Wooden furniture with epoxy resin. How to make money making tables from epoxy resin and wood? Table made of slab and epoxy resin - style and incredible beauty

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IN modern design premises, extraordinary and exclusive interior items are increasingly being used, capable of attracting all the attention of the people present in the room. Such an original interior solution includes tables decorated with epoxy resin.

This interesting thing You can do it yourself, turning an ordinary piece of furniture into a true work of art.


Epoxy resins are not used in furniture production pure form, since the magical qualities of epoxy appear as a result of its contact with a special hardener. By changing the ratio of these two connected parts, you can obtain a composition of different consistency. Depending on the specific purposes for which it will be used, these may be:

  • liquid essence,
  • viscous or rubbery substance;
  • solid;
  • high strength base.

The process of manufacturing any furniture with decor using epoxy resin involves coating with this polymer. wooden base and careful polishing of the product after the resin has cured, resulting in a product with high wear resistance. The overall properties of the entire composition will depend on the correct ratio of ingredients. Incorrect amount of hardener can significantly reduce strength finished product, as well as its resistance to exposure environment And household products. Therefore, when preparing the mixture for work, it is so important to follow the ratios recommended by the polymer manufacturer, Most often these indicators are 1:1.

According to the method of use, epoxy resin can be hot-cured or cold-cured. When creating pieces of furniture at home, the second type is most often used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared with regular tables from natural wood, tables with epoxy resin treatment have a number of advantages:

  • When dry, the resin composition has virtually no shrinkage, holds its shape well, retains its original color, does not deform and is not susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • exclusivity of each product and limitless design options;
  • the ability to use various additional materials for decoration (coins, tree cuts, shells, stones, starfish, etc.);
  • the ability to add multi-colored dyes to the mixture, including phosphorescent paints;

  • impermeability to moisture and dampness;
  • excellent tolerability chemicals cleaning.

The main disadvantage of these tables is that they are very high price products. To cover one copy, depending on the size and shape of the product, it can take up to several tens of liters of polymer substance. Another possible unpleasant drawback is the presence of air bubbles that form in the epoxy mixture as a result of non-compliance with instructions and technologies during production.

Manufacturing process

The very first and one of the most important stages when preparing a wooden structure for pouring with epoxy resin, carefully remove dust and all other contaminants from the surface of the wood. After which the surface of the table that will be poured must be primed. If this is not done, then the resin, absorbed into the porous wood, will form air bubbles that will spoil appearance products.

Only after the preparation stage is completed is it prepared required amount mixtures of epoxy resin and hardener. At this stage, the most important thing is strict adherence to the proportions specified in the instructions for use. IN ready mixture depending on the chosen design, dyes or additives can be added decorative materials. Next, the resulting mixture is applied to the prepared wooden surface.

If the tabletop is intended specific design from additional materials, then they need to be placed on the table surface before pouring. Moreover, lightweight materials such as wine corks or shells, must first be glued to the surface in accordance with the intended pattern. It is necessary, so that they do not float while pouring the mixture, thereby turning a thoughtful composition into a disorderly and uninteresting structure. If unwanted air bubbles appear during the filling process, they can be removed using construction hair dryer, pointing at problem area a stream of hot air.

The mixture will begin to set within fifteen minutes, but the final stage, namely grinding the product, can be started only after the resin has completely hardened. It is advisable to keep the product for a week, since after this period it will be fully established and ready for use.

After sanding, it is advisable to coat the product in several layers. protective varnish. This will prevent the release of toxic substances into the atmosphere, which may be contained in small quantities in resin compositions.

Variety of options

To create a table with original table top decorated with epoxy resin, you can take absolutely any type of tree, including various fragments, sawdust, splinters and even sawdust, the main thing is that everything, even the tiniest particles of the future tabletop, are thoroughly dried. Antique and rough wood looks amazing in epoxy resin. For decoration, you can also successfully use sea and river shells, pebbles, dried herbs and flowers, coins, and other inclusions that can give the product special originality or a specific theme. And by mixing luminescent dyes with epoxy resin, you will create magic effect glow.

A tree that has been eaten by bark beetles or damaged by dampness looks very unusual in resin. Natural damage filled with epoxy with the addition of dye or luminous paint can create unrealistically beautiful cosmic patterns on the countertop. All kinds of holes, cracks and paths in wood can be created artificially, creating your own pattern. All small holes are filled with the prepared mortar using a construction spatula. After curing, excess resin is removed using a sander.

The process of making countertops using the pouring method is the most expensive and labor-intensive, and also requires special care in work. It is used in the manufacture of tabletops with attachments, as well as for creating original design pieces with fantastic ideas and unusual solutions. Like, for example, the famous American designer Greg Klassen, which creates original models of tables with “natural landscapes”. The “river” or “lake” frozen in the tops of his amazing tables amaze with their grandeur and incredible beauty.

About how to do wooden table with a river made of epoxy resin with your own hands, see the next video.

Have you decided to make a table out of epoxy resin with your own hands? It's easy, but there are nuances. Read our experts and you will find out everything.

Resin Features

Epoxy resin is a transparent substance with a 3D effect. When the resin hardens, it retains the desired shape, is not afraid of water and does not scratch. But you can’t put anything hot on it – it will melt.

At the very least, the substance will turn your desk into a shiny designer piece. But go further - the filling keeps the flower, insect, figurine intact, like a fly in amber. It’s better not to roll up flies, but shells and flowers are welcome.

Epoxy resin is sold in different states. Some of them are suitable for simple filling flat surfaces. That is, you make a table and then fill it with resin. Simple and glossy.

There are resins in the state of liquid honey. Droplets, lenses, and artistic smudges are made with this consistency.

The resin is also used as an adhesive material. The thicker the substance, the easier it is to create shapes from it.

Whatever resin you use, it all paints well.

To make a resin table look like the picture, remember the following technique:

  • The resin hardens faster in a warm room, or even better - on a radiator.
  • You cannot heat the substance from above - it may become deformed.
  • Solid epoxy resin turns yellow in the sun and near fire. If direct rays and a heat source cannot be avoided, take a resin with protection.
  • Extreme cold separates the solid.
  • An epoxy resin coated kitchen counter is coated with a protectant (varnish), otherwise the heat will release toxins from the resin.

Finish options

Usually the tables are wooden. Any design, for example, you can use table options. With epoxy resin, wood selection is simplified:

  • scraps of old boards;
  • saw cuts of different diameters;
  • wood chips;
  • logs;
  • tree eaten away by bark beetles;
  • old wood.

Depending on the style, complement the design:

  • river pebbles;
  • shells;
  • cones;
  • spruce branches;
  • coins;
  • traffic jams;
  • photographs;
  • flowers.

If you want the tabletop to glow, add luminescent powder to the resin.

Filling defects

This is a table finishing option where wood is the main part of the tabletop, and epoxy resin only emphasizes the beauty of the wood. For example, you use boards or glued strips. Attach mounting tape to the opposite side of the tabletop - this way the resin will remain only on the front side.

Fill all holes, cracks, artificially or naturally created, with resin containing in the right color or fluorescent powder. To make it neat, use a brush or a spatula.

Wait for the resin to harden and treat the excess grinder. The top of the tabletop is additionally coated with varnish to protect and enhance the effect.

Filling table

This is a table model where epoxy resin acts as independent canvas, and the tree is an addition to the decor. In this version, any other design details look good. The main thing is to find interesting solution. For example, in nautical style table made of shells and seaweed. Or a Provencal style table with bark and pine cones.

Be careful when pouring - small and light parts float in the resin.

You will need a base. Take plywood - it's easiest, although the base can also be glass. Select the size of plywood that you need for the finished countertop. IN in this case plywood allows you to create irregular shapes– cut out the line and make the base completely oval or round – as desired.

To ensure that the filling remains on the base, sides are attached to the plywood or glass. They can be made from plastic.

Make sure the base is dry and clean before pouring. It must be additionally primed with resin so that the final tabletop is not absorbed into the support. When the base of plywood and glass is ready, dry and clean, lay out the design blanks.

Here you need to think about one more point: if the thickness of the tabletop is no more than 0.5 cm, then, having laid out the workpieces, feel free to pour in the resin. For larger thicknesses, the filling is carried out in several stages. This makes it more interesting and more complex - some elements will be suspended inside the table. It is beautiful.

Pour the first layer and wait 48 hours. This is enough for the resin to harden. Next, repeat the procedure: lay out the design blanks again and fill them with resin.

During the process, bubbles may appear in the resin. They are driven out with a hot hairdryer. By the way, there will be much fewer bubbles if each individual workpiece is coated with resin.

Once all layers have cured, remove the beads and sand the surface and edges. When ready, coat the tabletop with varnish.


Using epoxy resin you can make not only new table, but also update the old one. If you have a suitable one coffee table, the tabletop of which is long overdue for replacement, you can clean its surface, remove the varnish, paint suitable paint and fill with resin.

For convenience, make small sides - they will hold back the pouring that has not yet hardened. If the decor includes beads and decorations, place them on the surface in advance.

That's it for us about the DIY epoxy resin table. If you have any questions, please contact me, but in general the principle of operation is not that complicated and you can handle it quite well.

List of everything you need:

  • Epoxy resin, two-component
  • Two syringes without a needle (sold at any pharmacy)
  • Container for mixing resin and hardener (plastic cup)
  • Stick for this mixing (wooden)
  • Ceramic tiles or cardboard (in general, any flat, hard surface, preferably on a flat table)
  • Scotch tape (wide, single-sided)
  • Accessories for jewelry (connectors, earrings, connecting rings, bases)
  • Mini drill (sold in almost any construction store, take the cheapest one, I personally use DREMEL 300)
  • A set of attachments for it (a small drill and an emery head for turning)
  • Good mood for yourself;) Well, gloves with a respirator would be nice

Advice: Before you shop, make sure you have a suitable workspace. If you live in a one-room apartment with your grandmother and mother, you will have to wait a little while making jewelry from resin. At a minimum, you need a separate room where you can inhale harmful resin vapors (if you don’t take care of ventilation) in splendid isolation.

This work is dirty, noisy and generally not conducive to health, but a few simple manipulations will help reduce negative influences creativity to a minimum.

Safety precautions when working with epoxy resin:

  • if you are not a substance abuser, at least open the window
  • always keep a cloth at hand - believe me, it is much easier to wipe off the resin than to then chip it off the linoleum
  • don't want a thrill? Then remove all carpets within sight
  • Have pity on your neighbors in your living space, don’t grind your jewelry while they’re at home. Wear a respirator during this activity.

Speaking of leaves

Leaves (petals, flowers) must be well dried. This is not a quick task (4 weeks), so prepare them in advance. I place fresh petals in folded white paper, then in a book (this is to prevent the letters from imprinting on the flowers). The thicker the book, the better (old Soviet textbooks work great). Magnetic photo albums can be used to store dried leaves.

If you decide to work with buds (for pouring into balls), you will need a dark, dry space, such as a closet. Thread the thread into the needle, tighten a thicker knot at the end of the thread and pass the needle through the stems of the buds (it is for this operation that these very stems should be left). We tie the resulting garland to two hangers and hide it in the closet. Four weeks and the material is ready.

It is worth keeping in mind that many petals visually change during work, and completely cease to resemble what you picked in the garden. Some shrink to something awkward, some turn black or completely discolored. And if you don’t feel sorry for a stupid daisy at all, then ruined expensive hydrangea flowers will definitely make you sad.


The lion's share of the pleasure of working with jewelry is the choice of accessories. It's simple: the more expensive it is, the better the quality. You can save money in the entire process of creating jewelry, but not on accessories; this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice. Not only do fasteners made in China regularly break, but they also look downright pathetic and, most likely, you won’t be able to stick something like that on your painstakingly nurtured leaf.

Resin preparation

Well, all preparations are completed, we can begin. First, read the instructions for your resin - mixing proportions vary from brand to brand. Personally, I use Crystal resin, 4 ml of resin per 1.2 ml of diluent.

We take both the resin and the hardener with syringes without needles, naturally different ones. It’s better to throw them away after using them; they cost pennies. It is better to carefully lower the hardener along the wall of the cup so that it does not splash.

After this we begin mixing. There’s nothing phenomenal here: you can stir it with your finger for 3-4 minutes. Don't be embarrassed by the abundance of bubbles in the resin, let it sit and they will go away.

Stir the resin periodically. The ready-to-use mixture should have a consistency similar to honey. It is difficult to explain with your fingers exactly how much to mix; it naturally depends on the number of prepared petals, their size and, notably, the thickness of the resin. Fresh ones instantly spread and it turns out that you have tarred the tray itself more than the petals. So it’s important to seize the moment here.

While the resin is settling, prepare workplace. Clear the table, take out the tray and flowers. It is advisable to do wet cleaning, because there is nothing more offensive than potentially beautiful decoration, covered in dust.

Preparing the tray

You need a flat table that you don’t mind getting dirty, and a tray. The key point here is the choice of coating, which should have a number of properties, such as:

  • cheap
  • affordable
  • should not stick to the resin
  • should be glossy (a matte surface makes the cured resin matte)

The store one immediately comes to mind. plastic bag, but unfortunately it does not satisfy point 3 and sticks tightly. At one time I used food bags for baking, but they also periodically failed and ruined entire trays of decorations.

Advice: Cover the tray with tape and forget about the problem of decorations sticking forever.


So, the resin has thickened, the petals are laid out on a surface covered with tape, and we begin to create. We take our fighting stick, dip the tip in resin and apply a drop to the petal.

In principle, you can smear it over it, holding the leaf with your finger (with latex gloves so that there are no greasy marks left), but it spreads quite well on its own. Here you will check how level your table is. Having covered all the prepared petals with the first layer of resin, cover our miracle tray with a lid and leave it all for 24 hours. Then we apply another layer of resin (for now both layers are on the front part).

After a day, turn the petals over and apply last layer, but already on the back sides of our products.


Now these shapeless epoxy blots with petals inside need to be processed.

It's time to uncover our mini drill. Attach an emery attachment to it and sharpen the jewelry (with a shudder I remember how I sharpened them by hand with a nail file). Keep the edge of the product perpendicular to the drill. After turning, you can coat the edges of the products with varnish or do another fill.

If you are satisfied with the resulting decoration, make holes for attaching rings. We make holes with the same drill, but with a drill (diameter 0.5 mm).

In general, the most difficult work We're done, now all that's left is to attach the fittings. We thread a ring into the drilled hole and a wire into it. Our earrings made from real flower petals are ready!

Rules for storing and caring for flower decorations

  1. Products covered jewelry resin, do not wipe with alcohol or any other solvent, as this may damage the glossy surface. Epoxy is generally not friendly with chemistry, so keep it away from detergents, air fresheners, etc.
  2. Wear jewelry after applying decorative cosmetics, perfumes, and deodorants. Do not expose the glossy surface to acetone. It is better to wash off nail polish without rings, since acetone is a volatile substance, and it is not so far from the nail to the ring with a leaf.
  3. Don't wear jewelry while playing sports or go to bed with it on.
  4. Pin brooches to your clothing before putting it on (this will ensure that the pin is securely fastened).
  5. Cured epoxy resin itself is very strong, but with the right amount of diligence, anything can be broken, and in this case it is no exception; store products in boxes.
  6. You should not leave them in the open sun for a long time.

Epoxy resin is a popular material for creativity. With its help, you can make jewelry with your own hands - earrings, pendants, and other jewelry. Furniture made from epoxy will be no less beautiful: it goes well with wood, wood shavings and sawdust, sections of stumps and twigs.

Products made of epoxy resin and wood will decorate any interior; moreover, the price of such an exclusive product is very high, and you can make money on it.

Application of material

The uses of resin are varied. It finds application in most large industrial sectors:

  • electronics;
  • aviation;
  • machine production;
  • equipment repair;
  • shipbuilding;
  • construction;
  • fiberglass production;
  • pouring floors;
  • production of glue, putty, grout;
  • production of paints and varnishes.

You can also work with epoxy at home. It is ideal for the manufacture and processing of furniture made of natural wood and its derivatives, slab. Using fill you can do original stool, chair or table, cabinet doors. Souvenirs, jewelry, watches, figurines, cutting boards and products for the kitchen, bathroom, vases, tambourines and other toys for children.

Different types and states of glue

Available for sale different brands epoxy resin - domestic and imported. Most of them are suitable for making furniture. It is only important to decide whether it is colored or transparent resin needed for decoration. Usually, in order to see beautiful cuts of wood and its fibers, they purchase transparent compositions. For example, high-quality YD-128 resin is colorless and transparent, like glass. Epoxy MG-Epox-Strong also has no complaints about transparency, and is even suitable for creating jewelry. By the way, such resins can be combined with colored resins - making bright inclusions inside the main mass.

These materials are two-component adhesives. Stabilization of the liquid resin occurs by adding a hardener, which is included in the second bottle. It will not be possible to fill furniture parts into molds with thick pastes, so you should not buy them.

There are 5 main states of resin:

  • liquid - this is a material without a hardener or immediately after its introduction, has excellent fluidity;
  • honey-like - reminiscent of molasses, a slightly thickened resin, which is best used for layer-by-layer pouring of crafts;
  • thick - fluidity is sharply reduced, the mass flows poorly and is only suitable for gluing parts or as putty;
  • rubbery - epoxy resembles rubber or hardened plasticine, sticky, but can change shape;
  • solid - fully cured resin.

Differences between resin and glue

In master classes on pouring wood products, you need to use epoxy resin, but not glue based on it. Main differences between materials:

  • the curing time of the glue cannot be changed, and the freezing rate of the resin can be increased or slowed down;
  • the glue turns yellow, but the resin remains transparent;
  • glue has low elasticity, while resin is pliable and allows the work required by the master;
  • Glue is used to join parts; it will not be possible to pour it into products; almost any figures can be made from resin.

Pros and cons of epoxy resin for wood

Previously, epoxy was used in the form of glue for various parts; it was almost never used in creativity. Later, floors began to be filled with this material, noting its low abrasion, greater strength and durability. Now resins with dyes or in their pure form are widely used to create unique products for the home. The advantages of epoxy for wood are:

  • the mass can be given any shape - it flows, fills the slightest holes, depressions and cracks;
  • the frozen product is easy to grind and polish, you can drill holes in it and sharpen grooves;
  • epoxy available for sale different colors, but even transparent resin can be given any shade by introducing a dye;
  • Since the composition does not shrink, the furniture will remain attractive for a long time.

The product also has disadvantages. So, you need to strictly observe the proportions of resin and hardener, otherwise the mass can be irrevocably damaged. The price of resin is high, especially for transparent brands. The cost of large products will be high. Another disadvantage is the toxicity of epoxy. During work, you will have to use a respirator, gloves, goggles, and ventilate the room well. After hardening, the composition is safe.

Features of working with epoxy

Wood is not homogeneous in structure, so air can accumulate inside its parts, around which a vacuum forms. After a change in temperature, the material expands or contracts, so before it completely hardens, air bubbles often appear on the surface, released from the internal cavities of the wood.

To avoid defects, you need to stabilize the temperature in the room for 2-3 hours after pouring the epoxy. It is advisable not to work outside or choose a time after lunch when the sun is not so hot. If you intend to apply a thick layer of epoxy, it is better to divide the work into 2 stages. Risk of bubbles appearing in thin layers below.

Impregnating wood with epoxy

To ensure high-quality impregnation of wood with an epoxy composition, the base, on the contrary, is heated. After the pores of the wood expand, they will perfectly absorb the mass, which will also become very liquid upon contact with a hot surface. After the impregnated wood has hardened, it is covered with finishing layer. When drying, you will again have to control the temperature so that air does not escape to the surface.

Eliminating air bubbles

It happens that bubbles still appear on the top of the fill. There is no need to heat the product, this may cause the formation of new bubbles. It is better to use a thin needle to pierce the balloons. Another option for removing them is to spray the resin with alcohol from a spray bottle. Although in this case there is a risk of changing the color or degree of transparency of the mass. Large bubbles are removed after the resin has hardened. They are drilled, cleaned, degreased and filled again.

Using Resin - Design Options

Transparent optical fill resins are ideal for combinations with wood. Any designer “things” will be visible through them - crumbs, sawdust, metal elements. If you decide to add a color, it is better to buy it from the same brand so that there are no problems with mixing.

Colored masses are usually cloudy and are not used for basic filling. But filling the pores of wood, voids from knots, and bark beetle passages with a colored composition looks beautiful. For example, a shelf or bar counter in which the cracks are painted with resin with luminescent dyes will be unique. Then the furniture will glow on its own.

There are other interesting ones design techniques. So, adding a drop of water to the resin will result in milky stains. Drops also make beautiful inclusions in colored epoxy.

Furniture with cut

The furniture looks unusual, resembling a piece of jewelry - its parts are cut. For example, a beautiful stump is enclosed in a transparent cube, ground, polished and given clear edges. The product can be used as a table, chair, or simply installed as an interior element.

Solid board table

For creating designer desk They use the technique of painting grooves and holes that you can do yourself. Any type of wood will do. You can take whole piece or make a tabletop from glued strips. To prevent the colored resin from leaking, inside the boards are sealed with paper tape, which is removed after hardening. The hardened resin is sanded and then varnished.

Filling table

This method of creating furniture is more complex. Thick glass or plywood is used as a base for decoration, which is shaped into the shape of the future table. Light decorative elements must be glued, because they can float. Next, they make a side that will hold the epoxy on the base. It is carefully nailed down with furniture nails.

The base must be dry before pouring. Wood pores are treated with epoxy primer. At one time, make a fill no more than 1 cm thick. Large pieces of wood and stones will have to be hidden in resin several times, doing the work in layers. Each stage is carried out two days after the previous one. The table can be used only after 7 days; after the same period, it is ground and polished if necessary. It is advisable to varnish the filling tables - this will reduce the risk of minor defects.


To create luminous or regular shelves, use boards the right size. Areas affected by mold and fungus are removed using hand tools. Next, the resin is mixed with dye, choosing desired color. WITH reverse side The board is sealed with tape, and the pores are filled with a coloring compound. After drying, a layer of transparent resin is applied. At the end of the work, the surface is varnished.

Table with map inside

Such a table is made in a similar way, only they select a cut from a tree trunk with many cracks, stains, and branches. They drill holes that imitate a map of the world - seas, oceans. Afterwards the product is poured, coloring the resin in the desired colors.

Ice in the house

The bar counter or table top can be made to resemble a block of ice. Such plates are cast in molds with “cracks” made of colored resin inside. Application similar product in the interior will become a unique design technique.

LED lamp made of wood and epoxy

You can even make night lights and lamps yourself from epoxy resin. In such a device, a diode lamp is attached to the bottom of the frame; it also serves as a stand. The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. From pieces of chipboard, assemble a box 33x20 cm with strict adherence to angles of 90 degrees; it will serve as a form for pouring.
  2. Place the box on a flat base, tighten it with clamps, and seal the cracks with sealant.
  3. Dilute dark resin and pour it in a thin layer.
  4. After curing, lay a piece of wood with the bark inside and decorate with decor (for example, dry moss).
  5. Pour transparent resin on top (3 cm thick).
  6. Allow the product to dry.
  7. Attach it to the lamp.

Resin jewelry

For self-made rings, keychains, pendants, earrings and other jewelry, you need to purchase suitable filling molds - silicone molds. You will also need clear resin High Quality, decor - rhinestones, glitter, beads, sequins.

Decorations with dried flowers

To make such jewelry, you need to prepare the flowers in advance. Forget-me-not, speedwell, heather, small roses or individual petals and buds look beautiful. Stencils are drawn on paper the desired shape, lay them out on a clean, film-covered surface. The top of the stencils is covered with multifors.

The finished diluted resin begins to be applied directly to the multifora, carefully distributing it according to the stencil, using wooden stick until a height of 2-3 cm is reached. Then the mass is covered on top with a dome shape - this option is ideal for making earrings and pendants. After a day, remove the blanks from the multifora, remove the dome, and polish it well. The work is repeated, only dried flowers are placed inside the workpiece. Afterwards, both halves are glued together.


To work, you will need special molds for bracelets, resin, a mixing container, a stick and any decor. Place the filler in a dry mold and carefully pour in the resin (in a thin stream). Straighten the decor with a toothpick and puncture air bubbles. Allow the workpiece to harden (24 hours), then polish it and remove it from the mold. To add gloss, the bracelet is coated with varnish.

Colored resin products

Any decorations can be made not only from transparent, but also from colored epoxy. There are dyes of all colors of the rainbow, luminescent and fluorescent colors on sale. The work of pouring jewelry will be similar, only the resin is pre-colored with dry pigment. Knead it carefully, strictly in a circle, so that no air bubbles appear. The workpieces are covered with lids to prevent dust from getting on them.

Some people prefer to fill whole blocks and then cut out sets of decorations from them. By the way, when decorating them, it is quite possible to use wood - tiny twigs, twigs, sawdust. This will give the jewelry uniqueness and originality, allowing you to create a real designer accessory.


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