How to grow bergenia correctly: properties, planting, care and reproduction. Bergenia: planting, care, reproduction, diseases and pests

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Chigir tea, Mongolian tea, bergenia, bergenia - all these names belong to the same plant. A herbaceous rhizomatous perennial, in rare cases an annual, whose homeland is Altai, can very often be found in a gardener’s collection. It belongs to the saxifrage family, so named because of the habitat of these plants - they grow on rocky substrates, settling in cracks between stones, thereby destroying them over time.

Bergenia leaves are large, green, shiny, gathered at the root into a beautiful rosette and resemble the ears of an elephant in their shape - that is why the plant received another name, “elephant ears”. In autumn, due to the accumulation of sugars in the tissues, the leaves turn red.

Bergenia is beautiful during flowering - white, red or pink corolla flowers up to 2 cm in size each are collected in corymbose inflorescences located on long peduncles. There are up to 120 of them in one inflorescence.

Bergenia is famous not only for its beauty and unpretentiousness, but also for its medicinal properties.

Varieties, varieties of bergenia and photographs of flowers

There are a total of 10 known types of bergenia growing in wildlife. Based on them, many decorative varieties. Only three types of plants are popular among gardeners:

  • thick-leaved;
  • Pacific;
  • cordifolia.

- a beautiful herbaceous perennial, reaching 50 cm in height. Its habitat in the wild is cliffs and rocky slopes. The flowers in inflorescences are painted in a rich dark pink color and emit a pleasant aroma. The flowering period begins some time after the snow melts and lasts about a month. The leaves are large, thick, leathery, heart-shaped or rounded, dark green, changing their color to crimson-red in autumn. It grows very slowly.

– herbaceous perennial with thick aboveground rhizomes. Single stems up to 40 cm high end in lush inflorescences. The flowers are lilac, bright, bell-like. The flowering period begins in May and ends at the end of June. The leaves are up to 20 cm in diameter, oval, dense, grow at the very root, green in summer and red in autumn. In the wild it grows among stones and bushes, forming dense thickets.

- a perennial that overwinters under the snow, up to 40 cm high. The dark green leaves are dense, rough, heart-shaped - that’s why the plant species got its name. The flowering period begins in May and lasts about 20 days. Small flowers, lilac or pink, are collected in dense racemose inflorescences. Sometimes there are varieties that produce white or lavender flowers.

Choosing a place to plant bergenia

Bergenia is a plant that is resistant to low temperatures and winters quietly in the Siberian winter. But there are also varieties that are sensitive to temperature changes - European ones. They are planted in those places in the garden where cold air is least likely to accumulate.

To plant a perennial in the garden, choose a shaded place, since bergenia is shade-tolerant, and under the scorching rays of the sun it lives poorly - it does not want to grow and looks depressed. But also in full shade It is not advisable to plant the plant - the bergenia may stop blooming. The ideal place is a slightly shaded rocky area on the north-eastern, north-western or northern side of the site.

Bergenia is planted in July or August

Bergenia is planted in open ground at the end of July or beginning of August. Any soil will do - the main thing is that there is enough good drainage, since bergenia does not tolerate excess and stagnation of moisture. In nature, the plant settles in poor soils, so it is advisable to try to create similar ones in the garden. Mix sand, gravel, turf soil in a ratio of 2:2:1 - and the soil for bergenia is ready. If the soil on the site is loamy, then crushed stone and sand are added to it.

Holes for bushes are made at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other so that the rhizomes of each plant can develop freely.

Caring for bergenia plants in open ground

If a recently planted plant does not bloom for a long time, you should not blame yourself or improper care: bergenia grows very slowly and only produces its first flowers in the second year of life. At the same time, caring for and creating the conditions necessary for the existence of this plant is not difficult. With the onset of autumn, help the bergenia prepare for winter - cut off the dry inflorescences, and in the spring remove the old overwintered leaves. In the first year after planting, the soil around young plants must be mulched.

Watering is done regularly, but in small portions - the plant cannot be flooded. In the wild, bergenia independently regulates soil moisture, since fallen leaves cover the soil in the rhizome area and do not allow it to dry out - they should not be removed completely. It is also undesirable to overdry the soil. If fallen leaves are removed for aesthetic reasons, then the soil around the plant is mulched.

Bergenia does not like frequent transplants, so it is better to choose a place in the garden for it once and for all - it can exist in one place for up to 10 years. The plant is not dug up for the winter - it overwinters well in the ground, covered with spruce branches.

Fertilizer and feeding

Feed the bergenia plant a couple of times a year

Fertilizing of bergenia is carried out a couple of times a year, in spring and autumn. The plant responds especially well to Kemira fertilizing, which is diluted at the rate of 1 tbsp. for 10 liters of water per 2 sq.m.

Methods for propagating the bergenia plant

Bergenia is propagated both by seeds and by cuttings or by dividing the bush. The bush is divided no more than once every 5-6 years. The exception is the need for rapid propagation of the plant. You can determine the time for the start of division by the size of the leaves - they begin to become smaller. The bush is divided into 4-5 parts.

Cuttings for propagation are usually taken from the mother plant in May-June - these are rosettes with several large leaves and part of the rhizome (about 10-20 cm). The cuttings are immediately planted in the ground 2-3 cm deep. The plant must have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

Propagation of bergenia by seeds is the longest process of obtaining new young plants. It is advisable to sow them directly into turf soil in the second half of summer and provide the seedlings with regular watering. For the winter, young plants are covered with straw or dry leaves.

You can also grow bergenia for seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in February in a box with soil, which is then exposed to the snow. In March-April, the container should be brought indoors. Grown seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of summer.

Diseases, pests and plant care during this period

Bergenia's immunity is enviable - it is resistant to attack by pests and the effects of various pathogens. Usually the plant gets sick only when improper care. Bergenia may encounter ramularia - a fungal infection, the symptoms of which are leaves covered with brown-gray spots with a reddish or dark-colored border. On their lower part you can notice the appearance of a whitish coating. The spores of this fungus tolerate winter well and can easily get into the area with fresh planting material. Removing the affected leaves and spraying the plants with Bordeaux mixture, foundationazole and other preparations will help cope with this scourge.

If there is poor drainage, the roots of the bergenia may rot and it will die. Sometimes a plant that grows in strong shade is attacked by the slobbering pennix. Fighting it means creating unfavorable living conditions for it, that is, providing good lighting and low soil moisture.

Nematode worms are also dangerous for bergenia. If they spread greatly, it will be extremely difficult to save the bushes. The plant is dug out of the ground and its rhizome is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for a while, then planted in the ground in a new place. Old site treated with nematode control agents.

Bergenia goes well with other plants on the site

Bergenia looks spectacular, starting from spring and ending late autumn, so he can decorate any area of ​​the garden. It looks most advantageous in ridges and borders, is great for creating alpine slides, and covers rocky areas of soil well. It will be nice if you can plant it in the area of ​​a decorative pond or large stone.

Bergenia goes well with the following plants:

  • aquilegia;
  • sedge;
  • geranium;
  • iris;
  • fern;
  • phlox;
  • bells;
  • lungwort;
  • day-lily;
  • astilbe.

This is not the entire list of plants with which bergenia can make an excellent duet. The most advantageous options are squat and lush bergenia in combination with slender and narrow-leaved plants, possibly vines.

Watch the video material on this plant.

Bergenia in folk medicine

Badan is good not only for its decorative properties: He is an excellent doctor. Its leaves and rhizomes have been used for many centuries in folk medicine in Buryatia and Tibet. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent preparations are prepared on the basis of bergenia. The plant has proven itself in the treatment of non-infectious intestinal diseases, fibroids and cervical erosion. Bergenia leaves are applied to burns, and a tincture of them is used for loose stools and against high temperature. Powder made from dried leaves is sprinkled on wounds, causing them to heal quickly. Bergenia has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps with stomatitis and gingivitis, and relieves headaches.

Bergenia leaves, thawed from under the snow in the spring, are used to prepare tonic and cleansing teas.

Bergenia is an evergreen plant that can transform any corner of the garden throughout the year. Latin name- bergenia, but people often use the first option. The plant is unpretentious and resistant to unfavorable conditions, therefore it is highly valued by gardeners. Anyone can plant and properly care for this flower, even those who have absolutely no experience in gardening.

Finding a place to grow bergenia on the site will not be difficult, since it fits perfectly into the composition of alpine hills, complements the landscapes of reservoirs and harmonizes with other crops in group plantings. Sometimes it is planted as an accent element, but the species quickly spreads, conquering the space around and growing into a continuous curtain.

general characteristics

Bergenia is a separate genus of the Saxifraga family, which includes 10 species. Since the birthplace of the culture is Siberia and Altai, the flower is naturally endowed high stability to low temperatures, so it can be successfully cultivated in different climates.

In nature, bergenia chooses moist areas on slopes or in river valleys, in forests and in dense plantings, where there is enough dampness and where the sun's rays do not penetrate well. The flower is especially noticeable in early spring after the snow cover melts and powerful large leaves that overwintered under the snow are visible from under it. Due to the characteristic shape of the leaves, bergenia is popularly called “elephant ears”. The foliage is collected in basal rosettes, which already form neat clumps during the first year.

With warming, the first flower stalks appear on bergenia, rising high above the rosette. The flowering of this plant is a spectacular phenomenon. On a flowering shoot up to 50 cm high, a large number of small inflorescences of white, cream, scarlet, pink or lilac color open. Up to 120 buds can develop on one flowering shoot, which will gradually open.

After prolonged flowering, capsule fruits ripen, containing a large number of seeds. After this, by autumn the foliage begins to acquire a red or brown tint; this color will remain throughout the winter. In some years, flowering may occur again in the fall if weather contribute to this.

A crop can grow in one place for many years, sometimes even decades, without requiring replanting and without losing its decorative properties.

Beneficial features

Gardeners and summer residents are often encouraged to grow bergenia not only by the love of beautiful flowers, but also by its beneficial properties, which have long been known to people. A special tea is prepared from it, which is called Chigir or Mongolian. To do this, take dark overwintered leaves and brew them, obtaining an aromatic and tasty drink.

The medical significance of bergenia is explained by the presence of flavonoids and tannins in all terrestrial organs (leaves, stems, seeds). They also contain copper, manganese, vitamins and biologically active substances. The rhizome contains polyphenols, resins, starch and other useful substances.

Badan admits and official medicine, which recommends its use in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, as an anti-inflammatory agent, for hypertension and for recovery skin after wounds or burns.

But it is also important to remember that to apply this medicinal plant There are certain contraindications: it can cause constipation or cause a sharp drop in blood pressure. It is also not suitable for those who have problems with blood clotting.

Varieties and varieties

There are 10 types of bergenia found in the wild, but not all of them are suitable for growing at home. Based on some of them, varieties have been developed that can be successfully cared for in gardens or summer cottages.

The most common varieties of bergenia:

  • thick-leaved. The name indicates the special shape of the leaf plates. They contain a significant supply of nutrients that are consumed during Not favorable conditions. It grows at an altitude of 700-2500 m above sea level, prefers cedar forests. Curtains grow slowly. A medium-flowering variety, the flowering of which usually begins in June and lasts for almost a month. Does not bloom again in autumn. Hybrids Purpurea, Giderruspe and Senior were bred on the basis of thick-leaved bergenia.
  • Strechi. Found in the Himalayas, Afghanistan, Central Asia and China. It prefers places up to 3000 m above sea level. Botanists consider the variety to be relict. Late flowering occurs very beautifully, the flowers are quite large, protruding 40 cm above the ground. The most notable hybrids are Alba and Beethoven.
  • Cordifolia. It has heart-shaped or rounded foliage of a dark green color with a very dense structure. An early flowering variety that often blooms again in August or September. If in the spring the buds are pink, then by autumn they can be lighter.
  • Gissarian. It is very rare and grows only in the Gissari mountain range, therefore it is endemic. A characteristic feature is a powerful rhizome and blunt oblong leaves. A small plant that produces only 20-25 buds.
  • Pacific. The species with the longest flowering period, which begins in late April-early May and ends in late June-early July. On the tall flowering shoot, lush inflorescences look like small bells form on top. It feels great among rocky soils, so it is often grown on alpine hills.
  • Hybrid. It is the result of long-term work of breeders and includes the most beautiful forms. The most popular among them are Abenglut, Baby Doll and Schneekenigin. The only drawback is less frost resistance compared to other forms.

Growing seedlings

To propagate bergenia, the seedling method is used with growing new specimens from seeds or the usual transplantation of adult plants. The seedling method is in no way inferior to conventional vegetative propagation, but allows you to simultaneously grow a large number of young specimens at a lower cost.

Sowing seedlings

This is done in October-November, when the weather outside is already quite cold. The seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm and watered with warm water. All winter the crops must overwinter outside under a layer of snow.

The crops are brought into the house in the first weeks of March and placed in a place with a temperature of 18°C. After three to four weeks, the first shoots will begin to appear. From now on, caring for them consists of regular watering without causing a dry crust on the surface of the earth and thinning out dense plantings. The soil must be carefully loosened so that air constantly flows to the young roots.


In May, young shoots dive into separate containers, where they grow for about another month, building up green mass and roots. Caring for picked seedlings remains exactly the same as for seedlings.

After it is noticeable that fresh growth appears on young plants, they should be accustomed to open ground conditions. To do this, they are taken outside every day or to open balcony, where they initially spend a couple of hours a day. Gradually the time spent on outdoors increase, and after they spend a couple of nights outside, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground.

Flowering of bushes grown from seeds will begin only after three to four years.

Planting in open ground

Growing bergenia in open ground will be successful if you choose the right conditions that are as close as possible to the natural habitat.


Regardless of whether seedlings grown from seeds or an adult plant are planted, the time frame remains the same. Experts believe that the most best time for this - the end of May or the beginning of June. At this time frosts will no longer be able to damage tender plants, since bergenia has sufficient cold-resistant potential.

If the sprouts look weak and there are doubts that they will survive transplanting, you can postpone this event until August, leaving them in pots in the garden for the summer.

Selecting a location

When choosing a location, you need to consider that root system Bergenia has a superficial structure and does not penetrate deep into the soil, so the soil must be permeable and loose. The flower reacts to stagnation of water by slowing growth and deteriorating flowering, but only in case of insufficient drainage. If drainage is provided at a sufficient level, then it will develop successfully even on the banks of artificial or natural reservoirs, requiring minimal care.

It is important to make sure that the soil reaction is neutral or slightly alkaline. You can prepare the soil in advance by mixing coarse sand, rotted compost and peat substrate.

Often, during the growing process, the upper roots are exposed and are adversely affected by direct sunlight, so the area should be located in partial shade. Northern, north-eastern or north-western locations on the site are ideal.

Landing technique

Planting bergenia is not difficult. It needs to be done using this algorithm:

  • dig small planting holes about 8-10 cm deep;
  • the free distance between adjacent holes must be at least 40 cm;
  • drainage made of sand, crushed stone or expanded clay is placed at the bottom of each hole;
  • move the plant into the hole, being careful not to damage it earthen lump, in which it developed;
  • all voids are filled with substrate;
  • fresh plantings are watered with sufficient water;
  • mulch the beds after watering to prevent overgrowth weeds and excessive drying out of the soil between waterings.

You should not neglect mulching the soil, as this reduces care for bergenia to a minimum.

Care and cultivation

Caring for bergenia when grown in open ground is reduced to a minimum of agrotechnical measures, so it can be easily grown even in those dachas and plots where the owners visit only a few times a season.


This crop is not one that requires frequent and abundant watering, but without periodic moistening of the soil, flowering will be short and sparse.

If the spring is dry, then it is advisable to carry out the first watering as soon as the beginnings of buds appear on the plant. A second watering is necessary when abundant flowering, and the last one – a month after flowering.

If natural rains occur at intervals of two to three weeks, there is no need to additionally water the flower.


Like any crop, bergenia responds very well and quickly to fertilizing. Proper care involves several applications of fertilizers during the growing season:

  • After the snow cover melts, you can add a mineral complex for green plants or a universal mixture that will contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This will give impetus not only to the growth of foliage, but also to the formation of full-fledged buds.
  • Repeated feeding is needed after flowering is complete. Signal to deposit mineral complex serves as the appearance of new foliage, which will have time to ripen and harden before the cold snap.


After the snow cover completely disappears in the first spring months, the plant needs to be cleared of old, damaged or dried leaves. Their removal will not only increase the decorative appearance of the planting, but will also initiate a more active growth of young greenery.

After the flowers on the shoots wither in the summer, you will need to remove them. To do this, it is not enough to remove withered buds: it is necessary to cut off the entire flowering shoot to the base, since the remaining flower stalk can cause the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

If all the basic rules of cultivation and care are followed, then the clumps will grow, delighting you with more and more numerous flowers and lush greenery on the site every year.


To effectively decorate a flowerbed or garden plot, it is not at all necessary to go in search of exotic flora, because among the local plants there are many interesting specimens. One of them is bergenia, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult. It can be grown both in open ground and in a special tub. Unusual, beautiful and very useful plant of Asian origin is distinguished by its unpretentiousness - therefore it is suitable even for novice gardeners.

How best to grow bergenia: in open ground and in a tub

Bergenia is an unpretentious cold-resistant plant

Badan (star anise), being a Siberian inhabitant, is truly unpretentious, resistant to unfavorable conditions and cold. No wonder it is called saxifrage. This plant feels comfortable in open ground, especially if you take into account several nuances before planting:

  • Stagnant water in the garden area is unfavorable for this herbaceous plant. Therefore, before planting, effective soil drainage and water outflow should be ensured;
  • A good place for planting bergenia should be sought on the north side of the garden plot, since the flower prefers shady and semi-shaded areas. If he lands on sunny area the formation of flowers will occur with some delay;
  • Being moderately resistant to drought, bergenia does not require too frequent and intense watering. Under natural conditions, it retains moisture well;
  • Bergenia belongs to the category of frost-resistant plants, which means it does not require special insulation for the winter period. However, late return frosts can negatively affect its flowering.

It is also possible to grow bergenia in special containers - tubs. This gardening method, known as container gardening, is widely popular in European gardens. regular style. This area is in great demand in urban environments, as well as at dachas and any other sites where there is a lack of soil or problems with its quality.

Plant pots can be mobile or stationary. For spectacular decoration of ceremonial places, the pot-in-pot option is used, that is, “pot in a pot.” In this case, inside the decorative container there is a simple container containing the soil substrate and the plant itself.

The tub for bergenia must be selected based on the expected size, as well as the characteristics of its root system. In this case, containers with medium dimensions are suitable.

How soon does it bloom

The flowers of bergenia are small, but collected in inflorescences, so it looks quite bright

The flowering period of bergenia begins in spring and lasts from three weeks to two months, depending on the variety of plant. In rare cases, flowers appear again in August.

One peduncle can contain up to a hundred flowers, each of which has five petals fused at the base. Their colors vary - white, dark pink, crimson, purple, scarlet and ruby. In shape and appearance they resemble miniature bells.

What climate is it suitable for and in what soil does it grow best?

The plant can also be planted in cool regions

The most favorable for bergenia is temperate climate, where in winter the average temperature is about 0⁰С, and in summer - from +15 to +20⁰С. In its natural environment, it can withstand frosts of about -30–40⁰С.

The plant is not capricious regarding soil. The ideal option for bergenia is turf soil without excess fertilizer. In addition, saxifrage grows successfully on clay and rocky soils. This means it is ideal for arranging alpine slides in landscape design.

When starting to plant bergenia in open ground, you should take into account that different varieties of this plant are characterized by different degrees of endurance.

Popular varieties of bergenia with photos

Now there are more than 10 types of plants, the most popular of which are grown in Russia.

Are bergenia and bergenia the same thing?

The third name for bergenia is “elephant ears.”

Bergenia is the second name for the classic bergenia. Bergenia is a whole genus of plants from the Saxifraga family, which combines at least ten varieties.

Due to its hardiness, bergenia is perfectly adapted to harsh conditions and rocky soils. The branching and thick rhizome of this plant is located in the most upper layers soil, and sometimes makes its way to the surface.

The glossy leaves, neatly collected in a rosette, are large in size and have a dense leathery texture. It is because of this that they are unofficially nicknamed “elephant ears.”

In spring, erect and long flower stalks with beautiful umbrella-shaped inflorescences begin to appear. The average flowering period is one and a half or two months. After this, in place of numerous bright colors leaflet fruits are formed.

Bergonia is grown mainly for decorative and medicinal purposes. A restorative and tonic drink is brewed from its leaves that have survived the winter. And the rhizomes of this plant have gained wide popularity in Tibetan medicine.

Cordifolia bergenia

The leaves of this variety are shaped like hearts.

Heart-leaved bergenia, which is native to Altai, is widely popular among gardeners. Its height depends on the conditions of growth and care, but almost never exceeds 40 centimeters. Delicate and beautiful inflorescences can have different colors - white, lilac, pink and purple. A distinctive feature of this variety is its large and lush leaves, each of which is shaped like a heart.

Under snow cover, heart-leaved bergenia favorably tolerates harsh winter conditions and temperatures reaching -35⁰C. Its flowering period begins in May and lasts only up to three weeks.

Thick-leaved bergenia

The foliage color of the thick-leaved variety is darker than that of the heart-leaved variety.

This variety of bergenia is larger in size and can reach a height of up to 55 cm. Its bright green, massive and dense shiny leaves with a diameter of up to 30 cm gradually turn red-brown by autumn. Collected in a rosette, they have a round shape.

The plant usually begins to bloom at the end of April. On average, its flowering period lasts 55 days. Flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 centimeters are similar in shape to bells. They are characterized by an attractive lilac-pink color.

Ciliated bergenia

The color of this variety is inconspicuous and is not suitable for bright accents in the garden.

Ciliated bergenia, widespread in Tibet and the Himalayas, is the most frost-resistant among all its fellows. It grows mainly on rocky ledges and wooded foothills, as close as possible to bodies of water and shade. An external distinctive feature from other varieties of bergenia is that at the base of its leaves there are villi resembling eyelashes. The color of the flowers is predominantly white or pale pink, with an expressive purple calyx.

Dividing by rhizome is an easier way to plant bergenia

There are two effective ways to plant bergenia that can be successfully used by novice gardeners:

  • sowing seeds;
  • division of rhizomes with young rosettes.
  1. Fill several shallow-depth boxes with special soil for flowers. Compact and moisten it a little.
  2. Sow the seeds in even, shallow furrows, water moderately warm water, and then sprinkle with a layer of soil.
  3. Place the boxes in a darkened room where the average air temperature does not exceed +18–20 degrees Celsius.
  4. Periodically moisten the soil with slightly warm water.
  5. Under these conditions, the first shoots will begin to appear after about three weeks.

The division of the bergenia rhizome is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. Significantly overgrown, dug out or cut rhizomes of the plant must be cleared of soil and dried leaves.
  2. Carefully divide the rhizome according to the number of rosettes.
  3. Bury the part of the rhizome that will take root about three centimeters into the soil. Longer rhizomes should be planted almost horizontally, covered approximately halfway with soil.

The most favorable time for planting seedlings in open ground is the middle of the first spring month. During this period, young seedlings strengthen as successfully as possible.

Seedlings must be well acclimatized before planting. To do this, already in early March, on the warmest and calmest days, take the seedlings out of the greenhouse into the garden. Over time, when there are no more frosts in the morning and at night, you can leave it on the site overnight. To do this, the seedlings need to be provided with an effective polyethylene shelter. As the weather gets warmer, the polyethylene cover can be removed - this will allow the seedlings to harden in natural conditions.

Immediately before planting in open ground, bergenia seedlings must be watered with liquid fertilizer based on nitrogen and phosphate compounds. As a result, the seedlings will be able to take root more firmly.

It is better to germinate seedlings from seeds at home

Important condition - proper preparation soil. The best option― fairly loose and light soil that will warm up well under the sun’s rays. If the soil is clayey, it must be diluted with sand. On the contrary, add clay to sandy soil.

The optimal size of holes in the soil is from two to two and a half cm.

Seedlings should be planted in the soil together with a clod of earth. A distance of at least 12 cm should be maintained between seedlings. Seedlings should be watered with water at room temperature.

Video about planting in open ground in spring

To protect seedlings from pests, precipitation, frost and sunlight, it is necessary to reliably cover the seedlings plastic film. From time to time it should be opened slightly so that the plants are fully ventilated. You can remove the film only after the plants have completely taken root.

Planted bergenia seedlings will need high-quality mulch, which will help preserve them in the soil. required amount heat and moisture, and will also prevent the growth of weeds.

Both organic and inorganic materials can be used for mulching, depending on conditions and needs.

Organic types of mulch include:

  • straw;
  • pine needles;
  • mature compost.

All these natural materials help improve the structure upper layers soil.

Inorganic mulching materials are:

  • expanded clay;
  • agrofibre;
  • black polyethylene film.

They create shade well and maintain an optimal level of humidity, but they have a certain drawback - the creation greenhouse effect and overheating of the soil on hot sunny days.

When planting bergenia on garden plots it is very important to avoid common mistakes that novice amateur gardeners often encounter. The main ones include:

  • immersion of seeds too deep into the soil layers;
  • planting seedlings without preliminary adaptation and hardening;
  • neglect of proper mulching;
  • growing plants in areas with maximum sun exposure;
  • too frequent and abundant watering.

How to plant a perennial flower at home: video

Garden care from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

After planting seedlings, the plant needs to provide conditions for development

How to care during growth and flowering: watering, fertilizing, pruning, fertilizing

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, it is necessary to perform sanitary pruning - namely, to remove all damaged or dead leaves, as well as overgrown leaves that spoil the harmonious appearance of the shrub.

Properly selected fertilizers and fertilizing will benefit the bergenia. The plant should be fertilized for the first time in the spring, immediately after sanitary pruning. For this purpose, a regular fertilizer containing an optimal complex of minerals is suitable. Then it is necessary to apply fertilizer two weeks after the start of flowering. During this period, the shrub needs additional nutrition, as new leaves begin to form on it.

No less an important condition is regular, competent watering. However, excessive soil moisture should not be allowed. The plant should be watered according to the following scheme:

  • the first time - during the formation of buds;
  • the second - during the flowering period;
  • third - three weeks after flowering ends.

But if there is sufficient natural precipitation, this procedure is not necessary. Proper mulching will help more effectively preserve life-giving moisture around the bushes, which is a necessary condition for young plants that are not firmly established enough. To do this, cover the soil with organic or inorganic materials.

Care after flowering. How to prepare a plant for winter

Bergenia is a cold-resistant plant, therefore it does not require complex preparation for winter period. In harsh climatic conditions, you should simply cover the soil around the plant with spruce branches. In the south, additional insulation is not required - here dry leaves left over from the fall are quite enough.

What problems do gardeners have with growing flowers? However, with an excess of humidity, there is a risk of developing fungal infections. They are indicated by a white coating on the underside of the leaves and brown spots on the top. This problem can be easily solved and its occurrence can be prevented in the future by removing all damaged areas of the plant and carefully treating it with any available antifungal drug.

Unfortunately, sometimes bergenia can suffer from pests such as slobbering pennies and nematodes.

In the fight against slobbering pennies, the most effective way is to spray plants twice with special preparations - for example, Aktara and Aktellik.

Nematodes are more difficult to control. There are several steps to perform here:

  • carefully dig up the bush;
  • keep it in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour;
  • transplant to a new site.

After this, the entire area where nematodes were found must be treated with an insecticide. However, in the future you should not grow anything there.

Badan combines everything best properties garden plant- he is beautiful, unpretentious and healing. Following the recommendations regarding planting and care, even a novice gardener can grow it.

Among herbaceous perennials, bergenia occupies a special place. This evergreen plant can beautifully frame corners of the garden that are always visible. The flower itself, like any other perennials, fades quickly, and its leaves do not lose their decorative effect throughout the season. Let's figure out where and how to grow the garden flower bergenia, what are its requirements for planting and care in the open ground, and also consider examples of compositions with its participation in garden design.

Evergreen bergenia flower: planting and care in open ground

The Latin name - Bergenia - is given to the plant in honor of Karl Bergen, a famous doctor and botanist from Germany. Bergenia is popularly called elephant ears due to the similarity of shapes, as well as Siberian, Mongolian or Chagir tea - the dried leathery leaves of the plant have been used for brewing tea since ancient times.

The genus Bergenia consists of 10 species, some of which have long been known and cultivated. Bergenia is an attractive and useful plant, which could not go unnoticed by breeders who developed dozens of varieties and hybrids.

Types and varieties of bergenia

To begin with, let us note the general characteristics of all types of bergenia - these are mainly evergreen plants with powerful, horizontal roots and large, leathery, glossy, long-petioled leaves in basal rosettes. The flowers are fragrant, bell-shaped, the fruit is a capsule.

Bergenia thick-leaved (B. crassifolia)

A common species, it is the one that is used in folk medicine and for brewing tea; other names are bergenia, medicinal bergenia, early flower. The root is branched, the shoots are flower-bearing, leafless (not higher than 40 cm) and rosette vegetative.

The green, obovate foliage of vegetative shoots acquires a bright red hue by autumn. The petioles of the fleshy leaves contain a supply of water. Many flowers, collected in dense inflorescences, open towards the end of April, flowering continues for about a month. To prepare tea, overwintered, old and dry leaves are cut off. Varieties:

  • Hidenuspe – height up to 60 cm, flowers pinkish-white, inflorescences up to 20 cm. The variety blooms for about 70 days;
  • Senior – no higher than 50 cm, flowers are pink, dark;
  • Purpurea – bush height is about 50 cm, flowers are red, quite large.

Bergenia cordifolia (B. cordifolia)

Intraspecific variety previous type. The bush is no higher than 40 cm, the dark green foliage is round, heart-shaped with a rough texture. It blooms in May, with bright pink, sometimes lilac-tinged flowers, collected in inclined racemes.

On sale you can find varieties with white, purple and light lilac flowers, here are some of the most common:

  • Mongolian tea - with tall pink tassel flowers, with a dark purple core;
  • Rotblum - deep pink tassels rise 40 cm above the lush rosettes of leaves.

Bergenia ciliate (B. ciliate)

Low perennial with large leaves. Round, rather large, hairy leaf blades are actively growing in width. Peduncles are long with white or pink flowers with a pleasant aroma. In cold winters, when grown outdoors in open ground, the leaves sometimes fall off, but the plant itself survives. Flowers of this variety are suitable for cutting; they last more than a week in a vase.

The most popular variety is named after Disney's baby elephant Dumbo. The color of the buds of white-pink flowers is initially pale, but every day it becomes brighter and more saturated.

Pacific bergenia (B. pacifica)

This is a light-loving plant with soft green ovate leaves, the midrib of the leaf is convex. Old overwintered leaves die off during the growing season, changing color - becoming brown or red. New leaves grow towards the end of flowering. The peduncle is bare (rarely with one leaf), reddish in color, up to 40 cm in height. The species blooms in early spring pink flowers.

Bergenia stracheyi (V. stracheyi)

A species with ovate-oblong ciliated leaves, serrated along the edges.

Blooms from July, peduncle height is about 40 cm. Varieties:

  • Alba – white flowers;
  • Beetchoven - no higher than 40 cm, a variety with original flowering - white buds, pink peduncles, brown calyxes;
  • Belveder is a low-growing plant (up to 20 cm), the flowers are white, gradually acquiring a pink tint.

Hybrid bergenia (B. hybrida)

We have selected the most popular garden hybrids:

You can find other representatives of the genus Bergenia in the central botanical garden in Novosibirsk, in the garden of the Botanical Institute. V.L. Komarov (formerly the Imperial Botanical Garden) in St. Petersburg, as well as in the Almaty Botanical Garden of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Badan: cultivation and care

In favorable conditions, bergenia grows well. Several bushes planted nearby will very quickly close their leaves and cover the soil. Caring for the plant is a pleasure; mulch the bushes with garden compost 1 or 2 times a year. In spring, remove damaged leaves and overgrown shoots so that the bush does not lose its decorative appearance. To avoid self-seeding and weakening of the plant, remove faded flower stalks. Fertilizing is carried out twice - in spring and after flowering, when new leaves begin to form.

Bergenia tolerates drought and frost, it is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, and loves partial shade. The only thing the plant doesn’t like is stagnant moisture. The first watering is carried out during budding, the next during flowering, and the last in autumn. In general, watch the weather; in rainy summers, bergenia does not need additional watering.

Badan does not like transplants; the plant feels great in one place for decades, however, it grows quickly and occupies an area not intended for it. That is, transplants are sometimes necessary. The procedure is carried out no more than once every 5 or 6 years, in September.

Diseases and pests

Bergenia is resistant to diseases and pests, but in unfavorable conditions (excessive moisture) there is a risk of fungal infections, such as ramulariasis. External signs diseases - brown spots with a reddish border appear on the upper side of the leaf, lesions on the underside become covered with a whitish coating, and the leaves dry out. For treatment, all affected parts should be removed, and the bush itself should be treated with a copper-containing preparation.

Among the pests, nematodes and leafhoppers are dangerous; the latter are not difficult to deal with ( possible ways we described the fight earlier), but with nematodes you will have to work hard. Dig up the bush and dip the rhizome in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, then plant the bergenia in a new place, treat the old one with bioinsecticides and leave it empty for a year. Or sow it with marigolds.

In unfavorable years, bergenia is also attacked by snails and slugs - they make holes in the edges of the leaves. And since this evergreen, then such corrugated leaves go away in winter. And, in fact, after winter they “decorate” the entire composition, admire:

Uses of bergenia

Bergenia is a leader in the content of tannins, which allows the plant to be used to increase the moisture resistance of products, tanning leather, tanning tarpaulins, gear and nets.

Tonic tea from bergenia is rich beneficial properties– hemostatic, antipyretic, antimicrobial and astringent. Tea can be stored for about 4 years. In Tibet, the drink is known as an aid in the treatment of rheumatism, kidney diseases, joints, gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis.

Alcohol infusion(necessarily green, overwintered) leaves suppresses stress and increases performance.

The root of the thick-leaved bergenia is endowed with anti-inflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial properties. Preparations, decoctions, extracts and infusions from the root, which, by the way, are approved by scientific medicine, strengthen the walls of capillaries, lower blood pressure, decoctions are effective against dysentery and colitis, and are also used for rinsing the mouth with chronic inflammatory processes.

Long-term use of bergenia products can cause constipation. Tinctures should not be used by people with increased blood clotting, and decoctions from the roots are contraindicated for hypertension.

Garden bergenia in landscape design

The list of things that bergenia can be combined with in the garden is quite extensive, because it is decorative from early spring until autumn frosts. With his participation it is easy to create picturesque compositions in various options plantings - with trees, shrubs, flowers and wild herbs, there are a lot of opportunities for creativity open to you, use them to the fullest!

Various garden forms and hybrids of larch, pine, maple, rowan and bird cherry are suitable as background trees. A good addition to the trees would be vines - actinidia or Chinese lemongrass. Companion shrubs include juniper, euonymus, rhododendron, bush cinquefoil, Kuril tea and comb.

When selecting companions, pay attention to those plants that are decorative throughout the season; neighbors should complement each other in terms of timing and range of flowering, create the most incredible landscape pictures. Plant bergenia in small solo groups. The foreground of the group can be decorated with bulbous ones. Place a group of various lilies, bathing lilies, irises or hazel grouse side by side. Needless to say about the successful combination of bergenia with brunnera and bluebells - everything is obvious here! The reviving moonflower will serve as a spectacular backdrop from spring to autumn.

Bergenia is often planted to strengthen slopes, as well as in rocky gardens and alpine hills, where the closest and most successful neighbors will be various onions, saxifrage, hemlocks, ground cover phlox, alyssum, thyme, dendranthemums and sunflowers. This also includes periwinkles, primroses, anemones, adiantum and ferns.

Another good place for bergenia is the banks of reservoirs. But as we remember, bergenia is difficult to tolerate high humidity, therefore, in pursuit of beauty, do not sacrifice the plant; choose places where there is no stagnation of groundwater. It is very good if there is an artificial pond in the garden. In such places, next to the bergenia, irises, marigolds, mountaineers and krasodnevs look good.

By the way, there are varieties with colored leaves, for example Solar Flare - there are bright green flashes against the background of the yellow leaf plate. The reverse side is still with purple. Even small curtains in the garden look very impressive. And the charming Lunar Clow bergenia bushes in spring are painted in 3 transitional colors - overwintered old leaves are dark green with purple, and young leaves are yellow with green:

Isn't it a miracle? Just think about the number of advantages of bergenia - unpretentiousness, versatility, decorativeness, and so many benefits in the plant - it’s just a godsend! A great reason to have such an attractive guest in your garden. So we safely recommend growing a garden flower like bergenia - planting and caring for it in the open ground is not burdensome, and the pleasures are endless!

Today we will look at growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground and find out what features there are in caring for the plant. Let's discuss prevention against diseases and pests. We will also analyze common mistakes gardeners make and answer the most common questions.

Bergenia is a herbaceous perennial plant of medicinal and decorative value. In its natural environment it grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bergenia can be found in Primorye, Altai Territory, Siberia. Grows well on mountain slopes, rocky and forest-steppe areas.

Blooms from late March to late May. Depending on the type and variety, Bergenia flowers are pink, purple, white and red. The flowers are goblet or bell-shaped. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences located on a high peduncle.

The diameter of Bergenia flowers is no more than 2 cm. There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence

Growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground: conditions

Bergenia grows well on light and loose soils. Tolerates alkaline and moist soils well. Areas located in partial shade or under the canopy of tall trees are suitable for planting Badan. When planted in a sunny area, the growth and development of the plant is weakened, spots in the form of burns form on the leaves, the inflorescences are drooping, and the flowers quickly fade.

The horizontal roots of the plant are located close to the soil surface, so they are difficult to tolerate dry areas. To protect the root system, the soil is mulched, which allows it to retain moisture on the driest days.

The main care for bergenia is watering and thinning. The plant should be watered frequently, but moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. The thinning procedure is carried out to prevent the development of disease and pests.

Bergenia is a ground cover plant that forms dense thickets, thanks to which it clogs weeds

Step-by-step instructions for growing Bergenia from seeds

Bergenia begins to bear fruit in the second half of July and ends in mid-August. The seeds are contained in a dry box. Each box contains several hundred seeds. The seeds are small up to 2 mm.

Seeds can be sown in open ground and sown in containers for growing seedlings. Experienced gardeners recommend not sowing seeds immediately in open ground, but germinating them in shallow trays. Reproduction at home will allow the seedlings to become stronger before planting in open ground.

The generative method of propagation of Badan is a long process. During the first 1.5-2 years, young plants obtained from seeds develop slowly and require care.
Badan seedlings bloom on average 3-4 years after sowing

Sow seeds in early spring in small containers. It is not recommended to bury the seeds deep into the soil; it is enough to mix the seeds with clean coarse sand and distribute them evenly over the surface of the moist soil. The crops are covered with film and placed outside under the snow. In the second half of March, containers with sowing are brought into a warm room. The appearance of friendly shoots begins after 25 days.

Young shoots sprout when the first leaf appears. Planted for growing in open ground in mid-May. However, on permanent place seedlings are planted in the second year or as soon as the rosette of leaves reaches 10-12 cm. In the table we consider several types of purchased soil suitable for sowing Badan seeds:

Purchased soil provides good oxygen access to the roots of young plants, and also allows for even distribution of moisture in the soil. Soil acidity is neutral

Tip #1: To grow seedlings, you must use soil without decomposing organic matter. Such organic matter displaces nitrogen compounds from soil mixture. Nitrogen is necessary for the development of seedlings initial stage growth. Moreover, the decomposition of organic matter generates a lot of heat, which leads to overheating of the soil and the death of the still weak root system of young plants. Often, strong heating of the soil leads to the death of seeds.

Planting Badan seedlings in open ground

Bergenia seedlings are planted in the spring - in mid-March. This period is the most favorable for the rooting of young seedlings. With proper care, the seedlings will grow stronger and accumulate all the necessary nutrients for the winter.

Before planting, seedlings must be acclimatized, namely, seedlings should be brought into the garden in early March on the warmest and windiest days. After some time, as soon as the morning frosts and night frosts are over, the seedlings are left overnight in the area under a plastic cover. Then the cover is removed and the plant continues to be hardened for several more days.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings are watered with liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen-phosphorus compounds. This feeding will speed up the rooting of seedlings in a new place. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The soil should be light and loose, such soil is well warmed up by the weak rays of the sun. If the soil is clayey, sand must be added; add a little clay to sandy soils. Holes in the soil are formed with a depth of no more than 2-2.5 cm. The seedlings are planted in open ground along with a lump of earth. The seedlings are placed at a distance of 10-12 cm. After planting, the seedlings are moderately watered with water at room temperature.

Tip #2: After planting in open ground, Badan seedlings must be covered with film. This will protect young plants from sudden frosts, bright rays of the sun, heavy rainfall and pests. The film is periodically opened slightly to ventilate the seedlings. As soon as the plant takes root, the film is removed .

Planted seedlings must be mulched. Mulch in the first stages of plant development will suppress the growth of weeds and retain the required amount of moisture and heat in the soil. In the table we will consider suitable material for mulching young Badan plants:

Organic types of mulch, in addition to retaining heat and moisture in the soil and protecting against weeds, improve the structure of the topsoil. Inorganic types of mulch provide good shade to the soil and retain moisture, but on persistently hot days they can lead to overheating of the soil or cause a greenhouse effect.

Cultivated varieties of Bergenia for planting in the garden

In nature, there are about 10 species of Bergenia, from which garden forms of the plant were obtained. Garden forms of Badan are hybrids of various origins. In the table we will consider varietal characteristics each of the above varieties of Badan:

Garden varieties Plant height (cm) Features of flowers Leaf Features


45-50 The inflorescences are dense, the flowers are reddish-pink Ellipsoidal leaf shape. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
"Thick-leaved" 45-50 The flowers are large up to 2 cm, dark pink The leaves are wide, hard, fleshy. In spring, summer – light green, by autumn – red-brown with shine
"Heart-leaved" 30-35 Inflorescences pink or bright purple The leaves are heart-shaped, hard, smooth, and shiny. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
"Schmidt" 35-40 Inflorescences are bright scarlet Ellipsoidal shape of leaves In spring, in summer the leaves are matte, green, by autumn they are green with a blue tint.
"Bach" 35-40 Cone-shaped inflorescences, white flowers Ellipsoidal, rigid. Dark green in spring and summer, brown in autumn

To grow Badan, it is necessary to prepare areas in which the plant will grow for 8-10 years. It is important to remember that all garden forms of Badan are difficult to tolerate the transplantation procedure.

All Badan varieties do not like stagnation of water in the soil, and also do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Waterlogged soil often leads to rotting of the root system.

Bergenia is rarely affected by diseases and pests. The development of the disease is observed only if the plant is not properly cared for. The absence of pests is due to the specific chemical composition plants that repel the vast majority of pests. Experienced gardeners note that Badan is affected by slobbering pentilia and nematodes. Pennytail appears if the plant is planted in shady areas with frequent accumulation of water in the soil. Nematodes develop in the soil when large amounts of organic matter are added.

Bergenia looks impressive against the background artificial reservoirs and among the stones

To prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, it is necessary to regularly remove dead above-ground plant organs, as well as promptly remove fallen leaves and weeds. When planting is dense, it is recommended to carry out a thinning procedure.

Bergenia in landscape design

Bergenia looks good when planted along garden paths. Thanks to the horizontal root system, which develops close to the surface, Bergenia successfully takes root and grows in areas with an uneven surface.

Bergenia looks organically in a composition with thujas and green pine needles

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing Bergenia

The main mistakes are:

  1. The seeds are planted deep into the soil.
  2. Seedlings are planted in early spring without hardening.
  3. Rooted seedlings are not mulched.
  4. Water frequently and abundantly.
  5. Seedlings are grown in the sunniest areas.

Frequently asked questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. What material should not be used to mulch Bergenia seedlings?

Answer: Types of organic mulch such as sawdust, wood shavings and bark, when rotting, extract nitrogen from the soil, which impairs the development and rooting of young plants. Use of fallen leaves as mulch should be done with extreme caution. It is not recommended to bring in foliage from diseased trees or trees that have been treated with chemicals.

Question No. 2. When can you replant an adult Bergenia plant?

Answer: Badan does not tolerate transplantation well. Replant in mid-summer or first half of autumn.

Question No. 3. What is the optimal age of a Bergenia plant for dividing a bush?

Answer: Badan aged more than 5 years is suitable for dividing rhizomes. Otherwise, the plant will not tolerate division well, which can lead to disease and death of the plant.

Question No. 4. At what stage of Badan development can mineral fertilizers be applied?

Answer: They feed mineral fertilizers at the flowering stage and at its end.

Question No. 5. Is it possible to sow Badan seeds directly in open ground?

Answer: It is not recommended to sow Bergenia seeds in open ground; the germination rate of such seeds is low. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out at the end of March until the end of April. Seedlings appear in about a month. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with straw. It blooms 3-4 years after planting.


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