How to assemble a computer desk yourself. DIY computer desk – where to start? Computer desk made from finished parts

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A computer desk is not only a place where the system unit, keyboard, mouse, and printer are located, it also has other functions. There is a need to store disks, notebooks, and other office supplies in it. An important factor is how it fits into the overall interior of the room with its size, shape, and design. In stores it is difficult to choose a model that meets all parameters.

This type of furniture is not one of the most difficult to make with your own hands. A simple option that meets all the requirements can be done literally in a day. And if a person has the skills, he has access to models that are in no way inferior to branded ones. The advantages are obvious: if the computer desk you need to pay from 400 to 700 dollars, then a homemade one will cost a maximum of 3 thousand rubles.

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    Which model to choose is the right choice

    If we consider finished products, it is noticeable that all computer furniture comes down to three types: corner table, direct and combined. Select based on the following considerations:

    • compliance with ergonomic requirements;
    • frequency of using a PC for work;
    • placement of windows;
    • affordability of materials for manufacturing.

    The correct choice of location in the room plays a role important role for the health and life of the monitor. Almost no one has any monitors similar to a TV, which put a lot of pressure on the psyche with their glare and buzzing and blurred vision. Modern flat screens are much more convenient in this regard, but ease of use and their durability suffer significantly from direct sun rays. Then it’s difficult to see anything, and the display’s phosphor burns out several times faster, surpassing even old tube ones in this regard.

    A location next to a window on the north side of the building is also not an option - there is not enough light for work not related to the computer. The optimal location is when natural light comes from the west. Avoid rooms facing south. Even rays caught by peripheral vision are no less harmful than glare on the screen.

    Various options for computer desks

    A corner desk is ideal when the PC is used primarily for entertainment. It can be made even by a person who has encountered this for the first time, but knows how to work with tools. You will need little material, you will have to spend half as much money as for more functional options– around 1.5 thousand rubles. It takes up very little space and is suitable even for rooms facing south if curtains and blinds are installed on the windows.

    People for whom the computer is not entertainment, but work, similar design not very suitable. There is space in and outside the desk to install everything you need, but you need to place not only your PC and basic equipment, but also a lot of extras.

    A corner computer desk is inconvenient in this regard; you constantly need to be careful not to catch anything. Resting is also problematic - it is difficult for a person engrossed in work to tear himself away from the monitor, and apart from it he sees nothing else. The clear conclusion is that it is harmful for children, schoolchildren and even first-year students to work in such conditions.

    A straight desk is a desk, modernized for a computer. It is zoned in different ways: the display is installed so that direct light does not fall on it, or a multi-level model is created. Manufacturing is advisable when the Internet is used occasionally or there is no need to enter a lot of data. You will need twice as much materials compared to a corner one.

    The ideal option is to use a computer desk, provided it is placed correctly. This is an indispensable model for freelancers and anyone whose main work is PC-related. Convenience is directly proportional to costs: it costs 40 percent more than the previous one. Precision required, application special tools: jigsaw, hand router.

    When choosing drawings of a computer desk to make with your own hands, pay attention to important points ergonomics :

    • the keyboard goes down an average of 60 mm from the point at which the user sees best - this is 23–35 cm;
    • the display is located at an angle of 0–20° relative to the eyes;
    • the project should provide for the location of the elbows on the table - when long work hanging hands provoke diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Placing additional devices

    The ease of using the computer depends on how conveniently the peripherals are located. Therefore, when choosing a project, you should start with it. The keyboard is usually located on a sliding board. But since wireless models have become widespread, you don’t have to think too hard about where to place it - move it aside if there is no need, and move on. Regarding small things (modem, router), the top shelf of the table is the most comfortable spot for her.

    Copying and printing devices are located where their service is available. If the printer is located somewhere in the corner under your feet, then working with it is very problematic - you can’t really feed the paper or pick it up ready documents. Such devices are also not really needed on the table, because they are not used very often. So the solution is bedside tables with a shelf. For a homemade table, you can always find scraps of chipboard or plywood.

    With a scanner it’s a little more complicated: a device towering over everything is also not needed. A special niche is made for it in the cabinet so that the lid of the device is at the same level as the countertop. Convenient, does not take up space and is always at hand. Another good option is pull-out shelves on good guides. To prevent the gadget from accidentally falling off, it is installed with double-sided tape.

    To prevent the table from looking like a rough homemade piece, it should be decorated. There are many techniques to perform, everyone chooses what is available. A simple way is painting, but besides this there are others, including those that allow you to give original look: decoupage, pasting with multi-colored tape, special film, veneer finishing.

    Classic rectangular table - step-by-step production

    After a person has decided on the basic requirements, a sketch is made. To create it for yourself, you don’t need great talent - it must show general form and design details. Next, the allotted space is measured, all the parameters of not only the table, but also the room are noted on paper. Drawings are then created - optionally professional level, but just sketches with dimensions.

    Ergonomics of a computer desk

    On finished projects Usually the standard height is indicated: 75 cm. For a tall person this is not very convenient - the parameter is increased. To know how much, use the formula: height × 75/175. For example, if a person is 185 cm, the calculations look like this: 185×75/175=79. The product drawing provides:

    • place to place the monitor;
    • retractable keyboard stand;
    • shelves in the table for small parts and above it with books, columns, flowers;
    • a cabinet for storing papers and other things.

    Next they calculate necessary materials: how much chipboard, plywood, boards, bars, handles, fasteners and other accessories are required. What the computer desk will be made of does not play a special role: it all depends on the taste and capabilities of the person. Wood is the most reliable and durable, but at the same time expensive. Therefore they use various slabs made from wood or plastic. If design requirements are high, choose metal and glass. Working with them is extremely difficult, so this is not a very suitable option for making them yourself.

    A diagram of a classically shaped computer desk is shown in the figure. It can be manufactured even by a person without experience. You will need furniture panels, a 12×120 mm board, plywood, sandpaper and varnish. To assemble the structure yourself, you will need to purchase 3 handles for installation in drawers, 50 screws 5x60 mm, dowels and a set of guides 400 mm in length. Telescopic ones are more reliable. Common tools: hacksaw, drill, screwdriver, square, tape measure.

    Bottom frame - blanks and assembly

    They start by cutting out the main parts: the tabletop, the bottom, the lid of the bedside table, and three vertical walls. The latter are exposed additional processing: cut off the front upper corners 2x2 cm, which are then rounded with sandpaper, and the rear corners to the size of the plinth.

    On the edge behind the central wall, a cut of 20 cm with a depth of 18 mm is made. It is located at a height of 265 mm from the floor. A cross member made of chipboard will be installed here, which will add rigidity to the structure by connecting all three posts. It is screwed to the side walls with self-tapping screws. Holes are drilled in the blanks, then the lower frame is assembled.

    Next they take care of the space for the system unit. They cut out a small sidewall, the top corner of which is cut off (rounded with sandpaper) and the bottom corner under the baseboard. A shelf is screwed to it. Everything is fixed together on the large wall and the rear cross member. The openings from below are closed plinth panels using dowels as fasteners.

    Superstructure – measurement accuracy is important

    First they cut out side elements, round the front corners at the top. For even mounting on the tabletop, a template is made from the same material. Holes are drilled at the ends. It is applied to the lid and the attachment points are correctly marked. Through holes are made in the tabletop, and blind holes in the sidewalls. To make it even, use a square, checking the geometry of the structure with it. They crawl under the table and screw self-tapping screws through the lid all the way into the lower ends of the sides for secure fixation.

    Two parts are made from the shield: an upper shelf 315 mm wide and a transverse side bar to provide additional rigidity. The table must be strong so that it does not fall apart. The middle vertical wall is screwed to the lid in the same way as the side ones. Using a template, mark holes, drill and screw screws from below through the lid into the end. Do not forget about the square, using it to control the arrangement of the elements.

    After installing the central vertical partition, a rear side rail is installed on the sides. The top shelf is placed on the end of the middle element, leveled and screwed. Now the setup has a frame, and the whole structure has begun to take on clear outlines. The left shelf is placed at such a height that it does not interfere with working with the printer, scanner or MFP standing underneath it.

    How to make boxes

    For the walls, a 12x120 mm board will do. Four pieces are twisted together using self-tapping screws from below, and thin plywood is sewn onto the bottom. Width and depth are selected depending on internal dimensions bedside tables, guide parameters.

    Their fastening begins from the bottom: this is more convenient for determining the further location of the boxes. The distance from the front edge of the side walls is equal to the thickness of the furniture panel - 18 mm. It is needed to secure decorative panels to the front wall. The guides are screwed, maintaining the required distance and symmetry.

    Holes are made in the cladding for handle fastening screws, which simultaneously connect façade panel and the front wall of the box. All parts are installed in the opening of the bedside table. To correctly determine the location, wedges are inserted between them.

    Through the holes in the front walls, using an awl, marks are made on the front board of the drawers. The standard screws sold with the handles do not fit. They are not designed to be mounted through the front panel and front board - you need to buy a longer one. Additionally, they are reinforced from the inside with self-tapping screws.

    Corner design - product features and installation

    The location of such a model requires adherence to the recommended parameters. Going beyond the limits causes inconvenience in work.

    The overall dimensions are calculated based on those given above. If the optimal dimensions are selected, then the depth of the corner where the person is located is 50–60 cm.

    The following instructions describe the manufacturing procedure:

    1. 1. Using a drawing, draw out all the details on the material and cut them out. The non-laminated board is treated with an antiseptic.
    2. 2. Assemble the racks. On the right is a large section. If you plan to place drawers in it, then the guides are pre-fixed on the inner walls.
    3. 3. Mount the corner support. A rectangular frame is installed on it, and space is provided for a retractable shelf where the keyboard is located.
    4. 4. Drill holes: 2 are required for the sides, and one on each side of the corner support. The responses are made in the countertop.
    5. 5. The dowels are lubricated with PVA glue and installed in racks. Install the cover. The sections at the back are covered with fiberboard walls.
    6. 6. They do drawers, are installed in place. If shelves are planned, they are closed with a door.

    To make high-quality models at home, Special attention give fasteners. It must meet the following requirements:

    • to be invisible;
    • allow for the possibility of tightening;
    • allow repeated disassembly and reassembly.

    Self-tapping screws are usually used, but they are not very reliable: over time, the fixation weakens. To prevent this from happening, the assembled model is disassembled and the parts are cleaned. Apply wood glue or PVA to the screws and tighten. This method makes tightening impossible.

    IN modern furniture confirmations are used that have the best properties:

    • create a force that compensates for drying out;
    • they compact the material rather than cutting it like screws;
    • easy to unscrew, you can tighten, disassemble and reassemble the structure up to five times;
    • do not require installation with glue.

    Screw the confirmat into pre-made holes - they have a blunt tip. It is important to choose the correct diameter of the drill, as well as the depth - exactly according to the size of the screw. When screwed into the end of a board, a mass 1.2 times thicker than the diameter of its neck is required on both sides (indicated by D1).

    Make sure that the material under the head does not become frayed. It is covered with a decorative plastic cover that is noticeable. But this is the only drawback of confirmations, which does not play a significant role.

    Ball guides

    Roller guides are unreliable and soon break. It is recommended to use Kulkov ball bearings - the box moves smoothly, the closer works accurately. They are a little more difficult to install.

Now almost every person has a tablet or personal computer. And if you can work with the first two devices even while lying on the couch, then this will not work with a PC. Therefore, for the convenience and health of users, it is recommended to work or play on a computer while sitting at a specially equipped table. Today's HouseChief editorial review is dedicated to how to make a computer desk with your own hands.

Read in the article

Design features of computer desks

They are designed taking into account the anthropological characteristics of humans and the requirements of GOSTs. Standard height is 750-890 mm. Manufacturers offer modern models, which provide the ability to adjust the table height in accordance with the user’s height.

The depth of the tabletop is 600-900 mm, which allows you to choose the optimal eye distance between the monitor and the person sitting in front of it. Also, with such parameters it can be more effective. If the depth of the tabletop exceeds 1000 mm, then “dead” zones are formed, which are difficult to reach without getting up from a chair or armchair.

The width of the table can be very different, and the larger it is, the better. The large work surface can accommodate additional monitors, printers, scanners, etc.

Types of computer desks

In mass production, computer desks come in two types: rectangular and corner. There are also semicircular and U-shaped ones, but they are considered uneconomical in terms of free space and are therefore used mainly in office cubicles and are usually made to order.

Linear or for PC has rectangular shape countertops, has low functionality and is intended for users with a small amount of equipment (scanner, printer, etc.). Under the tabletop, as a rule, there is a retractable console for the keyboard, as well as a niche or stand for the system unit. Models with 1 or 2 cabinets equipped with drawers are more functional. Often, a shallow cutout is made in the tabletop above the keyboard shelf for user convenience. This type table is considered the easiest to make with your own hands.

Allows for more efficient use of free space. The table is multifunctional and ergonomic. This is the most popular look furniture among PC users due to the fact that the table can be installed in a corner, which is most often practically not used, it can accommodate a larger amount of office equipment and is distinguished by its increased work surface.

Materials for making a table

A variety of materials are used to make computer desks, from traditional to modern. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. The choice of material for making a table largely depends on its design features.

  • MDF and chipboard– the most popular materials for making computer desks. This is due to the fact that they are durable, affordable, and have a wide selection of colors and textures. However, if the edges of the parts are edged poorly, the material is destroyed under the influence of moisture. In addition, tables made of MDF and laminated chipboard are not recommended to be disassembled and reassembled more than 2-3 times, since the places are broken and the hardware in them does not “sit” as firmly as before. You can also make a computer desk from thick;

  • tree– a traditional material for making furniture. However, computer desks from natural wood They are very expensive and not everyone can afford them. As a rule, such products are chosen to decorate a home office or executive office space. for PC are durable and beautiful in appearance;

  • plastic. These are modern models that are perfect for rooms decorated in modern style, And . Modern plastic is very durable and has big choice colors, and also allows you to create tables of various configurations;

Necessary tools, fasteners and accessories for making a computer desk

It is impossible to assemble a computer desk, as well as other furniture, without the right tool, and accessories. Let's consider this issue in more detail. Hardware you will need are confirmations, screws, furniture screws, minifixes, rafixes and rondofixes (for hidden fastening).


  1. Electric drill and...
  2. Sander.
  3. (if you plan to use a “T”-shaped plastic edge).
  4. Ruler, square and tape measure.
  5. Kit .
  6. Clamps.
  7. Awl.
  8. Pencil and marker.


  • supports;
  • furniture hinges;
  • guides for drawers and keyboard console (roller or bearing);
  • hardware;
  • furniture corners;
  • handles on the fronts of drawers and add-ons;
  • gas lifts for facades of superstructures;
  • shelf supports;
  • decorative pipes with a set of clamps and fastenings;
  • rollers for mobile stand for the "system specialist".

Simple computer desk: do it yourself

Classical rectangular table for a computer can be easily assembled even by a novice furniture maker. It consists of a minimum number of parts, and its design is quite simple. Let's look at how to make a PC table, shown in the photo below. We will use laminated chipboard as the material.

Construction drawing

First, we make a drawing or sketch, perform calculations and draw up details indicating dimensions. For all these operations, you can use special programs or a notebook sheet and pencil. By the way, it is very convenient to make a drawing on a sheet of paper in a square, taking each cell as 10 mm.

Watch a video that shows how you can use a special program to make a drawing and calculate parts from a photo of any computer desk found on the Internet

Preparing parts

Detailed detailing will help not only when cutting the laminated chipboard sheet, but also during the direct assembly of the structure. For a regular small computer desk you will need approximately 0.5 standard sheet Chipboard. After the parts are cut out and numbered, they need to be edged, at least melamine, and preferably around the entire perimeter of the workpieces.

Part number and name Size, mm. Quantity, pcs.
No. 1 Sidewall782×573×183
No. 2, No. 3 Bottom, shelf400×543×182
No. 4 Rear wall907×490×181
No. 5 Keyboard drawer900×386×181
No. 6 Tabletop1400×604×181

Instructions for assembling a computer desk step by step

To make the process simple and clear, we offer step by step instructions With detailed description process.

Illustration Process description

First, let's make markings and drill holes in the sidewalls No. 1. It is recommended to make the height of the opening from the edge of the top shelf No. 3 to the tabletop 110-120 mm, from the bottom edge of the bottom No. 2 to the floor - 80-100 mm. We assemble the cabinet for the system unit as shown in the figure. At a distance of 80 mm from the top edge of the middle and right side panels, we install guides for the keyboard shelf.

Using the rear wall No. 4, we connect the cabinet for the system unit and the right side panel, forming a single structure. Stuff furniture legs-nails onto the lower ends of the sidewalls.

Screw metal or plastic furniture corners onto the sides and back wall. We attach tabletop No. 6 to the corners, insert keyboard shelf No. 5 into the guides and check the ease of movement. That's it, the simplest computer desk is ready. If desired, you can make a special hole in the upper left or right corner of the tabletop for.

As you can see, to make a straight, simple desktop for a PC, you need a minimum of materials and experience, but at the same time, when marking and assembling the structure, regardless of its complexity, you need to be as careful and careful as possible so as not to drill extra holes and spoil the material.

We invite you to watch a video tutorial on how to assemble a computer desk:

How to assemble a corner computer desk with your own hands: drawings and diagrams

Do-it-yourself assembly of a homemade corner computer desk is practically no different from the option described above. The difference lies in the presence of 1 or 2 cabinets with drawers, an add-on for a monitor or documents, big table desks with a figured cutout opposite the user's chair and a retractable keyboard board.

Drawings of a computer desk with dimensions and cutting of parts

The dimensions shown in the figure are approximate (except for the height and depth of the cabinets) and you can change them in accordance with your requirements and preferences. It is best to mill the tabletop and fill it with a plastic “T”-shaped edge. It will protect the ends from moisture and deformation. Also do the detailing as in the previous version with a straight table.

How to assemble a computer corner desk: step-by-step instructions

The most difficult and dusty work is cutting, sanding and milling the tabletop. First, we mark the outline taking into account the width and depth of the cabinet with drawers and the stand for the “system unit”. We make a hole in the corner of the tabletop for. We fill the perimeter with a “T”-shaped or regular PVC edge 2 mm thick.

Once the tabletop is completely ready, we can begin marking and drilling the remaining parts. It is better to immediately number the parts in accordance with the detailing - this will make it much easier to assemble the table. Next we proceed according to the following algorithm:

Recommendation! Mark the halves of the guides and install them on the sides while the cabinet is not yet assembled. Believe me, it will be much simpler and easier. To install the guides, use a special template, of which there are many on the Internet.

How to make a computer gaming table with your own hands

Computers are used for more than just work, and most users buy happy, powerful machines specifically for gaming. A regular computer desk is not suitable for gamers because it requires a lot of space for multiple monitors, speaker system, MFPs, keyboards and game consoles. A gaming table can be purchased in a store or made by yourself.

Drawings and assembly diagram of a computer desk

A gaming desk is practically no different from a traditional PC design. The difference lies in the larger tabletop area, since you need to place at least 2-3 monitors, office equipment and game consoles. Also in the cabinets instead of drawers for papers and stationery powerful speakers are installed. Gaming tables, like designs for regular work PCs, can be rectilinear, corner or cantilever.

Before assembling a computer desk for gamers, you need to carefully think through everything: how many monitors will be installed, what office equipment will be used, your preferences and capabilities. It is also necessary to provide a cable channel, since with this large quantities There will be a lot of wires for different equipment and it is undesirable for them to dangle each on their own.

Assembling a table for a gaming computer with your own tables

Making a gaming computer desk is no different from previous options, with the exception of a few nuances related to the design features. Watch the video tutorial on how to make a plywood corner desk for your gaming PC

Review of prices for computer desks

Modern manufacturers offer enough a large assortment computer tables, both for work and play. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the prices of the most popular models. The cost of tables depends on the materials, design, brand and region of sale.

Manufacturer and model Material, parameters Average cost, rub. (as of March 2019)

  • Laminated chipboard, chrome pipes
  • Left- and right-handed execution
  • Superstructure
  • Dimensions (L/H/D), mm: 1930/1955/900
12 590

Computer desk “Ideal”, milky oak/wenge

  • Dimensions (L/H/D), mm: 620/1355/965
4 420

  • Chipboard, metal
  • Adjustable feet
  • LED lights
  • Dimensions (L/H/D), mm: 1200/750/640-680
28 000

  • Chipboard, metal
  • Angular
  • There is no keyboard tray
4 719

  • Mobile
  • Height 780 mm.
3 630

  • Angular
  • Height 750 mm.
7 600

  • Angular
5 950

  • Chipboard, metal
  • Angular
8 400

Ideas for a computer desk

Every user wants his workplace was not only durable and functional, but also beautiful and original. And here they are faced with the problem of how to decorate a computer desk with their own hands. You can paint it, decorate it with vinyl stickers or glass inserts and create . We invite you to look at a selection of photographs with examples of original decoration of computer tables.

The computer has become a part of life modern man. Portable devices with small dimensions do not require separate space for use and storage. But owners of stationary models have to face the question of where and how to make a computer desk in order to conveniently organize a special place in the house. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a table with a convenient add-on that would ideally satisfy all the requirements (design, functionality) and be affordable. Therefore, another formulation of the problem becomes more rational - how to make a computer desk with your own hands, using drawings and master classes.

Structure and size of a computer desk

Plan homemade table for a computer, taking into account all the elements of the system that you use. IN standard equipment includes: system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse. Supplement the list, if necessary, with a printer, scanner, sound system, etc. Consider ready-made drawings and table diagrams, they will tell you where this or that item can be placed. Be sure to provide extra seats with cabinets, drawers, shelves for papers, textbooks, notes, so that everything is at hand.

A table with an extension should be compact, but at the same time comfortable and not too small. When deciding on the location of the structure at home, be sure to take into account the possibility of access to the electrical network, natural light, sufficient distance from parts of the heating system.

A computer desk can be: straight, corner, combined, transformer. Straight designs are the most common. They can be installed in almost any room. Making a corner computer desk with your own hands means using the corner of the room as efficiently as possible, while creating a convenient place for using office equipment. The transforming table occupies a special place. It can fit perfectly into any interior. The product can be a closet, a chest of drawers, or a pencil case in which a computer is hidden. There is even a transformable table with small cabinets that turns into a sleeping area.

Universal computer desk

If you do not have experience in furniture production, choose not a transformer, but a simple but convenient classic design of a computer desk with an add-on. It will provide enough space for equipment and necessary materials. And so that New furniture became organic in finished interior, use furniture board or chipboard that is harmonious in color with other furnishings.

Materials and tools

For a computer desk with an add-on you will need:

  • 2.5 pine furniture panels 2000x600x18 mm.
  • 3 furniture panels 2000x400x18 mm.
  • 2 furniture panels 2000x200x18 mm.
  • 6.2 m boards 120x12 mm.
  • Half a sheet of plywood 1525x1525x6 mm.
  • 3 sets of ball (or roller) guides for drawers - 500 mm.
  • A set of guides for a pull-out shelf – 400 mm.
  • Dowels.
  • 3 drawer handles.

In your work you will use:

  • Electric hacksaw.
  • Drill with drills.
  • 50 self-tapping screws 5x60 mm.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Grinding machine or sandpaper(different grain sizes).
  • Square, tape measure, ruler, pencil.

Operating procedure

Making the base:

  1. Carefully study the drawing of the table with superstructure. According to the specified dimensions, you need to prepare the structural parts: tabletop, 3 racks that will be placed vertically, bottom, bedside table lid.
  2. Select parts that will be placed vertically. Cut off the front upper corners 20x20 mm. Also remove the lower rear corners of the walls (4.5x5.5 mm) so that the table can be installed flush against the wall, despite the existing plinth. Carefully sand the cut areas and make the front corners rounded.
  3. To install a 200x18 mm transverse panel, make a recess 18 mm deep and 200 mm wide at the rear end of the vertical central panel at a distance of 265 mm from the floor surface. This panel is needed for connection 3 vertical racks, it will be attached to them with self-tapping screws. In addition, the transverse part will serve as a stiffening rib for the base of the entire structure of the computer desk, since the back wall is of this product not provided.
  4. After preparing the parts using a drill, drill holes in advance so that when fastening you do not damage the structure of the workpieces. Assemble the frame with self-tapping screws.
  5. Let's start creating a stationary niche for the system unit. Cut out the parts (small side wall and horizontal shelf) to the specified dimensions. Cut off the front upper corner of the side part (20x20), round the cut, and sand all the ends of the parts. Connect the sidewall and the shelf, then the entire structure with the side wall of the table with self-tapping screws. Gamers and advanced computer geeks, who often update the equipment of their system unit, prefer to place it on a separate stand with wheels. In this case, use drawings and diagrams from the Internet.
  6. In the openings under the shelf and bedside tables, drill holes for dowels. Attach the plinth panels to them.

Let's get started with the table add-on:

  1. Cut out the side parts of the superstructure, immediately rounding their front upper corners. Prepare a template with a thickness of 18 mm so that the sides on the tabletop are fixed evenly. Drill holes in the ends of the template with a drill. Then attach the ends to the tabletop, make precise markings for fastening.
  2. Prepare through holes in the tabletop, and blind holes in the lower ends of the side panels. Use a square to check that the connection is made correctly. From under the table, screw the screws through the tabletop into the sides.
  3. Make markings on the board 2000x400 mm so that you get a shelf 2000x315 and a transverse side bar, which will be fixed at the top of the structure. In addition to the main function, these parts will increase the rigidity of the superstructure.
  4. Cut out the middle wall from a 2000x200 board, and attach it to the tabletop in the same way as the large side parts. Check with a square that the connection is correct.
  5. We install a vertical central partition. Screw the back bar, which serves as a side. Align the position of the shelf with the square and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  6. We make a shelf with a jumper. Select the dimensions of the shelf at your discretion. Make the parts from a 2000x200x18 board. Fasten the parts with self-tapping screws. Computer desk with add-on – ready.

Additional details, finishing:

  1. To make boxes, take a 120x12 mm board. Adjust the parameters of the drawers to the dimensions of the side cabinet and pre-prepared guides. Connect the 4 boards with self-tapping screws at the back and front. Use plywood for the bottom.
  2. We attach the guides. It is better to start from the bottom, gradually making marks for the next ones, control the symmetry of the arrangement of the paired slats. Please note: the roller guides should not be installed flush with the edge of the cabinet, but slightly deeper. Make an indent equal to the width of the front part of the furniture panel.
  3. Cut out the front parts for the drawers from the sections of the shields. Place wood chips between the boxes to determine the size of each panel.
  4. We cut out a tabletop from a 400x18 furniture board, subtracting the width of 2 roller guides along which it will move.
  5. Disassemble the table into components. Handle thoroughly grinder details. Cover them with 2 layers of varnish. Then reassemble the frame.
  6. Attach a handle to the center of each drawer front.

Compact computer desk

Our homemade transforming table will be hidden in the closet. Shelves in the upper part will serve as a convenient add-on. The design feature will be rotating tabletop, with its help it will be more convenient to use a transforming table.

To make your own transforming desk for a computer, you will need:

Description of work

  1. Cut out the parts for the table, carefully studying the drawings. Mark the connection points.
  2. Make holes for connections.
  3. Sand the edges, remove all irregularities, and cut off the excess with a jigsaw.
  4. In the part of the tabletop that will move, make blind hole 35 mm in diameter (pivot center).
  5. Drill through hole through both tabletops.
  6. Drive the mounting bolt into the pivot hole and secure it with a nut at the bottom. The transformer is ready.
  7. We cut out the shelves and fasten them with shelf holders.

Hi all! Some time ago I came up with the idea of ​​a computer desk that would suit me in everything. The day finally came when the reflection of my computer shone in its polished surface. I want to tell you how it was made and what came out of it! Lots of photos await you.

I won’t repeat myself too much, so to summarize, I wanted a comfortable, beautiful, high-quality, durable, relatively compact and at the same time mobile computer desk. This is how the idea was born, which can be seen in the first picture in the header.

As I wrote before, I was originally going to make this table myself, since I love working with my hands and have some experience creating my own furniture, but after weighing my strengths, I decided that it would be too difficult for me - a lot exact dimensions and there are many places where a little screw-up can ruin the whole idea. Therefore, the implementation was carried out by friends who specialize in this with my direct participation. At the very first stages, I realized that this was a very reasonable decision because the sequence of actions and the professional’s approach turned out to be completely different from what I had imagined. Especially with internal radii... but first things first.

Glued oak 25 mm thick was chosen as the base of the table. The shapes of the top tabletop, the main bottom part and the sides were prepared from wooden panels.

The fun started with the inner radii. These are:

How I imagined it: we take, roughly speaking, a plinth, grind out the required radius in it and glue it into the corners. All. But there are several nuances here. Firstly, it is very difficult to grind the required radius on a thin wooden block. Secondly, it is very difficult to adjust the required radius so that it fits perfectly into this corner along its entire length. And thirdly: if you managed to cope with the first two points, then the edges of the bar will be very thin and brittle, which will most likely result in “bitten” and “torn” edges outside this radius.

Therefore, the craftsmen do it this way: the base is sawn, a tall prepared block is glued between the parts, and after that the required radius is adjusted “on the spot.” The bottom one is ready.

We do the same with the upper radius. We glue and customize.

At the same time, prepare all other parts of the table.

Let's put it all together:

The table is almost finished here. At the top there is a future retractable tabletop for a keyboard and mouse. Also, of course, wooden.

At the finish line before painting:

What's the end result? I'll move on without further pause.

And this is him, tortured.

From now on I’ll tell you a little more. In the last post there was a lot of discussion about how best to implement locking mechanisms. The solution, as always, turned out to be very simple: by analogy with construction equipment Two legs with rubber bands at the bottom are screwed into the floor and the table is firmly fixed in place. The same photographs clearly show the gray painted outline. I intended it not only as a decorative element, but also to hide the seams and joints. The paint was applied from a spray bottle, so the outline turned out to be very dense and even, and felt like plastic. I don’t want to praise myself, but I’ll just note that in real life this combination of wood and painted outline turned out to be even more interesting than in the project. The table looks very modern, especially appropriate in the Computer Desk concept.

Here: a shelf for ups and holes for routing wires.

They met!

I decided to provide additional mounting for the system unit. After all, the table is on wheels, you never know... Unfortunately, I didn’t calculate the length of the bolt a little, but I think the idea is clear.

And the mounting base for the system unit is very convenient to use for shortening wires. This way, nothing unnecessary gets in the way either underfoot or gets under the wheels.

UPS. The same photo shows the stoppers of the retractable table top. By the way, it turned out to be very comfortable and wide. It was possible to gain a little extra space thanks to the rails located not on the sides of it, as manufacturers of most computer desks do, but under the tabletop. It extends quite far without bending.

I also decided to make a small cut in order to demonstrate the beauty of its mobile properties. I note that in order to feel them, you don’t have to carry the table from room to room; it’s even convenient to just roll it away from the wall in order to plug in, say, wires. Or move it to a corner further away when guests come and you need to put a large table. I also don’t have a TV, so it’s very convenient to move it closer to the sofa... in general, there are a lot of scenarios when this might come in handy.

In general, I thought for a long time and came across several ideas for a more massive table in a similar design, which would probably appeal to opponents of retractable shelves, but for me personally I consider them very convenient solution especially in small city apartments.

I don’t want to build up bulky structures, otherwise I’ll be out of sync with the mobility ideas, so a little later I want to add a shelf like this to the table:

I'll end here. I hope that I at least a little managed to infect you with my ideas and that you happily walked with me from the first unprepossessing project in sketchup to the very kitchen at the back of that very table.

Century modern technologies characterized primarily by an abundance of functional equipment, the task of which is to make a person’s life easier. Not least of all are computers and laptops. Agree, today you rarely meet a person who does not have this technique. This is, of course, good. But a computer or laptop needs to be placed somewhere, and it’s not always possible to buy ready-made furniture the best option. It’s expensive, and you don’t always find what you want in your room. Eat great way To solve this problem - make a computer desk with your own hands. This is what we will do in our article.

Where to start

Before you make a computer desk with your own hands, you need to clearly imagine what you want to get in the end. In other words, we need a project. And if you are determined and want to end up with furniture that will be a real solution, you should think it through down to the smallest detail.

First of all, pay attention to the functionality of the table. Consider whether additional shelves, drawers, or special stands will be needed. It might make sense to make pull-out shelves.

Next, it is important to consider the height of the structure. It is recommended to make a standard ordinary computer table with your own hands within 750 mm. These dimensions also include the tabletop. For a child, you can choose a lower height.

Do not lose sight of the expected size of office equipment and the number of items. Before cutting out shelves and making drawers, you need to measure everything using a ruler or tape measure. Then you won't have to redo it in the future.

And finally, you need to take into account the general parameters of the room and the place where you plan to put the furniture. It should be comfortable and the lighting should be correct. Only then will the person sitting at the table not feel discomfort while working. The same parameters should be taken into account if you want to make a laptop table with your own hands.

DIY table video

Materials and tools that will be required for work

Making a computer desk with your own hands is a labor-intensive process that requires patience and attention. After drawing up the project, you need to decide on the materials that will be used. Most often, tables are made from:

  • natural wood;

A table for a computer or laptop made of wood is preferable to others, but it will cost much more and will still have to be varnished. MDF and chipboard are much cheaper materials and are not much inferior to solid wood. In addition, they tolerate well high humidity and are insensitive to damage.

What material to choose is a matter of taste. But the tool with which the work will be performed must be available. Most often, the usual set is used, which every man has, even a not very experienced master:

  • hacksaw, electric jigsaw;
  • Grinder;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • roulette;
  • square

Naturally, this list may be slightly different, since it all depends on the design of the homemade computer desk with your own hands.

Several ways to make a table for office equipment

As mentioned above, it is not necessary to have special construction skills in order to make a computer desk with your own hands. Initial knowledge, desire and patience will be enough. For a more complete picture of the upcoming scope of work, we will give several ways to make a table for a computer with your own hands.

Method one: a simple rectangular table made of MDF

For work we need MDF board thickness of at least 16 mm, a set of tools from the list above, screws, glue, fittings. First of all, we measure the place where the furniture is planned to be installed: width, length and depth. Based on these parameters, when making a computer desk with your own hands, drawings are drawn up. Only after completing these steps can you cut the MDF into pieces and then mount the table:

  1. Using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we attach the side parts with guides.
  2. The side modules are assembled using dowels. Greater strength can be achieved using special glue
  3. We use 4 mm thick MDF as the back wall and assemble the table walls into a single whole.
  4. Using the drawing, we cut out the elements of the drawers and shelves, make a fitting and secure the drawers with clamps. Side surfaces processing edge tape.
  5. On bottom side on the tabletop of the computer table with our own hands we mark the places where the support stands are attached. Using a drill, drill out blind holes.
  6. Using screws, we attach the cabinets to the inverted tabletop.
  7. We turn it over, fasten the hinges, hang the doors and put the drawers and shelves in place;
  8. We attach the stand under the monitor using round blocks of wood, piping and glue.
  9. We cover the made table with a primer and paint it desired color and begin to use it for its intended purpose.

Tip: in this way you can make a computer desk from chipboard with your own hands and use any other material.

Method two: corner computer desk

Now let's look at how to make a corner computer desk with your own hands. This work will require a little more attention, but the result will please you - an empty corner of the room will function, and free space, however, will not become smaller.
So, for work we will need the following tools and materials:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • clamps;
  • wooden dowels;
  • electric saw;
  • knife, sharp enough;
  • iron, edge tape, ruler, square and pencil;
  • wood glue;
  • self-tapping screws

We will take 16 mm thick MDF sheets as the material, and hardwood for the support elements.
To begin with, we measure the space and make a drawing, according to which we carry out the detailing of the objects.

If you don't know how to work with drawings, look up ready material. To make a corner computer desk with your own hands, drawings can be found on the Internet.

Having prepared all the parts, we adjust everything to size and proceed to assembly, which must be done in stages.

1. We assemble the side parts of the table on dowels, screw in the guides for the shelves inside and the drawers that will be pulled out. You can strengthen the fastening with glue.
2. We secure the rear walls with self-tapping screws.
3. We process the side edges of all structures with edging tape, gluing it with paper and a hot iron. Cut off the excess part with a knife.
4. On the inside of the tabletop, mark the places for the support pedestals and drill blind sockets. We turn the tabletop over and attach the cabinets in this position.
5. Next, we return the table to its normal position, fasten the side doors, install drawers and shelves.
6. We fasten the upper structure of shelves with ties and place it on the table, installing a stand under the monitor.
7. The table is ready. All that remains is to paint it to match general interior. Thus, assembling a computer desk with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

If there is a laptop in the house

We've discussed how to make a computer desk yourself. But what to do if there is a laptop in the house instead of a computer? It would seem that the thing is quite mobile and does not require additional stands. But, as practice shows, lying in bed or on the sofa with a laptop in your hands is not always comfortable. Therefore, now we will make a laptop table with our own hands.

The easiest and free option

First of all, let's consider a design that does not require special construction skills and not a penny of financial investment. It’s tempting to make such a table for a laptop with your own hands. You can use the details old furniture, remnants from repairs and other scraps of any building material.

You only need three parts: 2 side parts and a table top. Its size will depend on the size of the equipment. We will make a tabletop 270x660 mm. It’s easy to cut, the main thing is to measure it exactly.

It will be a little more difficult with the side planks: they must have a beveled side, which is attached to the tabletop. The dimensions of the side walls are 270×205×255×280 mm. it turns out that the back of our table will be raised by 280 mm, and the front will be lowered by 205 mm. Thus, a small DIY computer desk for a laptop will have a slope, which will make it very convenient for work.

The side parts are attached to the tabletop using self-tapping screws and are additionally reinforced with small corners. This enhances the strength and reliability of the structure. All that remains is to paint or finish it to your taste and preference. There is nothing difficult in such a design, and if a person likes to study or have fun while reclining, then why not think about how to make a laptop table with your own hands.

Another way: a folding table for a laptop

The folding design of the table is a little more difficult to make, but if you often move from place to place, it’s worth thinking about how to make a laptop table convenient and mobile. Will be required following materials and components:

  • tabletop material;
  • side wall material;
  • screws or self-tapping screws;
  • 4 folding fasteners with a lock.

You can use any material that is available. We cut out the tabletop 600×400 mm, the side legs - 400×310 mm. Using a ruler and pencil, mark with inside table tops, places for installing fasteners for legs. We make holes for the screws, fasten everything securely and that’s it - our DIY computer desk, the photo of which you see, is ready.

Under no circumstances forget to record folding design in the right position. When folding the table, be sure to remove the latch.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make a computer desk with your own hands. The article discussed only the most accessible and simple ones. But there are craftsmen who are able to create furniture that you cannot find in any store.

Well, for clarity, watch the video on how to quickly and easily make a computer desk with your own hands, using the information from which you will cope with the problem easily and naturally.


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