How to make a partition in a bathhouse: materials and construction technologies. Important tips on how to make partitions in a bathhouse. What is the partition between the sink and the steam room made of?

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The partition between the washing and steaming compartments of the bath can be made in several ways. The most common option is the manufacture of a wooden frame; in second place is a solid timber partition, the manufacture of which is quite expensive. And the last way to separate two rooms involves arranging a solid brick wall half a brick thick.

We'll consider frame partition made of wood, as the easiest to manufacture. They are also used as the basis of the frame wall metal racks, but this option is used much less frequently, since the metal is prone to destruction under prolonged exposure to high humidity.

A wooden partition is made quickly enough and does not require large financial and labor costs, in comparison with solid walls made of timber or brick. At the same time, the air space in the voids between the frame elements causes condensation to form at the points of temperature difference between the heated steam room and the colder air inside the partition.

In the diagram, PO is the steam room, MO is the washing department.

An important question when choosing the type of partition is to insulate it or not? Here again we can return to the comparison different types pier. In front of a solid partition made of timber, brick or block, this question does not arise at all. The dense material of such walls itself will sufficiently protect the washing compartment from overheating. At the same time, it does not have high enough thermal insulation properties to prevent heat from leaking into the washing room at all.

How to make a partition with your own hands?

First of all, it is made wooden frame, during the arrangement of which Special attention you need to pay attention to its attachment to the walls. This is important when the bathhouse is made of fresh timber or logs. These types of buildings inevitably shrink over time, which must be taken into account when creating any internal partitions.

The partition in the photo above is installed on the walls using special metal fasteners designed to create a so-called “sliding partition”. The corner is fixed motionless on the partition block, and installation to the log house wall is carried out using stainless steel screws so that they can move inside the vertical fastening groove.

An alternative would be to install a wooden sliding structure, without the use of metal corners.

The partition is fixed to the ceiling metal fastening with vertical grooves. By analogy with wall corners, stainless steel screws are screwed into them, which over time will move along these grooves.

A foil vapor barrier on kraft paper is laid on top of the wooden frame on the steam room side. All joints of the material are sealed with foil tape. There should be no unclosed holes or damage in the vapor barrier layer to prevent moisture from penetrating into the wall.

As you can see in the photo, the surface of the wall near the floor has a small plinth made of tiles. The tiles are mounted on top of SML or DSP boards using special glue. The slabs are attached directly to the frame or to a sliding structure if there are abutments to the walls of the log house.

Installation is being carried out on the sheathing finishing partitions on the steam room side, in in this case this is a lining.

An important point is where the walls meet the floor. Here you need to carefully ensure that the vapor barrier layer is continuous.

To insulate or not?

Regarding this, it is worth saying that here you should look at the circumstances, taking into account the characteristics of a particular bathhouse. First of all, you need to determine how much the washing room needs to be warmed up. If the bathhouse design has a washing room around the perimeter external walls has good thermal protection or a brick shield or part is placed in the wall between the washing room and the steam room brick oven steam room, it is obvious that the washing compartment does not need additional heating.

If there is no need to additionally heat the washing room, thermal insulation can be placed in the frame between it and the steam room. This will make it possible to retain more heat in the steam room, as a result of which it will warm up faster and cool down more slowly. In addition, the use of an insulated partition guarantees protection of the sink from overheating, which often happens in bathhouses that have good thermal insulation external walls of the structure.

In general, insulation is not performed in the partition. The fact is that the insulation in the space between the wet steam room and the wet washing room will inevitably collect moisture. Peculiarity heat-protective material from basalt wool is that on one side it must be able to evaporate moisture from its surface. That is, it will be necessary either on the side of the steam room or on the side of the washing compartment not to protect the wall with a sealed vapor barrier.

In the bathhouse, both the washing room and the steam room have high humidity and in each of these rooms, as a rule, a vapor-proof film is installed to protect the wooden frame from large quantity moisture in the air of both compartments. If there are mineral wool slabs in the wall, then even if a sealed protection from moisture is created on both sides, they will still collect moisture, and there is nowhere to evaporate it.

The only acceptable option for installing thermal protection in a partition is to make special openings for ventilation with the arrangement of ventilation gaps. The holes are made not in the walls, but at the ends of the frame.

Thus, we can conclude that if sufficient thermal insulation of the washroom from overheating is needed, you should install a solid partition made of timber or thick boards without cracks and free space inside the wall. This design will allow you to isolate the washing room from the active heat coming from the steam room and will not create the danger of excessive condensation.

The lack of insulation in the wall in most bathhouse buildings is rather a necessity. This is due to the fact that it is the steam room that actively warms up the entire building and the washing room needs heat no less than other rooms, but rather even more. The wash compartment, as a rule, is colder than we would like, and the heat coming from the steam room just compensates for this shortcoming.

Partition between the steam room and the relaxation room- a special place in which the most powerful elements of the bath are collected: steam, fire, temperature and cold in winter. How can these opposite actions be made friends? You can find the golden mean by knowing all the features of the design of partitions for cutting furnace fireboxes. They will be discussed in this review.

Making a partition between the steam room and the relaxation room

The whole article makes sense only when using factory steel furnaces V wooden log houses. There is no need to talk about bathhouses with brick walls or steam rooms with massive brick ovens. Everything is simple here: take more, heat it longer and wait until it warms up slowly. But in the case of high-speed sauna stoves or Russian bath stoves with steam generators - partition between the steam room and the room acquires special properties. Many stove manufacturers declare 30-40 minutes until they are ready for bath procedures. Yes, all this is possible in a perfectly insulated steam room. In this case, we need a thin wall, a minimum of convection, a reflective screen and a non-flammable layer with low thermal conductivity.

One of the ideal options is a partition in a steam room made from such a sandwich:

from the steam room to the adjacent room - a sheet of polished stainless steel, a sheet of asbestos cardboard 1-2 cm of basalt wool, an asbestos sheet (analogue), decor.

Stones will immediately fly at me because of the attempt to use asbestos-cement sheets. The main thing is calm! Production is considered harmful, not use! A sheet closed on all sides does not evaporate, is not ventilated, and does not smell. It is necessary to cut carefully, observing safety regulations.

This is a lyrical digression for those who like to make it easier and cheaper. Of course, you can also use expanded vermiculite and look for airgel and other “nanotechnology products”.
A hard and rigid asbestos-cement sheet can be covered with porcelain stoneware or tiles.

For builders with financial capabilities and reluctance to experiment, there are partitions for wooden baths made in a factory. They are also called heat shields. They thought through everything and decided for us, and they did it beautifully. Thermal insulation and cutting on the side of the steam room and a self-cooling surface with modern design from the side of the room with the firebox, unpacked and installed - quickly, cleanly and correctly.

Brick wall in the steam room

Here it is! - you think about a brick partition between the steam room and the relaxation room. Safe, like a mausoleum, it doesn’t burn, doesn’t rot, doesn’t smell, bugs don’t wear it down. The forums are filled with comments on how to make this partition from fireclay bricks, how to decorate it with tiles, etc. This whole conversation about thermal insulation needs to be clarified and sorted out:

Recipe for preparing mortar for laying brick partitions between the steam room and the room recreation: Clay-sand - proportion 1 to 1 (fine sand). Some people use this mixture for laying stoves. The clay is soaked in water for 2-3 days, stirred with a mixer until it becomes sour cream, sand and a little cement are added (up to 5% of the volume of the entire mixture).

Using cotton wool in steam room partitions

When using a sandwich with basalt wool inside as a partition between a steam room, you must first ensure that the cotton wool has the opportunity to dry after completing the bath procedure for the following reasons:

  1. any insulation will get wet, because... V unheated room the air always has humidity equal to the humidity outside;
  2. basalt wool is a hygroscopic material (moisture absorber)
  3. Condensation will always form in the cotton wool
  4. drying of basalt wool in a confined space occurs much slower than its dampening
  5. consequences - bad smell, decreased thermal insulation properties, swelling of cotton wool.

Mineral wool for the partition on the steam room side is not the best option. It is preferable to use stone wool(basalt). Mineral light-fluffy fillers tend to release odors at high temperatures. And, believe me, these smells are not the healthiest. The heat shield or baffle should not emit odors at high temperatures. The surface of a steel vented stove (most produced) reaches up to 400 degrees on the casing!

Whatever you are going to use to make a partition in the steam room of a bathhouse, one thing is mandatory - good ventilation sandwich insides and compliance with fire regulations and ruptures. And this is how it was done.

A bathhouse is a building in which a person relaxes. It may consist of several rooms (steam room, small room, wardrobe, bathroom, shower). If the bathhouse is being built anew, then all rooms are separated at once.

In the case when the bathhouse is made indoors, and you need to divide the room into a steam room and a room, then it is necessary to install partitions. The material for the partition can be processed timber.

Partitions in the bathhouse are made to separate the rooms according to their intended purpose. The steam room is separated from the main relaxation room, as well as a wardrobe and a bathroom. Partitions can be done from wooden beams, bricks, metal profiles.

The most reliable material for partitions is a brick. Such partitions have high strength and resistance to mechanical loads. The only difficulty when laying brick partitions is stirring the mortar, preparing the bricks, and plastering the surface.

So this way turns into labor-intensive work. In addition, after installing the partition, it takes time for the solution to set firmly until it dries completely.

The most common way to install a partition in a bathhouse is wooden beam . A frame made of timber will allow you to quickly mount the base of the partition. Frame jumpers are installed every 50 cm.

First, install the guide beam at the top and bottom, and then attach the jumpers. Space between beams filled with insulation(basalt wool, mineral wool), then lay a layer of foil reflector. After installing the insulation elements, the frame is sewn up wooden clapboard from hardwood wood (linden, aspen, cedar).

Insulation of bathhouse walls is an integral element of the design of partitions and walls. Bath insulation necessary to maintain existing temperature regime in the steam room.

As insulation acts rolled elements of mineral wool, basalt wool, polystyrene foam squares, polyurethane foam rectangular slabs.

The most reliable insulation for internal partitions of a bathhouse is polyurethane foam. It is, accordingly, the most expensive. It contains a two-component substance that allows maximum retention of heat in the room and prevents the entry of cold from the external environment.

The cheapest method of insulation partitions in the bathhouse, is mineral wool. It is sold in rolls and fits tightly between the partitions. For rooms with high humidity mineral wool is not very suitable. More often they use ecowool with a special coating.

Also used for vapor barrier foil mineral wool, which is laid on the insulation and attached to the frame.

After the construction of the bathhouse, it becomes necessary to handle protective equipment . Temperature changes are always characteristic of a bathhouse. Especially if the bathhouse or steam room is located indoors at home.

This ideal conditions for the proliferation of fungi, the spread of mold and other processes of wood rotting. In this regard, all surfaces of the steam room and bathhouse in general need processing.

Treatment of bathhouse premises is carried out using antiseptic substances. In general, there are many means and substances that can be used to treat all surfaces, including shelves, sunbeds, and other sauna accessories made of wood.

When processing a bath can be used:

  • Acrylic protectants and coatings;
  • Before purchasing a lining or sun loungers, you need to inquire about the material. Ideal option for the bath it will be one that is dried in special chambers. It is less susceptible to various insects and wood bugs that spoil the tree;
  • Spirit wax solution. This processing method is considered the most environmentally friendly;
  • The most affordable means processing: impregnations and oils on a natural basis. Such substances completely eliminate damage to steam room materials due to exposure to temperature changes;
  • Indoor bathhouse is required there must be ventilation.

Also watch a useful video on how to make partitions in a bathhouse

The partition between the washing and steaming compartments of the bath can be made in several ways. The most common option is the manufacture of a wooden frame; in second place is a solid timber partition, the manufacture of which is quite expensive. And the last way to separate two rooms involves arranging a solid brick wall half a brick thick.

Optimal partition design

We will consider a frame partition made of wood as the easiest to manufacture. Metal racks are also used as the basis of the frame partition, but this option is used much less frequently, since the metal is prone to destruction under prolonged exposure to high humidity.

A wooden partition is made quickly enough and does not require large financial and labor costs, in comparison with solid walls made of timber or brick. At the same time, the air space in the voids between the frame elements causes condensation to form at the points of temperature difference between the heated steam room and the colder air inside the partition.

An important question when choosing the type of partition is to insulate it or not? Here again we can return to comparing different types of piers. In front of a solid partition made of timber, brick or block, this question does not arise at all. The dense material of such walls itself will sufficiently protect the washing compartment from overheating. At the same time, it does not have high enough thermal insulation properties to prevent heat from leaking into the washing room at all.

How to make a partition with your own hands?

The first step is to make a wooden frame, when arranging it you need to pay special attention to its attachment to the walls. This is important when the bathhouse is made of fresh timber or logs. These types of buildings inevitably shrink over time, which must be taken into account when creating any internal partitions.

The partition in the photo above is installed on the walls using special metal fasteners designed to create a so-called “sliding partition”. The corner is fixed motionless on the partition block, and installation to the log house wall is carried out using stainless steel screws so that they can move inside the vertical fastening groove.

An alternative would be to install a wooden sliding structure, without the use of metal corners.

The partition is fixed to the ceiling with a metal fastener with vertical grooves. By analogy with wall corners, stainless steel screws are screwed into them, which over time will move along these grooves.

A foil vapor barrier on kraft paper is laid on top of the wooden frame on the steam room side. All joints of the material are sealed with foil tape. There should be no unclosed holes or damage in the vapor barrier layer to prevent moisture from penetrating into the wall.

As you can see in the photo, the surface of the wall near the floor has a small plinth made of tiles. The tiles are mounted on top of SML or DSP boards using special glue. The slabs are attached directly to the frame or to a sliding structure if there are abutments to the walls of the log house.

The finishing trim of the partition from the steam room side is installed on the lathing, in this case it is lining.

An important point is where the walls meet the floor. Here you need to carefully ensure that the vapor barrier layer is continuous.

To insulate or not?

About frame insulation It is worth saying that here you should look at the circumstances, taking into account the characteristics of a particular bathhouse. First of all, you need to determine how much the washing room needs to be warmed up. If in the design of the bathhouse the washing room along the perimeter of the external walls has good thermal protection or a brick shield or part of a brick steam room stove is placed in the wall between the washing room and the steam room, then it is obvious that the washing room does not need additional heating.

If there is no need to additionally heat the washing room, thermal insulation can be placed in the frame between it and the steam room. This will make it possible to retain more heat in the steam room, as a result of which it will warm up faster and cool down more slowly. In addition, the use of an insulated partition guarantees protection of the sink from overheating, which often happens in bathhouses that have good thermal insulation of the outer walls of the structure.

In the bathhouse, both the washing room and the steam room have high humidity and in each of these rooms, as a rule, a vapor-proof film is installed to protect the wooden frame from the large amount of moisture in the air of both compartments. If there are mineral wool slabs in the wall, then even if a sealed protection from moisture is created on both sides, they will still collect moisture, and there is nowhere to evaporate it.

Thus, we can conclude that if sufficient thermal insulation of the washroom from overheating is needed, you should install a solid partition made of timber or thick boards without cracks and free space inside the wall. This design will isolate the washing room from active heat coming from the steam room and will not create a danger of excessive condensation.

The lack of insulation in the wall in most bathhouse buildings is rather a necessity. This is due to the fact that it is the steam room that actively warms up the entire building and the washing room needs heat no less than other rooms, but rather even more. The wash compartment, as a rule, is colder than we would like, and the heat coming from the steam room just compensates for this shortcoming.

The partition between the sink and the steam room in the bathhouse is the optimal design

The partition between the sink and the steam room in the bathhouse can be made in several ways. The most common option is the manufacture of a wooden frame; in second place is a solid timber partition

How to make a partition in a bathhouse

A partition is a special structure that divides common area into its individual parts, such as rooms or compartments. At the same time, the materials used to manufacture the main frame and its walls may differ significantly from each other. Proper manufacturing of bulkheads ensures that the basic style of the structure is preserved.

Designing partitions in a bathhouse

Before making partitions in the bathhouse, you need to determine the area of ​​​​the planned premises. Their sizes depend on the dimensions of the building and the number of regular visitors. Based on this data, the plan links the bulkheads to existing walls baths indicating axial dimensions. The location is then determined doorways and quantity required material.

  • Transformable structures - sliding, soft folding, rigid doors, sliding and screens.

The type of planned partition depends on the requirements for it. If the bath space is divided for a long time while ensuring reliable thermal and sound insulation of the premises, durable stationary design partitions. In other cases, you can get by with mobile or collapsible options, for example, to separate the locker room from the bathhouse rest room combined with it.

Features of a brick partition in a bathhouse

Advantages and disadvantages of brick partitions for baths

Their advantages are due to excellent physical characteristics:

  • Brick partitions have good soundproofing properties. Half-brick bulkhead structures have a “noise” insulation index of 47 dB.

The disadvantages include:

  • Significant weight of the partition: with its thickness of half a brick, the mass of 1 m 2 of masonry is approximately 280 kg.

Installing a brick partition in a bathhouse

To construct such a partition, half-brick or brick masonry is used. Before starting work, you should stock up on: a sand sieve, a container for preparing the solution, a shovel, a hammer, a plumb line, a level and a trowel.

  1. The work site is exempt from extra items, supplied with lighting and necessary materials.

If the brick partition located in the bathhouse needs to be plastered, you don’t have to pay attention to the masonry seams. But if it will serve as a natural element of the design of the room, it is required to special tool jointing of masonry with special care.

Features of a wooden partition in a bathhouse

Pros and cons of wooden partitions for a bath

The advantages of such partitions are very significant:

  • The material used to make them is environmentally friendly.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Wooden structures are afraid of water, so they need waterproofing.
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Construction of a wooden partition in a bathhouse

Let's consider the construction of a wooden partition between the steam room and the sink in the bathhouse. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Assembly and fastening of the frame. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. For the frame, timber 50x50 mm or 50x100 mm is used, its assembly is carried out on site. Two bars for the ceiling and floor, with a length of each of them corresponding to the width of the partition, are fixed to the corresponding structures using dowels. The same should be done with the bars for the walls. They are cut to the height of the room and fixed between the floor and ceiling bars in increments of 600-120 mm. The doorway is formed using transverse bars. For rigidity, it is additionally equipped with intermediate posts on both sides.

Such a wooden partition in a bathhouse can be installed in one day.

Features of a glass partition in a bath

Advantages and disadvantages of glass partitions

Modern glass partitions in a bathhouse can be made from glass blocks - a kind of transparent “bricks” made of glass 6-10 mm thick. Their surface can be corrugated, smooth, matte, transparent and colored.

  • The partitions look impressive, are durable, strong enough, and fire resistant.

Despite the outstanding advantages, there are also disadvantages of glass partitions:

  • The internal surface of the partitions excludes the laying of any communications - electrical wiring, plumbing, etc.

Device glass partition in the bath

Installation of a glass partition for a beginner - not an easy task. Used for laying glass blocks cement-sand mortars with a fine fraction of filler or “liquid” nails. There are two installation methods: adhesive cement mortar and into modular cells.

  1. The base is cleaned of dust, debris and dirt, and then leveled.

Working the second way goes faster. Cellular grids made of plastic, MDF or wood are attached to walls, ceilings and floors. They are then filled with blocks using sealant or rubber gaskets.

The question of bath partitions is quite extensive. We hope that the information provided in the article will help you choose a material and even make a partition in the bathhouse with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself partition in the bathhouse

Separation internal space Bath construction is done using partitions. We will tell you about their types, features and structure in this article. Contents: Design of partitions in

Since the steam room and the sink perform completely different missions, special attention should be paid to how to make partitions in the bathhouse.

First of all, you need to decide on the material from which the intermediate wall will be built, be it wood, brick or foam block.

The choice of material for the partition depends on the style in which the entire bath room is made and what type of heating is used in it.

Wooden partition

Wooden partition in the bathhouse

If the main material used in the construction of the bathhouse is wood, then a partition should be built from it.

To perform this work, you will need beams up to five centimeters thick, with a cross-section of at least 5x5 centimeters.

This will provide good insulation of moisture and heat, and not just a screen that blocks visibility into the adjacent room.

To make a wooden partition with your own hands, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • First of all, you need to take measurements and mark on the surface of the walls and ceiling, using straight lines, where the middle of the partition is located.
  • Then the main frame is made from the beams. Unite wooden boards in the structure, and it is better to attach them to the walls using spikes and a drill. If this is not possible, regular wood screws or nails without heads will also work. Between the bars you need to leave about eighty centimeters of free space.
  • Wooden boards are attached to the manufactured frame. For this, the same materials are used as for making the frame - self-tapping screws or nails without heads (another option is wooden lining).
  • Sheathing with boards should be done on both sides of the frame. To provide better insulation heat and moisture, you can fill the empty space of the partition with mineral wool. Thanks to it, the dressing room will be a cool room, and the steam room will retain valuable heat.

To build a partition in a bathhouse, it is better to use boards made of deciduous trees, such as aspen or linden. They need to be processed before use. by special means antiseptic action.

The most important thing in constructing a wooden partition is to assemble the frame correctly. The stability and functionality of the entire structure depends on how smooth and proportional the frame frame is.

To make the partition more stable and durable, at the very beginning of its construction you can make a small concrete threshold, reaching no more than fifteen centimeters in height and twelve centimeters in width. If you make a strong frame and securely cover it with boards, you can attach hangers to the partition and place towels, bathrobes and other things on them.

Brick partition

Brick partition

If you want to make a partition from brick, you can use the laying of whole material or the spoon method of placing blocks (0.5 bricks).

To prevent the wall from being too heavy, you can use hollow bricks.

However, it must be resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

Therefore, in the construction of a bathhouse and partitions in it, it is better to use red bricks rather than silicate bricks.

How to make partitions in a bathhouse with your own hands is explained in the following step-by-step instructions:

  • First, if the floor is covered with planks, they must be removed to reach the foundation. The entire surface on which work will be carried out must be cleared of excess items and swept with a damp broom.
  • The room is prepared for work - good lighting is provided, working tools are prepared.
  • The contours of the partitions are outlined.
  • The solution is mixed. To do this you need to use a sieve, grinder, shovel and kneading container. The mixing ratio is 3:1 (for example, three buckets of sand and one bucket of cement). Water should be added until the mixture reaches a creamy consistency. To avoid premature hardening of the solution, it should be stirred regularly, but no more water should be added.
  • The partition is erected using a level, a pick, a trowel, a plumb line and a rule. To make the wall even, you should stretch the string. First, two layers of mortar are applied to the floor, and then you can begin to lay out the brick. You need to start work from the wall. To make the structure more durable and firmly connected to the main walls, during masonry you need to use strips of metal or reinforcement rods.
  • The second row should start with a half brick. And the third - from the whole, and so alternate them constantly.

In the case where a brick wall plays an integral role in maintaining the interior of the room, it should be laid out carefully, always removing excess mortar in time to prevent it from drying out. But when the wall decoration completely covers the brick base, then you don’t have to worry too much about appearance seams between rows and individual blocks.

When is it planned to apply a layer of plaster on brick partition, even used bricks can be used for construction, which will significantly save money.

If the partition has doors, their frame should be installed before bricklaying begins.

Foam block partition

One of the generally accepted options for making partitions in a bath between the steam room and the sink is to lay it out of a foam block.

Advantages of using foam blocks:

  • They have much less weight than bricks.
  • Foam blocks are made in large sizes, thanks to which the laying of walls using them progresses very quickly.
  • This material has a fairly low cost.

The standard dimensions of the foam block are 30x60x30 centimeters. There are also other solutions for the width, height and length of the blocks, depending on the room in which they are planned to be used.

The process of creating a partition from a foam block is similar to brickwork. But there are some differences in it. The work process is as follows:

  • The surface of the floor and walls should be prepared in the same way as for brickwork. Then you need to stretch the cord along which the wall will be oriented and outline the contours of the doorway.
  • The first row of blocks should first be laid out dry. To ensure the width required in the bathhouse, foam blocks can be sawed using a grinder or a hacksaw.
  • It is used as a gluing solution for laying foam blocks. special composition, which is diluted according to the instructions. A construction mixer is used to mix it.
  • Approximately three millimeters of adhesive mixture should be applied to the surface of the block. After this, it is installed in its place in the row. For the strength of the partition, the second row should start with a half block, and the third - with a whole one, and alternate them to the very top.
  • To connect the partition more firmly to the main walls, you need to use reinforcement or large nails. They should be inserted into the holes in the wall (made in advance), lubricating adhesive solution. The length of the reinforcement must be at least five centimeters.
  • When the partition is laid out to the level of the top crossbar door jambs, you should lay two reinforcement rods (with a diameter of 1.6 centimeters). They must be at least ten centimeters larger than the width of the opening. Then the next row of foam blocks is laid on top of these metal additions, right up to the ceiling.

You can plaster a foam block partition using the same glue mixture, which was used to connect rows. If there is such a need, you can create paths for installing communications such as electricity or plumbing.

When the work with plaster is completed, the partition needs to be dried, puttied, painted and covered with tiles that will decorate the bath room and make staying in it as comfortable as possible.

If the partition is constructed not from a solid foam block, but from a half-block, then its weight will be light. In this case, it is possible to install the structure on wooden floor without tearing the boards down to the foundation.

In order for the construction of a partition from foam blocks to be successful, it is advisable to take into account a few more valuable tips:

  • When purchasing foam blocks, you should pay special attention to their surface. If it is even and smooth, the finishing will go faster and will be done with better quality.
  • Calculating the size of the blocks depends entirely on the type of room in which they will be used. When constructing a partition in a bathhouse, it is better to use light and less wide blocks. In this case, the density of this material does not matter.
  • Blocks obtained by cutting are considered to be of higher quality. This manufacturing technology is now more developed and progressive.
  • To make the masonry more dense, it is better to moisten the blocks with water before starting it.
  • In order for the partition to be strong and durable, it should not have continuous vertical seams. To do this, blocks or bricks should be shifted in each new row.
  • At the top of the structure, between last row foam block and ceiling, it is better to leave an opening up to ten centimeters wide. At the end of the work, it should be closed using polyurethane foam.

Decorating the partition with stone

In many ways, the choice of material for the partition depends on the heating method in the bathhouse.

If it is a brick oven, then it must be supplemented with a wall made of the same material.

If the bathhouse is heated with an iron stove, then a wooden structure is also perfect.

But in this case, it must be located at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the heating center.

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    There are several options for making bath partitions beautiful and durable. The technology for their construction is quite simple, the main thing is to follow a few

Partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink

It’s good if, when installing the box, all the partitions are erected at once. But more often the room is divided after the roof is covered and windows and doors are installed. The partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink performs a very important function, so the approach to its manufacture must be very careful.

Material selection

The partition can be made from almost any building material, which can withstand high temperatures without emitting harmful substances. It could be:

  • Wood frame construction. This option is perfect for both a bathhouse assembled in the same way and a brick building. It can be erected fairly quickly and is the easiest to insulate.
  • From a log house. It is better to plan and install a partition of this kind during construction. This is important because it is necessary to carry out bandaging with the entire structure. Afterwards it is almost impossible to do this.
  • Foam blocks and aerated concrete can be installed in brick buildings, as well as wooden ones, when the foundation for the partition was planned in advance.
  • Made of brick. For these purposes, it is better to use red brick, which is fireproof and retains heat well.
  • From glass. To do this, you will have to order a design for specific dimensions made of temperature-resistant material. This is the most effective option.

This type of partition is one of the best. Does not require additional care. There is also no need to carry out insulation, because... Wood itself is an excellent insulator.

  • When laying the foundation, you need to provide an additional lintel on which the partition will stand. If it is piled or columnar foundation, then supports should be located under the partition every 1 – 1.5 m.
  • Logs are being prepared that will match future wall. The length must be calculated taking into account the presence of the doorway.
  • Method of articulation with load-bearing walls will correspond to the one selected for general structure. If this is a “bowl” connection, then the partition will be mounted in the same way.
  • The first crown is specially trimmed a little from the base side in order to be more stable. After strengthening decorative crown The installation of the partition wall begins immediately.

For this option you will need edged board. Its size should be equal to the width of the future partition. It can be 200x100 mm, 200x150 mm, 150x100 mm, 100x50mm. The thicker the partition, the better the heat will be retained. In order to calculate how much material will be needed, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the partition. Next, add as many more supports as needed if they have to be placed in increments of 60 cm.

  • If, when laying the foundation, a supporting part was provided for interior wall, then before starting installation it is necessary to perform waterproofing. To do this, lay a double layer of roofing material or bikrost.
  • For brick building It is necessary to additionally make a threshold that will prevent the flow of water from one room to another. The height of the threshold must be at least 10 cm. In order for it to be securely intertwined, it is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of 8 mm along its length and lay pieces of reinforcement in them. After setting up the formwork and pouring the solution.
  • Next, the bottom board is laid according to size. It is mounted to the base using dowels. In this case, it is advisable to maintain a horizontal plane. You can determine it with a building level or a laser level.

It is better to stock up on all the necessary material in advance. The masonry can be done in half a brick. This will save money and also reduce the overall weight of the entire structure. It is desirable that the sand that will be used to prepare the solution be dry. This will help you calculate the ratio correctly and will promote good adhesion.

  • The level of the surface on which the laying will be carried out is checked. With help laser level a line is projected onto two walls and the distance to the floor is measured from it. If the difference is up to 10 mm, then it can be compensated by thickening the seam in some places in the first rows. At greater difference alignment will need to be done.
  • A wooden frame is installed in the shape of the future door. It will serve as a guide.

Foam block, aerated concrete

A partition wall made of this material is built according to the brick principle, but it has its own nuances.

  • When purchasing, choose a material whose sides are as smooth as possible, this will make the whole process easier for you.
  • It is better to use a special glue for the solution, which is more flexible and dries faster. If you want to prepare it yourself, then the proportions will be 4:1; in addition to sand and cement, you will also need a plasticizer and a foam additive (they need 50 grams per batch).
  • The first row is tried on without glue. If one of the blocks needs to be trimmed, then it is better to trim the two outer ones same size to get a good dressing.
  • In the same way as in the previous case, ligation is carried out with load-bearing walls using reinforcement or metal plates.
  • After two rows, a metal mesh is placed in the seam.
  • The doorway and the partition above it are planned in the same way as in the previous version.
  • Finishing is done using facing material or putty.

Now you know how to make a partition in a bathhouse. There are no barriers to trying to build it yourself.

Partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink - how to make a partition

Find out how to build a partition between the steam room and the sink. Partition made of brick, foam blocks, log house.

If you bought a bathhouse project or drew it yourself with your own hands, then most likely you thought about the layout of the rooms (layout). The number of partitions, of course, depends on the number of rooms. There are at least two of them in the bathhouse: a steam room and a washing room. Partitions can be made immediately during the construction of the log frame from the same material as the walls (timber, logs, brick). But you need to keep in mind that such a partition requires a foundation the same as for the main walls, which in turn will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the bathhouse. The process of erecting such a partition is no different from erecting walls.
After construction, such partitions must be well caulked for better noise and heat insulation, and openings can be cut only after the entire frame has settled. If a rounded log or laminated veneer lumber is used to build a partition, then such a wall does not require additional interior finishing.

The easiest and most inexpensive way to make partitions in a bathhouse with your own hands is to use frame technology construction. To do this, you need to purchase 50 by 100 mm bars for the frame itself, insulation based on stone-mineral wool, vapor barrier and the actual finishing material, such as lining. Before installing the partition, the floors in the bathhouse must already be done. We mark the location of the wall on the floor and fasten to the floor with long screws (102 mm) or nails (120 mm) the bottom block on which the vertical bars will rest.
We nail or screw a vertical post to the wall level on one and the other side of the wall, leaving a gap of five centimeters at the top for the top bar. Place on vertical bars top beam and attach it to ceiling beams self-tapping screws. In this way, in the future, when installing the following vertical racks, we don’t have to constantly monitor the verticality of the wall, but simply attach the racks to the upper and lower beams. Now we mount the vertical beams of the door opening and fasten them with galvanized corners. The following vertical beams must be placed at a distance of one centimeter less than the width of the insulation for a tighter fit. Standard insulation has dimensions of 60 cm by 100 cm, which means that the distance between the beams must be 59 cm. A larger distance between the beams should not be made, as this will reduce the strength of the partition. Vertical beams can be attached to the top beam using galvanized metal corners or using 150 mm nails. To avoid cracking of the timber when fastening it with a screw or nail, it must be drilled with a drill with a diameter equal to the diameter of the fastener (screw or nail). After installing the frame, we tightly stretch the vapor barrier on one side of the wall and make a lathing for installing lining or other finishing material, such as drywall. For sheathing, a clapboard sawn lengthwise or an edged board sawn lengthwise is suitable. A width of five centimeters is quite enough for a sheathing bar. Now you can lay the insulation, in this case 10 cm thick, or in two layers of 5 cm, but in this case it is necessary to cover the joints. When installing insulation in a bathhouse with your own hands, you must use personal protective equipment and a respirator. We cover the insulation with a vapor barrier and make a sheathing. You should not use oilcloth or cellophane instead of a vapor barrier, as this can lead to the insulation getting wet from condensation that will form in the bathhouse due to temperature changes. The side of the partition that is in the washing room can be sheathed moisture-resistant plasterboard and put it on it ceramic tiles or mosaic. On the steam room side, the partition must be sheathed with clapboard not made of coniferous species wood, as it contains a lot of resin. To decorate a steam room in a bathhouse, lining made of linden or abasha is suitable.
For the rest room regular one will do pine lining or House block. Sometimes the walls in the steam room are additionally covered with foil material, but this is only necessary for longer heat retention. If you caulk well and insulate the outside of the bathhouse yourself, with your own hands, then the heat will not go anywhere for a long time, and the tree will “breathe” better.

It is better to make part of the partition in the bathhouse near the stove out of brick.
To do this you need to fill concrete base, which you can do with your own hands wooden beams. A wall thickness of half a brick will be sufficient. When laying bricks, you need to pay attention to the vertical and horizontal lines of the wall. Completely do brick walls V wooden bath not worth it. This high costs For the material and for such a wall, a full-fledged foundation is required.

Wooden partitions easily accommodate all necessary communications: electrical wiring, water pipes. Partitions in a wooden bath should be made of natural material, such as a tree.


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