How to build a high fence. How to preserve the beauty of your favorite flower beds: we make fencing for flower beds with our own hands from scrap materials

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Owners of private property always try to improve the area around their buildings. Create special designer style fence, internal picket fences, in harmony not only with the facade, but also with the surrounding landscape. A beautifully made external fence, forming a single composition with the house, stands out for its exclusivity among monotonous buildings. In a single architectural ensemble with distinct exteriors, the neighbors bring their own flavor to the overall architectural style.

Fence structures made of various materials plenty. The main thing is to choose the best option that elegantly fits into the surrounding landscape environment.

By erecting a decorative fence with your own hands from available materials, the owner of the site will not only save his personal budget, but will also receive pleasure from quality work done. Admiration for craftsmanship and design abilities from relatives, friends, acquaintances, and just passers-by. It’s not a difficult task to build your own picturesque hedge or decorative fence for internal zoning. The main thing is to start and in the process you will acquire skills, knowledge, and the ability to work with the chosen material.

Functions, features and application of a decorative fence

Elegantly composed, made in individual style, a moderately colorful fence can perform several functions:

Construction of artificial fences on your own has some peculiarities.

Without knowledge or experience with the material, you will first have to study the topic and acquire practical skills.

Before creating them, the functions that the fence will perform are first determined. Structures installed as access barriers must be a reliable protection system from external attacks. With this purpose, it is necessary to take care of strong supports and the foundation of the future structure. The construction of wooden barriers will require special processing of the fence elements. Impregnation and painting will increase the service life of the fence. Working with any workpiece requires the ability to handle it safely. We must not forget that glass elements fragile, require increased caution when working, protection from cuts.

Fences as decorations are not intended for long-term use. Over time, the owners may want to change the design to a more attractive one. Or new ideas and fantasies for decorating the interior garden space will appear. Therefore, it is convenient to use even short-lived materials for the construction of palisades and fences. The most common leftovers:

  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • bricks;
  • glass;
  • stone;
  • rubber;
  • concrete;
  • metal

Some craftsmen create combined structures that have their own flavor and attractiveness. And apart from physical labor they do not require financial costs. Following practicality, it is better to choose workpieces that will be familiar and convenient to work with. The most common type for creating picturesque fences is wood. By properly preparing the structural elements, the structure can be used for up to 10 years. Wood is easy to process and accepts necessary forms. Glass and plastic bottles are the most affordable and convenient for creating quick fencing.

Types of decorative fences from scrap materials

Creating artificial barriers with your own hands from improvised means, which are abundant on the farm, does not require much effort. Main types of decorative fences:

  • flowerbeds;
  • front garden;
  • water bodies;
  • garden;
  • sectional;
  • front doors;
  • zoning;
  • security.

Front gardens are fenced with wooden mini-picket fences. Stone borders, miniature fences, plastic tape. Pre-painted plastic bottles placed around the perimeter of the garden bed look beautiful. Zoning fences can be made in the same style for all zones. Individually selected for each site separately. Decorate with small metal fences garden paths, reservoirs located on the personal plot. The front entrance of the house is decorated with elegant fences that look impressive against the general background of the facade.

Decorative wooden fences

Making a board fence is simple. Thin boards will be required, the dimensions of which are determined by the purpose of the fence. Low hedges are used to separate flowers from lawns and paths. When limiting the access of children and pets, the height is selected from 0.4 m. The configuration of the boards is created from simple triangles crowning the top of a decorative wooden fence to carved complex shapes. The blanks are stuffed onto two crossbars closely or at a certain distance from each other. The finished sections are dug into the prepared trench. You can install posts on which to secure the board fence flush with the ground.

A wooden lattice fence is assembled from slats. First, prepare the outline, and then position the slats and connect them to the base. The structural elements are fastened together with nails and screws. The sections are installed and secured to previously dug supports. It’s even easier to make a wattle fence from tree branches. The best option is willow vine. Prepared branches are laid between hammered wooden poles.


The construction of impressive structures made of stone will require the construction of a reliable foundation. Low stone barriers do not need support. The structural elements are laid end to end and provide shape to flower beds, flower beds, and garden beds. Placed in several rows, they block access for pets and children. For reliability, they are laid on concrete mortar. The most convenient plank stone, conveniently stacked on top of each other. The arrangement of rubble in one layer close to each other is used for fencing beds and decorating garden paths.

You can make zoning with granite of various sizes, dividing ridges. If there is a small pond or spring on the site, then stone is the most suitable decorative element. High granite barriers are reliable external protection of the territory. The construction of a serious system will require skills in preparing concrete mortar, laying stone, and equipping a foundation for the structure. If you set out to create such a fence at home with my own hands, then having studied the construction business, it will not be difficult to erect a structure that will last for decades.


Glass bottles are the most common raw material that almost every home owner has. An artificial fence near a flower bed, fencing garden paths looks very original on the site. Glass bottles the raw material is unpretentious and can withstand all weather disasters. Collecting the required quantity will not be difficult. To increase strength, sand is poured inside. Transparent bottles pre-filled with colored fine gravel look beautiful. A glass fence for garden beds made from bottles will last for many years. The placement technology is simple: dig in with the neck down, halfway up.

Some home designers like a different arrangement. They place the bottles neck up with identical caps. Laying is done in a trench at an angle. This option gives the flowerbed or garden bed a special look.


The simplest improvised means zoning of flower beds - brick. The presence of residues can be used as an artificial fence. To create a flower garden you will have to master simple masonry skills. Landscaping of the territory is carried out using installations such as:

  • "Zigzag";
  • "Chess";
  • "Vertical".

When laying in a zigzag pattern, the material is placed on top of each other with a slope of 45°. To ensure that the elements stand securely, first dig a groove. The bricks are laid in it in a checkerboard pattern, on top of each other with small gaps, which are filled with cement mortar. When laying vertically, one row is placed vertically at a certain distance from each other so that the second row can be laid flat on top. Imagination will help you create original figures from brick. Very often they cover flower beds, forming rhombuses, ovals, square, rectangular shapes.


Most often, plastic bottles are used to create flower bed fences. You can paint the blanks with multi-colored paints. Such a fence will frame the beds in an original way. The shapes are as varied as your imagination allows. First, a groove is dug around the perimeter, half the height of the bottles. Then they are placed close to each other, covered with earth, and compacted. Neck up or down, depends on the preferences of the owner of the site. If you have old ones lying around vinyl records, you can also attach them by placing them around the perimeter of the beds.

The formation of flower beds is also done from sheet plastic. This is useful when you need to stop vegetation spreading by roots. Height plastic sheet selected taking into account the depth at which it needs to be placed.


Old car tires good for arranging small flower beds and flower gardens. Soil is poured into the middle and seedlings are planted. Some gardeners grow strawberries in such improvised beds. Previously, at certain distances, tires cut out holes for planting seedlings. The cameras are then stacked vertically on top of each other. Each tier is filled with earth. The system is stable, so you can place up to 6-8 rubber tubes. After this, the improvised bed is planted with strawberries. The method is convenient when the garden plot is small. The chambers can first be whitewashed with lime and painted.

For high-quality watering, install in the center of the column plastic pipe With drilled holes. If necessary, water is poured into it, which evenly flows to the roots of the plants.


Metal systems are convenient for creating decorative fences. Usually these are small barriers installed for the purpose of zoning and decorating the territory. Working with metal will require certain skills and tools. Electric welding is most often used. First, individual structural elements are prepared, then they are welded together. Such fences are durable and can be installed by driving supporting elements into the ground. It is convenient to use the remains of metal profiles in zoning flower beds.

Many gardeners who grow raspberries and blackberries use them as a limiter on the spread of plant roots. A trench is dug 20-30 cm deep along the perimeter of the berry garden and a metal profile is installed. Then they are covered with earth and compacted. In the future, the roots of raspberries and other vegetation will not be able to spread throughout the garden.


It is not difficult to make artificial concrete fences with your own hands. First of all, it will be necessary to master the technique of preparing the solution and the proportions of its constituent substances. For massive external fences, the foundation is first laid out. A trench is dug and wooden formwork is installed around the perimeter. The created box is filled with the prepared solution. Small concrete fences for flower beds do not require a foundation.

The prepared forms are filled with solution and kept until the required strength is reached. After this, the formwork is dismantled. The resulting volume is filled with earth, plants and flowers are planted. Small flower beds are made from concrete, which are installed at the main entrances to a house or cottage. Common shapes: rhombuses, squares, circles, rectangles, ovals.


Decorative fences made from living plants are very popular among many owners of houses and summer cottages. The main thing is to find the appropriate seedlings the desired type, quantities. These can be trees with a falling crown, densely growing shrubs. Villagers often make living fences out of blackberries. The plant is unpretentious and grows quickly. It spreads by the root system, so you will have to build an underground barrier.

A natural blackberry hedge is the cheapest option for arranging a natural hedge. The main thing is not to start uncontrolled growth. You can create a natural hedge from the following plants:

  • Maiden grapes;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Climbing rose;
  • Schisandra;
  • Ivy.

When choosing a living garden, you need to pay attention to how the plants tolerate pruning. Some, like the juniper, are intolerant of such procedures. Therefore, if you plant these plants, you must give them the opportunity to grow freely.


Gabions are also used in landscaping the local area. To create it yourself, you will need a metal mesh with certain size cells. First, a rigid cage is assembled, which is covered with the available mesh. Gabions are made with an anti-corrosion coating. The cage in the mesh is made depending on the size of the filler.

The system is created by welding individual wires together. Small cylindrical gabions are used as a separate decoration on the site. You can plant plants or assemble a composition from individual elements. The main thing is to have metal welding skills. Gabion filler: rubble, gravel, pebbles, granite. The flower beds arranged in them look good. You can diversify the landscape of the site using small forms, purchasing a ready-made mesh, giving it the desired geometry yourself, and strengthening it with rigid ribs.

DIY decorative fence made of branches

An interesting fence, as a decoration or protection for a personal plot, is a tyn or wicker fence. This type of arrangement has ancient roots. It was a common type of garden in past centuries. It is made from available branches, sticks, and vines. Today's landscape design made decor from branches quite popular. The building is environmentally friendly and natural. This element of Slavic culture has become fashionable today. It can be installed in the garden or protected from access by animals, children and other areas of the yard. The technology is simple: branches cut from bushes are woven into installed supports and stakes.

Preparatory work

Two groups of wicker fence elements are prepared as raw materials: supports and rods. For the former, thick branches with a diameter of 6-8 centimeters are suitable. Can be used metal pipes, wooden pillars. The basic principle is that the higher the supports, the thicker the rods can be used in the weave. The material is prepared from fruit trees, willow, birch. Maple and poplar rods are also suitable. Harvesting is done in the spring, before sap flows from the trees. In dry, hot weather, cutting off the rods in the summer is allowed. The branches are separated at angles in the range of 40-60º. The tyn is woven from freshly cut blanks. Harvesting for future use is allowed, but before use, the rods are soaked in hot water. Wooden supports are treated with impregnation, fired, and tarred. The most optimal pillars are made of larch, which does not rot.

Main works

After preparing the materials, the main work begins. First of all, the pillars are buried. For a fence one meter high, the supports are driven to a depth of at least 0.3 meters. A one and a half meter fence will require deepening of the supports by 0.5 m. When constructing a low tyn, the pillars are dug in at a depth of 0.2 m. The distance between supports is 0.4-0.5 m. The greater thickness of the rods makes it possible to install poles more rarely.

At the edges of both sides of the fence, three pillars are driven in, a distance of 0.20-0.25 m from each other. This is done with the aim of rigidly securing the vine in the initial and final sections. Then the rods are woven in, placing the pieces one by one between the supports. The lower rows of the vine must be secured with wire, buried 10-15 cm into the ground. Subsequent layers of branches are attached with wire around the frame. Weaving begins from the thicker side of the twigs, overlapping the thin ends of the branches.

After going through three or four rows, the vines need to be compacted. This is done by tapping them with a hammer. The panicles at the ends of the vines are pre-cut. If cattails or reeds are used, armfuls of material are placed between the posts. After finishing the work, the fence is decorated with national ornaments and ancient utensils. To increase the service life, the structure is coated with varnish.


Options for creating elegant, practical barriers for various purposes a bunch of. You need to purchase a tool, start learning carpentry and construction, and practice your skills. Selecting available tools to quickly decorate a flower garden will take a couple of minutes. Flower beds can be arranged in concrete containers filled with soil. These flower beds are used to decorate the front entrances, placing them along the perimeter of the porch. Climbing plant species look beautiful and create coolness in hot weather. It is easy to create green walls from them, which during the flowering period are fragrant and amaze with their beauty. On a private plot you can always create exclusive decors, easily dismantled parts of fences. Fences protecting plants from attacks by poultry, animals, and children's pranks.

Summer residents and estate owners are constantly striving to improve local area. A reasonable layout of the site plays an important role in this, and clear delimitation of land using fences helps resolve the zoning issue. You can build a decorative fence with your own hands, using improvised means rather than expensive building materials.

Functions and features of using a decorative fence

First of all, you should decide what purpose the installation of such a fence serves: protection of seedlings and flower beds, zoning of the territory, or purely decorative?

The first function is to divide the area, highlight flower beds and flower beds, and define garden paths. All this can be achieved using a low picket fence.

The second function of decorative fences is to prevent unwanted intrusion into the “sacred” territory of the owner - beds and flower beds. In addition, a clear definition of boundaries is not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.

So, if the area is small, then you can opt for a wicker fence - it looks beautiful, and special costs does not require, is easy to create, since it is made from durable flexible branches.

Advantages of installing decorative fencing yourself

The first advantage of erecting a fence is the originality of the idea, which can be realized using one of the inexpensive materials - wooden slats or branches. In addition, the advantages are:

  • delimitation of space - the entire site will be divided into separate functional zones;
  • safety of vegetation - the first shoots grown with such love can be damaged by carelessness of pets or guests, and the fence, even if low, will save your seedlings;
  • well-groomed - especially for summer residents, whose main hobby is flower beds and flower beds;
  • unity of style - decorative fences that are the same for all zones will emphasize the concept of landscape design.

Types of decorative fences made from scrap materials for cottages and country houses

There are a lot of them, and you can use almost any available material: plastic, brick, wood, stone, rubber.


The most popular material for a decorative fence is a plastic bottle, which we often simply throw away. It can be placed both vertically and horizontally, thanks to which entire compositions can be created on a personal plot.

It is one of the available and practically free building materials. The simplest type of decorative fencing is bottles of mineral water, carbonated drinks or beer buried upside down to the base of the neck.

Perhaps the only thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing this type of fencing is the same shape of the bottles. But you can choose the color yourself.

Advice: in order for such a fence not to be blown away by the first strong wind, the bottles must be filled with any bulk material- sand, small gravel, earth.

Besides plastic bottles you can delimit the direction of garden paths.


This “building material” is considered the second most accessible. And all because old car tires are used as fencing!

They will look good as borders for flower beds - whitewashed, painted, painted. And if you have a lot of tires, you can use them to build a real high fence for your local area.

The advantage of such fences is their durability, moisture and frost resistance, accessibility and the ability to be used as a “green fence”. However, if there are not so many tires, then instead of a whole fence you can make separate flower beds or even beds.

Advice: the lower crowns should be tightly packed with soil so that the fence does not sag or fall to one side over time.

Wood: picket fence, fence

For the manufacture of wooden fence It is not necessary to purchase lumber; it is enough to use boards, slats and even branches that are on hand.

Advice: the tree is destroyed faster than plastic, therefore, before installing the fence, you need to coat the wood with a special antiseptic against rot and insect pests. The treatment can also be done with hot bitumen, covering the part of the tree that will be buried in the ground.

In addition to a decorative picket fence, you can make a fence from slats, simulating a mesh or decorative hedge with your own hands, for example, from a grapevine.


It is another inexpensive material for building a fence. If brick and its fragments remain after construction, then the problem with fencing the flower bed area will be solved.

Tip: A flower bed laid diagonally with bricks looks best.

However, such a fence serves only as a decorative fence - it cannot provide protection against intrusion by domestic animals.


Glass bottles can also be used as decorative fencing for flower beds and flower beds. It looks neat, doesn’t require any special expenses, and will last longer than plastic and rubber.


Fences made of natural stone, such as granite, fit into any landscape design because the material itself is natural. Pieces of material can be laid out in flower beds, to mark garden paths with them, in addition, the path itself is laid out with it, which creates a unity of design style.

Advice: to increase its performance characteristics, a stone fence should be fastened with cement mortar, and luminescent paint should be used as decoration, with the help of which an ordinary fence will turn into a luminous one after dark. This idea will be an excellent solution for decorating borders along garden paths.

Among the advantages of stone fencing, it is worth noting the possibility of erecting a fence absolutely different heights, the strength of the fence and the durability of the structure.


For those who have a welding machine in their working arsenal, building metal fences on the site will not be difficult. You can weld scraps of pipe or reinforcing rod onto a pre-prepared frame. True, this option cannot be classified as a budget option; here you will have to fork out for cooking material and high-quality fasteners so that the fence lasts a long time.

There is also a more budget-friendly option for a metal fence - a DIY decorative wire fence.

In addition to the above fences, you can also use a hedge - the bush grows quickly, serves as a decorative decoration, and fencing the area from the curious glances of passers-by.

DIY decorative fence made of branches

You can make a decorative fence with your own hands from scrap materials in several stages.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work includes several stages, which should be considered step by step.

Main works

Before making the fence itself, you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • hand drill;
  • wire for fastening;
  • small carnations;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • willow branches;
  • pruner;
  • supporting material (fittings, pieces of metal pipes, wooden beams or even thick branches).

Now you can begin the actual construction of the fence:

  1. Installation of support pillars. Pegs are installed in the dug trench (you can use a hand drill to deepen it). The step between them will depend on the height of the fence. So, for small fences for a flower bed or flower garden, a fence 0.5 m high is sufficient. Therefore, the distance between the supports should be at least 0.5 m.
  2. After the reinforcement has been dug in, you should begin weaving the fence. To strengthen the structure with the first rod, you can stretch a wire between the supports. It can also serve as a guide for young rods. The first row must be fixed with the ends of the wire.
  3. Subsequent rows are woven in the same way. It is important to remember that they must go in a checkerboard pattern. And, of course, to strengthen the weaving, you can periodically pass a thin wire through.
  4. At the end of the process, it is recommended to fix the ends of the rods using the same wire or nails (if wooden beams were used as supporting elements).

Video: instructions for making your own fence from a grapevine

"Store" options

If the budget allows, then available materials can be replaced with purchased ones. Thus, construction and garden supply stores sell various decorative fencing, which can easily be assembled on site yourself.

Fence made of plastic elements

  • availability of ready-made parts and ease of installation;
  • the ability to build fences both on a flat surface and on a site with a slope;
  • flexibility of elements, variety of shapes, colors and the ability to imitate any natural material (stone, wood, brick);
  • light weight, allowing you to easily carry parts around the site.
  • it is impossible to manufacture individual elements yourself, so everything will have to be purchased at the store;
  • if some parts are damaged, they will also need to be replaced with custom ones in order to maintain the unity of the design;
  • poor frost resistance - at low temperatures the plastic is destroyed, but this can be avoided by removing the decorative fencing in the barn for the winter until spring.

Fence made of polymer products

These are polycarbonate sheets attached to a metal frame.

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • variety of sizes and colors;
  • high quality material.
  • high cost.

Concrete fence

Decorative concrete fencing is very popular today and fits any style in which the house and outbuildings on the site are decorated.

  • durability, strength;
  • variety of shapes, types of products;
  • Possibility of painting in any color, decoration in any style.
  • high price.

Despite the so-called budget, decorative fences made with your own hands will also require some care (stone and brick structures are not considered).

Yes, a fence from car tires It is necessary to restore it once every year or two - remove the old peeling paint and cover the rubber with new one in order to extend the service life of the fence for several more years.

If your fence is made of picket fence, then the wood, just like rubber, needs additional care, namely:

  • timely treatment with antiseptic compounds that protect wood from insect pests;
  • new painting of the fence.

To extend the life of wire or other metal fence paintwork needs repair. This means that it will have to be sanded and degreased before applying new paint. In addition, as you know, any surface cleaned of old coating “grabs” new layers of paint much better (and faster).

As for the hedge, everything is clear. Timely watering, pruning and crown formation will help to grow a real “green fence” on the site.

The methods discussed above for constructing decorative fences for country and garden areas are budget-friendly. Owners of private houses, as a rule, whenever possible, purchase ready-made decorative fences that simply need to be assembled on site. However, it is worth remembering that a purchased factory product will not replace the original designer one.

If the time has come to change the fencing of the site, or there is a need to fence a new territory, then the question immediately arises of how to install a fence with your own hands, without resorting to the help of various construction companies. This is especially true if the owner of the site is limited in funds.

Will it be possible to carry out this process independently? It all depends on the type of fence and the material from which it is planned to be built. But it’s immediately clear that in order to build a fence for a site made of brick, concrete or concrete slabs, it is necessary to do quite labor-intensive work, so at least one assistant will be needed.

What to consider?

Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages various types fencing, you will be able to assess your strengths and decide what material to build the fence from.

When choosing the type of fencing, you need to think about how the color and textured pattern of the fence will fit into the design of its entire site, if it is decorated in the same style.

Another criterion that needs to be taken into account is the openness and closedness of the fence, i.e. will it be solid or have a through pattern.

If you want to isolate yourself from the outside world so that your rest or work on the site is not disturbed by strangers, including neighbors, then it is better to install a continuous fence.

An area open to the gaze of passers-by is suitable for those owners who want to show everyone what a beautiful house they have or wonderful flower beds, as well as sociable people who cannot imagine their life in a space completely enclosed by a fence.

If the fence is being installed on a new site, and it is planned to build it from concrete, then it would be a good idea to check how deep the groundwater lies underground. Otherwise, there is a risk that in a couple of years the structure will sag and become distorted.

Another important point is the cost of materials. It must be calculated by finding out the prices in advance, drawing total amount, another 15% is usually added to it. This is because, as a rule, it is impossible to provide for everything perfectly, and in the process of work you will definitely have to purchase any missing components.

So, first you need to familiarize yourself with the types of fences and the rules for their installation.

Concrete fence

A concrete fence can easily be called the most practical and reliable construction of all other types, but only if it is installed correctly.

A concrete fence is not just “boring” gray walls

This type of fencing has several types, since thanks to modern technologies and developments in last years fences began to be produced and installed, which in themselves are already decorative elements decorating the territory of the site.

A variety of types, colors and textured patterns allows you to choose an option that will perfectly match the style of the already constructed house structure.

Reinforced concrete fences have a lot of positive qualities, which is why they are increasingly preferred to other fences. These advantages include:

  • Durability and strength of the material in a properly installed structure.
  • On level ground concrete surface Any finishing material fits perfectly, be it decorative plaster or decorative tiles.
  • If a monolithic fence is being erected, it can be raised to any height without gaps or joints.
  • If you choose a fence consisting of individual narrow slabs, then its installation is carried out quite quickly - the entire structure can be erected literally in one day.
  • Concrete construction is the most economical of all other permanent fences.

However, such fences, along with positive, also have negative aspects:

Concrete structures are quite heavy, so they cannot be installed on loose or granular soils, or they will require special reinforcement during installation.

Installation concrete fence- much more expensive than fences made of lumber or corrugated sheets.

When installing a fence consisting of separate sections, it is often impossible to do without special equipment for lifting and installing them, the call of which is also expensive.

If you are installing a monolithic concrete fence, then you will definitely need a concrete mixer, since you will need a very large amount of solution, which is simply impossible to make by hand.

For all concrete fences without exception, a reliable foundation is required.

From all that has been said, we can come to the conclusion that the construction of a concrete fence is quite a troublesome and expensive undertaking, but such a structure will last for many decades without special care, so this choice can be considered very practical.

Foundation for concrete fencing

Since you can’t do without a foundation for a concrete structure, you need to know what work will have to be done to build it.

A concrete fence is installed on, which is poured into next sequence:

  • The first step is to mark the area for further trench digging.

When marking, it is taken into account that the width of the foundation strip should be 100 ÷ 150 mm greater than the thickness of the fence. The depth of the trench to be torn off should be 800 ÷ 1000 mm.

  • Next, moistened sand is poured into the bottom of the trench, which must be thoroughly compacted. The layer of sand cushion should be 120 ÷ 150 mm compacted.
  • A polyethylene film is laid over the sand, which will serve to protect the foundation from the effects of ground moisture. The film should come out of the trench by 500 ÷ 700 mm, since formwork will be erected further along the pit to raise the foundation above the soil surface by 200 ÷ 400 mm.
  • A layer of gravel is poured onto the film - 100 ÷ 150 mm is enough.

  • A reinforcement structure is installed on the gravel, which will add strength to the foundation.
  • After marking the distance between the fence posts, pipes or a reinforcement truss are welded to the reinforcement - this will serve as a support for the further construction of the posts.

  • Next, wooden formwork is placed along the trench. Polyethylene film, left inside it and later brought outward by the edges of the upper boards. The film will not allow concrete to leak into the cracks between the boards, and thus the moisture will not evaporate too quickly, and the concrete solution will evenly gain the required strength.

  • Then the trench is filled with concrete mortar made from gravel-sand mixture and cement, in a 3:1 ratio.
  • If the fence will enclose a large area, then it is best to order concrete from finished form, since kneading it yourself a large number of the solution is quite difficult, given that the foundation must be poured at once, completely from the bottom to the top of the formwork. Otherwise, unnecessary gaps may remain between the layers, and if water gets into them and the temperature drops, the foundation may be damaged.
  • The surface of the poured concrete is leveled and left to harden and harden.
  • Typically, intersection columns are made of brick, but they can also be made of concrete. To do this, a corresponding formwork from boards is built around the reinforcement structure or pipe, which is also filled with concrete.
  • If the fence sections consist of several prefabricated elements, then special ones with side grooves are used for their installation, into which decorative plates are then inserted.

It should be noted that if this fence option is chosen, then it can be arranged by carefully marking the distance between the posts. However, after installation, the pillars must be tied together with a border. It is poured in the same way as with a strip foundation; it is also strengthened with reinforcement, but is buried only 200 ÷ 250 mm.

Types of concrete fences

Various types of concrete fences can be installed on a finished foundation. Thus, concrete fences are divided into monolithic, block, prefabricated and type-setting types, as well as self-standing ones.

Stacked fences

Prefabricated fences consist of several sections, which are installed in turn into the grooves of already vertically aligned posts. Typically, fences of this type have several sections, the upper of which differs from the lower in that they are decorated with decorative elements in the form of balusters or relief designs.

Decorative stacked concrete fence with an “openwork” top section

Such fences are installed on strip foundations, which will raise them above the soil to the required height, or on a columnar foundation with curbs installed between the posts.

Prefabricated fence

A prefabricated fence consists of individual elements from which sections of the same shape are assembled. The number of elements in each section can vary, usually from three to five - it depends on what height of the fence is required. Sometimes they purchase sections of different color range or having various relief patterns - this to some extent helps to make the fences more picturesque and less boring.

The foundation for a prefabricated fence can be either strip or columnar.

Block fences

This type of fence is made of concrete (foam concrete or aerated concrete) blocks, which have the shape of large bricks, and, accordingly, are laid according to the principle of brickwork. However, very often in construction they can additionally be used decorative elements, which are of the appropriate size and fit perfectly into the overall block structure.

Elements intended for the construction of columns, for example, are placed on support pillars embedded in the foundation.

All elements are laid on cement mortar, resulting in a durable structure.

Just like brick, block masonry requires special skill. It is not as easy as it seems to build a smooth wall from relatively small-sized elements. That's why , doing work, you need to keep a building level at hand and control the verticality of the fence in a plumb line.

Often such a fence made of ordinary blocks will require decorative finishing with plaster or tiling.

Such a fence will always cost more than a conventional sectional fence made of reinforced concrete, since in addition to the material itself, one must take into account the considerable cost of masonry work and final finishing.

Fencing made of monolithic slabs

Monolithic slabs are easy to install because the entire length of the fence can be installed on a prepared foundation in just one day. For the construction of pillars, elements that are designed for block type fences are often used. Can .

If ordinary smooth concrete slabs are used for fencing, then in order for the fence to acquire an aesthetic appearance, it is decorated with decorative plaster in combination with artificial or natural stone.

You can purchase already decorated slabs, but they will be much more expensive. In addition, they may be damaged during transportation or unloading, which means they will have to be repaired later.

Self fence

This type of fencing is most often used for temporary installation on the territory of various objects under construction, since they do not require the construction of a foundation for them. Sections of such a fence are perfectly installed on a wide lower part. Once the need for fencing has passed, the sections are dismantled, loaded onto transport and transported to the next facility.

In the practice of individual construction, despite the ease of installation, such fences are usually not used.

Brick fence

A brick fence has a very respectable appearance, and it looks especially harmonious if the house located on the site is also built of brick.

The process of erecting such a fence requires great experience in such work, just as it may seem to an amateur’s eye that bricklaying is a simple and accessible task for anyone. In fact, every master has his own secrets that allow him to make the fence neat and durable.

The foundation for such a fence is arranged in the same way as for a concrete fence, because in general the entire structure turns out to be quite massive.

Brick fences can be completely closed, or the masonry can be combined with other elements, for example, with gratings. In the latter case, the entire area will be visible, and the fence will only protect against unwanted guests entering the territory, but will not close the territory from prying eyes.

Brick fencing has its advantages, as well as disadvantages, which you need to know about before choosing this option.

Advantages of a brick fence:

  1. Properly folded brick fence It is characterized by strength and durability, and should last at least five to six decades without problems. And if after this period a competent restoration is carried out, the fence will last the same amount of time.
  2. Such fences have a very aesthetic, neat appearance.
  3. A brick fence does not require special care in the form of painting or cleaning, which saves time and effort for site owners.

Disadvantages of brick fencing

  1. The complexity and duration of construction, especially without the proper experience.
  2. Enough high price materials and the complexity of their delivery.
  3. Such a fence requires the construction of a reliable continuous strip foundation.

To lay a fence, you need to purchase fireclay bricks - only in this case the fence will not require additional cladding. If using a regular building brick, the masonry will most often not be very beautiful, without clearly defined corners and edges. The laying must be done with jointing, carefully shaping the seams, otherwise the entire appearance of the fence will be ruined.

Laying process

In order for the fence to be strong and have a respectable appearance, the masonry must be carried out immediately along the entire length of the fence. And the work must be done consistently.

Fence walls can be laid in half a brick or in one brick.

Laying a fence “in brick”
  • Before laying the walls, a thin strip is stretched between the pillars. rope, which is aligned horizontally. This will help make the rows of masonry perfectly even, since the first row sets the evenness of the rest of the masonry.
  • The first step is to lay out the first three rows in columns.
  • The columns are laid out around supports embedded in the foundation, which are pipes or reinforcing trusses.

  • Then follows the laying of bricks in the walls of the fence to the same height. Further, it is necessary to take into account the necessary connection of the pillars with the walls laid out in the spans between the pillars. This is carried out using pieces of reinforcement, which are laid on top of the third row on columns and wall spans. Usually two pieces of reinforcement are laid on both sides of the pole. In this case, the laid out walls must have at least 500 ÷ 700 mm of reinforcement.

  • You can also use reinforcing mesh for the bundle - it is laid in the same way as pieces of reinforcement.
  • The mentioned connecting parts are always laid (recessed) on a concrete solution previously applied to the surface.
  • The reinforcement procedure is repeated every three rows.
  • Starting from the seventh row, the laying of columns and walls is carried out simultaneously.
  • You can carry out the connection in another way, when first all the columns are raised completely, and then the walls.

In this case, you will have to drill holes in the walls of the pillars to install reinforcing sections in them. Agree that this method is longer and more labor-intensive. In addition, when drilling, you can accidentally damage the integrity of the brick pillars.

  • The easiest way to ensure that the masonry seams have the same thickness throughout their entire length is to use metal wire with a diameter of 8-10 mm, the rods of which are laid along the edges of the masonry wall on both sides. These elements can remain in the masonry, but then a large amount of wire will be needed. It is better to remove them after the solution has set and continue to use them in the same way. The photo clearly shows the segments that fix the thickness of the seams.

So, for example, you can prepare ten segments of the required length, which will be equal to the length of the span between the pillars.

Then five rows are laid using wire. After this, from the very bottom seam the wire is carefully pulled out and used already in the sixth row (by this time the mortar in the masonry should already set, and subsidence will not follow). So gradually the segments are transferred from below to the upper rows.

After raising 4 ÷ 5 rows of masonry, while the mortar has not yet set strongly, after pulling out the metal rods, it is recommended to immediately do decorative jointing. If necessary, mortar is added to the seams, and excess concrete that gets on brick wall, is immediately deleted.

Processing seams with “joint jointing”
  • To ensure that the fence remains in its original form as long as possible, after the concrete has dried and gained the necessary strength, the brick surface, cleared of dirt and dust, is covered with waterproofing impregnation. It penetrates deep and protects it from moisture, giving the material pronounced hydrophobic qualities.

The surface is covered with a roller, and after drying it becomes visually invisible. When it rains, drops of water will immediately flow down the wall without being absorbed into the brick or seams.

You should not take on the job of building a brick fence yourself if you have no experience in laying bricks. You will never get a perfectly beautiful and even wall the first time. It is better to trust an experienced mason who has erected similar fences more than once - he will do his job much better and faster than a beginner.

Prices for construction and facing bricks

Construction and facing bricks

Video - Laying a red brick fence

Wooden fences

Having prepared all the elements and tools, you can proceed to the process of erecting the fence. Installation work is carried out in stages:

  1. As with the construction of any fence, the territory is first marked. Along the marked line to determine the location of the support pillars.
  2. Installation of pillars can be done in two ways:

- Driving into the ground. When choosing this method of installing supports, the pipe must be driven to a depth of at least 1 ÷ 1.20 m;

— . In this case, the pillars can be installed at a shallower depth - usually ⅓ of the pillar height is enough, which will remain above the soil surface. With this technology, before installing the pillars, it will be necessary to drill holes with a diameter exceeding the diameter tr pipe 3 ÷ 4 times. A sand cushion is poured onto the bottom of the pit, which must be well compacted, and in the compacted state its thickness should be at least 100 ÷ 120 mm.

At the bottom of the column, in two or three places, pieces of reinforcement are welded perpendicularly, protruding beyond the boundaries of the column in both directions by 70 ÷ 80 mm.

After the column is installed in the hole, a rough concrete solution with crushed stone.

Then the column is set strictly vertically and fixed with stones, which are firmly installed in the concrete solution, in the space between the column and the ground.

Having installed all the pillars in this way, they are left to set for several days.

  • Next, transverse crossbars are welded onto the installed posts. They also need to be installed level, aligned to the ideal horizontal.
  • The next stage is the installation of corrugated sheeting. Sheets can be secured to the joists using rivets or self-tapping screws, which are matched by color. In any case, you will have to drill holes in the sheet and the welded crossbar for fastening elements.

Special “roofing” screws for fastening corrugated sheets
  • Fastenings are made into the lower part of the corrugated sheet wave, at a distance from each other of approximately 500 mm.

Installation of the fence goes quite quickly, especially if there is a skilled assistant nearby. It is quite possible to cope with this work even in one day, of course, with the support pillars already installed.

Find out by studying the step-by-step instructions for a home craftsman in our article.

Prices for popular types of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet

Video: self-installation of a fence from corrugated sheets

Other types of fences

In addition to those mentioned, ready-made fence sections are installed from galvanized metal rods, which have a protective PVC coating. This fencing option is installed in the same way as corrugated sheeting - on support posts, however, there are models that have their own special stands. Fences with supports do not require the installation of posts - it is enough to prepare a flat surface covered with fine crushed stone. The frames of such fences are fastened together.

The fencing sections have sharp upper edges, therefore, despite the external lightness of the structure and her not too high, it is not so easy to overcome such a fence.

This type of fencing is quite durable and should last 25-30 years.

Another option for a “budget” fence is one stretched over established metal poles, for rigidity, interconnected by metal rods. It is better to install the chain-link with helpers, since the mesh requires stretching and immediate fastening.

For its installation, posts are used that have special welded hooks, which, immediately after putting the mesh on them, are nailed to the support post.

Such a fence is usually installed on summer cottages or on the border between adjacent territories.

Video - The simplest fence from mesh

When planning to install a fence yourself, you must first assess your own strengths, skills and financial capabilities. Don't take on difficult work, such as fixing bricks, in the absence of experience and sufficient knowledge. Effort, time and money may be wasted, and an ineptly erected fence will have to be dismantled and another fence installed.

Often a fence for summer cottage a temporary one is being erected for the subsequent construction of a more substantial structure. And often there is simply not enough money for a good fence, so we are looking for the best option cheap fence for the dacha.

To make the fence very inexpensive, we will build it with our own hands. Before installing the type of fence you have chosen, be sure to inquire about the technology of its installation and consult with a specialist.

Cheap fence for a summer residence, options

The price of the fence is affected by the size of the structure and the material from which it will be made. Accordingly, a high fence is more expensive than a low one, and a solid fence is more expensive than a transparent one. A structure that is attached to dug-in or concreted pillars will be cheaper than a fence mounted on a strip foundation.

Wooden picket fence - the most budget option

From such inexpensive material you can make a very beautiful and original fence for your dacha. An example of this is a photo of finished fences.

This is a very popular material for country fences. A picket fence is wood planks with a thickness of 18 to 22 mm and a width of 7 to 14 cm.

The height of a picket fence can be from 1.2 to 4 meters. To fasten this material, horizontal beams-purlins are used, fixed on oak, metal or concrete posts.

The approximate price of a picket fence is 700 rubles/sq.m. The final cost of the fence largely depends on the installation option chosen. For example, installing a picket fence in a checkerboard or herringbone pattern increases the price of the structure by 15-20%. Strip foundation instead of simply driving posts into the ground, it adds 20-25% to the cost.

Fences made of thin wicker boards and blockhouses are more expensive (from 1000 rubles/sq.m.). A fence made of wicker boards attracts attention with its original appearance, and a fence made from a blockhouse wins the hearts of summer residents with the quality of its wooden frame.

The "Ranch" fence style came to us from the Wild West. For its construction, wide horizontal boards or beams are used, which secure low wooden pillars. The disadvantage of such a fence is that it does not protect the area from entry by unauthorized persons and even small animals. It is understandable, since this fence was created for a vast area of ​​pasture. But installing it does not take much time. And in terms of the cost of materials and labor, such a fence is comparable to the price of a picket fence.

Wattle fence for fencing a summer cottage

Fans like this type of fencing made from hazel or willow branches. rustic style. It is original, quite strong and durable. If you really want to, you can master the technique of weaving branches with your own hands in a matter of hours. If you don’t have time to do manual creativity, then you will have to pay from 500 rubles per 1 square meter for the manufacture and installation of a fence.

We advise anyone who is interested in building a cheap fence for their dacha to pay attention to unedged boards. By freeing it from the bark, sanding it and varnishing it, you can get a beautiful fence for your summer cottage at a minimal price (about 550 rubles/sq.m.).

Regarding the durability of wooden fences... The service life of wood treated in an autoclave increases to 30 years. The service life of an ordinary, painted board does not exceed 15 years.

Fence for a summer residence made of chain-link mesh

The cheapest fence can be built from chain-link mesh. It is released in different options height (1.0-3.0 meters), length 10-18 meters and cell size 20-100 mm. To protect the wire from corrosion, galvanizing and polymer coating are used.

You can install such a fence by rolling out the mesh and fixing it to metal or concrete pillars. The second option is the production of mesh sections, that is, frames from corners or pipes and their installation on poles.

The service life of mesh fencing reaches 30 years. Such fences do not shade the area and at the same time are reliable, as they create a serious barrier for uninvited guests.

The average price of 1 square meter of turnkey chain-link fence is 180-240 rubles.

Fence for a dacha made of Euro picket fence

Popularity of fences from wooden picket fence inspired stamped metal manufacturers to create something similar. The end result is very aesthetic and durable material.

In terms of service life, wood cannot be compared with it. In addition, fencing made from Euro picket fences does not require periodic painting or antiseptic treatment. The protective polymer film used to cover galvanized steel retains its color and integrity for 25-30 years.

Installation of a European picket fence, taking into account the price of materials and labor, starts from 800 rubles per 1 sq.m.

Country fence made of corrugated sheets

Today it is the leader in dacha fencing. This is a solid fence. His affordable price allows any summer resident to use it to fence his plot. Not a single living soul can penetrate such a fence. Installing a corrugated fence is simple and therefore inexpensive. To this we can add a huge selection of colors and textured patterns of corrugated sheets.

  • Use corrugated sheeting with a thickness of 0.5 mm. It is not much more expensive than 0.4 mm thick flooring, but it will not become dented and will not lose its attractiveness.
  • The support spacing should be no more than 2-2.5 meters, ideally 1.5 meters. And if you take the distance between the supports to be 3 m, then under the influence of wind loads, the fence canvas will begin to bend and may lose its original appearance.
  • Dig the support pipes to a depth of at least 1.5 meters and be sure to concrete them.
  • The fence posts must be made of 60-80 mm pipe, with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm.
  • Take corrugated sheeting with a double-sided polymer coating, since galvanized decking (without painting) becomes stained after two years, loses its shine and may begin to corrode.

Slate fence for a summer house

To install such a blind fence, both flat and corrugated asbestos-cement slate are used. The first one is stronger because it is thicker.

Installation of large-format flat slate (1.5 x 3 meters) is faster than installation of smaller wavy slate (1.75 x 1.125 m). The slate is placed on steel profile purlins welded or bolted to metal posts.

A slate fence has high strength, as well as heat and frost resistance. It is more durable than wood and is not afraid of corrosion like metal. However, this material has a significant drawback - it is fragile and inconspicuous in appearance. And if nothing can be done about the first disadvantage, then the second can be easily corrected - paint the slate.

Result: the cheapest fence for a dacha is a fence made of chain-link mesh (200 rubles/sq.m.), the second place in price is fences made of welded mesh, wooden picket fence and unedged boards(450-600 rubles/sq.m.), third place in our ranking we give to fences made of corrugated board, slate, blockhouse and edged boards(700-1000 rub./sq.m.).

Fence posts

When building a fence, much attention is paid to the installation of pillars - the supporting part of the fence. And the more securely they are installed, the stronger the fence will be, which means it will last longer.

Installation of fence posts

During construction, 3 methods of installing support pillars are used.

  • Direct driving into the ground
  • Partial concreting. It is performed in two ways: pouring a concrete collar, or filling the well below the freezing line of the soil.
  • Complete concrete pouring of the underground part of the rack, including the installation of a strip foundation

Which method to choose depends on the quality of the soil on the site, its saturation with moisture and the degree of freezing. Also, the choice of installation option is influenced by vertical and lateral loads created by the weight of the structure and its windage. If you decide to install a solid fence, then it must withstand the wind well, the load from which often exceeds the weight of the fence.

Direct driving of pillars into the ground speeds up and reduces the cost of building a fence, but it also has many disadvantages.

  • If the soil is soft or loose, then the stand may become loose over time under the influence of the wind, since fences have a large windage (if made of corrugated sheets, polycarbonate, boards).
  • If the height of the pillar is planned to be higher than 2 meters, even from a chain-link mesh, then this method of installing pillars will also not work - any strong wind will also rock the structure.
  • If your site has clayey, moist soil that swells at subzero temperatures, then the supports will come out of the soil by 10 centimeters in the first winter.

That is, fence posts simply driven into the ground cannot bear a large weight load. This installation is only suitable for low fences with little windage. Or if the site has rocky hard soil.

Concreting a little more complicated and more expensive than the first method of attaching fence supports. Yes, and it will take more time. Only the hardening of the concrete will take 3 weeks. But this method is more reliable, since concrete pillars will last 30-50 years without tilting. Moreover, reinforcement with concrete mixture is suitable for all types of fences, including heavy ones.

Brick fence posts

A brick support without a reliable connection to the foundation, even despite its considerable weight, will not stand for long. A strong wind load, acting on solid sections of the fence, inevitably leads to the overturning of a post that is not secured in the foundation. In addition, do not forget about seasonal soil movements. Lowering and rising a couple of centimeters up and down throughout the year, the foundation must work in unison with the posts and sections of the fence.

The optimal design of a foundation with brick pillars designed for a fence made of corrugated board is clearly illustrated by the diagram in the photo

You see that the brick columns have a steel rod made of square pipe or reinforcement cage. Embedded plates are welded to it. Steel purlins for corrugated sheets or picket fences are attached to them.

Foundation type – strip rubble concrete or concrete. A trench is dug under it, and holes with a diameter of 15-20 cm are drilled in the places where the pillars are installed. First, the concrete is poured into the wells with the pillar racks installed in them. After this, layer-by-layer concreting of the trench begins.

The main parameters of the foundation (depth, width, degree of reinforcement) and the height of the fence are determined by calculating strength and stability.

We used the following dimensions to install brick fence posts:

  • trench depth – 20-30 cm;
  • well depth for installation metal racks brick pillars, counting from the surface of the earth - 90-100 cm;
  • height of the grillage (the upper part of the foundation located above the ground surface) – 40-60 cm;
  • foundation width – 20-35 cm;
  • the distance between the pillars is from 2.5 to 3 meters;
  • height of pillars from 150 to 180 cm ( cross section masonry 38x38 cm).

In wet soils, you need to drill holes for posts below the freezing depth so that the forces of frost heaving do not deform the fence.

In weak and unstable soils in the upper part of the foundation, before concreting it, it is advisable to lay a reinforcement cage of 4-6 rods with a diameter of 14-18 mm. It will maintain the integrity of the foundation and absorb the loads that arise in the concrete during soil subsidence.

Laying brick pillars begins no earlier than 2-3 weeks after concreting. Having laid waterproofing under the posts, you can begin to work.

Perfectly straight seams guarantee an excellent appearance brick pillars. To simplify the work, experienced masons use pieces of a square rod, which serves as a seam template.

In the photo there is a support pillar made of brick with a cross section of 38 x 38 cm. Two reinforcing bars are installed inside for reinforcement. The space between them and the masonry is filled with fine-grained concrete or mortar.

For fences with a height of two meters or more, the cross-sectional size of the post is increased to 51 x 63 cm or 64 x 77 cm. The dimensions of the reinforcing frame increase accordingly.

Metal fence posts

Steel supports are well suited for fences made of corrugated board, wood, plastic, metal mesh, welded and forged fences. These are one of the most affordable and durable solutions when installing any fence.

There are iron pillars different types: made of round and profile pipes, screw. They also differ in height, metal thickness and diameter. You can make such fence supports from new materials, as well as from used ones.

The diameter of a pole made from a regular pipe is usually 57, 76, 89 mm. The wall thickness can be any, but the thicker, the longer its service life.

For difficult soils, screw metal piles are used. On the lower part they have a cutting blade, which allows you to insert the pipe into the soil quickly, without the use of complex equipment. With the help of this blade the pipe is held firmly in the ground.

Distance between fence posts

When selecting metal poles, take into account our experience:

  • for a fence height of 2-2.5 meters, take a profile pipe cross-section of 60 x 40 mm; for a 1.5-meter fence, products measuring 40 x 40 mm are suitable,
  • the optimal diameter of a round pipe is 57 mm,
  • take the maximum size of channel corners installed individually to be 90 and 160 mm, respectively,
  • the interval between pillars should be within 2-3 meters. A smaller distance is impractical from an economic point of view, but a larger distance sharply reduces the reliability of the structure.

Our calculation of the column spacing for a plot length of 13.4 meters and a fence height of 1.5 meters

  • Divide this distance into 4 sections, you get a length of 3.23 meters. With this spacing, the fence can be built from brick or chain-link mesh on metal posts. It is not advisable to install corrugated sheets or other solid material, as the racks will be loosened by the wind.
  • If divided into 5 sections, you get a step of 2.56 meters. This spacing is suitable for most designs.
  • Dividing it into 6 spans will give a distance between pillars of 2.12 meters. It will work out reliable construction, but the price of the fence will increase. Although in this case you can save money if you take pillars with a smaller cross-section.

The optimal distance between the posts of a solid fence 2 meters high is 2.5 meters. This perfect option in terms of price/quality ratio when it comes to popular fencing made of corrugated sheets on metal supports.

Often among questions about dacha fencing, the fence between dachas is considered. Neighbors in the areas find out what kind of fence they can fence off with so that it does not contradict the rules. How high can a fence be installed and what should it be made of? The best option in this case is to use fencing mesh. Or make a decorative living fence from climbing plants. The main thing is not to forget that there should not be a deep shadow from the fence, which naturally will not be liked by neighbors in the country, since garden crops will not grow well in this place.


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