Money tree has a silvery coating on the leaves. How to save a money tree

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Not many people know the houseplant called Crassula, but everyone probably knows what the Money Tree or Crassula looks like. And although its historical homeland is Africa, this flower takes pride of place in the homes of many gardeners. So - this is the same plant, loved by everyone for the unusual beauty of the crown, unpretentious character and its ability to cleanse the room of negative energy and attract wealth and prosperity into the home. In this article you will find useful tips for caring for the Money Tree (Crassula) at home, including during flowering or the dormant period.

Note that only a healthy and well-groomed Money Tree has this property. There is a belief that a diseased plant has exactly the opposite effect on its owner. He may experience failure in financial matters and loss of money. To prevent this from happening to you, try to ensure that the Fat woman living in your apartment is always well-groomed, beautiful and healthy.

The money tree is believed to promote financial well-being

However, even with good care The money tree will begin to wither and may even die if long time is in a negative atmosphere of scandals between family members if its owner or mistress is constantly stressed or seriously ill. Remember this and if you want Crassula to live in your home for many years, try to avoid conflict situations and don't get sick.

Useful properties of Crasula

Everyone knows that the Money Tree has positive energy. In addition, it also has healing qualities and is a filter plant. Its leaves release phytoncides into the air, which have pronounced antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, thereby disinfecting the air in the room.

Crassula leaves contain arsenic; eating them is strictly prohibited.

But externally, Money Tree sap is used to treat many diseases:

  • For sore throat and gum inflammation - in the form of rinses. To rinse, take juice from several leaves and dilute it 5 times with warm water. Rinse your mouth and throat with this solution up to 5 times a day.
  • For insect bites, herpes, abscesses, bruises, cuts - in the form of lotions. For lotions, take a few leaves and crush them into a paste in a mortar. Apply a sterile bandage soaked in this paste to the sore spot. If necessary, you can make a bandage and keep it on the wound for up to 4 hours. Particularly effective for muscle sprains and bruises. Herpes is treated with Crassula juice - every 30 minutes. lubricate your lips with it.
  • For joint diseases, arthritis, arthrosis - in the form of rubbing the juice of the plant before bed.
  • For calluses – peel the film from the leaf and attach it to the callus with a band-aid overnight.

We remind you that you can only use Money Tree juice externally. The lack of regular flowering in an indoor flower makes it practically hypoallergenic. Very rarely, allergies may appear in the form of redness, itching, tearing or rash. In this case, this medicine should be abandoned. Pregnant women, children and nursing mothers should not take risks.

Caring for the Money Tree at home

Read our article to choose a flower to your liking. Here we will tell you about how to care for Crassula so that it pleases you for many years.

Location and lighting

Intense lighting is the key active growth, health and beauty of your pet. The place for the pot must be chosen on a spacious windowsill facing south, southeast or southwest directions or close to them. Almost all types of tree-like Crassula, namely Crassula, respond well to sunlight. The color of their leaves directly depends on the intensity of lighting.

Only in varieties with purely green leaf color from the midday sun can the surface of the leaves become dark brown, and its edges acquire a reddish edging. To prevent this from happening, shade such a flower from direct sun rays in the middle of the day with a curtain or blinds. Other types of Money Tree are not afraid of direct sunlight.

With a lack of lighting, variegated and flowering varieties may lose the bright color of their leaves and not bloom. To ensure uniform formation of the flower crown, it is necessary to periodically turn it to the light source in different directions. In the summer, it is advisable to take all Crassulas out into the open air. Choose a place that is well lit but protected from the wind - there they will grow well, and some will bloom.

If you have only north-facing windows in your apartment, you can’t do without the help of a phytolamp or lamp daylight. Without them through a short time the plant will lose its decorative effect - the shoots will begin to stretch towards the light, the leaves will thin out, fade and fall off.

Temperature of keeping Money tree

The money tree feels good at normal room temperature within 22 - 28 degrees. IN summer period it can be taken out to the balcony, veranda, or garden. If you don’t have this opportunity, move the pot from the windowsill to the floor - it’s a little cooler there. Changing the temperature during the day only benefits the flower.

How to care for the Money Tree during dormancy

In winter, Crassula prefers to rest. From the end of November to February she needs to provide more low temperature: 14 – 16 gr. Move the pot away from heating devices, put it at balcony door, ventilate the room more often (not forgetting that drafts can destroy the plant). Water once a month, do not feed. If you have a heated loggia, Crassula can winter on it at a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees. At high temperatures during winter dormancy, the plant may lose its leaves and lose its decorative appearance. Experts say that Crassula can withstand temperatures dropping to 0 degrees. But we do not advise you to do this. But try to provide three months of cool conditions.

We remind you that the plant does not tolerate drafts.


It is important to know how to water a money tree at home. Crassula reacts strongly to the presence of excess moisture in the soil. We can say that the flower needs little moisture. Never overwater succulents. Their root system is prone to rotting, the leaves will immediately begin to fall, and the lush crown will turn into a bald stem. Therefore, before you start watering, make sure that the pot has drainage holes. If there are no holes in the bottom of your pot, you will have to make them - drill them with a drill or burn them with a hot awl. Now you can water.

In summer, the Money Tree is watered generously once every 2 to 3 weeks. Young specimens are watered more often, especially in hot weather, every week. During this time, the substrate should dry out at least 2 - 3 cm deep into the pot.

If you have mature plant, you can easily go on vacation without worrying about watering it. The thick, succulent leaves of the Money Tree retain moisture, and the plant can wait a month for your arrival without losing a single leaf.

In the fall, water Crassula every 3 to 4 weeks. remember, that upper layer The substrate dries out very quickly, especially on a sunny windowsill through glass, but this is a deceptive point. Check a little deeper - most likely the soil around the roots is still damp. Make the next watering when the substrate dries 4 cm deep into the pot.

If the soil does not dry out for a long time between waterings, it means that it was chosen incorrectly or the pot is too large and the problem lies there. Excess moisture After watering, the pan must be drained.

In winter, if the Crassula is in a cool room on vacation (from November to February), watering is reduced to a minimum. Just make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely. The leaves serve as a signal for watering - they become soft.

Water for irrigation should be used, settled, filtered or boiled, at room temperature or a couple of degrees higher.


Indoor humidity does not play a big role in the life of the Money Tree. This plant is a succulent. Its stems and leaves accumulate moisture and consume it during unfavorable dry periods, for example during heating season. Provided the room is regularly ventilated, it feels great in a city apartment. If for some reason the Crassula finds itself in a humid microclimate, then watering is reduced to a minimum. And this flower does not need spraying, because this can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves and even to their rotting.

At the same time, to maintain the cleanliness and elasticity of the leaves, they should be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth. Clean leaves are better saturated with oxygen. As long as the dimensions of the flower allow, you can periodically wash the leaves with a warm shower in the bathroom. Just make sure that water does not get on the substrate; it is better to cover the pot with film.

The soil

What kind of soil is needed for a Money Tree? The soil should not be so much nutritious as it should be loose, moist and breathable. A special soil for succulent plants, which can be purchased at flower shops, is suitable. It is also possible to cook it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part of leaf soil, 3 parts of turf soil, 1 part of humus, 1 part of coarse river sand, 1 tsp fine gravel or agroperlite. You can add a little ash. Feng Shui lovers can put two to three coins of different denominations to attract wealth. Add pieces of charcoal or activated carbon to the bottom of the pot along with the drainage to prevent fungal infections.


The root system of the flower is fibrous, rather weak, and superficial. Therefore, the pot for the Money Tree must be selected according to the width of the roots. In addition, it should be shallow and heavy, preferably clay, so that the growing tree does not topple it. In such a pot, the roots will develop well, delivering moisture and nutrients to the stems and leaves.

Young, fast-growing Crassulas will need to change the pot after a year - to a more spacious pot. Adult specimens require transplantation less often - once every 2-3 years. In adulthood, the Money Tree has a lush crown and a tall, strong trunk. The risk of the pot tipping over increases. During the next plant transplant, we recommend installing a support in the pot and tying the flower to it.

Pay special attention to the drainage layer. Crassula is a very sensitive plant to excess moisture, so a good drainage layer in the pot is essential. Any non-rotting material can be used as drainage - expanded clay, stone, pebbles, cork. Before use, disinfect them.

Top dressing

The money tree needs feeding only during the active growth of stems and leaves - from late spring to mid-August. Three baits are enough during this time. Preference should be given to fertilizers for cacti or succulents. To avoid damage to the root system, fertilizing should be applied in liquid form some time after the main watering.

If the flower was transplanted into a new substrate in the spring, you should not feed it this season. In winter, the plant is also not fed.


The best time to transplant Crassulas is considered to be autumn or the end of March - April. Young trees are replanted annually, adults - after two to three years.

So how do you replant a Money Tree? If the time has come, remove the flower from the old pot. Inspect its root system. Cut off broken, rotten or too long roots with a sterile instrument. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated carbon. Leave the tree in the air for several hours - let the wounds dry out and heal. Only then start planting in a new pot.

If you do not find any visible damage to the root system, do not disturb earthen lump, but simply transfer the plant along with the soil into a new pot, which already has a drainage layer and some fresh substrate. Fill all the roots with fresh soil so that there are no voids left in the pot. Do not bury the root collar. Lightly compact the substrate and water.

When buying a plant in a store, do not rush to immediately transplant it into a new pot when you arrive home. Let him live with you for a couple of weeks in a shipping container, in a warm, well-lit place. Let him adapt to new conditions. At this time, exclude any negative impact on the tree, surround it with attention and love. Remember that it is very important for a young Money Tree to feel positive energy premises. Only after this can the transplantation begin.

If there is a need to replant an adult large plant that has a thick trunk and a heavy crown, prepare for it a wider ceramic pot, at the bottom of which place two or three stones to make the pot heavier, make it more stable and prevent the flower from falling. Use the transplant to install a support in the pot and tie the stem to it. After replanting, while the root system is fixed in the new pot, cover the trunk of the tree on top of the substrate with large stones to prevent the Crassula from falling on its side. Place the flower in partial shade for a week and do not disturb it, let the roots become fixed in the substrate. Then the stones need to be removed.

How to form the crown of Crassula

If the flower has already reached the size you need and you do not want the Money Tree to continue growing, stop replanting it in a larger pot. Just change the top layer of substrate in the old pot every year.

The crown of the Crassula itself forms in the form of a tree. But you need to know how to prune a Money Tree at home, because some side branches will grow so large that they will break under their own weight. The end result will be a tree of a completely unsightly shape. If you start pruning a young plant in a timely manner, you can form a neat and beautiful mini-tree of its original appearance.

Start forming a Money Tree in infancy, when the stem and shoots are gray-green in color, and cuts do not leave marks on them. When pruning an adult tree, stumps remain in the pinched areas, which damage decorative look flower.

The essence of crown formation comes down to first removing the lateral shoots until the tree grows to the desired height: the bare stem should be about 15 cm, and the entire plant 25 - 30 cm in height. Now you need to pinch off or cut off the crown with the two upper leaves. After some time, four leaves will appear in their place. Continue doing so. As your tree grows, pinch out the top bud of the shoot in the places where you want new shoots.

Try to have no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch of the Money Tree. If you missed the moment and 6–7 pairs of leaves have formed on the branch, pruning above the growth point of the fourth pair of leaves will help. Sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal or cinnamon powder. To avoid branches bending to one side, turn the flower to the light with different sides more often.

The money tree belongs to the tree form of Crassula, grows in the form of a tree and gradually sheds its leaves at the bottom of the woody trunk.

This is what your tree should look like: the stem is thick, gray-green. Over time, it becomes lignified from below. On top it is decorated with a neat crown of thick leaves of dark green or silver color, with a glossy surface, with a reddish edging or spots of the same tone. The height of the flower can be whatever you want - from 50 cm to one and a half meters.

The Money Tree can also be given the appearance of a bonsai. This will take some time, perhaps more than one year. First, you should grow a strong tree whose trunk reaches the thickness you need. Then you will cut it off radically and wait patiently for new branches to grow. You will cut off almost all the leaves of these branches - leaving only those at the very ends. So, gradually, you will form the desired crown of your pet, and the Money Tree will be the main decoration of your interior.


Crassula (Money tree) rarely blooms at home and only in adulthood (about 10 years). With a high degree of probability, Crassula will bloom only under ideal conditions: intense lighting all year round, long cold wintering and regular replanting of the plant in new soil. If a miracle happens, then in the spring you will be able to see the Money Tree bloom. Flowering will continue for two to three months.

This is how the money tree blooms

Numerous flowers, collected in loose inflorescences in the form of umbrellas, will appear at the ends of young mature shoots (therefore, pinching and pruning in order to form a crown must be done in early spring so that after pruning these shoots appear, so that they grow over the summer and ripen until autumn, when the laying of flower buds begins for flowering on next year). The Money Tree's flowers are very small, star-shaped, white with a pinkish or greenish tint.

The flowering tree will emit a strong sweet aroma throughout the flowering period. Faded inflorescences should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on producing and growing seeds. Try to properly care for your beautiful Crassula, and we hope that it will delight you with beautiful blooms.

Money Tree Reproduction

Propagation by cuttings and leaves

Crassula is most often propagated using cuttings. Even an accidentally broken twig can serve you as a planting material. We recommend that if propagation is necessary, do not break the branches, but carefully cut the stem or leaf cuttings with a clean knife. Powder the cut area with crushed activated carbon to prevent infection. Give the wound time to air dry. Crassula has poisonous leaves, so place the cutting in a place where animals and children cannot reach it.

Then, place the cutting for rooting in a slightly damp substrate to a depth of 5 cm. If you are rooting a leaf, the depth of its immersion in the substrate should be 1 cm. It is better to carry out this operation in the spring, in March - April. It would be good if you set up a mini greenhouse for the seedlings. Use a mixture of peat and sand as a substrate. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated and the soil moistened with a fine spray bottle if necessary. Maintain the rooting temperature within 18 – 22 degrees. Usually, rooting of cuttings occurs quickly and without problems. How to plant a Money Tree shoot? As soon as you see that your young tree has begun to grow and develop and has reached 10 cm, transplant it into a pot of suitable size, place it in a well-lit place in partial shade and care for it as you would an adult plant.

Very often, cuttings are rooted in a glass of warm, settled water. To prevent the stem from rotting, add an activated carbon tablet to the water. And to make roots appear faster, a solution of a root formation stimulator, for example Kornevin or Zircon, is dripped in there. After stable roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into its own pot.

Propagation using seeds

Another way to propagate the Money Tree is through seeds. This method is less common and less effective. If you decide to get your copy of Crassula this way, we will help you. Prepare a substrate for succulens, a container, and seeds. Place a layer of moist soil at the bottom of the container, place the Crasula seeds on it, and cover the lid. If necessary, ventilate and moisten the substrate using a fine spray bottle with warm water. Best time sowing seeds - February. In two weeks, wait for the first shoots to appear. After sprouts appear en masse, move the greenhouse to a bright, warm place and provide additional lighting so that they do not stretch out. Start opening the lid of the container, first for a while, and then remove it completely. As soon as the sprouts become stronger, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. In the first year, the plant is not given a period of rest - let it grow and gain strength.

Money Tree Diseases

Crassula rarely gets sick. She has a pretty strong immune system. However, if you seriously neglect the rules of keeping her indoors, she will get sick. Let's consider some such cases.

  • If brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, if the leaves begin to rot, these are signs fungal disease. The reason is excessive humidity of the air and substrate. For the same reason, the Money Tree may experience leaf fall and become bald in a short time. Treat the affected plant with a fungicide containing copper. Adjust the frequency of watering and the quality of water used.

  • Why do the Money Tree leaves fall? Sudden shedding of leaves in the summer indicates that you are not watering the plant enough or are watering it with too cold water. If Crassula sheds its leaves every two to three years for no apparent reason, this is the norm.

  • If the leaves of the flower are covered with black spots, pay attention to the location of the pot. If it is standing in the sun, the plant is probably sunburned. Move it to another place or shade it. If the Crassula spent the rest period in dark place, then in the spring to sunlight she needs to be taught again, gradually.
  • If the Money Tree begins to dry out and wither, this is a sign of suffocation. The plant is hot. Take it out on Fresh air or ventilate the room, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, spray the surrounding air with cool water.
  • Why doesn't the money tree grow? It may need to be transplanted into a larger pot. Perhaps you haven't fed the plant for a long time. Perhaps there are insect pests in the roots. Perhaps the roots simply rotted from frequent and abundant watering. Either way, replant the Money Tree in a new pot and new substrate. If you find pests, pre-treat the roots with some insecticide: actara, fitoverm, actellik. If there are no living roots, the plant cannot be saved. Try rooting its shoots or leaves.
  • If brown spots form on the leaves, these are most likely dry, healed wounds from insect pests. Cosmetic defect, but nothing dangerous.
  • Excess moisture may cause the plant trunk to darken. Stop watering for a while. After a couple of weeks, the substrate and the roots in it will dry out well, and the Crassula can recover. If the flower still disappears, take it out of the pot and inspect the roots. If they are all black and soft, the flower cannot be saved. Cut off the top and try to root it. If only part of the roots is affected, remove them and all rotten parts of the plant. Treat with fungicide or crushed coal. Plant in a new container with new substrate. And watch the watering schedule.
  • The roots may partially die off if there is no watering for a long time during the hot season (for example, the owners were on vacation). When watering is resumed, the plant will almost certainly grow new roots, if root rot has not occurred.
  • If the leaves of the Money tree become soft and lose turgor, then this looks like insufficient watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Rather, water the plant with warm, settled water. After watering, if necessary, fertilize with fertilizer for cacti or succulents.
  • If you water regularly, the substrate is constantly wet, and the leaves wither and turn yellow, then the problem is in the root system of the flower. Most likely, the roots have begun to rot. This can happen for several reasons:
  1. from excess moisture in the soil;
  2. from an incorrectly selected substrate;
  3. from watering with cold tap water;
  4. from a plant's pot being too large.
  • If the Flower begins to stretch out or fall over on one side, it means that it does not have enough lighting. If left untreated, over time the plant's stem will bend and it may break and die.
  • If the Crassula trunk begins to thin, lower leaves fall off - check the temperature conditions of the flower, the presence of drafts and the frequency of watering. In addition, fresh air in the room is extremely important for the plant - do not forget to ventilate regularly. In the warm season, take the plant outdoors. And never water the plant with cold tap water.

If you notice in time that Crassula is not healthy, try to cure it. Remove the flower from the pot. Free the roots from the substrate. If necessary, rinse them under water. Inspect the roots. Cut off rotten areas with a clean tool. Treat the wounds with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon powder. If the damage is severe, treat with a suitable fungicide. Keep the treated plant in the air for some time - let the wounds heal. Then plant the flower in a new pot suitable for the size of the root system in new soil for succulents. Adjust the frequency of watering. Use only settled or boiled water. We hope that you will be able to save your Money Tree.


In any case, the appearance of insects is a very alarming signal. They multiply quickly, form huge colonies, and suck juices from leaves and stems. We recommend using special preparations - insecticides, such as Aktara, Actellik, Fitoverm and others, of which there are a huge variety in special stores. Read the recommendations for using each drug. Perhaps one time will not be enough to get rid of all individuals, their larvae and eggs.


In this article we told you how to grow a Money Tree beautiful and healthy. If you master the simple rules of caring for the Crassula - you will water it on time, feed it, bathe it, do its hair (trimming), change its outfits (pots) and take it out into nature, the flower will give you all its best decorative and healing qualities, become a healer and decoration of your home, a talisman of its well-being and financial condition for many years. In some families, Money Trees bring joy to more than one generation of household members.

There is a strong belief that The fat woman is sensitive to the family microclimate, the financial condition and mental attitude of the person who raised her.

In contrast to this opinion flower lovers claim that there are few such unpretentious indoor plants as Crassula.

She puts up with many mistakes of inept flower growers, cheerfully turning green with its bright elastic leaves. However, even when growing money tree(fat women) sometimes have to face problems and illnesses.

Diseases with photos and home care

In this article we will look at the main diseases, diseases of the Crassula flower (money tree) and their treatment. Let's answer the questions: why does the fat plant get sick and how to cure a houseplant money tree?

Slow growth

Why does the crassula (money tree) not grow (stands in one place) or grows poorly and what to do?

Since the money tree (crassula, crassula) - This is a semi-desert plant, For good growth it requires natural habitat conditions:

  • bright but not excessive lighting;
  • adequate drainage;
  • watering during the growth period;
  • drying of the soil and coolness during a period of relative dormancy.

If these conditions are met You won’t have to complain about the slow growth of the money tree.

You can give it an attractive appearance regular pinching of shoots, which stimulates growth points and helps quickly grow the crown.

ATTENTION! In order for the Crassula to grow quickly, you need to find optimal mode lighting, the so-called “golden mean”. The money tree needs bright light but the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Leaves are falling off

Money tree sheds leaves: why?

Since Crassula (money tree) reproduces using leaves, their shedding - this indicates a leaf disease or is an alarming signal that the plant has found itself in unfavorable conditions and urgently wants to leave offspring.

Why does the crassula flower (money tree) lose its leaves (crassula sheds) or why does the crassula lose its leaves?

Reasons(why leaves fall) such an unpleasant phenomenon or disease can be:

  • excessive watering and insufficient lighting, especially during the winter dormancy period;
  • prolonged repeated drying out of the earthen coma;
  • watering with cold tap water;
  • too frequent fertilizing.

What to do, how to care for it at home and how to save it if the leaves of the fat plant fall off?

Having analyzed the reasons, you need to try observe the watering regime in accordance with the season, water with warm, settled water, minimize the use of fertilizers.

ATTENTION! In winter, watering Crassula is reduced to 1-2 times a month; the lower the air temperature, the less frequent it is. It is advisable to reduce the temperature in the room to 15⁰, because at this time the weather in the homeland of the money tree is cold and dry.

The trunk is rotten

Why does the money tree have a soft, thin trunk?

Succulents, which include Crassula (money tree), accustomed to storing water for future use in desert conditions, They absolutely cannot tolerate excessive soil moisture. The roots begin to rot, followed by the trunk of the plant. If, after drying the soil, the plant does not return to its proper form, then everything is very serious - he urgently needs to be transplanted.

How to save and what to do if the trunk rots, the roots rot and the money tree (crassula) dies?

Before transplanting, you need to wash off the soil from the roots and carefully inspect them. If everything is not so bad, and only the roots are rotten, they are cut off to healthy areas, dusted with wood ash and planted in a new substrate.

It is almost impossible to revive a rotten trunk.

Crassula stem cuttings take root very easily, and the new plants you grow from them will help you correct mistakes.

The photo below shows the root system (roots) of Crassula (money tree):

The leaves are turning yellow

Why do the leaves of the Crassula (money tree) turn yellow?

The most likely cause of yellowing of the leaves of the Crassula is lack of light.

What to do if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

If the windows of the room face north or northeast and the toast is turning yellow, you should think about artificial lighting.

During the warmest time of year, the most best place for the fat woman it will be garden or loggia with protection from direct sunlight.

Soft limp leaves

The money tree is withering and its leaves are falling! Let's look at why this happens.

Why do the leaves of the money tree wrinkle, become soft and thin, and become lethargic, and what should you do if the money tree withers?
Loss of leaf elasticity in Crassula indicates a problem with watering.

The plant is either suffering from drought, or the roots are suffocating from waterlogging.

What to do if the money tree has soft leaves?

It is necessary to check whether the substrate drainage is sufficient and adjust the watering.

Another reason could be excessive solar insolation, especially if the plant has recently been replanted. Roots damaged during transplantation cannot cope with the money tree’s need for watering, and the leaves wither and wrinkle.

Black spots appeared on the leaves

Why do the leaves of the money tree turn black?

Dry, round black spots on Crassula leaves appear as a result of sunburn.

Shading the plant from direct sunlight will solve this problem, but the affected leaves will fall off over time.

Black and brown soft spots on leaves they say that Crassula affected by a fungal infection.

Leaves with signs of disease should be removed, the plant should be treated with a drug to combat fungal infections, and if necessary, the treatment can be repeated several times. There is no need to be afraid of removing a large number of leaves, This creates new growth points, the crown of the plant will be thicker and more luxuriant.

ATTENTION! It is worth reviewing the conditions for keeping the money tree, since the fungus develops only in rooms with high humidity. Ventilating the room and mulching the surface layer of the earth can help cope with this problem.

The leaves are turning red

Why and why do the leaves of the money tree turn red or are they already turning red?

The main reason for the redness of the leaves of the fat plant is too bright sunlight. The Crassula does not tolerate direct sunlight, although its African origin would seem to indicate the opposite. A red tint may appear on the leaves after a “change of residence”, moving the plant from a shaded windowsill to a brightly lit one.

This problem can be solved very simply - It is enough to slightly shade the window with a light curtain, and the leaves will turn bright green again. If, in addition to redness, the leaves are also slightly wilted, it means that the change of location has led to sunburn, and the money tree needs to be fed with complex fertilizer and sprayed with a biostimulant. You can use Epin, the universal “ living water» for affected plants.

CAREFULLY! Using Epin, overdose should not be allowed, The count is literally in drops, this drug is so active. To treat an adult plant, 1-2 drops dissolved in a glass of water are enough.

For redness bottom side leaves you need to pay attention to the watering regime, perhaps the plant simply does not have enough moisture, the earthen lump is dry.

Pest control and photos

Pests don’t really like to settle on Crassula, but from time to time it suffers from their invasion.

Why does a white coating appear on the Crassula plant (white spots or dots on the leaves): what is it?

Sometimes in the axils of the leaves of the money tree you can see a white coating, similar to cotton balls.
This is a signal that it has settled on the plant. mealybug. In order to get rid of it, you need:

  • wash off the pest with warm water from the shower;
  • wash the fat plant with a small brush with a thick foam of laundry soap, then rinse the plant with clean water;
  • treat with infusion of garlic or tobacco, decoction of cyclamen tubers. Such treatments are carried out 3-4 times a month.

The scale insect affects not only Crassula, but also many other plants, for example: Hoya, Poinsettia succulent, Cereus cactus.

If you don’t fight the mealybug, it will feed on the sap of young shoots, which will lead to weakening of the plant, slowing down its growth, loss of leaves, appearance on Crassula colonies of sooty fungi. White plaque on the plant, you need to rub it between your fingers in order to distinguish mealybug damage from fungal damage.

A musty smell indicates a fungal infection.

Much harder to get rid of spider mite. Its presence can be noticed by small yellowish spots on the leaves and threads of cobwebs.

The reason for the appearance of this pest– warm and dry air, so by spraying the plants regularly, you can avoid the appearance of mites on the fat plant. In the early stages of damage, you can treat the money tree with garlic or tobacco infusion, or soap suds.

Such measures are not always effective; most often, neighboring plants are also affected by the mite.

In this case, it will only help insecticide treatment. They need to treat not only the plants, but also the surface on which they stand, as well as flower pots to destroy clutches of spider mite eggs.

Shchitovka can be noticed only at a late stage of the lesion, when on the bases of the petioles of the money tree and the back of the leaves along the veins red-brown plaques (spots) appeared, that is, the pest can be seen with the naked eye.

The following measures are being taken urgently:

  • Scale insects are removed by scraping them from the surface of leaves and shoots;
  • the fatty mushroom is wiped with tobacco or soap solution, washed with warm water;
  • treat the plant with a systemic insecticide.

In case of severe scale infestation, when all the leaves are covered with sweet sticky secretions, it is very difficult to cope with.

REFERENCE. Soap solution for spraying It is prepared in the following proportion - 10 g of potassium, green or laundry soap per half liter of water. Before soap treatment The soil in the pot must be covered with film.

What to do: the money tree falls from gravity?

This problem is only possible if the pot with Crassula was not turned towards the light, its crown became one-sided and the tree lost stability.

How to strengthen the trunk of a crassula?

To solve the problem An adult plant is transplanted into a slightly larger pot, slightly reducing the load on one side by pinching it.

It is advisable to replant in the spring, but if the situation does not tolerate delay, you can use transshipment method, that is, carefully remove the plant along with the earthen lump, place it in a larger pot, and carefully fill the gaps between the soil and the walls of the pot with substrate.

The shape of a young plant can still be adjusted, turning it around its axis. The plant reaches for the window glass, the only source of light, the main trunk bends.

Timely attention to the shape of the money tree will allow you to get a slender plant with uniform growth and a neat crown.

Having created optimal conditions for the development of the Crassula, you can be sure that problems and diseases will not interfere with growing a beautiful, strong plant, signaling to its owners about the well-being of the house in which it lives.

As it is also popularly called, it is a very interesting and completely unpretentious houseplant from the genus of succulents. Small trees or bushes with lush green leaves are a wonderful decoration for an apartment. It is thanks to its leaves, fleshy in structure, that the fat plant received such a fancy name. The substances secreted by the fat plant perfectly purify the air in the room and have an antiviral effect.

There are many types of Crassula. These plants are varied in size and type; they can have a herbaceous form, the appearance of a shrub or tree. The flower is propagated by cuttings or seeds. Both methods are equally easy and reliable.

The plant feels great on a well-lit loggia or windowsill, although it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the trunk and leaves. Needs infrequent watering, approximately 1-2 times a week, when completely dry. Overwatering unacceptable.

Although this plant is one of the most picky representatives of the flora, the fat plant still requires constant attention.

Crassula - diseases and pests

One of the most common “diseases” of the fat plant occurs due to improper watering. If the soil in the pot is overly moist and does not have time to dry out between waterings, this can lead to rotting of the root system and trunk of the plant.

Another serious danger to a flower is a draft. Subjected to its constant influence, the fat woman sheds its leaves. Therefore, the tree must be kept in a well-ventilated place, but, nevertheless, well protected from drafts.

The second reason why the leaves of the fat plant fall off may be the wrong location for the plant. Direct ones burn the vulnerable surface of the leaf blades, as a result of which they dry out and fall off. A tree can also begin to go bald due to a lack of minerals in the ground. This is what people most often suffer from large plants who have not been transplanted to new ground. This situation can be dealt with by selecting special fertilizers and periodically feeding the soil in which the fat plant grows. Plant diseases can arise not only for reasons improper care, but also due to plant infection.

Sometimes you may encounter a situation where net cracking, reminiscent of a cobweb, appears on the leaves of a plant. In this case, it can be very difficult to determine what exactly the fat woman is sick with. Diseases that cause such manifestations can very quickly completely destroy even a large tree. Most often they are caused by infection of the fat plant with mites or To eliminate pests, the leaves of the plant are treated with a cotton wool soaked in alcohol or with special insecticides intended for succulents. These procedures should be carried out regularly until the manifestations of the disease completely disappear.

The fat woman most often suffers from illness with difficulty. But even if your tree is sick, you can try to save it. In cases where the plant has suffered very badly and there are few healthy areas left, only the branches that have survived are saved. From them it will be possible to grow a new healthy tree. To do this, you need to find intact branches, break them off and let them dry a little. After which the plant is placed in moist soil and watered periodically. If the fat plant has rotted at the very root, then you can cut off the entire top, place it in a container with water and, after waiting for it to sprout roots, replant it in a new pot.

Crassula diseases are basically the same as those of other succulents. They are usually caused by bacteria and lower fungi. They most often affect plants kept with a lack of light, high soil substrate, and low temperature.

Most often, the combination of these unfavorable factors for keeping crassulas is observed in winter, when, with short daylight hours in the rooms where succulents are kept, high humidity. The plant does not rest, it grows, and, as a result, pathogens of various diseases settle on it.

This is primarily wet, or gray rot, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinema and Fusarium rot when infected Fusarium mushroom oxysporum. These fungi infect the vascular system of plants and penetrate deep into the plant through the roots. soft fabrics all organs. Diseased specimens have characteristic brown soft areas that gradually cover the entire plant, and eventually it dies.

Composition of succulents: faucaria tiger, crassula perforatum and cactus (lobivia)

To prevent the pathogen from spreading to healthy plants, you need to sharply reduce watering and increase ventilation. In affected specimens, it is necessary to cut off the diseased areas layer by layer down to living tissue. Before each subsequent cut, the instrument must be disinfected.

Other diseases of Crassula and all succulents in general are the well-known late blight (pathogens are oomycete fungi of the genus Phytophthora), which develop on the root collar of young plants (especially those grown from seeds - as a result - blackleg disease). For prevention, crops are periodically watered with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The causative agents of bacterial rot have been less studied. This is partly explained by the complex procedure for identifying pathogenic bacteria, and partly by the rather expensive chemicals used in diagnostics.

The external manifestation of bacterial lesions on plants is practically indistinguishable from those caused by fungal diseases. At the same time, fungicides are also used to combat bacterial infections, and the affected plants are treated in the manner described above. You can also use antibiotics (penicillin, gentamicin and others) by spraying diseased plants with their aqueous solutions.

If it is not maintained correctly, Crassula diseases may not appear at first, but the appearance of the “money tree” will begin to lose its attractiveness. So, with excess moisture in winter or lack of light in summer, the Crassula stem ( Latin name Crassula) can stretch out and become ugly. We must remember that the indoor flower we are considering needs some direct sunlight in the summer; it is best placed on the windowsill.

The money tree is watered very rarely in winter: 1 - 2 times a month, depending on the air temperature (optimal winter temperature is 12 ° C).

If the leaves of the fat plant fall off, this is again caused, in all likelihood, by errors in care. Take a closer look at the money tree. Dry brown or black spots on the leaves of the Crassula indicate insufficient watering at high air temperatures. If the fat plant has pale leaves and they wither, there is excess moisture, especially in winter.

If, due to waterlogging, the stem of the crassula has turned black at the base and rotted, you have no choice but to cut off its top, root it and henceforth avoid excessive watering in winter.

Sudden loss of leaves in a fat plant can be caused by watering the plant with too cold water; in the future, water your money tree only with settled water at room temperature. In summer, the leaves of the fat plant fall off in large quantities; if the substrate is very dry, resume watering, the crown will gradually recover.

In general, the Crassula is a rather unpretentious plant that reproduces easily. A new copy can be obtained even from one small leaf (see photo below).

Crassula growing from a fallen leaf

Crassula pests are quite numerous, but they rarely settle on a healthy plant, and moreover, they are easier to fight than viral, bacterial or fungal diseases. This is due to easier detection of insects in the early stages of damage and clearer recommendations for combating them.

In addition, a plant affected by a pest can almost always be saved, which cannot be said about plants affected by fungi, bacteria and viruses. In any case, the main preventative measure in pest control is regular and timely thorough inspection of plants. Let's look at the most common pests of succulents (and, in particular, fat plants) and measures to combat them.

Crassula oval


A large group of insects of the genus Pseudococcus (for example, P. obscurus - seaside mealybug), Planococcus (P. citri - grape mealybug and others) are widespread polyphags that live on almost all ornamental plants in room conditions.

Female scale insects are broadly oval, pinkish or greenish, up to 4-5 mm in length and 2.8 mm in width. When mature, the female forms a white fluffy cocoon, where she lays up to 600 eggs. During a season, 3-4 generations can form. Settling in the axils of leaves and branches, insects suck it out and greatly weaken the plant.

Pests are destroyed manually, washed off with a stream of water, followed by treating the affected areas with an alcoholic infusion of garlic or calendula (3 parts of 70% alcohol for 1 part of garlic).

Chemical means of protection include spraying with a solution of actellik or fufanon (0.1-0.15%). In this case, the treatment is repeated several times with an interval of 5-7 days in order to destroy all new generations of larvae emerging from the eggs.

Root mealybug.

With abundant watering, the scale insects move into the lower layers of the soil, crawl out through the openings of the pots and, quickly spreading around, infect other plants.

An effective way is to wet the soil from the tray without shaking it out or pour it on top with a solution of actellik (0.2%) or fufanon (0.1-0.15%). This is done several times every 5-7 days to destroy all the larvae.

Scale insects and false scale insects.

Close relatives of scale insects belonging to the genera Saissetia (S. olea - olive scale insect, S. coffeae - hemispherical pseudoscale insect), Acutaspis (A.persea), Abgrallaspis (A. cyanophylli) and others. Females of all genera form grayish-white or yellowish scute scales on host plants, sometimes occurring in large colonies.

In case of severe infection, the listed pesticides and pyrethroid preparations are also used, of which the safest in room conditions are Arrivo, Tsimbum (0.15%) and Karate (0.05%). In this case, treatment should be repeated with an interval of 1-2 weeks. It is possible to use the biological preparation “Fitoverm”. These drugs are especially effective against wandering larvae.

Spider mites.

The collective name for plant mites of the Tetranychidae family. Some species are called flat red mites or spiders, red spider mites, etc. Unlike those previously discussed, these are very small pests, but the damage they cause is most significant and unpleasant.

Females up to 0.3 mm long move quite quickly along the surface of the plant, reproducing year-round, especially in dry air. They also differ in that they often settle on fresh growth, where the cuticle is thinnest. In places where they are localized, the skin of the stems and leaves turns yellow and brown, then a rusty or brown crust forms, which not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also disrupts its shape. At the same time, mites quickly spread from affected to healthy plants, causing them great harm.

If spider mites are detected, it is necessary to urgently increase the air humidity by spraying. The affected plants should also be sprayed and doused with cold water. It is good to use an infusion of yarrow, garlic, onions, tobacco, potatoes, chamomile. Among the biological means of control, the predatory phytoseiulus mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, which readily eats the flat beetle, should be mentioned.

All disinfectant soap preparations are also used against ticks. household chemicals and pyrethroid drugs used to combat scale insects, as well as the new drug Apollo, which effectively destroys the pest.

Greenhouse flat beetle.

Flat beetle mite Brempalpus obovatus of the Tenuipalpidae family. Close to spider mites; the control measures are the same.


As soon as the named pests of the Crassula are detected, safety measures must be taken immediately. First of all, cut off diseased roots, sometimes to the root collar, or take cuttings from the plant and re-root.

After this, it is imperative to disinfect tools that came into contact with the infected plant and soil, as well as pots. All infected parts of the plant and the soil in which they were located must be immediately destroyed.


In indoor culture, thrips appeared from open ground and greenhouses. Now these are the most dangerous plant pests. This includes representatives of the order Thysanoptera. These are Frankliniella occidentalis - western flower thrips, or Californian, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis - greenhouse, or greenhouse thrips, Thrips physapus - flower thrips, etc.).

The adult insect is small, 1-2 mm long, dark brown or brown, elongated with fringed wings and a black head. Eggs are laid in plant tissue. The larva is light yellow, 1 mm long. Adult insects and larvae suck the juice from leaves and flowers, deforming and discoloring them.

Mass reproduction of thrips is observed during the flowering period, when it accumulates around flowers. When buds appear, it penetrates inside, damaging the flowers, and in the fall, when the temperature drops, thrips move to the lower parts of the plant.

In addition to direct harm, thrips carry pathogens of some dangerous viral diseases. Its mass reproduction is observed in hot, dry weather. The development of one generation occurs in 2-4 weeks. During the season, this pest produces up to 12-15 generations. The only good news is that when the air temperature is more than 35°C, the development of almost all thrips stops, and when it drops relative humidity air up to 50%, there is a mass death of larvae, at least in well-studied species.

The following pesticides are most effective in the fight against thrips: Actellik, Fufanon (0.1-0.15%), as well as relatively new drugs - Evisect and Hotaquik. To combat thrips, you can also use pyrethroid drugs “Arrivo”, “Tsimbum” (0.15%) and “Karate” (0.05%). They have low toxicity, but can sometimes cause allergic reactions. The most harmless drug in this regard, Fitoverm, is an extract of one of the soil fungi.

Facultative (non-permanent) pests of succulents, usually living in open ground and from there entering indoors. Another, more relevant today, option for the penetration of aphids into the collection is from flower shops and imports of potted plants.

This is a widespread group of insects of the genera Aphis and Myzodes. Indoors on succulents, the peach (greenhouse or tobacco) aphid (Myzodes ersicae), melon (cotton) aphid (Aphis gossypii) and spotted greenhouse aphid (Neomyzus circumflexus) are more common.

- the most well-known pests that damage soft tissues of plants. Damaged parts often wrinkle, bend, and dry out if severely damaged. Sometimes young parts of plants can be covered with a continuous coating of larvae and adult females. Adults are wingless or winged, up to 2 mm long, wingless larvae are about 0.5 mm long. Both are dark green, brown or black.

Eggs are elongated. They overwinter on young growth garden plants. In the spring, the founding larva emerges from the eggs. The larvae suck young leaves, moving onto the buds. The larvae develop within 12-15 days. Over the summer, aphids produce 10-15 generations. In the summer, simultaneously with the wingless ones, winged female dispersers develop, which migrate, populating new territories and sometimes ending up indoors. In September-October, aphids lay eggs and die.

One of the pest control measures is mechanical washing with solutions of green soap (3-4%), laundry soap, “Bim”, “Ferry” and other detergents.

Among biological control methods, we can recommend the use of predatory insects that destroy aphids. However, the most effective chemical method using pesticides used to combat other indoor pests Crassulaceae.

Other pests of Crassula in indoor conditions are red cockroaches, gnawing young parts of plants - shoots, flowers, seedlings. The fight against cockroaches is carried out both with the help of widely used household preparations and with the help of the previously listed pesticides, including the well-proven Actellik.

Significant damage to succulents in the house and garden can be caused by snails, woodlice, and slugs. They must be collected and destroyed in time. Raw potatoes, citrus peels, etc. can be used as bait for these pests.

In the open ground, it is mainly herbivorous rodents that harm Crassulas, among them mice, voles, and rats should be mentioned. They gnaw and eat various parts of plants and can also feed on seeds. Methods to combat these pests are widely known.

Concluding the conversation about the diseases of the Crassula and its pests, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the most effective method to avoid them - to observe those optimal agricultural conditions (temperature, light, humidity and soil fertility), under which the money tree feels good, looks healthy and does not get sick. It is also necessary to observe hygienic measures to prevent the spread of diseases and pests: disinfection of soil, tools, utensils, cleanliness of plants.

Constant preventive inspection is necessary to timely detect diseased or pest-affected plants and prevent infection of neighboring healthy specimens.

It is also useful to periodically treat plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or infusion of calendula, tobacco, yarrow, etc. If pathogens or pests are detected, the first step should be to use a mechanical control method: rinsing with water and lubricating with alcohol tinctures (garlic, onions, celandine, pine needles), and also hot baths for the root system. And only as a last resort can you use chemicals, remembering that most pesticides are toxic not only to pests, but also to humans, and some of them can cause allergic reactions.

Treatment with chemicals should only be carried out in a well-ventilated area, preferably in outdoors, observing safety measures.

When keeping Crassulas in the open air to known indoor diseases and pests are added such specific ones as rodents and other vertebrates - birds, lizards, moles, as well as slugs (mollusks) and insects characteristic of open ground. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the plants in the garden and, if necessary, take timely measures to protect them. We hope that the topic of Crassula disease is fully covered in our article, but you can always ask additional questions in the comments.

When writing the article, materials from the book “Sedum, Juvenile and Other Crassulaceae”, authors V.V. Byalt, V.N. Gapon, I.M. Vasilyeva.

Crassula, money tree, crassula, butterwort are a favorite of many beginners and experienced flower growers. The plant is valued for its exotic appearance and unpretentious character, and is considered a talisman. financial well-being and prosperity. But what to do when the leaves fall off? How to treat the disease? In this case, you need to immediately begin resuscitation measures.

Sometimes the leaves of a healthy fat plant begin to fall off. If there are not many fallen ones, then this is a completely natural process of crown renewal, replacing old leaves with new ones. U healthy plants this process proceeds unnoticed and does not cause any trouble to the grower. New elastic shoots simply emerge from the leaf axils, old leaves fall off, making way for young leaves and branches. Those that have fallen to the ground begin to grow and give rise to new small plants. This is how the vegetative propagation of the fat plant occurs.

Most often, money tree leaves fall off in autumn and winter, when daylight hours decrease and the tree receives less light. The reason in spring days is the renewal of the crown and the growth of new shoots. In summer, the plant sheds its leaves due to hot, dry air and scorching sun. There are other causes of shedding, for example, an invasion of pests, fungi, sunburn or excess moisture.

Crassula withers

Crassula diseases: symptoms, causes, treatment

The fat woman has a strong immune system, but in unfavorable conditions begins to wither and drop leaves. Characteristics of the main diseases of Crassula are presented in the following table.

Causes of diseases Symptoms of diseases
Violation of the watering regime
  • the leaves became soft/withered, turned yellow and began to fall off;
  • the trunk and roots of the plant are rotten;
  • Crassula has dropped healthy leaves
Violation of the light regime
  • the leaves lost their elasticity, turned red and began to crumble;
  • round black spots appeared;
  • the flower has stretched out and lost its former attractiveness
Fungi and pests
  • the plant is covered with brown spots of irregular shape;
  • convex brown or yellowish growths, similar to dill seeds, appeared on the leaves;
  • yellowish spots, cobwebs have appeared between the leaves;
  • cotton-like growths appeared on the plant

If you have at least one of the listed symptoms the tree needs to be saved. Timely measures will help to revive the fat plant, prevent the death of the plant and restore its former beauty.

The leaves became soft and yellowed. The money tree is shedding its leaves.

Crassula came to us from the desert regions of Africa, so it does not tolerate frequent and abundant watering. If you overwater the plant, it will turn yellow and shed some of its leaves. To save this African beauty from death, you need to thoroughly dry the soil ball in a pot and reconsider its watering regime.

In summer, the fat plant should be watered no more than 1-2 times a week, and in winter - no more than 1-2 times a month. You need to water the plant only after the soil in the pot has completely dried, otherwise the flower will turn yellow and begin to shed its leaves.

The trunk and roots of the plant are rotten. What to do?

If you regularly flood the money tree with water, then very soon its trunk and roots will begin to rot and the leaves will fall off. Sick the plant urgently needs to be transplanted into a pot with dry soil, critically examining the roots and cutting off the rotten ends to healthy areas. The cut areas should be powdered with wood ash, and then the plant should be planted in a new substrate. A rotten trunk, unfortunately, is almost impossible to restore.

The leaves dried out and began to fall off

The reason may be infrequent watering in hot weather, proximity to heating devices (batteries, air heaters) and exposure to direct sunlight. To help the fat woman in the warm season take her out into the fresh air: in the garden, in the yard or on the balcony. Choose a place for your pet that is not too sunny, where she will feel comfortable.

Crassula withers

Crassula has dropped healthy leaves

The heat-loving fat plant does not like to be watered with cold water or kept in a draft, and tries to attract the owner’s attention to this problem by dropping healthy, juicy leaves. To preserve the surviving part of the crown, you need to find a quiet and peaceful place for the tree, away from drafts, and water it with water at room temperature.

The leaves lost their elasticity, turned red and began to fall off

Despite its African origin, the Crassula does not tolerate scorching sun rays, from which it turns red and sheds its leaves. Most often this happens after moving the flower from a shaded corner to a sunny windowsill. To save the money tree, you need to shade it window glass curtain, film or newspaper, and those burned by the sun, Feed reddened leaves with complex fertilizer or spray with a biostimulant. To do this, you can use the universal fertilizer “Epin” to restore plants.

When treating the money tree with Epin fertilizer, strictly follow the instructions. This drug is very active, and it must be added literally drop by drop, dissolving them in a glass of water

Round black spots appeared on the leaves

If direct sunlight can turn the leaves of the crassula red, then prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can lead to serious damage to the plate and the appearance of unsightly black spots on the leaves. To save home flower, you need to move it away from the window, or shade the window glass. Shading the plant will help solve the problem, but the affected leaves cannot be saved and over time they will fall off.

Crassula leaf burn

In winter, the flower stretched out and lost its former attractiveness

If the butterwort does not have enough light, it begins to stretch upward, its internodes become elongated, the stem becomes thinner and the plant loses its attractiveness. The problem is aggravated by excessive watering in winter. To save a flower, you need to move it to another place, closer to the source of daylight.

The green plant was covered with brown spots of irregular shape. How to save?

It happens that brown spots appear on the money tree, which gradually cover the entire plant. Ultimately the flower dies. Why is this happening? The cause is gray or wet rot Biotytis cinema. To stop the spread of rot, you should increase the ventilation of the room and reduce watering. Areas affected by rot must be cut off, and thoroughly disinfect the cut areas. If the disease has gone too far, all that remains is to re-root the plant or take cuttings from it.

The fungus actively develops in damp rooms and does not like dry air. To prevent its occurrence, you should ventilate the rooms more often and mulch the soil surface.

Convex brown or yellowish growths, similar to dill seeds, appeared on the leaves

Sometimes the green leaves begin to turn yellow - such growths are left by the scale insect - a hemipteran insect of the scale insect family, which attacks the money tree with great pleasure. Dealing with this scourge is not difficult:

  • take a soft brush, moisten it with alcohol or kerosene and remove stains;
  • Wipe the leaves of the plant with soapy foam and rinse them thoroughly with clean water;
  • treat the flower with insecticides such as Fufanon, Fitoverm, etc.

Scale insects cannot be recognized at an early stage of the lesion. And only when brown plaques appear on the plant does infection of the flower become obvious

The leaves of the plant were covered with yellowish spots, a cobweb appeared

Cobwebs and yellowish spots on the leaves of the money tree are left by a tiny pest - spider mite . It is more difficult to combat this pest than the scale insect. The easiest way is to buy a complex preparation such as “Neorona”, “Rogora” or “Actellika” in the store and spray the plant according to the instructions. At an early stage, regular spraying with tobacco, soap or garlic solution will help.

Spider mites develop well in warm, dry rooms. To prevent its occurrence, you should regularly spray the money tree with fresh water from a spray bottle.

Cotton-like growths appeared on the plant

A white coating in the axils of the leaves, resembling cotton wool, indicates that it has settled on the plant. mealybug. The mealybug is a member of the hemiptera family, the superfamily of mealybugs. The pest feeds on the sap of young shoots. At the same time, plant growth slows down, leaves fall off, and shoots become deformed.

Mealybug attacked the fat woman
  • carefully examine the flower, remove the scale insects with a soft brush dipped in a concentrated soap solution, or wash them off with warm water from the shower;
  • beat the laundry soap into a foam and treat the entire plant with this foam;
  • rinse the flower thoroughly with running water;
  • Spray the flower 3-4 times with infusion of tobacco, garlic, and a decoction of cyclamen tubers.

If the damage has become significant, after cleaning the plant from scale insects, spray it with Actellik.

Thus, Crassula is an unpretentious plant, which at proper care will please the owner for many years. The plant may respond to violations of lighting and watering regimes, the appearance of fungi and mold by the appearance of spots on the leaves and their shedding, rotting of the trunk and roots. Most Crassula diseases are treatable.


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