Abstract of the GCD on decorative drawing in the preparatory group “Khokhloma painting. Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Decorative drawing “Curl” (based on Khokhloma painting) in the preparatory group

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Marina Mikhailova
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Curl. Getting to know Khokhloma painting"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about the folk art crafts of Russian masters.


introduce Khokhloma painting and its features;

learn to highlight elegant, bright colors, composition and elements of the Khokhloma pattern (curl, droplet, blade of grass) and learn to see the beauty of products;

teach brush painting techniques decorative elements floral pattern Khokhloma painting;

develop color perception, sense of rhythm, creative imagination;

develop children's knowledge about folk crafts: Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel;

to cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen;

Preliminary work: An educational story from a teacher about Khokhloma products.

Reading. Looking at albums decoratively - applied arts: “Gzhel”, “Khokhloma”, “Gorodets”, “Dymkovo toy”. Examination of decorative and applied arts products.

Memorizing nursery rhymes and poems about Russian folk crafts. Making riddles.

Making blanks with children - templates for Khokhloma painting. Toning templates.

Materials: products from Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymka, with Gorodets painting, illustrations depicting products from Khokhloma, a doll in folk style, cut-out pictures “Folk Crafts” according to the number of children, ready-made templates spoons for painting, brushes, napkins, jars of water, gouache, diagrams of step-by-step drawing of elements and compositions of painting, scheme for the coloring of Khokhloma.

Vocabulary work: Khokhloma, painting, grass, painting elements, curl, droplet, leaf, color.

Progress of the lesson:

Come on guys, stand in a semicircle.

We have guests today. Let's say hello to them and let's not be distracted anymore. And we have more than one guests today. Matryona came to us from distant lands to look at us, show herself off, and boast about her goods. Let's see what Matryona has prepared for us.

(children look at haze products, Gorodets painting, Gzhel)

Look at these products guys. Which ones are you familiar with?

Guys, what kind of folk crafts did you see? (children's answers)

That's right, this is a Gorodets painting (show the name, and this is Gzhel (the name, here are the Dymkovo ladies (the name... And what kind of miracle is this?)

Look, these are like extraordinary wooden bowls and spoons, ladles and bowls, but they are gold!

And this beauty is called Golden Khokhloma.

We will talk about it today, find out where it was born, what it is used for, what objects are painted with this painting and how it is done.

Come in, take your seats.

An old legend tells: once upon a time there lived a man in the Nizhny Novgorod forests, on the banks of a quiet river. We don’t know who he is or where he came from. That man carved wooden bowls and spoons and painted them in such a way (he painted them that it seemed they were made of pure gold. The king found out about this and got angry: “Why don’t I have such a master in my palace! Come to me! Immediately!” He hit with his staff, stamped his foot and sent soldiers to bring the craftsman to the palace. The soldiers set off to carry out the royal order, but no matter how they searched, they could not find the miracle master. He went to God knows where, but first he taught the local peasants how to make “golden” dishes. There were sparkles in every hut “gold” cups to spoons. A lot of “golden” utensils were sold at a fair in the village of Khokhloma. This is how the name “golden Khokhloma” was born.

But making real Khokhloma is not at all easy.

First, the master carves a blank from wood - the future bowl. Then he dries it and covers it thin layer clay. Now the bowl looks like a clay one, then it is soaked linseed oil. And gold is not required for “golden Khokhloma”! Instead of expensive gold, the bowl is rubbed with tin or aluminum powder. The bowl shines like silver. Then the bowl is varnished and placed in the oven. Not to cook porridge, but for drying, for “hardening”. And a miracle happens: the wooden bowl becomes golden, with an elegant, colorful design!

Algorithm “Sequence of manufacturing Khokhloma products”

1. Turning products on a machine.

2. Putty - cover with a thin layer of clay.

3. Sand - wipe with sandpaper.

4. Drying oil - cover special composition for wooden surfaces.

5. Tinned - coated with aluminum powder and hardened in a very hot oven.

6. Cover the product with a special varnish.

When exposed to temperature, the varnish turns yellow. Then this delightful honey-golden color appears.

Craftswomen hand-painted the products with intricate patterns using a soft brush.

Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries.

The brush is bathed in paint,

Here I snuggled once,

And a golden curl flashed on the dishes.

The brush paints eyelashes

Next to that curl.

And dry blades of grass under a cheerful brushstroke

Turned into blades of grass

The antennae curls crawling...

poem by P. Sinyavsky “Khokhloma”

Tell me, what colors are found in the patterns? (four colors: red, black, yellow, green)

Look, what plant elements does the Khokhloma pattern consist of? (When the children name them, their correct name is given.)

You have listed the elements, but in Khokhloma painting they are called differently: a curl, and the leaves are decorated with animation, in the form of veins. There are scarlet bunches of rowan, a ripe strawberry, and curls of herbs and leaves.

The curl is the main element of Khokhloma painting.

What is the main rule when creating a pattern? (the elements of the pattern should be located rhythmically, at the same distance, repeating the elements evenly).

Gaining the skill of drawing elements.

Let's try to draw some elements of Khokhloma painting. (a diagram with elements is displayed)

Children draw on separate pieces of paper under the guidance of a teacher, showing drawing techniques.

Guys, our guest Matryona has prepared tasks and gifts for you. Take the envelopes, open them and take out the cards. Look carefully at the cards, determine where the Khokhloma painting is and bring it to our Firebird. (there is a bird drawn on the board called the mural) (completing the task) Well done.

Let's take another look at Khokhloma's products. How much heat they emit, soft, smooth to the touch, pleasing to the eye. The colors shine so bright

Golden Khokhloma,

What's in her warm rays

We are warming up.

How delicious it is to eat from such fabulous dishes! And even golden painted spoon. Khokhloma is not afraid of heat, moisture, or cold. Its colors will still shine, and the “gold” will not fade. Because the golden hands of masters made this miracle.

– I think today we can also briefly turn into Russian masters and try to paint dishes with Khokhloma painting ourselves.

And the Firebird will help us with this.

Let's say it together magic words and make magical movements, and then we will turn into masters of Khokhloma.

Physical education minute.

The Khokhloma bird flapped its wings (Hands to the sides, flapping)

She flapped her wings and scattered gold. (Swing, shake your hands)

She shook her head, shook her head to the sides (Tilts her head)

Yes, I collected Russian grass from the land. (Bends to the floor, collect)

I collected herbs, decorated bowls, (Collect, draw a circle with our hands)

She passed on her craft to us with love. (Hands to heart, hands forward.)

Well, here we are, masters and craftswomen. Let's go to our places.

- Guys, look what gifts Matryona brought you? ( wooden spoons). And the Firebird also gave you knowledge about Khokhloma and her skills. Therefore, now we will try to paint these spoons.

But first, look at the order in which we will paint them. (the teacher analyzes the sequence of painting a spoon according to step-by-step development).

Doing work by children. (While the children are working, a Russian folk melody sounds quietly.)

– Well done, guys, today you are real Khokhloma artists, you painted such wonderful spoons that we have enough for the whole fair.

Now look at these products and tell me, what mood does Khokhloma dishes evoke?

Choose and show the most beautiful spoon. Tell us about it: what color it is, what colors it is painted on, what berries are on the pattern, why this spoon is better than others.

Golden Khokhloma!

And rich and beautiful,

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, cups and ladles -

And what is there just not here!

Bunches of fiery mountain ash,

Poppies of sunny summer,

And the daisies of the meadows,

Dawn of red rays

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade!

Mishneva Irina Vladimirovna

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 6, Shebekino, Belgorod Region"


Abstract of OOD on decorative drawingV preparatory group: “Curl” (based on Khokhloma painting)

Program tasks :

Teach children to decorate the silhouette of a vase with a large branch with curls and fruits (a typical main element of painting decorative items).

Learn to use various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arches, small curls) to decorate branches.

Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet (decorating a branch with elements on the left and right).

Develop a sense of composition.

To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Educational areas: « Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Social and communicative development”; "Physical development".


Khokhloma dishes for display, folk crafts for the game “Find and Tell”, pictures with elements of the Khokhloma pattern, plan in pictures, presentation about Khokhloma crafts, laptop, audio recording of folk music, gouache, brushes, napkins, jars of water (sippy cups), palette, ready-made paper templates for painting: silhouette of vases.

Preliminary work.

Getting acquainted with the process of making Khokhloma products, examining and talking about them. Getting to know decorative drawing techniques, looking at an album, books, dishes, toys, small sculptures.



Good morning
Sun and birds!
Good morning!
Friendly faces!
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting!

(Hold hands and look at each other with a smile).

Motivational-orientation stage

Children stand around the teacher in a semicircle.

Guys, our Winnie the Pooh is going to visit his American Winnie the Pooh, and would like to take with me a Russian souvenir - Khokhloma dishes. You know that in other countries objects of Russian decorative and applied art are highly valued. After all, our Russia has long been famous for its folk arts and crafts. But he knows nothing about this dish. There is nowhere to take it. How can we help Winnie the Pooh?

Search stage:

Plan in pictures:

1.Tell about the crafts that we know.

2. Find out everything about Khokhloma dishes.

3.Design dishes for Winnie the Pooh.

Practical stage:

So I brought a whole box of arts and crafts items, how can I sort through them and find Khokhloma dishes? Help me do this. I invite children to play the game “Find and Tell.” In the chest there are objects of artistic crafts: Dymkovo, Semyonovskaya matryoshka, Borisov ceramics, Gzhel, Khokhloma dishes.

Summary of the lesson “Magic curl of Khokhloma” in the preparatory group.
teacher Feshina Elena Leonidovna
Educational field: “Artistic creativity”
Topic: “The magic curl of Khokhloma”
Type: productive activity (decorative painting)
Goal: development of children's decorative creativity, the ability to create patterns based on Khokhloma painting.
1. Improve the ability to draw with the end of a brush, a poke (a cotton swab); perform the pattern in a certain sequence.
Expand and clarify children's ideas about the objects of folk art crafts of Russian masters - Khokhloma dishes, the features of its painting.
2. Develop creative imagination;
3. Cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts and the traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in our country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.
4. Activate speech with words: curl, grass, berries, sedges.
Preliminary work.
Educational conversations about folk arts and crafts.
Examination of the visual teaching aid “Khokhloma” and products.
Drawing elements of the Khokhloma pattern.
Reading fiction, memorizing poems.
Demonstration, handouts and equipment.
Khokhloma products, a box painted with Khokhloma painting, a visual teaching aid “Khokhloma”, blank templates of Khokhloma dishes, brushes, gouache (red, green, black, yellow), jars of water, napkins. Progress of educational activities
1. Introductory part
Psychological warm-up
Let's hold hands friends
Let's smile at each other
We wish everyone well
And say “Hello sun.”
Brighter than the sun's rays
Friendship in the whole world
It's more fun with friends
On any planet.
Educator. Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Then listen.
The branch smoothly bent and curled into a ring.
Next to the three-fingered leaf, the strawberry is scarlet in color.
She shone, stood up, and filled herself with sweet juice.
And the grass is like a fringe. What is this? (Khokhloma).
Children, look what an unusual box they sent us! (the box is decorated with Khokhloma painting) Who do you think could send it to us? (children's answers). Guys, I think you are right - these are Khokhloma masters. Children, look, there is also a message in the box: “Hello, guys! We have a big request for you: we are preparing products for the fair. The fair is coming soon, but there is still a lot of work, we alone do not have time to paint the dishes. Won't you help us? (Khokhloma masters)
What to do? Would you like to try yourself as a craftsman and paint dishes?
Do you know anything about Khokhloma painting? What is it used for? (for painting products). Well done! Do you want to know more about her? Then sit down on the chairs and listen.
Main part
Educator (exhibition of products) Look how many wonderful beautiful things there are here. All this was created by the hands of masters. What products do you see? (spoons, bowls, cast iron pots)
A long time ago, in the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, folk wooden crafts arose. There was a village there with the cheerful name Khokhloma, where dishes were made from soft trees (linden, birch, alder). Fairs for the sale of wooden utensils have been held in this village since ancient times. This gave the name to the whole fishery.
Golden Khokhloma.
Like the sorceress Firebird,
Doesn't go out of my mind
The sorceress is a craftswoman,
Golden Khokhloma.
And rich and beautiful,
I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.
Cups, bowls and ladles.
And what is there?
Look, children, how bright they are! How do they become so beautiful? Maybe some of you know?
First, the dishes are cut out of wood, dried on a machine, then covered with a layer of liquid clay and dried. Yellow metal powder is combined with oil and melted; after heating in an oven, it gives the product a unique golden shine. This is where the name “Golden Khokhloma” comes from. Why do you think “Golden”? (because all products shine like gold, a lot of yellow paint is used).
What color do artists use for the background? (red, yellow, black)
What are the elements of the pattern in Khokhloma painting? (curl, blade of grass, droplets, leaves, bushes, sedges, berries)
What kind of berries do craftsmen draw? (raspberries, strawberries, currants, rowan)
Now we will play with you. I'll show you various elements Khokhloma painting, and you will have to name them correctly.
Guess game
Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, body turns right - left)
Our miracle is wonderful! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides)
We draw Khokhloma (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)
Unprecedented beauty! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides).
Let's draw grass (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)
Sunny paint (raise your arms up, lower your arms down through your sides)
Rowan berries (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)
Scarlet paint (raise your arms up, lower your arms down through your sides)
Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, body turns right - left)
What a wonderful miracle! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides)
Educator. Before you start decorating the dishes, listen to the sequence of work.
Teacher's explanation:
The work should begin with the border at the bottom and top of the product, then we will draw a curl, a curved branch. Why? (The curl is the main element of Khokhloma painting, because all other elements are painted on it). (Show by children)
Then we will draw large elements: berries, leaves, then small elements: droplets, grass, curls, etc.). How should you draw grass and curls? (Use the end of a thin brush, alternating colors).
What can we use to draw berries? (Brush, poke).
What colors will you use? (Red, black, green, yellow).
Each of you has several templates for Khokhloma dishes. Choose any one you like. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes yourself.
And now, a little warm-up for your fingers.
Finger gymnastics.
Here are all my fingers, turn them any way you want:
And this way, and this way, they won’t be offended in any way (rubbing hands together).
One, two, three, four, five (claps of palms).
They don’t sit well again (shaking hands).
They knocked, turned,
We wanted to draw.
Now, young masters, you can safely get to work! Surprise your guests with Khokhloma patterns!
(Independent activity. Children are provided with the necessary assistance on an individual basis). The teacher draws independently
Final part
Educator Who did we help today? How did they help? What elements of Khokhloma painting do you remember? (Children, rate your work).
Review of 3 works. Whose work did you like and why?
Guys, let's arrange an exhibition of your works.
The children prepared poems about Khokhloma.
Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries.
Echoes of summer in the green grass.
Khokhloma painting is like witchcraft
She asks for a fairy-tale song herself.
And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences
Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all miracles.
Guys, look how wonderful the dishes turned out. It is no different from the work of the masters. You are real masters! These works will dry out a little and we will send them to the craftsmen. Thanks to all!

Review all finished works with the children, select the most interesting ones (inviting the children to justify their choice), decorate the group room and lobby with them.

Materials. Colored paper for cutting, half landscape sheets (or landscape sheets) in several soft colors for the background, glue, scissors.

Lesson 77. Decorative drawing “Composition with flowers and birds” (based on folk painting)

Program content. Continue to introduce children to folk arts and crafts. Learn to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme(warm or cold). Strengthen the ability to work with the whole brush and its end, to convey shades of color. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of beauty.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Recall with your children the compositions they previously created based on folk painting. Offer to create a decorative composition in warm or cold colors. A few days before the lesson, you can arrange an exhibition of decorative products with images of flowers and birds (Khokhloma, Mezen, Gorodets painting, products of folk craftsmen of the region, etc.). Look at the products on display with your children.

Under review finished works select the most successful ones and make friezes out of them, which can then be used to decorate the group (one frieze in warm colors, the other in cold colors).

Materials. White (or tinted) paper slightly larger than A4 size, a simple graphite pencil (for sketching a bird), watercolor paints, brushes.

Examination of decorative compositions in albums, on reproductions, on products folk art(Gorodets, Khokhloma painting, etc.).

Lesson 78. Drawing "Cover for a book of fairy tales"

Program content. Teach children to convey the features of the construction of a picture or ornament on the front and back cover of a book; beautifully match the colors for the pattern to the color of the paper chosen for the cover; reflect the content of the chosen fairy tale in the drawing and selection of colors. Develop imagination and creativity.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, examine with the children the different designs of fairy tale book covers, pay attention to the location of the picture and the combination of colors.

Invite each child to choose paper for the cover. Ask several guys what they want to draw and how they will do it. Point out possible differences in the sequence of drawing (you can start with the design of the frame or with the main plot or object).

Materials. 3–4 books of fairy tales. Sheets of paper different colors (colored paper for the cover can be prepared by children on the eve of class), gouache paints (6-8 colors), brushes, palette.

Connections with other educational areas. Conversations about books, about who creates them and how (writers, artists, photographers). Meeting two book illustrators (based on illustrations); organizing an exhibition of their books.

Program content. Introduce children to decorative arts different nations. Learn to highlight composition, main elements, color and use them in your drawing. Strengthen the ability to freely and easily draw curls in different directions with the end of the brush. Improve multidirectional fused hand movements and visual control over them. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Continue to learn how to evaluate completed drawings in accordance with the task.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Ask the children which pieces of folk and modern art they saw curls on. If they do not answer, remind them of Khokhloma painting and show them characteristic products. Clarify how they are decorated, recall the elements of decoration.


Nadya M., preparatory group

Invite the children to draw a curved branch-curl and decorate it with curls, flowers, berries, leaves, etc. Call on the child to show how to draw the main curl and side branches-curls.

Invite each child to choose paper, think about what colors of paint will go well with the background. Remind you that you need to draw large, on the entire sheet.

Review the finished drawings with the children, best works select to decorate a group room and other rooms kindergarten.

Materials. A4 paper of different shades (to choose from), watercolor paints, gouache white, palettes, brushes (instead of watercolors, you can take colored wax crayons or pastels).

Connections with other educational areas. Acquaintance with decorative and applied folk and contemporary art(fabrics, dishes, scarves, etc.), looking at albums with Khokhloma painting.

Lesson 80. Drawing "Subbotnik"

Program content. Teach children to depict the work of people in a drawing: the position of the figures performing this or that work; tools. Strengthen the ability to convey the ratio in size when depicting adults and children. Improve your drawing skills with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawing, fill the entire sheet with images.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Talk with children about subbotniks. Offer to create drawings on this topic. Discuss what the guys will draw and how they will arrange the figures on the sheet. During the lesson, encourage the most total reflection themes in the drawing.

At the end of the work, consider all the drawings, offer to choose those that depict interesting views labor, figures of people in working poses.

Materials. A4 paper, simple graphite and colored pencils, paints, brushes.

Connections with other educational areas. Children's labor in the kindergarten area. Observations of the work of adults.

Lesson 81. Modeling according to plan

Program content. Develop the ability to conceive the content of your work, determine ways to carry out the plan. Cultivate the desire to achieve best result, bring the matter to an end. Improve the ability to give a detailed assessment of your own work and the work of other children.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to sculpt a group of people (animals) according to plan. Remind about the need to correctly convey the ratio of figures in size, achieving the similarity of sculpted people (animals) with real ones.

At the end of the lesson, review all the works, invite the children to choose the most interesting ones and justify their choice.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), boards for modeling.

Lesson option. Modeling "Nanny with baby"

Program content. Teach children to convey images of folk toys in modeling. Strengthen the ability to maintain the proportions of parts, use previously mastered techniques (separately sculpt a bell-shaped skirt and the upper body). Develop aesthetic perception.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider a Dymkovo nanny with a baby with your children. Clarify the shape and proportions of the figure; techniques and sequence of sculpting doll and baby figures.

At the end of the lesson, examine all the sculpted figures and choose the most beautiful ones.

Materials. Clay, stacks, boards for modeling. Dymkovo toy - a nanny with a baby.

Connections with other educational areas. Examination of various Dymkovo dolls, clarification of their figurative content, shape and proportions of parts.

Lesson 82. Drawing "Colorful Country"

Program content. Develop imagination and creativity. Consolidate and expand knowledge about colors and their shades, possible variety color scheme Images. Strengthen the ability to convey colors and shades different ways(regulating the pressure on the pencil, diluting watercolor paint with water (as water is added to the paint, the color becomes lighter), adding white to lighten the color when painting with gouache).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to create illustrations for the book "Rainbow". Clarify their knowledge about color standards.

Invite each child to think about what color of the rainbow he would like to paint the picture with. If there are no takers for a certain color, you should gently persuade the guys by suggesting possible images. Each color of the rainbow has its own picture.

From the created drawings you can collect books and give them to older children.

Lesson option

Invite children to draw fairy-tale pictures, making all the images in the same color, but in different shades.

You can suggest drawing a “Fairytale House” with transparent walls, in which birds live more bright color than the house itself. A suggestion could be this: create patterns using different shades (warm and cold) of the same color.

As a result, you can arrange an exhibition of children's drawings, decorate the premises of a kindergarten or group with drawings.

Materials. Depends on the topic chosen by the teacher.

Program content:

  • Learn to independently compose a composition on three-dimensional forms (spoons, plates, cups) of dishes, using elements of Khokhloma painting, its color, and herbal patterns.
  • To consolidate knowledge of folk crafts: Dymkovo toys, Filimonov clay whistles, Gzhel, Gorodets, Khokhloma dishes.
  • Improve the ability to draw borders, branches, curls, grass, berries with the end of a brush.
  • Develop independence in choosing dishes and colors.
  • Cultivate interest in Russian folk arts and crafts.

Methodological support:

Items of artistic crafts: Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya clay toys, Gorodets, Gzhel, Khokhloma dishes; diagram - a hint, dishes to choose from papier-mâché: plates, spoons, cups. Gouache, brushes No. 1, 2, pokes, palettes, napkins, jars of water. Musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work: excursion to the local history museum, acquaintance with Russian folk arts and crafts, training sessions on Khokhloma painting, examination of samples.

Progress of the lesson

- Guys, a guest came to see me from abroad. My guest is leaving soon and wants to take Khokhloma dishes to America as a souvenir. You know that guests from other countries take away some kind of souvenir as a souvenir. One that doesn’t exist in other countries. After all, our Russia has long been famous for its folk arts and crafts.

- So I brought a whole chest of art objects, how can I sort through them and find Khokhloma? Help me do this.

I invite the children to play the game “Confusion”.

I take one object out of the chest one at a time, trying to confuse the children by calling the craft incorrectly. (I take out the Dymkovo toy, calling it Khokhloma. The children correct it, etc.).

Having reached the Khokhloma dishes I say:

-What kind of plate is this?

The children answer that this wooden utensils and there is Khokhloma.

- Thank you children. That they helped to understand folk crafts. So I found a gift for my guest - Golden Khokhloma.

- Guys, look how many guests came to us from all over the region, because you and I can paint Khokhloma dishes ourselves.

Let's remember the features of the Khokhloma fishery. I offer a diagram - a hint, according to which children remember the features that are necessary for visual activity.

  1. Background (red, black, gold, yellow).
  2. The color scheme used in the Khokhloma fishery (black, green, gold, yellow, orange, red).
  3. Berry and grass ornament.
  4. Types of berries.

- Guys, we remembered the features of the Khokhloma fishery, now you can get to work. Select the item you will paint and go to the tables.

I offer children a choice of: plates, spoons, cups of black, red, yellow colors.

– Where should you start drawing?

– How should you draw grass and curls? (Use the end of a thin brush, alternating colors.)

– What can we use to draw berries? (Brush, poke.)

I give instructions for work:

– Pay attention to the location of the ornament (plate - in a circle, vase - along a curved line).

– Don’t make a mistake in choosing the color scheme.

– Now you will feel real folk craftsmen. Each of you will come up with a pattern for Khokhloma dishes.

To the tune of a folk melody, children begin to draw.

Independent visual activity children.

I provide children necessary help on an individual basis.

I bring the children to the end of work and read the poem:

Khokhloma painting is like witchcraft,
She asks herself to sing into a fairy-tale song
And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences
Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all.

Children give their works to guests.


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