Chinese rose leaves turn yellow. Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off?

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Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off: reasons, what to do

Chinese hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is a plant from the mallow family, which has long been known in indoor culture. The Chinese rose is decorative with bright red inflorescences, lush green foliage, which improper care turns yellow and falls off.

Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow: the main reasons

Hibiscus leaves may occasionally turn yellow, but this is not dangerous, the flower goes through all stages of development and strives to rejuvenate. Massive yellowing and falling leaves of an indoor flower indicate problems that urgently need to be solved.

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Hibiscus leaves are rich in color

Yellowing of Chinese rose leaves occurs for the following reasons:

  • Lack or excess of light. When direct sunlight hits the leaf plates, it burns the surface of the leaf. Exposure to intense light destroys the green pigment in the plant's leaves, causing them to turn yellow and then brown. Its deficiency also harms the culture, since the synthesis process is inhibited nutrients.
  • Excess or lack of watering. Hibiscus prefers moderate soil moisture. IN winter period Water the crop once every 2 weeks. Intensive watering will cause rotting of the root system and general wilting of the flower. Disadvantage: Causes leaves to fall and wilt.
  • Air humidity. Rose loves moist air; dry indoor air causes yellowing of the foliage.
  • Lack of space. A small pot provokes excessive compaction of the root system, which prevents the crop from developing and leads to falling and yellowing of the leaves. Transplant mature hibiscus into larger pots as needed.
  • Temperature. Hibiscus is a tropical species, so maintain the room temperature at +18...+30 °C. Cold window sills and drafts are not suitable for this type. Temperatures above 30 °C lead to drying out of the soil, so water the flower more often during this period.
  • A change of scenery. The plant prefers to be in one place in a pot. Constantly moving hibiscus from place to place causes it to lose its decorative qualities.
  • Nutrients. Lack of nutrients leads to chlorosis, which is expressed in yellowing of the leaves. The leaf color changes from green to yellow gradually. Fertilize the Chinese rose from spring to autumn with complex fertilizers once a week, in cold weather - once a month. It is important not to overdo it with fertilizing - hibiscus reacts poorly to an excess of phosphorus and turns yellow.
  • Pests. Yellowing and curling of leaves can be caused by aphids. The problem is solved by treating the plant with Fitoverm.

If you care for indoor flower and fight diseases in time, the plant will bloom brightly.

When properly maintained, a Chinese rose will delight you with its decorative effect and become a decoration for your windowsill.

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Yulia Pyatkova 07/28/2015 | 9002

You should not immediately get rid of a plant that has lost its decorative properties. Try to determine the cause of the yellowing of your hibiscus and correct it as quickly as possible.

Yellow leaves are a signal that the plant is unhappy with something. But the reason for the discontent remains to be seen. The difficulty here is that hibiscus reacts by yellowing and dropping leaves for many unfavorable factors. However, it is still possible to determine the causes of stress. Here are the most common ones.

1. Lack of watering

During the hot summer months, hibiscus plants need to be watered deeply and frequently. Otherwise, he may begin to act up. The substrate in the pot with the plant should not dry out. Therefore, sometimes watering can be up to 1 time per day.

Hibiscus loves daily spraying. IN winter time The frequency can be reduced to 1 time per week. For watering and spraying hibiscus, it is recommended to use only settled water.

2. Excessive watering

The cause of yellowing foliage can be not only a lack of moisture, but also its excess. It is especially dangerous in the cool season, when there is a risk of root rotting. Although hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant, you should not create a swamp in its pot. Stagnation in the root area is fraught negative consequences for culture.

3. Lack of lighting

Hibiscus is a light-loving plant, so it should be placed on sunny place. With a lack of light, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and then fall off. This is how hibiscus strives to get rid of leaves that it cannot provide with enough light. As a result, the amount of leaves left on it will be sufficient for the amount of chlorophyll that the plant produces while in a shaded place.

4. Lighting is too bright

As well as a lack of sunlight, hibiscus can suffer from direct sunlight. They can cause not only yellowing of the leaf plates, but also the appearance of burns. Therefore, the flower needs to be protected from the scorching sun, but you can let it receive the necessary amount of light in the morning and evening hours without shading.

5. Uncomfortable temperature

Hibiscus is native to the tropics. Therefore, it requires warm keeping and cannot tolerate even short-term hypothermia. However, overheating will in no case benefit the plant. The plant grows and develops safely at temperatures from 18°C ​​to 30°C. If the plant is too cold or too hot, it will shed its leaves.

6. Wrong fertilizers

In order for the hibiscus to bloom well, it can be fed with phosphate fertilizers, which are added to the water for irrigation. But the use of high-phosphate fertilizers can destroy the plant.

In addition, it is important to properly feed hibiscus with nitrogen fertilizers. The main thing here is not to overdo it. If the edges of the plant's leaves begin to darken, the plant most likely has nitrogen burn. In this case, you need to stop feeding the flower with nitrogen fertilizer for 2 weeks. Then you should reduce the dose of fertilizer and gradually increase it, observing the leaves.

7. Presence of pests

One of the main enemies of home hibiscus is the spider mite. As a result of its appearance on the plant, hibiscus leaves may begin to turn yellow. The presence of spider mites can be determined by dirty spots on withered leaf blades and thin cobwebs. Getting rid of this pest is not easy, but timely treatment with insecticides can give positive results. The main thing is not to delay this. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to restore the plant after a tick attack.

8. Soil chlorosis

Hibiscus does not grow well in acidic or alkaline soil. The soil in a pot can acquire such properties due to watering the flower with unsettled water. If this is the reason, then the leaves of the plant will not turn yellow entirely, but in separate areas.

We looked at the most important reasons to which hibiscus can react by yellowing foliage. All that remains is to carefully monitor the plant, be able to identify the source of stress and save the flower in time.

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Flowers of the genus Hibiscus belong to the mallow plant family. In total there are about 250 species in the genus. They grow in the tropics: India, China and Asia. Only one plant of this species is suitable for indoor keeping - the Chinese rose (or Chinese hibiscus). Also in early XIX centuries, hibiscus became popular in Europe, and over time it appeared in Russia.

The plant served as decoration for the most famous botanical gardens. And in Hawaii, for example, the flower was (and still is) a symbol of femininity. Local girls often decorate themselves with its buds, which look very feminine and impressive in their hair. In its homeland, the Chinese rose is known not only for its beauty. Its flowers are used in medicine, they are used to make natural dye for fabrics and even for drinks.

Hibiscus is a rather unpretentious plant and does not need any special care. The rose grows quickly and within six months after cuttings it can produce amazingly beautiful buds. At home you can find red, yellow, pink and white bell flowers. In nature, there are many more colors of this plant.

Today we will not talk about the beauty of hibiscus, but about the troubles that await gardeners who grow it. After all, any indoor plant can get sick, and the Chinese rose is no exception. You can tell that a flower is dissatisfied with something by the state of its leaves. And first of all, it is necessary to find out why he got sick, to find the reason that affected him in a bad way.

Why do Chinese rose leaves turn yellow?

It must be said that, without any information about the contents of the rose, it is impossible to say with certainty the cause of its illness. Below we have collected the main facts that tell why hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. Having studied them all, you will definitely help your plant regain its former beauty.
  • Insufficient watering
If the air temperature is quite high, the Chinese rose needs a lot of water. And if it is too hot and windy, watering can be daily or even twice. Plants located on fresh air, an automatic drip irrigation system can help.
  • Overwatering
If leaves turn yellow and fall off during the cooler months, there may be excess moisture in the soil. Chinese rose loves water, but does not tolerate cold swamps in the root area.
  • Very high air temperature
Continuing the topic of watering. If the plant does not have enough moisture in hot weather, its leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Why is this happening? Everything is simple here - the plant “turns on” a kind of protective mechanism that allows it to reduce its need for water.
  • Low ambient temperature
We must not forget that the Chinese rose is a tropical plant, which means it loves warmth. In order for the flower to be comfortable, the air temperature should be 18-30 degrees. Change is fraught with illness. For example, if a plant is too close to glass in winter, it may react to cold weather by dropping its leaves.
  • Exposure to direct sunlight
Yes, hibiscus love warmth, but this does not mean that you need to expose them to direct Sun rays. Excess ultraviolet radiation can lead to burns, which in turn cause yellowing and massive leaf loss.
  • Lack of lighting
For the Chinese rose, lighting is the source of life. If it is not enough, then the plant will begin to shed its leaves, guided by the principle: fewer leaves - less need for lighting. The process will continue until the plant has enough leaves to survive. Sometimes it can be literally a few pieces.
  • Spider mite
These insects are really dangerous for the Chinese rose. Let's start with the fact that they are detected only with the help of a magnifying glass. With the naked eye you can only notice a thin and light web that entwines the leaves and buds that have not yet opened. This cobweb is the cause of yellowing, curling and falling of leaves and flowers.

An infected bush appears diseased and may become completely bare if immediate action is not taken. Treatment is carried out with special preparations - insecticides, which can be purchased at flower shop. It is worth noting that getting rid of spider mites is quite difficult. It is better to do preventive maintenance twice a year by spraying the plant than later for a long time restore it.

  • Presence of drafts
You don’t even realize how much stress drafts cause to a plant. Therefore, try not to create “windy” weather in the house.
  • Chlorosis – improper soil acidity
There are several states of chlorosis. Depending on the severity of the disease, the leaves of the plant turn yellow in different ways. Sometimes the leaf may be green and turn yellow only in the place where the disease began to develop. If the yellowness does not spread further, we can conclude that the rose lacks some nutrients. Perhaps there is a violation in the acidity of the soil or fertilizers have simply not been applied for a long time. In our conditions, soil acidity is most often disturbed by watering tap water, which is characterized by rigidity.
  • Excessive use of pesticides
In principle, this problem is the rarest of all the above. But, if you used pesticides on a too hot day or did not dosage correctly, this may cause the rose leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The problem can also be caused by too frequent use of pesticides.

How important are fertilizers?

Let's say you studied all the above facts and were able to correctly determine the cause of the disease. And they have even already eliminated this reason - the leaves have stopped falling. Well, now it’s time for good news: hibiscus will grow new green mass quite quickly. Perhaps, if the branches of the plant were too long, it would be wise to trim them to form beautiful bush. Pruning stimulates the appearance of side shoots. This is especially true if the plant has lost almost all its leaves.

Chinese rose does not like too much phosphorus. If there is an excess of it in the soil, the plant will suffer. But it will not remain silent - it will immediately show its dissatisfaction with the yellowed leaves. If you do not pay attention to this, the flower will die. Why? - you ask. Yes, because he will no longer be able to consume other microelements.

All living organisms on earth need nitrogen and the Chinese rose is no exception. Plants use it in all their life processes. But too much a large number of nitrogen fertilizing can lead to so-called fertilizer burn, due to which the tips of the leaves begin to darken.

Whatever fertilizer you are using, if you notice dry and darkened leaf edges, stop applying it immediately. Further watering should be exclusively clean water. Let the plant rest for a couple of weeks. When the time comes to resume fertilizing, apply a solution with a lower concentration. You can find out the required concentration experimentally, gradually reducing the dosage until the plant stops reacting to fertilizer with leaf burns.

So we looked at all the most common hibiscus diseases. As you already understand, the plant responds to almost every disease by yellowing and dropping leaves. Try not to bring the rose to a critical state, care for it correctly. And she will thank you with a thick and lush crown, as well as frequent and abundant flowering.

Hibiscus is a fairly easy-to-care plant, grown both in open ground, and at home. Large leaves decorate the bush all year round, thanks to which it looks decorative not only during flowering. Unfortunately, sometimes the crown begins to turn yellow. And in order to return the foliage to its rich emerald color, it is necessary to understand what reasons led to the change in the color of the crown.

What causes yellowing of hibiscus?

Yellowness is not always a cause for concern. Changes in color and the fall of one or two leaves occur periodically and represent a natural renewal process. If yellowing affects more of the crown, it means that the hibiscus is feeling unwell and needs emergency assistance. The reasons that cause this condition are different.

Irrigation regime violation

Hibiscus is a plant water lovers, but does not tolerate moisture accumulation well. The formation of a cold swamp near the root system leads to the fact that the foliage begins to turn yellow, and then may completely fall off. This can be prevented only by a well-functioning watering scheme focused on the condition of the plant. earthen coma and temperature. Both drying and waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed.
During the hot season, if the soil quickly becomes dry, the plant may require daily watering. When the leaves turn yellow, spraying should be done. In summer and spring, the crown is usually moistened daily. In the cool season, this can be done only once a week, and watering can be reduced, regularly checking the moisture content of the soil in the flowerpot.

Hypothermia and overheating

Hibiscus, which is native to the tropics, does not tolerate very low or very high temperatures. Optimal mode The limit is considered to be from +18 to +30 degrees Celsius. In hotter conditions, the plant begins to lack moisture, which becomes main reason that it sheds its leaves, thus trying to cope with its “thirst.”
Too much low temperature does not lead to the death of the flower, but its leaves begin to turn yellow, and, therefore, placing hibiscus on a cold windowsill is not recommended. The potty should not be left near heating devices, which dry the air, leading to a lack of humidity.

Too much sun or darkness

The leaves of sun-loving hibiscus are sensitive to aggressive midday rays, which can leave burns on the crown. They appear in the form of white spots that are quite large in size. Sun “baths” for the plant are indicated in the morning, when the rays have the most delicate effect on the plant.
Lack of lighting is also detrimental to the flower. Enough large leaves Hibiscus plants need a lot of light, but it should be gentle, not bright and aggressive. A lack of light can cause both a change in the color of the leaf plate and a complete loss of the crown.

Drafts and change of location

Through ventilation is detrimental to hibiscus. He is experiencing severe stress from gusts of wind. This is explained by the fact that drafts dry out the foliage. It begins to lose not only its color due to lack of moisture, but may also begin to fall off.
It is better to install hibiscus immediately permanent place residence. The flower is quite sensitive to any movement. If the pot is placed in a new place, the foliage may immediately respond to the change by yellowing.

Overfeeding and underfeeding

If hibiscus is not replanted for a long time, not fertilized, or fed in small quantities, this can trigger the development of chlorosis. It manifests itself by the gradual acquisition of areas between the veins yellow color. To make the crown green, replant and apply fertilizer.
Saturated yellowness of the leaves, which is not accompanied by falling, indicates alkalization of the substrate. This is most often caused by watering the hibiscus with tap water. To avoid this, the water must not only be settled, but also acidified.
Overfertilization is equally dangerous. And if in moderate quantities phosphorus-containing fertilizer stimulates flowering, then in high concentrations it only harms. An excess of phosphorus leads to instant yellowing and wilting of the rose.

Diseases and pests

  • Shield. It appears as visually noticeable brown areas on the leaf blades, as a result of which they change color and fall off. To get rid of scale insects, the affected areas are sprayed with Actellik.
  • Spider mite. Yellow dots appear at the pest's feeding sites, and between in separate parts hibiscus - a thin web. The foliage begins to turn yellow and dry out. Treatment consists of washing the leaves with water and laundry soap. If this does not help, insecticides such as Vertimek and Fitoverm are used.
  • Chervets. Characterized by a white coating along the veins of the foliage. A special oily composition is available for sale against this pest.
  • Aphid. This harmful insect causes yellowing and curling of foliage. Both larvae and adults are quite easy to detect. Most effective drugs against aphids are Fitoverm and Actellik.

If the pest is detected in a timely manner and appropriate measures are taken, the plant can be quickly cured and saved.

Hibiscus viruses

Often the plant suffers from viruses. You may also be affected planting material, and the substrate in which the flower grows. Hibiscus is susceptible to two types of virus:

  1. Bronzing. Golden spots first form on the leaves, which then darken. The plate eventually becomes wrinkled and rough.
  2. Ring spot. This viral disease gets its name from the characteristic yellow rings that appear on the leaves.

Unfortunately, a hibiscus affected by a virus cannot be saved. The specimen must not only be removed, but also destroyed, including the substrate. This must be done as soon as the first symptoms appear.


To return the hibiscus to its rich green color, it is necessary to analyze how proper care provided to the plant. The rose may lack fertilizing, lighting, watering, or, conversely, a large amount of fertilizer has been added to the substrate, root system flooded, and the sun's rays burn the crown. If specimens of other species are adjacent to the flower indoor plants, you should regularly inspect your hibiscus for damage by harmful microorganisms.

Hibiscus is a fairly hardy plant and can forgive some mistakes in care. But, despite this, agricultural technology when growing “Chinese rose” is very important and failure to comply with it leads to pest infestation and disease development.

Chlorosis – this is a disease in which the green parts of the plant change their color to yellow, lemon or whitish due to a decrease in the amount of chlorophyll. This disease can be non-infectious and infectious.

  • Non-infectious chlorosis appears when there are disturbances in the plant’s nutrition: lack or excess of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, iron. Potassium and magnesium are competing elements in nature. An excess of one leads to a deficiency of the second. Potassium is essential flowering plant. If it is deficient, the plant does not bloom, or the flowers are poorly colored and the branches are thin. A lack of magnesium leads to chlorosis. Iron deficiency also causes leaves to turn yellow and fall off. In order to prevent this, water for watering the plant must be settled and iron chelate added to it.
  • Infectious chlorosis caused by viruses, fungal microorganisms and pests. Cleaning from dust, timely application of fertilizers, replanting and pest control will help avoid these diseases.

Sunburn. Direct sunlight, falling on a plant that has not yet adapted, partially destroys the chloroform in it, as a result of which the leaves become covered with white burn spots. This temporary phenomenon is observed if the flower is moved from a greenhouse or a place with a lack of consecration to bright sun. The hibiscus quickly gets used to changes in light, and new leaves will grow normally. To avoid loss of decorativeness and not to injure the plant, it must be accustomed to changes by exposing it to the sun for an hour a day, gradually increasing the duration of stay.

Diseases caused by pests

Greenhouse and tobacco whiteflies. When a plant is damaged, its leaves turn yellow and become covered with sticky secretions. Pale yellow larvae or adult white-winged insects can be seen on the lower surface of the leaves. To combat and prevent the disease, the plant is treated with solutions of potassium soap or with the preparations Biotlin, Fufanon, Aktara, etc.

Spider mite (web on hibiscus). The leaves of the affected plant become dull and become covered with yellowish specks. Subsequently, large dry areas appear on them. Down side leaves are covered with cobwebs in which the pest lives. To combat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to wash the leaves with soap or mineral oil, and also treat with Molniya, Fitoverm, Akarin, etc.

Aphid. Aphids are attracted to young leaves and buds of the plant. When damaged, they become deformed and become sticky. To prevent and combat the disease, the plant is treated with soap solution, tobacco dust, Biotlin, Akarin, Decis, etc.

Scaleworms. White, waxy discharge appears on the petioles and in the axils of the leaves. To combat the disease, the plant is sprayed with Actofit or treated with mineral oils.

Scale insects and false scale insects. Brownish or pale brown tubercles appear on the stems of the plant. If the plant is slightly damaged, the pests are removed mechanically, and the affected areas of the plant are wiped with kerosene or mineral oil. In case of severe damage, it is better to treat the plant with an insecticide.

Bacterial spotting. The edges of the leaves of the affected plant are covered with rotting yellow spots. To prevent and treat the disease, the plant is systematically inspected and treated with Fundazol, Cumulus, Euparen, etc.

Brown rot. Most often it affects young plants and seedlings. The affected plant's stems turn brown and thin at the very base. To prevent the disease, cuttings and seedlings are treated with Rovral. Seedlings should be planted shallowly, spraying thoroughly after planting.

Vascular withering. Caused by fungi. The affected plant's branches and trunk quickly dry out, sometimes without having time to lose foliage. To treat the disease, the damaged parts of the affected plant are cut out and treated with an antifungal drug.

Midge gall midge. In affected plants, the buds turn yellow and fall off without even blooming. Midge midges lay eggs in tiny hibiscus buds, so To prevent the disease, yellowed buds are collected, not allowing them to fall, and the soil under the flower is treated with a preparation against soil pests.

Symptoms of diseases

Hibiscus leaves are turning yellow. The most likely causes of the disease are damage by pests (aphids, spider mite), diseases of the root system, insufficient air humidity or chlorosis of leaves. The causes of chlorosis are an excess of chlorine and calcium in irrigation water with a lack of nitrogen and iron. Water for watering the plant should be settled and iron chelate added.

Hibiscus leaves are falling. Stress, insufficient humidity. It is necessary to create rest for the plant and spray it.

Indoor hibiscus - leaves turn yellow and fall off. Stress, insufficient humidity, draft, waterlogging of roots in winter. It is necessary to create rest for the plant, spray it, making sure that the bud does not turn into a liquid mess.

Why do hibiscus leaves curl?. The plant is affected by aphids. Needs to be treated for pests.

The tips of the hibiscus leaves are wilting. Lack of nutrients. It is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen and phosphorus preparations.

The hibiscus is withering. The plant is too hot. It is necessary to reduce the temperature in the room, shade, spray.

Why does a hibiscus drop its buds? The plant is too hot. The soil lacks potassium fertilizers. The buds are affected by the gall midge.

What to do if he dies?

If your Chinese rose is sick, do not despair, it may be possible to revive it. Hibiscus is unpretentious and can be treated at home.

At the moment, many drugs have been developed for pest control; they can be purchased in specialized stores or used traditional methods, treating the plant with a solution of soap, tincture of tobacco or pepper.

Folk remedies for hibiscus pest control

Pepper tincture (against aphids, mites) – Dry pepper is poured with water in a ratio of 1:2 and boiled for an hour, then infused and filtered. To spray a plant, 10 g of the drug is diluted in one liter of water and soap. Soap should be about 5g per liter.

Tobacco tincture (against aphids, thrips, mites) – 1 kg of tobacco dust or tobacco is boiled in 10 liters of water for two hours. Leave for two days and filter. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water with 50 g of soap.
Soap solution. To prepare the drug, 200 g of potassium soap is diluted in 10 liters of water.
Mustard tincture (for ticks, aphids) – Boil 50g of mustard in a liter of water and infuse. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in 20 liters of water.

Agricultural technology is of great importance when maintaining hibiscus: soil acidity, heat and light conditions, air and soil humidity. Create comfort for the flower: do not move it, treat it for pests, loosen the soil and water it once a week, and gradually the hibiscus will grow new leaves.


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