What to grow on the windowsill in winter. Secrets of growing delicious greens at home

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Not everyone knows what can be grown at home in winter. There are special varieties of some crops that are suitable for growing in an apartment.

The benefits of winter gardening

There are not as few of them as it might seem at first glance. Summer residents who miss their allotments will be able to relieve their souls while continuing to engage in their favorite hobby. Here are just a few advantages that winter farming includes:
  1. There is no need to waste time and money on the road to the dacha, since the mini-vegetable garden is located nearby.
  2. You can engage in your favorite hobby at any time of the day or night, while country garden It is convenient to process only during daylight hours.
  3. Finally, your back and legs will rest. After all, when caring for plants in winter, you don’t need to bend over. The height of the window sills is just enough to handle the plantings comfortably. You can do this standing or even sitting.
  4. Everything you need is at hand. If at the dacha you have to go for water, bring fertilizers, tools to a specific garden bed, then at home all this is nearby.
  5. Heavy weeding is avoided; sometimes it is enough to just slightly loosen the top soil layer.
  6. In winter, the body lacks vitamins, but you will have freshly picked greens, which contain the maximum of useful substances.
  7. No need to go to the store to buy vegetables.

What vegetables can you grow at home in winter?

Of course, at this time of year there is not as much sun and warmth even in the apartment as there is in the summer. Therefore, not every vegetable will grow in these conditions.

Here's what you can grow at home in winter:

  • parsley;
  • sorrel;
  • salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers
At the end of autumn - at the beginning of winter, daylight hours are very short. Therefore, at this time it is preferable to plant parsley and sorrel, which you will dig up along with the roots in the area before the snow cover is established.

To do this, you need to carefully mark a circle in the ground near each plant with a spatula, then dig it up and plant it in a pot with a light fertile soil, pouring a layer of drainage down. By the end of the season, such plants develop a good root system, so they grow well at home, even despite the short daylight hours.

If you have the opportunity to increase it using fluorescent or LED lamps, then it will not be difficult for you to grow greens on the windowsill in winter. It will be necessary to turn on these artificial sources in the morning and after sunset.

At the end of autumn, in winter, you can sow lettuce seeds. But it is better to buy its potted version in the store and replant it in the substrate at home.

In winter, you can also grow tomatoes on the windowsill, but you need to use low-growing, super-early ripening varieties. There are also cucumber hybrids for growing at home.

How to grow tomatoes and cucumbers in an apartment in winter?

Now cascade tomatoes are gaining great popularity. They are low-growing plants, in which, instead of stepsons, flowing brushes with tomatoes are formed.

To prevent the plant from cutting itself on the edge of the pot, this part of the container should not be sharp. Here are some hanging varieties tomatoes that are suitable for cultivation in winter:

  • "Garden pink pearl";
  • "Waterfall";
  • "Ampel F1".
You can also grow ordinary indoor low-growing tomatoes at home in winter, for example, “Balcony Miracle”.

First, the tomatoes are sown as seedlings, then they are planted twice. Grown plants are planted in a container with a volume of at least 5 liters.

As for cucumbers, in order not to disturb the root system, it is better to sow the seeds immediately on permanent place. If this is not possible, then they are prepared and embedded first in light soil, pouring it into individual peat cups. Before planting in a permanent place, the containers are dipped in water for a few seconds, then the cucumbers are planted directly in them.

Here are the cucumber hybrids suitable for growing on a windowsill in winter, these are F1:
  • "Khutorok";
  • "Shchedrik";
  • "Crunch";
  • "Marinda";
  • "Moscow Greenhouse" and some others.
Of course, you need to plant only self-pollinating varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. To improve fruit set, you need to spray the plants three times according to the instructions with the preparation “Bud” diluted in water. You can also use a solution boric acid, drug "Ovary".

How to grow onions in winter in an apartment?

This is one of the most popular and affordable vegetables for growing at home. First you need to place each tuber in water so that it produces roots. In this case, the root collar should not be allowed to rot. Therefore, pour water into small jars or glasses, lower the bulbs into the container so that the root collar is 2 mm above the surface of the liquid.

When the roots grow to 1 cm, transplant the bulbs into a box with moist soil. You can leave them in containers with water, you will still get vitamin greens.

If you want a Christmas tree made of onions to grow on your windowsill for the New Year, then plastic bottle do it round holes, carefully pour soil there, plant the onions in the recesses.

Here's how to grow onions in winter, as well as other greens and vegetables. The activity is very interesting, requires little expense, but you can receive vitamin products all year round.

Growing peppers at home in winter

If you have low varieties of sweet or hot pepper, you can dig up several specimens of each species at the end of the season and transplant them into spacious flower pots.

When growing peppers different types It is important to place them away from each other to avoid cross-pollination.

For some time you will be able to harvest fruits that have formed in the greenhouse. Then the plants will go into a dormant stage and shed their leaves. But don't throw away these mini bushes. In winter, water them moderately and do not feed them. At the beginning of spring, the leaves on them will begin to grow again. Then begin to sufficiently water and feed your plants again, and in May, plant them in the greenhouse again. These specimens will produce a harvest faster than those that you grow from seeds in the coming year.

To grow at home, you need to select clean seed, bushes that have not been infected with diseases and have not been attacked by pests.

How to grow carrots at home?

Not everyone knows that this culture grows well on a windowsill. But you need to sow carrots at the end of winter, when daylight hours have already lengthened and the sun often comes out. Not all varieties are suitable for such an experiment. Choose mini ones, they will delight you with a homemade harvest.

Here are the varieties of round carrots suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Sophie;
  • Parmex;
  • Granddaughter;
  • Round baby;
  • Amsterdam.
The root crops of such carrots are small; they are considered round because they generally grow outwards rather than downwards.

These varieties do not require a deep pot. The main thing is to pour light fertile soil into the container, moisten it, and sow the seeds to a depth of 5 mm. Cover the plantings with cellophane. When the shoots appear, place the containers closer to the light.

Growing legumes indoors in winter

You can also plant bean and pea seeds at the end of winter. But buy low-growing varieties, which will have enough space on the windowsill. If the beans are bush beans, they do not need a high trellis; if they are climbing beans, then they need light supports.

If you decide to plant bush beans, then they should be placed on a south, south-east or south-west window, since this crop is light-loving. Climbing beans can grow in more shaded areas, but for better yields you need to give phosphate and potassium supplements. It is not necessary to use chemicals. Good source potassium comes from banana peels. It needs to be cut, left in water for 3 days, then watered over the plants. In the same way, fertilizing is done from eggshells, from ash.

This is how much you can grow at home in winter by turning an apartment plot into a mini-dacha.

Listen to the advice given by an experienced gardener. They will certainly be useful to you:

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Sometimes you want to go out onto the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, pick up your own grown vegetables and herbs and make something stunning out of them. And the balcony, by the way, looks much nicer if it contains not old pieces of iron that should be sent to a landfill, but aromatic herbs and vegetables.

website chose several interesting plants, which take root well on a windowsill or balcony.


You can grow hot pizza peppers Diablo on your windowsill. It will require a warm, bright place and varieties suitable for home grown: “Carmen”, “Flint”, “Ogonyok”, “Rowanushka”, “Bride”, “Indian Summer”, etc.

The bushes are very cute and do not require large pots. One plant can bear up to 50 fruits. The optimal temperature is 25-27 degrees Celsius.


To grow carrots at home, it is better to take mini-varieties such as Parmex, Sofi, and Vnuchka. They grow in 80-90 days and do not require much space - they are quite happy with a pot or container. You can also take a funny one round variety"Round Baby"

The soil for carrots should be light and well-drained. The vegetable can be grown in trimmed plastic bottles. The optimal temperature is within 13-24 degrees Celsius.


Mint is a non-capricious and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or balcony even in winter, if you provide additional lighting. It can be grown from cuttings and seeds. If you have the opportunity to dig up cuttings at your own or friends’ dacha, it is better to use this method. Mint grown from seeds is not as widely accepted, and you will have to wait longer for the harvest.

It is important to remember that the plant loves well-moistened soil. And, when you choose a place for it, keep in mind that the lighting should be good, but it is better to avoid direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees plus.

Green onions

To grow green onions at home, no special dexterity is required. But it’s still worth taking into account some nuances: the bulb that you will plant should be round, dense to the touch and without signs of rot, the root cup should be well formed.

Immediately after planting, you should put the onions in a cool place. dark place to better form root system, and only then will the pen need a lot of light. The optimal temperature is 18-20 degrees; you should not overheat, because then the growth of greenery will stop.


Any variety of basil grows well in flower pots and boxes. He better highlight sunny place, water well, keep warm and provide good drainage. For planting, you can use both cuttings and seeds. In this case, the cuttings will quickly produce the first harvest, but will not last long, as they will bloom quickly. You will have to wait longer for the harvest from the seeds, but such a bush will also last longer.

The optimal temperature for basil is 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, backlighting is required for approximately 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.


To grow cucumbers on a windowsill or balcony, you should take a closer look at hybrid varieties, which are marked with the F1 icon. If all conditions are created for the plant, it can produce 3-4 dozen fruits. Here you will have to tinker a little with the seedlings, but after transplanting into boxes you will only need to water and trim the tendrils.

Plant plants in containers with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is important to remember that cucumbers are big water feeders and the soil should always be moist. The optimal temperature is 21-24 degrees Celsius.


Homemade tomatoes are usually chosen dwarf varieties: “Minibel”, “Florida Petit”, “Balcony Miracle”, etc. You will have to allocate the most illuminated place in the apartment to this miracle. You will need to start with seedlings, then plant them in containers, tie them up, feed them and protect them from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops, but the harvest comes with pride in the work done and gardening talent.

It is important to remember that tomatoes, like all plants, love water, but they are easy to water. Therefore, watering should be done carefully. The optimal temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.


In addition to its wonderful taste, sorrel is distinguished by the fact that it tolerates shaded areas. It can be grown from the rhizomes of 2-4 year old plants with buds or from the seeds of such varieties as “Maikopsky”, “Altaisky”, “Odessky broadleaf”.

It can grow at 5 and 20 degrees Celsius and can even withstand slight frosts. So you can keep it on the balcony until the last minute, and if the balcony holds the heat well, then you don’t have to put it away for the winter. Leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm; this must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.


Ginger is not only a tasty seasoning, but also beautiful plant. If planted at home, the sprouts can grow up to a meter in height. Plant pieces of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with live buds. If the root has dried out, you can keep it in warm water for several hours so that the buds wake up.

The root should not be planted very deeply, and until the first shoots appear, it should be watered very sparingly. Ginger should be kept in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

A pineapple

In winter, you really want something fresh and tasty, since it is in winter that our body especially suffers from a lack of vitamins. Winter has come, you can’t go out into the garden and pick a bunch of dill and a plate of tomatoes to quickly make a salad. Experienced summer residents, of course, have their own preparations from the garden and dried herbs in bottles, but this is not the same...

Of course, modern agriculture does not stand still and you can buy fresh herbs every day in any self-respecting supermarket. However, many will agree that greenhouse greens and vegetables do not have the characteristic taste and smell for which we actually love them.
Unfortunately, not everyone has their own garden and the opportunity to grow crops in open ground, however, it’s no secret that you can grow vegetables even indoors and it doesn’t have to be a greenhouse. What about the window sill of the apartment itself? A vegetable garden on the windowsill can delight you with its fresh gifts all year round, unlike plants in open ground.
You can build a vegetable garden on a windowsill with your own hands at any time of the year; such a vegetable garden is especially relevant in the winter season. Your efforts will pay off and within a few days you will be able to chew fresh dill in your salad, washed down with fragrant mint tea.

We will need:

  • Containers or pots with holes in the bottom. You can take boxes with cells in which each plant can grow freely without intertwining its roots with its neighbor. In such containers you can plant different varieties plants, so you can not only grow a vegetable garden on the windowsill in winter, but also create a special decor that will amaze your guests with its splendor;
  • Purchased soil for plants. It is advisable to choose specialized soils for vegetable seedlings, in which all nutritional elements are optimally balanced. For example, Elite Vegetable Soil is perfect for growing a vegetable garden on a windowsill;
  • Bags or caps that help create a special microclimate for plants;
  • Spray bottle for spraying plants, watering can;
  • Additional lighting;
  • Seeds or seedlings cultivated plants.
  • Landing rules.

In order to build home garden on the windowsill, you need to use a special purchased soil mixture, since insect larvae, as well as viruses and fungi dangerous to plants, can live in soil taken from the street. Vermion products fully meet all plant growing requirements, guaranteeing high seed similarity and abundant fruiting.
Containers or pots must be filled with soil and watered well so that the water reaches the lowest layer. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil and cover the top with a layer of no more than 1-1.5 cm. Next, water with a spray bottle and compact the soil a little.
Containers can be placed in a warm, dark place for several days and covered with a cap or film on top to maintain optimal temperature and humidity. After the first shoots appear, the film must be removed and the container taken to the windowsill.

Rules of care

It is necessary to water the mini garden on the windowsill as the top layer of soil dries out. When watering, you need to monitor the pan: as soon as water appears in it, watering should be stopped, since overwatering can cause plant roots to rot and die. The water must be well defended so that harmful impurities do not enter the soil, gradually concentrating to dangerous levels.
If you are using clay pots or your windows face south, the plants need to be watered more often as they will lose moisture much faster. Additional lighting in spring and summer periods not necessary unless you want to stimulate photosynthesis at night. However, at night it is still better for plants to “sleep”, since photosynthesis, which contributes to the growth of green mass of the plant, occurs in two phases - day and night. IN winter time It is necessary to use special photo lamps that simulate sunlight.

Harvesting Rules

Greenery on the windowsill is a useful thing. It can be harvested when the seedlings exceed 7 cm in length. Experts advise thinning out greens by cutting plants at the roots - this way you can start enjoying fresh greens, while giving other plants more space to grow and develop. The remaining sprouts do not need to be cut off; all you need to do is tear off the lower leaves, leaving the rosette intact and fertile.

How to grow greens on a windowsill

Onion can be planted (or sown with seeds) in any container filled with soil and watered as needed. You can also sow celery, parsley, plant cloves of garlic and then use their young, tender leaves and feathers for food.

Basil, sown with seeds, germinates for a very long time and slowly, it is better to plant it in a pot as seedlings. Basil is great for veal, lamb, and pork. Fresh basil, pureed in a mortar olive oil, parmesan and pine nuts- this is the famous pesto sauce, the pearl of Italian cuisine.

Marjoram grown at home without special effort: Sown in moist soil, it will germinate in a couple of weeks. - an excellent seasoning for bean and pea dishes (soups, stews). Without thyme, it is unthinkable to prepare cassoulet - a signature dish of Languedoc cuisine (white beans baked with meat). This greenery is also added to champignons or fried chanterelles. There is a variety of lemon thyme that goes well with poultry and fish.

Borago (borage) feels very good on the windowsill. It is not demanding on light and is easy to care for. Shoots appear on the 8th day after sowing. This plant tastes like a cucumber.

Rosemary widely used in Provençal cuisine. This is an excellent seasoning for lamb, game, poultry, as well as ratatouille (a dish of stewed eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and paprika). After all the needles have been picked, the tough rosemary sprigs can be used as skewers for kebabs (for example, meat or fish).

Sage improves digestion, so it is often added to fatty, hard-to-digest foods (pork, eel, goose). Sage is very popular in Italy, it is added to gnocchi (dumplings) or saltimbocca (pork medallions with dry-cured ham). Fleshy leaves can be breaded in dough and served as a snack.

Mint traditionally used in desserts (chocolate mousses, ice cream). In British and Arab cuisine, mint is considered a classic herb for lamb. Mint cut into strips enhances the flavor of beetroot, cucumber salad and green pea dishes, and is also an excellent addition to cocktails.

Cucumbers and tomatoes on the windowsill

It’s no secret that many of us have already seen or heard somewhere that some summer residents start a winter garden on the windowsill to grow cucumbers and tomatoes. The idea itself seems fantastic, because these plants are quite large in size and require special care. However, in fact, these crops are very unpretentious and at home they grow well and bear fruit almost all year round, since they do not need to die off in the fall, having reached the peak of their fruiting.

There are special cucumber seeds that are distinguished by their early ripening and ability to self-pollinate. Tomatoes, unfortunately, will require flower pollination with a brush, but you will be sure that each bud will turn into a plump, ripe tomato in the future.

Cucumbers and tomatoes love high humidity and good lighting; you will have to illuminate the seedlings for 12 hours a day, while avoiding drafts. As they grow, it is advisable to plant the plants in separate spacious pots with large expanded clay at the bottom.

Watercress on the windowsill

Watercress V Lately became a real discovery in the world healthy eating. Once planted, this plant does not require any additional care in addition to watering, increasing the first harvest within a couple of weeks after hatching. You can plant it in any shallow elongated container on a small layer of soil, scattering the seeds thickly and chaotically. The seeds are usually covered with a layer of soil no more than 1 cm on top. The soil must be nutritious, since this plant is rarely watered with fertilizers and it must take everything it needs from a layer of soil rich in microelements.

Beetroot for greens

Many gourmets love Botvinnik borscht with beet tops, but you can’t always find this product in the summer, let alone in the winter. In order to constantly have fresh beet leaves at home, you do not need to sow the seeds of this root vegetable, since this process will take a lot of time, and the leaves themselves will not reach the desired size. It’s easier to buy several large, dense beets and plant them in a container with nutritious soil.

The first leaves will appear in just a few days, and in a couple of weeks you will be able to cook healthy and tasty Botvinnik for the whole family.

Growing cultivated plants at home - perfect solution for those who like to experiment. In addition, if your family has a child, you can create children's garden on the windowsill, with the help of which your baby will learn to care for plants and love wildlife!

How to grow a mini garden at home? Vegetable garden on the windowsill!

Growing many vegetables and fruits yourself is not at all difficult, and even quite exciting. You don't even need seeds.

Green onions, leeks, shallots and fennel

Emilian Robert Vicol/Flickr.com

To grow these essential culinary plants at home, you can use either the bottom with roots (the lower white part that we usually cut off and throw away) or the whole bulb. To do this you need to place them in glass jar with a little water and place it on the windowsill, where the onions will receive the sunlight they need. After some time, the first feathers will appear, which, as they grow, can be cut off and added to food. This way, you will always have fresh herbs at hand - most importantly, do not forget to add water to the jar once a week.



An aromatic citrus seasoning, cymbopogon or lemongrass is essentially a perennial herbaceous plant, so it should be grown like any other herb. After using the stem, do not throw away the root - place it in a jar of water and place it in the light. In a week, the cymbopogon will sprout and will need to be transplanted into the ground. Once the sorghum stalk has grown to about 30cm in length, it can be cut and dried.

Celery, bok choy, romaine lettuce and cabbage

Anastasia R/Flickr.com

These vegetables can be grown at home from the remains of their hard, thick stems. To do this, pour water into a shallow cup and place the stalk in it, roots down. Celery, bok choy, and romaine lettuce are very water-loving, so be sure to add water to them. In a few days you will notice that roots and new leaves will appear, and after another week the plants can be planted in the ground.



To grow at home, you will need a piece of fresh and smooth ginger root with a couple of live buds. If the root is too dry, you can keep it in a little warm water. Ginger should be planted in a pot or box with soil with the buds facing up. Ideal conditions for this plant - a warm, moist, bright place, but without direct sunlight. In addition to the fact that ginger is tasty and healthy, it is also beautiful (somewhat reminiscent of reeds), so it can even be grown for decorative purposes.



Many city dwellers simply cringe at the phrase “plant potatoes” - it’s easier to buy than to “hunch over” in the country all summer. And in vain, because this vegetable can be grown right at home. To do this you will need one small potato with “eyes”. It must be cut into several parts and left at room temperature for a couple of days so that it dries out and does not rot in the ground after planting. It is recommended to plant in well-fertilized soil. At the same time, it must be buried to a depth of at least 20 cm, so make sure that the planting container is large and deep enough.


Crispin Semmens/Flickr.com

Growing garlic is very simple: take one or two cloves with roots and stick them into the ground in a warm, bright place. When the root system strengthens, the garlic will produce its first shoots. They need to be trimmed in a timely manner so that they do not take away “energy” and do not interfere with the formation of the bulb.


Alice Henneman/Flickr.com

Oddly enough, at home it’s quite easy to harvest a “tear” vegetable: take an onion, cut off the bottom with roots and plant it in moist soil. loves the sun, so choose a warmer place for him.

Sweet potato


The rules for planting and growing sweet potatoes are almost the same as regular potatoes. We take the tuber and place it in moist soil. In a week, the sweet potato will sprout, and when the leaves reach 10 cm, they can be trimmed and another plant can be planted nearby, at a distance of 25–30 cm. Just make sure that there are no slugs on the vines - they really love sweet potatoes. And then after 4 months you will have juicy sweet potatoes.


Karen Neoh/Flickr.com

It is difficult to grow at home because they need special conditions- high humidity, special temperatures, ventilation and lighting. To plant them, you need so-called mycelium, that is, germinated fungal spores. The mycelium is placed in a substrate (a mixture of oats, millet, rye, barley and other grains), where it takes the form of thin white threads, from which mushrooms then grow. Attention: for successful growth, mushrooms require a humidity of 95% and a temperature of no more than 20 ºС. In addition, during ripening, mushrooms release a strong allergen into the air, so experts do not recommend growing mushrooms in an apartment. Perfect option- an area near the house or, as a last resort, a balcony.

A pineapple


But turning your home into a tropical “island,” on the contrary, is quite simple. It is enough to cut off the top with leaves (do not forget to clean out the pulp, otherwise the plant will rot) and place it in a glass of water. Soon roots will appear on the rosette, which means the pineapple is ready for planting. Delete a few lower leaves and insert the socket into the ground about 2-3 centimeters. This fruit is quite unpretentious; it easily tolerates direct Sun rays And high temperature. The main thing is not to forget about regular watering. After 1–2 months, young sprouts will appear on the pineapple - this means that the cutting has taken root, and in a couple of years you can harvest the first harvest.

Your success in home gardening depends on many factors - weather, soil, quality of “seedlings” and, of course, on how carefully and carefully you treat your green “pets”. You may very quickly get bored with all these pots on the windowsill, but it’s still worth a try - let your children see with their own eyes how onions, cabbage and potatoes grow.

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Victoria Solup 11.11.2015 | 86702

Try growing one of these exotic plants from seeds yourself at home. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

By buying delicious vegetables and fruits (including exotic ones) in the store, we get planting material for nothing. So why not use it rationally? After all, growing a fruiting tree or shrub from seeds is quite simple.

1. Citrus fruits

At correct landing and care citrus plants They develop quite quickly, but fruiting does not occur soon. Therefore, to enjoy homemade lemon or orange, you will have to be patient: the first fruits will appear no earlier than in 5-7 years.

To grow citrus fruits from seeds, wash the seeds warm water, dry for 1-2 hours and sow in a pot with soil intended for growing certain type citrus plant.

The pot in which you place the seed must be at least 2 liters, since it is not recommended to replant the plant for the first few years. Don't forget to add drainage to the bottom.

Immediately after sowing, it is necessary to make a greenhouse from thin plastic bag. This will help maintain the required level of humidity. When the soil dries out, it is necessary to moisten it promptly.

U various types In citrus fruits, seed germination time varies: from 3 to 8 weeks. Tangerines grow slower than others.

Citrus fruits grown from seeds at home reach a height of no more than 90 cm.

This unpretentious plant, so even a beginner can easily grow it. Peel the brown skin off a ripe avocado pit, plant it with the blunt end down so that the pointed end protrudes from the ground, and water regularly.

You can plant it in another way: lower the seed, with its blunt end down, into a container of water so that it is half immersed in the liquid. Secure the pit with a thread or toothpick, place the container on the windowsill and add water as needed.

The seed should hatch after 3-12 weeks. Germination time depends on many factors: proper watering, seed maturity, etc.

When the seed cracks and a sprout emerges from the crack, plant it in a small pot with any fertile soil, half-deep. Water the plant in a timely manner - and after 3 months it will grow up to half a meter in height.

Growing feijoa from seeds at home is also not difficult. Separate the seeds of a ripe fruit from the pulp, wash in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry and sow in a medium-sized pot with a mixture of leaf soil, peat and river sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. It is best to do this in February.

Then moisten the soil with a spray bottle and place the pot on a well-lit windowsill. Water the crops in a timely manner - and in a month the seeds will germinate. The first fruits will appear after 5-6 years.

4. Passion fruit (passiflora)

This tropical liana likes to grow in a warm and ventilated place, but not in a draft, with good lighting and high humidity air.

If you decide to grow passion fruit from a seed, find a spacious place for it in advance: the vine grows greatly, so a narrow window sill will not be suitable for this exotic plant. In addition, you will need support to support the shoots.

Passion fruit seeds are fairly easy to plant. The most suitable time for this is mid-spring.

Remove the seeds from ripe fruits, place them on a clean towel and rub gently. When the juice sacs open, rinse the seeds with water and dry in a dark place.

Sow the seeds in a container with a mixture of compost, topsoil and river sand in equal proportions. It is better to sow in small furrows located at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

There is no need to bury the seeds, just sprinkle them thin layer soil and immediately moisten with a spray bottle. At proper care Passion fruit will bloom 2-4 years after sowing.

Pomegranate grown from seed blooms already in 3-4 years, but its fruits take a very long time to ripen at home. Therefore, these plants are grown more out of interest than for the purpose of enjoying delicious pomegranates (as the fruits of this crop are called in botany).

The most suitable time for sowing pomegranate is winter. Remove the seeds from a fully ripened bright red fruit and, without waiting for them to dry, plant them in fertile soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

Water the crops in a timely manner. After 1-2 months, shoots will appear. After they get stronger, transplant them into separate pots.

Please note that the pomegranate must remain dormant all winter, so every year late autumn move it to a cool place.

This plant is often called melon pear, since its fruit looks like a pear and tastes like a melon. To grow pepino at home, remove the seeds from the fruit, place them in a shallow container, and wrap them in damp toilet paper, cover plastic film and place in a dark place with a temperature of about 25°C.

Once every 2-3 days, moisten the seeds with a spray bottle. When they hatch, move the container to a well-lit place. When the cotyledons appear, pick up the seedlings and plant them in a pot with fertile soil. Please note that pepino is very demanding of light.

7. Date

A date palm grown from a seed at home develops quite quickly and after 5-7 years can turn into a full-fledged tree. But, unfortunately, you should not expect fruit from such a plant: dates do not bear fruit at home.

Soak freshly extracted seeds in a glass of water. room temperature for two days, after which peel them from the pulp. Plant vertically in lightly moist palm-grade soil and lightly moisten the soil periodically. After 2-3 weeks, shoots should appear.

Do not forget that date palm It does not tolerate excess moisture, but it does not like completely dry soil either. The date does not like transplants and dies quickly if the roots are damaged, so it is better to immediately sow the seeds in a container of sufficient volume.

8. Kiwi

To grow kiwi from seeds at home, you need to select a ripe fruit with an intact peel, remove the seeds from it and peel the pulp. At the same time, try not to damage the integrity of the small seeds.

Rinse the seeds thoroughly with water several times, dry on a napkin, and then place in a glass of water at room temperature. Place it in a warm place (for example, on a windowsill located above the radiator).

After 7-10 days, when the seeds open, spread them on damp gauze, place them on a saucer and cover with plastic. When the seeds hatch (usually after 2-3 days), sow them in separate containers with a pre-moistened mixture of black soil, peat and sand.

Kiwi should grow in constantly moist soil, but it is important to avoid stagnation of water. Therefore, drainage (expanded clay) should be placed at the bottom of the container and the seedlings should be sprayed with a spray bottle. It is better to choose a place for the plant that is warm and sunny: a window sill located on the south side is suitable.

Try growing these from seeds exotic plants. They will decorate your home and add to their unusual appearance usual flower garden. And they will also give you the joy of an experiment, the results of which may come as a real surprise to you!

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