Decorative shrubs for the garden. What types of shrubs are there, and how to create a miracle in your dacha using simple tips?

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Who doesn’t dream of a beautiful, well-kept garden where you can relax from the everyday hustle and bustle, chat with family or friends, relax and lie in a hammock, or just wander along the shady alleys on a hot, sunny day. But this is a troublesome task and requires not only some effort, but also knowledge, experience and great desire. Today we will talk about ornamental shrubs and flowering shrubs for the garden - constant companions of any garden. And also about what they are, how best to arrange them and about the basic rules of care.

Shrubs are divided into ornamental and fruit-bearing. As a rule, when good care they have a long life expectancy (20-40 years). That is, the plants will decorate the garden long years. The options for using bushes for a summer residence are varied: this is a background for compositions of plants, green hedges, planting in groups and a single arrangement. Shrubs make the garden cozy and familiar. They smooth out imperfections, cover unsightly places, create color accents and, most importantly, do not require constant care.

Selection and placement

The selection and composition of garden shrubs is not an easy task. It all depends on your desire. What kind of garden do you want to create: in Japanese, English, french style or a style close to nature? What to focus on - decorativeness and color contrasts, or do you need fruit bushes for garden? We will dwell on some points.

Our visual perception is designed in such a way that first we perceive color, and then shape. A natural garden does not have sharp color contrasts that would catch the eye. The main color is green. The motley color scheme looks very gentle against the background of greenery. Therefore, we use variegated varieties, of which there are now a great many. Plants with yellow foliage “illuminate” the garden during the day and create the illusion of sunlight in the evening. Red foliage is also good sunny weather, but in the evening it fades. Color makes it possible to expand or narrow a space. Yellow visually makes the space wider, while red, on the contrary, narrows it. So, when creating compositions, you can expand or lengthen them. If there are a lot of color accents, it can irritate rather than instill peace and tranquility. After all, any garden is, first of all, a place for relaxation. The texture of the crown, the shape and size of the leaves also matter. How to place ornamental shrubs in landscape design visible in the photo.

When creating compositions from ornamental shrubs and flowering bushes follow the basic rules:

  1. Don't buy a plant just because you like it. Find out how it will take root in a given climate zone and its frost resistance.
  2. Find out how the plant reacts to the “haircut” to give it the required form.
  3. In any garden, the dominant color is green; others create spots of color against the background of greenery.
  4. Consider lighting when planting variegated forms.
  5. Do not create sharp contrasts, play in halftones.
  6. Model your garden space by creating different combinations.

The place for the bush should be sunny. Shade-tolerant plants will be planted under the crowns of larger shrubs or trees. The soil is as fertile as possible, but you can add a significant amount of organic matter to the planting hole. So, what shrubs should I plant in my dacha?

Blooming forms

We invite you to familiarize yourself with information about what kinds of flowering shrubs there are for summer cottages in the Moscow region.


Very elegant and at the same time picky representatives of the Rosaceae family. There are spring-flowering and summer-flowering forms. With a combination of both, flowering in your garden will be constant. Characteristic fast growth and frost resistance. These beautiful shrubs are good in compositions.

Mock orange is amazing

Or garden jasmine. Characteristic for different representatives different shape flower, aroma, bush shape and flowering time. Variegated forms have also been developed. Another advantage: it tolerates cold and rarely suffers from pests and diseases. Good both in single plantings and in group plantings.


It has a lot of positive features: healing, edible, beautiful. There are also decorative species with bright scarlet, unusual foliage. There are evergreen forms of the plant. It all depends on your preferences. More often in gardens they grow viburnum, the fruits of which are medicinal raw materials. Undemanding and frost-resistant. It also grows in shaded areas and looks interesting in plantings with conifers. Viburnum has only one drawback: it is easily infected by pests.

Rose hip

Beautiful flowering shrubs for the garden. Its spring appearance depends on the species. Choose forms for hedges or for flowering. Terry forms are similar to roses. Does not get sick when transplanted or pruned, grows quickly. Over time, a rosehip fence becomes impenetrable. Grows in sun and shade. Good in combination with tree and shrub species. It does not require special care.


This is a shrub with yellow flowers. It blooms in early spring and looks fantastic at this time. Then the flowers fall and young foliage grows. Looks great in a single planting or surrounded by early flowering bulbs. This sun lover freezes in cold winters and is therefore not suitable for northern regions. In the middle zone it is thoroughly mulched, and the shoots are tilted towards the ground.


Previously, one variety of lilac was grown - common lilac. Now varieties have been developed - from lilac to purple. It is still one of the favorite flowering shrubs for the garden. It is advisable to plant it in a sunny area separately from other plants, leaving plenty of free space around. The plant is not demanding on environmental conditions.


Well suited for a shady, damp corner. Grows on acidic soils, but does not tolerate the windward side well. Characteristic long flowering. Elegant inflorescences look great when cut, you can create winter bouquets. Two types are frost-resistant: paniculate and large-leaved. They winter under the snow, wrapped in spruce branches. Pairs well with hostas and ferns.


Unpretentious to any conditions, it grows even in tubs on terraces and in winter gardens. It blooms profusely in the spring and has vibrant, colorful foliage in the fall. The fruits are used for processing (jammies and jellies) and for medicinal purposes. The sun is very important for flowering and fruit set. It is used both in hedges and in single plantings.


A relative of spirea, another ornamental flowering shrub for the garden. It grows quickly and is very unpretentious. The flowering period is up to three weeks. The carved foliage is very unusual, and in the fall it also acquires rich colors. Able to grow in the shade, tolerates drought well. The disadvantage is the rapid growth of root shoots, which easily invades neighboring areas. The plant successfully hides sheds, fences, and unattractive buildings due to its rapid and abundant growth.

Beautiful flowering shrubs for the Moscow region, photos and names can also be found on the Internet.

Decorative foliage forms

Flowering plants always attract admiration, but plants with variegated, red or yellow leaves are no less attractive. If autumn yellow leaves are familiar, then red ones evoke enthusiastic emotions. When the flowers fade, the void is filled with various shrubs with unusual, colorful foliage.

Ornamental shrubs for the garden include:


It has purple and burgundy leaves with edges. Shrubs different types have different leaf colors, which can be combined in compositions. A hedge made from this plant looks neat. And it coexists well with conifers (juniper, thuja, pine). There is a dwarf barberry, which is used for small compositions, for example, in a rocky garden.


It grows in regions with warm climates, but has already taken root in central Russia, and is an excellent ornamental plant for the garden. In spring it forms inflorescences - pink fluffy panicles, and in autumn the leaves turn purple, orange or burgundy (it all depends on the variety). First the veins turn red, and then the entire leaf becomes colored. Loves sunny, windless places. It grows well, so it needs space. Resistant to pests and diseases, but may require shelter in winter.

Derain white

Looks elegant all year round. A variegated plant that has a white border along the edge of the leaf. The bush looks elegant and light. It has a semicircular shape that needs to be maintained by removing old shoots. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant. But it loves fertile, well-moistened soils. It is also decorative in winter: red shoots are clearly visible against the background of snow.

Bladderwort viburnum

It is beautiful in spring, when its large foliage is painted in rich purple tones, and the inflorescences, collected in corymbs, are white and pink. Later the foliage becomes darker and slightly gloomy. Now new varieties are appearing in which the color of the leaves does not change. The plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious to the composition and moisture of the soil. It is good in layered plantings, as an ornamental shrub for the garden.

Black elderberry

Will take its rightful place on your personal plot. You can plant a bush with golden foliage, or you can choose a more elegant one - red with carved leaves. It is better to plant it in slight shade, under the crowns of other trees, since the leaves may fade in bright sun. As for the rest, it is very unpretentious. Grows on any soil and does not require special care. There is no need to cover it for the winter either: the plant is frost-resistant. The grapes ripen in August ripe berries(black or red), which makes the bush even more decorative. It can be planted separately, or it can be planted on the shore of a pond, as it loves humidity very much.

Of course, not all ornamental shrubs for the Moscow region are listed here - photos with names can be found in large quantities on the Internet. It all depends on your preference. But not all of them tolerate our climatic conditions. I would like to once again draw attention to the frost-resistant beautiful shrubs for the Moscow region, which were discussed above:

  • spirea;
  • mock orange;
  • viburnum;
  • rose hip;
  • lilac;
  • hawthorn;
  • derain;
  • vesicular carp;
  • elder .

Fruit forms

Fruit bushes are both ornamental and produce berries, which is why they are most often grown. Let's look at the most popular plants.


One of the most widespread and beloved crops. There are red, black and white varieties of this plant. Not afraid of frost, tolerates heat and drought. Grows up to 15 years. Loves the sun, but does not tolerate waterlogging and drafts.


No less popular culture. In another way it is also called “northern grapes”. Grows up to 24 years. Disadvantages: does not like waterlogging and frost. In winter it needs shelter.


It is demanding on the soil and is afraid of waterlogging and drafts. Garden bushes This plant is self-pollinating, so it should not be planted nearby different varieties. The bushes are growing quickly. The plant is demanding of moisture and soil and does not tolerate drafts.


Translated as “youth” and “life”. It grows slowly, but its life expectancy is 100 years. It does not freeze even in severe frosts and looks beautiful in any corner of the garden. Disadvantage: the berries of some varieties fall off when ripe, so you need to harvest on time.


A beautiful shrub up to 3 m high, which is good both during flowering and during berry picking. High-yielding, berries are harvested from early July to mid-August. The berries are healthy and medicinal.

Caring for many shrubs, although not particularly labor-intensive, requires a number of mandatory actions.

Watering should provide root system water. And evenly. To do this, the tree trunk holes are torn and filled with water, which is done repeatedly. After absorption, the hole is buried with earth. The irrigation area corresponds to the crown projection area. Young shrubs require more frequent watering. Loosening and mulching: important procedures. Loosening is shallow, it is better to do it after rain or watering. Mulching is carried out in the spring. Peat, vermicompost, and compost are used as mulch.

The consumption of nutrients depends on the age of the flowering or ornamental shrub. The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers should be done in the spring, the second - in the fall, during the leaf fall period, with potassium and complex fertilizers. Microelements are used as fertilizers, which are sprayed on plants in the morning or evening in calm weather.

One of the serious activities is pruning. This is the removal of dry and diseased branches, thinning the crown and its formation. In addition, shelter for the winter is important. Shrubs cover special materials(for example, roofing felt). Creeping forms covered with spruce branches. Flexible bushes bend towards the ground. They are opened after frost. It is important to check that the plants do not rot or rot.

Now you have an idea what fruit, flowering and ornamental shrubs will be good in your dacha. And the main decoration of your garden will always be garden shrubs. They will help you create amazing and unique compositions that will delight you from spring to autumn. You can see beautiful shrubs for the garden, photos and names in our article. Try, observe, plant and care - and your garden will shine with new colors.

For low borders you can use a low and dense variety boxwood(Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa) is a slow-growing evergreen shrub with very attractive shiny dark green leaves.

Boxwood is perfect not only for decorating a balcony in an oriental style, but also for ceremonial trimmed borders. Several varieties of boxwood have been developed, which differ not only in leaf shape, but also in the variegated color of the leaves.

Boxwood is shade-tolerant and drought-resistant, prefers fertile loose soils without stagnant water. For the winter, it is advisable to cover boxwood with agrospan to protect the leaves from winter and early spring sunburn.

Some varieties can be used for border plantings Euonymus Fortune(Euonymus fortunei) is a slow-growing, very low, creeping shrub up to half a meter high with long, up to 3 meters, shoots that easily take root in the internodes. These shoots are quite capable of clinging to support, if there is one. Fortune's euonymus has green, small, leathery leaves 2-5 centimeters in length.

This species, as well as its hybrid forms, for example, the variegated Fortune euonymus (Euonymus fortunei Variegatus) with white-green leaves and pink veins, which can also be used as a ground cover. And the ripening fruits will not only add decorative value to the bushes, but will also serve as food for birds.

Fortune's euonymus prefers hemifields, is quite drought-resistant, and tolerates pruning well.

Karagana(Caragana) has long been used as an ornamental plant. Maybe most of us know it as an acacia growing in forest belts and parks, but in fact it is a caragana. For example, types such as caragana prickly(Caragana pygmaea) and caragana orange(Caragana aurantiaca) are capable of creating even impenetrable thickets if they are not cut.

Orange caragana is a loose bush up to 1 meter high with numerous protruding shoots.

It grows well in urban conditions, tolerates drought well, and is not at all demanding on soil fertility. It needs to be trimmed constantly to get a continuous green border. The prickly caragana differs from the orange caragana only in its yellow flowers.

Very beautiful in a hedge snowberry(Symphoricarpos). Snowberry is a deciduous shrub up to 1-1.5 meters tall, especially beautiful in the fall, during long fruiting, when the branches bend under the weight of numerous white berries, truly reminiscent of small snowdrifts. Or maybe it’s called that because the berries on the bush last a long time, right up to the snow.

Snowberry grows very quickly, is completely unpretentious in care, prefers open sunny places, calcareous soils. Grows well in urban conditions with insufficient watering. It tolerates pruning and bush shaping well. Sometimes in harsh snowless winters it can freeze, but it recovers very quickly.

For a low hedge, you can use semi-evergreen honeysuckle glossy, or brilliant(Lonicera nitida) with many lodging shoots, abundantly dotted with shiny green oblong leaves.

Lustrous honeysuckle grows well on both sandy and clay soils, if measures are taken to increase fertility and the soil is made water- and breathable. It grows well in open, sunny places and in partial shade. Lustrous honeysuckle is heat-loving, so in our climate it loses its leaves in the winter and can freeze, so it requires shelter for the winter.

And honeysuckle(Lonicera pileata), distinguished from the first by its fragrant pale yellow flowers. It bears fruit, the fruits are medium-sized, about the size of a cherry, purple in color. Honeysuckle can grow in both sun and partial shade; In addition, it is more hardy than glossy honeysuckle, but in cold winters it still loses its leaves.

Almonds low, or steppe almond(Amygdalis nana = Amygdalis tenella = Prunus tenella) is a low, up to 1-1.5 meters tall, branched deciduous shrub, especially beautiful in early spring, when it blooms with very bright, attention-grabbing pink flowers that bloom along with the leaves. Almonds are unpretentious, so they can be successfully used to create permanent garden arrangements and flower beds.

Low almond prefers sunny places, tolerates drought easily, and can grow on poor sandy soils. On clay soils, almonds will have to be drained, since they absolutely cannot tolerate stagnation of water in the soil.

Suitable for low borders Dummer's cotoneaster(Cotoneaster dammeri), pressed cotoneaster(Cotoneaster adpressus), cotoneaster horizontal(Cotoneaster horizontalis). Dummer's cotoneaster is a groundcover evergreen shrub with long, easily rooted shoots and small, up to 4 centimeters, oval leaves. In autumn, the ripening red fruits add decorative value to the cotoneaster.

Cotoneaster is a deciduous ground cover plant. It has small, up to 1.5 centimeters, rounded leaves. Red fruits also ripen in September.

Cotoneasters are undemanding to soil fertility, can grow in open sunny places and in partial shade, do not tolerate severe waterlogging, but are very responsive to watering in dry times. During the winter, these types of cotoneasters need to be covered, as they freeze slightly.

Very decorative cinquefoil. Suitable for low hedges Dahurian cinquefoil(Potentella davutica) and shrubby cinquefoil(Potentella fruticosa).

Cinquefoil Dahuriana is a low deciduous shrub up to 1 meter high, blooming all summer with white flowers. Cinquefoil shrub - neat shrubs with a rounded shape, but slightly taller than the cinquefoil Daurian, blooms with yellow flowers, there are varietal forms with white, pink and red flowers. Potentillas are unpretentious in care and grow well in an open sunny area with minimal watering and fertilizing. They tolerate haircuts well and do not require shelter for the winter.

For dry areas with depleted soil for hedges, you can use this steppe plant, How gorse(Genista tinctoria) - a dense bush up to 1 meter high with thin shoots directed upward. The shoots are covered with narrow pale green leaves. Blooms with bright yellow flowers. The shrub is very unpretentious, although in snowless winters it can freeze, but quickly recovers.

Rose(Rose) - in no way inferior in beauty to rhododendon, rather, equal among equals, is a worthy representative of ornamental garden shrubs. For low borders, it is quite possible to use ground cover, miniature, patio, polyantha and even some low-growing varieties of floribunda roses. Whether neatly trimmed or growing freely, roses never leave anyone indifferent.

However, to ensure that roses are always in excellent condition, you need to work hard: roses are quite whimsical. They need nutritious soil, moderately moist. Roses need both thinning and sanitary pruning. All roses need to be covered for the winter.

For some reason currants(Ribes) and gooseberries(Grossularia) we are used to treating only as fruit bushes. However, it is worth looking at them from a different perspective. Any currant is decorative during the growing season: in spring, during flowering, and in summer, during fruiting, and even without fruit.

All currants and gooseberries are very similar, but for a low-growing hedge they are quite suitable alpine currant(Ribes alpinum) is a compact and fairly dense deciduous shrub up to 1.5 meters high, a dioecious plant, female specimens are suitable for fruiting. True, the berries of alpine currants are tasteless. Alpine currant is quite unpretentious, grows well in sunny areas, is undemanding to soil, but when fertilized, the bush is much denser, tolerates pruning well, and does not need shelter.

Chaenomeles japonica hedge is very decorative. Chaenomeles japonica(Chaenomeles japonica), or japonica- a dense deciduous shrub up to 1 meter tall. Chaenomeles is very beautiful during flowering, when it is covered with marvelous red flowers. When set, small round fruits with a pleasant lemon taste and smell are formed, from which jams and preserves are made.

However, Chaenomeles japonica requires protection from northern winds. It is light-loving and grows best in fertile, well-drained soils. In winter, the shoots may freeze slightly, but in the spring they quickly recover. In case of strong thickening, thinning is required.

From this list, it is quite possible to select plants that are ideal for your site, depending on the requirements for maintenance conditions, fertility, acidity and soil moisture.

There is absolutely no need to go against nature and plant mahonia or rhododendron on poor dry soils, or almonds, gorse or boxwood in wet wetlands. Only plants that are ideally suited to your conditions will grow quickly, become a real highlight of the garden, and most importantly, will not require much care.

Used literature: Konovalova T.Yu., Shevyreva N.A. Ornamental shrubs, 2004
Image source Leonora Enking (5), John Hickey, Ron Gay, Deborah Cowder,, Janette Dollamore, Tracey Stout, Jodi, Stefano, peganum, Josef Lex (mission accomplished!), Matt Lavin, Mountain Partnership at FAO, per.aasen, Cheryl Moorehead, Andreas Balzer, Dietmut Teijgeman-Hansen, flemertown, dangle earrings, Maja Dumat (2), Daniela Ionesco, Diddlecome Dawcock, Paul Simpson, Eirien, Yasuki Fujinuma, Ron Wolf, Nobuhiro Suhara (2), Steve Garvie, Jens Schmidt, David Trevan, Ben Rushbrooke, Jan Sølve Borlaug, Marcel, stanze, jacqueline (Jackie) ramsey, /, Wulf Forrester-Barker, Nacho, Mark Watts, gartenknorze, Helge Vindenes. Ruschi. Carl Lewis, Martha B. Moss, L"herbier en photos, Stephanie, jlcummins - Washington State, matt hirt, Andrew Caird, photopoésie, Betsy, tesselaarusa (2), -eney- (3), Marc Kummel, Sirpa Tähkämö, Dan Davis, Kirill Ignatyev, FarOutFlora, Rainer Fritz

Shrub up to 1.5 m high. The crown is dense, spherical or ovoid. The shoots are erect, reddish-gray. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, up to 8 cm long, dark green, light green below. Bright pink flowers, sitting on the shoots, appear simultaneously with the blossoming of the leaves in May. Abundant flowering...

Honeysuckle seaside Serotina

Liana up to 4 m high. Grows quickly. The leaves are ovate, up to 7 cm long, dense, leathery, dark green above, bluish below. The flowers are very showy, tubular, dark red on the outside, creamy white on the inside, collected in capitate inflorescences, very fragrant. It blooms in June - July, sometimes again in August...

Maple Ginnala (riverine)

A small tree or shrub up to 6 m high, with a spreading crown and thin shoots. The leaves are graceful, three-lobed, with an elongated middle lobe, 3-6 cm long, dark green, shiny, carmine-red in autumn, very elegant. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, creamy-white, fragrant, collected in panicles. Blooms...

Viburnum common Buldenezh

A large shrub up to 4 m high. Leaves are 3-5-lobed, up to 10 cm long, green, turning red in autumn. The flowers are flat, sterile, initially greenish, then snow-white, collected in large spherical inflorescences, up to 20 cm in diameter. It blooms very profusely in May - June for about 20 days. Fruit...

Purple willow Nana

A small shrub up to 1.5 m high and up to 2 m in diameter. The crown is wide-rounded, dense, with numerous thin brown-red shoots. The leaves are graceful, narrow, up to 3 cm long, bluish-green above, bluish below. The flowers are undecorative.

White dogwood Sibirika Variegata

A shrub up to 1.8 m high with a spreading crown up to 2 m wide. The shoots are thin, bright red, making the plants decorative throughout the season. The leaves are also very decorative, they are quite large, up to 12 cm long, ovate, dark green with a wide creamy-white border and with the same spots...

European euonymus

A shrub in central Russia reaches a height of up to 3 m and a width of up to 2 m. The crown is of medium density. The shoots are erect, green, with corky growths. The oblong-elliptic leaves are quite large, up to 12 cm long, dark green, and in the fall they acquire various shades from yellow to purple. ...

Willow wholeleaf Hakuro-Nishiki

It is a form of the original species with an unusual variegated leaf color. It grows in the form of a spreading bush of a hemispherical shape with flexible, gracefully thin shoots of olive or purple color. The young leaves of this plant have numerous small white and pink spots. Old leaves...

Common privet

Shrub up to 2.5 m high (in central Russia). The crown is dense and branched. The leaves are lanceolate, up to 7 cm long, leathery, dark green. The flowers are small, fragrant, creamy-white, collected in dense inflorescences and panicles up to 15 cm long. It blooms in mid-June for 20-25 days. The fruits are berry-shaped, spherical,...

Amur grapes

A powerful liana up to 30 m high. The leaves are large, up to 25 cm in diameter, heart-shaped, whole or 3-5 lobed, dark green, bloom quite late (in the second half of May), in the fall they turn carmine-red and purple tones. The flowers are small, yellowish, inconspicuous, with pleasant aroma, collected...


Shrub up to 2.5 m high and wide. The crown is spreading, dense, hemispherical with upright and drooping branches. The leaves are diamond-shaped, 3-5-lobed, up to 10 cm long, violet-red, retain color throughout the summer. The flowers are small, pale pink, look impressive against the background of dark foliage, ...


Low spreading thorny shrub up to 1 m tall. Quite different early flowering, sometimes even before the leaves bloom on the plant, the shoots are literally strewn with large red-brown flowers. The leaves are emerald green. Fragrant fruits appear already in the third year of life and fully ripen in the middle...

Euonymus Fortune (varieties)

Fortune's euonymus is a creeping shrub with long shoots, one of the few evergreen deciduous plants. Its dark green leathery shiny elliptical leaves are only 2-4 cm long, their edges are uneven, slightly curved. Fortune's euonymus has many decorative...

Blood red hawthorn (Siberian)

The Moscow region nursery of ornamental plants is pleased to offer to interested gardeners and landscape designers seedlings of Siberian hawthorn, which you can buy at a reasonable price and with delivery directly to the site. Hawthorn is an amazing shrub that reaches a height...

Hawthorn monopolyta

A shrub or tree 3-6 meters high, with a rounded-shape-shaped or wide-pyramidal, rather symmetrical crown. The shoots are bare, the old branches are brownish-gray. Spines are few in number, up to 1 cm long. The leaves are ovate or rhombic, inflorescences of 10-18 flowers. The fruits are spherical-ellipsoidal...

Budleya Davida (cultivar)

The Budleya plant was first introduced by natural spruce and part-time botanist Adam Budley. In the garden it can grow as you like, in the form of a shrub, a climbing vine, a bush, or a tall tree. David's buddle grows quickly: over the summer it grows up to 2-2.5 m, very abundantly...

The article presents the 10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer.
Also in the article you will find a description and care of flowering shrubs.

10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer

(lat.Philadelphus) - a plant that most people know as “jasmine” - is
one of the most common and winter-hardy flowering shrubs for central Russia.
Mock orange has an incredible number of varieties, differing different heights bush, flower size and leaf shade.

Of the more compact varieties, the “Pearl” variety should be highlighted: the maximum height of the bush is about one and a half meters, the flowers are large, double.
Bushes of the “Snowstorm” variety (“ blizzard") reach two meters in height, and the flowers are smaller, but numerous,
it seems as if the bush is covered with snow. “Blizzard” can bloom for up to twenty days.

Flowering time: June—July (depending on the variety). Height: 1.5-2 meters.
Care: regular removal of old shoots (over two years); after flowering, removing damaged ones,
shoots directed inwards; monthly feeding with humus or mineral fertilizer.


Lilac(lat.Syrínga) is an extremely common winter-hardy shrub in Russian gardens and without proper control and pruning it often grows to the size of trees.
To prevent this from happening and for the lilac to remain a profusely flowering and well-formed shrub, it requires regular pruning.
In early spring, when buds have appeared on the bush and future flowering branches are visible, identify a dozen strong shoots on the bush,
which will determine the shape of the bush, cut off all the rest.

In this case, it is better to shorten some external shoots to the border of the main branches.
Among the white-flowering varieties, the terry lilac variety "Alice Harding" is recommended,
from varieties with blue flowers The variety ‘Condorcet’ blooms most profusely and unpretentiously.

Of the classic purple varieties, the variety “Paul Thirion” (* “Paul Thirion”) blooms most luxuriantly.
All listed varieties are winter-hardy, flowering and decorative.

Flowering time: June. Height: 1.5-3 meters.
Care: after flowering, removal of damaged shoots directed inward; spring three-time feeding with solution bird droppings at intervals of three weeks.

(lat.Chaenomeles japonica) is conditionally winter-hardy: this means that a harsh winter can damage the plant.
Those shoots that are above the snow level may freeze, and the plant will not bloom magnificently.
The decorative effect of the shrub is given not only by its beautiful flowering, but also by its flexibility to be pruned.

Every spring, sanitary pruning is required: all dry, lifeless shoots are cut off, including those damaged by frost.
The shaped formation of a bush can begin at the age of five, mercilessly removing shoots creeping along the ground and vertical or going deep into the bush.

But in no case should you cut off the horizontal shoots that form the “cap” of the bush.

After removing all unnecessary shoots, the remaining ones will be filled with more energy.
Upon reaching ten years of age, the Japanese quince bush is rejuvenated: the bush must be thinned out, reducing the number of branches to the ten strongest.

Flowering time: May, early June. Height: up to 1 meter.
Care: For more luxuriant flowering, the soil at the roots is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and the root area is mulched.

(lat. Spiraea) is a very attractive, profusely flowering shrub, extremely low maintenance.
There are two main varieties of spirea - spring-blooming and summer-blooming.
Spring-blooming spireas usually have numerous white flowers, under the weight of which the bush takes on a cascading shape.
All spring-blooming spirea undergo shoot pruning after flowering.

In May it blooms. Thunberg, in June - p. Arguta and s. Van Gutta.
Summer-blooming spirea have pink flowers, and their flowering usually begins in July.
Of the relatively miniature spireas, it is recommended to pay attention to varieties with. Japanese "Golden Princess" and "Shirobana" - their height is no more than 70 cm.
S. blooms for the longest time (from July to October). Billard, but such a shrub reaches a height of up to two and a half meters.

Flowering time: May-October (depending on the variety).
Height: 0.5 - 2.5 meters.
Care: the plant does well without fertilizers, only pruning is required; Spring-blooming spireas are pruned only for sanitary purposes after flowering.
Summer-blooming spireas are pruned from below in early spring from the fifth year of life.

(lat. Buddleja) deserves special attention during its flowering time alone.
Winter-hardy shrubs blooming in autumn, not so much.
Although buddleia is heat-loving, it needs proper preparation for winter (hilling up, insulating roots, covering with spruce branches)
capable of surviving the average winter and pleasing to the eye next year with its flowering.

Flowering time: July—October. Height: 0.5 - 3 meters.
Care: sanitary pruning is necessary; reddened branches are removed; Curly haircut possible; for stimulation
growth - mineral fertilizers monthly; if the height of the bush has reached the desired level, it is enough to stop feeding; pay attention to preparing for winter.


Hydrangea(lat. Hydrangea) is more like a small tree, but it can also be formed into a shrub.
The easiest to care for and winter-hardy shrub is (Hydrangea arborescens), one of its popular varieties is “Annabelle”.
She also responds very positively to pruning.

In the fall, after flowering ends, all non-lignified branches and all thin shoots are cut off.

In the spring, with the beginning of spring work, fresh shoots are shortened to the outermost bud.
Other types of hydrangeas are no less popular - large-leaved, paniculate and petiolate.

Flowering time: Aug. Sept. Height: up to 2 meters.
Care: mandatory pruning; fertilizing with a special fertilizer for hydrangeas containing iron and magnesium.

(lat. Potentilla) is also known as " Kuril tea", this is a widespread plant.
All types of cinquefoil bush ( Potentilla fruticosa) are winter-hardy and not whimsical, so the choice depends entirely on color preferences.
Suitable varieties for yellow-orange flowering:

  • Dakota sunrise;
  • Goldfinger;
  • Goldstar;
  • Katherine Dykes.

Of the white-flowering cinquefoils, one can note the varieties " Beani" And " Abbotswood", from pink - " Pink beauty».

Flowering time: May-August (all summer). Height: up to 1.5 meters.
Care: ensure good drainage in the soil; spring feeding mineral fertilizers;
in spring, shoots are shortened by about one-third of their length; In summer, regular pruning of weak shoots and faded inflorescences.

(lat. Rhododendron) - one of the most popular winter-hardy flowering shrubs,
but at the same time one of the most complex and for rhododendron to decorate with its lush flowering garden as far away as possible,
it is necessary to follow the secrets of its cultivation.

Rhododendrons have three varieties: wintering (semi-evergreen) and deciduous (deciduous).
When choosing a shrub for a garden in central Russia, you should focus on deciduous forms.
The most winter-hardy varieties are:

  1. "Lemon Lights"
  2. "Mandarin Lights"

If you still take a chance and try to grow evergreen rhododendrons in the garden, then choose better hybrid“Mikkei” (‘Mikkeli’)
Finnish selection, which has proven itself well in Lately.
Growing conditions vary depending on the variety, but the correct position is guaranteed.
there will be light partial shade during the hot part of the day (for example, shade from trees or gazebos) and protection from the wind (for example, a fence or wall of a house).

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 3 meters.
Care: careful feeding after two years of age with slightly nitrogenous
fertilizers without calcium content; Organic acid can be added to the water for regular watering (1g/3l of water),
can be watered with rainwater heated in the sun; the ground around the bush must be mulched with peat and weeds must be removed manually;
removing dried inflorescences; It is better to cover it for the winter.

(lat.Calluna) is a low, creeping, winter-hardy shrub that usually blooms in late summer and early autumn.
The key to success in growing heather in the garden is the right soil.
Heather is a forest plant, which means it needs forest conditions: peat, sand, pine needles, sawdust.
Moreover, it is not enough to add a mixture of the above materials to regular garden soil,
The usual soil in the garden in the heather area must be completely replaced with one that suits it.
After replacing the soil, it must be moistened with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (100g/10l of water).
The most promising varieties are:

  1. "Allegro"
  2. "Mullion"
  3. "Alba Plena"

Flowering time: July—October. Height: half a meter.
Care: watering with oxidized water once a week; fertilizing in the spring with dry mineral fertilizers, scattering at the roots and mulching with bark.
Weeding out weeds as they appear.
Shrub pruning is carried out in early spring if it is necessary to give the future bush a special shape.
Although the heather itself spreads very decoratively; shelter for the winter with spruce paws.

Rose wrinkled (winter-hardy)

(lat.Rosa rugosa) is a wild winter-hardy flowering shrub, better known as “rose hips”.
This rose is unpretentious to soils, but prefers sunny places.
The two oldest varieties are popular:

  • snow-white terry "White Grootendorst"
  • burgundy-raspberry “Grootendorst Supreme”.

There are also hybrid varieties: yellow rose varieties:

  1. "Agnes"
  2. "Hansa" purple
  3. "Abelzieds" delicate pink flowers.

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 2.5m.
Care: a young plant needs to be watered once a week, and after three years of age, watering is necessary only during the driest periods.
Feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers is extremely rare, no more than once a year in early autumn and only after two years of age.

To maintain decorativeness and abundant flowering, regular pruning is necessary from the third year after planting.

It is necessary to remove all weak branches, and pinch the tops of the remaining shoots to create a lushabout the bush; does not need shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs.Video

10 shade-loving flowering shrubs for the garden

A shady corner of the garden looks sad, overgrown with plants withering without sun.
But sometimes it’s where you want to put a sun lounger and hide from the scorching sun rays.
These shade-tolerant flowering and winter-hardy shrubs will help you easily solve the problem:

Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub that does not like bright sun.
It blooms in May, the abundance of flowers is impressive. Quite demanding in care.

Privet is a beautiful, deciduous shrub.
Blooms in mid-summer.
The flower raceme is paniculate, white, with a rich aroma. Good haircut.
In the first years it grows very quickly.
Grows on any type of soil.
Requires shelter in winter with insufficient snow cover.

Barberry Thunberg is a very ornamental shrub, thanks to its leaves,
which change color throughout the summer.
In late autumn, the red-violet leaves fall.
Thorns grow on the trunk and branches.

Euonymus is a shrub with a beautiful openwork crown.
Blooms in spring, flowers are not impressive.
In September, the leaves change color, and in almost a week the bush blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.
Each leaf is painted in several colors.
And even after the leaves fall, until the very frost, euonymus delights the eye with the colorful fruits that look like earrings.

Doren is a completely unpretentious and beautiful shrub, thanks to its foliage,
whitish-gray in summer, and dark purple in autumn, and red branches.
Very frost-resistant. There are species that do not shed their leaves.

Cotoneaster is a strongly branching shrub with original foliage.
The leaves turn red in autumn.
In August, the bush is strewn with many bright red or black fruits.
Loves shade very much.

Mahonia holly is an evergreen shrub with glossy, leathery, dark green leaves.
In spring it blooms with yellow flowers. By autumn the leaves turn bronze.
Grows up to 1 meter. Tolerates frosts well.

Rhododendron is one of the most beautiful deciduous flowering and winter-hardy shrubs. Low, about 60 cm.
Flowering begins in spring, along with the appearance of leaves.
Fragrant white star-shaped flowers with a barely noticeable pink tint are collected in brushes.
Beautiful green leaves turn sunny yellow in autumn. Not afraid of frost.

- an unpretentious winter-hardy shrub with thin graceful branches. Blooms all summer.
Looks spectacular in the fall, strewn with large berries, most often white or pinkish in color.

Mock orange—more often called garden jasmine for its white, fragrant flowers incredible aroma.
Most varieties and hybrids of shrubs are winter-hardy and unpretentious to the soil.
The flowers of the bush have a very pleasant aroma.

By choosing shade-loving flowering shrubs, you can easily transform a shaded area of ​​the garden into a comfortable relaxation area.

Shade-tolerant trees and flowering shrubs

Decorative shrubs for summer cottage are an integral requirement of garden design. This type of vegetation allows you to decorate any garden area. In addition, they reduce the movement of through air in certain areas.

In the process of choosing a particular crop, it is important to take into account its physiological characteristics and growth rate. Here it is necessary to correctly combine ornamental crops according to their flowering time. As a result, it is possible to create a continuously blooming landscape that will delight its owners for a long time.

How to properly combine shrubs with each other in a summer cottage?

Before you start planting ornamental vegetation, you need to take into account its climatic requirements. For example, some types of shrubs prefer shady areas, while others require constant sunlight. In addition, when choosing a tree crop variety, it is important to take into account its size and the diameter of the crown of an adult plant. For small areas, it is best to select miniature varieties of shrubs.

Large and spreading types will take up too much available space. Varieties of Cossack juniper or ground cover types of crops are suitable for this.

Different types are used for a seasonal flower garden. ornamental crops. They bloom and grow actively throughout the year. Frost-resistant species of shrubs will delight you with their appearance throughout the frosty autumn. They have a bright color that will stand out among the gray mass of plants.

To create a hedge, it is recommended to select low-growing plants with a lush crown. They lend themselves well to cutting and shaping. For example, columnar thujas are considered an ideal option. In progress active growth they form a dense green wall that will provide privacy from prying eyes.

As for joint plantings, it is better to choose Weigela, Spiraea, Budleya or oleander. These types of vegetation go well together. Liana-like types of shrubs are suitable for arched architecture. For example, wild grapes grow quickly over iron or wooden frame. This species tolerates drought and early frosts well.

Shrubs with deciduous crowns will help decorate the fence. For example, weaving types of roses, in addition to their decorative functions, are considered excellent protection from nosy neighbors. Right choice and the combination of species is considered the main and essential requirement of beautiful landscape design.

Flowering shrub species

A flowering shrub on a personal plot can decorate any landscape space. As a rule, these varieties of woody vegetation bloom in early spring or late autumn. We present to your attention popular garden crops.


This type of vegetation is distinguished by its appearance both during flowering and at the end of the growing season. The foliage has a bright green tint. Along the borders of the leaf there is a small border of a light shade.

The Nana Purpea variety is distinguished by its burgundy leaves, which are decorated with many crimson-colored flowers. The photo of a shrub for a summer residence shows this type of ornamental crop.


This variety is distinguished by its ease of care. The shrub can bloom profusely both in summer and early spring.

The Vagnutta and Pink Ice varieties are distinguished by their decorative foliage. They fit perfectly together. During the flowering process, its branches are abundantly strewn with white or pink tassels.


This type of shrub is distinguished by its enchanting aroma and abundant flowering. Surely everyone has noticed this beautiful bush and its fragrant smell, beautiful flowers, which are scattered along the entire length of the tree crop. Several are known in nature hybrid varieties. They are distinguished by their miniature size and compact crown.


This species belongs to the fruit bushes. At the end of abundant flowering, decorative brushes of a green hue are formed at the ends of the branches. The berries begin to ripen in mid-October. They become soft and sweetish in taste.

The shrub tolerates drought and severe frosts well. The plant tolerates shady areas well. For example, Viburnum Viburnum feels great in the open sun, and Viburnum Bulldonezh prefers both shady and sunny areas.

Photos of bushes for a summer residence


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