How to make a simple greenhouse. Ideas and ready-made solutions for building the cheapest greenhouses with your own hands

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If you want to diversify your personal diet, and, moreover, please your family with real natural vitamins before the next seasonal harvest appears, and with the right approach, even deliver fresh berries and vegetables to the table throughout the year, it is optimal to purchase a greenhouse or greenhouse from us, and if you have certain skills and free time, you can build a greenhouse or greenhouse yourself. How to make a greenhouse or greenhouse yourself?

Of course, before you get down to business, you should think through the various parameters and nuances of the potential process, and thoroughly understand the question of how to create a greenhouse with your own hands:

  • you need to decide how much area of ​​the site can be free;
  • solve the issue of the functionality of the design, that is, will the greenhouse be relevant throughout the year or will it be used only in the spring. The year-round option requires a lot of effort and materials, because you will have to additionally provide heating, lighting, water and equip high-quality ventilation;
  • then the type of structure and the materials from which it will be built are determined.

In order not to make a mistake in this case, it is better to consider the variations of greenhouses and greenhouses.

Types of greenhouses and greenhouses

Now there are many modifications of greenhouses and greenhouses, moreover, based on general principle their arrangement, craftsmen create personal options, sometimes individual details for a given agricultural structure. Greenhouses are usually divided according to different criteria, for example, according to the forms and materials of release, stationarity, and also the time of construction.

Design features of greenhouses and greenhouses

The frame of a greenhouse or greenhouse is usually made of boards, and the useful volume is formed thanks to a lid in the form of glazed frames; they can be opened if necessary. This solution is optimal for growing seedlings and herbs, so that all this appears on the table as early as possible.

A temporary type of greenhouse, installed only for the period from spring to summer, is considered to be a combination of a wooden frame, plastic film, and fiberglass reinforcement. This solution will last for quite a long time if you disassemble the structure into parts in winter and store everything indoors. As a result, you will simply replace the film with a new canvas; it is not difficult and not expensive.

Some craftsmen install a greenhouse in a large old barrel, it is also used in the spring, but it is not necessary to remove it from the site in winter, because the structure can serve as a flowerbed, or even an open bed.

The next solution requires forced heating, and is used immediately after the snow has melted. The structure is made of boards, metal-plastic reinforcement, covered with plastic film, and in order to look after the plants, you can go right inside.

A capital greenhouse is equipped with different necessary details, create a certain microclimate inside it, which guarantees the operation of the building throughout the year. To do this, it is enough to make a not particularly deep foundation, then a brick base, and thoroughly insulate everything.

Such a greenhouse can even be attached to one of the walls of the living space, then it will be easier to connect the system to communications. It is convenient to care for plants throughout the year if you have access to the greenhouse from your home.

In order to save on heating in the winter season, you can install a kind of greenhouse-thermos; a pit is dug for it, the depth of which is 1.7-2 m, then everything is covered with a transparent roof. The solution is interesting, but the main thing is to take care of the ventilation system. Of course, this option is labor-intensive in its own way, but the resulting design guarantees savings in energy costs.

What should the roof shape be?

Before you make a greenhouse or greenhouse with your own hands, you need to determine its shape; do not forget in any case that you will also need to install a roof, and this is an effective detail in growing plants. The most popular solutions:

  • gable roof, greenhouses of this type are in demand, because they are really spacious and comfortable to be in, moreover, for both plants and gardeners. With proper design, installation and choice of material, the room will be illuminated by sunlight throughout the day. Greenhouses of this type are equipped as winter gardens, planting them not so much with vegetables, but with exotic plants. Of course, this option will be realized only when the proper conditions are organized, there are reliable heating systems, lighting and irrigation;

  • arched roof, this solution for an arched greenhouse is extremely easy to install when compared with its gable counterpart. The point is that the form closed with polycarbonate, as an option - plastic film, ideally diffuses sunlight throughout the room, so the plants will receive maximum natural heat. Another important point in this case is that due to the arched shape, no precipitation in the form of snow remains on the roof, that is, it will not be deformed or damaged due to the increased load in the winter season;

  • a pitched roof is ideal for greenhouses, which have one wall adjacent to a massive building, for example, a house, or even a large stone fence, always on the south side. You can really save money on the construction of this greenhouse, because one of its sides will be a finished wall, with the base itself attached to it. In addition to all that has been said, it will be extremely easy to carry out communications into the greenhouse. When designing a greenhouse with a pitched roof, you should choose the slope of the slope correctly, this is the only way snow will not lie on the surface of the roof, because the increased load will only damage the coating.

Basic material for greenhouse covering

When making a greenhouse at home, you need to understand that certain greenhouse designs require different materials, but usually they are united by one feature - the material for covering the walls, as well as the roof, must be transparent, transmitting a sufficient amount of light.

The table below contains information about the current physical, as well as technological, and, moreover, performance indicators of the three most popular materials. Namely polycarbonate, polyethylene film, and also classic silicate glass.

Technical and operational parameters Cellular polycarbonate Glass Film
Difficulty of installation and weight Light weight, self-supporting material. It makes it possible to reduce the number of frame parts and even completely abandon the foundation Glass is a heavy material, therefore, if it is chosen for coating, the building must have a strong frame and a reliable foundation (foundation) Very lightweight material, which needs reliable strengthening on the frame.
Durability Proven by practice operational period coating - about 20-25 years, the manufacturer provides a guarantee for 10 years of its service. Polycarbonate, due to its rigidity, is itself an element of the load-bearing structure. Once secured, it does not cause deformation or distortion. The material is durable if protected from the mechanical effects of heavy loads (snow and hail). The service life of the film is very short, at best - 2-3 years, since it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
Noise insulation The material, thanks to its cellular structure, dampens wind noise well. At poor installation, the wind can penetrate the greenhouse, and the glass can make ringing or rattling sounds. It creates almost no sound insulation, and in strong winds it rustles in the wind.
Appearance Aesthetic and modern appearance material creates a greenhouse even to a certain extent decorative element suburban area The glass has a fairly neat appearance if installed according to all the rules. The material looks neat only in the first year after it is fixed, then the film becomes cloudy and collapses, especially if it is left on the frame for the winter.
Safety Polycarbonate is safe and does not break when dropped. It is 200 times stronger and at the same time 15 times lighter than fragile and quite heavy glass. Glass shards are very dangerous if they fall into the soil, as they can cause serious injury. Therefore, for safety reasons, glass installation must be carried out in strict compliance with all safety rules. From the point of view of causing injuries, it is completely safe.
Care Dust is practically invisible on the surface of the material, and if it is heavily soiled, it is enough to wash it with water from a hose. Raindrops can linger on the surface of the glass, and then, when dry, they leave cloudy marks. To wash off these stains from the surface, you will have to make a lot of effort. It is not recommended to wash the film, as cloudy stains will remain on it, which will prevent the penetration of light.
Created microclimate Polycarbonate perfectly insulates the room. Droplets formed as a result of condensation of rising evaporation flow down the walls of the greenhouse and do not fall on the plants or on the gardener’s head. The material transmits and diffuses sunlight very well. The heat generated by plants and soil does not escape through the greenhouse covers, and therefore the necessary greenhouse effect is formed. Glass does not provide the same high thermal insulation as polycarbonate, so the greenhouse effect is significantly reduced. The material transmits light well, but does not scatter it, and low-quality glass often begins to act like a lens, which is undesirable for plant leaves. New dense film creates good thermal insulation, but after working for one season, it becomes thinner and cloudier, so it loses its ability to completely retain heat and transmit light.

Taking into account the indicated parameters, it is possible to determine the best material for a particular greenhouse or greenhouse, which will be more consistent with their design.

Careful preparation for the construction of a greenhouse, its placement on the site

In order for the planting in the greenhouse to receive the light it needs for development, and to receive it throughout the day, the structure should be correctly distributed and oriented on the site. The final harvest largely depends on how long the beds are illuminated with natural light. For this reason, it is customary to install greenhouses in open space, alternatively with a transparent plane to the south.

Having decided on the type of greenhouse or greenhouse, and having found the optimal place for it on the site, plus, having distributed personal forces and capabilities, you can proceed to drawing up a sketch, and also a small drawing.

Designing a greenhouse or greenhouse

It is not at all necessary to draw every detail according to the ruler, given strict rules drawing art. If you are the owner and want to do everything on your own, the project is intended for you and your assistants; you can simply draw a greenhouse by hand in a projection in which you can see all sides of the building, then indicate the dimensions of the main parts on them. Marking is usually done using rope and pegs; they are simply driven in around the perimeter of the potential pit.

What do you need to know about the pit and foundation?

If you have chosen a thermos greenhouse that will function throughout the year, then before digging a pit, it is best to carefully remove the top fertile layer of soil from the area. This soil is transferred to an individual pile, then it will be placed in the beds of the greenhouse. When deepening a pit, you suddenly come across layers of clay located under the fertile base; it is also better to put it aside, separately from the mixed soil.

The clay will pay off when it is produced adobe bricks, they will be able to insulate the greenhouse. The depth of the pit should reach at least 1.7 m, but most often it is deepened to 2 m. It is at this distance that the natural geothermal heat, which comes from the ground, so the ground never freezes. Naturally, if a greenhouse is not equipped in the northern regions of the country, there is always permafrost there, even at shallow depths.

As for the width of the pit, the optimal figure is 2-5 m, and the length is determined based on desire. You cannot make the greenhouse wider, because it will quickly cool down, and heating and lighting will require a huge amount of electrical and other energy. Apart from the pit itself, a smooth descent is made, where as a result the entrance door to the greenhouse will be installed. If the place is marked for an all-season version of the greenhouse, it is optimal to dig a trench there for a strip foundation, up to 0.3 m wide and deep.

This is really enough, since the structure is not heavy, so there is minimal load on the foundation. In height, directly above the ground, it is optimal to raise the foundation by 0.2-0.5 m, although sometimes only 0.1 m is poured, the rest of the wall is built from brick if necessary. Then sand is poured into the trench and compacted in a layer of 0.5-0.7 m, then crushed stone in an identical layer. Afterwards, formwork is installed along the trench, with a small recess into it, and as a result it is filled concrete mortar. You should make sure that the concrete lies tightly and there is no air in it; to avoid problems, it is optimal to carry out bayoneting by piercing the poured mortar with a bayonet shovel.

Sometimes it happens that support posts made of metal pipes, other parts of the greenhouse or greenhouse will eventually be attached to them. It is possible that the basis for the greenhouse could be wooden frame made of timber, it is treated with an antiseptic and placed on a sand cushion.

Installation of greenhouses

Everything is clear with the base, you can move on to installing the option you like.

Greenhouse or greenhouse on a wooden frame

A greenhouse that does not require a concrete foundation, where the base is a strong wooden frame, is installed without any particular difficulties:

A base box made of timber, with a cross-section of 20x15 cm, is laid on a smooth, prepared platform, covered with sand. The base should be in close contact with the surface of the earth over the entire area. For this reason, if, when laying the frame, a gap appears between it and the surface, it is better to seal it with a stone lining. It is imperative to level the frame, otherwise the greenhouse will be uneven and its operation will be unstable.

After you level the box, according to it internal corners You need to drive pieces of reinforcement into the ground, the length of which is 0.7 m; this measure is important in order to fix the base in one place.

The next stage is driving in reinforcement along the long side of the box, moreover, 0.7-0.8 m should go into the ground, and 0.6-0.7 m should remain on the surface. The reinforcement should be at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from each other, moreover, opposite similar rods installed on the other side of the box, since this is the basis for securing the pipes.

Pre-prepared metal-plastic pipes of the required length should be placed on the surface part of the reinforcement. A kind of arcade is formed, which will serve as the basis for a transparent coating.

To ensure that the pipes stay tightly in one place, it is better to strengthen them with metal loops that are screwed to the box with self-tapping screws.

If the structure is voluminous, it is better to strengthen it well at the end sides; they should stand rigidly. This frame not only guarantees rigidity, but also forms the doorway.

To do this, you need to place the bars vertically, the cross-section of which is 5x5 cm, then fasten everything in several places with horizontal crossbars. Sometimes, assuming that transverse fastenings are indispensable, pipes for arches are connected with cross adapters, and horizontal sections of pipes are installed in them.

Another option for imparting full rigidity to the structure is to fasten the arcade at the top of the vault with a single pipe.

Fastening can be done with wire or plastic clamps, construction tape or “ties”.

The frame, which is formed from pipes, must be covered with thick polyethylene film, it is laid out with an overlap of 0.2-0.25 m. In the lower part, the film is attached with construction staples and a stapler to a wooden box. Initially, the film is well stretched over the arcade, then attached to the end sides; at the doors, the material is folded into the greenhouse.

The door itself should be light, but be a rigid structure. It is usually created from a 0.5 x 0.3 m block, plus to prevent deformation, a pair of slats are attached diagonally. Then the resulting fabric is covered with plastic film. It is customary to hang the door on a previously prepared opening using hinges. Window openings are installed exactly like this part; they are located almost under the ceiling, on the opposite side of the door. This will ensure natural flowing air circulation.

Features of a thermos greenhouse

Construction of foundations for walls

After the pit for the greenhouse is ready, a strip foundation is created along its perimeter. To do this, a trench must be dug, then different actions, identical to those described earlier, where we were talking about the foundation for a winter greenhouse.

When the foundation is completely ready, the walls begin to be laid; we must not forget about installing one or two ventilation pipes. They are installed at the bottom end side buildings, opposite front door, at a height of 0.5 m from the floor.

After installing the roof, it is customary to raise the pipes to a height directly above the ground, at least 1 m.

Proper wall laying

The walls are usually laid from adobe, foam concrete blocks, sometimes from permanent formwork made from polystyrene foam blocks; their cavities need to be filled cement mortar. If the latter option is the most relevant, you can immediately get insulated walls, but in this case it is valuable to separate the structure from the ground with plastic film. As soon as the stone walls are erected, the gap between the soil and the masonry should be sealed with clay, while compacting it well. The diagram of the greenhouse-thermos is clear in the lower figure.

The walls must be raised from the foundation above the ground by at least 0.5-0.6 m. If no permanent formwork, then it is optimal to insulate everything to the depth of soil freezing, taking into account the regional climatic conditions where the greenhouse is being built.

The insulation can be installed with outside walls, that is, between it and the ground. For this reason, the gap between them will have to be widened, then the insulation will have to be separated from the ground using a waterproof film. When the insulation is polystyrene foam, it will rise above the ground surface, in particular, from the outside of the building, while it is important to waterproof everything, then seal it with an external decorative coating. It is optimal if it turns out to be a material that does not rot when moisture comes into contact with it. For example, a plastic lining will do.

Closing the insulation can be done using another method, for example, covering the entire outside with expanded clay and covering it with roofing material on top. In this case, corrugated sheeting is justified; it is attached below the polycarbonate, or even glazing. In this case polyethylene film for covering the roof will pay off.

Frame installation

The next stage will be the installation of a frame to cover the walls, and also the ceiling, with polycarbonate, because its installation is simple and safe.

Initially, bars are laid and secured on the walls that are raised from the pit. anchor fastenings, their cross-sectional size is literally 10-15 cm.

Rafters, and also ridge beam should have a similar cross-sectional size as that of the bars mounted on the walls. A sparse sheathing is attached to the rafters, literally 2-3 bars per slope. In this case, it is needed to guarantee the rigidity of the structure. Then polycarbonate sheets are attached to the sheathing. They are attached with certain self-tapping screws with a large head, in other words, a press washer, and also a rubber gasket.

Upon completion of installation of the roof covering, polycarbonate is finished end walls greenhouses, then installed finished door. It’s great if it has a glazed part. In addition to all this, the upper part of the ventilation, a kind of hole, is installed almost under the roof itself, and a pipe is attached there.

How to strengthen the structure?

It is important to focus on the fact that you need to leave the part of the roof that faces south open to sunlight, because the sun spends more time there during the day. Another roof slope from the inside of the greenhouse is covered with foil insulation, which will reflect the light falling on it through the transparent part of the roof. For this purpose, it is optimal to use foamed polyethylene, the thickness of which is 5 mm, with a foil part.

Fastening occurs to the roof rafters thanks to self-tapping screws with a wide head. At the junction, the insulation must be folded onto the wall. In a similar way, it is customary to insulate the walls of a greenhouse; the material is fastened on vertical stone planes with liquid nails, or even a sheathing of thin slats is installed on the wall, plus polyethylene foam is secured with self-tapping screws.

The purpose of the foil coating is not simply to reflect light into the space, but also to conserve carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which are vital during the photosynthesis that occurs in plants.

How to organize heating in a greenhouse?

To prevent heat from escaping outside the greenhouse or greenhouse for a long time, it is customary to install doors on the ventilation openings. The room can be heated in different ways, for example, electrical system « warm house", then convectors and oven long burning. And if the greenhouse is located near the house, it is possible to install water heating directly from a gas boiler into it.

If a “warm floor” system is installed, then before placing it, you need to prepare the bottom of the greenhouse, because energy can be wasted in the ground. The system should be installed under the beds, although if necessary it can be placed under the paths between them.

Preparation takes place in stages:

  • a heat-insulating sheet is applied to the ground; it’s good if it contains foil;
  • be sure to pour a layer of sand about 5 cm thick;
  • a reinforcing mesh is placed on top, the cell size of which is 3x3 cm;
  • then the heating cable is fixed;
  • it is covered with a sand cushion of 5 cm;
  • the reinforcing mesh is laid again;
  • 30-40 cm of soil is placed on it.

Each layer is laid in formed beds, with bricks or boards protruding as sides. The beds are usually arranged along the walls, but if the greenhouse or greenhouse is wide, then an additional line is installed in the middle. It is good to create the beds at a slight angle, so the soil surface will be slightly turned towards the transparent roof slope on the south side. Quite often lately convectors have been installed in greenhouses for heating.

They really have many advantages that are ideal directly for greenhouses and greenhouses:

  • They dry the air minimally, compared to other heaters, because they are designed in such a way that they create artificial circulation of warm air;
  • easy to install, just hang the convector on a bracket mounted on the wall, plug it into a power outlet, and set the temperature level on the regulator;
  • I’m pleased that there is an automatic mode for turning the heater on and off, taking into account the selected temperature, this saves energy;
  • The device is small, with an aesthetically modern look.

Before purchasing a convector for heating a large space, it is better to look at the characteristics of the device, take into account the power, then it will become clear how many heaters are needed for your area. Another heating solution is a long-burning cast iron boiler with a water circuit.

To install such a system, you will have to do a lot of work:

  • First, the boiler is installed, its installation is carried out directly in the greenhouse, or even in an adjacent room;
  • you need to build a chimney that can be raised to a height of at least 5 m;
  • for the pipe to pass through the hole equipped for it, it is better to isolate the combustible materials of the greenhouse from the high temperature during the heating of the boiler;
  • it is important to calculate the correct slope of the circuit pipes, then install supply and return pipes for the coolant, most importantly, correctly distributing the radiators;
  • the system needs to be filled with water, then a temperature sensor must be installed directly in the greenhouse.

The installation of the described system is probably really complicated in comparison with other analogues, in particular, if we draw a parallel with the converter heating system.

When heating the greenhouse, it is important to note that for normal development and growth of plants, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at +25...+30 degrees, and the soil temperature should reach +20...+25 degrees. Moreover, indoors it is important to maintain normal level humidity.

What will a greenhouse or greenhouse look like on a foundation?

A greenhouse mounted on a strip foundation will easily function throughout the year if the necessary conditions are there.

Accordingly, the assembly of the building is carried out extremely carefully, because it must be generally airtight, not counting, of course, the installed ventilation system. For the frame, it is optimal to prefer wood, since it conducts cold minimally in comparison with metal profile, it is guaranteed to create “cold bridges”.

The frame for this version of the greenhouse is installed in stages:

  • on adobe or stone, plastered walls that are 0.5-0.7 m above the ground, it is laid waterproofing material, basically, classic roofing felt;
  • thick wooden beams are attached to it with anchors, their width depends on the walls, and their height ranges from 5 to 15 cm;
  • It is better to seal the gaps between walls and beams, or even metal profiles, with polyurethane foam;
  • further work depends on what material will be the main one in the greenhouse, it may be a ready-made metal-plastic frame, or the foundation of a metal or wooden frame;
  • then double- or triple-glazed windows are installed in metal-plastic frames, wooden frames with glass or double-glazed windows are installed in a wooden frame, polycarbonate is usually attached to a metal analogue.

The foundation, then the floor and the lower level of the greenhouse wall must be insulated. For this reason, in this case, it is better to prefer a “warm floor”, its structure is described above, and in addition you need to install high-quality converter heating. It will support temperature regime in room.

If the greenhouse is located in a cold region where there is a lot of snow in winter, then when clearing the yard of snowdrifts, it is better to pile the snow right next to the walls; it will serve as insulation and will make it possible to save on heating costs in the winter. For walls, it is better to prefer thick glass, about 5-7 mm, or even cellular polycarbonate 10-15 mm. Honeycomb material has air gap between the main planes, it all works like insulation.

Lighting organization

Any greenhouse that is used in winter must be additionally illuminated, thus, a spring state will appear in the room, due to the fact that the length of daylight hours, as well as the intensity of winter solar radiation it will be really small.

In order to save energy in the form of lighting fixtures, it is possible to use lamps with LEDs. They are sometimes of different shapes, but are located only at the highest point of the ceiling. Naturally, if desired, it is possible to install classic lamps; they are mounted at the junction of the roof and walls, or, alternatively, high up directly on the walls.

To adjust the lighting hourly, it is possible to install a control unit with a specific timer, set on it the time when the light in the greenhouse needs to be turned on and off. The described system will make it possible to save energy and create extremely comfortable conditions for plants.

If a greenhouse or hotbed is needed only for the spring-summer period, it is not difficult to justify it, because no special insulation conditions or lighting are required. The winter option, in turn, is extremely complex, especially in calculations and construction, and in everyday use in general. Typically, these complexes are arranged by those people who professionally grow flowers and vegetables, and some exotic plants. Thus, they simply cannot do without comfortable room, with a special microclimate. All these maintenance costs will pay off over time when the sale of plants or fruits begins.

In conditions of unfavorable climate and a relatively short summer season, the greenhouse becomes an indispensable assistant for the gardener. With its help, you can expand the boundaries of the growing season and get earlier and bountiful harvest. And with some effort and resources, the gardener will have the opportunity to grow crops all year round, regardless of the weather and outside temperature. Do-it-yourself greenhouse - what shape and what to build it from?

The creation of any structure, be it a large house or a small greenhouse, begins with planning. The first step in this matter is choosing the design of the future building. There are many types of greenhouses, differing in their shape, complexity and cost of creation. What are they?

Table. Types of greenhouses that you can make yourself

Title, photoDescription

A greenhouse, the cross-section of which has the shape of a semicircle or arch.

The shape is similar to an arch, but more elongated and “pointed”.

Classic version with a gable roof.

It differs from a classic greenhouse in that the walls have a certain angle of inclination.

A subtype of the classic one - the walls are vertical, and the roof has only one slope.

It has no side walls, the roof starts almost from the ground level.

It differs in that the roof slopes have different heights and slope

Most of the greenhouse is located underground - only the roof is above ground level.

To save heat, the northern and side walls are made of solid construction and insulated.

The building is in the form of a rounded dome, assembled from triangular cladding elements.

Greenhouse in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid.

Now let's move on to a more detailed description.

Arched greenhouse in cross-section it has a semicircular or close to it shape. It is assembled from a set of arcs connected to each other by horizontal frame elements. One of the most common forms of greenhouses in the CIS. To make a frame of sufficient volume, not much material is required, which reduces the cost of the design. Its low cost does not in any way affect its strength - a well-built arched greenhouse stands out due to its high resistance to snow and wind loads. And thanks to the arc-shaped shape, the sun's rays, regardless of the time of day, fall perpendicular to the cladding of the structure, as a result of less energy loss through reflection and refraction, the plants inside receive more light. The disadvantage of this design is that it is not so easy to make from metal or wood at home.

Important! There is one more drawback of arc-shaped greenhouses, but it is very subjective - not everyone likes the appearance of such buildings. Therefore, if you want to get a structure for growing plants that will also please your eyes, pay attention to other types of structures.

It is a development of buildings of the previous type. It has a rounded but more elongated shape, reminiscent of the end of an arrow. Compared to arched greenhouses, such a building has an even higher resistance to snow loads - snow does not linger on an overly steep roof. But finding ready-made drawings and making a lancet-shaped frame is even more difficult than an arched one.

By the way! In English-language sources and materials devoted to gardening, such greenhouses are known as gothic arch (or translated as “Gothic arch”).

Also known as classic or . Previously, a couple of decades ago, it was the most common design. It features acceptable illumination levels and large volumes. In addition, it is much easier to build - the frame of a classic greenhouse consists of straight metal or wooden elements. But the flip side of this design is high consumption material, which affects the cost of the structure. In addition, the “house” requires supports and jibs that will protect the roof from being crushed by snow masses.

Also sometimes called "Dutch". It differs from the previous design in that its side walls are not located vertically, but at a certain angle. Due to this, more sunlight penetrates inside the plants. Requires a strong frame and a good ventilation system.

Lean greenhouse outwardly it looks like a “half” of a house, where only one slope remains of the roof. This option is most often built as a small extension to a house, barn or fence. Used for early cultivation of seedlings for planting in open ground.

Are you planning to switch to cultivating plants indoors, but do not have enough experience in this matter? Are you planning to grow seedlings? Ask yourself these questions, and if the answer to at least one of them is “yes,” then it’s time for you to think about it.

Placed in the right place, it gets the most solar energy, therefore the presence of vents here is mandatory, otherwise in hot weather the plants will simply overheat. It is relatively simple to build, but the useful internal volume leaves much to be desired. Often part of the building is located below ground level.

Created by the horticultural expert of the same name and Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. It differs from a classic or arched building in that the slopes or halves of the roof have different heights. A vertical wall is formed between them, where a series of vents are mounted. As a result, the greenhouse achieves the most effective ventilation and air circulation, which has a positive effect on plant productivity.

It differs from a regular greenhouse in that the level of the slopes is different - one of them, facing the north side, is higher, and the southern one, on the contrary, is lower. In the middle, at the junction of the slopes, there is a vertical wall with transoms along the entire length of the greenhouse.

It is created with the expectation of maximum accumulation of solar energy and maintaining the optimal temperature for crop growth even during the most severe winter cold. To do this, the building is immersed in the ground up to the roof, which acts as a kind of heat insulator. The main problem of such a greenhouse is the enormous labor costs during construction due to the need to dig an impressive pit. In addition, the structure needs good protection from groundwater.

This is another example of the implementation of the idea of ​​saving heat in a building. To do this, the northern side of the building is made of solid brick, timber or other material and is insulated from the outside. Inside the greenhouse, in addition to plants, there are bags of gravel and other objects that accumulate heat during the day and then release it in the evening and at night. As a result, the gardener receives a building in which he can grow vegetables even in winter and with minimal heating costs. Further, in one of the sections of the article, a greenhouse with capital walls and the solar battery will be given Special attention.

Exotic and rather rare types of do-it-yourself greenhouses are buildings in the form of and. The cost of their construction is many times higher than structures of classical forms, but at the same time they have an unusual appearance and outstanding qualities in terms of accumulating solar heat and providing a microclimate inside.

In addition to the shape, greenhouses differ in the period of operation and are divided into two types.

  1. Seasonal– the simplest structures without any heating systems. Used from spring to autumn, they allow you to “push” the boundaries of the summer season.
  2. or winter - built and equipped taking into account work in the cold season, capable of providing optimal conditions for the growth and maturation of agricultural crops even in sub-zero temperatures outside.

Now let’s move on from the structures and forms of buildings to the materials from which they are created. First, let's look at the frame - the basis of any greenhouse.

Frame materials

There are three main groups of materials from which the greenhouse frame is made:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • polyvinyl chloride

The most commonly used wood is rectangular and square timber. Despite its average cost, it is highly technologically advanced - working with such material using ordinary household tools is very simple. With proper assembly and use of supports, struts and jibs, the frame made of timber is very strong and reliable.

Wooden square beam

Important! The main enemies of wood are mold and rot. This problem is solved by two measures. First - choice quality timber made of larch, a type of wood that is extremely resistant to rot. The second is the treatment of frame blanks with 2-3 layers of antiseptic impregnation.

When choosing timber for the greenhouse frame, be sure to pay attention to the following things.

  1. Humidity – the wood must be properly dried, otherwise the greenhouse frame will shrink seriously after construction.
  2. The presence of a large number of knots is undesirable.
  3. Wood fibers should not have serious defects.
  4. Individual pockets of mold are not allowed.
  5. The timber for the greenhouse frame must match in size and straightness.

Due to the characteristics of the material and the fact that the creation bent parts made from wood with your own hands is a complex and labor-intensive process with a high percentage of defects, timber is rarely used when creating arched or lancet greenhouses. At the same time, it is excellent for buildings of classical shape.

The next material for the greenhouse frame is metal. It is represented by many types of steel and aluminum profiles. The most popular is a profiled pipe with a cross-section of 20x20 mm or more. With a relatively low weight and low cost, it is highly durable. In addition, if there is a high-quality zinc coating or powder coating profiled pipe is durable and resistant to corrosion. Fastening of frame elements made of this material is done using self-tapping screws, welding, nuts and bolts and special crab-type connectors.

Important! Manufacturing of bent frame parts for arched greenhouse from a profiled pipe is possible using homemade machine, which is easy to assemble.

In addition, among metal products, corner profile, ceiling profile for plasterboard and W-shaped are very popular. roofing profile. They are even lighter and more convenient to process, but the downside of this advantage is less strength and low resistance of the finished structure to snow loads.

And the last group of materials for the manufacture of greenhouse frames is polyvinyl chloride pipes and profiles. They are quite flexible and cheap, easy to use, store and transport. The polyvinyl chloride frame is suitable for a light summer greenhouse of a small area.

Prices for profile pipes

profile pipes

Sheathing for a greenhouse built by yourself

The frame of the greenhouse is covered on top transparent material, transmitting a significant portion of sunlight.

The following is used as cladding:

  • glass;
  • film;

Several decades ago, glass was the main material used in the construction of greenhouses, greenhouses and conservatories. It has high light transmittance and does not react with chemical compounds. Also, glass is not subject to any corrosive effects and is characterized by high durability - a frame made of wood or metal will quickly become unusable. But the last advantage is controversial - this material is also known to be brittle, and any rock or thick branch can turn durable glass into a pile of sharp shards. Therefore, in recent decades it has been replaced by transparent polymers.

One of the representatives of such materials is polyethylene film. If you were looking for something very cheap to cover the frame for one season, film is your choice. But keep in mind that the material is short-lived and fragile.

Important! Exist individual species polyethylene film with reinforcement. It gives the material strength, increases its service life and resistance to wind.

The third material for greenhouse cladding is cellular polycarbonate. It's relative inexpensive material with high impact strength - in a situation where the glass breaks, the polycarbonate will only wrinkle or receive several small cracks. In addition, it is lightweight and very flexible, making it ideal for greenhouses with rounded frame elements. The presence of honeycombs filled with air gives polycarbonate best thermal insulation among all cladding materials.

As for the disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • gradual destruction of material under the sun;
  • the need to take into account during installation the significant expansion of polycarbonate when heated;
  • Without protection of the ends, the polycarbonate cells will quickly fill with dirt, condensation and mold, the material will bloom and become unusable.

To create a greenhouse with your own hands, it is important to choose the right high quality polycarbonate. An important criterion the manufacturer must be in the selection. There is no need to chase cheap prices and buy Chinese materials. Verified quality manufacturer polycarbonate on the domestic market - Kinplast company. Its assortment offers several brands of cellular polycarbonate: WOGGEL - a premium material created in collaboration with European colleagues; SKYGLASS – represents ideal price-quality ratio; AgroTITANIUM and polycarbonate SPECIAL FOR GREENHOUSES – designed for creating greenhouses and greenhouses, helps create an optimal microclimate for plants, differs affordable price.

Video - Making a greenhouse with your own hands from A to Z

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

cellular polycarbonate

Do-it-yourself greenhouse with a permanent wall and heat accumulation

Winter greenhouses with the ability to grow seedlings, vegetables and berries even in cold weather have been known to gardeners for a very long time. But they have one significant drawback - high heating costs. How to solve this problem? Firstly, it is necessary to limit the loss of such valuable heat. For this purpose, in the greenhouse presented below, the northern half is allocated as a utility room, and between it and the beds there is a solid wall covered with mineral wool. In addition, the building is equipped with a heat accumulator.

This battery is a network of fairly thick pipes laid underground and with outlets to the outside. During the day, sunlight warms the soil in the greenhouse, which does the same to the air in the pipes. At night, the temperature in the greenhouse drops. Warm air, obeying the laws of physics, rushes upward, cold air - down into the pipes. There it warms up from the soil, the cycle repeats, the circulation of air masses begins, the temperature in the greenhouse remains within limits suitable for seedlings and plants.

Let's look at the construction of such a structure in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. A site is selected, measurements and delineations are made. A pit with a depth of 30 to 70 cm is dug, its walls and bottom are leveled. To speed up the process when building a large greenhouse, it is advisable to use special equipment.

Step 2. Formwork for the strip foundation is constructed along the edges of the pit.

Step 3. Concrete is poured inside the formwork and a strip foundation is created.

Step 4. The bottom of the pit inside the perimeter is covered with thermal insulation.

Step 5. Horizontal pipelines are laid on top of the thermal insulation to ensure air circulation.

Step 6. The ends of the air ducts are arranged, everything inside the foundation is covered with earth.

Step 7 The frame of the northern and side walls of the greenhouse is being constructed. Instead of wood, you can use brick or concrete blocks.

In summer cottages you can find various forms of greenhouses in which both vegetable and flower plants are grown. Thanks to this, you can grow non-seasonal crops throughout the year. The success of the business will depend not only on the design of the greenhouse, but also on what material was used in its manufacture. Our goal is to tell you what types of greenhouses there are, and what material can be used in their construction, and we will also look at how the process of constructing a greenhouse on a summer cottage occurs.

Depending on the design features, greenhouses can be:

  • arched;
  • single-pitched;
  • gable.

The first type of design is characterized by an arc-shaped roof, which allows plants growing inside the greenhouse to receive more daylight. The big advantage of this form will be the absence of snow in winter, so you will not be in danger of deformation or breakage of the structure.

If you decide to install a greenhouse close to any country house building, then the option with a pitched roof is suitable for you. This model is very economical, since in addition to reducing the cost of materials, you also save free place Location on. The only drawback of this design will be the accumulation of snow in winter, which will have to be cleared off to protect the structure from deformation.

The most common option is the gable form of the greenhouse, which is very spacious for plants and people. In some cases, summer residents equip a kind of recreation area in such buildings, which allows them to combine business with pleasure.

Types of greenhouses, their advantages and disadvantages

Today, summer residents have several options for materials that can be used to cover greenhouses and greenhouses. They differ in their structure, price and performance characteristics, so you can choose the material according to your capabilities and requirements.

The most popular material for covering greenhouses will be:

  • glass;
  • polycarbonate;
  • film.

If you are not limited in funds, then the best option there will be glass and polycarbonate greenhouses, which differ in their strength and performance characteristics. Film is a budget option for greenhouses that has been used for several decades.

You can see what your greenhouse should be like in the video below:

Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouses made of various materials

To figure out which material is better for greenhouses, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


This material is considered the most suitable option.

Its advantages include:

  • transparency, which allows you to provide the greenhouse with daylight;
  • resistance to chemicals, even if they get on glass, they are easily washed off;
  • when exposed to sunlight, the material does not emit harmful toxic substances;
  • wind resistance.

Its disadvantages include:


Polycarbonate is a polymer plastic that is increasingly used in greenhouse coverings.

Its advantages include:

  • strength;
  • transparency;
  • high thermal insulation rates;
  • protection of plants from UV rays;
  • ease of care.

Its disadvantages are:


This material is distinguished by its ease of use and budget-friendly qualities, especially since the experience of using such material has been confirmed for decades.

Its advantages include:

Its disadvantages include:

  • windage;
  • poor resistance to frost, which is why it has to be removed after summer use;
  • short service life.

DIY greenhouse construction

Summer residents are forced to build greenhouses for growing vegetable or flower crops, firstly, to get a harvest earlier than usual, secondly, to grow crops that are not suitable for a particular climate, and thirdly, to increase the amount of harvest.

Greenhouses allow you to create favorable conditions for the growth of any plants. If it is not possible to purchase finished design, then you can always build it yourself, using all your skills.

The first question you will have is where to start? So that you don’t have to rack your brains for a long time, we have drawn up an action plan for you, following which you can easily build a greenhouse on your site.

Place for a greenhouse

The first thing you need is to choose a place to locate the greenhouse. To do this correctly, pay attention to the following requirements:

Dimensions and shape of the greenhouse

The second issue you need to decide is the size of the greenhouse. To calculate everything correctly, think about how much and what you will plant in the greenhouse. If you plan to plant tall plants, then the best shape of the greenhouse will be arched or gable, the height of which will provide you with convenient care for your crops. You can calculate the dimensions yourself, or take as a basis the proposed version of a rectangular greenhouse with a gable roof.

The base of the greenhouse can be anything, round, square, rectangular or trapezoidal, it all depends on your capabilities.

Greenhouse frame

The frame is the main part of the greenhouse, so special requirements are imposed on the choice of material. It must be strong and durable, so for its manufacture choose:

  • galvanized profile;
  • steel profile;
  • profile made of galvanized steel, with a square section;
  • wooden beams.

The choice of material also depends on your capabilities; even the most budget option - wood - can last quite a long time.

How to make a greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate can be seen in the video:

Greenhouse foundation

In addition to its direct purpose, the foundation plays the role of a pocket in which several raised beds. If its construction was carried out incorrectly, this can lead not only to its destruction, but also to cracking of the greenhouse coating. To avoid this, you need to listen to our advice:

It is necessary to install formwork around this trench, lay metal reinforcement bars in it and fill it all with concrete. The height of the foundation must be at least 20 cm.

By following these rules you will create a strong and reliable foundation under the greenhouse, which will not be subject to ground movement.

Frame production and coating

The manufacture of the frame begins with marking the future greenhouse. You have already calculated what size your structure will be and even poured a foundation for it, now you can start assembling the main structure:


Inside the greenhouse, under the influence of sunlight, a greenhouse effect is created. To create an ideal microclimate for plants, greenhouses must be equipped with a ventilation system.

Ventilation can be provided by vents located on the sides of the greenhouse or doors. Ventilation helps plants planted in a greenhouse get sick less after being transplanted into open ground. But drafts must be avoided so as not to harm them.

When placing such vents in the roof of the greenhouse, you can ensure the movement of warm air to the street, and open doors will ensure the passage of cool air. There will be no draft, and the air will change.

If you have a small greenhouse, then for good air exchange two vents located on the roof of the greenhouse will be enough.

To make air exchange faster, instead of roof vents it is better to equip side vents, which will be located above the ground.

For growing tropical plants Conventional ventilation cannot be used, so for ventilation you can equip vents based on the principle of blinds.

Greenhouse tricks

Summer residents who have been working in greenhouses for several years can tell you a lot of tricks on which the yield of vegetables or other crops depends. But everyone, without exception, will answer that growing plants depends on the crop itself, on the amount of heat supplied, on the length of daylight hours, on ventilation, on proper watering and regular fertilizing.

We will share with you some of these subtleties and tricks:

From all of the above, we can conclude that several types of material can be used to make a greenhouse, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you are planning to make a greenhouse yourself, then by adhering to our action plan, you will accomplish this without much difficulty. Remember that equipping a greenhouse with vents is just as necessary as watering the plants.

Every gardener can independently and correctly, and most importantly, economically and quickly produce a greenhouse structure at his dacha. Construction requires a good plan, competent step-by-step instructions and minimal experience in handling the main construction tool.

Advantages of making your own greenhouse

Currently, in the conditions of home and country vegetable growing, a huge number of varieties of greenhouse structures, both factory-produced and handicraft, are used. You can make a greenhouse of any size yourself.

What a homemade greenhouse or hothouse building will be like depends largely on the materials available to the summer resident. The undeniable advantages of this design are its low cost and the possibility of construction at a convenient time and time frame. In addition, you can make quite unusual or original, but very functional greenhouses or greenhouses with your own hands.

Winter and summer designs

It is quite possible to build both winter and summer versions yourself. However, before making a project and bringing it to life, you should understand how these types of greenhouses differ and why the design requires additional costs.

  • The main difference lies in the material from which the structure is built. For example, polyethylene film is used in the manufacture of summer structures, but it is not suitable for winter ones. As a covering for a winter greenhouse, you should choose high-quality glass or translucent polycarbonate. Thin sheet polycarbonate can also be used in the manufacture of a summer greenhouse.
  • If we are building a winter greenhouse, then it is very important to pay special attention to the foundation, since this part has a direct impact on performance indicators heating system.
  • The frame of a winter greenhouse building must be as powerful and reliable as possible, and for summer design you can make it easier.

These are the most important seasonal features, which need to be taken into account to create a high-quality and durable greenhouse.

Main types of greenhouses

Most often, greenhouse structures are designed for the cultivation of a certain type of plant, taking into account their botanical features, including lighting and temperature conditions inside.

  • Single-pitched greenhouse the roof is an ideal option for creating a winter garden or greenhouse, due to the presence of an internal passage into the building. In this case, the greenhouse will be easy to maintain regardless of the time of year. It is best to install a lean-to greenhouse on the south side of the house.
  • Gable greenhouses or “house” structures have proven themselves well in most regions of our country and deservedly belong to the category of the most common classic protected ground structures.

  • teardrop-shaped options very durable, have excellent light transmission and do not retain snow mass on the surface, but they are difficult to install, so they are extremely rarely made independently at home.
  • Dome view not only looks original, but also has some functional characteristics, including the possibility of construction in earthquake-prone areas, as well as reduced consumption building materials. When creating such a structure, special attention should be paid to its high-quality sealing and insulation.

  • Polygonal design combines good light transmittance, attractive appearance, and high resistance to gusty winds. It should be noted that the installation of such a structure is quite complex and requires competent organization space for uniform heating of air masses.
  • Dutch greenhouses are distinguished by reliability and durability. Sloping walls allow for maximum illumination, which has a positive effect on the yield of crops grown. In addition, the construction of such a greenhouse will be inexpensive.

Which greenhouse to choose (video)

IN last years Tunnel structures called “booths” are popular. This design perfectly protects plants from bad weather and gusty winds, and as a result, with minimal investment in construction, it is possible to obtain a stable and high yield. This allows us to evaluate this option as optimal for construction at the dacha with our own hands. Most often, a tunnel greenhouse is used for growing peppers and tomatoes.

Collapsible and stationary products

All greenhouses erected and used on household plots and garden plots are divided into stationary and collapsible (folding).

The folding greenhouse began to be used in home garden vegetable growing relatively recently. Its basis is a lightweight, collapsible frame, and its small dimensions allow the greenhouse to be moved to a new location if necessary. A small structure is quite cheap for summer residents, and it is not difficult to assemble it yourself.

A stationary greenhouse, on the contrary, has been used by vegetable growers for many years. Design features such buildings are available metal frame, on which the coating is installed, and the foundation base. Most summer residents prefer just such greenhouses, due to their reliability and durability, as well as ease of use in the structure and ease of maintenance.

Choice of material for the frame

The frame base and door must be rigid and strong, which will allow them to withstand repeated seasonal temperature fluctuations, as well as wind and a fairly large weight of snow mass. At the same time, the number of massive elements that reduce illumination should be kept to a minimum. The implementation of a collapsible design involves the use of materials with low weight and ease of decomposition. installation work. Today, several types of materials differing in characteristics and price are used to create the frame of greenhouses.

  • Tree is the most accessible and cheapest option that does not require special skills or the use of professional equipment. The wooden frame is environmentally friendly and lightweight, but is susceptible to rotting and therefore needs to be treated with antiseptics.
  • Aluminum allows you to create lightweight and durable structures with a high level of rigidity that can withstand significant loads. To connect the parts, a household riveter is used or nuts are mounted in specially drilled holes. The popularity of the option is somewhat reduced by the high price of the aluminum frame.

  • Plastic has such unique characteristics as lightness and strength, as well as resistance to rotting and corrosive changes. The flexibility of the material helps to create structures of different shapes, which is especially important when constructing arched or gable greenhouses. However, it should be taken into account that the significant lightness of plastic requires mandatory attachment to the foundation or soil.
  • Steel used to create a greenhouse frame quite often and requires a strip foundation. Galvanized steel frames are characterized by resistance to corrosion, which increases the service life of the greenhouse.

  • Profile for drywall successfully combines such advantages as light weight and ease of installation work. As practice shows, a frame made of metal profiles turns out to be easy to use, durable, dismountable and quite affordable. Perfect for creating gable and single-pitch buildings, as well as arched structures and Mittlaider greenhouses.
  • Window frames as a material for a greenhouse frame, they allow you to create a structure with acceptable thermal insulation performance in the shortest possible time and with significant savings. However, one should take into account the fragility of such a frame: the average service life, even when wood is processed, does not exceed five years.

Other materials for creating a frame are not popular in the garden greenhouse construction.

Types of foundation for a greenhouse

The low weight and large windage of a greenhouse structure often causes the structure to overturn under the influence of gusty winds, so the frame should be installed on the most reliable and durable foundation. The choice of foundation type depends in most cases on the weight of the structure.

  • Brick foundation easy to install, quite reliable and suitable for most greenhouses. However, it should be borne in mind that the manufacture of such a foundation is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process.
  • Stone base very reliable and durable. A properly executed stone foundation can support heavy metal structures made of rolled profiles and fiberglass. Most often used when creating permanent greenhouses and is not a budget option.

  • Concrete foundation is one of the inexpensive and prefabricated capital foundations and involves the creation of formwork followed by pouring concrete mixture and installation of rod anchors to secure the frame.
  • The simplest and most affordable option is wooden base. However, the operation of such a foundation made of boards or timber, even when treated with high-quality antiseptic compounds, is limited to five seasons, which makes its installation under a permanent frame impractical.

Greenhouse covering materials

Glass, polyethylene film or translucent cellular polycarbonate can be used as coating material. Each type of material has advantages, but is also not without its disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing.

  • Film It is one of the cheapest and most accessible materials, but in terms of durability it is not able to compete with polycarbonate or glass. Even the highest quality film coating should be changed every three years. An arched greenhouse is most often covered with two layers of film at once, which allows us to provide plants with the most comfortable conditions for growth and development. The material has good level light transmittance, but under the influence of sunlight it quickly wears out, light transmittance indicators decrease. Disadvantages also include the formation of condensation on the inside of the coating.

  • Glass refers to traditional materials for greenhouses and is characterized as a durable coating with a high level of light transmission and good thermal insulation. When using it to create protected ground structures, you should remember the rapid heating of glass and the significant weight of the material. In addition, it is important to consider that replacing broken or damaged glass will not be cheap.
  • Polycarbonate It is a hard translucent plastic with a cellular structure. The material is characterized by durability, a high level of impact resistance and good light transmittance, as well as excellent flexibility, which makes it possible to use it in arched and tunnel-type structures.

Sometimes other covering materials are used. Some amateur vegetable growers perform a combined covering of greenhouses, in which the roof of the structure is covered with film and the side parts of the frame are glazed.

When a foundation is not needed

The foundation is the basis that provides a high level of stability, integrity, and maximum strength of the greenhouse building. However, there are types of protected ground structures that do not require the creation of a foundation. These are lightweight, portable and collapsible structures, the weight of which is insignificant, and protection against windage is achieved by attaching the greenhouse to the ground using pegs.

Schemes and drawings

Before you start building a greenhouse or greenhouse structure with your own hands, you need to correctly draw up drawings and diagrams of the structure. Greenhouse drawings can be varied. Currently, diagrams of Soviet classic wooden models, as well as modern and rational diagrams of the Mittlaider greenhouse can be found in the public domain.

The choice of diagram and drawing of a greenhouse or greenhouse structure should be based on the requirements, features and characteristics used in self-construction construction of materials, as well as for the purpose of using the structure of protected soil in the conditions of homestead or country plant growing.

You can create a diagram of the future structure yourself or use ready-made options. The second option is more preferable and can reduce the cost of time and effort.

Stages of making a greenhouse with your own hands

Self-production greenhouse or greenhouse design includes several sequential stages:

  • choosing the type of structure;
  • creation of drawings and diagrams;
  • frame manufacturing;
  • carrying out excavation work, including the construction of a foundation;
  • installation of the supporting frame;
  • installation of translucent coating.

The features of each stage depend on the type of materials used, as well as the characteristics of the structure itself, including size and season of use.

Greenhouse equipment

Creating a microclimate favorable for the growth and development of plants in most cases depends on the use of special greenhouse equipment. In order to increase the productivity of cultivated crops and the quality of the harvest, it is necessary to take care in advance of modernizing the protected ground space. Growing vegetables, berries or green crops in protected soil involves installing heating, watering, additional lighting, and ventilation systems.

  • Irrigation system using drip or subsurface irrigation equipment can relieve gardeners and gardeners from heavy manual labor, and also saves time and water.
  • Heating can be carried out in several ways, and the choice of equipment depends on the communications system that exists on the personal or garden plot. You can choose stove, electric or gas heating.

  • Ventilation very important at all stages of growth and development garden crops. It helps protect plants from overheating and ensures complete air exchange. Sufficient for natural ventilation open doors and vents, and if necessary, increase air circulation, install an exhaust or circulation fan.
  • Additional lighting necessary not only for seedlings, but also for almost any garden plants cultivated in conditions of too short daylight hours. Special lamps make it possible to provide the crop with optimal comfortable illumination in early spring, as well as in winter and late autumn.

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands (video)

Today, many gardeners cannot imagine their plot without a greenhouse. And for the first time in our country, the famous scientist K. Timiryazev grew crops in this way. His merit was the construction in 1872 of a growing house for cultivated plants on the territory of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences. This prototype of a modern greenhouse made it possible in subsequent years, right up to the present day, to develop various types of protected ground structures that make it possible to lengthen the fruiting period of plants and improve the quality and volume of the harvest.

The presence of a greenhouse on a summer cottage is a common occurrence. Using different materials, you can build greenhouses of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Work in them begins in early spring and ends in autumn. Having your own vegetables is not only economical, but also safe, since you can be confident in their quality. That is why many people have a desire to equip a winter greenhouse. You can grow vegetables and fruits in it all year round, even if it’s frosty outside.

Can an amateur summer resident build such a structure? In fact, the construction and arrangement of a winter greenhouse does not require much time and money, so you can handle the tasks yourself. In this article we will tell you how to build a winter greenhouse with your own hands, demonstrate the necessary drawings, as well as photo and video instructions.

Features and differences from a summer greenhouse

When constructing a winter greenhouse, unlike a summer greenhouse, a strong and reliable structure is made. It stands on the foundation. Besides, in winter greenhouse The heating system is working. The quality and consistency of the temperature inside will depend on the latter. Every winter greenhouse must contain:

  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • ventilation;
  • watering.

The size of the greenhouse must be selected in accordance with the number of crops that will be grown. The coating material must be reliable. Plain film will not protect crops from frost and snow. It is also important to provide for the possibility additional insulation walls

When developing a winter greenhouse, several conditions must be met for good plant growth: light and temperature conditions, as well as air humidity.

Main types of winter greenhouses

A modern winter greenhouse can be built from various materials. Today the construction market is filled innovative materials. They are distinguished by increased strength, lightness and affordable price. This allows you to choose everything you need within even a small planned budget. At the preparatory stage it is necessary to plan the design. Her choice will depend solely on the plants that are planned to be grown.

The types of winter greenhouses are distinguished not only by the materials used, but also by their external forms.

  1. Single-pitched - wall-mounted and with an earthen fill.
  2. Gable - with main walls and a glazed roof.
  3. Polycarbonate arched.

  1. First of all, the parameters are calculated, since further calculations will depend on this.
  2. It is also necessary to take into account functionality, that is, to know in advance the features of growing crops. In modern and modernized winter greenhouses, you can grow not only vegetables and fruits, but also mushrooms, herbs, and flowers.
  3. The microclimate inside the structure will depend on the correct location of the greenhouse at ground level. If desired, the structure can be deepened inside and get the effect of a thermos, or construction can begin on the surface. Some people prefer to set up greenhouses in old buildings (garage or barn).
  4. Big variety architectural solutions allows you to realize any ideas and ideas. You can build the structure yourself or buy a ready-made structure. You can also seek help from specialists.

Many people grow flowers of various crops for sale. When choosing exotic plants, it is necessary to calculate all costs, as well as study the requirements for the structure.

When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account the material with which the frame will be sheathed. The winter greenhouse must be durable and airtight, so for arranging the frame choose:

  • tree;
  • metal.

Both materials are very durable, so it is quite difficult to choose one or the other. Metal is strong and reliable, but wood is much easier to work with. In addition, the wood will not heat up in high summer temperatures. To support the weight of the entire structure, as well as the load of snow on the roof, it is necessary to use strong and thick racks.

Frame covering material:

  • film;
  • glass;
  • cellular polycarbonate.

When choosing a film, it is necessary to sheathe the frame not in one layer, but in several. In addition, you should not use it to arrange the entire structure. Glass also has many disadvantages: heavy weight, fragility and difficulty in installation. The most suitable material for a winter greenhouse is cellular polycarbonate. The advantages include: light weight, light transmission, and ease of installation.

According to experts, the microclimate in a greenhouse made of wood is several times better than one made of metal. When choosing a tree, it must be treated with modern antiseptics and protective agents.

When choosing a site for the construction of a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account three main factors:

  1. Light. The winter greenhouse should receive the maximum amount of sunlight. The greenhouse is best placed lengthwise from west to east.
  2. Wind. If the chosen location often experiences gusty and cold winds, it is necessary to consider protection. This will save on heating costs and constantly maintain an acceptable temperature and microclimate.
  3. Convenience. Access or passage to the greenhouse should be wide and convenient. Thanks to this, it will be very convenient to use the greenhouse for its intended purpose.

When organizing protection from strong winds, you can plant hedge. It must be remembered that the fence must be placed at a distance of at least 10 m. The distance is calculated depending on the height of the ridge.

The most important thing in a winter greenhouse is heating. This process is the most labor-intensive and complex. To organize it, the help of specialists is required. But you can do everything yourself. It is necessary to choose the right type of heating, on which the productivity of the greenhouse will depend. Today there are many ways to heat even a large area. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Sun. Affordable and cheap option. But it is not suitable for winter, since the sun's rays are not so strong and will not be able to heat. It can be combined with other heat sources.
  2. Biological heating. Biologically active substances decompose, resulting in the release of heat. The simplest biological substance is manure. As with the sun, this method will not be able to completely heat even a small area.
  3. Electricity. An affordable and popular heating method. It can be installed in any area away from home. You can use different electrical appliances for it: convectors, air heaters, infrared radiation, cable heating, heat pump and water heating.
  4. Air heating. It is organized at the initial stage of construction of a winter greenhouse, in particular, when pouring the foundation. With the help of heating and ventilation units, warm air is supplied to the middle and upper part of the greenhouse.
  5. Gas. Gas heaters are installed in the greenhouse, in which direct combustion occurs. To avoid oxygen burnout, it is necessary to ensure good system ventilation.
  6. Bake. An affordable and economical option involves installing a stove and heating the entire area of ​​the winter greenhouse. Gas, wood and coal can be used as fuel. Among the disadvantages is the heating of the walls, so planting plants next to the stove is not recommended.

It is necessary to choose the type of heating individually for each specific case. You must be guided by such criteria as local climate, planned budget and plant type.

Stages of construction of a winter greenhouse

Since the construction stages and technologies completely depend on the materials and design, there is no need to talk about standards. Using an example, we will look at the construction of a winter greenhouse, which is adjacent to the house. A brick is selected for the foundation. The frame is erected from wooden beams or profile pipes. The entire structure will be covered with polycarbonate.

To create the effect of a thermos, you don’t have to go deep into the ground, but only raise the base. The depth of the foundation is 50 cm, the width is 40 cm. For convenience, it is better to make a strip foundation. Do not forget about the sand cushion or use fine gravel. The execution steps are standard and do not require any professional skills or equipment. After pouring, it is recommended to keep the foundation for a week. On hot days, the surface is moistened with water. A layer of waterproofing should be laid between the foundation and the plinth.

You can use used bricks to build the basement. If the financial side allows, then a new brick is selected. The height of the wall should be about 1 m. The thickness of the walls can be half a brick or a brick, at your own discretion. The frame is constructed from durable and pre-treated wooden beams. Anchors and dowels act as fasteners. Thus, a skeleton is installed that will be a reliable support for heavy loads. The frame for the roof must be made at an angle of 30° from the horizon.

The frame should be sheathed with polycarbonate according to the standard scheme and technology. For a good result, several conditions must be met:

  • marking;
  • precision cutting;
  • accuracy of installation;
  • use of special fasteners;
  • sealing polycarbonate seams for tightness.

Several vents installed around the entire perimeter can serve as ventilation.

For greater savings, it is recommended to choose a location near your home. Thanks to this, one of the walls is already completely ready, so you don’t have to waste time, effort and money. In order for the main part of the greenhouse to be constantly warm, it is necessary to attach a vestibule at the front door. For high-quality sealing you can use polyurethane foam and special sealants.

After all construction and sealing work has been completed in full, you can begin arrangement. So, it is necessary to supply water and electricity for lighting to the greenhouse. It is also important to take care of the shut-off valves, which will ensure a high-quality water supply.

When choosing light scattering sources, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of growing the selected crops. An equally important issue is the soil. The substrate is prepared, fertilizers and special additives (feeding) are added. They will ensure fast and proper growth of all vegetables and fruits that have been selected.

Guided by the given tips, you can build and prepare a winter greenhouse for growing various crops in just a few days. winter time. It is enough to use all available materials and purchase missing ones. You can handle all the work alone, but it is better to have an assistant, especially when it comes to installing the skeleton of a winter greenhouse.


To learn how to make heating in a winter greenhouse, watch the video:




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