How to play up the beams on the ceiling - we fit rough supporting structures into the interior elegantly. Playing with ceiling beams How to hide beams with a stretch ceiling

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Initially, the beams on the ceiling were not only a decorative element, but also took on the load from the roof, and they were also a support for attic floor.

Over time, they began to be hidden, but now they have become interesting again, but as a decorative element, now they look different and perform different functions.

They decorate ceilings not only in villages, but also in country houses and city apartments. They can be used everywhere, even in the home wooden floors, their massiveness and quantity should depend on the size of the room, in large rooms there may be more.

They are a simple and inexpensive way to finish a ceiling, but they can handle many functions.

  • If you have high ceilings, then the beams will emphasize the volume of the room, but if the room is high, they can be placed lower to lower its level.
  • If you have low ceilings, then you need to make sure that the beams go to the walls, and a thin strip should go along the wall to match the beam.

Decorating the attic space with such beams will bring harmony and orderliness to the space. If you want to visually expand the room, then arrange them widthwise, and if you place them along a wide wall, it will become more elongated.

If you do not want to change the geometry of the room, but simply add volume to your ceiling, then you can install them with a lattice or herringbone pattern. One large beam can divide a room into zones; it needs to be mounted at the junction functional zones, they will also help to separate a specific area.

Recessed lights can be mounted on the ceiling beam, LED backlight, you can also tie a large chandelier to it. They can be used to decorate niches in plasterboard structures, and they can also be used to create spot lighting. Hollow pseudo-beams will help disguise communications running along the ceiling.

They can be used as boxes when installing lamps. They have a U-shape, they are hollow inside, so they can hide pipes. In the kitchen, you can install various holders and hooks on them and hang utensils, baskets, bunches of herbs or glass holders on them.

You can attach a TV panel, an air swing or chairs to them, but all this is possible if it is a real beam and not an imitation. They can decorate the ceiling of almost any style.

How to hide beams?

Many people don’t really like beams, and the question arises of how to hide them; they often have various defects and changes, this happens if interfloor ceilings in unsatisfactory condition.

There are several options for hiding beams, you can mount suspended ceilings made of fabric or PVC, it needs to be lowered to the width of the beam being masked, while the ceiling itself may fall too low, it is better to do multi-level ceiling, it will tighten the ceiling and add space.

To hide the beams, you can make a box from plasterboard, it must have a U-shaped frame, it is attached to the ceiling itself, but not to the beam, there should not be any holes in it, since it will lose its properties. The beam should be 20 cm from frame and 2 centimeters from the ceiling.

There is also a more expensive and sophisticated way of finishing a ceiling with beams; for this you can use caissons; the ceiling will consist of beams, cells, borders, reinforcements and cornices.

Cassettes can have the shape of a square, rhombus or polygon, and there can also be round caissons. On such a ceiling you can decorate longitudinal and cross beams using ornaments and lighting sources.

These beams will help you quickly install the supporting lattice frame. Such ceilings will make the room more impressive. The easiest way to hide the beams is to use clapboard or edged boards.

All surfaces of wooden beams can be covered along one horizontal and two vertical planes. The boards need to be painted and sanded, the material can be burned using blowtorch and cover clear varnish. Nowadays such beams and boards are not sanded, but made uneven using round wire brushes.

The tool shank is inserted into an electric drill and marks are applied to the surface of the beam.

Leave or disguise the beams on the ceiling?

As you can see, in general, hiding ceiling beams is not that difficult and can be done in several ways.

It all depends on your desire; you can hide these beams, or you can decorate them beautifully so that they decorate your rooms. If you visit the construction forum on our website, you will find a lot of information on this issue there.

The main thing is not to do this work yourself if you do not have proper construction experience, since this is not such a easy job, it is better to hire a professional specialist for it.

It is also important to know in advance the methods for repairing such beams, since over time they become less stable, but this work is already easier, however, it still requires a lot of effort and time, so this is another issue that needs to be resolved before doing ceiling with beams.

Let's talk about how you can beat the presence of a load-bearing beam, which can become a headache for apartment owners due to its unpresentable appearance. This structural element of the house cannot be removed, so we have to come up with various options so that the beam does not spoil the interior.

Crossbar or load-bearing beam - important element designs of apartment and private houses. They are usually made of hard concrete, inside steel reinforcement, but can also be made of wood. In essence, beams are a load-bearing wall, or rather, its upper part. Load-bearing crossbars must not be demolished! The floors between floors rest on them, so dismantling the beams will lead to problems throughout the house. Cracks may appear in the walls and ceilings, and in the worst case, structures will collapse.

That is why we have to come up with design options for load-bearing beams, which at first glance only spoil appearance rooms and get in the way. Wherein load-bearing beams found not only in “Stalin” buildings, houses old building, but also in new buildings. Sometimes owners find out about the presence of load-bearing beams only if they start redevelopment. For example, they decide to attach a loggia to a living room or combine a living room with a kitchen.

The simplest option is not to hide the load-bearing beam in any way, but leave it as is. But this one is only suitable for brutal industrial interiors, high-tech and loft styles.

For all other styles of room design, an uncovered load-bearing beam without finishing is clearly an unnecessary element.

The second way is to “dissolve” the load-bearing crossbar in space as much as possible. You can simply plaster it and paint it the same color as the ceiling or cover it with the same wallpaper so it doesn’t catch your eye. The option is simple and inexpensive, but the rectangular protrusion will still be noticeable. According to the designers, in this case, the beam should be balanced with other elements, for example, a storage system of the same shape.

Quite often, load-bearing beams are sheathed with plasterboard. In this case, you can run the boxes around the perimeter of the room to create a complete picture. In addition, covering the beam with plasterboard allows you to illuminate it, that is, turn it into a functional element of the interior.

By the way, an option is when the crossbar is completely hidden under the tension or suspended ceiling, designers actively criticize. Too much space will be “eaten up”, the ceiling will have to be lowered significantly.

Another option is to add decorative beams to balance out the presence of the transom and make it part of the ceiling decoration. We have already written about how beams can be used to decorate the ceiling.

Mirrors help literally dissolve the beam in space. They can be used to sheathe the crossbar, which will simply disappear behind the reflections. Besides, mirrors always help to add light and space to a room.

As an option, a beam can become an element of zoning a room if it has several functions. For example, separate the dining room from the kitchen.

In addition, designers consider the space under the load-bearing beam to be an ideal place for arranging partitions. In this case, the crossbar will become part of the entire structure and will be harmoniously designed.

In general, as the designers assure, there is no need to worry about the presence of a load-bearing beam in the room. This structural element of the house can be turned into a bright and useful interior detail, adding dynamics to a boring ceiling.


In most old private houses, the ceiling is “decorated” with beams (svolok) - this was such an ancient way of constructing roofs. And in the most economical and fairly durable way.
But still, these open beams had some disadvantages.
Due to the lack of stiffeners and the long age, they sagged.
Unattractive and rough appearance.

Now many designers decorate ceilings with decorative beams (Decowood), made of high-strength polyurethane with a wood-imitating coating.

This method, of course, is good and beautiful, because the dummy beams are absolutely even.
With old beams such a ceiling is simply not possible due to the fact that they are so strongly curved that there is no way to level them and somehow improve them.
Therefore, the most the best option in this case, covering the beams with plasterboard.
To work we need a tool.

  • Drill with a set of drills.
  • Metal shears for cutting galvanized profiles.
  • Wallpaper knife for cutting drywall.
  • Level + long ruler - rule.
  • Ax and chisels for processing beams.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Painting tool.

You will also need this material.

  • Drywall.
  • Galvanized profile.
  • Straight suspension for profile.
  • Metal self-tapping screws for 3.5×25 mm main body,
  • 3.5×9.5 mm “flea” for the profile, as well as self-tapping screws different lengths, but already on wood.

I will tell you below why you need wood screws.

  • Serpyanka for sealing seams between sheets of drywall.
  • Perforated outer corner.
  • Expanded polystyrene ceiling plinth.

Construction chemistry.

  1. Primer.
  2. Putty (start/finish).
  3. Water-based paint.
  • Spotlights for lighting.
  • Mirrors with bevel 150×150 mm for decoration.

What is a facet I talked about in the article?”

  • Glue "Liquid nails".

The entire process of remodeling the ceiling will take place in 4 stages.
1. Preparation.
2. Installation of the frame and drywall fastening.
3. Finishing and decoration.
4. Installation of lamps.

Stage one - preparing the ceiling for remodeling.

One of the most difficult, because... the beams (svolok) bent to varying degrees.
This was easy to check by measuring with a tape measure from the floor to the beams at five points in the room (in the corners and in the middle).
The heaviest sag occurred on the middle beam.

Then, when using a ruler and a level, it turned out that absolutely all the beams were initially installed at different levels.

As a result, we get a quiet horror, which, to fix it, you need to either lower the ceiling significantly, or replace the middle beam with metallic profile(I-beam or channel).

Long story short, we decided against reducing the ceiling height because it was not part of the building code.

note that according to construction rules, the ceiling height in residential premises must be at least 220 cm.

They also refused to replace the wooden beam with a metal one due to the high cost and laboriousness of the replacement process itself. Moreover, it should be noted that it is not safe!

The solution was found in an elementary optical illusion, i.e. We decided to simply divide the ceiling into three parts and make it on three levels.
It was this decision that allowed us to win the size.

If we made the entire ceiling at one level, then it would have to be lowered by twenty centimeters, or even more.

Stage two – construction of a profile frame for the future ceiling.

Our task is to first make a frame over the middle beam, which sagged the most.

In order to level the beam and not lose its size, you need to use an ax and chisel to carve out a place for the profile.
We use an ax to trim the beam itself a little.
After constructing the frame, you get such a box 50 cm wide.

This optimal size, which makes it possible to install spotlights without problems and does not create bulkiness for the entire ceiling.

If you make the width smaller, the lamps won’t fit; if you make it wider, it won’t look good.

note , before facing with plasterboard it is necessary to carry out electrical wiring.

We sew up the resulting box with plasterboard.
And we attach side profiles to it at different levels for the frames of the remaining two ceilings.

We also attach the profile to the walls using a level using long wood screws (70-90 mm).

If the walls of the house are made of adobe or other soft material, then it is better to drive the screws into what is called “insolently” using a screwdriver.

In general, it turns out that during the preparation and manufacture of the frames, we had to trim almost all the beams with an ax in order to maintain the height of the ceiling as much as possible.

The binding of the plasterboard ceiling frame should be as thick as possible so that there is no sagging in the future. It is not advisable to save money on this!

Once the frame is completely ready, we attach sheets of drywall to it.

Stage three - finishing the ceiling.

First you need to apply primer.

note , you can use soil from any manufacturer.
And not only primer, but also putty, paint, etc. The main thing is that all construction chemicals come from one manufacturer.

Then we seal the seams between the sheets with sickle and putty (KNAUF Fugenfüller).

We putty everything in one layer of “starting” and two layers of “finishing”.
Sand thoroughly.
Mode in right size ceiling plinth and using putty we attach it along the entire perimeter of the ceiling including the central box.
We paint everything with water-based paint.

After drying, we mark the central part of the ceiling for attaching the decor in the form of mirror squares measuring 150x150 mm with a bevel.

note , we attach the mirrors using Liquid Nails glue.

Stage four is the final stage. Installation of spotlights.

To do this, we also make markings so that there is an even distance between them.
We drill holes for the lamps.

We connect the wires.

Initially, the ceiling beams were by no means decorative elements premises, they took on all the loads from the roof of the house, and at the same time served as support for the attic floor. Over time, beams on the ceiling began to be increasingly hidden from view as an unnecessary element, but nowadays interest in them has returned again, and attention is paid more to the decorative aspect. And at the same time, the ceiling beams acquired a completely new appearance and began to perform a lot of new functions.

Functions of ceiling beams

Today, ceiling beams are used to decorate ceilings not only in rural homes, but also in country houses and city apartments made of brick and concrete. These elements of an authentic interior are very attractive to residents of the “concrete jungle”. Therefore, open beams are increasingly decorative in nature, without losing their functionality.

Ceiling beams can be used in any room. They look natural in the living room, office, bedroom, library and even hallway. Their massiveness and quantity is determined overall dimensions rooms. In a spacious kitchen you can “dot” the entire ceiling large beams, and in a small hallway you will only need a few pieces.

Decorative beams are simple and very in an inexpensive way original finish ceiling. But is this really where their advantages end? Why are beams so popular, and how can you use beams on the ceiling? Let's look at what functions ceiling beams can handle:

  1. Problem high ceilings. If the ceilings are high, these designs will successfully emphasize the volume of the room. If the room is too high, which deprives it of comfort, ceiling beams can be placed low under the ceiling to visually lower its level, and the volume of the room will feel more comfortable.
  2. The problem with low ceilings. If your home is weighed down by a low ceiling, then to correct this deficiency you can try this approach. Beams from the ceiling should go to the walls. In this case, it may not be quite a beam running along the wall, but a thin strip to match the beam.
  3. Decor attic spaces. In attics and attics, decorating a pitched ceiling with beams will help bring order and harmony into the space.
  4. Changing the optical perception of the room. To visually expand the room, the beams should be positioned in width. Well, placing structures along the wide side will make the room look more elongated. In order not to change the geometry, but to add volume to the ceiling, you can install the beams in a “lattice” - crosswise or “herringbone”.
  5. Functional zoning of the room. One large ceiling beam can divide a room into several zones: in this case, the structure needs to be mounted at the junction of functional zones - for example, above a bar counter or dining table. On the other hand, you can decorate a certain area with beams, so it can be distinguished from others.
  6. Unusual lighting. On the most ordinary ceiling beam you can attach recessed lamps, LED lighting, hang them or tie them to it on chains large chandeliers. Beams are often used to decorate niches in plasterboard structures and create spot lighting.
  7. Hiding communications. “Hollow” pseudo-beams can be used to disguise communications that run along the ceiling, for example, wiring. Structures that imitate beams are often used as boxes for mounting lamps. Such beams are U-shaped, they are hollow inside, so they can even hide pipes.
  8. Optimizing free space. In the kitchen, you can install various holders and hooks on the ceiling beams, hanging baskets, utensils, dried bunches of herbs or a glass holder on them. You can even attach a TV panel on a special bracket, “air” chairs or swings to the ceiling beams, if, of course, these are real beams and not their imitation.

Using beams in the interior

Beams can be used to decorate the ceiling in an interior in almost any style: from historical classicism to modern high-tech. Well, when it comes to interiors in ethnic styles, ceiling beams will come in handy. That's why it's so important to know how to decorate a beam on the ceiling.

If you prefer classics with a claim to luxury, then these designs can be decorated with carvings, paintings and vignettes. Painting it in a gentle tone or “silver” would also be suitable. In strict classic interior Smooth varnished ceiling beams look appropriate.

Smooth beams are also suitable for modern interior. Here these elements look no less impressive. Bold decisions and creativity are acceptable here. Therefore, you can paint the beams not only in traditional white, black and dark brown, but also in bright color- red, blue or even pink.

In high-tech and loft style interiors, beams can be painted with a metallic effect paint or made of metal. Often, ceiling beams are juxtaposed with bare light bulbs and exposed wires, as well as brickwork on the walls. Such “industrial aesthetics”, an appeal to the theme of old abandoned warehouses and factories, transform the home into modern luxury apartments.

For a country or rural style interior, it is certainly recommended to choose beams that imitate aged wood. Moreover, the designs can be dark or light, it all depends on the general color range premises. They are distinguished by texture and roughness. If we talk about the French rural Provence style, then it is better to use more elegant and neat whitewashed beams.

Real solid wood beams are considered a luxury. Moreover, the presence of wooden beams in the house is like structural elements should be provided for in advance, even at the construction stage. In most cases, it is not advisable to install wooden beams for the sake of aesthetics: they are too heavy.

Therefore, they often turn to imitation of wooden beams, which is indistinguishable from the original. Similar products usually made from polyurethane. Polyurethane ceiling beams weigh little, which simplifies the installation process. Their price is not high. They can look different: like smoothly polished beams that are varnished, or like beams made of ancient cracking wood.

How to hide ceiling beams

So, we have dealt with persistent owners who want to decorate their ceilings with similar decor. But the happy owners of houses with beams are trying to make these elements invisible, which is why they are interested in how to hide beams on the ceiling. In addition, beams can often have various defects and differences in height; this is usually the case with the general unsatisfactory condition of the interfloor floors.

Stretch ceiling

The first option for closing beams is to install the well-known tension fabric from PVC film or fabric. In this case, the ceiling will have to be lowered to the width of the masked ceiling beam. But when using this technique, you need to remember that in this case another danger may arise - loss of space. The ceiling may drop too low. Therefore, it is better to equip a multi-level stretch ceiling, which significantly “presses” the ceiling and adds space.

Plasterboard box

The second option on how to decorate beams on the ceiling is to create suspended structure made of plasterboard, which has the shape of a box. The frame should look like the letter P. Remember that the frame should be attached directly to the ceiling, but in no case to the ceiling beam itself - holes cannot be made in it, otherwise the beam will lose its original properties. Minimum distance from the base plasterboard construction is 15-20 centimeters, and the tension fabric is 2 centimeters.

With help plasterboard sheet you can create an eaves part of the ceiling with LED backlight. The lighting is hidden under a plasterboard cornice, which is attached directly under the protruding ceiling beam. Light sources can be neon tubes, long halogen lamps or a flexible duralight cord. Not recommended for use fluorescent lamps due to the excessive bluish tint that is given to the interior. Spotlights - not the best the best option, since the eaves lighting must be continuous.

Coffered ceiling

There is another option for finishing a ceiling with beams, more refined and more expensive - decoration by creating coffers. This ceiling consists of ceiling beams, cells, borders, cornices and recesses. Moreover, cassettes can be square, diamond-shaped or polygonal. Round caissons are also known in interior design practice.

On coffered ceiling You can beautifully decorate the longitudinal and transverse ceiling beams, for example, with ornaments and lighting sources. In addition, the presence of such beams will save time on installing the supporting lattice frame for mounting cassettes, because the beams are already available! Such ceilings can give a room a solid and impressive look.

Sheathing with edged boards

The easiest way to hide beams on the ceiling is to use edged boards or lining. All surfaces of wooden beams are covered along one lower horizontal and two vertical planes. Their corner joints remain uncovered if the ends are precisely adjusted or the joints are covered with wooden corners.

In case of edged boards they need to be sanded and painted. Sometimes the material is first burned with a blowtorch and then coated with a transparent varnish. IN Lately It has become fashionable not to sand such beams and boards, but rather to make their surface uneven using round wire brushes. The shank of such a tool must be inserted into a conventional electric drill and marks are applied in relief to the surface of the beam.

Original ways of decoration

Sometimes ceiling beams are plastered using different plaster mesh and coated with paint imitation marble or other natural stone. Ceiling beams are often decorated with ropes. A similar technique is often used in Mediterranean, eco and country styles, when the aesthetic component is put in first place. The beam is simply “revitalized” by wrapping a rope around it.

If you have not yet found a way to close a beam on the ceiling, you should pay attention to the following original way. You can make a built-in closet and completely hide the beam. In this case, you will have a lot of useful storage space.

Repair of ceiling beams

The most unpleasant thing when working with ceiling beams is the moment when they begin to sag over time. If the tree is not damaged, but the deflection is due to overload insulation material ceiling surface or an incorrectly selected section of the ceiling beam, all errors can be corrected with minimal costs, strengthening old beam with the help of an auxiliary.

Measure the height of the deflection and the amount of subsidence of the beam with a level. Then you need to remove the cross members from the edges of the sagging beam in order to place an additional beam there. It is also necessary to measure the length and cross-section of the beam, select a board of the appropriate size and preferably a similar type of wood. Under no circumstances should you use a croaker. If the board is slightly curved, you need to place it with the curved part up.

Place the new board on load-bearing walls If the edges of the new beam are not inserted into the support, notches should be made approximately 1 centimeter deep and 20 centimeters long. After this, you need to jack up the sagging beam, preferably a few centimeters above the horizontal. Then place the reinforcing beam next to the old one, securing the cross members in the supporting walls for the new beam.

A wooden wedge must be inserted between the supporting wall and the end of the support beam. Then align the slopes with the supporting wall until you get a flat, horizontal plane, attach the wedge, hammering it in such a way that it does not fall out. Secure with bolts. You can remove the jack only after a few days.

If you have doubts about the quality of the wood of a sagging beam, when reinforcing it between the connecting bars, you can pass metal strips and attach it to a reinforced tie. It is recommended to treat wood used for repairs with antiseptics, and all hardware prime.

Decorative beams on the ceiling are unusual element an interior that is also affordable, practical and beautiful. Beams on the ceiling have many different functions, although mostly decorative. For example, beams can visually divide space into zones. Typically this design is used in country style interiors.

Building such a structure yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first.

You need to decide how and where the beams will be located, because the visual perception of the room depends on this:

  • If the structure goes from the ceiling to the wall, then the room seems higher;
  • The room becomes elongated if the beams are located along the surface;
  • The cross-shaped arrangement of beams will not change the room;
  • The transverse arrangement of the beams will make the room visually wider.

There are two options for ceiling beams - those installed during the construction of the house (usually they are installed only when absolutely necessary) and false beams, which serve solely as a decorative element.

The false beams are attached using glue, as well as self-tapping screws and dowels. IN ordinary apartment such luxury is unlikely to fit - real wooden beams weigh a lot, take up a lot of space, and also hide the height of the walls. Installation principle decorative beams not particularly different (except perhaps adjusted for the material).

The order of work is the same:

  • Preparing the premises and taking measurements;
  • Preparation of clamps for beams;
  • Installation and fastening of decorative beams;
  • Decor of joints.

Installation features depend on the selected materials.

Materials for decorative ceiling beams

Real full-weight wooden beams are rarely used for interiors unless they are already provided there in advance.

Designers advise using other materials:

  • Drywall;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Metal.

All these materials huge advantage in front of wooden beams - they are convenient to install due to their low weight. The most physically difficult work is finishing the ceiling, therefore, the lighter the material, the easier it is to attach, which means the person gets less tired. And no one canceled the possibility of an accident - if a polyurethane beam falls off, there will be a maximum of a bruise. But if a wooden one falls on the owners, then fractures are guaranteed.

But if you still really want to see wooden beams, then to lighten the weight, experts advise making them hollow inside. This option (regardless of what material is chosen) has another positive point: various communications and wires can be hidden in the cavity. You can look at the situation from the other side - the load-bearing beam is in the way and the residents don’t like it. In such cases, the beams can be hidden behind a suspended ceiling.

And again, you should pay attention to the height of the walls - not only the beam, but also the ceiling will steal space.

The most popular types The woods for false beams are oak, ash and pine. They are not too heavy, durable and create a pleasant atmosphere. Therefore, if wood is chosen as the material, then preference should be given to these types of wood.

How to beat a beam on the ceiling

A load-bearing beam on the ceiling can become not only a disturbing problem, but one of the central elements of the interior. You just need to put in a little effort and imagination to decorate it beautifully.

In order to frame a beam on the ceiling, there are several solutions:

  • Additions to the design;
  • Color;
  • Decor.

Interestingly, false beams can be combined with those included in the house design. It is enough to simply complete the false beams on the ceiling. Another “lifesaver” will be decorative film. Its advantage is that it can be of any color, and also stylized to match any texture - wood, stone, fabric. The woody motif is the main one for such designs.

By her own wooden beam has a wonderful color and texture. Designers advise emphasizing the woody motif, limiting it only to colorless varnish to protect the material. Now similar varnishes are produced in a variety of colors and types, which will allow you to adjust the load-bearing beam to almost any interior that requires the presence of such an element.

An interesting solution would be wooden floor exactly the same color as the ceiling beams. We decorate with varnishes and film - decorating beams to suit the desired style is not difficult, but choosing desired shade not so easy.

Ways to decorate a beam on the ceiling

A very important question - how to decorate a beam on the ceiling? In addition to color correction and the construction of additional structures, professionals also pay attention to decoration. The most popular option is lamps. They are either built into the beam or left hanging. If the general design allows, then over the beams they carry out LED strip. Such LED lighting and decoration looks incredibly beautiful, especially if they change color.

It is worth remembering that when installing beams, seams remain at the joints. Special “forged” belts made of silicone, light metals and other materials come to the rescue.

Still, color plays a big role in the interior, and beams are no exception. Preference is given to natural shades of wood (even if the beams are made of polyurethane). The presence of beams is suggested precisely by those interiors where the emphasis is on maximum environmental friendliness and similarity with nature.

There are several other ways to turn a beam into a central design element:

  • Artificial aging of wood (textured processing);
  • combination with forged elements or twine (ethnic style);
  • Imitation of a clear outline of wood texture (brushing);
  • Varnishes and paints that give the beam an antique look (vintage).

Housewives have come up with another use for beams in the kitchen - to save space, hooks and ropes for dishes, baskets with small items and even chandeliers are hung directly on the beams.

The effect of an ancient wine cellar is also gaining popularity, when between the beams there is brickwork. This can be either real brick or stylized tiles. Usually such a ceiling is made arched.

For many years, attempts were made to hide the beams under the ceiling sheathing, because they were considered only a “draft” option. Now it's fashion element, capable of miraculously transforming a room.

Installation of decorative beams on the ceiling (video)

Don’t be afraid to experiment - load-bearing beams can be hidden or repainted, and frame beams can be torn off and thrown away. False beams are inexpensive, materials are always freely available, installation is extremely simple, but the effect exceeds all expectations. A ceiling decorated in this way looks impressive, relevant, and will definitely emphasize the sense of style and desire for harmony of the inhabitants of the house.


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