What flowers grow well in a balcony pot. Functional landscaping of the balcony

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A balcony is a part of the apartment, often used as a storage room for things that are a pity to throw away. This room, located on the street, can be turned into a blooming corner, planted balcony flowers, and have evening tea parties here. Not all plants are suitable for flowering on loggias. To avoid wasting time and money, find out which plants are best planted on sunny balconies and which ones on northern balconies.

Shade-loving plants for northern balconies

Plants for shaded verandas are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Shade-tolerant - calmly tolerating shading. They would grow well even under straight lines. sun rays, but they also put up with the shadow. Such plants can be planted on northern balconies - violets, astilbes, aquilegia.
  2. Shade-loving - they develop much better in the shade than in the sun. Their natural properties don't let them grow sunny areas. The leaves turn yellow and the plant begins to hurt. These include ferns, hostas, and periwinkle.

On the north and shaded east side Many plants feel great and delight with their beauty and flowering. Representatives of the flora, naturally growing in the shade of other brethren, take root well and exist in shaded loggias.

Growing plants on the balcony is a good opportunity to create a green corner in the house

Violets, cyclamens, fuchsias, and spathiphyllum thrive in such conditions. Amaryllis decorate the flowerbed - clivia, hippeastrum. Photos and names of balcony plants can be found in abundance on the Internet.

All kinds of ferns, growing in forests always in the shade, look amazingly harmonious on balconies. Beautiful companions of fern are chlorophytum and adiantum.
Aeschynanthus and anthurium - delight with lush, variegated greenery, but without flowering.

Lobelia, ivies and palms

Most often, lovers plant lobelia on their balconies. She loves the sun, but also takes root well on northern balconies and even blooms profusely. There are also varieties of drooping lobelia, which is used for ampel plantings. It blooms with pink and purple flowers. It produces many branched stems and enjoys long, abundant flowering.
Lobelia is sown for seedlings at the end of February. On permanent place young seedlings are planted in May, keeping a distance of 20 cm between them. Flowering begins in June and continues until deep frost, especially if the plants are located on a glazed, wind-free loggia. This plant is demanding on root nutrition, so it is fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers twice during the growing season.

Lubelia: a plant that has gained popularity due to its beautiful flowers

To create a real garden on a loggia, dwarf palms, for example, the Hamedorea bamboo palm, are perfect. Hibiscus ( Chinese rose) also grows and blooms well in the shade.

Climbing plants such as cissus and hoya look spectacular when serving as a backdrop to flowering plants.

Attention! Variegated ivy in the shade loses the bright color of its leaves. It is best to grow it on the sunny side.

Araucaria, hydrangea and other shade-loving plants

  • If you wish, you can arrange a small piece of coniferous forest in your northern one. Araucaria is very similar in appearance to a Christmas tree. You can even dress it up New Year. Araucaria is a solitary plant. It feels good only when kept away from walls and other plants.
  • Hydrangea will add royal splendor to the shaded garden. Blooming in large inflorescences of white and shades of pink, it needs staking. The soil under hydrangeas is watered twice a year with a fungicide solution due to the plants’ weak “immunity” to fungal diseases. Balcony hydrangea flowers look very presentable.

Hydrangea blooms with large inflorescences of white and pink

  • Variegated Hosta attracts attention, as its name suggests, with its speckled leaves. From June to August, the beauty blooms in the center of the bush with pink, white, cream flowers framed by variegated leaves.
  • Periwinkle densely covers the soil with small green leaves and flowers of pink, white, purple, blue colors. Shade-loving ferns and hostas grow beautifully on a periwinkle carpet.

Plants for sunny balconies

The choice of plants for a balcony on the sunny side is much wider than for the northern side. Which flowers to use in this case depends on your preferences, the microclimate on the balcony, average temperature and illumination. If the balcony is glazed, then the choice of plants increases significantly.

Verbena, petunia and geranium, brief information about these popular types:

Advice. Brachycoma and allisum grow well on sunny balconies.

With a little effort and spirit, you can create a real green corner in an urban environment. own balcony, no matter which side it faces the sun.

Video: Balcony flowers

Photo: Flowers on the balcony

Decorating a balcony or loggia in an apartment with flowers is a great opportunity to create a beautiful green corner for relaxation in the city. You can also put a small one here wooden table with chairs and enjoy evening tea and sunset.

Not all garden flowers can grow on the balcony. Website website will tell you which flowers are best to grow on the balcony in boxes.

The most unpretentious flowers for the balcony bloom all summer.

1. Marigolds

The heat-loving yellow heads of marigolds are an integral feature of summer containers, garden flowerpots and balcony boxes. They are easy to grow from seeds or purchase seedlings, they are unpretentious, bloom from early summer until frost. Removing spent flowers prolongs flowering.

In addition, if you are thinking about what flowers to plant on the sunny side, then these are marigolds. They like sunny places. The only thing is that during drought you need to water regularly and not overdry the soil.

The most popular marigold varieties are rejected hybrids. Varieties can be bushy, in which case you will only need a couple or three plants for the balcony box. So that these yellow flowers looked beautiful on the balcony, choose low types 15 - 30 cm. Double or semi-double inflorescences with a diameter of up to 5 cm are perfect for a balcony box.

2. Calendula, marigolds

A flower that does not require soil. These are flowers for a balcony with sunny side or light partial shade. Completely unpretentious, can be amazed powdery mildew and aphids. Refers to plants that bloom all summer. Flowering time is from June to September. For long flowering You need to remove faded inflorescences.

The original type is calendula officinalis, for balconies and loggias you need to choose low-growing variety Fiesta Gitana - 30 cm, which have different colors. It is very easy to grow at home from seeds. For early flowering, calendula seedlings can be planted in the second half of February.

While creating unusual design For a balcony, calendula is best planted together with other flowers - pansies, bulbous flowers (narcissus, tulips), ampelous petunias, ornamental cabbage, ornamental and herbs.

3. Nasturtium.

Annual nasturtiums are flowers for a southern balcony. Blooms from July to September. Sow the seeds immediately in a permanent place. These flowers for balconies are unpretentious and almost always grow from seeds. Unique garden plant, flowers different varieties completely different from each other:

  • there are vines for draping walls, that is, you can choose varieties and grow climbing flowers for the balcony;
  • hanging flowers for balconies and window boxes - nasturtium peregrinum, the length of the vines reaches 3 m;
  • bushy dwarf varieties for flower beds

Scheme for planting petunias in a balcony box 15 by 15 cm. Single-row and double-row planting of petunias in a box on the balcony is possible.

How to create flowers on the balcony design:

  • for single-row planting, plant 3 pink and 2 purple petunias, alternating them by color;
  • When planting in two rows in a box, place upright flowers in the background and hanging varieties in the foreground.

Scheme for planting petunias in a balcony box

5. Pelargonium.

Most often, pelargonium is called geranium, which is grown in pots as a houseplant. Pelargonium is one of the most unpretentious plants to care for; it grows quickly, blooms well and profusely. By the way, when proper care pelargonium may bloom all year round. It has a pleasant spicy aroma, which is emitted not by flowers, but by leaves. A wonderful plant for a balcony in warm periods.

In addition, with pelargonium you can create wonderful flower arrangements, complementing them with other flowers. Here is one of the schemes for planting flowers on the balcony:

  • pelargonium white and red;
  • kufeya;
  • petunia;
  • evening primrose;
  • bacopa;
  • immortelle.

6. Nemesia.

Nemesia flowers come in one, two and three colors. Blooms early; in hot summers flowering may not last long. A second wave of flowering is possible, closer to autumn. To do this, you need to trim the stems after the first wave of flowering. If you want to achieve autumn bloom, then plant nemesia seeds for seedlings in early June, then your balcony will look great in November.

Nemesia seeds are small, so you need to sow them on top, without covering them with soil. Then spray well with water and cover with glass. As the glass fogs up, you need to open it slightly, and remove it after green shoots appear.

When transplanting into flowerpots and pots, maintain a distance of 20 cm between flowers. When planting flower seedlings, pinch the stems.

Decorating a balcony with nemesia flowers turns out to be very delicate, due to the fact that the flowers are small, low, about 20 cm and bushy.

7. Low-growing varieties of snapdragons.

Usually snapdragons are grown in the garden, but if you take the shortest variety, Rainbow, you can grow the flowers of the most different colors and shades. On the plus side, it is worth noting the smell of snapdragon, it exudes such a fragrance! And for this you only need 5 - 6 bushes.

In autumn, when frost sets in, this plant freezes, the flowers do not change color and it looks great. The flowers last as if they were alive all winter. Therefore, if you are choosing which flowers to plant on the balcony, be sure to add dwarf varieties of snapdragons to your list. They bloom in the second half of summer, from July to October.

Dwarf snapdragon variety ‘Magic carpet’

8. Begonia everblooming and tuberous begonia.

Both types of begonias can be grown in containers and are flowers for north-facing balconies; they grow well in partial shade. They have rounded, fleshy leaves with colors ranging from pale green to chocolate brown. Blooms from June to September. It is considered a perennial, but most often this plant is grown as an annual. Grows well in humus-rich soil and in partial shade. Therefore, when planting, you need to add compost.

9. Fuchsia ampelous

There are 3 main groups of fuchsias. What flowers are best to plant on the balcony? These are tender, heat-loving ampelous fuchsias with weak, cascading stems in hanging baskets. The name of the ampelous fuchsia variety is Swingtime. The stems grow up to 50 cm with red and white flowers.

Fuchsias are great blooming flowers for the northern balcony. They only need a small amount of light to bloom and grow. Be sure to water regularly and abundantly. Make sure that earthen lump didn't dry out. After a drought, fuchsia will die and will not recover.

10. Pansy or Vitroka violet.

There are many hybrids of Vitroka violets with a height of 15 - 25 cm. These flowers on the loggia are of two types:

  • winter-flowering (November - May) varieties that are grown as biennials, the Universal series predominates;
  • summer flowering (June - October), which are grown as annuals.

Viola can be grown on the balcony, but it must be planted in a place with proper lighting. The sunny side with shading during the midday hours is optimal. On the southern balcony it will quickly lose its decorative effect. Already in July it will fade and look dried out and unattractive.

Viola must be watered regularly to keep the soil moist, but without stagnating moisture. Also, if you want to grow flowers on the balcony, you need to feed them.

How to decorate a balcony with flowers

To make your balcony look beautiful, create compositions from different flowers and ornamental grasses. You can also plant several herbs in pots - mint, basil, parsley.

The balcony is that part of the apartment that is located on the street, and therefore is often used by many residents only as warehouse– for storing unnecessary and old things that, most likely, will never be useful in everyday life. But with the onset of spring, the balcony can be turned into a wonderful flower garden, the most romantic and bright part of your home. And if leeks and pepper seedlings are the only vegetation with which you decorate your balcony, then it’s time to fix it.

Flowers help in the design of an apartment, highlight its features and bring a note of romance, fairy tales and cheerfulness to the lives of its inhabitants. The choice of specific varieties of the future flower garden depends on the location of your apartment relative to the sun (shady or sunny side), and on what floor your apartment is located on. But the most important criterion, of course, is your likes and preferences.

Preparing the area

Of course, for the future winter garden we need to prepare the place, spend at least redecorating. Think in advance about what types of flowers will make up the balcony composition in order to choose the right paint for the railings and floor that will harmoniously combine with the bouquet. Flowers should not blend into the background of the walls.

Decide what part of the balcony you are willing to devote to landscaping; maybe it will be only one box, or maybe most of your loggia. If you want your flower garden to be admired by passers-by from the street, prepare and strengthen the railings, calculate the weight of the pots and boxes with soil so as not to overload them. Be especially careful if you have an old balcony, don't overload it, remember that a harmonious and elegant composition can be created with a small number of balcony flowers.

Dependence on the size of the balcony itself

Choose for a flower garden matching container size so that their volume allows the root system to develop freely. These could be flowerpots, wooden boxes, pots both made of plastic and clay.

Lungs plastic boxes and pots are ideal for planting flowers with outside balcony Such compositions look especially beautiful in one long box. If there is a possibility that the structure may not hold up and break, then in this case several light meter-long pots are used. To decorate the outer part of the balcony, buy boxes with pallets at once, because in their absence, excess liquid will flow through holes in the bottom directly onto the heads of passers-by.

Clay pots are more comfortable for flowers, because moisture stays in them longer and the soil is better saturated with oxygen. But due to their impressive weight, it is better to place such pots inside the balcony and grow larger and more whimsical plants in them.

For small and medium sized balconies plant pots fit perfectly– they are suspended from the ceiling and can create complex multi-stage compositions by adjusting their height - after all, you decide for yourself at what distance from the ceiling to fix the pots.

Be careful when choosing soil, buy it only in large, specialized stores, or make it yourself using good black soil with sand and humus. Before you start filling the pot with soil, place a special dishcloth on the bottom; it will serve as an excellent layer for absorbing water, maintaining moisture in the soil. Next, lay out a drainage layer - coarse sand, on top of which humus is laid and black soil on top of it.

Choice of colors

Flowers may vary in lifespan.


Such flowers live only one season, but many southern varieties can live for several seasons in their native countries. Therefore, if your balcony is glazed, insulated and the flowers themselves receive proper care, such varieties can delight you in the conditions of your loggia for several years in a row. When caring for such plants, do not forget to trim off the faded heads in time, then the vigorous flowering will delight you for a long time.

In order for your small garden to bloom as early as possible, most annuals grown by seedlings.

Not so popular for breeding on the balcony. The fact is that in the first year these plants develop only their stems and leaves and remain in a green state, and produce flowers only in the second year. In addition, there are much fewer biennial varieties than others and improper care such flowers can live not 2 years, but only a few months.

If you want to see your favorite biennial plant in the flower ensemble, plant it in a pot in the first year and keep it in the apartment. And in the second year, transplant into general box to other colors, forming the desired balcony composition.

The most popular balcony biennials are forget-me-not, viola, and, of course, daisy.

Also not so popular among gardeners. Main problem associated with their breeding is that in winter it is difficult to preserve root system flowers and prevent them from freezing. For this reason, you have to look for a warm place where you can move the boxes with plants “for the winter.” Of course, the exception is those perennial flowers that are grown in separate pots and simply brought into the apartment for the winter.

But, despite these difficulties, many people like to decorate their balconies with perennial flowers, giving preference grapes, vines, climbing roses , which are easily trimmed and wrapped for the winter.

One of the varieties of perennials are bulbous flowers, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult. Planted in boxes in the fall, it is the bulbous ones that are the first to open the spring season on the loggias, delighting their owners with bright, rich colors and aromas. Daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths are especially favorite varieties of bulbous flowers.

Flowers for the sunny side

The choice of flowers and their varieties largely depends on the location of the balcony and degree of its illumination. Most of them are very thermophilic and make flower arrangement on the south balcony it won’t be much of a problem. Asters, petunias, purslane, asters, and nasturtiums are ideal for loggias located on the sunny side. Choose any southern flowers.

Flowers on the balcony

September 27, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

This time I decided to highlight the article like this interesting topic like landscaping a balcony. It is usually of interest to those people who want to turn the balcony into a place of relaxation, because what can be better than rest Outdoors? Next, I will tell you what plants can be planted on the balcony, and briefly tell you what they are.

Main factors for choosing plants

There are a huge number of plants that can be planted on the balcony. However, keep in mind that there are certain rules according to their choice. In particular, attention must be paid to the following points:

Below we will consider in detail what can be planted on the balcony in different situations and how to choose the right plants.

Tip 1: how to choose the right plants for the lighting on the balcony

Sunny side

If your balcony is well lit, i.e. faces the south side of the house, then you should choose plants that are not afraid of the open rays of the sun, and also withstand precipitation and wind. These include the following crops:

  • pelargonium - loves a lot of light, however, requires daily watering. From lack of water this perennial flower the geranium family quickly dies;

  • petunia - less whimsical perennial, which belongs to the nightshade family. The advantage of petunia, besides appearance, is that it blooms for six months, starting in late spring. At the same time, it decorates the balcony space with climbing shoots;

  • dahlias - for the balcony it is better to give preference to low varieties, such as “Veselye Rebyata” and “Mignon Mishung”. Their height does not exceed 40-50 cm. These dahlias bloom profusely, beginning in July and stopping with the onset of the first frost;
  • balsam - a favorite of many home plant, which is characterized by the compactness of the bush. The latter is abundantly covered with lush and very beautiful flowers. Moreover, the plant blooms all summer and autumn, until the onset of the first cold weather;

  • polyanthus roses - the flowers of this plant are quite small. However, they are going to large groups, as a result of which the plant looks gorgeous. Moreover This culture is absolutely unpretentious and reproduces very quickly by cuttings.

As for the flowering time, it is the same as for petunia;

  • Zinnia is another light-loving and unpretentious plant, which can be planted both in floor containers and boxes;

  • Calendula is a very light-loving plant, so only in the sun can it show itself in all its glory. Double flowers Calendula can be white, yellow, orange or even red, which allows you to create interesting compositions with its help.

To keep perennials blooming well, be sure to remove spent flowers, otherwise they will pull them back vitality for seed ripening.

These plants are quite enough to create a diverse, very beautiful composition. However, if you wish, you can plant other plants, such as snapdragons, godetia alyssum and many others. The only thing is, before buying seeds, ask how light-loving they are.

Shadow side

If the balcony is in the shade for most of the daylight hours, this is not a reason for frustration. You can also choose very beautiful shade-loving plants for it. In particular, the following crops will do well here:

  • hydrangea - this flower can rightfully be considered a balcony favorite. His main distinctive feature are large spherical inflorescences that come in pink, blue, white, lilac or red. Hydrangea blooms from April to November;

  • Cissus is a beautiful climbing plant, which is also called birch or indoor grapes. Essentially, it is a climbing vine that clings to surfaces with the help of tendrils. Thanks to this, you can very beautifully and effectively implement landscaping on your balcony by decorating walls and other surfaces;

  • begonia - many people consider this flower the most beautiful of those that can be grown on the balcony. It has excellent decorative foliage and elegant inflorescences that come in a wide variety of colors. Keep in mind, what begonia needs constant watering and fertile soil;
  • Fuchsia is another plant that thrives in conditions where there is a lack of sunny color. As for its decorative qualities, they are in no way inferior to begonia - the blossoming buds can have different shape and color. Moreover, the flowering is very lush, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.
    Keep in mind that fuchsia, like begonia, does not tolerate dry soil, so it needs to be watered every day;

  • verbena - in general, this flower loves light, however, there are varieties that grow well in the shade. The only thing that should be noted is that verbena does not tolerate frost. Therefore, if the balcony is not insulated, you will have to grow it as annual plant;
  • Carnation is an annual plant (there are also biennial varieties that bloom only in the second year) that loves shade. With proper care, it begins to bloom no later than four months from the moment of sowing;

These plants will allow you to create the most unimaginable flower arrangements on your balcony.

West or east side

If your balcony is facing west or east, i.e. moderately lit, then consider yourself lucky. Most will grow well here indoor plants, with the exception of frankly light-loving crops such as purslane, or vice versa shade-loving plants, such as sedge.

“Universal” plants include:

  • asters are an annual plant that are planted as seedlings on the balcony. The flowers of this plant are quite large, and the bushes themselves are lush. True, in order for the culture to develop well, it is necessary to use soil fertilized with compost and large enough;

  • hosta - is a small beautiful bush with sharp leaves, from which stems with pink or white flowers grow. With the arrival of winter, the plant begins to turn brown and gradually dries out. During this period, it needs to be cut back to the surface of the soil.
    In spring the plant begins to develop again;

  • daisies - belong to the aster family, but unlike asters, they are perennial plants. True, they are grown for no more than two years, since after that they become smaller and lose their attractive appearance.

The peculiarity of this flower lies in the original single peduncles that do not have leaves. On the peduncles there is a basket with white or pink flowers.

If you want your balcony to be not only beautiful, but also filled with pleasant aroma, put several flower pots with mint. It should be noted that mint is low maintenance, so it is easy to grow. The only thing for the plant to be fragrant is to provide it with enough sunlight.

To ensure that your greenhouse is always blooming, you should select plants taking into account the flowering time. Otherwise, a situation may arise when all the plants on the balcony bloom profusely for a month or two, and the rest of the time the composition looks very boring and monotonous.

Below is a table to help you choose flowers based on flowering time:

Plant name Flowering time
Pelargonium Blooms 6-10 months after planting. Depending on the variety, flowering time is 3-6 months
Petunia Blooms in April-May and blooms until November
Balsam Flowering begins in summer and lasts for 6-8 months, and sometimes throughout the year.
Polyantha roses They begin to be covered with flowers from mid-May and bloom until November
Zinnia Blooms towards the end of July and continues to bloom until frost sets in.
Hydrangea Blooms from mid-spring and blooms until November
Begonia As a rule, it blooms two months after planting. Flowering time is 6 months or even more. Begonia is one of the few flowers that can bloom even in winter
Fuchsia It blooms 4-5 months after sowing. Flowering occurs before the first frost
Verbena Blooms in June. If you properly care for the flower, the flowering period can be extended until frost.
Cloves (Chinese) Flowering time lasts from June to August
Asters They bloom a few months after planting. The average flowering time is 3 months. However, the duration of the flowering period may vary for different varieties.
Khosta The flowering period begins in early summer and lasts from 20 to 40 days.

Above, we considered only flowers as possible plants, since they are most often used to landscape balconies. However, what prevents you from growing a small garden on your balcony? After all, how nice it is to sit on fresh air among trees, even dwarf ones.

Variants of shrubs, all kinds coniferous plants There are a lot of other crops that can be grown on the balcony. However, some of them require complex care, which may be beyond the capabilities of beginners. Therefore, below we will consider some of the most interesting crops that are not difficult to grow:

  • Thuja is one of the most popular and beloved ornamental plants by many “home gardeners.” Most often grown in pots western thuja However, they are simply called thujas for short.
    Its most popular varieties are “Little Champion”, Danica, Mr Bowling Ball, Waterfield, etc. All of them grow no more than a meter in height.

The disadvantage of thuja is that it is a light-loving plant. Therefore, it is better to avoid it on shaded balconies;

  • Yew is an evergreen dwarf tree that can be grown in both sun and shade. Moreover, yew is unpretentious to the soil. The only thing is that during the growing process it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the pot;

  • cross-paired microbiota - this plant belongs to the cypress family. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the width is five times the height. The unusually wide crown is created by branches located parallel to the ground.

Unlike thuja and yew, the cross-paired microbiota prefers to be in the shade. True, solar sites only affect the slowdown of its growth.

Of course, in addition to shrubs and dwarf trees, the garden should also contain other greenery. If you consider different ideas for a garden on a balcony, you will notice that all kinds of climbing plants, such as:

  • Kobeya is a vine that can reach a length of six meters. Has beautiful light lilac or purple flowers in the shape of bells. As a rule, in our country it is grown as an annual plant.

While the kobeya is young, you can install a net or pegs for it. A strengthened plant independently “crawls” along walls and other surfaces that come across its path;

  • dolichos is not just a beautiful decorative vine with a purple stem, but leguminous crop, cultivated since ancient times. Dolichos is especially popular in Indian cuisine. But, since we are of little interest to its taste, we will pay attention to other features.

So, this plant is also popularly known as “climbing lilac” or “hyacinth beans”. The stem can reach a length of 2-4 meters. The leaf color can be green, red-violet or even purple, depending on the variety.

The inflorescences are long and multi-flowered - a cluster can contain up to 40 flowers. However, in order for a culture to develop properly, it must receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant dolichos on shaded balconies;

  • morning glory is another vine that grows up to five meters in length. Morning glory inflorescences are shaped like a gramophone trumpet. The color can be very different - blue, red, pink, etc.

As for the growing conditions, morning glory feels good both in the sun and in the shade. The only thing is that in the sun the flowers close by midday, unless it’s cloudy outside. Pots for this vine should be spacious enough - this also greatly affects its development.

Keep in mind that morning glory is very poisonous, so it is more suitable for open balconies and terraces, but do not use it indoors winter garden it is necessary to refuse .

If you are wondering what you can plant in May, then morning glory would be an excellent choice, since its seeds are sown at this time.

I must say that together with the vines and large bushes Small flowers look beautiful in hanging pots. These may be the following flowers:

  • Calibrachoa - This plant was originally thought to belong to the genus Petunia, however, it later turned out that it has a different DNA. The best thing is hanging plant looks like on the balcony hanging planters. Its peculiarity is its long shoots (up to one meter), which are densely dotted with flowers, as a result the pot looks like a suspended ball of flowers;

  • lobelia is a perennial plant that belongs to the bellflower family. The plant is a small bush about 20-25 cm high, which is simply covered with small blue, dark blue or even white flowers. The truth in hanging pots Hanging varieties such as “Miranda” and “Sapphire” look more beautiful.

For successful cultivation This flower requires a lot of light and warmth. However, with aggressive summer midday sun the plant may even burn, so at such times it should be shaded.

You can decorate your garden not only ornamental plants, but also vegetable crops. For example, eggplant in pots looks beautiful, growing from half a meter to one and a half meters in height.

All plants that can be grown on the balcony are divided into several types depending on their lifespan.:

Plant type Features of cultivation
Annuals They are the main contenders to be “balcony” plants. As you might guess from the name, they live for one season. However, in the conditions of a glazed balcony, their life can be extended; the only thing, as mentioned above, is that it is necessary to cut off the faded heads.
Biennials They differ from annuals in that in the first year after planting they develop a green rosette and only in the second year they begin to bloom. For this reason, they are rarely grown on balconies, because everyone wants to quickly see the result of their work.
Perennials They are also rarely used for landscaping a balcony, as they require certain conditions to preserve the root system in winter time. True, the exception is bulbous plants. Their bulbs are stored in a cool place in winter, after which they are replanted.

The result of this work is that it is the bulbous perennials that open the season of bright colors on the balcony.


In order to successfully grow plants on the balcony and at the same time provide a beautiful composition of the flower garden, when choosing them you need to consider several important factors. The most important of them is the illumination of the balcony. However, regardless of its location, the choice of crops is huge, so you can always decorate the recreation area in this room beautifully and variedly.

If you have any questions regarding choosing plants to plant on your balcony, ask questions in the comments and I will be happy to answer you.

September 27, 2016

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What flowers can be planted on the balcony so that you can admire its view in spring, summer and autumn? A similar question is asked by everyone who wants to turn a plot of their home into a small, but very beautiful garden. The article will discuss which plants are suitable for growing on the north side of the building, and which on the south. Photos with corresponding titles are attached.

Where to begin

To get the desired result, you must take into account:

  1. On which side of the building is the balcony located - on the south, that is, sunny, or on the north, that is, shaded.
  2. What area does the balcony occupy - small or large?
  3. Is the balcony glazed or not?

Attention! In the case of an open balcony, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the wind. Not all plants can withstand strong gusts.

If we talk about general principles landscaping, then there are two of them:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

Flowers on the balcony

The first involves decorating the balcony with long horizontal lines consisting of containers with flowers. The structure is located both with the outside and with inside balcony Containers can be installed directly on the floor, or they can be attached to the walls one above the other. At vertical gardening flowerpots are installed on the floor of the balcony. Supports are attached to them, along which the plant stems will rise.

Advice. It is better to use annual vines as vertical gardeners. They grow quickly and can be easily directed.

Before planting plants, appropriate preparation of containers is required:

  1. Containers for flowers are securely attached to the balcony railing or placed on the floor.
  2. To prevent water from draining from the balcony during watering, trays are installed under each container.
  3. The bottom of the containers is covered with drainage material.
  4. Pour nutrient soil into the containers.

Only after execution listed works You can start selecting and planting flowers.

What plants are suitable for landscaping a balcony if the side is sunny

For balconies that are heavily illuminated by the sun, that is, those located on the south side of the building, flowers that can tolerate heat and direct rays of the sun are suitable.

Examples of some of them:

  • Purslane - the plant blooms well only in strong sunlight. Its fleshy leaves accumulate moisture in reserve, so the flower does not need frequent watering.


  • Calendula is also a sun lover. There are many varieties and hybrids of various shades of red and yellow with simple and double flower forms. You can always pick up suitable option this plant.
  • Geranium is a common indoor favorite that thrives on sunny balconies. Almost all its varieties can be planted here.

  • Petunia - a huge variety of species allows you to create beautiful compositions. For good growth and it is advisable to water the flowering plants twice a day.
  • Verbena - the flower is not afraid of frost, so plant it on open air it is possible already in early May. For balcony gardening, it is recommended to use Canadian and hybrid verbena. The shoots of these varieties reach 30 cm and hang from the pot in a beautiful cascade.
  • Honey alyssum - the aroma of small, very delicate flowers resembles the smell of honey. Growing strongly in a pot, the plant is capable of forming bushes in the shape of a ball. When flowering fades, the stems are cut off by half. After a while, the regrown shoots are again densely covered with flowers.

Honey alyssum

  • Lobelia - this one delicate flower Although it loves light, it is better to place it deep in the balcony. Hanging lobelia varieties are most suitable. It blooms very profusely all summer.

Advice. On balconies on the sunny side, it is better to choose containers with light walls. This will prevent overheating of the soil.

What plants will do well on balconies on the north side?

On the north side of the buildings there is a lack of lighting, which some plants cannot tolerate. Here, for landscaping balconies, flowers should be selected with special care. The following plants tolerate shade normally:

  • Fuchsia - hope for her abundant flowering Not on northern balconies. However, the plant intensively grows green mass and forms lush bush. The main thing is to organize regular watering, preventing the soil from drying out.

  • Mimulus - thanks to the petals extended forward, it is popularly called “lipstick”. The plant thrives in the shade and has a fast growing season - about two months pass from sowing to flowering.
  • Calceolaria is a very interesting shade-tolerant plant with yellow flowers speckled with brown. The leaves do not tolerate water, so it is better to grow the plant on glazed balconies and water very carefully.
  • Waller's balsam is a plant with thick, fleshy stems and flowers of various colors. It dies at the slightest frost, so open balconies it is planted as late as possible.

Waller's balsam

  • Marigolds - these flowers amaze with their diversity. There are high, medium and low varieties. It is better to place the former on the floor of the balcony, and the latter on the sides of its railings. Plants bloom from summer to late autumn.
  • Periwinkle is an evergreen perennial. Its creeping stems in May are covered with tender blue flowers. Dark green glossy leaves can decorate the balcony all year round.
  • Sweet tobacco - the plant is a close relative of petunia, but tolerates shading absolutely normally.

Fragrant tobacco

The same flowers can be used for landscaping balconies that are located on the west side of the house.

How to decorate a balcony with flowers

By following simple rules, you can achieve a harmonious combination of different plants.


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