How to paint lacquered furniture. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations

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Every person has moments when they want to change something. It's worth starting with the interior of the house. It is necessary to change either the entire design, or one, but very important, detail. Why not start changing the already boring interior doors, which is high time to throw out or change. There is no need to rush so much, because there are many ways to update the look of your doors.

New thing for a pretty penny

In fact, restoration will cost you very little; in any case, a jar of paint will cost less than new doors. It’s also very interesting and exciting, you can have a lot of fun while showing off your design skills. And after the work done, you will be able to surprise your family and friends, while boldly saying: “This is my personal handmade.”

So, you need to look around and decide what color is right for the room, and how to beautifully paint the old doors so as not to spoil the whole picture. After all, doors are not only a means of privacy, but also a wonderful piece of decor where you can show all your imagination and create something unusual and exciting.

We'll tell you everything from the simplest ideas to the incredibly creative ones, and along with the photos you can see that it's very good.

Preparing wooden doors

Under a layer of paint you can sometimes find very good breeds trees, which are perfectly preserved due to the protective layer. It’s a sin to throw away such doors; they simply need to be brought into excellent shape.

  1. Remove paint. You need to start by removing the top layer that covers the tree. To do this you need to take a blowtorch. The device should be operated carefully, in compliance with all safety regulations. This work is best done outside, or in extreme cases, in a well-ventilated room. So, you need to heat the paint with a lamp until bubbles appear, then scrape off the paint with a spatula. It is worth noting that this is a very exciting process. A regular iron or construction hair dryer. When working with an iron, you need to use a thicker fabric, and the process can take a long time. And the principle of operation of a construction hair dryer is practically no different from the operation of a lamp. If your doors are varnished, then this is much easier, since you can buy special mixtures and easy to clean the surface of the wooden door.
  2. Grinding. For such a task, of course, a belt sander or calibration machine. But this happens at home and, of course, not everyone has such devices at hand. Therefore, we take hand graters of two sizes, large and small, and begin to grate. First, the surface is treated with a coarse grater, then with a fine one. The work must be carried out in the direction of the fibers so that the furrows do not stand out later.
  3. Putty. If during the work you notice cracks, unevenness and other defects, they need to be puttied. To do this, it is recommended to take acrylic putties, which can be purchased at a hardware store; they are made specifically for wood. Since they are available in different colors, you can easily disguise all visible defects. To properly work out flaws, you need to use all the appropriate tools, the main thing is to do the job well. If there are defects that putty cannot cope with, you need to resort to using overlays. Such an insert must fully match the type of wood of the doors, both in color and structure.
  4. Painting is the final stage of repairing interior doors. To do this, you need to decide on a suitable color or colors, think through the design, fortunately, now there are no problems with a shortage of paints. Before adding color to the door, you need to apply stain. Apply with a brush or sponge, whatever you have, and spread over the surface with a piece soft fabric. You should not leave even the slightest clumps, this will later affect the quality of paint application.

Preparing fiberboard doors

The technology is not very different, but still different. Let's look at their main differences:

  • Do not use for paint removal work blowtorch. It is allowed to use only an iron or a hair dryer.
  • Sanding should only be done with fine sandpaper. This is explained by the small thickness of the door surface.
  • After sanding, the doors are immediately coated with paint.

I would like to talk about one more type of restoration. Now you will learn how to paint a door without removing the old paint. This method is very simple, you just need to cover the fiberboard with veneer. It is sold in all construction stores. It is adhesive based and glued using hot air. After you have put the door in order, cover it with stain and varnish. After watching the video you will immediately understand the essence of the work.

After updating the door, it’s worth remembering the frame. Moreover, it is not recommended to change it, since it completely fits the door with all its curvatures and deflections. Also change the fittings to newer, more modern ones. Then no one will recognize your old wooden doors. Let's hope that you already understand how to paint an old door.


Now we will offer ways to decorate doors with photos:

  • Paint the door one color. You can give the door the color of the walls, or, on the contrary, choose a contrasting paint that matches the interior items. It will look very impressive.
  • Paint it in several colors. Here it’s whatever you like - either highlight the cavities of the figured door, or draw the figures yourself, an abstraction.
  • Choose ready stencil. Now big choice such devices, even flowers, even people. Just apply the stencil to the door and apply it with a roller.
  • Artist's painting. If you have talent artistic painting– decorate the canvas at your discretion.

  • Children's fantasy. Ask the kids to decorate the nursery door, they will have fun and will be very pleased.
  • You can glue photo wallpaper or regular wallpaper, you need to choose according to your taste.
  • Decorate with fabric. It’s very unusual and bold to decorate the door with your favorite fabrics or even pieces.
  • Apply mosaic.

  • Decorate with cards or posters.
  • You can use the decoupage technique.
  • Turn to ready-made stickers for help.

As you can see, there are many ways to understand the problem of choosing a design. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. It will be more fun for you to live in bright colors and interesting solutions.

We all often catch ourselves wanting something new in the familiar interior of our home. Usually the simplest method is on the surface - rearranging the furniture. But it doesn’t always give the desired result. And then an idea comes to mind: you need to change the furniture itself, and not its location in the room.

But how often can we afford to throw away old things and buy new ones? Moreover, many pieces of furniture may not be within the family budget.

We know a much more economical and simple way to change and refresh the interior of your home. This is painting old furniture.

Required materials and tools

Often beloved Soviet-style furniture is made so well that it can last for a long time. long years, which cannot be said about modern models. In addition, antique vintage furnishings are now more in fashion than ever. Therefore, restoring furniture by painting it is the optimal solution.

How to paint furniture without noise and dust, and not turn your apartment into a painting facility that smells of toxic products? To do this we will need to stock up the right tools and materials.

For painting work you need:

  • A piece of furniture that needs painting;
  • Masking tape;
  • Gloves;
  • Dye;
  • Roller and brushes;
  • Paint tray.

Before you start painting, the surface of the furniture needs to be prepared. This requires:

  • Putty;
  • Roller and brushes;
  • Paint tray;
  • Gloves;
  • Protective glasses;
  • Fine-grain sandpaper;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • Sander or wooden block.

Having previously prepared everything you need, you can get to work. Before you paint your furniture, you need to prepare it to avoid further mistakes.

How to prepare furniture for painting

Proper surface preparation will ensure high-quality painting, which will shine in the sun and please the eye.

  1. First, carefully inspect the furniture you are going to restore for minor damage. If necessary, repair or replace installed mechanisms: locks, handles, hinges. Exfoliated particles of old varnish must be removed. Remove the doors, take out the drawers and unscrew the handles and locks from the outside.
  2. Sand the surface (both glossy and matte) with fine-grained sandpaper. This is the kind of skin that will not leave deep scratches that will be difficult to cover with primer or paint. For greater convenience, you can use a grinder.
  3. First you need to cover the surface of the furniture with a primer, and only then, using putty, seal it problem areas. This will ensure good adhesion of the materials. Degrease the surface with vodka or alcohol - they do not leave a slippery film.
  4. Apply acrylic primer so that it thoroughly saturates any minor damage, scratches, cracks. For this it is better to use a brush. Wait until completely dry.
  5. Using a rubber spatula, apply putty to the defects of the furniture and seal thoroughly.
  6. After the putty has dried, sand the areas where you applied it. This should be done using a sanding machine or fine-grained sandpaper stretched over a block. Depending on how deep the defects were and what layer of putty you applied, this operation may need to be repeated several times.
  7. When these works are completed, get rid of dust on the surface and prime.

Tip: when buying a primer, try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to the color you want your furniture to be. This will not only ensure an even color, but will also save on paint.

What paint to paint furniture?

Varnishes that are currently used for painting are of the following types:

Varnish, unlike paint, creates a surface with higher hardness and durability. But if you are deciding what paint to paint your furniture with, then make a choice from the range below.

    1. Acrylic paints are traditionally used among furniture paints. They are more stable than others, dry quickly, are easy to use, and are well suited for the kitchen or children's room. In addition, acrylic paints have a less pronounced odor and are easily diluted with water, which saves material.
    2. Acrylic paints in spray cans will greatly simplify and facilitate your work. This paint applies to the surface easily and evenly, and dries faster than conventional paint applied with a brush or roller.
    3. Enamel varnish paints, applied to wood, give the surface shine and gloss. If you want a matte effect, then oil paints will help you with this.
    4. Transparent paints will help you preserve the natural structure of a wooden surface. The range of the range is very large, and the consistency allows you to mix different shades with each other, so that you always have a choice in what color to paint the furniture.

Painting furniture yourself (using the example of a wooden kitchen cabinet)

You probably have furniture at home that you would like to update. Most often this is - kitchen cabinets, since they especially suffer from moisture and mechanical stress.

Let's try painting this kitchen cabinet with our own hands, and you will be convinced that painting old furniture It's actually quite easy to do at home.

Please note: if you buy kitchen cabinets without finishing, then most likely it will be birch furniture. This wood has a fine-grained structure, and stain looks great on it. For example, by applying cherry stain, you can easily achieve a cherry color.

Stage 1: sand the wood. This - important stage preparation. Use 120 grit sandpaper and lightly sand the wood in the direction of the grain to avoid scratching the surface. Using 220 grit sandpaper, sand again to remove all small scratches and make the surface smooth.

Stage 2: apply impregnation to the wood. Before doing this, thoroughly wipe the dust from the surface. The applied layer of impregnation acts as a sealant and promotes more uniform coloring. Allow the impregnation to dry completely.

Stage 3: apply stain. It is better to apply it with a brush, using circular movements, so that the product is rubbed into the texture of the wood. Make the final pass in the direction of the wood grain to ensure an even finish.

How to paint old furniture?

You probably have a lot of old furniture left that you would hate to throw away and have nowhere to put it. It gathers dust in the country house, in the garage, in the barn. And many pieces of such furniture are made of chipboard - a very convenient, light and inexpensive material. You can give them new life by simply painting them a different color and refreshing the coating. In addition, reconstruction by painting will significantly strengthen the surface, which is susceptible to various damages due to its technical characteristics.

Before painting chipboard furniture, it must be carefully prepared. There are two ways to clean the surface:

  1. Chemical method. It involves the use of special chemicals to remove old coating. You need to choose such a product depending on the type of previous coating. Be sure to use gloves when working.
  2. Thermal method. IN in this case processing is carried out with hot air or steam. To do this you will need a hair dryer. Point it at the surface and hold until the layer of paint or varnish softens so that it can be easily removed with a scraper.

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After cleaning, the surface must be puttied and sanded.

For painting old furniture from Chipboard is simpler Just use acrylic paints in spray cans. You will finish it faster, and the layer on the surface will be even and smooth. Also excellent option Can be oil or alkyd paints.

Advice: if you use brushes when painting furniture, it is better to buy new ones. Pay attention to how tightly the bristles are held. If hairs start to fall out during work, this will have a very bad effect on the quality of the coating.

Interesting interior solutions (what color to paint the furniture)

As you know, old furniture is painted not only to update it, but also to match the interior. Fashion trends in housing design they can go well even with an old Soviet wall, if you work on it a little.

It is enough to repaint such a wall, using the guide in our article, and play with the arrangement of its elements.

The most important thing is to decide in advance what style the interior of the room will be designed in. And even the classic Romanian wall of the 80s, long boring and unfashionable, can be turned into a multi-level, fully functional part of the room, and not just a piece of furniture.

In the photos below you can see examples of how you can arrange an old wall to match the new fashionable movements in design. Notice how new color furniture and its fittings are in harmony with the color of the walls in the room.

Here you see an old wall that has been repainted a different color:

And here are the solutions for how to rearrange the wall elements:

These photos will help you decide what you want your updated furniture to look like.

Painting furniture, like any job, has its secrets. They will not only help you get through the process faster, but will also save money and ensure perfect execution.

  1. Choose materials (primer, putty, varnish, paint) from one manufacturer. In this case, they will be guaranteed to be compatible with each other. Most often, the manufacturer develops coatings for certain types of surfaces, in accordance with operating conditions. This will make it easier for you to choose the optimal material.
  2. Don't be afraid to play with colors. Correctly selected colors will help visually enlarge the space. The contrast between the colors of the furniture and the walls will create a unique style in the room in any direction.
  3. Before starting work, be sure to stock up on a roller and several brushes. different thicknesses. Using a roller is more convenient for painting wide surfaces, and brushes will be needed for painting the ends of furniture parts and finishing accessories.
  4. Use masking tape. It will help you protect already painted and dry surfaces from paint. It is not very convenient to use a solvent in such cases - it will damage the paint layer. Masking tape will save you from such mistakes.
  5. When painting, use a respirator mask or thoroughly ventilate the room! Although most modern paint and varnish materials non-toxic and do not emit pungent odors, precautions are never unnecessary.

Video about painting furniture

We hope you find this article helpful when you decide to update your furniture in something as simple as painting. As you can see, in this way you can completely transform the entire house, and not just a closet or wall.

If you have any questions while reading, please ask them in the comments. We will be happy to answer you. Surely many of our readers have experience in such work. Share it with us, tell us about the features of the process, what difficulties you encountered and how you solved them. Good luck in your work and comfort in your home!


How to paint old furniture or new life for past things

It often happens that the decor of a room is annoying, but rearranging the furniture does not change anything.

A simple solution is to replace old furniture with new ones, but this is not always affordable.

Therefore, to change the interior of a room, you can paint familiar objects a new color, thereby enlivening the room and saving a decent amount of money.

It is best to do this yourself, giving yourself pleasure from the work. How to paint old furniture yourself?

Materials and tools

Having asked a question, you should clearly know how to do it and what is required for this.

Tools for work

To prepare the surface of objects for work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • putty
  • paint container, roller and brushes
  • fine grit sandpaper
  • rubber spatula
  • Grinder
  • glasses and gloves for protective purposes
  • masking tape
  • dye

Having purchased and prepared everything you need, you can begin preparatory work.

Furniture preparation

You should carefully prepare the surface of the old product for painting, because the quality of painting depends on this. This should be done following step-by-step instructions:

  • Inspect the furniture to detect minor damage and repair them. Remove the doors, take out the drawers, remove the fittings. Use a spatula to remove loose particles of varnish and paint.
  • Treat the entire area with fine-grained sandpaper. Such paper will not harm the wood of the furniture and will not leave large scratches on it. You can use a sander.
  • Degrease the surface with vodka or alcohol to avoid the formation of a film. Cover the surface with a layer of primer, and then repair large defects and scratches with putty. An acrylic primer is best - it ideally covers small cracks and scratches. Use a brush to apply primer. Allow the primer to dry thoroughly. Apply putty rubber spatula, carefully leveling the surface in this area.
  • After letting the putty dry, sand the areas with sandpaper placed on a block or a grinder. Process until a smooth and even surface is obtained.
  • Remove dust from the surface of the furniture and prime it.

The primer for the last layer should be as close in color as possible to the future color of the furniture. This will save paint and ensure an even color when painting.

Paint selection

Renewing the look of old furniture made from wood is not easy, but interesting job, able to please with the end result.

It is important to think in advance what color the restored item should be so that it fits organically into the interior of the room.

Before and after painting

To do this, you need to carefully choose paint:

  • The final color of the restoration can be matte or glossy. It is easier to match an item to the existing design of the room by painting it with a covering tone of paint, for example, white.
  • To pretend natural wood, you can highlight and emphasize the texture by using transparent and translucent varnishes, stains, impregnations, and enamels. Having cleaned the surface of the old coating, it will immediately become clear what type of coating should be applied.
  • Use only compounds intended specifically for furniture. Having bought an expensive varnish for a yacht or parquet, you should not expect an exceptional result, but if you don’t like it, it will be difficult to clean it.
  • For wooden surfaces acrylic compositions on a water-dispersed basis are more suitable. Even if they are washed off with water when wet, when they dry well, they adhere well to the surface, without fear of exposure to water.

A positive aspect of acrylic compositions is its vapor permeability, because air access is very important for wood. The acrylic composition protects the wood well from mold and pests. They have no smell - you can carry out restoration right in the room - this will not harm either children or animals.

READ ALSO: How to paint floor skirting boards correctly

Spray paint lays flat on the surface and dries faster.

Alkyd varnishes and paints are also popular. They have acrylic compounds similar properties and almost the same price. But these products are produced on the basis organic solvent and release toxic substances when dried.

Advantage alkyd paints is the possibility of using furniture in wet rooms.

You should not use oil or nitro paints - they are completely unsuitable for wood. But polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride paints are considered professional compositions and it is better not to use them for painting furniture at home.

Buying in a store the right paint, choose a native primer for it. Each manufacturer produces it under the appropriate brand. Any other primer may simply be rejected by the paint.

Step-by-step instructions for painting furniture

Having familiarized yourself with the rules of initial work and the choice of paint, it becomes clear how to paint old furniture with your own hands. And it’s easy and simple to do, the main thing is to have the desire and time.

Painting occurs in several layers, so the painting process should be carried out in stages:

  • Pour paint into a tray, prepare brushes and a roller. Start painting from the sides with a small brush. Due to the fact that the paint dries very quickly, you should move the brush over the surface quite intensively. After painting the end sections and corners, begin applying the coloring agent to the surface using a roller.
  • The surface must also be painted quickly so that it does not have time to dry out and make the painting uneven. After painting the first layer, you need to dry the paint for about 20 minutes, during this time close the can of paint with a lid and wrap the roller in a piece of polyethylene.
  • Inspect the dried surface, if any roughness is found and remove burrs with soft sandpaper. Apply the second layer in the same order as when processing the first layer. After drying, you need to decide whether to make a third layer or whether the resulting color is sufficiently saturated and no further painting is required.
  • For a highly saturated color, you can apply a third layer. After which, after allowing it to dry, you can cover the area with a layer of varnish to give a glossy shine to the surface.
  • After the varnish has dried, you should return the old fittings to their place or replace them with new ones.
  • The final touch is to put the drawers in place and hang the doors.

So, step by step, all the work was done to update an old piece of furniture with your own hands.

How to repaint old furniture is shown in the video:

The question of restoring chipboard furniture rarely arises, since it does not last long and its place after wear and tear is in the countryside or in a landfill. But if the furniture is durable enough, you can repaint it and it can still serve for several years.

Painting pieces of furniture made of chipboard not only renews the walls, but also strengthens the surface - it is this surface that is prone to various types of damage. Before you start painting work, you need to read the instructions on how to paint old chipboard furniture with your own hands.

First of all, you should prepare the parts of the product for painting. To clean the surface of the old coating, one of two methods is used - chemical or thermal. Chemical is the application different solvents for cleaning off old coating.

It is taken depending on what product is used to cover the old furniture. Thermal is the use of heat treatment: air or steam, for which you should use a hair dryer. Jet warm air softens the old coating, and it is easily removed with a spatula.

When all the old paint has been removed, you should fill up all the unevenness and scratches with putty, and after drying, treat them with sandpaper. Remove dust from the surface using a dry piece of cloth or blow it off with a vacuum cleaner.

In addition to this, it is worth making wet cleaning rooms where painting will be done so that debris and dust do not settle on the freshly painted surface.

Acrylic paints are great for updating chipboard furniture because they are easy to apply and do not emit harmful compounds. Also good option are alkyd and oil paints. Acrylic paint is available in water based, so it dries quickly.

Before applying paint, you should cover the entire area of ​​the product with a primer; it is important to choose it from the same manufacturer and select it according to the tone of the paint. You can apply it with a brush or roller, the main thing is to have a thin layer - it will dry faster.

After the primer has dried, you can paint the surface using a brush and roller. It is necessary to apply a layer of paint, moving in one direction, and the second layer will be covered perpendicular to the first, so that the paint lays down as evenly as possible.

After the first layer has dried, you can apply the second. The number of layers depends on what color of furniture you want to get in the final version.

To add gloss and to ensure a smooth surface, painted furniture must be coated with a clear varnish. The varnish is applied in a thin layer with a roller or brush. It is better to treat the surface in several layers, waiting until the previous layer is completely dry.

The final touch will be replacing the fittings or restoring the old ones. The updated parts should be assembled, doors hung and drawers inserted. This is how old furniture gets a rebirth and can serve for many years to come.

Furniture restoration has its secrets. Their use will help you complete this work faster, spending a minimum of money on it and ultimately get perfect view restored product. Tips include the following factors:

  • Materials should be taken from one manufacturer: varnish, paint, primer, putty. In this case, their compatibility will not spoil the result of the restoration. The manufacturer also produces coatings for different types materials for furniture production.
  • Choose different colors to visually expand the dimensions of the room. The contrast of the furniture with the walls will also be unique, no matter what combination is chosen.
  • Prepare for work a roller for applying varnish and paint to a wide surface, and various brushes so that it is convenient to paint the ends of parts and fittings.
  • Use construction tape to protect painted surfaces from paint if several tones of paint are used. It is not recommended to clean drops of paint with a solvent - they can damage the finished surface.
  • For safety reasons, always use a respirator and gloves when painting. It is worthwhile to ventilate the room periodically, even though varnishes and paints modern production They don’t emit toxins or pungent odors, so it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

These simple tips will help you avoid some mistakes and end up with an updated and high-quality piece of furniture. After practicing on small objects, you can confidently take on large headsets: kitchen or furniture wall in the living room.

You shouldn’t immediately throw away old furniture that has become unusable or simply out of fashion. This is especially true for old wood products. As a rule, it was made with high quality and to last.

Restoring an old wooden cabinet or chest of drawers is not difficult. As a result, the interior of the room will be updated and satisfaction will be obtained from the work done.

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  • Modern interior items very quickly go out of fashion or lose their attractiveness, but purchasing new ones is not always possible. This raises the question: how to repaint chipboard furniture with your own hands so that the product becomes attractive appearance? This is not always easy to do, because the result is influenced not only right choice materials and technology, but also the accuracy of the process.

    Painting old furniture with your own hands is considered a difficult and risky procedure. The fact is that for the manufacture of interior items (cabinets, chests of drawers, kitchen modules) processed materials are used that have decorative layer. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of coating in order to draw up a work plan.

    Chipboards used in furniture production, can be of the following types:

    There are other types of slabs, but they are not as common.

    How to paint old furniture

    To paint boring or defective interior items, you need to select a composition suitable for these purposes. The main recommendation when choosing is to refuse cheap options.

    Paint for chipboard furniture should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the composition:

    1. Oily. Preference should be given famous brands. A significant drawback is the unpleasant and toxic fumes, and the drying period of the solution is quite long. It is necessary to lay such a mixture thin layers, which is why the material is used infrequently.
    2. Acrylic. Modern version water-dispersed paints. The composition has many positive qualities, which makes it in demand. But when working with laminated chipboard, it is necessary to purchase a solution with increased adhesion and not dilute it with water.
    3. Alkyd. This option is much preferable to the oil option. The product is suitable for painting furniture, but the work is carried out in well-ventilated areas due to the specific smell of the composition.

    Of the three proposed, the best is acrylic paint, oil is affordable, and alkyd enamel considered the golden mean

    On a note! For tinting or decorating small areas, spray paint is used. For example, on bedside table You will need one or two containers.

    Chipboard can also be repainted with other types of compositions. Stain is used only for tinting veneered material. The varnish serves to secure the decorative layer; it can act as an independent composition, but this will require complex preparation of the base. For work it is better to use a quick-drying variety.

    A mandatory element of the coating is a primer; the composition must have good adhesion.

    None without soil decorative coating not applied to chipboard

    How to paint chipboard

    Painting chipboard furniture includes two main stages:

    • preparatory stage;
    • painting work.

    On a note! When deciding to paint laminated chipboard, it is worth considering that the end result, even if all the nuances are observed, does not always meet expectations.

    It is convenient to paint chipboard from an aerosol can, especially if you need to make a pattern using a stencil

    Tool selection

    Various tools can be used for work:

    • Spray gun. Due to the fact that furniture parts made of wood-based material have a flat base, it is this device that is the best option. When spraying, the paint can be applied more evenly. The main problem with using such a tool is correct selection distances. In case of erroneous calculations, drips and sagging are formed.
    • Roller. This device is most often used at home. Painting with a roller is not always easy, since the applied layer must have a small thickness, otherwise sagging will become noticeable. To paint furniture, use tools with a medium-length fur coat.
    • Foam sponge. Suitable for tinting and painting well-primed elements, it allows you to obtain a uniform coating, but subject to extreme care.

    When restoring old furniture, you can get by with affordable tools

    Brushes are rarely used for this process; their main purpose is decoration. They allow you to create an antique effect, but if a base layer was previously applied to hide the base.

    On a note! Repainting old table or a chest of drawers, the joining of parts is taken into account: the new layer should not lead to the appearance of distortions and protruding areas.

    Preparing the base

    Step-by-step instruction on preparation:

    All details are processed in this way.

    If it is not possible to completely disassemble the old furniture, then before painting the floor is covered with polyethylene


    Coating of fragments with paint is carried out according to the scheme:

    1. A primer is applied to the element. It is recommended to perform at least two treatments, each time waiting until the product is completely dry.
    2. The coloring composition is being prepared. It is stirred well and tinted if necessary.
    3. The mixture is poured into a convenient roller container. The instrument is soaked in the solution and the excess is squeezed out.
    4. Painting starts from the middle. The mixture rolls out well over the base, the movements should be parallel, and a thick layer should not be allowed to be created. The first layer is the base; you need to wait until it dries completely.
    5. Then the main coating is applied according to the previous principle.
    6. When using a spray gun, you will need to dilute the composition used. For selection optimal distance training staining is carried out.
    Regardless of the type of composition, the surface is painted in 2 - 3 layers

    If the part will experience constant impact, then an additional layer of varnish is applied.

    Furniture decoration

    Decorating such material is not very easy. There are many recommendations for creating a Provence style, but achieving the effect that is obtained on furniture made of wood, plywood or MDF will not work. This is explained by the fact that chipboard products rarely have the required appearance.

    Using simple devices on chipboard furniture you can create true masterpieces

    You can diversify the interior in the following ways:

    • Painting the countertops or dresser fronts white, and others facial parts- in black. For this, paint with a glossy finish is used. The technology is completely the same as described above, but the difference is that three layers of varnish are applied to the parts. The first layer is left untreated, and subsequent layers are sanded and polished.

    For working using the Decoupage technique ( artificial aging) special paints are used
    • Aging. To create this effect, after laying the base coat, apply a darker color of paint with a brush. The movements should be sweeping and slightly uneven; a diluted white compound can be applied on top. Everything is fixed with varnish.

    Interior items often lose their appearance over time. What to do if they are still strong and you don’t want to throw them in the trash? There is a good solution - to paint the outdated model with your own hands. Work on updating the facade can be carried out at home. You can choose to cover it with paint or varnish, and also decorate the sample using scrap materials.

    Decorating furniture with your own hands will significantly reduce the cost of restoring a piece of furniture.

    Changing the facade yourself not only saves money, but also allows you to make it as intended.

    An old wardrobe, chest of drawers or table in an updated form will last for many more decades.

    Before choosing tools for working with objects made of chipboard, evaluate the type of restoration object and its original color. Decide whether you will simply refresh it or give it a new look. When choosing the second option, carefully consider how the other color suits the environment in the house.

    Use a professional palette of tones and shades if you have difficulty choosing.

    To decide how to paint chipboard furniture, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of hardware stores. Don’t be lazy and go around a few - perhaps your choice will be cheaper and of better quality. Be sure to look at the release time of the coloring agent and its composition. It is necessary to calculate its consumption, taking into account that the coating involves applying more than one layer.

    To do this, measure the area of ​​the facade and multiply the amount of paint by 2, since you will need to do 2 layers for even coverage.

    Do not buy compounds containing lead - inhaling their vapors is hazardous to health. Alkyd is more environmentally friendly and dries faster.

    Alkyd paints are easier to thin to a uniform color.

    The varnish must be purchased either transparent or tinted.

    Give preference to warm tones if you plan to give the surface a natural wood color.

    Selected chemical compositions check on a neutral section of the plate. After each application of the product you need to let it dry. Evaluate the resulting result and decide whether it is suitable for restoration.

    Painting chipboard furniture in a different color can visually make it look expensive and stylish.

    Purpose of the object and its color

    Necessary means at hand

    From paint and varnish materials, choose alkyd ones - they are the most suitable for models made of chipboard. They lie flat, do not leave obvious gaps on the surface, smell less and dry quickly.

    You can choose an aerosol type container so you don't have to use a tray, spray bottle, rollers or brushes.

    You will need acrylic putty and an adhesion-based primer, which must be used to prepare the surfaces.

    The putty and primer must be special for wood.

    List of additional materials:

    • Solvent to remove remnants of old paint and varnish;
    • Detergent for degreasing chipboard;
    • Rags or flannel napkins;
    • Gloves;
    • Construction tape;
    • Sandpaper;
    • Glue.

    Necessary tools.

    It is better to choose rubber gloves, otherwise the paint will saturate the fabric and remain on your hands.

    If you use rags, you can remove prints with a solvent.

    When buying brushes, focus not only on price, but also on quality. The restoration will become useless if hairs remain constantly on the surface. The roller should also be of high quality, with well-fixed foam rubber and a handle that does not wobble.

    The hardware store has an assortment of any rollers and brushes for working with acrylic paints.

    To carefully prepare the chipboard and paint it, equip it in advance workplace. For bedding, use old newspapers, construction film, or cardboard from a large box.

    It is better to do the work on a closed loggia - there will be no drafts and bad smell will not leak into the apartment.

    Required Tools

    Preparation for the process must be thorough. To work you need the following tools:

    • Putty knife;
    • Knives – carpenter’s and stationery;
    • Screwdrivers;
    • Construction hair dryer;
    • Brushes, foam rollers for canned paints;
    • Scissors.

    A hacksaw may be useful to trim the cracked ribs of the slab. They also need to be sanded with sandpaper.

    Furniture painting and varnishing technology

    Before processing the parts, you need to disassemble the structure and unscrew all the fittings. After this, remove the remnants of the original coating using a solvent and a spatula. The old layer may not come off easily. In this case, saturate the board with solvent and let it swell a little. Then use a spatula to remove any loose debris.

    You can remove the old paint with a spatula, having treated the surface with a remover in advance.

    Remove grease and dirt by applying detergent. Dry the stove. Then sand it with sandpaper to create a rough surface. Fill cracks and cavities with putty. Let it dry. Look to see if there are any other uneven spots. Prepare the primer and apply it to the slab. It plays a big role in painting.

    When purchasing a primer, try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to the color you want your furniture to be.

    Primer – main character in the renovation of furniture facades. You don’t need much of it to work, but it brings great benefits, leveling the surface and saving the consumption of paint and varnish. Makes the coating much stronger. It is better to use it in two layers so that the base is more reliable.

    After priming, leave the workpiece to dry or speed up the process with a hair dryer.

    Check the condition of paints and varnishes: dilute excessively thick compositions with solvent. Apply paint evenly to the surface and smooth with a roller. Touch up the raised joints with a brush. Using an aerosol or spray bottle makes the task easier, but it leaves a lot of splashes on other surfaces. In this case, you need to protect the work site with impenetrable barriers. For this you can use large cardboard or stretch plastic film.

    To dry the first layer, leave the slab for a day, sometimes it takes longer.

    Then apply a second coat and let dry as well. Repeat the same with the varnish. If a design or ornament is intended to be applied, it must be done before varnishing. To apply the print, prepare a stencil. Carefully secure it while working using construction tape.

    You can cut the stencil from an old file folder.

    After the chipboard has completely dried, begin assembling the structure. Don't forget about the accessories. After completing the work, choose a place where you will place your updated object so that it looks most advantageous.

    The restoration will be successful if you don’t rush, trying to get everything done by a certain deadline.


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