How to make your yard beautiful. Beautiful courtyards of private houses - the best landscape design ideas

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Landscape design of the site of a private house, urban or suburban type– the process is no less labor-intensive, costly and creative than in own apartment. However, if in the first case, for the most part, only your family and friends admire the results of your work, then in the case of landscaping, so to speak, local area the result of your work and efforts can be admired by everyone around you. Today the editors of the site will show you what the area around the house can be like, and how to properly organize the landscape design of a private house, a photo of which you will definitely post on social networks.

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Landscape design of local areas of private houses with photo examples

In order for all work to improve the local area to take place harmoniously and correctly, and the end result can only please its owners, neighbors and guests, planning should be approached very thoughtfully and seriously. And every piece of land should carry some kind of meaning.

Advice! Formulate in advance an idea that you would like to implement on your site. It could be a stone style patio Japanese garden or air design with flower beds and a gazebo.

Front yard

The front yard is the face of the house, guests come here, neighbors stroll here, and this is where the envious glance of the neighbor who never decided to improve her plot will fall. facades can be very different. In our opinion, there must be a cozy path here that will lead guests to a cozy place. No? Then check out other ideas.

Any idea has the right to exist. For two reasons: you are the masters of your life, and, secondly, how else can you arouse the envy of your neighbors.


If area country house not too large, it is often difficult to realize all wishes and plans. In such circumstances, you should consider the possibility of combining different zones, which can be quickly transformed.

Do not forget that any changes you come up with, one way or another, will affect the appearance of the entire site, including. So consider making changes in a way that doesn't make your yard look ridiculous. An ill-thought-out layout and too much decorative elements will make the local area look like a patchwork quilt. The backyard is, above all, a place of privacy. Therefore, you can triple or summer dining room here.

Patio area

A patio is a secluded backyard fenced in decorative wall, gallery or lattice. And, by the way, the patio was not immediately associated with the obligatory refectory, which, of course, is most convenient to organize away from hidden eyes. Beautiful patios were popular back in Ancient Rome. Cozy courtyards were richly decorated, and noisy feasts were held here. And today, the patio is most associated with the opportunity not only to relax, but also to have a snack. fresh air.

Design of a private house courtyard with photos of functional areas of modern courtyards

Modern courtyards in mandatory designed taking into account the following mandatory rules, which should provide comfort not only to the owners, but also to the guests. A private home must have:

  1. Parking for guests and family.
  2. Well maintained and safe.
  3. Availability of canopy.
  4. House with a canopy.
  5. Children playground.

All these elements should complement each other whenever possible. Examples of how to properly organize space can be seen in the photo.

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We need to think about additional zones. If there are children in the family, it is worth setting up a playground. You can provide a picnic area on the grass, build a real one, or even arrange a Japanese Zen garden. It all depends on how often you plan to use such areas of the yard. If the yard is small, you can think about combining some zones. For example, a picnic area can be equipped with a folding area and chairs, as a result of which the freed-up space can easily be converted into a field for sports games.

Summer kitchen and dining room

Proud and most favorite area to a real mistress There was and is at all times a comfortable and functional kitchen and dining area. Summer kitchens are popular at all times, and if the kitchen is also decorated, it will definitely delight the neighbors. Moreover, the kitchen itself can be located under open air, hide behind glass or sit on.

Most often, kitchen areas are decorated with a special pocket. In some cases, special scaffolding is used, as if highlighting the area open kitchen and a dining room. As with patios, these areas are often paved with stone. And, in general, the kitchen area is the kingdom of stone and fire.

Improvement of a recreation area in the courtyard of a private house

Any recreation area consists of comfortable couches or. Quiet and relaxing retreat surrounded by nature. Here you can be alone with yourself, read a book or admire the sunset.

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Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house with photo examples

Sometimes, due to the abundance of bloodsucking animals, it is difficult to spend a long time on the street. The solution could be a glazed room with lighting, where you can sit during the cooler times of the day.

But it will perfectly protect from the wind and prying eyes. You can make it yourself from bars and thick wire. Unpretentious clematis or hops can be used as loaches. The most popular options that decorate almost every pergola or wall on. Grapes are an unusually common plant that also bears fruit - grapes. Can grow in both light and shade.

Open areas

If on your site there is a cozy place located between, for example, and some, then here you can also arrange a recreation area with a fountain. You can also plant shrubs or hang flowers in pots, and also install.

Play area and swimming pool

But if there are children growing up in your family, then you might well think about implementing such an idea as a children’s playground with a swimming pool. It is necessary to provide for the presence of the following elements: a sandbox, a playhouse, a slide, and also a responsible approach to the choice of plants. It is better to avoid thorny bushes and roses. Some plants can cause allergies. You should pay special attention to wild thickets; it is quite possible that a bush with wolfberry has sprouted there.

You can decorate the playground in the same style, the main thing is to think about a non-slip coating, this is especially important if you are planning to also organize a swimming pool. It's best for it to be . A mosaic anti-slip surface is perfect.

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Landscape designer at VENUS DESIGN studio

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" The playground must be within the sight of adults at all times. A good view from the windows of the house and from the open area, if adults are there, is required.



"Dacha plot" in modern world- this is not a place forgotten by God, but a platform for self-expression. The time has passed when a private house or dacha were associated exclusively with rows of raspberry bushes and. Today simple rules designs are available to everyone. Any idea can be, if not transferred to life, then implemented in your own way.

Arrangement of the yard of a private house depending on the stylistic direction

Different style directions give us guidelines on how to better and correctly organize space in a single style.

Of course, it is difficult to implement all innovations at once, so it is best to use one style. We propose to consider the most common types of stylistic trends.

Mediterranean style

− sunny and colorful, light, there is a lot of wood, natural elements and stones. A hammock would look appropriate. Paths can be paved with natural stone of different shades, preferably light ones. Many bright flowers in ceramic pots the best way will decorate this style. And in a sophisticated design, entwined with climbing plants and miniature fountains will add an exotic touch.

English style

This is characterized by a landscape garden with smooth lines and transitions, a natural arrangement of objects. There is a lot of greenery here. Plantings are most often arranged in steps, in tiers. From the bottom - flowers, then - bushes, and then - trees. Here you will not find symmetry even where you think it should be. The paths here are most often winding, the paths get lost, and it seems that right now someone will jump out at you. White Rabbit and will call you to a magical land.

Japanese style

Japanese style is a reflection of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. This style suggests a reflection of Japanese culture and certain Japanese traditions. Availability required artificial reservoir or even two with swing bridges across them, or at least through one. Near the reservoir there is a gazebo decorated in Japanese style and the presence decorative stones. As for green spaces, preference is given to dwarf pines, juniper and rhododendron. Japanese style is distinguished by its originality and originality.

Do-it-yourself courtyard design for a private house with photo examples

Independent landscape design of the courtyard of a private house - not an easy task. The difficulty is that often what looks good in a picture or “in your head” turns out “not so much” in reality. Therefore, it is easier to rely on photos of real objects. At least you can see what happened there. An idea can be taken “in whole” or in part, adapting it to own desires or conditions. How else, besides a site plan on graph paper and cardboard analogues of various landscape objects, can you visualize your design project? There is a simple way - using ordinary plasticine or other improvised means.

Such “visualization” will help to evaluate the invented texture and color scheme. Everything else - benches, a pond, fountains, trees, bushes, flowers - is sculpted from plasticine. For believability, trees and shrubs can be made from twigs by attaching “foliage” of approximately the same shade. And yes, we do everything to scale (for example, 1 meter is equal to 1 or 2 cm). This is exactly volumetric image 3D, which will convey to you proportions, convenience, and all other nuances of what you created landscape design yard And if you are good at PC, then there is a chance to use one of specialized programs. in landscape design will help you calculate all the elements in advance and see your own flaws.

There are many programs. Here, in our opinion, are the most popular of them:

  1. Our garden. There is a large built-in plant library, paving planner, gates, etc. It is possible to load missing materials or textures, plants.
  2. Google ScatchUp. This is a non-core program, but it has a landscape planning section, which is very good - there are a lot of lessons on working specifically with landscape creation.
  3. Punch.The disadvantage of the program is that there is no way to add your own objects. You can only use those that are in the software library. Another disadvantage is that there is no way to export the results, that is, you will not be able to use the created project in other programs. But it is simple and requires almost no time to learn.
  4. Sierra LandDesigner 3D. Large database of plants and other objects. It is possible to enter your own data and use it in your work. Each possible action has a hint, so it's easy to figure it out as you go. The program specifies the soil type and style you want to decorate your yard. It will automatically select suitable objects. Once the work is completed, you can print the project and receive an estimate.

How to decorate your yard with flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

Decorating your yard with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to weigh your options in advance, and if you have extra funds, then invite a professional designer.

In this case you will receive professional advice and eliminate possible mistakes. On the other hand, own idea will be only yours, and you will always be able to proudly say - myself or myself.

It is not necessary to repeat the idea one after another; it is important to capture the essence of the project and use your own resources to implement it.

How to decorate the yard of a private house with curly trimmed bushes with photos of cutting ideas

In fact, it is better to leave the shape cutting to a professional gardener. In this case, you will definitely not spoil the bush and will give yourself a chance to correct the situation, and not make it worse.

If you are still far from English gardeners, it is worth studying the experience of other summer residents. In this video you will see how you can improve the flower beds on your site.

Do-it-yourself decoration of the yard of a private house in winter with photos of options

What about winter? Isn’t it possible to experiment at this time and try to use some skills for an unusual design of a garden or area near the house? It is possible and necessary. See the photo gallery and try to repeat!


Utility yard in the village. Ideas for your yard. Layout of the yard of a private house

You can create a sketch using special programs

Territory zoning

Large areas must be divided into functional areas. The main ones:

  • Front door. This is a place located between the main entrance to the house and the road.
  • Household. As a rule, it is reserved for buildings.
  • Gardening. Designed for growing various vegetables and fruit trees. Its size depends on the wishes of the owners, in some cases it may be completely absent. It is better to locate this area in well-lit and convenient places for watering.
  • Relaxation area. It is often placed in the courtyard, but there may be several such areas (sports ground, benches, etc.).
  • Gaming. The plot allocated for It is usually placed near the house or in another clearly visible place.
  • Parking lot. Parking space for personal vehicles.

Arrangement front area

When locating these zones on a site, the landscape of the area, as well as existing structures and plantings, should be taken into account. If there are fruit-bearing trees, then it is better to preserve them, organically fitting them into the overall design of the yard.

Choosing a Design Style

Having decided on the division into zones and the number of objects and buildings, you need to think about uniform style registration It can be developed independently, based on several design directions, or selected from existing ones. The most popular styles for decorating areas are:

Modern. This design is characterized by minimalism. All elements have their purpose, any unnecessary details are absent, and plantings are used as an addition and are of secondary importance.

English. A landscape made in this style resembles a miniature landscape and looks as natural as possible, but at the same time neat.

Italian. It is characterized by the use of various wooden products, untreated stone and lush vegetation. Often the focus of attention is on some artificial pond, pond or fountain.

Mediterranean. It is in many ways reminiscent of the Italian style, but the emphasis is on decorating with stone in the form of various terraces, walls and flowerpots.

Asiatic. This includes traditional Chinese and Japanese motifs: minimalism, a large number of stones, alternation of hills and flat areas, ponds, rounded shrubs.

Natural. With this design, the landscape is as close to natural as possible. However, it is important to take precautions so that the site does not seem abandoned. Preference is given irregular shapes, winding paths and lawns of wild plants.

Regular. This style is quite strict, straight lines and regular geometric shapes, the principle of symmetry is observed whenever possible. It looks especially appropriate on large areas(from 15 acres or more).

Before making a choice, you should carefully study each of these styles and compare them with the size of your site and your financial capabilities. It is important to consider that for a harmonious appearance of the yard, all elements, from the facade of the house to flower beds, paths and garden lanterns, must be combined with each other.

Patio design: setting up a patio

As a rule, it is in the inner part of the yard that the main areas for recreation and entertainment are located, so it is worth considering the features of its design in more detail. In Spain, this part of the yard is called a patio and there is a small stone-paved area equipped with a table, benches, a canopy, and sometimes a barbecue or barbecue. Often, for greater comfort, it is surrounded on several sides by green spaces.

Cozy patio on the lawn

The design of the patio may vary. It is often placed at the back wall of the house or in the garden. If this is not possible, then hedges made of bushes or climbing plants. The dimensions of such a site usually do not exceed 4 square meters. m., and it itself is complemented by a standard garden set - a table and chairs or benches.

One of the main decorative elements of a patio is a paved area. Stone is traditionally used to create it, but it can be replaced with concrete slabs, paving bricks or even wood. However, you need to understand that a base made of boards will last several times less than a stone one and will require additional processing antiseptics.

It is recommended to choose natural and soft colors for the site so as not to disturb the atmosphere of rest and relaxation characteristic of this part of the yard. Good materials for furniture patio will be vine, wood, plastic or forged metal. Sofas and chaise lounges, especially wicker ones, look appropriate here.

Patio adjacent to the house

And, of course, an integral attribute of the patio are the plants surrounding it or located inside it in pots and flowerpots. If you like evening gatherings in the fresh air, then you also need to take care of the lighting of the area.

Possible difficulties when decorating the site

Not all yard landscaping work always goes smoothly. One of the main problems that you may encounter is the unsuitable terrain of the site. Significant surface unevenness may make it impossible to plant some plants and locate buildings. Harsh climatic conditions or excessive soil moisture can also become an obstacle to the implementation of the plan.

In this situation, you need to think about how to turn existing disadvantages into advantages. For example, if the house is located on a hill, then it is worth focusing on its design. Uneven terrain can look good combined with terraces or a rock garden. And in the lowlands it is very convenient to place a pond or pool.

Properly selected decor will hide the imperfections of the site

If, on the contrary, the site is too flat, and you want to add variety to it, then creating artificial embankments is not recommended - they look unnatural. It's better to arrange it instead alpine slide, flower beds and garden.

Beautiful landscapes of private houses (photos)

As you can see, there are plenty of options for decorating your yard and garden area. All you have to do is use your imagination, put in a little effort and your yard will turn into a real oasis. And beautiful landscapes will help you be inspired to create your own masterpieces

Before you start designing, you need to think about a plan of action. First, we determine what you want your yard to look like. Is it a picturesque garden or a place to spend time with friends? Or maybe you like to crawl into a secluded corner to read your favorite books?

Landscaping the yard of a private house begins with planning. A good start would be to make a sketch on paper with a rough layout of the main areas of the territory. You can roughly note:

  • the house itself;
  • other large buildings;
  • pipe locations;
  • large trees that you plan to keep;
  • places of shade and sun.

If there is, you can put on the map places with difficult areas ( high humidity, large stones, etc.).

This will begin with a rough idea of ​​what can be successfully implemented on your site. It will be more convenient to think about the location of zones, plants and decorative elements. Taking into account sunny and shady sides and soil moisture, we select suitable plants.

Principles of planning a yard near a private house

Of course, there are no rules for planning your site. But for convenience, it is better to think about the correct distribution of zones. Usually the house occupies only 10% of the plot, if it is large, but for small areas parameters change up to a third of the territory.

Even owners of small plots of about 6 acres should think about zoning the space. To ensure that the style of the entire yard is harmonious and echoes, use similar forms of structures. These zones can be divided by:

  • decorative elements;
  • light;
  • plants.

For the convenience of owners and guests, gazebos are placed not far from the entrance to the site - so as not to have to go deeper every time you want to sit there.

Entertainment for children is located closer to home to be able to keep an eye on the kids.

For those who like to grow food in the garden, it will be successful to prefer straight lines and paths. If you are an esthete and only intend to admire the view, then exquisite and unusual shapes both buildings and paths for you.

How to effectively arrange recreation areas

To feel comfortable and quickly manage the housework, it is better to have nearby zones that are close in purpose.

It is also convenient to combine zones for their subsequent use for their actual purpose. For example, combine a terrace and a gazebo or a dining room with a kitchen. This is a good tip for owners of small territories.

Relaxation area in the front yard

As mentioned above, a front yard is a good location for a gazebo. We also add plants and landscape composition and we get a beautiful view.

If space allows, you can add large decorative elements:

  • pond;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain.

Water has a positive effect on the atmosphere of the recreation area. Just imagine how pleasant it will be to drink morning tea or welcome guests in such an environment.

If you love privacy, then you will feel most comfortable without prying eyes while drinking tea or reading a book on a bench or in a hammock. That's why many people prefer to build high fence around your site. But for some, frequent communication with neighbors is not a hindrance.

How to arrange your backyard

The adjacent territory of a private house suggests the location of a recreation area with secluded places. If you make a canopy, then even rain will not be a problem for those who like to spend a lot of time outdoors near the garden.

In the backyard there is often a barbecue, sports grounds or swings. This area is also decorated with plants. Looks good in this part of the area tall trees.

Paths and paving

Before building roads on a site, you need to properly consider their location. It’s best, as before, to take a sheet of paper and draw a plan. You can also use special programs on your computer. First, we determine the main passages and then look for the most convenient location of additional ones.

Not all roads can be paved with expensive natural stone, but crushed stone can be used for auxiliary passages.

Well-designed passages will be a real salvation when moving around the area after rain.

Covering the area with hard material helps maintain cleanliness. Most of the area is covered with sidewalk tiles:

  • paths leading from one zone to another;
  • the main area around the house.

It is more comfortable to walk on large tiles, on which the foot rests completely, if you lay out a path with a distance between the elements (which looks very nice).

Paving stones are suitable for decorating areas. They also use decking, a material that imitates wood. Often paths are made like this: they put a curb and pour small crushed stone. This option is quite simple to implement. It will take a little longer to pave required areas yard

Don't forget about route lighting. Also, to make it more comfortable to move around the site, take into account the location of the pipes so as not to step over them every time. We also recommend paying attention to the following details:

  1. Relief of the site. A slight slope is created on the paths so that water does not collect if it passes through a low area.
  2. If a location is expected above the path deciduous trees, then it is better to abandon bulk gravel or crushed stone paths, since falling leaves will clog the path and spoil the view.
  3. Do not make sharp turns or frequent bends in the path, as a shorter route is usually cut through your lawn, which will subsequently be trampled in such places.
  4. The width of the road should be enough to freely pass and transport necessary household supplies.
  5. Consider the overall landscaping design of the yard when choosing a path design to match the overall style of the property.

Pre-calculate how much you will need building material to understand how much investment will be required. count everything together with the border and keep in mind that not only the width of the paths is important, but also the depth when it comes to bulk design options.

Plants in the yard design

To plant plants with favorable development and convenience of the territory itself, it is better to adhere to some rules.

It is not a good idea to place any conifer, no matter how small, in the front yard. They look beautiful, but the needles will spoil the look by falling to the ground, which will add extra work.

The same applies to deciduous plants near ponds - fallen leaves will spoil the view and clog the pond.

In general, in order not to complicate the care of plants for yourself, unless, of course, you set yourself the goal of growing unusual species, it is better to choose the most unpretentious trees and shrubs.

Always looks good hedge. Not too low to provide privacy and not too high to require regular trimming.

With minimal design skills, you can create a picturesque look with flower beds and lighting.

Suitable for small areas vertical gardening. This option will visually expand the space and emphasize the improvement of the territory of a private house.


Garden design suggests that the brightest in your yard will be flower beds made of bulbous plants. They will fill the entire yard with spring colors and create a festive atmosphere. Lilies, daffodils or tulips are often used.

They do not bloom for long, but you can create a composition so that the flowers bloom in turn almost all spring.

Coniferous plants

Planting coniferous plants on the site is a rather elegant solution. Tall trees behind the house look good. Spruces, thujas, junipers and pines will decorate the site for years. And owners of small territories can decorate the site without compromising space dwarf plants kind.

Ornamental shrubs

Shrubs can transform a boring fence into a work of art. They serve rather as a backdrop for other bright plantings. But, for example, lilac will delight you with its aroma every season and at the same time hide the household. buildings or garage.


These plants are good for decorating your yard. Flexible clematis will beautifully weave around a gazebo or arch, become the highlight of the fence and add coziness to the overall picture of the site. Liana-like plants are very convenient for creating green screens to delimit zones. In addition to clematis, popular climbing roses. These plants look very elegant and bloom for a long time, decorating the courtyards of private houses.

Country house lighting

We often consider a house outside the city as a place where we go to relax after the fast pace of a polluted city. Therefore, here I want to see the complete opposite of the usual environment. Maximum silence, tranquility and unity with nature.

In addition to planning, zoning and choice of plants, lighting affects the beauty of the site.

When we look ready-made examples design using lighting techniques, we admire the creative solutions of the authors. Proper lighting is an art. No matter how well the house and plot are decorated, light often determines the originality of the entire style. You can give the house mystery or a touch of medieval style.

A particularly interesting lighting technique is accents. This way you can highlight a specific object or composition (statues, columns, etc.).

Even the color of an object can be easily changed with the help of light filters and give them a completely different look in dark time days.

Popular types of lighting:

  1. Contour lighting. Created using LEDs and cords. It highlights the contours of buildings or elements well and looks quite impressive.
  2. Hidden lighting will illuminate the elements of the building and create an effect of volume and solemnity.

Pretty light design difficult task. You can order it from specialized companies or understand the intricacies of this creative and interesting process and make lighting yourself.

Features of the yard landscape

The size of the plot does not always determine the area of ​​the yard. Owners can leave a lot of free space if they plan to garden. If relaxation is a priority, then all the free space near the house can be used for the yard area and for areas with decorations.

Small yard design

When the plot is very small (6 or less acres), it is, of course, difficult to enlarge the yard. But visual effects it can be increased by deceiving perception and the landscape design of a small courtyard will sparkle with new colors:

  1. Often, for such purposes, a small elongated pond is created. It distracts attention from the rest and captivates guests.
  2. An elevated fountain would also be a nice touch.
  3. Flowers are planted in narrow stripes and do not interfere with the passage, while decorating the area.
  4. You can plant flowers behind the fence, visually expanding the territory and moving the road away from the house.
  5. The garage is located in the corner of the territory, while parking usually remains behind the fence.
  6. The recreation area is organized behind the house and often the wall of the house is the main one for the gazebo in order to save space.

These little tricks will help you create coziness and place all the zones on your site and create a beautiful courtyard in a small area.

Yard design on a plot of 10 acres

Typically, a house occupies 3 acres in such a plot. According to the classics, we place the houses closer to the rear border, with the porch facing the fence gate. It stays that way free place for landscaping the yard. Not only will there be a seating area, there will still be enough space for classic decorations (an alpine slide or roses) or creative designer solutions.

Since the garage is usually part of the site and the location plays a role in daily convenience, it is installed as close to the gate as possible. On a plot of 10 acres, you can place a parking space between the garage and the gate. Behind the garage you can make a cozy seating area, as it will be hidden from view from the street. And so that the beautiful courtyard of a private house does not spoil the appearance of such buildings, they are decorated with plants.

Yard design on a plot of 15 acres

Important decorative elements will be flower beds that will lead along the edges of the path. Do not overload the overall appearance with the color of the flower beds - this will tire the eye.

The abundance of space will allow you to delimit the flower beds with hedges of small height.

A composition made of stones will look good, especially on uneven terrain. Some even make artificial differences in the area if it is initially flat.

A pond will also undoubtedly add beauty. This could be a pond or stream, decorated with decorative elements to match the general style of the yard.

Paths for private houses are best made from natural stone- this way they will last a long time and will look expensive and beautiful. Tiles or pebbles also work well.

For the outdoor dining area, furniture made of lightweight materials will be used, which will be easy to remove under a canopy if necessary (during rain) or bring into the house for the winter. Of course, in addition to materials, you also need to take into account the design of furniture for a country house. A harmoniously designed recreation area will create comfortable atmosphere and charge the owners with optimism for a long time.

You can also add a barbecue or shish kebab area. Beautifully design seating areas near the fire and select appropriate lighting that will accompany warm, friendly gatherings in the evenings, from which the landscape design of a yard in a private house will only benefit.

For new ideas and inspiration, look at the landscape design photos below, as well as the video on landscaping the courtyard of a private house.

Owners of country houses are faced not only with the need to equip them in accordance with their individual needs and the needs of their family. It is also necessary to pay attention to creating a unique environment in the courtyard of the house and in the garden.

The implementation of a successful idea in landscape design makes a country house original and unique, but each person has his own vision of how to achieve this.

This article presents several approaches to arranging space near your home that will help you create a small, unique world in its own way.

Planning the space of the local area

Many people believe that landscape design requires special knowledge and skills that they do not possess.

This is partly true, but such difficulties are often exaggerated. Every person with imagination and a little free time is able to show creativity and transform their local area.

It is necessary to understand that upon entering the territory of the site, you should feel comfort and safety. And it is important for guests and visitors to feel the originality of the new environment.

To implement design solutions, when planning the local area, you should pay attention to a number of features.

The center of home ownership is always the structure of a private house, so any design change on the site must correspond to the general concept of arrangement.

Necessity preparatory work determined by your plans to transform the territory. In particular, it is advisable to carry out drainage or strengthening, which in the future will significantly facilitate all other work.

Each family member may have their own wishes, their own vision of arranging the territory of the house. Therefore, you must first plan what exactly you would like to see on your site. Take a plan of the house and garden area, add new objects and decorative elements, and evaluate how they fit together.

If the area of ​​a country house is not too large, then it is often difficult to realize all the wishes and plans. In such conditions, you should consider the possibility of combining different zones that can be quickly transformed.

How to effectively arrange recreation areas?

By combining several architectural elements similar in functional purpose, you can effectively manage the space of a country house. Combined elements provide the possibility of transformation into a zone that is relevant in this moment time. The following combination options are often used:

  • terrace with gazebo;
  • dining room with kitchen;
  • bathhouse with gazebo, etc.

When arranging recreation areas, it is advisable to use light garden or country furniture. It is quite compact and lightweight and does not take up too much space. If necessary, you can move it to another part of the house or complement it with other interior items.

For example, light rattan armchairs and chairs will look good in a gazebo, and installing sun loungers in the garden allows you to create a cozy area for afternoon relaxation.

  • children's and playgrounds must be located within good visibility;
  • the backyard is ideal for arranging a parking lot or recreation area;
  • Not only the thematic zones themselves on the site should be comfortable, but also the paths for moving between them.
  • If you like to garden, then it is better to remove the beds from open visibility and place them inside the yard.

Dividing the site into zones

After you depict the placement of the planned decorative elements on the site, you need to clearly visualize your idea of ​​the new architectural ensemble. In this case, you need to plan how the individual zones will be demarcated from each other.

  • demarcation by arches;
  • use of fencing;
  • installation of screens;
  • natural delimitation by green spaces.

The choice of method depends on the decorative elements being installed. The garden recreation area can be limited by an arch intertwined with plants. And here sports ground it is advisable to separate decorative fence, screen or low picket fence.

Recreation areas can be separated by trellises, complemented by garden trellises. And so that these elements do not stand out too much, it is advisable to decorate them under a green wall. Rattan screens will help not only create a cozy, secluded corner in the yard, but also protect vacationers from the sun or cool wind.

Helps separate thematic areas from each other garden paths. For their arrangement, a variety of materials can be used - special slabs, stones, bricks, gravel, cobblestones or pebbles.

For decorative purposes, areas between slabs or stones can be left untreated or covered with sand. Planted low-growing plants will also look good.

It is advisable to give individual areas of the house maximum naturalness, leaving wild plants. Such an area can be paved with tree cuts, the joints of which can be covered with fine gravel or pebbles can be laid.

If your site is characterized by multi-level terrain, then these disadvantages can be turned into advantages. To do this, it is enough to build original steps and transitions.

Arrangement of the yard

Originality country house attached to small pools and ponds. For pools that serve not only a decorative role, it is advisable to use composite materials, hard PVC materials or build a concrete pit.

A pond in the yard can be built by digging a pit and covering it with PVC film. Along the banks of the pond you can lay out pebbles and plant moisture-loving plants. You can also create waterfalls or fountains.

An original seating area could be around a barbecue, a massive stove or a stone fireplace. Here you can receive guests. But at the same time, the hearth itself will become a reference point for the further arrangement of the yard space.

The backyard is often used as a recreation area. For this, a comfortable wooden platform is built, surrounded by flower beds. The use of light garden furniture will allow you to use this area as a dining room. You should choose the right furniture from suitable material– plastic, light metal, rattan or bamboo.

A decorated fence will help to separate the recreation area, and the area can be paved with stone or laid out with pebbles. If you want to set up a barbecue area, then you can consider installing a stationary fireplace with a smoke collector.

When landscaping a site, you need to remember that:

  • to avoid problems with fallen needles, you should not plant coniferous plants near terraces and platforms;
  • It is not advisable to place ponds near deciduous trees with abundant shedding of foliage;
  • tall bushes should be placed at the borders of the site, which will create a hedge.

Country house lighting

The area of ​​a country house should be illuminated so as not to lose the feeling of coziness and comfort in the evening and at night. The most popular solution is to use architectural lighting using energy-saving lighting fixtures.

Spot LED lights can be placed along the paths. It is also advisable to highlight individual decorative elements - sculptures or fountains, or place lamps floating on the pond.

If the central path leading to the house should be illuminated with bright lamps on lighting poles, then the secondary paths should be illuminated with flashlights with a soft, dim light.

Arranging a country house requires imagination and creativity in implementing design solutions. It is important not only to properly plan the space of the house, but also to place unobtrusive decorative elements on its territory and create an original lighting system.

Photos of ideas for arranging the yard of a private house

If you are the owner of a private house or cottage, then you understand perfectly well that interior design is just the beginning. The fun begins outside the house, in your own yard. This is where things get started landscape designers and begin to create real beauty. But why designers? You can plant flowers in the courtyard of a private house in a certain order, properly care for them, water the trees and choose furniture, right?

In this case, the interior and exterior of the house will be done without unnecessary financial investments and designer services. We bring to your attention an article on how to decorate the yard with flowers yourself, and instead of garden beds, make an alpine slide, a fountain, or even a small one with your own hands.

Beauty also needs to be planned!

What is a garden yard? This is an area that is adjacent to a private house and becomes the object of attention not only of its owners, but also of neighbors and guests. It's safe to say that yards can tell a lot about their owners.

When the plan is drawn up and the dimensions of the territory are known, the arrangement involves marking out all objects. Do this with maximum accuracy, noting gazebos, ponds, rock gardens that already exist or will only be built. It is very convenient to mark when the territory is divided into squares. At each of them you should choose one decorative element or building. They will be key. This will allow you to evenly distribute the elements, making the decoration of the yard harmonious and balanced.

We almost forgot - be sure to check the condition of the territory before starting construction.

Imagine the situation: you tore up the floor of the yard, were about to lay the foundation, but suddenly found out that underground water runs almost to the very surface. Also at this stage, you need to take care of laying the necessary communications, think about how exactly the plants will be watered, and whether fountains and waterfalls will be built.

From paths to flower beds

Beautiful paths in the garden are an integral attribute of any design. Try laying them out with beautiful pebbles - and moving around the area will be much more comfortable. Each path performs a zoning function and is important element decor. Interior the house does not involve the construction of separate paths, but the area outside is a completely different matter.

We all studied geometry at school, but few people thought about where exactly the knowledge gained could be useful. Congratulations - you have just found such a sphere. It is difficult to imagine a high-quality design of the courtyard of a private house with photos and drawings if you decide to do without knowledge of geometry.

Supporters of smooth lines draw oval flower beds and winding paths on the plan; others prefer squares and rectangles, because they love clarity and rigor in everything. – must be even, each bush is trimmed “to a ruler” in the literal sense of the word. However, only a true home owner knows how calming plants are, how they bring balance to the environment and give a wonderful mood.

Now let's talk about how. Plan your planting so that after some flowers bloom, the buds of others bloom. So your floral carpet will always smell like all the colors of the rainbow.

In addition to soil, plants are placed in special garden tubs and pots. Where the terrain of the site is hilly and uneven, tedious leveling of slopes and arrangement of embankments can be replaced by the construction of steps. They are ready to become a real focal point and attract everyone's attention.

Where would we be without cascades and fountains?

For Japanese residents, water is not only a source of life, but also a symbol of harmony with the outside and inner world. Make a large, full-fledged pond on summer cottage It’s not easy, but the result will definitely exceed your expectations. It is possible that you will need to use the help of specialists, carefully examine the soil, select appropriate place, bring communications. Only in this case will you be able to drink coffee in the gazebo under the quiet, measured murmur of water and watch how it flows into the tank.

Courtyard lighting system

High-quality lighting in the yard is necessary for at least two reasons:

  • The time to communicate with friends can be extended even until the morning.
  • It’s much safer to move around in the yard when you can clearly see every bump and every corner.

In the end, you can just wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and enthusiastically watch the lights blink on various decorative items. Decorating a yard in a private house involves functional lighting. First of all, the facade of your house, the entrance to the garage, and the main entrance should be illuminated. According to designers, place lighting it is necessary in such a way that the outlines of the yard along the perimeter are clearly visible. Special attention It is recommended to pay attention to steps and garden paths.

Only after the main lighting has been completed can you begin to decorate the decorative lighting of a private house with your own hands. Myriads of lights will look beautiful near and garden sculptures, And . And if you supplement trees and shrubs with special LED strip, “illumination without lanterns” will look no less advantageous.

And here is an interesting life hack from our site. Today you can find lighting fixtures on sale that have built-in batteries. During the day they draw energy from the sun's rays, and in the evening they illuminate your path. Consequently, you will not have to spend precious time, of which there is never a lot, on connecting electricity, and the bills will be paid much less.

What is a holiday without a cozy hearth?

Options for arranging a backyard

Private houses do not always boast a huge territory. A special one will help you find a way out of the situation. By the way, it can be portable - with the onset of cold weather, you can quickly hide it in the attic or bring it into the pantry. Furniture made from rattan looks very respectable.

An invariable attribute of the backyard is the hedge. This could be a flower fence made of weaving plants. It is an excellent fencing of the territory, performing protective and decorative functions.

The backyard area is laid out with slabs and covered with gravel or pebbles. However, remember: when the flooring is loose, from time to time you will need to add material and level it.

We hope that our tips and photo ideas will help you add variety to the landscape design of your own yard. Create a comfortable, unusual area on your site and get inspired best photos landscape design!


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