How to get a blue orchid. Understanding whether there is a blue phalaenopsis? Or is it paint

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Many are tormented by the question: “Is there an orchid blue color? Every year, more and more new orchids appear on the shelves of flower shops, special attention of buyers attracted to blue and blue flowers.

However, if the desire to buy the incredible takes over, it pays to be careful. The cost of such orchids is two or even three times more than standard ones, and the quality sometimes leaves much to be desired.

On our website we have already posted photo collections of blue and blue orchids and.

Below in the article we will try to figure out whether the blue orchid is dyed or not.

So does the blue orchid exist? Are there blue orchids or are they painted? The answer is: Wandas and Cattleyas come in shades of blue and baby blue.

But those who wish to purchase blue phalaenopsis will have to accept the painful truth. Most often, ordinary inks or dyes are hidden behind such a unique color for orchids.

Most often, white orchids are dyed to get the blue color of the flowers.

If the flowers do not die from chemical poisoning, you should prepare for the fact that during the next buds, most likely, there will be. And if Japanese scientists managed to develop a special variety of blue orchids, then they will not reach the CIS countries soon.

Unfortunately, orchids bought not on specialized exhibitions, and in small stores, with one hundred percent probability I'll be painted.

If the window sills are already bursting with orchids, all kinds of colors have been collected, and the soul asks for something exotic, it is better to try to paint the orchids yourself. The easiest way that even a beginner can master is that in the roots or white orchid injections with special paints are introduced.

No one is safe from mistakes, dyes can get not only into flowers, but also in leaves. A bluish tint can give the plant a painful artificial. However, this does not mean at all that the orchid will forever remain blue, with each subsequent flowering, the paint will be washed out and, as a result, the inflorescences will take on an absolutely snow-white color.


The pioneer in the genus of blue orchids can be called Wanda, natural queen of this variety. Experts do not recommend buying such a plant for beginners, since such flowers are very capricious and require special protection and care.

As practice shows, only experienced gardeners cope with the task without any problems blue vanda.

An important feature of the variety is that the species has a huge amount different colors, because it easily survives crossing with other varieties.

The resulting unique color scheme is worth all the effort and perseverance spent on growing. AT recent times flower growers note that this type of orchid, like blue, is gaining incredible momentum.

Blue vanda.

Purple Wanda.

Blue Wanda.


  1. Cut off the peduncle;
  2. wash the roots warm water and cut off the rotten areas;
  3. Immediately in without fail process with coal;
  4. fill with fresh and substrate.

Features of care

Lighting and temperature

Painted orchids, like natural ones, prefer this temperature:

  • 25-30 degrees during the daytime;
  • And about 16 at night.

A difference of 5-7 degrees should be provided - this will be stimulate further flowering. As far as lighting is concerned, the best option- Diffused sunlight. It is important to remember about high humidity.

Substrate and pot

Since the plant is subject to severe stress, a high-quality and fresh substrate will come in handy. The state of health and further flowering may depend on this.

The best substrate for orchids is pine bark.

The soil is loose, with bark and coal. Orchid container must have enough holes for better ventilation.

top dressing


Before transplanting, arrange thorough inspection of the root system to, if necessary, get rid of damaged areas of the roots. It is recommended to transplant a painted orchid only if it has survived the stress brought by the dyes and has begun to bloom again.


Flowering is stimulated due to temperature fluctuations. For example, if the difference between day and night temperatures is about 10 degrees, then a natural difference is provided and the lucky owners of a blue orchid have nothing to worry about.

If this method doesn't work, watering needs to be changed or rearrange the flower to a new place. However, such stimulation should be performed carefully, too much stress can be detrimental to the blue orchid.

The duration of flowering depends on the health of the orchid. On average, it can take several months. If the flowering period is too short, you need to try transplanting an orchid, perhaps the flower does not have enough space for further development.

Re-blooming usually occurs six months later, and falls on the summer-autumn period.

IMPORTANT! After flowering at home, the next time the inflorescences will acquire a pinkish tint - these will be the remains of dyes. As a result, with proper treatment and proper care, the flowers will again acquire a natural white color.


The health of the plant should be carefully monitored to notice the first symptoms and prevent serious complications. First signs availability:

  • root rot;
  • withered;
  • Wrinkled ;
  • Lack of flowering in the prescribed period.

If at least one of the signs is present - need to start treatment and make a transplant.

Application of dyes

Most often used for coloring at home specialized paint for flowers, which can be easily found on the Internet.

An excellent alternative would be regular food coloring. As practice shows, these two options are the safest for the further growth and development of the orchid. It is better to forget about such a barbaric method as ink staining.

As a rule, after staining, blue inflorescences appear only during the first flowering. If the flower does not die after chemical intervention, subsequent buds will be pinkish or white.

In order to save an orchid with a colored peduncle, the area affected by dyes should be treated and the resulting cut should be treated with charcoal. If the paint was introduced through the peduncle, the plant can still be saved.

IMPORTANT! After removing the affected area, wash root system and transplant the plant into fresh soil and substrate.

After flower transplant must be placed in a bright and warm place without exposure to direct sunlight. After the procedures, the plant will most likely plunge into a dormant period in order to recover. During this period, it is recommended to minimize watering and not fertilize the flower until the moment of awakening.

This is where the manipulations to save the painted orchid end, only:

  • To love homemade beauties;
  • Take care;
  • And believe in a speedy recovery.

Useful video

Find out in the video what consequences occur after staining the orchid:

Watch a video about a real variety of blue orchid - Wanda:

Interesting facts from the buyer of the blue orchid in the video:

Find out in the video how to care for orchids:


Lastly, note tips from experienced growers:

  • If the desire to purchase a blue orchid is so great, you need to do it at special exhibitions, in stores you can most often find a painted copy;
  • When buying a blue orchid in a store, first of all bypass plants with bluish leaves and roots;
  • If, nevertheless, a painted plant was purchased, then the main task of the owner is painstaking care, since in 90 cases out of 100 the plant starts to hurt after purchase;
  • You can not paint the orchid yourself!

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Magnificent orchids fascinate with their beauty, refined luxury of spectacular flowers. These amazing plants impress with the richness of the tint palette. Their white, purple, burgundy, cream, yellow, pink flowers they just look unbelievable.

Although representatives of the orchid family with petals of heavenly blue are present on store shelves, the naturalness of their color is sometimes highly questionable. Many people are concerned about the question: are there blue orchids in nature, nurseries, the answer to which will be given within the framework of this article.

Flowers of plants belonging to the genus Phalaenopsis cannot have a shade of sky blue due to their lack of the corresponding gene. Enterprising businessmen have learned to give phalaenopsis the right tone by staining. After the blue flowers wither, previously processed specimens form buds, the colors of which were inherent in them initially.

This fact should not upset orchid lovers, as they may prefer other species (Vanda, Cattleya). These plants really have petals, the color of which is as close as possible to indigo. As for phalaenopsis, it goes into mass sale after undergoing special processing.

Orchid Vanda

Many flower growers will certainly be interested in the blue Vanda orchid, the petals of which often have a blue-lilac, purple-spotted color. It is worth paying attention to the capriciousness of this plant. For example, a blue orchid with pink veins needs to maintain a special microclimate with high humidity air, good lighting, daily watering. Only an experienced grower can cope with its cultivation.

Having provided the plant proper care, one can hope for its abundant, long flowering. Wanda inspires scientists to create numerous hybrids with very unusual colors. In particular, the breeders bred a pink-blue orchid, which fascinates with its delicate beauty.

Orchid Cattleya

Cattleya will be more unpretentious, the petals of which also do not have a pure uniform color. As a rule, this lilac or blue-blue orchid blooms if it is placed under direct Sun rays when there is a significant difference between day and night temperatures.

For most plants, staying in such conditions can end in failure, but Cattleya likes it. A plant that gets the most light shows more intense petal color. This orchid needs high air humidity, but you should refrain from spraying it.

blue phalaenopsis orchid

As mentioned above, the blue flower does not exist in nature. Also, it cannot be found in the nurseries of modern breeders. It is quite possible that in the future the situation will change radically, as work on the creation of flowers with an azure color is ongoing, and their results are promising.

Successful marketing ploy

As part of an exhibition event held in Florida, USA in 2011, Silver Vase demonstrated a blue phalaenopsis. After 3 months, another blue orchid named Phalaenopsis Royal Blue was presented to the public at the Flora Holland Dutch flower competition by Geest Orchideeën. The plant received an award in the "Sales Concept" nomination.

It is interesting that the above manufacturers did not intrigue the public with the secret of the blue color of the petals of the flowers shown. In their interviews, they talked about the specifics of orchid processing. For their staining, a patented technology is used, the methodology of which is not subject to disclosure. It is only known that flowers are exposed to a special environment created using elements of natural origin that do not harm plants.

The Phalaenopsis blue orchid demonstrated to the world by the listed manufacturers is not a breeding hybrid. It's kind of successful marketing ploy and no more. Abroad, such flowers are used as spectacular decor, and after withering they are disposed of.

Japanese miracle - blue orchid

Japanese scientists stepped much further - specialists from Chiba University. At the exhibition held in Okinawa in 2013, they managed to impress the sophisticated public. The result of their work - a blue orchid caused universal admiration.

To create this floristic miracle, the gene of another plant, the Asian commeline, was introduced into the species of Phalaenopsis Aphrodite. Flowers new orchid relatively small (about 5 cm in diameter). Up to 30 buds can be formed on one peduncle. This orchid is considered exclusive and is not yet available for free sale.

What do our flower shops offer?

Relatively recently, the blue phalaenopsis orchid appeared in our stores, which immediately became in great demand. The plant is much more expensive than ordinary species. Unfortunately, the joy of owning this luxurious Phalaenopsis Royal Blue orchid is soon replaced by disappointment.

Very often before entering the mass sale dishonest sellers injections of a chemical coloring solution are injected into the trunk, roots or peduncle of a plant in an artisanal way (often they use ordinary ink). As a rule, white orchids are subjected to the staining procedure, on the petals of which the pigment is distributed most evenly.

Such an event adversely affects the health of the plant. It becomes weakened due to such severe stress. As a result, admiring the inflorescences of a rich heavenly shade does not last long. After a month, they begin to fall off, and the phalaenopsis itself may die after some time.

Many sellers do not try to hide information about plants from buyers by placing warning stickers on flowerpots. The relevant information is printed in small print, and people who are ignorant of this issue simply do not notice it. Subsequently, they turn out to be dissatisfied with the transformations that have occurred with their favorite colors.

What should I look for before buying an orchid?

Before making a purchase in a flower shop, you should ask the seller about the blue orchid plant you are interested in: dyed or not, ask how the epiphyte is processed.

It is also advisable to subject the vending copy to a thorough examination.

The identified traces of injections on the roots, the point of growth indicate a high probability of death of phalaenopsis. If an inspected blue orchid in a pot has injected flower stalks, then in the future it has a chance of survival with proper care.

Another staining option is watering the epiphyte with water with dissolved pigment. In such cases, the shade of azure will acquire as flower petals, and leaves, roots. The survival of the plant can be judged after assessing the identified damage.

blue orchid care

Sky-hued Phalaenopsis will shed its flowers over time. Since blue orchids do not exist in nature, and scientists have just begun work on breeding such hybrids, one should not expect that flowers with azure petals will form on the plant again in the future. It is quite possible that next time a white-blue orchid will bloom on the peduncle, and after a certain time the buds will begin to become more and more light.

There is no need to attempt injections on your own using blue, ink to correct the situation. This will only lead to disease and death of the plant. It is much better to admire the flowers, which are inherent in their natural color.

Phalaenopsis flower inspection

Having received as a gift or bought a blue phalaenopsis, you need to try to examine it in detail in order to timely identify existing damage, areas of decay, mold, and pests. Particular attention should be paid to the root system.

A plant with healthy roots that have a rich green color should not be subjected to a transplant procedure. In a specimen that needs resuscitation, it is necessary to remove dry, rotten shoots, a peduncle and place it in a new flowerpot.

Transplanting a plant to another pot

Caring for blue orchids, you should purchase a special substrate for the affected flower. Also allowed self-cooking soil mixture.

Need to mix pine bark(5 shares) with charcoal (1 share). It is forbidden to use rotten, poorly disinfected material. The bark collected under the trees must be washed, boiled (at least 15 minutes), followed by drying.

Phalaenopsis will need to be carefully removed from the pot, to remove injured, dried, rotten rhizomes from it. As a powder for cuts, you can use charcoal, ash, ground cinnamon.

When caring for a blue orchid at home, you should try to disinfect the flowerpot. The pot is thoroughly washed, and then dipped in a solution of manganese. If a decision is made to purchase a new flowerpot, it is worth giving preference to special transparent containers produced for orchids.

It is very important that the landing container has holes in the area of ​​the walls and bottom.

A drainage layer (2-3 cm) of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pot. A third of the prepared substrate is poured over it, on which the plant is installed in an upright position. After that, the orchid is covered with the remaining soil mixture. It is forbidden to use the old soil removed from under the affected flower. In such a substrate, aggressive substances that can harm the plant are likely to remain.

A transplanted phalenosis is guaranteed to recover if an optimal microclimate is created for it. The plant will feel better under diffused solar lighting. It also needs to maintain temperature regime with the following values: in the daytime + 25 ... + 30 ° C, at night + 16 ° C. In the room it is necessary to create a humidity of 30%, good air circulation.

Balanced top dressing for orchids

Phalaenopsis needs periodic top dressing (once a month) with the use of balanced fertilizers, which are quite realistic to purchase at a specialized outlet. The priority is the dosed nutrition of the epiphyte, since it is too a large number of useful elements will lead to a softening of the top, and their lack will affect the inhibition of flowering.

Regular watering of the plant

Orchids need regular watering. At higher air temperatures, frequent irrigation is carried out. It is not necessary to allow stagnation of moisture, which can lead to rotting of the roots, death of the plant. Spraying phalaenopsis is not welcome, causing unwanted accumulation of drops in the recesses of the leaves.

Diseases of the blue orchid

The flower grower will need to carefully monitor the health of the reanimated plant. The following factors signal the disease of an orchid: a radical change in the color of the leaves, rotting of the roots, and the absence of forming buds. If signs of infection are detected, the epiphyte should be treated in time.

Blue Orchid is a popular "brand"

It is noteworthy that the issue with the blue orchid is relevant not only for flower growers. For example, on sale you can find a lot cosmetics, which contain blue orchid oil: gels, creams.
It is advisable to use them only after studying the annotations on the package, having learned which particular representative of the orchid family is in question.

A beautiful exotic fish - the blue aulonokara orchid lives in the waters of Kande Island. It often becomes a real decoration of modern aquariums. So original name the fish received because it appearance evokes associations with an exotic flower.

In the nature of orchids, there are more than 3,500 thousand species.

They grow on every continent except Antarctica. There are more than 60 varieties of phalaenopsis alone. Their coloring strikes the imagination with its variety and brightness: lilac, green with purple veins, burgundy, white, cream ... any, except for pure blue.

It is not surprising that the blue orchid, which appeared in flower shops some time ago, made a splash, instantly becoming extremely popular. At first, it never occurred to anyone that the flowers were simply painted. Is this true, let's find out.

painted flowers

If you brought home a blue phalaenopsis not from an exhibition, but from an ordinary flower shop - congratulations, you have become the owner of a painted orchid. It's not yet certain that she will survive.

And yet, if you suddenly want exotics, then you can try to color the flowers yourself. It is quite easy to do this - special dyes are injected into the roots or peduncle of white phalaenopsis.

Far from always, dyes penetrate exclusively into flowers, very often leaves are also colored, which gives some artificiality and makes the plant unaesthetic. However, the result is achieved - in the first flowering, the petals amaze the eye with a stunningly rich deep indigo.

Unfortunately, the shade of subsequent generations of colors is becoming weaker - the paint is gradually washed out. By the fourth time orchids, as a rule, bloom already with completely white flowers, returning to their native color.

Rescuing injured flowers

It’s not the worst thing if the flower turns white in six months - it’s much worse when the plant, unable to bear the stress, begins to die.

If you notice that after some time the "blue" buds began to fall off, you first need to examine the roots of the flower. Found clear traces of injections on the roots or peduncles indicate that the probability sad outcome large, but if the paint was injected into the peduncle, then the orchid can still be reanimated.

To resuscitate a phalaenopsis with a colored peduncle, we cut off the stalk full of dyes. Then we take the plant out of the pot and, trying not to damage the root system, wash it with warm water. We examine the roots for the presence of traces of injections.

In the event that cyanotic places and traces of rot are clearly visible on the roots, we cut off the damaged areas, and sprinkle the sections with ashes or cinnamon, and dry them properly.

After that, the flower is placed in a new substrate with a special composition suitable for its life. The environment in which the orchid was located will have to be thrown away, as it contains too many chemically active harmful substances.

Do blue orchids exist in nature?

So do blue orchids really not exist and this is just a clever marketing ploy to increase sales?

Partly. Blue-lilac coloring is really found and it is quite possible to acquire a flower of such an unusual color. Finding out if you have a fake is quite simple: you need to find out the genus of orchid that the seller will offer you.

There are no blue or blue phalaenopsis in wildlife and free sale. Blue phalaenopsis can now only be found at large orchid exhibitions. If you met a blue phalaenopsis in a flower shop - do not hesitate, you are being deceived.

Natural spotted bluish petals are found only in orchids of the genus vanda. This genus belongs to the orchid family, and includes about 60 epiphytic and lithophine species. The name given to the plant by the inhabitants of India has remained unchanged to this day.

Among the variety of flowers of the genus vanda - from orange and red to variegated, there are also petals of a lilac shade with light spots. This species is called - and if you want to get a natural blue orchid, you need to ask in stores for it.

Well, if someone nevertheless congratulated you with a “blue” orchid, observe its condition more than carefully. Caring for this baby is the same as for regular phalaenopsis.

Breakthrough of Japanese breeders

The dream of getting a pure blue orchid - we recall that even Wanda Blue has lilac-spotted petals - did not leave flower growers. And after many years of experimentation, a miracle happened.

In 2013, at an exhibition in Okinawa, Japanese scientists demonstrated to the world new variety phalaenopsis orchids of a rich blue hue. To obtain it, they needed to introduce the gene of another flower, the Asian commeline, into the orchid of the Aphrodite species, since the phalaenopsis, which occurs in nature, does not even have a gene capable of producing a blue pigment.

The new species was named "Royal Blue". Such an orchid blooms profusely with small flowers - up to 30 pcs. 5 cm in diameter. This is a completely exclusive plant, which, alas, is not yet on sale.

As you can see, there are several ways to make an extraordinary blue orchid a decoration in your home! It is enough to choose one option and every morning will begin with a look at an unusual beautiful flower.

I wish you good and honest shopping in flower shops, beautiful flowering of purchased orchids and good mood!

Your Elena Skopich

Orchids have always been famous for their original and unusual colors. But the queen among them is the blue orchid. Such flowers appeared on sale relatively recently and many do not know if they are real or dyed. This article will provide an answer to this question.

Blue orchids, which are sold in flower shops, invariably attract attention. unusual color their flowers. Here the question naturally arises "blue varieties of orchids are dyed or real." The answer to this question may disappoint exotic lovers, since such a natural color of the buds of this type of flower does not exist in nature.

The fact is that orchids do not have a gene that is responsible for the blue color of the petals. Therefore, if there is a blue orchid in the flower shop, then you should know that the plant has been painted.

However, you can find flowers that have a blue-lilac color of their buds. In nature, the closest color to blue is found in representatives of the genus Wanda, which includes about 60 varieties. These plants form flowers, the petals of which have a lilac hue, diluted with light spots.

Wanda has many hybrid forms, as it crosses well with other varieties. The result is unusual colors of the petals. But when buying blue orchids of the Wanda genus, you need to understand that they are very capricious in terms of care and you will have to tinker with them.

In addition to representatives of the Wanda genus, blue flowers form the following varieties of orchids:

  • Cattleya orchid. If you compare it with Wanda, then this is a less whimsical plant that will be much easier to grow at home. Plants form large flowers that smell pleasant and have various colors their petals;
  • Phalaenopsis orchid. Considered the most unpretentious houseplant. The formation of medium-sized buds is characteristic. Phalaenopsis does not produce the rich blue color that is characteristic of artificially dyed flowers. A slight bluish tint is more likely to be seen here. There are varieties whose flowers have a lilac or pink-blue tint.

For growing in an apartment or at home, Phalaenopsis is the best of all blue varieties. Care at home for him will practically not differ from flowers that have a different color of the petals. Except easy care and blue buds, the flower practically does not smell. Therefore, it is great for those who are contraindicated in spicy smells.

As a result, we can conclude that in nature there are no varieties of orchids that would have a rich blue color. But there are representatives of three genera whose buds have desired shade. However, in terms of care, they will be somewhat more demanding than the rest of the representatives. This must be remembered when buying a flower for home growing or as a gift.

Where did blue orchids come from?

For the first time in the world, blue orchids of the Phalaenopsis variety were presented at the exhibition tropical plants, which took place in 2010 in Florida (USA). Such unusual flower managed to get the Silver Vase farm, which breeds orchids. Just three months later, the Royal Blue Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis Royal Blue) appeared. The plant was shown at the FloraHolland flower competition, which is held annually in Holland. Phalaenopsis Royal Blue was presented by the Dutch nursery "Geest Orchideeën".

Today, manufacturers do not hide the fact that the blue orchid is not natural. In such flowers, after the purchase, the next flowering will occur already with white buds.

Plants are dyed using a proprietary technology that is kept secret. However, blue orchid growers note that they place the plants in a specially prepared environment to give the buds a blue color. For its preparation, natural ingredients are used that do not cause any harm to the flower.

Thus, Phalaenopsis and another blue-colored species are varieties specially bred by breeders. Therefore, to the question “do blue orchids exist or not in nature”, you know the exact answer. It's just a good marketing ploy.

Achievement of Japanese breeders

Despite the fact that several varieties of blue orchids had already been bred, breeders continued to work in this direction. After many years of experimentation, luck smiled at the Japanese breeders. The 2013 Okinawa show featured the world's first Phalaenopsis orchid, which had a truly rich blue hue. To get this color, scientists had to introduce the Asian Commeline gene into white orchid varieties of Aphrodite. The introduced gene was responsible for the blue color of the petals, so the hybrid was able to bloom with buds of the desired shade.

The new species of blue orchid was named "Royal Blue". The hybrid is characterized by flowering in small flowers, which reach 5 cm in diameter. abundant flowering. Up to 30 flowers can form on one stem.

Such a transgenic orchid is an exclusive plant and cannot be found commercially yet.

How to save the blue miracle

Manufacturers can paint Phalaenopsis blue, but the average layman does not have such an opportunity. Therefore, in order to keep the acquired indoor flower you need to take proper care of it. After all, if the care of the blue orchid was insufficient, then the buds will begin to crumble quickly.

It is worth noting that, regardless of the efforts of the grower, it will not work to achieve the formation of blue inflorescences from the flower after the purchase. The fact is that in the absence of periodic tinting, the blue tint will gradually turn pale and over time the orchid will begin to bloom with white flowers.

The worst outcome would be the death of the plant due to severe stress. To prevent such a situation, you need to know how to care for the blue miracle at home. There are several rules, the implementation of which guarantees the health of the flower.

After the plant has been brought into the house, its buds may begin to fall off. In this case, you should pay attention to the roots of the orchid. If the paint was injected into the roots by means of injections, then it will not be possible to help such a flower. If the coloring composition was introduced directly into the peduncle, then the chances of salvation remain high.

To reanimate a painted Phalaenopsis, it is necessary to cut off the stem, which is overflowing with dye. After that, we perform the following actions:

  • take the flower out of the pot. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the root system;
  • after that, the roots of the orchid should be washed well in warm water. At this stage, it is easy to check each spine for puncture marks. If the paint was injected through the roots, then areas with decay or simply bluish spots form at the site of its introduction;
  • all damaged areas should be cut off;
  • further places of cuts must be sprinkled with cinnamon or ash. They should dry well;
  • after that, the plant can be placed in flower pot. It is worth noting that a new substrate must be filled in the pot. It can be purchased at any flower shop.

The substrate in which the flower was previously must be discarded. It cannot be reused, as it contains a large amount of chemically active substances and harmful components.

Such problems arise if the sellers color the flowers themselves, passing them off as Phalaenopsis Royal Blue. The price for such specimens is usually three times higher than for other orchids with a blue tint of flowers.

In this case, the risk of plant death after purchase is very high. After all, the dyeing technology was not observed, and toxic substances could act as a dye in general (for example, blue ink from ordinary ballpoint pen). Typically, the dye is introduced into the plant precisely through injections into the root, stem or peduncle. This procedure leads to a significant weakening of the flower, acting as a stress for it.

Therefore, when purchasing a blue orchid in a flower shop, you need to carefully examine its roots, stems and peduncles. If paint injection sites are found, then such a plant should not be bought. It will die very quickly anyway.

Some sellers achieve a blue tint by watering the flower with blue-colored water. In this case, not only the buds, but also the roots with leaves will receive a blue tint. Although this is a more gentle, but still stressful method of staining for the plant. Therefore, you should not try to get a blue orchid on your own at home by watering it with dyes.

Now you know if there are blue varieties of orchids in nature, and how they should be followed at home in order to keep such a miracle for as long as possible.

Video “The secret of the blue orchid”

From this video you will learn about whether blue orchids exist in nature.

With this color of flowers does not exist in nature, their DNA does not have a gene that gives this color to the petals. Then how do they end up in stores and our homes?

To begin with, let's figure out whether there is a blue orchid at all in nature or for sale? Phalaenopsis with blue flowers does not exist in nature, and it cannot be found among hybrids. Where, then, do these exotic beauties periodically appear on the windows of flower shops?

Often, looking at the blue-eyed beautiful orchid, flower growers do not restrain themselves and buy the flower they like.

The stem pleases the eye throughout the entire period, then it has a dormant period and, with due phalaenopsis, again kicks out the peduncle.

And here the shock begins: instead of blue or bright blue flowers in front of the eyes are flowers in best case grey-blue , but most often the orchid pleases regular whites.

At a loss, novice flower growers try to find errors in care, but you should not do this.

Blue flowers are obtained by simple dyeing, which is carried out on special technology. When watering, the paint is simply washed out of the plant, and it begins to bloom in natural colors.

In most large flower shops, information about this is posted near the flower shelf. Some sellers, on the contrary, try to present the painted bole as something supernatural and sell the plant at a very high price. At the same time, the quality of the coloring itself leaves much to be desired.

And it all started in 2011 at the Tropical Plant Show in Florida. It was there that the Phalaenopsis orchid with blue flowers was first put on public display. The manufacturers did not hide the fact that their stem is painted. They patented the process technology and still keep it in the strictest confidence.

Three months later, a tropical beauty with a similar color was introduced in Europe. It was shown by Dutch breeders, the fruit of their development is also a colored bole.

Photo of an orchid painted blue.

Interesting! In Europe and on the American continent, dyed colors are treated more loyally. They are perceived as a cut bouquet that must be defended. certain time. Then it is simply thrown away or sold for much less.

hybrid varieties

Phalaenopsis orchids with a blue tint of flowers still exist, there are boles with lilac-blue, pale blue, violet-blue flowers. The most famous varieties with blue on the arrow are recognized:

  • blue became known in 2013 after a group of Japanese breeders demonstrated their new transgenic bole. It is based on the Aphrodite variety, to which the "blue" commelina gene was added;

The world's first genetically engineered Aphrodite blue Phalaenopsis.

The following varieties are dyed blue:

Interesting! Phalaenopsis Aphrodite blue is still almost not common among flower growers. Its cost is quite high and only a few can afford such a luxury.

In addition to these, there are many more that are subjected to the staining process. But they look less impressive.

How to choose in the store?

Purposeful or spontaneous trip to flower shop behind the blue orchid and the euphoria from this should not prevent you from choosing the right bole. After all, sometimes they try to deceive us, give us away cheap analogue for an expensive item. This is also possible with flowers.

Expensive Phalaenopsis Royal Blue can be replaced with a cheaper analogue own production. Staining of orchids is sometimes carried out by the sellers themselves., for this use ordinary blue ink.

The procedure is performed with a syringe, they simply prick the orchid with a color carrier. But Not every plant will be able to endure such manipulations.

Choosing phalaenopsis with blue flowers in the store, it is worth paying attention to such points:

  • before making a purchase, pay attention to the appearance of the trunk, its leaves and roots should have a natural color;
  • the stained solution should be applied precisely to the peduncle, so the plant will suffer the least;
  • carefully inspect the substrate, it should also have a natural color;

In addition, you can lightly run your fingers over the petal, paint should not remain on your hands.

Important! It should be understood that the blue phalaenopsis will require more careful care, since staining and changing the “place of residence” will already become very stressful for him.

Coloring at home

You can make your own blue phalaenopsis, and you will save a decent amount of money and choose exactly the shade of blue that you like. This procedure is simple, even a beginner can carry it out without problems. The main thing is to stick to this scheme:

  1. First, choose a plant. It is best to take, healthy, without and;
  2. The next step is to choose a coloring element. It's better to prioritize special means for coloring flowers or, at worst, food coloring. The end result depends on what blue orchids are painted with;
  3. The process ends with the choice of staining method and its direct implementation.

After all this the stem will need to pay a little more attention, since any dye will adversely affect the condition of the plant.

Phalaenopsis in the process of staining.

Coloring it is better to carry out when it is fully grown and the flowers on it gradually begin to bloom. It is this period that will be the most favorable, the coloring pigment will quickly get into the flowers and minimally harm the bole.

Advice! Do not carry out the staining procedure with each flowering, this can take the last strength from the plant and it will die.


There are two ways to change the color of phalaenopsis:

  1. Easiest to produce regular watering of the bole with a colored liquid. You will notice changes in color pretty soon, but the dye will also hurry to leave the bole. Color loss will begin immediately after watering stops;
  2. The second way is less humane: in order to get phalaenopsis with blue flowers, you need to give him “injections” of color. Typically, such injections are carried out in the roots, stem or peduncle of the bole. After that, traces usually remain on the plant, which will be noticeable for a long time.

Advice! If you decide to use the second staining method, make "injections" into the peduncle. So you least harm the orchid.

Features of care

Care after staining for phalaenopsis standard, watered as the substrate dries, fed twice a month, sprayed with a spray bottle. But there are still some nuances:

  • if staining was carried out by watering, then it is desirable to carry out the subsequent ones with the addition of a coloring matter to preserve the achieved color;
  • a painted phalaenopsis purchased in a store will receive double stress, a change in the microclimate will also be added to the harmful substances inside the plant. For such a stem it is better to choose a place in partial shade, regularly and minimally.

Traces of dye on a painted orchid.

In all other respects, the painted stems are no different from ordinary phalaenopsis, they need 12-14 hours of light and moist air.

Useful videos

Learn from the video the secret of blue orchids:

Watch a video on how to choose a blue phalaenopsis:

From this video you will learn all about the necessary care:

The following video talks about coloring phalaenopsis:


Most orchids with blue flowers are artificial, the coloring will gradually wash out, but the memory of it will remain with you forever. Whether or not to buy such a stem is up to you to choose, or you can save a little and create your own masterpiece.

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