Interior doors made of eco-veneer - characteristics and customer reviews. Eco-veneer interior doors: what is it, advantages and disadvantages of such doors

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Veneer is made from thin sheets of wood used as decorative lining for door panels. Veneer cut from solid wood retains all the properties of the natural material, its color and texture. Veneer production also varies depending on the type of wood. For example, material for sawn veneer are coniferous species (cedar, fir, etc.), which are easier to cut down the top layer, while sliced ​​veneer They are made from hardwoods - oak, mahogany, which is why planing technology is appropriate here. Softened and steamed alder or birch logs are used to produce peeled veneer.

Veneer also happens natural, i.e. Made from solid wood. It is natural due to the lack of interference of modern technologies in its natural textured pattern; sometimes natural veneer is painted in order to implement coloristic solutions, and then such veneer is called in color. There is also fine-line veneer, imitating the pattern of natural wood, which is achieved by forming peeled veneer into blocks. But due to the fact that cheaper breeds are used as materials for fine-line fast growing trees, it is quite fragile.

Since veneer is wood, the operating recommendations are the same as for natural solid wood: try not to expose veneered doors to strong temperature amplitudes; If possible, maintain a humidity level of no more than sixty percent; Do not trust the installation of doors to non-professionals and do not use aggressive means to maintain the door.

Now let's figure out what it is eco-veneer. This is another kind finishing coating interior door. Using the prefix -eco, the client may have a false association with something even more environmentally friendly than natural wood. It's a delusion. Eco-veneer is an artificial substitute for veneer (plastic), which duplicates the natural texture of wood as in a painting. Eco-veneer does not contain chloride, and, in general, is more environmentally friendly than PVC. Eco-veneer began to be used for finishing doors in order to create an impact-resistant and wear-resistant budget alternative.

Taking into account all of the above, it is not difficult to guess that veneered doors are more expensive, but also cleaner from an environmental point of view.

If you don’t know what to look for in the process of choosing interior doors, then we advise you to read the recommendations of our specialists.

In our catalog you can buy doors finished with eco-veneer from various Russian manufacturers: Verda, doors from the Moscow region company Princip; Premium-class solid beech and oak are used by the North Caucasus plant Leader; On our website there are also interior doors from the Art Deco Factory, Potential Plus, Vladimir and many other brands.

If after reading this material you still have questions, you can order back call with advice from our specialists.

Is eco-veneer a competitor to natural veneer? To answer this question, you should study information on this topic. First you need to define the terms. Natural veneer is very thin layer cut This includes southern oak, wenge. Fine-line, or reconstructed veneer, is created in a similar way, only the raw materials for its production are trees that were grown specifically for the production of this type of material. But eco-veneer, the price of which can vary from 3.5 to 10 thousand rubles, is an artificial material, but it perfectly imitates the relief and pattern of real wood.

Natural and artificial eco-veneer. Reviews

Interior doors coated with natural veneer are especially highly valued among buyers. These interior products fit perfectly into various interiors, thereby providing a stylish and sophisticated decoration of the rooms. Natural, lively tones of veneered doors bring a harmonious mood to the monastery, filling the house with warmth and comfort. They can be the most different options performances and styles.

It is worth noting that in Lately A new type of interior door covering has become especially popular - eco-veneer. Reviews about this material are positive. Those who have already experienced products created using of this material, note that it reproduces in the smallest detail the pattern and texture of real wood, accurately conveys its relief and color. Since the moment eco-veneer doors became especially popular, manufacturers have been trying to satisfy all the expectations of their customers. They are constantly working to create better, high-quality artificial turf.

What is eco-veneer?

If we consider this type of material from a technical point of view, it is a multilayer technological plastic, characterized by wear resistance to various types abrasion, as well as increased impact resistance. Eco-veneer completely copies the texture of natural wood, imitates its color and pattern. Sometimes from a distance this material is even confused with standard veneer, but up close it shows itself as it does not have such a respectable appearance. Its plastic texture still cannot fully convey aestheticism. natural wood.

However, it is worth noting that eco-veneer easily imitates wood of any color palette. Plastic acquires special realism due to embossing and volume, however, up close it is still noticeable that this is not natural veneer. So far, there is no technology that would completely replicate the texture of wood, but this particular material is closest to this goal. It has outstripped laminate and a number of other artificial coverings and is an excellent inexpensive alternative to veneered interior doors. Its attractive price is considered one of its main advantages. Products with artificial, but similar to natural coatings are much cheaper.


If we consider the practical side, eco-veneer is not inferior to its natural competitor in a whole list of parameters, and in some positions it is even better than it. Doors made of this material do not fade or deteriorate due to environmental influences, and therefore can be installed in any room. Their coating is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and does not deform from clicks and other mechanical influences. It cannot be damaged by acids, various chemicals and detergents. So, what is eco-veneer? This is a material that can maintain its original state for decades. appearance. It may not need enough repairs long time.


Speaking about the advantages of eco-veneer, first of all it is worth highlighting its durability. Of course, the average person will be of little interest in the resistance of a material to acids and alkalis. This is most likely important for the use of doors with such a coating in chemical industry workshops. But the resistance of products to absolutely any detergent is already significant for the consumer. Plastic more practical than wood, more resilient.


Eco-veneer is created by using continuous double-belt presses. Its technological process provides constant precise temperature control. Perfect cleanliness of the room is also important here.

Analyzing in more detail the question of what eco-veneer is, it becomes clear that this material requires strict adherence to the manufacturing sequence. First, it is fed into the working area of ​​specialized equipment, where it is pressed under pressure with a constant and continuous increase. This leads to the complete elimination of gas and air inclusions from all layers of the material. The initial product turns out to be very plastic, which in theory provides a wide range of design possibilities. But at present, the range of interior doors made from eco-veneer is much more modest than veneered ones. So far, they are inferior to the natural beauty of natural wood.

The production technology of the two types of doors indicated above differs. According to experts, it is unlikely that veneer will have a worthy competitor in the near future. But such artificial coating as eco-veneer has already made a significant breakthrough in this area.

Good choice

Modern manufacturers constantly surprise with innovative discoveries. This also applies to door coverings. As an alternative to traditional veneered doors, eco-veneer models have been created that are resistant to temperature changes, do not dry out, and cracks do not form on their coating.

What is eco-veneer for modern man? This is a material that fully meets all consumer expectations. It is environmentally safe and is made from natural wood fibers, which are tightly bonded together during a special technological process. Interior door designs made of such material can be installed anywhere due to their special resistance to any aggressive external environment and durability. Today, their range is constantly expanding. You can successfully choose a model for any interior of a house, apartment, or office.


When deciding what to choose: natural veneer or eco-veneer, it is advisable to be guided primarily by practical considerations. If you need a truly durable and high-quality product, lean toward the second option. Interior doors made from eco-veneer retain their excellent appearance for many years.

For production, materials are used that have different technical characteristics and cost. Eco-veneer doors are inexpensive products that are available to our compatriots.

In the native language, this material is called Continuous Pressure Laminates. Translated into Russian, this means “subject to prolonged exposure to pressure.”

The structure of the product resembles natural veneer. But in reality there are many distinctive points. For this reason, many are interested in an eco-veneer door, what it is and why it is worth paying attention to.

Features of the material

To produce this multilayer material, wood fibers are used, which are securely bonded with a synthetic substance. The technology for producing eco-veneer products involves separate dyeing and gluing of thin natural wood fibers. Thanks to this, it is possible to create any type of wood, eliminating the appearance of products of different shades in one batch.

An uninterrupted two-belt press is used to produce eco-veneer. The fibers are fed into the equipment and pressed using gradually increasing pressure. As a result of this process, all gas and air elements are removed from the material, and the resulting product has exceptional film plasticity.

The quality of doors is directly influenced by production conditions. The process must be carried out in clean room with constant monitoring temperature regime.

Eco-veneer has an optical effect (2D and 3D). For this reason, the structure of the material resembles veneered doors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Canvases made from eco-veneer have excellent performance properties. They are resistant to mechanical stress, do not crack or become scratched.

Also the advantages of such doors are:

  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to temperature changes and impact ultraviolet rays;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • acceptable cost.

Doors coated with eco-veneer can imitate different types of wood. For this reason, the products will fit into any interior.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  1. low sound insulation properties;
  2. impossibility of restoration with strong mechanical damage;
  3. insufficient air exchange.

Difference from natural

Door buyers immediately face a dilemma about what to choose: veneer or eco-veneer. The main argument in favor of the material lies in the safety and environmental friendliness of the coating. In the manufacture of natural veneered products, glue is used, the environmental properties of which are questionable.

The joining of eco-veneer elements occurs without glue (using synthetic binder, which is in the material). Thanks to this, environmentally friendly doors are installed in hospitals, children's institutions, retail establishments and other public places.

The significant disadvantages of veneer are high price and special care. Doors made of this material should not be rubbed too hard, and for washing you can only use a soft sponge with soapy water.

After studying all the information about what eco-veneer and veneer are, each buyer will accept correct solution when choosing doors.

PVC or eco-veneer?

There is another popular option - structures made of polyvinyl chloride. Such products are the most affordable on the market building materials. This applies to both cost and a wide range of goods.

Using the PVC film that covers the canvas, you can create an imitation of any surface. Such designs are the best option when creating modern interior- any shade can be selected and applied original pattern, the use of photo printing, combining several films on one canvas.

Both types - or eco-veneer - have similar technical characteristics, are moisture resistant, durable and low in cost.

But polyvinyl chloride structures also have significant disadvantages:

  • When hit sun rays they fade and fade.
  • The material contains polyvinyl chloride.
  • Less attractive appearance.
  • High probability of fabric delamination.
  • Difficulty in repairing damage.

When choosing which doors are better - PVC or eco-veneer - it is important to remember that the first option is acceptable only if the product is planned to be replaced after 6-7 years.

Veneered interior doors

These structures are either hollow or solid. The production of hollow doors is carried out as follows:

  1. assembling a frame from wooden beams;
  2. laying corrugated cardboard inside the canvas;
  3. covering the frame with MDF fiberboard;
  4. covering the canvas with veneer.

Distinctive feature hollow products - a loud sound when tapping on them. This indicates the low soundproofing properties of the structure.

Solid interior doors made of eco-veneer are panels without a free internal cavity. The production of such structures is carried out in two ways:

  • The wooden beam is sheathed with MDF and covered with veneer.
  • Solid wood is veneered.

As a result of using the second technology, a higher quality product will be obtained.

Features of operation and care

Eco-veneer interior doors are a practical product whose surface is made of wood fibers. For this reason they require special care. It is not recommended to use cleaning products that contain alkalis, acids, solvents or abrasives. Household chemicals can be replaced with an alcohol solution.

Damage to the canvas (small scratches, cracks) is eliminated with a wax pencil of the appropriate color.

Door hinges, locks and handles are periodically treated with a lubricant intended for these purposes.

Which ones are better to choose?

Now on sale different doors profile eco-veneer. When choosing a quality product, you should pay attention to the quality of veneer gluing. The material on the end of the canvas is slightly pryed with a fingernail. If it peels off easily, then it is better not to buy such a door.

The low quality of the construction is also indicated by the presence of a dark stripe at the corners of the canvas. This is part of the wood fiber MDF boards, which becomes visible when the veneer is peeled off.

At the final stage, a visual inspection of the door is carried out. Its surface should not be rough.

Among the many varieties, side doors occupy a special place. The canvases have a durable frame, which consists of horizontal and vertical strips (tsars). The main purpose of the drawers is to give the product maximum strength.

Drawstring structures do not require careful maintenance; they do not swell or dry out. The material is more resistant to mechanical stress and does not lose its original appearance over time.

Each model can be made with glazing. Eco-veneer with glass makes possible finishing rooms in different color solutions and styles. A glazed door makes the room brighter and fresher. The only caveat is that it is not recommended to install the structure in a children's room, where there is a high probability of glass damage.

Combinations in the interior

An interior door stands in place when it completely fits into the design of the room. The determining factor is the color of the structure.

Bleached oak colored doors are suitable for rooms decorated in Art Nouveau style. This color can also be combined with contrasting ones (for example, dark furniture or walls), and with pastel colors. Provence style with old furniture and natural texture - also an acceptable option for products in the color of bleached oak.

Elegant classics and discreet eclectic style are suitable for walnut-colored doors. Moreover, eco-veneer in the interior can have different shades, ranging from light to richly dark colors.

Constructions gray will perfectly complement a room in Provence or hi-tech style. They will be the best option for people who value harmony and tranquility.

To implement design solutions in practice, the method of opening also plays an important role. Hinged structures are suitable for spacious rooms, book (folding products) - for small rooms. The opening method serves not only as a visual indicator, but also has a practical purpose.

Installation technology and repair

To install an eco-veneer interior door, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. perforator;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. hammer;
  4. hacksaw;
  5. chisel;
  6. roulette;
  7. level;
  8. corner;
  9. pencil;
  10. wooden or plastic wedges;
  11. pliers;
  12. stationery knife;
  13. screwdriver;
  14. polyurethane foam;
  15. self-tapping screws;
  16. dowels;
  17. decorative plugs on self-tapping screws.

Installation work consists of the following stages:

  • installing a door frame in the opening;
  • attaching the box to the wall;
  • wetting the outer part of the box and the doorway with water (to improve the adhesion of the foam);
  • installation of spacers between the side posts;
  • filling the gap between the opening and the box with polyurethane foam.

When implementing installation work you need to achieve uniform gaps on the sides between the opening and the frame. The bottom of the box should be level with the floor.

After hardening, excess foam is cut off. The dowels and screws intended for fixing the jumpers and spacers are unscrewed.

At the final stage, the hinges are installed, and door leaf eco-veneer is attached to the box. To determine the depth of the grooves, markings are made. Use a chisel to remove excess wood. Holes for screws are drilled in the door frame.

The canvas is applied to the box. The presence of a technological gap is checked, which should be in the range from 2 to 4 mm. The places where the hinges are attached are marked. After inserting the loops, the canvas is hung.

And finally, about how the door leaf is restored if damage occurs during the operation of the door.

When eco-veneer swells, the problem is solved by using a slightly heated iron, which is applied to the canvas for 3-5 seconds. To improve the elasticity of the material, use a damp rag placed on the door for 10-15 minutes.

Repairing more severe damage involves creating “patches”:

  1. several holes are cut in the damaged area of ​​the canvas;
  2. pieces of eco-veneer are applied to them (they must match in color and size);
  3. blanks are cut from the pieces and glued to the canvas;
  4. the joints are smoothed.

Minor scratches can be removed using liquid wax or a wax pencil. The surface is cleaned of dirt. The wax is heated and placed into the cracks. Excess wax is removed with a rag. The repaired door surface can be coated clear varnish.

For interior doors, eco-veneer is the best replacement for heavier and more expensive materials. A wide selection of door leaves, characterized by high strength and excellent aesthetic qualities, makes it possible to choose the best option for any modern interior. Eco-veneer interior doors look exactly the same as natural wood of expensive species. For example, it is visually difficult to distinguish it from rosewood, cherry or oak. Eco-veneer can be distinguished from wood only by touch, but in a number of parameters it is even more reliable.

What is eco-veneer

Lovers of everything natural, including doors, have the opportunity to choose the optimal color for the most sophisticated interior style. With new technologies, the structure of the eco-veneer door leaf gives an optical effect of volume, which has advantages not only over artificial coverings. In construction supermarkets and online stores, door leaves made of laminated eco-veneer on a wood base are quite a common product, but not many people have heard the name yet.

This material was invented recently, thanks to modern technologies. Eco-veneer is classified as a new generation material CPL, that is, continuous pressure laminate - a high-tech multi-layer fabric based on wood fibers and synthetic resins. The process of obtaining this eco-material, which was subjected to prolonged pressing for maximum strength, is also interesting.

In the production of eco-veneer, continuous impact presses are used at high temperature under conditions controlled in all respects. Used high pressure and vacuumization, which makes it possible to obtain especially durable eco-materials. Thanks to the feeding of the workpiece into the working module for pressing with a gradual increase in pressure, all gaseous inclusions are removed from all layers of the material entirely, which increases its integrity.

In the workshop, natural wood fibers go through a stage of careful dyeing individually, after which they are glued and pressed under vacuum. New technology coloring eliminates unexpected color variations in one batch, but reproduces any variations in wood texture and gives products suitable shade. At the end, the resulting material acquires a unique surface, something between natural wood and a plastic film coating. It is supplied to door leaf manufacturers in the form of a roll, thanks to the use of advanced vacuum technologies.

The name “eco-veneer” is directly related to environmental friendliness and similarity to natural wood-based veneer coverings. It compares favorably even among natural materials; besides, eco-veneer is somewhat more economical than laminated wood analogues. Example - doors interior eco-veneer the photo clearly demonstrates the decorative properties of the material.

Features and benefits of eco-veneer

A new material, made using progressive technology, based on colored wood fibers with the addition of binding resins, is today widely used for carpentry - doors, furniture, etc. Interior doors made of eco-veneer not only look very impressive, but also have advantages in many other respects, which are easy to track based on reviews.

  • Eco-veneer is made from natural wood fibers, but its manufacturing technology gives a more stable shape. The door leaf is not afraid of temperature changes, it does not warp from high concentrations of moisture in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • In appearance, eco-veneer completely imitates the texture, shade and pattern of natural wood. Only an experienced carpenter or carpenter can distinguish these doors from their wooden counterparts by sight and touch; most guests will not notice the difference.
  • Eco-veneer has a durable laminated coating that resists abrasion and other influences.
  • Improved performance of eco-veneer doors is superior to wood in strength, and their resistance to mechanical stress has been proven in practice.
  • The binding synthetic resins and wood fibers of this material are environmentally friendly clean materials, thereby giving eco-veneer its name, doors made from it do not cause allergic reactions, like some wood varnishes.
  • This door leaf is slightly lower in cost than other products, but is in no way inferior to expensive doors in all respects. Natural veneer doors are more expensive, but they are easy to damage by pets, and eco-veneer is the most scratch-resistant.

  • An important aesthetic advantage of the material is the ability to produce a high-precision imitation of any rare wood, for example, mahogany or wenge. Eco-veneer is able to repeat the play of reddish and chocolate shades of this wood, moreover, with a 3D effect, like natural-looking wenge eco-veneer interior doors.
  • Assortment of colors decorative covering made from eco-veneer - this is alder and Walnut, bleached oak and ash, wenge and beech.
  • Eco-veneer door leaf has high levels of practicality and durability, even with frequent use.
  • The affordable prices for doors made of eco-veneer will pleasantly surprise you - this material is much cheaper, despite its visual similarity to veneer and solid wood, and surpasses them in hardness.
  • The durability of an interior door made of this material has a high-strength coating layer that protects from all negative impacts. These doors will stay in the house for a long time, and they guarantee period You need to check with managers when purchasing.

Standard sizes of eco-veneer sheets

  • In construction supermarkets and on websites, standard door leaves with a height of up to 2000 mm are presented, but by special order you can purchase interior doors up to 2200 mm.
  • The thickness of the door leaf made of this material is 44 mm.
  • The width of the eco-veneer door is from 600 mm, and further in the size range of 700, 800 and 900 mm.
  • This material is made from coniferous and other wood. Eco-veneer interior doors are offered with a glazed panel and a regular solid wood-textured panel. There is also a combined fabric: 6-10 mm glass and MDF panel. The glass is transparent, frosted and decorative.

The difference between a door made of eco-veneer and natural veneer

Experts distinguish separately between natural veneer, eco-veneer and reconstructed veneer, that is, “fine-line”. Eco-veneer refers to artificial materials on a natural basis, which meet European standards, with imitation of the relief and texture of wood. Natural veneer is a thin layer of valuable wood.

When impacted or dropped by heavy objects on eco-veneer doors, the products do not crack or break. Their hard surface does not wear out, does not crack, does not chip, as sometimes happens with ordinary veneer or even laminated sheets. Important point: these products are not subject to the destructive effects of direct sunlight, they do not fade and do not lose their decorative properties.

Interior doors and all related elements of the door leaf are lined with eco-veneer on all sides. All parts of the design are thought out, form a single set and are connected with dowels and glue. This method of fastening parts guarantees the preservation of the geometry of the panels during operation, as with interior eco-veneer profil doors.

The eco-veneer coating very realistically imitates the texture of natural wood, and its three-dimensional play of color, like the natural mother-of-pearl of expensive wood, is striking in its plausibility. The stable pattern and depth of color of the multilayer coating imitates wood in detail. In all respects, eco-veneer doors look like natural wood, but without natural knots, and this is the only visual difference.

Eco-veneer - enough new material, so it is not known what it will look like in a hundred years, but its high strength leaves no doubt about the durability of such doors or furniture. In addition, resistance to fading and chipping confirms that over time, the appearance of interior doors, swinging or sliding, will remain just as beautiful.

Doors coated with natural veneer will always be appreciated by consumers, but imitation of the natural shades of a veneer door is an excellent substitute. Eco-veneer competes with natural wood, and this is not marketing ploy, although trendy materials often cause just such a consumer reaction to new items. It combines the strength of plastic and the high decorative properties of natural solid wood. For example, bleached oak eco-veneer interior doors are visually no different from a veneered door made from a natural analogue, but are cheaper. However, a person working with wood will recognize eco-veneer at close range, but it will retain its original appearance for decades, without requiring repairs for many years.

What do you pay attention to when buying an interior door?

1. The design of the interior door must be reliable and convenient in performing its main functions. Pay attention to its latches and locks - some latch and open with inside doors or only from the outside.

2. Give preference to natural and environmentally friendly materials that are harmless to health. Check with the manager for class fire safety product you like and the safety of the glass. For a children's room, it is better to refrain from such an insert.

3. The aesthetic qualities of the door are no less important - first of all, they look at the overall appearance and quality of the structure. The colors are selected according to the overall interior.

4. Carefully inspect all surfaces - there should be no scratches anywhere that the store could hide with a price tag or packaging. The entire canvas should be smooth, clean and uniform, without sagging or strange inclusions, there should only be a spectacular wood structure.

5. Doors of dubious quality often have additional toning or varnish coating to hide the dirty tone. With the help of an additional layer, they try to hide the defect, but the structure of natural wood will also be partially hidden.

6. Check the door leaf not only when choosing, but also when issuing it, so as not to discover during installation that you have not a door leaf made of eco-veneer, but a dubious imitation of a cheap laminate.

7. Buy doors only with a perfectly smooth surface, which is pleasant and smooth when touched. You can scrape it a little from the end with your fingernail - cheap materials and coating will give some mark or dent from the nail.

8. The shape of the product is no less important - a perfect rectangle that fits exactly door frame, where the difference between opposite ends should not exceed 1 mm, all angles are exactly 90°.

9. When purchasing, specify whether you need only the door leaf or the entire frame for the doorway. It is equally important to check all connections, awnings, locks, hinges and decorative inserts. Do not pay attention to the intrusive advice of a store consultant who is interested in selling slow-moving or defective goods. The door should not overlap or have even the slightest hint of a gap or loose fit. High-quality doors should not raise the slightest doubt regarding all these requirements.

10. When placing an order for the purchase of a door made of eco-veneer or any other door leaf, it is important to clarify the moment of installation - whether it will be a store installation or self-installation, this may affect the overall cost of the door. The easiest way is to entrust this to specialists, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

What is important to consider when installing an interior door made of eco-veneer

1. Before installing any door, it is important to eliminate all possible reasons distortions - level the walls, slopes and floors, especially at the threshold. After dismantling old door we adjust the doorway and strengthen shaky structures wooden beam, to avoid distortions or loosening.

2. When producing door panels, all parts of the door are included, and when purchasing a separate door panel, you can use a ready-made doorway. In this case, it is important to make all the holes on the solid door leaf - for fasteners and locks, and best of all using a machine or hand router. Often all this work can be done right in the back room of the store. The end of the leaf should look neat for reliable operation; it is important to properly fasten and hang the door on its hinges.

3. To install the door leaf, prepare all the tools, foam, glue, fittings, level, marker, etc. Polyurethane foam will be needed when installing the loot - 1 small bottle will not be completely used up. If the doorway is decorated, then all that remains is to fasten the hinges and hang the door leaf. After working with a drill, the holes are closed with special plugs matching the color of the canvas. Finally, the lock and handles are installed, and the threshold is drawn up. It’s best to watch the video for detailed installation of the interior door.

Tip: All eco-veneer door materials are safe for health. Eco-veneer does not release harmful substances into the environment even under mechanical stress and thermal influences. The material is widely used not only for doors, but for stairs, furniture and other structures where wood or its imitation is usually used. Eco-veneer doors look great in offices and public buildings, in houses original architecture and standard design apartments. Due to its environmental friendliness, doors made of this material are recommended for installation in children's rooms. Caring for an interior door made of eco-veneer is extremely simple - just sponge them periodically detergent Wipe when visible dirt, and the glass cleaner will wash away the prints of children's hands on the inserts. As a rule, reviews about interior doors made of eco-veneer on websites are only positive.

Due to its high environmental friendliness and wear resistance, this relatively eco-veneer has become very widespread in Europe, and now here in Russia.

Externally, a door covered with artificial veneer does not differ much from a door with natural veneer, except that to the touch you can feel the unnaturalness... lifelessness of eco-veneer. But these doors are much more durable, unlike doors made from other materials. Artificial turf less susceptible to mechanical stress, such as chips and scratches, it does not wear out and does not fade over time. Doors made of eco-veneer are more moisture resistant and less demanding to maintain. It is enough to sometimes wipe them from dust with a regular cloth moistened with water or detergent.

Another advantage is environmental friendliness. Although eco-veneer is not natural natural material, but went through everything required types certification, does not have any harmful emissions or fumes and is absolutely safe for humans.

Also, despite all the positive qualities, eco-veneer is distinguished by its price. It is somewhat more expensive than doors made of laminate, but much cheaper than doors made of natural veneer. This is a top-level economy option.


Veneer is the thinnest sheets natural wood, depending on the source material they have different texture and color. It is also tinted in various colors using processing paint and varnish composition. Oak veneer is mainly used; this material is the most durable and durable, but it can also be walnut, mahogany, and other types of wood.

Veneered doors are an order of magnitude more expensive than interior doors in eco-veneer, but the species is immediately visible in them - the grace of the natural pattern of wood and the energy of living nature. Such doors require maintenance; they must be wiped with a soft cloth and a special solution so as not to damage the varnish coating or scratch the veneer. Such doors are often bought by people who care about the beauty and emphasized “richness” of their home.

What we have:

1) Both materials are environmentally friendly, but of course veneer has undeniable advantage, it is natural, that is, it is wood, and eco-veneer is just plastic, albeit with the prefix “eco”.

2) Both doors will serve you faithfully for many years, but eco-veneer still has a longer service life by definition, despite the fact that it is absolutely not whimsical. It is more difficult to spoil and easier to care for. It's more practical!

3) The price in both cases will not scare you much, but the difference between veneer and eco-veneer can range from 2,000 rubles to 8,000 or 10,000 rubles per set.

4) Eco-veneer repeats the texture and color of wood, but it is just a film, albeit quite attractive to the eye. Natural material has its own unique pattern and shade. He is more noble and graceful.


Eco-veneer is environmentally friendly, durable and reliable material, for enough affordable price. The only let down is its artificiality, rudeness and soullessness. As mentioned above: eco-veneer is more practical.

Veneer is natural, durable, beautiful, has a unique pattern, and has the living energy of the forest and nature. Gives the room warmth and comfort. Worth good or very good money.

In ours you can choose and buy eco-veneer doors from the Priozersk Ladora factory, as well as veneered doors from various manufacturers. We are located in St. Petersburg and will always be happy to answer your questions by phone or email.


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