to resemble an expensive, elite type of wood. This is done by tinting with a composition called stain.

Wood stain is a liquid with tinting properties, thanks to which wood acquires a shade that is not typical for it. When applying the substance, a film does not form on the surface. It penetrates inside, changing the color of the parquet, but without hiding the texture of the wood and without compromising its properties. Thus, a pine floor can be visually “transformed” into walnut. Wood stains for painting wood differ depending on their composition:
  1. Aquatic. Received the greatest distribution. They can give the material any color, from light to dark red. They come in liquid form, that is, ready to use, and in the form of a dry powder that needs to be diluted with water. A big plus is the lack of odor, but be prepared that water-based stains will take 12-14 hours to dry. During the application process, some inconveniences may arise, such as raising wood pile, which can be eliminated by subsequent sanding of the surface. Good properties They are distinguished by water-based acrylic stains, which are resistant to fading and washing out, but are characterized by a high price.
  2. Alcohol. These are dye solutions various kinds in alcohol. After the composition is applied, the alcohol evaporates and the pigment penetrates the wood, coloring it. The tinting process occurs very quickly - within half an hour. Therefore, corresponding requirements are put forward for the application procedure: you need to paint quickly to avoid washouts and stains. To achieve a perfect uniform color, use a spray gun.
  3. Nitromordant. Such compositions are made based on solvents. If we characterize their specifics, they are similar to alcohol ones, since they need quick application and require the use of a sprayer.
  4. Oily. In this case, the coloring matter is dissolved in oil, usually linseed. When stained, wood fibers do not rise. Coloring pigments are characterized by high light fastness, that is, painted wood will not lose its brightness over time. To apply oil stain you can use different instrument, be it a rag, a brush or a spray gun. The time it takes for the stain to dry is 2-4 hours.

It is important to correctly approach not only the type of stain, but also its color. Each label has a code and a name that reflects the species that the composition imitates - “Mahogany”, “Plum”, etc. However, it is unwise to focus only on the inscriptions, since the colors of stains from different manufacturers differ, even if they are produced under the same code. Therefore, pay attention to the stain samples displayed in hardware stores. Also take into account the type, texture and color of the original surface that will be covered with stain; the degree of staining depends on this. Next you need to decide on the tool for the job:
  • A spray gun with a nozzle size of no more than one and a half millimeters;
  • The brush, its width should reach 100 mm;
  • Rags;
  • A tampon made of foam rubber.

During processing large area, when working with alcohol and nitro stains, it is better to choose a spray gun. For water and oil compositions other tools are used. Brushes made from natural bristles – The best decision for oil stains, from synthetic stains - for water-soluble ones.

It is recommended to first check the stain for color matching. A test paint is required to analyze the suitability of the stain to a specific surface in order to find out how many layers will be needed. To do this, take a sanded, sanded board from the same species as the main wooden surface and apply one layer of stain. Wait for it to dry and apply a second layer, covering approximately 2/3 of the sample space. By analogy, the third layer should cover only 1/3 of the board. The top surface should be coated with varnish in 2 layers. This way you can compare the intensity different options coloring and decide how many layers you will need. You can do several test colors using different types stain.

Preparation wooden surface for applying stain is as follows. Remove the old coating, if any, scrape the boards, and also sand them. There should be no stains on the surface that are of fatty or oil origin. To remove them, wipe the area with mineral spirits using a rag. Gasoline will also work for this. If the floor is made of coniferous wood, it should be deresined, because the resin prevents the stain from being absorbed normally.

For degumming, you can prepare a special solution:

  1. Heat 1 liter of water to 60 degrees, add potassium carbonate, you will need 50 g of it. You also need to add 60 g of soda ash.
  2. Or dissolve 50 g of caustic soda in water.
  3. Mix 750 ml distilled water and acetone. The latter is taken 250 g.

Apply the liquid to the boards; it is better to treat the surface several times. After 30 minutes, rinse the surface with warm water.

Now we come to the main question and consider step-by-step technology applying stain to a wooden floor:
  • First, warm the substance a little to enhance the penetration of the composition into the wood structure.
  • When soaking a tool in stain, do not allow the rag or brush to become overly wet to prevent drips and uneven coverage.
  • If you use a sprayer, then pour the product into a special reservoir.
  • When applying stain, you need to work quickly along the grain. You should not take breaks, as this may cause stains to appear.
  • But if drips do appear, the floor needs to be wiped soft cloth. The liquid will stretch along the fibers.
  • Leave the surface to dry.
  • Do a few more layers in the same way to achieve the desired shade. As a rule, two or three are enough.
  • At the final stage, the parquet is varnished. They also make several layers, sanding the surface each time using fine-grained sanding paper.

Thus, the technology for applying stain is simple and understandable to any owner. To consolidate the knowledge gained, we recommend that you watch the video.

  1. What is it for?
  2. Types of stain
  3. Creating effects
  4. Work technology
  5. Dealing with defects

Wood stain combines the function of protecting the surface from dampness and the proliferation of microflora and gives the product a rich color. However, this is more than a varnish for furniture and interior items - with its help you can create a unique room decoration by updating a couple of wooden surfaces.

What is it for?

Wood stain does not work miracles, but it works according to a certain principle:

  • Colored or clear stain varnish penetrates the wood structure, creating protective film not only above the surface, but also below it.
  • Naturally lifts the wood fibers and highlights the structure.

Natural shades of impregnation create an imitation of noble and unusual tree species even on the most regular boards, For example, ebony or oak .

Types of stain

Impregnations for wood are divided into types according to the base material for their manufacture.


Water in the base of stain is the most common base ingredient. This is the most large group impregnation Produced in finished form or in powder, which is dissolved in water at home.

Its advantages:

  • The solution is non-toxic due to its neutral base;
  • A wide range of natural shades from the lightest to the deepest dark will help emphasize naturalness or deepen the tone, make the surface of the product more expressive and noble;
  • Easy to apply, low consumption;
  • Affordable.

A significant drawback is the ability to lift wood fibers, opening the way for moisture.

The solution is to keep the surface wet for some time, then remove the standing fibers with sandpaper and then impregnate. Another technique to prevent getting wet is to subsequently coat the painted layer with varnish.

In addition, the water base takes a relatively long time to dry.

Alcohol stain

Aniline dye dissolved in denatured alcohol. Wood stain is also sold dry or ready-made.

Its main advantage is that the layer, like alcohol, dries quickly. We classify this quality as a disadvantage: to obtain a uniform color, it is necessary to use a spray gun; when applied manually, alcohol impregnation often creates greasy spots.

Oil stain

Pigments dissolved in oil (White Spirit) allow you to tint wooden surfaces in all possible shades. This product is convenient for use at home - oil stain adheres well, it can be applied with any tool, it evenly penetrates deep into the wood, the texture of the wood is not disturbed, and a protective film is formed.

Acrylic and wax

Wood stain made from wax or acrylic belongs to a new generation of materials for treating and protecting wood surfaces. Impregnation not only forms an insulating film. The colors of stain are expanded compared to other types - from natural to bright exotic. The effect of a bright colored coating with a natural wood structure is called stain.

This technique is used by many designers. modern furnitureappearance cabinet fronts made of oak or other species with unusual color causes unusual sensations. The main disadvantage of the material is that the stain is more expensive than its analogues.

Stain with whitening effect

Not all types of wood need dark saturation; in some cases it is necessary to give a lighter and cleaner shade. For this purpose, stains based on acids or hydrogen peroxide have been developed. With their help, bleached timber is obtained, slightly discolored. In this way, the gray surface can be prepared for subsequent painting and processing.

Creating effects

Alcohol or water stain can create an imitation of the naturalness of the coating without obvious traces of processing. When choosing a material for protection and painting, focus on the desired effect: choose a shade of oak, pine or ebony (as in the photo) - the interior will instantly be ennobled.

Products made from ash or oak do not need to be tinted - leave their structure and shade open, choosing the shade of this species that is as close to nature as possible.

The properties of each type of wood are different. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing, pay attention to the flower palette: the composition is applied to planks of different types, where you can see the final result.

Work technology

Staining a wood surface is not a complicated process, but it requires a responsible approach. In order for the varnish coating to be uniform, the consumption to be minimal, and the stroke to lay evenly, it is necessary to become familiar with the intricacies of the work.

How best to apply stain to a surface: master class

  1. Spraying is the most effective method. The coating applies evenly, even gray wood will instantly acquire a new shade. The risk of smudges and oil marks is reduced.
  2. Rubbing the stain over a porous wood product with a rag will help you get the effect of oak or pine even in the most a regular product from base raw materials. The composition must be applied carefully, so quick-drying solutions should be avoided.

  1. A roller or swab for applying stain will be useful in case of coating small area wood. In this way, it will be possible to highlight and emphasize the cut pattern, the stain will evenly penetrate deep into the product, creating a protective screen.

  1. A brush is most often used for work - the tool is easy to use, wood stains apply smoothly in the chosen direction. The master can play with natural patterns and play with existing patterns by saturating colors in certain areas.

The master decides which method is best to use and paint based on his skills, the type of stain and the surface of the wood. To determine which stain in a particular case, when choosing, pay attention to the instructions for the product, which describe the conditions of application and operation.

Basic rules for carrying out work

Often it does not matter how many layers of wood stain will be applied. The main thing is to follow the technique and take into account some nuances:

  • The product must be painted strictly according to the wood grain. This way it will be possible to reduce the consumption of solution for smudges and emphasize the design.
  • Wood stain should be of a convenient consistency. Non-aqueous is dissolved with white spirit to optimal thickness.
  • How many layers to apply is determined by the master depending on the desired shade and effect. Usually 2-3 layers, each of which is thoroughly dried.

Make the first layer thin - the important thing here is to paint it gradually and evenly. The layer will create a base for subsequent applications and reduce the consumption of mortar solution.

  • To avoid dark areas, varnish should not be applied to the same area twice.
  • When dry, water-based wood stain raises the fibers. They are cleaned with a coarse cloth in a longitudinal or diagonal direction.
  • Aqueous and alcohol solutions dry in 2-3 hours, oil solutions dry in 2-3 days.

The rules are the same for interior and exterior work.

Master class on surface tinting

  1. Clean the wood from dirt and remove any loose fibers sandpaper;
  2. Pour the stain, previously diluted according to the instructions, into a small tray. Cooking can be done in small portions.
  3. Take the tool and, gradually pouring the solution onto it, spread the varnish over the wood.

Do not try to take a lot of paint - this will increase consumption and reduce the quality of the coating.

Dealing with defects

Did the varnish stain go on incorrectly? There are several ways to eliminate defects. Master Class:

A numbness has formed

We cover the area with varnish, which will dissolve the bottom layer. Now we clean the area with a rag. Work must be carried out immediately after the defect is discovered.

If the smudge has dried, soften it with paint thinner. The seal can also be removed with sandpaper or a plane.


How long did it take to remove the solution, but stains still formed? The problem may be in the wood itself - the wood sometimes absorbs the solution unevenly. In this case, a plane will help. On plywood you will have to remove all the veneer.

A non-aqueous gel impregnation is suitable for recoating. It does not penetrate deep into the wood, lays down evenly and dries for a long time. Its consumption is reduced due to surface distribution.

Material such as wood has always been in demand, as it natural material and no newfangled plastics can compete with it in the ability to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the room. But, like any other material, wooden products require protection and care.

For these purposes, special stains and varnishes are used. Treating wood with such means not only protects it from excessive exposure to light, moisture, scratches, and dirt, but also gives it nobility and sophistication.

To better protect wood covering and extend its service life, it is recommended to treat it with stain. This impregnation penetrates deeply into the pores of the wood and enters into a chemical reaction with tannins located in the growth rings, giving the wood a light- and water-resistant color.

Besides, stain protects the wood from borer beetles, mold fungi and other infections and pests. Modern liquid stains come in the following types:

  • oil;
  • alcohol;
  • aquatic.

Let's look at them characteristic properties in details.

Water stain

There are two types of such impregnation: in the form ready-made solutions, which can be used immediately and in powder form. A solution should be prepared from it. Water stain does not need drying oil, white spirit and other solvents.

However, it has one significant drawback: when the impregnation penetrates inside the wood, it lifts his fibers, as a result of which the tree remains unprotected from excess moisture.

But, on the other hand, with the help of such wood processing, its structure is emphasized and highlighted. Therefore, today this type of stain is considered the most common.

Alcohol stain

This impregnation is a solution of aniline dye in ethyl alcohol. It is used for decorative and antiseptic painting wood products. With the help of alcohol stain, pile lifting is reduced and wood swelling does not occur.

Using this type of stain, it is quite difficult to achieve uniform coloring, because the composition dries very quickly and stains may form. This impregnation is best suited for tinting small products, but it will not be suitable for painting parquet.

Oil stain

This impregnation is a dye dissolved in flax oil. It is the most convenient for work and can be applied different ways. Oil stain does not lift fibers and is evenly distributed over the entire wooden surface. Products processed in this way can always be easy to paint and restore.

Varnish for coating wooden surfaces

Varnishes that are used to coat wood come in several types:

Alkyd varnishes are a must diluted with a solvent. The surface treated with this product is protected from fire and water and does not fade in the sun. Thanks to acrylic varnish, a film is formed that does not allow the wood to wear off and slows down the aging of wood.

Nitrovarnishes, although they dry much faster, however, are not able to withstand for too long negative impact ultraviolet radiation and moisture. Polyurethane varnishes differ increased wear resistance and form a durable film on the wooden surface that dries very quickly.

Relatively recently, oil-based varnishes were very popular, but nowadays they are used most often for treating floors. Their main advantage is low price. Such varnishes must be diluted with drying oil, and they take a very long time to dry. Has proven itself well Russian market such a novelty acrylic lacquer, which is universal and easy to use.

It is used for both outdoor and interior works. This varnish should be diluted with water, and it does not have a strong odor. In its protective qualities it resembles alkyd varnishes, but is much more more economical to use. But alcohol varnishes are used only for the restoration of antique furniture.

Wood surface preparation

It is recommended to apply stain and varnish only to smooth and sanded surfaces. Regardless of whether the coating should be painted - new or old, it must be carefully inspected. All detected cracks, seams and knots should be processed and eliminated.

If gaps were also found between the joints and seams, they sealed with special putty. As soon as it dries, to remove possible unevenness, the putty areas are sanded again using fine sandpaper.

One should take into account the fact that it makes no sense to putty on raw or under-dried wood, much less treat it with stain or varnish it. Such a tree starts to deform and the applied layer always becomes unusable.

Using wood stain

The surface of wood should be painted with stain in the same way as regular paint. The only thing is that this impregnation dries very quickly, so you should work as well quickly but carefully.

Before completing the work, you must not allow the stain layer to dry, otherwise a seam in this place will be clearly visible, different from the rest of the surface. That is why you should not put a lot of solution on the brush.

To paint a wooden surface with stain, use:

  • Paint brush.
  • Foam roller.
  • Automatic or manual sprayer.

The stain is applied parallel to the grain direction tree and therefore should not process another section unless the first is finished. In the place where the two sections are connected, it is necessary to ensure that the applied layers of impregnation do not overlap each other.

Thanks to stain, wood acquires Exquisite and superior color. In addition, it protects and enhances the wood grain. After the planed plank floor is laid, it is necessary that it is always clean, otherwise, after applying the stain, all the stains will begin to stand out.

If there are greasy stains on the floor, the stain in this area may not be absorbed into the wood. If the wooden parquet is in good condition and there is no need to restore or putty it, then covering it with such impregnation is great solution to update old parquet.

If you need a new shade, you can mix several colors stain. You need to stir carefully so that splashes do not fall on the floor, as such stains will subsequently stand out very strongly. It is recommended to mix only compatible components.

After the wooden surface has been treated with stain, it is coated with varnish in several layers, using paint brush or roller. If it should be processed hard to reach places, then take a foam sponge.

IN Lately Spray varnish in cans is gaining popularity, the application of which does not require any tools. But such varnish is consumed several times more than traditional one.

The technique of applying varnish is similar to the technique of treating wood with stain. The wooden surface should be painted with varnish in 2–3 layers, and they must be very thin, otherwise smudges will be very noticeable on such a coating.

Thus, in order to treat a wooden surface with stain and coat it with varnish, you do not need any specialized knowledge. This anyone can do it. The main thing is to have patience and perseverance. Only in this case will the tree in the house please the eye with its appearance.

If you work with wood and need to give it specific color, then you will definitely need a stain. Today, there are several types of stains that differ in composition. In stores you can find the following types of stains:

  • aquatic;
  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • nitromordants.

Let's take a closer look at each type of stain.

1. Water stain- this is the most common type. Makes it possible to paint wood in any tone: from the lightest “pine” color to dark mahogany. It exists in liquid and dry form. Liquid water stain can be used immediately, but the dry powder must first be mixed with warm water.

This type of stain has almost no odor, which is a big advantage if wood is stained indoors. But it takes quite a long time to dry - within 12-14 hours. In addition, water stain can raise the wood pile during staining, and this leads to the fact that the wood needs to be sanded after staining.

Of all the water stains, acrylic stains are distinguished separately, which are based on acrylic resin. They have increased resistance to fading, are not washed out by water and raise wood fibers much less. However, they have one drawback - their high price.

2. Alcohol stain is a solution of various aniline dyes in alcohol (denatured alcohol). After applying the stain, the coloring substances penetrate into the wood texture, and the alcohol evaporates. This type of stain dries quite quickly - in 15-20 minutes. That is why it must be applied very quickly to prevent stains and washouts. Uniform staining with alcohol stain is achieved by using a spray gun to spray it.

3. Nitromordant- stain made on the basis of solvents. The principle of action is similar to alcohol stain. Apply quickly and using a sprayer.

4. Oil stain- a mixture of dyes and oil (most often linseed). This type of stain is applied easily and evenly. Oil stain does not lift fibers. The coloring agents of oil stain have high light fastness, which allows the surface to long years maintain its brightness and original appearance. You can apply oil stain with a spray gun, a wide brush or a rag. Oil stain dries in 2-4 hours.

Choice of stain color.

Each stain color has its own code, which corresponds to the international classification, and a name that matches the type of wood whose color the stain copies. For example, stain "Chestnut", " Walnut" or "Cherry". But it is very short-sighted to choose a stain only by its name or picture on the label, as an unexpected result may result. There are special reasons for this:

1. If stains of the same color and code were made by different manufacturers, then they can have different shades. For example, the water stain “Larch” manufactured by “Tsaritsyn Paints” has a pinkish-brown tint, and “Larch” produced by “Novbytkhim” has a soft yellow color. Various stores have samples that have been painted with different stains. Such samples will convey the color of the stain much more accurately than the picture on the label.

2. Natural color, structure and density of wood can also affect the result staining. For example, stain on mahogany will look much darker than on maple (if the stain used was the same tone). This is because mahogany wood has a darker shade than maple wood.

The same test with pine and maple samples will demonstrate that pine wood stains faster and more intensely. Pine has softer and more porous wood, while maple is dense and hard. For this reason, it is easier for dyes to penetrate into pine wood.

The texture of the wood also affects the degree of staining. Oak has a pronounced structure, so it quickly darkens from staining, as coloring substances penetrate into the recesses of the veins. But the main part of oak wood, which is outside the veins, is colored more slowly and not so brightly.

Methods for applying stain.

To paint wood with stain, you can use a spray gun (nozzle size 1.5 mm or less), a wide brush (100 mm wide), a foam swab or a rag. To treat a large area, it is better to use a spray gun. It is also used when working with nitrimorls and alcohol stains, since they dry out very quickly, and when using brushes or swabs, stains appear on the surface of the wood.

Brushes, swabs and rags are perfect for working with water and oil stains. Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for oil stains, and brushes with synthetic bristles are suitable for water stains. The bristles of the brush should be strong and should not leave behind hairs on the surface of the wood.

If fabrics or tampons are used to work with stain, they should be cotton or foam rubber. They should not leave behind lint and threads, which may remain on the painted surface and thereby reduce the quality of the coating.

Preparation for applying stain: making a color test.

After purchasing stains, but before starting the coloring itself, it would be useful to make a color sample. Its necessity is that it will help you understand whether a given stain is suitable for the surface. In addition, the test will allow you to find out what color you will end up with and will help you decide on the number of layers to apply.

To make a color test, you will need a board treated in exactly the same way as the wood that is to be painted. Undoubtedly, the type of wood of the sample must coincide with the main surface.

The board is covered with one layer of stain. After drying, a second layer is applied to 2/3 of the sample. The third layer is applied to 1/3 of the board. After the stain has dried, the board is coated with two layers of varnish. By comparing the brightness of the color of each part of the sample board, the optimal number of layers for a certain surface is selected.

To choose best option, you need to do several test stains. Several boards are painted with different stains and after that the final choice is made.

Treating wood before applying stain.

Before applying stain, the wood must be prepared. There are several processing stages:

1. First you need to remove the old coating, if any. This is done by scraping and sanding the boards. This process will not only remove the old coating, but also level the wooden surface.

2. Clean the surface from grease and oil stains. To do this you need to wipe problem areas a rag that has been soaked in white spirit or gasoline.

3. Coniferous wood must be deresined before staining. It is necessary to remove resin from the wood structure, which may interfere stain absorption. There are several types of solutions for degumming:

Dissolve 50 g of potassium carbonate and 60 g of soda ash in 1 liter of water heated to 60 degrees.

In 1 l warm water dissolve 50 g of caustic soda. Treat the surface with the resulting soda solution.

Mix 750 ml of distilled water with 250 g of acetone.

Any of these solutions must be applied to the surface of the wood in several layers. After 30 minutes, wipe the wood with a cotton cloth and rinse with warm water.

Stages of painting a wooden surface with stain.

If the wooden surface is properly prepared for painting, then the procedure for applying stain will be quite simple. It is performed in the following steps:

1. First, the stain needs to be warmed up a little to increase its penetration into the wood.

2. A brush, rag or swab is moistened with stain. Do not under any circumstances allow excessive moisture, as drips may appear and the coloring will become uneven. If a sprayer is used, the stain is poured into the reservoir.

3. The stain is applied along the wood fibers. It is necessary to apply the stain quickly and without interruption to avoid stains. If drips appear, the surface should be wiped with a cloth, collecting excess liquid along the fibers. Then the surface is left until the stain dries completely.

4. Similarly, several more layers of stain are applied in order to obtain desired shade(usually 2-3 layers).

5. Then the surface stained, varnished in several layers. Each intermediate layer is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

For many people, the word “stain” is associated with a certain liquid that can be used to give a wooden surface a particular shade. This property is present, but not only. Wood stains have excellent antiseptic characteristics and can make wood more durable.

The material is not a coating material, like paints and varnishes. Stains belong to the category of impregnations, as they are able to penetrate deeply into the structure of the wood. They are used for processing new wood products or coatings, as well as in the process of restoring old wooden objects.

Varieties of stains

So, what is stain? This is ready liquid composition based on water, alcohol or oil, as well as a special powder that must be dissolved in water or alcohol-containing liquids.

  • Water stain is considered the cheapest. It penetrates the wood quite deeply. Available in a wide range color scheme, with its help you can give a wooden product or structure any color. A significant disadvantage of stain on water based for wood is its ability to lift fluff from the surface, thereby reducing moisture resistance. Decrease Negative influence this impregnation can be done by pre-wetting the surface clean water. After aging, the product is processed with sandpaper and only then covered with stain.
  • Oil stain for wood can give a wooden surface any color shade. It is easy to apply to the surface and distribute evenly over it. Dries quickly and does not raise lint. It is obtained by mixing oil-soluble dyes. Dilute to the desired consistency with white spirit.
  • Alcohol-based stain is a solution of aniline dyes in any alcohol. Most often it is used with a spray bottle. It is difficult to distribute this liquid with a brush, since due to the almost instantaneous drying of the solution, the coloring turns out to be uneven and spotty.

If the above varieties of stains impregnate a wooden surface, tinting, strengthening and disinfecting, then new, acrylic and wax impregnations in addition to this, a protective film is created on the wood. The surface treated in this way does not require additional coating with varnishes or paints.

How to prepare wood for processing

Treating wood with stain is not such a simple process as it may seem to an ignorant person. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to take into account some of the subtleties and nuances of this procedure, and also perform all stages of staining in order.

  1. First you need to choose a color, suitable composition solution and tools for its application. For quick-drying compounds, you need to prepare a spray gun or other sprayer. You can work with oil, water or acrylic stains with a brush, sponges, or swabs. It all depends on the size of the surface to be finished and the expected effect.
  2. Preparation wooden product to coloring consists of drying new surface or cleaning old from the previous finish to the body of the tree. The dry product must be carefully treated with sandpaper or grinder. To avoid the appearance of new defects, movements should be carried out along the fibers. Scratches, dents, and chips on an untreated surface may be inconspicuous, but after covering with wood stain they appear quite noticeably.
  3. By grinding the surface being treated is brought to a completely smooth state. Then the dust and removed fibers are removed. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a soft cloth.
  4. Next stage- degreasing, most often performed with white spirit.
  5. Before applying the base composition, especially water stain, the product must be moistened with clean water. And sand again.

Some nuances occur when preparing coniferous wood products for working with stains, especially those with high resin content. The fact is that after applying the stain, resinous areas can appear through the coating in ugly spots. It is best to first rid such wood of such manifestations. To do this, use one of the compositions:

  • an aqueous solution of acetone, for this purpose mix 750 g of water and 250 g of acetone;
  • a soda mixture consisting of one liter of warm water, 60g of soda ash and 50g of potash (potassium carbonate).

To get rid of the resin completely, the treatment must be performed several times. Then rinse the product thoroughly with soap and then with clean water. Dry and then carry out traditional preparation for staining.

Dyeing technology

How to stain wood correctly? You should work at an air temperature above +15°C, this will allow the stain to penetrate deep into the pores of the wood. Manufacturers recommend that before applying the base substance, cover the surface with conditioner of the same brand. The stain should be mixed thoroughly so that the dye does not remain on the bottom or walls of the vessel. When using any tool (brush, roller or sponge), a sufficient amount of stain should be applied to the surface. Let it be better to have an excess (it can be removed after staining) than a deficiency.

When processing a vertical surface, you need to work with movements from bottom to top. If you are staining a horizontal part, you must first move the brush along the grain of the wood, then across it, then again along it. This way you can achieve uniform application and avoid unnecessary smudges.

Staining one part or surface must be done in one go, without interruptions. Otherwise, spots and uneven coloring may appear.

To obtain an even tone and a high-quality result, the staining process is repeated several times. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. How long does it take for stain to dry? The drying time depends on many factors: the composition of the stain, the ambient temperature, the degree of humidity of the base. On average, alcohol-based compositions dry in 1-2 hours, aqueous solutions - at least a day.

After the impregnation has completely dried, the surface is subjected to the final stage of wood processing, which is called washing. This action removes excess stain that the tree did not accept. The procedure helps the wood to reveal itself in all its beauty and brilliance. Cleaning is done using acetone and a large paint brush. The product is installed at an angle on a soft substrate. The brush must be moistened with acetone and brush off excess stain using top-down movements. As soon as the treated surface acquires a uniform appearance, the procedure is completed. Now the product needs to be dried and can be varnished.

Multi-colored dyeing

Wood stain, what is it for? It would seem that the technology and material have long been known. But the question remains open for many. Staining wooden surfaces is done in order to give them a certain shade that emphasizes the texture of the wood. In addition, stain makes the wood stronger and more resistant to damage from dampness, mold, fungi and wood-boring insects. But the possibilities of staining do not end there. Using stains different colors You can create various effects on a wooden surface:

  • whitening;
  • aging;
  • colored stains.

To create a bleached surface, two compositions of different qualities are used. First, a continuous coating is made with white water stain, which is thoroughly dried. And then all the recesses and pores are filled with an oil-based stain with the addition of hard wax. This creates a very thin waxy film that gives off a black or gray only pores, and the rest of the surface remains whitish.

If it is necessary to obtain a multi-colored effect, then first a test is made to select shades on a separate piece of sanded board. When it is possible to achieve the desired color combination, we begin processing the product. First, the main background is applied. Then chaotic or ordered strokes are made on it with others color shades stains. The finale will be a final coating with clear or tinted varnish.


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