House made of metal sandwich panels. DIY sandwich panel house

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A house made of sandwich panels can be built at any time of the year, spending a minimum of time on all the necessary construction activities. For this reason, such residential buildings are currently popular all over the world.

Advantages of residential buildings made of sandwich panels - why are they so popular?

The technology for constructing houses from the products we are interested in has now been worked out to the smallest detail. The construction process itself is quite simple and straightforward. If desired, a building made of sandwich panels (SIP or SIP) can be erected independently, without involving specialists in the process. The key advantages of such residential buildings are given below:

  1. 1. Construction of a house frame from sandwich panels takes 7–14 days.
  2. 2. There are no restrictions on the ambient temperature at which work is permitted. They can be performed on hot days and in frosty weather.
  3. 3. Low costs. Construction of houses from SIP requires minimal financial investments. This is due to the simplicity of the technology and the low cost of the panels used.
  4. 4. High strength, sound and heat insulation of buildings. Houses made of sandwich panels can withstand strong hurricanes, warm up quickly, and retain heat well. Thanks to this, during the operation of the building it is possible to save a lot of money on heating.
  5. 5. The walls of SIP housing do not deform, and the house itself does not shrink. After the construction of the building, it is allowed to immediately begin its external and internal decoration.
  6. 6. Ease of installation work. The panels can be mounted in a vertical position without any problems; the house does not require a reinforced base (foundation).

After describing all the advantages, you might think that sandwich panels used to build a house are an ideal material for arranging a comfortable and economical home. But not everything is so rosy. The disadvantages of the described buildings will be discussed in the next section.

Disadvantages of SIP housing - take into account!

Houses made from sandwich products last no more than 25–30 years. In terms of strength, they are significantly inferior to buildings made of concrete, brick and natural wood. The panels in question are non-ecological products. In their production, synthetic products, various additives and chemically produced resins are used.

Also, the disadvantage of residential buildings made from SIP is their complete tightness. such that the output is a kind of thermos building in which the air is not renewed. It is necessary to equip it with supply and exhaust forced ventilation. The costs of its proper installation significantly increase the cost of construction.

SIP buildings are officially classified as flammability category G1. It is believed that one can live in such houses without fear of fires. In practice this is not entirely true. Sandwich products burn actively and quickly and at the same time emit a lot of harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, polystyrene foam, which is part of the panels, becomes liquid when burning and collects into hot drops, which fall from top to bottom like a kind of fiery rain. Putting out such a fire is problematic.

House designs made from sandwich panels are designed for home use in almost any weather conditions. As noted, such buildings do not collapse even in strong hurricane winds. But punching a hole in a building with a hammer or an ax is not at all difficult. This is worth remembering for those who decide to build their own SIP house.

And one more important point. A house made of sandwich panels that you plan to build with your own hands requires design and installation special system heating - air. It makes sense to entrust its installation to professionals. In principle, it is allowed to install a standard heating system - with radiators under the windows, traditional wiring. But then you can forget about saving on heating your home. But this is one of the main advantages of SIP buildings.

Features of SIP - what do you need to know about the design?

Sandwich panels are special three-layer products. They consist of:

  • Core. It is a layer of insulation. Such materials are polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. Please note that most often the core function is performed by polystyrene foam. The thickness of the insulation varies - from 5 to 25 cm. Its specific value depends on the requirements of the construction customer. If the house will be used in temperate climate, the core thickness is taken to be about 10–15 cm.
  • Two outer layers. They are made from fibreboard (fibreboard), magnesite or oriented strand board (OSB). The outer layer has a thickness of 0.9–1.2 cm. OSB-3 products are most in demand on the domestic market. Their thickness is 1.2 cm. They provide strength load-bearing structures and withstand high humidity well.

The core and outer layers of SIP are connected into a single structure under pressure. The result is a composite material with increased strength characteristics.

We have already said that inexpensive sandwich houses are usually made with a polystyrene foam core. This material consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide (approximately 98%), which gives the products unique heat-shielding properties. In addition, polystyrene foam is a very light and inexpensive material. It is worth remembering that it can melt if there is a source of open fire nearby.

Mineral wool does not burn and does not support combustion processes. But it is rarely used for making SIPs. The reason is her high cost and heavy weight. Panels with a mineral wool core weigh 2–2.5 times more than products made from polyurethane foam and expanded polystyrene. If you build a house from SIP with mineral wool insulation, the cost of construction work approximately doubles.

Let's say a few words about the outer layers of the products that interest us. It is advisable to use those panels that are made from wood chips (OSB). The latter has a length of up to 14 cm and a cross-section of up to 0.6 mm. Such chips are laid in three layers. Then it is filled with a special adhesive waterproof resin and the resulting composition is pressed at a certain temperature and pressure, obtaining after all these operations products with a high elasticity index and bending strength. The OSB surface is easy to saw and at the same time has excellent resistance to moisture.

First step - . It is impossible to do without this stage. The frame-panel construction technique allows you to choose any house designs made from sandwich panels. You can purchase a ready-made diagram. It’s even better to order an individual residential project from a specialized studio. Then you can build unique house, where you will be comfortable and pleasant to live.

After this, based on the drawn up project, you should order sandwich panels with the required dimensions and in the right amount for construction work. Standard products may be used. But in this case, the construction process will become significantly more complicated and protracted. Customize SIP standard sizes you will be within the required parameters for a long time. Some craftsmen make panels with their own hands. But for this you need to have special equipment. This option is not considered by the average home craftsman.

While the panels are being manufactured, you can begin to lay out the foundation for your future home. made of SIP do not require the construction of heavy foundations, as they are lightweight structures. It is enough to make a shallow strip or strip-column base. If desired and if you have free time, you can pour a pile-grillage or slab foundation.

The shallow foundation for the house is arranged as follows:

  1. 1. Mark the site for construction, remove the soil (the width of the soil excavation is 0.4 m, the depth is about 0.6 m).
  2. 2. Compact the groove you have made, add a layer (about 10 cm) of sand, and compact this layer. Then lay 10 cm of crushed stone. Tamp again.
  3. 3. Make standard formwork from wood. It should protrude 0.45–0.5 m above the soil surface. Don’t forget to make holes in this structure. They are necessary for organizing the vents that are part of the ventilation system.
  4. 4. Knit a frame from metal reinforcing bars and mount it in a ditch for the foundation.
  5. 5. Fill concrete mortar to the base. It is imperative to remove air bubbles using a special vibrator.

The foundation will harden for about four weeks. Then dismantle the formwork, lay several layers of hydroglass insulation (a modern moisture protector) or ordinary roofing felt on the surface of the base, coat the resulting structure with bitumen-based mastic.

Now we begin laying the crown beam. Its cross-section should be 25x15 cm. The beam should be placed strictly horizontally in the middle of the base for the building. In the corners, the crown element is connected according to the “claw” or “half-tree” patterns, and then carefully fastened with a wooden dowel. The latter must be driven into the timber carefully using a mallet. The beam is fixed to the foundation with anchors with a cross section of 1–1.2 cm and a length of 35 cm. The distance between individual fasteners is 150–200 cm. Important! the anchor heads must be recessed into the crown beam.

We are building a building from sandwich panels - a step-by-step guide

Begin construction works from the arrangement of the floor. We prepare the bars. From these you will make tenon beams and joists for the floor base. If you use SIP with a thickness of 22.4 cm, take the section of the beams 20x5 cm, if you use products 17.4 cm - 15x5 cm. At this stage, you need to perform a competent calculation. We take the length of the beam such that it can easily fit into the groove of the crown beam and at the same time be completely laid on the foundation. Trim (if necessary) the panels, make a gap (about 2–2.5 cm) between the surface of the insulation and the edge of the SIP. Start assembling the floor base.

The corner panel is installed first. Then the next product is added to it.

SIP splicing is carried out in a row to the required length. Treat the grooves of the sandwich panels (excess can be easily removed and washed from the surface). Then place the beam. It should be pressed well and held under pressure for 5–10 seconds. After this, secure the beam with 3.5x40 mm screws (use hardware designed for working on wood) or zinc-coated self-tapping screws. The distance between fasteners is up to 15 cm. Install the second panel from the side of the beam, then the third and all subsequent ones.

After arranging the floor, start building walls. Install the bench (guide board 5x20 cm) horizontally on floor base, fix it with self-tapping screws. According to the project, which determines the location of the SIP, you begin the installation of sandwich products, starting the operation from the corners. The panels are fastened to each other with 1.2x22 cm self-tapping screws, the grooves and lower ends of the products are filled with polyurethane foam. Between the mounted and previously mounted SIP, an additional board is inserted (its cross-section is 5x20 cm) and fixed with the same self-tapping screws.

Next, install the crown beam on the top of the panels, attach it to it with brackets, corners, or by cutting into the ceiling and install the roof. If the construction is carried out on your own, it is better to install SIP on a simple and reliable architectural element of the building. The entire sequence of actions for building a dwelling from sandwich panels is clearly presented in the video.

The RUSSIP company catalog contains hundreds of house projects with detailed layouts. After studying the company's proposals, you can choose the best option for your land plot. If for some reason you want to make changes to the project, designers and architects are ready to do this for you. Experts are also engaged in individual design of houses from SIP panels.

The company "RUSSIP" is:

  1. Dozens implemented projects houses built using SIP technology.
  2. Built in different regions countries residential properties, cottage villages, commercial real estate– car repair shops and car wash kits, hotels and mini-hotels, restaurants and catering establishments, helipads and equipment maintenance stations.
  3. Own production and technology. The structure of the company is design and engineering departments and a plant with workshops for woodworking, powerful production lines for creating SIP panels and extensive warehouses for storing finished products.

Inexpensive SIP houses are the specialization of the employees of the RUSSIP company. Using convenient navigation on the site, you will select a suitable house project required area and with the necessary technological and design solutions in the shortest possible time.

Rapid development construction technologies leads to the regular appearance of new materials. Sandwich panels can be counted among them: having recently appeared on the construction market, they quickly gained great popularity.

Sandwich panels have a complex structure that includes several layers. Inside there is an insulating base, for the manufacture of which foamed or extruded polymer or mineral wool is used. The extrusion filling is very durable and has higher insulating characteristics. The thermal insulation core is covered on both sides with protective PVC sheets. On the front side, a higher quality glossy or matte plastic, on the inside there is a durable, rough sheet on which an adhesive is spread. In addition to PVC, for the manufacture external walls The sandwich can be made from OSB board or steel sheet.

Sandwich panel device

A simpler version of the sandwich consists of two layers (there is no back protection). External walls and internal thermal insulation reliably connected with a special hot melt adhesive: Hot-Melt technology is used for its production. The two- or three-layer construction contains no toxins harmful to the body: this opens up ample opportunities for the use of sandwich panels in the social and housing sectors.

Appearance sandwich panels

Multilayer panels can be safely classified as universal materials, which are used both in finishing and construction of buildings.

Sandwich panels are perfect as a building material from which various low-rise buildings are constructed:

  • Industrial. The material is used for the construction of warehouses, hangars, and production areas.
  • Public and household. We are talking about office premises, retail outlets, and change houses.
  • Gas stations, repair and washing stations for vehicles.
  • Sports. Training halls, indoor skating rinks, etc.
  • Agricultural. Farms for breeding poultry, animals, various greenhouses.
  • Refrigerated and freezing warehouses.
  • Medical and other sanitary facilities.

Sandwich panels are used in various types structures

In addition, the panels of this type often used in cases where reconstruction or thermal insulation of dilapidated houses with insufficiently strong floors is carried out.

The main classification of sandwich panels is based on the type of internal filler:

In addition, there is a classification of sandwich panels according to the material of the outer sheets: they can be metal (galvanized), PVC or oriented strand boards (so-called “SIP panels”).

The undoubted advantages of sandwich panels include the following characteristics:

The material also has weaknesses:

Thanks to sandwich panels, the emergence of a very popular technology today has become possible rapid construction buildings. In this way, you can equip the site in a short time, regardless of the weather. Prefabricated buildings are constructed, as a rule, within 2-3 weeks (including the time for drawing up the project). The complexity of the structure being built in some way affects the duration of construction.

Installation of sandwich panels

However, in any case, this happens much faster than when using brick, foam blocks and other traditional materials. Such fast construction time is explained by the small total mass of the object. In this case, there is no need for a monolithic, powerful foundation, the laying of which usually takes a lot of time and resources: but it is the construction of the foundation that “eats up” a significant part of the time and money. The construction of prefabricated buildings is carried out by a small group of installers (3-4 people) without the involvement of specialized equipment. In this case, it is quite possible to get by with manual devices.

The procedure for carrying out construction work:

  1. Design. To save time, they often go by using a suitable standard project, into which individual changes can be made.
  2. For fairly large structures, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete panels as a foundation. However, if the building is quite small and light, a foundation made of brick or concrete stone with an additional layer of waterproofing is acceptable.
  3. For installation individual elements you will need a reliable frame, for the construction of which lumber or metallic profile. The installation procedure is carried out with a screwdriver and a special clamp. With proper qualifications of the performers, the build-up of the structure occurs very quickly.

Sandwich and SIP panels are also used in the construction of the so-called. “inertia-free” (frame) buildings. This technology is characterized by the use of materials with good insulation abilities and low heat capacity. Such objects are distinguished by a very rapid increase in the air temperature in the rooms, during which the rooms remain cool. They try to make them as airtight as possible, which makes it possible to spend minimal money on heating.

Frame building made of sandwich panels

Inertia-free structures made of SIP panels operate on the principle of a thermos: their walls cool down quickly, and the air remains warm for a long time even after the heating is turned off. This technology is widely used in the construction modern dachas And country cottages with temporary residence. Taking into account the requirements for tightness, such houses will require a rather complex ventilation system, the air ducts of which are constructed from ceramic pipes or brick ducts.

From an economic point of view, frame structures are the cheapest (especially if SIP panels are used). Even taking into account the mandatory use of expensive forced-air ventilation, construction costs frame house inferior to brick analogues by about 1/3. It should be borne in mind that any prefabricated building is an order of magnitude inferior in durability to brick or foam block structures. Strictly speaking, such a structure is intended for the residence of one generation.

In order to maintain the overall style prefabricated buildings made of sandwich panels, they began to produce special products for roofing. In such cases, mineral wool acts as the inner layer, and the panels themselves have higher load-bearing characteristics. Using such products, designers have ample opportunities for natural, additional overall designs, when not only the appearance, but also the method of constructing the object is maintained. For the manufacture of roofing sandwich panels, exclusively fire-resistant materials are used: basalt insulation, profiled steel sheathing, and non-hot glue.

Sandwich panels for roofs and walls

When considering sandwich panels as a material for the construction of a building, first of all it is necessary to determine the purpose of the object. As the main material, this material is most often used in the construction of industrial or social facilities. We are talking about various pavilions, hangars, gas stations, warehouses, etc. At the same time, the so-called "industrial" style.

These materials are also used in the residential sector ( frame construction), which allows to significantly reduce construction time. However, buildings of this type are not very durable, so if you want to have a cottage that will last forever, it is better to use traditional bricks or blocks. In private construction, it is more expedient to use sandwich panels for the construction of non-main buildings (except bathhouses, due to the low heat capacity of the walls).

Bathhouse made of sandwich panels

Cost of sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are fairly inexpensive materials.

The final price depends on the following factors:

  • Manufacturer. Domestic samples are an order of magnitude cheaper than Western ones.
  • Type of insulation. The most expensive are products based on basalt wool.
  • Facings.(Type of material, number of layers).

The market for materials for private housing construction is constantly expanding. Among the product range you can find: cellular concrete, profiled timber and brick. These are the most common solutions, but for private housing construction today it is common to use more modern options.

Modern solution for construction

This list is not complete. It can be supplemented with sandwich panels, which help in solving the problem when the question arises of easy, quick and economical construction of a house. This technology is relatively new. In a short time, she quickly gained popularity.

Description of houses

Sandwich panels are a building whose walls are erected from products produced in factories. In this case, high-performance equipment is used. Such panels consist of three layers and represent a kind of sandwich.

Between two external sheets there is a layer of insulation. The thicker and better quality it is, the more comfortable the conditions in the house will be. There may be different materials inside, for example:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • fiberglass.

Types of panels

Depending on where the sandwich panels will be used, they can be roofing or wall. The latter are divided into simple profiled, smooth or decorative profiled. can be profiled on one or both sides. For private housing construction, the latter option is rarely used, because the walls inside the house still have to be finished.

Selecting the best panels

Houses made of metal sandwich panels have different characteristics depending on what is at the base of the walls. If you want to build with outstanding characteristics, then you should take the choice of material more seriously. An important factor this is the type of insulation. For example, polystyrene foam is durable and environmentally friendly, it does not allow moisture to pass through and also retains heat well. Among its disadvantages, fire hazard should be highlighted.

Polyurethane foam has the lowest thermal conductivity, it is resistant to chemicals and has excellent waterproofing properties. Mineral wool can also be located inside; it is not flammable and is environmentally friendly and safe. Among other things, it retains heat well. The disadvantage is low resistance to water, so the walls will require additional waterproofing.

A house made of metal sandwich panels can be warmer if you choose the right thickness of the products. An increase in thickness can lead to increased thermal insulation properties, but will also reduce the usable area. When choosing thicker panels, you may encounter installation difficulties, in addition, you will have to pay more for the material. In view of this, you must optimally calculate the thickness of the panels.

Before you start building a house from metal sandwich panels, you also need to pay attention to the manufacturer. On the Russian market you can find sandwich panels from about 2 hundred manufacturing companies. The largest are:

  • "Ruukki-Ventall";
  • "Electroshield";
  • "Mosstroy-31";
  • "KZLK";
  • "Thermosteps-MTL";
  • "Trimo-VSK".


Metal sandwich panels for building a house have the main characteristics, including:

  • length;
  • width;
  • thickness;
  • soundproofing;
  • fire resistance;
  • load bearing capacity;
  • thermal resistance.

The specification depends on the length and width. If you choose the right dimensions, you can avoid excess and unnecessary trimmings. Wall panels can have a width of 1000 and 1200 mm. The length can be any and varies from 500 to 13500 mm. If you want to build a house from metal sandwich panels with your own hands, then you will need to determine the weight of the structure, which affects the need to build a buried or shallow foundation.

The weight of the products depends on the type and thickness of the insulation. For example, mineral wool panels are heavier than those with polystyrene foam inside. If polystyrene foam is used with a thickness of 50 mm, then a square meter of wall panel will weigh 11.7 kg. For mineral wool this value is 16.5 kg per square meter. If the thickness of the expanded polystyrene increases to 120 mm, the weight of a square meter of panel becomes 12.8 kg. For mineral wool this figure is 24 kg per square meter.

At maximum thickness polystyrene foam, which is 250 mm, the weight of the panel becomes 14.7 kg per square meter. When using mineral wool inside a sandwich, the mass of one square meter is 38.5 kg. TO residential buildings metal sandwich panels are subject to strict requirements for thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, sound insulation, flammability, and fire resistance. All these indicators differ for different base materials.

The thickness indicator is also important. If 50 mm mineral wool is used in the production process, the thermal resistance will be 1.04 Rt=m2×°C/W. Thermal conductivity will be equal to 0.05 λ=W/Mk. As for sound insulation, an indicator of 30 dB will be relevant for the slab. The material is not flammable, its fire resistance limit according to GOST 30247.0-94 is EI 30. Density can vary from 105 to 140 kg per cubic meter. In 2 hours, water absorption will be 1.5% by weight.

Looking at photos of houses made of metal sandwich panels, you can understand that this material for the base of the walls suits you perfectly. However, this is not enough to decide whether to use such products for construction. It is also important to pay attention to the characteristics. If the base is 250 mm, then the sound insulation of the walls will be equal to 43 dB. Thermal resistance V in this case equals 5.21 Rt=m2×°C/W. Thermal conductivity remains the same. But the fire resistance limit is EI 150. The density remains the same.

Positive reviews about panel houses

After reading reviews of houses made of metal sandwich panels, you may decide that you will use this material to build your home. Among the positive features, consumers highlight:

  • possibility of construction in any season;
  • low weight of panels;
  • low construction costs;
  • good heat and noise insulation;
  • low wall thickness;
  • high speed of work;
  • evenness and strength of the walls.

Buyers like that the products are thin, so the usable area of ​​the house can be increased. The panels are lightweight, so when building a house you can get by with a lightweight foundation. According to home craftsmen, this reduces costs.

A house made from industrial metal sandwich panels is durable, it does not deform or shrink. This suggests that renovation work can be carried out immediately after construction.

Negative reviews

Having considered the designs of houses made of metal sandwich panels, you should not make hasty decisions. Before purchasing the material, you should also read the negative reviews. From them you can find out what consumers believe: the material is short-lived compared to traditional concrete, wood or brick. In view of this, you should not expect that the house will stand for more than 30 years. You can hear from manufacturers that they provide a 50-year guarantee, but this is hardly relevant for harsh climates.

Buyers also emphasize that sandwich panels have unsatisfactory environmental friendliness. The walls won't breathe, that's why the question proper ventilation it's very sharp. Buyers emphasize that such houses cope well with hurricane winds, but a fallen tree can make a hole in the wall. The material is not able to resist open fire for a long time, and when exposed to it, it begins to release harmful substances.

If the house is not equipped with an effectively working ventilation system, then conditions will be created inside for the development of mold and mildew, which negatively affects the well-being of the residents. Consumers quite often refuse sandwich panels for another reason: they believe that selling such a house after several years of operation can be quite problematic. If this can be done, then the price will be lower compared to a building built from brick.

Construction Features

Before you start building a house, you should seek help from specialists. They may advise that it is not recommended to use only SIP panels during the work process. For example, the floor can be made of wood, because in this case it will be easier to repair.

As for the roof, it should be made of rafters, which will be easier than if you build a roof from panels. During the construction of walls, it is important to maintain verticality. If the first two panels are installed at an angle, the house will follow the slope.


SIP panels are a fairly standard material today. Although it entered the Russian market relatively recently, it managed to win the love of consumers. It is explained by several factors. Among others, ease of construction and low cost of work should be highlighted.

We are all accustomed to the fact that warm, environmentally friendly, fireproof, reliable houses are built over a long period of time, sometimes several years. Houses were built from brick, wood, and sometimes concrete, which required significant financial and time expenditures. With the development of technology, materials began to change, houses made of aerated concrete, houses made of laminated veneer lumber appeared, but construction from these materials still takes a large number of time.

A real breakthrough in construction was the invention of sandwich panels. Sandwich panel is a building material consisting of three layers. The outer 2 layers are made of rigid materials. It can be metal, OSB, PVC, fiberboard, magnesite board. Third, central layer- This is a layer of insulation. Mineral wool or foam polystyrene are often used as insulation. All sandwich panel layers are glued and pressed using cold or hot pressing. As a result, the slab is very durable and warm. According to their purpose, sandwich panels are divided into wall and roof panels. The invention of sandwich panels made it possible to build warm buildings very quickly and at minimal cost.

Our campaign is engaged construction of residential buildings from metal sandwich panels, on metal frame . This is our main difference from many campaigns for building houses from sandwich panels. Our houses are very reliable because... are built on a metal frame; we practically do not use wood. Our main specialization is the production of metal structures. Almost complete absence wooden elements in the design of our houses, it allows us to avoid many problems associated with the quality of wood and such phenomena as drying out of wood. Application of metal frame and metal sandwich panels, allows you to build durable, warm houses at any time of the year.

The difference between a house made of metal sandwich panels and a house made of SIP panels

Now on the market you can find many companies building turnkey houses from SIP panels. SIP panel(eng. Structural Insulated Panel (SIP)) is structural insulation panel. The outer layers in such a panel are: Oriented Strand Board (OSB). These slabs are impregnated special compounds, preventing combustion and the effects of other harmful factors. Foamed polystyrene is used as insulation in SIP panels. In Canada, which has a rather harsh climate, most houses are built from SIP panels. The only problem is that SIP panels use wood shavings and if SIP panels are poorly manufactured or installed poorly, which happens quite often, a lot of troubles occur. There are now very few companies in Russia that have a certificate issued by Canadian specialists for the construction of SIP houses.

Another problem faced by residents and builders who build houses using SIP technology is the low quality of the wood used in the construction of SIP houses. Now there is a very high demand for lumber and manufacturers, in pursuit of profit, often sell low-quality lumber, for example, undried wood. In a house built using SIP technology from undried wood, over time, due to drying out, cracks appear, often hidden, which leads to the loss of the thermal insulation qualities of the house and a host of other problems. You can look at problems with SIP houses on YouTube or read articles on this topic.

To avoid the problems that plague houses made from SIP panels, which are massively built in our country, we do not use SIP panels in the construction of our houses. We build houses from metal sandwich panels on a metal frame. Our homes use minimal or no wood at all.

Our houses are durable, made of metal and metal sandwich panels. They will not be blown away, will not be broken by the wind, they will not burn, will not lose their tightness and will remain warm even in the most severe frosts.

At your request, we can manufacture some of the structural elements from wood.

Sandwich panels for house construction

When constructing a residential building, we can use metal sandwich panels with various types insulation, various thicknesses and textures. Metal sandwich panels with wood texture are now available for sale. Our sandwich panels use either foamed polystyrene or mineral wool as insulation. Sandwich panels with mineral wool are heavier, but they are absolutely fireproof. When building a house from panels filled with mineral wool, the thickness of the sandwich panel will be 150 mm. Sandwich panels made of mineral wool, 150 mm thick, will keep the house warm, even in the most severe frosts.

Sandwich panels are now used in both residential construction and commercial construction.

  • Housing construction. In residential construction, sandwich panels serve as the basis for a prefabricated frame building. Nowadays there are many metal sandwich panels with metal wood cladding on sale. Our customers most often choose these metal sandwich panels for building a frame house.
  • Commercial construction. When constructing commercial buildings, such as warehouses, concert halls, gyms, car washes, car service centers, most often customers choose simple metal sandwich panels, without wood-like painting.

Metal sandwich panels have high strength, which allows them to be used as a basis for frame houses. Such houses are also called modular houses or frame-panel houses.

Depending on their purpose, panels are divided into wall and roof panels.

Wall sandwich panels

One of the important advantages of wall metal sandwich panels, in front of SIP panels, is the presence of locks:

Figure 1. Metal sandwich panel lock.

A special sealant is placed in the recesses of the locks, which prevents moisture from entering the panel. The sealant is placed in the locks before installing the panels. The result is beautiful, neat and airtight joints:

Figure 2. The joints between metal sandwich panels are neat and airtight.

Wall panels are used not only in the construction of walls, but also for load-bearing partitions and interfloor ceilings. Such panels are also used as finishing material.

External profile wall panels, May be:

  • Smooth
  • Profiled simple.
  • Profiled decorative. Decorative profiles come with the effect of wood or siding.

Wall sandwich panels in addition to construction frame buildings, are also used for the reconstruction of existing buildings and insulation of existing buildings.

The main parameters of the frame panels are:

  • Strength
  • Thermal insulation properties
  • Fire resistance class
Roofing sandwich panels

Roofing sandwich panels are used both for the construction of roofs and for other roofing structures. Roofing sandwich panels have one metal profile that is smooth and the other wavy. The wave-shaped profile significantly increases the rigidity of the panel.

Basic requirements for roofing sandwich panels:

  • High load-bearing capacity
  • Thermal insulation properties
  • Fire resistance class
  • Durability
Decorative or finishing sandwich panels

Decorative sandwich panels for the home, widely used for cladding windows and doorways and house facades. The shaped elements have a very beautiful appearance and reliably protect the building from moisture. When constructing ventilated facades, protection from moisture and decorative panels come in handy. These panels are resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Decorative panels can be made from the following materials:

  • Metal. Metal panels are used in the construction of houses, decoration of balconies, loggias, and renovation of buildings.
  • Plastic. Such panels are practical and affordable. For this reason, many people choose these decorative panels.
  • Tree. Decorative wood panels are often used for interior and exterior decoration.

Materials and design of sandwich panels

There are many types of sandwich panels on the market, depending on the purpose and budget; for the construction of houses, certain types of panels are used. Below are the main types of panels and a brief description of their purpose.

Figure 3. Composition of galvanized roofing panel.

Outer panel layer

The outer layer of the panel is highly durable and is made of:

  1. Galvanized steel or metal alloy. We make houses from exactly these panels. Houses made from metal sandwich panels have high strength and durability. The thicker the zinc layer on a galvanized metal panel, the longer the panel will last.
  2. Drywall. Plasterboard panels are highly fire resistant and environmentally friendly. They are mainly used for interior decoration. In plasterboard panels, the gypsum layer is covered with special cardboard.
  3. Plastic. Panels with an outer layer of plastic, depending on the type of material, serve as reliable protection against moisture, mechanical stress and temperature changes.
  4. PVC. The outer layer is made of polyvinyl chloride popular view plastic, which has great rigidity and is used for the manufacture of window slopes.
  5. OSB. Panels with an outer layer of oriented strand boards are the main element of SIP panels. SIP panels are made from wood chips glued together high pressure. We have already written above about the disadvantages of SIP panels and houses made from SIP panels. Due to the high risks when using SIP panels in construction, we build houses from metal panels because... it is much more reliable and safer and cheaper because there is no need to spend money on the exterior decoration of the house, but just choose metal sandwich panels with the desired decorative texture.
Sandwich panel insulation

The following is used as insulation in sandwich panels:

  1. Mineral wool. Mineral wool or basalt fiber is an environmentally friendly, fireproof material with high noise insulation properties. This is a very warm material, also used in fire barriers to prevent the spread of fire. Our customers very often choose metal sandwich panels made of mineral wool to build a house. The disadvantages of such a panel include the relatively large weight and often require a crane to lift these panels, but the advantages of this panel usually outweigh this disadvantage.
  2. Fiberglass. This is the second most popular filler for sandwich panels. According to its characteristics, it is very close to mineral wool, but has better sound absorption.
  3. Polyurethane foam. Abbreviated as PPU or PUR. Polyurethane foam or its modifications is very light and at the same time durable material, having a cellular structure. Polyurethane foam has high protection against moisture. This material absolutely not flammable. Watch the video where they try to set him on fire:

Video1. An attempt to set fire to polyurethane foam.

  1. Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam. Sandwich panels made of polystyrene foam, as a rule, are cheaper, lightweight, and do not absorb moisture. Expanded polystyrene is used as insulation in the construction of swimming pools, warehouses, hangars, industrial buildings and residential buildings. The disadvantages include its flammability. When burned, polystyrene foam releases toxic substances. When using expanded polystyrene in metal sandwich panels, the disadvantage in the form of flammability becomes minimally significant because in order to set fire to polystyrene foam, you will first need to somehow burn a sheet of iron or set it on fire from the end of the sandwich panel, which will also be covered with iron after installation. In SIP panels, the problem of fire hazard of polystyrene foam is more relevant because During the installation process, the SIP panel is covered at the end with boards that burn well. That's why fire safety of SIP houses ( Canadian technology) filled with polystyrene foam - this is a myth. SIP houses have burned down more than once. On the Internet, you can find videos on this topic. For many, the flammability of a SIP house is another argument in favor of the houses made of metal sandwich panels that we build.

Fastening metal panels

Metal sandwich panels are attached using special screws and screwed directly into the metal column.

Figure 4. Self-tapping screws for fastening sandwich panels.

An important advantage of houses made of metal sandwich panels is that there is no need to spend money on exterior decoration of the building. This provides significant savings compared to houses made of SIP panels.

All sandwich panel joints are covered with strips

Between the stripping and the panel, a PSUL tape is laid, which prevents air from entering inside the stripping.

Figure 5. PSUL tape to prevent cold air from entering under the flashing.

The joints of flashings with sandwich panels are treated with sealant.


As a foundation for a house made of sandwich panels, strip, finely buried foundation, slab and foundation on screw piles. For house foundations, we order high-quality concrete from proven concrete plants.

Construction time for a house made of metal sandwich panels.

Since almost all parts of the house are manufactured in-house, the house is assembled in a very short time. For example, if there is a foundation, two-story house made of metal sandwich panels, assembled in 12 working days!

Stages of construction of a prefabricated residential building from sandwich panels

Choosing a place to build a house

Nowadays, many city residents are thinking about moving to their own Vacation home. At the moment, the development of technology allows us to get in our home all the utilities that we are accustomed to in the city. As a result, your own home has a significant advantage over a city apartment. The main thing is to choose the right place for construction, and entrust the construction of the house to a proven company.


Obviously, a country house should be environmentally friendly clean place. If there is a factory, landfill, highway, etc. next door to your home, then one of the most important advantages country house, will be lost. One of the main advantages of a country house is clean air and lack of gas pollution.


To live a full life in your chosen area, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Availability of a school kindergarten, hospitals, etc.
  • Availability of a bank, restaurant, swimming pool.
  • Remoteness of the police station.
  • Remoteness of utilities.

Natural objects

Your big advantage will be the location of your site in a picturesque place. The presence of rivers and lakes will good help for a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Transport accessibility

When choosing a location for your future home, it is worth considering the distance to the city and the presence of traffic jams when entering the city. Usually, if the house is located at a distance of 50 - 70 kilometers from the city, then this is enough to avoid spending a lot of time on the way to work. You can cover this distance by car in an hour or an hour and a half. If you don't have own car, then you need to find out if there is a bus stop nearby and the bus schedule.

Availability of communications

Make sure that at the construction site of your house there are the necessary communications, such as:

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made of metal sandwich panels

Houses made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame have proven themselves to be durable and warm houses. Among the advantages of such houses are:

  1. Price. Compared to a brick, wooden or any traditional house, the cost of a turnkey house made of metal sandwich panels is 2-3 times lower.
  2. Short construction time. Building a house from metal sandwich panels on a metal frame is several times faster than building a traditional house. In the presence of a foundation and manufactured elements house designs, a 2-storey house can be assembled in just 12 working days!
  3. Everything is seasonal. If there is a foundation, the house can be installed even in winter.
  4. Life time. The service life of houses made of metal sandwich panels is up to 100 years. Average service life is 60-70 years. After 60 - 70 years, the building becomes obsolete more morally than physically.

Figure 6. House made of metal sandwich panels.

  1. Strength. Houses made of metal sandwich panels, made on a metal frame, are not afraid of either winds or hurricanes. The constructed building can withstand a vertical load of 10 tons per square meter and a lateral load of 2 tons per square meter.
  2. Thermal efficiency. Houses made of metal sandwich panels are thermoses at home. They are several times warmer than traditional houses. The most important thing is to assemble a house taking into account technology and from the right materials. The absence of gaps in joints is mandatory for houses of this type. There is almost no wood in our houses. We do not use SIP panels. We make houses from metal sandwich panels on a metal frame, this allows us to avoid problems with wood drying out and the formation of cracks during installation at any time of the year.
  3. Tightness and moisture resistance. There are practically no wooden elements in our houses, which allows us to install the house in any season and not be afraid of the appearance of cracks after a year of operation due to the drying effect that is present in wooden houses and SIP houses made of poorly dried wood.
  4. Resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Metal sandwich panels are not afraid of temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Environmental Safety. In our houses we use metal sandwich panels. Unlike SIP panels, metal panels when heated directly sun rays, do not emit harmful formaldehyde fumes. It is known that adhesives used for gluing chips in SIP panels emit substances harmful to human health when heated. This fact is another argument in favor of building a house from metal sandwich panels.

Disadvantages of sandwich panel houses

  1. Every element of a poor house requires precise adjustment. If wood is used, it must be well dried and not shrink. The use of metal panels, a metal frame and metal trusses allows you to precisely fit the structural elements in any weather and in any season, without fear of cracks appearing over time.
  2. Insufficient sound insulation. When using mineral wool or fiberglass filler, this problem almost does not arise. In other cases, sound insulation is improved with the help of interior and exterior decoration.
  3. Features of the frame. It is important that the metal frame of the house is treated against corrosion. In SIP houses, the frame is wooden and it must be treated with anti-rotting compounds.

Figure 7. In a house made of sandwich panels, ventilation is required.

  1. Features of insulation. Mineral wool can absorb moisture and become deformed. Therefore, during installation it cannot be wetted and must be protected from moisture during use at home. As written above, polystyrene foam is a fire hazard. The use of metal panels and metal flashings reduces the fire hazard of polystyrene foam to a minimum.
  2. Sensitivity to mechanical damage. A damaged sandwich panel is difficult to repair and often has to be completely replaced.
  3. Low level of ventilation. Sandwich panel houses are thermos houses. For comfortable living in such houses, there must be a well-thought-out ventilation system.
  4. Unprofessional installation. Poor quality installation and the use of raw wood and its subsequent drying out are often the cause of freezing of joints in SIP houses, leaks, and the appearance of mold. We build houses from metal sandwich panels on a metal frame, which allows us to build absolutely airtight houses at any time of the year.

Turnkey sandwich panel house project

In Russia, every year more and more houses made of sandwich panels appear. Warm houses made from sandwich panels require very little power heating devices, this allows you to significantly save on heating. Such houses are quickly built and last a long time. There are many standard designs for houses made from sandwich panels, designed for different budgets. We build both small, one-story houses for summer cottages, and two-story houses for permanent residence . When drawing up a contract, our company prepares a contract and a house project taking into account the wishes of the customer. Our campaign performs a full range of work. The construction of a house takes place in several stages. At each stage, a report on the work performed is drawn up. As a result, the customer is left with a complete package of documents.

Figure 8. Ready-made standard project with calculated cost and price.

Choosing a house project

The customer can choose one of the standard, well-calculated projects, or order an individual house project. Frame construction technology allows you to implement any architectural solutions into reality. A metal frame will provide the necessary strength to even the most non-standard building.

After choosing a project, a detailed calculation of the cost of work is made. Houses made of metal sandwich panels allow you to significantly save on:

  1. Time. The installation speed of a finished two-story house kit with a foundation is only 12 working days!
  2. Foundation. To build a house from metal sandwich panels, no need to dig a pit and make a massive, expensive foundation.
  3. Heavy equipment rental. When building houses from sandwich panels, heavy equipment is not required. Often only a crane is required to unload and install heavy sandwich panels with mineral wool core.
  4. Construction materials. When building houses from metal sandwich panels, you significantly save on the exterior decoration of the building because... There are metal sandwich panels with the texture of siding or wood. Neither are they needed Additional materials for insulating walls and roofs.
  5. Payroll. You do not need to pay for the work of an entire construction team over a long period of time, as is done in classical construction. When building houses from metal sandwich panels, only a few people can do it, and in a very short time.
  6. Disposal. When building a house on a metal frame, a minimal amount of waste and construction debris is generated.

Figure 9. Installation of the frame of a one-story country house made of metal sandwich panels.

  1. Finishing works. Metal sandwich panels form perfectly smooth walls and do not require leveling.
  2. Heating. Houses made of metal sandwich panels are thermos houses. The heat losses of these houses are minimal and very little energy is spent on heating such a house, which allows significant savings on the operation of the house in winter period.

Preparing the site for building a house

Before building a house, it is necessary to assess the terrain, level groundwater, soil type. To perform an accurate assessment, perform:

  • Geological surveys. Geological surveys are needed to correctly select the type of foundation for a house.
  • Geodetic works. Geodetic work is necessary for assessment earthworks and the correct location of the house on the ground.

Video description

Video from our partners about the pros and cons of metal sandwich panels:

Video2. Pros and cons of metal sandwich panels.

Project approval

After choosing a project, the details of the house design are approved. Such details include:

  1. Foundation type. It could be a slab, shallow strip foundation or screw piles.
  2. Wall type metal sandwich panel. Select the texture, color, type of panel profile, panel filler, panel thickness.
  3. Roof view. Single-pitched, double-pitched or with a complex configuration.
  4. Roof type. The type of roofing sandwich panel, filler, and panel thickness are selected.
  5. Decoration Materials. Usually, Decoration Materials The outside of the house does not require metal sandwich panels, but inside you can use a wide range of finishing materials on the market.
  6. Glazing option. The size of the windows, the type of profile and glass are selected.
  7. Features of engineering solutions. All other work not listed above is discussed.

Figure 10. A house made of metal sandwich panels, as a rule, does not need external finishing.


After clarifying the details of the house project, paperwork follows, including:

  1. Technical task. The terms of reference include drawings and plans of the house. Stages of building a house with a list of works.
  2. Final calculation of the project estimate. All expenses will be calculated and the exact amount of construction of the house will be determined, including transportation costs.
  3. Construction contract. The contract will specify the timing of the construction stages, cost, payment procedure and the deadline for the final delivery of the turnkey sandwich panel house.

Construction works

After the conclusion of the contract, a complex of works on the construction of the house begins, including:

  1. Manufacturing of house kits. The house kit is manufactured in the workshops of our enterprise and is prepared for shipment to the installation site. For small two-story houses, the house installation stage, if you have a ready-made house kit and foundation, takes only 12 working days and can be carried out at any time of the year.
  2. Foundation preparation. Depending on the type of foundation chosen, a foundation will be poured from high-quality concrete prepared at a concrete plant, or screw piles will be screwed in. The foundation pouring stage can take place in parallel with the production of a house kit.
  3. House installation. House installation includes welding the metal frame of the house and installation of walls, roofing and interfloor ceilings. During installation, all joints and panel joints are treated with sealant to prevent moisture from entering. Also used for sealing the house construction foam. All corners are covered with metal flashings using PSUL tape. Installation two-story house takes only 12 working days.

Figure 11. House made of metal sandwich panels with wood texture.

  1. Installation of windows.
  2. Door installation.
  3. Installation of engineering communications. Sewerage, heating, and water supply are being installed. Systems are installed to automatically shut off the water supply in case of leaks. Ventilation is installed.
  4. Interior finishing works. An important advantage of a house made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame over SIP houses is the absence of the effect of drying out of the wood. Also, our houses do not shrink. This allows you to start executing internal finishing works immediately after the construction of the house.

Video description

Video from our Moscow partners about installation of roofing sandwich panels.

Video3. Installation of roofing sandwich panels.

Features of building houses from metal sandwich panels

When building houses from metal sandwich panels using a metal frame, some features should be taken into account:

  1. Load bearing capacity. When designing a house, the load-bearing capacity of the walls and roof is calculated, taking into account wind loads, precipitation, depending on the climatic zone in which the house will be located. All parameters are calculated with a reserve in case of abnormally snowy winters and take into account not only the weight of the snow, but also the weight of the person who will remove this snow if necessary. The quantity and type of fasteners are also calculated.
  2. Thermal efficiency calculation. Houses made of metal sandwich panels have very good thermal insulation. These energy-saving houses - thermoses, practically do not lose heat, which allows you to significantly save on heating in winter and on the air conditioning system (electricity) in summer period. The main indicator on which the thermal efficiency of a house depends is the width of the sandwich panel and the type thermal insulation material. The thickness of metal sandwich panels varies from 50 to 300 millimeters. The length of such panels is limited only by the possibility of transportation and usually ranges from 2 to 13 meters. The width of sandwich panels is usually from 0.8 to 1.2 meters.
  3. Air exchange. As already written above, houses made of metal sandwich panels are thermos houses. For comfortable living in such houses, a well-thought-out ventilation system is required.

Figure 12. House made of metal sandwich panels in the Art Nouveau style, with non-standard exterior decoration.

Price of houses made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame

As a rule, the cost of building a house from metal sandwich panels is much lower than the cost of an apartment of similar size in a new building, even if you buy an apartment at the construction stage. The construction time for a house is many times faster than the construction time for new buildings. There is no risk that the construction will turn into a long-term construction project. The absence of neighbors above and below and other advantages of your home indicate the validity of choosing a house rather than an apartment. Another advantage is that houses made from sandwich panels are easy to modify and you can easily add space to them through an extension.

What affects the cost of a house with a metal frame?

The main factors influencing the cost of a frame house are:

  • House area
  • Number of floors
  • Project complexity
  • House layout. The presence of a balcony, garage, porch.
  • The uniqueness of the project. Complete development unique project at home according to the customer's wishes.
  • Changes to the standard project. Such changes include increasing the area of ​​rooms, adding partitions, increasing ceiling heights, etc.

Video description

We invite you to look video about building a house from sandwich panels in the winter season, from a good campaign - a partner from the Yaroslavl region, with 20 years of experience and qualified personnel:

Video 4. Construction of a two-story house from metal sandwich panels in winter.

Metal sandwich panels on the Russian market have significantly superior performance characteristics to houses made of laminated veneer lumber. Why was the clarification made about Russian market? The fact is that laminated veneer lumber often supplied undried. A house assembled from such timber will be perfect at first, there will be no cracks, everything will look good, but after a year the wood will begin to dry out and cracks will appear, the house may begin to fail. This situation cannot happen with houses made of metal sandwich panels on a metal frame. We use virtually no wood, therefore our houses will remain airtight throughout their entire service life.

When making a house kit from metal sandwich panels, each structural element is manufactured with millimeter precision and fits tightly to each other. Metal sandwich panels use locking joints, which provides additional tightness.

Figure 13. House made of metal sandwich panels with wood texture and installed solar panels and thermal panels.

House - thermos made of metal sandwich panels, with solar and thermal panels on the roof, practically does not require gas and electricity from the mains common use. Modern solar and thermal panels provide sufficient electricity and heat, even in cloudy weather.

The cost of houses on a metal frame made of metal sandwich panels, For Nizhny Novgorod region, starts from the following values:

  1. Houses made of metal sandwich panels up to 100 square meters: from 576 thousand rubles.
  2. At home up to 200 sq. meters: from 816 thousand rubles.
  3. At home up to 300 sq. m.: from 1374 thousand rubles.
  4. House with an individual project and area up to 500 square meters, will cost from 3144 thousand rubles. The houses, with an area of ​​500 square meters, can comfortably accommodate two families.

An example of turnkey construction of a house from sandwich panels

Below are the construction stages suburban one-story house made of metal sandwich panels on a summer cottage. The example house below is excellent budget solution for a warm country house.

After talking with the customer, The following house design and room layout were drawn up:

Figure 14. House design. View from the entrance.

Figure 15. House design. Appearance.

Figure 16. Internal layout Houses.

After approval of the project and estimate, construction of the house began.

At the first stage of construction of a warm country house, columnar piles and welded metal frame.

Figure 17. The first stage of building a house. Installation of a columnar foundation and metal frame.

At the second stage, the wall sandwich panels are installed, with the joints sealed.

Figure 18. Installation of wall sandwich panels.

Figure 19. When installing sandwich wall panels, only a few people are required. This allows you to significantly save on building a house.

Figure 20. Assembling wall panels.

Figure 21. Assembled wall panels. Inside view.

Figure 22. Interior decoration joints of wall panels.

Figure 23. Appearance of assembled wall panels.

Figure 24. View of the assembled walls of the house.

Figure 25. Fastening the top of the wall panels and protecting the top end from moisture.

Figure 26. Fastening the top of the wall panels. This type fastenings, provides excellent rigidity of the house and protection from moisture.

Figure 27. Construction interior walls houses made of metal sandwich panels.

Figure 28. Construction of the internal walls of the house.

Figure 29. Construction of the rooms of the house.

Figure 30. Self-tapping screws used when installing sandwich panels.

Figure 31. Installation of the ceiling of the house.

Figure 32. View of the rooms of the house.

During the construction of this house, to reduce the cost of construction, the customer insisted on using wooden trusses for the roof of the house. In most cases, we produce metal roof trusses because they are more reliable and take up less space in the attic. But the customer’s desire is the law for us.

Figure 33. Wooden trusses for the roof - this is the customer’s desire. We recommend using metal trusses from our production.

Figure 34. Installation of roofing sandwich panels.

Figure 35. Ready warm country house. View from the entrance. The customer wanted to make the porch himself.

Figure 36. Finished one-story house made of metal sandwich panels.


Metal sandwich panels are very reliable and the right material for building a house. Houses made from metal sandwich panels are energy-saving, warm, and save money during operation, both in winter and summer. We build houses on a metal frame; as a result, the house is very durable, does not shrink, and there is no drying out effect, like wooden and SIP houses. Our houses remain airtight from the moment of construction until the end of the building's life.

When building a house, many processes go in parallel, which reduces the overall duration of building a house. In parallel, both the processes of manufacturing house kits at the enterprise and work on the ground are going on. For example, in parallel with pouring and drying the foundation, the company produces a house kit. As a result, a house made of metal sandwich panels is erected in record time and in any season.

After completing the construction of the house, we will be happy to build for you warm garage made of sandwich panels or corrugated garage, and veranda for your children.


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