Zucchini - planting and care in open ground, proper watering and fertilization. Growing zucchini in open ground as a business

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Zucchini is a well-known and beloved vegetable that does not require excessive attention and is not very demanding in care. At the right approach to planting and growing this vegetable, as a result you can get a rich harvest. If you decide to try growing zucchini on your summer cottage, it will be useful for you to learn about the intricacies of growing vegetables in open ground: planting, care, etc., as well as its main varieties.

Main varieties and varieties of zucchini: detailed description

Planting a plant in open ground

There are two ways to plant zucchini in open ground: seed and seedling. Let's look at them in more detail.

Seed method

To plant a plant this way, you will need zucchini seeds. Before planting, the seeds are prepared accordingly: soak them in warm water with 1 tbsp. spoon of ash/potassium humate solution. Then the seeds need to be wrapped in a damp cloth and kept in this form for several days at 23-25 ​​degrees.

The most proven and reliable way to prepare seeds before planting is the following: the seeds are alternately placed first in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours, then left indoors for about ten hours at an air temperature of about 22 degrees.

Zucchini seeds

We prepare the soil long before planting the plant in open ground - in the fall. The earth is dug up and then fertilized with compost (about 10 kg), superphosphate (10-15 grams) and a handful wood ash. All figures are based on one square meter.

By spring (the last ten days of May), the soil must be carefully leveled and holes about 10-12 cm deep must be prepared (the distance between them should be such that it is no more than three per square meter). We put a small handful of humus and ash in each hole, mix it with the soil, lightly moisten it and then plant the seeds - 2-3 pieces in each hole five to seven centimeters deep (if the soil is light enough). Cover the seeds with a layer of soil on top.

Advice. If several seeds germinate in a hole, you need to leave only one and remove all the others from the hole.

Seedling method

Using the seedling method, you can grow zucchini much faster compared to the seed method. But one thing to keep in mind: zucchini grown this way will not last long.

First, the seeds are processed (using the method described in the first option) - the zucchini seeds should swell slightly. Soil for planting seedling method should be saturated with peat by 50%, humus by 20%, with the same amount of turf and 10% sawdust. If the soil is too acidic, you can add a little chalk/ash.

The soil is spread out in small parts into peat pots and is disinfected or hot water, or a solution of potassium permanganate. After which you can plant the seeds in the soil to a depth of about 2 cm. The top of the pots with seeds must be covered with something: cellophane, glass, etc. will do.

Zucchini seedlings

After the seeds germinate, you can open the pots and transfer them for a week to a cool room (15-17 degrees) with enough daylight. Then return back to warm room. These actions will prevent the sprouts from stretching too much.

Periodically, the sprouts need to be watered with a small amount of settled water. At least once every ten days, the soil with seedlings needs to be “fed” a little. For the first time, use mullein solution (about 50 g for each pot of seedlings) or some mineral composition.

Approximately 25-30 days (by the end of spring) after the appearance of the first shoots, seedlings can be planted in open ground. The conditions are the same as when planting seeds - sufficient distance between rows and no more than 3 plants per square meter. We also don’t forget to fertilize the soil. TO next day The soil should be slightly loosened.

Vegetable care

In order for the zucchini to grow into a strong plant and produce a rich harvest, it is necessary to carry out a number of standard procedures, such as loosening and weeding the soil, watering the plant and controlling diseases and pests.

In order for the vegetable to reproduce according to temporary standards, it is necessary to periodically weed the beds. This is done for the first time 7 days after planting. When the seeds/seedlings germinate so that several young leaves form on the sprouts, you can hill up the zucchini.

Planting zucchini in the ground

To make side shoots grow more actively, you can pinch the main stem. When the lateral roots begin to multiply and the leaves slowly close together, the soil can be thoroughly loosened and weeded again.

It is best to water zucchini after sunset with sun-warmed water. IN hot weather Watering should be daily, and when the leaves close and cover the ground, the soil can be moistened less frequently - a couple of times a week.

Advice. Pour water only at the root; under no circumstances should it get on ripening fruits or leaves, otherwise they will simply rot. If the leaves begin to wither due to hot weather, you can moisten them using a special nozzle with small holes.

Fertilizer and feeding of zucchini

In order for the zucchini to give good harvest, you need (if necessary) to help it pollinate. To do this, pollen from a male flower is transferred to the pistil of a female flower (corresponding photos from detailed description process you can find on the Internet). You can also use the “heavy artillery” – pollinating insects. To attract them, spray your plants with honey/sugar water every day.

Zucchini loves it very much organic fertilizers, so don’t skimp on this goodness. You can prepare an excellent herbal infusion for young seedlings. To do this, put the weeds remaining after weeding in a barrel and fill it with water (be sure to stir the infusion periodically). After a week of infusion, the fertilizer can be filtered, mixed with water in a ratio of 1:8 and watered the soil. This must be done very carefully so as not to catch the sprouts.

Secondary feeding must be done after a week (with the same infusion). The third time - when the first ovaries appear. Be sure to add double superphosphate (1 tbsp) and 250 g of wood ash to the fertilizer.

Advice. Before each feeding of the plant, it is advisable to water it.

We fight pests and diseases

Even with excellent care zucchini sometimes suffer from diseases. Most often, this member of the squash family is affected by several pests and diseases, such as slugs, whiteflies, melon aphids, powdery mildew, etc.

Whitefly - very a big problem for gardeners growing zucchini. Main sign their presence - white sticky discharge formed on the leaves with bottom side. This provokes the development of sooty fungi, which destroy the leaves of the plant over time. The easiest way to get rid of the pest is to wash the leaves with water. If this does not help, then use a special insecticide.

Slugs must be collected by hand. If their number is too large, you can make a kind of bait - pour dark beer into small jars and place it on the site. The slugs will definitely react and “come running”.

Aphids take juices from the plant, thereby damaging all its parts. An excellent method of combating it is to treat the plant with a soap solution (300 g per bucket of water).

Inspect your zucchini regularly for pests.

Powdery mildew damages squash leaves with a loose coating. They dry out over time, and the fruits simply stop growing. At the first signs of this disease, the plant is treated with a 10% solution of fungicides.

Combination of zucchini with other plants

Under no circumstances should zucchini be planted in soil that was previously planted with members of the pumpkin family (cucumber, all varieties of zucchini, pumpkin, etc.). Excellent predecessors for zucchini can be tomatoes, parsley, carrots, potatoes, onions, etc. There is an excellent combination of zucchini with such fruit and vegetable crops as onions, beets, corn and tomatoes.

A couple of months after planting zucchini (late summer - early autumn), you can collect the first fruits of your labor. In general, you should not keep ripe zucchini in the garden beds for a long time: the faster the ripe fruits are cut, the faster new ones will grow.

We have examined in detail the process of planting and growing zucchini. With proper care you will a larger share chances are you will get a quality product that you will enjoy for a long time.

Growing zucchini: photo

Zucchini is an annual herbaceous plant. It belongs to the Pumpkin family. Zucchini is very common in cooking, because it is a dietary product. It can be fried, stewed, stuffed. It also makes excellent caviar.

Zucchini variety Iskander in the garden

Even a novice gardener can grow zucchini in the country, because caring for it is very simple.

Key Features

The fruits of this plant contain vitamin A, PP and others useful material. Therefore, gardeners have a question about how to care for zucchini when growing them in open ground.

The main thing is to follow all the steps technological process growing:

  • preparing the bed;
  • prepare seed material;
  • we plant seeds to obtain seedlings;
  • caring for young plants;
  • We provide the required care for the plant during the growth process.

Now there are many varieties that are suitable for growing in open ground. Each variety has its own shape, color and size of the fruit. When planting zucchini, it is recommended to follow the advice on the seed package.

Preparing the bed

They love zucchini a large number of sunlight, and are afraid of places with constant drafts. The more light they get, the better the plant develops and bears fruit.

This vegetable can be grown after almost any garden crops.

The exceptions are pumpkin varieties and zucchini themselves. After these crops, it is recommended to plant the plant again after three years. This will prevent the occurrence of diseases and harmful insects.

Sowing zucchini in prepared soil

Zucchini really do not like heavy and poor soil. Any bed for sowing must first be improved using fertilizers with mineral and organic additives.

  1. Clay soil needs replenishment from a mixture that includes peat, ash and humus in equal quantities. For 1 m2, 9 kg of mixture is required. Superphosphate can be used as a mineral fertilizer. It is diluted with wood ash in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Peat soil should be fertilized with a mixture of two kilograms of compost (can be replaced with rotted manure), 25 g of wood ash, a bucket of clay, one teaspoon each of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Together with the fertilizer, the soil must be dug to a depth of 25 cm. After this, the surface is leveled and watered with Agricola-5 or Ross solution, which must be heated to 35 ℃. One tablespoon of the substance is diluted in a bucket of water. 3 liters of solution should be used per 1 m2. To prevent moisture and heat from evaporating from the soil, it must be covered with a film intended for greenhouses.
  3. Light loamy soils should be treated in the same way as clay soil.
  4. Sandy soil is fed with a composition that includes 10 kg of turf, one bucket of peat and 3 kg of humus and sawdust. Then the area is processed in the same way as clay soil.
  5. For chernozem, it is enough to apply fertilizer consisting of: 2 kg of sawdust, 2 tbsp. spoons of ash and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate.

The soil should be loose and nutritious

If a completely new bed is used for planting, then all debris, weeds and old roots are removed from it. Everything is thoroughly dug up, and all pest larvae are destroyed. Next, the soil is fertilized with a composition consisting of 3 kg of compost, 15 grams of nitrophoska and 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash. Then the bed is dug up again and watered with a heated solution of Ross or Agricola-5.

The most important thing is not to plant zucchini in acidic soil. For prevention, you can introduce lime or dolomite flour into the ground.

You still can’t plant seedlings close to groundwater. Water should not stagnate near the garden bed.

Preparing the seeds

To grow zucchini in the country, you need to properly prepare the seeds. For strong and friendly seedlings to appear, it is necessary to keep the seeds in a solution of sodium humate for 24 hours. Next, they are rolled into damp material and placed in a warm place for 2 days. The holding temperature should be 22-24 ℃. When the fabric dries, it needs to be wetted again.

Soaking seeds is a guarantee of friendly shoots

To make the seeds hatch faster, they can be kept in a solution, including minerals or in a special stimulant drug during the day. It is not recommended to take stale seeds for planting; there is a high probability that they will not sprout. Even careful care will not help them.

Experienced gardeners always check them before planting seeds to see if they can germinate. To do this, place the seeds on damp gauze and wait for the sprout to appear.

To get early, high-quality and bountiful harvest, are already planted in the soil ready seedlings. This method is convenient because planting material can be prepared right in the apartment.

Planting seeds to obtain seedlings

The time for sowing seeds depends on the climate in a particular region. Typically, in the south direction, planting occurs in the second and third weeks of April, and in the west-east direction - in early May.

Growing zucchini seedlings should begin a month before planting

After 25-30 days, the seedlings can already be planted in the beds.

If you provide zucchini good care, then you can get a bountiful harvest. Usually there is a fairly small number of plants. Seeds are planted in small containers; disposable plastic or paper cups are well suited for these purposes. A nutrient mixture is added to the soil or you can buy ready soil, which has a neutral acidity level and a large amount of humus.

The nutritional mixture is very easy to prepare yourself. This will require 0.5 kg of peat, 200 g of turf soil, 200 g of humus and 100 g of sawdust. If the earth is highly acidic, then you should add a handful of wood ash or chalk.

Caring for young plants

Seeds are planted one at a time. For each zucchini, prepare a hole with a depth of 2-3 cm, which is well moistened. In order for the seedlings to germinate better, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20-23 ℃.

In the garden, zucchini should be spaced apart

As soon as the sprouts appear, the temperature drops to 15 ℃ at night and 18 ℃ during the day. This will avoid thinning and rapid stretching of plants. It is enough to keep it in this mode for 5 days, then the seedlings are returned to the original temperature regime.

Plants require watering once a week.

Care during seedling growth includes feeding twice a day:

  1. The first time feeding is carried out immediately after the sprouts appear. To do this, 2 grams of the drug Bud are diluted in 1 liter of water. One plant requires 200 grams of solution.
  2. The second feeding is carried out after 10 days. A solution is prepared from 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska and organic feeding Effecton. After a month, young plants should be accustomed to open ground. To do this, they are taken to the greenhouse. Young plants can be planted in the garden bed in early June.

Zucchini has a rather weak root system, so when transplanting at the dacha, the plant is taken along with the soil.

Zucchini is planted in beds with a width of 50-60 cm. All plants should have a distance of one meter between them.

Caring for zucchini is first and foremost proper watering. Thanks to him, the plant fully develops and bears fruit well. Each stage of development requires a set frequency of watering, as it needs a different amount of moisture.

Before flowering, watering is carried out once a week. One bush requires 5 liters of water. When the fruits begin to form and ripen, it is necessary to water 2 times a week. IN in this case 8-10 liters of water are required per 1 m2.

You can water zucchini only with water that has room temperature. Watering must be done directly to the roots.

Why do zucchini begin to rot?

Several factors can lead to rotting of zucchini:

  • You can’t plant zucchini in the same place where they grew last year. Also, they cannot be planted after watermelons, cucumbers and melons;
  • zucchini can rot due to severe waterlogging of the soil;
  • Bushes should not be allowed to have too many leaves. Lack of sunlight causes vegetables to rot;
  • damage to the plant by diseases such as white rot and powdery mildew.

Rotting of zucchini most often occurs due to thickening

Also don't water cold water, because of this, zucchini rot. Not only the ovaries spoil, but also the formed young vegetables.

Fertilize zucchini

Caring for zucchini is not only about constant watering, but also in regular feeding:

  • The very first fertilizing is done even before the flowers appear. To prepare the solution, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska, 500 grams of mullein or chicken manure. Water is poured into this mixture until 10 liters are obtained. One bush requires one liter of feeding.
  • The second fertilizer is applied during flowering. The solution is prepared from 30 g of wood ash, 30 g of Efecton organic fertilizer and 10 liters of water. It is used in the same way as the first feeding.
  • The third feeding is final. It is produced when the fruits begin to ripen. For fertilizing, a similar solution is used as for the second fertilizer.
  • Only the substance Effecton is replaced with Effecton-O. Each plant requires 2 liters of mixture.

Zucchini loves moist soil

Also, during fruiting, another plant care is carried out, namely, foliar feeding can be carried out. It is carried out every 10 days. The soil is simply sprayed with a solution consisting of 10 liters of water and 10 grams of the drug Bud.

Harmful insects and diseases of zucchini

Good care includes constant protection from harmful insects and diseases. The most popular diseases include root rot, anthracnose, powdery mildew and white rot.

Among harmful insects, zucchini should be wary spider mites, whiteflies, growth flies and melon aphids.

Melon aphid on zucchini

The best protection against diseases and harmful insects is to adhere to planting rotation, as well as timely removal of weeds and affected fruits.

Experienced gardeners, in order to avoid troubles, began growing zucchini in their dachas in bags, barrels and compost heaps.

Fruits should be collected regularly. Otherwise, ripe zucchini will slow down the process of the appearance of new ovaries. This crop can bear fruit from July to September. From the end of August, boards should be placed under the emerging zucchini. This will prevent the fruit from rotting.

The main thing is not to overexpose the zucchini in the garden. The longer ripe fruits lie unpicked, the worse their taste becomes.

Harvesting must be done regularly, not allowing the fruits to overripe.

The degree of maturity is determined as follows:

  • when tapping, a dull sound should be heard;
  • When you feel the skin, it should be firm and dense.

This vegetable can be stored in the cellar for 4-5 months. After this, they begin to lose their consumer characteristics.

Growing zucchini for sale is a profitable business

Growing zucchini in open ground is not recommended for regions with cool climates. There it is best to plant them in greenhouses.

Basically, zucchini is considered an unpretentious crop. Even a novice gardener can grow and get a harvest, because caring for them is not very difficult.

Even with minimal care, zucchini generously rewards the farmer with a large number of fruits, which are suitable for cooking and canning, and are also well stored fresh.

Zucchini belongs to the pumpkin family. Its fruits are yellow, white and green. The culture is thermophilic and light-loving; it does not bear fruit in the shade. The size of the harvest depends on the amount of light and the fertility of the soil. The plant prefers light, warm sandy loam and loam.

Zucchini can be grown in two ways:

  • seedlings;
  • sowing seeds in the garden.

Growing through seedlings allows you to get an early and significant harvest.

IN middle lane When growing zucchini in open ground without temporary shelters, the seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of April.

All about zucchini seedlings

Seedlings can be grown indoors or in a greenhouse. Buy soil for seedlings in the store - soil mixture for pumpkin plants, or make it yourself by mixing peat, garden soil and sawdust in a ratio of 50:40:10.

Add mineral fertilizers to the soil - for 10 liters of mixture, a glass, 1 spoon ammonium nitrate, 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Treat the seeds in potassium permanganate and sow in cups or jars. Zucchini does not like transplanting, so sow each seed in a separate container.

By the time the seedlings are planted in a garden bed or greenhouse, they should be about a month old - at this age they can more easily tolerate replanting. Use any available material: cups made of paper and cardboard, peat pots and tablets, laminated paper bags. Zucchini seedlings large leaves, therefore the diameter of the container should not be less than 10 by 10 centimeters.

Fill the pots with soil and water until it is wet to the bottom. Make a hole in the center, 3 cm deep. Place the seed flat - the sprouted root will face down.

Until the shoots appear, keep the temperature at 18-25 o C, then it needs to be lowered so that the plants do not stretch out. A decrease in temperature at the beginning of growth forms a powerful root system. Reduce the temperature for a week to 15 o C. Do not forget to maintain a good level of illumination.

By the time of planting in the ground, standard seedlings should have 2-3 leaves and be no more than 30 days old. Before planting, water the soil in the containers generously and carefully remove the plants without disturbing the lump of earth.

When to plant zucchini

The soil for planting zucchini must have time to warm up to at least 15 o C. Planting zucchini seedlings in greenhouses or under film covers begins in early May, in open ground - in early June. It is ideal to do this on a cloudy day, and if the weather is sunny, you need to plant the seedlings in the evening so that they have time to acclimatize overnight.

Planting scheme

The planting pattern for zucchini depends on the characteristics of the variety. Plants of bush varieties are planted at least 80 cm from each other. 120 m are left between the climbers.

When planting, zucchini can be buried down to the cotyledon leaves. If there is a threat of frost, metal arcs are immediately installed over the bed and a film or covering material is stretched.

If it gets cold

If there are no arcs or film on the site, in case of cold weather you can make do with improvised shelters - cover each planted plant with pruned plastic bottle. As practice shows, such protection, despite its simplicity, reliably protects plants from the cold, even if snow falls for a short time.

Fertilizer and feeding of zucchini

If the soil for seedlings is prepared according to all the rules, it does not need to be fertilized - reserves nutrients The container will last for a month. But poorly growing seedlings should be fertilized.

The best fertilizers for planting are organic. Zucchini, like all pumpkin plants, love compost and rotted manure.

  1. First feeding carry out 10 days after germination. The seedlings are kept cool for 7 days after emergence, and then the temperature is raised to 20 o C. The indicator for feeding will be the delay in the appearance of the first leaf after the temperature rises.
  2. Second feeding carry out a few days before planting if the sources have turned pale or began to turn yellow. Suitable for fertilizing zucchini seedlings foliar feeding any liquid fertilizer: Ideal, Agricola.


The water should be warm - this will help avoid root rot. During flowering, each plant should receive at least 5 liters of water when watering, and during fruiting, at least 10 liters.

Before watering, the water is warmed in the sun - cold well water leads to rotting of young ovaries. If it is not the size of the harvest that is important, but the taste of the fruit, then the amount of watering is reduced.

In the open ground

Unlike its closest relatives, cucumbers, zucchini tolerate drought. You can water them rarely, but abundantly. Even if the weather is dry, 1 watering per week is enough for zucchini.

In the greenhouse

Zucchini in a greenhouse needs to be watered less than in open ground. Constantly wet soil will cause the tips of the fruits to rot. The rotten area is cut off and the cut is burned with a match. Such a fruit will continue to grow, and a cork layer will form at the site of the burn, impenetrable to rot and bacteria.

In some varieties, the tip of the fruit may rot even with optimal water conditions. This occurs when the flower at the end of the fruit does not fall off for a long time. Rot from the flower will transfer to the fruit itself, so flowers from already set fruits must be removed manually.

How to get a rich harvest of zucchini

If you need to get the maximum yield, then every week the bushes are fed with complex fertilizer or Mitlider No. 2 mixture. If it is not possible to feed the zucchini often, you need to do this at least 2 times:

  1. For the first time before flowering, use a solution of the following composition - 10 liters. dilute 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium nitrate with water. Water the plants clean water, and then pour 1 liter of fertilizer under each root.
  2. Apply the second fertilizing after harvesting the first fruits with a solution of the same composition, but apply 2 liters of fertilizer to each bush.

Gardeners who try to use only organic fertilizers can use the method of growing zucchini in compost or manure beds, as is done with cucumbers. Then the plant does not need additional feeding.

For getting big harvest you need to regularly cut off old leaves from the bush and those that have reached the right size fruit. Frequent harvesting of fruits stimulates the setting of new zucchini.

In the last 10-12 years, the popularity of vegetables such as zucchini has increased significantly. And this trend is not at all accidental. In fact, zucchini is a valuable crop; it speaks not only about its benefits and taste. But also indicate the hypoallergenic nature of the vegetable. Zucchini is indicated even for babies under 6 months of age, people suffering from allergies and gastrointestinal diseases. You can also prepare a hundred delicious and healthy dishes based on this vegetable.

Some people love to eat zucchini, while others consider this vegetable as great way earn money due to increased demand. Growing zucchini is not that difficult. The culture is not too delicate and even a specialist in this industry can cope with this task. There are varieties that ripen early and quickly, and early vegetables cost much more. Even due to the high level of competition in this industry, it is worth starting this business, but first you need to take into account some nuances.

Rent a plot.

Growing zucchini requires adherence to agricultural technologies. It is better to choose a site for growing crops in the zone farm. The vegetable is not very drought-resistant and requires regular watering. This point must be taken into account when choosing land. It is most profitable to plant zucchini after potatoes, onions, legumes, cabbage, and green crops. It is better not to do this after pumpkin and cucumbers, otherwise the yield may decrease significantly. It is better to choose sandy loam soil with mineral supplements or neutral. On clay soils the required yield cannot be achieved.

Before planting the vegetable, it is necessary to plow the soil in the fall, to a level of 20 to 25 cm. After this, the soil is treated with heavy disc furrows, and peeling is carried out in heavily clogged areas. Also, ridges are cut in the fall, and in the spring they are already treated with furrows. This ensures perfect loosening of the soil.

The cost of renting land will depend on many factors. First of all, they pay attention to the region, terrain and level of soil fertility. In particular, the price range can vary greatly from $7 to several hundred per hectare. On average, you should expect an amount of about $1.2 thousand.


To care for zucchini, you need a minimum set of agricultural equipment.

This equipment is for plowing, harrowing, peeling, planting and harvesting:

1. Harrows - from $900;

2. Peelers - from $1.5 thousand;

3. Plows - from $1 thousand;

4. Cultivator - from $700;

5. Sprayers - from $2 thousand;

6. Disc mulcher - from $600;

7. Tractor - $20 thousand.

In total, about $30 thousand is spent on the purchase of agricultural equipment.

To quickly recoup the initial investment, this equipment can be rented out.

Raw materials.

To grow zucchini, you need seeds and mineral fertilizer. Fertilizers are applied in the fall and immediately before sowing. It is best to use manure or humus in combination with mineral fertilizers. If the soil is not very suitable for growing zucchini, then consult with specialists to obtain the required level of yield.

When choosing seeds for growing zucchini, first of all pay attention to the country of origin. Hybrid seeds are bred in the west. Domestic seeds are better suited for growing in the western and central parts of our state. Imported ones are ideal for the south. Experts recommend using the domestic product, since the yield is much higher. Such products are resistant to storage and transportation. The following varieties are especially popular: Apollo, Gribovsky, Masha, Bely, Roller, Zebra and others.
The number of plants per 1 hectare of land can vary from 10 to 35 thousand seeds. The seeding rate per hectare is from 3 to 5 kg. The cost of seeds per 1 kg will range from $8 to $200, depending on the variety. In total, for the purchase of seeds and mineral fertilizers You should expect an amount of at least $2 thousand.


Caring for zucchini requires specialized, knowledgeable personnel. The work will be seasonal, so people are invited to work during the planting, ripening and harvesting periods. More agricultural machinery means less need for hiring work force. Agronomists and workers are needed.

We also need a tractor driver. Personnel must be hired who are responsible and have experience in this industry. The workforce will consist of 7 to 20 people, depending on the size of the site. The agronomist will be responsible for the quality of crop growth, control the yield, and be responsible for the quality of the work performed by the staff. On wages staff must be allocated at least $5 thousand.

To promote your own services, you should use the services of specialized printed publications and place external advertising. You can also create a website. A website page is enough to promote your services.

You can engage in and offer products on forums. But the greatest effectiveness of advertising can be achieved by visiting directly to potential clients. These are cold calls, setting up meetings and signing agreements. Considering that you will have to invest a lot of your own efforts and resources, it is worth allocating at least $150-200 for advertising and promotion of services.

Basic costs.

The main costs when organizing a business for growing zucchini include the following expenses:

1. Rent of premises - at least $1.2 thousand;

2. Machinery and equipment - $30 thousand;

3. Raw materials - $2 thousand;

Total for organizing a business for growing such vegetable crop As a zucchini you need to have a budget of about $35 thousand.

Profit, profitability.

The profitability of this business, with skillful organization, can reach 200%. Bulk prices on early harvest will be $0.38, and the June harvest will already cost around $0.11. The yield per 1 hectare will fluctuate within 80 thousand kg. In this case, you can expect a profit of at least $9 thousand. If you rented land of at least 5 hectares, then you can safely count on a full return on the initial investment in one season.

Clients and business development.

The clients of this type of business will be wholesale centers, retail outlets and the market. As a business development, you can offer customers grown zucchini in greenhouses, but such an action will require additional investments. You can also start growing additional crops or fresh herbs.


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