How to make a soda bomb. Photos of homemade bath bombs

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It's time to try making these bombs yourself.

I wrote earlier about what bath bombs are and why they are needed. Now I suggest making them yourself.

I managed to make the bomb the first time. Despite the fact that on various forums dedicated to making bombs, there are many beginners with unsuccessful experiences. The main thing is not to get upset. If the bomb didn’t work out, fell apart or crawled when drying, there is no need to throw it away. Can be crushed and used as an effervescent bath mixture. Not as original, but just as effective.

Classic composition for 1 bomb:

* 4 tbsp. soda,
* 2 tbsp. l. citric acid,
* 2 tbsp. base oil (olive, sea buckthorn, castor, almond, etc.),
* 2 tbsp. filler (milk powder, sea salt, zest, corn starch, clay, herbs, etc.). Remember, there should be 2 tablespoons of filler, no more, no less. For example, 1 tbsp. milk powder 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt, or 2 tbsp. salt, or 2 tbsp. powdered milk, or in other combinations. If one dry component was reduced, the amount of the second increased by the same amount. It is important.
* 7-8 drops of essential oils,
* molds. I have children's sandbox molds. You can use different lids from creams (great for foot bath bombs) and so on.

Do not mix the mixture into several bombs at once; it hardens quickly.

A few words about base oil. I don’t recommend using sunflower oil, it goes rancid quickly. Linseed oil It will also go bitter quickly, but if the bombs will not be stored for a long time, then you can use it. Sea buckthorn oil turns the bathtub lightly Orange color, but if you wash it right away, then everything comes off without problems. The best is grape seed or olive oil. Almond is also often used. Castor oil is considered heavy, creating a very dense film on the surface. But if you take not 2 tablespoons, but only 1 teaspoon, then the unpleasant oil film becomes quite tolerable.

I even recommend taking 1 teaspoon of base oil instead of 2 tablespoons. This is more pleasant for the bather and also has a skin softening effect. In order to get a mass like wet sand, you can sprinkle the mixture with alcohol or vodka from a spray bottle (no more than 4-5 sprays!). It’s better to spray it once at a time, stir the mixture and add more if necessary. Over time, you will determine your quantity of zilch.

Now about the filler. I absolutely do not recommend using clay. In dry form it has quite beautiful colour, but in water, and even with oil, it turns out just gray fatty water. Brrr! Potato starch is also blacklisted. Corn starch, like powdered milk, also makes the water cloudy, but they are more beneficial, the skin becomes tender and soft. You can use ground oatmeal, sugar, etc. The scope for flight of fancy is simply enormous.

Let's start mixing the components. We take soda, citric acid (it would be better to grind it in a coffee grinder), oil, essential oils and filler - sea salt and tangerine zest. You need to be very careful with lemon juice, because... it irritates the mucous membrane and can cause an allergic reaction, so make sure there are no children or pets around and wear a respiratory bandage.

I sift through a sieve so that there are no lumps.

Mix and knead well, like dough.

Then I add 2-3 splashes of vodka and mix again. You need to act quickly, because... the mass hardens quickly. The mass should look like wet sand. We determine the readiness of the mixture by squeezing it in our hand. It should form a tight lump that easily disintegrates when pressed with your finger. If it doesn’t work, stir the mixture further and add zilch.

Check to see if the mass is ready.

The mass is ready.

Press the mixture tightly into the molds. To decorate the bottom of the mold, I poured unground sea ​​salt.

If there is any mixture left, fill out the appropriate form.

If the bomb is round and consists of 2 parts, then fill 2 halves of the molds with a slide (fill the sides of the mold well). We press the halves tightly against each other. After 2-3 seconds, carefully open the halves (be careful, it may crumble!) and set the bomb to dry. The room in which the bomb is drying should not be high humidity, otherwise the bomb will be saturated and float (a reaction will occur).

If, despite all your efforts, the bomb floated, i.e. began to hiss actively, quickly crumble it, add 1 tsp. dry component, knead again and fill the mold tightly. You can put it in for a couple of minutes freezer. Sometimes it helps. But I hope this just doesn't happen.

The bomb is ready. You can leave the bomb in the mold for literally one minute. It jumped out of my form on its own.

If you add bombs to it as decoration various flowers, then before use it is recommended to soak them in oil for better adhesion of the components - otherwise it will simply crumble when drying.

To get multi-colored bombs, the mixture must be divided into two parts. Add dye to one of them - these can be either food or natural ingredients. For example, cinnamon. You need to be very careful and careful with it, because... it irritates the skin and you can simply get burned. The most in a safe way will use colored sea salt.

There is one more component that may be present in the bombs. This is magnesia - Epsom salt - magnesium sulfate. It is added to make the bomb boil longer - from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon. Although I get along just fine without it. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

Using various fillers and oils, you can create bombs with various properties: relaxing, anti-cold, soothing, tonic, etc.

Try it and you won't be able to stop! It is very exciting!

If you are one of those people who adore comfort and are also looking for some zest in everything, you probably know something about bombs that are rapidly gaining popularity, which are also called geysers. It is these little sizzling balls that add a special touch to the usual bath time and turn it into a kind of art that you don’t really want to part with. They are the ones who can bring a touch of grace, amazing sensations and even bright colors in this daily ritual.

And what if DIY bath bombs are made, so their advantages simply increase significantly. Firstly, they become 100% useful. After all, at home you can make them only from natural and food ingredients. Moreover, you can easily create various options for any level and direction of usefulness. Such crafts look very stylish and can be perfectly packaged to give to your loved ones. Well, and, of course, a very pleasant moment in all these processes with home production is the opportunity to get high-quality, extremely useful and very cheap product. After all, buying ready-made bombs is often a very expensive pleasure.

In general, the benefits of creating such mini-cosmetic masterpieces are enough to give them a try. And here the question arises for many: how? Indeed, despite their popularity, these small magical spheres still remain an intriguing mystery for many. Although in fact, everything is very simple here: they rush into the bath while bathing and begin to hiss, reacting with the water. This allows all the components in the bomb to actively fill the bath with all the useful things that are in this very bomb and enjoy the result of their action on your loved ones. You can see how all this happens in the video:

What are the benefits of bath bombs?

Since the main ingredients of such creations are soda, salt, lemon acid and various oils, then, first of all, you can consider the benefits of these particular components.

So, soda softens water and has a beneficial effect on the skin, acid becomes a conditioner and removes toxins, and benefits of salt has long been known - strengthens the immune system, fights cellulite, improves cell turnover, maintains skin elasticity, relieves fatigue and calms the nervous system. And if you add it to such a cocktail essential oils, then the benefits will be absolutely invaluable. All this is contained in such wonderful bombs, which are prepared quickly, and are easy to use, and in general, a bath with them becomes a heavenly pleasure. But this is, of course, if you know exactly their composition. Therefore, if you want to be sure of the exceptional benefits of the bomb you use, best option I can't find anything to do with my own hands.

How to make bath bombs

The essence of creating such interesting balls comes down to two methods.

First way involves mixing all ingredients (soda, citric acid, natural filler, base oil and essential oils) without adding water.

Second way, practically does not differ in composition from the first one (except perhaps in the amount of added base oil), but water is already used here.

Important! Whatever method you choose, there are certain rules, compliance with which will allow you to get the ideal result:

  • It is better to grind salt and citric acid first. For example, a coffee grinder.
  • When working with acid, it is highly advisable to use a mask and rubber gloves, since without them there is a risk of irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract with citric acid dust.
  • If possible, it is better to give preference to silicone options as molds. They are more convenient and make it easy to separate the mass from the walls.
  • The mixture must be compacted well into the molds so that there are no voids left. If both halves of the vessel are filled, you need to connect them without twisting, but simply press down well.
  • To avoid a premature reaction, make sure the surface of the molds is completely dry.
  • After removing from the mold, the bombs must be given time to dry before use. As a rule, 8-10 hours are enough for this.
  • Corn starch, oatmeal or milk powder can be used as natural fillers.

Bomb recipes

Basic bomb

2 parts (take 100 g as a basis) soda;

1 part (50 g, respectively) citric acid;

1 part (50 g) sea salt.

AND essential oil(about 10 drops are enough for this amount).

Water in a container, thanks to which it can be sprayed onto the mass. A standard spray bottle works fine.

And, of course, molds.

All these ingredients are mixed (do not forget that the salt and acid must be crushed first). Then, little by little, you need to spray water on them, constantly mixing the mass. The texture of the bomb mixture should be like slightly wet sand.

If it is ready, you can compact it into molds for 8-10 hours. After this you can take it out and use it.

Advice: Since the bomb does not contain various cosmetic oils, it may be difficult to remove it from the mold. To prevent this from happening, the container can be lubricated vegetable oil or cover with cling film.

Bright colorful bombs

This recipe will be more complicated. But the bath will be filled with additional oils and unusual colors.

You will need:

1 cup sifted baking soda;

0.5 cups each Epsom salt (Epsom), cornstarch, ground citric acid;

3 tsp each water and melted coconut oil.

About 10 drops of essential oil;

Color palette of food dyes;

Dried flowers (optional).


Advice: If you use different essential oils, you can add them later, when the mass has already been divided into different dishes. Then the finished bombs will not only be different colors, and also with different flavors.

Advice: You can mix different colors in one form, then you will get beautiful wavy transitions.

Advice: Here you need to be very careful, since the mass may crumble.

Exquisite pink bomb

This bath will be covered with your favorite rose petals.

We will need:

1a glass of soda;

½ cup dry and sifted cornstarch;

½ cup crushed citric acid;

½ cup of salt (it will be ideal if you mix two types: sea and English).

2 tsp spoons of essential oil (you can use any oil);

You will also need a base oil. You can take coconut or any other that is available to you. You will need from 2 to 4 tablespoons. Here you will need to watch the preparation progress. First add 2 tablespoons, and if the mixture does not stick well enough in your hands, gradually add the rest to the desired consistency.

If desired, you can add food coloring (a couple of drops).

Possibly water in the spray bottle;




And, of course, dried rose petals.


By the way, such geysers can be beautifully packaged and presented as a gift.

The most common mistakes made when making bombs.

  1. The ball does not fizz enough in the water. Perhaps you just overdid it with adding water. Next time try reducing the amount.
  2. The mass does not stick together well in the mold. Try adding more oil.
  3. When removed from the mold, the bomb cracks or falls apart. Try leaving the mixture in the molds for a few more hours. Another reason could be the wrong consistency, it may take several tries to guess the right one.
  4. Even after a day in the form, the bomb still falls apart. Here you can try letting it sit for a couple more days, and if this doesn’t help, then the reason is insufficient water. This can only be corrected during the next preparation.
  5. Geysers hold their shape, but crack a little. This indicates that little has been added more water, than necessary and there was a slight reaction. As a rule, this does not spoil much appearance and even adds zest to the product.
  6. The bombs became soft during storage. This is due to high humidity. It is better to store such items in a dry place.

Now that you have everything necessary information about bombs, you can become a real expert in making them. And after trying to make at least a couple of the suggested recipes, you will easily understand that you can make other types of small geysers. All you have to do is experiment with carrier oils, essential oils and food coloring. These experiences can be very exciting and incredibly creative. And you will be able to become not only a pro in preparing such homemade cosmetics, but also get the opportunity to get healthy, relax, preserve your beauty and, of course, delight your friends with pleasant gifts.

Bath bombs can transform your relaxation into... new level. You can de-stress and enjoy a warm, pleasant-smelling, and impeccably beautiful bath. But how safe are these bombs?

Buying bombs at Lush, The Body Shop and "bubbling balls" at Stenders, you will be tempted natural oils, pleasant smells and incredible colors. Salespeople will tell you how the bombs will hydrate your skin and relieve stress, but what will actually happen to your body?

Study the ingredients of the bombs. They contain chemicals that affect hormones and dyes that reach the mucous membrane. Standard bath bombs are definitely not something that will be good for your body. Luckily, we have a recipe for homemade bombs that will help relieve stress without harming your health.

1. Totally fake and toxic flavors

The aromatic fragrance added to the bombs does not seem to be a dangerous ingredient. But in fact, synthetic additives are the most toxic part of the product. The US National Academy of Sciences has found that 95% of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are petroleum products (). Yes indeed. Throwing a mango-scented bath bomb into the bathtub may result in a spilled puddle of oil without you even noticing it. However, your skin will receive all the dangers associated with this fact. For example, the likelihood of skin itching and allergies.

Many of us are aware of the dangers of phthalates and other chemicals that affect hormones. They can cause serious illnesses and problems, so we do not recommend using bath products when bathing children and pregnant women (,).

When studying the composition before purchasing, pay attention to “fragrance”, “fragrance oil”, “fragrance oil blend”. This is a legal way to hide the names of chemicals from buyers and manufacturers regularly use it. In total, manufacturers use 3,000 toxic flavors and do not indicate their names in the composition. Such flavorings may cause malfunction nervous system, respiratory diseases and are potentially carcinogenic ().

2. Food dyes get into the blood

Food dyes are dangerous in more than just food. A 2013 study found that skin can absorb toxic dyes, especially skin that has undergone hair removal. Once in the skin, dyes go directly into the bloodstream, instead of passing through the digestive system and being filtered by the liver, like other toxins ().

Dyes are regularly used in bath bombs. They can cause an allergic reaction. Some studies suggest increased risk oncological diseases. This primarily concerns the yellow dye. ()

3. Urinary tract infection

Experts may note that showering reduces the risk of infection (), but bathing with a bomb seriously increases this risk. It has been proven that bubble baths and bombs touching the genitals seriously increase the risk of infection. ()

4. Glitter is made of plastic.

Many bath bombs contain glitter. These are tiny particles of plastic that do not decompose. After flushing, they will pass into sewer system and will eventually pollute the water. They are harmful to the ecology of the planet, and if this does not bother you too much, then they are not very useful for your skin and mucous membranes either.

5. Yeast Infections

First of all, this applies to women. The chemicals contained in the bombs can disrupt the natural pH balance of the female organs and increase the risk of yeast infection. ()

Are boric acid bombs dangerous?

Some stores promote bombs homemade containing boric acid. The advantage of this solution is the antifungal effect of the acid. It is used to treat some female diseases and treat fungus on the feet of athletes.

Unfortunately, the special European Commission found evidence that boric acid affects hormones. Its use is prohibited in Japan and Canada ().

It is so serious that the Government of Canada has recommended that the use of acid in art (it was used to make clay) and veterinary medicine be phased out. The reason is said to be harm to the human reproductive system. ()

Safe Bath Bomb Recipe

You can make the best bombs yourself and without any special skills. You will need:

  1. 1 cup soda
  2. 1/2 cup citric acid
  3. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  4. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar or wine vinegar
  5. 1/2 cup ground sea salt
  6. 1.5 teaspoons
  7. 1/2 teaspoon
  8. 1 tablespoon (witch hazel)
  9. 1 teaspoon beet powder (instead of coloring)
  10. ethereal
  11. orange essential oil

Preparation will take 10 minutes, you can discard most of the components and replace them with others.


  • Mix all dry ingredients (soda, citric acid, salt and starch) in one glass or ceramic container
  • Mix all wet ingredients (vinegar, oils) in another container
  • Mix ingredients from both containers
  • Place the mass in a mold or simply squeeze it with your hands until you get a ball with a diameter of 3-5 cm
  • Let the mixture dry, this will take up to 2 days.
  • Use a bath bomb and enjoy without harm to your health
  • This bomb can be stored for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator, closed from contact with air.


Bath bomb- This is a mixture of dry ingredients, including oils, flavors and dyes. The dry substances of the bomb completely dissolve in water, changing its composition, color and smell. The mixture may contain skin moisturizing oils.

What is a bath bomb used for? The bomb is used for aesthetic reasons, making the bathing process more pleasant and interesting. Selected species mixtures can be used to soften and moisturize the skin. Bombs can be used to reduce stress levels.

A few facts:

  1. Flavorings are made from petroleum and are hazardous to health.
  2. Bombs can cause allergies, asthma and serious illness.
  3. Food dyes enter the bloodstream and this is unsafe.
  4. Bombs increase the chance of infection, especially in women.
  5. Glitter spoils the environment.
  6. Boric acid can affect hormones and is banned in some countries.

Anna Streltsova

05.04.2017 05.03.2019
Good afternoon I am a nutritionist and Chief Editor site. My practice is located in Riga, and the lecture can be heard in the city of Jelgava. An excellent team of professionals works on our articles.

After a working day, it's nice to take a bubble bath or bath bomb. Using a bath bomb will also perfectly diversify this procedure for children and will delight them with its hissing. But you shouldn’t buy bath bombs in the store, because their price is unpleasantly impressive. Make sizzling bombs with your own hands, it’s simple and quick, and the materials for them are the simplest and most affordable.

Recipes for bath bombs are available in large quantities and all of them are quite accessible even for an inexperienced master.

One of the most simple recipes bath bombs as follows.

To make a bath bomb you will need:

1. Soda – 8 tbsp. l.;
2. Citric acid – 4 tbsp. l.;
3. Powdered milk or starch (potato or corn) - 2 tbsp. l.;
4. Base oil (olive, sea buckthorn, walnut, jojoba, almonds, grape seeds or other - of your choice) - 1 tbsp. l.;
5. Optional ingredients: use ground coffee, coconut flakes, grind flavored green tea or other healthy herbs, grind sea salt, small flower petals; a few drops of any essential oil.

How to make a bath bomb with your own hands:

Mix soda and citric acid (if they are caked or have large particles, pound them in a mortar). Add the rest of the ingredients there. Mix everything well. After this, try squeezing a little of the resulting mass in your fist - it should hold tightly, but when pressed it will easily crumble. If it is too loose, you need to add a little base oil.

Attention! The bath bomb mixture should not come into contact with water!

Place the prepared bomb mixture tightly into the molds. For molds, both special molds and small jars of yogurt, curds, and children's molds, Kinder Surprise bases, are suitable.

Let the mixture stand in a dry place for about an hour. After this, carefully shake them out and put them in a dry place again, but for a day.

Use food colorings And decorative packaging to give your homemade bath bombs an attractive look.

Bath bomb with rose petals

For this bomb you need: soda 200 g, citric acid 100 g, magnesium sulfate 100 g (otherwise called “Epsom salt” - can be bought at the pharmacy), glycerin 1 tbsp. l., almond oil 1 tbsp. l., essential rose oil, fresh rose petals (if you use dry petals, they should be soaked), red food coloring, water - 1 dessert spoon.

Thoroughly mix dry citric acid, soda and Epsom salt. If lumps have formed, they should be rubbed out.
Add glycerin and stir.
Stir in almond oil and essential oil, followed by food coloring.
Pour water into the mixture and stir. The mass from the water will begin to foam a little and increase in volume. If the mass compressed in a fist is dense and does not crumble, then the mass is ready.
Place rose petals on the bottom of the molds. Place the mixture tightly on top. Leave until completely dry for a day, but longer is better.

Oatmeal bomb with mango

Bomb ingredients: mango butter 10 g, soda 10 g, citric acid 10 g, magnesium sulfate 0.5 tbsp. l., oat flour 0.5 tbsp. l., in Vanilla - 7 drops.

Melt the mango butter, cool slightly, add vanilla. Add one by one: baking soda, citric acid, magnesium sulfate and flour. After adding each ingredient, stir the mixture thoroughly.
Fill the molds tightly.
These bombs do not need to be dried. They are made from dry ingredients. It is enough to place the bomb in the mold for 30 minutes.

Bath bombs can be more than just good cosmetic product. If you add chamomile essential oil to them, you will get a good remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds, which is more important than ever in the fall. In addition to the bactericidal effect that it will have on the respiratory tract, chamomile essential oil will have an excellent effect on the skin - it will help heal wounds, relieve inflammation, and soothe irritated skin.

Chamomile Bath Bomb Recipe

Ingredients: 1 part baking soda, 1 part starch (preferably corn starch), 1 part citric acid, a few drops of chamomile essential oil
you can add sea salt with chamomile or dry inflorescences purchased at the pharmacy.

In a deep bowl, thoroughly mix soda, starch and citric acid. At this point you can add sea salt.
When the dry ingredients are well mixed, you can add the essential oil. Mix the mixture well again so that there are no large lumps.
Next, take water in a spray bottle. The finer this unit sprays water, the greater the chance that the bombs will turn out beautiful. After each spritz, mix the mass - it should be evenly moist.
It is better to use cold water - there is less chance that the components will begin to react actively. If the mixture starts to foam a lot, the bombs will turn out loose and will not hold their shape. Nothing wrong with that, beneficial properties they will not lose, only their appearance will suffer.
After all the manipulations, the mass should become like wet sand - when squeezed in a fist, it should form a lump, but at the same time remain crumbly. Now you can put it in the molds. Bombs can be removed in just a few minutes. To make the bombs stronger, you can put them in the freezer for an hour, and then let them dry at room temperature about a day.

A bath bomb with lavender oil will also be helpful.

Or a coffee bomb - with ground coffee and cocoa butter.

Coconut bath bomb recipe:

Ingredients: Coconut oil 3 tbsp, water 1 tbsp, essential oil - any - 0.5 tsp, corn starch 4 tbsp. (potato starch will not work, it is completely different, and the smell is not very pleasant), soda 180 g, citric acid 3 tbsp.

Coconut oil must be melted in the microwave, in a water bath, or simply on a radiator. Add essential oil and water to it. Mix well.
After this, first stir in the starch, then add soda and citric acid one by one.
Transfer the resulting mass into molds. In this case, you should press down very hard. Leave the bath bombs in the molds for 1-2 days. Then remove the bombs and dry them without molds.

Bath bombs can both provide bliss after a hard day at work and invigorate you before an important event. Today we’ll figure out how fizzing geysers affect a person’s mood, and find out how to make a bath bomb beautiful, effervescent and fragrant.

What is the effect of a bomb?

A homemade bomb is a product that consists of specially selected components: mud, oils, herbs and other products. For beauty and special charm, flower petals, sparkles or dried herbs are placed inside.

These bath fizzy drinks have long been loved by users due to their healing properties. The main ingredient is baking soda, which perfectly relieves skin irritation and itching, but citric acid makes the ball effectively fizz in water. All additional ingredients help recreate the fragrance, soften the skin and give a great mood.

Classic herbal bath bomb recipe

All herbal bath bombs are prepared with your own hands using the following technology. Take:

  • soda - 10 table. l;
  • citric acid - 5 table. l;
  • salt (sea) - 2 tables. l;
  • any food pigment;
  • favorite essential oil - approx. 20 drops;
  • olive oil - no more than 1 tsp;
  • dry cream - 1 table. l;
  • a pinch of dried or fresh herbs;
  • glass bowl and gloves;
  • bomb molds (you can use ice molds).

Cooking instructions look like this:

  1. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands.
  2. In a glass bowl, mix baking soda and lemon until smooth.
  3. Put sea salt and dye there.
  4. Add cream, olive and essential oils to the mixture, add ground herbs. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  5. If the composition is mixed correctly, it will stick together well.
  6. If the mass crumbles, then you should pour a little water into it. It is just important not to overdo it, otherwise there is a risk that a hissing reaction will begin. In this case, quickly add a little more soda and lemon to the mixture.
  7. Make a ball from the plastic mass. There's nothing complicated about it. Make it like a regular snowball.
  8. Press the mixture firmly into the molds. They can be tennis balls cut in half, as well as egg cells and kinder molds.
  9. Leave the workpieces to dry for 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the balls from the molds. If you have not violated the manufacturing technology, they will not break or chip.

All is ready! Simple and fragrant geysers are ready. Such products, together with designer soap, the technology of which we wrote about, can easily become budget and an original gift on March 8 or New Year.

Relaxing lavender fizz

Delicate and soft effervescent bombs will help you relax after a busy day. The components help relax the body, so it is better to take this bath before bed. The recipe looks like this:

  • citric acid - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sodium carbonate - 4 tbsp. l;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 1 tbsp. l;
  • powdered milk - 3 tbsp. l;
  • wheat germ oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • lavender oil - 20 drops;
  • lavender (chopped) - 1 tbsp. l.

Making a bath bomb at home consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a comfortable deeper vessel.
  2. Mix lemon and soda, stirring the mixture thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. Add dry milk while continuing to stir.
  4. Add wheat germ oil little by little drop by drop.
  5. Continue stirring as you carefully pour the lavender oil, crushed lavender flowers, and sea salt into the bowl.
  6. Take a spray bottle and spray a little water onto the dry ingredients while continuing to stir. Stop whisking only when the mixture begins to foam.
  7. Take any interesting mold, first grease it with vegetable oil.
  8. Place the mixture inside, compact slightly, and place the filled form on a paper sheet.

Dry the “baby” for 6-7 hours, and she will be ready to give you relaxation and enjoyment of aromatherapy.

Romantic fizzy bomb

If you want to arrange a chic romantic evening for yourself and your significant other, then be sure to take a look at the following, slightly playful, recipe. Ingredients:

  • soda - 60 g;
  • lemon - 60 g;
  • cocoa butter - 60 g;
  • oatmeal powder (crushed) - 3 tbsp. l;
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops;
  • dye - 10 drops;
  • bergamot (liquid) - 10 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil - 10 drops.

The element of a romantic evening is prepared independently as follows:

  1. Cocoa butter has long been proven to have healing properties for human skin. It will nourish, moisturize and give smoothness to the skin. Take a piece of butter and melt it in a steam bath or in the microwave.
  2. Cool slightly and slowly add oil and dye. Mix the gruel thoroughly.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients: bergamot, oatmeal powder, lemon and baking soda.
  4. Wear gloves and mix the mixture with your hands until smooth. The consistency of the workpiece will resemble shortbread dough.
  5. Transfer everything into molds and place them in the refrigerator or freezer to harden. Often 30 minutes is enough.
  6. Remove the hardened bomb from the cold and wrap it in plastic wrap.

All that remains is to put it at the right moment fragrant geyser in water.

Pink fizz for skin care

A rose scented bomb will not only turn bathing into a special ritual, but will also have a beneficial effect on the softness and smoothness of your skin. Compound:

  • 200 g - soda;
  • 100 g - lemon;
  • 10 g curry;
  • 100 g - Epsom salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l-glycerin;
  • 1 tbsp. l- rose oil and almond;
  • pink petals;
  • 1/5 tbsp. l - water.

The step-by-step manufacturing instructions are as follows:

  1. Mix 3 ingredients: salt + acid + salt. Mix well so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Add glycerin and both essential oils, stirring.
  3. Use curry to color the resulting mixture yellowish.
  4. Gently stir in the water until it starts to sizzle.
  5. Squeeze the mass in your fist, and if it does not crumble, then everything is ready for molding.
  6. Place rose petals on the bottom of the mold, onto which you have already applied the mixture, tamping it tightly. But dried petals need to be soaked before use.

Leave the pieces to dry for two days.

"Chocolate delight" for children

This recipe is perfect for children, it is prepared without oil, only from natural ingredients. The subtle and delicious aroma of chocolate will not leave anyone indifferent. Components:

  • 100 g - soda;
  • 50 g - dry. milk, lemon, salt;
  • 30 g - cocoa powder;
  • 12 drops chocolate flavoring.

Process of creation:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a convenient container.
  2. Apply with your hands the required form, and send it to dry in the refrigerator.
  3. After drying, the fizz is ready.

As you can see in the photo, the bomb can be given the most incredible shape and decorative design.

  • To create multi-colored pops, prepare mixtures of different tones and tamp them into the mold one by one.
  • Use only food pigments, as they are completely safe for humans.
  • If you accidentally over-moisten the workpiece, dry it on the radiator, or, observing the proportions, add bulk ingredients.
  • If you have a lot of material, but not enough forms, it doesn’t matter. Press the mixture into the mold more tightly and immediately remove it, leaving it to dry without the mold.
  • If the slurry does not want to stick together or crumbles after drying, it means that you have not moistened it enough.
  • Use a spray bottle so as not to overdo it with the amount of water.
  • If you only have solid butter, then you must melt it in a bathhouse.
  • You should not use apricot and peach kernel oils, since the mass to which they are added does not retain its shape well.
  • Store ready-made bombs only in a dry place, preferably sealed.

Don't miss the opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones with bubbling bath fizz, which can, if necessary, saturate the body vital forces, or give the desired relaxation. Below is a video instruction that will help you understand the intricacies of preparing other types of bombs.

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Video: DIY bath bombs


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