Coleus: growing from seeds at home, planting and care in open ground, photo. Planting coleus in open ground and caring for the plant

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Despite the fact that coleus is better known to us as an unpretentious houseplant, planting and caring for open ground are becoming increasingly relevant. Recently, “indoor nettle” has become increasingly common in the garden, where it perfectly complements the ornamental plants growing there.

How to properly grow a plant so that it pleases you every day with its spectacular appearance? This will be discussed further.

Coleus: plant description

Coleus belongs to the group of evergreen shrubby and herbaceous annual plants with opposite foliage on the petioles. Perhaps, it is the leaves that are the most noticeable part of the plant, characterized by a variety of colors and original patterns.

Coleus flowers are collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences, which are especially noticeable when planted alone in a flowerbed.

There are enough in nature a large number of the most diverse different types of this plant (both annual and perennial), however, coleus growing in the garden has its own characteristics . It reaches 80 cm in height, has a carved powerful stem, which begins to grow woody after 6-8 months. The leaves of the plant are presented in a wide variety of color variations, and their shape is often different. In some species, the multi-colored border is clearly visible.

When flowering, coleus resembles sage, as it has inconspicuous blue flowers.

Did you know?The indoor version of the described plant came to us from the tropical countries of Asia, from where overseas merchants brought it many years ago.

Unlike other types of tropical plants, any varieties of coleus are characterized by low maintenance requirements, however, in order to grow a truly beautiful plant, you still need to adhere to some rules.

Choosing a landing site

Planning to get coleus on your summer cottage, the first thing to do is to choose the right place to plant it. This plant prefers a well-lit area, where, under the influence of sunlight, the color of the leaves of the flower will become as bright as possible.

However, even here it is necessary to remember some rules. For example, varieties with red or white leaves tolerate direct sunlight well, while varieties with green leaves (of any shade) react much worse to bright light.

Because of this, during periods of increased solar activity they need to be shaded, although it would be more practical to immediately plant in partial shade. If this is not done, burns will appear on the leaves and the flower will lose all attractiveness.

Did you know? Initially, only one name was used in everyday use - coleus, but the Russian people very quickly came up with another “name” for the plant. This is how nettle appeared, and I must say that today this name is used quite often.

Soil requirements

In addition to the illumination of the selected area, important role When planting coleus, the composition of the soil plays a role. By and large, the soil can be completely different, the main thing is that it contains a large amount of nutrients and nitrogen. The more of this element in the soil and top dressing, the greener the leaves of the plant and the less noticeable the stencil pattern.

For seed germination, a mixture of black soil, pine needles, cow dung and sand in a ratio of 4:2:2:1, and the earth should be sifted and well heated. It is better to sow seedlings in separate containers and only after germination of the plant are transferred to open ground.

How to plant coleus

Having figured out what coleus is and prepared a place for planting it, you can proceed directly to the process itself. Plant seedlings are often planted in open ground, although in some cases gardeners use the seed method.

How to grow coleus from seeds

Coleus reproduces well both by seed and by using seedlings, but before planting nettles, it’s worth weighing the pros and cons of each option. For example, it is no secret that in the first case you will have to wait a little longer for seedlings, while from seedlings you will get a full-fledged ornamental plant faster. However, the seed method is much cheaper, since the price of seedlings is often very high.

On sale you will find excellent Dutch and English variety mixtures that should be sown at the end of March. Sometimes seeds are sown at other times of the year, but in this case it is likely that the seedlings will have to be provided with additional artificial lighting.

The soil for the plant must be fertile and well heated, so to propagate coleus by seed, you will have to use a flat box, spreading the seeds evenly on the surface of the soil. The seedlings are sprayed with a spray bottle and lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of sand.

After this, cover the container with glass and place it in a warm and dark place, keeping the soil slightly moist.

Important! The germination rate of high-quality purchased seeds is quite high, but in order to achieve good results, do not buy them secondhand, but visit only specialized stores.

The first shoots appear already 7-10 days after sowing, and as soon as this happens, you can remove the glass and move the box to a bright eastern or western window, having previously protected the shoots from direct sun rays. From this point on, the air temperature should be between 17-19 ºC.

Planting coleus with seeds is completely worth it, so if you are not in a hurry and want to save a little, it is better to give preference to this method of planting.

Selection and planting of seedlings

Planting coleus seedlings in open ground is done after the end of the cold weather, as soon as the ground has warmed up well. If you grew seedlings yourself on your windowsill, then all that is required is simply to transplant them into a flowerbed or garden.

However, if you want to buy ready-made seedlings, then first you need to decide on the variety. The founder of all cultivated species of coleus is considered to be the "Blume" variety, which also became the ancestor of the famous hybrids of this plant (the "Rainbow" series, the "Fantasy" group, the "Dark Chocolate" and "Black Dragon" varieties).

When choosing seedlings of this species, you should pay attention to the color of the leaves (usually they are deep pink with a green frame around the edges), the thickness of the stem and the elasticity of the sprouts. It is better to avoid limp, dried or yellowish leaves on thin stalks.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground can be done from the beginning of June, as soon as the ground warms up and the night frosts have passed. To do this, maintaining a certain distance, dig holes in the selected location. the right size, add fertile substrate to them and plant coleus. After this, all plants are watered moderately with water.

In general, in terms of care, coleus can be called an undemanding plant, and when propagated by any of the methods, the growing process will not take much effort from you, especially if you are going to grow it as an annual flower. As for perennials, then for the winter they are dug out from their usual place of growth and stored in pots until spring.

Features of caring for coleus in open ground

Both at home and when growing coleus in open ground, it is necessary to follow some rules for watering, feeding and pruning the plant.

How to water a plant

Starting from spring and ending in mid-autumn, the nettle growing in the garden and flower bed is generously watered with soft, settled water (rain can be used), and on hot days it is additionally sprayed (make sure that upper layer soil was always moist).

IN winter period The frequency of watering should be reduced, while preventing the earthen clod from drying out. Absence required quantity moisture causes the plant to wilt, in particular, the leaves lose their elasticity. At temperatures of +14...+16 °C, watering is required extremely rarely, and the “bruised” appearance of the plant will tell you about the lack of moisture in the soil.

Rules for fertilizing coleus

Any type of coleus (no matter whether it is an annual or perennial) needs periodic feeding. The first application of nutrients is carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings, for which complex fertilizers are used. Each pack contains instructions with recommended doses, but for young sprouts it is better to reduce the indicated dosage by 3-4 times.

During the period of active growth, coleus is fed weekly, applying a mineral fertilizer complex intended for ornamental deciduous plants under the flower, but the growth and color of leaves is also positively affected by the addition of organic fertilizers.

For example, once a week it would be good to use potassium compounds for fertilizers (0.5 g per 1 liter of water), although in winter the frequency of such fertilizing should be reduced to once a month, using half-diluted fertilizers.

How to give coleus a compact shape, pruning the plant

The coleus flower (both indoor and garden varieties) has to be cared for in a certain way, and the matter is not limited to watering and fertilizing alone. So, the plant also needs periodic pruning, although garden species need this procedure much less often than their indoor counterparts.

It helps to give plants a compact and neat shape, as well as rid them of emerging inflorescences and wilted leaves, which negatively affect decorative functions flower. Pruning is carried out before each new season and helps to prolong decorative properties plants for at least two years. During the procedure, all shoots are cut at a height of 5-7 cm, and the resulting cuttings are often planted in the ground to obtain a new plant.

Coleus flowers (“Poor Croton”, “Nettle”, COLEUS)- these are small bushes, tightly covered large leaves, similar to nettle leaves, but with a wide variety of bright colors. The coleus plant is valued by gardeners for its rich selection color combinations on variegated leaves, and beyond fast growth. Caring for and growing coleus is not difficult, planting the plant is simple, and propagation is not at all difficult.

The coleus flower has many types and varieties, many of them are cultivated in home floriculture.

Types of coleus plant

In nature, there are about 150 species of coleus - both annual and perennial, common in tropical regions of the globe. In indoor floriculture, the most popular are the species and varieties of coleus of polyhybrid origin, one of the parents of which was Coleus blumei.

The name of the genus comes from the Greek coleus - “sheath, case” - and is associated with characteristic feature stamen filaments.

Pay attention to the photo of coleus flowers - the stamen filaments grow together, forming some kind of case.

The popular name “poor man's croton” reflects the variety of colors of the pretty velvety leaves, which is a worthy competitor to the more noble and demanding codiaum, and the affectionate “nettle” notes the similarity of the leaf blades with nettle leaves, but at the same time their complete harmlessness.

Coleus hybrid

For such diverse and sometimes not similar friends Other varieties of hybrid coleus (Coleus x hybridus) have characteristic features: square, erect stems and opposite arrangement of oval velvety leaves.

As you can see in the photo of a coleus flower, the edges of the leaf blades can be jagged, dissected, wavy, fringed and even curly.

Each young plant grown from seeds intrigues the gardener for some time, being a mystery to him - after all, the first leaves appear green and it is not at all clear what will grow. But how interesting it is to observe day after day the appearance of more and more new colors and pattern elements and be amazed at the skill and taste of the artist-nature. The varieties of coleus differ in the size of the plants themselves - some of them are large and powerful, there are also miniature and hanging varieties.

Varieties of coleus flowers and their photos

Popular varieties of coleus include the following:

"Brilliant"- a variety with small red and lemon leaves.

"Buttercup"- tall bushes (up to 50 cm) with delicate light green-white leaves.

"Butterfly"- a variety of coleus with a wavy edge of the leaf blade.

"Crimson Ruffles" - large variety with burgundy-crimson leaves.

"Candidum"- the center of the leaf is almost white, the border is light green.

Coleus "Firebird"- the entire sheet plate is corrugated.

Coleus "Golden Bedder"- leaves are monochromatic, yellow.

"Glory of Luxembourg"- coral and sand touches are scattered across the yellow background.

"Rose Blush"- highly branching variety. Pay attention to the photo of this variety of coleus - it has large, corrugated leaves, soft pink in the center and light green along the edges.

"Sabre" - dwarf variety coleus up to 20 cm high.

"Salmon Lace"- the center of the leaf is red, the border is green-yellow.

Kong series characterized by a rapid growth rate and very large leaves, due to which the height of the plant can be equal to the width of the crown.

Based on the color of the leaves there are:

Coleus "Green"- green-cream color.

Coleus "Red"- green-red version.

Coleus "Mosaic"- spotted-striped leaves of green-red-cream color.

Planting and caring for coleus

To get a beautifully formed bright bush, when planting and caring for coleus, you need to choose a well-lit place (in the middle zone, especially in winter, even direct sunlight is not a problem). Winter temperatures should not fall below +12…+ 15 °C. Watering in summer is plentiful (drying out the earthen clod is not allowed), in winter it is moderate (the roots are very sensitive to stagnation of water, especially when the temperature drops). In hot weather, fresh air and spraying are necessary.

After planting coleus, care must be taken to feed it. From March to August it is carried out monthly. It is better to use complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants or organic ones (there should be a predominance of nitrogen, since potassium-phosphorus fertilizers stimulate flowering, and coleus flowers are not very decorative). Coleus can be replanted once every 2-3 years, but it is better to rejuvenate the plant annually, that is, renew it from cuttings. Be sure to carry out pinching and formative pruning.

Coleus reproduces well by cuttings, while all parental properties are preserved. external characteristics, and seeds, but in this case the appearance of the resulting seedlings is unpredictable.

Coleus are plants that are indispensable when creating flower arrangements, for decorating balconies, terraces, and when decorating flower beds. The rich range of colors allows them to be used both as a background and for arranging color accents. From coleus alone you can create amazing flower pictures.

There are plants that everyone is accustomed to and considers them unremarkable. But one fine day you suddenly discover that you don’t know the most familiar flower at all.

Both spring and summer passed for me under the sign of coleus, that very “nettle” that always served to plug gaps in government window sills. Previously, imagining the ever-elongated, half-bare stems with small purple leaves, I labeled coleus as a “garbage” plant. And then I myself sowed the amazing variety Scarlett Wizard, red with a yellow border, and besides, they gave me a bunch of seedlings from the mixture.


© joeysplanting

I was lucky with the seed mixture: it really was a mixture, and was not packaged according to the “from what was available” principle. Coleus grew with spots various shapes and size, and color - from green to lemon yellow, crimson and dark burgundy (I'm not even talking about brick-rusty, I've never even seen this in pictures). The seedlings did not have a particular variety of leaf shapes, but then they gave me a coleus with a bizarrely cut leaf blade. Now there is such a wealth of choice that coleus may well compete with the whimsical crotons (dear croton lovers, please do not throw rotten tomatoes at me).

Coleus really deserve a lot of respect. Judge for yourself: high-quality planting material is obtained quickly - both by cuttings and sowing seeds. The plant is undemanding when it comes to soil, although rich soil allows it to grow simply luxurious specimens. By cutting cuttings in the spring, you can minimal costs and effort and finances to obtain seedlings for flower beds in the open ground, where coleus are decorative, unlike, say, balsams, not only near, but also at a distance.


© joeysplanting

But coleus, like a sheepskin, is only worth the trouble if you decide to grow a truly Beautiful Coleus. Because, depending on care, he is able to change his appearance from Window Sill Beauty to Perfect Scratch! If there is insufficient lighting, all the charm of this plant will be lost. The variegated pattern will disappear, the leaves will be crushed, the stems will become thin and weak, the internodes will lengthen...

In addition to the flow of sunlight (with sufficient watering unless in the south it will burn, but in the middle zone it is unlikely) regular watering is needed (otherwise the stems will quickly become bare and the plant will bloom), fertilizing (be careful with phosphorus-potassium, they can stimulate flowering, nitrogen should predominate). It is better to take complex fertilizers for decorative foliage, organic or simply nitrogen. I didn't really like the effect of Emerald, it does "restore the original greenery and freshness of yellowing leaves" as promised in the instructions. But alas, the feeding turned out to be too effective; in the yellow-leaved forms, the chlorophyll content in the leaves clearly increased, which I, who did not believe in the advertising, did not count on at all. From now on I will use Emerald only for its intended purpose, for green leafy forms.


© Korzun Andrey

But if you don’t feed or water the coleus for slaughter, it will bloom. It is better to break off the flowering tops, otherwise the plant will immediately lose its beautiful and neat appearance. You can, of course, let it bloom if you intend to collect seeds for fun or if you want to make sure that the staminate filaments of the coleus grow together to form a “case” (this is how the name of the genus is translated from Greek).

Coleus are sown superficially, without digging, and create high humidity (the easiest way is to put the bowl in a holey bag), the seeds germinate quickly, usually within a week, germination is about 100%. A long absence of seedlings indicates low quality seeds and the need to buy new ones. In early spring The first few pairs of leaves on my seedlings were completely green (don't be alarmed if the mixture seems monotonous at first), and as summer approached, the pattern even appeared to some extent on the cotyledons. Despite the demands of coleus on lighting, their early sowing is justified: the seedlings begin to branch early, you can have time to select and cut the most beautiful ones.


© joeysplanting

Coleus can only be planted after frost, as this tropical species cannot tolerate them. When the cold this spring was below 10 degrees and one day it even snowed, on my open balcony The leaves of only two plants froze: basil and coleus. They grew over it later, of course, but it was still a shame. In the fall, it is better to take the most beautiful coleus plants outdoors for the winter; fortunately, the cuttings produce roots in water very quickly and at any time, because it hardly makes sense to drag plants that have grown greatly over the summer into the house. Propagation of coleus by cuttings, in addition to guaranteeing the same color, also provides better quality planting material: root system from adventitious roots, not so powerful, restrains growth and inhibits flowering.

So, if the sun comes into your room for a few hours, you love fast-growing, cheerful plants, you have a summer cottage, you are happy to share cuttings with friends, you are able to safely renew a plant, you are a fan of mosaics and decorative paintings, coleus is your plant. Coleus is artistic and democratic by nature, any novice gardener can handle it, and you can always get cuttings for planting, and even an orchid connoisseur will not cast a contemptuous glance at a beautiful, well-groomed coleus.


© joeysplanting

Materials used:

  • E. Modestova

Coleus, or indoor nettle, found its way onto the window sills of gardeners from the distant shores of India and South Asia. The hearts of flower lovers were captivated by the velvety leaves of the plant, unusual in shape and color.

This plant has a fleshy stem that can become hard over time. The height ranges from 10 to 70 cm, depending on the type of plant and its care. The most common type is house nettle with oval and heart-shaped leaves. Coleus with lanceolate, lobed and curled leaves are less common. In nature there are plants of very different colors: pink, green, orange, black. The flowering of coleus does not have any aesthetic value: small flowers collected in spikes, the upper lip of the corolla is colored blue-violet, the lower lip is whitish.

If the coleus variety is not a decorative flowering variety, then all emerging buds should be removed so that they do not take away the strength of the plant.

At home, coleus blooms all summer long. In the natural environment you can watch the flowering all year round. This type of domestic plant rarely bears fruit.

How to care for coleus?

  1. 1 It is very important to consider the place where the indoor nettle will stand. It should be well lit. Direct sunlight should be avoided. But insufficient lighting will also lead to loss of plant variegation. In summer, the plant will feel good on the balcony.
  2. 2The pot for coleus is chosen to be small. The soil needed is light, containing sand. Nettles are replanted as needed, usually once every 2-3 years. The signal for this procedure will be the roots coming out of flower pot. The optimal time for this procedure is the end of winter.
  3. 3Water the plant with water at room temperature that has been standing for 24 hours. In summer, watering should be plentiful - drying out the earthen coma is unacceptable.
  4. 4In the spring-summer period, complex fertilizer is applied to the soil (2-3 times a month). In the autumn-winter period, fertilizing is reduced to once a month. Fertilizer should be chosen with a high nitrogen content.
  5. 5V summer heat carry out regular spraying. This should be done in the shade to avoid sunburn leaves. During the heating season, it is advisable to place a pot of indoor nettle on a tray with wet expanded clay.
  6. 6During the active growing season, the plant is pinched, stimulating the appearance of new branches. After winter, the plant is rejuvenated annually - all branches are cut off, leaving stems about 7-8 cm long.

Reproduction issues

Indoor coleus propagates in two ways: cuttings and seeds.

Method of propagation by cuttings

Cut a stalk 8-10 cm long. Remove the lower leaves. We place the cutting in moist soil and build a mini-greenhouse, covering the cutting with cut plastic bottle or polyethylene. Such a greenhouse should be located in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 20°C.
The roots of the plant appear in 10-12 days. After this time, the plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Method of propagation by seeds

When propagating by seed, it cannot be guaranteed that coleus will inherit the characteristics of the parent plant. Best time for sowing seeds - March. The soil for sowing is prepared from three parts of leaf soil, one part of turf soil and one part of sand.

Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected. Most available method- soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 25 minutes. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with any industrial growth stimulant. If you prefer folk remedies, then you can take garlic or aloe juice as stimulants.

Please note that after disinfection, the seeds need to be thoroughly dried!
Coleus seeds are planted in slightly moist soil to a depth of no more than 4 mm. Next, we build a mini-greenhouse. The temperature in the room where the seeds are grown should be 22-25 °C. The shoots will please the eye in a week.

House nettle seedlings require lighting. Choose a place with diffused light for the container with shoots. With a lack of light and no additional lighting, the seedlings will begin to stretch and weaken.
Do not forget that the mini-greenhouse needs regular ventilation.

After 2 weeks, the coleus seedlings need to be fed. For this, complex fertilizers are used, and the recommended dose is reduced by 3-4 times. After the first true leaves appear, the plant can be pruned. After six months, the seedling will reach the size of an adult flower.

Characteristic diseases

Problems that a gardener may encounter when growing coleus:

  1. 1Ugly elongated shoots. The reasons for the loss of decorativeness of a plant include lack of lighting, age of the coleus, missed pruning or pinching of the plant.
  2. 2Leaf fall. Loss of leaves indicates excess humidity soil or, conversely, about the infrequency of watering.
  3. 3Stem rot. Excessive watering also leads to it.
  4. 4Slow growth of coleus. The result of a lack of nutrients.
  5. 5 Dried leaves from brown spots. The reason for this is that the air is too dry.
  6. 6Soft or drooping leaves. It is necessary to increase the temperature in the room where the coleus is kept.
  7. 7 Yellowed leaves. The reason is the lack of mineral supplements.
  8. 8 Faded color of leaves. The reason is excessive lighting.

How to deal with pests?

Insects harmful to coleus include:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite

Pests can be controlled using industrial preparations or folk remedies. Well-proven store-bought drugs include:

  • Aktellik;
  • Apollo;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Akarin;
  • Oberon;
  • Agravertine.

Towards effective traditional methods Control of aphids involves spraying the infected plant with a soap solution. To prepare it, take 300 g of household or 125 g liquid soap and diluted in 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out once every 10 days for a month. The earthen ball must be covered during this procedure to protect it from soapy water.

Types and varieties

There are more than 100 species of this plant. And the diversity began with two varieties of this plant: Coleus Blume and Coleus Verschaffelt. By crossing them, European breeders gave the world a stunning splendor of colors and a riot of colors. The most famous is Coleus Blume. Its varieties include:

  1. 1Variety Black Dragon. Coleus with brown-purple foliage. The leaves are ribbed along the edges and decorated with red veins.
  2. 2Dwarf coleus variety Saber. Its maximum height is only 20 cm.
  3. 3Variety Glory of Luxembourg. Its bright yellow leaves are decorated with coral veins.
  4. 4Rose Blush variety. This variety is characterized by strong branching. The leaves are large, corrugated. The center is painted soft pink and the edges are framed by a light green stripe.
  5. 5Crimson Ruffles variety. It is distinguished by large leaves of a rich burgundy-raspberry color.
  6. 6Saturn's Rings variety. Its emerald leaves are decorated with a dark purple border around the edges.
  7. 7Fireworks grade. Attracts attention with its red leaves.
  8. 8Variety Desert Sunset. Depending on the lighting, the color of the foliage changes from fiery red to various shades of yellow.
  9. 9Lemon Twist variety. Lacy green leaves are decorated with small spots of lemon color and an exquisite thin burgundy edging.
  10. 10 Coleus variety Mosaic. It has striped leaves of green and red-cream colors.
  11. 11Hybrid coleus from the Vizzard series: Golden Vizzard with yellow-light green leaves, Evening Dawn Vizzard with bright fiery red leaves framed by a narrow strip of greenish border, Jade Vizzard with white leaves decorated with a wide dark green border.
  12. 12 Coleus Renelta. Its shoots fall in lashes up to half a meter. The leaves are decorated with colorful veins of different colors: purple, yellow, red and brown. Ampelous variety Golden Bedder attracts with solid yellow leaves.

Several years ago, Canadian students, through painstaking work, developed a series of 8 coleus under the general name “Water World”. The asymmetrical leaves of these plants are decorated with a fancy fringe and resemble sea creatures: fish, scallops, crabs. This series is resistant to temperature changes. Student experimenters specifically exposed young shoots to extreme heat and extreme cold. The “Water World” series has passed all the tests with dignity. Plants of this variety are propagated by cuttings, just like regular coleus.

Place in the interior

The variegated leaves of coleus will enliven any interior, giving it coziness. Ampelous coleus in hanging boxes and flower pots are ideal for decorating terraces and balconies. Homemade nettle is also suitable for children's rooms - it does not contain any irritants. These bright plants goes well with any other house colors.
Homemade nettle perfectly filters the air, contributing to a noticeable improvement in people's well-being. And thanks to the bright and unusual coloring homemade nettle will decorate any interior.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself...

Coleus is an ideal plant for decorating borders and flower beds. But to realize such ideas, you need a sufficient number of these colors, and this is very expensive. You can solve this problem by growing flowers from seeds. Caring for coleus at home is simple and does not require much time. The main thing is to find those varieties that will look original in plantings.

Features of the plant

Coleus is one of the most striking representatives of the Lamiaceae family. There are about two hundred types of nettle. By the way, coleus received this name because of its foliage, which is shaped like nettles. You can also hear another name - poor man's croton. This nickname is given to the flowers due to the similarity in color. Coleus has the same intricate patterns as croton. If we compare nettle with croton, then the first has many more color options. It is worth noting that caring for coleus at home is much easier than caring for other similar plants.

Under natural conditions, coleus grows in Asia and Africa, where it is used not only as decorative decoration garden, but also eaten. In Russia, only hybrid varieties are available for sale, which are suitable only as garden decorations.

Such different coleus

Growing coleus and caring for it at home should begin with getting to know the plant, its appearance, and understanding at least a little about the varieties. After all, each of them has its own unique color and a certain leaf shape. The shades of nettle foliage can be very different: green, purple, cream, pink, yellow, burgundy, red, black.

The most unusual types of coleus are considered to be those that have an original pattern of several shades. Dots, stripes, specks, marble patterns, and stains give the plant an aesthetic appearance.

Coleus is a flowering plant, but it is valued for its decorative leaves. Bushes bloom white or bluish small flowers. When caring for coleus at home, the released arrows with flowers are removed. This is done in order not to spoil decorative look flower.

Popular types

The most popular types of coleus are Renelta, Pumila and Blume.

Renelta is characterized by matte red shades of foliage. It is emphasized by a creamy, green edging.

Pumila is characterized by its ability to hang down in beautiful lashes. This variety belongs to the ampelous variety.

In the process of selection, a variety of the Blume species was obtained based on Scutellarioides. It has many different colors - from pure green to camouflage, there are spotted, pink representatives of the species.

One of the favorite and popular varieties is Black Dragon Coleus. Home care for this species boils down to providing enough light to see the true color of the foliage.

Plant care

Planting coleus and caring for it at home is very simple, and even a beginner can handle these tasks. Basic Rule successful cultivation flowers - good lighting. It determines how pronounced the nettle pattern will be. It is also important to comply temperature regime, watering.


One of the most important elements of caring for coleus at home is watering. This plant loves moisture very much: even short-term drying out of the soil leads to partial shedding of leaves and delayed development. Also doesn't like nettles overwatering, and stagnation of water is especially dangerous for its roots. When growing in pots, excess should be removed from the tray, and there should be drainage in the pot itself.

For irrigation, you must use settled water without chlorine. In winter, watering is reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry out.

Fertilizer application

When caring for coleus flowers at home, they require the application of fertilizers. In spring and summer, the plant needs to be fed every week.

For feeding, complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used. In winter, the plant needs to be fed once a month. To prevent burns of the root system, fertilize only after abundant watering.


Growing coleus and caring for it at home requires compliance with the light regime. It is light-loving and should be placed in the brightest place. But you should not place the flower on a south-facing window in direct sunlight, as its delicate leaves may burn and lose their unique color. Western and eastern windows are best suited for the plant. In the north, it can stretch upward and the leaves turn pale.

When placing coleus in the garden, you should select a place where there will be partial shade or shade.


Coleus are not picky about temperature. They grow ideally at 16-25 degrees. For winter keeping indoors, a temperature of at least twelve degrees is suitable. At lower temperatures, the plant's metabolism is disrupted, which causes the nettle to rot.

Humidity level

Coleus grow naturally in the tropics, where there is a high level of humidity. Domestic hybrids are just as demanding of this condition as their wild counterparts. In order for the flower to please with its splendor, it should be sprayed at least once a day. You can place the flower on the kitchen windowsill, where it is always warm and very humid. When placed in the garden, the plant will receive moisture at dawn, with morning dew.

Features of transplantation

Coleus is most often grown as annual crop. In winter, its trunk usually becomes dull, becomes bare, and the plant loses its decorative effect. Some manage to maintain its attractiveness by pruning bare stems. In this case, the flower is replanted every two years. If the roots are knocked out of the drainage hole, then this is a signal that there is a need for an urgent transplant.

To do this, use soil consisting of humus, turf soil, sand, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1. At the bottom of the pot, drainage is made of expanded clay, pieces of polystyrene foam or other material. Before transplant old land removed from the roots as much as possible. During this procedure, all rotten and intertwined roots are removed. This must be done as carefully as possible. The flower is then placed in new pot and sprinkle with prepared soil.

Planting in the garden involves annual cultivation. Of course, the varieties you like can be brought into the house for the winter, but they rarely take root: they shed their leaves and soon begin to die completely. To preserve the variety, cuttings are taken and rooted.

Reproduction methods

Coleus propagates by cuttings and seeds. The easiest way to get a new specimen is by vegetative propagation. However, over the years, the plant loses its decorative effect and the leaves become smaller. In this case, it is necessary to sow the variety again.

Propagation by cuttings

When pruning the plant, all cut branches can be rooted. This can be done in two ways: in water and in land. In the first case, the plants are placed in a container of water so that the lower part of the stem does not touch the bottom of the jar. After ten days, white roots appear. Now the cutting can be planted in the ground. When rooting in water, no rooting stimulants need to be added.

When germinating in soil, it is necessary to cut cuttings about ten centimeters long. Remove the lower leaves. The blanks are planted in the ground and covered with glass on top. In such a mini-greenhouse, the plant will quickly grow, after which it needs to be opened.

Propagation by seeds

There are many advantages to this propagation method. Firstly, you will receive a large number of seedlings at once, which is important when growing plants to decorate the garden. Secondly, by purchasing mixture seeds, you can get many new, original colors. Thirdly, when sowing seeds, it is possible to grow healthy plants with strong stems and large leaves without crushing, which is typical when propagated by cuttings.

You need to start propagation by choosing planting material. Country stores offer a large selection of coleus seeds of various colors; there are many mixtures. Having decided on the variety, prepare the soil for sowing and the container. It is best to use a small food container into which the seeds will be sown en masse.

The container is filled with soil, which is lightly compacted. Then the soil needs to be watered. Since the seeds are small, they can be sown in the snow. In this case, preliminary moistening is not required: when melting, the moisture itself will slightly draw the seeds into the soil. Otherwise, you need to lightly spray the crops with a spray bottle. Drops of water will press the seed into the ground.

The container with the crops is placed in a bright, warm place. In about five days, shoots will begin to appear.

Coleus usually sprout together, and it often happens that all the seeds hatch within 24 hours.

During growth, the plant is picked twice. It is better to carry out the first picking three weeks after germination, and the second - at permanent place after disembarkation.

When growing, coleus is pinched. Care at home comes down to the formation of a bush, and this procedure contributes to the formation of a beautiful, healthy plant.

The first pinching occurs at the stage of two true leaves. After this procedure, lateral branches begin to grow from the leaf sinuses. As soon as they sprout two pairs of leaves, they are pinched. This way you can get a very beautiful and lush plant. These are the balls that can be seen in the photo of coleus. Care at home using the pinching technique helps to obtain flowers of any shape: some gardeners even practice growing standard trees.

Coleus is one of the most popular types plants that are grown in decorative purposes for decorating flower beds, paths and flower beds. It is appreciated not only by amateurs indoor plants, but also by gardeners for their ease of care, bright color and large selection of varieties.

This is a herbaceous plant that resembles nettle in appearance, only without thorns and beautifully colored. Blume's Coleus blumei hybrids are common in cultivation. The stem is erect, the plant height is up to 80 cm. The leaves are opposite, oval, pointed at the end, wavy or serrated along the edge. The leaves are finely pubescent, usually variegated. Inflorescence raceme of numerous small flowers.

General information about coleus

Coleus, family Lamiaceae. Other names: nettle
Number: About 150 species are common in nature.
Place of origin: Homeland is the island of Java.
Usage: decorative deciduous.
Plant dimensions: 60 - 80 cm in height.
Height: very fast.
Coleus flowering: summer and autumn.

Coleus care and maintenance

Temperature in summer 19 - 25
Temperature in winter 13 - 17

Lightingcoleus: photophilous

direct sunny

Sunny, but to prevent the leaves from turning green, we shade it only in the afternoon if the window faces south; In winter, due to a decrease in the amount of light, it is necessary to ensure a low temperature (about 10 degrees).

Wateringcoleus: In summer, coleus is watered abundantly; in autumn and winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should be slightly moist. It is preferable to use soft water for irrigation.

Reproductioncoleus: By seeds in spring, stem cuttings in spring and summer. When coleus is propagated by seeds, they sprout easily and quickly. At the same time, when the leaf pattern of the seedlings is clearly visible on the young leaves, the brightest and most beautiful of them are selected, and the rest are thrown away. Young seedlings usually form flower shoots quite quickly and lose their decorative appeal. Therefore, they are cut, and the cut stems are used for cuttings. Cuttings usually take root within 2-3 weeks.

Air humidity: Coleus loves very humid air. Therefore, the air is moistened by frequent spraying or the pot with the plant is placed on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Transfercoleus: Replanted annually in spring. Sometimes in the summer the coleus is replanted again, or rather, transferred to a larger pot, since its roots grow quickly and entwine earthen lump. Repotting is necessary when the plant's roots emerge from the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. Soil - any nutrient mixture; coleus is not picky about the composition of the soil.

Top dressingcoleus: Regularly from March to September, feed with a solution of mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous indoor plants. Feeding is carried out weekly. The more nitrogen the soil and fertilizers for feeding coleus contain, the less pronounced the pattern on the leaves and the “greener” they are.

Trimmingcoleus: pinch regularly, remove inflorescences, and radically prune in spring.

Features of caring for coleus

In summer you can take it out into the fresh air.

Can be grown hydroponically.

The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off - there is not enough light.

In the spring and summer, coleus should be regularly and abundantly watered with settled water at room temperature, preventing the soil from drying out. In addition, the plant must be sprayed every day. It is best to fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers once a week. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be reduced, but be sure to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. There is no need to feed coleus at this time. To plant coleus, you should prepare soil mixture, consisting of one part turf, two parts humus soil and one part sand. When planting a plant, it is necessary to make a good drainage layer so that when watering, water does not stagnate at the roots. Excessive moisture can cause them to rot and subsequent death of the plant. The lush crown of the coleus needs to be formed by pruning and pinching.

Coleus is a flower that belongs to the genus Yasnotkovyh. Its name is translated from Greek as “case”. It is distributed throughout the tropical forests of Africa and Asia, but recently it can increasingly be found in the flower beds of our country.

Description, features and types of coleus

Coleus flower has a tetrahedral ribbed stem, lignification is observed at its base. Coleus leaf, is generally small in size, but in some species it can reach 15 centimeters. The shape is heart-shaped, the color varies from various shades of green to bright red.

Coleus inflorescences are spike-shaped. purple and blue. Due to the fact that the leaves and stems of coleus are similar in color to nettles, this plant is popularly called “nettle.”

Today there are about 60 in the world coleus species, Moreover, all the varieties that we can see in flower beds and pots were obtained from a species such as Coleus bloome. Thanks to this species, a huge number of varieties of coleus have already appeared and their number is increasing every year.

Blume can reach sizes up to 80 centimeters. It has oval, slightly elongated leaves with coarsely toothed edges. There are a huge number of hybrid forms of this, the sizes of which can vary from 10 to 80 centimeters. In addition, the following varieties of coleus are widely known:

Pictured is Coleus “Hybrid”

Growing Coleus

Growing Coleus- this is a fairly simple matter, since the plant does not require special care. If you have decided to grow coleus at home, then you should start doing this at the end of March.

The photo shows a coleus flower at home

Allowed planting coleus and at other times, for example, in winter or autumn, but in such a situation it will be necessary to provide additional lighting to the seedlings. The soil must be light and fertile; a flat box is perfect as a container.

Further, coleus seeds placed on the surface of the soil (not in piles), sprayed with water, covered a little with sand, covered with glass on top and moved to a warm and dark place. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is kept moist at all times. Usually, coleus from seeds It sprouts very well from almost every seed.

Plant germination is observed already on days 7–10. After the first shoots appear, the container with the plant should be moved to a window, preferably one that faces west or east. At the same time, it is very important to protect the sprouts from the influence of direct rays of the sun. The plant should be kept at a temperature of 17–19 degrees.

When the plant is 3-4 weeks old and the first leaves appear on it, it needs to be moved to special cassettes, they contribute to the development of a strong root system in the coleus, which will not be damaged when planted in open ground. And at 5–6 weeks, each young coleus should be transplanted into a large plastic glass.

Coleus in open ground need to be planted only after the onset of full warm days. It is recommended to choose an area for planting that receives a sufficient amount of sunlight, but is slightly shaded.

Be sure to ensure that the area is not too windy, although some coleus varieties They tolerate windy weather well. Next, you should dig holes and place a substrate in them that prevents the penetration of water and air. Then they are seated in the holes from glasses.

The photo shows all the known colors of the coleus flower.

It is worth noting that if you want to enjoy several years house plant coleus, then it is not worth planting in open ground, ideal option there will be pots.

If you decide to grow coleus using cuttings, you need to select a cutting that is at least 10 centimeters long. All leaves are removed from its lower part.

It is then placed in moist soil and covered with a plastic bag or plastic bottle. The cutting is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. Roots form 8–10 days after planting. Immediately after the roots appear, coleus can be planted in a pot or open soil.

Coleus care

The main thing that is required coleus care– abundant watering, especially in summer time of the year. It is advisable to irrigate with settled water; to provide yourself with the proper amount of this type of liquid, you can install a tub or barrel in the garden where tap or rain water will be placed.

After watering, you should loosen the soil and remove weeds from it. It is recommended to cut coleus several times during the summer season to ensure greater bushiness.

Pictured is Coleus "Black Dragon"

In order to speed up the growth of leaves and the flowering process, it is recommended to feed the plant weekly with nitrogen fertilizers. After flowering, you should immediately get rid of the peduncles, as they will take away vitality y .

In the case when the coleus is placed in a pot, the care features are the same. The only thing that needs to be done is to replace nitrogen fertilizers with complex ones.

In the summer season, it is recommended to spray the plant daily, but it is advisable to perform these actions in a dark place. If the flower is not an ornamental flowering plant, you should immediately remove the buds that appear, as they draw the vitality of the plant.

Coleus is a very unpretentious plant, so today it can be successfully grown not only in an apartment, but also in open ground. Moreover, changing conditions does not in any way affect the quality of its growth and flowering. Coleus will delight you everywhere with its spectacular appearance and rapid growth of green mass. But even here it will need some care to make it worth the effort.

Coleus flower: types

Coleus is one of the brightest representatives of the Lamiaceae family, which includes more than 150 species. Many people know this plant under the name “nettle,” which can be explained unusual shape and the texture of its leaves. Others no less a popular nickname is "poor man's croton": it received this nickname due to its similar color to well-known ornamental plants.

If you look closely, it is decorated with the same fancy patterns as croton, and the latter costs much more than its copy. This provides additional superiority to coleus, because it not only has a rich color palette and provides many different types, but is also more profitable in terms of cost.

Under natural conditions, coleus grows in the forests of Asia and Africa, where it is used not only as ornamental plant , but also food. However, this does not mean that our compatriots who decide to grow this plant at home can do as the aborigines do. Still, these are not the plants that grow wild.

Mostly hybrid varieties are available in our country., which are of value only in decorative terms. In the wild, coleus grow in the form of shrubs or subshrubs, reaching a height of 30–50 cm. At the same time, they are quite pleasant to look at because they are very similar to the well-known nettle.

In the process of getting to know this plant, everyone notices how varied the shades and patterns are present in coleus. In terms of its external design, it can compete on equal terms with any variegated plant. Coleus leaves come in a wide variety of shades.: bright green, brown, purple, yellow, cream, red, burgundy, pink.

The most attractive are those species that have several colors that form an original pattern. Coleus leaves have a velvety covering, complemented by contrasting edging. The aesthetics of the foliage is given by dots, stripes, stains, large or small speckles, and marble patterns. As a result, coleus looks very exotic.

Although coleus is a flowering plant, its foliage rather than its flowers seems more valuable in decorative terms. Many varieties of this plant form an arrow during growth, which is decorated with miniature white or bluish flowers.

  • One of the popular varieties is Renelta (Coleus rehneltianus). This plant stands out for its matte red foliage, which is effectively emphasized by green or cream edging;
  • Coleus pumilus has become famous as an hanging plant. A similar affiliation is demonstrated by lodging stems, which can be given any position to form a lush bush;
  • Coleus blumei. This variety of coleus was developed from the Scutellarioides variety. Thanks to him, many different species were created, distinguished by a rich color palette. The plant received its name in honor of the botanist Carl Blum, thanks to whose efforts this variety of coleus appeared.

Planting and care in open ground

Grow coleus in room conditions simple enough. Therefore, even novice flower growers can cope with this task. The main thing to understand- Good lighting is very important for coleus. Therefore, you need to worry about its creation first.

Temperature and lighting

Since the main advantage of coleus is the bright color of the leaves, it needs increased illumination to maintain it. If in room where coleus is grown, there will be sufficient sunlight, the leaves will regularly form original color patterns.

Wherein you need to constantly monitor the condition of the coleus. At the first signs of leaf wilting, adjustments in care must be made, as this indicates overheating. In winter, the lack of sunlight is compensated artificial lighting to ensure optimal daylight hours.

  • nettle responds positively to heat, so for normal development it is necessary to maintain the room temperature within 20-25 degrees. But nothing bad will happen if the temperature fluctuates for a short time;
  • in summer, coleus can be kept on the balcony, because fresh air will benefit it;
  • You need to be very careful with watering during cold spells down to + 16 degrees. If you do not reduce watering during this period, this can lead to rotting of the roots.

Coleus belongs to the group of those rare flowers that can actively grow throughout the year. But for this you will have to create favorable growing conditions for it on the windowsill. Then he will be able to delight you in winter.

Watering and humidity

In summer, coleus especially needs frequent watering, but it should be done only at the moment when signs of drying out of the top layer of soil appear. When grown in conditions of bright lighting and comfortable temperatures, it actively consumes water. During a cold snap Coleus grown in a dark place needs to be watered less often. You can water again only after the pot is half dry.

Excessive moisture is more destructive for coleus flowers than temporary drought. However, even if you have doubts about the advisability of watering this can be easily determined. The nettle itself can tell you about this: just pay attention to its leaves - at such moments they become drooping.

The development of coleus depends to a large extent on whether there is enough moisture in the air. Therefore, at elevated temperatures it is necessary to take special measures. First of all a fine spray should be used, which can easily turn water into dust. Solution to wipe velvet leaves will bring harm, not benefit. Indeed, in this case, you can easily disrupt the structure of the hairs.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Typically, coleus flowers do well in an apartment if it is provided with sufficient sunlight. However, it doesn’t hurt to fertilize from time to time, which will have a positive effect on the appearance and its leaves.

  • in the spring-summer period it is necessary to apply fertilizers at least once a week;
  • when caring for young nettle flowers, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dose of fertilizer: for them it is recommended to use half the norm;
  • excellent results can be achieved if mineral salts and organic matter are added to the soil. The effect of their use is even more noticeable if fertilizers are applied in alternation. In winter, coleus' need for nutrients decreases, so fertilizing is carried out no more than once a month. Moreover, the fertilizer rate should not exceed 1/3 of that specified in the instructions.

Reproduction and transplantation

If after planting throughout the season you carry out the necessary measures to care for coleus, you will have to replant it at least once a year in larger containers. To avoid injury, it is recommended to do this by transshipment. Ceramic and plastic pots However, cylindrical or tulip pots are more suitable for this.

Nettles can grow well in any soil, so replanting pots can be filled with regular garden soil. In order to increase soil fertility, you can add compost or peat to it. Give the planting substrate a looser structure you can add vermiculite or sand. These components should be used in a ratio of 2:2:1. When growing nettles in nutritious soils, you will soon notice how bright and colorful the flowers will be. However, if the soil described above is not available, it can be replaced with a purchased universal substrate.


Coleus is one of the popular plants that many gardeners grow for decorative purposes. The plant is loved by gardeners not only for its bright appearance, but also for its ease of care. Therefore, you can enjoy the beauty of this plant not only at your summer cottage, but also in your apartment.

Few people have this quality. tropical plants, therefore it is not surprising that not only specialists, but also beginning flower growers show such increased attention to coleus. Growing and caring for coleus is quite simple. Therefore, knowing all these tricks, you can easily help the plant remain active further, thanks to which it can remain attractive all year round.


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