How to grow decorative peppers at home. Pepper - apartment decoration

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In order to plant plants at home in winter, you do not need to make a lot of effort. Let's look at how to grow ornamental peppers and how to care for them.

  • Growing in containers and pots

    If you are planning to grow ornamental plant in containers or pots, you can choose any plant variety. Capsicum, the second name for decorative pepper, is usually sown in early March, and in the summer you can take the pots with the plant outside, for example, to the balcony.

    As for choosing a pot, you should take a container with a volume of about 5 liters. Although, if you plan to grow vegetable or berry peppers, which are different tall, it’s worth taking a larger pot.

    Landing Features

    Before planting hot indoor peppers in the ground, you need to prepare them for planting in a special way. You will need:

    • Substrate for plants in pots
    • Dolomite flour

    It is advisable that the soil contains horn shavings; if it is not there, you can buy it separately. Concerning dolomite flour, it should be added to the ground every 7 days, the recommended amount is 1 tsp. for 5-6 liters of soil.

    Decorative indoor peppers do not grow in dense soil, since such soil does not allow air to penetrate into the soil. Many plant growers add humus to the soil to increase the nutritional value of the soil.

    In order for the soil to be as prepared as possible for growing ornamental peppers in a pot, you can enrich the soil with vermiculite or agroperlite before planting. Using these components, you can maximize the soil's ability to retain moisture.


    The fruits of decorative peppers will be appreciated by those who like to treat themselves to something spicy and a little bitter, like chili peppers. When can you pick the edible fruits of hot ornamental peppers?

    If you see that the pepper has changed its color, turned yellow or red, depending on the selected variety, it means that the fruits are fully ripe and can be picked.

    Which variety to choose

    You can plant any variety of homemade ornamental pepper at home. However, there is a list of varieties of decorative indoor peppers that are considered the least demanding to care for and are eaten more often than others:

    • Goldfinger
    • Red rocket
    • Jamaica
    • Python
    • Troll
    • Black bride
    • Pearl
    • Queen of Spades
    • Filius
    • Blue baby
    • Jellyfish
    • Aladdin
    • Pearl
    • Zorro
    • Sirius
    • Salsa
    • Ampelous mischief maker

    If you are growing ornamental hot peppers for the first time, then you should start with these varieties.

    Plant height

    If a pepper bush grows in a natural environment, such as bell pepper, he manages to reach a height of 1 meter and even higher. As for indoor conditions, that is, growing on a windowsill, the plant can grow to an average height of 30-60 cm; Aladdin is considered the tallest variety. At the same time, the lifespan of capsicum at home is not long, only 4-5 years.

    However, even in such a short period of time, the bush will delight you with bright fruits more than once. Plus, you'll be harvesting throughout the entire calendar year.


    The first thing worth mentioning is that the room should be sufficiently light and often ventilated, but drafts are categorically undesirable. It is better to choose window sills in the east or west, so you will take into account the lighting requirements.

    You should not place pepper pots on the south side. The fact is that the plant can get burns on the leaves if it is exposed to the sun for a long time.

    However, you do not need to keep the plant in the shade all the time. The bush should be placed in direct sunlight for at least 3-5 hours a day. If the weather outside is cloudy, you need to organize an artificial light source. If there is not enough sun, you will notice it appearance The bush's branches develop poorly, flowering is worse, and there are catastrophically few fruits.

    The most stressful period for ornamental peppers is considered to be the end of autumn - the beginning of winter, since this period is characterized by short daylight hours. In order to maintain the growth of pepper, you need to organize additional lighting using phytolamps.

    Temperature and humidity

    The room should be 23-25 ​​degrees spring period, in winter a drop to 16-19 degrees is allowed.

    An important feature of ornamental pepper is that the plant loves temperature changes, this concerns the difference between morning and night temperatures. For this reason, plant growers recommend placing the pot on the balcony.

    To grow peppers on a windowsill, a humidity level of at least 60-70% is required. Exceeding normal values ​​is not a pity; in addition, the plant does not tolerate dry periods well. If the hygrometer shows less than 50% humidity, it is recommended, in addition to watering, to also spray the bush with water from a spray bottle.

    Preparing the seeds for planting

    In order for the plant to take root better, it is recommended to sow no earlier than February. It is necessary to prepare the seeds of ornamental pepper before sowing. For this you will need:

    • Disinfectant solution for seeds – Fitosporin or potassium permanganate
    • Growth stimulant, for example, Epin

    In the first case, the seeds are soaked, in the second, they are sprayed in accordance with the instructions for the preparation. If you are going to plant fresh seeds, then you can refuse stimulation.

    Germination of seeds

    During germination, the seeds must lie in water for at least 12 hours. It is important that they are located at least 2 cm apart from each other. This is necessary so that the sprouted sprouts do not interfere with each other’s growth. After germination, you need to sprinkle them with soil, covering them 1 cm from above. Make sure all seeds are covered.

    The next step is to spray the sprouted seeds with water from a spray bottle. It is important here not to overdo it so that the soil is not too wet, otherwise this can lead to mold and rot.

    Try to organize conditions that will resemble greenhouse conditions as much as possible. To do this, you need to cover them with film, then place them in a warm place with good lighting. For the seed to germinate, a temperature of at least 23 degrees will be required.

    Under no circumstances should you place a pot of seeds in direct sunlight, as you risk creating a greenhouse effect under the film, after which the seeds will cook.

    As soon as you see the first small shoots, you must immediately remove the film. This usually takes about two weeks. Although under some conditions this may take longer, for example if you did not prepare the seeds before sowing.

    Transplanting seedlings

    When several leaves have appeared on the seedlings, the seedling is ready to be transplanted to permanent place growth. Each seedling must be placed in a separate container for growing ornamental peppers. Otherwise, if there are 2 or more sprouts in the pot, the plant will become weak and you may not get fruit.

    It is worth taking a pot of about 300 ml in volume. If the volume of the pot is larger, then the root system of the bush may oxidize after several waterings.

    During transplantation, it is important to place the shoot exactly at the same depth at which it was located at the germination stage. Do not push the plant too deep into the soil, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

    It is important to place a drainage layer at the bottom of the new pot. It must be laid carefully so as not to cover the holes in the bottom.

    It is necessary to choose soil for potted plants. You can slightly press down the soil around the sprout itself, and then water it well. During rooting, it is recommended not to water the bush for at least a week.

    During transplantation, it is necessary to pinch the most important root. This way the lateral shoots of the roots will develop, and the root system will be stronger.

    Growing peppers from cuttings

    In summer and spring, you can grow ornamental peppers using cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off the lateral process, after which the resulting cut must be treated with a special growth stimulator. Next, the shoot needs to be placed in a mixture of soil and sand, the components are taken in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is necessary to provide maximum watering to the cutting, and then cover it with a plastic or glass cap. Place the cutting where it will be warm and light enough.

    It is important to periodically air the spine; this should be done at least once a day.

    You can pinch the top to speed up the rooting process. It is worth making sure that the cutting grows in soil suitable for potted plants. If you chose sandy-earth soil for it at the rooting stage, at the replanting stage you should give preference to the same mixture.

    Caring for decorative peppers

    After the sprout has successfully taken root, it is important to provide the future bush proper care, which consists of the following stages:

    • Watering
    • Periodic spraying
    • Top dressing
    • Crown formation

    Watering the plant

    In summer and spring, the plant is watered as needed, that is, when you find dried soil in the pot. It is worth using only settled water, its temperature should be room temperature.

    Under no circumstances should you allow the soil to dry out. If the bush has withered, its leaves will soon fall off and there will be no more fruit on it.

    Spraying the bush

    If the room temperature is above 25 degrees, spray the bush at least 2-3 times a day.

    Top dressing

    Fertilizing is considered an integral part of caring for ornamental peppers; the plant reacts sharply if there is a lack of certain nutrients in the soil.

    If the leaf color turns purple, it means there is not enough phosphorus in the soil. Excessively light foliage color can indicate a lack of nitrogen.

    Fertilizing should be done at least once every 10-14 days. At the same time, it is important to follow the application rules: potassium and phosphorus mixtures should be applied strictly at the root, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied directly to the leaves.

    Forming the crown

    The procedure for forming the crown, that is, trimming the upper part of the foliage, is a procedure that cannot be neglected. The fact is that formation has a positive effect on fertility indicators, and also gives the tree a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

    It is important to pinch out each shoot before the first shoots form. The most important branch, namely its crown, is pinched at the moment when the first flowers appear on it. This will contribute to the appearance of developed side shoots. All leaves and branches that stand out from the general crown are subject to pruning.

    Replanting decorative peppers

    It is important to carry out the procedure as carefully as possible so as not to injure root system such a houseplant as an ornamental pepper. In order not to expose the plant to stress, you can limit yourself to partially replacing the soil in the pot without removing the pepper.

    Diseases and pests

    Most often, an ornamental plant suffers from spider mite and from damage by mealybugs. The first disease affects exclusively the roots, so detect the problem on initial stage fails. It is quite difficult to fight spider mites, so it is better to take preventive measures, that is, disinfect the soil in a timely manner.

    At poor care the risk of the bush being damaged by mealybugs increases; deviations from the norms of humidity and temperature have a particularly detrimental effect on the condition of the plant.

    IN winter period When the central heating system is operating, containers with water are placed next to the pots to replenish the liquid deficit.

    If the soil is too moist, the bush may develop late blight or root rot. If you notice brown or black spots on the foliage, you should immediately treat the leaves with a preparation containing copper. Another sign of the disease is wilting of the leaves. You can help ornamental peppers by removing the plant from the ground and completely replanting it.

    How to plant decorative peppers using boiling water?

    Decorative pepper care

    How to grow small-fruited BITTER PEPPERS on a windowsill

    Difficulties in growing

    When growing ornamental peppers, great attention should be paid to organizing indoor lighting.

    A small number of fruits can also be considered a problem. In order to solve this problem, periodically shake the plant a little, this is especially effective during flowering. For the same purpose, you can brush over the pepper flowers once every two or three days to speed up reproduction.

    Decorative indoor pepperunpretentious plant, which pleases the eye with bright fruits of various colors.

    Hot pepper Grows well and bears fruit in an apartment, on a windowsill. To obtain beautiful fruits, decorative peppers require proper care and cultivation.

    Let's look at the secrets of growing decorative indoor peppers, proper care, feeding, watering, replanting, propagation, and use.

    Pepper prefers bright diffused light, but from straight lines sun rays should be shaded from spring to autumn, otherwise there is a risk of sunburn.

    In summer, take pots of indoor peppers to open air, in partial shade. In autumn and winter, pepper needs additional lighting; with a lack of light, it stretches out and bears less fruit, losing its decorative appearance.

    Optimal air temperature when growing decorative peppers, 20-25 degrees. The rooms in which plants grow must be ventilated; pepper does not tolerate musty rooms.

    If in winter you do not have the opportunity to organize additional lighting, move the plant to a cool place with moderate temperatures. 15 degrees.

    Indoor pepper loves moisture, therefore, from spring to autumn it is necessary to water abundantly, as the top layer of soil dries out. In autumn, watering is done moderately, reducing the frequency. It is better to water plants with soft, settled water. warm water(room temperature).

    In summer, spend your daily spraying plants warm water; pepper loves high humidity.

    To obtain abundant fruiting, pepper needs to be grown on time. pinch. This is usually done when the first ovaries appear, pinching the tips of the branches.

    At long-term cultivation Decorative peppers need to be shaped into a bush to enhance growth processes. The shoots of the plant are cut to half their length or more.

    Some varieties of abundantly fruiting peppers need supports to prevent branches from breaking off.

    From spring to late autumn, indoor peppers are fed complex fertilizers 1 time every 2 weeks.

    Pepper responds well to feeding wood ash. In the autumn-winter period, fertilizing is reduced to 1 time every 3 weeks, subject to temperature conditions and additional lighting. Otherwise, no feeding is carried out.

    Every year in the spring hot pepper it is necessary to transship with partial replacement of the old substrate with a new one. To prepare the substrate with your own hands, you will need to mix leaf soil, turf soil, peat and sand in the following proportions: 1:1:1:1/4.

    Provide good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

    Full plant transplantation is also possible, but with such an operation there is a risk of severe damage to the root system. After such an event, plants need strict proper care.

    Peppers are propagated with the help of ripening seeds in fruits. Sow the seeds in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkle with earth. Usually after 7-15 days the first shoots appear.

    Indoor pepper blooms with white flowers, giving it a decorative appearance.

    Difficulties in growing

    -- There are few fruits on the bushes - try to pollinate the flowers yourself using a soft brush;
    -- In winter, when the air is very dry and warm, fruits and leaves may fall off;
    -- Pepper overflow or watering cold water leads to rotting of the roots.
    -- Too dry indoor air leads to the appearance of spider mites on plants. To combat aphids and mites, grind hot peppercorns and leave in warm water 24 hours in a ratio of 1:10. Before spraying, add 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. grated soap and spray the plants three times, with an interval of 5 days.

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    The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. She's different strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils that are highly volatile. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

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    Blueberry – a rare and promising berry crop in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins and have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and tonic properties. The berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

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    Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

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    We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

    IN Lately unusual varieties of vegetables are at the peak of popularity. They are planted both in garden beds and on window sills. The purpose of some is purely decorative and cannot be eaten, but some can cope with several tasks at once, distinguished by excellent quality characteristics.

    Let's look at the best decorative varieties peppers and features of their cultivation.

    Description and brief description

    It is a mistake to think that decorative peppers appeared relatively recently. Trying to prolong the summer, our grandmothers grew it. At that time there were no seeds available for free sale. indoor pots they either used varieties intended for the garden, which sometimes sprouted, but were only much smaller and more compact, or, if, of course, they were lucky, they managed to beg a few seeds from friends who had already successfully grown such indoor beauties all year round.

    When the era of total shortage passed, and work on personal plot ceased to be mandatory for providing the family with the necessary products, they began to look for other positive aspects in it. This is where breeders came to the rescue.

    Today there are quite a few varieties of ornamental peppers. Some are quite successfully grown in garden beds and their owners do not even suspect that the “garden dweller” is notable for something other than its taste characteristics. Some were bred specifically for decoration, and consumption as food is considered secondary. Some are completely forbidden to eat, but there are also those that cost a lot of money and are found exclusively in botanical gardens or greenhouses of connoisseurs.

    Features of cultivation and care

    To grow ornamental peppers at home, you don’t need much. It is necessary that the place on the windowsill be sufficiently bright, and fresh air should be supplied regularly.

    In the warm season, pots of peppers can be placed on the balcony or moved to the garden, and with the onset of cold weather, brought back into the house.

    Decorative indoor pepper is a perennial plant that can live in one place for up to 10 years.

    Pepper seeds can be sown throughout the year, depending on when the harvest is needed. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, it does not hurt to cover the container with film or glass.

    Depending on the time of year, seeds can germinate from 5 days to 3-4 weeks. When the shoots begin active growth, you need to pinch them so that the bush accepts decorative form, became lush and spreading.

    Like all peppers, decorative peppers do not tolerate picking, so it is best to plant them immediately in peat tablets or cups, and when the sprout reaches required height, place them directly in a large pot.

    For normal development, the plant requires moderate constant humidity and sufficient light.

    The first fertilizing is carried out 7-10 days after emergence. These must be mineral fertilizers. The second time feeding is carried out after 16-18 days with organic matter. From the moment of flowering, it is necessary to add potassium and phosphorus to the soil 2-3 times a month.

    For irrigation, you must use pre-settled water (if the season allows, rain water is best). also in room conditions It is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves from dust and spray the plant.

    If the pepper lacks phosphorus, the lower part of the leaves will acquire a purple tint; if there is little nitrogen, the leaves will begin to become brittle and become lighter in color.

    Advice! At home, it is necessary to help pepper with pollination. To do this, you can simply gently shake the buds, but it is more reliable if you transfer the pollen with a soft brush.

    Ornamental peppers need to be replanted twice a year, changing the soil and pot. If you follow simple care rules, it can produce crops three to four times a year. And some varieties allow you not only to provide seven vitamins, but also to make preparations.

    Edible ornamental peppers

    Of course, practical gardeners prefer edible varieties. It should be noted that most of them are suitable for growing indoors throughout the year. So it wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to them for city residents who don’t have the opportunity to grow fresh vegetables on their own. Indoor peppers look great, produce a good harvest, and are much better at purifying the air than flowers.

    Small miracle

    This early ripening variety Can be grown in open ground, on window sills, and on balconies. The plant looks very attractive. It is used to decorate terraces and garden plots, and is often found in landscape design.

    The bush is low to 30 cm, but quite lush. The leaves are rich green, the fruits are red, directed upward. The weight of one pepper is up to 5 grams. The color changes from green to red depending on ripeness. This gives the plant even more charm. The taste is medium spicy. Can be used fresh or for preservation.

    The pots should be placed on the south or west side to ensure sufficient heat and light.


    The amazingly shaped plant really resembles a jellyfish. Before the fruits begin to form, not everyone will be able to understand that this is a pepper at all. The leaves are elongated, flat, rather long. The bush is small, up to 25 cm in height, but very lush.

    The fruits are also elongated, thin, up to 5-6 cm.

    The taste is pleasant, spicy, with a slight spiciness, which increases as it turns red.

    Feels great in normal conditions flower pot. Unpretentious to conditions and care. You can feed with a regular flower mixture. It bears fruit for three years even without transplanting.


    One of the most time-tested varieties. The fruits are quite large for indoor peppers, up to 45 grams, bright red, and quite spicy. The variety is characterized by long-term fruiting; new ovaries are formed in place of plucked fruits. The taste is pleasant, moderately spicy. Can be used fresh and in any culinary recipes.

    Very often, Ogonyok is placed in the kitchen. It undoubtedly decorates it, but at the same time it can suffer from sudden changes in air temperature. Remember, if you place decorative peppers on indoor window sill, during ventilation, move it to the side.


    Quite a popular variety among ornamental peppers. It can be grown both in open ground and at home.

    On the windowsill the bush has a height of up to 35-40 cm, on the street a little higher - up to 50-55 cm. The shape is compact, the leaves at the bottom are much larger than at the top, which also gives a special charm. The fruits are first green, then turn yellow, acquire a purple tint, and at the very end of ripeness they turn red. The aroma is pleasant, rich. The taste is quite pungent, so it is rarely used fresh, but pepper is irreplaceable as a seasoning for first and second courses.

    At home, it can bear fruit for several months without interruption.


    The decorative variety is often used to decorate balconies, verandas and garden plots, but in terms of productivity it performs better at home. Fruits in the form of a cone grow upward, clearly stand out in rich color against the background lush foliage. At first the skin is light green, then yellow and by the time of biological ripeness red. The length of the peppercorn is up to 4 cm. The bush is up to 35 cm high, voluminous, spreading. It bears fruit for quite a long time, but only at home. The taste is moderately spicy, the aroma is pleasant.


    Another representative among decorative peppers, which is quite often used to decorate the landscape and decorate areas adjacent to the house. The bush grows up to 25 cm in height. The fruits are cone-shaped, with a sharp tip, smooth skin with a glossy sheen. The taste is pungent, the aroma is pronounced. The weight of one is up to 6 grams. Used fresh and for preservation. As biological maturity is reached, the color changes from dark green to rich orange.

    It is very convenient that the bush does not need to be formed. It grows itself in the correct shape.

    Explosion Amber

    This is a new product in our country, but Americans have been actively growing this pepper for more than 10 years.

    The bush is very spreading. The stem and leaves are blue-green. It all depends on the lighting. The lighter the place of residence of the plant, the more predominant green color, if shadow predominates, then the shade becomes darker, purple.

    The fruits are purple at first. As they approach biological ripeness, they first become creamy, then turn yellow, acquire an orange tint, and finally turn red.

    Bush up to 35 cm high. The taste varies depending on the color, so try all the options to determine the most suitable one.


    The variety received its name for the amazing shape of the fruit. They really resemble bells or mini squash. The weight of one is from 30 to 100 g. The color is red, and inside the pulp is white and the seeds too. Peppers take a long time to ripen, more than 150 days, but you can collect more than 1.5 kg from one bush, so the effort is worth it.

    The fruit has a very interesting taste. It is sour, sweet and spicy at the same time. Its use in cooking is universal, but it is most noticeable in meat and fish dishes.


    This is the most compact of all varieties of ornamental peppers. The bushes grow no more than 15 cm, the fruits are spherical, the taste is medium hot and medium spicy. The color changes from light green to yellow, then to orange and to red.

    The leaves resemble bay leaves in shape and are often used to decorate dishes, but they should not be eaten.

    Filius Blue

    You can recognize this variety of pepper by the fruits of the original purple, which by the time of biological ripeness become first orange and then bright red. Pepper almost bears fruit all year round, so there are always fruits of different colors on the bush.

    The height of the bush is only 25 cm, but it is very lush and spreading. You need enough to grow free space, regular watering and normal lighting. The variety is characterized by increased productivity. The taste is rich and quite spicy. Most often used fresh or as a seasoning for fish and meat.


    The fruits of this variety are very similar in shape to ordinary hot peppers. The length of each is 7.5-8 cm. But the bush is not tall, up to 30 cm, so they stand out quite clearly against its background.

    The peppers ripen in bunches and as they ripen they change color from green to yellow and then to red. From a distance they resemble bright petals, so in decorative terms the plant lives up to all the hopes placed on it.

    The taste is pleasant, can be used fresh and for any culinary recipes.


    The variety received its name for the soft creamy color of the fruits at the time of technical freshness. Then it turns yellow and red. Bush up to 30 cm high, spreading. The pepper is moderately hot and aromatic. It makes an excellent seasoning. To do this, it is dried and then ground. Grows all year round.

    Multi-colored decorative peppers

    All decorative peppers are very attractive in appearance, but there are some that are especially prominent representatives. It should be admitted that in terms of taste they are inferior to those listed above, but nevertheless they can also be eaten.


    This variety has a very lush bush with lush green leaves. It bears brightly colored fruits yellow color. Their shape is original, diamond-shaped. Distinctive feature is amazing combination sweet taste of the skin and richly spicy center. Can be eaten and can replace most seasonings.

    Queen of Spades

    Bright multi-colored peppercorns, growing upward, stand out very sharply against the background of dark green leaves. The color of the fruit changes from green to orange, then to red and finally to dark purple. At the same time, ripening occurs gradually, not all at once, so the evergreen bush never loses its attractiveness. The fruits can be eaten, but more often they are picked only after reaching biological ripeness, wanting to enjoy them longer visual effect. It is also worth noting the aroma that spreads throughout the room in which this pepper grows.

    Inedible decorative peppers

    Pepper is an edible vegetable, but ornamental varieties often changed their composition as a result of cross-pollination. Therefore, some of them have become dangerous to humans and should absolutely not be eaten.


    On lush bush up to 35 cm, a lot of round-shaped and small-sized fruits are formed. They change color as they ripen, so at the same time there are green, light yellow, orange, and bright red peppercorns on the bush.

    The fruiting period is more than 3 months, then the plant takes a short pause, during which it is necessary to carry out mandatory feeding, and again begins to form ovaries.


    As the name suggests, the fruits are yellow-gold in color. Their shape is slightly elongated, very beautiful, reaching a length of up to 5-6 cm. The height of the bush is up to 25-30 cm. bigger plant will receive light, the longer the fruiting period will be and the brighter the shades of leaves and fruits will be.

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