DIY frame trailer 3 6. Country cabins: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

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Construction country house For permanent residence or recreation involves the purchase of a plot on which there are initially no buildings. Before starting construction work, it is necessary to take care of preparing temporary housing, which will allow you not only to rest, but also to take a shower and eat. For these purposes, a change house is often used, which is quite possible to build from available materials and install it on the territory of a summer cottage or even in the middle of a field. Find out how to make a change house with your own hands with detailed instructions, a list of materials, drawings, photos and video examples.

Types of cabins

A change house is classified as a utility room, but its construction and arrangement must be approached responsibly, giving preference to high-quality building materials. Only in this case can you achieve an atmosphere that is close to home and conducive to relaxation.

To start building a temporary structure, you need to start preparing drawings. They will allow you to calculate building materials, indicate the dimensions of certain elements, which will facilitate the construction procedure. In addition, it is worth deciding on the type of structure in question. can be made of wood, frame, metal.


This option should be resorted to when the building will be used in the future as a summer kitchen or bathroom. Construction is carried out from timber 70-90 mm thick. The structure itself is installed on pre-prepared concrete blocks or foundation.

If the room is not insulated, it can be used from May to October, which corresponds to the most active work on a summer cottage. If you plan to stay during the cold period, you will have to take care of insulation and installing a heating source.


Temporary structures of this type are erected according to a panel scheme. Most trailer parts are sold as ready-made kit, which is brought to the site and assembled according to the instructions. The main advantage of such cabins is simple and quick assembly, a minimum number of tools used, affordable cost, and no need to use thermal insulation. Most often, such structures are assembled from sheets of plywood and do not have a frame, which is their disadvantage.

During strong winds, the structure may simply become deformed.

From OSB sheets

Today in construction, a material such as OSB boards is often used. They can also be used to create a change house by sheathing the frame on the outside. The material is similar in some respects to plywood, but unlike it, it is endowed with better heat and sound insulation. Due to the fact that the strength characteristics of OSB boards are lower, it is better to use them not for panel boards, but for frame buildings. In addition, using such material, the cost of the change house will be more expensive, since the wooden frame will have to be additionally insulated with polystyrene foam.

From corrugated sheet

So that the temporary shed can later be used as a garage or other utility room, it is made mobile, using profile pipes. The outside of the structure is sheathed with corrugated sheets; on the inside, for example, fiberboard is used. Insulation is placed between these two materials. Change houses of this type are highly durable, but are not cheap, due to the price of the materials used. Therefore, such a building should be given preference if it is planned to be used as a capital utility block.

From sandwich panels

The most comfortable building will be a cabin made of sandwich panels, which stands out for its warmth and safety. The main disadvantage of this design is the complexity of installation. This is due to the fact that the panels are produced in large sizes.

The assembly procedure is similar to the construction of panel houses, when foam blocks are covered with OSB boards, after which they are laid on a rough frame and secured with polyurethane foam.

How to choose a place for a change house

One of important stages Before starting the construction of a change house, it is necessary to choose a place for its placement. The building must be located on the site so that it does not interfere construction work, fit into the design of the site and was convenient to use. If construction is planned on a “bare” site, then you don’t have to worry about the design.

When choosing a location, you should also consider the following nuances:

  • it is determined whether the trailer will move to another location or remain stationary. If the house is supposed to be built over several seasons, then it is more convenient to install a temporary structure at the exit from the site. If the change house will subsequently be used as a summer kitchen or bathhouse, it should be located closer to the house;
  • When constructing a temporary shelter that will be used in the future as a Russian bath or shower, it is important to take care of fire safety. In this case, it is located in the far corner of the site.

The dimensions of the cabin are determined by personal preferences, as well as the functions that will be assigned to it. The most common sizes are 6x2.5 m or 6x3 m and 2.5 m in height.

Building materials for construction

When the question of choosing the type of cabin, its location and drawings is closed, you can start purchasing necessary materials to construction. To calculate consumables, you will need to draw up an estimate. If the building will be built from wood, you need to purchase timber and boards to assemble the frame. For interior finishing, lining with preliminary wall insulation is suitable. If the frame is metal, you will need to buy profile pipes.

Although installing a trailer made from sandwich panels will be more expensive, such a design will have a beautiful appearance and have a long service life.

When choosing building materials, pay attention to the following points:

  • if the frame is planned to be made of wood, racks or beams are used for strapping. For these purposes, you will need a beam with a section of 100x50 mm. In order to be able to properly insulate the cabin, the walls are made thicker, while not forgetting to increase the size of the timber;
  • As a rule, they are used as logs and rafters edged board 100x50 mm. For lintels and jibs you will need 50x50 mm timber. The roof sheathing is made of 25x100 mm boards;
  • temporary buildings are generally thermally insulated with mineral wool. From the outside, the material is covered with wind protection;
  • With outside the building can be finished with corrugated sheets, clapboards, or block houses. PVC panels are used inside;
  • For roofing, both traditional slate and corrugated sheet or ondulin are suitable.

Step-by-step construction of a cabin

The construction of the building is carried out in several stages. Let's figure out how to make a change house with your own hands according to the drawings, following detailed instructions with photos and videos.


Change houses are often made of wood. Therefore, let’s look at construction using the example of such a structure. A wooden structure is light in weight, so a capital foundation is not needed for it. Concrete blocks that are installed at the same level are suitable as such.

The blocks must be placed in 1.5 m increments.

For temporary metal buildings that weigh more, a shallow columnar-type foundation is built using blocks resting on a sand cushion. On such a foundation, the structure will stand for several years, after which distortions will begin to appear due to subsidence. If the building will be used for a long period, then it is worth thinking about a columnar foundation made of brick with waterproofing.

Frame assembly

When the foundation is ready, you can begin building the frame. To do this, using timber, they perform the lower trim, after which the walls are erected. This stage consists of the following steps:

Then they begin to install the floor joists, for which they install boards placed edgewise in increments of 50 or 60 cm, which is determined by the width of the selected thermal insulation.

From the sides, bars are nailed to them, where subfloor boards and thermal insulation with a hydrobarrier are laid.

When the thermal insulation layer is laid, a vapor barrier is laid over the joists according to the diagram, after which the finished floor boards are installed.

The walls of the wooden cabin are assembled on the floor. To do this, knock together the frame of one of the longitudinal walls with necessary elements for window and doorways, install the jib. Having finished the first wall, you can immediately begin assembling the second, and then the side ones.

The frames are lifted one by one, placing them vertically and fastening them together.

To make a roof on a slope, one longitudinal wall is made 50-60 cm higher than the other.

When used for frame metal pipes, they are welded vertically in place, maintaining an angle of 90° and not forgetting to weld the stiffeners in a timely manner.

If you are the owner of a country house land plot, then you probably thought about arranging it in accordance with your own preferences. In order for a family or a team of workers to live in comfort during construction, a change house can be erected. It is a special type of temporary housing, which looks like a small house with comfortable conditions.


Construction of a cabin can take a certain amount of time, which is limited to a few days, and sometimes lasts up to several months. Everything will depend on the material used and the complexity of the project, as well as the availability of skills. If this house will be used for a short period of time, then there is an opportunity to save on interior design. At the same time, you can refuse to have partitions by installing a minimum number of sockets.

It is possible to use cheap materials for cladding. If the change house is built for long-term use, then the project may include the presence of a bathroom.

The need for a foundation

A foundation is needed in any case; most often its role is played by a base of pillars, which are located in the corners and long sides. The distance between these elements should not appear to be more than 2.5 meters. Before laying the pillars, a gravel cushion is laid, which prevents plants and trees from breaking through. The construction site should be located on a hill, which will prevent flooding from rain and melt water. If this condition impossible, then storm drains should be installed.

Materials for making a change house

The construction of a change house can be carried out using different materials. For example, piles or pillars can be used to build a foundation. The farther the supporting elements are from each other, the more reliable the grillage should be.

There is no point in carrying out work on arranging an expensive foundation. The cabin will be based on a frame, which can be made of wood or metal. Application metal corners and channel will allow you to create a change house, ready for use. Sheathing can be done using lining, profile sheets, block house or siding.

Thermal insulation must be given Special attention. To do this, you can purchase polystyrene foam, glass wool, and seal the seams construction foam. The floors are laid hydro- and thermal insulation materials. The inside walls are lined with clapboard, hardboard or special panels. If temporary operation is envisaged, edged boards can be used for this purpose.

Construction of the foundation

The construction of a cabin begins with the creation of a foundation. If the building is to be demolished in the future, then dismantle it columnar foundation it will be quite simple. Quite often, cinder blocks are used, which can be purchased at low cost or made independently. Must be removed from the surface of the earth construction garbage, remove the fertile layer. The soil is compacted, covered with geotextiles, covered with sand and compacted again.

You can install blocks on the prepared base, placing them in the corners. Among other things, these elements must be 1.5 meters apart from each other around the perimeter. The blocks must be waterproofed using bitumen mastic or roofing felt. Then the wooden frame is fixed using an anchor method.

If you want to build a stationary type of cabin, then you need to pay more attention to the foundation. To do this, remove the fertile layer over the entire surface, lay geotextiles and sand five centimeters thick, after which everything is thoroughly compacted. To install the pillars, 50-centimeter holes are prepared, which should be located in the corners and along the perimeter every 1.5 meters. The holes are covered with geotextiles and then filled with 40 centimeters of sand.

It is best to carry out the construction of a change house with your own hands step by step; in seven days you can complete such work with outside help. On the first day, it is best to start arranging a brick foundation; the height of the base should be 30 centimeters. In this case, 10 cm will be hidden underground, and the remaining 20 will rise above the soil. Reinforcement is driven into the central part of the foundation, the height of which should be 1 meter. It is necessary to strengthen the lag. This indicates the need for an empty area in the center, which, after placing the rods, is filled with concrete.

Bottom harness

If you have certain skills, you can carry out construction (step by step). It is quite possible to carry out such work in seven days.

An important stage is the formation bottom trim. Can be used for fastening which is made. For fastening, holes are pre-drilled in the supports and metal. If it is intended to lay on piles wooden blocks, then the heads are covered with two layers of roofing felt, it can be replaced bitumen mastic. The above wooden beams must have a certain cross-section, which is 100 millimeters.

Creating a wireframe

Home craftsmen quite often build a shed with their own hands. On next stage it is possible to form a frame. The base of the building is formed from beams, which are located around the perimeter and are well reinforced. Afterwards, transverse and longitudinal logs are laid. To create the frame, you should prepare beams with a cross-section of 150 x 100 millimeters. The floor and support posts are made from this material. The latter should be located in the corners. Reliable connection is guaranteed by cuts in the logs, in which the beams are installed one into the other and reinforced with self-tapping screws. The logs must be placed on the reinforcement contours. To fix vertically located logs and attached to them, use self-tapping screws and corners.

Forming the roof frame

The construction of a change house with your own hands should be carried out step by step in several stages. At the next stage, the craftsman will have to form the roof frame. If we are talking about a single-pitch structure, then bars with a cross-section of 50 x 100 millimeters should be used. There are cuts in the load-bearing bars where the rafters are installed. Fastening is carried out with the same self-tapping screws. The rafters should extend 30 centimeters beyond the perimeter of the building. As a coating, you can choose ondulin, which does not provide for installation work the master has special construction skills.

The roof structure must contain hydro- and vapor barrier layers, as well as insulation. When building a cabin with your own hands, it is recommended to consider the photo in advance. They will allow you to understand which design is best to choose for your site.

At the next stage, you can lay a sheathing of wooden blocks or boards on the rafters, since ondulin is enough lightweight material. Its sheets are laid overlapping, and it is necessary to advance from the bottom up. For this purpose, special fasteners are used, which are included in the kit.

Finishing work

The construction of a change house on the site involves the following stage: First, the craftsman will have to lay the subfloor, treating the boards with an antiseptic. Between layers of waterproofing it is necessary to lay mineral wool. Then you should lay the finished floor. When you plan to use the change house for a long time, it is best to carry out interior decoration apply clapboard. If necessary, you can save money by purchasing OSB. To fix these materials, you should use self-tapping screws rather than nails. We should not forget about the presence of an insulating and vapor barrier layer.

If you are building a 6x3 change house with your own hands, then, as with the construction of a large building, you need to calculate the amount of material for finishing. On external walls you can strengthen, for example, a block house. And in order not to run to the store during the work, and also not to overpay, you should calculate the amount of material. To do this, the area of ​​all walls is determined, the numbers are added up, and the final result should be divided by the area of ​​one finishing board.

If you have any construction ahead, the first thing you will need on the site is construction shed. Of course, such a structure can also be purchased in finished form, but the price will not be small. It is much easier and more economical to do it yourself. So that you don’t have to rack your brains looking for blueprints of the cabin, counting materials and drawing up estimates, you can use the proposed version of the cabin. A step by step guide with drawings and photos will help you at the assembly stage.

Necessary materials (estimate)

To build a small shed measuring 6x2.4 meters and 2.4 meters high, you will need to buy:

  1. Moisture-resistant plywood measuring 1.22 x 2.44, thickness 1.2 cm (5 sheets for 920 rubles) – 4600 rubles.
  2. Edged board with a width of 0.15 and a thickness of 0.05 (8 boards 6 m long for 300 rubles) – 2400 rubles.
  3. Beam 50X50 cm 3 meters long (50 pieces for 65 rubles) – 3250 rubles.
  4. Unedged board 250 mm wide (total 0.8 cubic meters for 3,600 rubles) – 2,880 rubles.
  5. Cement-sand block size 40x20x20 (6 pieces for 60 rubles) - 360 rubles.
  6. Block window size 600x600 mm (2 pieces for 585 rubles) – 1170 rubles.
  7. Ruberoid RPP-300, 15 sq.m. in a roll (2 rolls for 260 rubles) – 520 rubles.
  8. Oriented strand boards (OSB) size 1.22 x 2.44 m, thickness 0.9 cm (14 boards for 605 rubles) - 8470 rubles.
  9. Paneled door DG-7 manufactured in Alexandrov - 2050 rubles.
  10. Edged board 0.05x0.10x6 m (6 pieces for 200 rubles) - 1200 rubles.
  11. Insulation of the Hitrok brand, 5 cm thick plate with an area of ​​5.4 sq. m. (3 slabs for 480 rubles) – 1440 rubles.
  12. Polyethylene film 0.1 mm thick and 3 m wide (10 m at 30 rubles per meter) – 300 rubles.
  13. Delivery of materials by Gazelle vehicle – 3,000 rubles.
  14. Second grade boards for sheathing - 450 rubles.
  15. Corrugated sheet C20 3x1.015x1.15 m (6 sheets for 650 rubles) - 3900 rubles.
  16. Insulation "Isobel" 5 cm thick with an area of ​​6 sq. m. (3 sheets for 480 rubles) – 1440 rubles.
  17. Hardboard 2.75x1.22 (6 sheets of 200 rubles each) – 1200 rubles.
  18. Protective coating for wood “Snezh” 9 liters – 1880 rubles.

As a result, a construction shed will cost you 40,510 rubles excluding small ones Supplies(nails, screws, etc.).

Assembling the base of the cabin

So you have a plot. First of all, decide on the location of the shed and you can get to work. We install the cabin in the following order:

  1. We begin construction from the platform, or rather from the insulated floor, from which we will continue to dance.
  2. Using pegs and rope, we mark the area and install cement-sand blocks with equal spacing along the perimeter of the proposed cabin.

  1. Then, from a 6-meter edged board with a cross-section of 150x50 mm, we make a harness, laying it on blocks.

  1. We attach logs to the harness with a pitch of 1221-1222 mm. We trim the lower edge of the joists with a 50X50 mm block and attach the subfloor beams to them from below. Tip: for the subfloor, you can take uneven bars, and to save material, a 50X50 bar can be sawn in half lengthwise.

  1. Then we lay insulation boards in the gaps between the joists on the subfloor boards.

If you have become the happy owner of a summer cottage, but the construction of a house is still ahead, you need to take care of a small utility room - a change house. The change house is useful for storing tools, building materials, work clothes and just to relax after a hard time working day. Of course, you can already purchase finished design and put it on the site, but building a cabin with your own hands will cost much less, and besides, a wise owner suburban area never misses an opportunity to gain useful experience and skills. In this article you will find step-by-step instructions for making cabins.

The change house is utility room in the form of a small house where you can store all kinds of garden tools and construction supplies. But there are no clear rules for using a shed - you can turn it into a shed for storing unnecessary things or turn it into a cozy guest house. Depending on the future purpose of the cabin, the features of its construction also differ. So, if this is a tool shed, then there is no need to insulate it too thoroughly. And, on the contrary, if you plan to accommodate guests or relatives in the cabin, isolation and improvement should be approached in a special way.

In some cases, you can make a small garage out of a change house for garden equipment or a motorcycle. With the onset of cold weather, many people move there poultry, bees or rabbits, placing the animals for the winter. However, regardless of how you use the change house, it will come in handy in any case.

Types of cabins

There are several design options for cabins depending on the construction technology. This, in turn, determines the cost of work and the operational characteristics of the building.

There are the following types of cabins:

To save time, you can purchase a used cabin, but in this case, pay attention to the degree of wear. Carefully inspect the structure outside and inside. Keep in mind that the cost of transportation and crane rental will be added to its cost. Before you decide to buy even an old cabin, add up all the amounts of upcoming costs and compare them with the cost of building materials - perhaps it will be cheaper and easier to build a cabin with your own hands.

Construction technology

Despite the fact that the change house is considered a secondary utility room, its construction should be approached responsibly. And the best place to start is with a drawing. The layout of the change house should include the dimensions of the walls, the area of ​​the roof, floor, insulating layers and points of attachment of elements. With the help of a sketch, you can imagine how the structure will look on the site and how it can fit into the landscape. Only after creating a detailed drawing of the cabin (or even several) can you calculate the required amount of materials (add 15% of the stock to the received amount) and go to the store.

If you plan to store in a shed garden tools or Building tools, there is no need for windows there. In the event that it will serve as a guest house or summer kitchen, it is better to take care of the full natural light(will help save on electricity).

Speaking of electrification of cabins. Electrical wiring should also be shown on the drawing (preferably on a separate one). You will find more information on this topic in the articles and.

Where to put the change house?

When all the building materials have been purchased, you need to choose a place to install the change house. First of all, you should consider the duration of use of the building and the possibility of moving it to another location if necessary. For example, if you are going to build summer house for a couple of seasons, and then transport it to another site or sell it. In this case, it is better to locate the change house closer to the entrance to the site or provide vehicle access to it.

It is also necessary to think through all options for using the structure. If gardening equipment and tools will be stored in the shed, it is better to place it closer to the center of the site and create easy access from all sides. If you make a bathhouse out of a cabin, you can “hide” it in a secluded corner of the garden behind the trees. The farther the cabin-sauna is from a residential building, the better in terms of fire safety.

If the change house is planned to be used as a greenhouse, it is better to choose the highest and sunny place Location on. However, regardless of the purpose of the building, a site should be prepared for it.

How to install a change house:

  1. The selected area must be cleared of weed and any vegetation.
  2. Next, you should remove the fertile layer of soil. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, the thickness of the turf can range from 15 to 30 cm.
  3. Having leveled the site, you need to cover it with construction polyethylene (a film 200 microns thick is quite suitable). It is not recommended to use greenhouse film because it is not strong enough. The film layer should cover the entire area under the future cabin and extend to the edges by 20 cm on each side. Film is the simplest waterproofing for the foundation. You shouldn’t feel sorry for it, much less neglect this step, otherwise in 2-3 years you will notice signs of destruction of the foundation.
  4. The mixture should be poured over the film river sand and crushed stones in a layer of 20 cm. This will fix the waterproofing and at the same time level the surface.
  5. To ensure that sedimentary water moves farther away from the cabin without hindrance and does not linger near it, you can make a slight slope around the building of 2 cm per meter.

Cabin foundation

A change house is not a very heavy structure, no matter what materials are used, so there is no point in pouring a powerful, expensive foundation under it. The best option– columnar base. It's inexpensive, fast and quite simple. Plus, the columnar foundation leaves a ventilation gap in the underground, which extends the life of the building.

Helpful advice: If you think that a cabin on such a foundation will not be warm enough, there is perfect solution– create formwork around the perimeter, pour the solution over the entire area to create a border 7-10 cm high. It is quite enough to properly insulate the floor. Use expanded clay as floor insulation.

In our case, concrete blocks are used as pillars, but they can be made of brick, reinforced concrete and other materials. You will find more information on this topic in the article.


  1. Install concrete pillar blocks in accordance with the shed plan.
  2. Cover the top ends of the posts roll waterproofing (regular will do roofing felt).
  3. Using timber for the base and building level adjust the horizontal position of the pillars so that they are strictly in the same plane.

Cabin frame

As you already understand, we are building frame cabin, the material for the base of which was a timber with a section of 100x150 mm. You can take a little thinner - 100x100 mm or 100x120 mm.

How to make a change house:

Roof of the cabin

How to make a roof for a shed:

The roofing material can be anything you like. In our case, this is ondulin - practical and inexpensive. If the change house is residential, the roof should be carefully insulated, since it is through it that most of the heat usually escapes. To do this, first attach a vapor barrier to the sheathing, then insulation, waterproofing film and only after that - finishing coat(corrugated sheeting, ondulin, metal tiles, etc.).

House windows and doors

As for windows and doors, they should be installed in the same way, focusing on the functionality of the structure. Even if you are going to store shovels and rakes in the shed, you should make at least one ventilation window for ventilation, otherwise mold will very quickly grow inside.

The location of windows and doors should be established at the time of design, so that during the construction of the frame, additional reinforcing racks can be installed in the openings. If you forgot to include them in the project, then you can organize the openings after the construction of the frame. During work, be sure to use a laser level or water level to avoid distortions.

Cabin floor

With an uninsulated floor in a change house, everything is clear - make a plank flooring and you're done. Another thing is to make the floor so that you can walk on it without shoes in winter and not be afraid of getting sick. To do this, you must first lay the subfloor, then the insulation and the finishing coating.

Expanded clay, vermiculite, polystyrene foam boards or mineral wool. To eliminate drafts from under the door, it is better to make a threshold at the entrance. It can be cut into the base beam itself or attached separately by nailing a strip.

How to build a floor in a shed:

Insulation and finishing

To make the change house warm and cozy, the walls need to be properly insulated. To do this, first cover the entire surface with thick plastic film- she will protect interior space from wind and moisture.

Then you can lay the insulation and cover it again with film for additional protection. In principle, this process is no different from insulating a roof or floor. For exterior wall cladding, you can choose siding or other weather-resistant material. The widest range allows you to choose an exterior finishing option that will fit into any landscape.

The inside of the change house can be lined with clapboard or the interior can be made more comfortable by upholstering the walls. wood panels. All those finishing options that are used in ordinary residential premises are acceptable here: wallpaper, paint, plaster, tiles, etc.

As for household amenities (lighting, water supply, sewerage), they must be taken into account when creating a drawing. The articles “” and “” will help you understand these questions.

The construction of cabins in practice is not so difficult. And if you are planning to build a residential building with your own hands, then a change house will be an excellent training before a large-scale undertaking.

Change houses: photo

The construction of a private house usually begins with a “construction trailer”. On the market you can find many offers for the purchase of new or used wooden cabins. Even such a concept as a “block container” has appeared in everyday life. It is made of metal and has a large number of configuration options and can be used as an element of modular housing construction.

But it’s the do-it-yourself cabin cabin on wooden frame- the most economical and optimal solution for the thrifty owner. After completion of construction, it can be used as a guest house, a shed for tools and equipment, converted into a bathhouse, or transported to country cottage area and build a house out of trailers.

Do-it-yourself cabin car: cabin project

From further use The design of a cabin depends on its size, design and finishing materials.

As small barn internal partitions Not needed. There is also no need to insulate walls, floors and roofs.

If you plan to use the cabin as a seasonal residence (for example, summer garden house), then it is possible to envisage the presence internal layout. It is better to carry out insulation at the construction stage - when using heaters, the cabin with your own hands will better retain heat in the spring and autumn, and in the summer it will not get too hot in the sun.

For a construction trailer, the internal lining may be limited to inexpensive and simple materials. Conversion into a garden or country house will only require modifications in terms of decorative finishing.

It's best if inner space will be divided into at least two rooms. For example, the house in the first photo can be imagined like this.

Projects of cabins

A small vestibule-hallway and a large room with one small window - typical construction trailer with your own hands.

And this is an improved version with three windows, which can roughly be called a house with a living room and a bedroom.

In this diagram, the change house consists of three rooms - a vestibule and two equivalent rooms.

And of course, before starting construction you need simple drawing indicating the main dimensions.

Drawing of a cabin


How to build a cabin step-by-step instruction Construction of a cabin begins with the foundation.

Feature small wooden structure at her low weight. But even this does not mean that it can be placed directly on the ground. To protect against the effects of soil moisture (including precipitation in the form of rain and snow), a raised base is necessary.

which can be painted or covered with vinyl wallpaper.

But cladding with wooden clapboard is more common.

The internal partition must be provided for while developing the design of the change house, but it is not too late to equip it later. The main thing is that it is attached to one of the floor joists from below and to the timber ceiling beam above.

Window and door frames are attached externally and internally. Finish the corner joints from the outside with strips or wooden profiles, and from the inside with baseboards and fillets.

Finish by sanding wooden coverings, primer and paint treatment.


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