How to preserve hyacinth tubers until spring. Hyacinth in a pot - flower care

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Spring is gradually losing its bright colors and everything around is dressed in summer pastel colors. Coming soon summer heat The faded heads of spring flowers also confirm this. They have already lost their beauty and are preparing to renew their strength so that next year please us with new, even better, blooms.

The last of the spring flowers, at the end of May, are hyacinths. This is the fate of this plant: to be one of the first to bloom and keep the inflorescences until the last. This is when many flower growers are faced with a problem: the hyacinth has faded, what to do with the bulb? A flowerbed should always look festive, but sloppy hyacinth inflorescences spoil the whole look. There is a desire to dig up a plant and plant in its place something more aesthetically pleasing, with elegant, bright petals. Just don’t rush, because a plant, like a person, after hard work needs to eat deliciously and renew its strength.

Hyacinth has bloomed

What to do next when the flowers have faded will be advised by the advice of professionals and amateur gardeners.

  1. Trim the peduncle at the very base to prevent the formation of seed pods. When seeds ripen on a plant, it spends a lot of energy. The hyacinth peduncle takes strength not only from the ground, but also from the bulb and thereby weakens it. If a flower appears from such a bulb next year, it will be small and ugly. Most often, such bulbs are affected by diseases and disappear or do not bloom.
  2. The last days of spring are often accompanied by intense heat, so the evening between the rows of hyacinths will be useful for weakened bulbs.

It is necessary to water abundantly, between the rows, and not under the plant, and no more than once a week. Once a yellowish tint appears on the leaves, watering should be stopped.

  1. Feeding and phosphorus fertilizers help the bulb recover faster and have a beneficial effect on the young children that form near the plant. Fertilizers can be applied only a few hours after watering or heavy rain. Otherwise, you can burn the hyacinth roots and damage the bulb. It is enough to feed the hyacinth once during the formation of the bulb. Due to an excess of microelements, hyacinth bulbs are poorly stored and overwintered.
  2. In order for the baby to grow large, the plant must be hilled after flowering. Hilling will also protect the plant from the summer sun. The growing point of the peduncle should remain free of soil.
  3. The leaves of the plant will tell you when to dig up hyacinths after flowering. Evenly yellowed leaf plates serve as a signal that it is time to remove the bulbs from the ground.

The cause of yellowing of hyacinth leaves can also be waterlogging or disease. In case of waterlogging, the plant is immediately dug up with a clod of earth, carefully placed in a box or on a net, and placed in a shaded, dry room. After drying earthen coma, the bulbs are separated from the soil, placed in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes, dried and stored. In case of illness, proceed in the same way as with frozen plants, but it is better to treat the bulb with anti-virus drugs. Next year, such plants will not produce full flowering, but these measures will help preserve the variety.

What to do when the hyacinths in the flowerpot have bloomed?

If everything is already clear with outdoor plants, then what to do when the hyacinths in the flowerpot have bloomed in June or September? The main thing is that you don’t have to throw away the pot with the plant – it will still delight you with its beauty. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Trim the peduncle and care for hyacinth as you would a regular one. indoor plant, gradually reducing watering over the course of a month until the leaves turn completely yellow. There is no need to feed potted hyacinth, since purchased soil contains a sufficient amount of microelements. After the leaves fall, you need to place the pot with soil in a dark, dry place and store it there until spring. In the spring, using the transshipment method, plant the plant in the garden. Most often this is done with hyacinths during summer or autumn flowering.
  2. If the hyacinth in a pot was given as a gift for the spring holidays and bloomed before the onset of May, then after the leaves wither, the bulb is removed from the soil, dried and stored in the refrigerator until September. In autumn it is planted in the soil along with others.

With regular, abundant watering in a flowerpot, the hyacinth can please you with a flower again, but this will completely deplete the bulb. It will no longer be suitable for landing.

Is it necessary to dig up hyacinths after flowering: pros and cons

Beginning gardeners are often tormented by doubts: is it necessary to dig up hyacinths after flowering, because they will not disappear from the soil and will bloom again in the spring. That's right, the plants will bloom in the spring, but not so beautiful. Regular digging of spring bulbs is carried out in order to:

  • get more planting material with the help of children, and in summer most of them die in the soil from heat or waterlogging;
  • save planting material from decay and disease;
  • prevent variety degeneration that occurs when infected with viruses.

It is also important to know when to dig up hyacinth bulbs. The best time is the second ten days of June. You should not dig up the bulbs immediately after heavy rains, as they contain a lot of moisture, or during periods of extreme heat. It is better to do this in the afternoon or on a cloudy day.

With proper care of hyacinth after flowering, the bulb will always be large and healthy, with a considerable number of large children that will already flourish next spring. Now the question of what to do when the hyacinths have bloomed will not confuse anyone. It is important not only to buy a plant, but also to learn everything about the conditions for its cultivation.

Caring for hyacinth after flowering - video

With a variety of flower colors, these plants are a delight to the eye. And their aroma is quite pleasant. But when the hyacinth has bloomed, what to do with the bulb? Its flowering and future development depend on proper care during this period.

It's very nice to receive as a gift in winter or in early spring blooming hyacinth. For sale during this period there is forcing - these are small bulbs with an inflorescence and leaves. Many people simply throw them away when the flowers fade. But it is quite possible to preserve hyacinth after flowering.

Caring for the bulb after forcing

Usually the plant is sold in small containers, where it lacks space, moisture, and nutrients. Forcing simply depletes the bulb. If the situation is really bad, then the still blooming hyacinth can be carefully transferred with soil into a larger pot. But this is, so to speak, " ambulance" It's better to wait until it blooms.

There are two ways save it after flowering. The main thing is not to dig up the bulb as soon as it has bloomed. After being forced out, she is weak and needs time to recover. The peduncle is cut off. It is better to do the following with the leaves: wait until they dry. If this is a spring forcing, then, if possible, it is good to keep the plant with leaves in a pot until July. To do this, place it in a dark place.

Moisturizing is needed regularly, but infrequently. Complete drought should not be allowed, but it is advisable that the soil dry out between waterings, gradually reducing it. After the leaves dry, they are removed , the bulb is removed from the ground.

It is dried and stored in peat chips or sawdust. Typically, their planting time is in the fall. With the first frost they are placed in open ground. If planted on warm autumn days, they may begin to grow, but with the arrival of cold weather they will simply die.

It is good to insulate beds with hyacinth for the winter with sawdust, peat, leaves or special material. Not all varieties are equally resistant to frost. Therefore, the shelter is removed only when the soil thaws.

But in practice this is not so easy to implement. Many bulbs cannot withstand storage until autumn and simply dry out. It is worth remembering that forcing them is depleted and even those that lasted until autumn will bloom only after 2 years.

Another way to preserve a plant is simpler and more effective. When the hyacinth finishes flowering, the arrow of the peduncle is cut off. If you haven’t transplanted from a small container before, now is the time. A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the pot. Pebbles or expanded clay are suitable for this.

The substrate can be taken ready-made from the store, or ordinary land mix with sand and peat. The onion is simply transferred to a new spacious container, without deepening it too much. Now the hyacinth should be placed in a warm place with plenty of light. A good option will be glazed warm loggia, but a window sill will do just fine.

It is not difficult to care for: you need to water it in moderation, without soaking the bulb or over-wetting the substrate. Complex fertilizers are suitable for feeding mineral compounds. With this care, hyacinth develops in almost the same conditions as in open soil.

When the plant produces leaves, it can be move to open ground. This should be done in the spring, when frosts have passed. Simply replant with a lump of earth into a planting hole without deepening the neck and level the soil. During its stay in the pot, the bulb accumulates nutrients. And next year you can expect flowering from it.

Eat important rule: after forcing the bulbs, you should not plant them in a pot and try to get them to bloom again. They are exhausted and need a rest period of about 3 months. Many people alternate planting them in open ground and in a pot.

Care after flowering in the garden

For plants in open ground, the same question is relevant: the hyacinth has faded, what to do next? In principle, all procedures are almost no different from those described above. And in the open ground bulb formation and growth occurs precisely after the hyacinth blooms.

The peduncle arrow must be cut off even before the seed boxes begin to form. The fact is that they take a lot of nutrients from the bulb. But the leaves, on the contrary, supply substances for its growth. The longer the leaves stay green, the more nutrition it receives. Therefore, there is no need to remove them, but you should wait until they dry out on their own.

It is good to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium and phosphorus mineral compositions are also suitable. They not only help the bulb recover after flowering, but also contribute to the formation of children. But you shouldn't overfeed them. Fertilizers are added to the soil after watering.

In open ground, after flowering, watering is carried out between rows once a week. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, it is stopped. When they are completely dry, it’s time to dig them up.

Theoretically, bulbs can be grown in one place for several years without digging them up. However, gardeners advise not to leave them in the ground for the winter, but dig every year. And there are several reasons for this:

  • After wintering, hyacinth may not bloom well. Not all varieties tolerate frost well;
  • This way you can get more planting material;
  • The bulbs are preserved from disease and rotting.

They are dug out in the fall in order to then set them to the required depth. Without this, they may stop blooming altogether. After digging, they are also disinfected, sorted and stored. It is important not to miss the moment when the leaves die. After this, you may not find the bulbs, since the hyacinth grows deeply into the ground.

Bulb storage conditions

In growing hyacinths this point has great importance. So, before sending the bulbs for storage, you need to disinfect in manganese solution. Then dry it, leaving it for a week. fresh air(not in the sun) or just in a well-ventilated area. Optimal temperature for this, about 20° C.

It needs to be cleared of soil and excess scales. Particular care must be taken to separate those under which children are located. It is also good to make cross-shaped cuts on the bottoms of the onion. It is important to disinfect the knife after each use. You can wipe it with alcohol.

During sorting, the children are separated from the bulbs if they are easy to detach and they have already acquired their roots. Seed material is placed in boxes or paper bags, sprinkled with sawdust.

There are several stages in storing bulbs:

  1. The bulbs are kept at 25° C for 8 weeks;
  2. After this, it must be reduced to 18° C;
  3. A few days before planting, it is good to keep them in a cold room (t 4-5 ° C). This will help them adapt to the external environment.

Indoor humidity is also important. The air should be dry, but not so dry that the bulbs dry out. Needed and good ventilation. Bulbs from open ground can also be stored at home. at a temperature of about 5°C. This is done only with adult specimens.

What to do if the bulb is sick? Leaves may turn yellow for this reason. In such cases, the planting material must be immediately dug up, kept in a dark solution of manganese and placed to dry separately from the others, treated with special preparations.

Hyacinth bulbs contain oxalic acid. It can cause irritation for people with sensitive skin, so it's best to protect your hands when handling them.

Preparation of planting material and soil

The soil must be prepared before planting hyacinth bulbs. When choosing a location, it is better to give preference to a bed that is located on a slight slope. So flooding can be avoided, which is very dangerous for the plant. As an option, bulk beds with sides are suitable. They will protect hyacinth from groundwater.

It is better to dig up the soil in advance so that it has time to settle. From fertilizers, you can add mineral compounds and humus to the soil. Ash and dolomite flour are quite suitable.

Before planting, the bulbs are sorted. It is important that they are not damaged or rotten. Then they are disinfected in potassium permanganate. The procedure is also good for preventing diseases. The babies formed during the storage period are carefully removed and placed in separate containers. Here they will grow and develop.

After pre-planting treatment bulbs are planted in holes, making them sand shirts. Sand is poured onto the bottom of the planting hole, the top is also sprinkled with sand, and only then with soil.

These flowers were brought to Europe back in the 18th century. And they invariably enjoy well-deserved popularity. Proper care of hyacinth after flowering determines how the plant will develop in the future. After all, one bulb, with the right approach, can delight you with flowering for about 10 years.

Tender and bright inflorescences Hyacinth is one of the symbols of spring. IN this material we will look at what needs to be done with hyacinths after flowering so that next spring they again form numerous buds.

Novice flower growers often have a question about whether it is necessary to dig up hyacinths for the winter. The answer is clear: yes. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Hyacinths are native to southern countries, and therefore the thin skin on their bulbs is not intended to protect them from moisture. During the dormant period, when they stop using water for nutrition, even slight dampness due to ordinary rain can lead to rotting and death of the plant.
  2. Mice happily feed on hyacinth bulbs.
  3. The mother bulb can throw out several small weak children who will die and thereby lead to rotting of the entire plant.
  4. Even if the hyacinth survives the winter, re-blooming will be inexpressive and sparse, and the plant itself will be weakened and painful. At the same time, resting outside the soil increases the immunity of this flower and strengthens its strength.
  5. After digging, the bulb can be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned of children or rotten areas.

Hyacinths can only be left in the ground in the southern regions. In this case, it is only important to plant the children in a timely manner so that they do not thicken the planting - this harms flowering.

Optimal time for digging

Now let's find out when to dig up hyacinths.
It is believed that the best time for cleaning is the end of June or the beginning of July. However, depending on the region or weather, this period may shift, so it is best to focus on appearance the plant itself. If the leaves of the hyacinth have completely turned yellow and withered, then it’s time to dig it up. Don't wait until the moment aboveground part will completely fall down and decay - in some cases, finding the bulb after this will be problematic.
However, please note that you should not rush to harvest a plant that is still green: in the period between the end of flowering and the complete wilting of the leaves, the hyacinth accumulates useful material for the new season. If you dig up a bulb with partially green leaves, it will be depleted and will not bloom or form few buds next spring. In addition, there is a risk of injuring living roots, which will lead to physiological or infectious diseases. This is especially true for plants that have not yet fully bloomed.
During this period, hyacinth needs to be provided proper care. Immediately after the flowers wither, cut the peduncle with a knife or scissors (carefully so as not to damage the leaves). Watering is reduced, but not stopped completely. At this time, it is recommended to feed the hyacinth with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied.
This rule must also be followed if you keep hyacinths in the apartment. Although they are not threatened by excess moisture or rodents, a properly organized dormant period will make new flowering more abundant. True, at home the growing season lasts longer and complete wilting occurs at the end of July. After flowering has ended and before harvesting, it is advisable to move the flower to a slightly cooler place, shaded from direct sunlight.

How to dig properly

They are dug out from open ground using a pitchfork or bayonet shovel. This must be done dry clear weather. It is advisable to dig deeper so as not to catch the onions themselves. Check that there are no babies left in the soil.

Shake the extracted onions off the ground. If it is a little damp, do not rush to clean it so as not to damage it outer shell- let it dry first. Trim off wilted leaves.

Before storage, the bulbs are dried for about 5 days in a dry, shaded, well-ventilated area. After this, they are examined again. This time, the remaining roots and dry husks are cleaned off, and the babies are separated from the mother bulbs. Finally, the planting material is removed for storage.

Video “Forcing hyacinths in winter”

From this video you will learn how to properly force hyacinths in winter.

How and where to store bulbs

Now let's figure out how to store hyacinth bulbs.

To begin with, both them and the storage boxes need to be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried (not in direct sun). The storage room should be well ventilated and shaded. Bulbs are stacked thin layer, having previously placed them in nylon bags or loosely wrapped in paper - so that they can breathe. Sometimes peat or sawdust is used for storage.

The shelf life, i.e., “forcing” of the bulbs, depends on the time at which you plan to plant them. The best time Autumn is considered for planting. In this case, the rest period is about 95 days. It is divided into three stages.

In the first 10 days, the bulbs are stored at +30 °C, then for about 55 days - at +23...+25 °C. During the last month, coolness is important - about +17 °C. This will make it easier for the plant to prepare for planting in autumn soil.

To keep the bulbs alive, it is imperative to maintain the correct water balance. On the one hand, air humidity should not rise above 70%, otherwise the planting material may rot or mold. On the other hand, to prevent hyacinths from drying out and dying, they should be sprayed occasionally with a spray bottle.

The bulbs need to be inspected periodically. When damaged by insects, treat with insecticides. When fungal infections occur, the affected areas are cleaned with a knife, and the bulbs are treated with Fitosporin and dried.

Some gardeners prefer spring transplant into open ground. In this case, a number of experts recommend putting the bulbs in the freezer for 1 hour (no more), which will stimulate them to bloom in the same year. A similar procedure should be carried out immediately before landing.

In the spring, 3 cm of coarse sand is poured into the planting hole, which will protect the plant from infections and excess moisture. When it gets cold, the flower needs to be mulched with sawdust.

For indoor flowers There is another option for forcing. Let's look at how to store if in winter (for example, on New Year) you plan to admire their flowering.

A pot about 10 cm in diameter is filled with light sandy loam soil. The bulb is planted so that it is 2/3 buried in the ground, and its top is at the level of the pot. The pot is covered with a jar or paper cap and placed in a cool place (from +6 to +10 °C) for 3 months.

As the soil dries out, water it with cold water.

By the end of this period, the hyacinth will throw out a young shoot. When its length reaches 10 cm (around the beginning of December), it will be possible to remove the cover from the pot and move it to a sunny, warm place. The recommended temperature at this stage is at least +23 °C. Before budding, the flower is regularly watered and sprayed. In about a month, the hyacinth will bloom.

Hyacinths delight the gardener with the beauty of their blooms and their aromas; the average flowering period of a hyacinth is about two weeks, but if these flowers are well cared for, then they can bloom for three months.

The main feature of this plant is that the first flowers have a blue and purple hue. But after the first flowers fade, new inflorescences appear and they reveal the real beauty of hyacinths. The new colors predominate following colors: red, white, pink and lilac. After this, several more new shades of colors will appear.

But in order for hyacinths to open up fully, they need to be given proper care; in addition, each variety has its own flowering period. The most important thing is to ensure that the hyacinths arrive in warmth and humidity. But once the flowering stage ends, the most important period begins, when the plant forms a bulb and prepares for growth. We will tell you about it.

After the flowering period has passed, it is necessary to pay great attention to the flower bulb. Because without proper care, the plant can simply dry out. Drying will begin from the bulb; everything happens because after flowering the plant begins to form new seed pods.

And all the nutrients are sent to these boxes. And the bulb remains without the necessary substances for the life of the bulb and begins to dry out. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately cut off the arrows, and most importantly, this must be done before the seed pods appear.

Also, Dutch gardeners recommend removing flowers and shoots from hyacinths for the first 1-2 years, this is done so that the bulb can gain necessary materials for development. Since the beauty of flowering directly depends on the flower bulb itself.

After flowering has passed and you have removed all the arrows, you cannot remove the leaves of the hyacinth, since it receives everything it needs for successful growth from the soil and from the leaves, since they absorb water. The bulb receives everything it needs for growth through watering and fertilizing.

Despite the fact that the leaves cannot be cut off, they must be completely disposed of. But they should dry out on their own. In order to speed up the drying process of the leaves, you can stop watering the plant; you should start doing this after the flowers have passed the flowering period, namely in early June.

But this must be done only if the leaves have not dried out on their own by this period. When they dry out, you need to carefully remove them without damaging the plant bulb. After everything unnecessary is removed from the bulb, the planting site needs to be mulched.

How to care for the bulb during its growth period

The hyacinth bulb can live in the same soil for up to 3-4 years, but after this period it must be replanted. During this period, the hyacinth bulb grows, new bulbs begin to grow next to it, and the bulb itself increases in size.

This period lasts up to five years; in the fifth year of life, hyacinths must be replanted, and most importantly, during this period they are completely ready for this. While for other flowers transplantation is a stressful situation.

However, Golan gardeners advise not to leave finicky varieties of hyacinths in the ground, since after hibernation in winter time years the flowers begin to bloom poorly. The best solution will take out the bulbs, inspect them for diseases and damage, process them and store them.

Almost the most important stage in caring for hyacinths is the storage period of the bulb. For good growth The bulb must be taken care of during the hibernation period if you want to see its beautiful flowering.

Purchased or newly dug bulbs must be dried at 20-20 degrees Celsius, after which the remaining soil should be removed from them and excess scales should be removed. The scales under which new bulbs begin to appear should be separated with great care.

After everything is done, you need to put the onion in a cool place. But the onion cannot be immediately placed at the required temperature; it must be lowered gradually, this will need to be done in several approaches. For the autumn season temperature regime should be 16-18 degrees.

There are also several requirements for the room where the hyacinth bulb will be stored. The most important requirements for the room are that a sufficient amount of air must enter it and it must constantly circulate. In addition, the room must be dry, and there must also be dry air.

By the beginning of August, the bulb will need to be prepared for planting for the winter. In some cases, hyacinths can be grown at home in a pot, where they will spend the winter better.

What to do with baby hyacinths

Often, during storage, children of the bulb begin to develop near the bottom of the bulb. They must be carefully separated from the bulb and dried, after which they must be planted in a separate container. New hyacinth seeds must be grown for up to five years; during this period they will not bloom, since all resources will be spent on the development of the bulb.

When you plant new hyacinths, be extremely careful. Because they are very fragile and finicky. They need to be planted in the ground only at half the norm, since they will not be able to grow on great depth. Also, throughout all 5 years, the soil must be covered with a layer of mulch.

In some cases, these flowers are sold only for one time, as a gift of a living bouquet. After all the flowers fall off, you can simply throw them away. Such flowers are grown using special growth hormones.

Such flowers can be easily distinguished because they do not have leaves, and if the hyacinth does not have leaves, then it will have nowhere to get resources for further growth. So when you grow new hyacinths, it's worth paying attention to leaf growth.

If they never appear, then there is no point in wasting your time on this plant. Once it fades, you won't be able to do anything.

What to do with a hyacinth bulb after flowering? How to preserve a hyacinth bulb after flowering at home? If your hyacinth has bloomed for the first time, don't worry - in today's article you will learn what to do with the bulb and how to properly store it before planting next season.

Spring brings an abundance of hyacinths. After the purchase, there are several months to enjoy the beauty of the selected beauties, but flowering ends and the surface part in the pot quickly dies. What to do after hyacinth blooms? Dried peduncle , remove the inflorescence by hand or a knife. Leaves hyacinth after flowering don't cut– they should dry out and fall off on their own. At the last stage of dying, you can help the plant get rid of them. After flowering, the hyacinth bulb is sent for storage, placing in a separate container after digging or moving the pot in the ground to a suitable place.

How to store hyacinth bulb after flowering:

  • Dig up the bulb;
  • Air dry for 5 days;
  • Place in a ventilated room at ŧ +18-20° C;
  • Remove surface flakes;
  • Trim the roots;

How long does the hyacinth bulb's dormant period last? You need to send hyacinths on vacation for 90 days - It will take the bulb 3 months to recover, rest and accumulate nutrients for the next flowering period. The subsequent development of the bulb and the flowering of hyacinth depend on the dormant period and suitable storage conditions.

Features of the hyacinth dormant period:

  • Stage 1: store for 8 weeks at 25° C;
  • Stage 2: move for 4 weeks to a temperature of 18° C;
  • 3 days before planting in the soil, lower the temperature to 5° C;

You can make hyacinth bloom quickly by reducingthe first stage of storage for 1 week. To do this, the air temperature is increased to30°C, and the remaining weeks are stored at 25°C. Res.There is no need to make any significant temperature fluctuations, so the bulb is slowly introduced into temperature conditions of 5 ° C until planting. What to do after the hyacinth bulb awakens?

Choosing a planting site and caring for hyacinth

The awakened bulbs are ready to develop and bloom. Plant she is needed into nutritional soil mixture in a pot at home or planted in open ground. For closed and open landing use the same Hyacinth care methods: draft protection, choice sunny place, warm, flavored mineral fertilizers the soil, moderate watering. You can also add humus, but store-bought fertilizers work better. The hyacinth bulb should be planted so that abundant solar lighting it was in the morning. When planting, you need to deepen the hyacinth by 20 cm. into the soil mixture. When planting in open ground, maintain a distance of 10 cm between the bulbs. When planting early, hyacinths are insulated with film and leaves/pine needles on top.

How to make hyacinths bloom:

  • Water regularly and moderately;
  • Create diffuse and constant lighting;
  • Fertilize using mineral components;

Hyacinth is an opportunity for a florist to switch to new level skill, since it is not easy to plant, dig up, send for storage, and replant, making hyacinth bloom, but, having coped with the task, you can take on growing more demanding plants.

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