Basement siding. Decorative panels for the foundation of a house Method of installation of gypsum metal panels

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In addition to glue, each panel can be further strengthened with dowel nails. To do this, you must first make four holes in the product for installing mechanical fasteners. After completing the process, puttying and grouting work should be done in the places where the nails are located.

Final work

Gypsum panels for interior decoration, photos of which are presented in the article, after gluing it is necessary to check again for correct placement. Only then can you proceed to filling the seams with putty. If excess composition appears, it is recommended to get rid of it with a sponge, while if you did not notice errors in applying the putty in time, then after drying they can be removed by grinding.

Once the putty has dried, you can proceed to painting. It is preferable to use acrylic-based compositions for this; textured and water-based mixtures are also excellent.

Types of putty for joints

Interior gypsum panels can be treated in the area of ​​joints with putty mixtures with different compositions. Each of them has a certain period during which it remains suitable for work. So, when choosing a composition for urgent work, you will be able to use the putty for only 1 hour after mixing. The solution for medium-sized jobs will not dry for 4 hours. Concerning alternative solution for large volumes of work, the composition can be used for a period limited to 24 hours.

Putty paste for panels with sealing tape

Gypsum panels for interior decoration can be processed in the area of ​​joints using ready-made putty paste for products with sealing tape. It helps to minimize the human factor. Sealing tapes can be selected from a wide range of building materials departments. Despite the fact that they have the same purpose, they can be based on different materials.

Pros and cons of gypsum panels

Gypsum 3D panels for interior decoration can be made as imitation various materials. Thus, you can get a wall with elements of stone, wood or brick. This makes it possible to realize any design ideas, which is an undeniable advantage.

Among other things, similar products have the following qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • noise reduction;
  • heat saving.

They are not accompanied by large labor costs also for the reason that the panels have very little weight. Therefore, they do not put any load on the walls after installation. The material does not lose its attractiveness for several decades after installation is completed; it is environmentally friendly, which indicates harmlessness, and does not burn even when directly exposed to fire. The material does not tend to shrink, which demonstrates its exceptional qualities.

Panels are also chosen for their ease of installation, as well as their low cost. For example, gypsum panels for interior decoration in St. Petersburg can be purchased for 1,300 rubles/piece. Cost of products in different regions Russia is different. Thus, gypsum panels for interior decoration in Yekaterinburg are somewhat cheaper if you purchase the products from the manufacturer - from 400 rubles per unit.

If we consider the disadvantages, we can highlight the susceptibility of the panels to mechanical stress. Therefore, it is not recommended to install them in children's rooms and houses with pets. After damage, the product will not look as representative and will require replacement or partial repair. Another disadvantage is insufficient moisture resistance, but this issue can be solved as described below.

Features of panel operation

Although wall panels made on the basis of gypsum are not particularly fancy, to prolong their life, it is recommended to follow some rules, including:

  • exclusion of direct hits sun rays on the finishing surface;
  • refusal to place products close to heating and lighting fixtures;
  • cleaning with dry or slightly damp rags;
  • excluding the use of all kinds detergents when cleaning;
  • the need to avoid interaction of products with products that contain acetone, alcohol and gasoline.

In order for the finish to look shiny and have a water-repellent effect, which is very important for plaster, it is necessary to cover its surface with beeswax-based compounds.

Strength characteristics

The strength of the panels can only be stated if they were produced in a factory. Whereas private manufacturers do not care about these qualities either at the production stage or before the transportation process. Industrial organizations use one of three methods to enhance strength. The first involves adding modifiers to the ingredients, the second involves reinforcement. Both methods reduce the environmental friendliness of products. The third method is more labor-intensive; it is accompanied by the formation of stiffeners during casting.

It is important to preserve the panel, avoiding damage, even during transportation. If you purchased the canvases from a factory and not from a private manufacturer, the finishing will arrive in tight packaging, which guarantees complete safety and integrity of the panels. The products are enclosed in air bubble plastic film, are transported exclusively in a vertical position and on a Euro pallet. Before loading, the goods are covered with stretch tape.

If you want to create a truly unique interior, then you should choose gypsum panels for wall decoration, which can be painted in any color after installation. If it is necessary to renew the surface during operation, the application of the coloring composition can be carried out repeatedly.

Each type plinth panels has its own additional elements - corners and finishing profiles.

In addition, we offer the entire range of materials necessary for finishing the facade:

  • Metal casts and slopes - for finishing the base, window and door openings.
  • Waterproofing - to protect walls and insulation from moisture.
  • Insulation - for organizing external insulation of walls.
  • Drainage system

We will help you buy and install

Do you want to buy basement siding?

Our specialists are ready to help you at all stages of this process:

  • Preliminary measurements.
  • Calculation of all materials.
  • Delivery to the site.
  • Professional installation.


A bunch of design solutions

  • Finish options include stone, brick and wood.
  • Several colors in each series.
  • Possibility to combine different colors and series.
  • Finishing the basement or the entire facade.

Maintenance free

If the lining darkens over time, it must be washed with soap and water. It's enough - facade material it will again look like it was installed yesterday.


The thickness of the basement siding panels is 2.5-3 mm - about 3 times more than vinyl. This is understandable - the base gets more than other parts of the wall.


Basement siding withstands frost down to -40...-50°C and heat up to +50°C. Not afraid of rain, snow, wind, hail. Does not mold, does not rot, does not darken, and is not damaged by insects.

Special modifiers contained in resins protect the surface of the panels from fading. Many manufacturers offer a 50-year warranty on their products.

Very light

1m² wall panels weighs 3-5kg. Any structure can be sheathed with such lightweight material – there is no need to strengthen the foundation. For comparison:

  • weight of 1 m2 of finishing brick – 82-190 kg,
  • 1m2 artificial stone– about 35kg,
  • 1 m2 of decorative thin brick – 23 kg.

Holds tight

Basement siding will remain intact and unharmed even when the soil moves. The panels are connected to each other into one whole by a system of spikes and clamps.

At the same time, cracks may appear on a plastered wall (as well as on one lined with brick or stone).

Savings on installation

The cost of installation is 2-5 times lower than the cost of cladding with natural facade material

Installing basement siding is a “dry” process. Does without adhesive compositions, cement grouts and water repellents. There is also no need for surface preparation - the panels are installed on the sheathing and fastened together. And with the help of lathing you can compensate for the slight curvature of the walls.

Quick installation

To cover 1 m² of wall, you need to install only 2 façade panels. Finishing country house takes several days. A complex project takes no more than two weeks (cladding with artificial stone takes months).

A way to insulate your home without extra effort

It is easy to install insulation sheets into the space between the panels and the wall. Facade facing material and waterproofing will protect the insulation from moisture and damage.

Visitors to the OBI hypermarket order goods for construction and home renovation online. Decorative panels made of durable and durable materials are constantly presented in the electronic catalogue. There are more than 200 products from trusted manufacturers in stock. The cost of goods ranges from 50 to 4500 rubles per unit. All products are provided with long lasting warranty obligations, sold wholesale and retail.

When purchasing decorative panels, you must carefully select products according to the following parameters:

  • . Material of manufacture.
  • . Dimensions.
  • . Shade.
  • . Invoice.

Plastic products are characterized by minimal price and maximum resistance to moisture. Elements made of wood, chipboard and MDF are not recommended for use in rooms with high levels of humidity (bathroom, kitchen, toilet, toilet). Products made from natural and artificial stone are characterized by increased strength and complexity of mechanical processing.

PVC panels usually have a plain, neutral color. They are often used for wall cladding when performing economy-class repairs. Decorative elements made from MDF stand out as attractive appearance. During installation they are protected from the destructive effects of moisture. protective layer paint or varnish. Mosaic elements are more expensive than other analogues, they are often used for design premises.

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As the construction industry develops, more and more demands are placed on building materials and finishing methods. various rooms. Developed and implemented Newest technologies, more and more reliable, environmentally friendly, easy-to-use materials are appearing on the market, which make it possible to realize any design ideas. The list of such materials includes gypsum metal panels used for wall cladding.

A gypsum metal panel (GML, GMP) is essentially plasterboard wrapped in a metal shell. It is used for final finishing of interior surfaces. The material is very convenient in that it does not require any post-installation processing. It doesn't need putty or paintwork, nor primer. GM panels are easy to install and dismantle; after handling them, very little debris remains.

The gypsum metal panel has the following structure: as a shell protecting the plasterboard from mechanical damage used a metal sheet approximately 0.5-0.7 mm in thickness and the basis for the finishing polymer coating. There are three types of metal used:

  • galvanized steel;
  • aluminum;
  • stainless steel.

There are also three options for the final polymer layer:

  • polyester spraying;
  • vinyl applied in a layer of half a millimeter;
  • half-millimeter stainless steel sheet.

The most widely used polyester spraying and thermal painting are a combination of polyester and epoxy resins. Under the influence of high temperatures, their microparticles polymerize on the metal surface and form durable coating, resistant to abrasion, impact and deformation, not afraid of UV irradiation and temperature changes, not subject to corrosion.

As already mentioned, the core of the panel is a sheet of plasterboard, which is the basis that forms its shape.

Drywall is a material consisting of a non-flammable gypsum core covered on all sides except the ends with cardboard.

Based on the functions that the GM panel will perform and the scope of its application, manufacturers encase it in a metal shell different kinds plasterboard:

  • regular;
  • moisture resistant;
  • with increased fire-resistant properties;
  • combining fire-resistant and moisture-resistant qualities.

Depending on its size, finished gypsum metal panels have the following dimensions:

  • width is approximately 60-120 cm;
  • length – 60 cm - 4 m;
  • thickness from 1 to 1.3 cm.

Manufacturers of GM panels, making them to order, adhere to dimensions that do not go beyond these limits.

To glue a sheet of metal to a plasterboard, a special waterproof glue is used, which makes the connection stronger and more reliable than both parts separately, and the panel is perfectly flat. This connection makes the slab resistant to various kinds damage and extends its service life for many years, while ensuring the preservation of its appearance.

Method of installation of gypsum metal panels

GM panels are mounted on the ceiling, walls and partitions are lined with them. Most often they are attached to special metal structures, but it is also possible to attach them to plaster or wooden wall. If the panels are attached to a mineral base, then its surface must be perfectly smooth. They are fixed with six-millimeter dowels.

The base for walls made of gypsum metal panels is constructed from galvanized profiles, the walls of which are 0.5-0.7 mm thick, using direct hangers. The frame is assembled using the same technology as when working with conventional drywall. But in the case of GMF, the racks should be placed at intervals of 60 cm along the axes; more often it does not make sense. In addition, the supporting profiles can be placed horizontally at the same distance from each other.

Wall cladding with panels can be done in two ways:

  • independent;
  • stationary.

With any of them, all fastener components are hidden in the seam area. Self-tapping screws with countersunk head V in this case are not used.

If you used it during installation independent way, then later, if the need arises, each panel can be removed individually without hassle. Fastening is carried out as follows: during assembly, the sides on each side of the GM panel are joined to each other or overlapped, and in this case the fastening screw passes through two layers of metal. At this method installation, there remains a rather large gap, which is hidden under a special profile.

If assembly is carried out by permanent mounting, the surface is designed on the principle of joining tongues and grooves for a more reliable connection. At the ends of the panels, using metal screws, they are fixed metal locks, having the same coating as the gypsum metal boards themselves, at the rate of two units per linear meter when installing walls, and four units per linear meter when installing ceilings.

But with any chosen assembly method, there is a need to seal the joints of the panels. With the first mounting option, fairly large gaps are obtained, 8-10 mm wide. It is closed with a silicone shaped seal. If the second option is chosen for fastening, the seams will be much thinner - 2-5 mm, they can be filled with silicone sealant.

When it comes to ceiling cladding, gypsum metal panels are installed without the use of mechanical fasteners. This is necessary in order to be able to quickly get into the inter-ceiling space where communications are located at any time.

The end of the panel, the joints of the ceiling and walls, internal and external corners masked by framing profiles. To prevent the presence hard-to-reach areas, in which it is impossible to clean and disinfect, internal and sharp corners are closed with extensions with a rounded section. Most often, their length is three meters, and they are made of aluminum. But there are extensions made of hard plastic and having an outer colored layer.

Basic properties of GM panels

GM panels with all their characteristics differ sharply from existing ones facing materials. In this regard, the area of ​​their use has its own specifics. Basic positive traits of this material:

  • GM cladding is 100% airtight, i.e. the air in the room does not mix with emissions from the materials that were used for rough finishing of the walls, the panels are airtight;
  • because the surfaces are matte or semi-matte; they do not glare even in very bright light falling from the side, which means they do not interfere with or distract staff from their work;
  • the panels do not have places where dust or dirt can accumulate, because all seams are sealed, fasteners are hidden, and corners are rounded;

  • Due to the elasticity of the seams, the design can be used even in earthquake-prone areas. The panel also perfectly withstands vibration emanating from industrial equipment and high pressure;
  • the final layer with which GM slabs are covered does not emit any substances into the atmosphere and is resistant to household chemicals and disinfectants. This coating has no pores or rough areas that can accumulate dirt or moisture, has antibacterial properties due to the silver ions included in its composition;
  • GM panels are easily combined with communications, doors, and lighting fixtures. They easily accommodate openings for hoods and heating grates;
  • GMP is not highly flammable and toxic, so in the event of a fire it allows people to find their way and leave the premises.

Where are gypsum metal cladding panels used?

In other words, this material reveals the full range of its advantages when used in so-called clean rooms. These are rooms in which the environment is strictly controlled to ensure that it is free from or minimizes germs, dust, chemical substances. In addition, these rooms can be regulated temperature regime, pressure and humidity levels.

The main areas of use of gypsum metal panels:

  1. Medicine. This material is used to decorate walls in operating rooms, intensive care units, and maternity wards. In addition to this, in scientific laboratories GM finishing also cannot be avoided, thanks to the stable environment it provides. In this area, gypsum metal is used most often.
  2. Various industries. When manufacturing products in the field of pharmacology and microbiology, a stable environment is also very important, because the presence of foreign particles in it can quite significantly affect the properties of the finished product. The same can be said about the semiconductor industry and the food industry.

IN Lately gypsum metal has become widely used not only for clean rooms:

  1. This material has become widely used for cladding storage facilities, garages, workshops. Its strength and water-repellent properties allow it to be used even in car washes and service stations.
  2. GML appealed to fans of high-tech style. To their delight, recently, among a variety of colors, panels have appeared that imitate the surface of marble, wood, and metal.
  3. Today GML is increasingly used for cladding office premises, buildings of business centers, as well as for the design of night clubs, cafes, and sometimes residential cottages.

With the help of gypsum metal plates you can simultaneously obtain attractive interior and a stable environment that meets sanitary and hygienic standards.

What is the cost of gypsum metal and what does it depend on?

GMP – enough economical material, because produced in Russia using imported lines. When ordering it from a company, manufacturers usually try to deliver it to the buyer in the shortest possible time.

Price square meter GM slabs start from seven hundred rubles. Further, depending on the properties required by the customer, it can increase:

  • when ordering an unusual color;
  • if it is necessary to use other types of plasterboard as the core of the slab, for example, if the customer wants the material to be fire-resistant or have water-repellent properties, or have sound insulation.

If you add up all the extras, then the cost, at first glance, is not so low. But if we take into account that GMPs do not require preparation for installation and can be used immediately, and the sheathing process itself is extremely simple, then the benefits become obvious. You just have to figure out what it will cost multi-layer construction created using conventional facing materials, and add here the funds that will be paid to the workers, and the cost of gypsum metal no longer seems so high, and often even much more profitable.

In the field of cladding clean rooms, gypsum metal slabs occupy a leading position. The number of their competitors is minimal. In terms of practical and functional indicators, panels made of laminated plastic are not far from GMP, but their initial price is almost twice as high. Other cladding options, such as laying tiles, painting walls with latex paints, gypsum vinyl, cannot be compared with GM panels, and do not have a sufficient set of qualities to be used in rooms where it is necessary to maintain high level cleanliness.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that GMF is advanced modern building materials, which has a number of unique qualities that put it one step higher traditional ways covering surfaces in high-cleanliness rooms.

— gypsum metal panels (GMP). You will learn what this cladding is, where it is used and how it is installed.

Modern building standards are periodically revised and tightened. Naturally, finishing materials must meet changing requirements, therefore, in addition to improving known technologies, new technological solutions are regularly promoted to the market. Practice shows that, in literally all characteristics, the most successful materials are those with a complex structure, in which different layers add unique properties product, help to perform one or another additional function. One of these innovative materials is a gypsum metal used for the production of clean rooms.

What is GML

A gypsum metal sheet or panel (GML or GMP) is a flat multilayer cassette plate consisting of a front metal shell and a core made of the familiar plasterboard. This material is used as finishing cladding for walls and ceilings indoors. GMP cladding is an example of absolutely dry construction, as it does not require puttying, painting or priming after installation. They are fast, without education large quantity garbage are collected and can also be easily dismantled. Below we will talk about installation in more detail, while we talk about the design of GM panels.

Sheet metal with a thickness of about 0.55-0.7 mm in this case plays the role of a protective shell (it protects the drywall from damage, for example, upon impact), as well as the basis for the finishing polymer coating. For these purposes use:

  • galvanized steel (grades FePo3G, 08 Yu, 08 KP - with a zinc layer of at least 20 microns);
  • rolled aluminum sheets;
  • stainless steel (grade AISI 304, 430).

Stainless steel can be used in pure form, and galvanization and aluminum in most cases are covered on both sides with several technological layers: on top - a passivation layer, primer, polymer coating, self-adhesive protective film; below - passivation layer, primer, protective varnish/paint.

One of the following options is used as a material to create the finishing coating:

  • pural, plastisol, polyester varnish, polyester;
  • vinyl layer 0.5 mm thick;
  • sheet of of stainless steel 0.5 mm thick.

The most common is polyester spraying with a thickness of 25 microns, as well as thermal painting with a mixture of polyester and epoxy resins with a thickness of about 130 microns. At high temperatures polymer particles are sintered and polymerized on the surface of a metal workpiece (many are familiar with the so-called powder coating). Fused powder coating has good adhesion to metals, it withstands abrasion, impact and bending effects; does not collapse under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high/low temperatures (from -60 to +120 degrees). This coating is exceptionally resistant to corrosion.

The color of the coating can be any according to the international RAL catalog, but RAL 9002 and RAL 9003 are considered standard. As a rule, you can choose a matte, semi-matte or glossy surface.

The core of the gypsum metal board is made of plasterboard, which acts as a formative base and gives the product spatial rigidity and geometric stability. Depending on the special tasks assigned, manufacturers use not only standard wall sheets - they enclose moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, perforated acoustic plasterboard, and gypsum fiber (GVL) in a metal wrapper. To create GML ceiling cassettes, lightweight plasterboard with a thickness of 9.5 mm is used. In accordance with traditional dimensions plasterboard sheets, the dimensions of the gypsum metal panels are obtained:

  • width - from 600 mm to 1200 mm;
  • length - from 600 mm to 4000 mm (usually 600, 900, 1200, 2500, 3000 mm);
  • thickness - approximately 10 mm and 13-13.5 mm.

Within these limits, gypsum plaster manufacturers can make panels of any size to order.

The metal sheet is glued to the drywall with a special moisture-resistant glue, which provides greater strength of the connection; it is much more reliable than the drywall itself if you try to delaminate it. Please note that a GML can be made to order, which will also be protected by metal on the rear plane.

Sheet of metal closes up front part panels and with a radius of approximately 1.5 mm bends around the edge of the plasterboard covered with cardboard. On one side it forms a flange intended for installation.

In another design, there is a slightly smaller eyelet (about 10 mm) on both sides; these are panels with an independent type of fastening.

How to install gypsum metal panels

Gypsum metal sheets are installed on capital walls and ceilings, and are also used for cladding frame partitions. As a rule, GMFs are mounted on metal subsystems, but it should be noted that they can also be mounted on a solid wooden or plastered wall. If the fastening is carried out on a mineral base, then it must be perfectly leveled; fixation is carried out using spacer dowels with a diameter of 6 mm.

The frame for GMP walls is assembled from galvanized CD and UD profiles (wall thickness 0.5-0.7 mm), using direct hangers. The rules for organizing the frame are fundamentally no different from those used when working with traditional plasterboard. Basic technological nuances can be found in the article “Drywall walls”. Just note that there is no point in placing the racks more often than 600 mm along the axes. In addition, horizontal arrangement of CD carriers with the same pitch is allowed. It is not necessary to place frame profiles under all the joints of the sheets - that is, jumpers are not needed.

Fastening panels to racks or planes can be done in one of two ways, depending on the type of flanging of the edges of the metal sheet:

  • independent
  • stationary

In any case, all fasteners are hidden in the seam area. No countersunk screws that are recessed into the body of the panel are used here.

With an independent installation method, each panel can be quickly dismantled individually. In this case, there are sides on each side of the gypsum metal sheet; during installation, they are joined or overlapped (then the fastener, screw or dowel, passes through double metal). Distinctive feature This method is a large gap, which is closed with a special elastic profile.

When using a stationary fastening method, the plane is assembled according to the tongue-and-groove principle, like lining. First, metal locks are attached to the side of the panels, which are also powder-coated. For wall panels, use 2 pieces per linear meter, For ceiling panels install 3-4 locks per meter of seam. The lock is fixed to the end of the GML using self-tapping metal screws (or holes are drilled and blind rivets are used).

Then the plane is assembled in the same way plastic lining: the petals of the lock groove are fixed to the supporting base (screw, rivet or dowel), the tenon of the next panel is inserted into the groove of the previous one and everything is repeated.

Whatever installation method is used, the joints of the panels must be sealed. A large gap of 8-10 mm, which is formed with independent fastening, is closed with a shaped sealing profile made of medical silicone. Thinner seams (2-5 mm) remaining during permanent installation are filled flush with the plane with one-component silicone sealants. The sealant must be neutral vulcanized; sometimes it contains fungicidal additives.

Sheets of gypsum metal intended for ceiling cladding can also be fixed to the profiles with rivets or self-tapping screws, but more often they use installation without mechanical fasteners in order to have quick access to the inter-ceiling space where they are laid engineering Communication. Some models of GML ceiling cassettes have an enlarged flange, perpendicular to the front plane, which snaps into a special frame element. It's called a stringer comb. Vacuum suction cups are used to pull the cassette out of these clamping profiles.

Ceiling panels with sides 600x600 or 600x1200 can be embedded in a subsystem with T-shaped profiles(Armstrong type).

Internal and outside corner, the junction of walls and ceiling, the junction of walls and the floor, the end end of the slab - all these zones are covered with framing elements. In order to eliminate places where cleaning and disinfection may be difficult, internal and sharp corners are completely excluded from the design, therefore the extensions have a rounded cross-section. The rounding radius is usually about 70 mm. The frames are supplied in 3 meter lengths and are typically made from powder coated aluminium. Some manufacturers offer additional elements made of rigid non-toxic PVC, which are produced by co-extrusion (they have an outer colored layer).

Where are gypsum metal panels used?

Walls and ceilings made of gypsum metal in their technical and operational characteristics differ significantly from all other finishing options, therefore the scope of application of GML is more specific. Let's first outline the main features of the material.

The planes lined with gypsum metal sheets are completely sealed. As a result: air masses the rooms do not come into contact with the materials of the rough walls and ceilings, there is no diffusion of substances through the body of the panels. Leaks and overflows do not occur if the pressure inside the room changes sharply (for example, if the doors of a clean room with excess pressure are opened).

Matte and semi-matte walls and ceilings do not create glare even with strong side lighting, and therefore do not interfere with staff when working.

Due to the fact that the joints of the panels are sealed with sealant, the fastening elements are hidden, and all corners are rounded - there is no place for dust, moisture, and various types of contaminants to accumulate.

The seams remain elastic, so the system can be used correctly even in seismic zones. For the same reason this cladding withstands vibrations produced by equipment well, as well as overpressure, which is pumped inside “clean rooms” to maintain stable air composition.

The outer polymer coating of the GMP does not release any aerosol particles into the air and withstands regular exposure to disinfectants, such as, for example, alcohol, 6% hydrogen peroxide and 3% chloramine. Most importantly, it is free of porosity or significant roughness that could trap moisture, microbiological and chemical contaminants. Such characteristics of the polymer coating fully comply with the requirements of GOST R ISO 14644-4-2002 “Clean rooms and associated controlled environments. Part 4. Design, construction and commissioning.” Thanks to the noble metals (silver ions) contained in the epoxy-polyester powder, finishing coat has a pronounced antibacterial effect on many pathogens of hospital infections, which can settle and grow even on flat surfaces.

GMP cladding systems are easily integrated with all components of cleanrooms (transfer windows, doors, airlocks, lighting and ventilation devices, internal and external communications). Overhead and built-in electrical installation products can be mounted and sealed on gypsum metal without any problems, and technological holes and openings, for example, for installing exhaust or heating grilles.

Combustibility, flammability, smoke-generating ability, toxicity - gypsum metal tolerates fires very well, significantly increases the chances of people leaving the building on time (classes G1, B1, D1, T1, respectively).

So, clean rooms are where gypsum metal linings come into their own. Clean rooms are those with strict environmental control, when it is necessary to minimize the amount of foreign and harmful particles: anaerobic bacteria, dust, inert chemical and aerosol fumes. In addition, pressure, humidity, and temperature can also be regulated in such environments.

Most often this is the medical industry - the organization of labor, intensive care, and operating units. Naturally, a stable environment in research laboratories is essential. Also, a clean room lined with gypsum metal is used in several dozen industries where foreign substances can significantly affect the quality of products. For example, it is estimated that up to 70 percent of cleanrooms are used to create pharmaceutical and microbiological products, electronic components (especially semiconductors), and micromechanical devices. Increasingly, GMF can be found at food industry enterprises.

In fact, these panels are not only suitable for cleanrooms. Due to its high strength characteristics and excellent moisture resistance, gypsum metal is successfully used to decorate garages, car washes, warehouses, and workshops. Connoisseurs of the brevity of the high-tech style immediately noticed this material, especially since, in addition to RAL colors it became possible to create a “wood”, “marble”, “metallic”, etc. coating. Nowadays, GML is often used for cladding of office premises, business centers, clubs, restaurants, and is even used in apartments and cottages.

How much does gypsum metal cost?

The main elements of such systems are manufactured in Russia using European equipment, so GMP turns out to be a fairly economical solution, and the delivery time for ordered products is minimal. The price of gypsum metal panels starts from 700 rubles per square meter. The price will increase by approximately 10% if you want to order a custom color. The price tag will change if the panels are presented special requirements. For example, increased fire resistance, sound insulation or moisture resistance will require the use of other types of drywall as a core. Then the cost of a square of GML also changes - 800, 1500, 1800 rubles per m 2, respectively.

It seems that this is more than other finishing options cost, but it should be noted that gypsum metal panels are completely ready for use, and they are very easy and quick to install. If you consider the cost of the multi-layer cake that has to be created when finishing surfaces with many traditional materials, as well as the money that needs to be paid to the contractor for the work (usually each operation is taken into account), then GMF often turns out to be even more profitable.

When it comes to finishing clean rooms, gypsum metal systems have very few competitors. Somewhere at a similar level in terms of practicality and efficiency are HPL laminated plastic panels high pressure, but the cost per square meter starts from one and a half thousand rubles. Tile, painting plastered walls latex paints, gypsum vinyl cladding - these finishing options cannot compete with GMP in terms of functionality and performance characteristics and cannot be used in high-class cleanliness rooms, so it is useless to compare them.

Turishchev Anton,


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