How to remake an old kitchen table with your own hands. How to update furniture with your own hands: changing the design

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An old table, if it is still functional, can easily be converted into a new one. The result may even exceed your expectations, because the new table will be brighter, more original and, most importantly, positively charged with your creativity. Stock up on inspiration simple materials and go ahead, implement your ideas!

A note before starting: in almost all cases, the table needs to be prepared for transformation. Rub it with sandpaper, clean it from dust and degrease it with alcohol or special products.

Paint it striped

Painting is one of the fastest and most effective techniques in furniture decor. To make it more interesting, we suggest making the table striped. Painting tape will help you get the job done smoothly: paint the table the base color, then stick on strips of tape and apply a couple of layers of a different color. Peel off the tape - the effect is ready. Can be repeated many times to make stripes of different colors and widths. Don't forget to varnish everything to be safe. TIn the same way you can create zigzags, for example.

Paint with chalkboard paint

Painted with special slate paint the table will be laconic black or dark green. But now you can leave notes and draw with crayons right on the table. How much more convenient is it to play Board games, where you have to record your points! The table itself can serve as a field for tic-tac-toe or a gallows.

Cover with film

The film can also be not simple, but slate or even with the effect of a white marker board. A table with a pattern of triangular pieces of film, as in the photo below, will require a little more fiddling, but the result will be very stylish!

Stripes with multi-colored tape

You can make a table striped not only by painting. Lines of decorative tape or tape of different colors and patterns will make the table bright, shiny and elegant. This is perfect for a nursery or will add a touch of mischief to an adult interior.


Ceramic tiles or mosaics will make the countertop not only beautiful, but also very practical, because the tiles are not afraid of moisture and are easy to clean. The principle is the same as with walls: tile adhesive plus grout. You can take a whole tile, or you can take broken ones for the effect of a Spanish mosaic. More ideas You will find creativity from leftover tiles.

Cover with book pages

Choose your favorite book and give it a second life: glue each page to the table using PVA glue. Several layers of varnish (preferably from a spray can) will make the surface smooth and improve the color. It's a good idea to take pages from a dictionary or sheet music.

Romantic lace

A simple technique will help make the tabletop more elegant - painting through lace. To do this, you need to take a lace napkin or tulle that you don’t mind ruining, place it on the table on top of the base layer of paint and apply a different color on top. It is better to use a sponge or spray paint so that the image is not blurred by the movements of the roller.


Using adhesive film for furniture is inexpensive and easy way give a second life to old furniture, doors, glass, walls and other surfaces.

The film can be useful in a rented apartment, when you don’t want to spend money on buying new furniture, and also if you want to show your imagination and turn a boring cabinet or chair into a small masterpiece.

Many people are experimenting with country furniture, which after decoration takes on a fresh look and can last for many more years.

Material with a tint will add a highlight to the surface. natural wood or marbled, with geometric patterns or abstraction. Moreover, the choice of colors in stores is very large.

The advantages of self-adhesive film include:

  • price,
  • availability,
  • ease of use,
  • moisture resistance,
  • durability,
  • health safety,
  • Possibility to wash with water.

But in order for the film to cope with its tasks, it is important to stick it correctly.

What is used to paste furniture over – types of films for pasting furniture

The choice of material should be approached responsibly, because in markets and in stores you can find cheap polyethylene and polypropylene options, which are inconvenient to use and do not provide the desired result.

The best option is polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which is traditionally used in everyday life and is recognized as safe and reliable.

You need to make sure that the material has protective layer, this is especially important if you have to work with kitchen furniture. High loads, impact food products, impacts from sharp products can quickly damage the material, and the film will not last longer than a month.

Cheap material loses color very quickly. To prevent this from happening, buy options with a layer of ultraviolet stabilization, which will protect the furniture from exposure to sunlight.

For the kitchen and bathroom, choose moisture-resistant models, and if the furniture will be used near heating devices, pasting is done using a thermally stable polymer.

Self-adhesive film can also be used as a means of protection, for example, from moisture accumulation.

Those who appreciate natural shades should choose self-adhesive wallpaper for furniture painted to resemble wood, stone, fabric or ceramics. But it will look stylish only if the material is really High Quality, and not a cheap Chinese knockoff, not even remotely similar to the original.

To decorate furniture in the hallway, as well as in rooms with low lighting, designers recommend using glossy film, and matte for the bedroom or kitchen.

Those who are confident in their taste may prefer not boring monochromatic options, but materials with luxurious patterns with a polymer coating.


We gradually glue the film onto the furniture - application technology

Because the film is not afraid high temperatures and moisture, easy to care for and practical, it can be used in the following rooms:

  1. Kitchen. You can paste over both furniture and other surfaces that are often susceptible to contamination. It is especially convenient to use self-adhesive material in the kitchen of a private home.
  2. Bathroom. Here, using this material you can protect walls from moisture and soap suds.
  3. Children's room. It is easy to wash off paint, markers and other contaminants from the film.

Let's look at the procedure for covering various surfaces with film:

  1. Surface preparation- first and most important stage. The base for the film must be cleaned of all contaminants, and ideally also varnished. You can also prime an uneven surface with wallpaper glue or varnish.
  2. Cutting material. There should be plenty of pieces of film. It will also be more convenient to cut if there is a scale on the reverse side.
  3. Separation from protective film . On back side the manufacturer usually indicates recommendations for the use of the material, study them and adhere to them. Attach the material to the base and, holding it with one hand, remove the protective layer, and smooth out air bubbles with the other. While the film has not set, there is a little time to correct the material and lay it out more evenly. In a few hours it will completely set, and it will no longer be possible to correct the result. To facilitate the gluing process, many people wet the surface to make it easier to trim.

To ensure service life self-adhesive film for kitchen or the living room was long, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • remove light stains from the surface using a warm solution with a mild detergent,
  • Ethyl alcohol will help remove more serious stains,
  • Do not use acetone, gasoline and other aggressive liquids, as well as abrasive substances that leave scratches.


  • to slow down the gluing speed, sprinkle it with powder, it will make it easier to join the drawings,
  • if there are any bubbles left after gluing, pierce them with a thin needle,
  • When gluing metal or glass, wet the surface with water and detergent,

And if you get bored with the film and need to remove it, use the following algorithm:

  1. Wet the surface hot water and after a few minutes try to separate it with a sharp object - a spatula or knife. Try not to damage the base, because a new film will be glued onto it.
  2. If hot water doesn't help, heat the surface with a hairdryer. You can use a regular hair dryer, but a more powerful one is an industrial one.
  3. In addition to a hairdryer, you can use a heater-fan on maximum power. The material will soften and it will be easier to peel off the surface.
  4. If there is glue left on the surface, gasoline, thinner or alcohol will help get rid of it.

Thus, universal and practical material self-adhesive film will help you change the design of your apartment at minimal cost and experiment with the implementation of design ideas.

You can add gloss, exclusivity and chic, and make an unusual accent in the interior using original table. Moreover, no one will guess that this piece of furniture was previously an unsightly ruin.

Restoration methods

There are many ways to improve, decorate and restore old table. But before you start work, you need to prepare the future “canvas” - remove the old coating, sand it, screw in all the nuts and screws (so that it doesn’t wobble or dangle), putty it, cover it with stain (if necessary) or varnish. Then start decorating. Conventionally, all methods of decorating a wooden table can be divided into two groups:

    Surface painting, including self-painting, coloring through a stencil or using stamps;

    Surface pasting special materials - wallpaper, self-adhesive film, decoupage with napkins or interesting clippings, pasting with gold leaf, photo printing, using mosaics or tiles.

The glass table will have to be updated a little differently. It is quite possible to cover it with wallpaper, film or do decoupage from the inside.

You can also paint it with special paints glass surface and get an interesting design.

How to update a glass table?

Beautiful glass coffee table can be found quite often in modern apartments. As a result improper care glass table top loses its attractive appearance.

The legs become loose, chips and scratches appear on the glass. If there are scratches on the tabletop that could fit a fingernail, then it is better to take the table to a special workshop, dispose of it, or replace the glass with a new one.

If the damage is not so bad, then you can try to revive this piece of furniture.

You can rid a glass countertop from scratches at home using either improvised means (toothpaste, soda, clear nail polish) or special means (GOI paste, car polishes, polishing agents for precious metals).

First you need to clean the surface, then carefully rub or apply the composition into the scratch. Do not overdo it, otherwise instead of one scratch you may get several more. Wait a moment for the composition to set and clean the glass again.

To get rid of scratches, use the most ordinary, non-gel toothpaste. Soda is dissolved with water to a paste, approximately in a ratio of 1: 1. GOI paste must be used, proven and real. Clear nail polish, will not completely eliminate the problem, but only partially. At a certain lighting angle, it will be noticeable that there were scratches in that place.

Wobbly table legs also need to be repaired. Typically, table legs are attached with special glue. This glue may dry out over time. It can be removed and replaced with new adhesive. If the legs are attached to screws or self-tapping screws, then they can be unscrewed and replaced with new ones.

Now the table can be given a completely new sound using various decorative techniques:

    Cover the reverse side of the table with decorative film. When covering the table with film, do not allow bubbles to form. It is better to glue the film little by little, gradually moving the backing away. If bubbles do appear, you can pierce them with a needle and smooth them out;

    Make decoupage. To do this, you will need pictures (for example, from napkins or on rice paper, or images specially prepared for this), PVC glue or one special for this work, brushes, a file, and decoupage varnish. The necessary equipment can be purchased in stores for creativity and scrapbooking;

    Paint with stained glass paints. Acrylic outline, stained glass paints, cotton swabs and napkins, alcohol for degreasing the surface, sketch of a drawing, tape - this is a set of items that will be needed for this work;

    Attach lighting around the perimeter of the table, LED strip;

    If the design allows, make a mini-garden, an aquarium or a bright composition of stones and shells. When the table has small box, which is covered with a tabletop on top, you can lay a tray on its bottom and plant succulents there (plants that do not need frequent watering). Or decorate the box with shells, stones or other things.

How to restore a wooden table?

Wooden table can be made from MDF or chipboard, or from solid wood. In any case, the restoration of the antique table at home will take place in several stages. Let's look at all these steps.

    Preparatory– check all fastenings, disassemble the table and re-fasten it, clean the surface.

    Removing the old coating. Sometimes this may just be necessary special composition, which removes varnish and paint. But most often you also have to use coarse-grained and fine-grained sandpaper, grinder. You need to sand along the grain to avoid the formation of new scratches.

    Repairing cracks and chips. To do this you will need wood putty or a polyester equivalent. After puttying, sanding again. At this stage, you can stop and not carry out further work (except varnishing), cover the wood with stain, which will give the table new color and view. For example, turn an oak table into an imitation of wenge or another type of wood. But when the damage is significant, the next step is necessary.

    Primer and subsequent puttying. Without a primer, the varnish will lie poorly and unevenly. An alkyd or shellac primer is suitable for wood.

    Giving the final design. At this stage, painting and pasting of the table is carried out. If the table is painted, the paint should be applied in at least 2 layers.

    Final coating with varnish or wax. Varnish and wax need to be coated in several layers.

This restored polished table will last for many years.

A desk or a journal, a children's or a toilet - regardless of its purpose, it will become an interior decoration, because you spent so much time on it and put your soul into it.

How to repaint?

Painting a table is the most popular restoration method. What could be more laconic than a white table? Only black. Therefore, the choice of paint (acrylic or oil, enamel) is very important. How long the restored table will last depends on what kind of paint the repair was made, or rather on its characteristics.

To choose a paint, you need to understand where and how the table will be used, and what materials it is made of.

    Water-dispersed acrylic paint Suitable for heated rooms, withstands humidity well. Dries quickly. Can be washed off with water during application. But after drying it is not susceptible to water. Alkyd compositions are considered more reliable.

    Oil paints are losing their popularity due to unreasonably high costs.

    Wood enamels attract with their glossy surface and high performance. Nitro-enamel paints also set quickly.

The paint has been selected and purchased; further repair of the table involves painting it.

The surfaces must first be pre-treated, cleaned, removed the old coating, remove scratches and chips, putty, prime, protect decorative inserts, for example, glass, with tape. And only after the primer has dried can you paint.

To give an even color, the paint is applied in several layers. The first layer is actually rubbed into the surface.

Two or three layers are enough for the rich color to appear.

To apply an additional design to the tabletop, you can use pre-prepared stencils or the most common tulle. When the base color has dried, the tulle (or stencil) is fixed and the paint of the design is applied. You can do this with a brush, but it is better to use a sponge or a can of paint. Ready product To give greater aesthetics and strengthen the surface, we coat it with varnish.

To create a graphic design (lines, zigzags, diamonds, squares), you can use tape. Mark the future design with adhesive tape and apply the first color with paint. If necessary, repeat the procedure with other colors. Varnish the finished tabletop.

If it is necessary to achieve the effect of aged wood, then first a special composition is applied to the treated surface (cleaned, sanded and primed).

Patination can be done with a dark stain. Then the first coat of paint is applied to the wood. Then a second layer is applied, lighter and more liquid paint. When the paint is dry, we go over the surface with sandpaper. The desired effect has been achieved.

The table is ready for finishing coating varnish.

Updating a plastic table

Many people are afraid to start decorating plastic table because of its material. In fact, plastic surface more rewarding material for restoration. It does not require preliminary or lengthy processing.

The maximum is getting rid of scratches and chips. Well, if the surface is flat, then it is enough to just sand it a little to give it roughness; the paint or primer could adhere better, or degrease it to further work– gluing film, wallpaper, tiles, mosaics, eggshells or decoupage.

To decoupage a plastic table, you will first need to process the tabletop. Sand it, put it acrylic primer. Then think about how you will arrange the pictures. Make small outlines of their future location. Typically, napkins or drawings on rice paper are used for decoupage, but for these purposes you can use any cuttings and even pictures printed on a printer.

At the end of the work, the tabletop is varnished.

For effective decoupage, you can use fabric. For decorative purposes, cotton material with a bright pattern is suitable. The decoupage procedure is the same, only PVC glue is applied to the entire fabric at once.

Decor options

Restoration and subsequent decoration of the table is a very long process. But the result is worth it, because you can get an exclusive designer item, with which memories are already associated. Furniture decor can be completely original and at the same time fit very organically into the concept of using the item and the room.

A laconic design is suitable for a book-like or folding table. It can be painted in one or two colors. Or you can add nobility and emphasize the natural structure of the tree.


Have you inherited a set of furniture from the beginning of the last century, or are well-worn chairs and chests of drawers gathering dust in your house and are sad to part with? Congratulations! You have the opportunity, and most importantly, the right texture to minimum costs update old furniture and interior, thereby transforming your home. You will only need a couple of hours and a small set of repair materials. With their help and if you have the desire to create, you can achieve great results quickly and easily!

Before you start work, you need to prepare necessary materials. In order to update old furniture, it is convenient to use paint in cans. In this case, you will only need a few aerosols of the desired shades. No need to purchase rollers different sizes, numerous brushes and solvent. So, before we start painting, we carry out preparatory work. This stage cannot be neglected, because the quality of the painting and its durability largely depend on it.

  1. First of all, we clean the surface to be painted from dirt and dust, and then wipe it dry.
  2. We sand varnished furniture with sandpaper.
  3. Before painting, it is advisable to coat the surface with a special primer. This way we will achieve the best adhesion of the paint to the coating.
  4. Cover with old newspapers or plastic film the area that we do not want to paint, and also protect the surrounding area from excess paint when spraying it.
  5. We use masking tape to tape off parts of the furniture that are not to be painted, as well as to obtain a smooth edge to the area to be painted.
  6. We protect our hands with gloves.
  7. Before using the container, shake it vigorously for several minutes. We spray from a distance of 25–30 cm from the surface to be painted.
  8. Designers advise boldly using bright contrasting shades, decorating the surface with drawings, as well as decorative elements, colored film and various moldings. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, be creative and realize your most unusual ideas!

Well, a selection of our photos will help you look at old furniture in a new way!

1. To turn an old dark chest of drawers into an original dressing table, just update it with bright paint. You can purchase new handles for doors and drawers, or clean the finish of old ones using special means for cleaning metal products.

2. New interior design is not a reason to replace furniture. Using paint, you can change the shade of a table or chest of drawers, fitting them perfectly into the surroundings. By covering the area around the moldings with masking tape, you can easily paint them the desired color. IN in this case Golden strips and handles perfectly decorate the white chest of drawers.

3. A dull, unsightly chest of drawers that you wanted to push into the darkest corner of the dacha can become a real decoration for the living room. To do this, all its elements are painted with white paint. Gray moldings will perfectly highlight the drawers and contrast with the main color. The color composition will be complemented by original silver handles.

4. Wood is an excellent texture for creating decorative effects. This chest of drawers was painted White color, after which the boxes were covered with colored film and highlighted with moldings. New fittings gave the composition a complete look, allowing the old furniture to be updated and turned into an ideal addition to the interior, decorated in light colors.

5. Don't rush to get rid of your beat-up desk. The white shade will refresh and allow you to update old furniture. And with the help masking tape You can experiment and create a pattern on the drawers that will help the table fit into its surroundings. In this case, the color shades of the drawers are ideally combined with the decorative shelves on the tabletop.

6. In an hour and a half, you can repaint an old cabinet white and creatively decorate its door with black squares. We treat the interior space using an aerosol can with yellow paint. Unusual handles will perfectly complement the new look of your cabinet, which will become a decoration in the hallway.

7. An old lacquered cabinet from Soviet times gets an updated look with the help of two contrasting shades. Their bold combination is perfectly complemented by thin moldings painted with golden paint. The handles on the doors are also processed in the same way.

8. To update your grandmother's old chest of drawers, you can paint the frame white and the drawers gray. Then, using a stencil and white paint, we create a magnificent openwork effect on them. New fittings will complement the look. By the way, the drawers can be swapped, after which your family will definitely think that you have purchased new furniture!

9. From old cabinet you can make it great serving table. Aerosol paint will help create smooth transitions colors that look impressive thanks to a combination of contrasting shades. A minimum of work - and such a great result!

10. The updated chest of drawers organically combines light and dark shades. An original was created using masking tape on the boxes. decorative element. The hardware looks like new after applying gold paint.

11. Using stencils, you can easily update old furniture, making it fashionable and stylish. This chest of drawers with an original ship design will now decorate the nursery. Contrasting color combinations look great here.

12. Old wooden chairs can be easily restored by painting the frame with bright paint and replacing the seat upholstery. In this case, the yellow paint harmonizes perfectly with the golden pattern of the fabric. Original, practical and inexpensive!

13. Make it bright designer chair You are quite capable! We paint the frame of the ancient exhibit with bright paint, change the seat upholstery and make striped covers to match the main shades. A small contrasting pad - and harmonious image completed!

14. This creative coffee table can be made using a stencil. First, we paint the entire structure with white paint, wait until it dries completely, and then put the stencil on the tabletop and spray it with a bright blue tint. The new table is ready and fits perfectly into the interior!

15. A shabby wooden chest of drawers is a great opportunity create something special with your own hands. Bright sunny shades, interesting color combinations and new fittings will help update old furniture and turn it into original decoration your bedroom.

16. An excellent solution: the green chest of drawers are visually highlighted with the help of thin moldings painted white. Using masking tape, you can easily and simply paint thin furniture parts in the color you want. New handles on the drawers complement the attractive look of the chest of drawers.

17. The old bedside table was changed beyond recognition with the help of bright green paint and decorative film that covered the tabletop. The old fittings were used - they were removed and painted black. Stunning decoration original interior!

18. Skillful hands turned old bed into a small sofa, with its headboard becoming its back! The structure is painted white, the seat is upholstered in attractive fabric, and cute cushions complete the new look.

19. Grandma's old chest of drawers turned into an elegant dressing table for modern bedroom. Tender pastel shades complemented by the original design of the decorative film that covers the doors. You can update old furniture very easily, getting great results with minimal effort!

20. A section of an old Soviet slide was turned into an excellent storage unit. The base is painted white, the doors are covered with a decorative film of pleasant colors and decorated with new fittings. Simple solutions – and global restoration!

21. If you can draw, you can decorate white dresser drawers with bright designs or intricate patterns. To create them, choose colors that match the shades of the interior.

22. This folding table got a makeover thanks to yellow paint and the original pattern on the tabletop. Using stencils, you can create a variety of color compositions that will perfectly fit your updated furniture into the surrounding environment.

23. Old shabby desk began to look stylish and modern. Unusually designed legs give it an elegant look, and bright hues refresh and renew.

24. Updating old furniture, or rather this bedside table, is easy and simple. It is enough to cover it with white paint, and draw the pattern on the doors with a regular marker with a thick pen, and then fix the result with colorless varnish. You can complete the work by installing new fittings. After all, manufacturers today offer a huge variety of handles and hinges of all shapes, colors and sizes.

25. If you no longer like the new coffee table, hurry up and get some paint! Using aerosol cans, we change the color of the frame - and now the updated piece of furniture pleases the eye.

26. Painted with bright colors, this garden group looks fresh and festive. A combination of contrasting shades looks advantageous, as well as bold accents created with the help of multi-colored pillows. Such garden furniture can decorate any terrace.

27. We clean the surface of the old chest of drawers with sandpaper, removing the peeling varnish. After this, apply primer and paint. In our case, the old fittings only emphasize vintage style updated interior item. Fashionable, creative and tasteful!

28. Using paint, you can update old furniture and combine tables and chairs from different groups into a single composition. We paint the table white and cover the seats of the chairs with white fabric. Fresh furniture is pleasing to the eye!

29. Do you want something new? A kitchen cabinet can be changed beyond recognition by painting its frame and drawers one color, the countertop another, and installing new handles. Feel free to experiment with colors and accessories!

30. Don’t rush to send your old Soviet-era table-book to the landfill. Using stencils and paint, you can create a fancy design on furniture, after which you won’t even need a tablecloth for such a table.

31. Children's furniture should be bright and attractive! You can update old furniture and create unique interior together with the child, painting the table and chairs. Add more colors and contrasting combinations, interesting designs and patterns. Your baby will sit at such a table with great pleasure.

32. Old chairs will look like new after painting and reupholstering. Minimum effort – and great results!

33. This well-worn stool now looks bright and fresh. Pleasant contrasting shades allow you to update old furniture, creating a new look. A comfortable and practical stool will become a real decoration of the kitchen or dining room.

34. And this is how you can update a stool for a nursery. By using bright colors paint old and shabby furniture has become fashionable and creative. Agree, such a beautiful stool has a place in a new nursery!

35. White interior color is one of the newfangled modern trends. Light furniture looks light and elegant. At the same time, there is no need to spend significant funds - you can update the chest of drawers with your own hands using high-quality paint, making it effective element fashionable interior.

36. An antique mirror frame will look like new after painting. A spectacular shade will help her regain her former chic, and you will refresh the interior!

37. Color accents are very important to create modern interior. You can decorate the room in two primary colors, and use a third to highlight the details. Give objects desired shade, say golden, spray paint will help.

38. 39, 40. Bright doors will become a real decoration of the interior, emphasizing the excellent taste of its owners. Using masking tape and high-quality spray paint, you can give the canvas and door frame any, even the boldest shade, and also create a spectacular combination of contrasting colors.

41. Feel free to experiment with contrasting shades! Such furniture will reflect your individuality and creativity.

42, 43, 44. Bright colors, interesting combinations shades, new fittings - and the shabby chest of drawers is unrecognizable! Updating old furniture is easy and simple with spray paint. All you need to do is choose colors, add imagination and create the interior of your dreams!

45. Designers do not have the concept of “outdated furniture” - only vintage, which means it is certainly fashionable! Add fresh shades and create an original interior!

46. Painting tape will help you create creative geometric designs on your furniture. Add accessories to match the chosen shades - and enjoy the new look of your home!

47. Bright, bold shades will transform old furniture, which in turn will refresh the room and fill it with inspiration. After all, after painting a shabby table, you will want to change everything around it!

48. You can paint the outside of the rack with one color, and inner space– to others. It will turn out bright, bold and original!

49. With the help of spray paint and your imagination, you can easily and simply update old garden furniture. The most unexpected decision- sometimes the most true thing. Choose a creative path to create original garden compositions!

50. Bright, fresh shades of updated furniture will fill you with positivity and bring back a great summer mood. WITH spray paints Motip the world around you becomes more beautiful!

When starting to update your furniture, don't be afraid of minor difficulties that you may have to face. After all excellent result will be a reward for your efforts and will inspire you to create a unique, original interior for your home!

Self-adhesive film is an excellent finishing material that allows you to inexpensively, quickly and beautifully update furniture that has lost its attractiveness. How to properly glue self-adhesive film to furniture, the nuances of the work, which type is better and how to use it correctly will be discussed in this publication.
Not everyone, for financial reasons, can afford to replace the old furnishings with a new set.

Living in a rented apartment while waiting to purchase a new home, it is not practical to spend money on buying a new one.
Contemplating the old environment every day often spoils the mood, so ideal and inexpensive option Pasting it with self-adhesive film will transform its appearance. Self-adhesive perfect solution for decorating country furniture.
Manufacturers today produce self-adhesive large assortment by type, size, texture, characteristics, texture, which will satisfy any wishes.
Self-adhesive is used for transformation appearance not only furniture, but also window sills, countertops, doors, windows, trim, glass, and other interior items.
A large assortment will allow you to choose suitable material for all rooms in the apartment. Your task is to choose it correctly.

Selection of films for furniture

The composition of the film is determined by the type of the main polymer component, the plasticizer that gives it elasticity, pigments, and other additives depending on the type of material.

If we consider how to properly glue self-adhesive film to furniture, then you need to get acquainted with its main types. There are several types of film, they can be classified according to the following criteria.

Type of film according to the composition of the incoming components
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • Polyester;
  • Propylene.
By type of outer surface

The surface of the film determines its use for furniture different directions, premises, achieving the desired effect in conjunction with the overall design as a whole.

Glossy most appropriate in rooms without daylight, dimly lit rooms located on the north side.

Matte, on the contrary, will complement well the design of bright and spacious rooms.

Transparent used to protect against scratches, cuts, for glass surfaces.

Holographic looks impressive in any room, creating a “play of light” effect. Shades change depending on the angle of illumination, as does its visually perceived volume.

Mirror indispensable in small rooms, visually enlarging them. With the right combination of color and arrangement of interior items, you can achieve harmony and originality in the overall design.

By structure

Single layer films are made from a combination of ingredients - various plasticizers, resins, pigments, stabilizers.

Double layer– the name itself suggests the presence of two layers. The bottom (base) is made of paper or fabric. The top layer consists of a certain combination of polyvinyl chloride resins, where the design is applied.

Manufacturing is carried out using different methods. When gluing, the film is separated from the base and glued to the surface. How to properly glue self-adhesive film to furniture is described below.

By decoration

A huge range of this material has gained great consumer demand. Consumers are offered a wide selection of furniture finishing products different rooms. Big variety color range, types of film allows you to choose exactly your finishing option.

It is presented in the form:

  • imitation of wood of different species;
  • natural stone;
  • ceramic tiles, mosaics;
  • leather, fabric, velor, tapestry, cork, other materials;
  • for gold, silver;
  • children's motifs from fairy tales and cartoons.

There are many more things I could list various options. PVC film will help you dress your furniture in new clothes and give it an updated design, since it is recommended to glue it to furniture.

The main advantages of self-adhesive film

After getting acquainted with the types of film, we will move on to the question of how to properly glue self-adhesive film to furniture, and outline the sequence of work.

How to stick self-adhesive film on furniture

Preparatory stage:
The base before the sticker must be level, smooth, without roughness or cracks. Seal the cracks with putty and sand it. Otherwise, the film will repeat all the flaws of the base and will not adhere well.
The surface must be cleaned of any type of contamination.
Remove the handles and screw them back on after finishing the work. Glass, decorative overlays, also temporarily dismantle the moldings.
Degrease the prepared base with any dishwashing detergent. Cover the wooden base with acrylic varnish.

Cutting the material

Before buying self-adhesive tape, draw a sketch with the dimensions of the elements to be glued. This will help you choose the correct material size in width (rolls are sold different widths) so that there are as few joints as possible. Ideally, on small areas, there should be no joints at all.
After purchasing the material, correctly cut it into pieces on the back side - there is a marking grid divisible by 1 centimeter, which is very convenient. Cut out each fragment and proceed to the main stage.

Pasting furniture with self-adhesive film

If the gluing element is small, for example, a door from a kitchen cabinet, then you can glue it dry, and if you need to glue a cabinet with self-adhesive film, then better foundation moisten with water, soapy water solution.
Then the self-adhesive will not immediately stick firmly, it will be movable, so you can even out any distortion. This happens if you are gluing for the first time.
How to properly glue self-adhesive film to furniture is not such a complicated process - the main thing is accuracy, accuracy in measurements, and lack of haste.
The panels should be glued from the top. If these are doors, then they can be removed. Separate the self-adhesive material from the protective backing by 8-10 centimeters and apply it tightly to the top of the element to be pasted. Fix it by smoothing this area from the center to the edges with a cloth, pressing well.
The bottom hangs down along with the backing. Separate little by little upper layer from the backing, smooth the glued piece well. So in small areas you go down, removing the protective layer, and gluing it well, you expel the bubbles.
Evaluate your work, and if you see bubbles on the surface, pierce them with a thin needle, squeeze out the air, and press this area. If a wrinkle suddenly appears during smoothing, warm up the area with a hairdryer and smooth it again.

Let the film dry, if you used water, and get used to its new habitat, then return the fittings and glass to their place.

How to remove self-adhesive film from furniture

If the self-adhesive has been stuck on for a long time and has begun to look untidy, or you have damaged it, then it is better to remove it and stick a new one.
During the next repair, the previous self-adhesive design does not harmonize with the rest of the interior, then remove it and replace it with a new one.
We looked at how to stick the film on furniture, and the principle of removal is based on heating the adhesive composition, which will then easily separate from the surface.

Use a hairdryer to remove the self-adhesive

Use a hair dryer – for small areas, a hair dryer will do, but if the area is large, use an industrial blow dryer. Start heating the film and at the same time pull it slowly and carefully so as not to tear it.
There may be some glue residue left on the base. Remove it with gasoline, thinner, alcohol, white spirit or another. It all depends on the base material. To avoid damaging the base, try applying the compound in an inconspicuous area. If everything is ok, then use it.
Proper care
Caring for self-adhesive film is reduced to wiping it with a damp sponge. If the stains are greasy, wash it with liquid detergent.
Do not use powder-type products to avoid scratching it. Solvents can damage the film; it is better to wipe the stains with a swab of alcohol.
Pasting furniture is accessible to everyone - it is a simple, but also a fascinating process. We learned how to properly apply self-adhesive film to furniture, all that remains is to choose the right one and start transforming your apartment.


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