Attic finishing design. Modern harmonious options for finishing the attic with your own hands: photos, basic materials, original ideas

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Attic country house If desired, it is not difficult to convert it into a living space - a bedroom, office or nursery. The appearance from the inside will largely depend on what kind of finish is chosen for the walls, floor and ceiling.

Today there is a large number of a wide variety of materials perfectly suited for this purpose. Which one should you choose in this or that case, and how to do the attic cladding with your own hands? We'll talk about this later in the article.

Types of finishing materials

Do-it-yourself attic finishing can be done using only two main types of materials - traditional and modern. Traditional ones include lining, imitation timber, blockhouse. Modern ones - plasterboard, plywood, cork panels, decorative plaster, etc. The choice of finishing depends largely on what style of attic design is provided for by the design project. If it is country, Provence, Scandinavian or classic, you should use traditional materials. For cladding the inside of attics in a high-tech or minimalist style, you should use modern views finishing.

On a note: In some cases finishing attic floor can be carried out with a deviation from this rule. For example, in a room whose interior is decorated in Provence style, it may look good decorative plaster light shade with a discreet “pattern”.

Thus there are the most different variants attic finishing. The photos below clearly demonstrate exactly how this room, lined with one or another type of material, can look like:

Pros and cons of using drywall

So, how to cover the inside of the attic? Very often, the internal surfaces when decorating this room are finished with plasterboard. The main advantage of this material is that it can be used to perform very original finish attic floor, arranging curved surfaces.

Attic cladding made using plasterboard can be very original and unusual

The only difficulty may arise when marking for sheets, since the attic walls are beveled at a certain angle. However, using a level, a fairly high-quality finishing of the attic with plasterboard can be done. The video demonstrates the marking technique in detail:

Plasterboard sheets are mounted on the sheathing.

Important: Of course, before you start finishing with plasterboard, you should insulate and waterproof the roof.

As you can see, the question of how to cover an attic with plasterboard is not particularly difficult.

There are also some disadvantages to using this material for cladding the attic floor from the inside. The fact is that roof structures sometimes move a little as a result of shrinkage of the house or for other reasons. As a result, cracks may appear in the casing. However, the likelihood of such an outcome is not very high. The result can exceed all expectations.

Finishing the attic with plasterboard. Photo of the finished result

Advantages and disadvantages of lining

The main advantage of lining is its environmental friendliness. Moreover, wood helps create a healthy microclimate in the room. In addition, covering the attic with clapboard will help create a special “village” atmosphere in this room. Walls decorated with wood look incredibly aesthetically pleasing. You can use the lining for finishing the attic floor wooden house, and brick or concrete. The only drawback of this material is considered to be some difficulty in installation. Covering walls with clapboard is a somewhat more labor-intensive process than decorating with plasterboard.

On a note: To finish the attic, in order to prevent cracking of the wood, you should not use lining more than 10 cm wide.

Sheathing with imitation timber

How else to decorate the attic from the inside? Today, for covering premises, you can use not only ordinary lining in the form of a board. Very interesting option Attic design can be achieved by finishing surfaces with imitation timber - one of the varieties of this material. When using it, the walls and ceiling look like they are made of ordinary or laminated veneer lumber.

Cladding the attic with imitation timber gives the attic a stylish look appearance

Blockhouse cladding

Often, attics are also finished with a blockhouse - another type of lining. Using it, you can get cladding that imitates chopped walls. This allows you to decorate even concrete and brick structures in a “rustic” style. At the dacha, this decoration looks simply great.

Finishing the attic with a blockhouse. "Chopped" walls

Important: Various options finishing the attic floor with wood allows you to get very harmonious design. However, blockhouse, lining and imitation timber must be treated with special compounds that reduce the risk of fire and prevent rotting.

The attic can be finished with either light or dark wood clapboards. In small rooms it is best to use the first option.

Interior decoration attics. Photos of rooms with dark and light lining

Other finishing options

To the question of how to cover the attic from the inside, there is another answer - plywood. The advantages of this finishing method include not only maximum ease of installation, but also low cost source material. The disadvantage of using plywood for sheathing is that when the roof moves, the sheets can move apart and gaps form between them.

Sheathing with plywood allows you to create a fairly aesthetically pleasing attic design

Plywood looks quite aesthetically pleasing on the walls of the attic. However, when decorating it, it is often covered with wallpaper. Drywall can also be finished on top in the same way. In the latter case, sometimes finishing is also decorative plaster.

You can decorate your attic beautifully using any of the commercially available materials. The choice of a specific type of finishing depends mainly on the tastes of the home owners themselves. With a little imagination, it won't be difficult to get something like this:

Technology of finishing the attic with clapboard

Next, we will consider in detail how to decorate the attic inside with clapboard. The use of this material for cladding requires mandatory roof waterproofing. To do this with outside A special membrane is fixed to the rafters. A counter-lattice is mounted on it under the roofing material.

Before you begin finishing the attic floor, the ceiling, walls and floor should also be insulated. On the inside of the roof slopes, thermal insulation material (usually mineral wool) is inserted between the rafters. On the gables, a sheathing is preliminarily installed under the wool and lining. Next, a vapor barrier layer is installed using staples.

Before covering the attic should be insulated

On a note: In order to prevent the heat insulator from falling out, a wire should be stretched between the rafters and sheathing beams.

After installing the vapor barrier, you can begin the actual installation of the lining. So, the plating is done as follows:

  1. Before sheathing begins, each lamella must be processed special composition, preventing rotting;

Before installation, the lining should be treated with special compounds

  1. On the gable sheathing and rafter legs on top vapor barrier material you need to fill the counter-lattice. This is necessary to create a ventilation gap. The counter-lattice will serve as the basis for the lining. In the event that the sheathing boards are located horizontally, the slats under them are stuffed vertically and, accordingly, vice versa. As a last resort, you can skip this step and perform the sheathing directly on top of the film. However, you should make sure that the heat insulator together with the film is between the rafters and does not stick out;
  2. The finishing of the attic walls begins from the top if the lining is located horizontally (in this case, the elements are mounted with grooves down to prevent moisture from entering them) and from the window to opposite wall with vertical orientation;

Finishing the attic with clapboard. Photo of the process of covering a wall with lamellas. In a vertical orientation, work begins from the window

  1. To fasten the sheathing elements, special clamps can be used, which must be installed in the groove and then closed with the ridge of the next board. You can also use nails for this purpose, which should be recessed into the wood. When performing open fastening, finishing nails are used. In the event that the counter-lattice is assembled not from timber, but from a metal profile, self-tapping screws are used;

When covering the lamellas, they are attached using special clamps

  1. Finishing the attic with wood also involves lining the window openings. On final stage they are finished with platbands made of the same wood as the lining. Next, all joints are closed with a layout.
Important: Before you begin covering the walls with the clapboard itself, you should make ventilation recesses on the sheathing beams for half the section in half-meter increments, offset relative to each other.

To make it clearer for you how to decorate an attic with your own hands, we present to your attention a video in which this process is discussed step by step.

So, we looked at the most different examples finishing the walls, floors and ceilings of the attic. For cladding, you can use either plywood, plasterboard or lining. Of course, finishing the attic floor of a wooden house is best done using the latest material. In this way, you can preserve the general stylistic idea of ​​a country building.

If you are the owner of a country house, it would be strange not to take advantage of the opportunity to arrange the attic floor. These are additional square meters, excellent view of the site and space for design experiments. Today's topic of conversation is do-it-yourself attic finishing options. Photos, recommendations on the selection of materials and advice from builders and interior designers - you will find all this here.

Read in the article

Attic vs attic: which is more necessary?

Let's look at each of these materials in more detail.

Finishing the attic with clapboard: highlights

The lining is a wooden strip with a locking device, tongue and groove. This type of finishing is used not only inside, but also outside of buildings. Lately Eurolining is especially popular - slats 9.6 cm wide and up to 6 meters long. All finishing materials are pre-treated at the factory and do not require additional protection from rot and insects.

Wood is a good heat and sound insulator, its use is safe for human health.

Installation of the lining is quite simple, and is quite within the capabilities of an inexperienced craftsman.

What you need to know about this material:

  • Eurolining is divided into grades. Ekstar and class “A” are suitable for finishing work; they have a smooth surface and a minimum number of defects. Class “B” and “C” are used only for decorating utility rooms and other utility rooms.
  • There are five subtypes of lining:
  1. profiled Land House;
  2. cylindrical Block House;
  3. wedge-shaped American;
  4. soft-line with rounded edges.
  • The raw materials for this material are very important factor choice. Larch is considered the most successful for residential premises; it not only looks presentable, but also remains perfectly preserved during use. In second place in popularity is pine lining - it is less resistant to external factors, but it fills the house pine aroma. In order for such a coating to retain its appearance for a long time, it must be treated with a special wax or varnish. Cedar covering is not cheap, but very high quality. Beneficial features cedar has been known for a long time, and its resistance to temperature changes and chic appearance are worthy of the highest praise.

Advice! If your family budget does not allow you to buy expensive lining, use a cheap one complete with stain. This way you can turn an ordinary spruce into rosewood or chestnut.

The lining combines well with other types of finishes: plasterboard, or. Interior artists suggest combining different types of this material, for example, Block House on the walls and American on the ceiling. The lining can be placed not only strictly horizontally, but also at an angle or with a pattern.

Finishing the inside of the attic with clapboard in the photo:

MDF in the design of the attic

MDF – universal material, the surface of which can successfully imitate not only wood, but also stone, leather or mosaic. Essentially, MDF is boards of different densities 7-12 millimeters thick, covered with veneer or PVC film with an image.

MDF coating is only suitable for rooms with humidity up to 70 percent; it is not suitable for baths, saunas or bathrooms. For MDF installations you need to make a frame of wood in increments of 30 cm. The panels are connected using the same locking device. MDF fastening to the frame is carried out using staples. In general, MDF is a good solution. This finishing will significantly save your budget, but you need to carefully monitor the level of humidity in the attic.

Attic interior with MDF panels on the picture:

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In the under-roof floor it is permissible to use the same types of coating as in other residential premises. You can use carpet, or even...

A broken roof is a type of gable roof with complicated geometry. The name of the form speaks for itself: there are a lot of broken lines. The design of such a roof should be carried out by professionals. main feature This roof has two-tier rafters. The lower ones will be at a greater angle than the lower ones. This form allows you to allocate more space in the attic and achieve optimal height ceilings in the under-roof space. Snow does not linger particularly on such a roof, and the building itself looks solid.

In under-roof spaces, you need to carefully consider the design of the cladding. In addition, you will need to install special . They will cost more than conventional double-glazed windows. And one more important point– the sheathing should not place any special load on the walls. Experts advise choosing.

The photo shows options for arranging an attic in a wooden house with a sloping roof:

The main stages of DIY finishing

Finishing the attic is a feasible task for home handyman. You can completely handle all the work yourself or with a little help from your household. Required preliminary preparation structures, careful insulation and installation of windows.

Advice! Think about the issue of room ventilation initial stage, before interior design work.

Think about how you can use it in the interior design features roofs.

Now about all this in more detail.

Preparatory work and insulation

The first stage of arranging the attic floor is its insulation. The most popular material for this purpose is stone wool. It is characterized by fireproof characteristics, excellent heat retention and correct installation will last a very long time. Most bad choice- Styrofoam. It does not “breathe”, releases compounds harmful to humans and burns quickly. A small DIY installation kit for installing insulation:

Film. It is attached to the beams with outside before installation of the roof covering. with wavy edge or special construction knife with a long serrated blade.

If you plan to place a bathroom or kitchen in the under-roof space, Special attention attention should be paid to preparing the floors: they need to be waterproofed.


Many owners of private houses dream of additional area. It is for this reason that the decision arises to finish the attic. This room can be used as another living room, gym, office or library. It is enough to have certain construction skills to complete repairs and interior decoration in a couple of weeks. Drywall and lining are optimally suited for this purpose, although other materials may be preferred.



Primarily in the attic it is necessary to insulate the walls, which will help avoid significant heat loss. It is best to purchase mineral wool as insulation.

First, a waterproofing layer is laid. The material is secured with an overlap using driven slats or a construction stapler.

The next stage is choosing the location of all the walls. Depending on this factor, waterproofing material can be laid between the rafters, leaving a small gap for air circulation.

It must be remembered that if there is brick partition the insulation costs fix on both sides of the wall. On the inside, the material is laid together with a waterproofing layer, and on the outside, waterproofing and insulation are used, on top of which plasterboard or lining is mounted. In this case, the slopes do not need to be insulated. It is enough to attach a little to them waterproofing material to protect the room from excess moisture.

Preparation of partitions

To perform zoning of the attic, you should make some partitions.

  • From the last beam on the ceiling to the floor itself, you need to install a board 10-15 cm wide and 2 cm thick.
  • Then the horizontal bars are installed.
  • Partition with reverse side sheathed with boards, between which it is necessary to leave a gap of 0.5 mm.
  • WITH inside a layer of hydro- and thermal insulation is fixed.

Only after completing these works can you begin finishing the attic with plasterboard.

For execution interior partitions needs to be prepared special wooden bases. The width of the partition should be from 10 to 15 cm. Some craftsmen prefer to use a channel. Such profiles are fixed to the wall on both sides with self-tapping screws. It is necessary to lower the channel inside the structure and then install these products horizontally. On one side, the partition is sheathed with finishing material. So, drywall is fastened with self-tapping screws to metal structure, and the lining is fixed with nails on horizontal bars. After this, you need to start finishing the second side.

Sheathing with plasterboard

Even a novice master can figure out how to cover an attic with plasterboard. So, first of all, it is necessary to sheathe the gables and slopes, and after that it's the ceiling's turn.

  • To cover the slopes on the rafters, it is necessary to secure the bars at a distance of 1 m.
  • Then, in these gaps, the bars are installed horizontally.
  • Next, the drywall is installed on the base.
  • After this, all that remains is to seal the holes and cracks.


There are many options for interior decoration of the attic, the photo of which confirms this. So, especially often for this purpose clapboard is used. It is carefully cut and attached to wooden base using nails at the joints. After each sheet, you need to check the location of the material using a level. If this is not done, then distortion will be inevitable. Upon completion of the work, the lining must be varnished.

Plywood sheathing

If for some reason you don’t want to use drywall or lining, then you can buy regular plywood. In this case, the surface of the walls will be smooth, which means finishing Both wallpaper and paint are ideal.

To finish the attic, plywood 1.25-1.52 cm wide, 1.52-2.5 m long, 3-5 mm thick is used. It's best to give preference for moisture-resistant material, since leaks are not excluded in the attic.

The plywood is mounted on the frame using nails or screws for fastening. In the central part, the material is placed at intervals of 30 cm. It is also necessary to leave gaps of 3 mm. They will not be needed if the plywood has tongue and groove edges. Finishing begins with slopes and gables, and then proceeds to covering the ceiling.

OSB sheathing

The advantage of OSB boards is the ability to attach the material directly to the rafters. In other words, installation additional frame necessary when finishing the attic with plasterboard, in in this case not required. To secure Regular nails will do. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the surface is perfectly flat. For internal lining It is best to use polished products, because they are much easier to work with.

Thanks to OSB application-plate walls of the attic can be finished with wallpaper or fabric, having previously primed the surface with a composition containing PVA glue and applying a layer of latex putty. Also on OSB boards can be applied with a spray or brush acrylic and oil paint. Water-based composition It is better to use only for internal or exterior finishing, because because of it the slab can bend.


Used for floor insulation various thermal insulation materials. It is best to give preference to mineral wool or glass wool. They should be laid over the entire area of ​​the attic between individual beams. The thickness of this layer should be at least 10 cm. It is also necessary to protect the attic from excess moisture. It is for this purpose that a waterproofing layer is used. If the overlap between floors is presented concrete slab, then you should perform a screed.

Attic flooring needs a special base. We are talking about boarding 4 cm thick, which is laid on beams. It is best to give preference coniferous species, especially fir, larch and pine. The popularity of this wood is explained by its strength, ease of processing and wear resistance. In this case, you need to make sure that the boards are dry. Otherwise, large gaps will appear during operation. Before installation, the material should be coated with antiseptic compounds that can protect flooring from fungus, pests and rot.

The boards are laid along the joists, between which it is necessary to leave a gap of up to 2 mm. For convenience, all materials are numbered. First, install the first board and check its location. Then the remaining boards are installed in order and secured with nails.


When completing the interior decoration of the attic, it is necessary decide on the ceiling height. The optimal parameter is 2.2 m. If the ceiling is lower, then in the room tall people will feel discomfort, and may also have difficulty installing cabinets.

It is necessary to take measurements from the floor to the rafters. Only after this can you begin to construct the ceiling base. First, a block is installed between the opposing rafters. To make the structure more durable, you should nail a few additional bars in increments of 50-100 cm.

The finished attic ceiling is sheathed with boards or plasterboard, and a layer of waterproofing and insulation is fixed on top. A suspended ceiling is often used as a finishing touch. If desired wooden surface You can simply varnish it.

Examples of attic interior decoration

Beautiful and practical finish the attic can turn it into a cozy living room. This could be a bedroom, a study, a recreation room with billiards, a home cinema room, or even a children's room. Materials for finishing the attic can be traditional: lining, blockhouse, imitation timber and other finishing options from natural wood, both modern and non-standard: drywall, siding, plywood, decorative plaster and cork panels. Today we will present to your attention the most successful projects finishing an attic, we will tell you in detail how to decorate an attic with your own hands, offer more than a dozen visual images of beautiful design and style, and also demonstrate an educational video describing the finishing work process.

Interior decoration of the attic with clapboard: photo examples

Wooden lining - This is perhaps the most favorite and popular option for finishing the attic. Natural wood has a unique flavor, natural beauty and unique colors. Wooden paneling makes the room cozy and “warm”, giving it a unique touch of provincial romance. In addition to the fact that finishing the attic walls with clapboard looks beautiful and rich, it is also very practical option sheathing because it is easy to care for. We invite you to take a look at the most original finish attic rooms, the photo below will demonstrate options both using lining and using other finishing materials.

Natural wood is very elastic. This is another reason why lining is chosen as finishing for attic spaces. Under the influence of wind, the upper part of the house often moves. This process is invisible to the eye, but if the interior decoration mansard roof was made of brittle and inelastic material, and without expansion gaps, this could lead to cracks.

Advice Strictly follow the installation technology of the selected finishing material so that the interior decoration of the attic holds up well and lasts a long time.

Finishing the attic floor of a wooden house and cottage

In addition to lining, there are other options for finishing the attic floor. In fact, if the surface of the walls, ceiling and floor is properly prepared, you can decorate such a room with any finishing materials and maintain it in any style. You have already seen how unusual and varied the interior decoration of an attic can be; photos from our gallery clearly demonstrate this. And if you want to learn more about the choice of decoration and furnishings, be sure to read about the design of attic rooms and correct layout attic interior. Such a room does not necessarily have to be maintained in rustic style. Even strict high-tech may be appropriate here.

Combined finishing of the attic floor in Hi-Tech style: plaster, wooden panels and wallpaper.

The interior decoration of the attic of a wooden house or cottage, as a rule, is carried out either entirely on the basis of wood, or with the inclusion of appropriate elements. But no one forces you to follow this cliché. Trust your taste and let your imagination run wild. Let the decoration of the attic in your home not be similar to hundreds of other projects most often proposed in this case.

Idea Decorate the walls of the attic with inserts made of fabric that repeats the pattern of the furniture upholstery, and drape the ceilings with a monochromatic material that matches the color. The impression of softness can be enhanced by constructing an airy canopy over the bed.

Insulation and finishing of the attic with plasterboard

Before you start thinking about how to decorate the attic from the inside, you should think about reliable insulation and vapor barrier of walls. The room, located directly under the roof, is constantly exposed to cold wind and precipitation, and in the summer it becomes very hot under the scorching rays of the sun. Detailed material about the installation of insulation and vapor barrier film waiting for you here - “attic roof insulation”.

And now we suggest you move on to finishing the attic ceiling. This part of the room may have different shapes and slope, and sometimes completely absent. But if there is a ceiling in the room, the question arises: how can you decorate it beautifully? It is not necessary to use the same materials that you used to decorate the walls. You may be surprised, but you can even make a suspended ceiling in the attic!

Idea By using stretch ceiling can be visually raised attic room, which usually suffers from a lack of space. Design, for example, a blue sky above your head, and complement the effect with stylish lighting.

Great option - finishing the attic floor with plasterboard. This material has a number of advantages: it is inexpensive, easy to use, relatively lightweight, and non-flammable. Using drywall, you can quickly level the walls and ceiling, and also create a universal base for any type of attic finish.

Many experts recommend using plasterboard sheets also for camouflage engineering communications, in particular, electrical wiring. Indeed, it is easy to hide all the wires behind such casing. But we're talking about country house or a dacha, where, unfortunately, rodents often live.

Important Lay wiring in a wooden house or country house open method, that is, in special boxes to ensure access to it. If wires hidden behind drywall are chewed by mice, you will have to disturb the finish to get to the problem.

If you want to know how to finish an attic with plasterboard, the video below will help you understand this issue in detail.

How to decorate the attic inside with wood, plywood, siding

Lining- This is not the only type of cladding using natural wood. The design of the walls in the form of imitation timber or blockhouse looks very nice. Blockhouse is wooden blocks convex shape. The wall covered with them looks as if it was made of rounded logs.

How to decorate an attic in a country house so that the interior looks unusual and original? Try coloring wood paneling walls and ceiling in different colors, or come up with an interesting ornament. By the way, designers recommend using no more than two or three primary colors to decorate any interior, otherwise there will be a cacophony.

Plywood and siding– this is the most economical options attic finishing. But if you are more interested not in the question of saving money, but in how beautiful and rich the room will look, there can only be one answer to the question “what is the best way to decorate the attic” - natural wood.

As a rule, a typical dacha is not an overly spacious home. But the situation changes radically if the attic at the dacha is converted into an attic. If you have done a high-quality finishing of the attic yourself, this additional room can be used as a bedroom or guest room.

But what to do if there is no attic as such, but only free space in the attic? In this case, you will have to choose one of the many finishing methods and turn non-residential premises to residential.

Requirements for the interior decoration of the attic

In order for the finishing of the attic floor to be considered successful, it must have the following qualities:

  • low thermal conductivity roofing system- walls of the room;
  • acceptable sound insulation roofing system and ceiling;
  • aesthetic appeal of the finish and, as a result, the comfort of everyday use of the premises;
  • environmental Safety due to zero toxin content in the materials used;
  • acceptable price finishing materials.

Climbing into an ordinary attic of a country house in the summer, you will be surprised at how hot it is. In winter the situation is different since it is cold in an ordinary attic.

Since the attic is, in fact, a converted attic, it is necessary to take care of thermal insulation, which will reduce the thermal conductivity of the roofing system. For these purposes, between the finishing layer and roofing material a layer of thermal insulation and a vapor barrier film are installed.

The presence of thermal insulation, laid during the finishing of the room, performs another important task - it reduces the amount of noise penetrating into the room from the outside. This advantage is especially relevant if metal tiles or corrugated sheets are used as roofing material.

Today, a lot is said and written about the potential unsafety of environmentally harmful materials. Is environmental safety so important or can it be neglected in favor of saving material resources?

Neglect environmental safety finishing materials should not be used in any case, especially if the attic will be used as a living space. After all, the use of environmentally friendly interior decoration is the key to your excellent well-being.

Finishing methods and materials used

So, how to decorate the attic from the inside?

Among those that can be used for arrangement attic space, we note the following:

  • oriented strand board (OSB);
  • sheet plywood;
  • drywall followed by putty;
  • wooden lining;
  • panels made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

All of the listed materials are presented in a wide range in most specialized stores, so there will be no problems with their selection and purchase.

Difficulties may arise when you decide to independently use the purchased materials for their intended purpose. Therefore, we will consider methods for carrying out finishing work with each of the listed materials.

Finishing with OSB boards

The main advantage of OSB is moisture resistance, which is not characteristic of all materials of wood origin.

For installation work, in addition to oriented particle boards thermal insulation material will be required. For these purposes, dense mineral wool and a vapor barrier film are used.

The instructions for arranging the attic space are as follows:

  • the rafters are inspected for displacement relative to each other;
  • if there is a displacement, plywood strips are used, which are laid in a certain quantity on the rafters and compensate for the difference in levels;
  • Insulation boards are laid between the rafters;
  • a vapor barrier film is stapled on top of the insulation;
  • then oriented strand boards are fastened with self-tapping screws;
  • at the final stage, wood putty is selected to fill the joints between the slabs and the recesses for the heads of the screws.

Important: The installation of the slabs is carried out longitudinally, so that each slab rests on several rafters at once. If the height of the room is more than one slab, OSB is laid in several rows. Moreover, the OSB of the previous row should be located offset relative to the subsequent row.

In addition to cladding rafters, OSB can be used for cladding floors. The instructions for carrying out the work are similar to the method of covering rafters. But, in this case, slabs with greater thickness are used.

Finishing work using multilayer plywood

Plywood is excellent, as it is made from natural raw materials - wood veneer. Due to the peculiarities of the material structure, plywood finishing is highly reliable and durable.

The bending strength of plywood makes it possible to use materials with a relatively small thickness as cladding and thus reduce the load on rafter system. A significant advantage of plywood over the same OSB is the attractive appearance of the surface with the texture of a real wood cut.

Plywood sheets are mounted directly on the rafters during the sheathing process. Considering the location of the attic, between the plywood and the roofing material in mandatory We place thermal insulation material and vapor barrier film.

Installation of plywood is carried out exactly the same as installation of OSB:

  • To hide the gaps between installed slabs you can use color-matched moldings, which are used when installing the lining;
  • In order to cover the marks from the heads of the self-tapping screws, putty selected by color is used;
  • In order to maximize the service life of the cladding, the plywood is coated with several layers of furniture varnish.

As in the case of OSB, plywood can be used not only for finishing the walls of the attic, but also for covering the floor. Plywood floor, with making the right choice sheet thickness, demonstrates no less strength than plank covering.

If the purchased plywood is thinner than 10 mm, to finish the floor in the attic, the sheets are laid in 2 layers offset relative to each other.

Drywall installation

Plasterboard sheets are universal remedy, which is equally suitable for cladding ceilings and walls, as well as for arranging dry screed using Knauf technology. Just like the previously listed slab-type materials, plasterboard is suitable for cladding walls with backfill thermal insulation material and with hidden installation of utilities.

For installation plasterboard structures, in addition to the main material - gypsum board sheets, you will need metallic profile with box section, dowels, screws, putty mixture and related tools.

The instructions for finishing the ceiling and walls with plasterboard are as follows:

  • a leveling frame made of a metal profile is mounted along the rafters;
  • in the spaces between the rafters, thermal insulation is laid under a layer of vapor barrier film;
  • installation of utilities is in progress;

  • Sheets of plasterboard are mounted onto a pre-prepared frame using self-tapping screws;
  • blockages at the joints of sheets are sealed with special plaster tape;
  • gypsum putty is applied to the prepared surface of the walls and ceiling;
  • After the putty has dried, the surface is sanded, covered with primer and painted.

Important: Location of power and low-current wiring under plasterboard finishing allowed subject to the use of special corrugated pipes.

After the attic walls are finished, you can purchase special GVL sheets for laying dry screed.

The technology for laying dry screed is simple:

  • a moisture-proof film is laid on the rough base;
  • Expanded clay backfill is laid on top of the film;
  • the backfill is leveled and compacted;
  • The first layer of drywall is laid over the backfill layer;
  • Glue is applied on top of the first layer and the second layer of sheets is laid out with some offset relative to the first layer.

Among the advantages of this solution we note:

  • excellent thermal and sound insulation qualities of the backfill;
  • low backfill weight and, as a result, low load on the ceiling;
  • short deadlines for completing installation work.

Installation of wooden and plastic lining

Now let's look at how to decorate an attic with your own hands using lining. In fact, the configuration of wooden and plastic lining is not much different, and therefore there is no particular difference in the performance of installation work using one or the other material.

Lining, unlike the previously listed slab-type materials, is only suitable for cladding walls and ceilings, while lining cannot be used for finishing floors.

Installation of the lining is carried out on a wooden or metal sheathing, which is attached to the rafters in the attic. The sheathing serves as a leveling and load-bearing frame.

During installation wooden sheathing applies wooden slats with a cross section of 25*20 mm. When installing metal sheathing, a thin-walled steel box profile is used.

To install the lining, in addition to the main material, you will need to purchase a number of additional elements - moldings, among which we note the finishing, corner and connecting strips. In addition to the moldings, you will need special fastening hardware - clamps that press the strip to the sheathing.

Important: When choosing between wooden and plastic lining, you should take into account the degree of rigidity of the material. That is, if the question is how to finish the attic inside, using complex shapes in the interior, it is advisable to use plastic lining, since it can be bent at an angle of up to 160 degrees. Wooden lining It won't be possible to bend it at that angle.

The installation instructions are simple. First, the leveling sheathing is installed. This is done with the expectation that when the slats are horizontal, the slats are installed vertically, and when the slats are vertical, they are installed horizontally.

Corner and finishing strips are installed on the sheathing. The first lining is installed from the corner on the side where the tenon is located. On the groove side, the lining is fixed with clamps. All subsequent strips are installed in the same way.


As you can see, the interior decoration of the attic is not difficult, provided correct selection method and the correct selection of materials used. You can find out the details you are interested in by watching the video in this article, after which you can leave your comments.


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