What kind of door to make to the bathhouse. Which bath door is better?

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Doors for a bath or sauna must meet a number of requirements that influence the choice of material for their manufacture and design features. They are in extreme conditions high humidity and temperature changes, and also experience maximum functional load. The main requirement for them is preservation warm air indoors.

The entrance door to the bathhouse is designed depending on the heating method. For a sauna that is heated “in white”, a single door is sufficient small size, insulated for better heat retention. This design can be made of wood, metal and even plastic. The requirements for it are as follows:

  1. The door leaf should be narrow enough to minimize heat loss when opening. Optimal size- 1.5-1.7 m in height and 0.6-0.7 m in width. A threshold 10-15 cm high will help to retain heat.
  2. The door to the dressing room must be sufficiently insulated.
  3. The structure must be easy to open and close, which is due to the rules against fire safety, it is necessary to install a reliable locking mechanism to protect against intruders.

In a bathhouse that is heated “black”, they traditionally install double doors, and the doors are located horizontally. This is done for safety reasons. During heating, the top flap is opened to allow smoke to escape from the room in windy weather.

The entrance door for a bathhouse or sauna can have a panel or frame design. The panel door leaf consists of tongue-and-groove boards knocked together in one layer. The rigidity of the structure is ensured by the upper, lower and cross beam. The shield is treated with antiseptics to prevent mold and is insulated as much as possible. Such a door to a bathhouse from the street can be made of a metal sheet, additionally insulated different ways.

The frame structure consists of 2-3 frames assembled with screws. They are made of thin beams covered with moisture-resistant hardboard. Between the sheets top material there is insulation.

The combined bath door consists of a veneered wooden frame and a tempered glass insert. This design is used in indoor baths, where additional lighting would be useful.

The entrance door must have a massive frame that maintains the geometry of the structure in extreme environmental conditions.

To the steam room

Doors to the steam room must meet the following requirements:

  • They must reliably retain steam and heat indoors, so the structure must be airtight. You can set a threshold up to 20 cm high.
  • The design must be resistant to deformation in conditions of high temperature and humidity.
  • In a Russian bathhouse, the door to the steam room is installed below standard. It should be no higher than 1.6 m and no wider than 0.75 m.
  • If there is no forced air flow in the steam room, a gap of at least 5 cm is made at the bottom of the doors for ventilation. For a sauna, this gap is required regardless of the presence of internal ventilation. It promotes uniform distribution of steam in the room.
  • For the steam room, choose ergonomic and safe doors that will not cause burns or injuries. They must open outward so that in case of an unforeseen situation a person has the opportunity to open it under the weight of his own body.

These requirements are met by wooden, glass and combined wooden doors with glazing.

To the washroom

Another door in the bathhouse is installed at the entrance to the washing room. In this room, as in any bathroom, temperature differences are small and humidity is quite high.

A sealed plastic or frosted glass sheet would be appropriate here. These materials answer sanitary requirements. They are hygienic, easy to clean and can withstand disinfectants and detergents.

Pros and cons of wood and glass canvas

Wooden entrance doors to the bathhouse will be reliable. They are easy to insulate. Glass does not meet these requirements.

A wooden, glass or combination door is suitable for the steam room. Glass retains heat, is durable, easier to care for, and does not need to be varnished. It is not at risk of deformation due to high humidity and temperature changes. A carved wooden door to a bathhouse will also look beautiful.

For a shower room, it is best to choose a glass door. This design is more hygienic. It is resistant to mold, high humidity and detergents.

Which ones to choose

The entrance group must first of all be reliable, but a safe option is not appropriate here. The complex mechanism of such external doors for a bathhouse can block people in the event of a fire inside the premises. Therefore, it is better to install a street entrance structure with standard swing doors. It is recommended to purchase a single-leaf wooden or metal product with a reliable but simple locking mechanism.

When it comes to a steam room, the doors in the bathhouse and sauna have functional differences. At the same time, glass door panels have already become a classic for saunas. This is especially true for infrared and compact indoor saunas.

For a bathhouse, wooden or combined structures are considered the best option. At the same time, high-quality glass doors to a bathhouse perfectly cope with all the functions assigned to them, and in many respects they are superior to wooden ones.

The best choice for sauna

A sauna door can be made of glass, wood or a combination of these materials. Natural wood structures are traditional solution. They have sufficient thermal insulation, are reliable and durable. But wood requires constant restoration; it needs to be regularly painted or varnished, and over time it dries out and becomes deformed.

The best doors for a sauna installed inside a house or apartment - glass. They meet sanitary conditions and safety requirements, and also fit well into different style solutions. Tempered glass, which is used to make door panels, is durable, retains heat well, does not deform, which means that such a door to the sauna does not need adjustment.

To increase thermal insulation, the glass surface is additionally covered with a special film that reflects infrared radiation and protects from mechanical damage. In addition to technical characteristics, glass sheets differ more wide choice design solutions. For example, a glass door for an Akma sauna can have more than 200 design options.

The disadvantage of such doors can be considered lower sound insulation and high price. At the same time, durability and safety compensate for the cost of the product. An excellent solution would be to purchase products from domestic manufacturers that meet high quality standards at an affordable price.

Insulation materials

Main input task door design— sealing the room and preventing heat leakage. Thanks to this, the temperature in the bath is maintained for a long period of time. Will prevent heat loss right choice structure and its additional insulation. They are insulated with various heat-insulating materials: foam plastic, felt, mineral wool.

Foam has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, easy to install yourself using polyurethane foam or liquid nails, does not sag, does not freeze, does not emit toxic substances during operation, and has a low cost. His main drawback for use in a bath - high flammability and toxicity during combustion, which has highest value in the case of using an open fire to heat the room.

Mineral wool is an excellent heat insulator, inexpensive and environmentally friendly, safe, and highly fire resistant. The disadvantage of this insulation is its tendency to shrink in conditions of high humidity, which must be taken into account when using it to insulate the entrance door structure for a bathhouse or sauna.

Innovative insulation - polyurethane foam. It is pumped into the pores of the doors, as a result of which cavities filled with air are formed inside the leaf. The material has low thermal conductivity and resistance to moisture. The entrance doors for the bathhouse are insulated with polyurethane foam with fire retardants - substances that increase its fire resistance.

Polyurethane foam

The insulation layer is protected with a special waterproofing layer, which can be used as plastic film, and moisture-resistant lining.

Additionally, the entrance structure is protected from drafts along the perimeter of the door leaf. For this purpose, a sealing gasket and an insulating roller made of dermantin or thin felt are used along the entire edge of the upholstery. A well-insulated door to a bathhouse will not become covered with frost in winter, which makes it difficult to open. Additionally, a tarpaulin curtain is used as insulation. To make it, you can take other dense material. But mineral wool As a gasket, it sags over time and can freeze in winter.

Installation methods and nuances

In most cases, a finished door structure, both wooden and glass, consists of a finished frame and a door leaf with holes and is accompanied by installation instructions. Wooden or combined products may only have markings applied for holes, which you will have to make yourself.

Since tempered glass cannot be altered, before ordering the product you need to take accurate measurements and choose the side in which it will open. The width is measured after the repair of the doorway is completed.

Doors to the steam room can have a wooden or metal frame. Metal box installed before the final finishing of the walls, and wooden - after.

The door frame of a steam room in a bathhouse and a sauna has one difference: in a bathhouse a threshold is installed, which is necessary to retain moisture, but in a sauna it is not needed, and the gap between the door leaf and the floor remains open. This nuance affects the choice of door dimensions.

When disassembling the packaging with a glass door, the canvas is disconnected from the frame by loosening the fastening system of hinges, and placed on wooden planks.

Install the doorway, checking the verticals and diagonals to prevent distortions. Having installed the box using wedges, gradually tighten the screws in the top bar, leveling it using a level. After this, the screws are tightened until they stop. The threshold is then set if necessary.

The next stage is installing the door leaf. It needs to be inserted into the loops and tightened. If the canvas is made of glass, at this stage of installation you cannot do without an assistant. For safety reasons, the door must open outward. To check the correct installation, measure the gaps at the closed panel. They should be the same around the entire perimeter, and the canvas should fit snugly against the seal.

After this, install the latch and handle. The glass sheet already has holes for them. If the panel is made of wood, you may have to drill the holes yourself.

Features of Akma door production

Glass doors for baths and saunas have been produced by the Akma plant since 1998. The company offers 220 models of door structures for steam rooms, washing rooms and other premises.

Production is fully automated. The plant's equipment allows us to produce products of high optical purity and hardening strength, with a ground surface and a Euro-edge. For production we use materials that meet European standards and GOST requirements. Each product undergoes quality control for strength and ability to spontaneously explode. At the same time the price finished product available.

The Akma sauna door has a number of advantages:

  1. Environmental friendliness of materials.
  2. Durability. The plant provides a five-year warranty on its products, provided they are used correctly. Glass and anodized aluminum are non-corrosive and non-toxic when heated.
  3. Safety.
  4. Hygienic: resistant to mold, easy to clean.
  5. Tightness. All glass blocks Akma have a closed perimeter of the door leaf, and the joints of the frame are adjusted on an automated German production line.
  6. High temperature resistance.
  7. Multifunctional design. They can be right- or left-handed and are suitable for steam rooms, washrooms, bathrooms and other rooms.
  8. Possibility of installing a magnetic closing mechanism.
  9. Original design. Akma products are decorated with fusing, diamond engraving, deep sandblasting, silk-screen printing, ceramic printing, photo printing, colored varnish. You can choose transparent, tinted or colored door leaf.

The finished door for the Akma sauna consists of a glass door leaf 6 or 8 mm thick, a wooden frame, hanging hinges and a handle. All required holes They are drilled in production, so installation of the structure is simple - just follow the instructions for the product.


For interior spaces, it is worth choosing doors with 3 canopies that can withstand at least 30 kg. Fulfillment of these conditions is especially important for glass doors, the leaf of which has considerable weight - with a thickness of 7 mm it can weigh up to 25 kg. Canopies should be easy to replace when necessary. The hinges are made of stainless steel or other material that is resistant to corrosion in conditions of high temperature and high humidity.

For safety reasons, the latch should open easily. It can be ball or magnetic from 3-4 elements. The second option is preferable since the ball latch may jam.

Another safety requirement is the handle on inside The steam room door must be made of wood, regardless of whether it is glass or wood. If it is mounted on glass, a silicone gasket is installed between the surfaces for greater reliability of fastening.

Handles for bath doors should be comfortable and located at a suitable height.

A bathhouse on a country site is an integral part Everyday life modern man. The door to the bathhouse is an important element of the arrangement of the erected structure, requiring a rational approach to its selection and installation.

To ensure maximum comfort in the bathhouse during health procedures, you need to know what Consumables choose, and most importantly, how to correctly assemble a functional door structure.

Key requirements for a sauna door

Bath doors – structural element buildings whose main purpose is to protect functional premises from negative impact external factors and maintaining the internal microclimate.

Door leaves for a bathhouse must meet the following requirements:

  • Moisture resistance. The finished structure must withstand operation in conditions of high humidity so as not to become a breeding ground for fungi and mold.
  • Tightness and reliability. The main function of the door is to retain heat in the room, preventing the penetration of cold air and the appearance of drafts. Therefore, a high-quality design must have good thermal insulation lining and ensure a tight fit.
  • Resistant to temperature changes. It is important that the door design is resistant to low temperatures during periods when the building is not in use, as well as to deformation when the air in the steam room is significantly heated.
  • Durability and safety. High-quality doors for a bathhouse must meet all fire safety requirements, which guarantee long term services.

Wooden doors meet all basic requirements. In addition, the bathhouse can be equipped with plastic and metal structures for the entrance area, and glass structures for the steam room.

Types of doors for baths

A bathhouse is a specific structure consisting of functional rooms, each of which has a separate door. There are two main doors in the building - for entering the steam room and for exiting the bathhouse to the street.

Doors to the street

The entrance door to the bathhouse provides reliable protection from burglary and heat loss. Similar design can be made of various materials - wood, metal, plastic, MDF, chipboard. The main requirement for it is high thermal insulation characteristics.

Less problematic are metal doors for entrance from the street: they are resistant to rotting, swelling, deformation and damage. In addition, this design retains heat well thanks to the additional thermal insulation lining.

More popular is a door made of solid wood, for the manufacture of which tongue-and-groove floor boards are used. They retain heat well and prevent the penetration of cold from outside. A door made of boards may need additional insulation moisture-resistant heat-insulating material.

Another option for the entrance group - plastic structures with imitation wood. They are resistant to rotting, deformation and low temperatures, and prevent heat loss.

Doors to the steam room

Such a design must correspond special conditions operation in a room where high temperature, humidity and hot steam are constantly maintained. Taking into account these requirements, the door to the steam room must be reliable, practical, convenient and durable.

For this room, you should choose structures made of wood, glass and plastic. They are resistant to overheating and humidity, and are able to maintain optimal air heating temperatures.

The best option is a frame structure made of boards with an additional thermal insulation layer and decorative cladding made of lining.

Selection of materials for bath doors

Modern bath door designs are made from practical and durable materials: wood, metal, glass, plastic, combined materials (MDF, chipboard and plywood). Each of them has exceptional performance characteristics.

Made from wood

A classic version of door designs for a private bath. Wood has a number of significant advantages: safety, environmental friendliness, high thermal insulation, ease of processing and maintenance, and attractive appearance.

Since wood is prone to moisture absorption and is partially susceptible to temperature changes, certain tree species are used to make the structure:

  • Oak. Durable and practical, but prone to cracking when overheated.
  • Larch. It has antiseptic properties, is resistant to rotting and insect damage.
  • Linden. It has a mild tonic effect, has a pleasant odor, but is prone to darkening and rotting when exposed to moisture for a long time.
  • Pine. Strong and durable, with lightweight pine aroma, resistant to temperature changes and overheating.
  • Aspen. Cheap and easy to process. Resistant to cracking and deformation when dry.
  • Spruce. Capable of quickly absorbing excess moisture, so it needs frequent drying.

TO wooden structure increased requirements are imposed: it must withstand temperature changes and high humidity, but at the same time retain heat indoors. All this can lead to condensation accumulation and rotting of the wooden surface.

The best solution to the problem is to treat the wood with moisture-proofing compounds or install a frame structure with internal thermal insulation.

From glass

The steam room and washing room can be equipped with glass doors.

Among the design disadvantages are the following: high cost raw materials and components, complexity of manufacturing the product on our own. In addition, the glass sheet requires a technical gap of 3 cm from the floor level, which can lead to constant drafts.

Made of metal

Entrance doors are often made of metal due to its high strength, wear resistance and durability.

In addition, the metal structure is easy to use, resistant to deformation, mechanical damage, rotting, change temperature conditions, and high-quality thermal protection reduces the likelihood of corrosion and heat loss.

Insufficient insulation can lead to condensation, so for a private bath it is better to use a door made of metal frame with a heat-insulating layer. It is a metal base, inner space which is filled with insulation, and the outer surface is sheathed with plywood, board or chipboard.


The thermoplastic product is highly resistant to temperature changes, high humidity, hot steam, practicality and durability. The door leaf can have a classic design or be an imitation of wood, glass and metal surfaces.

Plastic doors can be installed for any room - washing area, steam room, relaxation room and dressing room.

Made from chipboard, MDF and plywood

Bath doors can be made from artificial materials– Chipboard, MDF and plywood. They are characterized by low cost, resistance to humidity and overheating, and are less susceptible to deformation and rotting in contrast to natural materials.

The service life of such products is much shorter, and the parameters of environmental friendliness and safety are questionable, despite the assurances of the manufacturers. The quick and easy production of doors from artificial materials is their indisputable advantage.

Technology for manufacturing and assembling a wooden door for a bathhouse

A wooden door is the simplest and affordable option designs for baths.

To execute self-assembly and installation of the product, it is necessary to prepare the following lumber:

  • Boards with a tongue-and-groove base for a leaf 20 cm thick, 210 cm long (the quantity is determined by the required door width).
  • Wooden beam for strengthening the canvas with a section of 3 × 2 cm.
  • Wooden beam for strapping 3 × 3 cm.
  • Beam for the door frame 11 × 6 cm.
  • Foam for sealing.
  • Anchors.
  • Carpenter's glue for joining parts.
  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Set of hanging hinges.
  • Handles and latch.

Working tool kit:

  • Electric jigsaw for cutting wood.
  • Screwdriver for self-tapping screws.
  • Planer for stripping the blade.
  • Clamps for installing the canvas.
  • Medium grit sandpaper.
  • Perforator and feather type drills.
  • Calipers.
  • Construction level.
  • Yardstick.
  • Hammer and scissors.

To properly assemble the door structure, you will also need a drawing indicating the dimensions of all parts and the order of their installation.

Determining the dimensions of the structure

Dimensions doorways in self-built baths may differ slightly from standard ones. Before you make a door to the bathhouse with your own hands, you need to decide on the dimensions of the future structure:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure the width and height of the doorway strictly vertically and horizontally to avoid possible distortion.
  2. Subtract 5 cm from the resulting width value and 3 cm from the height value. These are the dimensions of the door frame without a threshold. The thickness of the threshold is determined after the door leaf is manufactured.
  3. From the width of the frame, subtract the width of the timber for its manufacture and an additional 6 mm for the gap on both sides of the structure - the width of the door structure is obtained.
  4. The height of the door is determined as follows: the width of the beam is subtracted from the height of the door frame and an additional 17 mm for ventilation gaps - 4 mm at the top and 13 mm at the bottom.

If the calculation result has a slight discrepancy with standard size, you can make a standard design with a width of 80 cm and a height of 200 cm.

Door leaf manufacturing process

  1. The boards are cut to length, while the height finished design will be 200 cm, taking into account the length of the board and strapping. The timber is mounted around the perimeter of the door, so first determine the cutting length of the lumber: 200 cm - 6 cm = 194 cm.
  2. Calculate the required amount of material for the canvas. The width of the door with the trim is 80 cm, without it – 74 cm. The standard width of the board is 20 cm, so cutting is done along the board.
  3. On the first element, a special tenon with a smooth and cleaned end is made with a plane.
  4. The prepared boards are laid on a perfectly flat surface and connected into a single structure. Check the geometry of the canvas.
  5. The strapping beam is cut into 4 pieces: two 200 cm each, two 74 cm each.
  6. The boards are glued together with wood glue, which is poured into the grooves made. The finished canvas is reinforced in the corners with clamps. For ease of assembly, a mallet is used, which ensures that the boards shrink tightly into the grooves. The canvas is placed under a press for 3 days to dry.
  7. The dried canvas is sanded using a plane to obtain a smooth and even surface.
  8. The strapping is made from timber. The parts are fixed to the end parts of the canvas using self-tapping screws, and at the corners they are fastened with an overlap or a tenon. Self-tapping screws are recessed into the wood by 3 cm.
  9. The bars are fixed to strengthen the structure. For the front door, the slats are mounted on the outside, for the steam room - on the inside.

Installation of door structure and fittings

The next stage of work is installing the frame in the doorway. It is important to remember that it is mounted in compliance with the general geometry of the structure to prevent its skewing and tilting.

  1. Width assembled box should exceed the width of the finished canvas by 8 cm. The racks are assembled from timber, in which a longitudinal groove is made for installing the canvas. The permissible technical gap between the frame and the door leaf should be 2–3 mm, taking into account the expansion coefficient of wood during swelling.
  2. A horizontal post is inserted into the opening, supported by beams, then the lower post is placed as a threshold. The geometry of the structure is checked building level. Wooden blades are driven between the wall and the frame to secure the structure. The box is secured to the wall using long anchors. The gaps are filled polyurethane foam, decorated with platbands.
  3. After assembling the frame, the door leaf is installed. To do this, apply markings for the loops. The first hinge is installed at a level of 30 cm from the top level of the door, the second at a level of 55 cm, and the third at a level of 25 cm from the floor. This arrangement will prevent skewing and deformation of the door.
  4. The hinges are fixed to the door leaf with self-tapping screws. Next, install the handles and latch on the inside of the door. The door is mounted in a frame on hinges.
  5. They check the tightness and ease of opening of the door leaf.

Door fittings must be made of high-quality materials with low thermal conductivity and high resistance to high humidity. Therefore, it is better to choose wooden handles and latch, as well as brass hinges treated with anti-corrosion paint.

Finishing the door

The final stage is processing the door structure. To do this, the canvas, jambs and platbands are treated with oil, impregnation or deep penetration wax.

Such compositions will provide reliable protection of wood from rotting and mold. The main requirement is safety and the absence of toxic components in the composition.

To enhance the texture of wood or color the canvas, you can use stain. The composition does not require preliminary priming of the surface, penetrates deeply and colors the fibers, improves the protective characteristics of wood.

The choice of a functional bath door depends on the individual preferences and financial capabilities of the owner of the building. By following the rules and technology, you can assemble and install the door structure yourself in the shortest possible time.

Design and appearance The entrance door to the bathhouse can rightfully be considered the hallmark of the establishment. First important element, welcoming lovers of light steam, there has always been and will be a porch and, of course, a door. Its finish, shape and design of the canvas. From how well the entrance layout is chosen, you can judge the quality of the steam room and all the most important attributes, without even entering the room.

What should the entrance door to the bathhouse be like?

The premises of a bathhouse, no matter what kind, Finnish, Russian, Turkish, due to the specifics of its use, is always in very difficult conditions. Hot steam and high humidity The indoor baths are connected to the piercing wind outside. To this we need to add the constant movement through the entrance doors to the bathhouse from the street. In such conditions, an ordinary trap at the entrance to the bathhouse turns into a skewed fence. Bathhouse doors, at a minimum, must meet three basic criteria:

  • The door leaf should fit as tightly as possible to the frame and seal, water vapor should not freeze and “grab” the door like concrete, even in the most severe frost;
  • Design entrance doors performed with the maximum level of thermal insulation. The door leaf remains the weakest element of the bathhouse, through which a large amount of heat escapes;
  • High structural strength. By the number of opening-closing cycles street door the entrance to the bathhouse, canopies, doors, leaves and handles experience a load comparable to the total load of all door systems in the house.

For your information! It is forbidden to make the entrance to the bathhouse from an all-metal sheet; in the event of a fire, such a structure heats up in a matter of minutes, splits and wedges itself in the door frame, also metal.

It is impossible to touch the red-hot metal lining with your hand, not only to open it and leave the bathhouse. Therefore, the design of the outer surface of the canvas must be non-flammable, heat-resistant and have a very low thermal conductivity coefficient.

What are the entrance doors to the bathhouse made of?

Of course special material for the manufacture of an entrance door has not yet been invented; the entrance to the vestibule of the bathhouse is made according to samples and diagrams of conventional door systems.

The entrance door for the bathhouse is made using the most traditional materials:

  • Completely wooden, or with internal metal inserts;
  • Metal, often with wood lining inside and metal on the outer lining of the door leaf;
  • Plastic, with or without a metal frame.

The wooden entrance door to the bathhouse is considered the most common; it is made of wood in 70% of cases. The metal structure is installed in bathhouses and dachas, in country houses located far outside the city. Plastic doors are used for bath buildings attached to the house, and they are very beautiful, and there are no problems with steam and excess moisture.

Options for entrance doors for baths

Selecting the most suitable option entrance for the bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the design of the porch, facade and the fact how often the bathhouse needs to be used. It is no secret that a bathhouse built on a country site, in addition to its main functions, is often used as a guest or fishing house, a warehouse for country property and furniture, a place for temporary storage of building materials and crops. In each case, entrance to the premises is issued according to its own separate criteria.

Metal entrance doors for bathhouses

For a bathhouse that spends the winter in a country house or is built at a considerable distance from the owners’ home, the optimal choice would be steel door to the bathhouse. Of course, no one will install steel armor, but external cladding of thick metal and reinforced enclosed canopies are usually considered the norm for such conditions.

The design of a metal entrance door for a bathhouse is usually somewhat different from the accepted standards for residential buildings and apartments.

Of the metal parts in the construction of the bathhouse, only a steel corner profile is used, on which the awnings are attached, and a protected case for the lock. Everything else is made from moisture-resistant wood. The result is a durable and not too heavy door structure that is easy to open and close and will not break the facade of the bathhouse.

It is clear that for brick and stone baths you can install the entrance door of a regular apartment design, without any modifications to the structure. In this case, the entrance to the room is arranged according to a double scheme, with a mandatory second warm wooden door and a ventilated air gap of 25-30 cm between the two door leaves.

A metal entrance door to a bathhouse made of wood, for example, timber or rounded logs, is made taking into account the possible settlement of the building. Variable humidity indoors leads to the fact that the size of the doorway may change, so the door frame is attached to the walls using a tongue-and-groove pattern.

The frame and frame of the bathhouse doors are made mainly of oak or larch in the form of a double wooden frame, separated by a layer of waterproofing, two layers of insulation and vapor barrier film. Between internal wooden frame and external metal sheet vertical lathing is sewn on. The result is a structure reminiscent of a ventilated façade of a building, but with an increased layer of thermal insulation.

One circuit of the door seal on the entrance door of the bathhouse is mounted on the inside of the door. Soft sponge rubber is used as a sealing material.

The second contour of the silicone seal is installed along the contour of the outer metal cladding of the entrance door. If the wooden entrance door to the bathhouse does not need to be sealed at all, then the metal must be protected from water condensation freezing at the joints. Otherwise, after another winter visit to the bathhouse, the next time you simply won’t open the front door.

Bathhouse entrance doors made of wood

The door leaf for a standard entrance to a bathhouse is made according to two standard schemes:

  • Double design wooden frame , with polystyrene foam insulation laid inside and the outer surface covered with waterproof material, for example, clapboard, plywood, OSB board;
  • Classic scheme, in which the door leaf is assembled from tongue-and-groove boards, reinforced with transverse bars and a frame made of spruce wood.

The first version of a wooden door is usually decorated with protective coatings made of PVC film or painted with weather-resistant paints. Thanks to the presence of insulation, such a “sandwich” design retains heat well and at the same time remains insensitive to water vapor.

A similar scheme is used mainly for the second warm doors or for attached baths, the entrance to which is inside the house, from the premises summer kitchen, any other protected premises. The door leaf at the entrance to the dressing room of the bathhouse is traditionally designed in the style of finishing the walls and the interior itself.

The second type of doors is called cold or black. A panel made of knocked down tongue-and-groove boards does not retain heat well, so immediately behind the threshold of the bathhouse there is a cold vestibule in which equipment, firewood, and care products are stored. The function of the cold sheet at the entrance to the bathhouse is to protect the room from rain, snow and uninvited guests. Smoke and water vapor escape well through the black doors; there is no dampness or fungus in the cold vestibule.

The entrance structure must be treated with impregnations to combat pests; the outer cladding is usually impregnated with drying oil compositions or coated with weather-resistant varnish. If at the entrance to the bathhouse there is no protective canopy covering the surface from sun rays, then it is best to use special weather-resistant polyurethane or acrylic paint.

The lower edge of the canvas must be raised above the level of the threshold to avoid swelling of the wood from flowing condensate. In addition to possible troubles with the door structure jamming, the ends of the tongue-and-groove boards that rest against the threshold beam do not dry out normally and remain wet, most often becoming affected by fungus and rotting. To avoid getting wet, the threshold at the entrance to the bathhouse is raised above the ground level by at least 25-30 cm, or steps are abandoned altogether.

Cold circuits are used primarily in summer baths in a country house or suburban area.

Plastic for the entrance to the bathhouse

The use of plastic doors for arranging the entrance to a bathhouse has become popular relatively recently. The oldest plastic structures are no more than 15-20 years old, and during this time plastic assembly showed her best side.

Formally, two types of doors are classified as plastic:

  • Aluminum entrance doors with PVC coating;
  • Entrance plastic structures based on a polyester frame and polypropylene panels.

Both options initially appeared in wide use as entrance doors for light frame houses, summer kitchen, closed verandas, all kinds of extensions to houses.

Only later did plastic doors begin to be used to arrange the entrance to the bathhouse indoors. The plastic door has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, the appearance of an entrance lined with PVC looks much more attractive, even if the panel is installed in the doorway log walls. It was the elegant decor that prompted the owners of personal baths to install plastic door systems.

PVC doors retain heat well and are not afraid of dampness and pathogenic microflora, temperature changes and sunlight. A lightweight door leaf with an aluminum frame is calculated by manufacturers for 20-25 years of service.

Moreover, leading manufacturers of door fittings and metal-plastic systems produce special models of doorways designed specifically for the equipment of the entrance group and the interior of the bathhouse.

In such designs internal lining It is made of heat-resistant polyurethane, so even sparks from a stove or an open fire in a bathhouse cannot cause a fire in the door leaf. The door lock is equipped special mechanism reset, if absolutely necessary, without having a key, you can unlock the awnings from the inside with one movement and freely exit the bathhouse onto the street, even if the lock is jammed. The third advantage is the possibility of designing a plastic surface with imitation wood, carved patterns, decorative elements made of steel and bronze.


Entrance doors to a bathhouse made of plastic and metal, stained wood also have disadvantages, first of all, high cost. If the bathhouse is located next to the main building of a private household, then its owners most often have to look for ways to improve the appearance of the bathhouse, and not hide it in the backyard, as was common practice half a century ago.

Having your own bathhouse, where you can spend pleasant hours, relax your soul and body, brings a lot of positive emotions. Mental relaxation in the bathhouse creates a feeling of renewal and adds vitality. In addition to wear resistance and strength, a bathhouse door must satisfy two more conditions. These features are due to the large difference in humidity and air temperature between the bathhouses during the downtime of the bath and active bathing rest.

Bath door:

  • must be resistant to changes in humidity and temperature,
  • should retain heat well inside the bath.

Failure to comply with these two parameters can lead to problems, among which the main ones may be rapid destruction of the structure and poor retention optimal temperature inside a heated bath.

Doors in the bathhouse should also be durable and wear-resistant, maintain the overall design and be a decoration of the room. Every time we enter and leave a room, our eyes fall on the door. The beauty of the design and quality speaks about the owner’s attitude towards his building. A quality product creates the anticipation of a quality holiday.

Bath doors may vary in size and material. Traditionally, they are made of wood, but in modern design, glass and metal-plastic options perfectly coexist with them. In their original design, they coexist perfectly with traditional log elements and decorative stones in the additionally attached sauna.

The entrance door to the bathhouse creates the very first impression of this place of healing and relaxation. If there are additional rooms, there may be several doors:

  • entrance structure to the building,
  • to the dressing room,
  • to the steam room,
  • to the rest room,
  • in the washing room (shower room),
  • to the sauna.

Product parameters

Entrance doors to a bathhouse often differ in size from standard ones, but it is worth remembering that products with non-standard sizes may cost more than their regular counterparts. It is worth considering that the sash, up to 1m 70cm high and small in width, contributes to greater heat retention inside the bathhouse.

The dimensions of the entrance doors for the bathhouse will also depend on the general idea of ​​the structure. In a small compact bathhouse, a large structure will look ridiculous, and in a massive structure, a modest small door will interfere with the overall impression.


Doors to the bathhouse can be made from various materials, and at the same time form a single harmonious style. To maintain the overall style, it is good to use color scheme traditional wooden shades - from light amber to rich brown. Then designs, different in texture, will be combined with each other in a common bathhouse structure. Following this rule, you can choose the optimal material depending on the room.

The main door options are:

  • wooden,
  • glass,
  • plastic,
  • combined (wooden with glass insert, metal with wood paneling, etc.)

To decide which door is best to install, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of materials for different rooms.

Wood species

Most connoisseurs of bathing holidays decide to install a wooden door in the bathhouse. It should be understood that bathhouse doors are not made from any type of wood.

Suitable types of wood for baths include the most popular linden and aspen, as well as alder, oak, birch, coniferous and exotic species.

  • Linden. The linden door is suitable for a Russian bath. It maintains the quality of wood during changes in humidity and temperature. Bath doors made of linden This is a traditional option, partly because the linden aroma is not only pleasant, but also carries healing powers. The special harmonious color of linden wood is attractive for the natural design of a bathhouse.
  • Aspen struggles with moisture better than linden, does not create strong shrinkage and is more economical in cost.
  • Coniferous species, among which cedar is traditionally the leader, require mandatory processing in order to avoid the release of resin from them, which can not only cause an unpleasant odor, but also cause burns if accidentally touched.

External entrance block

Entrance doors for a bathhouse must meet basic requirements - to keep heat inside and keep the owner’s property safe. Wooden, plastic, and metal structures are suitable for these purposes. Each of them will have its own characteristics.

  • Metal. Protects against uninvited guests and preserves internal heat. But if a steamy person decides to go out into the cold, it may be inconvenient to go back - metal elements, especially the handle, easily freezes wet fingers. The problem is solved by additional outer skin and installation of a wooden handle.
  • Plastic. It’s simple and convenient, but it won’t be difficult to open it if you break into it. The best option for a bathhouse located on plot of land next to a residential building.
  • Wooden. Retains heat remarkably well and fits perfectly in style. But wood is prone to changing size due to moisture and rotting. It will be necessary to constantly monitor its condition and possibly change it frequently. The use of additional wood impregnations, moisture barriers, and cladding will help reduce these problems. Security functions against hacking will depend on the quality of its manufacture. In other words, you should choose a wood product for the entrance to the bathhouse wisely.

For washing

Since the washing rooms baths characterized by high humidity, the design is chosen from a material that is resistant to water. A wooden door is unlikely to be suitable here, since wood will quickly deteriorate when it absorbs moisture and then dries out. The best options will be:

  • Glass construction. Glass, especially opaque glass, can become perfect choice. It is resistant to moisture, has heat resistance and sufficient strength. Glass doors for showers and sinks are easy to clean.
  • The plastic design also becomes a convenient option for the washing area.

For the steam room

For an experienced sauna connoisseur, it is no secret which designs should be chosen for a steam room. High temperatures and high humidity create conditions for selection wooden sash. It is also possible to install a glass sheet that is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity. The matte surface and individual design will make it a decoration for your steam room.

Important! In a steam room, most of the steam accumulates above the ceiling, and it makes sense to create a small opening to prevent heat leakage.

For sauna

Unlike a steam room, a sauna does not have a large amount of steam. The air in the sauna is drier, and the wooden structure is not affected by changes in humidity. But high temperature parameters will not allow you to choose a plastic door block for a sauna.

The door to the sauna can be of two types: wooden or glass. Please note that the handles should not be metal, perfect option– wooden fittings. A gap of about a couple of centimeters in size must be left at the bottom of the sash to maintain normal air movement.

The process of installing a block in a log structure has some peculiarities. The initial shrinkage of the log house occurs during the first year. Subsequently, the log house will also “walk” a little. As a result, the block is installed in a log structure using a casing. It frames the opening and does not allow loads from “walking” logs to be transferred to the frame and sash and change their shape.

For all three methods, it is typical to install the upper horizontal strip 5–10 centimeters lower than the top of the doorway. The space between top bar and the log remains free and is filled with insulation. This hole protects the structure from deformation when the logs shrink.

Three main ways to secure the side racks will help keep the product intact:

  • The posts are driven in with nails. Two posts are vertically reinforced into the cut opening, driving them into each log with nails. The box is mounted on these racks, which will take the main load from the displacement of the logs.
  • The posts are driven into the grooves of the opening in the logs. This more difficult method involves cutting grooves in the logs. Two bars are hammered into the opening made of logs with cut vertical grooves on the sides.
  • The posts fit into the grooves of the logs with tenons. Even more labor-intensive and the best way consists of creating grooves in the log opening and matching tenons in the side bars. The structure will be securely fastened and well protected from shifting loads. With this method, a threshold is necessarily made that secures the side posts. The canvas can be mounted directly into the side racks, without installing a box.


Many nuances, from the choice of canvas to the rules for installing doors in the bathhouse, will subsequently affect the quality of your relaxation. Optimally selected and competently selected installed doors. A thoughtful and attentive approach to the construction of a bathhouse will help make your vacation doubly enjoyable.

The door for a bathhouse is a fairly simple design. At the same time, it needs to be done really competently so that the heat does not leave the steam room while you are taking water procedures.

Materials for making doors - a brief overview

In Russia, door structures for baths have always been made of wood. It is wood that has a full range of properties that are ideal for making doors to rooms where there are always temperature changes, as well as high humidity. It has a beautiful appearance, is easy to process, and is characterized by impeccable environmental cleanliness.

If you decide to make the doors to the bathhouse with your own hands, choosing wood as the material, keep in mind that not all of its species are suitable for these purposes. Experts advise using aspen, birch, oak wood, which are durable and strong exotic trees. Such material practically does not dry out or deform during operation, guarantees reliable protection of the bathhouse from drafts, and creates a special atmosphere in the steam room that makes washing very pleasant for a person. It is allowed to use pine wood. But only for the manufacture of entrance doors.

For a steam room, it is still better to use other types of trees, which accumulate moisture much more slowly and last for many decades. However, now there are many special compounds - antiseptics intended for treating the inside of doors. Such compositions significantly extend the service life of wooden door structures. Also these days, doors are made from less traditional materials. Previously they were not used for baths. But times have changed, and now it is not so rare to see bathhouses with entrance structures made of metal, glass or plastic.

Doors made of heat-resistant special glass are perfectly resistant to high temperatures, require minimal personal care. Such designs are especially popular in Turkish baths. But they have not yet “taken root” in Russian doubles. Despite all their advantages, glass products have two “disadvantages”: their cost is quite high, making such doors yourself at home is unrealistic.

Products made from thermoplastic, a modern material that is not afraid of temperature changes and water, are characterized by remarkable performance indicators. Plastic is durable and strong. But in a Russian bath, it is worth noting that structures made from it look “unnatural”. It doesn't help that plastic surface The steam room can be made to look like wood. Visually, it looks wooden, but it does not provide lovers of bath procedures with that “natural” warmth for which structures made of natural wood are so famous.

You can make reliable doors for a bathhouse yourself from metal. More durable and durable material difficult to find. Metal structures are suitable specifically for installation at the entrance. It is better to install wooden doors in the steam room itself.

What should a bath door be like?

As can be seen from our short review, it is best to use wood for the manufacture of entrance structures to the steam room and the entrance to the bathhouse. It fits all criteria. Next, we will figure out exactly how to make a high-quality bathhouse door with your own hands using natural wood. But first, let's look at the special requirements that apply to door structures leading to the steam room and other bath compartments.

First of all, doors for the premises we are interested in must withstand elevated temperatures and constant humidity without problems. Wood species that meet this requirement have been listed above. Note that, among other things, wood products have an excellent healing effect on the human body. Unfortunately, the most valuable types of wood can be expensive. Not everyone can afford to buy them.

To reduce costs for natural materials and at the same time make your bathhouse ideal for receiving health procedures, it is recommended to make the door leaf from less expensive wood, and then line it with clapboard made of valuable wood. You should also take care of the fittings that will be used. For these purposes, it is necessary to select products that have high resistance to moisture and characterized by a low thermal conductivity.

In other words, for example, you cannot put metal latches and handles on the door to the steam room. They will absolutely cause you to get burned when the bathhouse is heated. It is optimal when the door fittings are made of wood. Door hinges It's difficult to make from wood. Therefore, it is recommended to make them from brass alloys that are not afraid of moisture. It is also possible to install metal hinges. But they must be treated with special paint with anti-corrosion properties.

In terms of geometric dimensions, the door for a bathhouse is always made smaller than for conventional residential buildings, so that it can retain maximum heat. The recommended parameters for door bath structures are as follows:

  • width – no more than 0.7 m;
  • height – no more than 1.7 m (standard – 1.5 m).

It is advisable to produce outward-opening single-leaf doors that close and open easily and quickly. Having found out all the features of bath doors, we can begin to describe the process of their manufacture on our own.

Making your own wooden door leaf

We begin work by creating a door leaf at the entrance to the building. A similar door can be made for both the steam room and the rest room, if there is one. We use tongue and groove boards 4–5 cm thick. They need to be cut to the required length. Please keep in mind that the total height of your door structure will include the heights of the frame bars and the door leaf itself. That is, the length of the latter is always taken less (143 cm with a total door height of 150 cm).

Having prepared the boards, we make a canvas for the steam room according to the diagram below:

  • We cut off the tenon on one board and remove all irregularities from its surface (on both sides). We should get the most even plane possible. As a rule, it is enough to remove a couple of millimeters from the surface to get quality material for the door to the steam room. We level the other boards in the same way.
  • We assemble a canvas from leveled wood. We connect (as tightly as possible) the boards to each other, inserting the tenon of one product into the groove of the next board. The result of this work will be the door leaf. Its width usually turns out to be a little larger than planned (you won't be able to fit the boards too tightly together). It's not a problem. We'll simply cut off the extra inches from the two end boards using a circular saw.
  • We mark on the assembled canvas (it is still a “draft” version of the design) the size of our future door, subtracting 7 centimeters from it. We cut off, as was said, the excess width from the outer boards (be careful - do not remove the side with the groove on last board, and with a spike on the first one).
  • Making the final canvas. On a workbench or flat table we lay out the finished wooden elements and connect them according to the already known scheme (tenon in groove). It would be better to coat the grooves from the inside with PVA glue. Be sure to use a mallet to knock down the boards to be joined with soft blows. This way they will dock as tightly as possible.
  • We leave the completed structure for several days. At the same time, it should be firmly fixed on the workbench so that the canvas does not move when the glue dries.

After a couple of days, we check the completed structure for unevenness, small gaps and other minor flaws. Using a plane, we smooth out the unevenness found, and use a mixture of ordinary sawdust and PVA to seal the existing cracks.

Door trim and fittings - how to do it?

We will also make the bolts and handles on the door to the steam room and other compartments, as well as the strapping ourselves. We take wooden blocks and cut them to the required length. Vertical bars for strapping must correspond in length to the overall height of the door, horizontal bars - to the width entrance structure. Important point! The length of the outer horizontal bars (bottom and top) is taken 7 cm less (53 cm with a door width of 60 cm).

You will need to select a groove in the bars. This is done in two stages: a narrow groove about 2.5 cm deep and 2.6 cm wide is selected; a second groove is selected (on top of the first) with a depth of about 1 cm and a width of 5 cm. The need for two grooves arises if you want to cover the door. In one “groove” the lining will fit, in the other - directly tongue-and-groove boards.

The grooves are selected using an end mill. It is also necessary for making a stepped tenon on horizontal bars, which must fit exactly into the groove. Now we just need to assemble the made harness into one whole and check it with a square for the accuracy of the angles. If the corners are not perfectly straight, you will need to sharpen the groove slightly.

I think you can make the bolts on the door, as well as the handles, without any problems. They can be cut with a simple hacksaw according to your own sketch. If you don't want to bother with small work, just buy from the store ready-made fittings made of wood. All you have to do is make a frame for the door and install the structure you made yourself into the opening.


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