What color wallpaper should you choose for different rooms in your home? How to choose wallpaper to match the color of your furniture: modern ideas.

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Today there are many interesting wall covering options. To answer the question of how to choose wallpaper for your apartment, you need to learn to distinguish between them based on aesthetics, texture and style.

Main types of wallpaper

The choice of wall covering should be approached competently and responsibly. Only taking into account the condition of the walls of the room, the practicality of the wallpaper, and their characteristics, can you be sure that the renovation of the apartment will please the eyes of owners and guests throughout for long years. There are several main types of wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper

A classic choice, tested by millions of people. The main subtypes of paper wallpaper are simplex (one thin layer) and duplex (two layers, one of which creates additional density and light resistance). The main advantages of this option are high air transmission, environmental friendliness, variety of colors, and reasonable price. Disadvantages include low moisture resistance.

Photo wallpaper

They consist of several individual or one large fragment of a photograph. These can be both portrait and landscape images. Ease of gluing, creative look and low price are the main advantages of photo wallpapers. The downside is low strength (compared to other types of wallpaper).

Vinyl wallpapers

This is one of the most popular options for decorating apartment walls. The main composition of vinyl wallpaper is non-woven and polyvinyl chloride. In structure, they can be foamed (with a rough texture or shiny elements), silk-screened (capable of slightly modifying the original shade depending on the light) and glossy. Vinyl wallpapers wear-resistant, moisture-resistant, and also completely unpretentious in maintenance. Minor disadvantages include the difficulty of gluing and low breathability.

Non-woven wallpaper

Many designers recommend choosing them for wall coverings in an apartment. Relief patterns and expressive ornaments will decorate any corner, and such important properties, how hypoallergenicity, wear resistance, breathability and ease of care can guarantee a successful repair.

Liquid wallpaper

An interesting mixture in powder form, which when combined with water turns into the most unusual shades. You can easily experiment with them by choosing desired color. Fixation occurs using a special protective varnish.

Experts who have been studying all the details of wall decoration for many years not only in theory, but also in their own practice, say that it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics premises, and then any home can become comfortable and practical. The following techniques will help you visually improve a room with wallpaper:

1. Wallpaper with bright patterns or geometric patterns can narrow a room that is too wide.

2. You can expand a cramped room using light wallpaper with transverse stripes.

3. Thanks to the large longitudinal pattern on the wallpaper, a high ceiling will seem less bulky.

4. If you plan to decorate a wall with paintings, you need to pay attention to plain glossy wallpaper, which will highlight the overall design and become an excellent background for painting.

5. Contrasting bright wallpaper is not suitable for a minimalist style.

6. Printed wallpaper – perfect solution for those who have not yet made their choice and want to experiment with shades.

7. The thickness of the wallpaper should be the same. This property indicates high quality goods.

8. Lemon, peach and beige shades can make a beautiful accent on wooden or coffee furniture.

Wall covering performs several important functions at once: aesthetic, hygienic and thermal insulation. But there are individual rules and tips for choosing wallpaper for each individual room.

Wallpaper for the bedroom

It is very important to consider the overall style of the bedroom, the shape of the room, as well as the condition of the walls. For example, large patterns or stripes will not be the best solution for uneven surfaces. Minor imperfections can be hidden by embossed non-woven wallpaper. It is also worth assessing the arrangement and color scheme of the furniture. Wallpaper with bright inserts in the form of geometric patterns will be a wonderful addition to natural furniture; heavenly shades will add airiness metal elements, and beige wall covering looks good in combination with the following trends: classic, modern, Provence, art deco, minimalism.

Wallpaper for the living room

The right combination of colors can hide minor shortcomings of the room and place the necessary accents on its advantages. Dark wallpaper with a large pattern can make the living room less spacious and more comfortable, textured wallpaper on one of the walls will add a special designer shine, you can make the room lighter with the help of light wallpaper with small inclusions. Heavy furniture and favorite decorative elements can be diluted combined wallpaper, which visually divide the living room into two separate zones.

Wallpaper for a children's room

This is an ideal place to make all the wishes of children and their parents come true. Most often, photo wallpapers are chosen for a children's room, which can create an atmosphere of a fairy tale, warmth and comfort. To prevent the space from looking too monochromatic and bland, it is enough to make one of the walls neutral and the second brighter. It may be light blue and turquoise, peach and pink, beige and lemon.

Wallpaper is the most common type of decoration for residential premises. The question of how to choose wallpaper, how to stick it, what color and material to choose cannot but worry everyone who is planning an apartment renovation. Many people do their own renovations using wallpaper. Listed below useful recommendations will help you choose the right wallpaper for each room in your apartment.

Wallpaper is the most popular material for wall decoration.

An important advantage of decorating walls with wallpaper is that you don’t have to level the wall so that it is completely smooth, and this makes repairs much easier. Pasted wallpaper hides minor imperfections (irregularities and cracks). But in this case they should not be completely smooth. There must be a relief on the surface. It is also recommended to cover walls with wallpaper when carrying out renovations in new buildings, which may shrink.

What types of wallpapers are there?

The simplest wallpaper is strips of thick paper a certain color or with any design. Standard width 50-60 cm, length - 10-10.5 m. They are coated with wallpaper glue and glued to the wall. This job is quite simple and can easily be done by two people. No professional skills are required, and the only materials and tools you will need are the wallpaper itself, glue for it, a brush and a stepladder. This finishing material is cheap; if you wish, you can even change the wallpaper yourself a couple of times a year. To the disadvantages simple wallpaper This includes their low strength and ability to fade under the sun.

If the material strip consists of two paper strips glued on top of each other, the wallpaper becomes stronger, they are called duplex. If three layers are glued together, then, accordingly, triplex. This material is already quite strong, but its crate becomes more difficult.

Vinyl wallpaper is a wallpaper in which a PVC film is glued to a layer of paper. They are also called washable. Walls covered with such wallpaper can be wiped with a damp cloth.

To the category of expensive finishing materials include non-woven wallpaper. During their manufacture, textile fibers are applied to a material called non-woven fabric. It becomes like fabric. In another case, the finest fibers are applied, making the material look like velor. Such wallpaper cannot be wiped; it can only be carefully vacuumed. The advantages of non-woven wallpaper are high strength and light fastness. But they are quite difficult to glue.

Various wallpapers can be either smooth or have a pronounced texture. From different materials They also produce wallpaper specifically for painting. That is, you can stick them on and paint them on top. This material can be repainted several times. However, it is recommended to do this no more than 6 times.

To make it easier for buyers to navigate, manufacturers put appropriate pictograms on their products. Using them, you can very easily figure out what the moisture resistance of the wallpaper is, its light fastness, and resistance to mechanical stress. You can easily learn how to apply glue and how to place wallpaper on the wall. After all, there is a material that involves applying glue to the wall. You can learn about all this from the pictograms.

This is especially important when you intend to carry out repairs yourself. The drawings depict everything so clearly that they are understandable even intuitively. And in every store you can find a transcript of these drawings. There are also special tables that make it easy to select required quantity material if you know the area of ​​the room.

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How to choose wallpaper for different rooms

  1. There is a choice of colors general rule: the darker the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. If the windows face north, you need to choose wallpaper in sunny shades. And vice versa.
  2. According to the invoice. You should not put wallpaper with pronounced embossing in the kitchen, as it is difficult to clean. Moisture-resistant vinyl wallpaper is best suited for this room, just like the bathroom.
  3. Wall colors should not be different rooms too contrasting.

The living room is the heart of the apartment. This is where guests are received; the whole family gathers in this room in the evenings. Therefore, every owner wants to arrange the living room as best as possible. Expensive textile or velor wallpaper is pasted here, if the budget allows. Or you can stick on high-quality triplex, which will also very well decorate the walls, hiding all their imperfections.

If the room area is large enough, then they will fit well high quality wallpaper with a large pattern. If the ceiling is low, then the location of the pattern should be vertical. The color must be chosen so that it does not blend in with the color of the furniture. But too much contrast is also undesirable. The exception is the original design solutions, for which, for example, white furniture is located against a black wall. But such interiors are the work of professional designers; everything must be thought out to the smallest detail.

In the living room, walls with a frieze look good, which can be located at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor or under the ceiling. If the living room is decorated in an ethnic style, then you can also find many wallpaper options. For example, bamboo. Or glue the material for painting and apply a bright design on it if you are decorating the room in an African style.

If the living room is small, then it is better to decorate it in the spirit of minimalism by gluing smooth, light wallpaper without a pattern to the walls.

The bedroom is a rest room. There should be minimal contamination in it, therefore, you can stick ordinary paper wallpaper pastel colors. This will make the room attractive and save your budget. However, if the side is sunny, you will have to buy products with good light resistance so that they do not quickly fade.

Repair is not an easy task, but sooner or later every person faces it. Wall decoration is one of the key elements future interior, so it is very important to know how to choose the right wallpaper. If the wallpaper fits harmoniously into the interior, then the atmosphere of the home will become more homely and comfortable. A careless attitude to this issue can ruin even the most best design apartment, making the room tacky or overly depressing.

Today, the choice of this finishing material depends on fashion trends, preferences of the apartment owner, his age and income. In any case, it is advisable to select different types of wallpaper for each room. You can read about what types of this finishing material are presented on the markets and how not to make a mistake with your choice.

How to choose the color of wallpaper?

There are two main wallpaper colors: cold and warm with numerous variations. For living rooms You shouldn’t give preference to overly bright colors, and an additional color accent won’t hurt in your kitchen or hallway. If the rooms are adjacent, it is customary to wallpaper them with the same or similar colors: beige and brown, red and brown, purple and blue, and so on.

Using colors you can dim the brightness of the sun's rays in well-lit rooms. Use gray-green, violet, blue, lilac and violet tones. Wallpaper in orange, beige, red, pink, and yellow shades will bring a drop of warmth to northern rooms. The ability to vary patterns will help to visually change the dimensions of rooms: volume can be created with the help of discreet patterns, and rich and expressive tones will make large room more comfortable. If the room has a low ceiling, give preference to wallpaper with a horizontal pattern. Small rooms with high ceilings also have their own tricks: the wallpaper can be combined by dividing it into two or three parts with a border, the bottom one should be dark, and the top one should be lighter.

Lovers unusual design can experiment and choose original options- a combination of plain wallpaper with colorful materials. It is better not to use massive patterns in this case, geometric figures, a modest floral pattern or unassuming polka dots will do just fine. Can the rooms be wallpapered? different colors, but with the same ornament. For one wall you can choose wallpaper with a pattern, and for the other three - plain, but matching in color.

When decorating a room, you need to take into account everything: the color of the ceiling, furniture, the material from which the windows and doors are made. or paint, but you should not actively use all kinds of applications, stucco molding or drawings.

If there are no cornices in the room, the wallpaper can not be extended to the ceiling, using a wide frieze. If the wallpaper is plain, you should buy a frieze decorated with floral or architectural patterns; if the wallpaper has a pattern, the frieze or border should be plain. If the room is heated through panels behind which there are heating devices, such panels cannot be covered with wallpaper. It is enough to paint it with a paint that matches the tone and apply the design using a stencil.

How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

If the interior of your bedroom is already ready, you need to choose the right shades and patterns. Do not neglect plain wallpaper: it will make the room cozy and spacious, and the flat surface can always be decorated with paintings, photographs, ikebana and other decorative elements. If you want to buy textured wallpaper or material with a pattern, it may be a not too bright print, abstraction, stripes, imitation of natural materials or repeating elements.

When choosing a color, trust your feelings: if you are a romantic by nature, choose beige, peach, light green or light silver. If you are attracted to bright emotions, choose rich green, purple and red shades; variations of orange and yellow color. Lovers original solutions can paint all four walls a different color.

Rooms that are too elongated can be visually expanded by covering the walls near the window with richer, darker wallpaper, and those near the door with lighter wallpaper. Also interesting option- photo wallpaper or a combination of two shades. Visually, you can highlight the wall at the head of the bed or opposite it.

If the room is square, it is customary to highlight only one wall with a bright color. For small rooms perfect option- pastel shades. You can visually divide the bedroom into two levels: on the top you can place wallpaper with a pattern, and on the bottom - plain wallpaper, emphasizing the beauty of the pattern on the top. The line between the two levels is drawn using a contrasting border. There is also such a design move as gluing wallpaper in layers, with one color being dominant and the other emphasizing it. You can complement the decor with contrasting decorative elements and accessories. Read more about how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom

How to choose wallpaper for the living room?

The living room or hall is one of the most visited rooms in an apartment or house. The most popular finishing option is the use of wallpaper in various shades of the same color. Using this technique, you can make the recreation area lighter, and the dining room slightly darkened, contrasting.

If you want your living room to have a touch of sophistication, it's worth it. This kind of interior is always in fashion; you can also use tapestry or painted fabrics - this is an ideal option for a classic style.

A more exotic option for decorating the walls of the hall is wallpaper from different types plant fibers: reed, papyrus or bamboo - such an interior will look unusual, while being environmentally friendly, resistant to sunlight and moisture.

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room?

It requires a special approach to design: it should be bright, cozy and appropriate to the age of the owners. The background can be light green, blue, pink, beige or light yellow.

When choosing wallpaper, you should be guided by three criteria: environmental friendliness, practicality and beauty. You can choose a thematic design, but do not use too bright colors. The main background should be neutral; accents can be placed using friezes and accessories, or one of the walls can be covered with brighter wallpaper. A colorful panel will look beautiful and harmonious in the playing area. You need to be more careful when choosing a pattern: repeating pictures quickly get boring, it is better to give preference to story-based wallpaper or a single pattern that can be complemented with other interior items. For example, flowers and butterflies on the wallpaper will be in perfect harmony with a green carpet, symbolizing a lawn.

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen?

If you want to highlight your beauty kitchen set, it is better to give preference to plain wallpaper. You can decorate one wall with bright colors - for example, a work or dining area.

Also a good purchase would be wallpaper that imitates a natural stone, tile or wood. The relief structure gives maximum resemblance to natural materials, while such wallpapers are more economical option. If you like patterned finishing materials, stick with uniform style. For classic interior the same type of elaborate patterns is suitable, for country style - wallpaper with drawings of fruits, vegetables or floral patterns, for modern style - geometric patterns. If the kitchen is small, you should not paste it in dark colors or choose wallpaper with large patterns. Be careful when choosing the main background; under different lighting conditions, the wallpaper may look completely different.

If the kitchen or dining room has a small winter Garden or just a corner with plants, it can be separated using strips of wallpaper pasted diagonally. It is better to choose washable wallpaper, with a vertical pattern, so that caring for flowers does not become a problem. Correctly chosen wallpaper will bring beauty and comfort to your home, which family members and guests will certainly appreciate.

The choice of wallpaper is the most important part of apartment renovation. It is wallpaper that creates the interior and atmosphere in the room, allows you to visually enlarge the space and make the room brighter. When choosing finishing materials, you need to focus on other design items, such as furniture and curtains, and also follow the latest fashion trends. So how do you decide on the texture, color and pattern of the wallpaper, because at the moment the construction market represents a huge assortment of different appearance and the price of wallpaper. Read more about the choice of finishing materials in this article.

It is worth noting first of all that according to Eastern calendar 2017 is considered the year of the monkey, which means bright colors are in fashion: orange, red, yellow. However, few people use such rich colors of wallpaper in the interior; it is better to combine them with the usual plain light colors or choose shades that do not strain the eyes too much.

Also popular are wallpapers with various thematic patterns, such as Asian characters, as well as designs of plants, vines, and bamboo.

For the bedroom you can choose calm, plain wallpaper light colors, in the living room, put up wallpaper with large abstract patterns.

In general, we can say that in 2017 it is better to purchase wallpaper in bright and rich colors; wallpaper in pastel colors, with abstract and thematic patterns is also good.

The greatest effect for both studio apartment, and for large areas they have colored colors, incl. sea ​​green, wenge, fuchsia, coffee with milk and other shades of coffee, khaki, all shades of light green, emerald wallpaper.

Selecting wallpaper for a room: creating an interior

Wallpaper can easily be called the most important part of the interior of a room, because it is they that create all the comfort and atmosphere of the room. It is necessary to decide on the furniture in order to choose the wallpaper that is ideal in texture and color, otherwise the contrast of accessories and decoration will be striking and the decor will be ridiculous.

When purchasing wallpaper, you need to take into account the size of the room; for example, it is better to decorate a small room with light wallpaper, which will help visually expand the space.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes and sparkles is also a good option; they also make the room appear larger.

Large patterns, on the contrary, visually make the room smaller, so if you decorate the walls in colorful materials, then only in a spacious room. Small pattern works well small apartments and rooms. will help hide surface unevenness and visually level the walls.

Colors and shades

  1. Dark wallpaper should be glued only in rooms with sufficient lighting.
  2. In rooms with insufficient lighting, it is better to glue wallpaper in warm colors, but in a room facing south, it is better to glue wallpaper in cool colors.
  3. The technique of combination and zoning has become fashionable, for example, the dining room is decorated with colorful wallpaper, but the kitchen itself is decorated with plain wallpaper.
  4. The sink area can be highlighted with wallpaper with a large pattern, and the rest of the space can be covered with wallpaper in calm tones.
  5. In the living room, imagination is not limited; you can combine different textures, use matte and glossy wallpaper, alternate different colors the same wallpaper.

The wall behind the sofa can be decorated with photo wallpaper. The main thing is that the interior looks complete, and that the eyes are not dazzled by the abundance of colors; everything should be in moderation. Furniture should also be combined with wallpaper; for a living room with expensive furniture, it is better to choose calm matte wallpaper in chocolate or beige shades to create coziness.

As a recommendation, we add that the selection should be according to certain parameters, taking into account the color of the laminate (linoleum, tiles) and curtains. Tiffany sand and wallpaper look good lemon color. They must be formalized smooth transition. To do this, use the color " Ivory", as well as terracotta, cream, coral, cappuccino, champagne and cocoa colors.

Selection of wallpaper for decoration by color and its selection for the interior

The color of the wallpaper affects the perception of the room. For example, the color red increases appetite; in the bedroom, red and blue can be irritating, so for these rooms it is better to choose calm beige tones.

Don’t forget about the classic combination of black and white; this solution always looks stylish and fits any interior.

Light colors expand the space, dark colors do the opposite. Wallpaper in cool shades should be glued to a room with bright lighting, light wallpaper in rooms with insufficient lighting.

For a children's room it is better to choose delicate pastel shades, for example, pink is suitable for a girl’s bedroom, pale blue for a boy. In the kitchen, it is better to combine bright colors with calm ones, for example, it is better to place red cabinets in a kitchen with light wallpaper.

The color of the floor should not merge with the color of the wallpaper; you should also pay attention to the texture of the wallpaper; matte and glossy materials of the same colors look different and create different environments.

Selection of wallpaper to match the color of the furniture

If the furniture has already been purchased, then you should choose from a certain range of colors. For a living room with expensive furniture, it is better to choose wallpaper in soothing, rich shades, such as chocolate, cream, beige, burgundy.

For light-colored furniture, you can purchase wallpaper bright colors or wallpaper with a pattern so that the room does not seem too faded.

You can glue the same wallpaper to furniture with combined upholstery, for example, decorate three walls with plain wallpaper, and one wall with striped or patterned wallpaper to match the upholstery or pillows.

For modern furniture suitable for wallpapers with abstract patterns and classic stripes, furniture classic type calls for traditional wallpaper with small patterns and calm tones.

How to choose the right wallpaper

Bright furniture of an unusual design looks good against the background of wallpaper of the same tone. In the bedroom, wallpaper can be matched to bed linen, decorate the bedside wall with different wallpaper so that it matches the curtains or other accessories.

There are several main points when choosing wallpaper:

  1. Make a marking of the room to understand what shades you need to focus on.
  2. Know the brightness of the room so that it is also easier to choose colors.
  3. Choose furniture before choosing wallpaper, or vice versa, roughly imagine the situation.

For low light and small sizes choose light wallpaper for rooms, otherwise dark wallpaper.

Large selection of wallpapers: how not to get lost among the wide range

Currently, the finishing materials market offers a wide range of different wallpapers.

They can be divided into:

  • Paper;
  • Textile;
  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Liquid;
  • Glass wallpaper.

Paper ones are the most common and cheapest option. They are quite difficult to glue, there is a high probability of bubbles, they cannot be washed and are easy to tear. There are quite a lot of disadvantages, but at the same time this is the most accessible view wallpaper, it is better to glue them in the bedroom or living room.

Textile wallpaper They are quite expensive, but at the same time they look much neater and also have thermal insulation.

However, they do not like water and get dirty quite quickly, just like their paper counterparts. Textile wallpaper is best hung in the office or living room.

Vinyl wallpapers are more practical and can be wetted. They also have quite high strength and look beautiful and bright. Vinyl wallpaper can be safely hung in the kitchen. Vinyl wallpapers special type can be glued in the bathroom, they are waterproof.

Non-woven wallpaper does not tear and has high thermal insulation. These wallpapers can be painted, like vinyl ones, and are also easy to glue.

Liquid wallpaper looks unusual; it is a liquid that resembles plaster. This type of wallpaper has high noise and heat insulation and can be washed. They allow you to hide uneven walls; it is best to use liquid wallpaper in the corridor.

Fiberglass wallpaper is very practical, can withstand painting, and can be coated with plaster. They are resistant to water and deformation, they can be used during finishing works in the kitchen and bathroom.

Mint-colored wallpaper: where and how best to use it

Mint - very fashionable color, it allows you to emphasize the style of the room, while relaxing and looking fresh. A room made in mint tones does not need additional accessories; it visually expands the room and makes it brighter.

Use wallpaper mint color possible in any room:

  1. In the living room they will emphasize the modernity of the interior, in the bedroom they will add tranquility, and in the kitchen they will place bright accents.
  2. The wallpaper may contain various patterns and designs, for example for classic design Wallpaper with gold patterns is perfect for rooms.
  3. Mint color is suitable for any furniture, be it light modern fittings, and classic stylish furniture.

We can safely say that mint-colored wallpaper is suitable for any room and decor.

Olive wallpaper in the interior

Olive – calm color, best suited for the bedroom. It is best to glue wallpaper of this color in a room with light furniture, it helps you relax and unwind.

In the kitchen olive color can promote appetite, while wallpaper of this color is combined with both dark and light furniture.

However, this color visually makes the room darker and smaller, so it is best used in spacious bedrooms and living rooms.

Pistachio color wallpaper

Wallpaper pistachio color look expensive and stylish, but it’s better to alternate them with stripes Brown. This color looks best in the kitchen, it is quite calm and natural, goes well with kitchen furniture beige tones.

Pistachio color combines effectively with dark wood furniture; wallpaper of this color can be combined with wallpaper of gray and white colors.

The advantage of pistachio wallpaper is its lightness, it is suitable for any interior and always looks neat.

How to choose the right wallpaper for a room (video)

In conclusion, we can say that the main thing is that the wallpaper, together with other interior elements, form a holistic environment. Wallpaper should form a complete design, create comfort and style. You should choose wallpaper based on the size and lighting of the room; do not forget about the furniture, it should be combined with the wallpaper. You should not combine bright furniture with bright wallpaper; the room should not be overloaded. In general, choosing wallpaper is quite easy, you just need to devote a little time to this matter.

Wallpaper in the interior of the apartment (photo)

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How to choose wallpaper for a small room: 6 golden rules

White expands, a large print steals space, and textured wallpaper is completely unacceptable - forget about these stereotypes. Here are a few really practical advice which will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room and which will add value to your room square meters due to the visual effect.

Rule 1: choose a suitable print

Do you like wallpaper with a large or bold print, but are you afraid the room will look smaller than a shoebox? In vain. The right approach to choosing a large print for wall decoration, on the contrary, allows you to visually expand the room.

Concerning the right approach When choosing a pattern, I can recommend the following:

  • The use of a print that practically merges with the background makes the room airy and spacious;

  • The combination of a large print with plain walls allows you not only to visually expand the room, but also to make it more comfortable and homely;

  • The combination of wallpaper with a large pattern with a plain drapery visually elevates the ceiling - take this into account if you have low ceilings;

  • Combining a large print on the walls with a plain drapery makes the windows larger, and at the same time enlarges the oversized room;
  • A similar effect can be achieved by using a set of plain furniture coupled with a large pattern on the walls;

  • Two zones contained in one color scheme, make each of the two conditional rooms more spacious and functional;

  • The use of designer wallpaper with a retro print allows you to visually move the sofa away from the wall behind which the dressing room is located;

  • The horizontal pattern contributes to the visual expansion of space;

  • Just as a horizontal pattern stretches a room outward, a vertical pattern stretches a room upward;

The following example shows what better wallpaper do not choose to cover all walls in small room. The striking contrast between the background and the pattern strongly attracts attention, and even red pillows do not save the situation.

In the photo - the bright print on the wallpaper is too intrusive

Rule 2: looking for the right stripe

Are you crazy about stripes, but don't dare use them to decorate the walls in a tiny room? You've probably come across the "wrong" strip. Depending on the desired effect, striped wallpaper can and should be used in small rooms.

How can a vertical stripe help?

If you have low ceilings, I recommend finishing the walls with vertical striped wallpaper. And if the drawing and the background do not differ much in color, you will achieve a double effect, because your room will become more spacious. This great option for those who want to choose wallpaper for a small dark room.

A vertical stripe can lighten a room, even if the design is dominated by a rather dark and deep color. Due to the gradation of different shades of the dominant color, the interior softens and becomes more elegant.

This effect can be created with purple, turquoise, burgundy, gray and brown wallpaper.

Where there is clearly a shortage high ceiling, a vertical stripe comes to the rescue. Feel free to use this pattern indoors.

What can a horizontal stripe do?

If your goal is to visually expand the room, horizontal stripes will help. The thinner the strip, the more noticeable the effect. Wide stripes will practically not change the proportions of the walls. Take a closer look at your home and decide which ones are right for you.

You will need thin horizontal wallpaper if you live in a “Stalin” building or in a house with high ceilings.

Important points about gluing

So, how to hang striped wallpaper so that it works in your favor? The instructions are simple:

  1. It is important to choose a design with maximum accuracy, so I advise you to buy one roll more than you counted by footage;
  2. Before gluing, take care of a perfectly flat surface - putty and then prime the walls;
  3. When the striped canvases lie on smooth walls, only then will the visual effects of the striped wallpaper take effect.

Rule 3: select the texture

Embossed wallpaper, in different shades or plain, is designed for small spaces. The fact is that the presence of texture, even the most insignificant one, will affect a person’s perception of the room. The more pronounced the relief on the coating, the more noticeably the shadows contrast with the light, and this gives volume.

If you have a question about what kind of wallpaper to hang without first leveling the walls, I definitely recommend textured ones. The presence of relief blurs the original plane and creates a new one, with an uneven, and therefore advantageous in this case, coating.

How much do textured wallpapers cost?

Non-woven fabric has optimal qualities: durability, wear resistance, environmental friendliness. Therefore, the price of such paintings is quite justified.

Rule 4: pay attention to shine

In addition to the relief, the walls in small room need surfaces that can reflect light. Glossy, iridescent, shiny canvases are just what is needed in such situations.

This technique is effective in various manifestations. Canvases with glitter can be used to decorate the entire room, and you can also decorate one or two walls, enhancing the accent.

What color canvas should I choose? The colors chosen according to the principle of contrast look most advantageous - gold on medium and dark brown, silver on medium and dark gray, gold on turquoise. The golden pattern on a white background looks no less impressive.

How much will canvases with glitter cost?

Wallpaper with glitter is mainly made from textiles. The material looks great and is resistant to sun rays, environmentally friendly.

Rule 5: Accent Wall

One of my favorite techniques that I can recommend to anyone and everyone is an accent wall. Using an accent wall can not only decorate your home, but also make it feel more spacious.

What colors to choose for accents? In general, I advise choosing a color or print that contrasts with the rest of the surfaces in the room.

When the interior contains an unusual ornament or intense color (except yellow and red), I recommend choosing a color similar to this color or print.

As an accent, you can use not the entire wall, but only a part. This could be the headboard, the area near, or any other place that deserves special attention.

The location of the accent wall also depends on the furnishings of the room, the location of openings (windows and doors) and, of course, on your preferences.

Rule 6: Perspective on photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers and photo wallpapers are different. Therefore, when covering a wall with macro photography of a flower, think about how the parameters of your tiny home will visually decrease. But an image that brings light and perspective is ideal for decorating a wall in a small room.

A few words about how to beautifully hang photo wallpaper:

  • Remove the old coating, including any remaining adhesive;
  • Use putty to fill in all the unevenness – for an impeccable result you need a perfectly flat surface;
  • Apply primer to the wall in two layers to ensure reliable adhesion of the two surfaces;
  • Lay out the photo wallpaper on the floor, front side down and carefully make the markings;
  • Start gluing from a corner or from a window - this will be the starting point;
  • Avoid drafts when gluing.

Following my advice, you can hang photo wallpaper with your own hands. Even if you've never done this before.


So you have learned how to decorate a small living space. And although this article will not add real footage to your apartment, now you know how to create such an appearance. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the material.

October 30, 2016

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