What equipment is used for self-production of foam blocks? Do-it-yourself foam block production equipment, price.

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Foam concrete is a porous stone that is created artificially and has a porous structure throughout its entire volume. The pore size reaches up to 3 mm. It is also called cellular concrete. Currently, in the production industry of foam concrete, as well as products made from it, there are two main technologies for its production: pressure technology and production using a foam generator. It should be noted that both methods use almost the same raw materials, but the differences are both in the mixing method and in the order of introducing the basic components. Thanks to this, the products are of different strengths and differ in quality.


Using the barotechnology method in the production of this material has both advantages and disadvantages. Products obtained by barotechnology have low level strength, but are distinguished by a simpler and less expensive process. They do not require expensive equipment and are too large premises, and the time to obtain a conventional unit is significantly reduced. This method of producing foam concrete is used precisely for these economic reasons. However, if the above-mentioned qualities are a plus for manufacturers of such building materials, then the consumer receives low-quality products that should not be used in large volumes of construction.

When using barotechnology, in a sealed mixer introduce the basic components of the stone: sand or fly ash, cement, water, hardening accelerators, foaming agent, and sometimes air-entraining additives. The technology for producing mixtures also optionally introduces additional operations, which are aimed at optimizing the particle size distribution of components and regulating the porous structure, using gas and foaming agents, as well as the use of functional additives that accelerate structure formation.

Then, under the pressure generated in the mixer, all these the components are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is actively saturated with air. This process is commonly called air entrainment.. Under pressure, the resulting solution flows through a pipeline directly into the injection molds. This stops the process atmospheric pressure, which was pumped into the mixer using a compressor, after which the foam concrete mixture begins to increase in volume. Visually, this process resembles the rise of yeast dough, which differs only in the speed of “rising”: for the same material, at the time of molding, the increase occurs instantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the barotechnology method

Now let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of pressure technology for foam concrete production. This method is characterized by lower product strength, which is its main disadvantage. Of course, it is better and more effective to beat more liquid substances. To compare, you need to imagine the consistency of whipped 30% sour cream with milk. Manufacturers are forced to introduce a larger amount of water into the mixing composition, which is why the final strength of the foam blocks is significantly reduced. For a complete hydration process when producing cement, a larger amount of water is undesirable. The hydration process is the addition of water, which occurs through a chemical reaction of the clinker components of cement with water. When interacting with water, cement hardens and turns into the so-called cement stone.

At the same time, in foam concrete, which is produced using barotechnology, Quite large pores are formed. They can be compared to the pores of fine pumice. Air voids in its structure are rarely less than 1-2 millimeters. Naturally, such large pores greatly reduce the strength and bearing capacity blocks in future building designs.

The disadvantage of this method can also be considered the use of synthetic foaming agents., which have low environmental friendliness. The required mobility of the mixture, without increasing the proportion of water, is obtained by adding plasticizing substances - superplasticizers. Today, not a single modern cement or concrete mixtures cannot do without special additives in the production of concrete, which significantly improves the quality of the mixture and regulates the processes of setting and hardening of cement.

Despite the unconditional increase in the quality and mobility of the foam concrete mixture, its use eliminates the use of natural foaming agents, which are used for the production of cellular concrete. It is known that they are obtained during the transformation of natural protein macromolecules by hydrolysis in an aqueous solution. In a word, if a consumer decides to build a house from environmentally friendly safe materials, he should initially exclude the use of foam blocks made using pressure technology.

Undoubtedly, significant advantage production of these products by this method is considered lower cost, which significantly increases the economic benefits for the manufacturer. The main advantage of barotechnology is also the use of cheaper technological equipment, which does not require large investments and can be organized in any room suitable for this purpose.

If in the application of this technology for producing concrete all the advantages go to manufacturers, then the description of another method given below can become an advantage in the production of foam concrete to the benefit of builders and buyers.

Foam generation method

In the first half of the 20th century, engineer Bayer invented new method production of foam concrete, which differed from pressure technology in that the foam of the product was prepared separately. There are two stages in its production using the foam generation method: making foam using a foam generator and mineralization of the resulting foam with cement and sand. When obtaining a product using the first method, the main components are mixed in the correct dosage, and the process does not adhere to the principle of changing the water-cement ratio. Thanks to this, the output products are distinguished by their manufacturability. The main element is the foam generator, in this technology is used to produce fine-pored foam from a mixture of air, water and foaming agent. The latter is used with 20-30% savings. At the same time, despite the scale of production, it is necessary full set line with modern and high-quality equipment, which will guarantee high reliability of the resulting products, as well as long term services.

This is how blocks are produced using the foam generator method. Precisely dosed bulk components such as cement and sand are introduced into the mixer; sometimes fly ash can be added as a filler. When replacing sand with the last component, the thermal conductivity of the stone is significantly reduced, which, in turn, increases the heat efficiency of the building. You need to know that those sellers for whom profit is more important than the quality of the products obtained use mineral powder and fly ash as a weight additive in their production. The cost of these components is much less than the cost of cement.

After adding the components to the mixer and mixing them, compressed air from the compressor is supplied to the foam generator. In this case, personnel must constantly regulate the supply of working foam concentrate and compressed air, on which the quality of the foam at the exit depends. This process is no different from the production of concrete. After preparation, the technical foam is fed into a specially made mixer - a foam concrete mixer, the speed of which is no more than 300 rpm. This stage is carried out very carefully, without destroying the resulting foam. Then cement and sand are introduced. This process is called “dry mineralization” technology. And with “wet mineralization” the foam is fed into a pre-prepared solution of cement and sand. Thanks to a fully controlled process of active mixing of foam with cement-sand mortar, the production of foam blocks is carried out at a higher quality level.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foam generation method

Below are some of the disadvantages and advantages of the foam production process. This method is quite expensive when used in production expensive equipment, and it takes longer to complete a unit of finished product. In parallel with this, the cost of produced blocks also increases. That is, more high price products results from high production costs.

The advantages of producing these building materials using a foam generator is a higher quality foam block array. The use of preformed foam helps produce a product with the correct structure at the end, thereby avoiding the formation of large air voids and aiming for higher and more uniform strength.

It should be noted high environmental friendliness in their production, when environmentally friendly foaming agents are used. Their use in the construction of houses becomes the key to the health of their future residents.

Summarizing the above-mentioned qualities of the “foam generator” technology, we can say that this method is rather “for” the consumer, and manufacturers, in turn, try not to choose it. Barotechnology is much more profitable for them and does not require large investments.

The production of this building material is simple, so producing foam concrete with your own hands at home is a real undertaking. You just have to purchase the necessary raw materials and equipment. Please note that certain units are manufactured independently. What will it take to set up your own production of foam blocks?

Brief information about foam concrete

This is a concrete material with a cellular structure. Such properties are achieved due to the closed air bubbles contained in the material. For this reason, the blocks do not differ in the required density and thermal conductivity.

They are often used in the construction of multi-storey buildings or in the construction of partitions. The material can be easily processed both manually and mechanically. The use of foam concrete makes it possible to:

  • reduce the cost of material;
  • obtain the required thermophysical indicators;
  • do not create large load effects on supporting structures;
  • fulfill installation work fast.

However, the production of foam concrete has characteristic disadvantages. The material is not strong enough, absorbs moisture, and shrinks significantly.

Production technology

Despite the reasonable cost of foam blocks from the manufacturer, making them yourself is considered interesting and profitable. True, this will require setting up a mini-factory for the production of foam blocks.

Many consumers mistakenly believe that to make foam blocks with their own hands, it is enough to add a foaming agent to the concrete mass. This is wrong.

The production process is carried out, as a rule, in two ways:

  1. Classic - cement mass is prepared according to the recipe. Foam is fed into it using a steam generator device, the weight is thoroughly mixed and poured into molding cassettes.
  2. Autoclave - the necessary components are mixed in a special mixer while creating the required pressure. The mixture is squeezed into molds through a nozzle. As a rule, this foam block manufacturing technology is used for a full-scale production process.

To prepare foam concrete, Portland cement is used, the grade of which starts from M 400. Sifted and washed sand and a foaming agent are also used. The technology for producing foam concrete involves the use of additives that accelerate setting and improve the structure of the material. Fine-grained sand is used, because settled large particles will reduce the quality of the finished product.

In order for the income from the production of foam concrete blocks to be considered tangible, this issue is approached responsibly.

Another technology is known - mixing the components in dry form and subsequent mineralization. The process is complex, mainly used in factory conditions.


The main components for foam concrete and quantities are presented in the table:

In accordance with the indicated brands, foam concrete has the following characteristics:

  • ability to conduct heat – 0.14; 0.21; 0.29 W/mK;
  • strength – 16; 27; 50 kg/sq.m.

The production of foam concrete blocks involves the use of clean water.

Professional production equipment

Having decided to start making foam blocks at home, you should pay attention to mini-factories or stationary conveyor equipment.

The first option includes a concrete mixer with an adapter element, a compressor and steam generator unit, a dispenser and a working base (platform). During the operation of such a plant, the finished mass of solution is laid out in molds manually, set, taken out and sent to the autoclave. Once completely dry, the block material is ready for use. This line for the production of foam blocks is delivered to the construction site as a complete set. It is installed without any problems and does not require commissioning work.

During the production process, the blocks are of average quality. TO big minus Such equipment involves a high consumption of foaming composition. To obtain a product with optimal performance, you should carefully follow the recipe. Incorrect selection of components will result in a decrease in the quality of the final product.

A stationary conveyor line differs from small factories in its greater power rating. It can operate around the clock, achieving a productivity of up to five to twelve cubic meters of material per hour.

As a rule, such lines have the following units:

  • mixer, additionally equipped pumping unit and pneumatic shutter;
  • foam generating device with compressor;
  • water dispenser equipped with automation for comfortable control;
  • dispenser that distributes astringent components;
  • conveyor belts for sand and cement;
  • remote control for general control;
  • vibrating sieve

Manufacturers of foam blocks in Russia prefer just such lines.

To produce foam concrete blocks with your own hands, you need to have a minimum set of units. Note that use simple concrete mixers will be ineffective, since with their help it will not be possible to produce foam concrete raw materials of the required quality.

You will need:

  • foaming agent;
  • compressor unit;
  • mixer;
  • pumping unit for foam concrete;
  • forms.

If you are planning to make blocks all year round, you will have to additionally purchase a steamer. Having all the necessary mechanisms, you can assemble the installation yourself, but you will not get significant savings from this. And some nodes may not fit together well, which will also play a role in the final quality.

Knowing how to make a foam block at home, it is better to buy the necessary equipment for this in a kit. It will cost from one hundred to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles, but in one shift you can produce from ten to twenty-five cubic meters of material.

When choosing a plant for the production of foam concrete, it is recommended to pay attention to the power indicators and parameters electric drive. The supply distance of the finished concrete mass is also taken into account.

During breaks in the process, the equipment should be washed, so you should also pay attention to this simple but important operation.

Having learned how to make foam blocks with your own hands, the necessary equipment can be taken for temporary use, which is especially beneficial in private construction.

Execution of work

The quality of the material, cost, production volumes, etc. will depend on the type of equipment you choose and compliance with the technological process.

The production process is as follows:

Making the mixture

The following technologies are popular today:


To know how to make foam concrete at home, you should understand the difference between casting and cutting molding methods.

The first method is based on pouring concrete into molds. The cost of molding cassettes is not too high, and the process is not difficult. But the geometric dimensions finished products may vary. If there is a need to produce blocks of different sizes, you will have to buy different cassettes, which will increase production costs. During the process of removing blocks, partial damage to the edges may occur, and the strength of the products leaves much to be desired.

The cutting process consists of two main stages. At first concrete mortar poured into large molds, after hardening the formwork is removed. Now you can cut big piece to the required dimensions, for which special installations with various cutting strings, tapes and saws are used. Ready blocks They turn out to be the same size and have no chipping areas. There is one minus - cutting is a complex process that requires great experience and attention.


Based on the molding options, they differ and technological processes drying the finished material.

In the case of the casting option, drying takes place using two methods:

  • products are kept in molds for at least ten hours so that they can gain strength. After this, stripping is carried out;
  • blocks are exposed heat treatment in steaming chambers, which gives them strength after just a few hours.

Start-up capital

We have already figured out how to make foam blocks ourselves. It remains to understand how much money will have to be invested in initial stage own business.

If you are planning to open manufacturing process for your needs, you should not purchase powerful equipment. An ordinary concrete mixer will be enough, which will cost three thousand rubles. Buy a compressor and a steam generator device that cost no more than twenty thousand.

When planning to open a small business producing blocks, buy a full range of equipment and block molds. In principle, you can consider options that have already been used. Ready-made installations are even more convenient to use. They will not take up much space; it is enough to allocate space for up to five square meters. For your own business great solution There will be installation of PBU 300, the cost of which will be one hundred and thirty thousand rubles.

Everything is clear with the material; wholesale purchasing will lower prices. By the way, it is possible to use waste foam to make foam blocks. This way you will save on raw materials and improve the thermal conductivity properties of the material.

– popular modern building material, which was liked by many consumers for its lightness, low price and good performance. From its main competitor - - with its characteristic gray “concrete” color, lack of lime, features and production technology.

Equipment for the production of foam concrete


The main thing required is a special installation. There are several varieties of them - each is used for a specific production method. So, there are the following settings:

  • Classic type– This is a mixer (equipped with special inclined blades) and a foam generator. The shaft of such a mixer makes from 35 to 60 revolutions per minute. The advantage of such a system is stable foam and simplicity of design. The downside is the cost of installation for foam concrete (price: from 1.16 million rubles). After all, the installation usually consists of an entire automated line.
  • Bar mixers with a high shaft rotation speed (from 200 to 400 rpm), foam generators are not used - in them the mixture is whipped into foam immediately. This requires more foaming agent. Equipment such as installations for the production of foam concrete of this type are quite mobile and compact. They can cost from 80 to 320 thousand rubles.
  • You may also need equipment for the production of foam concrete blocks such as foam block cutting machine(if casting is done in one common mold). Such equipment is unlikely to be suitable for producing foam concrete with your own hands, because its price can range from 500 thousand to 1.7 million rubles.

This video will tell you more about installations and other equipment for producing foam concrete:


The quality of the finished product largely depends on the shapes. Therefore, their walls must be smooth and even, and their outlines must be geometrically correct. Molds can be with or without a bottom. Most often they are made with removable partitions - this is convenient. Molds are made from several materials:

  • Metal(usually 4 to 6 millimeters thick) - durable, reliable, neat, but expensive. The cost of such products starts from 16 thousand rubles per piece.
  • Laminated plywood will cost much less. One form will cost from 2.5 to 3.5 thousand rubles. To prevent delamination, the ends must be well treated (for example, with epoxy). Usually, high-quality plywood products completely pay for themselves.
  • Plastic- Not the best option, since these forms usually do not provide the required clarity of size and configuration (although they have the advantage of not requiring lubrication). Their cost is low - about 100 rubles apiece. Experienced people recommend using fiberglass rather than plastic.

Raw materials

  • The main expense item will be the purchase of a good one. Brands no lower than M500 (at least M400).
  • foreign production - 42.5R or 52.5R.
  • The water is preferably soft (it is better to warm it up a little).
  • The sand is clean, free of debris, certainly well dried, with a fineness modulus of about 0.02 and a moisture content not exceeding 5 percent.
  • Next, you will need fiberglass (it is used for reinforcement, strengthening foam blocks). Estimated cost – for 600 grams 160 rubles.
  • Foaming agent is a necessary component. It can be synthetic or natural. An example of the first is the foam concentrate PB-2000, an example of the second is the protein foaming agent “Ekopen”. A 200 liter barrel will cost from 20 to 23 thousand rubles.

You may also need a plasticizer additive, hardening accelerators, and a special lubricant for molds.

Manufacturing technologies


Here a concentrated foaming agent (usually an organic type) is mixed with the right amount water and beat using a foam generator. The remaining water according to the recipe, cement, fiberglass and sand are mixed to form a concrete solution.

The following video will tell you about foam concrete production technologies and the features of choosing equipment for this:


All materials for the production of foam concrete (including synthetic foam concentrate) measured according to the recipe are fed into a high-speed mixer, where they are mixed for three to five minutes under pressure. In this case, the pores of the foam concrete are larger than in the previous one (which can negatively affect the strength). Ready-made foam mixture, as in classic version, fed into molds.

Dry mineralization method

In the case of this foam concrete production technology, foam (obtained in a foam generator) is mixed with dry components. That is, cement, sand, fiberglass, and the additives required by the recipe.

Creation of thermal insulation materials

This material has the lowest density (400-500 kg/cm³). It is produced in accordance with GOST 25485, and does not contain sand.

Barotechnology is mainly used. However, classic method good too.

Setting up a production line

  1. To begin with, let's get suitable premises, where there is high-quality ventilation, heating, and water supply. Ceilings must be at least four meters. The production area is divided into four parts: two warehouses (finished products and raw materials), drying chamber and production line. The latter occupies an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters.
  2. Next, equipment is purchased - domestic or imported. For example, the domestic lines “Fomm-prof”, “SANNY”, “PSB”, “PN-1100” are very popular. Well-known manufacturers, as a rule, provide certificates for their products.
    • An automatic installation with a steam generator with a capacity of 30 to 70 cubic meters per day will cost, for example, about 280 thousand rubles. Its advantage is ease of maintenance. It is enough to undergo a short training once, and a person will be able to work.
    • You will also need a compressor (about 40 thousand rubles), a two-ton loader (200 thousand rubles) and molds (their cost is listed above).

So, the initial preparation costs will be about 2.5 million rubles. Let's add the cost of raw materials - it's about a thousand rubles per cubic meter (very roughly). It will also be necessary to pay wages to workers and foreman, communal payments. However, as experience has shown, approximately everything pays off in five months.

It is worth remembering that you will be able to sell your foam blocks only upon receipt of a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. And one more thing: production is seasonal.

Do not forget to also develop a business plan first, and also carefully study technological scheme production of foam concrete.

The next section will tell you how to create it yourself at home using an installation for the production of foam concrete and foam concrete blocks.

Making at home

Home craftsmen can easily make this material for their own needs, obtaining foam concrete with a density of 200 to 1200 kg/cm³. As a rule, equal amounts of sand (preferably sifted) and cement are taken. A kilogram of cement (M500 or M400) will require the addition of three to four grams of foaming agent. To speed up hardening, it is recommended to add calcium chloride(up to two percent of the amount of cement).

To obtain stable foam, synthetic foam concentrate is preferable. However, there is another option (only if you use a steam generator) - make it yourself from heated and well mixed:

  • rosin (1 kg);
  • caustic soda (150 g);
  • wood glue (60 g).

In accordance with the installation you have, we use classical or pressure technology (in this case, using a pressure installation for the production of foam concrete). By the way, many craftsmen cope with the manufacture of a steam generator on their own.

This requires a pump, a reservoir, a housing with a metal mesh, connecting hoses and a compressor. The foam concentrate mixed with water (this happens in the tank) is sent to the housing, where, under the pressure of the air jet of the compressor, it hits the mesh, forming foam. Its quality is easy to check: if it does not fall out of an inverted bucket, then everything is fine.

The components are placed in the mixer (first sand with water and cement, then foam). Remember - sand is not needed in the production of thermal insulating concrete. In a conventional vertical mixer with blades, everything is mixed for 20 minutes. If you take a barrel equipped with movable blades, you can handle it in two to three minutes. All work is carried out at plus five degrees and above.

The mixer must be supplied with compressed air from a compressor - this allows the mixture to be sent over a distance of up to forty meters. It is poured into molds (usually with convenient folding sides), always keeping it for at least a day. Metal and plywood molds require lubrication.

The finished blocks are placed on pallets and lie there for another 16 hours. They are then sent to a warehouse. Of these, it will be possible only after two weeks (otherwise there will be a lot of shrinkage).

The process of producing foam concrete at home is presented in this video:

In this article:

Foam concrete is one of the most popular building materials for construction country houses, cottages, various extensions, as well as insulation and redevelopment of existing premises. In essence, foam concrete is a hardened mixture of cement, water and foam concentrate, a lightweight, fairly durable and cost-effective material with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Foam concrete market analysis

As a building material, foam concrete gained great popularity after it came into force SNIP 2-3-79. Since, according to the new standards, building with brick has become economically unprofitable, foam concrete has become perfect replacement for laying both internal and external walls. And the demand for this building material is growing steadily.

Today, the foam concrete market is in a stage of active development. Business relationships are different high level loyalty:

  • about 60% of consumers are ready to change suppliers if they are offered material of higher quality in the same price range or the same quality but at a lower price;
  • 30% - will look for new suppliers if the deadlines specified in the supply contract are not met (which is not surprising, since the pace of construction and the delivery date of the project depend on this);
  • 10% are committed to long-term cooperation with one manufacturer.

Target consumer group and demand analysis

When organizing the production of foam concrete, sales should be calculated for medium and small construction. At large construction sites, foam concrete is more used as a material for thermal insulation and construction internal partitions, and quite rarely - like construction material construction of external walls.

To assess the possible demand for foam concrete in your region, you should study not only the construction market, but also the real estate market: how high is the pace of suburban development, how popular is the construction of private houses, the reconstruction of old dachas, the construction of new cottages. On average across the country, demand for foam concrete is increasing every year, since this material has a number of advantages over wood and brick and is cheaper than its main “competitor” - aerated concrete.

Objectives of this analysis

1. Decide which production will be more in demand in your region:

  • monolithic foam concrete (formwork, floor screeds);
  • foam concrete blocks.

2. Determine the volume of future production.

3. Select a foam concrete production technology:

  • classical(a water-cement solution is prepared separately in the mixer, to which foam is added from a foam generator);

  • pressure technology(foam is whipped in the mixer at high speeds, to which cement and sand are added);
  • porizational- used for pouring directly on site, into the floor, voids, roof. For preparation, mobile installations are used (a solution is prepared separately from sand and cement, water is supplied by a pump, a porosizer produces foam, which mixes into the solution and ready mix foam concrete is poured through a hose into the prepared form for hardening).

It is also worth thinking about choosing a “tool” for competition - about the advantage of your products over the offers of other suppliers.

It could be:

  • flexible price policy(more low price, system of discounts, deferred payment, goods on credit);
  • guarantee of delivery of materials on time (with possible payment of a penalty);
  • free shipping;
  • possibility of producing non-standard size blocks to order;
  • free loading and unloading, etc.

Let's look at the example of the most common option - the production of foam concrete according to the principle of classical technology, followed by molding into foam blocks.

Planned production volumes are 40 m 3 /day (with the possibility of increasing to 70 m 3). Most popular size foam concrete block The dimensions are 600*300 or 600*200 mm.

Brands, depending on the density of foam concrete, are divided into:

  • up to 500 - thermal insulation;
  • 600-800 - structural and thermal insulation;
  • from 900 - structural.

To produce foam concrete, you can purchase equipment both imported and domestic manufacturer- installations such as “SANNY”, “Fomm-prof”, “PSB”, “PN-1100”. Manufacturers issue certificates for such equipment, and you can also purchase special foaming agents and other filler additives from them. Don’t forget that if you issue a quality certificate (products made from knitting materials are not subject to mandatory certification, but many buyers, especially large construction companies are ready to cooperate only if it is available), all relevant documents for the purchase will be required production plant and all consumables.

To sell finished products, it is necessary to issue a sanitary and epidemiological report (at a minimum, conduct radiological and laboratory tests), since each batch of manufactured products must have an appropriate technical passport.

Installation for the production of foam concrete and other necessary equipment

It is planned to purchase an installation with a capacity of 30-70 m 3 /day based on a steam generator. Automation of equipment makes it possible to produce foam concrete of a programmed density (from 350 to 1200 kg/m 3) without the participation of a qualified professional. To work on such an installation, the shift foreman only needs to undergo training and configure the device correctly. The cost of such equipment with a working volume of 500 liters, all the necessary settings and the additional option of automatic water supply is 277,000 rubles.

The kit includes:

  • mixer;
  • connecting hoses;
  • built-in foam generator powered by a protein foaming agent;
  • loading neck;
  • installation of dosed water supply.

Additionally you need to purchase:

  • compressor (with a capacity of at least 0.5 m 3 /min and a pressure of 6 atm.) - 40,000 rubles;
  • high-precision molds for casting foam blocks 500*300*200 - 40 pcs.* RUB 49,900 = RUB 1,996,000;
  • loader (2 tons), can be used - 200,000 rubles.

Total capital investments will cost RUB 2,513,000.

Foam concrete production technology

1. Preparation of raw materials

For the production of foam concrete, a foaming agent is used, cement grade M500, unground fine sand, water, temperature up to +25°C. Depending on the recipe and brand of the future foam concrete, special ready-made additives are used - hardening accelerator (for the production of foam concrete at temperatures above +30 or below +15), fiber, expanded clay, etc.

2. Making foam

The foam concentrate, previously diluted with water, is sucked into the foaming unit. Here it foams under the influence of compressed air, and with the help of compressor pressure, it exits through the foam-generating pipe into the mixer. The texture of the foam can be adjusted using special valves for exiting the pipe from the most closed (less than 0.1 mm) to large pores.

3. Production of foam concrete mixture

Sand is poured into the mixer, then cement, the mixture is thoroughly mixed (the quality of the future foam concrete depends on the uniform distribution of sand in the cement). Afterwards, the mixture is mixed with water and kneaded until a plastic homogeneous mass is obtained. Foam is added to the mixer through a hose from the foam generator, and actively mixed with the cement-sand substance for 2-3 minutes.

4. Forming foam blocks

Molds for casting foam blocks are lubricated immediately before pouring (with special molding oil or lubricant such as “Emusol Bio”). Then they are filled with foam concrete mixture and left for 12 hours.

5. Drying foam blocks

The mold is disassembled, the blocks are taken out onto pallets and dried until completely hardened in a room with a controlled humidity level. The hardening time depends on temperature regime in room. At a temperature of +22 in 2 days the foam block gains 65-70% of brand strength (permissible tempering strength is 70-80%). At a temperature of +50 - for 8 hours.

Selection of premises for a mini-factory

The area of ​​the production workshop depends on the planned volumes.

You will need a room with good ventilation, water supply, heated, with ceilings, a height of at least 4 m and zoned into four parts:

  • warehouse for storing raw materials (cement, sand, etc.) ~ 50-70 m2;
  • room where the production line is located ~ 100-120 m2;
  • room for drying foam blocks ~ 60-100 m2;
  • warehouse for finished products (can be stored outside, but only in the warm season at a temperature not lower than +15) ~ 70-100 m2.

Cost of manufacturing 1 m 3 of foam concrete density. 600 kg/m 3

Consumables required for the production of 1m 3:

  • cement M500 - 310 kg * 3 rubles = 806 rubles,
  • sand - 210 kg * 0.25 rubles = 53 rubles,
  • protein foaming agent - 1.2 l * 39.58 rubles = 47.50 rubles,
  • lubricant for molds - 0.5 l * 25 rubles = 12.5 rubles,
  • hardening accelerator - 0.5 kg * 36 rubles = 18 rubles.

Total: 937 rub.

From 1 m 3 of foam concrete, 28 pieces of foam blocks measuring 600 * 300 * 200 are obtained.

Business plan and payback calculation

Calculation of profit per month:

Planned capacity - 40 m 3 /day

Selling cost of 1 m 3 of foam concrete is 2100 rubles.

Total: profit (subject to work 24 days a month) - RUB 2,016,000/month.

Fixed monthly expenses:

  • purchase of materials for production of 40 m 3 /day - (937 * 40 m 3 * 24 working days) = 899,520 rubles;
  • workers' salary (6 general workers, 2 foremen and 1 accountant) - 73,000 rubles;
  • rental of premises - 100,000 rubles;
  • electricity - (160 kW/day * 2 rubles) 30 days = 9600 rubles;
  • heating (it will take approximately 7 months a year, so we are not calculating the full amount, but 7/12 of the annual amount) - 21,000 rubles;
  • other utility bills (garbage removal, water, etc.) - 2000 rubles;
  • income tax (20%) - RUB 403,200.

Total: expenses – 1,508,320 rubles

Net monthly profit: RUB 507,680.

Calculation of return on capital investment:

RUB 2,513,000/RUB 507,680 = 5 months

But, despite such a rosy forecast, we should not forget that the production of foam concrete is seasonal, and in the cold season the products are not in demand, and costs increase (due to the cost of heating).

Therefore, in order to draw up a real business plan, you should not only replace the calculated data based on prices for materials, rent, tariffs for public utilities and salaries in your region, and calculate profits depending on your agreements on product sales.

Today, the production of foam blocks at home is one of the most profitable types of business. With a relatively low cost of equipment, you can quite easily organize the production of a product at your own mini-factory. To do this, you can choose either separate installations or an automatic line, which will require a minimum of effort for the production of foam blocks. Using high-quality components, it is possible to produce a reliable building material that is durable, has high thermal insulation properties and is light in weight.

The production process of any cellular concrete is distinguished by its subtleties and nuances, but this product remains in high demand, which makes it. Before considering the equipment for creating foam blocks directly, it is necessary to understand the manufacturing technology, which can be organized at home. Once you have decided on the process, you can choose equipment that is suitable for the price and or large metropolis.

Production of foam blocks at home

Foam blocks can be produced in several ways, but only a few are suitable for home use. Optimal production can be considered something that is carried out in one of the following two ways.

Production of foam blocks by casting

To produce this method, the concrete solution must be poured into a special iron cassette mold, equipped with removable partitions and sides that divide the total container into several separate sections. It is in this form that the blocks are dried. After the solution has hardened, the resulting products are removed.

The main advantage of this method is that there is no need to use it as part of the equipment. sawing machine, which significantly reduces the time and cost of producing foam blocks. Among the disadvantages we can add the likelihood of distortions in the established geometry of the blocks, as well as low accuracy in the dimensions of finished products, even when using expensive molds. This leads to the appearance large quantity defective products.

To prevent block destruction, special lubricating compounds are used that decompose into outdoors within a few days. The price of such components when used in a mini-factory is very high, while they cannot insure against the occurrence of cracks and chips in individual blocks.

Production of foam blocks using the sawing method

This technology for manufacturing foam blocks is today the most common among those who produce foam concrete materials at home. The use of this method consists in the preliminary production of a large-sized block from a foam concrete solution, which is subsequently cut into individual blocks of a given size.

To cut a foam concrete mass, you need special equipment - sawing machine. Its use inevitably leads to an increase in the cost of organizing production, but at the expense of an increase in quality final products profitability also increases. The main advantages of the method include high accuracy of geometric dimensions individual products, no chips on the edges.

The disadvantage of the method of producing foam concrete blocks at home is the difficulty of producing small-sized products, since cutting foam blocks into small pieces requires quite expensive equipment, which increases the cost of production and the time required to produce the final product.

Technology for making foam blocks at home

The main stages of producing foam concrete blocks for any method of producing foam blocks at home include the same operations.

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to produce a foam concentrate, which is diluted in a special container with water and sent to the foam generator. If you have a cavitation unit at your disposal (special equipment that foams contents using ultrasound), you can skip this step.
  • Next, the foam concrete mixture itself is produced. Dry ingredients and special additives are placed in the mixer chamber, which is then filled with foam. The mixing process is carried out hermetically closed chamber just a few minutes. When using a cavitation installation, a foaming agent is placed first in the mixer chamber, to which the remaining ingredients are subsequently added. The mixture is kneaded for 0.5 minutes.
  • The finished foam concrete is poured into molds. They must first be wiped with machine oil or other lubricants.
  • Now you need to keep the mixture at a temperature of about +20°C. A quarter of the maximum strength is achieved by foam concrete in approximately 8-10 hours of drying. In this state, it is already possible to pack the blocks or cut them to specified sizes.

Advice: not only the technology for producing foam blocks at home is important, but also the procedure for interaction with government agencies and partners in the building materials market. If you can't, seek advice from lawyers who can help you avoid legal pitfalls. An even better way would be to open an LLC.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks at home

It is quite easy to purchase equipment for the production of foam blocks at home today. It is sold both individually and in complete sets, representing a single production line. It is very important to accurately determine required quantity blocks and the availability of funds to organize own production foam blocks, since prices fluctuate in a fairly wide range.

In number necessary equipment for the production of foam blocks include:

  • Device for supplying cement and sand;
  • Distilled water dispenser;
  • Compressor;
  • Vibrating screen, which will sift materials;
  • Mixer machine;
  • Foam generator (with the exception of installations operating using barotechnologies);
  • Hose for supplying the final solution;
  • Molds for finished products or sawing machine.

Advice: Consider the experience of a number of builders who perform some of these operations by hand. If you have a reliable team of people, then you can entrust them with the process of sifting and dosing raw materials at the initial stage, until you earn money to purchase the appropriate equipment.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks at home can be either stationary or mobile. Manufacturing lines can be automatic or conveyor-type. This also affects their cost.

Production of foam blocks - equipment price

The price of equipment for the production of foam blocks will depend on the type of equipment purchased. These can be stationary lines, mobile kits or conveyors. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Stationary lines for the production of foam blocks at home

The cost of stationary kits for the production of foam blocks depends on a number of factors. The location of the manufacturing company (abroad or in Russia, what region, etc.) also matters, since logistics costs can significantly increase the price of equipment; and the brand of foam concrete that you will produce; and efficient line performance.

The basis of most kits for the production of foam blocks at home are foam generators. In fact, such lines can produce up to 110 cubic meters daily. Stationary lines make it possible to produce high-quality products in large volumes at a relatively low cost. At the same time, the price of the equipment itself is quite high. For example, purchasing a complete set for the production of foam blocks in a volume of 72 cubic meters per day will cost 235-270 thousand rubles, and stationary lines with a capacity of 100 cubic meters cost about 1.5 million rubles.

Advice: to save money at the initial stage, you can purchase individual used elements of the line. It is important to assemble it from the same equipment that is used in the supply of the manufacturer of foam block production plants. Buying a single used kit is always more difficult, and its price is much higher than when purchasing individual units.

Mobile kits for making foam blocks

An alternative is mobile equipment, which has a fairly low productivity and does not require the use of an expensive foam generator. Typically, equipment of this type operates using barotechnologies, and its capacity for the finished product rarely exceeds 45 cubic meters of foam blocks per day. Among positive qualities mobile lines for the production of foam blocks at home - simplicity of the method and lower cost of equipment. At the same time, similar foam block production lines differ quite high costs foaming agents at low productivity, and the strength of the final product differs for the worse.

You can purchase a complete set of mobile equipment for making foam blocks at different prices. The cost of a mini-plant with a capacity of 24 cubic meters per day is 50-70 thousand rubles. You can also find more productive sets of equipment that produce three times more production - 72 m 3 / day. However, its price also differs significantly - 250-300 thousand rubles.

Conveyors and automatic lines for the production of foam blocks

Automation of production requires the preparation of a sufficiently large room to house the equipment, which is not so easy to organize at home, but it provides a number of advantages for the businessman. If free space is not a problem for you, then pay attention to other types of business in order to capitalize them as efficiently as possible. For example, on .

The foam block production line includes 5 key sections. It will be necessary to create a cement mini-bunker that will produce automatic dosing of raw materials and similar mechanisms for sand, water and technological additives, and a site for the production of foam concrete. In addition, you will need to organize a place for drying foam concrete, a part for automatic pouring into molds or sawing a single foam block. On average, the capacity of such kits allows us to produce 80-100 cubic meters of foam concrete products every day. The price of such installations for the production of foam blocks at home is quite high - 1.5-3 million rubles, depending on the final capacity.

Organizing the production of foam blocks at home is a feasible and realistic task. Today it is good source income, since during a crisis the demand for real estate increases significantly, which means the need for building materials, among which foam concrete products occupy not the last place. Initially, you can purchase cheap used equipment for making foam blocks or replace individual elements with manual labor, but you need to keep in mind that this will definitely affect the quality of the final product.

If there are preliminary agreements for large deliveries, it makes sense to rent a premises and organize an automatic production line. This is an important point, because this will increase your confidence on the part of large buyers. Due to the large scale of production, the price of individual blocks is reduced, which increases the profitability of production. The production technology may differ, and it is worth choosing it based on the available capital. If the price of equipment for the production of foam blocks is high for you, create capital on ideas for making money during a crisis that are less expensive at the initial stage, for example, or.


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