The rooms are rectangular in loft style. Apartment renovation in loft style: stylish savings are on trend

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Apartment with a small area of ​​37 square meters- one-room and absolutely could not imagine the possibility of expanding the space using additional rooms. Therefore, some difficulties arose when creating a new design project.

As a result, the authors had to sacrifice the territory of the corridor, which, according to the new layout, moved into other zones. In its place, modern, spacious storage systems appeared in the form of a large closet, which simultaneously divides the space of the living room and hallway.

The style is typical for people with established views who are not afraid to change anything in their lives. All elements are made from natural raw materials: the walls are lined with brick, the sofa is covered in leather, cabinet furniture and ceiling trim have a woody composition.


From point of view modern approaches to the comfort and convenience of living quarters, this apartment, built in the last century, does not meet the conditions proper organization space.

Experts dismantled almost all the structures separating the room, hallway and kitchen. The result is a huge spacious room filled with natural light and air.

As a result of the redevelopment of the corridor and the use of free space, the designers were lucky enough to enlarge the bathroom. After installing a closet separating the living room from the entrance, a small, cozy hallway was formed.


In a small apartment it is quite difficult to organize and install many functional systems storage Moreover, if it does not even provide a basic storage room. In this room, the most important and capacious place for storing things was a huge closet at the entrance.

It has also become possible to hide accessories in a cabinet under the TV, in kitchen cabinets, bathroom furniture, and also in original chest tables located next to the sofa.


Lighting task small area has a very original solution. The customer refused standard chandeliers and backlights. He wanted to use extraordinary ceiling water pipes with lamps attached to them cylindrical. This non-standard design element perfectly complemented the interior style.

The function of secondary lighting of the room is performed by store-bought wall lamps located above dining table. They are attached using custom forged brackets.


To emphasize the long history of the house, the designers used techniques that were fashionable in the last century: they installed a high, elegant plinth along the entire perimeter, and decorated the door and windows with portals. Thus, another style quite organically fit into the interior design - the Stalinist Empire style.


Square: 37 m²
Wall height: 3m.
Hallway: 6.2 sq.m.
Living room: 14.5 sq.m.
Kitchen: 8.5 sq.m.
Bathroom: 7.8 sq.m.

In the picture: Design of a loft studio apartment with purple accents

In the design of loft-style studio apartments in 2016, shades of eggplant could often be seen. To make a decision in a discreet color scheme design project is more attractive; it may be enough to install a sofa or cozy armchair muted purple hue.

Types of partitions in the design of a studio apartment in the loft style

15. Transparent partition between the living room and bedroom

In the picture: A transparent partition separates the bedroom from the living room with an office

The studio principle of organizing space, on which the concept of loft-style apartment design is based, involves the use of a minimum number of partitions. However, this does not mean a complete abandonment of room zoning. In order not to create chaos and disorder, it is important to at least conditionally indicate in the apartment functional areas. Transparent partitions hardly violate the principle of studio space organization. Such structures transmit light well, so they are suitable for zoning a room with one window. If you want to provide complete intimacy in the bedroom area, for example, then a transparent partition can be equipped with light curtains.

16. “Rack” partition

In the picture: Partition in the interior of a loft-style room

The space of a studio apartment is not burdened by slatted partitions, which perfectly transmit light. Such structures are very light and mobile. At the same time, they effectively zone the space, separating the bedroom from the living room.

From this article you will learn:

  • What types of loft style can be implemented when renovating an apartment?
  • How to renovate a studio apartment in loft style
  • What role does a brick wall play in renovating a loft-style apartment?
  • How to renovate a one-room apartment in loft style
  • How to renovate a loft-style apartment yourself

Repairs in Moscow need to be taken seriously. You first need to decide on a style that you like.

The loft style is gaining more and more popularity due to its ease and eclecticism, perfectly combined with convenience and space. A modern interior in the spirit of a loft can be created away from industrial premises, embodying its ideas in a standard living space. To renovate a loft-style apartment, you don’t have to look for old bricks to imitate the walls of an abandoned factory. You will learn how to create a loft style using simple techniques in this article.

How can an apartment in a loft style be renovated?

The nuances of an interior designed in a loft style largely depend on the lifestyle and preferences of the apartment’s inhabitants. The owners of such spaces are usually:

  • creative individuals with established principles and lifestyle (everyone knows that such an interior was made fashionable by the flamboyant artist Andy Warhol, thanks to whom the loft became extremely popular among the bohemians of that time);
  • successful office workers or entrepreneurs, for whom the unobtrusiveness of the loft helps them escape from the daily work routine;
  • owners of studios in new buildings and buyers of Stalinka and Brezhnevka apartments with high ceilings (renovating an apartment in the loft style allows you to create an original and at the same time comfortable and inexpensive interior);
  • people who have abandoned their usual way of life and are attracted by the loft style for its unpretentiousness.

There are several solutions for renovating an apartment in the loft style:

Soft loft(soft loft) is embodied in emphasizing a wall or a separate section of it using “exposure” or imitation source material- concrete, brick, etc. This is quite enough to create a suitable spirit in the interior. A soft loft allows for open communications, but this is not mandatory.

Soft loft is not against curtains, carpet or laminate as flooring. If a family with a small child lives in a one-room apartment, it is quite acceptable to renovate it in a loft style. However, the background for such an interior should be neutral, for example, wood or concrete. Any interior can be made loft, since a soft loft is quite acceptable for elements of many other styles. Assorted furniture and decorative items purchased “for the future” will also be appropriate.

Hard loft(hard loft) does not at all mean severity and gloom. In an interior made in this style, light colors can be used, which is especially important when there is a lack of natural light or inability to install big windows. In this case, it is appropriate to apply the principle of dominance of the top, in which the background is the ceiling, decorated with suspended deliberately rough accents of industrial origin. Open communication systems (for example, pipes), highlighted with contrasting paint, are also relevant. Another way to highlight an interior with a hard loft is to use large textured background surfaces, divided into zones and having their own complementary accent. Renovating an apartment in a hard loft style helps with chronic stress in middle-aged people, but such an interior is not recommended for children and the elderly.

Angry Loft(evil loft or malicious loft) is typical for those who sharply reject the socially approved way of life, for example, kitschy artists or antisocial elements. This style is distinguished by neglect of space (overhanging ceilings), light and provocative, even obscene, main accents.

Loft pig farm(swine loft) is a dream interior for any creative person who wants to break away from reality. This kind of space is not at all piggish. Here everything is arranged and thought out to the smallest detail, light and air are harmoniously organized. However, renovation of an apartment in the loft-pig barn style can only be done in premises with an area of ​​at least 80 square meters with French window full wall and/or roof with lantern.

How to renovate a studio apartment in loft style

For those who have recently become the owner of their own home and are thinking about upcoming expenses on interior decoration, loft-style renovation will be a real salvation. Especially when it comes to a studio. The loft style will truly create original interior using non-standard elements of “street design”: pipes, various metal parts, etc.

What can you save on when renovating a small loft-style apartment? Firstly, on finishing materials. Having abandoned plaster and primer, you just need to emphasize the beauty of the rough finish of the ceilings and walls and display the blocks interior partitions.

Secondly, the loft style “adores” open communications and wiring, which means you can save on gating and sealing channels for pipes and electrical equipment. Professionally installed communications and wiring can become a real decoration of the interior.

By ridding your living space of unnecessary details and letting in a lot of light and air, you will further emphasize the “loft” feel of your apartment. Replace many chests of drawers and bedside tables with a hidden storage system, and instead of vases and ceramic figurines, focus on a bright red bicycle.

Color palette

The renovation of an apartment in the loft style is carried out in classic “industrial” colors: gray (from a shade of light concrete to dark graphite) and muted terracotta, which resembles the shade of old bricks and wood. This coloring of the living space is in perfect harmony with other objects and decorative elements of the urban style.

All shades of gray are suitable for the interior of bathrooms and toilets. Selecting finishing materials for these rooms is not at all difficult, since similar colors can be found in the collections of every manufacturer of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware.

Bar counter

The loft style does not accept living rooms with separate tables and rows of chairs, giving preference to a bar counter. This option is great for small apartments. Loft-style renovations will allow you to complement the bar counter with a minibar or hidden storage systems.

Also, the counter can visually divide the space into a kitchen area and a soft area for entertaining guests or watching TV. A kitchen island is perfect for such a piece of furniture, at which several people can prepare dinner at once. A similar stand can also be used to organize parties in an urban style.

Vintage tree

Wood will never go out of style, the main thing is to choose suitable shades and texture. When renovating, complement your loft space with old beams, tables with textured surfaces from craft workshops, or carved panels that have turned gray with time. If you can't find suitable wood, visual effect Aging of new pieces of furniture can be achieved using a variety of techniques and finishing materials.

Old or distressed boards can become a panel on the wall, a headboard, a tabletop, etc.

Street decor

Bring the spirit of the city into your living space and highlight the urban style with original elements of street culture. For example, a bicycle hanging on the wall. The loft style is a sign of people who are open and free from stereotypes, who are not used to hiding their lives behind decorative facades.

Old signs, road signs or neon advertising panels will look great on a brick or concrete wall, further blurring the boundaries between the apartment and the street outside the window. Photo prints that imitate a sign or graffiti, and time-worn city artifacts purchased at a flea market would also be appropriate.

After repairing an old barn door, convert it into a sliding door by adding original accent into the interior of a room in a loft style. Such doors save space, so they are excellent option for small apartments.

Repair in the loft style does not require strict compliance with the canons and large financial costs. Creating a suitable atmosphere or mood will not be difficult, the main thing is to attract imagination and desire to help.

Brick wall as an integral part of the renovation of a loft-style apartment

The loft style originated in the factory districts of New York. The rising cost of land in the city center forced business owners to move them outside the city. City authorities handed over empty factory premises to low-income families for rent as apartments, obliging them to carry out repairs at their own expense. However, low income did not allow the new inhabitants of factory spaces to seriously transform their homes, so the walls and ceilings existed in the interiors in their original industrial form.

The loft style was made fashionable by the flamboyant artist Andy Warhol, who organized bohemian parties for artists in such apartments. The deliberate roughness of exposed brick and concrete was radically different from the design standards accepted at that time, so it delighted the local elite, among whom a radical rejection of the past and the familiar became fashionable. The loft style and its calling card - the rough texture of brick - have become extremely popular, and the former apartments of the poor have risen sharply in price.

Renovating an apartment in the loft style requires bold design experiments aimed at emphasizing the original industrial aesthetics.

Signs of industrial style (LED signs, road signs, witty posters, graffiti and “industrial” lamps) fit perfectly into the loft-inspired interior. Open communications and electrical wiring will become another accent of such an “urban” space.

The authenticity of brickwork can be emphasized by leather upholstery, coarse textiles, metal structures, sports equipment, bright color accents and contemporary art objects. Contrasting elements, such as massive mirrors in twisted baroque frames and neo-Gothic wall chandeliers, will add additional emphasis to the brick finish.

Renovating an apartment in the loft style most often involves the most popular shade of brick - terracotta. White, gray and even black colors of brickwork will also be relevant.

The lighting scenario for a loft-style space should emphasize the natural “redness” of the brick, so preference should be given to a warm light spectrum, thanks to which the shades and texture of the masonry will look most advantageous.

Suitable lighting fixtures include rotating spotlights, floor lamps, table lamps, low-hanging chamber lamps, LED lighting and signs. Lighting can be multi-level.

One of the last fashion trends renovation of an apartment in the loft style is an original solution for the wall at the head of the bed: in the niches of the white plasterboard body one can see natural brickwork, illuminated in a warm spectrum using LED strip. The niches themselves contain storage space, which makes them non-standard replacement bedside tables.

How to make a brick wall in an apartment

If your home has a brick wall with uneven masonry, and you are planning to renovate your apartment in a loft style, you should not hide this beauty behind plaster or plasterboard structures. Give it a refined and original look appearance An experienced designer will help. To do this, finishing craftsmen just need to clean the brickwork from cement, dirt and salt stains using an acid-containing solution. After the final wash, the surface will be coated with water-based varnish. You can also paint the wall with paint of your choice or draw graffiti.

If you didn’t get a “gift of fate” in the form of authentic brickwork, you can create it using finishing materials. Using real bricks for this purpose risks reducing the size of the room. It is much better to imitate masonry using modern materials and technologies:

  1. Facing brick or clinker tiles. The dimensions and weight of these materials are significantly less than that of building bricks, so they will not weigh down the structure or “eat up” precious square centimeters. This cladding is suitable even for interior partitions. The strength and wear resistance of these materials allows them to be used for renovations in all areas of the apartment. Thanks to the variety of colors and textures, they will fit into any stylistic solution.
  2. Plastic building panels “brick-like”. This inexpensive material does not require wall preparation before application, or special construction skills. Additional advantages include durability and good soundproofing characteristics.
  3. Brick veneers. This material is made from plastic, wood, polystyrene foam, artificial leather or clay like clinker tiles. Such budget “bricks” are inexpensive, but they are sold individually, so they are best used for finishing small wall fragments.
  4. Gypsum imitation brick. This method allows you to create a truly individual coating. During renovation, a thick layer of plaster is applied to the wall, in which the “bricks” are formed by hand. After drying, the gaps are rubbed with a solution, the paint is given a shade and depth of texture.
  5. Paper or vinyl photo wallpaper with a brick pattern. This is the simplest and inexpensive way renovate an apartment in a loft style with the effect of brickwork. However, it should be remembered that such a finish will not look as natural as natural brick.

Renovating a one-room loft-style apartment is not as difficult as it seems at first glance

What to do if, instead of high ceilings and large square meters of a real loft, there is only a one-room apartment or a modest studio? Abandon industrial style? In no case! It is quite possible to make a loft-style renovation in a small apartment on a small budget.

Professional designers cope with the challenge of a small-sized loft style very successfully, creating truly original projects.

So how can you achieve the desired interior when renovating a small apartment and a modest budget? To get started, you should arm yourself with some tips.

  1. Create the factory spirit of a loft interior.

You need to start by looking for ways in which your apartment resembles an “abandoned factory.” Such signs of the loft style can include both high ceilings and large windows, and engineering Communication, concrete wall or cast iron batteries. Of course, for this you will have to remove the existing finish, but the old brickwork discovered behind the plasterboard structure will more than reward all the work.

Each such find should be described in detail in order to subsequently use them when creating a design project for a new interior in the loft style.

  1. Work with surfaces.

Carefully examine all surfaces of your apartment. It is the walls, floor and ceiling that are the main accents when renovating an apartment in the loft style. As noted earlier, furniture in such interiors plays a secondary role. With the help of modern finishing materials, you can create the effect of brickwork or rough concrete on any surface.

Textures that combine luxury and rough industrial processing are perfect. It is the loft style when renovating an apartment that allows the simultaneous use of exquisite Venetian plaster and “brutal” concrete coating. This “tolerance” is due to the history of this style, when living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms were built in the premises of former factories.

It will help to achieve such a “factory quality” decorative plaster, thanks to which brickwork, concrete blocks, crumbling plaster, noble surfaces of silk or marble can be created on any surface. But it’s still not worth decorating “like wood”, since the loft style only accepts natural wood.

  1. Review your layout.

Renovating a small loft-style apartment requires a mandatory revision of the existing layout. If your one-room apartment does not have load-bearing walls, you should think about combining the living room with the kitchen or installing a glass partition between the rooms. This way you can achieve the much-needed space for a loft-style interior.

However, if redevelopment of the apartment is impossible, you can add air and lightness to the room with the help of simple design techniques: light walls, low furniture, hidden storage systems to match the color of the finish, etc.

Special attention should be paid to windows. Of course, in standard apartments You will not be able to expand the window opening, but you can achieve visual increase by removing heavy curtains and traditional tulle. If necessary, laconic roller blinds will help reduce the intensity of sunlight and hide from the eyes of neighbors. If you got wooden windows in good condition, no need to replace them with plastic. It is better to spend this money on high-quality repairs and insulation, turning old windows into the highlight of the interior of a loft-style apartment.

  1. Remove the excess.

One of the hallmarks of the loft style is free space. It is necessary to get rid of the boring attributes of Soviet comfort - carpets and rugs on sofas and armchairs. Hidden systems are perfect for storing necessary things.

Unusual or vintage furniture, art objects and decor items in an industrial spirit will help you set accents.

For owners of brand new apartments who have moved into a new building, a loft-style renovation can be a real salvation, since it allows for unplastered walls, concrete floors and rough ceilings turn into elements of a new interior. And at the same time, there is no need to hide engineering communications and wiring. However, do not forget about moderation. It is enough to decorate one or two surfaces in a loft style, softening the interior of the rest of the space. You should not get carried away by strictly following the design, forgetting that the apartment after renovation should look cozy and residential.

  1. Get creative.

Originality and non-standard design thinking, free from stereotypes, - excellent helpers in the renovation of an apartment in the loft style. In such an interior, a wooden factory table and a plastic chair, a classic crystal chandelier and a neon-colored chair perfectly coexist. The absence of fear of mixing styles and eras will ensure success when creating a design project for an apartment in the loft style.

However, you should not get too carried away with freedom, shifting towards bad taste. It is allowed to mix elements of opposite styles, for example, industrial with minimalism, hi-tech and retro, etc. Art objects will help place accents.

Renovating a small loft-style apartment is a non-trivial task for truly determined designers. Success in this matter will help you feel the urban spirit of New York even in a tiny studio in the Russian province.

How to renovate an apartment in the loft style with your own hands

Renovating a loft-style apartment must begin with the destruction or removal of all partitions, except load-bearing ones. If you do not want to subsequently bother with legalizing the redevelopment, it is worth checking in advance with the relevant service which walls can be broken. Next, you need to decide which loft style direction will be embodied in this room. A tough and angry loft implies the “exposure” of communications. If they were hidden, they need to be revealed and emphasized with decoration. In addition, you will need:

  • background surfaces of brutal “factory” style;
  • the main focus is on a prominent place;
  • additional accents for the conceptual completion of the interior;
  • lighting sources (as a rule, the amount of incoming natural light is insufficient due to the limited size window openings).


Any clearly visible surface can act as a background for a loft-style space. big size. As a rule, this is a wall, less often - a ceiling. Placing the main emphasis on the floor is impractical, since this surface is not clearly visible.


Red working brick masonry is most often used to decorate walls when renovating an apartment in the loft style. It's all about the unique texture and color of this material. To bring in the loft spirit, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the load-bearing brick wall from plaster and treat it twice with a deep penetration primer. This will prevent the brick from staining and crumbling.

If necessary, paint can be applied after the primer. After all work is completed, the brick must be impregnated twice with a water-polymer emulsion. It will give the surface shine and durability.

If the wall is made of crushed brick and is not beautiful, or there is no desire to destroy a well-plastered surface, brickwork can be imitated using finishing materials and special technologies.

Loft doors

Not all walls in a loft-style apartment can be gotten rid of. This means that doorways that need to be decorated will also be preserved along with them. If you were unable to find an old barn door and fit it into the interior, you should not cover the “remodel” with “brick” tiles. All the effort expended will be in vain, since such a structure will be heavy and the finish unreliable. It is better to paint all the doors the same color, contrasting with the background. It is not recommended to designate doors in common areas in this way.

Anti-burglary fittings should also not be touched. But the glazing for interior doors in a loft-style apartment it is not forbidden at all, especially if these are doors from the hallway to the room. Thanks to the 30x30 cm glass squares so “loved” by this style, such a surface will add more lighting in the hallway, which is often lacking in this room.


The ceiling is extremely rarely chosen as a background for an apartment during a loft-style renovation, but this does not mean that you can leave it in its original form. It is the so-called dominant feature of the top, so special attention should be paid to the design of the ceiling. High ceilings (from 3.5 m) make it possible to sheathe them with boards and apply massive false beams to the sheathing. If this attic room with a sloping ceiling, you can only stop at false beams made of boards without cladding.

As a rule, false beams are made of timber, and they do not visually reduce the height of the room. This is played off by a light color for the ceiling and the false beams crossing it with lathing. This decoration will visually make the room wider, adding much-needed space for the loft style.

The standard ceiling height in an apartment of sufficient area allows you to decorate a light-colored ceiling with a rare lathing made of dark flat overhead false beams. Visually, this technique will slightly reduce the height of the room, but this is compensated for by elongated contrasting elements that “work” to “stretch” the space of the apartment. Openwork false beams made of thin-walled C- and U-profiles for plasterboard and galvanized strips, painted in a dark color, will come to the rescue in cases where loft-style repairs are required in a small apartment. This technique visually expands a small space without concealing the height of the ceilings.


The soft loft style is quite loyal to laminate. A hard loft accepts painted or unpainted boards, as well as rough porcelain tiles of all shades of gray, reminiscent of concrete. Those who want to renovate an apartment in the loft-pig barn style are advised to give preference to porcelain stoneware, but the plank floor fades into the background. The evil loft “adores” floors that an ordinary person would not want to see in his interior. For example, 3D floors with disgusting designs.

Main spot

Living rooms are best suited for loft-style renovations, since it is in this room of the apartment that the role of the main accent of the interior and the requirements for the overall design concept can be easily revealed. Regardless of which loft style direction is chosen (soft, hard, angry, etc.), the main accent is placed in the middle of the background area or in the most prominent place. It should be in contrast to the background shade of the room, so a colored panel would be the ideal choice. What the content of this art object will be depends solely on your preferences and vision of the future interior.


Before you start renovating a loft-style apartment, you need to find out about the restrictions that refer to sanitary, hygienic and medical-psychological requirements. It is strictly not recommended to make loft-style renovations in children's and guest rooms, as well as in the homes of elderly people. "Industrial" will make these premises uncomfortable. In addition, it is impossible to achieve a loft spirit in the office and library due to the specifics of these rooms: there are open systems storage, and the atmosphere should not distract from the working mood.

  • Hallway(small size, lack of space and natural light and other inconsistencies with the loft style).
  • Kitchen(“favorite” industrial-style finishing materials do not meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements for this room).
  • Bathroom(not suitable for both of the above conditions).

Ideal from the point of view of creating a loft style is a large room (about 40-50 square meters or more), with impressive windows and high ceilings. But if your home does not meet these requirements, do not despair. Professionals will help you bring the urban spirit of New York into your apartment.

Cooperating with the “My Repair” Company is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

In the forties of the last century in the United States, which at that time was experiencing a period of the Great Depression, economic and industrial recession, people began to occupy empty buildings of factories and factories for housing. They had neither the opportunity nor the great desire to change anything in these production premises.

For this reason, many elements characteristic of industrial buildings remained unchanged and became the basis of the emerging style. Water supply and ventilation pipes and unplastered brick walls, with rough lamps hanging from them, imperceptibly “flowed” into a new style, which was called loft. But no matter how hard life is for a person, it is common for him to decorate and equip his home, and over time, people began to create original, stylish and unusual interiors in such apartments.

Style Features

This style is often called “attic”. This is how it is translated from in English. Its characteristic features include the following:

  • Simplicity of the environment.
  • High ceilings.
  • Minimum partitions (only the bathroom is separate).
  • Lack of luxury items.
  • To zone the room, furniture or movable partitions are used, which should be opaque below.
  • No draperies.
  • Loft style wallpaper is not used.
  • Maximum use of natural light.
  • Utilities are open - these are elements of the loft style.
  • An abundance of metal is welcome.

Many fans of the loft style will be upset after reading its characteristics. It is quite obvious that in a small modern apartment located in a multi-storey building, these requirements cannot be met. But don't despair, for modern designers nothing is impossible.

A one-room apartment in the loft style can be decorated today, although, in fairness, it must be said that it will be more likely a stylization than a style in pure form. But this does not at all upset the owners of tiny apartments who dreamed of such an interior.

Loft style in the interior of a small apartment

Today we will look at the two most common options - a studio apartment with high ceilings but a very small area, and the legendary Khrushchev with ceilings of about two and a half meters.

In the first case, they are quite suitable modern interiors in a loft style, and you can even increase the area by organizing a sleeping place on the newly created second floor. To do this, you will need to arrange a site, which must be placed at least 1.8 meters high. Such reconstruction is possible if the ceilings in the room are not lower than three and a half meters.

Under the platform, they usually set up an office, a library, or simply organize a relaxation area with an armchair and a coffee table. This ceiling height allows for finishing in white (standard for lofts) or darker. Can be used to decorate the ceilings in such a room, stylized wooden beams. Small metal lamps installed on them will look organic.

What if the ceilings are low?

Undoubtedly, this option is more difficult to implement, since the free space that is characteristic of this style is limited by the size of tiny rooms and low ceiling heights. Therefore, it is impossible to do without redevelopment in this situation.

The first step is to get rid of partitions and walls (non-load-bearing). This is how a loft-style studio is created. But you need to know that such work must be agreed upon and documented in the city departments of architecture.

If you are not planning such a large-scale reconstruction, then you can limit yourself to demolishing light partitions - built-in cabinets, storage rooms, mezzanines, which can often be seen in hallways or tiny corridors between them and kitchens. Such designs make the rooms even cramped and low. Now let's look at what this or that loft-style room might look like.


If you live in brick house, then it is better to leave the walls in their original form, but the masonry seams should be lightened a little, thereby emphasizing the structure of the wall. In an old house, it is extremely difficult to restore brickwork that has been plastered, painted, and wallpapered for many years. Therefore, you can use loft-style wallpaper that imitates brick or stonework.

If the walls in the hallway are concrete, then you can use rough plastering (without finishing grinding). As a rule, the hallway is a dark room, so you can cook plaster mortar from regular (gray) and white cements. This composition will somewhat brighten the room.

What should the furniture be like?

In such a hallway, the furniture should be “Spartan” and simple. It could be wooden bedside table without any frills in the form of twisted handles, polished surface, etc. and a mirror installed on the floor.

The simplest ones are suitable for lighting pendant lamps and sconce. It is desirable that they are made of metal. It should be noted that the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, and the hallway in particular, does not include any objects hanging on the walls. The only exception can be an open shelf of a simple shape.

Living room

A brick wall in a loft style is a mandatory element of this style. At least one of them should be decorated like this in the living room. To decorate other walls, you can use textured plaster.

It is desirable that the floor in a small living room be wooden. Can be used flooring, imitating concrete or stone. Both porcelain stoneware and single-color tiles fit into this style.

Window decoration

It is known that windows in industrial buildings differ from residential ones in their larger sizes. In old Khrushchev buildings they are standard, and they cannot be increased. But you can increase them visually by ordering frames with vertical imposts. It is better if the windows in the loft style are wooden, since there should be no plastic in such an interior.

Selecting furniture

The loft style in the interior of a small apartment is attractive to many young people because you can use a wide variety of furniture in the room: both in color and in size. If you like a large leather-like sofa, then add one chair, a floor lamp and a TV to it - and the room is furnished.

It is very important that furniture is not adjacent to the walls. Style is a must. The distance to the walls should be at least thirty centimeters.

It should not have more than two companion colors in its interior. For example, they can be black and white, sand and brown, which are later played with various shades. A few bright accents can only be textiles - a small rug by the sofa, decorative pillows On him.


To decorate the interior in the loft style, cold natural tones are used in the bedroom, with predominance light shades. will look more spacious thanks to the contrast of shades. Most often used:

  • grey;
  • white;
  • red (individual elements);
  • dark brown;
  • blue (accessories).

Loft-style furniture for the bedroom is selected in accordance with certain rules. Interior items should be as multifunctional as possible and at the same time embody the most original and daring design ideas.

The bed must certainly be made of metal. Fabric upholstery is allowed. Can be selected completely wooden model. But in this case, the wood should not be varnished. In such a bedroom the minimum amount of furniture is allowed:

  • spacious wardrobe;
  • a large bed;
  • cabinet.

The bed is installed against the wall, with elements of unfinished finishing. The rest of the furniture is arranged chaotically. As a rule, interior items become bright accents against the background of light walls.


Even such an ascetic style as a loft cannot do without textiles. True, it is limited to its minimum quantity. We have already said that the curtains are in this case are not welcome, so textiles are represented only by the bedspread and bed linen. A carpet on the floor can also be used, but it should be small and of a rich, bright color.


The main task when decorating a small kitchen in the loft style is to create the most functional room in a limited space. When the shape of the kitchen and its area are not a source of pride for you, you need to use some design tricks that will help visually and functionally change the space, at least a little.

It is important to pay attention correct zoning, which is achieved not only with the help of furniture, but also thanks to the well-chosen color of the walls. For a loft-style kitchen, maximum lighting and furniture arrangement are very important.

Many people think it's dark and gloomy. But this is a misconception. Today, designers are proving the opposite by creating kitchens in warm and light colors. Often in the interior next to brick wall you can see glossy white tiles and textiles in soothing colors.

But most design experts are sure that in a small apartment the kitchen should be combined with the living room. In this case, they recommend setting up the kitchen in the most inconspicuous place and decorating it in an unusual way. This way you can visually expand the space. For example, make a wooden floor in the living room, and tiles for the kitchen area. Practice proves that a kitchen-living room in a loft style is the most profitable solution, for owners of modest-sized apartments.

A small loft kitchen should have a lot of household appliances, and among them there should be both modern models and rare examples. For example, an antique stove may be adjacent to the latest model of a refrigerator with a built-in computer.

Bathroom, toilet

And these premises should be decorated as simply as possible. But if you take into account their sizes in small apartments, then it becomes clear that the owners simply cannot afford any excesses.

It is not advisable to use bright tiles with a pattern in these rooms. A monochromatic or white-and-black mosaic that does not have a clear pattern is more suitable for the loft style. A lot of glass and metal are welcome. The sink can be made of stainless steel. A large chrome plated heated towel rail will perfectly complement the interior.

Plumbing, even modern, should be of simple forms. The bathtub must have legs.

Advantages of style

As you can see, the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, being essentially minimalist, allows you to rationally organize the available space. At the same time, it does not become lifeless and cold. For those who like to add bright accents and original solutions to the interior of their home, loft allows them to experiment and show imagination, perhaps more than any other interior design direction. Therefore, if you like strange and sometimes controversial accessories, surreal paintings, sculptures made from scrap metal, then go for it: loft is your style.

A loft-style studio is a room that is characterized by the maximum amount of light and free space. Such an interior, due to the striking combination of incongruous elements, is truly different. unique design with a touch of splendor and negligence.

Interior design features

A few design nuances:

  • This style solution is characterized by a free, open layout and minimal use of partitions.
  • The loft space generally has fairly high ceilings and undecorated communications, such as pipes, ventilation and load-bearing beams.
  • The cladding contains rougher and more unprocessed materials, in the form of concrete, brick or unevenly applied plaster, emphasizing the original appearance of the attic space.
  • Loft furniture is highly functional and is made in predominantly neutral colors. This style easily uses modern, designer pieces of furniture combined with antique elements.
  • This direction, despite its rather brutal appearance, involves the use of not too dark, light-absorbing shades and the creation of bright accents of red, yellow, orange and other rich colors.

Studio decoration

The concept of this direction uses certain materials and surface treatment methods. For walls, plain paint, plaster or wallpaper for painting are generally used. The main finishing elements here are brickwork and concrete surfaces. To make the room more decorative, choose brick or white paint. Using cladding of different shades and textures, they most often separate the living area from the kitchen.

The photo shows a loft-style studio, decorated with light painted walls and ceiling in combination with wood-colored parquet flooring.

Paint or plaster is also preferred for the ceiling. A fairly popular solution is to design the ceiling plane with wooden or metal beams, various communications in the form of pipes, ventilation or wires.

When finishing the floor, parquet or laminate boards are especially appropriate, which should differ as much as possible natural look. The layout of this coating is often carried out in a straight line rather than in a diagonal direction. No less harmonious, the design can be supplemented ceramic tiles with a matte surface. In the case of a two-tier room with a staircase, the most suitable material for such a structure would be metal or wood.

The photo shows an option for finishing a studio in a loft style with a concrete floor and ceiling.

When choosing cladding for a studio, it is important to consider that the central idea of ​​urban style is the ability to combine raw surfaces with modern finishing and other interior elements.

Windows in the room must have great height and width, which will allow the maximum amount of light to enter the room. Used to decorate window openings roller blinds, blinds, light and transparent curtains, or simply leave them without decoration.

The photo shows a loft-style studio, decorated with large panoramic windows to the floor

Choosing furniture in the loft style

For a loft-style studio, choose only the most necessary pieces of furniture. The room is completed with a sofa, TV stand, coffee table, dining table, bar counter in combination with high chairs. If necessary, the interior is decorated with chairs and shelving. When choosing furniture for a loft space, you can safely experiment, the main thing is not to clutter the room so as not to spoil the overall picture.

This direction involves the use of vintage and antique furniture or even items with elements of luxury, which are mainly arranged in a chaotic manner.

In the guest area in the center you can place a large sofa with velvet or leather upholstery and complement it with a wooden coffee table, in the bedroom you can install a metal or wooden bed with a wardrobe, and for the kitchen space you can choose a movable island or a functional and organic set with built-in appliances that provide significant saving square meters.

In the toilet and bathroom, the most simple white plumbing fixtures with a simple rectangular or square shape are appropriate.

The photo shows the interior of a loft-style studio apartment with a large leather sofa located in the middle.

This design is characterized by the use of unusual objects and non-standard furniture, for example, chests or suitcases are chosen as storage space. In a loft studio, the aesthetic contrast of modern appliances and vintage furniture elements against the backdrop of raw brick walls is especially appropriate.

Most often in the urban direction there are massive chandeliers or multifunctional pendant lamps, which can be equipped with wires or chains that allow you to adjust the length lighting fixture. To add more comfort to a studio apartment, floor lamps are preferred.

The photo shows an option ceiling lighting in a loft-style studio.

Also, quite often, bright lighting and LED bulbs are used here, thanks to which it is possible to visually enlarge the room, give it volume, focus on certain areas or highlight niches. An equally beneficial addition to the interior is a simple desk lamp made of metal with a flexible leg.

  • It is better to divide a small studio into functional zones using different finishes or the correct arrangement of furniture, not partitions.
  • The decoration should preferably contain light colors, thus visually erasing the corners of a limited space.
  • It is better if large-sized furniture is made in neutral and muted shades, which will give it a less bulky look.
  • For compact ottomans, chests of drawers and others decorative elements, you can choose a brighter design that will distract attention and visually expand the room.

The photo shows the design of a small loft-style studio combined with a balcony.

At high ceilings, it is appropriate to use a structure in the form of a mezzanine, which can become an excellent small wardrobe, library, work place or even a sleeping place. With the help of such an element, it will be possible to endow the studio design with special functionality and increase its usable area.

The photo shows a sleeping area located on the second tier in the interior of a small loft-style studio.

Studio design examples

Thanks to the open layout and the ability to combine your favorite objects in one room, this style is especially appropriate in decorating a studio for a single man. This interior is simple, characterized by rationalism, practicality and the absence of unnecessary decorations.

The furnishings acquire a special masculinity due to the concrete surface, brickwork, metal communications, chipped plaster and massive furniture made of wood or metal. For greater effect, large posters and paintings are placed on the walls. simple frames or decorate the surface with graffiti.

The photo shows the design of a spacious studio apartment in the loft style for a bachelor.

In the design of an apartment for a girl, in order to soften the appearance of the space, furniture in warmer colors or decor in the form of beautiful pillows, blankets, laconic vases, mirrors with different geometric shapes or light textiles that give the room some liveliness.

The photo shows the interior of a studio for a young girl, made in an industrial style.

A fairly common option are projects with redevelopment, which results in an area with a separate bedroom. This separate closed area Despite its small size, with proper arrangement of furniture, it can be made as functional as possible. Often the sleeping section is separated using a partition, for example, in the form of a glass block or a double-sided shelving unit, which allows you to fill the space with an abundance of air and light.

The photo shows an option for zoning the sleeping area using a glass partition in a loft-style studio.

Photo gallery

The studio, designed in a loft style, is distinguished by unlimited freedom and a spirit of adventurism. Such a creative interior solution is an indicator of excellent original taste and an active life position.


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