Orchid flowering at home: practical recommendations for care and growth stimulation. What to do to make phalaenopsis bloom - tips for gardeners How to make orchids grow quickly

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Phalaenopsis usually blooms between 1.5 and 3 years of age.

Before you get upset that the orchid does not bloom, you should find out if it is old enough for this. It's easy to do - mature plant has 5-8 shoots available. It is in this state that the phalaenopsis is ready to bloom.

It happens that flowering appears ahead of schedule. This is not always good, because a flower that is too young and still weak may not have enough strength to full recovery. Further consequences are unpredictable - the plant may be sick for a long time, or may even die.

Usually, the orchid blooms at least once a year (often twice), and the flowering period lasts from 2 months to six months (you can find out more about the flowering time of phalaenopsis).

In an adult and seemingly healthy orchid, this can only be explained by improper care.

Since caring for phalaenopsis is a complex and complex task, an error can be hidden at any stage.

Main mistakes leading to lack of flowering:

  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • excessive watering;
  • watering with too cold water;
  • overuse of fertilizers;
  • errors during transplantation.

How to stimulate a plant so that it sends out a flower stalk?

It’s rare, but it still happens that even with well-organized care, phalaenopsis does not bloom. The reason is simple - the plant feels too good. It spends all its energy on growing powerful green mass.

For that In order for an orchid to shoot an arrow, you need to create a little stress for it. Usually, very soon after such stimulation, phalaenopsis blooms. But if this does not happen, you need to look for another reason.

Reasons for lack of flowering and how to eliminate them


To get rid of pests in a flower pot, you need to act comprehensively - first, manually collect those insects that are visible to the naked eye, then use chemicals get rid of undetected pests and their larvae.

After this time, all the pests that are present in the soil will begin to crawl out to the surface of the substrate. They need to be collected and removed.

To eliminate the larvae and remaining pests, you can use the “Fitoverm” insecticide, popular among flower growers. It is used to treat the soil in the pot and the above-ground part of the plant.

Exactly improper care It is the most common cause lack of flowering of phalaenopsis.

The main mistakes made by inexperienced flower growers are::

It is not difficult to correct all these errors, the main thing is to follow the following rules:

  1. Flower arrangement. Do not place the orchid where straight lines will fall on it Sun rays. This will slow down the development of the plant and flowering will have to wait a very long time.
  2. Lighting. In summer natural light will be sufficient. But in winter period Phalaenopsis must be additionally illuminated. Regular fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.
  3. Temperature. Orchid is a heat-loving flower. Therefore, the temperature in the room where it grows must be at least 25°C.
  4. Watering. Do not moisturize phalaenopsis too often. Each subsequent watering should be carried out only when the soil from the previous watering has already dried out.
  5. Fertilizer. It is worth purchasing first of all those fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium. This will have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds. Similar useful material applied to the soil no more than once every 5-6 weeks.

How to wake up a kidney?

If an adult, healthy and well-groomed plant still does not want to bloom, then it needs to be forced to do so, for this it is recommended to move on to more radical stimulation.

There are several ways to awaken a flower bud. All of them are in one way or another connected with the need to give the phalaenopsis a little stress.

The first method can be used at any time of the year, the second is more convenient to do in the summer. Both of these methods imitate natural conditions and are therefore absolutely safe for the plant.

Artificial drought

The task is to organize the interval between waterings so that the soil remains dry for 4-7 days. The degree of dryness of the substrate is determined simply by touch. And there is no need to be afraid, droughts also happen in nature. The normal watering schedule can be returned only when a flower stalk appears.

A plant can also be stressed by a slight temperature difference. To do this, the flower is placed at a temperature 4-6°C lower than usual throughout the night (in summer, moving the phalaenopsis to the balcony is perfect).

During the day flower pot it is necessary to return to the microclimate normal for the flower. This great way, which will certainly return the orchid to bloom.

Caring for flowering phalaenopsis consists primarily of providing adequate lighting. The flower will feel great if the daylight hours are at least 12 hours. It is very undesirable to move the flower pot during flowering..

The orchid is extremely sensitive to its position in relation to light, so it perceives even the slightest movement as stress. When phalaenopsis blooms, watering should be plentiful. In this case, the water needs to be warm, not lower than 35°C.

It is worth feeding periodically blooming orchid, because at this time she loses much more strength than usual. During this period, it is recommended to fertilize no more than once a week.

Video on the topic

In this video we will look at how to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom^


Proper care and optimally selected microclimate are the main conditions for the formation of a peduncle in phalaenopsis. And if it still doesn’t want to bloom, then simple, but correctly done, stimulation will very quickly eliminate this problem, and the orchid will delight the household with abundant flowering for many months.

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Fairytale orchids are among the perennials herbaceous plants. There are more than 30,000 varieties of orchids in nature. In its natural environment, this flower does not grow in the soil, but clings to trees.

Since the mid-18th century, orchids have filled greenhouses and botanical gardens. The flowers of this plant simply enchant with their beauty and diversity. Sometimes attempts to grow orchids at home end in complete fiasco, since only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. In order to find out the reason for the lack of flowers, first understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Tropical climates are the most suitable natural habitat for orchids. Therefore, if the plant’s conditions are very different from natural conditions, do not expect abundant and frequent flowering.

Among the most important reasons for the lack of flowers are the following:

Orchids are usually planted in small pots, in which the soil is quickly depleted. The plant must be fed periodically. Mineral feeding for orchids should contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen ensures the growth of green mass, and in order for the buds of the peduncle to form, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are needed. Before fertilizing the plant, you must first water the soil generously so as not to burn the orchid's roots. Prepare a low concentration aqueous solution of dry fertilizers. Excessive quantity nutrients is also very detrimental to the plant.

Not proper watering

The orchid has fairly wide leaves, from which all the moisture evaporates very quickly. During active growth The plant must be watered quite often, 2 – 3 times a week. In winter, the opposite is true - do not moisten the soil abundantly. The water used to water the orchid should be soft. It is advisable to use boiled or filtered water room temperature. Wet roots on which drops of condensation are visible do not need to be watered. Excessive moisture favors the formation of rot on the roots.

Violation temperature regime and lighting

Orchids are very sensitive to temperature changes. Temperature differences between day and night should not exceed 4°C. In summer optimal temperature air should fluctuate between 18 – 25°C, in winter – not lower than 15°C. Lighting is important for an orchid, but direct rays of the sun are also completely undesirable. Because they cause burns on the leaves.

Unsuitable substrate

The substrate for the orchid should provide the roots with a minimum of moisture and free air circulation. It is for this reason that orchids cannot be planted in ordinary black soil or garden soil. The pot in which the orchid is planted must be filled with a substrate that consists of moss, peat and coarse sand. It is best to buy at a flower shop already ready soil, especially for growing orchids.

Roots are the most important thing! Location of the root system in the pot

The orchid has very strong and strong roots, covered with spongy tissue. In the natural environment, these roots cling to tree trunks. A pot will help keep the plant upright. To ensure access to sunlight, the pot must be made of transparent material. The presence of holes at the bottom of the pot for water drainage is mandatory. It is desirable that there are such holes on the walls of the pot for air ventilation. The roots should be freely located in the pot; they can even stick out. The best pots for orchids are made from transparent plastic. This material allows you to see how the roots develop. If you want to replant the plant, then plastic pot can be easily cut and does not harm the roots during extraction.

How to stimulate orchid flowering - the most effective ways

In tropical environments, orchids live under the cover of dense foliage, so for orchids there is no such thing as a change of season. The most unpretentious type of orchid is phalaenopsis, which can bloom continuously for 11 months. However, achieving this result at home is not so easy.

Sudden changes in temperature

During the daytime, the orchid should be in warm room. At night, you can open a window or balcony if you want to lower the temperature to 16 – 18°C. In summer you can take the orchid into the garden. Being outside will speed up photosynthesis and promote the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which stimulates flowering.

Creating an arid desert environment

To create this dry climate, increase the time between waterings. IN summer time water the orchid once every 4 days, in winter once a week. The orchid roots must be dry. If you water the plant correctly lower leaves will be a little soft.

Hot shower

Before starting this procedure, fill the bathroom with steam by turning on hot water. Soak pots with orchids for 15 minutes warm water, temperatures around 35°C. During this time, the plant absorbs moisture through the roots and intensively releases moisture through the leaves. After a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.

Improved lighting

Different types of orchids require different light intensities. When a plant does not bloom for a long time, it may not be receiving enough light. Move the orchid pot to another more illuminated place or buy a special fluorescent lamp.

Pruning the peduncle

On each peduncle there are several buds that are in a dormant state. In order to stimulate flowering, cut the arrow to about 3 buds.


Lack of flowering can sometimes be due to soil depletion. This is always visible from the leaves of the plant. When the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or they are of a different shape, it means that the orchid needs to be transplanted into a new substrate.

There are orchids that produce a flower stalk only after reaching three years of age. The plant is mature enough and is ready to flower only when it already has 5–8 shoots. Flowering can only be stimulated in healthy orchids. To release a flower branch, wilted and diseased orchids must gain strength.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what next?

As a rule, from the moment the orchid shoots an arrow, about 2 months should pass until the first flowers open. During this period of time you must create comfortable conditions so that the buds that have not yet opened bloom.

You should place a small container of water near the orchid pot to ensure sufficient air humidification. If the house is very warm, it is advisable to spray the orchid with warm water. Watering the plant in the usual way, as the substrate dries.

In winter, the orchid needs additional lighting

To compensate for the lack of light, use a phytolamp. This lamp does not dry out the air and provides the plant with required amount bright light. Daylight hours in winter should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like to be frequently moved from place to place and reacts to these movements with slow growth. If you still want to rearrange the pot, place it with the same side facing the light as it was before.

Feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium until the first flower appears. These components have a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of flower buds. When the orchid blooms, there is no need for additional fertilizer.

Proper care of an orchid after flowering

The flowering period lasts from 5 to 12 months. Do not rush to immediately cut off the peduncle after the flowers have dried. First, make sure that the orchid is no longer blooming. Examine the arrow carefully to understand how to proceed further. If the tip of the peduncle is green, then additional buds may appear on it.

When the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry out, flowering is over. However, the orchid still continues to feed from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow must be cut after complete drying.

Usually the cut is made, leaving the 3 lower buds; the stump should be at least 2 cm. Sometimes, in the summer, a young shoot appears on a flower branch. With its help, the orchid can be propagated. Leave this shoot on the stem for about 6 months until it grows roots and 2 leaves.

Caring for the plant after flowering is almost no different from other periods. During the dormant period, you can reduce the amount of feeding to once a month. When the substrate dries out quickly after watering, and roots protrude from the holes in the bottom of the pot, it’s time to replant the orchid. The most suitable period for replanting is immediately after flowering.

Before transplanting, the orchid is watered generously and carefully removed from the pot. You can't unravel the roots. Blackened and dried shoots must be removed. The substrate can be pre-heated over a fire to kill pests. For drainage, you need to place a layer on the bottom of the pot. crushed granite. The orchid is placed in the new substrate at the same level as before. There is no need to water the orchid after replanting. You can only spray the plant.

The dormant period lasts about 3 to 6 months, after which new flower stalks will appear and the orchid will bloom again.

Don't be scared! Favorable conditions for orchid flowering are not at all difficult to create. The main thing is to surround the plant with care and love and then you will be able to admire beautiful exotic flowers throughout the year.

The blooming of an orchid is the most pleasant moment in the life of any gardener. When purchasing a blooming orchid, we usually hope for its subsequent flowering, however, this often does not happen - the orchid does not bloom, which causes our bewilderment. But the fact is that in a certain phase of development, orchids need to create certain conditions, as close as possible to natural...

Let's try to figure out what factors determine the frequency of orchid flowering and how to get them to bloom again at home.

Stimulation of orchid flowering

To release beautiful flower, the orchid needs a little stress. A sharp temperature change can speed up flowering. For example, keep the whim all night at a temperature of +18 degrees, and in the morning move it to a warm place. The impetus for flowering can also be reduced watering, which is a significant advantage for many orchids. And, if you do not limit watering in advance, you can get a new growing season instead of flowering. In abundantly watered orchids you can often find dried out flower buds, and sometimes the beginnings of flower stalks at the base of old bulbs.

Sometimes orchids that have not been replanted for several years vegetate all year round, develop bulbs of normal size and do not bloom, and then suddenly bloom under the same conditions. Most often, this is a consequence of the death of some of the old roots, which usually do not live in potted plants for more than 2-3 years. At some point, the suction surface of the root system, which works for the entire plant, decreases, which creates a moisture deficit, which initiates the activation of flower buds and the subsequent development of the peduncle. Such plants can develop flower stalks on shoots of different ages throughout the year.

To stimulate flowering in an orchid, you can use special preparations “Bud”, “Plumen”, “Ovary”. For beginners, we can recommend Phalaenopsis - with proper care, it blooms for a long time and is most suitable for keeping at home.

Reducing watering in the name of flowering...

The main mistake of the owner is excessive watering, which initiates the activation of vegetative buds too early, as a result of which the development of peduncles is blocked by new growths or flower buds are not formed (in orchids blooming from the top).

In the tropics (where most of the epiphytic orchids interesting for indoors come from) there is almost always a period of little or no precipitation following a period of rain. Conventionally, it is called a “dry” period, but this does not mean that orchids do not receive moisture at all. But its quantity is usually not enough for the active growth of vegetative shoots. The onset of the dry season forces orchids to go into a stage of forced dormancy for some time. It is clear that this does not happen instantly, and at the beginning of the “dry” period the growing season ends. The duration of the “dry” period can vary from one to several months.

Many oncidiums, miltonias, and hybrids based on them behave this way (almost everything in flower shops sold under the streamlined name "Cambria") and many other epiphytic orchids similar to them in biology and structure. In most cases, it is enough to reduce watering in the last third or quarter of the development period of young growth bulbs and flowering is practically guaranteed. Precisely in advance, and not at the end of the growing season, as is usually advised.

For different types may make a difference when to start cutting back on watering. There are orchids that react sharply to this and even slow down the growth of the bulb until the peduncle develops, and there are those that reduce watering should begin when the bulb reaches 1/3 of normal size. In addition, for flowering, the bulbs must be of normal size for a given type of orchid. A weakened plant with small bulbs usually does not bloom, although there are exceptions. Mature plants (having significant biomass) can Not favorable conditions give a peduncle from a small bulb.

Hybrid phalaenopsis, which are exposed to flowering conditions in autumn and spring, can bloom twice a year. Many hybrid vandas behave in a similar way, provided there is good lighting. This could have been noticed by those who, due to the July holiday, violated their watering schedule. Often the peduncle begins to develop as early as August. And on light windows with a southern orientation, temperature changes with reduced watering can initiate the flowering of vandas, but not blooming in autumn and in good shape even in spring.

For many hybrid Paphiopedilums (although they bloom from the apical bud), flowering is also achieved by simply reducing watering, without creating any significant temperature changes. For experienced lovers, they bloom even on northern windows. However, at the right moments in time, differences will not be superfluous. They are an additional stimulus for the formation of flower stalks.

Some difficulties are caused by orchids from mountainous areas, where there is often no dry period at all. In such places, the flowering of orchids may be poorly expressed (vegetative propagation predominates) or the flowering period is very short. An example is Miltoniopsis. In nature, they live in conditions ranging from 30-40 mm of precipitation per month all year round to 400-600 mm. The former bloom in nature as the young shoots ripen (almost all year), living mainly due to fog and dew, and the latter only 1-3 months a year, and even then not actively.

Should I prune my orchid after flowering?

The orchid has bloomed - what to do next. Further care after the orchid blooms will depend on how the peduncle behaves. The peduncle cannot be completely removed. It will be better for the orchid if the peduncle is cut off only after it is completely dry.

Phalaenopsis can bloom 2-3 times on one shoot. Under favorable conditions, “babies” may appear on the stems, so do not cut the flower stem, even though it looks unsightly without flowers. If necessary, you can cut it off by counting 2-3 dormant buds from below along the peduncle and retreating approximately 0.5 cm, just above the 3rd bud.

Beginners in floriculture often face this problem: after purchasing a lush beauty in a store, it safely fades on the windowsill for the prescribed three months and for the next few years it yearns alone, without releasing a peduncle.

There is a solution to the problem, but it will take some effort. Growth is influenced by a huge number of factors, starting with the plant variety, ending with the temperature in the room. Some always flowering species can without careful care please their owners with lush inflorescences all year round, while others need temperature changes that provoke growth.

As experts note, a healthy orchid blooms approximately 3 times a year, or even more. Next, we will tell you how to admire flowers all year round.


Age of onset

IMPORTANT! First of all, it is worth reducing the amount of nitrogen in fertilizers. It is this component that stops the growth of the peduncle. Preference is given to fertilizers that are rich in potassium and phosphorus. These elements promote bud growth and ensure the formation of new, healthy flowers.


To provide the orchid with sufficient moisture, experienced flower growers recommend placing a container of water next to the plant. When using this method, you can be sure that the plant will receive as much moisture as required.

Proper watering

You can determine whether a plant needs it with one simple rule: pay attention to the root shoots: if they are pale, this means that the plant needs moisture.

However, do not forget that excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system and possible death of the plant.

To grow a healthy, beautiful orchid, you should clearly understand all its needs.

What should I do to make the orchid bloom again?

No matter how strange it may sound in relation to an orchid, but, Having gotten used to comfortable conditions, the plant may stop blooming. However, do not panic, there are some tricks that can help your orchid grow well. Ways to make it bloom again include:

  • temporary reduction in water dosage;
  • moving the plant to a cool place.

A temporary decrease in temperature can stimulate flowering.

Important! We must not forget that too sudden changes can only cause harm, so the creation of such “shock” situations should be treated with extreme caution.

Popular varieties and types of orchids

- a popular variety among beginners, precisely because it pleases its lucky owners with year-round flowering. It is not difficult to achieve such a result; you just need to follow the most basic rules.

Cymbidium- enough unpretentious variety, on average blooms from March to September, but when proper care year-round flowering can be achieved.

Oncidium- a favorite of gardeners, since the flowering time can vary from April to August, and, therefore, if you follow the above tips, the flowering period can last a whole year.

Paphiopedilum- is just beginning to gain its popularity among orchid lovers as a constantly blooming plant. Its unpretentiousness and the possibility of flowering all year round attracts sophisticated experts like a magnet. The main flowering period occurs at the beginning of October and lasts until April.





The rest period - myth or reality?

A period of rest is a state during which orchid growth and activity decreases. This helps plants to easily survive winter cold, heat and drought, that is, the most uncomfortable periods.

Orchids have a dormant period determined by weather changes. Typically, after new shoots finish the growth stage, the plant begins a dormant period. At home, during the dormant period, it is recommended to reduce watering, lower the room temperature and be careful with fertilizers.

Nuances and questions from readers

The question often arises: what to do if varieties that bloom all year round need to be replanted?

Experts have highlighted Several basic rules, following which will help to replant an orchid without harming the flowering:

  1. You should start the replanting process with the following procedure: gently knock on the walls of the pot to easily remove the plant along with the substrate;
  2. Next step: separation of the substrate. It is recommended to place the roots of the plant in a container with water at room temperature, trim the rotted roots and lubricate the cut areas with brilliant green;
  3. Prepare a new substrate, then carefully move the plant to new pot and add the remaining substrate to the middle of the pot;
  4. As drainage experienced flower growers use bark or small pieces of brick. The soil should be loose.

IMPORTANT! After transplantation, watering the orchid is not recommended.

Following these simple rules will help you replant your orchid painlessly. Neglecting the advice of experts can lead to the death of the plant, so we must not forget that the orchid is a capricious lady that requires attention and care.

Useful videos

Video from in a simple way stimulation of re-blooming:

From this video you will learn what to do with an orchid after flowering:

This video will tell you how to convince an orchid to bloom magnificently and abundantly:

The following video will reveal the main reasons why an orchid does not bloom:

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In order for an orchid to bloom magnificently and for a long time (in the case of Phalaenopsis almost all year round), you need to know the basic secrets of care. First of all, she needs to create comfortable conditions, and then, if necessary, stimulate the orchid to bloom. As a rule, orchids are placed on the windowsill to provide the largest number Sveta. If there is a lack of light, it will be impossible to stimulate flowering; the Phalaenopsis orchid, for example, will only grow leaves and produce children.

Place the flower away from heating devices, which dry out the air or overheat those parts of the plant that are closer to them. The crown and roots should be in equal temperature conditions - from +18 to +25 degrees during flowering or active growth and from +12 to +16 degrees during the dormant period.

This beauty loves a lot fresh air, but drafts can cause buds to fall off. Refusal to flower, even if it has begun, will certainly be provoked by a sudden change of location; the plant must be prepared gradually for any changes.

For the rest period indoor flower You can put it in a place where there is no heating, the lighting is not as bright as in a permanent place. Correct location causes the necessary reactions of the plant organism - active growth or rest and accumulation of strength.

Regular watering

Diligent care involves decreasing hydration during the rest period and gradually increasing it when leaving it. With the resumption of watering after a period of dormancy, new buds begin to awaken and flower stalks begin to grow. But watering should be reasonable, not excessive. With an increase in the amount of light and an increase in air temperature, the need for moisture also increases. They usually water 2-3 times a week, but the exact watering regime can only be set by an attentive owner individually for each plant.

By the way, stimulation of flowering indoor orchids This is done only for adult plants that have already grown from 5 to 8 leaves, this is approximately 1.5–3 years old for different varieties. Excessive watering not only does not stimulate flowering - orchids do not bloom in their homeland during the rainy season, but can cause rotting of the roots, depriving them of the necessary air flow, compacting the substrate.

Optimal lighting

Tropical guests need a lot of sunlight to bloom; daylight hours should last more than 13 hours. For permanent place It is better to choose a south-eastern or south-western window sill. On the southern side, you will have to shade the plant during the midday hours, saving it from burns, and on the northern side, you will need to increase the light intensity and day length with the help of a lamp, and it can be directed specifically at the peduncle, not even at the entire plant. They will not bloom in the absence of light.

Light is a stimulating factor that can accelerate the development of flower buds. At good care It happens that an orchid feels great, but does not bloom. How to stimulate flowering? Move to the dark for 2–3 weeks damp place, and then put it back in its original place.

Air humidification

Orchids thrive at air humidity levels of at least 60%, and many varieties require even higher levels. You can humidify the air in your apartment using an electric humidifier. Usually the humidity is increased exactly where the flowers stand; for this they are often sprayed, washed, and the leaves are wiped.

For spraying, as for watering, you need to use clean, soft (settled, boiled or thawed) warm water. Its temperature should be a couple of degrees higher than the air temperature. Spray with a spray bottle with the smallest nozzle, directing the water not at the plant itself, but forming a cloud of small droplets above and around it. You can simply place a wide container of water next to the flowerpot for evaporation.

What can I do to make a drying orchid bloom? Resume regular watering, give it a bath, and do not forget about the required level of air humidity.

Root care

Caring for the roots of an orchid is very important; if this organ dies, the plant will not survive. The roots need to be provided with a flow of fresh air and proper watering. It is very convenient if the plant lives in a transparent pot, this allows you to monitor the condition of the roots. Healthy roots are quite thick and greenish in color. Gradually, the roots become more and more white, beginning to lack water. It is recommended to water when the roots turn completely white.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the color and condition of the roots. Brown color speaks of rotting or drying out. If watered incorrectly, the roots can be seriously damaged; they can be saved by replanting. Healthy plant replanted after 2 years before active growth begins. Flowering plant can be replanted only as a last resort.

The flower is watered abundantly, then removed from the pot, the roots are immersed in water, which will make it easier to free them from the remnants of the substrate. The roots are washed, carefully examined, dried, rotten, damaged parts are carefully cut off with a sharp, clean (disinfected) instrument, the cut areas are treated with crushed activated or charcoal. After this, place it on a mound of new substrate in a new pot, carefully cover it with substrate from all sides to the top of the pot. After transplantation, do not water for several days.

Proper soil and fertilizing

Care involves feeding, because orchids receive nutrition only from water and air. The substrate consists of large fractions of tree bark, sphagnum moss, coconut fibers, vermiculite, and pebbles. It is used to fix roots and retain moisture after watering. How to do it right? It's better to buy ready mixture in the store, like fertilizers. During the growing season, plants are fed every 2–3 weeks with solutions of special fertilizers. Growth requires more nitrogen, and flowering requires phosphorus and potassium.


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