Ideas for saving space in a small apartment. How to save space in a small apartment: some excellent ideas Saving space in small apartments

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From this article you will learn:

    What tips to follow to save room space

    What are some ideas for saving room space?

    How to save kitchen space

    How to save space in a small apartment

The standard layouts of most Russian apartments cannot boast of significant areas, and in large centers the cost per square meter of housing does not encourage the purchase of spacious apartments. That is why the question: “How to save room space?” is very relevant today. But not all saving methods will bring you the results you want. After all, you want that even in a small apartment there is a place for everything you need, and at the same time it does not turn into a warehouse. We’ll look at whether it’s worth giving up comfort and coziness for the sake of household appliances, and what you can live well without, in this article.

How to save room space and where to start

If you are the owner of a small apartment, do not be upset, but rather pay attention to the positive aspects of such housing. Ultimately, the concept of “small space” is very relative, and other aspects will play a big role here, in particular, the number of meters and people living on them, the location and amount of furniture. Well, the undoubted advantages of a small apartment will be saving utility costs and time for cleaning rooms.

So where do you need to start to save room space?

Step 1. Stop fighting the disadvantages of having small rooms. Instead, focus your attention on its benefits.

Step 2. Before you start developing a strategy for how to save space in a room, decide on its functional purpose: what will it be - a bedroom, living room, nursery or office.

Step 3. Having determined the purpose of the room, proceed to choosing its design style. For small rooms Minimalism is best suited; in addition, this style is the best for saving space.

Step 4. Next comes the turn of making lists of those things and interior items that you intend to place in the room. Since we are talking about initially small areas, then it’s better to forget about large cabinets and chests of drawers. Pay close attention to transforming models, such as a sofa bed or a chest of drawers. They will give you the opportunity not to overload the room, use space rationally and at the same time save it. At this stage it is important:

    Understand that the interior design of any apartment begins with planning, but it is especially relevant for small spaces. Therefore, do not be lazy to draw a room plan with a pencil on a sheet of paper, and below write down those furnishings that are necessary for this room.

    When planning the opportunity to save room space, we must not forget about the personal interests of everyone living in the apartment.

    Determine which things and objects are used constantly (or at least regularly), and which long time collecting dust idle or long ago outdated and out of fashion.

    And finally, you need to draw up an estimate for repairs and decide on the finances that you are willing to invest in furnishing a small apartment. And here it is better to recalculate the resulting numbers several times than to bite your elbows later. When planning small spaces, every detail matters, from the height of the ceilings in the rooms to color scheme walls and furniture.

Instructions on how to save space in a small room

1. Choose light and color wisely. Big role in correct design A correctly selected color palette plays a role in a small space. The most suitable for small rooms are delicate pastel shades, For example:


    soft lilac;

    sky blue;

Make sure that the color scheme you choose is repeated not only in the decoration of the room, but also in the details of the furnishings. All designers agree that light walls and the floor visually increase the space.

By placing numerous light sources in a small room, you will visually make the space larger. It is more economically feasible to install spotlights that provide a lot of light but consume little electricity. The illusion of space in this case is achieved due to a large number of lamps with low energy consumption.

When planning the lighting of a small space, keep in mind that a single chandelier located in the center of the ceiling will not sufficiently illuminate the walls. Instead (or together with it), it is better to install light sources around the perimeter of the room. However, too much bright light will make your home feel like a hospital operating room, so opt for lamps with shades or adjustable intensity.

Be thoughtful when choosing furniture for a small room. Don't forget that metal, glass or polished wood reflect light, and therefore the room will be brighter. Will add natural light and large windows.

2. If you decide to take a global approach to solving the issue of saving space, you need to start from the stage of repair work.

  • When starting a renovation in a small apartment, consider replacing flooring. If your home is not located in a new building and renovations were carried out in ancient times, first remove the old covering and level the floor using special screed or cement mortar, making sure that its thickness is no more than 4 cm.

After this, you can proceed directly to laying the floor. It will be better if you cover the entire space of the room with a single piece of linoleum or laminate. Thanks to its reflective qualities, as well as the integrity of the coating, the latter will help you create a wonderful visual effect and a feeling of a single and indivisible space.

  • If possible, you can remove the wall or part of it (but only if the wall is not load-bearing). This will increase the space of the room and add more light.

3. Reconsider the location and shape of the cabinet.

For example:

    An excellent option to help save space in a small room would be a horizontal closet located under the bed, in which you can put away seasonal items. However, such a cabinet is quite expensive because it is made to order. As an alternative, you can consider beds with storage drawers.

    Another option to save space in a small room would be a built-in wardrobe combined with one of the walls.

4. If there is an unused wall in the room (and also the kitchen), use it wisely.

In the case where the wall is not load-bearing, you can arrange a niche in it to store books, dishes, and small personal items, which will save room space. An example of such a wall is shown in the photo. However, if the wall is load-bearing, the possibility of arranging a niche in it should be discussed with the builders.

5. Use a hanging bed, which, if desired, will simply “disappear” under the ceiling while you are awake, freeing up a lot of space.

You can save space in a small bedroom by installing the bed on a podium.

Or by purchasing a bed that will be stored in a built-in closet.

6. You can install a sliding door in a small room (including the kitchen). Similar design will not take up free space, and in addition, will serve as an additional decoration of the room.

In the case where there is no need to install a door, you can make the doorway in the form of an arch. With this solution you will visually expand the space of a small room.

7. Place, for example, a pantry, microwave oven, refrigerator in the built-in niche.

The problem of useful additional space in a small apartment is perfectly solved by built-in furniture. If you have a niche in your room, a built-in wardrobe will fit perfectly into it. If suitable option Can't find it in specialized stores furniture stores, you can always contact companies that manufacture custom-made furniture, or you can make it yourself.

8. Use the space under the sofa for storage.

9. Choose the right items for the room.

Save space small rooms Multifunctional pieces of furniture help. Tables, chairs, transformable sofas are not only convenient to use, but also very useful.

For example, in a small bedroom there is no need to buy a massive bed. Having opted for folding sofa, you'll have a place to relax during the day and a great bed at night. However, when choosing a sofa bed for daily use, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a good orthopedic mattress.

An excellent choice would be a sofa that has an internal niche for storing bedding or personal items.

If you decide to prefer a regular wardrobe to a built-in wardrobe, pay attention to compact multifunctional models that save space in the room, but also accommodate significant amount of things.

Today in stores you can find a huge number of different shelves, racks and other storage system options, which, when installed even in the most small closet, will help you use it rationally. By deciding to use such storage systems in small rooms, you will not only save space, but also correctly distribute things or utensils. In addition, the use modern systems storage helps you quickly and easily create and maintain perfect order.

When starting a renovation in a small kitchen, first of all decide where the main elements will be installed - hob and an oven. Today Appliances mainly located in kitchen set. After combining furniture and functional parts working area You can start arranging the dining area. A folding table and chairs can help save space in a small kitchen.

When the family gathers at the table, the set unfolds, and at the end of the meal it can be folded and put away in a niche or in a closet.

An excellent option to help save space in a small dining room are chairs that can easily be hidden under the table.

For visual increase space of a small bathroom should not be cluttered wall cabinets. Instead, use rails on which you can hang light wicker baskets.

This option is very ergonomic, the baskets can be attached directly to the wall, and bright accents will decorate any interior.

And the space above the door to the bathroom can be used to install an open and very capacious shelf.

10. Use steps as lockers.

11. For proper placement of equipment, install a multi-tiered table.

On such a table you can easily place a system unit, monitor, keyboard, and acoustics. And if you add shelves to the table, you will have a place to store folders, stationery, disks, etc.

If the room in the apartment is so small that it will not be possible to put computer desk, then significantly save space and rationally use square meters possible by creating workplace on the windowsill. By expanding it with a sheet of MDF, you will build an excellent computer desk.

And by removing the bottom shelf in the niche, you will create a built-in office for yourself.

12. You can use movable walls– they will help you unite different zones in a small room.

13. Always put away things that are not needed. For these purposes, you can use drawers or baskets that can be placed under the table or bed. Remember that a cluttered room always looks smaller.

14. Use a corner hanger.

It is unlikely that you will be able to place two wardrobes. In this case, an additional corner hanger will help solve the problem of a large amount of clothes.

Diversity corner shelving in the hallway or shelves in the room will serve you not only as a spacious storage system, but also as a decorative element, while at the same time allowing you to save space.

15. Place a large mirror against the wall. This technique will help you visually increase the space of a small room.

How to save kitchen space: 10 ideas

  1. A simple spice rack.

A good cook cannot have too many different spices. If the space in your kitchen does not allow you to have a separate cabinet or shelf for jars, use office tray organizers.

If you have a small kitchen, use it wisely square centimeter. For example, a wall is perfect for placing convenient hooks for frying pans and other kitchen utensils that are often used in the cooking process.

  1. Storage organizer.

Conveniently packaged products have a significant drawback - in most cases they are very inconvenient to store. To solve this problem, you can use shoe storage organizers that will take their rightful place in your closet. Such organizers are perfect for packaging juice or milk, canned food, seasonings and other packaged products, thereby saving pantry space.

Don't overlook the possibility of using free walls for food storage.

Using small magnets, you can easily place such a shelf directly on the refrigerator, thereby saving space and ensuring that you have spices at hand.

Zoning a room to save space

Having become the owner of your own living space, are you upset that it is small in size? This problem is perfectly solved by combining interior zones that help save space in the apartment. To do this, you can resort to help experienced designer interiors or show your Creative skills and come up with a project yourself.

For those who have never encountered such a problem, it seems that a small apartment and comfortable living for all family members are incompatible. However, the competent layout of certain zones does an excellent job of expanding the space of small rooms.

IN in this case we are talking about the possibility of receiving additional areas as a result of the creation of separate functional zones in one room. With such a reconstruction, doors and ceilings are not provided, which also visually increases the space of the rooms.

If you remove floors and doors, you will be able to move from one area to another easily and quickly. For example, after preparing lunch in the kitchen area, you set the table in the dining room. And after dinner is over, just a few steps separate you from the relaxation area.

Probably the main argument against such a combination will be filling the room with different smells during the cooking process. However, the presence of a modern, powerful hood that operates almost silently can completely solve this problem.

Achieve harmony when united different zones in one room you can different ways, including using contrasting tones or, conversely, using the same color palette. It all depends solely on the preferences and wishes of the owners of a small apartment.

By contacting a professional designer who specializes in decorating small apartments, you can get very bold, original and at the same time practical solutions, allowing you to save space, which will cause admiration and delight.

Zoning tools can be:

  1. Screen.

Choose it to your liking - bright or pastel colors, plain or with a pattern - and it will serve you not only as a zoning tool, but also as a decorative item. Moreover, there is now huge selection the most variety of options, including screens equipped with rollers, which simplifies the process of moving them around the room. Well, it won’t take up much space, even when folded or in working order.

  1. Rack.

Zoning with the help of shelving will help solve two pressing problems at once - room division and availability extra space for storage, which also helps save space.

  1. Wallpaper.

You can clearly mark the boundary between zones in one room by decorating the walls different wallpapers. This idea can be easily implemented by using leftover wallpaper from a previous renovation, which will also significantly save your budget.

  1. Niche.

The niche is perfect for placing sleeping place, reading corner or work space. You can separate it from the rest of the room using a screen or curtains. In a shallow niche it is best to place a cabinet or shelves for storing something.

  1. Podium.

If you are a lover of open spaces and are not ready to divide it with furniture, or the room is so small that it is simply impossible to place a partition in it, then a podium will help solve the problem of zoning the space. It can be used to arrange a sleeping place; in addition, the space under the podium is great for storing various things.

  1. Large format mirror.

By choosing a mirror that suits your shape and size, as well as where to place it, you can visually enlarge the space of a small room.

  1. Curtains.

You can zone the space of a room not only with the help of screens and shelving. Curtains can handle this task just as well. Their main advantage is that, if necessary, to combine space, the curtains can be easily moved.

  1. Mini partition.

It can be used to divide a room while maintaining the feeling of open space. In addition, the mini-partition perfectly allows light and air into the room.

  1. Houseplants.

Women loving houseplants, can adopt this method of zoning space. Created from flowers hedge, you can turn your room into a garden of Eden.

  1. Headboard.

Convenient, interesting and functional solution the head of the bed will be designed in the form of a mini-partition. The only difference between them is the location - it is not installed in the middle of the room, but is part of the sleeping area.

Note that you can significantly save space in a small apartment by combining the kitchen and living room. Especially if you replace dinner table on the kitchen island with a bar counter. When implementing such a design solution, it is worth clearly considering the distance to which part of the counter will be extended so that it is comfortable to sit behind it, and, in addition, so that it does not interfere with the passage.

Final tips for saving space when zoning a room:

    If less than four people live in the apartment, then the bar counter will be a good option allowing you to save space. You can visually increase the area of ​​the room by finishing the walls and floors with light-colored materials, as well as built-in light-colored furniture.

    You can save space in small rooms by giving preference to a minimalist style. By combining the living room with the dining area in this way, you will achieve lightness, brightness and variety of the interior. For example, white brick walls will perfectly set off furniture and decorative items.

Similar design solutions when these two zones are combined, they make it possible for even small apartments to look great. Such rooms are not cluttered with furniture, but at the same time are equipped with numerous places for storing things.

    The problem of storage in small rooms is solved by built-in furniture, and by complementing it with open shelving and shelves you will visually make the set light and airy. For a kitchen-living room, for example, warm wood shades are perfect.

    Save space in small apartments possible using various options zoning. A professional designer will delimit the room not only into the usual - living room, kitchen, dining room - zones in one room, but will also help to equip a full-fledged office.

In long and narrow room You can use the TV console as a desktop. Using light Decoration Materials and furniture, complemented by pendant or built-in lamps, can create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

    Avoid glass surfaces. Designers quite often resort to using transparent and matte glass surfaces in the interior of small rooms. Unlike the bulky wooden furniture, with the help of glass it is much easier to achieve lightness and weightlessness of the space of the room.

    If you want your room to look harmonious, pay attention to the fact that modern Appliances, decorative elements, furniture and finishing materials were combined and complemented each other. Today you can find a huge variety of options for different combinations of zones, with which you can save space in a small apartment.

The hostess tells: a “life story” about how they managed to save space in a Khrushchev-era room

Every housewife dreams of her apartment being spacious and functional. In order to achieve this, it is not at all necessary to have a design education.

Recently my husband and I visited our new neighbors. The result of this visit was our desire to modernize own apartment. Competent organization space in the house and the placement of spacious storage systems in it - not an easy task, especially when talking about small apartments. However, ingenuity and non-standard approach will help you determine for each thing its own place.

When choosing a system for storing clothes, decide on the number of items and the area that you can allocate to them. For example, if you rarely wear jeans, it is much easier if they are stored folded on a closet shelf. However, if you have a lot of them and you wear them almost every day, then it will be more practical to purchase special hook hangers and clothespin hangers for storing them, which will allow you to save as much space as possible.

    In order not to be puzzled by the question: “Where are the keys?” every time before leaving the house, it is enough to purchase self-tapping hooks that can be attached directly to the wall or installed in beautiful frame. In this case, in addition to the key holder, you will receive interesting detail interior

    If you have a lot of scarves, handkerchiefs and other similar accessories, store them using special rings (but you can also use regular shower curtain rings). And if you weave them into “braids”, you can not only save space, but also make it easier for yourself to find the right option.

    An impressive collection of handbags is best stored on special shelves, some of which are wall-mounted, others are floor-mounted. In addition to more expensive metal options, you can also find affordable plastic ones.

How smaller sizes premises, the more difficult it is to place all the necessary interior items and things in it. Of course, owners are constantly faced with the problem of saving space. Create comfortable atmosphere and not sacrificing functionality is very difficult. But you can cope with this task without even resorting to the help of an experienced designer. You just need to look carefully at your own apartment, determine its features, disadvantages and advantages. Try to look at all rooms (including the bathroom and hallway) with fresh eyes, to identify space that remains unused. Transform a small apartment into a functional and stylish one living space possible with a few clever tricks.

We use hard-to-reach places

You just have to look up to see the unused space. Of course, residents of apartments with high ceilings maybe where a sleeping place or a small wardrobe will fit. But what should apartment owners with ordinary ceilings do? They can also use usable area. For example, over front door In the bathroom you can make a shelf for towels. This way you can unload the closet and make room for clothes and shoes.

If your apartment has a staircase, then it must be used not only for its intended purpose. Perfect option- turn the entire lower part of the structure into a deep cabinet. Lots of shelves and drawers will be great storage for all your important (and not so important) things.

Another way to use space economically is to place shelves and furniture in the corner. Very often, apartment owners leave corners free without paying attention to them. But in fact, it is these places that can significantly “unload” the space. Corner shelves much more spacious than usual. You can use them both to create the desired atmosphere and present souvenirs and decorative items and for storing things. In the latter case, it is recommended to use special boxes for things or put wicker baskets on the shelves.

Another place that many apartment owners forget about is the empty space under the bathroom. Here you can store buckets and rags, a broom, dustpan, mop and detergents. Carefully covered with a special screen, these items will not be “conspicuous”. And the bathroom cabinet can be occupied with tubes and jars that are more important to you.

Save space with furniture

Refuse a large number of interior items. The fact is that the small area does not allow you to install them all while maintaining the comfort and stylish appearance of the apartment. It is better to limit yourself to a few necessary pieces of furniture, but not to “overload” the space. How to do it? The easiest way is to give up everything unnecessary. Do you need a coffee table, chest of drawers, sofa and bed? If you know you can't do without certain items, then look for. So, for example, a sofa bed will replace 2 massive pieces of furniture at once. By installing it, you will be able to receive guests during the day. stylish sofa, and at night enjoy sleep on a comfortable and spacious bed.

If you prefer to hide your bed during the daytime, then pay attention to interesting models, where the sleeping place is put away in the closet. They guarantee space and freedom of movement during the day and are ideal for very small rooms.

Multifunctional items

Transformers are not the only way to use things for several purposes at once. The easiest way is to combine the main function with a decorative or storage function. Beds and sofas can be equipped with built-in storage drawers bed linen. You can hide pillows and blankets in them, freeing up cabinets and cabinets. In addition to them, manufacturers often provide space in the window sills for important little things. Bedside table you will no longer need it, which will increase the usable area of ​​the room.

For example, you can store books not only on shelves and racks. You can hide books in special sections inside coffee tables, armchairs and even poufs. Designers even offer very bold furniture options, where magazines and books serve as the main material.

Do not forget that multifunctional equipment takes much less space than all its simpler analogues. Buy a climate station instead of an air purifier, ionizer and humidifier. You can save free space.

Install a food processor in the kitchen rather than hiding the mixer, juicer and meat grinder. You will notice how much free space will appear in your kitchen cabinet.

Nothing extra

Once and for all, give up unnecessary things. The more incomprehensible little things there are in your apartment, the smaller it will seem. Empty your closets of clothes you don't wear, remove old unnecessary magazines - an overloaded space visually makes the room smaller.

And, of course, there should be perfect order in a small apartment. If things always lie in their places, then optically the room will look more spacious. Little things forgotten on the table or sofa can be put away in a special basket or box. This way you can always maintain order, and you will also know exactly where to look for forgotten items.

Unfortunately, many are familiar with the concept of “not enough space in the apartment” firsthand. Small kitchen, in which there is not enough cabinet space to put food (or even dishes), a small bathroom that simply cannot be expanded, but you want to fit so much into it...

Every time, it also gets boring to console yourself with the well-known proverb “In cramped conditions, but don’t be offended.” However, it was thanks to some small design tricks that the solution was found! These 10 simple tips will help you reconsider your attitude towards a small space and make it even as comfortable as possible.

How to save space

  1. Corner hanger
    Two wardrobes are a luxury for an apartment with a small square footage. If you have a lot of clothes, hang an extra hanger in the corner. The problem will be solved!
  2. Simple spice rack
    A lot of spices are a sign of a good cook. If it is not possible to allocate a separate cabinet or shelf for jars, use office tray organizers as a shelf. Small magnets will help you place such a shelf directly on the refrigerator. Firstly, space is saved, secondly, spices will not be lost, and thirdly, they will always be at hand!
  3. Storage space for frying pans
    Even if there is not much space in the kitchen, there are always walls there. Of course, this may seem unrealistic, but every centimeter of the wall can and should be used! For example, it is convenient to place hooks for frying pans and kitchen utensils that you often use.
  4. Stand for jewelry
    If you have a lot of jewelry, use a writing board. In order to conveniently place your accessories, you only need hooks and pins!

  5. Detergent storage space
    If you store detergents and cleaning products under the sink, it often ends in chaos and it becomes impossible to find anything in these piles. Hang a crossbar between the cabinet walls and feel free to hang spray bottles on it!

  6. Hanging shelves
    The bathroom is usually subject to the most high requirements. If you need more space, place shelves on the walls: they will provide additional flat space without the need to take up floor space.
  7. Towel stand
    A towel is an important bathroom item that sometimes takes up too much space. Instead of storing them away in the closet, use a wine rack: roll up a towel and place it instead of wine bottles.
  8. Pantry Organizer
    Most conveniently packaged foods are very difficult to store. In order to solve this problem, use a shoe organizer that will take its rightful place in the closet. It is great for storing juice boxes, seasonings and other packaged foods.
  9. Additional bar in the bathroom
    The crossbar is usually used to hang a curtain on it. Place the second one next to it, and it will be very convenient to hang brushes, washcloths and various small items from it.

  10. Car door fuse
    One of big problems small garages in the house - there is not enough space to open the car door, as a result of which the wall is damaged and the door is scratched. Attached to the wall and cut lengthwise will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. foam roller. Both the car door and the garage wall will be safe.

If you find something interesting in our tips for yourself or for friends who have a lot of things in their apartment, but little space, tell them about how you can profitably and without special costs add to home

As you know, any woman has only two problems - nothing to wear and no space in the closet. Spring is a great time to update your wardrobe and finally cope with the second problem. No, new wardrobe To do this, it is not necessary to buy at all, the main thing is to learn some space-saving techniques.

Multi-level hangers

Clothes on hangers occupy perhaps the most decent amount of closet space. To optimize this space, you can hang several more pieces on one hanger. To do this, you can use multi-level hangers with additional hooks, or use improvised means - paper clips, chains, rings from cans...

Save on air!

Seasonal items and clothes that are not worn very often can be stored in special vacuum bags. This is an ideal invention for those for whom every millimeter in the closet is important. Using a vacuum cleaner, air is sucked out through a special hole in this bag - and voila! - even the thickest blanket will take up a minimum amount of space.

Let's share wisely!

On wide shelves, things often pile on top of each other, creating chaos and disorder. Here's a great idea for neatly organizing things - shelf dividers. You can buy ready-made ones, or you can make them yourself. They will help avoid confusion and save some space. After all, the more evenly things are folded, the less space they take up. For example, small towels can be rolled into rolls and placed on top of each other, divided into sections.

Caption for the picture

Trifles - separately!

Small items, such as underwear and socks, are best stored in compact drawers with cells or in special boxes (organizers) - this way it will be easier to find them and they will not take up much space. It will be more convenient if you distribute the laundry into convenient categories - by season, by event, by color, and so on.

Long accessories - ties, scarves, belts - can be collected on one multi-level hanger so that they are all visible at once. To save space in your closet, it is better to place these accessories on the closet door.

On the back of the door

To fit everything you need into your closet, try to make the most of every corner in it. On a closet door, for example, you can hang not only accessories, but also casual clothes and shoes. Also take a good look - is there any free space under the clothes that are hanging on the hangers? Usually there are a few free centimeters left there, which are useful for storing bags or shoes.

Shoes in pockets

And in order to compactly distribute a large number of shoes in the closet, you can buy comfortable ones wall structures with pockets that take up less space than shoe boxes. You can place shoes on them even up to the ceiling, or hang them on back side cabinet doors.

How to fold clothes so that they take up little space on the shelf and do not wrinkle
  • Shirts, blouses and sweaters: fasten all buttons and lay out front side down on a level surface. Fold the left and right edges of the shirt up to the collar. Roll up the sleeves and lay them out lengthwise. Visually dividing into three parts, tuck: first the lower part, then the central one.
  • Skirts: First, fold lengthwise on both sides and roll into a tight roll.
  • Pants: First fold in half so that the bottom of the legs meets the waistband, and fold again.
  • Jeans can be rolled into rolls.


Each of us wants to have a spacious apartment that will not only look elegant, but will have its own place for every item of clothing, children's toys, and storage of other things. But the reality is that, as a rule, we do not have enough places to store all these things. We hope that our tips for saving space in your apartment will help you solve the problem.

But even in a small apartment, you can arrange convenient system storage, just follow simple tips.

Correct placement of the sofa

In small apartments it is quite difficult to organize separate bedrooms for each family member, with large and comfortable beds. Therefore, to receive guests, family vacation and the organization of sleeping space, sofas and couches are mainly used.

If we are talking about a living room that is quite spacious, then it is worth it.
With it it will be convenient not only to receive and accommodate guests for festive table, but also later, if it is expanded, it turns out to be a full-fledged double bed. This sofa will fit perfectly into a large and visually “heavy” corner. Well, you can decorate the space above the sofa family photos, paintings or other decor.

A good option for saving space in a small apartment would be to purchase bunk bed and a table for which you can.

Additional shelves and drawers

If, in addition to furniture, you hang drawers and shelves on the wall in the same color palette as the set, you can save additional space in the wall itself, and store books or CDs on the shelves, place souvenirs and porcelain figurines.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to hang the shelves at the same level; you can “scatter them around the room in geometric disorder.” Shelves can be open or closed, with stained glass or glass doors. With a little creativity, you can decorate wooden doors to match the overall style of the room, using special stencils and acrylic paints. Also, don’t forget about the window sills. You can do it in them.

Built-in cabinets

An original solution would be, identical in height and width, inserted into a specially prepared opening in the wall with their backs to each other. Thus, not only is more space saved, but also, by partially removing the back wall of the cabinet, you can combine some tiers for storing bulky items.

Space under the ceiling

Usually, we forget that, for example, if we hang a large and long shelf above the doorway, then in this way the problem, for example, with storing a home library, will be partially solved. Modern manufacturers produce very beautiful models for such purposes.

The same technique applies to the bathroom or corridor; by hanging a shelf in the bathroom, you can comfortably store various detergents on it, and out of reach of small children, which is important.

Mirror or glass doors

Glass doors let sunlight into other rooms, even if the door is tightly closed, which means that the space of the entire apartment will become more joyful and attractive. Mirror surfaces visually enlarge the room. It is worth noting that for dark rooms located on the north side, you can install glass doors with pieces of multi-colored glass (stained glass). Then the colored highlights will reflect from the surfaces, creating a fabulous atmosphere in the house.


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