Frame interior partitions in a wooden house. Do-it-yourself installation of wooden partitions

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This type of partition is used if wooden house redevelopment or division of the common space into zones is necessary. Frame partitions have the advantage that with a relatively small weight and thickness (up to 200 mm), thermal insulation can be significantly improved. At the same time, sound insulation is created. Additional communications can also be installed inside the frame, for example, plumbing or electrical wiring.

The construction of frame partitions includes racks, sheathing and strapping. The racks (frame) are made from metal profile, felling soft wood or boards. Plywood, plasterboard and others are used for sheathing. smooth surfaces. Interior space insulate various materials. They also provide sound insulation. The strapping is done with slats or boards. The interesting thing is that you can install any interior walls with your own hands.

Types and algorithm for installing frame partitions

Interiors are being installed frame partitions after shrinkage of the frame, like windows and doors. If the load-bearing walls are permanent and supporting, then the installation of partitions allows them to be removed or redone at any time. Although this design is considered lightweight, it must withstand the natural loads in residential areas.

Such a wall is usually used in a wooden house, for example, in timber log house. There are interior partitions with and without a frame.


Photo No. 1

Such partitions are a prefabricated structure and are considered the most economical. Their design makes it very easy to build a wall with your own hands. The frame can be made from boards of any tree 50 mm wide and about 100 mm long, which are installed vertically and tied together horizontal beam. They can be two-layer or three-layer. Frame-panel structures made from various cut boards. It is best to use shields up to 40 mm wide and up to 150 mm long.

When making two-layer partitions, the boards are placed vertically in 2 layers. And in three-layer panel partitions, the middle boards (usually thinner) can be positioned horizontally. Frame-panel structures are assembled into grooves made on the floor and ceiling. The material is fastened with nails. The seams between the boards must overlap the boards of the next layer.

Sound insulation of such partitions is ensured by laying roofing felt, cardboard, mineral wool, polystyrene and other materials between the boards insulating material. It is necessary to protect the structure from excess steam vapor barrier film. And cover the surface itself gypsum plaster or sheathed with plywood or fiberboard. Double plastering is done on top of the panels.

Solid partitions

You can make solid ones in a wooden house from timber. The beam is assembled on spikes. The structure is attached to the surface of the floor and ceiling with triangular bars. The surface of the structure is sheathed with plasterboard, plywood, and chipboard. You can also knock out a groove in the load-bearing wall and install a partition in it. This method is good to use in a wooden house that has not yet shrinked. To avoid surface warping wide boards it is necessary to split it with an ax, and insert wedges into the resulting splits to form small cracks.

A solid frame partition can also be made two-layer. To do this, it is necessary to vertically install boards 35 mm thick and cover them with a layer of thinner boards (up to 25 mm) at an angle of 45°. So that the surface can be plastered in the future, you need to use unplaned boards.

Joinery (paneled structures)

Such partitions lack heat and sound insulation. The device only serves the function of dividing the room into zones and may not even reach the ceiling. Executed from wooden planks the required size, and is tied with separate slats and panels. The surface is covered with varnish, paint or sheathed with valuable wood or plywood.

Installation of frame partitions

In order to make a fence, you need to know the structure of the floor in a wooden house. If the floor is located on beams, then the frame can be installed on one of these beams. The strapping should be done at a small distance – from 10 cm – from the floor and ceiling. If the floor is located on joists on the ground, then the partition should be placed on separate beams with 1 cm gaps on all sides. The structure should not be placed on a clean floor - this makes repairs more difficult and the sound insulation deteriorates.

Photo No. 2

Before installing a frame partition, you need to measure the room and make markings on the floor and walls. Along the marking lines, bars and grooves for the future wall will be placed. Based on the measurements, the racks are cut out and the frame is assembled from them. If you plan to install a door in the wall, then its frame is installed at the strapping stage. Additional racks are placed along the edges of the box and connected to the frame.

Video: installation and use of materials for laying in the frame

When assembling the frame with your own hands, you can use two methods.

In the first case, it can be assembled and installed entirely, like a frame. Or you can assemble panels and elements separately (where frame-panel structures are used). The assembled frame is placed vertically and wedged, strengthened with screws. The outer posts are attached to the wall. The lower trim is also attached to the floor using screws. The screw heads are recessed for subsequent sealing.

To stabilize the intermediate posts, bars and boards are attached across them. Before installing them, the angle at which the bars will be attached is measured. It must be straight.

From the outside, the timber is nailed directly with one nail through the post, and from the inside - with two nails offset at an angle. The nail head must be deepened.

Photo No. 3

A heat-insulating, steam-conducting material is placed inside the structure, which improves sound insulation. Previously, brick or dry slag was used for this. Nowadays synthetic filler is used for these purposes, for example, mineral slabs. It is laid and secured after the sheathing is completed on one side. Together with the filling materials, the necessary communications are carried out.

Photo No. 4

To save time and insulating material, it is better to use frame cells measuring 500 by 500 mm or 500 by 1000 mm. Thermal insulation boards are mainly produced in these sizes. Consequently, it is precisely this device that allows you to cut the slab in half or use the entire material, respectively.

External finishing of the structure

Various materials using self-tapping screws. All screws and nails are covered with putty. When it dries, all surfaces are cleaned and the panel joints and corners adjacent to the load-bearing walls and ceiling are sealed. For this purpose, vertical strips of various profiles, fiberglass tape or putty are used. The finished partition is pasted over with wallpaper, covered with paint and other finishing materials.

Photo No. 5

Interior partitions made in a timber frame should not be assigned functions load-bearing walls, roof support or upper floors. In places where accommodation is possible lighting fixtures or household appliances, it is necessary to make reinforcement using bars.

Those who decide to make a frame partition with their own hands need to decide on its type, material and their financial capabilities. It is also worth considering the ability to work with wood and other materials.

Houses made from any type of timber have a very flexible internal architecture. Without any problems, you can insert a new window, cut a door, or change the size/shape of rooms within load-bearing walls. One of the means by which the internal redevelopment of a house made of timber is carried out is partitions. The technology for installing partitions is largely universal and, with minor modifications, is suitable for houses of any type.

What are the types of partitions in a wooden house?

During redevelopment, it becomes necessary to divide a large room into separate areas, which is why partitions are installed. If a house made of timber does not have interior decoration, which is not included in some house designs and retains its structure, then when creating a partition it is harmoniously integrated into the interior of the room. This applies to both timber partitions and frame partitions, which are easier to manufacture. All partition designs have one thing in common - the need for reliable fastening to walls, floors and ceilings. After all, the partitions themselves do not have the necessary rigidity due to their small thickness, so the load-bearing walls of the house give them rigidity. There are the following types partitions that are used in timber houses:

  • lumber;
  • planks;
  • frame.

From timber

To make such partitions, timber is used, the thickness and texture of which corresponds to the walls. This allows you to harmoniously fit such a partition into the interior. There are two types of timber partitions. The first ones are installed between two walls, for the second ones they first make a load-bearing frame and then fill it with timber. The frame for the partition is created from a board or timber and attached to the floor and ceiling. This design is used if it is necessary to create not a blank partition, but to embed a door, window or arched opening into it. If the frame design turns out to be too complex for the use of timber, then it is covered with clapboard, the width and texture of which corresponds to the walls. In this case, the lining is fixed with hidden fasteners, so that the partition does not need to be damaged with nails or screws. A “ridge” lock is cut on the frame timber, and a “groove” lock is cut at the ends of the boards. Thanks to this, the frame beam connects all the elements of the partition and gives them the necessary rigidity.


Plank partitions are in many ways similar to timber partitions, the only difference is in thickness. If it is not possible to attach boards to a load-bearing wall, then this type of partition is used where a difference in the pattern of the walls and the partition is acceptable. The advantage of plank partitions is the low cost of materials, which is why they are used in bathrooms and various utility rooms. In this case, the frame is formed by two adjacent vertical boards, which are attached to walls or floors and ceilings. It is also permissible to install the frame boards horizontally. Then facing boards are inserted between them. The frame can also be made from one board and covered on one or both sides with facing boards, installing them at an angle of 90°. Cladding boards are secured using nails and self-tapping screws. Also, the frame can be made from timber 2–3 times thicker than the board. In this case, a groove is cut in the timber and the boards are inserted into it. This frame is made in both vertical and horizontal versions. Using this type of frame allows you to embed doors, windows and various openings into the partition. For cladding, a planed board is used, the side edges of which are processed to create a tongue-and-groove lock. This configuration eliminates the appearance of cracks as a result of shrinkage of the boards.

Frame partitions

This type of partition is used where there is no need to be tied to the texture and color of the timber of the load-bearing walls. If the inside walls are plastered, covered with plasterboard or painted, then the surface of the frame partition is treated in the same way. In terms of material costs, this type of partition is the most economical, because the frame is made from sawn unplaned timber or boards, the cost of which is noticeably lower than that of planed lumber. In addition, the partition is sheathed with plywood or oriented strand board (OSB), and the cost of this material is noticeably lower than that of lining or floorboards. Another advantage of frame partitions is the ability to adjust sound absorption. This is achieved by inserting sound-absorbing materials inside the frame.

Features of fastening various types of partitions

The optimal way to attach timber and plank partitions to the wall is a tongue-and-groove lock. The groove is made in the form of a groove on the wall, and the ridge is cut at the ends of the board. This installation method allows you to harmoniously fit the partition into the interior of the room. If for some reason this installation method is not suitable, a frame is created from planed timber, cutting a groove in it, and a ridge is cut at the ends of the boards or timber that will fill the partition. If appearance The partitions may differ from the interior of the room, then unplaned bars are attached to the walls as a frame, and the board is attached to them using nails or self-tapping screws.

Sound insulation, resistance to rot, mold and fire

When choosing the type of partition, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for sound insulation, as well as the impact of aggressive factors - dampness, mold, open fire. It is impossible to increase the sound insulation of timber partitions due to the fact that both sides are part of the interior of the house. Therefore, sound insulation is limited by the thickness of the timber or boards from which the partition is made. The sound insulation of plank and frame partitions can be increased by installing sound-absorbing elements - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber. The exception is plank partitions, both sides of which have a direct impact on the interior of the house.

To increase the resistance of partitions to fire, rot and mold, boards and timber are treated with special substances. The first time this is done before assembling the partition, the second time before final grinding. If grinding is not required, then re-processing is carried out after installation is completed, and then repeated once every 3-5 years.

Insertion of elements and shrinkage of the partition

Insertion of windows, doors and various arches is carried out depending on the type of partition. If the partition is made of boards or timber, then an opening is cut out in it and a casing is installed. The box is secured using a tongue-and-groove lock, and depending on the configuration of the partition, the groove can be cut either on boards or timber, or on the casing. This box is needed to compensate for the seasonal shrinkage of the partition and increase its strength. The window or door is attached not to the partition itself, but to the casing using self-tapping screws. To embed these elements into a frame partition, the lining is removed from it and the frame is redone, creating an opening of the required dimensions. After this, a window or door is installed, then the partition is sewn up taking into account the new elements.

When creating partitions in a house made of timber, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal shrinkage (shrinkage) of the material. In dry rooms, the change in height from floor to ceiling is slightly less than in those where the humidity level periodically increases. These rooms include kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, baths and toilets. To compensate for the shrinkage of partitions made of boards or timber, each row is laid with natural insulation, for example, jute or flax. The top of the partition is made slightly lower than the ceiling (the difference depends on the moisture content of the boards or timber, fresh air to the room, average temperature and other factors). In most cases, a difference of 2 centimeters is enough. To hide the gap, it is sewn up with a decorative plinth.

Sanding and decorative coatings

After treating planed wood with protective substances, a layer of pile rises on it, dramatically worsening the appearance of the partition. In addition, in the process of creating partitions, mistakes are often made, due to which not all timber or boards are laid evenly. Sanding can eliminate these imperfections. Various belts are used for grinding. grinding machines, however, they allow you to process the surface of the partition no closer than 10–20 centimeters from any of the edges. Therefore, the edges of the partition have to be sanded manually. After sanding, the partition is cleaned of dust and varnished. If necessary, various dyes are added to the varnish.

The partition is also painted, covered with wallpaper or tiles, plastered, and also applied with various decorative coverings. To paint, the partition is first puttied and then cleaned. sandpaper. To apply wallpaper, the partition is cleaned of dust and primed with glue. This improves the quality of the wallpaper sticker. For plastering or gluing tiles, plastic reinforcing mesh and polyurethane adhesives are used. The use of cement glue is undesirable, because during seasonal drying, the surface of the partition changes its size, which leads to cracking and shedding of the glue.

Those people who are involved in zoning space in a house, remodeling an apartment or arranging another living space have probably had to deal with installing wooden partitions with their own hands. Let's talk about how to do it right.

Wooden partitions – great solution to transform the space in an apartment or house, they are multifunctional, at the same time replacing a wall and part of the furniture, creating an additional niche or room. Wooden interior partitions are quite lightweight, especially frame type or modular with glass. In terms of functionality and ease of installation, they are significantly superior to foam concrete, shell rock, brick and stone. Wooden partitions are indispensable where heavy structures are excluded - an attic, a loggia, an additional built-on floor, or if the house has a weak foundation on floating soils.

Wooden partitions, photos of which are presented in the article, show various options using them in the interior.

They are often used by designers to separate:

  • kitchen and living room areas;
  • loft apartments;
  • "houses without walls";
  • studio apartments.

Sliding structures have a number of advantages, especially if you need to instantly combine two rooms into one or zone the space as needed. Installing wooden partitions will help separate a small bedroom space to create a dressing room. In a nursery, this move allows you to create a separate play area.

A little history

The principle of zoning space was used in ancient times; partitions and screens became part of some historical styles interiors. During times Ancient Egypt there were screens made of Nile reeds, which were hung between the columns to fence off the bed in the bedchamber. In any interior, partitions made it possible to reorganize the space in order to hide from prying eyes.

It is known that Catherine II liked to use an ordinary screen, since the design of Petrodvorets provided for a through passage to each room. By the way, the “crazy empress” behind a screen was polite to her favorites, and in her old age, sitting behind a screen on a night vase, she talked with her physician and dictated decrees for ministers to her secretary. She loved luxury, so her screens were covered with exotic Chinese silk.

Interior partitions in modern houses

Partitions in modern house- a mandatory stage of arrangement, especially in wooden buildings, for example, in saunas. When the stage of driving out the common box comes to an end, any room is divided into functional areas By overall plan developments.

Wooden interior partitions must be installed strictly according to the house design or a little later, upon completion of the main construction work, if they were not provided initially. Partitions on a wooden frame are needed to:

  • delimit the room;
  • move and widen the doorway.

In a combined bathroom there can also be a mobile opaque partition, so that in the morning, when there is little time, some people can take a shower, while others can calmly wash themselves and visit the toilet.

When starting installation, it is important to thoroughly understand the assembly stages and have basic skills in working with wood and its finishing. Sometimes it is appropriate to invite craftsmen to install the first partition and observe the process of constructing the structure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

1. Among the obvious advantages of wooden interior partitions are:

  • environmental friendliness of natural materials;
  • the ability to create panels and prefabricated modules of any configuration or select wood of contrasting shades with a decorative effect;
  • possibility of additional processing by carving, varnishing, painting, printing;
  • structures are easy to repair or replace in case of unexpected deformation.

2. The disadvantages include:

  • property of wood - the need for additional processing fireproof and antifungal agents;
  • the tree is afraid high humidity and temperature changes;
  • slight sound insulation of wooden structure;
  • concern for increased insulation of electrical wiring laid near wooden panels.

Basic requirements for interior partitions

Stationary interior partitions must meet the following parameters:

  • maximum stability to avoid danger to residents;
  • it is important to ensure the durability of structures commensurate with the life of the house;
  • should not have cracks, gaps and cracks at the junction of surfaces;
  • clean it periodically so as not to become a haven for rodents, termites and other uninvited guests;
  • high fire resistance, sound insulation and moisture resistance are important;
  • For mobile panels, ease of movement, a well-functioning hinge mechanism, and the presence of latches for fixation are important.

Types of interior partitions

Wooden partitions are:

  • mobile;
  • folding;
  • collapsible;
  • combined, with one moving part;
  • stationary.

1. The most comfortable are the “coupe” type with a profile made of MDF or wood. They are beautiful, functional and reliable. Fastening guides and a roller mechanism for movement makes it possible to use ready-made canvases, which are complemented with frosted, corrugated, stained glass, and colored plastic. For the compartment partition, a ready-made sliding mechanism, lower or upper, is purchased.

2. Interior designers use transformable interior partitions to temporarily separate and combine living space. This is convenient when the kitchen and dining room should become a combined area, after which it is easy to separate them.

3. Mobile partitions or screens are the most convenient method zoning or delimitation of living space, especially in a large and spacious country wooden house, where there are no walls at all, but only functional zones.

4. Sliding screens consist of several sections connected by hinges that change the intersection angle. Mobile wooden screen will help to fence off a corner of the house for guests to relax, work on a laptop, play and relax for small children, and create a secluded corner for cutting game after hunting and cooking.

5. Folding interior wooden partitions have the ability to organize living space, resembling an “accordion” in design, where they are used metal frame. The book type is additional opportunity rationally separate free space. Essentially, these are 2 panels that can be folded using a roller mechanism with a guide track in the floor.

6. Combined type interior partitions are also in great demand. It has 2 parts: stationary and mobile. They may look the same in appearance, but only one part moves.

Differences in the design of mobile and stationary wooden partitions

1. Mobile partitions move using guides and rollers, while fixed large-format partitions require a stationary frame.

Remember: the lighter the mobile partition, the easier it will be to move, so it should be made of light wood and not overloaded with decorative elements.

The frame is also made in the form of a lattice or assembled ready-made wooden modules with inserts made of lighter materials - fabric, glass or plastic.

2. Stationary partitions are made from solid wood with the addition of any decorative elements, for example, with a built-in aquarium or an air bubble panel, and it is also possible to combine the functions of furniture. For example, a partition may contain a secret closet, a safe under a picture, additional shelves and mezzanines.

3. For the installation of mobile partitions, lighter materials and low-density wood are used, and in stationary structures A heavy array is appropriate. Lightweight plywood sheets and thin veneer are used for the overhead sliding system, natural wood Applicable only for bottom mounting type.

Important: suspended interior wooden partitions have only a top rail, and this is very important in cases where the floor has expensive mirror parquet or other expensive covering. This installation allows you to keep it without scratches.

4. Rounded wooden partitions resemble the “compartment” type made of bent panels; they are installed in guides with the same curve, complemented by curved glass. It is made for each section of the partition separately, taking into account the angle of curvature.

Important: for curved partitions use special material, whose structure resembles wood, is topan, a kind of MDF. Therefore, you should not think about how to make a round-shaped wooden partition yourself from scrap wood; you only need specialized material that allows you to get the required form designs.

5. Transformable pepper towns are a design in which the panels rotate independently, like a separate door.

Important: canvases of this type should not “walk” on their own; they are fixed into a groove on the floor with a built-in floor latch.

Wooden partition installation technology

When making a partition, wood is often combined with other materials:

  • plexiglass (unbreakable plexiglass),
  • stained glass,
  • colored and transparent plastic.

This allows more natural light to enter the home.

Among the types of wood used for wooden partitions are:

  • ash,
  • pine,
  • maple.

The frame of them can also be complemented with elegant wood carvings, panels using the marquetry technique, veneered canvas in a contrasting color, “wicker” or mirrors. Lamella timber, MDF, chipboard, decorative plywood 4 - 20 mm, pieces of laminate and parquet board. “Living” wood must additionally be sanded and covered with stain, wax or varnish.

1. For a simple partition:

  • you need boards for vertical installation of the structure 40-50 mm, 1 cm shorter than the height from ceiling to floor;
  • using a pencil and a plumb line, draw vertical and horizontal lines on the ceiling and floor;
  • we nail 2 bars to the floor so that we get a groove along the volume of the board, we nail a triangular beam at the ceiling;
  • We insert the mounted board into the lower groove, pressing it against the wall, and nail it to the upper beam;
  • after installation, the gaps are filled with tow or other filler;
  • we nail the 2nd triangular beam at the ceiling, pressing the boards;
  • the partition is plastered or finished with plasterboard, complemented by a plinth.

2. For installation of mobile partitions:

  • you need to purchase a hinge mechanism;
  • install guides;
  • the entire structure is made according to markings and design.

3. For a frame partition under cladding:

  • you need to take bars for the base along the length of the partition;
  • secure them with dowels at a pitch of 600-1200 mm;
  • we make the cladding from plywood, chipboard or fiberboard 50-75 mm on one side entirely;
  • we move to the other side, doing the same;
  • decorate or plaster on both sides.

Like any others, they provide for the presence of interior partitions. They are usually made from different materials, But traditional solutions are:

  • log;
  • beam;
  • board;

You can choose a material that will be cheaper than others. IN in this case this is acceptable, because after that the wall can be finished, making its appearance excellent.

Types of partitions

Before you build wooden partitions in a wooden house, you must understand their types. Among others, it is worth highlighting:

  • wooden;
  • carpentry;
  • frame-panel;
  • solid.

Frame panels are the most economical. They act as the most popular partitions. They can be made from timber with a section of 50 x 100 mm. The bars must be placed 60 cm apart from each other. The connection will be a horizontal harness. It gives additional stability. You can make partitions soundproof using polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The thickness of the first can vary from 50 to 100 mm.

Additional protection from moisture can be provided by vapor barrier material, which is laid on both sides of the structure. Such partitions are suitable for houses made of laminated veneer lumber and other lumber. They cost about 100 rubles. for square meter. To ensure that the external and internal surfaces are smooth, the partitions are sheathed with plasterboard, plywood sheets or gypsum fiber sheets. Plywood can have a thickness ranging from 7 to 10 mm, while GVL is 10-14 mm.

Features of carpentry wooden partitions

Wooden partitions in a wooden house can be carpentry. They are used for interior designs. They are decorated with sheets of valuable wood or coated with paint or varnish. Soundproofing abilities such walls are lower, so they are rarely used, and only where such characteristics are not so important. This applies to the dressing area in the bedroom.

The carpentry partitions are filleted. They have strapping and connecting spikes. Such walls are good because they do not require finishing. The price of such structures can vary from 250 to 1500 rubles. per square meter. The cost depends on the type of material. You can assemble such wooden partitions in a wooden house yourself.

Reviews of solid partitions

Such structures are usually made from materials that were used in construction. For example, to build a house from profiled timber, partitions can be made from timber with a section of 50x100 mm. As consumers emphasize, the top of the structure can be sheathed with plasterboard or fiberboard.

Home craftsmen claim that the system gains rigidity thanks to metal spikes; their length and diameter are 100 mm and 10 mm, respectively. They are used for assembly. The structure is secured from below and above with triangular bars. On the sides, the connection is made with nails, with the help of which the structure is attached to the load-bearing wall. If special grooves are made in the latter, then timber can be laid there during assembly. However, this approach is recommended only if the house has not yet completely shrunk.

Buyers claim that such wooden partitions in a wooden house have sound insulation qualities that depend on the characteristics of the timber. However, if you wish, you can improve these characteristics by adding a layer of foam to the structure. But this will require finishing. Consumers claim that the price of such a system will depend on the type of timber used in the construction of the house. From profiled products chamber drying you can get a partition, the cost of which starts from 250 rubles per square meter. The most expensive solution, according to users, are partitions made of laminated veneer lumber.

Installing a board partition

If you decide to make partitions in a wooden house, then you can use boards, planed or unplaned. Before work, you can stock up on products whose width and thickness start from 150 and 50 mm, respectively, and end at 200 mm and 60 mm, respectively. The boards are connected using shunts.

Before finishing, the structure must be sanded. If planed boards were used, the trim can be installed immediately. To ensure that the partition does not bend after plastering, the boards are split with a hammer, and wedges of 10 mm or more are hammered into the resulting cracks.

Manufacturing of panel partitions

Interior partitions in a wooden house can also be panel partitions. For this, the same boards are used, the length and thickness of which can be different. In this case, you can use construction remains. Optimal size for shields, boards with a thickness of 20 to 40 mm are read.

The shields should form two or three rows. In order to improve the quality of heat and sound insulation of the partition, cardboard, roofing felt, thermal insulation material or parchment paper.

Working on a two-layer shield

The boards used for partitions may have different thicknesses, but the shield should be no thinner than 40 mm. Nails must be used for laying and nailing. The joints overlap completely. On the side parts of each shield there should be 25 mm protrusions from the board.

Using a quarter, you can connect elements together. As a result, you should get boards whose width is 0.5 m, while the length is 1.5 m. The installation of partitions in a wooden house using this technology involves attaching the logs to the floor and ceiling. Grooves are made in them, where the partition is fixed. The structure is plastered and finished with plasterboard.

Making a three-layer shield

The boards can form the basis of a three-layer structure. This allows you to achieve better insulation. The thickness of the products will range from 19 to 25 mm. The bottom and top layers are laid vertically, while the middle one provides for a horizontal arrangement of the boards. In this case, products of smaller thickness should be used.

Fastening is carried out along the seam. If you decide to build a partition in a wooden house according to the principle of a three-layer structure, then you need to leave quarters at the edges to give the boards the appearance of a single structure. Roofing felt or cardboard is laid in two layers between the first and second, as well as the second and third layers. Soundproofing of partitions in a wooden house will be at top level. Therefore, such structures can be used in any room. On final stage The boards are plastered on both sides.

Manufacturing of frame partition

To perform frame structure interior wall you need to familiarize yourself with the floor structure. If it was installed on beams, then the frame is installed on one of them. The strapping is performed at a distance of 10 cm from the floor and ceiling. If the floor was built on joists on the ground, then the frame partition in a wooden house must be installed on separate beams, ensuring a gap of 1 cm on all sides.

The structure should not be located on clean floor, because repairs become more complicated and sound insulation worsens. Before installing a frame partition, it is necessary to measure the room, making markings on the walls and floor. The bars and grooves will be located along the marked lines. According to the measurements, it is necessary to prepare the racks and assemble a frame from them. If there is a door in the wall, then its frame is installed at the strapping stage. Along the edges of the box there should be racks that connect to the frame.

Work methodology

When assembling the frame, you can use one of two technologies. The first involves the assembly and installation of the entire frame. Another approach involves assembling panels and elements separately. This is true for frame-panel walls. The frame is installed vertically and wedged. Fixation is carried out with screws. The outer racks must be fixed to the wall. The lower frame is attached to the floor; screws must be used for this. Their heads are recessed for finishing.

In order to provide stability to the intermediate posts, boards and bars are attached across them. Before this, you need to measure the angle at which the bars will be installed. It must be straight. From the outside, the beam is nailed through the post, while from the inside, two nails must be used, they must be offset at an angle. The hat also goes deeper.

Steam-conducting material is laid inside the structure to soundproof the partition in a wooden house. Previously, dry slag or brick was used for this. Today, you can increasingly find synthetic filler, for example, mineral slabs. They are located after the sheathing is completed on one side. Communications can be laid together with the material. To save material and time, it is better to use frame cells; their dimensions can be 500x500 mm or 500x100 mm. Available in these sizes thermal insulation boards. Consequently, such a device allows you to cut the slab in half or use the entire material.


After making the frame partition, you can sheathe it with one of the many materials that is presented on modern market. For fastening it is necessary to use self-tapping screws and nails, which are sunk into the material and then covered with putty. After the layer has dried, the surface can be cleaned and corners and joints adjacent to the ceiling and load-bearing walls can be sealed. To do this, it is recommended to use vertical strips, putty and fiberglass tape. The finished partition is often covered with wallpaper or painted. However, you can use any of the finishing materials you choose for this.

A wooden log house is a complex of load-bearing walls made of logs, which form external and sometimes 1-2 internal enclosing structures. If the purpose of the building is a residential building, you will need to install interior fences inside that will divide the space into living areas.

Features of fencing

Partition in wooden log house can be installed only after the house has completely settled, when the risk of its deformation and destruction as a result of this process is reduced. Usually, the building is allowed to rest for 1-2 years after assembly, after which the installation of the internal parts of the layout can begin. The structure is not load-bearing; it only bears its own weight, and therefore does not require a reinforced frame or a separate foundation.

The main difference between a partition and a wall is that the former can be easily dismantled without damaging the floor and ceiling if the owners decide to change the layout and place the fence in a different location.

Qualities that interior fencing should have:

  • Lightness of material and design;
  • Environmental safety, which is very important when choosing material for fencing residential areas in a wooden house;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Noise protection from neighboring rooms;
  • The partition must cope with hanging some household appliances, furniture. This should be taken into account in advance when choosing the design and cladding material.

In most cases, interior fencing can be installed independently without the involvement of specialists.


What type of interior fence to choose:

    Frame partitions in a log house are the most common and most accessible view interior fences that you can install yourself. They consist of wooden frame, insulation and sheathing. Their main feature is the variety of possible installation configurations. Frame fencing can divide space into zones different shapes. During redevelopment, the structure can be easily disassembled and moved to another location for further service.

    Carpentry (panel) wooden partitions for a log house are just as suitable as frame ones. They are ready-made panels that need to be installed on frame guides. Partitions often do not require additional finishing; they can be coated with varnish or colored composite materials with a pattern. Their disadvantage is low sound insulation, although this parameter can be adjusted when ordering, purchasing or manufacturing, choosing the option that suits you according to its characteristics.

    The cost of a joinery partition depends on the type of structure and materials used and starts from 250 rubles/m2 to 1500 rubles/m2 or more.

    Solid partitions without a frame are attached to the ceiling and floor guides using the nail method or screwed with screws. To disassemble such a structure, you will have to remove all fasteners of individual boards or panels.

Do-it-yourself partition in a log house

When carrying out construction independently, there is no desire to resort to the services of specialists in such a matter as installing partitions in a log house wooden house. Let's look at the method of constructing each type of enclosing structure.

Frame construction

For assembly you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Beam for the frame. Its width can be 60-100 mm, depending on the desired size of sound insulation and the type of insulation chosen. The height of the bar is within 40-50 mm.
  • Slats - spacers can be smaller in size than bars for the frame. Their purpose is to maintain the rigidity of the structure and fix the insulation.
  • Vapor barrier material, if such a layer is not provided in the insulation.
  • Thermal insulation. For residential premises it is optimal to use slab materials: mineral wool, penoplex, basalt.
  • For fastening - self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, maybe nails and a hammer, if the material being fixed allows their use.

Stages of work:

  1. The location of the partition is marked and the lower trim is installed. To do this, the block is attached to the floor with self-tapping screws. It is immediately necessary to provide for the location of doorways.
  2. The upper belt is attached strictly above the lower trim in the same way, but there is no need to leave a gap under the opening.
  3. Installation of vertical racks. It is convenient to start from the opening and install the timber in increments not exceeding the width of the insulation board. Fastening with self-tapping screws or on corners to the top and bottom harness. The side posts are attached directly to the wall.
  4. Now you need to make a doorway. The side posts are already installed, you need to attach the top jumper.
  5. The spacers are inserted just above the middle of the height and secured with self-tapping screws. You can do it differently: measure the room and assemble a frame on the floor, then lift it and attach it to the ceiling and wall.
  6. Now you can sheathe one side of the wall so that the installed insulation takes its place during installation. It is advisable to stretch a membrane or film over the frame, which will protect the heat insulator from moisture. This issue is considered especially relevant when fencing kitchens and bathrooms. The film can be stapled to the frame posts. The partition is sheathed on top of the vapor barrier sheet materials(MDF, gypsum board) or board, clapboard. The joints of the elements should be in the middle vertical stand. When one side is ready, we place insulation boards inside the frame. They need to be installed in such a way that there are no gaps in the insulation to improve the sound absorption effect.
  7. Covering the second side according to the same principle: vapor barrier, cladding.

This type of fence can be installed in any house: brick, concrete, stone, frame.

Carpentry partitions

Panel screens can be purchased at finished form or make them yourself. In the first case, you can significantly save time on assembling the product and its subsequent finishing, but you will not be able to save money. It is better to do the independent production and installation of panels before laying the finished floor, so that the structure can be fixed to the joists. How to make a partition in a log house yourself:

  1. Dimensions are taken future design. The length is divided into several parts that need to be made. The easiest way is to make a shield from boards. It can be double or triple (according to the number of plank rows). To do this, using the principle of a frame partition, a lintel is made from a block, onto which smooth boards are placed on both sides, between which insulation with foil can be laid: it can slightly dampen noise and retain heat inside the room. Instead of foil, you can use regular insulation material(mineral wool, penoplex). The shield can be single, then the boards are placed end-to-end to each other and guide rails are nailed along the lower and upper edges.
  2. You need to make grooves on the ceiling and on the joists (along the floor) to hold the shields. To do this, the bars are nailed or screwed in 2 rows, the distance between which is equal to the thickness of the partition or the width of the shield together with the retaining outer slats.
  3. Shields are inserted into the grooves.

Joinery structures can reach the ceiling or be 50-60 cm below its level. These could be found in houses built in the 20th century in rooms with high ceilings such as dormitories and administrative offices of ordinary employees.

Panel carpentry and frame partitions are similar in design if the former are made of 2 or 3 rows of boards.

Frameless design

At its core, frameless fencing is similar to panel fencing:

  • 1) Guide bars are nailed to the ceiling and floor;
  • 2) Boards are attached to the ceiling and floor beams, which are covered with plasterboard or other panel or finishing material.

Such a partition cannot have insulation. Instead of boards, plastic or composite panels can be chosen.

Other options

Partitions can be not only static, but also movable. Their self-production may turn out to be troublesome and costly, but with an understanding of the technology of their work, an experienced craftsman will be able to cope with this task.

Movable screens are sold complete with guides and all fasteners, so it is advisable to purchase a ready-made system. What types of these structures are there:

  • In non-threshold systems, the canvas moves parallel along the ceiling profile;
  • In rail-mounted panels, partitions move along two rails on the floor and ceiling;
  • Folding canvases fold like an accordion, moving along the ceiling and floor profiles.

Each system contains instructions according to which the movable fence is installed. This is convenient to install in several cases:

  • For zoning large rooms;
  • To differentiate between a kitchen and a room in a studio apartment;
  • To delimit space in one-room apartments.

Sliding partition panels will be useful in cases where it is necessary to visually delimit space. There is no talk of any sound insulation or heat retention.

If you want to independently make a sliding partition in a wooden house from a log house, it is worth repeating the principle of operation of ready-made systems and making the corresponding floor and ceiling profiles, making canvases. Fasteners and roller mechanisms will still have to be purchased.

The main thing to consider

Static and sliding partitions for a log house can be made and installed independently, lightweight structures will optimally fit into rooms with wooden walls and floors. In addition, structures are easily attached to wood and adhere well to it.

The main thing to remember: maintaining verticality and dimensional accuracy is the key successful work. If the ceiling and floor guides are not attached parallel to each other, a slight distortion will form in the fence. Mobile systems are especially sensitive to accuracy. If the profiles are not attached parallel, the blades simply will not move or the process will be difficult.


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