Brickwork with insulation. House wall in three layers with brick cladding Construction of a brick wall with insulation

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In some new built buildings, the insulation is placed centrally (in the middle) in the building envelope. With this option, the insulation is very well protected from mechanical damage and there are more possibilities for designing facades. However, the risk of damage due to moisture is much higher than with external insulation, so the layer structure should be carefully planned and executed without defects.

This design consists of three layers: load-bearing wall, walls made of facing material and insulation, which is located between them. Carrier and facing wall rest on one foundation. The outer layer is most often made of either facing bricks, or from construction followed by plastering, covering with artificial stone, clinker tiles, etc.


  • handsome and respectable appearance when using expensive facing materials;
  • high durability, subject to proper design and qualified installation of the structure.


  • high labor intensity of construction;
  • low breathability;
  • the possibility of moisture condensation between dissimilar layers of such a wall.

It is very important that all layers of the structure are compatible with each other in terms of vapor permeability. Compatibility is determined only by calculation of the system as a whole.

Underestimating this circumstance can lead to moisture accumulation in the interior of the walls. This will create favorable environment for the development of mold and mildew. The insulation will get wet due to possible condensation, which will shorten the service life of the material and significantly reduce its heat-shielding properties. The enclosing structure will begin to freeze, which will lead to ineffective insulation and may cause its premature destruction.

Types of structures

Typical solutions for installing layered masonry can be divided into two types: with and without air gap device.

The air gap allows for more efficient removal of moisture from the structure, since excess moisture from the load-bearing wall and insulation will immediately escape into the atmosphere. At the same time, the air gap increases the overall thickness of the walls, and, consequently, the foundation.

Insulation inside masonry walls

To one degree or another, the problem of vapor transfer is relevant for layered masonry with any type of insulation.

Insulating the structure with mineral wool is the most preferable. In this case, it becomes possible to create an air gap between the insulation and the outer wall for better removal of moisture from the load-bearing wall and insulation.

For layered masonry should be used semi-rigid mineral wool slab insulation. This will allow, on the one hand, to well fill all the defects in the masonry, to create a continuous layer of thermal insulation (the slabs can be “pressed in” a little, avoiding cracks). On the other hand, such slabs will maintain geometric integrity (not shrink) throughout their entire service life.


Mineral wool ISOVER Frame-P34

Certain difficulties in using expanded polystyrene in layered masonry are caused by the low vapor permeability of this material.

Three-layer brickwork with insulation

  1. Interior of a brick wall
  2. Mineral wool
  3. External part of a brick wall
  4. Connections

The traditional material for interior walls is solid red ceramic brick. Masonry is usually done on cement-sand mortar 1.5-2 bricks (380-510 mm). The outer wall is usually made of face brick with a thickness of 120 mm (half a brick).


In the case of a system with an air gap 2-5 cm wide, for its ventilation, vents (holes) are installed in the lower and upper parts of the wall, through which vaporous moisture is removed outside. The size of such holes is taken at the rate of 75 cm 2 per 20 m 2 of wall surface.

The upper ventilation ducts are located at the eaves, the lower ones at the plinths. In this case, the lower holes are intended not only for ventilation, but also for water drainage.

  1. Air gap 2 cm
  2. Bottom of the building
  3. Top of the building

To carry out ventilation of the layer, a slotted brick is installed in the lower part of the walls, laid on its edge, or in the lower part of the walls, bricks are laid not close to each other, but not at some distance from each other, and the resulting gap is not filled with masonry mortar.

Making connections

The inner and outer parts of a three-layer brick wall are connected to each other with special embedded parts - ties. They are made of fiberglass, basalt plastic or steel reinforcement with a diameter of 4.5–6 mm. It is preferable to use connections made of fiberglass or basalt plastic due to the greater thermal conductivity of steel connections.

These connections also perform the function of fastening the insulation boards (the insulation is simply
prick them). They are installed during laying in the load-bearing wall to a depth
6-9 cm in increments of 60 cm horizontally and 50 cm vertically based on an average of 4 pins per
1 m2.

To ensure a uniform ventilated gap over the entire area of ​​the insulation, locking washers are attached to the rods.

Often instead special connections use bent reinforcing bars. In addition to ties, the outer and inner walls of the masonry can be tied with steel reinforcement mesh, laid every 60 cm vertically. In this case, additional mechanical fastening of the plates is used to create an air gap.

The insulation boards are installed with the seams bandaged close to each other so that there are no cracks or gaps between the individual boards. At the corners of the building, gearing of the slabs is created to avoid the formation of cold bridges.

Masonry technology with insulation

  • Laying the facing layer up to the tie level
  • Installation of the heat-insulating layer so that its top is 5-10 cm higher than the facing layer
  • Laying the load-bearing layer to the next level of connections
  • Installing connections by piercing them through the insulation
  • if the horizontal seams of the load-bearing and facing layers of the wall in which the connections are placed do not coincide by more than 2 cm in the load-bearing layer brickwork, connections are placed in a vertical seam

  • Laying one row of bricks in the load-bearing part of the wall and the facing layer

Types of masonry walls with insulation inside

There are two types of brick walls with insulation inside. The first method is the so-called lightweight well masonry, consisting of two independent brick walls.

To increase the strength of the structure, they are connected to each other by horizontal brick bridges. And the resulting hollow wells inside them are filled thermal insulation material.

The second method involves constructing a three-layer wall structure. In this case, the brick wall is lined with tiled heat-insulating material, on top of which a third layer is laid - facing brick. However, due to the fact that cases of destruction of buildings erected using this technology have become more frequent, its use in Russia has been prohibited since 2008.

A technological technique using a lightweight well type makes it possible not only to increase the thermal inertia of a brick wall, but also to significantly reduce construction costs.

When conducting low-rise construction, it will be enough to do wall partition 1.5 bricks to achieve the required load-bearing strength. And the heat resistance of the building is ensured by insulating the walls.

Using a combination of brickwork and insulation allows you to achieve:

  • significant savings building materials;
  • reducing the load on the foundation;
  • lower costs compared to traditional brickwork;
  • reducing heat loss by almost half.

Technology for building walls with insulation inside

Well lightweight brick masonry is not a new invention. She rather belongs to the undeservedly forgotten construction technologies. Due to its efficiency and high energy saving, it has gained Lately quite popular.

To increase the stability of load-bearing walls with this type of construction, hollow wells are constructed in them using the method of laying interlocking bricks from the outer and inner layers of masonry. Such wells are made in the form of a transverse wall, the thickness of which is ½ brick and with a distance of 2-4 bricks between them. The resulting voids are filled with lightweight concrete, slag, expanded clay or other heat-insulating material.

Required tools and materials:

  • brick;
  • masonry mortar;
  • mesh for reinforcement;
  • thermal insulation material (expanded clay, concrete, crushed stone, sand);
  • polystyrene foam (optional);
  • plaster mixture for exterior finishing;
  • trowel;
  • plumb line;
  • putty knife.

To perform well masonry, you must:

  1. Work should begin from the corner of the inner and outer wall.
  2. During the process, the angles and locations of the vertical internal partitions are laid out with pokes.
  3. Longitudinal walls should be laid out in a row of spoons.
  4. The laying of the transverse walls of the wells is carried out by poking.
  5. The ligation of the transverse wall with the longitudinal one is carried out through a row in height.
  6. After 4-5 rows of walls have been laid, insulation is poured into the well. In this case, you can use insulating material such as sand, crushed stone, expanded clay. It is laid between the walls in layers of 10-15 cm, compacting it well. Every 30-50 cm inside the well, the insulation is watered with a solution. To prevent it from settling, horizontal jumpers are made every 30-60 cm. In some cases, external and interior walls line the wells with foam plastic panels. This will prevent the insulation from getting wet. For this Styrofoam will do with a thickness from 30 to 50 mm.
  7. The installation of wall walls is being completed brick partitions continuous masonry in three to four rows with obligatory laying in last row reinforcing mesh.

Some types of masonry on the outside of the house must be plastered. This also applies to the well method. The use of heat-resistant plaster will further strengthen the structure, insulate the building and prevent moisture from entering the heat-insulating material.

To better retain heat in the house and to save money on heating, lightweight (insulated or well) masonry is often used during construction.

This type of masonry can significantly reduce the load on the foundation, although it is more labor-intensive when producing this type of construction work.

It should be noted right away that the masonry should be done along horizontal waterproofing and the first two or three lower rows of bricks should be laid out solid, this also applies to the upper rows of masonry. The lower masonry will bear the entire load from the wall being built, and the brick of the upper rows will transfer the load from the beams or floor slabs. The corners of the building are also made in the form of solid brickwork with mesh reinforcement every 4-6 rows. You should not skimp on these masonry elements; the strength and durability of the house will depend on this.

The insulated (lightweight) masonry wall consists of three parts. The main part is the internal load-bearing wall; it is usually laid out as thick as a brick or one and a half bricks. Beams or floor slabs rest on this part of the wall. The thickness of this part of the wall depends on the loads that will be transferred to it and on the region of construction.

The inner part of the wall is an insulating layer of the selected type of insulation. For insulated masonry, various types of insulating materials are used: expanded clay, slag, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded clay concrete. Any of these materials can be used for insulated masonry. The most in a simple way There will be the use of bulk types of insulation - expanded clay and slag. These materials should only be carefully compacted when constructing it. Insulation materials made of mineral wool and polystyrene foam are already more difficult to perform. It is necessary in case of voids formation between the slabs of such material to apply polyurethane foam. The most difficult thing to work with is expanded clay concrete insulation. A brick wall should be kept in warm weather for about a day before pouring expanded clay concrete, and special care should be taken so as not to stain the facing part of the wall with concrete mortar.

The outer part of such a wall is a half-brick masonry with facing bricks. This part of the wall is done with jointing and mesh reinforcement every 3-4 rows.

The work itself on constructing such walls is more difficult than when constructing solid brick walls, but due to the production of “warmer” walls, such masonry is very popular.

To add strength to the walls during work, vertical and horizontal fastening diaphragms are installed. Vertical diaphragms are best made of brick; they are excellent for any type of insulating material. It is possible to construct vertical diaphragms from masonry mesh, but this type of fastening of the load-bearing and facing parts of the wall would be better suited for bulk types of insulation or expanded clay concrete. Horizontal diaphragms are made from reinforcing mesh for masonry; they are usually mounted on the sixth row of masonry.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the insulating layer of the wall; there should be no voids left between the insulating material, this is especially true when installing foam insulation; in this case, polyurethane foam should be used.

In this way, the load-bearing and facing parts of the wall are laid, followed by the installation of insulation. After installing the horizontal diaphragm, parts of the wall are raised, insulation is installed between the vertical diaphragms and then to the desired wall height.

Masonry around window and doorways perform continuous. Below window openings a reinforced horizontal diaphragm is installed from two rows of bricks with mesh reinforcement.

Although this method of constructing walls is very labor-intensive, with the right approach to this work the structure turns out to be quite reliable and durable.


Construction of a three-layer wall with brick cladding

IN low-rise construction The design of an external three-layer wall is very popular: load-bearing wall - insulation-brick cladding (120 mm), Fig.1. This wall allows you to use effective for each layer materials.

Bearing wall made of brick or concrete blocks, is the strength frame of the building.

Insulation layer. fixed to the wall, provides the necessary level of thermal insulation of the outer wall.

Wall cladding made of facing bricks protects the insulation from external influences and serves decorative coating walls.

Fig.1. Three-layer wall.
1 — interior decoration; 2 - load-bearing wall; 3 - thermal insulation; 4 - ventilated gap; 5 - brick cladding; 6 - flexible connections

U multilayer walls There are also disadvantages:

  • limited durability of the insulation material compared to the material of the load-bearing wall and cladding;
  • release of hazardous and harmful substances from insulation, albeit within acceptable limits;
  • the need to use special measures to protect the wall from blowing and moisture - vapor-tight, windproof coatings and ventilated gaps;
  • flammability of polymer insulation;

Load-bearing wall in three-layer masonry

The load-bearing wall is usually made of brick, vibro-pressed concrete blocks, as well as cellular concrete or lightweight concrete small-format blocks with a density of more than 700 kg/m 3. Wall thickness 180 - 640 mm.

For one-story buildings minimum thickness load-bearing wall masonry piece materials can be 180-250 mm. For 2-3 storey buildings - 290 mm.

Insulation of walls in three-layer masonry

Rigid mineral wool slabs or sheets of foamed polymers are usually used as insulation: expanded polystyrene - extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) or polystyrene foam board(PPS), PSB foam.

Less commonly used thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete and foam glass, although these materials have a number of advantages compared to the above mentioned insulation materials.

The thickness of the insulation is selected depending on the climatic conditions of the construction area.

How to determine the required heat transfer resistance of a wall and calculate the thickness of the insulation, read the article “Heating costs and heat transfer resistance.”

Insulation of house walls with mineral wool slabs

Mineral wool slabs are fixed on a load-bearing wall with a ventilated air gap between the surface of the slabs and the brick cladding, or without a gap, Fig. 1.

Why a ventilated gap is needed and moisture accumulation in the wall is written in detail in the article “Dew point, vapor barrier and ventilated air gap.”

Calculations of the humidity conditions of walls show that in three-layer walls Condensation in the insulation occurs during the cold season in almost all climatic zones of Russia.

The amount of condensate that falls varies, but for most regions it falls within the standards established by SNiP 02/23/2003 “ Thermal protection buildings." There is no accumulation of condensate in the wall structure during a year-round cycle due to drying in the warm season, which is also a requirement of the specified SNiP.

As an example, the figures show graphs of the amount of condensate in the insulation based on the results of calculations for various options cladding of three-layer walls of a residential building in St. Petersburg.

Rice. 4. The result of calculating the humidity conditions of a wall insulated with mineral wool slabs with a ventilated gap and a “siding” type coating (brick - 380 mm, insulation -120 mm, siding). Facing - ventilated facade.

The graphs above clearly show how the cladding barrier, which prevents ventilation of the outer surface of the mineral wool insulation, leads to an increase in the amount of condensation in the insulation. Although moisture does not accumulate in the insulation during the annual cycle, when faced with brick without a ventilation gap, the insulation condenses and freezes every year in winter significant amount water, Fig.2. Moisture also accumulates in the layer adjacent to the insulation brick cladding

Moistening the insulation reduces its heat-shielding properties, which increases heating costs building.

In addition, when water freezes every year, it destroys the insulation and brickwork of the cladding. Moreover, cycles of freezing and thawing can occur repeatedly during the season. The insulation gradually crumbles, and the brickwork of the cladding collapses. I note that the frost resistance of ceramic bricks is only 50 - 75 cycles, and the frost resistance of insulation is not standardized.

Replacing insulation covered with brick cladding is expensive. Hydrophobized high-density mineral wool slabs are more durable under these conditions. But these plates have more high cost.

The amount of condensate is reduced or There is no condensation at all if provided better ventilation insulation surfaces - Fig.3 and 4.

Another way to eliminate condensation is to increase the vapor permeability resistance of the load-bearing wall. To do this, the surface of the load-bearing wall is covered vapor barrier film or use thermal insulation boards with a vapor barrier applied to their surface. When mounting on a wall, the surface of the slabs covered with vapor barrier must be facing the wall.

The construction of a ventilated gap and sealing of walls with vapor-proof coatings complicate and increase the cost of wall construction. The consequences of dampening the insulation in the walls in winter are described above. So choose. For construction areas with harsh winter conditions, installing a ventilated gap may be economically feasible.

In walls with a ventilated gap, mineral wool boards with a density of at least 30-45 are used. kg/m 3, covered on one side with a windproof coating. When using slabs without wind protection on the outer surface of the thermal insulation, windproof coatings should be provided, for example, vapor-permeable membranes, fiberglass, etc.

In walls without a ventilated gap, it is recommended to use mineral wool boards with a density of 35-75 kg/m 3. In a wall design without a ventilated gap, thermal insulation boards are installed freely in a vertical position in the space between the main wall and the facing layer of brick. The supporting elements for the insulation are the fastenings provided for attaching the brick cladding to the load-bearing wall - reinforcing mesh, flexible connections.

In a wall with a ventilation gap, the insulation and windproof coating are attached to the wall using special dowels at the rate of 8 -12 dowels per 1 m 2 surfaces. The dowels must be buried in the thickness concrete walls at 35-50 mm, brick - by 50 mm, in masonry made of hollow bricks and lightweight concrete blocks - by 90 mm.

Insulation of walls with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

Rigid slabs of foamed polymers are placed in the middle of a three-layer brick wall structure without a ventilated gap.

Plates made of polymers have a very high resistance to vapor permeation. For example, a layer of wall insulation made from expanded polystyrene boards (EPS) has a resistance 15-20 times greater than that of a brick wall of the same thickness.

When installed hermetically, insulation acts as a vapor-tight barrier in a brick wall. Steam from the room simply does not reach the outer surface of the insulation.

With the correct thickness of insulation, the temperature of the inner surface of the insulation should be above the dew point. If this condition is met, steam condensation on the inner surface of the insulation does not occur.

Mineral insulation - low density cellular concrete

Recently, another type of insulation has been gaining popularity - products made from low-density cellular concrete. These are heat-insulating boards based on materials already known and used in construction - autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate.

Thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete have a density of 100 - 200 kg/m 3 and thermal conductivity coefficient in dry condition 0.045 - 0.06 W/m o K. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam insulation have approximately the same thermal conductivity. Slabs are produced with a thickness of 60 - 200 mm. Compressive strength class B1.0 (compressive strength not less than 10 kg/m3.) Vapor permeability coefficient 0.28 mg/(m*year*Pa).

Thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete are a good alternative to mineral wool and expanded polystyrene insulation.

Well-known in the construction market trade marks thermal insulation boards from cellular concrete: “Multipor”, “AEROC Energy”, “Betol”.

Advantages of thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete:

The most important thing is higher durability. The material does not contain any organic matter - it is fake diamond. It has a fairly high vapor permeability, but less than mineral wool insulation.

The structure of the material contains a large number of open pores. The moisture that condenses in the insulation in winter dries quickly in the warm season. There is no moisture accumulation.

Thermal insulation does not burn and does not emit harmful gases when exposed to fire. The insulation does not cake. Insulation boards are harder and mechanically stronger.

The cost of insulating a facade with cellular concrete slabs, in any case, does not exceed the cost of thermal insulation with mineral wool insulation or expanded polystyrene.

When installing heat-insulating slabs made of aerated concrete, the following rules are followed:

Thermal insulation slabs made of aerated concrete with a thickness of up to 100 mm attached to the facade using glue and dowels, 1-2 dowels per slab.

From slabs more than 100 thick mm A wall is laid close to the insulated wall. The masonry is laid using glue with a seam thickness of 2-3 mm. The masonry of insulation boards is connected to the load-bearing wall with anchors - flexible ties at the rate of five ties per 1 m 2 walls. Between the load-bearing wall and the insulation you can leave a technological gap of 2-15 mm.

It is better to connect all layers of the wall and brick cladding with a masonry mesh. This will increase the mechanical strength of the wall.

Wall insulation with foam glass

Three-layer wall of the house with foam glass insulation and brick cladding.

Another type of mineral insulation that has appeared on the construction market relatively recently is foam glass slabs.

Unlike heat-insulating aerated concrete, foam glass has closed pores. Due to this, foam glass slabs do not absorb water well and have low vapor permeability. A ventilated gap between the insulation and the cladding is not needed.

Foam glass insulation is durable, does not burn, is not afraid of moisture, and is not damaged by rodents. It has a higher cost than all the types of insulation listed above.

Installation of foam glass slabs on the wall is carried out using glue and dowels.

The thickness of the insulation is selected in two stages:

  1. They are chosen based on the need to provide the required resistance to heat transfer of the outer wall.
  2. Then they check for the absence of steam condensation in the thickness of the wall. If the test shows otherwise, then it is necessary to increase the thickness of the insulation. The thicker the insulation, the lower the risk of steam condensation and moisture accumulation in the wall material. But this leads to increased construction costs.

A particularly large difference in the thickness of the insulation, selected according to the two above conditions, occurs when insulating walls with high vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation to ensure energy saving is relatively small for such walls, and To avoid condensation, the thickness of the slabs must be unreasonably large.

When insulating aerated concrete walls(as well as from other materials with low resistance vapor permeability and high resistance to heat transfer - for example, wooden ones, from large-porous expanded clay concrete), the thickness of the polymer thermal insulation according to the calculation of moisture accumulation is much greater than that required by energy saving standards.

To reduce steam inflow, it is recommended to arrange vapor barrier layer on the inner surface of the wall(from the warm room side), Rice. 6. To install a vapor barrier from the inside, materials with high resistance to vapor permeation are selected for finishing - a primer is applied to the wall deep penetration in several layers, cement plaster, vinyl wallpapers.

The installation of a vapor barrier from the inside is mandatory for walls made of aerated concrete and gas silicate for any type of insulation and façade cladding.

It should be borne in mind that the masonry of the walls of a new house always contains a large amount of construction moisture. Therefore, it is better to allow the walls of the house to dry thoroughly from the outside. It is recommended to carry out façade insulation work after the interior finishing is completed, and not earlier than a year after the completion of this work.

Cladding the external walls of a house with bricks

Cladding the external walls of a house with bricks is durable and, when using special colored facing bricks, or even better clinker bricks. quite decorative. The disadvantages of cladding include the relatively large weight of the cladding, the high cost of special bricks, and the need to widen the foundation.

It is especially necessary to note the complexity and high cost of dismantling the cladding to replace the insulation. The service life of mineral wool and polymer insulation does not exceed 30 - 50 years. At the end of its service life, the heat-saving properties of the wall are reduced by more than a third.

With brick cladding it is necessary use the most durable insulation materials, providing them with conditions in the wall structure for maximum long work without replacement (minimal amount of condensation in the wall). It is recommended to choose high-density mineral wool insulation and polymer insulation made from extruded polystyrene foam, EPS.

In walls with brick lining, in It is best to use mineral insulation from autoclaved aerated concrete or foam glass, with The service life of which is much greater than that of mineral wool and polymer.

Brick cladding is laid in half a brick, 120 mm. on ordinary masonry mortar.

A wall without a ventilated gap, insulated with slabs high density(mineral wool - more than 50 kg/m 3, EPPS), you can veneer with brickwork on edge - 60 mm. This will reduce the overall thickness of the outer wall and plinth.

The masonry of the brick cladding is connected to the masonry of the load-bearing wall with steel wire or reinforcement mesh, protected from corrosion, or with special flexible connections (fiberglass, etc.). The grid or connections are placed vertically in increments of 500-600 mm.(height of the insulation board), horizontally - 500 mm., while the number of connections per 1 m 2 blank wall - at least 4 PC. At the corners of the building along the perimeter of window and door openings 6-8 PC. by 1 m 2.

The brick lining is longitudinally reinforced with masonry mesh with a vertical pitch of no more than 1000-1200 mm. The masonry mesh must fit into the masonry joints of the load-bearing wall.

To ventilate the air gap in the bottom row facing masonry arrange special food at the rate of 75 cm 2 for every 20 m 2 wall surface. For lower vents, you can use a slotted brick placed on its edge so that outside air through the holes in the brick can penetrate into the air gap in the wall. Upper vents are provided in the eaves of the wall.

Ventilation holes can also be made by partially filling cement mortar vertical joints between the bricks of the bottom row of masonry.

The placement of windows and doors in the thickness of a three-layer wall should ensure minimal heat loss through the wall at the installation site.

In a three-layer insulated wall from the outside, a window or door frame installed in the same plane with the insulation layer at the border of the heat-insulating layer- as it shown on the picture.

This arrangement of the window and door along the thickness of the wall will ensure minimal heat loss at the junction.

Watch the video tutorial on the topic: how to properly lay a three-layer wall of a house with brick cladding.

When facing walls with brick, it is important to ensure the durability of the insulation layer. The longest service life will be ensured by thermal insulation with slabs of low-density cellular concrete or foam glass.

It is also important to reduce the amount of moisture in external walls in winter period. The less moisture condenses in the insulation and cladding, the longer their service life and the higher the heat-shielding properties. To do this, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the vapor permeability of the load-bearing wall, and for vapor-permeable insulation it is recommended to create a ventilated gap at the border with the cladding.

To insulate a three-layer wall with mineral wool, it is better to use slabs with a density of at least 75 kg/m 3 with a ventilated gap.

A wall insulated with mineral wool with a ventilated gap dries out construction moisture faster and does not accumulate moisture during operation. The insulation does not burn.

The option with a gap will be more expensive due to an increase in the overall thickness of the external walls and base. The cost of mineral wool boards also increases with their density.

By insulating walls with extruded polystyrene foam (EPS, XPS), construction costs can be somewhat reduced by reducing the overall thickness of the outer wall and base.

You should not insulate a three-layer wall with polystyrene foam and low-density mineral wool products. The service life of such cheap insulation will be short.

When to change insulation?- You will find the answer to this question in one of the articles on this topic (links below).

Brickwork with insulation and cladding

Brick houses have been built for several hundred years, and many do it with their own hands. Brick is the most common building material today. Both solid and hollow types of bricks are available.

Photo – brickwork

Previously, almost all houses had walls about 1 m thick, which was due to the lack of insulation in those days. Mass construction began just with brickwork and insulation warm buildings and structures.

Insulation between walls

The difficulty of thermal insulation both from the inside and outside is the appearance of condensation. Water negatively affects not only thermal protection, but also the entire structure of the building.

The thickness of the insulation layer used depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • location of the building;
  • wall material;
  • wall thickness;
  • type of insulation used.

Modern construction is regulated by the provisions of SNiP 23-02-2003, which precisely states required amount insulation.

Types of brickwork

There are 2 types of brickwork based on the location of the insulation:

  • masonry with an inner layer;
  • masonry with outer layer.

Internal insulation

The technology for working on well masonry is as follows:

  1. 2 rows of bricks are laid closely on the foundation, covered with a layer of waterproofing;
  2. form 2 brick walls at a distance of 13-14 cm from each other;
  3. transverse diaphragms are made horizontally every 3 bricks;
  4. to combine two walls into one system, wire ties are used;
  5. the distance between the diaphragm bricks is set to about 2.5 cm;
  6. window and door openings are laid out closely;
  7. the wells are also covered closely with masonry;
  8. the last row of bricks serves as a support; the bases of the rafters and floor beams are laid on it;
  9. waterproofing is carried out using rolled material.

The resulting wells are usually filled with insulation or lightweight concrete, expanded clay, slag, etc. Backfill material is compacted every half meter of backfill. Some materials require the installation of an anti-shrink diaphragm.

Well masonry with insulation is essentially a three-layer structure, that is, it is layered masonry using effective insulation, in case of filling wells with insulation.

The advantages are:

  • small thickness and weight;
  • fire resistance;
  • good appearance;
  • Possibility of installation at any time of the year.


  • high labor intensity of work;
  • high volume of hidden work;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the condition of the insulation;
  • low thermal homogeneity due to concrete inclusions;
  • presence of cold bridges;
  • poor maintainability.

Instructions for internal insulation using mineral wool:

  1. mineral wool slabs are laid along the entire perimeter of the wall;
  2. special anchors are installed in the brick wall;
  3. fix the slabs on these anchors;
  4. a second wall is erected, leaving a gap between the insulation and the wall;
  5. rub and smooth the seams.

Quite often, instead of the same mineral wool or polystyrene foam, air gaps are used in the well masonry. Insulation of the walls between the brickwork in this case is not carried out. Please note that the width air gap should not exceed 5-7 cm. The effectiveness of this method is much worse than using effective insulation.

Insulation from inside the room

When the heat-insulating layer is placed on inside walls.

Internal insulation

The use of internal insulation is permissible only in rare cases:

  • when it is not possible to change the appearance of the building facade;
  • when behind the wall is unheated room or an elevator shaft where insulation is impossible;
  • when this type of insulation was initially included in the building design and calculated correctly.

Attention! the main problem with internal insulation, it manifests itself in the fact that the walls themselves do not become warmer, but begin to freeze even more. This is due to the fact that the dew point shifts to the inside of the wall.

What happens during internal insulation:

  • in the cold season, wall structures fall into the “negative temperature zone”;
  • constant temperature changes lead to the destruction of the materials from which the walls are made;
  • the inside of the walls accumulates moisture due to cooling;
  • turn out favorable conditions for mold formation.

Important! Fiber insulation cannot be used for internal thermal insulation, since they are capable of absorbing a significant amount of moisture and, as a result, lose their properties.

If there is a need to perform internal insulation, then do it like this:

  • the working surface is carefully prepared, any coating is removed, even the bricks;
  • treat the walls antiseptics and primed;
  • the surface is leveled;
  • strengthen and apply insulation;
  • install the frame under drywall or other finishing;
  • perform final finishing, leaving a gap between the insulation and the finishing layer.

Also in this case, a number of requirements must be observed:

  • a vapor barrier layer is required;
  • the thickness of the insulation may exceed calculated values. But by no means be less;
  • vapor barrier of internal insulation requires forced ventilation;

External insulation

It has become widespread recently. None regulations, including SNiP 23-02-2003 and TSN 23-349-2003 do not prohibit the thermal insulation of structures both outside and inside, in well masonry.

We insulate from the outside

The advantages of external insulation are:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • dew point output to the outside of the building;
  • maintaining the volume of the insulated room;
  • the ability to carry out work without disturbing the usual rhythm of life inside.

There are also disadvantages:

  • more high price materials and works;
  • changing the appearance of the facade;
  • the possibility of carrying out work exclusively in the warm season.

When placing the heat-insulating layer externally, the procedure for working with mineral wool is as follows:

  1. erect a brick wall;
  2. apply an adhesive composition to it;
  3. insulation boards are secured with anchors;
  4. apply a reinforcing composition;
  5. fix the reinforcing mesh;
  6. apply a layer of plaster;
  7. The insulation is completed with painting and cladding.

Work with polystyrene foam, stages:

  1. glue polystyrene foam with a special composition;
  2. additionally secure it with anchors;
  3. all corners are covered with a metal corner;
  4. all joints are rubbed down and sealed with mounting tape;
  5. The façade is covered with a layer of plaster.

This type of external insulation is used both on already constructed buildings and on newly constructed ones. Installation of a ventilated façade can also be carried out in winter.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. a vapor barrier layer is installed on the façade;
  2. a sheathing made of wooden blocks or metal profiles is mounted on top;
  3. a layer of heat insulation is installed in the sheathing;
  4. a layer of wind protection is laid on top of the insulation;
  5. fix the cladding, in the form of lining, siding, facade panels.

Important! You should not skimp on the quality of insulation and materials, otherwise you will then spend significantly more on heating!


The best option is external insulation, but when it is not possible to carry out external work, you should not neglect internal insulation. All requirements indicated on the materials must be observed to obtain a good effect. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

The three-layer wall design is very popular. Such walls have an excellent appearance, they are durable, practical, and well insulated. Let's take a closer look at how a three-layer structure is erected and how the heat insulator is laid inside.

Is the inner layer made of heavy materials?

A three-layer wall consists of three layers. The first layer (from the inside of the building) is load-bearing, calculated for strength, and must be made according to design solutions, from strong materials of the required thickness.

The construction of this layer from hydrophobic (water-afraid) materials, such as aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, requires special control over ventilation or other measures aimed at preventing an increase in its humidity.

Humidification can significantly reduce the durability of walls or even lead to an emergency situation - such situations should not be allowed.

Compared to brickwork, lightweight concrete does not provide much savings, especially when it comes to a three-layer wall. But problems can create significant ones.

Application of bricks

The usual material for the inner layer is ceramic brick. More often, according to design calculations, for a 1-2 storey building, a load-bearing layer thickness of 36 cm is sufficient, which corresponds to a masonry of 1.5 bricks.

But in accordance with special measures that may be provided for by the project, the load-bearing layer one-story building(with an attic) can also be made of one brick - up to 25 cm thick.

The outer layer is a facade layer, usually made of hard facing bricks with a frost resistance of at least F50, which has an excellent appearance.

The laying is usually carried out in half brick with jointing (curly seams), the layer thickness is 12 cm. But it is possible to lay a layer thickness of 6 cm with special facade bricks or in? ordinary brick.

Connections between layers through insulation

There must be many mechanical connections between the outer and inner layers of a three-layer wall. It is enough to provide flexible connections. Rigid ones made of bricks will be significant bridges of cold, and insulating the walls will lose its meaning.

Flexible ties are made from fiberglass reinforcement or similar material that does not stretch over time. Their thermal conductivity coefficient is about 0.5 W/mS.

For comparison, steel reinforcement of the same diameter would have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 50 W/mS. The ties are laid in the seams between the bricks to a depth of 7–8 cm in the masonry.

The distance between the connections along the length of the wall is 50 - 100 cm, and in height it is usually taken to be 50 - 60 cm. The thicker the insulation layer, the greater the distance between the outer and inner layers, the higher the installation density of the connecting reinforcement.

What insulation to use for a three-layer wall

The three-layer wall is not a collapsible structure. Replacing or repairing the insulating layer in it will be extremely expensive and problematic. Therefore, during the construction of the wall, the most reliable insulation materials must be used immediately.

Experts agree that dense mineral wool slabs are better suited for difficult-to-repair structures with long-term use. And there are several reasons in favor of their choice.

Benefits of mineral wool

  • High quality slabs from basalt wool from famous manufacturers with a density of 60 kg/m3, the cube does not stretch or change shape over time.
  • The service life of minerals is long, practically the same as that of brick.
  • Mineral wool slabs are not eaten by rodents, and living creatures do not live in them, which is critical for a structure that cannot be repaired.
  • It is necessary to use hydrophobized boards with water absorption of no more than 1% by volume, so that possible dew does not damage the insulation over time.

Polystyrenes, polyurethanes too possible variant, but with them at least you need to accept special measures to prevent living creatures from entering the wall, which is not always possible, and stopping the outflow of steam through the wall, although small, is still a step in better side by all measures...

How much insulation is needed

The thickness of the insulation layer is calculated based on regulatory requirements by heat transfer resistance for a given region. For example, the heat transfer resistance of a brick wall made of solid brick will be 0.36 m / 0.7 W/mS = 0.51 m2C/W.

For temperate climate middle zone The heat transfer resistance of the wall must be at least 3.1 m2C/W.
Then the heat transfer resistance of the insulation layer should be 3.1 – 0.5 = 2.6 m2C/W.

The thickness of the insulation layer will be 0.04x2.7=0.1 meters. We accept slabs for insulation from basalt fiber 10 cm thick.
Their calculated thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.04 W/mS is 10 percent more than what the manufacturer claims. This takes into account the actual moisture content of the slab during operation on the wall.

Above is a simplified calculation of the required insulation thickness for the building envelope. But in most cases, for private construction and solving household insulation issues, the accuracy of this calculation is quite acceptable.

Providing a ventilation gap above the insulation

The vapor-transparent insulation in a three-layer wall must be constantly ventilated. For normal ventilation and unimpeded air movement over the insulation, the ventilation gap between the insulation layer and the outer layer must be at least 3 cm.

To fix the insulation and constantly press it against the inner layer, plastic clamps are placed on the interlayer connections over the insulation.

Ventilation holes are made at the bottom and top of the façade layer. Cold air will flow to the insulation through the lower vents, then, due to heating from the heat entering through the insulation, a stable upward draft will arise, as a result of which the insulation will be constantly ventilated. Required area air supply openings of at least 40 cm2. per 10 sq. m. walls. The same area applies to the air outlets.

Preventing bed blowing

For individual species of insulation, the manufacturer provides for the use of a superdiffusion membrane, the role of which is to prevent the blowing out of insulation fibers.

If the slabs need such protection, then the insulating layer during the construction process must be covered with such a membrane with a vapor permeability of at least 1700 g/m2 per day.

Experts also strongly recommend using windproof membrane the system has a ventilated facade to prevent convection heat loss from the insulation (20% or more) with a slab density of less than 80 kg/m3 in wind zones up to 5 and a slab density of 180 kg/m3 in any wind zones and for high-rise buildings.

Are there fewer problems with polystyrene foam?

As you can see, mineral wool slabs in a three-layer wall are used using proven “ventilated facade” technology. The use of blown polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam boards will reduce the overall thickness of the wall due to the insulation thickness being 20 percent less (less thermal conductivity coefficient) and the absence of a ventilation gap.

In this case, the strong layers will be separated by steam; the steam exchange of each layer will occur within its “own” atmosphere. But, as stated above, the inherent disadvantages of plastics in general do not make their use preferable.

It remains to be noted that floor slabs should not be embedded in the insulation and not extend beyond inner layer walls. During the construction process, it is unacceptable to use a low-quality vapor diffusion membrane, reduce the ventilation gap, or fail to provide ventilation holes in the outer façade layer.

Compared to the recent past, now the future owner of a private house can choose to decorate the facade from dozens of types of modern and technologically advanced materials. But many still want to build a home made of stone, because a cottage lined with brick will definitely be the most stylish, reliable and high-status. Classics are always in fashion, so such solutions remain very popular.

But, as in the situation with the use of any other enclosing structures, in our winters you will definitely need insulation for a brick wall. This requires a special approach, because we won’t hide the most interesting things under insulation, or make ventilated cladding or bonded thermal insulation (plaster version) on a brick facade.

What is layered masonry

Layered, or “well” masonry (SC) is a lightweight version of multilayer stone walls. In the vast majority of cases, it consists of 3 technological layers.

  • Firstly, it is the base that bears the weight of the floors, roofing and other elements of the house. It can be made from ordinary brick (placed in a brick or half a brick); the following can be used to create it: monolithic concrete, various foam block materials, ceramic blocks, solid natural stone, etc.
  • On the outside we have masonry made of facing bricks, hollow or solid. By the way, similarly, you can create a wall with cladding made of any small elements, for example, tiles or facade artificial stone.
  • An insulating material is laid between the outer layer and the base, which reduces heat loss and sound pressure coming into the house from the outside. It will also help make the fire resistance of structures even higher, if, of course, you decide to buy mineral wool for these purposes.

The brick layers of the well masonry are connected to each other either by flexible or rigid brick connections (the so-called “diaphragms”). The insulation is assembled in a continuous layer and attached close to the base. A technological gap of several centimeters wide is usually created between it and the outer layer (but sometimes they do it without it). If for some reason there is no ventilation gap, then vapor barrier sheets are laid between the insulation for the well masonry and the base so that the insulator always remains dry.

Application idea well masonry not new, for example, in the former Soviet Union it was successfully used in all climatic zones. And now, considering the effectiveness/practicality and price modern insulation materials for brick walls, it would be a sin not to use it. The meaning of the SK technology is to get a warm stone house, but with relatively light and thin walls, which will not require the creation of a monstrous foundation. And let's not forget that to achieve more or less acceptable results in terms of heat transfer resistance, you need to lay a wall more than one and a half meters thick, and when implementing an IC - a little more than 40 centimeters. That is, it clearly saves money, effort and time.

It is noteworthy that the SK system can operate on the principle of a ventilated facade. How is this useful? It's simple. If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to maintain optimal humidity conditions in the rooms without any special difficulties (you will not need to deal with condensation or do powerful system forced ventilation).

It is for air circulation that a ventilation gap is necessary so that moisture is removed from the insulation to the outside. True, in addition to it, it is necessary to organize “vents” - openings at the bottom of the facade and near the roof with an area of ​​​​about 75 cm2 for every 20 square meters wall area. It is clear that the technology of removing moisture and creating convective flows inside the wall makes sense only when using vapor-permeable insulation and other elements. For this reason, films that do not allow moisture to pass through cannot be used here.

How to choose insulation for well masonry

As for thickness, there cannot be an unambiguous standard solution. It all depends on the amount of heat loss, climate zone, purpose and operating characteristics of the building. According to calculations in the Moscow region, private houses are insulated with layers 100-150 mm thick or more. In general, the technology allows the creation of a well up to 920 mm wide - you just need to calculate it correctly. There are very good online calculators on the websites of manufacturers of insulating materials; you can also consult our specialists on this issue.

The type of material is a little more complicated.

In fact, almost any insulation can be used here:

  • basalt wool,
  • fiberglass wool,
  • Styrofoam,
  • Extruded polystyrene foam boards.

The option with expanded polystyrene is suitable only if vapor permeability of the wall structure is not required. Here, universal polystyrene foam with a stepped edge at the end of the slabs, for example, Penoplex Comfort or Ravaterm Standard, will work normally.

Stone wool is good because it does not burn, and most importantly, it breathes. Here, hydrophobized products with a density of 45 to 150 kg/m3 are used, mainly in the form of slabs. For example, the famous CAVITI BUTTS from Rockwool is designed specifically for layered masonry. Hotrock BLOCK cotton wool is focused on these same tasks. The Izovol company offers 5 options for insulation for well masonry: St-50, St-60, St-75, St-90 and L-35.

For the implementation of such solutions, fiberglass-based wool can be called the Izover Profi model (in rolls) recommended by the Izover company and the Izover Frame P-34 slabs. The Knauf company offers the TS 034 Aquastatik stove.

Private individual housing construction is developing at a rapid pace. Materials such as concrete, metal-plastic, metal tiles, reinforced concrete and brick are actually flying out of the warehouses of large and small traders. The last of them, brick, stands apart, as it stands out for its practicality. Brick walls with insulation are being used more and more often in private properties. Almost no one now builds entirely from brick - everyone uses combined construction methods.

Brick laying technology is constantly being modernized. All types of bricks are widely used for such purposes. The construction of residential buildings and maintaining a normal microclimate inside them is the main task of this material.

Well, that's all! The process of attaching the foam to the brick wall and its subsequent priming is completed.

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